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首次庆祝妇女节是在1909年,当时美国社会党发表了一项宣言,号召在每年2月的"最后一个星期日举行纪念活动,这样的每年的庆祝活动一直持续到1913年。妇女节的优秀英语作文,我们来看看。 妇女节的优秀英语作文1 Today is March 8, International Women‘s Day is to commemorate the world of working women to fight for peace and democracy, women‘s liberation struggle holiday. since yesterday, I discussed with my father on how to make my mother happy over the holiday. I would first make a suggestion: "Give my mother to buy a new phone." Dad thought for a moment, said: "Mom bought a mobile phone soon, you can use, there is no need to change." Dad said: "We go out to buy some cosmetics, her mother there." I am opposed to: "Mom‘s cosmetics too much, many of which are not all useful." My Father and I are anxious, and in the end what got her point? We simply asked her what he wanted bar. but my mother said: "I do not want to buy, I just want to sleep." I do not know why my mother this way, but I know my mother is very hard to control more than 300 college students, daytime talk, meetings, writing papers, fill out information and give students lessons, etc. in the evening and students should check the study up the bedroom. If it is me, I would like the mother, in addition to want to sleep, the other wants to do nothing. However, I and Dad are determined to give my mother, "International Women‘s Day" gifts, things came back to buy her mother was shocked at my father bought a goggles and a pillow, my mother smiled. I wish Mom "Women‘s Day" Happy! 妇女节的优秀英语作文2 today is march 8th--international women's day.father wanted to please mother and let her have a good rest. he said he would cook the meals today. in fact, he is always busy with his work and knows nothing about housework. he seldom cooks. if no one cooks for him, he will eat nothing so mother and i were very surprised to hear what he said. but father was serious, and he said he was going to do some shopping first. he didn't know what to buy. so mother wrote all the things on a piece of paper 1.cake 2.egg 3.tomato 4.fish 5.milk 6.salt 7.chicken then father went out. half an hour later he came back, with a smile on his face. he brought out all the things: one cake ,two eggs,three tomatoes, four fish, five bottles of milk, six bags of salt and seven fat chickens! mother was geatly surprised. she couldn't say a word. 妇女节的优秀英语作文3 International women"s day occurs on 8 march annually and is an occasion marked by women"s groups aroud the world.the fist iwd was held on 19 march 1911 in german,austria,denmark and other eurpean countries.german women chose this day because this date in 1848 the prussian king,faced with an armed uprising,had promised many reforms,including an unfulfilled one of votes for women. iwd today is an oppurtunity for women to come together and look back on a rich history of struggle for equality,justice, peace and development and to surpport this work in the present and future.


我而且让我亲人却认为  五台山位于五台县北部,环基250公里的佛教圣地,素有中国四大佛教名山之首的尊称。在7月23日的清晨,我们一家三口和姥姥一起坐上了前往五台山的大巴。这次的旅行是由博山的一座寺院所组织的,虽然我千万个不情愿却还是于事无补。  从淄博到五台县足足有11个小时的车程,大巴车上的时间是最难以渡过的了多亏我走之前下载了几部影片,才勉强熬过了几个小时。剩下的路程我只得在颠簸的大巴车上昏昏欲睡。到了晚上7点才终于抵达了目的地,住进了我们将要渡过三天的旅馆。  第二天早晨,经过了一夜的养精蓄锐,已经是精力充沛,准备着当天的行程。今天的行程去朝拜五台,分为东、西、南、北、中五座高台。我们首先去了中台、南台和西台,本以为可以徒步登上五台,结果却又要坐车,这一消息使我的心情瞬间跌入了万丈深渊。这次的车程可就不像高速路上的那么一帆风顺了,一路上全是凹凸不平的山间小路,坐在车子上来回摇晃,就好像要飞出去一般。说实话我并不信佛,可是出于对宗教文化的尊重,我还是勉为其难的严格遵守着各种繁琐的仪规。正因如此,各种寺庙根本无法引起我的兴趣,反而对于那些奇异的自然风光更加吸引我的视线。成群的牛、马在草地上悠闲的啃着嫩草,却从未看见一个牧民来管理它们。这里的牛好像对于人类并不惧怕,面对几百号人站在它的面前,却丝毫没有动意,似乎对于眼前的景色已是习以平常、见怪不怪了。  短暂的午餐过后,我们前往了北台。北台是五台山最高的地段,海拔3058米,号称“华北屋脊”,那里高寒温润,顶无林木,岁积坚冰,在这炎热的夏天里也仅仅只有十一二度左右。从山顶向下望去,一片云雾缭绕的奇异景色,犹如仙境一般。在前往东台的过程中乌云渐渐的压了下来,天空中闪过了几道电光,微微落下了几滴雨点,我们见事不妙就匆忙下山。不等我们歇住脚的工夫,就瞬间突降大雨,把还在前往西台的人淋了个措手不及。就这样带着小小的遗憾,我们回到了旅馆。  第二天的早上四点半,我就被一阵急促的敲门声给惊醒了,今天最重要的一项任务就是去钻佛母洞,话说很多人来五台山最主要的目的就是为了去钻佛母洞。据说佛母洞是万年前形成的一个石灰岩洞,造型神秘奇异,极富有神奇色彩,可谓是天下独绝。传说曾有千佛出入,是孕育佛子的一处胜迹。刚一下车我就一马当先的冲了出去,从山下到佛母洞足足有1500级平缓宽敞的台阶,跑到一半的时候我就再也爬不动了,只得慢吞吞的向上挪动。爬了半个多小时终于到达了山顶。佛母洞还没有开门,前面却已经排满了像我们一样慕名而来的游客,看到这阵势才使我明白为什么要那么早的上山排队了。仅仅是排队就等候了大约4个小时,这一过程实在是一段痛苦的煎熬啊,但这却更能体现出佛母洞是多么的令人向往。话说钻这佛母洞可以开启智慧,去除百病,虽然我并不相信这种迷信的说法,可还是被它的神秘面纱所吸引。队伍在一点点的向前挪动,这使我终于看到了希望,终于经过了4小时的排队我们进入了佛母洞。在洞口的正中心有一尊佛像,在佛像的后面便是佛母洞的入口了。在众人连推带拉的帮助下我终于勉强钻了进去,洞内的岩石突起,但却是富有神韵,就好比是雕刻出来的一般,真可谓是大自然所赋予人类的瑰宝啊。一上午的奔波劳累再加上我连早饭都还没有吃,在下山的时候我就实在是饿的走不动了,爸爸一眼便看出了我的异样,主动请我们吃了一碗正宗山西刀削面。此时的我已经顾不上细细品尝了,狼吞虎咽的就把一大碗的刀削面灌入了肚子里,那味道只能用一个好字来形容了。  下午我们一起游览了显通寺、塔院寺、菩萨顶等历史悠久的寺院,其中显通寺最为雄伟壮观。他被称之为皇家寺院,其中屋顶的部分全部是用金漆粉刷,更是突出了它尊贵的地位。院内还有乾隆皇帝的御笔真迹尤为珍贵。  第三天的行程也是我们最后的一段行程了,当天早上我们将会去朝拜五爷庙,话说五爷是龙王的第五个儿子,可以保佑人们财源广进,凡是求财之人这一站是必不可少的。随后我们一同去了大螺顶,而且还遇见了一位高人。在中途休息的时候,一位无臂老人吸引了我的目光,他用他仅有的半尺手臂却写了一手好的书法。那字迹气势磅礴,每一笔画都蕴含了深厚的笔力。看到这般景象我便上去与他交谈了几句,在临走的时候他为我写了一幅字作为留念,这使我对他更加的敬重。下山的时候有我陪同姥姥一起坐缆车下山,从缆车上向下望去,浓密的森林覆盖了整座大螺顶,好一片绿树成荫的自然风光啊!  下午就到了自由活动的时间了,这次我们一家要分头行动,我、爸爸和姥姥一起去买了一些纪念品和明天的食物,而妈妈独自一人去了三泉寺。但天有不测风云,刚一下车便下起了倾盆大雨,不过还好我们躲进了候车站内才逃过了一劫。五台山的天气十分奇怪,两地相距不到一公里的距离,一边已是天降大雨但另一边却连地面都没有被淋湿。我和爸爸一会的工夫就背满了两大包的东西,多半以食物居多,再怎么说明天也要有十多小时的车程了,当然要好好准备一下。  第二天我们便整装待发的登上了回家的大巴车,离开了这美丽的五台山,向我们最温馨的港湾进发。这次的五台山之旅给我留下了美好的回忆,他将化成一束海浪使记忆的海洋变得更加充实。希望这段美好的回忆可以变成一片树叶,将我的情感永远的留在这美丽的五台山。的飞洒发的萨芬的发生的发放撒的放松放松发的


【 #英语资源# 导语】无论是在学校还是在社会中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是 为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。 1.七年级优秀英语作文   My family has a lovely dog. It has a pair of big black eyes, a three valve mouth and a small nose. His chubby face has several long beards. Its coat is snow-white. Especially the one in front of my chest, like a thick layer of snow. It likes to stick its ears to the ground when it sleeps. When I walk, I hold my head high and my chest high, and my ass is very graceful. When he peed, he raised one leg near the root of the tree and lowered his head. He seemed very embarrassed. He left immediately after peeing and raised his head as if nothing had happened just now. It was very interesting to see his naughty appearance. It is very timid. If you slap him on the chin, he"ll get under the bed. However, when my parents" colleagues or my classmates come, it will scream fiercely. It also likes to chase animals weaker than it. Once when I took him out for a walk, a neighbor"s chicken was looking for food. When he saw it, he suddenly broke free from the chain and went after the chicken. It seemed very happy while chasing and barking. The chicken ran to a hole. When he saw it, he walked slowly over, sniffed the hole, grabbed the Wall twice with his claws, looked at me, looked at the hole, and left helplessly. I like my dog. I play with it after school every day. It brings me a lot of fun. 2.七年级优秀英语作文   "Jingling bell -" when I heard the bell, I rushed out of the classroom and ran home. A quick step, I walked to the computer, opened QQ space, looked at it and thought: why hasn"t anyone praised me?   Please, please, please! I was restless.   I don"t know when I fell in love with the Internet. I only know that it is because my parents are not around and want to find a world to accompany me. I also know that I fell to the bottom of the previous ten.   Sleeping in class, telling jokes, eating snacks, all kinds of bad behaviors have been shown in me; Absenteeism, being late and leaving early are repeated on me almost every day. Finally one day, the teacher asked me to go to her office“ What"s going on? You used to be an obedient student. How did you become like this now? " The head teacher asked me patiently. In the past, I would be ashamed to hear such words. Now I naturally don"t care. After listening to his "complaint", I walked out of the office as if nothing had happened.   To my surprise, my father appeared in front of me the next day. He looked at me with his serious eyes, which made my whole body tremble, so that I didn"t dare to look at him. Then there was the scolding of me. My heart kept arguing: do you care about me? Where were you when I was empty and crying? I finally stepped away from my trembling feet and ran away.   "Jingling bell -" the bell after class is no longer "pleasant". With a heavy heart, I slowly walked to the door of my house and carefully opened the door. At this time, my heart is mixed with countless thoughts. Suddenly, I saw a lot of food I usually like to eat on the table; There seem to be some girls" clothes on the sofa. In an instant, my heart melted. Dad was busy in the kitchen. When he saw me coming in, he smiled and said to me, "why did you come back so late? Come and help?" Bitterness, guilt, moved in my heart. I finally found a heart to heart fit. I want to say to my father: Dad, do you know how many times this scene has appeared in my dream?   The next day, I saw a letter in the drawer. I was deeply moved by the content written on it: I was really happy with my dear daughter... Unconsciously, tears blurred my eyes. 3.七年级优秀英语作文   On Saturday evening, it was overcast and drizzled from time to time. Several domestic swallows were playing carefree in the middle of the road. Suddenly, a large truck roared past. My heart tightened and I couldn"t help closing my eyes. I have a hunch that something unfortunate will happen soon   After the truck left, I opened my eyes and saw a dying swallow lying on the cold and wet ground. Its slightly open mouth seemed to groan in pain, its mud covered wings kept beating the ground, and its legs twitched all the time, but it didn"t move in a moment. Suddenly, a dark shadow fell from the sky and fell on the side of the injured swallow. It turned out to be the partner of the injured swallow. It saw the swallow motionless and thought it was asleep. It patted its wings and kept chirping in its mouth. It seemed to say, "friend, wake up quickly. It"s very dangerous here. Leave quickly!" But no matter what it called, its companions remained indifferent. He was worried about what danger his companion would encounter, so he spread his wings and wanted to take his companion home, but his strength was too small. He just picked it up and slid down. It really can"t think of any other way. It can only die with its partner, but it can"t do anything about it.   But at that moment, the injured swallow suddenly opened his eyes, "chirping" twice, and then stopped moving. Maybe he was complaining that he was too playful, maybe he was asking his companions to go quickly and don"t end up like himself, maybe he was asking his companions to take care of his family... At that moment, the swallow next to him cried and held the dead swallow tightly. It looked like a family. Suddenly, two more swallows came. They hugged the crying swallow tightly and asked it to go home. But it didn"t go. It rained more and more. The two newly arrived swallows flew away, but their good friends didn"t fly away. It flew away late at night because it couldn"t bear its partner   Human! Don"t you know birds have life? They also have family affection like us. Please stretch out our loving hands and create a beautiful home for birds! In this way, the world will become a beautiful world!


小学生优秀英语作文范文篇一   My daily life is extremely monotonousI try hard to adapt myself to it.Why?Because I intend to be a good student.I wish to render service to my country.   I get up at six o"clock every day.After I wash my face and brush my teethI begin to review my lessons.I go to school at seven o"clock.   After school is overI return home.We usually have supper at seven o"clock.Then I begin to do my homework.I want to finish it before I go to bed. 小学生优秀英语作文范文篇二   I have my own room, but it is different from my dreaming room. My dreaming room is not too big or too small. There is a big and soft bed in it. Beside the bed there is a dressing table. On the other side, there is a big wardrobe. I can hang up all my clothes. There is a beautiful writing desk for me to do homework. Behind the desk there is a place to put many entertainment tools. And the wall of my room is pink. This is my dreaming room. 小学生优秀英语作文范文篇三   The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house.   On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far away from their homes will try to come back for the union. After dinner, people will light the lanterns which are usually red and round. Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily.   At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together. It is said that there was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. To protect the frighten the dragon away.   I think Mid-Autumn Day is an old traditional festival in Chi-na. Everybody likes it because it"s a family get-together. You see> it is called"Mid-Autumn Day", so it often comes in September or October. It is on the 15th of the 8th of the lunar month. Now, let"s say something about this interesting festival. 小学生优秀英语作文范文篇四   My mother is sixty-three years old, and for the last forty year she has been the village doctor. She has a small clinic that she prepares medicine and treats small injuries,and also sells canned powder milk.   Our house has people in and out at all hours of the day and night.   The villagers always like to come to her clinic to see the doctor and to meet their neighbors, too.   Almost all the villagers come to my mother when their baby is due. My mother is very good at predicting the day the baby will come.   Sometimes my mother will not get enough sleep if the babies come late at night or early in the morning.   There are special rooms for the mother and baby, and usually they stay at the doctor"s house about twenty-four hours. 小学生优秀英语作文范文篇五   My school life is very coloful,I have many lovely classmates and teachers.   My friend XX is always with me.We study and play together.We happy every day.After class my classmates always ask questions each other.And I`d love ask question to my classmates and teachers,they are very helpful.I most like my English/math/Chinese teacher,she/he is funny and kindful.She/He always simle,which makes me very comfortable.I like PE class very much.In P.E.class,we can play so many balls together.   That is my school life,my happy and wonderful school life. 小学生优秀英语作文范文篇六   Dear Jame,   I"m Li Hua.How are you ?I have been student in my new school for two months.I want to tell you about my high school life .   My school is big and beautiful.In my class ,there are 52 classmates,and they are friendly.I get up at 6:30 am and go to bed at 10:30 pm.My favorite teacher is Mrs. Xia.She is very kind and outgoing .She often tells some interesting things to us.   How about you ?I"m looking forward to your early reply !   Yours   Li Hua


【 #英语资源# 导语】中秋节到了,一轮金黄的圆月已经高高地挂在天空中,向地上洒下皎洁的月光,像轻纱似的一般温柔。以下是 为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。 1.难忘的中秋节优秀英语作文   The Mid Autumn Festival is happy, a symbol of reunion and one of China"s traditional festivals. The day of the Mid Autumn Festival is in the middle of August of the lunar calendar. People also call the Mid Autumn Festival Mid Autumn Festival. Every place has different ways to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. Each has its own characteristics.   I clearly remember the scene of our family"s Mid Autumn Festival. Everyone steamed moon cakes. The moon cakes just out of the pot have a delicious fragrance and are attractive. It"s really a happy thing to eat the long-awaited delicious moon cakes every Mid Autumn Festival. Mom can"t make moon cakes, so you can eat delicious sesame sweet moon cakes steamed by grandma every Mid Autumn Festival. My mother will also buy various flavors of moon cakes to take home, including egg yolk moon cakes, jujube mud moon cakes, Hami melon moon cakes, peach moon cakes... And my favorite is sweet but not greasy Acacia red bean moon cakes. We all sat around the big table on the balcony and ate delicious food. My father"s cooking was very good. My family sat together, chatting while eating, talking about work, asking about study, nagging about family life, discussing the future. It was happy. The elders were happy. The moon cakes were sweet and memorable. When I heard a loud noise in the sky, colorful fireworks flew into the sky. My brother and I screamed. The eyes of my family were immediately attracted by the colorful fireworks. My brother and I jumped and laughed happily. Grandpa took a sip of wine glass and said; Now there are fireworks in the Mid Autumn Festival. The living standard has improved. Grandpa smiled kindly.   Look at it quickly, everyone. Look at it quickly. My brother shouted. My brother and sister danced and smiled; "The moon is coming out, the moon is coming out..." we cheered! The moon on the 15th is like a shy little girl, dressed in silver gauze, walking towards the night sky step by step. Mother said that the moon is a symbol of purity. It is so bright, like a pearl hanging high in the air. At this time, I can"t help thinking of Li Bai"s quiet night thoughts and the fairy tale Chang"e running to the moon.   Grandpa once said that the Mid Autumn Festival is a harvest season and a day for farmers to enjoy the joy of harvest. What a Happy Mid Autumn Festival! 2.难忘的中秋节优秀英语作文   Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. My mother, grandma and dad are going to Grandpa"s house for the Mid Autumn Festival. We have prepared many gifts, including grandpa"s favorite crab, mutton and so on.   When we arrived at Grandpa"s house, we were happy. We first chatted for a while. Grandma also visited the flowers raised by grandpa and the small vegetable garden planted by grandma. Then, my mother prepared dinner with my grandmother and grandma. My father and Grandpa were chatting. As for me, I helped everyone move tables, stools, brush cups, and help my mother peel garlic and onions. I did a good job. My grandfather"s two little parrots chirped happily. There was a happy atmosphere at home.   It"s dinner. WOW! What a feast! Cooked prawns and crabs are red, fresh, fat and attractive! We all thought the spicy chicken nuggets fried by my mother tasted good, and the cold jellyfish head was also very refreshing. Everyone agreed that the mutton soup made by my grandmother was delicious... We sat around the dinner table. I was responsible for pouring drinks for everyone and giving a toast: I wish you good health and happiness forever. Everyone praised me with a smile. I"m happy to see everyone so happy. After dinner, my mother and I were responsible for cleaning the table. Although I was a little tired, I was happy to do it.   After washing, we sat around and ate moon cakes. Moon cakes are carefully selected by my mother and I, including bean paste, almond, red bean, etc., most of which are sugar free, because my mother said that the elderly can"t eat too much sweet food, but I found that everyone prefers crispy. We sat together eating and chatting. Grandma, Grandpa and grandma all asked each other to pay attention to their bodies and exercise more. Grandma also taught grandma a few moves of Taijiquan. Mom and Dad were very happy to see the elders so happy. There was constant laughter at home. It was so warm! 3.难忘的中秋节优秀英语作文   Today is the Mid Autumn Festival, a day for all families to get together. There is a poem saying: there is a bright moon on the sea, and the ends of the world are at this time. But I"m not so lucky today. I have to study in the afternoon. I can"t enjoy the moon with my parents in the evening. In the afternoon, I had dinner alone in advance, had a good meal and went to study.   After the self-study in the evening, several of our good friends stood in the corridor of the bedroom, waiting and waiting, waiting and waiting. We still failed to uncover the magic veil of the moon. We can"t help but talk about the story of Chang"e running to the moon. People set August 15 as the mid autumn festival for people"s reunion in memory of Chang"e. It also reminds us of a well-known poem thinking at night: the bright moon in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around. This poem shows the poet Li Bai"s feeling of missing his hometown. It reminds us that soldiers stationed in the border areas cannot be reunited with their families on the Mid Autumn Festival. Why doesn"t the moon show its true face? I think what a round, bright, big and beautiful mid autumn moon it says in the book!   The aunt in the bedroom told us to go to bed, so I had to sleep with this reluctant mood. Just fell asleep, a classmate got up to go to the bathroom and saw the big and bright moon hanging high in the sky. He couldn"t help screaming and woke us up. Let"s get up and enjoy the moon. The moon is so round. People always say "the moon is sixteen round at fifteen". But the moon on August 15 this year is rounder than that on August 16. There are so many stars, and countless stars surround the full moon. Some stars like to be alone, but when they see the round moon, they also want to move closer. It seems that all stars are children of the moon. On this day, they come from different directions to reunite with the moon.   This Mid Autumn Festival is the most unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival I have ever had. I didn"t spend it with my parents, but with several classmates. This is also the most unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival for me. On this full moon night, we give everyone the blessing of love. It is this love that makes the moon rounder and people closer.