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求you are my everything中英文对照歌词

This go out to someone that was once the most important person in my life. i didn"t realize that at the time. i can"t forgive myself for the way i treated you so don"t really expect you to either. it"s just... i don"t even know. just listen. you"re the one that i want, the one that i need. the one that i gotta have just to succeed. when i first saw you, i knew it was real. i"m sorry about the pain i made you feel. that wasn"t me, let me show you the way. i look for the sun but it"s rainy today. i remember when i first time i look into your eyes, it was like i was there, heaven in the sky. i war with the skies because i didn"t want to get hurt. but i didn"t know why it made everything worst. you told me we were crazy in love, but you didn"t care when push came to shove. if you love me as much as you said you did, then you wouldn"t have hurt me like i ain"t shit. now you push me away like you never even knew me, i love you with my heart, really and truely. i guess you forgot the time that we shared, when i would run my fingures through your hair. late nights, just holding you in my arms, i don"t know how i can do you so wrong. i really want to show you, i really need to hold you. i really want to know you like no one else could know you. you"re number one, always in my heart. and know i can"t believe our love is torn apart. **chorus** i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you cause i wanna to hold you, i wanna to kiss you, you are my everything and i really miss you. i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you cause i wanna to hold you, i wanna to kiss you, you are my everything and i really miss you. i knew you was gonna sit and play this with your new man, and sit and and laughing as you are holding his hands. the thought of that just shatters my heart, it breaks in my soul, and it tears me apart. a time i was off, i was scare to show you, now i wanna hold you until i can"t hold you. without you, everything seems strange. your name is forever planned in my brain. dammit i"ve been sin, take away the pains, take away the hurt baby we can make it work. what about when you look into my eyes, told me you would love me as you would hug me. i guess everything you said was a lie. i think about it, it bring tears to my eyes. now i"m not leaving a thought in your mind, i can see clearly my love is not blind. **chorus** i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you cause i wanna to hold you, i wanna to kiss you, you are my everything and i really miss you. i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you cause i wanna to hold you, i wanna to kiss you, you are my everything and i really miss you. i just wish everything can turn out different. i had a special feeling about you. i thought maybe you did too. you"ll understand but no matter what, you"ll always be in my heart and you"ll always be my baby. our first day, it seems so magical. i remember all the times that i had with you. remember when you first day you came to my house, you looked like an angel wearing that blouse. we hit the door, i knew it was real, but now i can take away the pains away that i feel. reach in your heart, i know i am still there, i don"t wanna hear that you no longer care. remember the times, remember when we kiss, i never think that you would do me like this. i didn"t think that you want to see me depress, i thought you"ll be there for me, this i confess. you said you was my best friend, was that a lie? now i"m nothing to you, you"re with another guy. i try, i try, i try and i"m trying. now on the inside, i feel like i"m dying. **chorus** i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you cause i wanna to hold you, i wanna to kiss you, you are my everything and i really miss you. i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you cause i wanna to hold you, i wanna to kiss you, you are my everything and i really miss you. and i do miss you, i just thought we were meant to be. i guess now we"ll never know. the only thing i want is for you to be happy wheather you"re with me or without me. i just want you to be happy 歌手:Chuckie Akenz 来自越南的说唱歌手Chuckie Akenz, 一首忧伤的Rap,背景的女生哼唱,感觉很凄美 这样的说唱还是比较少见 曾经她是我生命中最重要的一个人 但当时我却没有意识到 当时那样的对你,直到现在我无法原谅我自己 我从来没有真正想过要你投入另一个人的怀抱 从来没有 我只是…我只是…我真的不知道结果会那样… 你…你能听我讲吗 你是我想要的那个唯一,也是我需要的那个唯一 是唯一我想要成功的唯一 当我第一次看到你的时候,我知道你是我真正的唯一 但我却让你陷入了痛苦的境地, 对不起,真的对不起! 那不是我!那不是真正的我! 但是世事就是这样无奈, 就像我想要太阳,天空却偏偏下起了雨一样的无奈。 我还记得第一次凝望你眼眸时的情景, 在里面我仿佛看到了上帝,仿佛看到了天堂 我害怕受到伤害,所以我总是披着伪装来保护自己 但我却不知道,这样的我让每一事变得更加糟糕 你告诉我我们疯狂地相爱着 但是在紧要关头你却总是那样不在乎 如果你像你所说的那样爱我 那你一定不会像对待一个傻瓜那样地伤害我 我爱你,真真正正、完完全全、全身心的爱你、 可如今你却一把将我推开,好像你从来就没有认识过我 我想你一定忘记了我们曾经一起渡过的美好时光 那些午夜 我轻轻地将你挽入臂弯,用手指柔柔地触摸着你的头发 那时我绝不知道,我将怎样错误地对待你 我真的想抱着你 我真的想知道你比其他所有人都要理解我 你永远都在我心里占据着重要的地位 我永远也不相信我们的爱就这样被割裂了。 我需要你 我思念你 我想要你 我爱着你 我想抱着你 我想吻着你 我真的很想你, 你就是我的所有 我知道你将要和一个新的男人重复发生在你我之间的爱情游戏 我知道你会坐在他的身边,笑着牵住他的双手 每当想到这些,我的心就像被撕裂了一样 这种想法甚至撕开了我的灵魂,将我整个分成了两半 当我们外出的时候,我真的很害怕让你看到 现在的我非常非常的想抱住你直到我无法再能抱着你, 没有你,所有的一切看起来都仿佛陌生了起来 你的名字永远地铭刻在了我的大脑里 愚蠢!我真的很愚蠢。 拿走痛苦 拿走伤害 亲爱的!我们一定能够重新开始 告诉我好吗! 你在想些什么,但你凝视着我的眼眸 告诉我好吗 你还爱着我 告诉我好吗 你想拥抱我 也许你说的一切都只是谎言 一个弥天大谎 想到这,我的眼里就会含满泪水 我清楚地看到 在你的内心里现在的我已不再重要 我清楚地看到 你的爱已不再像从前一般盲目 我只希望一切能够会变得不一样 对你我有一种特别的感觉 我想: 也许你对我也会这样吧 也许你会理解我的这种感觉吧 然而… 不管怎样, 你永远都会留在我的心里 你永远都会是我的宝贝 还记得我们相遇的那一天,那真是梦幻般的一天 我还清楚地记得和你在一起渡过的分分秒秒 我还清楚地记得你第一次来我家里时的情景 你穿着那件宽松的衬衣,看起来就像一个天使一样美丽 我们适合相爱,我知道我们真的适合相爱。 但是现在我却不能摆脱内心的痛苦。 因为我知道你的内心里依然有我的位置, 因为我真的不想听你说, 你不再在乎我。 还记得那些时刻吗!记得那些我们双唇相接的时刻吗? 我真的不相信你竟会那样对我! 我真的不相信你会忍心看我难过! 我只相信你会在那里为我停留, 我只相信! 你曾说过你是我最好的朋友! 那是个谎言吗? 现在你和我行同陌路, 现在你已经和另一个男孩相守相依。 我曾经试着忘记你 我曾经试着忘记你, 我曾经试着忘记你, 或者我一直在努力地试着忘记。 然而, 现在我却也正在慢慢地死去, 我真的想你, 现在我们也许永远不会知道 我唯一希望的只是你能快乐 不管有我在你身边,或者没有 我唯一希望的只是你能快乐

i wanna love you的中英文歌词对照

是AKON的吧副歌:I see you windin" and grindin" up on that pole我看到你在诱惑的跳钢管舞 I know you see me lookin" at you and you already know我知道你晓得我正在盯着你看 I wanna love you, you already know我想和你拍拖,你已经看出我的心思 I wanna love you, you already know我想和你拍拖,你已经看出我的心思 Money in the air as mo" fell金钱从天而将(观看钢管舞时观众投的钱) Grab you by your coattail, take you to the motel, ho sale想拉住你的衣服,托你到汽车旅馆…… Don"t tell, wont tell, baby say “I don"t talk, Dogg unless you told on me” - oh well宝贝你说你不会和别人搭腔,除非是我Snopp Dogg(美国当红说唱歌手)和你说话,真爽 Take a picture wit me, what the flick gon" do和我一起照张照片,然后会怎样…… Baby stick to me and I"ma stick on you宝贝,靠近点,我必须粘着你 If you pick me then I"ma pick on you如果你挑逗我,我会立马××你 d-o-double g and I"m here to put this d*** on you我会…… I"m stuck on p**** and your"s is right我已经对准你的…… Rip ridin" the poles and them doors is tight…… And I"ma get me a shot ‘fo the end of the night我要和你持续到天亮 Cause p**** is p**** and baby you"re p**** for life因为你就是因×而生(这段翻译省去……好多好多那种意思……,毕竟不能公开帮你翻译这些) 副歌:I see you windin" and grindin" up on that pole我看到你在诱惑的跳钢管舞 I know you see me lookin" at you and you already know我知道你晓得我正在盯着你看 I wanna love you, you already know我想和你拍拖,你已经看出我的心思 I wanna love you, you already know我想和你拍拖,你已经看出我的心思 Shorty I can see you ain"t lonely我知道你并不孤独 Handful of n***** and they all got cheese满手的××,看上去那么…… See you lookin" at me now what its gon" be看到你看我,那接下去会怎样 Just another tease far as I can see紧紧只是另一次取笑 Tryna get you up out this club if it means spendin" a couple dubs如果能花双倍的钱就能把你从这个该死的夜总会救出来多好 Throwin" bout 30 stacks in the back make it rain like that cause I"m far from a scrub大把大把的扔钞票就像下雨一样,因为我比这些侏儒们好太多 And you know my pedigree, ex-deala use to move amphetamines你知道我以往种种~ Girl I spend money like it don"t mean nothing and besides I got a thing for you.我花钱毫不在乎,因为我得到你就够了 Mobbin" through the club and I"m low pressin"从夜总会的暴动中出来,我的压力笑了些 I"m sittin" in the back in the smoker"s section (just smokin")我坐在吸烟室的里头 Birds eye, I got a clear view鹰的眼睛使我看的更清楚 You can"t see me, but I can see you (baby I see you) -mm你看不到我,但我能看到你 It"s cool, we jet, the mood is set, your p* is wet这太酷了,我们一起××,气氛融洽,你的××湿润 You"re rubbin" your back and touchin" your neck你在扭动着身体,触摸你的后背 Your body is movin", you humpin" and jumpin"你整个身子都在颤动, Your t****** is bouncin", you smilin" and grinnin" and lookin" at me你…………………………然后对我笑

亚瑟小子how do i say的中英文歌词

曲名:How Do I Live 歌手:LeAnn Rimes 专辑:The Best Of Le Ann Rimes How do I get through one night without you If I had to live without you What kind of life would that be Oh I, I need you in my arms Need you to hold You"re my world, my heart, my soul If you ever leave Baby, you would take away everything good in my life And tell me now How do I live without you I want to know How do I breath without you If you ever go How do I ever, ever survive How do I How do I Oh, how do I live Without you, there would be no sun in my sky There would be no love in my life There would be no world left for me And I....Baby, I don"t know what I would do I"d be lost if I lost you If you ever leave Baby, you would take away everything real in my life And tell me now How do I live without you I want to know How do I breath without you If you ever go How do I ever, ever survive How do I How do I Oh, how do I live If you ever leave Baby, you would take away everything Need you with me Baby, cause you know that your everything good in my life And tell me now How do I live without you I want to know How do I breath without you If you ever go How do I ever, ever survive How do I How do I Oh, how do I live Without you.... 中文是“我怎么活” 歌词大意: 如果没有你, 我将怎么渡过这漫漫长夜, 我的生活将会怎样, 我需要你在我的怀抱, 你是我的一切, 如果你离开, 我生命里一切美好的东西也就离我而去, 告诉我, 没有你我怎么活, 我想知道, 没有你我怎么呼吸, 如果你离去, 我怎么能生存 没有你,我的天空没有阳光, 我的生活中没有爱, 我的世界一无所有, 我不知道该何去何从, 如果失去你, 我会迷失我自己, 你会带走我生命中的一切, 告诉我, 没有你我怎么活, 让我知道, 没有你我怎么呼吸, 如果你离去, 我怎么能生存


  篇一:THE VALUE OF TIME   Katharine Sun   To realize the value of one year:   Ask a student who has failed a final exam.   To realize the value of one month:   Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.   To realize the value of one week:   Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.   To realize the value of one hour:   Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.   To realize the value of one minute:   Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.   To realize the value of one second:   Ask a person who has survived an accident.   To realaize the value of one millisecond:   Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.   Time waits for no one.   Treasure every moment you have.   翻译:   时间的价值   凯瑟琳·桑陈采霞译   要想知道一年的价值,   那就去问期末考试不及格的学生。   要想知道一个月的价值,   那就去问生了早产儿的母亲。   要想知道一周的价值,   那就去问周报的编辑。   要想知道一小时的价值,   那就去问等待见面的恋人。   要想知道一分钟的价值,   那就去问误了火车、汽车或者飞机的人。   要想知道一秒钟的价值,   那就去问大难不死的人。   要想知道一毫秒的价值,   那就去问奥运会获得银牌的人。   时间不等人,   你拥有的每一刻都要珍惜。   篇二:TODAY IS A NEW DAY   Donna Levine   Your tomorrows are as bright   as you want to make them.   There is no reason to carry   the darkness of the past   with you into today.   Today is a wonderful new experience,   full of every possibility to make   your life exactly what you want it to be.   Today is the beginning of new happiness,   new directions and new relationships.   Today is the day to remind yourself   that you posses the power   and strength you need   to bring contentment, love and joy into your life.   Today is the day to understand yourself   and to give yourself the love   and the patience that you need.   Today is the day to move forward   towards your bright tomorrow.   翻译:   今天是新的一天   唐那·莱文陈采霞译   你的明天充满阳光,   如你心中所想。   你没有理由,   把昨天的黑暗,   带到今天。   今天是美妙的全新体验,   有那么多种可能,   使你的`生活如你所愿。   今天开始有新的幸福,   新的方向和新的伙伴。   今天你要提醒自己,   你有足够的能力和力量,   把满意、爱情和欢乐带进你的生活。   今天你要了解自己,   给自己足够的爱心和耐心。   今天你会勇往直前,   奔向那灿烂的明天。   篇三:DREAMS   Langston Hughes   Hold fast to dreams   For if dreams die   Life is a brokenwinged bird   That cannot fly.   Hold fast to dreams   For when dreams go   Life is a barren field   Frozen with snow.   翻译:   梦想   兰斯顿·休斯陈采霞译   紧紧抓住梦想,   因为一旦梦想消亡,   生活就象折断翅膀的小鸟,   无法自由翱翔。   紧紧抓住梦想,   因为一旦梦想离开,   生活就会变成贫瘠荒芜的土地,   只有冰雪覆盖。   篇四:THE ROAD NOT TAKEN   Robert Frost   Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,   And sorry I could not travel both   And be one traveler, long I stood   And looked down one as far as I could   To where it bent in the undergrowth;   Then took the other, as just as fair,   And having perhaps the better claim,   Because it was grassy and wanted wear;   Though as for that the passing there   Had worn them really about the same,   And both that morning equally lay   In leaves no step had trodden black.   Oh, I kept the first for another day!   Yet knowing how way leads on to way,   I doubted if I should ever come back.   I shall be telling this with a sigh   Somewhere ages and ages hence:   Two roads diverged in a wood, and I   I took the one less traveled by,   And that has made all the difference.   翻译:   没有走过的路   罗伯特·弗罗斯特陈采霞译   金色的树林路分两条,   遗憾不能两条都到。   孤独的我长久亻宁立,   极日眺望其中一条,   直到它在灌丛中淹没掉。   然后我公平地选择了另外一条,   或许理由更加充分,   因为它草深需要有人上去走走。   说到有多少人从上面走过   两条路磨损得还真是差不多。   而且那天早晨两条路都静静地躺着,   覆盖在上面的树叶都没有被踩黑,   噢,我把第一条路留给了下一次!   但我知道前方的路变幻莫测,   我怀疑我是否应该回来……   多年以后在某个地方,   我将叹息着讲述这件事:   树林里路分两条,而我——   选择了行人较少的那条,   就这样一切便发生了改变。   篇五:WHAT IS SUCCESS   Ralph Waldo Emerson   What is success?   To laugh often and love much;   To win the respect of intelligent people   And the affection of children;   To earn the approbation of honest critics   And endure the betrayal of false friends;   To appreciate beauty;   To find the best in others;   To give ones self;   To leave the world a little better,   Whether by a healthy child,   A garden patch,   Or a redeemed social condition;   To have played and laughed with enthusiasm   And sung with exultation;   To know even one life has breathed easier,   Because you have lived...   This is to have succeeded.   翻译:成功的内涵   拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生陈采霞译   成功是什么?   笑口常开,爱心永在,   赢得智者的尊重,   孩子们的爱戴;   博得真诚的认可,   容忍损友的背叛;   欣赏美好的东西,   发现别人的可爱。   学会无私地奉献,   给世界增添光彩:   要么培育出健康的孩子,   要么留下花园一块,   亦或是改善社会条件;   尽情娱乐、笑得畅快,   把欢乐的歌唱起来;   甚至知道一个生命活得自在,   因为你的一路走来……   这就是成功的内涵。

艾薇儿 slipped away 的中英文歌词对照

na na na na na 艾薇儿I miss you   我想你   miss you so bad   真的很想你   I don"t forget you, oh it"s so sad   我一直都不曾忘记你,这又是多么令人感伤   I hope you can hear me   我希望你能听到我的思念   因为我是如此深刻地记得   The day you slipped away   你离开的那天   Was the day I found it won"t be the same   我也发觉一切的一切都不同了   Nah nah la la la nah nah   I didn"t get around to kiss you Goodbye on the hand   我没有守在你身边,吻你粗糙的手作最后的诀别   I wish that I could see you again   我多么希望能再到你那慈祥的脸   I know that I can"t   虽然我清楚地明白这永远都只能是个梦了   I hope you can hear me cause I remember it clearly   我希望你能听到我 因为我脑子清晰着你的影子   I had my wake up   我已经彻底醒来   Won"t you wake up   你却永远不能   I keep asking why   我一直问着为什么   And I can"t take it   我真的不能接受   It wasn"t fake   但这又不可否认

Celine Dion Where Is The Love中英文歌词

Ifeveraboystoodonthemoon 如果一个男孩站在月亮上 Alltheheavenswouldcallthereangelsround 吸引天使围绕在天空Stopthetearsfromtroubledskiesfromfalling 从不降下烦恼的天空停止眼泪Ifevertherivercouldwhisperyouname 如果河流能低声呢喃你的名字Wouldthechoicesyoumakestillbethesame 你的选择还会与以前一样么Likeaflowerthatdiesfromangryrain 就象花朵消亡于雨水的不满Whydowehurtourselves? 为什么我们要互相伤害Whereisthelove 爱在哪里?Thatletsthesunlightintostartagain 让阳光再次重现Alove 那是爱Thatseesnocolorlines 看不到颜色的界限Lifebeginswithlove 生命伴随着爱开始Sospreadyourwingsandfly 展开你的翅膀飞起来Guideyourspiritsafeandsheltered 指引着你的灵魂平安着不受伤害Athousanddreamsthatwecanstillbelieve 我们仍然相信许多的梦境Ifeveraboystoodonthemoon 如果一个男孩站在月亮上Carryingallofhistreasuresfromthestars 从星星上搬运他的财富到彩虹Toarainbowwhichleadstowhereweare 指引我们在哪里Togetherwechasethesun 我们一起追逐太阳Whereisthelove 爱在哪里Thatliftsmybrothersvoicetotheskies 是我的兄弟向天空表达的声音Alove 那是爱Thatanswersamother"scry 回应着母亲的哭泣Lifebeginswithlove 生命伴随着爱开始Sospreadyourwingsandfly 展开你的翅膀飞起来Guideyourspiritsafeandsheltered 指引着你的灵魂平安着不受伤害Athousanddreamsthatwecanstillbelieve 我们仍然相信许多梦境Aboystoodonthemoon 一个男孩站在月亮上Theancientsoulscanstilldiscover 古老的精神依旧存在Athousanddreamsthatwecanstillbelieve 我们仍然相信许多梦境Wecanstillbelieve我们仍然相信



剪刀手爱德华影评英文 600字 最好有中英文对照,原创,谢谢啦,很急,下礼拜就要交了

这是一个悲伤的电影,从一开始就注定是一个悲剧。我并不常常喜欢用注定这个词,或者是be destined to.但是你看,自从Edward走出古堡,一切就只能以悲剧收场。一切都充满隐喻,直到我看到最后Edward用剪子剪碎身上的衣服,这多像一个完满的隐喻。      我不知道导演想要表达的是什么,但是我在里面看到的是满眼的苍凉,好像一整片荒漠一样的世界。容不下一个简单的纯粹的Edward。        Edward有一个热闹的到来,众人的目光,热切而灼人。Edward为别人修整庄园,为别人剪出可种不可思议的发型,他不收钱,他也从来都不为了什么,他只是单纯的喜欢,只是单纯的想要这样做而已,用他的剪刀手,好像这就应该是他生来的使命。   热闹的聚会,排队等候的人群,他以为自己就这样让所有的人开心,所有的人满意,让所有的人接受自己了。当他听着各种各样的恭维或讽刺,当他的剪刀手上穿着各种各样的蔬菜站在烧烤架旁边,当他在人群里勉强的装出很灿烂的微笑。阳光很灿烂,天空很蓝。他以为一切都很美好。        可是大家是不能理解的,在这个世界上生活得太久的我们只会以我们的自以为是去看他,把他当作一个天才或者一个怪胎,可是不是的,他什么名号也当不起,他只是一个最最纯净的灵魂而已。   他不懂得人世间的利害关系,也不懂得人世间的亲情友情爱情,他不知道该怎样爱该怎样关怀,当他举着自己明晃晃的剪刀手的时候,他的无助和慌乱,我也只能在屏幕前心疼得不知所措而已。   这就是他的爱,被划伤的Kevin,被划伤的Kim,伤痕累累的自己。   他不知道什么是爱。他只是知道Peggy如果有一个专柜的话一定会很开心,他只是知道轻轻地对Kim说Because you asked me to.眼神清澈。   这就是一切了,他还能怎样呢?他没有资本爱,没有未来,他能说的不是I love you, too.而只是,I can"t.只能是一句goodbye.        It"s reality.   现实就是这样了,有些东西是注定不能在这样的社会里生存下去的。Edward能怎样呢?他还不是只能怯畏的举起自己的剪刀手。他能见剪出漂亮的发型,剪出精美的园艺,剪掉自己身上的衣服,可是他却始终剪不掉,剪不掉别人对他的误解,剪不掉和这整个世界的格格不入,剪不出梦想的形状。             Edward在电视里接受采访的时候,有观众问if you had regular hands, you would be like anyone else. Peggy帮他回答说,No matter what, Edward will always be special.   但是我想也许不是的,Edward is special只是因为他有一双丢不掉的剪刀手,而我们在成长的过程中往往这样轻易的放弃,放弃自己曾经傻傻地执着的坚持的东西,放弃童年的梦想,丢掉自己的不被世人接受的剪刀手,然后再也剪不出那些神奇的形状。   所以没有剪刀手的Edward就不再是Edward 了。   我想Edward自己也是知道的,不然在听到这样的问题的时候,if you had regular hands, you would be like anyone else.这样被认定为尖锐的问题的时候,他不会只是淡淡地说一句Yes, I know.        我们每一个人,都曾经是一个小小的Edward,有一双大大的剪刀手,它不常常受我们的控制,它笨拙得不能握手,它有时会伤害别人,可是它也是一双神奇的剪刀手,它剪得出这世界上最美的形状,剪得出大雪纷飞。   后来呢?   后来我们在流言蜚语里成长,穿上衬衫,穿上裤子,穿上别人的期望。我们装模作样的成长,丢掉自己的剪刀手,为了生存,和大家变得一样。   我们有了一双真的手,我们用这双手和自己不喜欢的人握手拥抱,玩弄各种各样我们新学会的花样。不用顾忌,不用谦恭的小心翼翼,不用温顺的微笑。   成长真是一个疼痛的社会化过程。        可是你还记得自己曾经的那个Edward吗?他小小的脆弱的身子,他不小心划在自己身上的伤痕,他安静的眉眼,他的简单倔强,横冲直撞,他率性而为,他有时不小心伤害别人,他常常懵懂又无助。   你还记得吗?你心里还有一点点他的影子吗?        结局只能是这样,要不然就像我们一样,丢掉自己的剪刀手,丢掉那一部分不能被人接受的自我,要不然,就像Edward,用自己的剪刀手剪碎身上的衣服,扔掉所有的光环和伤害,剪掉这个世界强加给你的与自己格格不入的一切外壳,然后逃走。        你还记得自己心中的那个小小的Edward吗?阳光的背后,你的脚下Edward小小的怯懦的影子就这样一点一点被吞没了。

急求Amy diamond 《up》的歌词 哪个能告诉我,最好是中英文一起的。

  Up  Up—Amy Diamond  (Up u-u-up, up up, u-u-up, up up)  All set, you bet, ready to go  Anything can happen, nobody knows  One step, two steps, we"re getting close  To our destination gonna put on a show  Tonight can be all that we imagine  Everything we want and more  As long as the music keeps on playing  Now won"t you turn it up, up, up  Louder, don"t stop!  Take me over, lift me up high  You need to turn it up, up, up  We"re ready, ready for this evening  Ready for the feeling, won"t you turn it up  (Up u-u-up, up up, u-u-up, up up)  Don"t you hold back, no no no  Let the rythm lead you, anything goes  Dance or don"t dance, do what you like  Let the music elevate you  Don"t put up a fight  Tonight can be all that we imagine  Everything we want and more  As long as the music keeps on playing  Now won"t you turn it up, up, up  Louder, don"t stop!  Take me over, lift me up high  You need to turn it up, up, up  We"re ready, ready for this evening  Ready for the feeling, won"t you turn it up  I wanna get lost in the night (in the night)  I wanna get lost in the feeling (in the feeling)  I wanna get lost in the night (in the night)  In music, in music  Now won"t you turn it up, up, up  Louder, don"t stop!  Take me over, lift me up high  You need to turn it up, up, up  We"re ready, ready for this evening  Ready for the feeling...  Now won"t you turn it up, up, up  Louder, don"t stop!  Take me over, lift me up high  You need to turn it up, up, up  We"re ready, ready for this evening  Ready for the feeling, won"t you turn it up  (Up u-u-up, up up, u-u-up, up up)  Won"t you turn it up  (Up u-u-up, up up, u-u-up, up up)  Won"t you turn it up  以下中文歌词由有道翻译友情提供,如不准确,请多谅解!! RX-------------  (u-u-up、向上、u-u-up,向上)。  都准备好了,你说对了,准备好要走  任何事都有可能发生,没人知道  第一步,两个步骤,我们正在接近  到目的地,我们要戴上表演  今晚,我们可以想象的要大得多  我们想要他们做的事和更多  只要音乐继续玩  现在,你会不会把它往上爬  大声点,不要停!  采取了我,把我扶起来  你需要把它往上爬  我们已经准备好了,准备好这个晚上  准备好了的感觉,你不会把它  (u-u-up、向上、u-u-up,向上)。  你不踌躇不前,我没有  让节奏引导你,什么事情都可能发生  舞蹈或不跳舞,做你喜欢做的事情  让音乐能让你  不要打架  今晚,我们可以想象的要大得多  我们想要他们做的事和更多  只要音乐继续玩  现在,你会不会把它往上爬  大声点,不要停!  采取了我,把我扶起来  你需要把它往上爬  我们已经准备好了,准备好这个晚上  准备好了的感觉,你不会把它  我想会迷失在晚上(在晚上)。  我想会迷失在感觉(感)。  我想会迷失在晚上(在晚上)。  在音乐中,在音乐  现在,你会不会把它往上爬  大声点,不要停!  采取了我,把我扶起来  你需要把它往上爬  我们已经准备好了,准备好这个晚上  准备的感觉……  现在,你会不会把它往上爬  大声点,不要停!  采取了我,把我扶起来  你需要把它往上爬  我们已经准备好了,准备好这个晚上  准备好了的感觉,你不会把它  (u-u-up、向上、u-u-up,向上)。  你不会把它  (u-u-up、向上、u-u-up,向上)。  你不会把它

up samantha jade中英文歌词

Up! - Samantha JadeWe own the nightWe own the nightSo let"s turn it,turn it,turn itAnd reach the other sideWe"re flying highFlying so highAnd let"s turn it turn it upTonight we"re dancing in the skyYou heard the legends ,have you?But you"re miles away from the sunYou have to take me to heavenTurn it turn it upWhen I feel your heart beating fasterHide the love from the drumsTurn the speakers up to the shadowTurn it, turn it upLet"s turn it up, you know I like it loudLet"s turn it up, don"t stay turn it turn itTurn it up, it"s going hundred milesTurn it up, up up upLet"s turn it up, you know I like it loudLet"s turn it up, say turn it turn itTurn it up, it"s going hundred milesTurn it up, up up upWe own the light, we own the lightSo let"s turn it turn it upTonight it"s only you and IWe own the stars, shine like the starsSo let"s turn it turn it tonight this world is oursYou heard the legends ,have you?But you are miles away from the sunYou have to take me to heavenTurn it ,turn it upWhen I feel your heart beating fasterHide the love from the drumsTurn the speakers up to the shadowTurn it, turn it upLet"s turn it up, you know I like it loudLet"s turn it up, don"t stay turn it turn itTurn it up, it"s going hundred milesTurn it up, up up upLet"s turn it up, you know I like it loudLet"s turn it up, don"t stay turn it turn itTurn it up, it"s going hundred milesTurn it up, up up upYou heard the legends ,have you?You have to take me to heavenTurn it, turn it upWhen I feel your heart beating fasterTurn it, turn it upSo turn it up,let us turn it upSo turn it up,up,upYou know I like it upTurn it up,up,upAnd also turn it,turn it,turn it up,up,upIt is going down tonightSo turn it up,up,upUp,up,upSo turn it up,up,upYou know I like it upTurn it up,up,upAnd also turn it,turn it,turn it up,up,upIt is going down tonightSo turn it up,up,upUp,up,up

求Amy diamond的中英文歌词~~

O(∩_∩)O~英文歌词RX----------------(Up u-u-up, up up, u-u-up, up up) All set, you bet, ready to go Anything can happen, nobody knows One step, two steps, we"re getting close To our destination gonna put on a show Tonight can be all that we imagine Everything we want and more As long as the music keeps on playing Now won"t you turn it up, up, up Louder, don"t stop! Take me over, lift me up high You need to turn it up, up, up We"re ready, ready for this evening Ready for the feeling, won"t you turn it up (Up u-u-up, up up, u-u-up, up up) Don"t you hold back, no no no Let the rhythm lead you, anything goes Dance or don"t dance, do what you like Let the music elevate you Don"t put up a fight Tonight can be all that we imagine Everything we want and more As long as the music keeps on playing Now won"t you turn it up, up, up Louder, don"t stop! Take me over, lift me up high You need to turn it up, up, up We"re ready, ready for this evening Ready for the feeling, won"t you turn it up I wanna get lost in the night (in the night) I wanna get lost in the feeling (in the feeling) I wanna get lost in the night (in the night) In music, in music Now won"t you turn it up, up, up Louder, don"t stop! Take me over, lift me up high You need to turn it up, up, up We"re ready, ready for this evening Ready for the feeling... Now won"t you turn it up, up, up Louder, don"t stop! Take me over, lift me up high You need to turn it up, up, up We"re ready, ready for this evening Ready for the feeling, won"t you turn it up (Up u-u-up, up up, u-u-up, up up) Won"t you turn it up (Up u-u-up, up up, u-u-up, up up) Won"t you turn it up 以下中文歌词由有道翻译友情提供,如不准确,请多谅解!! RX------------- (u-u-up、向上、u-u-up,向上)。    都准备好了,你说对了,准备好要走  任何事都有可能发生,没人知道  第一步,两个步骤,我们正在接近  到目的地,我们要戴上表演    今晚,我们可以想象的要大得多  我们想要他们做的事和更多  只要音乐继续玩    现在,你会不会把它往上爬  大声点,不要停!  采取了我,把我扶起来  你需要把它往上爬  我们已经准备好了,准备好这个晚上  准备好了的感觉,你不会把它    (u-u-up、向上、u-u-up,向上)。    你不踌躇不前,我没有  让节奏引导你,什么事情都可能发生  舞蹈或不跳舞,做你喜欢做的事情  让音乐能让你  不要打架    今晚,我们可以想象的要大得多  我们想要他们做的事和更多  只要音乐继续玩    现在,你会不会把它往上爬  大声点,不要停!  采取了我,把我扶起来  你需要把它往上爬  我们已经准备好了,准备好这个晚上  准备好了的感觉,你不会把它    我想会迷失在晚上(在晚上)。  我想会迷失在感觉(感)。  我想会迷失在晚上(在晚上)。  在音乐中,在音乐    现在,你会不会把它往上爬  大声点,不要停!  采取了我,把我扶起来  你需要把它往上爬  我们已经准备好了,准备好这个晚上  准备的感觉……    现在,你会不会把它往上爬  大声点,不要停!  采取了我,把我扶起来  你需要把它往上爬  我们已经准备好了,准备好这个晚上  准备好了的感觉,你不会把它    (u-u-up、向上、u-u-up,向上)。  你不会把它  (u-u-up、向上、u-u-up,向上)。  你不会把它

greatest 中英文对照歌词

《Greatest Love Of All》中英文歌词如下:  I believe the children are our future 我相信儿童是我们的未来  Teach them well and let them lead the way 好好教导他们,让他们走自己的路  Show them all the beauty they possess inside 启发他们的内在美  Give them a sense of pride to make it easier 给他们自尊心  Let the children"s laughter remind us how we used to be 让孩子们的笑声, 提醒我们的过往  Everybody"s searching for a hero 每个人都在寻找英雄  People need someone to look up to 人们需要一位崇拜的偶像  I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs 我未曾找到能满足我需求的人  A lonely place to be and so I learned to depend on me 注定要孤单寂寞 于是我学会了依靠我自己  I decided long ago 很久以前,我就已经决定  Never to walk in anyone"s shadows 绝不依赖别人的提携庇荫  If I fail, If I succeed 不论成功失败  At least I lived as I believed 至少我依自己的信念而活  No matter what they take from me 不论我被夺走了什么  They can"t take away my dignity 夺不走我的尊严  Because the greatest love of all is happening to me 只因为我得到了最伟大的爱  I"ve found the greatest love of all inside of me 我找到了心中至高无上的爱  The greatest love of all is easy to achieve 至高无上的爱很容易做到  Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all 学着爱你自己那就是最伟大的爱  I believe the children are our future  Teach them well and let them lead the way  Show them all the beauty they possess inside  Give them a sense of pride to make it easier  Let the children"s laughter remind us how we used to be  I decided long ago  Never to walk in anyone"s shadows  If I fail, If I succeed  At least I lived as I believed  No matter what they take from me  They can"t take away my dignity  Because the greatest love of all is happening to me  I"ve found the greatest love of all inside of me  The greatest love of all is easy to achieve  Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all  And if by chance that special place 如果恰巧那个特别的地方  That you"ve been dreaming of ——你的梦想之地  Leads you to a lonely place 让你身陷绝境、孤立无援  Find your strength in love 到爱中寻找力量


  1月1日 元旦 New Year"s Day  2月2日 世界湿地日 World Wetlands Day  2月14日 情人节 Valentine"s Day  3月8日 国际妇女节 International Women"s Day  3月12日 中国植树节 China Arbor Day  3月14日 国际警察日 International Policemen"s Day  白色情人节 White Day  3月15日 世界消费者权益日 World Consumer Right Day  3月21日 世界森林日 World Forest Day  世界睡眠日 World Sleep Day  3月22日 世界水日 World Water Day  3月23日 世界气象日 World Meteorological Day  3月24日 世界防止结核病日 World Tuberculosis Day  4月1日 愚人节 April Fool"s Day  4月5日 清明节 Tomb-sweeping Day  4月7日 世界卫生日 World Health Day  4月22日 世界地球日 World Earth Day  4月26日 世界知识产权日 World Intellectual Property Day  5月1日 国际劳动节 International Labor Day  5月3日 世界哮喘日 World Asthma Day  5月4日 国际青年节 Chinese Youth Day  5月8日 世界红十字日 World Red-Cross Day  5月12日 国际护士节 International Nurse Day  5月15日 国际家庭日 International Family Day  5月17日 世界电信日 World Telecommunications Day  5月23日 国际牛奶日 International Milk Day  5月31日 世界无烟日 World No-Smoking Day  6月1日 国际儿童节 International Children"s Day  6月5日 世界环境日 International Environment Day  6月17日 世界防治荒漠化和干旱日 World Day to Combat Desertification  6月23日 国际奥林匹克日 International Olympic Day  6月26日 国际禁毒日 International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking  7月1日 中国共产党诞生日 Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party  国际建筑日 International Architecture Day  7月11日 世界人口日 World Population Day  8月1日 中国人民解放军建军节 Army Day  8月12日 国际青年节 International Youth Day  9月8日 国际扫盲节 International Anti-illiteracy Day  9月10日 中国教师节 Teacher"s Day  9月16日 国际臭氧层保护日 International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer  9月21日 世界停火日 World Cease-fire Day  9月27日 世界旅游日 World Tourism Day  10月1日 中华人民共和国国庆节 National Day  国际老年人日 International Day of Older Persons  国际音乐日 International Music Day  10月4日 世界动物日 World Animal Day  10月5日 世界教师日 World Teachers" Day  10月9日 世界邮政日 World Post Day  10月10日 世界精神卫生日 World Mental Health Day  10月14日 世界标准日 World Standards Day  10月15日 国际盲人节 International Day of the Blind  国际农村妇女日 World Rural Women"s Day  10月16日 世界粮食日 World Food Day  10月17日 国际消除贫困日 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty  10月24日 联合国日 United Nations Day  世界发展新闻日 World Development Information Day  11月14日 世界糖尿病日 World Diabetes Day  11月25日 国际消除对妇女的暴力日 International Day for the elimination of Violence against Women  12月1日 世界爱滋病日 World AIDS Day  12月3日 世界残疾人日 World Disabled Day  12月9日 世界足球日 World Football Day  12月29日 国际生物多样性日 International Biodiversity Day  9月 第三个星期二国际和平日 International Peace Day  9月 第四个星期日国际聋人节 International Day of the Deaf  10月 第一个星期一世界住房日 World Habitat Day  10月 第二个星期三国际减轻自然灾害日 International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction  10月 第二个星期四世界爱眼日 World Sight Day




Trust no Future, however pleasant Let the dead past bury its dead! Act, act in the living present! Heart within, and God overhead! If you fail, let it be! Just try again until you made it!别信靠未来,无论未来的憧憬多么可爱! 让死亡的过去永远埋葬! 行动,就在此时此刻行动起来! 坚定的心灵,上帝的指引! 如果失败了,让它去吧? 站起来再努力一次,直至成功!这个来自——秃鹰双欲望,里面都是双语文章,很干净,没有广告,内容还不错,你可以自己看看啦

僵尸新娘中英文歌词 Tears to shed

本站歌词来自互联网 What does that whispy little brat have that you don"t have double? She can"t hold a candle to the beauty of your smile How about a pulse? Overrated by a mile Overbearing Overblown If he only knew the you that we know CORPSE BRIDE (sigh) And that silly little creature isn"t wearing his ring And she doesn"t play piano Or dance Or sing No she doesn"t compare But she still breathes air Who cares? Unimportant Overrated Overblown If only he could see How special you can be If he only knew the you that we know If I touch a burning candle I can feel the pain If you cut me with a knife it"s still the same And I know her heart is beating And I know that I am dead Yet the pain here that I feel Try and tell me it"s not real For it seems that I still have a tear to shed The sure redeeming feature From that little creature Is that she"s alive Overrated Overblown Everybody know that"s just a temporary state Which is cured very quickly when we meet our fate Who cares? Unimportant Overrated Overblown If only he could see How special you can be If he only knew the you that we know If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain In the ice or in the wun it"s all the same Yet I feel my heart is acheing Though it doesn"t beat it"s breaking And the pain here that I feel Try and tell me it"s not real I know that I am dead Yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed 本站歌词来自互联网


威廉.施万克.吉尔伯特(英国著名剧作家)写道“爱让世界转动”,如果这是真的,那Haley的世界,就旋转得稍快了一些,从高中时代起,Haley就是我最好的朋友,我们确实有过不快,但如果还有一件事,能让我们彼此无条件认同,那就是对我们儿子Jack的爱和责任,Haley对Jack的爱,是快乐而无畏的,可正是这种无畏,让她不能站在我们中间,母爱是自然界中至高无上的力量,Haley的行为让我们获益良多,Haley的死,让我们每个人停下脚步,回首自己的人生,审视我们是怎样的人,审视我们走过的路,关于自身,我还没有全部答案,但我了解Haley的为人,为了保护我们共同孕育的孩子,她勇于牺牲,Jack长达后,我一定会让他明白,她的母亲是个怎样的人,她是如何爱他,保护他,让他明白我有多么爱她。如果Haley今天在这,她会希望我们不要哀悼她的死亡,而是缅怀她的人生,她会告诉我们…她会告诉我们要无条件地热爱家庭,和他们紧紧拥抱在一起,因为到头来,这才是最重要的事。我们是在高中音乐剧试演中相遇的(吉尔伯特的著名轻歌剧),前几天晚上,我找到了当时演出的拷贝,独自看着,发现有一段歌词,似乎很合适在此刻朗读,“喔 擦干晶莹的泪水 它如露珠般流过坚毅的脸庞 听着 可爱的孩子 你从中探寻着安慰 带着同情与关怀 他们的胳膊环绕你 抚摸着 为了他们无法承受的父亲的泪光 ”W.s.gilbert wrote, "it"s love,that makes the world go "round."And if that"s true, then the world spun a little faster with haley in it.Haley was my best friend since we were in high school.We certainly had our struggles, but if there"s one thing we agreed on unconditionally,It was our love and commitment to our son jack.Haley"s love for jack was joyous and fierce.That fierceness is why she isn"t here today.A mother"s love is an unrivaled force of nature.And we can all learn much from the way haley lived her life.Haley"s death causes each of us to stop and take stock of our lives.To measure who we are and what we"ve become.I don"t have all those answers for myself, but i know who haley was.She wasthe woman who died protecting the child we brought into this world together.And i will make sure that jack grows up knowing who his mother was And how she loved and protected him and how much i loved her.If haley were with us today, she would ask usnot to mourn her death but to celebrate her life.She would tell us...She would tell us to love our families unconditionally...And to hold them close, because in the end, they are all that matter.I met haley at the tryouts of our high school"sproduction of "the pirates of penzance."I found our copy of the play and was looking through it the other night,And i came upon a passage that seemed...Appropriate for this moment."oh, dry the glistening tear"that dews that martial cheek."thy loving children hear,"in them thy comfort seek."with sympathetic care"their arms around thee creep,"for, oh, they cannot bear to see their father weep."手打加整理,楼主的分有点少哦,能加分就更好了,实在是太辛苦了@@




True patriotism doesn"t exclude an understanding of the patriotism of others.--Queen Elizabeth II 真正的爱国主义不排斥对于其他人的爱国主义的理解。 ——伊丽莎白女王二世 I think patriotism is like charity -- it begins at home. --Henry James 我认为爱国主义就如慈善——它是从家庭里开始的。 ——亨利·詹姆斯 Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it. --George Bernard Shaw 爱国主义就是你确信:这个国家比所有其他的国家都要出色,只因为你生于斯。 ——乔治·肖伯纳Patriotism must be founded on great principals and supported by great virtue. --Henry Bolingbroke 爱国主义必须建立在伟大的原则之上并以伟大的美德作为后盾。 ——亨利·柏林布鲁克 A man"s country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle; and patriotism is loyalty to that principle. --George William Curtis 一个人的国家不是某一片土地,山脉,河流以及森林,而是一个原则;而爱国主义就是对那个原则的忠诚。 ——乔治·威廉·科蒂斯 To make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely. --Edmund Burke 要让我们爱我们的国家,我们的国家应该可爱才行。 ——爱德蒙·柏克 My country right or wrong; when right, to keep her right; when wrong, to put her right. --Carl Schurz 我的国家不一定总是正确的;当它正确时,保持它的正确;当它错误时,促使它正确。 ——卡尔·舒尔茨


adqgydkujdghdhtgggfhhgfhhnhhgfgghghmj bmvbjcngkhgjfjkfgfmngjhdkh jhfnvdshjgvghhjkloippkjjmdbhdjhhdkhuhyfgjhghiuthjgfjgxhxchccjjffffuytggfhcfsdfwashgdfsdfsdfdsdsfdsgcvvbxvdbdsabvavsacgwqvehgedjweydshgcxhcjcbsdjbcfhsdfhsrfdnbcvxzjmncxmmcmvmncbhjjghyuytrrytegghjkjjgbnkkhhjjhjhkjhhjjjjkl,ll,jmngfh hjhkknmjnbjkcvmvjvjfjjgfdfdxjfdjsxjfdgjfjkfdjjkcvjdvcnbvcvvjvjvjvjjmfgjffsdjsdkgvhdjdjghfhfhdhjfgfksnmkfhdfjkfhsnjfrfh


1.菲尔普斯:一手夺金一手破记录Phelps writes Games gold historyMichael Phelps at the end of the 200m butterfly race yesterday, breathing heavily, rubbing his eyes and hanging on to the lane rope. His goggles filled with water at the start. (Agencies)Michael Phelps swam into Olympic history yesterday, becoming the athlete to win the most gold medals ever.And he did it swimming blind.A day after etching his name alongside Mark Spitz and Carl Lewis, Paavo Nurmi and Larysa Latynina with gold No 9, the American claimed the record all to himself when he won the 200m butterfly at the Water Cube.A problem with his goggles, however, meant that he swam most of the race without knowing what was going on around him.Said Phelps of his leaky goggles: "I dove in and they filled right up with water. It got worse and worse as the race went on."Phelps said he kept track of where he was between the walls by counting strokes."There was nothing I could do about it. I couldn"t rip them off. (He was wearing two caps and the straps of the goggles were tucked in between them.) I just had to go on swimming.”"At the 150 meter wall to the finish, I couldn"t see the wall. I was hoping I was winning and hoping I would touch the wall first."Not only did he touch it first, he did it in world record time, his fourth gold and fourth world record at Beijing.He was timed 1 min 52.03 sec, lowering his old mark of 1:52.09 from the 2007 World Championships. Laszlo Cseh of Hungary took the silver. Takeshi Matsuda of Japan got the bronze.There was a trace of disappointment when he said: "I wanted a world record, I wanted 1:51 or better, but in the circumstances not too bad I guess." Anyway, he had no such worries in his second race of the day, the 4x200m men"s freestyle relay.Phelps set a blistering pace of 1:43.31 that got the Americans rolling toward a world record time of 6:58.56.Russia took the silver, more than five seconds behind the Americans, who mainly had to make sure they didn"t jump in the water too soon. Australia won the bronze.Phelps has three more races left: The 200m individual medley, 100m butterfly and 4x100m medley relay."There is still something left in the tank," Phelps said. "I"ve got three races left, so there had better be something left in the tank."迈克尔u2022菲尔普斯昨天“游”进了奥运史册,成了奥运史上获得金牌最多的运动员。而且,他还是闭着眼睛“游”进去的。一天前他才刚刚斩获第九枚奥运金牌,与名将马克u2022斯皮茨、卡尔u2022刘易斯、帕沃u2022鲁米、拉里莎u2022拉特尼娜齐名,而当他在水立方拿下200米蝶泳金牌之后,就只剩下他一个人独领风骚了。不过,由于他的泳镜出了点问题,他的大部分赛程是在不了解周围状况的情况下完成的。菲尔普斯在谈到他漏水的泳镜时说:“我刚跳入水中,泳镜就进满了水。而且比赛越往后,进的水越多。”他说他全靠数自己划水的次数来判断自己所处的位置。“我完全拿它没办法。我不可能把它扯下来(他戴了两顶泳帽, 镜带夹在两顶泳帽中间。)我只能继续游下去。”“最后50米的时候,我连泳池壁都看不到了。我只希望我能赢,希望自己能第一个到达终点。”结果,他不仅第一个到达终点,而且还打破了世界纪录,这是他在北京拿的第四块金牌,同时也是他创造的第四项世界纪录。他用时1分52秒03,刷新了他在2007年世界锦标赛上创造的1分52秒09的成绩。匈牙利选手拉斯洛u2022切赫和日本选手松田丈志分别获得该项目的银牌和铜牌。菲尔普斯不无遗憾地说道:“原本我希望以1分51秒或更好的成绩打破世界记录,但在那种情况下能游出这样的成绩我觉得也还不错了。”不过,在之后的第二场比赛、男子4x200米接力中,上述遗憾已经不复存在了。菲尔普斯以惊人的速度在第一棒就游出了1分43秒31的成绩,带领美国队以6分58秒56的成绩冲破了世界记录。认为自己入水速度不够快的俄罗斯队落后美国队五秒多,最终获得银牌;澳大利亚队获得铜牌。接下来,菲尔普斯还将参加200米个人混合泳、100米蝶泳以及4x100米混合泳接力的比赛。他说:“泳池里还有很多项目等着我呢,我还要参加三项比赛,希望我还能再创造点什么。” China"s Track Superstar Drops Out2.悲情刘翔:中国的田径超级明星退出比赛It was the race all of China — and, no, this is not journalistic hyperbole — was waiting for. On Aug. 18, under a hazy Beijing sky, Chinese mega-star Liu Xiang was supposed to cruise to victory in heat six of the 110m hurdles" first round. His competitors were, frankly, uninspiring — the man with the second fastest personal best after Liu"s 12.88 seconds was a Dutchman who had clocked in a relatively leisurely 13.35 seconds. This was going to be the moment of glory for a man for whom a Beijing gold medal was the foremost wish among the Chinese people, according to a nationwide poll. A sea of Chinese flags waved. The Bird"s Nest Stadium thrummed with expectation.这是整个中国期待的比赛,这样说绝没有丝毫的夸张。8月18日北京的天空有些雾蒙蒙,全中国都在想象他们的超级巨星刘翔将会在奥运会的110米栏第六小组的预赛中轻松获胜。老实说,他小组赛的竞争对手并不扎眼——排在刘翔的最好成绩12.88秒之后的是一名荷兰选手,他的个人最好成绩仅仅为13.35秒。一项全国调查显示:中国人在北京奥运会上最大的期望就是刘翔夺取金牌。看台已经成为五星红旗的海洋,整个鸟巢翘首以待。But when the starting gun went off, Liu was missing from lane 2. Minutes earlier, during a warm-up set of hurdles, Liu had grabbed his right leg, wincing in pain. As the 25-year-old returned to the starting blocks, his face was clenched in a grimace. The nearly 91,000-strong crowd, which had gathered at the Bird"s Nest Stadium to watch China"s most-beloved Olympic athlete, couldn"t see Liu"s contorted facial expression, so they continued to wave their national flags. Then, a false start. Liu took a few brave steps but his leg seemed to crumple. Instead of returning to the blocks for another try, he slowly limped off the track. The T.V. cameras, which had nosed their way into the faces of many a disgraced, disappointed athlete, kept a respectful distance. As a nation waited, Liu Xiang, icon of the Beijing Olympics and face of countless advertising billboards, sat backstage rubbing his leg. His race went on without him.但是当发令枪响之后,人们在第二道没有发现刘翔的身影。就在几分钟前的热身活动中,刘翔曾痛苦地捂住自己的右腿。当他回到起跑线时,又露出了痛苦的表情。但是鸟巢看台上将近91000名观众看不清他们最喜欢的这位奥运选手此时痛苦的表情,他们尽情挥舞着国旗。比赛开始了,刘翔坚持跑了几步就支撑不住了,但是这次有人抢跑。可是刘翔没有再次回到起跑线,而是一瘸一拐地离开了赛场。记者们让摄像镜头和刘翔保持着一定的距离,而通常他们都会争抢着捕捉运动员种种失意的表情。在全国人民的期待中,刘翔——北京奥运会的偶像以及无数广告的形象代理——此时只能在场外轻揉自己受伤的大腿。他的比赛在激烈进行,可是我们找不到他矫健的身影。A Greek named Konstadinos Douvalidis won the heat with a time of 13.49 seconds, but few in the stadium could probably recount that result. On Aug. 18, even though China already had surpassed its 2004 Athens total golden haul by three medals, a nation was paralyzed by shock. Even the announcers on Chinese television didn"t know what to say, letting silence wash over the airwaves. In post-race news wrap-ups, at least two Chinese journalists choked up, unable to describe what had just happened. The violin strains that accompanied montages of Liu"s Olympic journey felt more suited to a state leader"s funeral rather than a race averted.希腊人Konstadinos Douvalidis以13.49秒的成绩取得小组赛头名,但是鸟巢体育场中几乎没有人记得这个结果。8月18日这天,尽管中国代表团的金牌总数已经超过了2004年雅典奥运会的金牌总数3块(注:截止发稿时),但是刘翔的伤退仍然震惊了全中国。就连中国电视台的播音员也不知如何报道了,电波中只有寂静。在赛后的新闻发布会上,至少两名中国记者失声痛哭,竟不能描述所发生的一切。伴随刘翔入场的的小提琴此时更让人感觉悲壮。After winning a surprise gold medal in the 110m hurdles in Athens four years ago, Liu morphed from amiable jock to national stud. In 2006, he shattered the event"s world record with his 12.88 time. As an Asian athlete competing in a klieg-light track event — not an international sideline sport like badminton or table-tennis or synchronized diving — Liu came to personify the Chinese nation"s rising ambitions. The pressure for a golden repeat in China"s Games must have been overwhelming. 自从四年前刘翔在雅典爆冷夺取110米栏金牌后,他从一名普通的运动员变为全国偶像。在2006年,他以12.88秒的成绩打破110米栏的世界纪录。做为一名亚洲运动员参加这项世人关注的田径赛事——而不是其他非主流国际赛事,比如羽毛球、乒乓球、双人跳水——刘翔代表了中华民族的勃勃雄心。因此,刘翔在北京奥运会上卫冕金牌的巨大压力可想而知。Before the Opening Ceremony on Aug. 8, there was frenzied speculation in the Chinese blogosphere about who would carry China"s flag and who would light the Olympic flame. The two obvious candidates were hoops star Yao Ming and hurdling legend Liu. When Yao loped in front of the massive Chinese Olympic team with the Chinese flag held aloft, the audience naturally thought Liu would carry the final torch. But that honor went instead to retired gymnast and sports-clothing tycoon Li Ning. Liu didn"t even march with the Chinese Olympic delegation. Where was he?在8月8日开幕式之前,网上对谁将成为旗手以及谁将点燃主火炬的猜测异常热烈。NBA巨星姚明和110米栏王刘翔看起来最合适不过。当姚明高举国旗走在庞大的中国体育代表团之前的时候,观众们自然想到刘翔将点燃奥运会主火炬。但是享受这一殊荣的是昔日体操王子、现在的体育服装商界大亨李宁,刘翔连开幕式都没有参加。人们在想,他去哪里了?Earlier this spring, Liu had disappeared from public view, nursing a sore hamstring that led him to pull out of a May race and triggered another injury with his Achilles tendon. By the start of the summer, the protective cocoon around the hurdler had reached epic proportions. In June, Dayron Robles, a bespectacled Cuban, shaved one-hundredth of a second off of Liu"s world record. The Chinese was going into the Beijing Olympics as the underdog. (Robles easily won his Beijing heat less than an hour before Liu was scheduled to compete, while medal contender Terrence Trammell of the U.S. also failed to finish his race due to an injured leg.) 早在今年春天的时候,刘翔为了治疗伤病就从公共视野里退出了,他因此还缺席了5月份的一场比赛。但不久他跟腱却又受了伤。从今年夏天开始,对栏王刘翔的保护就达到了极点。来自古巴的罗伯斯在六月份以超过刘翔的世界纪录百分之一秒刷新了男子110米栏世界纪录,本届奥运会刘翔不再是最有力的金牌争夺者。(一小时之前,就在刘翔比赛之前,罗伯斯在小组赛上轻松获胜,而另一位来自美国的奖牌有力争夺者特拉梅尔也由于伤病退出了比赛。)At a press conference shortly after Liu pulled out, Liu"s coach Sun Haiping, who has mentored the Shanghai-born athlete since he was a child, dissolved into tears. Dabbing his eyes with a tissue, he described how Liu"s hamstring and Achilles tendon had caused excruciating pain, and how sports hospital staff had tried intensive massage to heal the injuries. But it was of no use. The throbbing, exacerbated by a training session two days before, was so severe that the hurdler was shivering during rehab treatments. Liu was determined to compete unless the pain was "intolerable," said Feng Shuyong, China"s head athletics coach. Apparently, it was. Mighty Liu Xiang had dropped out.在刘翔退出比赛后的新闻发布会上,刘翔的教练孙海平潸然泪下(刘翔出生于上海,孙海平从刘翔儿时就开始了指导,直到现在)。孙海平一边擦拭泪水,一边讲述刘翔受伤的腿筋和跟腱造成的巨大伤痛,他还讲述了医护人员精心按摩以求治愈他的伤病。但是,这些都没有起到作用。两天前的一次训练再次加剧了伤痛,以至于刘翔在恢复治疗中痛得直发抖。中国田径队总教练冯树勇说:“刘翔坚持要参加比赛,除非疼痛不能忍受。”很显然,这次的伤痛刘翔忍受了。强大的刘翔告别了奥运会比赛 想要更多新闻。可以上上大耳朵英语网,很多资料。




更新1: 系...我玩pes...要补丁干什么? Arsenal(North London)阿仙奴 Aston Villa(West Midlands Village)阿士东维拉 Birmingham(West Midlands City)伯明翰 Blackburn(Lancashire)布力般流浪 Bolton(Middlebrook)保顿 Burnley(Lancashire Claret)般尼 Chelsea(London FC)车路士 Everton(Merseyside Blue)爱华顿 Fulham(West London White)富咸 Hull City(Yorkshire Orange)侯城 Man City(Man Blue)曼城 Port *** outh(Pompy)朴茨茅夫 Stoke City(The Potteries)史x城 Sunderland(Wearside)新特兰 Tottenham Hotspur(North East London)热刺 West Hum United(East London)伟斯咸 Wigan(Lancashire Athletic)伟根 Wolverhampton Wanderers(Wolves)狼队 一睇就知问者系有玩PES啦..如果你玩紧2010个只..我有个补丁可以比到你 Arsenal(North London)阿仙奴 Aston Villa(West Midlands Village)阿士东维拉 Birmingham(West Midlands City)伯明翰 Blackburn(Lancashire)布力般流浪 Bolton(Middlebrook)保顿 Burnley(Lancashire Claret)般尼 Chelsea(London FC)车路士 Everton(Merseyside Blue)爱华顿 Fulham(West London White)富咸 Hull City(Yorkshire Orange)侯城 Man City(Man Blue)曼城 Port *** outh(Pompy)朴茨茅夫 Stoke City(The Potteries)史x城 Sunderland(Wearside)新特兰 Tottenham Hotspur(North East London)热刺 West Hum United(East London)伟斯咸 Wigan(Lancashire Athletic)伟根 Wolverhampton Wanderers(Wolves)狼队 Arsenal(North London)阿仙奴 Aston Villa(West Midlands Village)阿士东维拉 Birmingham(West Midlands City)伯明翰 Blackburn(Lancashire)布力般流浪 Bolton(Middlebrook)保顿 Burnley(Lancashire Claret)般尼 Chelsea(London FC)车路士 Everton(Merseyside Blue)爱华顿 Fulham(West London White)富咸 Hull City(Yorkshire Orange)侯城 Man City(Man Blue)曼城 Port *** outh(Pompy)朴茨茅夫 Stoke City(The Potteries)史x城 Sunderland(Wearside)新特兰 Tottenham Hotspur(North East London)热刺 West Hum United(East London)伟斯咸 Wigan(Lancashire Athletic)伟根 Wolverhampton Wanderers(Wolves)狼队 HOPE CAN HELP U


1、偷窃提货不着险(theft,piferageand nondelivery,简称t.p.n.d.):保险有效期内,保险货物被偷走或窃走,以及货物运抵目的地以后,整件未交的损失,由保险公司负责赔偿。  2、淡水雨淋险(fresh water rain damage,简称f.w.r.d.):货物在运输中,由于淡水、雨水以至雪溶所造成的损失,保险公司都应负责赔偿。淡水包括船上淡水舱、水管漏水以及汗等。  3、短量险(risk of shortage):负责保险货物数量短少和重量的损失。通常包装货物的短少,保险公司必须要查清外装包是否发生异常现象,如破口、破袋、扯缝等,如属散装货物,往生育装船和卸重量之间的差额作为计算短量的依据。  4、混杂、沾险(risk of intermixture &contamination):保险货物在运输过程中,混进了杂质所造成的损换。例如矿石等混进了泥士、草屑等因而使质量受到影响。此外保险货物因为和其他物质接触而被沾污,例如布匹、纸第、食物、服装等被油类或带色的物质污染因而引起的经济损失。  5、渗漏险(risk of leakage)流质、半流质的液体物质同和油类物质,在运输地程中因为容器损坏而引起的渗漏损换。如以液体装存的湿肠衣,因为液体渗漏而使肠发生腐烂。变质等损失,均由保险公司负责赔偿。  6、碰损、破碎险(risk of clash & breakage):碰损主要是对金属、木质等货物来说的,破碎则主要是对易碎性物质来说的。前者是指在运输途中,因为受到震动、颠簸、挤压而造成货物本身的损失;后者是在运输途中由于装卸野蛮、粗鲁、运输工具的颠震造成货物本身的破裂、断碎的损失。  7、串味险(risk of odour):例如,茶叶、香料、药材等在运输途中受到一起堆储的皮第、樟脑等异味的影响使品质受到损失。[2]  8、受热、受潮险(damage caused by heating & sweating):例如,船舶在航行途行途中,由于气温骤变,或者因为船上通风设备失灵等使舱内水气凝结、发潮、发热引起货物的损失。  9、钩损险(hookdamage):保险货物在装卸过程中因为使用手钩、吊钩等工具所造成的损失,例如粮食包装袋因吊钩钩坏而造成粮食外漏所造成的损失,保险公同在承保该险的史下,应予赔偿。  10、包装破裂险(loss for damage by breakage of packing):因为包装破裂造成物资的短少、沾污等损失。此外,对于因保险货物运输过程中续运安全需要而产生的候补包装、调换包装所支付的费用,保险公司也应负责。  11、锈损险(risk sofrust):保险公司负责保险货物在运输过程中因为生锈造成的损失。不过这种生锈必须在保险期内发生,如原装时就已生锈,保险公司不负责任。


印度尼西亚主要港口  1.   港口代码: IDBLN   港口英文: BELAWAN   港口中文: 勿拉湾   国家英文: INDONESIA   国家中文: 印度尼西亚   国家代码: ID   所属航线: 东南亚线   中文介绍: 印度尼西亚商港。位于该国西部苏门达腊岛西北岸,临马六甲海峡。西北至马来西亚的槟城港145海里,至巴生港237海里,至新加坡港363海里;西至沙璜港257海里,至斯里兰卡的科伦坡港1225海里,北至缅甸港189海里。南距棉兰市23公里,本港实为棉兰市之外岸。港区分布在勿拉湾河的东岸及南岸,它们相连的顶角区码头为海军占用。顶角区码头为海军占用。顶角以东沿岸9个远洋船泊位,码头总长2183米,水深在海图基准线以下10米。其中有2个泊位由于集装箱装卸,1个用于杂货装卸,另1个用于旅客上下,其它为多用途泊位。该码头东端凹入陆岸的水域西岸,目前已建有3个沿海船码头,水深7米,顶角西南的勿拉湾河东岸还有6个驳船泊位,水深6米。岸外有系浮筒4个,水深8.5米。石油码头呈蝶式,位于远洋码头之东约1公里,有一个水深10米的油轮泊位。全港目前仅有20来个货运泊位,其中深水泊位占一半,它是1985年中国-印尼恢复航运关系以来第一批向我国船只开放的4个港口之一。   2.   港口代码: IDJAK   港口英文: JAKARTA   港口中文: 雅加达   国家英文: INDONESIA   国家中文: 印度尼西亚   国家代码: ID   所属航线: 东南亚线   港口缩写: JAK   所在国家: INDONESIA   经纬度: 6 °10"0"S,106 °50"0"E   时差: -8:00   锚地: 外锚地   泊位吃水: 11   海图号: 933   港口类型: Seaport   港口大小: Large   中文介绍: 印度尼西亚首都雅加达(Jakarta)是东南亚第一大城市,世界著名的海港。雅加达位于爪哇岛西部北岸,在芝里翁河口,濒临雅加达湾,东经106°49′,南纬6°10′,人口有850万。多数居民为爪哇人,少数为华人、华侨、荷兰人等。绝大部分居民信奉伊斯兰教,佛教,部分信奉基督教。国语为印度尼西亚语。雅加达历史悠久,早在14世纪就已成为初具规模的港口城市,当时叫巽他加拉巴,意思是“椰子”,华侨称其为“椰城”。约在16世纪改名为雅加达,意思是“胜利和光荣之堡”。该港埠于14世纪归属巴查查拉王朝。1522年,万丹王国征服该地并建城。1527年6月22日,改名为查雅加尔达,意为“凯旋城”,简称为雅加达。1596年,荷兰侵占了印度尼西亚,1621年把雅加达改为荷兰名字“巴达维亚”。1942年8月8日,日军侵占印尼后恢复了雅加达的名称。1945年8月17日,印度尼西亚共和国正式成立,定首都为雅加达。1950年1月20日,印尼成立联邦政府后,把雅加达改为巴达维亚,1950年3月31日改名为大雅加达市,1961年改为大雅加达特区至今。雅加达建城日为6月22日,每年这一天都要举行大型纪念活动。   3.   港口代码: IDSEM   港口英文: SEMARANG   港口中文: 三宝垄   国家英文: INDONESIA   国家中文: 印度尼西亚   国家代码: ID   所属航线: 东南亚线   中文介绍: 印度尼西亚商港。位于爪哇岛北海岸中段,港口之北,临爪哇海。东距丹戎佩拉(泗水)港193海里,西距丹戎不碌(雅加达)港236海里,至新加坡港682海里,北距香港1857海里。港区处在陆岸凹入的水域内,外有北伸的西-东向防波堤和西北-东南向的北防波堤掩护,船舶由西进港。港内现有西北伸的大突提,沿边和东北岸计有码头线总长2141米,但目前沿边水深都还较浅,仅1.5-4.1米。该港港池东北岸向北伸展605米,前沿水深挖至9.0米,建成新码头;然后向东发展,形成北伸的三座现代化突堤,并沿东防波堤向北延伸折转北防波堤中段,内壁均加宽形成深水码头。那时,深水码头线至少达5000米以上,成为大型的现代化深水港,前景广阔。   4.   港口代码: IDTPR   港口英文: TANJUNG PRIOK   港口中文: 丹戎不碌   国家英文: INDONESIA   国家中文: 印度尼西亚   国家代码: ID   所属航线: 东南亚线   中文介绍: 印度尼西亚首都雅加达的外港。位于该国中部爪哇岛的西北,港市之东北,临爪哇海。西距巽他海峡70海里,距新加坡港523海里,东距苏腊巴亚(泗水港)392海里,至龙目海峡622海里,至乌戒潘港775海里,经巽他海峡至西澳大利亚的弗里曼特港1750海里,至南非德班港4500海里。港区东西伸展,码头在挖入陆岸的港池岸。主港区有3座南北向港池,自西至东,第一港池码头线总长2543米,沿边水深5-8米。第二港池码头线总长1900米,沿边水深7-9米;港池内另有化肥码头,各长150米。第三港池西岸码头线总长1080米,沿边水深8.0-10.5米; 东岸码头线1080米,其中有650米岸线为集装箱码头,3个集装箱泊位,深11米。预计2000年可达300万标准箱,为适应这一增长势头,当局正在现码头旁新建码头440米。主港之东有水深9-10米的石油、散粮港区,主港区之西南还有水深3-4米的沿海船港池663米。港区还有西浮筒13个,其中6个可系泊1.5万吨级船只;东浮筒14个,可系泊5000-1.8万吨级船只。全港中级以上码头岸线6800米,40多个泊位,年吞吐量超过3000万吨,居全国各综合性商港之首。   5.   港口代码: IDSUR   港口英文: SURABAYA   港口中文: 泗水   国家英文: INDONESIA   国家中文: 印度尼西亚   国家代码 ID   所属航线: 东南亚线   中文介绍: SURABAYA:泗水(苏腊巴亚)   港口性质:海峡港、设有出口加工区、基本港(M)   经纬度:07度12分S,112度44分E   航线:东南亚SURABAYA位于印度尼西亚(全称:印度尼西亚共和国THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA)爪洼(JAWA)岛东北沿海的泗水海峡西南侧,隔峡与马都拉(MADURA)岛相望,是印度尼西亚的第二大海港。早在中世纪开始就为爪洼的对外贸易港口。现为东爪哇的首府,是一个现代化的工业城市,又是爪哇岛东部和马都拉岛农产品的集散地,主要工业有造船、石油提炼、机械制造等。SURABAYA港属热带雨林气候,盛行偏东风。年平均气温为23~31℃。每年雾日有4天,雷雨日有74天。全年平均降雨量约1600mm。属全日潮港,平均潮差为1.8m。装卸设备有各种可移式吊、浮吊、手板拖车、铲车、皮带输送机及拖船等,其中浮吊最大起重能力达50吨,拖船功率最大为1250kW。装卸效率:每工班每小时散货为20吨,包装货为27吨,杂货为20吨,机器和钢材为8吨。大船锚地水深为22m。主要出口货物为糖、棉花、咖啡、橡胶、椰子、皮革、油类、木薯粉及胡椒等,进口货物主要有电气设备、玻璃器皿、纺织品、化工产品、陶瓷器、机械设备、煤及水泥等。在节假时如果事先取得港务局同意,可以增力夜班。   6.   港口代码: IDPAL   港口英文: PALEMBANG   港口中文: 巨港   国家英文: INDONESIA   国家中文: 印度尼西亚   国家代码: ID   所属航线: 东南亚线   中文介绍: 又称巴邻旁。印度尼西亚商港。位于该国西部苏门达腊东南穆西河下游。港市之东,距河口约54海里,北至新加坡约260海里,东南至丹戎港约320海里,东北至香港1653海里。本港受穆西河口潮汐和浅滩影响,大潮潮差2.4米,平均潮差1.8米;河口外滩水深在大潮低潮时为海平面以下4.5米,仅允许吃水7.5米,长185米以下船只乘潮 入港。港内码头分布主要有:港务局码头,在穆西大桥北西岸,紧靠市区,该地有水泥码头630米,前沿水深大潮低潮时为7米,码头上有10、15、18、25、30吨移动式岸吊。PUSRI码头区,在港务局码头下游左岸,有4个泊位,码头总长530米,前沿水深6-7米,为化肥厂专用码头。 KOMENING河口港区,在下游右岸,该区又可分三个部分,A段在该河口内左岸,有LEMABANG码头,突堤式,长仅12米,前沿水深大潮低潮时为5.6米,可泊靠泊船长117米的6000吨级油轮;B段在河口外左侧,有PLAJU石油码头,计有7个泊位,均为小突堤,前沿大潮低潮时水深5.5-13.2米,可靠泊8艘1.0米-1.8万吨级油轮;C段在河口外右侧,有SUNGAIGERONG码头,呈“T”型突堤,前沿水深5.7-9.7米,可靠泊1.6-1.8万吨级油轮,亦是个石油化工品码头。另外,该港在大桥上游KARTAPATI地区,还有港务局煤码头250米,沿边水深5.5米。全港千吨级以上泊位20多个,年吞吐量在千万吨以上,主要输出原油及其制品、橡胶、化肥、胡椒、茶叶、咖啡、藤条、松香和煤等;进口机械、百杂货等工业品。   7.马辰港口资料   港口中文名: 马辰   港口英文名: BANJARMASIN   港口代码: IDBAN   港口缩写: BDJ   所在国家: INDONESIA   经纬度: 3°20"0”S,114°35"0”E   时差: -8:00   泊位吃水: 10   海图号: 3029   详细介绍: FUEL:NOT AVAILABLE 印度尼西亚加里曼丹岛南部爪哇海沿岸港口。采用东7区标准时。吃水深度根据潮水情况而定。水的载重密度为1025。潮差3米。盛行西南和东北风。不强制引航,但必须使用港口的系泊手。通讯联系用无线电甚高频16频道。节假日参见安汶。工作时间8:00-16:00,可以加班。港口服务设施有:修船、加燃料、医疗、淡水供应、给养、遣返,无干船坞、小艇、牵引、和排污设施。该港位于巴里拖河下游,河口有长约9.6公里的沙坝,雨季时水深1.2米,旱季时水深0.9米,用浮标标明。港口分3个码头区:老码头区在马塔普拉河,木质码头长383米,有5座中转仓库,每个1000平方米。TRISAKIT码头供外国货轮停泊,码头长200米,前沿水深8至10米,有中转仓库6000平方米。油轮栈桥位于巴里托河。   8.中文名称: 三马林达   英文名称: SAMARINDA   州: 亚洲   国家: 印度尼西亚   港口代码: IDSAM   经纬度: 0°28"0”S,117°16"0”E   时区: -8:00   FUEL: NOT AVAILABLE   印度尼西亚加里曼丹岛东部望加锡海峡沿岸港口。采用东7区标准时。最大吃水6.1米。水的载重密度为1025。潮差0.9到1.2米。盛行西南到东北风。强制引航。港口服务设施有:小艇、医疗、淡水供应、给养、遣返、无修船、加燃料、干船坞、牵引和排污设施。入港航道宽79米,最大水深6.6米。锚地在河道内。港口码头岸线长396米。有一台15吨的移动式起重机和一些仓储设施。   9.中文名称: 德鲁克巴优尔   英文名称: TELUK BAYUR   吃水:10M   印度尼西亚商港。位于该国西部苏门答腊岛西南岸中腰,巴东市东南,是巴东市的海上门户,临印度洋。东南距巽他海峡约450海里,至丹戎不碌港约520海里,西北至沙璜港约510海里。港口分布在陆岸内凹的科宁京湾北岸,西北有由岸壁伸向东南的长堤保护。港内有数座由陆岸南伸的突堤,在突堤两侧和顺岸分布有10个深水泊位,其中1、2号泊位,其中1、2号泊位各长108米,水深10米;3号泊位长96米,水深10米;4、5号泊位各长150米,水深10米;特种码头长98.5米,水深10米;TST码头各长150米,水深9-10米;煤炭码头长225米,水深7.5米;袋装水泥码头在建设之中。该港主要出口西苏门达腊省的咖啡、橡胶、煤、椰干、树脂、藤条、烟叶等;进口钢材、面粉、大米、日用百货、盐等,是苏门达腊岛西海岸最大港口。


  1、偷窃提货不着险(theft,piferageand nondelivery,简称t.p.n.d.):保险有效期内,保险货物被偷走或窃走,以及货物运抵目的地以后,整件未交的损失,由保险公司负责赔偿。x0dx0a  2、淡水雨淋险(fresh water rain damage,简称f.w.r.d.):货物在运输中,由于淡水、雨水以至雪溶所造成的损失,保险公司都应负责赔偿。淡水包括船上淡水舱、水管漏水以及汗等。x0dx0a  3、短量险(risk of shortage):负责保险货物数量短少和重量的损失。通常包装货物的短少,保险公司必须要查清外装包是否发生异常现象,如破口、破袋、扯缝等,如属散装货物,往生育装船和卸重量之间的差额作为计算短量的依据。x0dx0a  4、混杂、沾险(risk of intermixture &contamination):保险货物在运输过程中,混进了杂质所造成的损换。例如矿石等混进了泥士、草屑等因而使质量受到影响。此外保险货物因为和其他物质接触而被沾污,例如布匹、纸第、食物、服装等被油类或带色的物质污染因而引起的经济损失。x0dx0a  5、渗漏险(risk of leakage)流质、半流质的液体物质同和油类物质,在运输地程中因为容器损坏而引起的渗漏损换。如以液体装存的湿肠衣,因为液体渗漏而使肠发生腐烂。变质等损失,均由保险公司负责赔偿。x0dx0a  6、碰损、破碎险(risk of clash & breakage):碰损主要是对金属、木质等货物来说的,破碎则主要是对易碎性物质来说的。前者是指在运输途中,因为受到震动、颠簸、挤压而造成货物本身的损失;后者是在运输途中由于装卸野蛮、粗鲁、运输工具的颠震造成货物本身的破裂、断碎的损失。x0dx0a  7、串味险(risk of odour):例如,茶叶、香料、药材等在运输途中受到一起堆储的皮第、樟脑等异味的影响使品质受到损失。[2]x0dx0a  8、受热、受潮险(damage caused by heating & sweating):例如,船舶在航行途行途中,由于气温骤变,或者因为船上通风设备失灵等使舱内水气凝结、发潮、发热引起货物的损失。x0dx0a  9、钩损险(hookdamage):保险货物在装卸过程中因为使用手钩、吊钩等工具所造成的损失,例如粮食包装袋因吊钩钩坏而造成粮食外漏所造成的损失,保险公同在承保该险的史下,应予赔偿。x0dx0a  10、包装破裂险(loss for damage by breakage of packing):因为包装破裂造成物资的短少、沾污等损失。此外,对于因保险货物运输过程中续运安全需要而产生的候补包装、调换包装所支付的费用,保险公司也应负责。x0dx0a  11、锈损险(risk sofrust):保险公司负责保险货物在运输过程中因为生锈造成的损失。不过这种生锈必须在保险期内发生,如原装时就已生锈,保险公司不负责任。

中英文菜单翻译、特色和价钱 急!!!!!!









The Frog Prince 青蛙王子 Many, many years ago, there lived a king. He had many beautiful daughters. And the youngest one was very lovely, and even the sun was surprised to see her when he shone on her face. Near the king"s castle lay a dark, gloomy forest. In the middle of the forest there was a fountain. One day, the king" s daughter went into the forest when it was very hot. She sat down on the side of the cool fountain. Then she began to toss a golden ball in the air, and catch it. It was a most interesting game to her. Once, however, the king" s daughter failed to catch the golden ball. It fell on the ground, and rolled into the water. The princess followed it with her eyes, but soon it disappeared. The water was very deep and she could not see the bottom. Then she cried aloud, and began to weep. Soon she heard a voice. It said, "Why are you weeping, princess? Your tears can melt even the stones!" She looked around and saw a frog. He was stretching his thick ugly head out of the water. "Oh, there you are, old waterpaddler," she said. "I am crying for the loss of my golden ball. It has fallen into into the fountain." 很久很久以前,有一位国王,他有很多美丽的女儿。而小女儿更是楚楚动人,连太阳照在她脸上时都会觉得惊讶。 在国王的城堡附近有一片幽暗的森林。森林中央有一座喷水池。 有一天,天气很热,国王的小女儿到森林里去。她坐在清凉的喷水池旁边。然后她开始往空中抛金球,再把它接住。对她来说,这是非常有趣的游戏。 然而,有一次国王的女儿没能将球接住。它掉在地上,然后滚进水中。 公主的眼光追随着它,不久它就消失了。水非常深,她见不到底。 这时她大声喊叫,开始哭了起来。不久她听到一个声音说:“你为什么哭呢,公主?你的眼泪甚至能把石头溶化掉。” 她四处看了一下,看到了一只青蛙,它那肥厚而又丑陋的脑袋正伸出水面。她说:“哦,原来是你这划水家伙在这儿。我哭是因为我的金球不见了。它掉到喷水池里去了。” "Then weep no more," said the frog. "I can get it for you. But what will you give me if I fetch your plaything?" "Oh, I will give you anything, dear frog," she replied. "What will you want——my dresses, my pearls and jewels, or my golden crown?" "I don"t want any of them," answered the frog. "Your clothes, your pearls and your jewels, or even your golden crown, are nothing to me. I want you to love me, and let me be your companion. I"d like to sit at your table, eat from your golden plate, and drink out of your cup, and sleep in your nice bed. If you promise me all this, I will dive down into the water and bring up your pretty golden ball."“Oh, yes," she replied. "I will promise you anything if only you bring back my ball." But she thought to herself that a silly frog like him could not be fit to associate with mankind. 青蛙说:“不要哭了,我可以帮你拿回来。但是如果我把你的玩具找回来,你要给我什么呢?” 她回答说:“哦,我会给你任何东西,亲爱的青蛙。你要什么——我的衣服,珍珠,珠宝还是我金色的王冠呢?” 青蛙答道:“我不要这些东西。你的衣服,珍珠,甚至于你金色的王冠对我来说,不值一文。我要你爱我,并让我做你的伴侣。我要坐在你桌子上,用你的金盘吃东西,用你的杯子喝水,并睡在你舒适的床上。如果你答应我这些,我就潜到水里去把你漂亮的金球拿上来。” 她回答说:“哦,好的。只要你把我的金球拿回来,我什么都答应你。” 但是她心想,像它那样愚笨的青蛙是不配和人类交往的。 The frog believed the king" s daughter. He dipped his head under the water and dived to the bottom. After a while he carried the ball to the surface, and threw it onto the grass. When the king" s daughter saw the beautiful ball, she was full of joy. She took it and ran away as fast as she could. "Wait, wait," cried the frog. "Take me with you! I can"t run as fast as you. " But the young princess would not listen to the frog"s croaking. She ran to the palace as fast as she could, and soon forgot the poor frog. So the frog returned to the fountain and remained there. The next day, however, when the princess was sitting with the king and eating out of her own little golden plate, she heard a strange noise on the marble steps outside. Then came a knock on the door, and a voice cried, "Lovely princess, open the door for me. " So she rose and went to the door. 青蛙相信国王女儿的话。它把头浸入水里,潜至水底。过了一会儿,它把球带出水面,并把它抛在草地上。 国王的女儿看到她漂亮的球时,非常高兴。她把它拿起来,然后飞快地跑掉了。 青蛙叫道:“等一等,带我一起走。我没有办法和你跑得一样快。”但是这位年轻的公主根本不理青蛙的叫声。她尽快地跑回皇宫,不久就把那可怜的青蛙忘记了。于是青蛙返回喷水池旁并待在那儿。 然而,第二天当公主和国王坐在一起,用她的小金盘吃东西时,她听到外面大理石台阶上传来奇怪的声音。然后传来敲门声,一个声音叫道:“美丽的公主,请为我开门。”于是她就起身走到门口去。 But when she caught sight of the frog, she closed the door and seated herself again at the table. She looked quite pale. When the king saw that his daughter was frightened, he asked, "My child, what is at the door? Has a giant come to carry you away?"“Oh, no, Father," she replied, "it is no giant, only a very ugly frog."”A frog! What can he want with you, my daughter?" "Ah, my dear father, I will tell you all about it. Yesterday when I was playing with my golden ball by the fountain in the forest, it rolled into the water, and because I cried, the frog fetched it for me, and 1 promised him that he could come to the castle and be my companion. I thought he could not get out of the water to come to me, and now here he is." Just then came a second knock on the door, and a voice cried, "King"s daughter, king"s daughter, open the door for me. You promised that I could be your companion when you sat in the shade and 1 fetched your ball from the bottom of the fountain." 但是当她看到那只青蛙时,便关上门又坐回她的位子上。她看起来脸色苍白。当国王发觉她女儿被吓到时,便问道:“孩子,在门外的是谁?是巨人要来把你带走吗?” 她回答:“哦!不是的,父亲。那不是巨人,只不过是只非常丑的青蛙。” “青蛙!它找你做什么呢,女儿?” “哦,亲爱的爸爸,我会告诉您一切。昨天我在森林里的喷水池旁玩金球时,它滚到水里面去了。因为我哭了,所以那只青蛙就帮我把球找回来,而我答应它可以到城堡来做我的朋友。我以为它不可能从水中跑来找我,但是现在它已经来了。” 就在此时,传来第二次敲门声,一个声音叫道:“国王的女儿,为我开门。你坐在树荫下,而我为你从水底取出你的球时,你曾答应我可以做你的朋友的。” "Then, my daughter," said the king, "you must keep your promise. Go and let him in at once." So she had to go and open the door, and the frog hopped in after her. When she sat down, he cried, "Take me up by you." She didn"t want to take him up at first, but her father told her to lift the frog onto the chair by her side. When he was placed on the chair, he jumped upon the table and said, "Now, push your little golden plate nearer, and we will eat together." The princess did as he told her, but everyone could see that she disliked it. At last he said, "I have eaten and drunk quite enough, and 1 feel very tired, so now carry me upstairs into your little bedroom. Let" s sleep together." When the princess heard this, she began to weep. She was really afraid of the cold frog. She could not even touch him, and now he wanted to sleep in her neat, beautiful little bed. 国王说:“既然如此,女儿,你必须信守你的诺言。立刻让它进来。”她不得已只好去开门,青蛙跟在她后头跳进来。 当她坐下时,它叫道:“把我抱起来坐在你旁边。”起初她不肯把它抱起来,但是她父亲要她把青蛙捧起来放在她旁边的椅子上。 当它被放到椅子上时,它跳到桌子上说:“现在,把你的小金盘推近一点,我们一起来吃东西。”公主照它的话做了,但是每个人都可以看得出来她非常不愿意。 最后它说:“我已经吃饱喝足,而且觉得累了,所以现在带我上楼到你的小卧房去。让我们睡在一起。” 当公主听到这些话时,她开始哭了起来。她真的很害怕这只冰冷的青蛙。她甚至不敢摸它,而现在它竟然要睡在她整洁、漂亮的小床上。 But the king was displeased at her tears, and he said, "Don‘t despise the frog. He helped you when you were in trouble." Then she took up the frog with two fingers, carried him upstairs and placed him in a comer of her room. In the evening, however, when the princess was in bed, the frog crept out of his corner and said to her, "1 am very tired. Lift me up and let me sleep in your bed, or I will tell your father." When the princess heard this, she got very angry. She seized the frog in her hand and threw him against the wall. She said, "You will be quiet now, 1 hope, you ugly frog." But as he fell, how surprised she was to see the frog! Because the frog had changed into a handsome young prince with beautiful eyes. Afterwards the prince became her constant companion, and at last her father gave his consent to their marriage. The prince said to her, "I was changed into a frog by a wicked witch, so 1 had to live in the fountain. Only you could release me. No one else in the world had the power to do so.“ 但是国王对她的眼泪感到很不悦,就说道:“不要瞧不起青蛙。当你有困难时是它帮了你。” 于是她用两根手指头夹起青蛙,把它带到楼上去放在她房间的一个角落里。 然而,当晚上公主就寝时,青蛙从角落里爬出来说:“我很累了。把我捧上去睡在你的床上,要不然我就告诉你父亲。” 公主听到这些话时,非常地生气。她把青蛙捉在手上扔向墙壁。她说:“我希望你现在能安静一点,丑陋的青蛙。” 但是青蛙落下时,看到它的样子,她大感惊讶!因为青蛙变成了一位有一双美丽眼睛的英俊王子。之后,王子变成她的终身伴侣,最后国王同意了他们的婚事。 王子告诉她说:“我被一个坏巫婆变成一只青蛙,所以我只能住在喷水池里。只有你能解救我。世界上没有任何其他人可以办得到。” The young prince told her that when they were married, he would take her to his own kingdom. So on the wedding day, a splendid carriage drove up to the door. It was drawn by eight white horses. They had white feathers on their heads and golden harnesses, and by the side of the carriage stood the prince"s faithful steward, Harry. This faithful Harry had been very unhappy when his master was changed into a frog. His hear almost burst with sorrow. So he fastened three iron bands round his heart. The carriage with the prince and his bride quickly drove away with Harry behind. Harry was full of joy because the spell on his master had been broken. Soon they heard a loud crack. Now the prince knew nothing of the iron bands round his servant"s heart, so he cried out, "Harry, is the carriage breaking?" "No, sir," he replied. "Only the iron bands round my heart are breaking because 1 am so happy to see my master traveling back to our kingdom with a beautiful bride." The prince and the princess never forgot faithful Harry. (The End) 年轻的王子对她说他们结婚后,要带她回去他自己的王国。于是在他们结婚的那一天,一辆华丽的马车开到门口。那是一辆由8匹白马所拉的马车。马头上都装饰着白色的羽毛,全身套着金色的马具,在马车的一旁站着王子的忠实仆人哈利。 当他的主人被变成青蛙时,忠实的哈利非常不开心。他的心因悲伤而几乎崩裂。所以他用3条铁片捆住他的心。 马车载着王子和他的新娘很快地驶走了,哈利紧跟在后面。因加在他主人身上的诅咒已经解除,哈利满心欢喜。不久他们听到一声很大的破裂声。 王子不知道捆在他仆人心上铁片的事,所以他大声问:“哈利,是马车断裂了吗?” 他回答:“不是的,殿下,只是我心上的铁片断裂了,因为见到我的主人带着一位漂亮的新娘回国,我太高兴了。” 王子和公主从没忘记过忠实的哈利。 ( 结束 )


情节概述    这本书讲述的是主人公哈利·波特在霍格沃茨魔法学校第六年学习时(1996年—1997年)发生的故事。  鲁弗斯·斯克林杰接替康奈利·福吉成为了魔法部的部长。原因是魔法世界中的人们认为康奈利·福吉对于早些时候伏地魔对魔法世界发动的袭击处理不当。   哈利波特与混血王子的海报西弗勒斯·斯内普施放了牢不可破的誓言,他向德拉科·马尔福的妈妈保证,他会在德拉科·马尔福的第一个食死徒任务中进行保护和帮助。  哈利·波特和阿不思·邓布利多成功说服了霍拉斯·斯拉格霍恩重返学校,担任魔药课教师,而西弗勒斯·斯内普教授则如愿以偿,成为了黑魔法防御课老师。在一节哈利·波特忘带课本的魔药课上,霍拉斯·斯拉格霍恩借给了哈利一本旧的魔药课课本。哈利发现,这本旧课本上面签着“混血王子”这个名字,此外这本书上还有很多笔记。而哈利靠着这些笔记取得了甚至比赫敏·格兰杰还要优秀得魔药课成绩。  而另一方面,哈利的情感也日渐成熟,在心底对金妮的迷恋越发强烈;赫敏和罗恩的感情也出现了摩擦:罗恩挽着拉文德的手走来走去,赫敏独自吃醋……  邓布利多用他的冥想盆向哈利展示了一些伏地魔过去的情况,并且认定伏地魔在过去曾经把自己的灵魂分成七份,并且将其中的六份藏入了魂器(一些可以永世长存的魔法物品)中。其实,伏地魔的两个魂器已经被摧毁了,其中一个是被哈利·波特毁掉的汤姆·里德尔的日记[HP2],另一个是由邓布利多毁掉的马沃罗·冈特的戒指。邓布利多相信想要杀死伏地魔,另外四个魂器也需要毁掉。所以,他和哈利前去取回萨拉查·斯莱特林的挂坠盒。邓布利多因为喝掉了保护挂坠盒的药剂而变得非常虚弱。  他们两个返回后发现黑魔标记出现在霍格沃茨魔法学校,这表示食死徒来到了霍格沃茨魔法学校并与教职员和学生发生了战斗。邓布利多命令哈利无论如何都要躲好,没有邓布利多的命令绝对不可以出声。这之后,哈利便在地板的缝隙中目睹了一系列大事:德拉科·马尔福到来并且表示是他用消失柜把食死徒带进了学校。后来更多的食死徒赶到现场,催促德拉科·马尔福完成任务。但是,德拉科·马尔福面对邓布利多显得十分犹豫。此时,西弗勒斯·斯内普来了,他看到哈利,却没有出声。(这里感觉没交代清楚,好象不是背叛)只是上楼用“阿瓦达索命”这句咒语杀了邓布利多,履行了他和德拉科·马尔福的妈妈的誓言。后来,哈利一路追击西弗勒斯·斯内普(同时说出自己就是“混血王子”,并早已发现哈利得到了自己以前的这本魔药书)和德拉科·马尔福,但是他们仍然逃出了霍格沃茨魔法学校。  麦格教授成为了霍格沃茨魔法学校的临时校长,但是学校很可能将会因为不安全而被关闭。哈利发现他和邓布利多辛苦得到的斯莱特林小金匣是假的,真的挂坠盒被一个署名为R.A.B.的神秘人物取走。在邓布利多的葬礼结束之后,哈利决定无论怎样他都不回学校继续学习,而是去投身于毁掉伏地魔的所有魂器,并且立志最终战胜他,而赫敏及罗恩也表示他们会跟哈利一起执行这使命(详见HP5 预言)。  书中的混血王子其实是西弗勒斯·斯内普教授,因为其母的姓氏为 “Prince”(普林斯)。 This book is about hero harry potter in the sixth year at hogwarts school learning (1996-1997), the story happened.Rufus scrimgeour replace Cornelius fudge become a minister of the ministry of magic. Reason is the magical world of people think Cornelius fudge for earlier in the wizarding world voldemort attacks improper handling.Harry potter and the half-blood prince poster severus snape casting for the unbreakable vow, Draco malfoy"s mother, he would at Draco malfoy"s first death eaters tasks for the protection and assistance.Harry potter and albus dumbledore success persuasion, Horace slughorn to return to school and teachers as potions, severus snape professors are fulfiled, become a defense against the dark arts teacher. In a harry potter books to forget to take the potions, Horace slughorn lent, harry a old potions textbooks. Harry discovered, the old textbooks above the half-blood prince, "" sign the name, this book has many notes. Through these notes and harry made even more than hermione granger also good potions.On the other hand, harry"s emotion and mature, in the heart of ginny"s infatuated with more intense, Hermione and RON feelings also appeared friction: RON &linked lavender hand alone walking around, hermione jealous...Dumbledore multi-purpose his pensieve to harry shows some voldemort past, and that voldemort in the past had his own soul into seven parts, and six of them in a horcrux (some of the magic items), shall not perish from the earth. Actually, voldemort"s two horcrux has been destroyed, one is harry potter destroyed Tom riddle"s diary [HP2], another is ruined by dumbledore horse cannavaro, gunter ring. Dumbledore wanted to kill that voldemort, and four other horcruxes also need to ruin. So he went back with harry, salazar slytherin hang drop box. Dumbledore because drank hang drop box of protection and became very weak.They found two after the return of the dark mark appear at hogwarts school of witchcraft, this means death eater came to hogwarts school and faculty and students happen. Dumbledore command harry anyway, no hiding dumbledore"s command absolutely not phonate. After this, harry in the gaps of the floor saw a series of Draco malfoy event: come and say is he vanishing cabinet with the death eaters into the school. Then more death eaters rushed to the scene, urged Draco malfoy to complete the task. However, Draco malfoy face dumbledore appears very hesitant. At this time, severus snape, he see harry, but not phonate. (here feel no account, do not seem to betray) just upstairs with "parseltongue this spell kill dumbledore, fulfilled his and Draco malfoy"s mother"s vows. Later on, harry all chasing severus snape (also tell yourself, "is the" half-blood prince harry has obtained and found himself before the magic YaoShu) and Draco malfoy, but still they escaped the hogwarts school.Professor McGonagall became hogwarts headmaster of temporary, but the school will likely because no safety and closed. Harry and dumbledore, he found the slytherin qualifying work is false, really magazine hanging by a signed sank box R.A.B. mysterious character. In dumbledore"s funeral after harry decided not to whatever he continue to learn, but go to school in ruin of voldemort"s soul, and all over him, and finally to RON and hermione together with harry said they will be executed this mission (see HP5 predicted).The half-blood Prince is actually severus snape professor, because the parent for "Prince" name (Prince).


On the first page of our story, the future seems so bright.当我们的爱情故事刚刚翻开第一页的时候我对我们的未来充满了无限的憧憬And this thing turned out so evil, I don"t know why I"m still surprised.但是天意弄人 面对如今这急转直下的爱情我已愕然失措Even angels have their wicked schemes and you take death to new extremes.我现在才明白就连最善良的天使也会恶作剧我对未来已经失去了信仰But you"ll always be my hero, even though you lost your mind.但就算你变得狂暴你也仍然是我的挚爱Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,我已然五脏如焚而你只会冷眼旁观But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts.不过没有关系我就是喜欢这痛不欲生的感觉ust gonna stand there and hear me cry,我已然痛哭流涕而你却置若罔闻But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie.不过没有关系我就是喜欢这种欺骗I love the way you lie.我宁愿爱上你的谎言Now this gravel in our voices, glass is shattered from the fight.争吵之中我们唇枪舌剑In this tug of war, you"ll always win, even when I"m right.而你总是苦战中的胜者即使本是你犯了错Cause you feed me fables from your hand,你总是用谎言抚慰我With violet words and empty threats and it"s sick that all these battles are what keeps me satisfied.充满暴力的语言 凭空而来的恐吓但是最让我受不了得却是它们能让我满足Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts.Just gonna stand there and hear me cry,But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie.Ohhh, I love the way you lie.[副歌见上]So maybe I"m a masochist也许我就是个受虐狂I try to run but I don"t wanna ever leave.我尝试逃跑却从未真正想离开Til the walls are goin" up in smoke with all our memories.氤氲之中脑海中的回忆会变成围墙将我围困[Eminem 阿姆说唱部分]This morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face这天清晨 你醒之时 一束阳光打到了你的脸上 smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction躺在硝烟中的你妆容已经颓然hush baby, speak softly, tell me you"ll be sorry that you嘘 心爱的 轻柔地告诉我 你是否犯了错pushed me into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me昨晚你把我推到咖啡桌上我只好反过来把你推开try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me你试着过来拥抱我逼我怒吼理我远一点run out the room and I"ll follow you like a lost puppy你跑出了屋子让我像只迷路的小狗跟在你身后baby, without you, I"m nothing, I"m so lost, hug me亲爱的 失去了你 我就失去了一切 我将失去了方向 抱抱我then tell me how ugly I am, but that you"ll always love me告诉我我有多么的丑恶 然后告诉我你仍然没有放弃我then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the我可以理解你会推开我destructive path that we"re on, two psychopaths but we破坏性的争吵让你心存余震know that no matter how many knives we put in each other"s backs我们俩就像是一对神经病 不管我们彼此诅咒杀千刀that we"ll have each other"s backs, "cause we"re that lucky我们仍然拥有对方我们就是如此的幸运的生活在一起together, we move mountains, let"s not make mountains out of molehills,我们可以解决各种大难 告诉我你不会小题大做you hit me twice, yeah, but who"s countin"你打了两次 好吧 但是谁会记着I may have hit you three times, I"m startin" to lose count也许我会一生气反过来打你三次 but together, we"ll live forever, we found the youth fountain但是我们会在一起 永远在一起因为我们找到了永存的秘方our love is crazy, we"re nuts, but I refused counselin"我们的爱是疯狂的 我们就像是一对疯子 但对此我怙恶不悛this house is too huge, if you move out I"ll burn all two thousand这座房子很大 如果你搬走了square feet of it to the ground, ain"t shit you can do about it我会把整个两千平方英尺的土地全部烧掉 这是我的自由with you I"m in my f–kin" mind, without you, I"m out it和你在一起我会疯狂 失去你 我会一片空白


在google里输入G.G Byron 自己找找吧,下面是他的几句话:To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness. 要使婚姻长久,就需克服自我中心意识。Friendship is love without his wings. 友谊是没有羽翼的爱 Man"s love is of man"s life a thing apart,"Tis woman"s whole existence.爱情是男人生命中的一部分,却是女人生命的全部


青春励志语录中英文   Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。青春励志语录中英文分享给大家,希望你们喜欢。   青春励志语录中英文精选   1. A little knowledge is dangerous.一知半解最危险   2. No pains,no gains. 不劳无获   3. He bites off more than he can chew.贪多嚼不烂   4. While there is life there is hope。一息若存,希望不灭。 — 英国谚语   5. Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同   6. Life is full of ups and dowms.生活充满起伏。   7. Man errs as long as he strives。 — Goethe失误是进取的代价。 — 歌德   8. None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew。 -Erasmus只有每天再度战胜生活并夺取自由的人,才配享受生活的自由。   9. Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌   10. He who seize the right moment, is the right man。 — Goethe谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。 — 歌德   11. . Where there is life, there is hope. 有生命就有希望   12. I feel strongly that I can make it. 我坚信我一定能成功。   13. Hunger is the best sauce.饥饿是最好的调味品   14. There is no such thing as a great talent without great will u2013 power。 — Balzac没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。 — 巴尔扎克   15. All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先难后易。   16. You have to believe in yourself。 Thatu2019s the secret of success。 — Charles Chaplin人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。 — 卓别林   17. What makes life dreary is the want of motive。 — George Eliot没有了目的,生活便郁闷无光。 — 乔治 埃略特   18. Rome wasn"t built in a day.伟业非一业建成。   19. Every cloud has a silver lining.否极泰来   20. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成   青春励志语录中英文欣赏   1. Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect .(William Shakespeare , British dramatist)不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚.W.)   2. Look before you leap.三思而后行。   3. All things in their being are good for something。天生我才必有用。   4. Towering genius disdains a beaten path。 It seeks regions hitherto unexplored。u2013 Lincoln卓越的天才不屑走旁人走过的路。他寻找迄今未开拓的地区。   5. A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step。千里之行,始于足下。   6. The shortest answer is doing.最简短的回答就是行动。   7. It is at our mother“s knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest , but there is seldom any money in them.( Mark Twain , American writer )就是在我们母亲的膝上,我们获得了我们的最高尚、最真诚和最远大的.理想,但是里面很少有任何金钱。(美国作家 马克 吐温)   8. Better late than never.迟做总比不做好   9. If you doubt yourself , then indeed you stand on shaky11 ground .(Ibsen , Norwegian dramatist )如果你怀疑自己,那么你的立足点确实不稳固了。 (挪威剧作家 易卜生)   10. God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者   11. For man is man and master of his fate。人就是人,是自己命运的主人。   12. Cease to struggle and you cease to live。 — Thomas Carlyle生命不止,奋斗不息。 — 卡莱尔   13. Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。   14. One picture is worth a thousand wards.百闻不如一见   15. Constant dropping wears the stone. 水滴石穿   16. The unexamined life is not worth living。 — Socrates混混噩噩的生活不值得过。 — 苏格拉底   17. A man can fail many times, but he isnu2019t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else。 — J。 Burroughs一个人可以失败很多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个失败者。 — 巴勒斯   18. If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?( P. B. Shelley , British poet )冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱. P. B.)   19. A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate。 — Thomas Addison强者能同命运的风暴抗争。 — 爱迪生   20. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass。 — John Ruskin生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。u2013 罗斯金   21. never put off till tomorrow what you can do today今日事,今日毕   22. Where there is life, there is hope. 有生命必有希望。   23. I want to bring out the secrets of nature and apply them for the happiness of man . I don“t know of any better service to offer for the short time we are in the world .(Thomas Edison , American inventor)我想揭示大自然的秘密,用来造福人类。我认为,在我们的短暂一生中,最好的贡献莫过于此了。 (美国发明家 爱迪生. T.)   24. 开创职业生涯的另一高峰。Pursue breakthroughs in your life.追求自我的突破。   25. Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦即快乐。   26. History repeats itself.历史会重演   27. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them。 — Bernara Shaw在这个世界上取得成就的人,都努力去寻找他们想要的机会,如果找不到机会,他们便自己创造机会。 — 萧伯纳   28. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。   29. it"s better than never 有总比没有好   30. Victory wonu2019t come to me unless I go to it。 — M。Moore胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。 — 穆尔   31. Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚   32. Youth means limitless possilities.年轻就有无限的可能   33. It"s no use crying over spilt milk./What"s done cannot be undone.覆水难收   34. Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people。困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。   35. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. 成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。 (凡事比别人多一点点!多一点努力,多一点自律,多一点实践,多一点疯狂。多一点点就能创造奇迹!)   青春励志语录中英文   1. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。   2. Pain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦即快乐。   3. Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value。 — A。 Einstein不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力。 — 爱因斯坦   4. If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people“s backs and heads . (F. W . Nietzsche , German Philosopher)如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。(德国哲学家 尼采. F. W.)   5. The failures and reverses which await men u2013 and one after another sadden the brow of youth u2013 add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do。 — Henry David Thoreau尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的。 — 梭罗   6. Well begun is half done. 好的开始是成功的一半。   7. Get to another summit in your career.   8. Failure is the mother of success。 u2013 Thomas Paine失败乃成功之母。   9. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事   10. Nothing ventured,nothing gained.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。   11. An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding。 — Robert Louis Stevenson生活的目标,是唯一值得寻找的财富。u2013 史蒂文森   12. Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards。人往高处走,水往低处流。   13. The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回答就是行动。   14. Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity。 So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness。 — R。M。 Nixon命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。因此,让我们毫无畏惧,满心愉悦地把握命运 u2013 尼克松   15. Gods determine what youu2019re going to be。 — Julius Erving人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。 — 欧文   16. Energy and persistence conquer all things。 — Benjamin Franklin能量加毅力可以征服一切。 — 富兰克林   17. Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁   18. A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口   19. We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope。 — Mattin Luther King我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。 — 马丁 路德 金   20. Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning。 u2013J。H。 Newman不要害怕你的生活将要结束,应该担心你的生活永远不会真正开始。 — 纽曼   21. All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。   22. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.隔岸风景好;邻家芳草绿。   23. Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal , there is no secure direction ; without direction , there is no life .( Leo Tolstoy , Russian writer)理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。(俄国作家 托尔斯泰. L .)   24. Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably。不管追求什么目标,都应坚持不懈。   25. Don“t part with your illusions . When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live. (Mark Twain , American writer)不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。((美国作家 马克 吐温)   26. Clothes make the man.人要衣装,佛要金装   27. Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished。 — Swetchine只有强者才懂得斗争;弱者甚至失败都不够资格,而是生来就是被征服的。 — 斯威特切尼   28. the early bird catches the worm 早到的鸟儿有虫吃   29. To teach a fish how to swim.孔子面前卖文章。   30. Nothing seek, nothing find。无所求则无所获。   31. The good seaman is known in bad weather。惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。 ;

jason mraz 《lucky》 的中英文歌词

Jason mraz 《lucky》 的中英文歌词Do you hear me, 你能听到吗 I"m talking to you 我在对你讲话 Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋 Under the open sky, oh my, baby I"m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试 Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音 I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边 I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你 You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~ They don"t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久 Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱 Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见 I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻 I"ll wait for you I promise you, I will 我向你保证会等你,一定 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 And so I"m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆 To an island where we"ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛 You"ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐 I"ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花 Though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢 Move so pretty you"re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱 As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转 You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家

请帮我翻译贾斯汀的senorita歌词 中翻英,中英文都要写出来



1Legally Blonde is about a girl that thought she was going to propose but found out that she got dumped by her boyfriend Warner. Supposely She wasnt smart eough for his parents to except her. To prove him wrong she tries to get into Harvard Law School. She studies for the LSATs, submits a video essay--in which she appears in a sequined bikini--and, miraculously, is accepted. At first, Elle is rebuked by Professor Stromwell and is the target of snide comments from other students. 2Ice age 3 was really funny and it stays true to the series. Same old characters, a whole new adventure that everyone at any age can enjoy.I saw the critics and I thought to my self that it would be good, but I didn"t expect much, but I really did enjoy it more than I thought. It may not be the best compared to the other Ice Age films, but it still a great thrill ride that the audience can enjoy.And if you find a theater near you that has it in digital 3D, go and watch it in 3D, because the action and adventure will excite you even more than it actually does.Normally people think since it"s a third part, then the movie won"t be that great, but hear me when I say that keep that thought out of your mind and parents, take your kids with you, they are sure to leave with a smile and a long lasting excitement for more. 歌舞青春 I watched the film called High School Musical.After watching it, I felt very happy and it touched me very much.It is an American film.It tells American high school students"life.American students are very different from our Chinese students.They are in high spirits when facing their lives and their out-of-class games are quite colorful. Main actress is a very beautiful girl called Gabriella.She was unconfident to sing at first.But a boy told her that she sang very well.Then they sang together happily. I think as long as you try your best,whether you fail or not,you will never regret.We must believe in ourselves forever

I surrender 翻译歌词 中英文对照歌词。林志炫的.

There"s so much lifeI"ve left to liveAnd this fire"s burning stillWhen I watch you look at meI think I could find a wayTo stand for every dreamAnd forsake this solid groundAnd give up this fear withinOf what would happen if they end, youI"m in love with you"Cause I"d surrender everythingTo feel the chance, to live againI reach to youI know you can feel it tooWe"d make it throughA thousand dreams I still believeI"d make you give them all to meI"d hold you in my arms and never let goI surrenderI knowI can"t survive another night away from youYou"re the reason I go onAnd now I need to live the truthRight now, there"s no better timeFrom this fear, I will break freeAnd I"ll live again with loveAnd know they can"t take that away from meAnd they will see... yeahI"d surrender everythingTo feel the chance, to live againI reach to youI know you can feel it tooWe"d make it throughA thousand dreams I still believeI"ll make you give them all to meI"ll hold you in my arms and never let goI surrenderEvery night gets longerAnd this voice"s getting stronger babyI"ll swallow my prideAnd I"ll be aliveCan"t you hear my call?I surrender all(I"ll surrender everything)(To feel the chance, to live again)I reach to youI know you can feel it tooWe"ll make it throughA thousand dreams I still believeI"ll make you give them all to meI"ll hold you in my arms and never let goI surrenderRight here, right nowI"d give my life to live againI"ll break freeTake me, my everythingI surrender all to you(Right now)(I"d give my life to live again)(I"ll break free, Take me)Take meMy everythingI surrender 曲名:没离开过(I Surrender 中文版) 歌手:林志炫 专辑:擦声而过 2 林志炫 - 没离开过 我曾爱过 也失去过 尝过爱的甜与涩 摆脱命运的捉弄 我知道我要什么 有一份难言的感动 用所有情绪融合 何必再无谓的思索 这世界有什么好值得 如果没有你 我眺望远方的山峰 却错过转弯的路口 蓦然回首 才发现你在等我 没离开过 我寻找大海的尽头 却不留蜿蜒的河流 当我逆水行舟 你在我左右 陪着我走 I know 我太富有 因为爱满足了所有 生命中每个漏洞 你都用真心补缝 Right now 就从这一刻 我要拥你在怀中 给你加倍的温柔 为你唱一首专属的情歌 请听我说 我眺望远方的山峰 却错过转弯的路口 蓦然回首 才发现你在等我 没离开过 我寻找大海的尽头 却不留蜿蜒的河流 当我逆水行舟 你在我左右 陪着我走 喜怒哀乐 捆绑我的 都不再算什么 Baby 让我的世界 以你为重 快乐里快乐 忧愁里忧愁 我眺望远方的山峰 却错过转弯的路口 蓦然回首 才发现你在等我 没离开过 我寻找大海的尽头 却不留蜿蜒的河流 当我逆水行舟 你在我左右 陪着我走 Right here right now 让我们一起抬起头 迎接爱 降落 阳光证明这并不是一场梦 Right now 闭上眼用心去感受 有一个声音 它说爱情 没离开过 希望能帮助到您谢谢~!

young for you歌词 中英文对照歌词请查收

1、《Young For You》是GALA乐队于2004年发行的一张8首歌的独立专辑,其中《Young For You》一曲广受欢迎,此专辑也成为了年度最优秀的国内独立音乐专辑之一。 2、歌词:Sunday"s coming i wanna drive my car 周日就要到了,我想开车去你的公寓 to your apartment with a present like a star 带着晨星般的礼物 forecaster said the weathers may be rainy hard 预报说那天将会下大雨 but i know the sun will shine for us 但是我知道阳光会为我们闪耀 oh lazy seagull fly me from the dark 慵懒的海鸥带我飞出黑暗 i dress my jeans and feed my monkey banana 我穿着我的牛仔裤,喂我的猴子吃香蕉 then i think my age how old,skyline how far 那时我在想我有多大,还有地平线到底有多远 where we need each other in california 在加利福尼亚州我们彼此需要 you show me your body before night comes down 在夜幕降临前你向我展现你的身姿 i touch your face and promise to stay ever-young 我抚摸你的脸庞,许诺我们永远这样年轻 on this ivory beach we kissed so long 在这象牙色的海滩上我们长吻 it seems that passion"s never gone 仿佛激情永不消退 you sing me your melody and i feel so please 你为我唱你的旋律,我感到如此的舒适 i want you to want me to keep your dream 我渴望你也想要我守护你的梦想 together we"ll run wild by a summer symphony 我们在夏季的交响乐中肆意奔跑 this is what we enjoyed not a fantasy 这是我们的喜悦而并非幻想 the tin-man"s surfing i wanna try my luck 我想尝试冲浪 to the top of tide rip like just have some drugs 像服了兴奋剂般冲上浪尖 i know you have no blame for my proud moonish heart 我知道你对我骄傲易变的心 不会有任何责备 welcome to the golden beatnik park 欢迎来到比特尼克一代的黄金花园 oh diamond seashore drag me from the yard 钻石般的海岸将我拉离花院 incredible sunward i watch as you"re in photograph 我难以置信的朝着太阳看你的照片 for camera your smile"s so sweet,palm trees" so lush 画面中你的微笑如此甜美,棕榈树如此青翠。 would you believe my honey it"s california 你相信么,我的甜心,这就是加利福尼亚 you show me your body before night comes down 在夜幕降临前你向我展现你的身姿 i touch your face and promise to stay ever-young 我抚摸你的脸庞,承诺永远青春 on this ivory beach we kissed so long 在这象牙色的海滩上我们久久拥吻 it seems that passion"s never gone 仿佛激情永不消逝 you sing me your melody and i feel so please 你为我唱出自己的旋律,我感到如此的愉悦 i want you to want me to keep your dream 我渴望你也想要我守护你的梦想 together we"ll run wild by a summer symphony 我们在夏季的交响中狂野的奔跑 this is what we enjoyed not a fantasy 这是我们的喜悦而非幻想。


Lonely I"m Mr. lonely, 寂寞,我是寂寞先生 I have nobody for my own 我一无所有 I"m so lonely, 我好寂寞 I"m Mr. Lonely 我是寂寞先生 I have nobody for my own 我一无所有 I"m so lonely, 我好寂寞 Yo(You), this one here, 你!你这个人阿! Goes out to all my playas(players) out there, man, ya(you) kno (know) 男人你知道的!喜欢在外面搞鬼当花花公子 That got that one good girl dawg 兄弟!你拥有了一个好女孩耶 That"s always been there man like 但男人总是这样 Took all the bullshit 不懂的去珍惜 Then one day she can"t take it no more and decides to leave 然而有天她不再留恋就决定离开了 Yeah 唉! I woke up in the middle of the night 我在半夜醒过来 And I noticed my girl wasn"t by my side, 我才发觉我的女孩已经不在我身边 Coulda sworn I was dreamin, 可以跟我说我还在作梦吗 For her I was Feenin, 当我感觉到她 So I had to take a little ride, 我就觉得很开心(爽)(有high的意思) Back tracking ova(over) these few years, 回想这些年来 Tryna figure out what I do to make it go bad, 尝试找出我做错的事 Cuz Ever since my girl left me, 从我的女孩离开我后 My whole life came crashin 我的一生都毁了 I"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely) 我是寂寞先生 I have nobody to call my own 我一无所有 I"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely) 我是寂寞先生 I have nobody to call my own (to call my own) 我一无所有 Cant believe I hadda girl like you 不敢相信我会拥有你这样的女孩 And I just let you walk right outta my life, 而我居然让你离开我的生命 After all I put u thru u still stuck 我这样对你但你仍如此坚持 Around and stayed by my side, 陪伴著我为我停留 What really hurt me is I broke ur heart, baby 但真正伤我的是我让你心碎,宝贝 You were a good girl and I had no right, 你是个好女孩但我却没资格拥有你 I Really wanna make things right, 我好希望这一切都没发生过 Cuz, without u in my life girl 没你在我的生命里 I"m so lonely (so lonely) 我是如此寂寞 I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely) 我是寂寞先生 I have nobody to call my own 我一无所有 I"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely) 我是寂寞先生 I have nobody to call my own 我一无所有 Been all about the world ain"t neva(never) met a girl that can take the things that you been through 在这世界,像是永远无法遇到一个女孩能接受你的过去 Never thought the day would come 从没想过那天会来临 Where you would get up and run 你起身跑出这里 And I would be out chasing u 我冲出去追你 Cuz aint nowhere in the globe I"d rather be, 因为这世界上没有地方值得我去的 Aint no one in the globe I"d rather see 也没有人值得我注意的 Then the girl of my dreams that made me be so happy but now so lonely 梦里的女孩让我如此开心 但现在却让我如此寂寞 lonely (so lonely) 寂寞 I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely) 我是寂寞先生 I have nobody to call my own (to call my own) 没有东西是属於我的 I"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely) 我是寂寞先生 I have nobody to call my own (to call my own) 我一无所有 Never thought that I"d be alone (be alone), 从没想过我会独自一个人 I didn"t think you"d be gone this long, 更没想过你会离开这麼久 I just want you to call my phone, 我只想要你打电话给我 So stop playing, girl and come on home (come on home), 所以别再戏弄我了,回家吧 ! Baby girl I didn"t mean to shout, 宝贝我不是要凶你 I want me and you to work it out, (work it out) 我只是想要解决问题 I never wished I"d ever hurt my baby (Hurt my baby) 我从没想过要伤害我的宝贝 And it"s drivin me crazy cuz... 但这却让我抓狂,因为... I"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 I"m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely) 我是寂寞先生 I have nobody to call my own (to call my own) 我一无所有 以下是歌曲作者的介绍: Akon个人介绍: 出生自非洲西部的陌生国度塞内加尔,七岁时随父亲举家搬到美国的纽泽西,从第三世界进入水泥丛林,阿肯始终郁郁寡欢,好在他运动神经发达的本钱让他拿到篮球奖学金,顺利进入大学, 无奈就当他意气风发、立志成为职业球员时,不幸摔坏了膝盖。天生反骨的阿肯开始在街头讨生活,甚至还因为偷车被逮入狱,三年的苦牢让他彻底洗心革面,决心走上正途, 于是阿肯透过音乐、用音乐纪录生活,一人身兼词曲创作/制作编曲,推出首张大碟《爱情烦恼》。好歌不寂寞,专辑一推出就连坐英国金榜2周冠军和R&B榜6周冠军,首支单曲"Lonely"也空降英国金榜冠军蝉连2周。被纽约时报誉为“塞内加尔的惊喜”,寂寞先生特有的骚灵嗓音让每首歌都充满全新生命,不论是轻柔饶舌的歌曲、还是派对劲歌都有自己的风格,就像听到一个最原始的非洲灵魂对你亲声吟诵一段段街头故事。未来还可能会参选塞内加尔总统的阿肯,就要走出寂寞,为你歌唱。 一个奋斗的非洲歌手

viva la vida中文名和中英文歌词

Viva La Vida 是西班牙语,是Live the Life 的意思, 来自一位墨西哥艺术家Frida Kahlo给自己的一幅画的命名。我也超COLDPLAY和这首歌,听了很多遍,下面是我的翻译:I used to rule the world我曾经统治这个世界Seas would rise when I gave the word海水涨潮当我发出号令Now in the morning I sweep alone现在清晨我独自清扫Sweep the streets I used to own清扫我曾经拥有的街道I used to roll the dice我曾经投掷骰子Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes感觉到敌人眼中的恐惧Listen as the crowd would sing:也曾听到谣言中唱:"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!""现在老国王死了,国王万岁!"One minute I held the key 前一分钟我还持有钥匙Next the walls were closed on me下一分钟城墙就在我面前紧闭And I discovered that my castles stand我发现我那耸立的城堡Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand之上是用盐和沙砌成的柱子I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起Roman Cavalry choirs are singing罗马骑兵唱诗班传来歌声Be my mirror my sword and shield让它成为我的镜子,我的盾与剑My missionaries in a foreign field我的传教士门仍在异国的战场For some reason I can"t explain出于某种原因我无法解释Once you go there was never, never an honest word一但你走了,那里永远不会有一句诚实的话语That was when I ruled the world那就是我统治这个世界的时刻It was the wicked and wild wind这是一个邪恶且野性的狂风Blew down the doors to let me in.刮倒了大门让我进入Shattered windows and the sound of drums粉碎的窗户与击鼓的声音People couldn"t believe what I"d become人们不能相信我将成为什么Revolutionaries wait革命的等待For my head on a silver plate为了将我的头颅盛在银色的盘子上Just a puppet on a lonely string只是在寂寞绳索上的一个木偶Oh who would ever want to be king?啊谁真的愿意成为国王I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起Roman Cavalry choirs are singing罗马骑兵唱诗班传来歌声Be my mirror my sword and shield让它成为我的镜子,我的盾与剑My missionaries in a foreign field我的传教士门仍在异国的战场For some reason I can"t explain出于某种原因我无法解释I know Saint Peter will call my name我知道圣人比德将会呼唤我的名字Never an honest word永远没有诚实的话语But that was when I ruled the world但那就是当我通知这个世界的时刻ooooo ooooo ooooo oooooo ooooo(repeat with chorus)I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing我听到耶路撒冷的钟声响起Roman Cavalry choirs are singing罗马骑兵唱诗班传来歌声Be my mirror my sword and shield让它成为我的镜子,我的盾与剑My missionaries in a foreign field我的传教士门仍在异国的战场For some reason I can"t explain出于某种原因我无法解释I know Saint Peter will call my name我知道圣人比德将会呼唤我的名字Never an honest word永远没有诚实的话语But that was when I ruled the world但那就是当我通知这个世界的时刻Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh

The Catalyst中英文对照歌词

[00:02.07]Linkin Park - The Catalyst[00:18.74][00:33.29]God bless us every one 上帝保佑我们每一个人[00:35.49]We"re a broken people living under loaded gun 我们却是活在枪口之下不完整的人[00:39.05]And it can"t be outfought 谁都无法脱离争斗[00:41.13]It can"t be outdone 永远没有结束[00:42.90]It can"t be outmatched 永远无法停止较量[00:44.77]It can"t be outrun 永远无法停下脚步[00:46.26]No no[00:47.20]God bless us every one 上帝保佑我们每一个人[00:49.71]We"re a broken people living under loaded gun 我们却是活在枪口之下不完整的人[00:53.26]And it can"t be outfought 谁都无法脱离争斗[00:55.20]It can"t be outdone 永远没有结束[00:57.07]It can"t be outmatched 永远无法停止较量[00:58.87]It can"t be outrun 永远无法停下脚步[01:00.57]No no[01:01.69][01:01.90]And when I close my eyes tonight 当我今夜在无数的炫目的光线中闭上眼睛[01:04.90]To symphonies of blinding light[01:08.57](God bless us every one / we"re a broken people living under loaded gun)[01:14.89]Oh / like memories in cold decay 好像记忆彻底的腐朽了[01:19.21]Transmissions echoing away 传送的信息回荡着散开[01:22.79]Far from the world of you and I远离我们所在的世界[01:26.32]Where oceans bleed into the sky去到大海渗入天空的地方[01:31.63][01:44.31]God save us every one 上帝拯救我们每一个人[01:46.63]Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns 我们会在一千个太阳的火焰中被焚烧吗[01:50.15]For the sins of our hand 因为我们手上肮脏的罪恶[01:52.12]The sins of our tongue 那源自我们语言中的罪恶[01:53.92]The sins of our father 那来自我们父辈的罪恶[01:55.82]The sins of our young 那来自下一代的罪恶[01:57.43]No no[01:58.41]God save us every one 上帝拯救我们每一个人[02:00.86]Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns 我们会在一千个太阳的火焰中被焚烧吗[02:04.45]For the sins of our hand 因为我们手上肮脏的罪恶[02:06.47]The sins of our tongue 那源自我们语言中的罪恶[02:08.22]The sins of our father 那来自我们父辈的罪恶[02:10.14]The sins of our young 那来自下一代的罪恶[02:11.65]No no[02:12.84][02:13.20]And when I close my eyes tonight当我今夜在无数的炫目的光线中闭上眼睛[02:16.16]To symphonies of blinding light[02:19.85](God save us every one上帝拯救我们每一个人 /[02:22.17]will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns我们会在一千个太阳的火焰中被焚烧吗)[02:25.90]Oh / like memories in cold decay好像记忆彻底的腐朽了[02:30.33]Transmissions echoing away传送的信息回荡着散开[02:33.91]Far from the world of you and I远离我们所在的世界[02:37.38]Where oceans bleed into the sky去到大海渗入天空的地方[02:44.28][03:09.07]Oh / like memories in cold decay 好像记忆彻底的腐朽了[03:13.02]Transmissions echoing away 传送的信息回荡着散开[03:16.61]Far from the world of you and I远离我们所在的世界[03:20.21]Where oceans bleed into the sky去到大海渗入天空的地方[03:30.38][03:36.54]Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走[03:43.80]Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走[03:50.86]Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走[03:57.92]Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走[04:05.09]Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走[04:12.14]Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走[04:19.30]Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走[04:26.36]Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走[04:33.52]Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走[04:40.61]Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走[04:49.04]God bless us every one 上帝保佑我们每一个人[04:51.58]We"re a broken people living under loaded gun 我们却是活在枪口之下不完整的人[04:55.07]And it can"t be outfought 谁都无法脱离争斗[04:57.02]It can"t be outdone 永远没有结束[04:58.80]It can"t be outmatched 永远无法停止较量[05:00.60]It can"t be outrun 永远无法停下脚步[05:02.34]No no[05:03.26]God bless us every one 上帝保佑我们每一个人[05:05.67]We"re a broken people living under loaded gun 我们却是活在枪口之下不完整的人[05:09.23]And it can"t be outfought 谁都无法脱离争斗[05:11.21]It can"t be outdone 永远没有结束[05:13.03]It can"t be outmatched 永远无法停止较量[05:14.79]It can"t be outrun 永远无法停下脚步


东阳历史悠久,公元195年(东汉献帝兴平二年)建县制,迄今已有1800多年历史。素有“婺之望县”、“歌山画水”之美称,被誉为著名的教育之乡、建筑之乡、工艺美术之乡和中国恐龙之乡。属长江三角洲经济区域,是国务院批准的对外开放城市和浙江中部的历史文化名城。东阳人文荟萃,英才辈出,孕育了北伐名将金佛庄、新闻先驱邵飘萍、科学泰斗严济慈、植物学家蔡希陶等一大批仁人志士。 1988年5月,经国务院批准撤东阳县设东阳市。东阳市位于浙江省中部,面积1739平方公里,地形以丘陵和盆地为主,属亚热带季风气候区,气候温和,雨量充沛,空气湿润,四季分明,光照充足,年平均气温17°C,年平均日照2002小时,年平均降雨量1351毫米。东阳江、东阳南江横贯全境。2006年末,全市总人口801994人,其中:男性人口407020人,女性人口394974人。下辖11个镇,1个乡,6个街道办事处。


在枪林弹雨下 仍就要前行 请不要独自悲伤,在困难压力面前低头 记得总有一个人会陪伴在你的身边,永不离弃 住行在如此的世界,我们都需要更多的勇气 在任何的时候都不会熄灭的勇气 枪声四起 林中暗流 弹火横飞 雨中依旧飞扬前行 下一个明天的美好在心中默念 仍向往明天 就染红昨日的灰色 要到达明天 向今日的一切说感谢 前方飘渺 行者无惧 不过移动炮火下 凡弱谎言 当任何人的身边 我会努力争取,直到结束时间 直到我的膝盖哭 我会站起来,站起来(是啊) 不过移动炮火下 在夜空中 隐藏的敌人在哪里 我会努力争取,直到我死 直到早晨光 和阳光的照耀我(是啊) 神圣,神圣... 太阳光将照耀你 只要你和我 阳光,来自于你... 不过移动炮火下 凡弱谎言 当任何人的身边 我会努力争取,直到结束时间 直到我的膝盖哭 我会站起来,站起来(是啊) 不过移动炮火下 在夜空中 隐藏的敌人在哪里 我会努力争取,直到我死 直到早晨光 和阳光的照耀我(是啊) 不过移动炮火下 凡弱谎言 当任何人的身边 我会努力争取,直到结束时间 直到我的膝盖哭 我会站起来,站起来(是啊) 不过移动炮火下 在夜空中 隐藏的敌人在哪里 我会努力争取,直到我死 直到早晨光 和阳光的照耀我(是啊) 神圣,神圣... 太阳光将照耀你 只要你和我 阳光,来自于你... 饶舌: 注意,注意 接战规则 不要让你的意图已知 没有慈悲显示 可以各行其是。 时装或选举 这是关于Xpression所有 你如何使你的立场 你如何发挥你的计划 让你的男人。 不过移动炮火下 在夜空中 隐藏的敌人在哪里 我会努力争取,直到我死 直到早晨光 和阳光的照耀我(是啊) 不过移动炮火下 凡弱谎言 当任何人的身边 我会努力争取,直到结束时间 直到我的膝盖哭 我会站起来,站起来(是啊) 不过移动炮火下 在夜空中 隐藏的敌人在哪里 我会努力争取,直到我死 直到早晨光 和阳光的照耀我(是啊) 神圣,神圣... 太阳光将照耀你 只要你和我 阳光,来自于你... JJ这歌蛮好听的... 林俊杰 - STILL MOVING UNDER GUNFIRE 词曲:林俊杰 Rap:MC VADER JJ这歌很好听我觉得^o^ Still moving under gunfire Where the weak lies When no one"s beside I will fight, till the end times Till my knees cry I"ll get up, get up (yeah) Still moving under gunfire In the night sky Where enemies hide I will fight, till I die Till the Morning Light And Sunlight will shine on me (yeah) Holy, Holy … That Sunlight will shine on you Just you, and me Sunlight that comes from You … Still moving under gunfire Where the weak lies When no one"s beside I will fight, till the end times Till my knees cry I"ll get up, get up (yeah) Still moving under gunfire In the night sky Where enemies hide I will fight, till I die Till the Morning Light And Sunlight will shine on me (yeah) Still moving under gunfire Where the weak lies When no one"s beside I will fight, till the end times Till my knees cry I"ll get up, get up (yeah) Still moving under gunfire In the night sky Where enemies hide I will fight, till I die Till the Morning Light And Sunlight will shine on me (yeah) Holy, Holy … That Sunlight will shine on you Just you, and me Sunlight that comes from You … Rap: Attention, attention Rules of engagement Don"t make your intentions known No Mercy shown To each his own.(xtra xtra bold) Fashion or election It"s all about Xpression How you make your stand How you play your plan (xtra xtra loud) That makes you the man. Still moving under gunfire In the night sky Where enemies hide I will fight, till I die Till the Morning Light And Sunlight will shine on me (yeah) Still moving under gunfire Where the weak lies When no one"s beside I will fight, till the end times Till my knees cry I"ll get up, get up (yeah) Still moving under gunfire In the night sky Where enemies hide I will fight, till I die Till the Morning Light And Sunlight will shine on me (yeah) Holy, Holy … That Sunlight will shine on you Just you, and me Sunlight that comes from You … 林俊杰 - STILL MOVING UNDER GUNFIRE

抖音wonderful是什么歌谁唱的 抖音wonderful歌词中英文

【导读】:抖音上面一首叫做wonderful深受不少人喜欢,那么抖音wonderful是什么歌谁唱的?下面爱秀美我要为大家带来的是抖音wonderful歌词中英文。 抖音wonderful是什么歌 这首歌曲的歌名就叫做《wonderful u》,入选 2019手机 *** 排行榜前十名 。 wonderful u歌词 I never knew 我从未察觉 When the clock stopped and I"m looking at you 自己在凝视你时如此入神,仿佛时间停止了流逝 I never thought I"ll miss someone like you 我从不知我会如此想念你 Someone I thought that I knew 想念我曾以为我已了解透彻的你 I never knew 我从来不认为 I should have known something wouldn"t be true 我应该明白梦想并不总能成真 Baby you know that I"m so into you 亲爱的 你知道我有多爱你 More than I know I should do 我本不应如此爱你 So why why why 所以为什么 Why should we waited 我们要等待 And I I I 而我 I should be waiting 我应该等待 Waiting for someone new 等待爱情将我们变得焕然一新 Even though that it wasn"t you 即使那时的你已经不再是现在的你 But I know that it"s 但我知道 Wonderful 这一切是无比美好的 Incredible 它不可思议 Baby irrational 甚至不合情理 I never knew it was obsessional 我没有想到这种感觉如此难以抗拒 And I never knew it was with you oooh 没有想过是你和我一同深陷其中 Baby if it"s just 亲爱的 Wonderful 如果它是如此美好 Incredible 不可思议 Baby irrational 甚至到了荒谬的地步 I never knew it was so sad 我从未想过这会令我悲伤 Just so sad 如此悲伤 I"m so sorry 我很抱歉 Even now I just cannot feel you feel me (因为)尽管如此我仍然感受不到你所感受到的我 Hmmm (哼唱) So why why why 所以为什么 Why should we waited 我们要等待 And I I I 而我 I should be waiting 我应该等待 Waiting for someone new 等待爱情将我们变得焕然一新 Even though that it wasn"t you 即使那时的你已经不再是现在的你 But I know that it"s 但我知道,这一切 Wonderful 是无比美好的 Incredible 它不可思议 Baby irrational 亲爱的,甚至不合情理 I never knew it was obsessional 我没有想到这种感觉如此难以抗拒 And I never knew it was with you oooh 没有想过和我经历这一切的竟是你 Baby if it"s just 亲爱的,如果它是如此 Wonderful 美好 Incredible 不可思议 Baby irrational 甚至不合情理 I never knew it was so sad 我从不知这会令我感到如此悲伤 Just so sad 如此悲伤 I"m so sorry 我很抱歉 Even now I just cannot feel you fall (因为)尽管如此我仍然感受不到你所感受到的我 I don"t even know now 我无法确定 I"m sure you"ll wait for me 你是否会为我等待 Even now I just cannot deny 但即使如此我已无法抗拒 I just hold on so tight 我只能抱紧你 Until you and I never could breathe 直到你我都无法呼吸 Oh 哦.. Wonderful 美好 Incredible 不可思议 Baby irrational 甚至不合情理 I never knew it was obsessional 我从不知道它如此难以抗拒 And I never knew it was with you until you tell me to 在你告诉我之前,我不知道和我经历这一切的会是你 Baby if it"s just 如果它真是如此 Wonderful 美妙 Incredible 不可思议 Baby irrational 甚至不合情理 I never knew it was so sad 我从不知道它会让我感到如此悲伤 Just so sad 如此悲伤 I"m so sorry 我很抱歉 Even now I just cannot feel you feel me (因为)尽管如此我仍然感受不到你所感受到的我 抖音wonderful谁唱的 这首歌曲由AGA演唱。 AGA个人资料: 江海迦(Agatha Kong,1988年1月21日-),别名AGA,香港创作女歌手,混血儿。 拥有西班牙血统,师承舒文,于2013年正式出道,其唱片公司为环球唱片。作品有《哈罗》等。 江海迦的英文名字“Agatha”,是一个天主教圣人的名字,由她儿时的神父替她命名。江海迦出身于音乐世家,其父亲为菲籍乐队乐手,母亲亦精通钢琴,故此她自小便陶醉于音乐世界;九岁时自发接触钢琴,现在还通晓吉他、唱歌。于香港土生土长的她,自小已渴望长大后于外国修读音乐,并成为演唱会的琴手,于是中五毕业后便马上跟其胞姊一起成为空姐,希望工作两年后自己赚取足够学费,到外国达成梦想。



the saltwater room 的中英文歌词



the furthest distance in the world the furthest distance in the world is not between life and death but when i stand in front of you yet you don"t know that i love you the furthest distance in the world is not when i stand in front of you yet you can"t see my love but when undoubtedly knowing the love from both yet cannot be togehter the furthest distance in the world is not being apart while being in love but when plainly can not resist the yearning yet pretending you have never been in my heart the furthest distance in the world is not but using one"s indifferent heart to dig an uncrossable river for the one who loves you 译文:世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死而是我就站在你的面前,你却不知道我爱你世界上最遥远的距离,不是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你而是明明知道彼此相爱,却不能在一起世界上最遥远的距离,不是明明知道彼此相爱,却不能在一起而是明明无法抵挡这股想念,却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里世界上最遥远的距离,不是明明无法抵挡这股想念,却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里,而是用自己冷漠的心对爱你的人掘了一条无法跨越的沟渠

求Justin Bieber《Up》的中英文对照歌词

It"s a big big world 这是个大世界It"s easy to get lost in it 很容易在里面迷失You"ve always been my girl (ah) 你却一直是我的女孩And I"m not ready to call it quits 而且我不准备放弃We can make the sunshine in the moonlight 我们可以让阳光照耀在月光xiaWe can make the great clouds to the blue skies让美丽的云到蓝天上I know it"s hard baby believe me 我知道这很难.相信我babyThat we can go nowhere but up 我们可以哪儿也不去只是向上From here my dear亲爱的就从这儿Baby we can go nowhere but up baby我们可以哪儿也不去只是向上Tell me what we got to fear告诉我我们会惧怕什么We"ll take it to the sky past the moonto the galaxy我们能带他穿越月亮直上天空到达银河As long as you"re with me baby只要你和我在一起Honestly真诚的With the strength of our love有我们爱的力量We can go nowhere but up我们可以哪儿也不去只是向上It"s a big big world这是个大世界And I"m gonna show you all of it我要给你看它的全部I"m gonna lace you with pearls (oh)我要给你带上珍珠From every ocean that we"re swimming in(珍珠)从每个我们游过的海洋We can make the sun shine in the moonlightWe can make the great clouds to the blue skiesYeah I know it"s hard baby believe me (oh)That we can go nowhere but upFrom here my dearBaby we can go nowhere but up (oh)Tell me what we got to fearWe"ll take you to the sky past the moonTo the galaxyAs long as you"re with me babyHonestlyWith the strength of our loveWe can go nowhere but up(Nowhere but oh up, whoa whoa)(Nowhere but oh up, whoa whoa)Baby we were underground baby 我们在地面下But we"re on the surface now 其实我们已经在月球表面了We gonna make it girl I promise 我保证我们会做到的If you believe in love如果你相信爱And you believe in us你相信我们We can go nowhere but up我们可以哪儿都不去只是向上That we can go nowhere but up (yeah yeah)From here my dear (yeah whoa)Baby we can go nowhere but upTell me what we got to fearWe"ll take you to the sky past the moonTo the galaxyAs long as you"re with me babyHonestly (honestly)With the strength of our loveWe can go nowhere but up(We can go oh oh, whoa whoa)Nowhere but up(We can go oh oh, whoa whoa)Whoa(Nowhere but oh up, whoa whoa)Yeah(Nowhere but oh up, whoa whoa)Yeah Yeah

Lady gaga 中英文对照歌词,和mv的意思,详细点,谢谢

歌词: I"m gonna Marry The Night  我愿心许黑夜  I won"t give up on my life  不向生命屈服  I"m a warrior queen  我是骁勇皇后  Live passionately, tonight  在今晚挥洒激情  I"m gonna marry the dark  嫁给无尽苍穹  Gonna make love to the stars  与闪烁星斗嬉戏  I"m a soldier to my own emptiness  我是一名与空虚战斗的勇士  I"m a winner  我一定会赢得最后的胜利  I"m gonna Marry The Night  心许黑夜 寻找目标  I"m gonna Marry The Night  心许黑夜 为之付出  I"m gonna Marry The Night  心许黑夜 创造生活  I"m gonna marry, The Night  心许黑夜 为之付出  I"m not gonna cry anymore  再也不为失败而泣  I"m gonna marry, The Night  心许黑夜 创造未来  Leave nothing on this street to explore  不必再去舍命冒险  M-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry  心许黑夜 嫁入苍穹  M-m-m-Marry The Night  心许黑夜  Oh m-m-marry  心许黑夜  m-m-m-marry  心许黑夜  M-m-m-Marry The Night  心许黑夜 嫁入苍穹  I"m gonna lace up my boots  点点蕾丝 装饰皮靴  Throw on some leather and cruise  穿上皮衣 出发夜巡  Down the street that I love  在我最爱的街上  And my fishnet gloves  戴上网状手套  I"m a sinner.  我是个罪恶之人  Then I"ll go down to the bar  之后来到酒吧  But I won"t cry anymore  再也不任眼泪的  I"ll hold my whiskey up high  高高举起酒杯  Kiss the bartender twice  亲亲我的调酒师  I"m a loser.  宣告我的失败  I"m gonna Marry The Night  我心许 这黑夜  I"m gonna Marry The Night  我心许 这黑夜  I"m gonna marry, The Night  心许 这黑夜  I"m not gonna cry anymore  再也不为何物而泣  I"m gonna marry, The Night  心许黑夜  Leave nothing on this street to explore  对街头不再留恋  M-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry  心许黑夜  M-m-m-Marry The Night  心许黑夜 嫁入苍穹  Oh m-m-marry  心许黑夜  m-m-m-marry  心许  M-m-m-Marry The Night  心许黑夜 嫁入苍穹  Nothing"s too cool  没有什么  To take me from you  能将你我分开  New York is not just,A town that you never knew  纽约不是马戏团 使你沉溺于不败的幻想  Love is the new Denim or black  爱是全新的深色系也是黑色支架枪  Skeleton guns, Our wedding bells in the attic  阁楼响起的不是枪声 那是结婚的钟声吗  Get Ginger ready  请做好准备  Climb in Camino front  走进埃尔多拉多赌场  Won"t poke holes in the seat with my heels  不会用我的高跟鞋往坐垫上戳洞  ‘Cause that"s where we make love  因为那可是我们翻云覆雨的地方  Come on and run  狂奔起来吧  Turn the car on and run  发动车子 向有梦想的方向狂奔  I"m gonna marry, The Night  心许黑夜 与白天的交替随行  I"m gonna burn a hole in the road  我的激情燃烧 尽管这路途坎坷 但我要跑出大洞 永不停息  I"m gonna marry, The Night  心许黑夜  Leave nothing on this street to explore  进入无人之境  M-m-m-marry  m-m-m-marry  M-m-m-Marry The Night  Oh m-m-marry  m-m-m-marry  M-m-m-Marry The Night  Oh m-m-marry  m-m-m-marry  M-m-m-Marry The Night  I"m gonna marry, marry  I"m gonna marry, marry  Come on, come on, The Night  The night (uh, I"m gonna) [x13]  The night MV的意思:其实主要是在讲不要放弃对生命的希望。Lady Gaga在MV里面饰演一位病人,并且住在类似精神病院的地方。里面有一句话很经典,是她对里面的其中一个护士说的:“I"m gonna be a star. You know why? Because I have nothing left to lose." 意思是说:“我会成为一个巨星。你知道为什么吗?因为我没有什么可以失去的了。” 在那种环境下,Lady Gaga还能有如此正面的心态,造就了她后面的成果。(全部都是MV里面而已。)她后来离开了精神病院,来到了一个类似舞团的地方,跟着其他人一起练舞。最后进到了好莱坞。是一个励志的MV,鼓励人们不要放弃。

中英文的外企Offer Letter

中英文的外企Offer Letter   中英文的外企Offer Letter是怎么样的呢?下面是我搜集整理的中英文的外企Offer Letter,欢迎阅读,供大家参考和借鉴!   中英文的外企Offer Letter 篇1   OFFER LETTER   两天后,李白终于接到了刘婧给他的电话,告诉他J&R准备正式聘用他。刘婧发来了一份工作协议的传真,这是劳动合同订定之前双方签署的一份正式的备忘录。这份文件是用中英文双语言写的:   Offer Letter   Dear Mr. Gary Lee (李白先生):   Following our interview discussions, we are offering the position of Area Sales Manager--ZheJiang.   根据我们在面试时的协定,现在我们聘请您为:地区销售经理——浙江省   We outline below the term and conditions, which will apply upon your acceptance of the appointment.   有关职位具体描述如下,将会在您正式接受委任时生效:   1.Position: Area Sales Manager--ZheJiang   职位:地区销售经理——浙江省   2.Commencement Date: MAR.30 2006   开始日期:2006年3月30日   3.Responsibilities:   Your specific responsibilities have been discussed with you, and are summarized in the position description which will be provided to upon commencement.   职责:(参照〈职位描述说明〉)   4.Reporting:   You will report directly to National Sales Manager.   汇报:您将直接向全国销售经理汇报。   5.Salary:   RMB 13500/month(Gross salary pre-tax)per month paid on a 13-month basis per year after confirmation.   A review of your salary will take place in MAY each year.   薪金:   您将每年获得13个月的基本薪金,每月的薪金为税前13500元。   每年5月我们将对您的薪酬水平进行回顾和调整。   6.Annual Leave:   You will be entitled to annual leave in accordance with the company policy.   年假:根据公司规定,您将会享有公司的年假。   7.Social Insurance and Housing Fund:   You will be entitled to social insurance benefits in accordance with Chinese Labour Law.   社会保险:根据中国的相关劳动法规,公司将为您办理国家规定的社会保险福利。   8.Medical Scheme:   You will be enrolled in our company medical scheme classified as staff.   医疗计划:根据公司的制度,您将享受公司的医疗报销福利。   9.Accident and Life Insurance:   You will be enrolled in an accident and life insurance scheme upon appointment.   意外和人身保险:根据公司的制度,从入职当天起,您将参与公司的意外与人身保险计划。   10.Probationary Period:   The probationary period is 3 months from commencement date.   试用期:从入职日起计算,前三个月是您的`试用期。   我的外企Offer Letter和入职介绍我的外企Offer Letter和入职介绍   11.Contract Period:   The contract period is three years from commencement date.   合同期:合同期为三年,从入职第一天开始计算。   12.Hours of Work:   Flexible working schedule according to business requirement.   根据公司业务需求实行弹性工作制。   13.Pre-employment medical check-up:   Your employment is subject to passing a pre- employment medical check-up at company appointed hospital. The expenses will be reimbursed by our Company after commencement date. If the medical check-up result shows your health condition cannot meet the requirements of labor law or our company, the offer letter will be cancelled immediately without any compensation.   入职前医疗检查:   每位准员工在入职前必须通过公司指定的医院的医疗检查。体检合格后回公司报销所有相关费用。如体检证明不符合劳动法或公司所要求的劳动健康标准,此聘任书即时取消,且公司将不作出任何补偿。   We look forward to welcoming you to our company.   我们欢迎您加入我们公司,成为我们的员工。   If you agree to the above terms and conditions please formalize your acceptance by signing below and return the original offer letter to us.   敬请阅读以上相关条款,如无异议,请签署并交回给我们。   Yours faithfully,   Paul Nethercott CONFIRMED AND ACCEPTED BY:   Sales and Marketing Director 李白 Gary Lee   J&R Household & Body Care Division(China). Date:   最后的签署人是J&R中国区家庭和个人护理品部的市场和销售总监聂保罗。李白在看完这份聘用书后,签完了字回传给了上海。   在李白依照规定做完体检合格报告之后,王凯又发来了一份邮件,这个邮件同时还是抄送给其它部门的。   王凯的邮件是这么写的:   TO:浙江省销售队伍、浙江省各经销商   CC:人力资源部、Mr. Paul Nethercott、卢家成先生、李白先生   FR:王凯   SUB:新任浙江省销售经理   DATE:Mar,20,2006   我很荣幸地通知各位,从3月30日开始,李白先生将担任J&R中国家庭和个人护理品部的浙江省销售经理一职,他将负责整个浙江省的销售和管理工作并直接向我汇报。浙江省的销售队伍将从3月30日开始正式向李白先生汇报。   李白先生毕业于浙江大学,并分别在可口可乐公司和欧诗雅公司担任过销售代表、业务主任和城市经理等职,在快速消费品行业有着6年多丰富的工作经验。我相信随着李白先生的加入,浙江省的销售工作一定会在他的领导下获得长足的进步。   让我们一起欢迎李白先生加入J&R中国,并祝愿他在J&R中国的工作一切如意。   Best Wishes   中英文的外企Offer Letter 篇2   Employee Name 4/20/2013   Date   Employee name and address   Dear employee name:   Re: Employment with college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan   I am very pleased to offer you a permanent/seasonal/term position as position title, family and phase, college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan, based on the following terms and conditions:   1. Position:   You are appointed to the position of position title, family and phase, college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan, and in this capacity, you will report directly to name of direct supervisor. This is a   permanent/seasonal/term position, and as discussed and agreed with you, your start date in the position will be start date. This position is in-scope of the ASPA bargaining unit.   In this assignment of position title, your key responsibilities will be to provide a brief description of the primary purpose of the position (if available, attach the Job Profile, and refer the employee to it)..   2. Remuneration:   Your base salary $X per month or $X per year (less statutorily required deductions). Your salary is payable once a month at month end in accordance with the University"s standard payroll practices. Your position is in Phase X of the Specialist/Professional, Managerial, IT, or Instructional job family. The current salary range for this phase is $X to $X per month.   Your hours of work are based on the normal operating hours of the University and are expected to be for example, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, with a one-half hour unpaid lunch break, amounting to 37.5 hours per week. Please refer to the provisions of Article 9.2.1 regarding the development of work plans and determination of hours of work.   3. Benefits and Pension:   As a permanent/seasonal/term employee, you will be eligible to participate in University of Saskatchewan group benefit plans for employees in-scope of ASPA, according to the terms of the plans. You are also eligible to participate in the University of Saskatchewan"s Money Purchase Pension Plan in accordance with the plan   requirements. Please refer to the Human Resources website for Benefits and Pension information specific to your appointment. A snapshot of benefit eligibility may be found in Table 12 of the collective agreement with ASPA, also found on the Human Resources website.   4. Vacation:   You will receive X weeks of vacation per vacation year (May 1 to April 30), pro-rated for the current vacation year, according to the terms of Article 19.2 Annual Vacation. Vacations are to be taken at such time or times as are mutually convenient to you and the college/department/unit. Please note that carry over of unused vacation is not encouraged, and should be discussed with your supervisor.   5. Professional Allowance:   In addition, you are eligible to receive an annual Accountable Professional Development Account in the amount of $X per year (prorated for the current year), per Article 12.4, to support your on-going career development needs.   6. Assessment Period:   FOR APPOINTMENTS TO PERMANENT & SEASONAL POSITIONS: Consistent with Article 8 Probationary Period for Permanent & Seasonal Appointments, the first X months of your appointment to this position is a probationary period. We will review your progress in the position on a regular basis and provide you with regular feedback. We will be in a position to confirm continued employment upon successful completion of the probationary period.   FOR APPOINTMENTS TO TERM POSITIONS: Consistent with Article 8.2, for Term appointments, we will review your progress in the position on a regular basis and provide you with regular feedback.   7. Effective Date:   The terms of this offer shall come into effect on your first day of employment with the college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan.   8. Other Terms and Conditions   Your employment is subject to the terms and conditions set out in the collective agreement with the University of Saskatchewan and ASPA, as well as other applicable policies approved by the University of Saskatchewan. You may view the collective agreement with ASPA on the Human Resources website in Adobe PDF Document format at: http://www.usask.ca/hrd/manager/agreements.php You may view the University of Saskatchewan"s Policy Handbook at: http://www.usask.ca/policies/   If applicable, add the following section on Confidentiality:   By accepting this offer, you also acknowledge and agree that you shall abide by the following terms and conditions, and that such terms and conditions are reasonable:   Confidentiality: During the course of your employment with the college/department/unit, University of   Saskatchewan, you will be entrusted with confidential and proprietary information. You agree that such information will not be released or divulged, whether directly or indirectly, unless authorized by University policy, required by law, or through the express written consent of the University of Saskatchewan given under the hand of the proper officer with authority to give such consent.   I would ask that you review the contents of this offer carefully. If the terms of employment as set out in this   agreement are acceptable to you, please sign and date one (1) copy and return a fully signed copy to my attention by due date.   Name of employee, I wish to convey my sincere enthusiasm about the possibility of you joining the college/department/unit. I hope that you find the terms of this offer reasonable and attractive.   Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at contact phone number.   Yours truly, Name Title I agree to accept the conditions of employment indicated above, this day of , 20 . . (Employee Name)   NOTE: Please ensure that you forward a copy of the accepted letter within 90 days (per Article 7.4) to:   Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association 304 Kirk Hall   117 Science Place   Saskatoon, SK S7N 5C8   员工姓名4/20/2013   日期   员工姓名和地址   亲爱的员工姓名:   Re:萨斯喀彻温大学与学院/部门/单位的就业   我很高兴为您提供一个永久的/季节性的职位,职位名称,家庭和阶段,萨斯喀彻温大学的学院/部门/单位,根据以下条款和条件:   1.职位:   你被任命为职位头衔,家庭和阶段,学院/部门/单位,萨斯喀彻温大学,在这个能力,你将直接报告直属主管的名字。这是一个   永久性/季节性/长期性职位,如与您讨论并达成一致,您在该职位的起始日期将为起始日期。该职位属于ASPA谈判小组的范围。   在本职位职务分配中,您的主要职责是简要描述该职位的主要目的(如果有,请附上工作简介,并向员工介绍)。   2.报酬:   你的基本工资为每月X美元或每年X美元(法律规定的扣除额较少)。根据大学的标准工资惯例,你的工资每月在月末支付一次。你的职位处于专家/专业、管理、IT或教学工作系列的第X阶段。目前这个阶段的工资范围是每月X美元到X美元。   您的工作时间基于学校的正常工作时间,预计为周一至周五上午8:30至下午4:30,有一个半小时的无薪午休时间,相当于每周37.5小时。请参考第9.2.1条关于制定工作计划和确定工作时间的规定。   3.福利和养老金:   作为一个常住/季节/长期雇员,你将有资格参加萨斯喀彻温大学集团福利计划的雇员在ASPA的范围内,根据计划的条款。你也有资格按照计划参加萨斯喀彻温大学的货币购买退休金计划。   要求。请访问人力资源网站,了解与您的任命相关的福利和养老金信息。福利资格的简要说明见与ASPA签订的集体协议表12,也可在人力资源网站上找到。   4.假期:   根据第19.2条“年休假”的规定,您将在每个假期年(5月1日至4月30日)享受X周的假期,按比例分配给当前假期年。假期应在您和学院/系/单位共同方便的时间进行。请注意,不鼓励将未使用的假期结转,并应与主管讨论。   5.专业津贴:   此外,根据第12.4条,您有资格获得每年X美元(按当年比例)的年度责任专业发展账户,以支持您持续的职业发展需求。   6.评估期:   对于长期和季节性职位的任命:与第8条长期和季节性职位的试用期一致,您被任命为该职位的前X个月为试用期。我们将定期审查您在该职位上的进展,并定期向您提供反馈。我们将在成功完成试用期后确认继续雇佣。   对于任期职位的任命:根据第8.2条,对于任期任命,我们将定期审查您在该职位上的进展,并定期向您提供反馈。   7.生效日期:   这项提议的条款将在萨斯喀彻温大学的学院/部门/单位的第一天内生效。   8.其他条款和条件   你的就业符合萨斯喀彻温大学和ASPA的集体协议所规定的条款,以及萨斯喀彻温大学批准的其他适用的政策。您可以在人力资源网站上以Adobe PDF文件格式查看与ASPA的集体协议,网址为:xxxxx你可以查看萨斯喀彻温大学的政策手册:   如果适用,增加以下关于保密性的部分:   通过接受本要约,您也承认并同意您应遵守以下条款和条件,并且这些条款和条件是合理的:   保密:在你与学院/部门/单位,大学的工作过程中   萨斯喀彻温省,您将被委托提供机密和专有信息。阁下同意,除非法律所授权,或经萨斯喀彻大学的书面同意,否则这些资料不会直接或间接泄露或泄露。 ;


我知道美国总统第三十三任是杜鲁门,你可以去网上搜索他的资料或去图书馆查阅书本,然后用谷歌在线翻译就好了。帮不到你,不好意思啦(我只是来得这个回答的2分的 ~。~)


HeartbreakerHeartbreakerHeartbreakerHeartbreakerYou wanna be a heartbreakerHeartbreakerHeartbreakerYou wanna be a heartbreakerHeartbreakerHeartbreakerYou wanna be a heartbreakerHeartbreakerHeartbreaker yeahV1You"re looking at me like I should careYou"re heading my way, oh don"t you dareDon"t think you can handle meCause I invented your silly gameSo you wanna talk and buy me a drinkWanna know what I do and hear how I thinkOh please player, give me a breakCause all your sleaze is too much to take (yeah)CHORUSI know you think that you"re a heartbreakerI know you think that you"re a love makerI gotta tell you all that I"ve had betterYou"re never gonna break this heart of mine, no noHeartbreakerHeartbreakerHeartbreaker (heartbreaker)HeartbreakerHeartbreakerHeartbreaker (heartbreaker)V2Is there something new for me today?Or the same old shit I hear every dayOh, just say goodbye and move onCause all your crap doesn"t turn me on, no noCHORUS 2I know you think that you"re a heartbreaker (heartbreaker)I know you think that you"re a love maker (oh I know you do)I gotta tell you all that I"ve had better (yes, I have)You"re never gonna break this heart of mine, no noBRIDGEThere you go with the same old gamesYou change your clothes, but it"s always the sameI can"t stand that look on your faceYou"d do anything to get laidHeartbreaker...HeartbreakerHeartbreakerHeartbreakerYou wanna be a heartbreakerHeartbreakerHeartbreakerYou wanna be a heartbreakerHeartbreakerHeartbreakerYou wanna be a heartbreakerHeartbreakerHeartbreaker yeahI know you think you"re gonna break my heartHa! Break this heart of mine!I know you think that you"re a heartbreakerI know you think that you"re a love makerI gotta tell you all that I"ve had betterYou"re never gonna break this heart of mine, no noI know you think that you"re a heartbreaker (heartbreaker)I know you think that you"re a love maker (oh I know you do)I gotta tell you all that I"ve had better (yes, I have)You"re never gonna break this heart of mine, no noBoom shakerBoom shakerBoom shakerYou wanna be a boom shakerBoom ShakerBoom ShakerWanna be a boom shakerBoom shakerBoom shakerBoom shakerBoom shakerBoom shakerYou wanna be a boom shaker中文我就不翻译了,其实很易懂的,查查词典吧 !

《dear jane》歌词中英文怎么翻译?

满天的柳絮又带来了北京的春天此刻你也许在成都吃一碗担担面想问你 Dear Jane My Dear Jane(亲爱的简,我亲爱的简)现在的生活是否真的已如你所愿这场状况百出的马拉松你乱了的也许不仅是生物钟But I Want to know you are not alone(但是我想知道你并不孤单)La~La~(啦~啦~)机场和旅店和疲于奔命的日与夜你说不过是比别人多赚了一些钱很累了吧 Dear jane my dear jane(亲爱的简,我亲爱的简)理想和现实好像真的是很难调解可是只要给你个麦克风我相信你迟早能把世界撼动I believe there is somewhere higher you belong(我相信你属于某个更高的地方)我们受伤也许是对抗得太过激烈当你试着勉强自己学习佯装笑脸痛苦吗 Dear jane my dear jane(亲爱的简,我亲爱的简)你付出的努力不会所有人都视而不见虽然你不是常常很有空我也是懒得让大家头痛But I really hope see you& listen your new song soon in this city(但是我真的希望不久能在这个城市能看到你并且听到你的新歌)P.S I miss you smile and be happy(另:我想念你的微笑和跟你在一起的快乐)yours kindly you know whom i am(你的善良 你知道我是谁)La~La~(啦~啦~)

~~~求助~~~谁有以下歌曲的歌词阿 最好中英文都有啊


求 迈克尔 杰克逊《天下一家》中英文歌词

有一个人名对照的歌词,参考一下吧 [我们是世界] We are the World (Michael Jackson & 45位歌星版) 词曲:Michael Jackson & Lionel Rich There comes a time when we heed a certain call (Lionel Richie 莱昂纳尔.里奇) When the world must come together as one (Lionel Richie 莱昂纳尔.里奇& Stevie Wonder史蒂夫.汪德) There are people dying (Stevie Wonder史蒂夫.汪德) Oh, and it"s time to lend a hand to life (Paul Simon保罗西蒙) The greatest gift of all (Paul Simon保罗西蒙/Kenny Rogers肯尼.洛杰斯) We can"t go on pretending day by day (Kenny Rogers肯尼.洛杰斯) That someone, somehow will soon make a change (James Ingram詹姆斯殷格朗) We"re all a part of God"s great big family (Tina Turner蒂娜.特纳) And the truth (Billy Joel比利.乔) You know love is all we need (Tina Turner蒂娜.特纳/Billy Joel比利.乔) ( 合唱 ) We are the world, we are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving (Michael Jackson迈克·杰克逊) There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives (Diana Ross黛安娜·罗斯) It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me (Michael Jackson迈克·杰克逊/Diana Ross黛安娜·罗斯) Well, send""em you your heart so they know that someone cares (Dionne Warwick狄昂华薇克) And their lives will be stronger and free (Dionne Warwick狄昂华薇克/Willie Nelson威利.纳尔逊) As God has shown us by turning stone to bread (Willie Nelson威利.纳尔逊) And so we all must lend a helping hand (Al Jurreau) (合唱重复 ) We are the world, we are the children (Bruce Springsteen布鲁斯.斯普林斯汀) We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving (Kenny Logins肯尼.罗杰斯) There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives (Steve Perry史蒂夫.佩里) It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me (Daryl Hall达瑞.霍尔) ) When you"re down and out there seems no hope at all (Michael Jackson迈克·杰克逊) But if you just believe there"s no way we can fall (Huey Lewis休路易斯) Well, well, well, let"s realize that a change can only come (Cyndi Lauper) When we (Kim Carnes金康恩丝) stand together as one (Kim Carnes/Cyndi Lauper/Huey Lewis)


这是英文的:Braveheart was a huge deal when it first came out. I never really watched the film properly until recently. As a frequent cinema-goer since my youth I was not a part of the mid-nineties cultural phenomenon that was Braveheart"s release in Scotland. I did turn up at the the cinema, the old Odeon in Edinburgh, but the queue went round the block (the literal term for a blockbuster) and there was no way in hell I was prepared to wait for three hours on a gray September afternoon (a choice I came to regret). Every subsequent attempt since then was blocked. I never rented the video as I didn"t want to watch in pan-and-scan. The fact that every single living Scottish person had seen it apart from myself really got on my nerves, and I was quite bitter about it. And then, as the fever died down, I just kind of forgot about it and moved on. Watching it fully as an adult I think I probably enjoy it more now that I would have done as a teenager. It"s certainly a huge epic right up there with the best of them. Mel Gibson captures the pretty side of Scotland wonderfully with his scope photography accompanied by James Horner"s bittersweet score. The film never really feels three hours long, the time just disappears. Nearly every notable Scottish actor (apart from Connery and Connelly) appears at some point. From the brilliant (Brian Cox) to the dreary and pretentious (Peter Mullan). Keep a lookout for Tommy Flanagan too, in one of his earlier roles. The battle scenes are impressive, but I wish there were more gory. Gibson"s first cut of the film was apparently bloodier, I wish it had remained intact. But despite the grim satisfaction of seeing the English aggressors getting splattered the fact that Scotland IS still ruled by England kind renders Wallace"s bravery irrelevant. It may have been 700 years ago, but I hate the fact that he ultimately died for nothing. We DON"T have a country of our own, plain and simple.这是中文(不是英文的翻译):《勇敢的心》 观后感华莱士,终其一生都是一个斗士,一个为了爱情而斗的斗士,一个为了自由而斗的斗士,一个为了国家和命运而斗的斗士。他是一个让人尊敬的英雄。首先是华莱士他的成长,对他而言,真正的成长是在失去了父亲以后。之前他只不过是一个单纯的小孩而已。当他看到那个小屋里被人吊死的同胞,他只是一种震吓,一般小孩一样惊吓而已。但他父亲哥哥死后,他变得勇敢,敢于直面死亡了,面对他父亲和哥哥的遗体,他变得如此平静。再后来,他叔叔把他带走,说是人要先学会用他的脑袋才能真正的战斗,把他带去接受教育,这个是他的故事的开端,也是他生命意义上的长大了。其次是他的爱情,这部片他的爱情分成了两部分。一个就是和小时候的梅伦,一个美丽的苏格兰姑娘,一个在他父亲的葬礼后送了一枝花安慰他的人。华莱士求学有成后回来向他求婚。因为当时贵族享有初夜权的原因,他们在森林里偷偷的结婚了,这里可以体现出他的一种反抗的精神,一种本能的叛逆。但他们的爱情没有维系多久,因为梅伦的美丽太耀眼了,贵族杀了梅伦,这是苏格兰和英格兰的战斗的导火线,因为这引发了华莱士的爆发,揭竿而起,各地响应。第二段是与皇后的感情。皇后丈夫本来就是个同性恋,包办的婚姻让她感觉不到爱情的存在,根本没有感情可言。缺乏了爱情的滋润,让为爱情而起的华莱士走进了她的心灵,她自然为华莱士的豪情倾倒了。而华莱士则是在为了自由而奋身博杀,因为失去了梅伦,他一直在为了他的信念作战,皇后的美丽和善良感动了他,两颗干枯的心就这样融在了一起。再说说他的战斗,华莱士开始战斗的时候,是因为贵族杀了他的妻子梅伦,可以说是一个简单的复仇行动,但事情一开始就不能再受到控制的,尤其是领导权掌握在一个聪明人的手里。后来,他们起义得到了各地不断的支持,这让人看到了苏格兰的自由希望。一个方面是因为他们苏格兰的人受迫压太久了,再加上华莱士所学的智慧,他们势如破竹,这就很让人,特别是爱德华心慌了。想尽办法招安华莱士,最后还是利用了一个骗局把华莱士抓了。最后,在砍头台。这里是这部片的一个精华了,思想就是在这里的。行刑前,两个小丑在那里舞尽丑态,让人发笑,但也是说明了英国人的行为恰恰就是两个小丑所为。华莱士就刑,行人对这位英雄扔鸡蛋、烂菜,恰恰说明了国民的麻木和愚昧。后来在刑台上,华莱士受尽了各样残酷的折磨,下面则是一片欢呼声。华莱士就刑前,看到那个小孩在笑,可能这里也是一个希望的延续,把希望寄托给了后人。那声振馈发聋的“freedom”让人久久不能放下思想,激人不断前进。可以说,在刑台这段,是鲜明的对比让这个自由的精神体现的淋漓尽致的。一边是斗士、英雄,一边是愚昧的国民;一边是前进中的先锋,一边是止步不前的落伍者。差距就在这里体现了,代沟在这里产生。勇敢的心是震撼人心的,因为这里有可贵的思想——自由。没有自由了你们还能干什么?也许是真的,我们也该好好思量思量。


gate that guard the entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture

mandy rain的《riot》歌词,要中英文


mandy rain的《riot》歌词,要中英文

今天,又在你家门前,然后走来走去生气我太累了,我真的厌倦了怎么办但我不能做任何事情让你改变你的想法已经太晚了现在已经结束了在那一刻,我所熟悉的你的手转身我走我该怎么做,如何做我没有用我你的呼吸,但我仍然爱你我能怎么办我如何做到这一点请你哦,请回到我身边我一直以为你不停的在想像以前一样,没有办法握紧你的手我爱你,让你记住一切而这首歌是恢复你的歌在那一刻我所熟悉的你的手转身我走了 >我该怎么做,如何做我是不是和我是你的呼吸声,但我仍然爱你我我该怎么做,你怎么与我整个视线,然后看着我用你的眼睛告诉我你还爱我的那一刻我熟悉你的手转身我走我该怎么做,如何不要我是不是与我的是你的呼吸声,我仍然爱你,但我可以怎么我怎么做哦,请请请--- --------------我爱你用英语------------------------- 并再次,在你的地方窜来窜去它的愤怒难耐我不能这样继续下去了但是,有什么我可以做我跑出来的时候把你回来一切都结束了没有什么可以再你把我推开你的手很一旦被我这样想我能做些什么呢?我该怎么办? 我不再有你的气息在这里与我但是我仍然爱你我能做些什么?我该怎么办? 拜托,拜托,回来你充斥我的脑海里保持漂浮在我的脑海里我不能握住你的手就像我以前做我米左右进入你无法停止回忆这是歌曲这可能会抢抓住你(哇)你把我推开你的手很 >一旦被我这样想我能做些什么?我该怎么办? 我不再有你的气息在这里与我但是我仍然爱你我能做些什么?我该怎么办? 随着你以前看我的眼睛请回头给我,只是觉得我的心脏你能告诉我那你还爱我路>你把我推开你的手很一旦被这里我想我能做些什么?我该怎么办? 我不再在这里你与我的呼吸但是我仍然爱你我能做些什么?我该怎么办? 拜托,拜托,我爱你请采纳,谢谢。 。

生存还是毁灭 全文的中英文朗诵

英文:Hamlet:To be,or not to be- that is the question: Whether it"s nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them.To die- to sleep- No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache,and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to."Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish"d.To die- to sleep. To sleep- perchance to dream:ay,there"s the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause.There"s the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th" oppressor"s wrong,the proud man"s contumely, The pangs of despis"d love,the law"s delay, The insolence of office,and the spurns That patient merit of th" unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin?Who would these fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death- The undiscover"d country,from whose bourn No traveller returns- puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. 中文:哈: 生存或毁灭,这是个问题: 是否应默默的忍受坎坷命运之无情打击, 还是应与深如大海之无涯苦难奋然为敌, 并将其克服. 此二抉择,究竟是哪个较崇高? 死即睡眠,它不过如此! 倘若一眠能了结心灵之苦楚与肉体之百患, 那么,此结局是可盼的! 死去,睡去... 但在睡眠中可能有梦,啊,这就是个阻碍: 当我们摆脱了此垂死之皮囊, 在死之长眠中会有何梦来临? 它令我们踌躇, 使我们心甘情愿的承受长年之灾, 否则谁肯容忍人间之百般折磨, 如暴君之政、骄者之傲、失恋之痛、法章之慢、贪官之侮、或庸民之辱, 假如他能简单的一刀了之? 还有谁会肯去做牛做马,终生疲於操劳, 默默的忍受其苦其难,而不远走高飞,飘於渺茫之境, 倘若他不是因恐惧身后之事而使他犹豫不前? 此境乃无人知晓之邦,自古无返者


unfaithful歌词歌手:rihanna 专辑:a girl like me Story of my life Searching for the right But it keeps avoiding me Sorrow in my soul cause it seems that wrong really loves my company Hes more than a man and this is more than love the reason that this guy is blue the clouds are rolling in because I"m gone again and to him I just can"t be true and I know that he knows I"m unfaithful and it kills him inside to know that I am happy with some other guy I can see him dying I don"t wanna do this anymore I don"t wanna be the reason why Everytime I walk out the door I see him die a little more inside I don"t wanna hurt him anymore I don"t wanna take away his life I don"t wanna be... a murderer I feel it in the air as I"m doing my hair preparing for another day A kiss up on my cheek He"s here reluctantly as if I"m gonna be out late I say I won"t be long Just hanging with the girls A liar didn"t have to tell Because we both know where I"m about to go and we know it very well cause I know that he knows I"m unfaithful and it kills him inside to know that I am happy with some other guy I can see him dying I don"t wanna do this anymore I don"t wanna be the reason why Everytime I walk out the door I see him die a little more inside I don"t wanna hurt him anymore I don"t wanna take away his life I don"t wanna be... a murderer His trust I might as well take a gun and put it to his head Get it over with I don"t wanna do this Anymore (anymore) I don"t wanna do this anymore I don"t wanna be the reason why Everytime I walk out the door I see him die a little more inside I don"t wanna hurt him anymore I don"t wanna take away his life I don"t wanna be... a murderer (a murderer) No no no no 我生活的故事 我在寻找权利 但它一直躲着我 我的灵魂感到哀伤 因为对我伴侣深切的爱,看起来那样的错误 他不只是一个男人 这也不只是爱情 因为天空是蓝色 但是云朵在浮动 因为我又走了 对于他我就是不能展露真实的一面 而且我知道他已经知道我是不忠的 他知道我跟别的男人在一起很快乐 这杀害着他的灵魂 我能看见他正在迈向死亡 我不想再这样做了 我不想再成为这样的原因 这样每次我走出门口我都可以看到他内心又死了一点的原因 我不想再伤害他 我不想夺走他的生命 我不想当 一个凶手 当我在梳理头发,准备又一个约会时 我在空气中感受到了 一个落在我脸颊的吻 他很不情愿地站在这里 像是我又准备呆在外面直到深夜 我说我不会去很久的 只是和女孩们随便逛逛 这是一个我不需要说出来的谎言, 因为我们都知道 我会去哪里 而且我们很清楚地知道 (重复高潮) 我们的爱,他的信任 我也许应该拿一支枪往他脑袋里开火 把一切都结束 我不想再这样做了 再也不想

See how much I love you歌词 最好中英文都有~



UnfaithfulRihanna《A Girl Like Me》制作:嫦嫦Story of my lifeSearching for the rightBut it keeps avoiding meSorrow in my soulcause it seems that wrongreally loves my companyHes more than a manand this is more than lovethe reason that this guy is bluethe clouds are rolling inbecause I"m gone againand to him I just can"t be trueand I know that he knows I"m unfaithfuland it kills him insideto know that I am happy with some other guyI can see him dyingI don"t wanna do this anymoreI don"t wanna be the reason whyEverytime I walk out the doorI see him die a little more insideI don"t wanna hurt him anymoreI don"t wanna take away his lifeI don"t wanna be...a murdererI feel it in the airas I"m doing my hairpreparing for another dayA kiss up on my cheekHe"s here reluctantlyas if I"m gonna be out lateI say I won"t be longJust hanging with the girlsA liar didn"t have to tellBecause we both knowwhere I"m about to goand we know it very wellcause I know that he knows I"m unfaithfuland it kills him insideto know that I am happy with some other guyI can see him dyingI don"t wanna do this anymoreI don"t wanna be the reason whyEverytime I walk out the doorI see him die a little more insideI don"t wanna hurt him anymoreI don"t wanna take away his lifeI don"t wanna be...a murdererHis trustI might as well take a gun and put it to his headGet it over withI don"t wanna do thisAnymore (anymore)I don"t wanna do this anymoreI don"t wanna be the reason whyEverytime I walk out the doorI see him die a little more insideI don"t wanna hurt him anymoreI don"t wanna take away his lifeI don"t wanna be...a murderer (a murderer)No no no noYeah yeah yeah


Controls控制模式 A: L nitpous R E-brake刹车 ↑ change camera变换视角 ← sreer 串联↓ look back倒退 摇杆 sreer Select reset car重置汽车 Start pause暂停 ○ speedbreaker 加速□ brake/revepse × accelerate 加快B: L speedbreaker 碎浪花↑ change camera 照相机← sreer 妆奁↓ look back 摇杆 sreer 回忆Select reset car Start pause 站定△ E-brake 刹车○ nitrous 小石□ brake/revepse × accelerate 增速C: L shift down 换挡R shife up向上 ↑ change camera 摄像机← speedbreaker碎浪花 ↓ look back 追忆摇杆 sreer继电器 Select reset car 重心安放Start pause 停顿△ E-brake制动器 ○ nitrous 氮□ brake/revepse 制动器 刹车× accelerate 增速Top speed 最高速度Acceleration 加速度Handling 处理Cancel 取消Vewcar race 种族好辛苦啊 给分啊 查了2小时


中国传统节日中英对照1.New Year"s Day 元旦(1月1日) 2.Spring Festival;Chinese New Year"s Day 春节(农历一月一日) 3.Lantern Festival 元宵节(农历一月十五日) 4.International Working Women"s Day 国际劳动妇女节(3月8日) 5.Arbor Day 植树节(3月12日) 6.Postal Day 邮政节(3月20日) 7.World Meteorology Day 世界气象节(3月23日) 8.Ching Ming Festival ;Tomb-sweeping Festival 清明节(4月5日) 9.International Labour Day 国际劳动节(5月1日) 10.Chinese Youth Day 中国青年节(5月4日) 11.Nurses" Festival 护士节(5月12日) 12.Dragon Boat Festival 端午节(农历五月初五) 13.International Children"s Day 国际儿童节(6月1日) 14.The Party"s Brithday 中国共产党成立纪念日(7月1日) 15.The Army"s Day 建军节(8月1日) 16.Mid-Autumn (Moon)Festival 中秋节(农历八月十五) 17.Teacher"s Day 教师节(9月10日) 18.Double-ninth Day 重阳节(农历九月九日) 19.National Day 国庆节(10月1日) 20.New Year"s Eve 除夕(农历十二月三十日)中国常见传统活动中英对照过年 celebrate the spring festival春联 spring festival couplets剪纸 paper-cuts 年画 new year paintings买年货 do shopping for the spring festival ; do spring festival shopping 敬酒 propose a toast 灯笼 lantern 烟花 fireworks 爆竹 firecrackers (people scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.) 红包 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.) 舞狮 lion dance (the lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.) 舞龙 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests) 戏曲 traditional opera 杂耍 variety show 灯谜 riddles written on lanterns 灯会 exhibit of lanterns 守岁 staying-up 拜年 pay new year"s call; give new year"s greetings; pay new year"s visit 禁忌 taboo 去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune 祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one"s ancestors 压岁钱 gift money; money given to children as a lunar new year gift culture note: in the old days, new year"s money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one would live to be a hundred years old. today, money is placed inside red envelopes in denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth 辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year 扫房 spring cleaning; general house-cleaning 年糕 nian-gao; rise cake; new year cake 团圆饭 family reunion dinner 年夜饭 the dinner on new year"s eve 饺子 jiao-zi; chinese meat rav

you raise me up中英文歌词

《You Raise Me Up》演唱:Westlife 所属专辑:《Face to Face(Bonus Track)》发行时间:2005-10-31歌词对照:when I am down and oh my soul so weary 当我失意低落之时我的精神 是那么疲倦不堪 When troubles come and my heart burdened be 当烦恼困难袭来之际我的内心 是那么负担沉重 I am still and wait here in the silence 然而 我默默的伫立静静的等待 Until you come and sit awhile with me 直到你的来临片刻地和我在一起 You raise me up so I can stand on mountains 你激励了我故我能立足于群山之巅 You raise me up to walk on stormy seas 你鼓舞了我故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面 I am strong when I am on your shoulders 在你坚实的臂膀上我变得坚韧强壮 You raise me up To more than I can be 你的鼓励使我超越了自我 You raise me up so I can stand on mountains 你激励了我故我能立足于群山之巅 You raise me up to walk on stormy seas 你鼓舞了我 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面 I am strong when I am on your shoulders 在你坚实的臂膀上 我变得坚韧强壮 You raise me up To more than I can be 你的鼓励使我超越了自我 You raise me up so I can stand on mountains 你激励了我故我能立足于群山之巅 You raise me up to walk on stormy seas 你鼓舞了我 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面 I am strong when I am on your shoulders 在你坚实的臂膀上 我变得坚韧强壮 You raise me up To more than I can be 你的鼓励使我超越了自我 You raise me up so I can stand on mountains 你激励了我故我能立足于群山之巅 You raise me up to walk on stormy seas 你鼓舞了我 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面 I am strong when I am on your shoulders 在你坚实的臂膀上 我变得坚韧强壮 You raise me up To more than I can be 你的鼓励使我超越了自我 You raise me up To more than I can be 你的鼓励使我超越了自我

西城男孩的You rise me up的中英文歌词?

you raise me up歌词: When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; When troubles come and my heart burdened be; Then, I am still and wait here in the silence, Until you come and sit awhile with me. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up: To more than I can be. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up: To more than I can be. There is no life – no life without its hunger; Each restless heart beats so imperfectly; But when you come and I am filled with wonder, Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up: To more than I can be. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up: To more than I can be. 歌词翻译: 你鼓舞了我 (翻译转载自【柳儿的家】) 当我失落的时候,噢,我的灵魂,感到多么的疲倦; 当有困难时,我的心背负着重担, 然后,我会在寂静中等待, 直到你的到来,并与我小坐片刻。 你鼓舞了我,所以我能站在群山顶端; 你鼓舞了我,让我能走过狂风暴雨的海; 当我靠在你的肩上时,我是坚强的; 你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。 你鼓舞了我,所以我能站在群山顶端; 你鼓舞了我,让我能走过狂风暴雨的海; 当我靠在你的肩上时,我是坚强的; 你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。 没有一个生命 -- 没有生命是没有渴求的; 每个绎动的心能够跳动得那么地完美; 但是当你来临的时候,我充满了惊奇, 有时候,我觉得我看到了永远。 你鼓舞了我,所以我能站在群山顶端; 你鼓舞了我,让我能走过狂风暴雨的海; 当我靠在你的肩上时,我是坚强的; 你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。 你鼓舞了我,所以我能站在群山顶端; 你鼓舞了我,让我能走过狂风暴雨的海; 当我靠在你的肩上时,我是坚强的; 你鼓舞了我...让我能超越自己。

Back to December中英文歌词

Taylor Swift - Back To December (US Version)I"m so glad you made time to see meHow"s life? Tell me, how"s your family?I haven"t seen them in a whileYou"ve been good, busier than everSmall talk: work and the weatherYour guard is up and I know whyBecause the last time you saw me will stillburn in the back of your mindYou gave me roses and I left them there to dieSo this is me swallowing my pride,standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you,wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and make it alrightI go back to December all the timeThese days I haven"t been sleepin"Stayin" up playin" back myself leavin"When your birthday passed and I didn"t callAnd I think about summer, all the beautiful timesI watched you laughin" from the passenger side andI realized I loved you in the fallThen the cold came, the dark dayswhen fear crept into my mindYou gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbyeSo this is me swallowing my pride,standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to December all the timeIt turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you,wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December,turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeI miss your tan skin, your sweet smileSo good to me, so rightAnd how you held me in your arms that September nightThe first time you ever saw me cryMaybe this is wishful thinkingProbably mindless dreamingIf we loved again I swear I"d love you rightI"d go back in time and change it but I can"tSo if the chain is on your door, I understandThis is me swallowing my pride,standin" in front of you, sayin" I"m sorry for that nightAnd I go back to DecemberIt turns out freedom aint nothin" but missin" you,wishin" I"d realized what I had when you were mineI go back to December, turn around and make it arighti go back to December turn around and change my own mindI go back to December all the timeAll the time 回到十二月真高兴你能抽出时间来看我告诉我,近来如何,家人都平安吧?我已经有很长时间没有见他们了你的事业一帆风顺,忙碌更胜从前。我们闲聊着,谈着工作天气等零碎小事你明显加强了戒备,其中缘由我

求Louis Edwards - Talk To Me的中英文歌词

And I"d give up forever to touch you "Cause I know that you feel me somehow You"re the closest to heaven that I"ll ever be And I don"t want to go home right now And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life And sooner or later it"s over I just don"t wanna miss you tonight And I don"t want the world to see me "Cause I don"t think that they"d understand When everything"s meant to be broken I just want you to know who I am And you can"t fight the tears that ain"t coming Or the moment of truth in your lies When everything feels like the movies Yeah you bleed just to know you"re alive And I don"t want the world to see me "Cause I don"t think that they"d understand When everything"s meant to be broken I just want you to know who I am And I don"t want the world to see me "Cause I don"t think that they"d understand When everything"s meant to be broken I just want you to know who I am And I don"t want the world to see me "Cause I don"t think that they"d understand When everything"s meant to be broken I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am"

哈利路亚歌词 哈利路亚中英文介绍

1、歌词: Well I heard there was a secret chord我听说有个神秘的和弦 That David played, and it pleased the Lord大卫弹奏以取悦主 But you dont really care for music, do ya?可你并不关心音乐,不是么? Well it goes like this 它这样奏起 The fourth, the fifth 四度,五度(2) The minor fall and the major lift 小调降,大调升 The baffled king composing Hallelujah徒然哀求的君王谱下哈利路亚(3) Hallelujah Hallelujah 哈利路亚 哈利路亚 Hallelujah Hallelujah 哈利路亚 哈利路亚 Well Your faith was strong but you needed proof 你信心坚定但需要经受考验 You saw her bathing on the roof你见她在屋顶沐浴 Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you她在月光下的美丽将你击溃(4) She tied you to her kitchen chair她将你捆在厨房的椅上 And she broke your throne and she cut your hair 她毁了你的王位 剪下你的头发(5) And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah从你的唇中她吸吮哈利路亚 Hallelujah Hallelujah 哈利路亚 哈利路亚 Hallelujah Hallelujah 哈利路亚 哈利路亚 Well baby Ive been here before亲爱的 我曾到过这儿 Ive seen this room and Ive walked this floor, you know 我曾在这屋里踱步 I used to live alone before I knew you认识你前我在此独居 And Ive seen your flag on the marble arch我看到在大理石的拱门上立着你的旗帜 And love is not a victory march可 爱不是胜利的凯旋 Its a cold and its a broken Hallelujah爱 是冰冷破碎的哈利路亚 Hallelujah Hallelujah 哈利路亚 哈利路亚 Hallelujah Hallelujah 哈利路亚 哈利路亚 Well there was a time when you let me know 曾经 是你让我相信 Whats really going on below 接下来会发生的一切 But now you never show that to me do ya?可现在 你再也不是那样,不是么? But remember when I moved in you?可请记得,当我进入你时 And the holy dove was moving too圣灵与我们同在(6) And every breath we drew was Hallelujah我们的每次呼吸都是哈利路亚 Hallelujah Hallelujah 哈利路亚 哈利路亚 Hallelujah Hallelujah 哈利路亚 哈利路亚 Maybe there is a God above 也许天上确有上帝 But all Ive ever learned from love可我从爱中学到的 Was how to shoot somebody who out drew ya都是该怎样弑杀爱你的人 And its not a cry that you hear at night 那不是你在夜晚听到的哭泣 Its not somebody whos seen the light 那不是那看到光明的人 Its a cold and its a broken Hallelujah 那是冰冷的、破碎的哈利路亚 Hallelujah Hallelujah 哈利路亚 哈利路亚 Hallelujah Hallelujah 哈利路亚 哈利路亚 2、Hallelujah为加拿大著名游吟诗人、民谣歌手Leonard Cohen在1985年创作的歌曲,收录在其专辑Various Positions中。其歌词充满诗意,内涵丰富,曲调缓慢忧伤,加上Leonard沧桑嗓音的低吟浅唱,演绎出了一种清淡而悠长的回味。


STRENGTH +223力量 ENERGY +95精神 DEXTERITY +95敏捷 VITALITY +95体力 MAX LIFE +479生命 MAX MANA +223法力 MAX STAMINA +223精力值 ENHANAED DEFENSE% +511%增强防御(ED) ENCHANAED DAMAGE% 511%增强伤害511%伤害最大值(上下全加) ENCHANAED MIN DMG% 511%伤害最小值 ATTACK RATING +1023攻击准确率(AR) CHANCE OF BLOCKING% 63%增加格挡可能性 MIN 1-HANDED DMG +63最小伤害值 MAX 1-HANDED DMG +127最大伤害值 MIN 2-HANDED DMG +63最小伤害值(上下全加) MAX 2-HANDED DMG +127最大伤害值(上下全加) REGENERATE MANA PLUS % 法力恢复速度提高255% HEAL STEMINA PLUS % 耐力恢复速度提高255% DEFENSE +2037防御 DEF VS MISSILE +511对远程攻击的防御 DEF VS MELEE +255对近身攻击的防御 DAMAGE REDUCED BY 物理伤害减少(DRB)63 MAGIC DMG REUCED BY 法术伤害减少(MDR)63 DAMAGE REDUCED BY % 物理伤害减少(DRB)255% MAGIC RESISTANCE % 抗魔法255% MAX MAGIC RESISTANCE % +31%最大魔法抵抗 FIRE RESISTANCE % 抗火+205% MAX FIRE RESISTANCE % +31%最大火焰抵抗 LIGHTNING RESISTANCE % 抗闪电+205% MAX LIGHTNING RESISTANCE % +31%最大闪电抵抗 COLD RESISTANCE % 抗寒+205% MAX COLD RESISTANCE % +31%最大冰冻抵抗 POISON RESISTANCE % 所有抗性+205 MAX POISON RESISTANCE % 31%最大毒素抵抗 FIRE DAMAGE 增加255-511的火焰伤害 MAX FIRE DAMAGE +511火焰伤害最大值 LIGHTNING DAMAGE 增加63-1023的闪电伤害 MAX LIGHTNING DMG +1023闪电伤害最大值 MAGIC DAMAGE 增加255-511魔法伤害 MAX MAGIC DAMAGE +511魔法伤害 COLD DAMAGE 增加255-511冰冻伤害 MAX COLD DAMAGE +511寒冷伤害最大值 POISON DAMAGE 加2042点毒素伤害,持续时间20秒 MAX POISON DMG +1023增加毒素伤害最大值 LIFE STOLEN PER HIT MIN 127%生命于击中时偷取 MANA STOLEN PER HIT MIN 127%法力于击中时偷取 REPLENISH LIFE 生命恢复速度+33 MAX DURABILITY 增加耐久性上限107% LIFE % 增加生命上限53% MANA % 增加法力上限53% ATTACKER TAKES DAMAGE OF 攻击者受到伤害127 EXTRA GOLD FROM MONSTTERS % 411%额外金币从怪物身上取得 CHANCE OF GETTING MAGIC ITEMS % 155%更加的机会取得魔法装备 KNOCK BACK 击退 ADD EXPERIENCE 461%转为经验值获得 HEAL AFTER KILL +127生命值在杀死后获得 RED UCED PRICES 降低所有商人的价格127% LIGHT RADIUS +11照亮范围 REQUIREMENTS % 需求+155% LEVEL REQUIRE 物品等级+127 INCREASED ATTACK SPEED 127%提升攻击速度(IAS) FASTER RUN /WALK 107%高速跑步/行走 FASTER HIT RECOVERY RATE 107%快速打击恢复(FHR) FASTER BLOCK RATE 107%快速格档几率(FBR) FASTER CAST RATE 107%快速施展速度(FCR SINGLE SKILL +7致一股邪恶力量 REST IN PEACE 杀死怪物恢复平静 POISON LENGTH REDUCED BY % 毒素的持续效果降低235% DAMAGE 伤害+491 HIT CAUSES MONSTER TO FLEE % 击中使怪物逃跑1005 HIT BLINDS TARGET 击中目标目盲+127 DAMAGE TO MANA % 63%受损的生命转换为法力的提高 IGNORE TARGET DEFENSE 忽视目标防御力 TARGET DEFENSE % -127%目标防御力 PREVENT MONSTER HEAL 防止怪物自疗 HALF FREEZE DURATION 冰冻时间减半 BONUS TO ATTACK RATING % 491%额外的攻击准确率加成 REDUCE MONSTER DEFENSE PER HIT -1每次击中怪物降低防御 DAMAGE TO DEMONS % +491%对恶魔的伤害 DAMAGE TO UNDEAD % +491%对不死生物的伤害 ATTACK RATING AGAINST DEMONS +895对抗恶魔的攻击准确率(AR) ATTACK RATING AGAINST UNDEAD +895对抗不死生物的攻击准确率(AR) THROWABLE 可投掷 ELEMENTAL SKILL +7火焰技能 ALL SKILL LEVELS +7所有技能 ATTACKER TAKES LIGHTNING DMG O 攻击者受到电击伤害31 ATTACK FREEZES TARGET 冰冻目标+31 CHANCE OF OPEN WOUNDS 127%几率撕开敌人伤口 CHANCE OF CRUSHING BLOW 127%几率出现压碎性打击(CB) KICK DAMAGE +127脚踢伤害 MANA AFTER EACH KILL +127点法力在每杀一个敌人后取得 LIFE AFTER EACH DEMON KILL +127生命在每杀死一个恶魔后自动取得 CHANCE OF DEADLY STRIKE 127%几率出现致命一击(DS) FIRE ABSORBS % 火焰吸收127% FIRE ABSORBS +127火焰吸收 LIGHTNING ABSORBS % 闪电吸收127% LIGHTNING ABSORBS +127闪电吸收 MAGIC ABSORBS % 魔法吸收127% MAGIC ABSORBS +127魔法吸收 COLD ABSORBS % 寒冷吸收127% COLD ABSORBS +127寒冷吸收 SLOWS TARGET BY % 使目标减慢127% AURA 等级31一股邪恶力量灵气赐予 INDESTRUCTIBLE 无法破坏 CANNOT BE FROZEN 无法冰冻 SLOWER STAMINA DRAIN % 107%减缓精力消耗 PIERCE ATTACK % 穿透攻击 FIRE MAGICARROWS OR BOLTS 射出魔法箭矢 FIRE EXPLOSIVE ARROWS OR BOLTS 箭矢或十字弓弹火焰爆炸 ATTACK VS MONSTER 511%转为命中率相对:一股邪恶力量 DA MAGE VS MONSTER 511%转为伤害相对:一股邪恶力量 CHARGED SKILL 等级63一股邪恶力量(225/225聚气) DEFENSE(ON LVL) +401防御(已角色等级决定) ENHANCED DEFENSE(**) +401%增强防御(ED)(**) LIFE(**) +401生命(**) MANA(**) +401法力(**) MAXIMUM DAMAGE(**) +401最大伤害值(**) ENHANCED MAXDMG(**) +401%增加伤害最大值(**) STRENGTH(**) +401力量(**) DEXTERITY(**) +401敏捷(**) ENERGY(**) +401精力(**) VITALITY(**) +401体力(**) ATT RATING(**) +1606攻击命中率(AR)(**) BONUS TO ATT RATING %(**) +1606%额外的攻击命中率加成(**) MAXMUM COLD DMG(**) +401寒冷伤害最大值(**) MAXMUM FIRE DMG(**) +401火焰伤害最大值(**) MAXMUM LIGHTNING DMG(**) +401闪电伤害最大值(**) MAXMUM POISON DMG(**) +401毒素伤害最大值(**) COLD RESISTANCE %(**) 抗寒冷401%(**) FIRE RESISTANCE %(**) 抗火焰401%(**) LIGHTNING RESISTANCE %(ON LVL) 抗闪电401%(已角色等级决定) POISON RESISTANCE %(**) 抗毒素401%(**) ABSORBS COLD DAMAGE(**) +401吸收冰冷伤害(**) ABSORBS FIRE DAMAGE(**) +401吸收火焰伤害(**) ABSORBS LIGHTNING DAMAGE(**) +401吸收闪电伤害(**) ATTACKER TAKES DAMAGE OF(**) 攻击者受到伤害197(**) EXTRA GOLD FROM MONSTERS %(**) +401%额外金币从怪物身上取得(**) CHANCE OF GETTING MAGIC ITEMS %(**) +401%更加的机会取得魔法装备(**) HEAL STAMINA PLUS %(**) 耐力恢复速度提高+401%(**) MAXIMUM STAMINA(**) +401精力最大值(**) DAMAGE TO DEMONS %(**) +401%对恶魔的伤害(**) DAMAGE TO UNDEAD %(**) +401%对不死生物伤害(**) ATT RATING AGAINST DEMONS(**) +1606对抗恶魔的攻击命中率(AR)(**) ATT RATING AGAINST UNDEAD(**) +1606对抗不死生物的攻击命中率(AR)(**) CHANCE OF CRUSHING BLOE(**) +401%出现压碎性打击(CB)(**) CHANCE OF OPEN WOUNDS(**) +401%几率撕开敌人伤口(**) CHANCE OF DEADLY STRIKE(**) +401几率出现致命攻击(DS)(**) KICK DAMAGE(**) +401脚踢伤害(**) REPAIR I DURABILITY IN SECONDS 恢复装备耐久度1到2秒内 REPLENISH I QUANTITY IN SECONDS 自动恢复数量 INCREASED STACK SIZE 额外增加数量 DEFENSE (BY TIME)(1) +767防御(在黎明增加) DEFENSE (**)(2) +767%增强防御(ED)(**) LIFE(**) +767S生命(**) MANA(**) +767法力(**) MAX DAMAGE(**)(1) +767最大伤害值(**) MAX DAMAGE (BY TIME) +767%增加最大伤害值(在黎明增加) STRENGTH(**) +767力量(**) DEXTERITY(**) +767敏捷(**) ENERGY(**) +767精力(**) VITALITY(**) +767体力(**) ATTACR RATING(**)(1) +767攻击准确率(AR)(**) ATTACR RATING(**)(2) +767%额外的攻击准确率加成(**) MAX COLD DMG(**) +767寒冷伤害最大值(**) MAX FIRE DMG(**) +767火焰伤害最大值(**) MAX LIGHTNING DMG(**) +767闪电伤害最大值(**) MAX POISON DMG(**) +767毒素伤害最大值(**) COLD RESISTANCE %(**) 抗寒+767%(**) FIRE RESISTANCE %(**) 抗火+767%(**) LIGHTNUNG RESISTANCE %(**) 抗电+767%(**) POISON RESISTANCE %(**) 抗毒+767%(**) ABSORBS COLD DAMAGE(**) +767%吸收冰冷伤害(**) ABSORBS FIRE DAMAGE(**) +767%吸收火焰伤害(**) ABSORBS LIGHTNING DAMAGE(**) +767%吸收闪电伤害(**) GOLD FROM MONSTERS %(**) 额外金币从怪物身上取得+767%(**) FIND MAGIC ITEMS %(**) +767%更加的机会取得魔法装备(**) HEAL STAMINA PLUS %(**) 耐力恢复速度提高767%(**) MAX STAMINA(**) +767精力最大值(**) DAMAGE VS DEMON %(**) +767%对恶魔的伤害(**) DAMAGE VS UNDEAD %(**) +767%对不死生物的伤害(**) ATTACK RATING VS DEMON(**) +767对抗恶魔的攻击准确率(AR)(**) ATTACK RATING VS UNDEAD(**) +767对抗不死生物的攻击准确率(AR)(**) CHANCE OF CRUSHING BLOW(BY TIM) +767%几率出现压碎性打击(CB)(在黎明增加) CHANCE OF OPEN WOUNDS(**) +767%几率撕开敌人伤口(**) CHANCE OF DEADLY STRIKE(**) +767%几率出现致命攻击(DS)(**) KICK DAMAGE(**) +767脚踢伤害(**) PASSIVE_FIRE_MASTERY +461%对火焰技能伤害 PASSIVE_LTNG_MASTERY +461%对雷电技能伤害 PASSIVE_COLD_MASTERY +461%对冰冻技能伤害 PASSIVE_POIS_MASTERY +461%转为毒素技能伤害 PASSIVE_FIRE_PIERCE -255%对敌人火焰系抗性 PASSIVE_LTNG_PIERCE -255%对敌人雷电系抗性 PASSIVE_COLD_PIERCE -255%对敌人冰冻系抗性 PASSIVE_POIS_PIERCE -255%对敌人毒素系抗性

Just on last dance 的中英文对照歌词

Just one last dance....oh baby...just one last dance       最后一舞,亲爱的,最后的一舞   We meet in the night in the Spanish café   那个夜晚 我们在西班牙咖啡馆相遇   I look in your eyes just don"t know what to say   望着你的双眸 心有千言竟无语   It feels like I"m drowning in salty water   泪水已令我尽陷沉溺      A few hours left "til the sun"s gonna rise   几个时辰过后 阳光便要升起   tomorrow will come an it"s time to realize   明日终将到来   our love has finished forever   爱情永远分离      how I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)   多想和你一起(和你一起)   how I wish we make it through   多想共同继续      Just one last dance   最后一舞   before we say goodbye   再说别离   when we sway and turn round and round and round   一次次挥手转身   it"s like the first time   初次相遇般难舍难离   Just one more chance   再多一次机会   hold me tight and keep me warm   紧紧拥抱 充满爱意   cause the night is getting cold   因夜已渐冷   and I don"t know where I belong   我意乱情迷   Just one last dance    最后的一舞      The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar   夜光美酒 琴声(吉它)响起   I"ll never forget how romantic they are   浪漫之夜 永难忘记   but I know, tomorrow I"ll lose the one I love   我知道明日将痛失吾爱   There"s no way to come with you   永远不能再相偎相依   it"s the only thing to do   舍此无它      Just one last dance   最后的一舞   before we say goodbye   再说别离   when we sway and turn round and round and round   一次次挥手转身   it"s like the first time   初次相遇般难舍难离   Just one more chance   再多一次机会   hold me tight and keep me warm   紧紧拥抱 充满爱意   cause the night is getting cold   因夜已渐冷   and I don"t know where I belong   我意乱情迷   Just one last dance, just one more chance, just one last dance   最后一支舞 再多一次机会 最后一舞

求just one last dance的中英文对照歌词

女:Just one last dance   只是最后的一支舞。   Oh baby   噢 宝贝。   Just one last dance   只是最后的一支舞。   Oh ~~   噢~~  深情演唱的Sarah Connor  We meet in the night in the spanish cafe   那个夜晚 我们相遇在西班牙咖啡馆。   I look in your eyes just don"t know what to say   望着你的双眼 难以言说。   It feels like I"m drowning in salty water   那感觉像是掉入在泪水中。   A few hours left "til the sun"s gonna rise   几个小时过后 太阳便要升起。   tomorrow will come and it"s time to realize   明日终将到来 是时候明白。   our love has finished forever   我们的爱已经 永远的结束。   how I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)   多想和你一起(和你一起)   how I wish we make it through   多想我们能继续牵手。   Just one last dance   只是最后的一支舞。   before we say goodbye   在我们说再见之前。   when we sway and turn around and round and round   我们倾斜摇转,旋转,旋转,旋转...   it"s like the first time   就像那第一次。   Just one more chance   再给一次机会。   hold me tight and keep me warm   抱紧我 给我温暖。   cause the night is getting cold   因夜已渐冷。   and I don"t know where I belong   但我不知身属何处。   Just one last dance   只是最后的一舞。   男:The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar   酒 灯光 还有西班牙吉他  I"ll never forget how romantic they are   我永不会忘记它们有多么浪漫。   but I know, tomorrow I"ll lose the one I love   但我知道 明天就将失去我爱的。   There"s no way to come with you (女:way to come with you )   没有任何办法让我随你离开。(让我随你离开的办法)   it"s the only thing to do   (那么)这就是我现在唯一能做的。   Oh ~~   噢~~    女:Just one last dance (男: Oh ~~)   最后的一舞。(噢~~ )   before we say goodbye (男:say goodbye )   在我们说再见之前。(说再见)   合:when we sway and turn around and round and round   我们倾斜摇转,旋转,旋转,旋转...   女:it"s like the first time   就像那第一次。   Just one more chance   再给一次机会。   hold me tight and keep me warm (男:keep me warm )   抱紧我 给我温暖。(给我温暖)   合:cause the night is getting cold   因夜已渐冷。   and I don"t know where I belong   但我不知情归何处。   女:Just one last dance ( Oh baby)   最后一支舞。( 噢 宝贝)   Just one last dance (男:Oh ~~)   最后的一舞。 (噢~~ )   before we say goodbye (男:say goodbye )   在我们说再见之前。(说再见)   合:when we sway and turn around and round and round   我们倾斜摇转,旋转,旋转,旋转...   女:it"s like the first time   就像那第一次。   Just one more chance   再多来一次。   合:hold me tight and keep me warm   抱紧我 给我温暖。   cause the night is getting cold   因夜已渐冷。   and I don"t know where I belong   但我不知情归何处。   女合:Just one last dance   最后的一舞。   before we say goodbye   在我们说再见之前。   when we sway and turn around and round and round   我们倾斜摇转,旋转,旋转,旋转...   (女:when we sway and turn around and hold me tight and oh my love)   (我们倾斜和摇转然后抱紧我 噢 我的爱人)   it"s like the first time   就像那第一次。   Just one more chance   再多来一次。   hold me tight and keep me warm   抱紧我 给我温暖。   cause the night is getting cold (女:the night is getting cold,and I don"t know where I belong)   因夜已渐冷。(夜已渐冷,但我不知情归何处)   男 :don"t know where I belong   我不知情归何处。   女:Just one last dance   最后的一舞。   男:Just one last dance   最后的一舞。   女:just one more chance   再多来一次。   男:just one more chance   再多来一次。   女:just one more chance   再多来一次。


Papa Bear,Mama Bear,and Baby Bear lived in the forest. “Ring,”went the telephone.”e to my house for lunch,” said Auntie Bear. “Yes,we will e,”said Mama Bear. She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper. Then,the Bears went to Auntie Bear"s house. A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the village. She discovered the Bears" house and went inside Without asking.She sat in a chair. “This chair is too hard!”she plained. The next chair was *** aller,but too soft. The third chair was just right. She sat down with a flop,and the chair legs gave way. Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew. The big bowl was much too hot! “Maybe this bowl will be cooler,”she said. Goldilocks was right,but it was too cold. She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down. It was just right. Then with a yawn,she headed upstairs to the bedroom. Goldilocks tried the first bed,but it was too hard. The next was too soft. Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed. When the Bears arrived home,Papa Bear shouted, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair!”Mama Bear cried, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair!”Then Baby Bear cried, “Somebody"s been sitting on my chair and now it"s all broken!” In the kitchen,Papa Bear looked into his bowl of stew.He said, “Somebody"s been eating my stew!”Mama Bear cried, “Somebody"s been eating my stew!”Baby Bear cried, “Somebody"s been eating my stew,and they ate it all up!” The three bears growled as they climbed the bedroom stairs. Papa Bear growled,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed!” Mama Bear growled,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed!” Baby Bear cried,”Somebody"s been sleeping in my bed, and there she is!” Goldilocks woke up and wanted to run away, but no one could move.They all froze in their tracks. “Please,forgive me,”Goldilocks cried. The Bears forgave her. Goldilocks quit sneaking into people"s homes. 金凤花姑娘和三只熊 熊爸爸,熊**和熊宝宝居住在森林里面. “铃,”电话来了.“来我的住处吃午餐,” 熊姑姑说. “好的,我们会来的,”熊**说. 她把炖菜的碗摆好凉上准备当晚饭. 然后,熊一家三口去熊姑姑的住处. 一个叫金凤花的小女孩住在村子里面. 她发现了熊的房子,并且没有问一下就 走了进去.她坐在一张椅子上. “这张椅子太硬了!”她抱怨. 旁边的椅子更小,但是太软了. 第三张椅子正合适. 她坐下时发出啪的一声响,椅子腿断了. 金凤花看到了三碗炖菜. 大碗是太烫了! “大概这碗会更凉,”她说. 金凤花是正确的,但是它是太凉了. 她抓着第三个碗,狼吞虎咽的吃了下去. 正合适. 然后打了个哈欠,她上楼来到了卧室. 金凤花试了第一张床,但是太硬了. 下一张太软. 金凤花叹了口气,躺下睡着了,这时候她 躺在第三张床上. 当熊一家到达家里的时候,熊爸爸叫喊道, “有人坐过我的椅子!”熊**喊道, “有人坐过我的椅子!”然后熊宝宝哭道, “有人坐过我的椅子,现在它全坏了!” 在厨房里,熊爸爸看了看他的炖菜的碗.他说, “有人吃过我的炖菜!”熊**喊道, “有人吃过我的炖菜!”熊宝宝哭到, “有人吃过我的炖菜,现在他们把它吃完了!” 当他们爬上卧室的楼梯,这三只熊咆哮了. 熊爸爸咆哮道,“有人睡过我的床!” 熊**咆哮道,“有人睡过我的床!” 熊宝宝哭喊道,“有人睡过我的床,她在这里!” 金凤花醒了,想要逃跑, 但是(身体)没有任何一个地方能动,它们都冻在了 它们的位置上. “请原谅我,”金凤花哭着说. 熊一家原谅了她. 金凤花再也不偷偷溜进别人的家了.,6,

Jesse McCartney的《Because you live 》的中英文对照歌词

Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart   心情沉重凝视窗外的雨  It′s the end of the world in my mind   如同世界末日降临心际  Then your voice calls me back like a wake up call   你的声音把我唤醒如同晨钟响起  I′ve been looking for the answer  我一直在某处寻找答案  Somewhere   某处  I couldn′t see that it was right there  我所不能见的存在  But now I know what I really know  但如今终于清晰  Because you live and breathe  由于你的存在与呼吸  Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help  由于你让我无助时相信了自己  Because you live, girl   由于你的存在 宝贝  My world has twice as many stars in the sky  我的世界有如繁星闪烁于星空  It′s alright, I survived, I′m alive again   正是如此,我重获生机  Cause of you, made it through every storm  因为你 让我闯过狂风暴雨  What is life, whats the use if you killed inside  如果心中的你幻灭 生活将会怎样 活着又有何用  I′m so glad I found an angel  如此开心找到了我的天使  Someone  那就是  Who was there when all my hopes fell  当所有希望落空时还在支持的你  I wanna fly, looking in your eyes   凝望你的眼神 我想腾空飞起  Because you live and breathe   由于你的存在与呼吸  Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help   由于你让我无助时相信了自己  Because you live, girl  由于你的出现 宝贝  My world has twice as many stars in the sky  我的世界有如繁星闪烁于星空  Because you live, I live  因为你存在 我活着  Because you live there′s a reason why  我找到了理由 只因有你  I carry on when I lose the fight  当我失败时能够坚持下去  I want to give what you′ve given me always  我愿永远给你 你曾经的赠予  Because you live and breathe  由于你的存在与呼吸  Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help  由于你让我无助时相信了自己  Because you live, girl  由于你的出现 宝贝  My world has twice as many stars in the sky  我的世界有如繁星闪烁于星空  Because you live and breathe  由于你的存在与呼吸  Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help  由于你让我无助时相信了自己  Because you live, girl  由于你的出现 宝贝  My world has everything I need to survive   我的世界拥有一切我生存的道理  Because you live, I live, I live   我存在 我存在 只因有你


1、我想牵你的手,从心动,到古稀。 I want to hold your hand, from heartbeat to ancient. 2、为着品德而去眷恋一个人,总是一件很美的事。 It is always beautiful to love a person for virtue. 3、当碰到了爱情,每个人都成了诗人。 When it es to love, everyone bees a poet. 4、淋过雨的空气,疲倦了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经慢慢的融化。 The air that has been drenched, tired and sad, the fairy tale in my memory has melted slowly. 5、制造不公比承受不公更可耻。 It is even more disgraceful to create unfair than to accept injustice. 6、与其不受教育,不知不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。 Ignorance is the root of misfortune rather than education. 7、在短暂的生命里寻找永恒。 Search for eternity in a short life. 8、天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的努力。 Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent effort. 9、开始是工作的最重要部分。 Starting is the most important part of work. 10、不进行仔细考虑安排的生活,不值得一活。 Life without careful consideration is not worth living. 11、如你想要拥有完美无暇的友谊,可能一辈子找不到朋友。 If you want to have a perfect friendship, you may never find a friend in your life. 12、和一个人玩一个小时对他的了解胜过于一年的对谈。 It"s better than one year"s conversation to play with an individual for an hour. 13、快乐不是因为拥有的多而是计较的少。 Happiness is not about having more, but about having less. 14、美德大都包含在良好的习惯之内。 Virtue is mostly contained in good habits. 15、失去了真,同时也就失去了美。 Lost the truth, at the same time lost beauty. 16、你不求回报的伟大,注定我们悲剧的结局。 You do not ask for the greatness of return, destined for our tragic ending. 17、只有驱遣人以高尚的方式相爱的那种爱神才是美,才值得颂扬。 It is only the spirit of love that drives people to love in noble ways. 18、一切伟大的行动和思想,都有一个微不足道的开始。 All great actions and thoughts have a negligible beginning. 19、有勇气并不表示恐惧不存在,而是敢面对恐惧、克服恐惧。 Courage does not mean that fear does not exist. It is the courage to face fear and overe fear. 20、一切研究,一切学习都只不过是回忆罢了。 All research, all learning is nothing more than a memory. 21、你看着星么,我的星星?我愿为天空,得以无数的眼看你。 Do you look at stars, my stars? I would like to see you for the sky. 22、人是一切事的尺度,是存在者之存在,不存在者之不存在的尺度。 Man is the yardstick of everything, the existence of being, and the scale of the non existence of non existence. 23、问候不一定要慎重其事,但一定要真诚感人。 It is not necessary to be cautious about greeting, but be sincere and moving. 24、用体育锻炼身体,用音乐陶冶灵魂。 Use physical exercise to cultivate the soul of music. 25、要仁慈,你所遇见的每个人都在打一场艰难的仗。 To be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a tough battle. 26、上帝永远将一切几何化。 God always makes everything geometrically. 27、衡量一个人的价值就看他拥有权力时的所作所为。 Measuring a person"s value depends on what he does when he has power. 28、懒惰是怯懦的儿子,而疏忽是懒惰的儿子。 Idleness is the son of cowardice, but negligence is the son of idleness. 29、要克服生活的焦虑和沮丧,得先学会做自己的主人。 To overe anxiety and depression in life, you must first learn to be your own master. 30、自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你。 You have to think highly of yourself before others can think of you. 31、得意时应善待他人,因为你失意时会需要他们。 Be kind to others when you are placent, because you will need them when you are frustrated. 32、家!甜蜜的家!天下最美好的莫过于家。 Home! Sweet home! The best thing in the world is home. 33、哲学家毕生都在为死做准备。 Philosophers are preparing for death all their lives. 34、温暖的怀抱不再拥有,从此你消失得一干二净。 The warm embrace is no longer owned, and you disappear pletely. 35、信仰是一种感情,这种感情的力量。 Faith is a feeling, the power of this feeling. 36、贪婪是最真实的贫穷,满足是最真实的财富。 Greed is the most real poverty, and satisfaction is the most real wealth. 37、愚者用肉体监视心灵,智者用心灵监视肉体。 The fool watches the soul with the body, and the wise watches the body with the heart. 38、唯一的好是知识,唯一的恶是无知。 The only good is knowledge, and the only evil is ignorance. 39、真正的恋爱婚姻,无论形式如何简便,总之是神圣的婚姻。 True love and marriage, no matter how easy the form is, is the sacred marriage. 40、教育非他,乃心灵的转向。 Education is not his but the turning of his mind. 41、稍忍须臾是压制恼怒的最好办法。 A little tolerance is the best way to suppress anger. 42、我真想化作星空,用无数双眼睛望着你。 I really want to turn into stars and look at you with countless eyes. 43、好人不需要法律告知他们负起责任,恶人总是绕法律边缘而行。 Good people do not need to be told by law that they are responsible. Evil men always walk around the edge of the law. 44、意志不纯正,则学识足以为害。 If knowledge is not pure, knowledge is enough. 45、有一天那人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。 One day someone will walk into your life, then you will realize that love is always worth waiting for. 46、青春一经典当即永不再赎。 Youth will never be redeemed at once. 47、睿智的人说话,是因为有话要说,蠢蛋说话,是因为得说些话。 Wise men speak because they have words to speak, and fools speak because they have to say something. 48、抱最大的希望,为最大的努力,做最坏的打算。 Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 49、上帝从不埋怨人们的愚昧,人们却埋怨上帝的不公平。 God never plains people"s ignorance, but people plain about God"s injustice. 50、和一个人玩一个小时对他的了解,胜过于一年的对谈。 It is better than one year"s conversation to play with an individual for an hour. 51、初期教育应是一种娱乐,这样才更容易发现一个人天生的爱好。 Early education should be a kind of entertainment, so that it is easier to find out a person"s natural hobby. 52、好好扮演自己的角色,做自己该做的事。 Play your part and do what you should do. 53、我宣布,强权就是公理,正义就是强者的利益。 I declare that power is justice and justice is the interests of the strong. 54、心中充满旋律能渗透到人们的心灵深处。 Hearts full of melody can permeate the hearts of people. 55、贫穷和财富都同样可以促使工作者和他们的作品退步。 Poverty and wealth can also make workers and their works retrogressive. 56、有希望在的地方,痛苦也成欢乐。 Where there is hope, pain bees joy. 57、因害怕失败而不敢放手一搏,永远不会成功。 For fear of failure, dare not go all out, never succeed. 58、游手好闲会使人心智生锈。 Idleness can rust your mind. 59、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。 Anger is to punish others by doing something wrong. 60、讲真话是演说家的美德。 Telling truth is the virtue of an orator.


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