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germination 和sprout 是一样的吗, 包括词性和意思。用英语解释germination.

germination noun(the origin of some development)e.g. the germination of their discontentsprout noun1a newly grown bud (especially from a germinating seed)2any new growth of a plant such as a new branch or a bud以上就是两者差异,同为名词。


germinate 与 sprout 都有种子发芽的意思。此外,germinate还有某种想法成形的意思。sprout还可以指长新叶,头发长出等意思。

如何理解overlap fermions ?

基本粒子分为两种,一种叫“费米子”(fermion),以美国物理学家恩利克·费米的名字命名,另一种叫“玻色子”(boson),以印度物理学家萨特延德拉·纳特·玻色的名字命名。这两个术语在被提及时经常相互对比,它们的主要区别是自旋特性不同。自旋为半整数的基本粒子(如1/2、3/2、5/2)低能态时遵守费米子守恒定律,即数量不变(一正一反不计数量 例如一个电子和一个正电子不计数)其性质由费米预言所以称费米子 与其相对的是自旋为整数的玻色子(如光子)

请问红色的种类,要英文,如scarlet, vermilion, maroon

transimex, siam container terminal,这两个港口的中文名叫什么


老友记第1季第3季中phoebe提到的 giant karmit debt什么意思,特别是karmit,?

巨大的业报karmic[kɑmik]n. (宗教)羯磨(梵语译音,意为“作业”),命运,因果报应


在未做分片的表中,数据库按照表在DBS中的物理地址作为ROWID,此地址在DBS中是固定并且唯一的,所以,未分片表,数据库系统默认为其生成一个隐藏字段叫rowid。 而对于分片表,由于不同的记录在不同的DBS中可能有相同的物理地址,所以数据库没有为分片表默认生成ROWID,如果想在这些表上使用ROWID,则需要执行下面的操作: ALTER TABLE table_name ADD ROWIDS; 或在建表时使用 WITH ROWIDS表达式。 通过上面的操作, 数据库会为此表增加一个4字节唯一字段,并自动为此字段增加一个内部索引,并且在sysfragments表中为此索引增加一条记录。在建完ROWID之后,对ROWID做一下统计更新:update statistics high for table table_name(rowid)




spearmint和peppermint的区别spearmint 单词的词义是:n. 荷兰薄荷; peppermint 单词的词义是: n. 薄荷; 薄荷糖; 薄荷油;


PowerMILL 2015 使您能以前所未有的速度快速加工零件,同时保持零件高质量、高精度。它自动化程度更高,更易使用 ,可帮助您快速、精确地从CAD模型得到加工完毕零件。无论是小零件微加工的粗加工策略,还是大型航空航天部件的高精切削,PowerMILL 2015 都能轻松应对。新的功能和功能增强包括:● Vortex 旋风铣功能完善 ● 机床碰撞检查 ● 通过刀杆的刀轴 ● 平行精加工自动角度 ● 曲线编辑器完善 ● 粗加工移动单次提刀● 策略选取器的GUI完善 Vortex 旋风铣Vortex 旋风铣粗加工策略现在可从毛坯外接近平坦面,可增加非切削移动的进给率,从而极大地缩短了加工时间。 机床碰撞检查*碰撞检查功能现在更加准确可靠。当机床和零件间的间隙在设置的间隙值内时,系统会将有关部件突出显示为黄色示警。*高级仿真和检查是付费选项粗加工移动单次提刀效率更高的偏置全部粗加工刀具路径,每切片层提刀次数更少,最少仅一次提刀。 平行精加工自动角度 平行加工时,现在 PowerMILL 可自动为每个区域设置最合适的角度。 穿过刀杆的刀轴现在可指定PowerMILL 使用什么信息来分布刀具路径点,以避免机床的万向节死锁。 曲线编辑器完善 曲线编辑器工具栏现在新添了3种新的曲线产生模式,它们分别是椭圆、螺旋、3D螺旋。 策略选取器的 GUI 完善使用新的GUI用户界面可更方便地产生和管理自定义模板,一次点击就可增加或删除常用策略。 -------------

terminal velocity是什么意思






permitted purpose是什么意思


博凌科为 的 2×Taq PCR MasterMix实验室用的多不?我们想买,谁用过的 给点意见。

博凌科为的产品都挺好的,很多实验室都在用,这个品牌挺值得信赖的!■ 显著提高PCR 反应的特异性和灵敏度,还能有效扩增GC 含量高、二级结构等复杂模板。最低可扩增2 个拷贝的目的模板,使实验结果更加精确。■ 独创的Taq MasterMix 配方使整个反应体系非常稳定,多次冻融或长期放于4℃亦不会影响活性。■ 稳定高效预配好的PCR 混合液快速简便,大大降低劳动强度和取样误差,而且加入了高性能的PCR 增强剂和优化剂,降低了对PCR 条件的要求。■ 分成含染料和不含染料两种体系。含染料的MasterMix 产品在PCR结束后可以直接电泳,无需加入上样缓冲液。质量控制检测经检测无外源核酸酶活性;PCR 方法检测无宿主DNA残留;能有效地扩增人基因组中的单拷贝基因;室温存放一周,无明显活性改变。产品稳定性一管便捷式PCR MasterMix系列所有产品在-20℃条件下可保存一年以上,多次冻融或长期放于4℃不影响活性。4℃放置三个月,无明显活性改变。保存条件: -20℃可长期保存,多次冻融不会影响活性。如需经常使用,可存放于4℃

parmi 在线3d spi/3d aoi检查设备是什么企业的设备



在过去的半个世纪里,使用化学肥料已经变得非常常见的耕作。很多农民欢迎他们作为一个伟大的方式来阻止作物病害和提高生产。最近,然而,科学家们已经发现长期使用这些肥料可以造成土地受损,甚至更危险的是,会对人们的健康。 什么是一些化肥所引起的问题?首先,他们伤害地杀死有益的细菌和害虫以及有害的。化学物质还停留在地面和地下的水长时间。这种影响的农作物,因此,动物和人类,因为化学物质进入的庄稼和不能被冲洗。这些化学物质在食物供应建立在人身上。这些化学物质会导致癌症或其他疾病。此外,水果,蔬菜和其他食物化学肥料通常生长得过快而营养不足。他们看起来很漂亮,但里面通常是比维生素和矿物质水。 由于这些发现,一些农民和消费者开始转向有机农业。有机农业是农业不使用任何化学物质。他们把注意力集中在保持土壤肥沃、无病。一个健康的土壤,减少疾病和帮助农作物生长健壮。有机耕种的农夫,因此,往往喜欢使用天然的动物粪便作为肥料。他们觉得这是在他们的领域中丰富的矿物质和土壤更肥沃。这也使空气,土壤,水和作物免受化学品。 有机农民也使用其他方法来保持土壤肥沃。他们经常换种作物在各领域,每隔几年,例如,种植玉米和小麦,然后明年豌豆或大豆。如豌豆或大豆把重要的矿物质带回土壤的作物,使它准备如小麦或玉米,需要肥沃土壤的作物。有机耕作的农民还种植作物利用不同层次的土壤,例如,种植花生使用的地表后的蔬菜,深深扎根。有些有机耕种的农民喜欢在农作物之间种草,防止风或水土壤带走,然后让它成为在地面上的天然肥料明年的收成。这些不同的有机耕作的方法有相同的目标:成长良好的食物和避免破坏环境和人们的健康。

PCR SuperMix中的Taq酶和Pfu酶有什么区别?


PCR SuperMix中的Taq酶和Pfu酶有什么区别? 它们分别有什么作用?


phpstrom中Terminal 写的命令怎样查看历史记录?

1. virtual terminal 默认显示字符,如果单片机发送的是非显示字符,则虚拟终端不会显示,会导致用户认为通讯未通。运行程序,在虚拟终端窗口里面点击右键,在弹出菜单里面:选HEX DISPLAY MODE,则显示按十六进制显示,能显示所有字符。2.virtual terminal 默认情况下不显示回显字符,运行程序,在虚拟终端窗口里面点击右键,在弹出菜单里面:选Echo Typed Characters 显示回显字符3.virtual terminal 和模拟物理串口COMPIM不能同时使用,同时使用会发生相互影响。


1. virtual terminal 默认显示字符,如果单片机发送的是非显示字符,则虚拟终端不会显示,会导致用户认为通讯未通。运行程序,在虚拟终端窗口里面点击右键,在弹出菜单里面:选HEX DISPLAY MODE,则显示按十六进制显示,能显示所有字符。2.virtual terminal 默认情况下不显示回显字符,运行程序,在虚拟终端窗口里面点击右键,在弹出菜单里面:选Echo Typed Characters 显示回显字符3.virtual terminal 和模拟物理串口COMPIM不能同时使用,同时使用会发生相互影响。


因为你没有装机床构造插件Machine Builder,

the terminal 简单的英文影评

一句话:Life is waiting. Viktor Navorski, a man from an Eastern European country arrives in New York. However after he left his country war broke out. Suddenly Navorski is a man without a country - or one that the U.S. cannot recognize, thus he is denied entrance to the U.S. However, he also can"t be deported so he is told by the Security Manager that he has to remain in the airport until his status can be fixed. And also Navorski doesn"t speak English very well, so he cannot talk to or understand anyone. But he somehow adapts and sets up residence in the airport, which makes the man who placed him there unhappy, as it seems he is in line for a promotion but Navroski"s presence might complicate that. So he tries to get Navorski to leave but Navorski remains where he is. Navorski makes friends with some of the people who work in the airport and is attracted to a flight attendant he runs into whenever she comes in.


1线 奥地利 riedei(利多) 德国 SPIEGELAU(诗杯客乐) 德国 SCHOTT-ZEIESEL (肖特) 而riedei(利多) 为SPIEGELAU(诗杯客乐)工厂OEM 意大利的uiqi boimioli(路易治波米奥尼)和bormioli rocco(波米欧利罗克) 2线品牌就是以美国利比。土耳其帕莎。法国弓箭,泰国海洋等品牌了 一般都认为欧洲产的酒杯比其它地方产的要好,就像欧洲的汽车普遍比日本和美国产的高一个档次!

resident permit是什么意思


firming tightly lift是精华还是眼霜?


Katie Armiger的《I Will Be》 歌词

歌曲名:I Will Be歌手:Katie Armiger专辑:Confessions of a Nice GirlKatie Armiger - I Will BeWhen you need someone, I"ll be thereHold you close, let you know I"ll careBe the one that dusts you offLets you know you are enough, honeyCurtain falls, the applause stopsThe lights are downI will stand up and make you seeI will be, I will beYour strength when no one believesI will be, I will beEverything that you needI will beWhen you"re down, down on your kneesGiving up, giving inDefeat has got the best of youYour heart is broken, blueWhen you laugh, when you cryAll the moments, all the good timesOf your lifeI will be, I will beYour strength when no one believesI will be, I will beEverything that you needI will beWhen you need someone, I"ll be thereHold you close, let you know I"ll careOooh ooohI will be, I will beYour strength when no one believesI will be, I will beEverything that you needI will behttp://music.baidu.com/song/18290145

Katie Armiger的《Okay Alone》 歌词

歌曲名:Okay Alone歌手:Katie Armiger专辑:Fall Into MeKatie Armiger - Okay Alone.Might be crazy but talking to the windFills a place where you used to fit inAnd sometimes I pretendThat I can hear you answering.And I"m missing you, no matter what I doIn the silence of this moment I can barely moveTime won"t, let me let you goI"m still the girl that I wasBefore my heart brokeI"ll find a way to be okay, alone.Just when I think that I"ve moved on, let you fadeSomehow your memory finds a wayTo break down the walls I"ve madeAnd leave me driftingThrough just another day.I"m missing you, no matter what I doIn the silence of this moment I can barely moveTime won"t, let me let you goI"m still the girl that I wasBefore my heart brokeI"ll find a way to be okay, alone.I know I"m strong enoughTo move on without your loveAnd I know, I know, I knowSomeday I won"t.Be missing you, no matter what I doIn the silence of this moment I can barely moveTime won"t, let me let you goI"m still the girl that I wasBefore my heart brokeYeah, I"ll find a way to be okayI"m gonna be okay, alone.http://music.baidu.com/song/33948595

Katie Armiger的《Nice Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Nice Girl歌手:Katie Armiger专辑:Confessions of a Nice GirlKatie Armiger - Nice GirlI don"t know what you done, but you done what you didAnd now you"re telling me that you"re not to blameI hear it in your voice, you"re holding back, tell you whatI"m sick and tired of these high school gameYou tap me in the head, stab me in the back,Thinking you can get away with thatCause I"m a nice girl, always doin" right girlNow let me get it straightYou play me for a foolAnd then I should cry for youOh, whateverYou"re lucky I"m a nice girlYeah, I"m such a nice girlI"m ain"t your little sister, I ain"t your mommaDon"t wanna reprimand you every time you do wrongIt"s people like you that create bad attitudesYou"re out of line stepping where you don"t belongI won"t beat you up, or call you a jerkI won"t give you what you deserveCause I"m a nice girlAn always doin" right girlNow let me get it straightYou play me for a foolAnd then I should cry for youOh, so sadYou"re lucky I"m a nice girlYeah, I"m such a nice girlIt just might surprise youHow much I don"t care if you like meBad girls would wanna fight youBut I that"s a waste of energyCause I"m a nice girlA really, really nice girlI"d love to see your faceIf I turned on youYeah, you"d be shaking in your shoesI would love thatYou"re lucky I"m a nice girlAlways your nice girlSimply a nice girlI"m such a nice girl all the timeSick and tired of being nicehttp://music.baidu.com/song/18288614

家长不让我穿骷髅的衣服怎么办 说什么不吉利?会不会真的有影响啊?我是买MMJ Mastermind Japan Pu的衣服


Warp Terminal——一个雄心勃勃的新终端

终端是大多数开发人员日常工作流程的关键部分。尽管有许多出色的终端,例如 iTerm 、 Alacrity 、 Windows Terminal、 Hyper.is 等等,但偶尔也会出现新的 终端, 并为开发人员提供新功能,从而提高生产力和个性化。Warp 正在以一种大胆的方式做到这一点。 虽然“输入”可能看起来很简单,但这可能是用户最常用的基于文本的程序的方面,因为它是您与程序交互的方式。我相信,仔细考虑使终端的这一部分表明作者了解真正重要的事情。 这是功能开始变得非常有趣的地方。开始将终端视为与许多其他应用程序一样的协作工具是一种非常具有前瞻性的方法,如果执行得当,可能会对开发人员与团队更快解决问题的能力产生巨大影响。 终端历史记录是一项有用的功能,可在许多 shell 和终端(例如 Get-History powershell)中使用,但 Warp 的可搜索命令历史记录将这个工具提升到了一个新的水平。 可能是 Warp 中最雄心勃勃的功能,实时协作旨在使终端成为一种体验,多个开发人员可以在同一个 shell 实例中运行命令并讨论正在运行的命令。这可以为更轻松的培训、调试构建问题或可能的一些非自动化部署过程开辟可能性。 总的来说,这个项目绝对是一个值得尝试的项目,随着它的进展,我们肯定会重新审视它!



do not permit it to railroad you


Armia的《Utopia》 歌词

歌曲名:Utopia歌手:Armia专辑:Pocalunek Mongolskiego KsieciaWithin Temptation - UtopiaThe burning desireTo live and roam freeIt shines in the darkAnd it grows within meYou"re holding my handBut you don"t understandSo where I am goingYou won"t be in the endI"m dreaming in coloursOf getting the chanceI"m dreaming of tryingThe perfect romanceIn search of the door to open your mindIn search of the cure of mankindHelp us we"re drowningSo closed up insideWhy does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?Why does it have to killThe ideal of who we are?Why does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?How will the lights die down,You"re telling us who we are?I"m searching for answersNot given for freeYou"re hurting insideIs there life within me?You"re holding my handBut you don"t understandYou"re taking the roadAll alone in the endI"m dreaming in coloursNo boundaries are thereI"m dreaming the dreamAnd I"ll sing to shareIn search of the door to open your mindIn search of the cure of mankindHelp us we"re drowningSo closed up insideWhy does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?Why does it have to killThe ideal of who we are?Why does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?How will the lights die down,You"re telling us who we are?Ohhhhh Ohhhhh OhhhhhWhy does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?Why does it have to killThe ideal of who we are?Ohh why does it rain, rain, rainDown on utopia?How will the lights die down,Telling us who we are?Why does it rain?http://music.baidu.com/song/2619692

华硕玩家国度STRIX H270F GRMING的m.2支持nvme协议吗?

这个主板当然可以支持M.2固态nvme协议的,毕竟H270-F GAMING主板是当时七代的中高端系列,而且主板采用的是双M.2接口,所以目前所有nvme固态M.2都可以支持的,


一、污染监测一个好的PCR实验室,必须要时刻注意污染的监测,考虑是否受到污染,如有污染,是何原因造成的。通过有效地监测,采取正确的相应措施,防止或消除污染。1、阴性对照:阴性对照是每次PCR实验都必须做的。它包括了标本对照与试剂对照,通过对照确认样本和试剂是否受到感染。2、阳性对照:它是PCR 反应是否成功、产物条带位置及大小是否合乎理论要求的一个重要的参考标志。阳性对照要选择扩增度中等、重复性好、经鉴定是该产物的标本。但阳性对照其对检测或扩增样品污染的可能性很大。因而当某一PCR试剂已经使用稳定,检验人员完全掌握时,在之后的实验中应尽可能免设阳性对照。来减小污染概率。4、重复性试验。二、防止污染的方法1、合理分隔实验室:将样品的处理、配制PCR反应液、PCR循环扩增以及PCR产物的鉴定等步骤进行分区或者分室,尤其要将样本处理和PCR产物的鉴定与其它步骤严格分开。 理想的分区为,标本处理区、PCR反应液制备区、PCR循环扩增区、PCR产物鉴定区。2、PCR试剂要做好预混合分装:所有的PCR试剂都应进行小量分装,PCR反应液应尽可能预先配置好,然后再小量分装,在-20℃下保存,以减少重复加样次数,从而避免污染机会。另外,PCR试剂、PCR反应液应当与样品及PCR产物分开保存,不可放于同一冰盒或冰箱。3、吸样枪污染防护:吸样枪是一个非常容易发生污染的设备。如操作时不慎将样品或模板核酸吸入枪内或粘在枪头上,将会成为一个严重的污染源,因而使用吸样枪时要格外小心,吸样要慢,并尽量一次性完成,忌多次抽吸,避免发生交叉污染或气溶胶污染。4、减少PCR循环次数:以PCR产物达到检测水平为宜。5、防止操作人员污染:使用一次性手套、吸头、小离心管。

terminal lug是什么意思



被动接线终端 主动接线终端

Error (10106): Verilog HDL Loop error at sorting4.v(13): loop must terminate within 5000 iterations


两条横线,填If time permits的同义词,用英文,急求急求

这个问题你会答吗? 如果你知道问题的答案,不如花几分钟帮助他~

test permit是什么意思


Promise后面跟to do还是doing?意思一样吗?permit的呢

Promise是 承诺 应许 做某事 例如He promised to come early.关于Promisepromise doing sth 表示承诺做某事.已经在做promise to do 表示承诺做某事.但还没有做


permit英音:[p"mit]美音:[p"mt] permit 1 及物动词 vt. 1. 允许,许可,准许[O1][+v-ing][O2] They permitted her to leave. 他们允许她离开。 I don"t think they would permit this. 我想他们不会准许这事。 2. (不用被动式,常用物做主语)允许,容许 These stores do not permit sales of alcoholic beverages. 这些商店不准出售含酒精饮料。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 允许,容许[(+of)] I will write another novel if my eyes permit. 如果我的视力许可,我还要再写一本小说。 We"ll discuss both questions if time permits. 如果时间允许,我们将把两个问题都讨论一下。 permit 2 名词n. 1. 许可证,执照[C] Have you got a permit to fish in this lake? 你有在这个湖里钓鱼的许可证吗?

permit to doing有什么区别?

"permitdoing" 与 "permittodo" 是两种不同的语法结构,分别用于表示不同的含义。"permitdoing" 是一个动词不定式结构,其中的 "permit" 是一个动词,表示允许或许可的意思,后面接一个动词的基本形式(动词原形)来表示被允许的动作。例如:My boss permits me to leave early today.(我的老板允许我今天早退。)The sign permits parking on weekends.(这个标志允许周末停车。)"permittodo" 是一个动词不定式和一个名词的结合,其中的 "permit" 是一个动词,表示允许或许可的意思,后面接一个名词,表示被允许的事物。例如:The permit to build a new house was approved.(建造新房的许可证已经获得批准。)You need a permit to fish in this lake.(在这个湖里钓鱼需要许可证。)总的来说,"permitdoing" 是用来表示动作的允许,而 "permittodo" 则是用来表示事物或活动的允许。在语法上,"permitdoing" 是动词 + 动词不定式的结构,而 "permittodo" 则是动词 + 名词的结构。

permit doing和permit to do有何不同?

这道题我会,先给你大家制作一个表格,这样更加清晰明了一、含义不同:1. permit doing:允许做某事(动名词形式)2. permit to do:允许做某事(动词不定式形式)二、语法的区别:1. permit doing:permit 之后跟动名词作宾语。2. permit to do:permit 之后跟动词不定式作宾语。三、用法不同:permit doing 和 permit to do 在意义上没有明显区别,它们都表示允许做某事。区别在于 permit 后面所接的宾语形式不同。四、使用方法不同:1. permit doing:permit 后跟动名词作宾语。2. permit to do:permit 后跟动词不定式作宾语。五、具体用法举例(带中文翻译):permit doing 的例子:1. The law permits smoking in designated areas.(法律允许在指定区域吸烟。)2. The teacher permits using calculators during the test.(老师允许在考试期间使用计算器。)3. They permit wearing casual clothes on Fridays.(他们允许周五穿休闲服。)permit to do 的例子:1. The law permits people to smoke in designated areas.(法律允许人们在指定区域吸烟。)2. The teacher permits students to use calculators during the test.(老师允许学生在考试期间使用计算器。)3. The company permits employees to wear casual clothes on Fridays.(公司允许员工周五穿休闲服。)六、决策参考:在选择 permit doing 和 permit to do 时,可以参考以下建议:1. 如果 permit 后的宾语是人,建议使用 permit to do 形式。2. 如果 permit 后的宾语是事物,可以使用 permit doing 形式。3. 在某些情况下,两者可以互换使用,但 permit to do 更常用于表示允许某人做某事,而 permit doing 更常用于表示允许某事物发生。不过,这并不是绝对的,具体用法还需根据语境判断。七、注意事项:当 permit 作为一个名词时,它表示许可、批准或许可证。例如:You need a permit to park here.(你需要停车许可才能在这里停车。)当 permit 与其他动词一起使用时,例如 allow 或 let,可以用 permit to do 和 permit doing 交替使用,但这些动词的习惯用法可能有所不同。例如,let 常用 let do,而不用 let to do。

加拿大大学申请时,study permit 是什么东西? 谢了!


如果时间允许的话 用英语表达为什么用If time permits 不用?

permit ,是动词,不是形容词哦

permit后加什么介词 存在permit of

permit 当动词可以是 1.及物动词Vt,代表允许、准许,后面直接接受词不需介系词 . 例:My father permitted me to travel alone.(我的父亲允许我独自旅行) 2.不及物动词,代表容许,加of再加受词.例:His late arrival permits of no excuse.(他的迟到不容解释.)



smoking permits

C 是考被动倒装、 前面是否定的、 后面要倒装 被动倒装就是be动词提前 、 其他都不变、 如: smoking is permitted 就变成 is smoking permitted

Weather _______, we will have a picnic tomorrow A.permit B.permits C.permitted D.permitt

D 考查独立主格结构,前后主语分别是Weather和we,不一致,因此是独立主格结构,在句中作条件状语,用Weather permitting相当于If weather permits, 句意:如果天气允许的话,我们明天去野餐。






这个是阿里云短信验证做了限制,permits:2。表示只允许发送两次。可以直接在阿里云短信服务里通用设置里设置,每个人一分钟限制条数,一小时发送条数,一天发送的条数。短信服务(Short Message Service)是阿里云为用户提供的一种通信服务的能力。支持向国内和国际快速发送验证码、短信通知和推广短信,服务范围覆盖全球200多个国家和地区。国内短信支持三网合一专属通道,与工信部携号转网平台实时互联。电信级运维保障,实时监控自动切换,到达率高达99%。完美支撑双11期间20亿短信发送,6亿用户触达。有以下功能:1,阿里云为全球企业客户提供国际/港澳台短信发送服务,通过API/SDK方式调用短信发送能力,将指定信息发送至境外手机号码。2,支持通过短信形式发送通知。3,在短信验证场景中,支持通过短信形式发送验证码。4,支持多种推广内容的短信发放,为提升企业产品增加曝光率提供帮助。




"permitdoing" 与 "permittodo" 是两种不同的语法结构,分别用于表示不同的含义。"permitdoing" 是一个动词不定式结构,其中的 "permit" 是一个动词,表示允许或许可的意思,后面接一个动词的基本形式(动词原形)来表示被允许的动作。例如:My boss permits me to leave early today.(我的老板允许我今天早退。)The sign permits parking on weekends.(这个标志允许周末停车。)"permittodo" 是一个动词不定式和一个名词的结合,其中的 "permit" 是一个动词,表示允许或许可的意思,后面接一个名词,表示被允许的事物。例如:The permit to build a new house was approved.(建造新房的许可证已经获得批准。)You need a permit to fish in this lake.(在这个湖里钓鱼需要许可证。)总的来说,"permitdoing" 是用来表示动作的允许,而 "permittodo" 则是用来表示事物或活动的允许。在语法上,"permitdoing" 是动词 + 动词不定式的结构,而 "permittodo" 则是动词 + 名词的结构。

如果时间允许是if time permits 还是用permitting

If time permits=Time permitting,


这道题我会,先给你大家制作一个表格,这样更加清晰明了一、含义不同:1. permit doing:允许做某事(动名词形式)2. permit to do:允许做某事(动词不定式形式)二、语法的区别:1. permit doing:permit 之后跟动名词作宾语。2. permit to do:permit 之后跟动词不定式作宾语。三、用法不同:permit doing 和 permit to do 在意义上没有明显区别,它们都表示允许做某事。区别在于 permit 后面所接的宾语形式不同。四、使用方法不同:1. permit doing:permit 后跟动名词作宾语。2. permit to do:permit 后跟动词不定式作宾语。五、具体用法举例(带中文翻译):permit doing 的例子:1. The law permits smoking in designated areas.(法律允许在指定区域吸烟。)2. The teacher permits using calculators during the test.(老师允许在考试期间使用计算器。)3. They permit wearing casual clothes on Fridays.(他们允许周五穿休闲服。)permit to do 的例子:1. The law permits people to smoke in designated areas.(法律允许人们在指定区域吸烟。)2. The teacher permits students to use calculators during the test.(老师允许学生在考试期间使用计算器。)3. The company permits employees to wear casual clothes on Fridays.(公司允许员工周五穿休闲服。)六、决策参考:在选择 permit doing 和 permit to do 时,可以参考以下建议:1. 如果 permit 后的宾语是人,建议使用 permit to do 形式。2. 如果 permit 后的宾语是事物,可以使用 permit doing 形式。3. 在某些情况下,两者可以互换使用,但 permit to do 更常用于表示允许某人做某事,而 permit doing 更常用于表示允许某事物发生。不过,这并不是绝对的,具体用法还需根据语境判断。七、注意事项:当 permit 作为一个名词时,它表示许可、批准或许可证。例如:You need a permit to park here.(你需要停车许可才能在这里停车。)当 permit 与其他动词一起使用时,例如 allow 或 let,可以用 permit to do 和 permit doing 交替使用,但这些动词的习惯用法可能有所不同。例如,let 常用 let do,而不用 let to do。

英语it permits us怎么翻译?

it permits us,这个简短的英文句子的中文翻译是:它允许我们。

permise 意思

promise?..premise?..premise是前提 假设的意思第一个是承诺的意思......

Dormi, Dormi (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Dormi, Dormi (Live)歌手:Vasco Rossi专辑:Vasco Live 10.7.90 San SiroForza MilanBy EricDormi,dormiVasco RossiCosa succede in citta"Stai con me....ancora un po"solo un momento...ti pagheròSoltanto un attimo....di Nostalgiaoppure per un attimo e poi vai via!e tu Parli....parli...parli di" cose che passano....."e poi sogni......sognisogni che poi svanisconoStai con me... ci stai o noci stai un attimo......un giornoci stai per essere ancora mia....oppure ci stai per non andare via!!e tu Dormi, dormimentre i miei sogni crollano.e tu Dormi, dormiE i sogni poi si scordano!Stai con me....;oppure nosoltanto un attimo.....Ti pagheròci stai per essere ancora miaoppure ci stai per non andare viaEd il Sole.......Muorementre i miei sogni crollanoed il Sole...dormee i sogni poi si scordano!e tu Dormi....dormiora i tuoi sogni volano....e tu Dormi...dormimentre i tuoi occhi "sorridono"http://music.baidu.com/song/2620420

Dormi, Dormi (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Dormi, Dormi (Live)歌手:Vasco Rossi专辑:The Platinum CollectionForza MilanBy EricDormi,dormiVasco Rossi (中意对照)Cosa succede in citta"Stai con me....ancora un po" 陪着我...再陪一会solo un momento...ti pagherò 一会会就行...我会补还你的Soltanto un attimo....di Nostalgia 就当是怀旧一会儿嘛oppure per un attimo e poi vai via! 或者这一会儿之后你就远走高飞吧!e tu Parli....parli... 你说着,说着parli di" cose che passano....." 说着那些过往的云烟e poi sogni......sogni 然后你梦着,梦着sogni che poi svaniscono 梦到它们慢慢消逝Stai con me... ci stai o no 留下来陪着我吧...你留还是不留ci stai un attimo......un giorno 再陪我一会....或者是一天ci stai per essere ancora mia.... 陪着我因为你还是我的oppure ci stai per non andare via!! 或者是因为你再也不走了!e tu Dormi, dormi 你睡着,睡着mentre i miei sogni crollano. 而我的梦一一破碎了e tu Dormi, dormi 你睡着,睡着E i sogni poi si scordano! 而那些梦也慢慢被遗忘Stai con me....;oppure no 陪着我...要不就算了吧!soltanto un attimo.....Ti pagherò 一会会就行...我会补还你的ci stai per essere ancora mia 陪着我因为你还是我的oppure ci stai per non andare via 或者是因为你再也不走了!Ed il Sole.......Muore 太阳...渐渐落下了mentre i miei sogni crollano 而我的梦一一破碎了ed il Sole...dorme 太阳...慢慢睡去了e i sogni poi si scordano! 而那些梦也会慢慢被遗忘e tu Dormi....dormi 你睡着,睡着ora i tuoi sogni volano.... 如今你的梦在飞e tu Dormi...dormi 你睡着,睡着mentre i tuoi occhi "sorridono" 而你的"微笑"的双眼留下了泪Buon San ValentinoA Te2010-02-14http://music.baidu.com/song/2637513





informix中左连接 高手进

select a.*,b.bbrmc from tmp_shu02 a left outer join tmp_shu03 b on a.branch_company_code = b.branch_company_code on a.policy_no = b.policy_no

一篇英语作文My dormitory room !谢谢!二百字左右,

myroom(转载) My face looks like a castle room, but the inside is always very chaotic,but I still like my own room. My favorite room in my reading, writing, listening to music, doing things they like, but also be free fantasy. Whenever the after school came home, I burst into the room, forcing the less than special greeting to the dolls are their comfortable in her arms sitting desk, and singing songs. replaced by large casual wear, the pressure of schoolwork all disappear without a trace. In addition, the room is my sister"s secret base in chatting, my mother often in the window watching us happy along the probe, and the sum of us laughing in unison, sometimes playing with playing with toys on the chaotic, but I am still feel that this is a warm paradise. I really liked our room, even if not always greasy with Xian Fan, it is always quiet and free of 。 题目可能不一样,你将里面的一些词改一下就符合你的要求的了。参考网址: http://www.zuowenku.net/

研究生英语作文three ways to keep peace in the dormitory


clean the dormitory为什么加the


以“A Problem of Life In a Dormitory” 写一篇作文(150词左右)满分求高手

The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life (集体生活的利与弊)  For most university students, dormitory life is a new experience. Most students have never lived far away from their parents before coming to university. They have always had their parents to depend on for advice and guidance, and when they become university students, their lives begin to change.  There are striking difference between home life and dormitory life. Student must begin to be responsible for their own action. They must depend on themselves to get up in the morning on, time for class, to eat properly, to keep their clothes and themselves clean ,and to set aside an appropriate amount of time for study and relaxation. They must also learn to take care of their money, making sure to preserve enough for both necessities and for fun.  In general, there are both good and bad points about life in student dormitory. Often, dormitoryrooms are small and crowded. This lack of space can limit one"s privacy and make itdifficult for students to concentrate on their studies. On the other hand, in a dormitory, student have a great deal more freedom thanthey might have at home. They can act according to their own will and desire than to that of parents.

以my dormitory为题 从空间顺序写一段英文

Our DormitoryEntering the door, you will be captured by three big words hanging up in front of the window. It"s the name of our dormitory and written in a beautiful script. Around the words, there"re green leaves as a decoration. Aside the two walls, there"re four pairs of desks and beds. On the wall, there"re delicate wallpapers with beautiful sceneries. While looking up at the ceiling, you"ll find some paper stars on it and they form a picture of the starlit sky. After you turn back, you can see some papers on the door. There"re timetables, a duty table, rule tables and an article introducing the stories of my roommates. That"s the decoration of our domitory. It"s very harmonious, isn"t it?

what is your dormitory

what is your dormitory你的宿舍是什么重点单词:dormitory (学校等的)宿舍;集体寝室;(在市内工作的人的)郊外住宅区

以my dormitory为题 从空间顺序写一段英文

Our Dormitory Entering the door,you will be captured by three big words hanging up in front of the window.It"s the name of our dormitory and written in a beautiful script.Around the words,there"re green leaves as a decoration.Aside the two walls,there"re four pairs of desks and beds.On the wall,there"re delicate wallpapers with beautiful sceneries.While looking up at the ceiling,you"ll find some paper stars on it and they form a picture of the starlit sky.After you turn back,you can see some papers on the door.There"re timetables,a duty table,rule tables and an article introducing the stories of my roommates.That"s the decoration of our domitory.It"s very harmonious,isn"t it?

英语作文 My dormitory 80-100字初三水平

My dormitory room is on the second floor. It is small and crowded. The dark green walls and the dirty whiteceiling make the room seem dark, and thus even smaller than it is, As youwalk into the room, you are stopped short by my bed which fills half of the room. The two large windowsover the bed are hidden by heavy dark golddrapes. Against the wall on your left, pushed into a corner behind the headof the bed, is a large bookcase which is crammed with papers, books, and knick-knacks, Wedged in between the bookcase and the wall opposite the bed is a small grey metal desk. It has a brown wooden chair which seems to fill the left end of the room.Stuffed under the desk is a wooden wastepaper basket overflowing with paper and debris. The wall above the bookcase and desk is completely taken up with two small posters. On the right hand of the room is a narrow closet with clothes,shoes, hats, tennis racquets, and boxes bulging out of sliding doors. Everytime I walk out of the door, I think, "Now I know what it is like to live in a closet."

dormitory ,outside

C 每个月在外面租房子住的费用是住在宿舍的两倍.

staff dormitory是什么意思


my new dormitory英语作文100字

My Dormitory My dormitory room is on *the second floor.It is small and crowded.The dark green walls and the dirty white ceiling make the room seem dark,and thus even smaller than it is,As youwalk into the room,you are stopped short by my bed which fills half of the room.The two large windows over the bed are hidden by heavy dark gold drapes.Against the wall on your left,pushed into a corner behind the head of the bed,is a large bookcase which is crammed with papers,books,and knick-knacks,Wedged in between the bookcase and the wall opposite the bed is a small grey metal desk.It has a brown wooden chair which seems to fill the left end of the room.Stuffed under the desk is a wooden wastepaper basket overflowing with paper and debris.The wall above the bookcase and desk is completely taken up with two small posters.On the right hand of the room is a narrow closet with clothes,shoes,hats,tennis racquets,and boxes bulging out of its sliding doors.Everytime I walk out of the door,I think,"Now I know what it is like to live in a closet."

my dormitory适合居住英语作文

i live in school dormitory because my home is far from school.there is three person in my dormitory except me.each of us have a table can write homework under the bed .there also a bathroom in my dormitory .we can take bath and wash clothes in our dormitory.my roommates get on well with each other ,we all like our dormitory

dormitory rules

dormitory rules 名词后跟一个名词,前面的名词可相当定语.如apple tree苹果树 apple就相当与一定语或叫形容词而不用说the tree of apple

求篇英语作文My dormitory

My Dormitory My dormitory room is on *the second floor. It is small and crowded. The dark green walls and the dirty white ceiling make the room seem dark, and thus even smaller than it is, As youwalk into the room, you are stopped short by my bed which fills half of the room. The two large windows over the bed are hidden by heavy dark gold drapes. Against the wall on your left, pushed into a corner behind the head of the bed, is a large bookcase which is crammed with papers, books, and knick-knacks, Wedged in between the bookcase and the wall opposite the bed is a small grey metal desk. It has a brown wooden chair which seems to fill the left end of the room.Stuffed under the desk is a wooden wastepaper basket overflowing with paper and debris. The wall above the bookcase and desk is completely taken up with two small posters. On the right hand of the room is a narrow closet with clothes,shoes, hats, tennis racquets, and boxes bulging out of its sliding doors. Everytime I walk out of the door, I think, "Now I know what it is like to live in a closet."
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