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1.Spring Festival Spring Festival, the tradional Chinese Year"s Day, is China"s most important national holiday. The date of the new year is still determined by the lunar calendar even though the government of Republic of China adopted the international Gregorian calendar in 1912. New Year"s Day typically occurs sometime in ealy spring.




paper_cutting英文介绍例如:When early spring festival, many local people like sticking each kind of paper-cut on windows .Not only the paper-cut window decoration has contrasted the jubilation festive atmosphere, moreover has also brought beautiful enjoyment for the people.The paper-cut is one kind of extremely popular art. Because it mostly is pastes on the window, therefore people general name it “the paper-cut window decoration”. The paper-cut window decoration usually with the color red and it content rich, like the cultivation, the spinning and weaving, fishing, tend sheep, feed hogs, raise chickens and so on.春节的时候,许多当地人喜欢在窗户上贴各种剪纸,剪纸窗花不仅烘托了喜庆的喜庆气氛,而且给人们带来了美丽的`享受。剪纸是一种非常流行的艺术。因为它大多是贴在窗户上的,所以人们一般称之为“窗花”。剪纸窗花通常以红色和红色为主,内容丰富,如养殖、纺织、垂钓、放羊、喂猪、养鸡等。


English name: StitchChinese Name: Stitch (mainland); Stitch (Taiwan); Stitch (Hong Kong)The most popular name correctly: StitchFeatures: LovelyDebut: 2001 Lilo & Stitch (Lilo & Stitch)Role of personality: just made a good move, barbaric destruction strong desire. After becoming a partner Lilo, kind, clever sensible, family care.Real name: No. 626 guinea pigsStatus: ActiveGender: MaleRelatives: Lilo, Dr. JumbaOriginal Relatives: Dr. JumbaCapacity: N more famous than he is to lift something heavy weight 3,000 times.Other relatives: Dr. Jumba"s other test items, Lilo and NaniFeatures: indestructible, super stretch, super hearing, IQ is equivalent to super computers.


这个不太可能的吧, 这可能是指相当少的一些名校大学的吧。 我看目前的中学多数是达不到的。


2022年世界杯英文介绍如下:The 2022 World Cup in Qatar is the 22nd World Cup. It is the first time in history that the World Cup has been held in Qatar and a country in the Middle East,and it is also the second in Asia.In addition,the Qatar World Cup is the first time that the World Cup has been held in winter in the Northern Hemisphere and by a country that has never made it to the World Cup finals.2022年卡塔尔世界杯是第22届世界杯。这是历史上第一次在卡塔尔和中东国家举办世界杯,也是亚洲第二次。此外,卡塔尔世界杯是第一次在北半球冬季举办世界杯,而且是由一个从未进入世界杯决赛的国家举办的。2022年世界杯2022年11月21日,该届世界杯开幕式暨揭幕战在海湾球场举行,东道主卡塔尔队0-2不敌厄瓜多尔队;12月18日,该届世界杯闭幕式和决赛在卢塞尔体育场进行,决赛中阿根廷队通过点球大战取胜法国队,赢得大力神杯,法国队和克罗地亚队分获亚军和季军。阿根廷队的利昂内尔·梅西获得该届世界杯金球奖;法国队的基利安·姆巴佩获得该届世界杯金靴奖;阿根廷队的埃米利亚诺·马丁内斯获得该届世界杯金手套奖;阿根廷队的恩佐·费尔南德斯该届世界杯最佳年轻球员奖。哈里·凯恩、布鲁诺·费尔南德斯、安托万·格列兹曼、伊万·佩里西奇、利昂内尔·梅西并列获得助攻王。





五年级用英文介绍自己的学校用上they are,there is 和on in(都两句

They are 具体数量students in our school There is a big playground in our school 。On the playground has a tall tree......


Climate change has led to a rapid melting of permanent ice in the Arctic. According to the latest research, in September 2011, the total area covered by ice in the Arctic Ocean had decreased by 40 percent compared to 1979. Based on calculations by scientists, the ice in the Arctic Ocean is estimated to disappear completely by the middle of this century. This means the once ice-covered area will change into a sea where ships can come and go freely without icebreakers. This revelation tells the economic value of the North Pole. New navigation routes linking East Asia, Europe and North America will be opened, allowing for quick routes for maritime transport linking the three regions. According to the exploration and evaluation conducted during the United States Geological Survey in 2008, the North Pole has 30 percent of the world"s undiscovered natural gas and 13 percent of the world"s undiscovered oil. All these resources are concentrated in the offshore continental shelf region and suitable for exploration. Scientists are worried that a melting North Pole will bring a series of disastrous effects to the Earth. In the global climate system, the North Pole and the South Pole are the two switches that control the ocean currents and the atmosphere. Once destroyed, disasters beyond imagination will occur. Therefore, how to explore the North Pole? How to protect it? How to distribute the resources? All these questions make the North Pole a question beyond a regional affair and a matter of international concern. Salary Increase For Public Servants Beijing Youth Daily January 21 In the latest session of Guangdong Provincial People"s Congress, some deputies from Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, called for a salary raise for public servants. They claimed public servants are paid less than enterprise employees. The comparison is too simple to be credible. In the business sector, employees" salaries are decided by the market. If the market goes into recession, the pay of enterprise employees will fall. But salaries for public servants are paid by governments, which are steadier than industries. People think public servants are well paid and have opportunities to receive “grey income.” In fact, this is a misunderstanding. The salaries of most public servants are meager. Despite low pay, public servants have better welfare, such as insurance and pensions. Public servants don"t need to pay endowment insurance. Moreover, after retirement their pension payments are higher than other people, and governments manage to offer officials houses. With the skyrocketing housing prices in China, this is a major form of welfare. That is why so many young graduates rush to become public servants every year. 来源:Beijing Review


Tiger information:Easily recognized by its coat of reddish-orange with dark stripes, the tiger is the largest wild cat in the world. The big cat weighs up to 720 pounds (363 kilograms), stretches 6 feet (2 meters) long, and has a 3-foot- (1-meter-) long tail. The powerful predator generally hunts alone, able to bring down prey such as deer and antelope.   老虎的信息。  它很容易被橘红色外套和暗色条纹,老虎是世界上最大的野生猫科动物在世界上的更大。大猫重达7200英镑(363公斤),延伸至6英尺(2米)长,有3英尺(1米-)的长尾。通常捕掠食者的强大,能减低猎物如鹿和羚羊。    老虎等到天黑打猎。一旦一个老虎看到了它的猎物,就溜尽可能靠近它的受害者。然后老虎的不知情的动物,冲刺通常这个站起来它的牙齿和利爪。如果这个猎物大动物,老虎咬自己的喉咙杀死它,杀死猎物时,通常是小老虎打破它的脖子上。    老虎被吃掉60磅(27公斤)的肉在一个晚上,但是更常见的是它们消耗大约12磅(5公斤),吃饭的时候。这可能需要几天对老虎吃完它的猎物。那只猫吃到它的全部,并涵盖了屠体用树叶和灰尘。当它挨饿,老虎回来给一些,直到肉已经一去不复返了。    不同于大多数成员的猫科动物,老虎似乎喜欢水。他们游得很好并且经常浸泡在溪流或水池凉快。    老虎生活在很冷的北韩,东俄罗斯和中国。其他老虎生活在气候比较w热印度和东南亚等国家和地区。整个物种濒临灭绝的整个范围。老虎被过度捕猎毛皮以及身体的其他部分,很多人使用传统的药物。老虎的栖息地,也下降了人类发展了土地用途,如耕作、测井等。Tigers wait until dark to hunt. Once a tiger has spotted its prey, it sneaks as close as possible to its victim. Then the tiger sprints to the unsuspecting animal, usually pulling it off its feet with its teeth and claws. If the prey animal is large, the tiger bites its throat to kill it; smaller prey is usually killed when the tiger breaks its neck. Tigers have been known to eat up to 60 pounds (27 kilograms) of meat in one night, but more often they consume about 12 pounds (5 kilograms) during a meal. It may take days for a tiger to finish eating its kill. The cat eats until it"s full, and then covers the carcass with leaves and dirt. When it"s hungry again, the tiger comes back to feed some more, until the meat is gone. Unlike most members of the cat family, tigers seem to enjoy water. They swim well and often soak in streams or pools of water to cool off. Some tigers live where it gets very cold—in parts of North Korea, eastern Russia, and China. Other tigers live where the climate is generally warmer—in India and parts of southeast Asia. The whole species is endangered throughout its range. Tigers have been overhunted for their fur as well as for other body parts that many people use in traditional medicines. Tigers" habitat has also dwindled seriously as humans have developed land for uses such as farming and logging.


Chinese Wang FengDon"t name Wang FengNationality of the people"s Republic of ChinaEthnic HanThe constellation CancerType A blood typeHigh 176cmBorn in Beijing city of Fengtai DistrictDate of birth: June 29, 1971Professional singers, musiciansGraduate School of Central Conservatory of MusicThe representative works of love, fly higher, in full bloom of life, Beijing,Beijing, in the spring, goodbye youth, thereThe main achievement of the Oriental billboard best male singerIn the song list best male singerMusic chart Awards Best Male SingerCCTV-MTV Music Awards Best Male SingerGlobal Chinese song list, best producer expansionBy 1994


关于五一劳动节的英文介绍如下Five One Labour Day, also known as International Workers" Day, is a global holiday honoring the contributions of workers to society. Here is a detailed introduction to this important holiday.扩展知识1.起源和历史五一劳动节起源于1886年的美国芝加哥,当时为了争取实现8小时工作制度,工人群体举行了大规模的示威和罢工。经过长期斗争,该要求终于得到了实现,由此奠定了五一劳动节的基础。后来,这一假日逐渐传遍全球并成为国际劳工运动的象征。2.庆祝方式在五一劳动节这一天,许多国家会放假,举行庆祝活动以表彰劳动者的贡献。这些活动包括阅兵、音乐会、舞蹈表演、烟火表演和政治集会等。此外还有一些私人组织的庆祝活动,如家庭聚会、邮票收藏、图书馆活动等。3.劳动法律保护在五一劳动节这一天,也有一些国家会公布新的劳动法律保护政策。这些政策旨在保护劳动者的权益,例如提高最低工资标准、限制工作时间、规定工作环境安全等。这些保护政策可以让劳动者更加放心地从事工作。4.国际意义五一劳动节不仅是庆祝劳动者的节日,也是国际劳工运动的象征。此外,它还代表了对全球工人团结的呼吁。在纷繁复杂的国际形势下,各国工人应该相互支持,共同争取更好的待遇和条件。总之,五一劳动节是表彰和尊重劳动者的假日。它起源于美国的劳工斗争,现已成为全球范围内的庆祝活动日。在这一天,我们应该表彰和感谢那些为社会进步做出贡献的普通劳动者,并号召全球各国工人团结一致,共创美好未来。


Born: OsakaAge: 11Influences: Haiku poetry, Loa Zi, Richie SamboraNoodle arrived in a crate. She"s a kick ass riffmeister, the Asian axe princess. Doesn"t speak more than a word of English, and that word is Noodle.Martial Arts expert, little ice maiden, she looks at the world through unfazed eyes.Usually found with Russel. Special zen bond with 2D. Tickled by Murdoc"s desperation.Irrepressible. Inscrutable. Irresistable.Likes: Power Puff Girls, Tomagatchi pets, Pokemon, Yo-yo"s, her new radio headphone hat, rice and noodles.


1.土星Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System, after Jupiter. Saturn, along with Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, is classified as a gas giant. Together, these four planets are sometimes referred to as the Jovian planets, where Jovian is the adjectival form of Jupiter.2.水星Mercury is the innermost and smallest planet in the Solar System, orbiting the Sun once every 88 days. The orbit of Mercury has the highest eccentricity of all the Solar System planets, and it has the smallest axial tilt. It completes three rotations about the axis for every two orbits. The perihelion of Mercury"s orbit precesses around the Sun at 43 arcseconds per century; a phenomenon that was explained in the 20th century by Albert Einstein"s General Theory of Relativity. Mercury is bright when viewed from Earth, ranging from u22122.0 to 5.5 in apparent magnitude, but is not easily seen as its greatest angular separation from the Sun is only 28.3°. It can only be viewed in morning or evening twilight.3.天王星Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and the third-largest and fourth most massive planet in the Solar System. It is named after the ancient Greek deity of the sky (Uranus, Οu1f50ρανu03ccu03c2), the father of Kronos (Saturn) and grandfather of Zeus (Jupiter). Though it is visible to the naked eye like the five classical planets, it was never recognized as a planet by ancient observers because of its dimness and slow orbit.[13] Sir William Herschel announced its discovery on March 13, 1781, expanding the known boundaries of the solar system for the first time in modern history. This was also the first discovery of a planet made using a telescope.is the seventh planet from the Sun and the third-largest and fourth most massive planet in the Solar System. It is named after the ancient Greek deity of the sky (Uranus, Οu1f50ρανu03ccu03c2), the father of Kronos (Saturn) and grandfather of Zeus (Jupiter). Though it is visible to the naked eye like the five classical planets, it was never recognized as a planet by ancient observers because of its dimness and slow orbit.[13] Sir William Herschel announced its discovery on March 13, 1781, expanding the known boundaries of the solar system for the first time in modern history. This was also the first discovery of a planet made using a telescope.4.海王星Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun in the Solar System. Named for the Roman god of the sea, it is the fourth-largest planet by diameter and the third-largest by mass. Neptune is 17 times the mass of Earth and is slightly more massive than its near-twin Uranus, which is 15 Earth masses and not as dense.[10] On average, Neptune orbits the Sun at a distance of 30.1 AU, or approximately 30 times the Earth-Sun distance. Its astronomical symbol is , a stylized version of the god Neptune"s trident.


About UsBoeing is the world"s leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft combined. Additionally, Boeing designs and manufactures rotorcraft, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites, launch vehicles and advanced information and communication systems. As a major service provider to NASA, Boeing operates the Space Shuttle and International Space Station. The company also provides numerous military and commercial airline support services. Boeing has customers in more than 90 countries around the world and is one of the largest U.S. exporters in terms of sales.Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. We continue to expand our product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. Our broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of our commercial airplane family; integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-centric operations; creating advanced technology solutions that reach across business units; e-enabling airplanes and providing connectivity on moving platforms; and arranging financing solutions for our customers.Headquartered in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 160,000 people across the United States and in 70 countries. This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere. More than 83,800 of our people hold college degrees--including nearly 29,000 advanced degrees--in virtually every business and technical field from approximately 2,800 colleges and universities worldwide. Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.波音公司(The Boeing Company)(NYSE:BA、东证1部:7661)是美国一家开发及生产飞机的公司,在全球航空业市场上拥有颇高的占有率。其总部设于伊利诺的芝加哥。历史波音公司成立于1916年7月1日,由威廉·爱德华·波音(William Edward Boeing)创建,并于1917年改名波音公司。1929年更名为联合飞机及空运公司。1934年按政府法规要求拆分成三个独立的公司:联合飞机公司(现联合技术公司)、波音飞机公司、联合航空公司。1961年,原波音飞机公司改名为波音公司。波音公司建立初期以生产军用飞机为主,并涉足民用运输机。其中,P-26驱逐机以及波音247型民用客机比较出名。1938年研制开发的波音307型是第一种带增压客舱的民用客机三十年代中期,波音公司开始研制大型轰炸机,包括在第二次世界大战中赫赫有名的B-17(绰号“空中堡垒”)、B-29轰炸机,以及东西方冷战时期著名的B-47和B-52(绰号“同温层堡垒”)战略轰炸机,B-52服役后30多年中一直是美国战略轰炸力量的主力。美国空军中比较出名KC-135空中加油机以及E-3(绰号“望楼”)预警机也是由波音公司生产。六十年代以后,波音公司的主要业务由军用飞机转向商用飞机。1957年在KC-135空中加油机的基础上研制成功的波音707是该公司的首架喷气式民用客机,共获得上千架订货。从此在喷气式商用飞机领域内举足轻重,先后发展了波音727、波音737、波音747、波音757、波音767等一系列型号,逐步确立了全球主要的商用飞机制造商的地位。其中,波音737是在全世界被广泛使用的中短程民航客机。波音747一经问世就长期占据世界最大的远程民航客机的头把交椅。美国总统的专机“空军一号”也由该公司出产的波音707以及波音747改装而成。1997年,波音公司宣布,原波音公司与麦克唐纳·道格拉斯公司(简称:麦道公司)完成合并,新的波音公司正式营运。麦道公司曾经是美国最大的军用飞机生产商之一,著名的F-4“鬼怪”、F-15“鹰”、C-17“全球霸王III”军用运输机、MD系列商用飞机就产自该公司。现状与麦道公司完成合并后的波音公司已经成为世界上航空航天领域规模最大的公司。新的波音公司由四个主要的业务集团组成:波音民用飞机集团(Boeing Commercial Airplanes),主要生产民用运输机,主要产品包括:波音707、717、727、737、747、757、767、777、787系列飞机,提供从100座级别到500多座级别以及货运型号在内的各种民用运输机。全球同时在现役运营波音民用飞机有上万架之多。目前,波音民用飞机集团正在全力开发波音787系列飞机,预计将于2008年2月试飞,2008年底开始交付予各航空公司。波音综合国防系统集团(Boeing Integrated Defense Systems),主要生产军用飞机、导弹以及运载火箭等产品。是美国航空航天局(NASA)最大的承包商。波音金融公司(Boeing Capital),是提供资产融资和租赁服务的融资公司。波音联接公司(Connexion by Boeing),为飞机提供空中双向互联网及电视服务,把互联网直接接入到民航班机上。波音公司目前在全世界开设有50多个代表处,雇员20余万人。


Jeme Tien Yow ( 1861-1919 )Jeme was born in Guangzhou,Guangdong province. In 1872, twelve-years-old Jeme was sent to the United States for education. After studying at a primary school in New Haven, he then entered a secondary school there, and in 1878, Jeme was admitted to Yale University. Jeme"s major was Civil Engineering, with an emphasis in railroad construction. Jeme received his bachelor"s degree in 1881, and then he was recalled back by the Imperial Qing government.Then Jeme was sent to the newly formed Imperial Navy in Fuchow, Fujian Province. A few years later, he finally found his way to become a railroad engineer. In 1905, the Imperial Qing government decided to build a railroad that would link the capital of Peking to the important trade city of Kalgan to the north. This railway would be of strategic importance to the Imperial government. A decision was therefore made that the railway would be built without foreign assistance. Capital would come from the government, and no foreign engineers were to be hired. Jeme was appointed as Chief Engineer of the railway. At the beginning, some people were skeptical that the Qing government would be able to construct the railroad in the rugged mountains North of Peking all by itself. But Jeme showed he was an able engineer and completed the work two years ahead of schedule and under budget. He designed a zig zag upwards railway by switching back the line near the Qinglongqiao railway station to overcome the steep gradient. Jeme was also responsible for setting many railroad standards that are still in force in China today. He was also the founding member of the China Institute of Engineers. Jeme was awarded an honorary doctorate degree by the University of Hong Kong in 1916. For his contributions to railroad engineering in China, Jeme was often called the Father of China"s Railroad. Jeme died in Hankou in 1919 at the age of 58. He was buried at the Qinglongqiao railway station. A museum was also established nearby to commmerorate the works of Jeme Tien.


Do It Like This XOXOXOBoom Boom Pow


创意来自瑞士布克哈特公司,根据该方案,奥运会后棒球场将“回归自然”,成为水果和蔬菜的园林。 2005年3月29日开工的五棵松体育馆最终没有采用这一设计。棒球场是五棵松体育馆的一部分。奥运会结束后,整个五棵松文化体育中心将成为满足北京市西部社区居民商业、文化、体育、休闲需要的重要场所。 五棵松棒球场场地区域为左右边线长98米、中心距离122米。场地内设置电子记分板、再循环用水自动喷洒系统、再生能源利用系统和可持续性生态材料,并特别关注场地内的天然草皮质量。比赛场地的设计和建设将严格依据国际棒球联合会的技术要求。奥运会后保留下来,用于当地棒球活动。


【2008 national stadium brief introduction of Olympic game in Pekings 】 The main assembly hall of the 29th Olympic sports games, Be located on inside Peking Olympic park, the north of the stalk line in city in Peking carry of east side.Construct area 258,000 even rices, accumulate 204,000 even rices with the ground.In 2008 Olympic game period, undertake game activities, such as opening ceremony, closing ceremony, track and field events and man soccer cup finals...etc., can accept audience 10 myriad peoples, sit 20,000 seats at the time among them. 【2008 national swimming center of Olympic game in Pekings introduce 】 The national swimming center is located on inside Peking Olympic park and Olympic game in Peking symbolizes one of sex buildings in 2008.It lists on with national stadium cent the north of the stalk line of city in Peking carry of two sides, together become opposite integrity of history cultural in Peking city image.National programming construction of the swimming center uses ground 62950 square meters, total building area 65000-80000 square meters, among them underground part of the building area is no less than 15000 square meters.【Add up to 11 to lately set up a building 】One national stadium2 national swimming centers3 national gymnasiums4 Pekings shoot building55 loosen a gymnasium6 old mountain bicycle building7 Olympic and aquatic parks8 Chinese agriculture university, gymnasiums9 University of Peking gymnasium10 science and technology university gymnasium in Pekings11 industrial university gymnasium in Pekings【11 change to set up a building 】12 Ao body center stadiums13 Ao body center gymnasiums14 worker stadium15 worker gymnasium16 capital city gymnasiums17 plentiful pedestal softball field18 English easts swim building19 old mountain bicycle field20 shooting range flying saucer range in Pekings21 science and engineering university gymnasium in Pekings22 aviation aerospace university gymnasium in Pekings【9 temporary field building 】23 national meeting center fencing buildings2425 Olympic forest parks shoot arrow a field26 Olympic tennis court in the forest parks275 loosen baseball stadium2829 small round car match field30 iron mans three match field31【6 outside filed of play building in the Olympics cities 】32 international sail boat center in Qingdaos33 Olympics race court in Hong Kongs34 stadium in Shanghais35 Olympic stadium in Tienjins36 five inside river stadiums37 Qin Olympic stadium in the Huang island.【2008北京奥运会国家体育场简介】 第29届奥林匹克运动会的主会场,位于北京 奥林匹克公园内、北京城市中轴线北端的东侧。建筑面积25.8万平米,用地面积20.4万平米。2008年奥运会期间,承担开幕式、闭幕式、田径比赛、男子足球决赛等赛事活动,能容纳观众10万人,其中临时坐席2万座。 【2008北京奥运会国家游泳中心介绍】 国家游泳中心位于北京奥林匹克公园内,2008年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一。其与国家体育场分列于北京城市中轴线北端的两侧,共同形成相对完整的北京历史文化名城形象。国家游泳中心规划建设用地62950平方米,总建筑面积65000-80000平方米,其中地下部分的建筑面积不少于15000平方米。【共计11个新建场馆】 1 国家体育场2 国家游泳中心3 国家体育馆4 北京射击馆5 五棵松体育馆6 老山自行车馆7 奥林匹克水上公园8 中国农业大学体育馆9 北京大学体育馆10 北京科技大学体育馆11 北京工业大学体育馆 【11个改建场馆】12 奥体中心体育场13 奥体中心体育馆14 工人体育场15 工人体育馆16 首都体育馆17 丰台垒球场18 英东游泳馆19 老山自行车场20 北京射击场飞碟靶场21 北京理工大学体育馆22 北京航空航天大学体育馆 【9个临时场馆】 23 国家会议中心击剑馆24 奥林匹克森林公园曲棍球场25 奥林匹克森林公园射箭场26 奥林匹克森林公园网球场27 五棵松棒球场28 沙滩排球场29 小轮车赛场30 铁人三项赛场31 城区公路自行车赛场【6个奥运京外比赛场馆】32 青岛国际帆船中心33 香港奥运赛马场34 上海体育场35 天津奥林匹克体育场36 五里河体育场37 秦皇岛奥林匹克体育场。


Olympic Sports Centre Stadium (simplified Chinese: 奥体中心体育场; traditional Chinese: 奥体中心体育场; ) is a multi-purpose stadium in Beijing, China. It is currently used mostly for football matches. It was constructed in 1990 for the Asian Gamesheld that year. It was renovated to host the 2008 Summer Olympics, where it hosted football matches and the running and riding parts of the modern pentathlon events. For the riding discipline, the football field at the core of the venue has been turned into a high-standard temporary equestrian field. The renovation also added four pavilion-styled rotating rampways around the stadium.The stadium has a floor space of 34,975 square metres, which exceeds the original building area of 20,000 square metres. Its capacity has doubled after the renovation, from about 18,000 to 36,228.


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树袋熊又叫考拉、无尾熊、可拉熊,学名Phascolarctos cinereus 英文:Koala From the ancient indigenous text,meaning "no drink".Koalas from their feeding because of the eucalyptus leaves to obtain the necessary 90 percent of the water and they are only in the sick and drought when the water. Living in Australia,is Australia"s unique precious original arboreal animals,a mammal in a bag Branch Head koala.Distributed in the arid south-eastern Australia in the forest.


考拉的英文介绍:Koala, Australia"s national treasure, is also Australia"s unique primitive arboreal animals. Because koalas get 90% of the water they need from the eucalyptus leaves they eat and drink only when they are sick and dry, the locals call it "Kvalle", meaning "no water".Koalas are not bears, and they are very different. Urinaceae belongs to the carnivorous order, while koalas belong to the marsupiaceae. It sleeps 18 hours a day, has a gentle temper and a simple physique.翻译:考拉,是澳大利亚的国宝,也是澳大利亚奇特的珍贵原始树栖动物。因为树袋熊从他们取食的桉树叶中获得所需的90%的水分,只在生病和干旱的时候喝水,当地人称它“克瓦勒”,意思也是“不喝水”。树袋熊并不是熊科动物,而且它们相差甚远。熊科属于食肉目,而树袋熊却属于有袋目。它每天18个小时处于睡眠状态,性情温顺,体态憨厚。扩展资料:考拉的生活习性:考拉大体归属为夜行性动物,在夜间及晨昏时活动旺盛,因为这比在白天气温较高时活动更能节省水分与能量消耗。白天通常将身子蜷作一团栖息在桉树上,晚间才外出活动,沿着树枝爬上爬下,寻找桉叶充饥。一生的大部分时间生活在桉树上,但偶尔也会因为更换栖息树木或吞食帮助消化的砾石下到地面。以桉树叶和嫩枝为食,桉树叶是他们唯一的食物。他们几乎从不下地饮水,因为从桉树叶中能得到足够的水分。它们的肝脏十分奇特,能分离桉树叶中的有毒物质,因此考拉的睡眠时间很长以消化有毒物质,每日需睡眠17~20小时,仅剩余4个小时用来采食、活动、个人卫生清洁及与其它考拉进行交流。参考资料来源:百度百科—考拉


Tian"anmen Square is one of the largest city square in the world. It was built in 1417 and now stretched to 440,000 square meters. With its space, the square has been the stage for many epic moments of China.天安门广场是世界最大的城市广场之一。它于1417年建立,至今已扩展为44万平方公尺。因其宏大,天安门广场也成为中国很多重要时刻的舞台。



丝绸之路的英文介绍! 越快越好!

The Silk Road Ancient trade route that linked China with Europe. Originally a caravan route and used from с 100 BC,the 4,000-mi (6,400-km) road started in Xi"an,China,followed the Great Wall to the northwest,climbed the Pamir Mtns.,crossed Afghanistan,and went on to the eastern Mediterranean Sea,where goods were taken by boat to Rome.Silk was carried westward,while wool,gold,and silver were carried eastward.With the fall of Rome,the route became unsafe; it was revived under the Mongols,and Marco Polo used it in the 13th century.


Jiangsu is a province of the People"s Republic of China, located along the east coast of the country.Jiangsu borders Shandong in the north, Anhui to the west, and Zhejiang and Shanghai to the south. Jiangsu has a coastline of over one thousand kilometers along the Yellow Sea, and the Yangtze River passes through its southern parts. Since the inception of economic reforms in 1978, Jiangsu has been a hot spot for economic development, and is now one of China"s most prosperous provinces.


Qingshen County is affiliated with Emei City, Sichuan Province. It is located in the southwest of Chengdu Plain of South west China, having a perfect location with Dongpo District in the north, Leshan City in the south,Emei Moutain in the west andten towns are under the jurisdiction.Qingshen County covers 385 square kilometre with the population of 197,029.


澳大利亚是大洋洲最大的国家,首都是堪培拉,但是主要城市还是悉尼,与新西兰隔海相望 Australia is the largest country in Oceania, the capital of Canberra, major cities of Sydney and New Zealand across the sea


Xi"an lies on the Guanzhong Plain in central China, on a flood plain created by the eight surrounding rivers and streams, most of which are too polluted to be used as sources of fresh water.The city has an average elevation of 400 metres (1,312 ft) above sea level and an annual precipitation of 550 millimetres (22 in). The urban area of Xi"an is located at 34°16′N 108°56′E / 34.267°N 108.933°E / 34.267; 108.933 The Wei River provides potable water to the city.The city borders the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains to the south, and the banks of the Wei River to the north. Hua Shan, one of the five sacred Taoist mountains, is located 100 km away to the east of the city.At the beginning of Han Dynasty, Prime Minister Zhang Liang advised the emperor Liu Bang to choose Guanzhong as the capital of the Han Dynasty: "Guanzhong Plain, which is located behind Xiao Pass and Hangu Pass, connects Long Plain and Shu Plain. Land of thousands miles and rich in harvest can be found here, as if this place is belongs to the nation of the heaven." ("关中左崤函, 右陇蜀, 沃野千里, 此所谓金城千里, 天府之国也" 《史记·留侯世家》) Since then, Guanzhong is also known as "Nation of the Heaven".

关于 忏悔节 的一些英文资料,比如英文介绍忏悔节的由来,各国忏悔节是怎样度过的。。



Our Father"s Day is the annual August 8. Our Father"s Day origins date back to the Republican era. In thirty-four years of the August 8, Shanghai, initiated by well-known figure to celebrate Father"s Day activities, members of the public to respond immediately to a warm celebration. After the victory, the Shanghai celebrities gentry, transmitted to the Shanghai Municipal Government jointly requested the Central Government, will be "Daddy" homophonies August 8 as a national Father"s Day, and August 8 of 8 two overlapping together through the deformation is the "Father." 翻译:我国的父亲节是每年的八月八日。我国的父亲节起源,要追溯到民国时代。民国三十四年的八月八日,上海闻人所发起了庆祝父亲节的活动,市民立即响应,热烈举行庆祝活动。抗日战争胜利后,上海市各界名流仕绅,联名请上海市政府转呈中央政府,定“爸爸”谐音的八月八日为全国性的父亲节,并且八月八日的两个八重叠在一起经过变形就是“父”。

父亲节的来历英文简介 父亲节的来历英文介绍

1、原文:The worlds first Fathers Day, born in 1910 in the United States, was advocated by Mrs. Brusdord, who lives in Spokane, Washington, USA. Mrs. Dodds mother died of dystocia when she gave birth to her sixth child. After her wife died, Mrs. Dodds father took on the responsibility of raising and educating six children alone on a rural farm in eastern Washington.Mr. Smart worked hard during the day and went home at night to take care of the housework and the life of every child. After decades of hard work, the children finally grew up. While the children hoped to make Mr. Smart enjoy his old age, Mr. Smart died in 1909 because of years of overwork. 2、翻译:世界上的第一个父亲节,1910年诞生在美国,是由住在美国华盛顿州斯波坎的布鲁斯多德夫人倡导的,多德夫人的母亲在生育第六个孩 子时,因难产而死,多德夫人的父亲在妻子过世后,独自一人在华盛顿州东部的一个乡下农场,承担起抚养、教育六个孩子的重任。斯马特先生白天辛劳地工作,晚上回家还要照料家务与每一个孩子的生活,经过几十年的辛苦,儿女们终于长大成人,当子女们盼望能让斯马特先生好好安享晚年之际,斯马特先生却因多年的过度劳累于1909年辞世。


春节习俗英文介绍如下:In Chinese mythology, a monster called nian would come out to harm people on New Year"s Eve, so people get together, staying up and chatting, hoping for a peaceful passage of time. The custom of staying up (Chinese: shou tai sui) symbolizes the warding off of all diseases and disasters and wishing good luck in the New Year.中国神话里,一头叫"年"的妖怪会在新年的前一夜跑出来伤害人类,因此人们聚在一起,守岁聊天,祈祷能平安度过这一晚。因此,中国人将新年前夕熬夜的习俗称为"守太岁",意味着远离疾病灾祸,祈祷新年好运。Most importantly the oldest and most senior members are visited with the visits strengthening family kinship.最重要的习俗是,人们会拜访家中最年长的长辈,以加强家人之间的亲情。






  International Women"s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. It is an occasion for looking back on past struggles and accomplishments, and more importantly, for looking ahead to the untapped potential and opportunities that await future generations of women.   In 1975, during International Women"s Year, the United Nations began celebrating International Women"s Day on 8 March. Two years later, in December 1977, the General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a United Nations Day for Women"s Rights and International Peace to be observed on any day of the year by Member States, in accordance with their historical and national traditions. In adopting its resolution, the General Assembly recognized the role of women in peace efforts and development and urged an end to discrimination and an increase of support for women"s full and equal participation.    我特别推荐    我特别推荐


如下:International Women"s Day, or IWD for short, is International Women"s Day as “United Nations Women"s rights and International Peace Day,” a International Day of Peace of Women"s rights, also known in China as “International Women"s Day,”“March 8,” and “International Women"s Day.”. It is an annual festival on 8 March to celebrate the important contributions and achievements of women in the economic, political and social fields.国际妇女节(International Women"s Day,简写IWD)全称“联合国妇女权益和国际和平日”(United Nations women"s rights and international peace day),在中国又称“国际劳动妇女节”、“三八节”和“三八妇女节”。是在每年的3月8日为庆祝妇女在经济、政治和社会等领域做出的重要贡献和取得的巨大成就而设立的节日。


英文:International Women"s Day (IWD), originally called International Working Women"s Day is marked on the 8th of March every year. It is a major day of global celebration of women. In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women"s economic, political and social achievements.翻译:国际妇女节,中国内地称“三八”国际劳动妇女节或国际劳动妇女节。是在每年的3月8日为庆祝妇女在经济、政治和社会等领域做出的.重要贡献和取得的巨大成就而设立的节日。同时,也是为了纪念在1911年美国纽约三角工厂火灾中丧生的140多名女工。

关于广州旅游景点英文介绍 广州旅游景点英语介绍

广州著名景点英文Famous Scenic Spots in Guangzhou广州人喜欢旅游,这也是为什么到了周末,旅游业一直会很火的原因。因为周末广州人都会去周围城市溜达一圈,到广州旅游也是不错的选择。这一天广州各大景点吸引了大批来广州旅游的外地人。广州各个景点人头攒动,场面热闹繁华。其中最热闹繁忙的景点有广东博物院、长隆野生动物世界、珠江夜游、白云山、华南植物园等景点。游客数量剧增,游客爆棚。广州有两个非常著名的旅游景点,分别是珠江新城和广州塔。珠江两岸的人非常多,尤其是在广州塔的附近,人山人海,几乎每个景区都是座无虚席的场面。急需1篇介绍广州某一个旅游景点的英语作文1.广州是广东省的省会城市2.广州位于中国的南部。(liein位于southeinpartof...的南部。3.广州一年四季不太冷也不太热。4.广州的美食全世界闻名。5.广州还有很多名胜,如越秀公园,陈家...等。6.广州的交通还很利(convenien)从一个地方到另一个地方,你可以乘公交车或地铁,还可以打的,但是很多人会搭摩托车,因为它能在车流中穿梭更快。7.广州人是勤劳善良,以及好客的。如果你来广州,你一定会爱热烈的欢迎的。用英语写一篇介绍广州的文章 写作能力的培养一直是英语教学的一项重要内容。下面是我带来的用英语介绍广州的 文章 ,欢迎阅读! 用英语写一篇介绍广州的文章1Guangzhou also called Yangcheng. Guangzhou is a beautiful city in China, but it"s very noisy . The population of Guangzhou is about seven million two hundred thousand .Guangzhou is a good place to visit. In Guangzhou, there are many beautiful parks, museums, temples, etc.There are also many interesting places such as White Cloud Mountain, Yuexiu Park, the long grand amusement park and so on. So many people like going to visit Guangzhou. An other reason people like to visit Guangzhou is it has convenient traffic. No matter wherever you go , the public transit is very convenient, there are subways, a bad one of only feeling is that there were too many people while taking the bus.And you can eat many famous and delicious foods in Guangzhou, dimsum is the most delicious food I think. Guangzhou has a long history of about two thousand one hundred years. I like Guangzhou very much. 广州 广州也叫羊城.中国广州是一个美丽的城市,但它很嘈杂.广州的人口大约有七十亿零二十万.广州是一个参观的好地方.在广州有许多美丽的公园、博物馆、寺庙等等.也有许多有趣的地方,如白云山,越秀公园,长期在广州大游乐园.所以很多人喜欢去广州.人们喜欢去广州另一个原因是它有便利的交通.不管你去某个地方,公共交通很方便,有地铁,一个仅有的糟糕的感觉是,有太多的人而坐公车.你在广州可以吃许多著名和美味的食物,我想点心是最美味的食物.广州有大约二千一百年的悠久历史,我非常喜欢广州. 用英语写一篇介绍广州的文章2Guangzhou is the capital and the sub-provincial city of Guangdong Province in the southern part of the People"s Republic of China. The city is also known by an older English-language name, Canton. It is a port on the Pearl River, navigable to the South China Sea, and is located about 120km north-west of Hong Kong. As of the 2000 census, the city has a population of 6 million, and a metropolitan population of 12.6 million,[citation needed] making it the most populous city in the province and the third most populous metropolitan area in China. With the Guangzhou Metro, opened in 1999, Guangzhou is the fourth city in China to build an underground railway system. Currently there are four lines operational with an ambitious plan to expand rapidly with three lines under construction and four lines that are being planned. Guangzhou"s main airport is the New Baiyun International Airport in Huadu District, that opened on 5 August 2004 replacing old Baiyun International Airport close to the city centre. 用英语写一篇介绍广州的文章3Guangzhou is the capital and the sub-provincial city of Guangdong Province in the southern part of the People"s Republic of China. The city is also known by an older English-language name, Canton. It is a port on the Pearl River, navigable to the South China Sea, and is located about 120km north-west of Hong Kong. As of the 2000 census, the city has a population of 6 million, and a metropolitan population of 12.6 million,[citation needed] making it the most populous city in the province and the third most populous metropolitan area in China. With the Guangzhou Metro, opened in 1999, Guangzhou is the fourth city in China to build an underground railway system. Currently there are four lines operational with an ambitious plan to expand rapidly with three lines under construction and four lines that are being planned. Guangzhou"s main airport is the New Baiyun International Airport in Huadu District, that opened on 5 August 2004 replacing old Baiyun International Airport close to the city centre. 用英语写一篇介绍广州的文章4Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们先生们。 May I have your attention, please? We have a one-day tour plan for you in Guangzhou. Now let me make a brief introduction of the city. 请大家注意了。我们为你们制定了广州一日游。现在让我来做一个关于这个城市的简单介绍。 Guangzhou is the largest city in south China. It"s so big and marvelous that most visitors have not enough time to enjoy it. Guangzhou, a lifetime is not enough is even a saying for Cantonese. 广州是中国南方最大的城市。它是如此之大和神奇以至于大部分游客都没有足够的时间去欣赏它。广州,用一生的时间来了解都是不够的,甚至只是是说广东话 Guangzhou is the culture center and the political center of Guangdong Province which is an excellent place that you shouldn"t miss. 广州是广东省的 文化 中心和政治中心,它是一个你不应错过的优秀的地方。 Guangzhou is a nice place, because the trees and flowers are planted everywhere. They can purify the waste gas and offer us the fresh air. Especially in spring days, the city is decorated with different kinds of beautiful flowers, so it can be regarded as a flower land. 广州是个好地方,因为到处都是树木和花卉。它们可以净化废气并为我们提供新鲜的空气。特别是在春天的时候,这座城市被各种美丽的花装饰着,所以它可以看作是一个花地。 Guangzhou is a civilized city. Most Cantonese are very kind-hearted. They are friendly and willing to help. 广州是一个文明城市。大多数广东人都是非常善良的。他们都是友好的,乐于助人的。 Guangzhou has an open-air museum. There is a great deal of tourist sites in Guangzhou, such as Beijing Road Walking Street, Haizhu Square, Sun Yatsen"s Memorial Hall, Yuexiu Park, Zhongxin Square, White Cloud Mountain, and so on. Maybe you will have a pleasant trip in Guangzhou. 广州有一个露天博物馆。广州有很多旅游景点,如北京路步行街,海珠广场,孙中山纪念馆,越秀公园,中信广场,白云山等。也许你们会在广州会有一个愉快的旅行。 Guangzhou is a melting pot, as urban sleekness and traditional quaintness highlight the city. When you are in Guangzhou, you can experience different kinds of cultures. And the Cantonese food is delicious and nutritious. Everyone likes it very much. 广州是一个大熔炉,光鲜和传统的古雅情趣是这座城市的亮点。当你们在广州的时候,你们可以体验不同的文化。而且粤菜是很美味和营养的。每个人都非常喜欢它。 Guangzhou is a modernized city. Nowadays, the transportation is very convenient in the city, since there are so many subways. They are very fast and comfortable. While taking the subway, you can follow the fashion. 广州是一个现代化的城市。如今,因为有很多的地铁,这个城市的交通是非常方便的。它们是非常快速和舒适的。的时候乘地铁,你可以追随时尚。 Welcome to Guangzhou. I believe you will have a wonderful time. 欢迎来到广州。我相信你们会过得很开心的。广州名胜有哪些(我要英文全名)Baiyun Mountain 白云山South China botanical garden 华南植物园Museum main body exhibition building 博物馆主体陈列楼 Western Han Dynasty South Vietnam king museum 西汉南越王博物馆 Guangzhou Milky Way martyrs" cemetery 广州银河烈士陵园用英语介绍广州特色Ladies and gentlemen,女士们先生们。May I have your attention, please? We have a one-day tour plan for you in Guangzhou. Now let me make a brief introduction of the city.请大家注意了。我们为你们制定了广州一日游。现在让我来做一个关于这个城市的简单介绍。Guangzhou is the largest city in south China. It"s so big and marvelous that most visitors have not enough time to enjoy it. Guangzhou, a lifetime is not enough is even a saying for Cantonese.广州是中国南方最大的城市。它是如此之大和神奇以至于大部分游客都没有足够的时间去欣赏它。广州,用一生的时间来了解都是不够的,甚至只是是说广东话Guangzhou is the culture center and the political center of Guangdong Province which is an excellent place that you shouldn"t miss.广州是广东省的文化中心和政治中心,它是一个你不应错过的优秀的地方。Guangzhou is a nice place, because the trees and flowers are planted everywhere. They can purify the waste gas and offer us the fresh air. Especially in spring days, the city is decorated with different kinds of beautiful flowers, so it can be regarded as a flower land.广州是个好地方,因为到处都是树木和花卉。它们可以净化废气并为我们提供新鲜的空气。特别是在春天的时候,这座城市被各种美丽的花装饰着,所以它可以看作是一个花地。Guangzhou is a civilized city. Most Cantonese are very kind-hearted. They are friendly and willing to help.广州是一个文明城市。大多数广东人都是非常善良的。他们都是友好的,乐于助人的。Guangzhou has an open-air museum. There is a great deal of tourist sites in Guangzhou, such as Beijing Road Walking Street, Haizhu Square, Sun Yatsen"s Memorial Hall, Yuexiu Park, Zhongxin Square, White Cloud Mountain, and so on. Maybe you will have a pleasant trip in Guangzhou.广州有一个露天博物馆。广州有很多旅游景点,如北京路步行街,海珠广场,孙中山纪念馆,越秀公园,中信广场,白云山等。也许你们会在广州会有一个愉快的旅行。Guangzhou is a melting pot, as urban sleekness and traditional quaintness highlight the city. When you are in Guangzhou, you can experience different kinds of cultures. And the Cantonese food is delicious and nutritious. Everyone likes it very much.广州是一个大熔炉,光鲜和传统的古雅情趣是这座城市的亮点。当你们在广州的时候,你们可以体验不同的文化。而且粤菜是很美味和营养的。每个人都非常喜欢它。Guangzhou is a modernized city. Nowadays, the transportation is very convenient in the city, since there are so many subways. They are very fast and comfortable. While taking the subway, you can follow the fashion.广州是一个现代化的城市。如今,因为有很多的地铁,这个城市的交通是非常方便的。它们是非常快速和舒适的。的时候乘地铁,你可以追随时尚。Welcome to Guangzhou. I believe you will have a wonderful time.欢迎来到广州。我相信你们会过得很开心的。希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!


分类: 生活 >> 交通出行 解析: Window of the world, adjoining "exquisite silk China" and "the Chinesefolk custom culture village", is located the Chinese GuangdongProvince Shenzhen bay bank beautiful overseas Chinese city, 480,000 square meters, by Hong Kong in the travel group, the overseasChinese city group invests 650 million Yuan to construct together. Shetake brings honor to the world culture as the subject, the collectionworld famous landscape, the natural scenery, the folk custom characterand style and the folk dance to a garden, has reappeared a wonderfulworld. The scenic area divides into the world square, the Asian area, theOceanian area, the European area, the African area, the Americas area,the modern science and technology entertainment area, the worldsculpture garden, the international street nine big scenic areasaccording to the world region structure and the tour active content,in constructs has 118 scenic spots, including pyramid, ,Grand Canyon, the Arc De Triomphe, the saint Peter cathedral, the Sydney opera house, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and soon, has been fine peerlessly, lifelike. As the scenic area activitycenter world square, may hold the tourist ten thousand people,whenever the curtain of night arrives, at the beginning of thedecorated lantern puts, in the scenic area unfolds another kind ofenchanting exotic atmosphere. Are posed "night of the revelry" bythe world nationality dance and the folk custom program art greatly togo on patrol, visits a park the activity the scenic area to push tothe high tide. Window of 130 worlds famous landscapes the world, just like a pearl tomount in 480,000 square meters paradises. The scenic area divides intothe world square, the Asian area, the Oceanian area, the Europeanarea, the African area, the Americas area, the world sculpture gardenand the international street eight wide ranges according to the worldregion structure. Both has micro exquisitely shrinks the landscape tobe unique, and concurrently original landscape containing and impulse. The scenic area China gate Rangoon Chinta, thecassiabarktree , Mount Fuji numerical code theater , region of rivers and lakes Aka Sha Bao, Venice ShuiCheng, the windmill, the Leaning Tower of Pisa VersaillesPalace, the Arc De Triomphe, four big continents eruptive fountainsRome arena, pyramid, African mon people residence dpyramid searches the Peru, the Venezuelan mountain torrent erupts, aHawaian volcano ¨d¨d Nepal Asia carat big waterfall, the Greenlandisland center of earth exploration, Grand Canyon explores the drift Manhattan high level architectural plex, the White House,india mon people residence Jurassic Period dinosaurworld, world sculpture garden, international character and stylestreet Caesar palace, the Roman holiday square, Paris springthe shopping square, the Eiffel tower, in the Alps large-scale roomthe ski field world The square round the world stage 19:30 willperform "Eternity To be loose", after the party ended ten minutes, theAmericas area will have the mountain torrent to erupt, the volcaniceruption performance. the tour finished, leaves the garden Concrete: Scenic area (5) Chinese gate Prompt: Nearby the Chinese gate has the washroom, theconsultation center, the tour station, the medical office,the scenic area direction room; The single track vehicle 20 Yuan, tourthe bus service 20 Yuan, the chartered car count in addition. (16) Burmese Rangoon Chinta, (7) peaceful royal palace, (13)Indonesian hu *** and"s mother Luo buddhist monk, Japanese cassiabarktree, Mount Fuji numerical code theater Prompt: If the time fortunately, may free watch four Uygur inthe Mount Fuji theater to move the feeling movie, each field limits100 people to watch. (15) Indian , Southeast Asia region of rivers andlakes Prompt: The region of rivers and lakes has the dining room,the souvenir store, the washroom, but also has near the water stage,every day has the character and style dance performance. (27) Spanish Aka Sha Bao, (37) Venice Shui Cheng, (38) Dutchwindmill, (28) Leaning Tower of Pisa Prompt: Nearby the windmill has the dining room, the salesstore. (34) French Versailles Palace, (36) Arc De Triomphe, (43) fourbig continents eruptive fountains Prompt: Nearby the Arc De Triomphe has a handicraft moditystreet, has the ski field, has the picture color photo enlargementshop (32) Roman arena, (44) Egyptian pyramid, African monpeople residence Prompt: The African mon people residence from a start, hasa performance every day (game). pyramid searches the Peru, the Venezuelan mountain torrenterupts, the Hawaian volcano Prompt: In the scenic area character and style danceperformance, the special effect performance may free watch. Themountain torrent erupts from 13:00 start, every day 5 performances,the holiday can increase the performance number of showings; TheHawaian volcano each late has an eruption performance. (47) a Nepali Asia carat big waterfall, the Greenland islandcenter of earth exploration, Grand Canyon explore the drift Prompt: Center of earth exploration, canyon drift forparticipation entertainment project, expense: 10 Yuan/person of/items. (50) New York Manhattan high level architectural plex, (49)White House, (53) Brasilia parliament building,india monpeople residence Prompt: india the mon people residence has aperformance every day. Jurassic Period dinosaur world, world sculpture garden,international character and style street Prompt: On the international street has the dining room, thesouvenir store, the washroom, the high structure single track station Caesar palace, Roman holiday square, Paris springshopping square, Eiffel tower, in Alps large-scale room ski field Prompt: The iron tower has goes sightseeing the elevator to bepossible to ascend the tower to go against; The Roman square, Parisspring in the square are the dazzling various countries"characteristic handicraft; The ski field whole year opens, spends 10Yuan to rent clothes and the skid resistant shoes then may experiencethe real snow pleasure; In the Caesar palace has the fast-food and theChinese type spot meal service. world square round the world stage Prompt: 19:30 "Eternity Will be every day loose" at round theworld the stage performance large-scale music epic poem dance party,the central area auditorium ordinary day the ticket price will bedivided 50 Yuan, 20 Yuan, 10 Yuan, the holiday period ticket price is80 Yuan, 30 Yuan, 20 Yuan. After the party ended ten minutes, the Americas area has the mountaintorrent to erupt, the volcanic eruption performance. the tour finished, leaves the garden




感恩节英文介绍`   感恩节,在没有在美国庆祝,是一个时间收集与家人和朋友表示感谢,对许多祝福享有的这些国家及其公民。然而,对许多人来说,它的意思是失去的。下面是我收集的英语的感恩节介绍,欢迎大家阅读参考!   【感恩节英语介绍】   Thanksgiving Day, as celebrated in No rth America, is a time to gather with family and friends to give thanks fo r the many blessings enjoyed by these nations and their citizens.   However, to many people, its meaning is lost. It has become simply another day fo r huge meals, dinner parties, get-togethers o r reunions. What does Thanksgiving mean to you?   Turkey dinners, cranberries, candied yams, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and family gatherings—these are all commonly associated with most Americans and Canadians yearly celebration of giving thanks—Thanksgiving Day!   In the United States, Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada, it is the second Monday in October.   On this holiday, a Thanksgiving meal is prepared with all the trimmings; families gather together and talk, while others watch a game o r a parade filled with pilgrims, Indians and other colonial figures. Some families may even have their own yearly Thanksgiving traditions.   What comes to mind when you think of Thanksgiving? Do you picture a time of thankfulness towards God—o r is it merely one of eating, partying o r watching football?   Sadly, the latter is what Thanksgiving has become to most. They have fo rgotten why the day was established.   Its meaning has slowly deterio rated, and is now almost completely lost under a cloud of media hype, sales pitches, marketing tactics and blitz commercialism.   While many are familiar with the traditional representation of the o riginal Thanksgiving, it is helpful to examine the purpose fo r which it was first celebrated. By doing this, the days meaning will be firmly established.   【感恩节的美味食物】   感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)在北美属于一个特别大的节日,特别是对于加拿大人和美国人来说,这个节日特别重要,即使远在异乡的人也都要在节日前赶回去与家人团聚,共庆佳节。不过,加拿大的感恩节和美国的感恩节不在同一天,加拿大的感恩节是在每年10月的第2个星期一,而美国则是在11月的最后一个星期四。   为什么叫感恩节呢?追根溯源,感恩节是和美洲古代的印第安人有关,特别是和玉米的种植有十分密切的关系。1620年9月6日,一批英国清教徒难以忍受宗教的迫害,搭乘“五月花号”木船驶往美洲。他们在疲劳、饥饿、寒冷和疾病的袭击下在大西洋上漂泊了65天,最后到达北美殖民地的普利茅斯。   当时正值冬季,气候严寒,田野寂寥。当地印第安人慷慨地拿出贮藏越冬的玉米和土豆,送去猎获的野鸭和火鸡。春天来了,印第安人教他们种植玉米和南瓜,饲养火鸡。白人移民和印第安人建立了亲密的友谊。   这年秋季玉米丰收,移民们举行了丰盛的`感恩会,用烤火鸡和玉米糕点款待印第安人。印第安人带着各种玉米制品、烤火鸡、南瓜馅饼、野葡萄以及玉米酒浆等参加晚会,人们欢唱歌舞,通宵达旦。   以后在每年玉米收获后的11月底,定居在这里的白人移民都要举行感恩会,家家烤火鸡,烹制玉米食品,款待印第安人。长此以往,这种感恩会就成为一种惯例。   食物在感恩节扮演着非常重要的角色。感恩节特色食物有烤火鸡、南瓜馅饼和土豆泥,当然还有很多食物,但是这三种食物最具代表性。   人人都赞成感恩节大餐必需以烤火鸡为主菜。火鸡在烘烤时要以面包作填料以吸收从中流出来的美味汁液,但烹饪技术常因家庭和地区的不同而各异,应用什么填料也就很难求得一致。   感恩节购物已经成为了美国人的习俗。从感恩节到圣诞节这一个月,美国零售业总销售额能占到全年的1/3强,是各个商家传统的打折促销旺季。疯狂的购物月从感恩节的次日(星期五)开始,这一天即被称为Black Friday(黑色星期五)。   之所以叫这个名字,据说是因为周五这天一大早,所有人都要摸着黑冲到商场排队买便宜货,这种行为有个非常形象的说法,叫Early Bird(早起的鸟儿)。在外国“感恩节”和中国的春节一样重要!   每年一度的总统放生火鸡仪式始于1947年杜鲁门总统当政时期,但实际上这个传统仪式可以追溯到美国内战林肯总统当政的时期。1863年的一天,林肯的儿子泰德突然闯入内阁会议请求赦免一只名叫杰克的宠物火鸡,因为这只被送进白宫的火鸡,即将成为人们的感恩节大餐。 ;

感恩节英文介绍 感恩节英文介绍带翻译

1、Hanksgiving Day (Thanksgiving Day), a traditional western holiday, is a holiday created by the American people, but also a holiday for American families to get together. In the beginning, there was no fixed date for Thanksgiving. It wasnt until 1863, after independence, that President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday. In 1941, congress officially designated the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day.?The Thanksgiving holiday usually lasts from Thursday to Sunday.In 1879, the Canadian parliament proclaimed November 6 a National Day of Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving. In later years, the date of Thanksgiving changed many times until January 31, 1957, when the Canadian parliament proclaimed the second Monday in October as Thanksgiving Day. 2、中文:感恩节(Thanksgiving Day),西方传统节日,是美国人民独创的一个节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。 初时感恩节没有固定日期,由美国各州临时决定。直到美国独立后的1863年,林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国性节日。1941年,美国国会正式将每年11月第四个星期四定为“感恩节”。感恩节假期一般会从星期四持续到星期天。1879 年加拿大议会宣称11月6日是感恩节和全国性的假日。在随后的年代,感恩节的日期改变了多次,直到在1957 年1月31日,加拿大议会宣布每年十月的第二个星期一为感恩节。


Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed. Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today.The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. But as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year" s bounty and reverently ask for continued blessings.译文:感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,美国和最最早的历史紧密相连。在1620年,殖民者或朝圣者,五月的花他们航行到美国,寻求宗教自由的地方。之后他们在海上颠簸折腾了两个落终于在酷寒的十一月里,现在的普利茅斯,马萨诸塞。在他们的第一个冬天,半数以上的移民死于饥饿或流行。活下来的人在第一个春季开始播种。整个夏天他们都热切地等待着丰收的焦虑,知道他们的生活和未来的殖民地的存在与否都将取决于即将到来的收成。最后生成的区域产量丰富超出预期。因此我们决定一天的感恩节耶和华是固定的。多年以后,美国总统宣布每年十一月的第四个星期四为感恩节。感恩节庆祝活动便定在这一天,直到如今。感恩节的庆祝形式多年来从未改变。未来几个月大家庭晚餐计划。在餐桌上,人们会发现苹果、桔子、栗子、胡桃和葡萄。会有葡萄干布丁、肉馅饼、其他种类的食物和蔓越莓汁和南瓜。最好的和最具吸引力的是烤火鸡和南瓜馅饼。他们一直是最传统和最喜欢的食物在感恩节。每个人都同意晚餐必须建立在烤火鸡塞满了面包酱吸收烤肉美味的果汁。但随着烹饪随家庭和地区一个生命,是不容易得到共识的精确的填料为皇家鸟。今天是感恩节,在每一个意义上说,一个国家的年度假期的各种信仰和背景的美国人加入来表达他们的感谢今年的赏金,虔诚地要求继续的祝福。1、感恩节简介:感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。 初时感恩节没有固定日期,由美国各州临时决定。直到美国独立后的1863年,林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国性节日 。1941年,美国国会正式将每年11月第四个星期四定为"感恩节"。感恩节假期一般会从星期四持续到星期天。1879 年加拿大议会宣称11月6日是感恩节和全国性的假日。在随后的年代,感恩节的日期改变了多次,直到在1957 年1月31日,加拿大议会宣布每年十月的第二个星期一为感恩节。除了美国、加拿大,世界上还有埃及、希腊等国家有自己独特的感恩节,但英国、法国等欧洲国家却与感恩节绝缘 ,也有学者倡议设立"中华感恩节",以弘扬传统文化。2、感恩节的意义:感恩节就其意义和庆祝方式来说,从1621年以来,几乎没有什么变化。在这一天,各个教派的教堂都开放,向上帝的慷慨恩赐表示感谢。感恩节是个家庭节日,全国各地,丈夫和妻子、孩子和老人,从市到镇、从镇到乡、从乡到庄,都回到老家共度节日。回不了家的人也打长途电话和父母家人畅谈,分享感恩的事。感恩节的正餐,全国上下实际上都一样。餐桌上总是摆满了各式各样的美味食品。自然主要是火鸡。吃南瓜馅饼是让大家记得当年印第安人曾送给第一批定居者这样的礼物。在大多数家庭里,饭后都会做一些传统的游戏。感恩节是一项愉快的庆祝活动,是一个家庭团聚的日子,是重叙友情的时刻。在那一天,就是单身汉也总是被邀请到别人的家里,同大家一起分享感恩的欢乐,并且感谢上帝的恩惠。这也是感恩节的意义所在。

感恩节英文介绍 感恩节英文介绍带翻译

1、Hanksgiving Day (Thanksgiving Day), a traditional western holiday, is a holiday created by the American people, but also a holiday for American families to get together. In the beginning, there was no fixed date for Thanksgiving. It wasnt until 1863, after independence, that President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday. In 1941, congress officially designated the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day.?The Thanksgiving holiday usually lasts from Thursday to Sunday.In 1879, the Canadian parliament proclaimed November 6 a National Day of Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving. In later years, the date of Thanksgiving changed many times until January 31, 1957, when the Canadian parliament proclaimed the second Monday in October as Thanksgiving Day. 2、中文:感恩节(Thanksgiving Day),西方传统节日,是美国人民独创的一个节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。 初时感恩节没有固定日期,由美国各州临时决定。直到美国独立后的1863年,林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国性节日。1941年,美国国会正式将每年11月第四个星期四定为“感恩节”。感恩节假期一般会从星期四持续到星期天。1879 年加拿大议会宣称11月6日是感恩节和全国性的假日。在随后的年代,感恩节的日期改变了多次,直到在1957 年1月31日,加拿大议会宣布每年十月的第二个星期一为感恩节。





双十一光棍节英文介绍 双十一光棍节的来历英文版

  双十一光棍节英文介绍 双十一光棍节的来历英文版   双十一和光棍节的英文表达   “双十一”是"Double 11"   “光棍节”是Singles" Day   光棍节的英语介绍   Singles Day falls on every November 11th, and as the name indicates, this relatively new holiday is one exclusively for people who are still living the single life. I was a bit surprised when I googled "Singles Day" on the Internet, to find that China is the only country in the world that has set aside a special day for singles to celebrate their lives. To find out more about this celebration, read on.   每年的11月11日是“光棍节”。节如其名,这个新鲜的节日是专门为那些还过着单身生活的人们设立的。我在GOOGLE上搜索一下,惊讶地发现中国是世界上唯一一个专门为光棍们设立节日的国家。来一起了解一下这个节日吧——   光棍节的来历英文版   Origin of Singles Day 节日起源   Betting 打牌   An old story goes that once there were four single men, leading very boring lives. None of them were married, or had lovers, or did anything exciting. They just sat around all day and played Mahjong.   故事从四个过着单调生活的单身汉说起。他们没有人结婚,连女朋友都没有,日子过得无精打采,终日打麻将度过。   One day they played Mahjong from 11 in the morning until 11 at night. During the game, no matter who won, the winning card was always the "four columns" card (the card shows four independent, parallel columns in two lines). Even more of a coincidence, it was Nov 11, or 11/11. In order to commemorate the day, they nicknamed it Singles Day.   有一天他们打麻将从早上11点打到了晚上11点。奇妙的是,不管谁赢,都赢在了“四条”上。更加巧合的是,这一天正是11月11号。为了纪念这一天,他们给它命名为“光棍节”。   University culture 大学传统   Singles Day was first celebrated at various universities in Nanjing, capital city of Jiangsu Province during the 1990s. It got the name Singles Day because the date is comprised of four "ones". These college students have since graduated, and carried their university tradition into society. Singles Day is now a special day for all fashionable youths.   光棍节最先在90年代的江苏南京各大高校兴起。之所以叫“光棍节”是因为这一天的日子有四个光棍一样的“1”。大学生们毕业了,把这个传统带到了社会上,光棍节就成了时尚青年们的一个特殊节日。   光棍节的庆祝方式   The main way to celebrate Singles Day is to have dinner with your single friends, but it"s important that each person pay their own way to show their independence. People also hold "blind date" parties in an attempt to bid goodbye to their single lives.   主流的庆祝方式就是和光棍朋友们一起搓一顿,而且一定要实行AA制。为了脱离单身,人们也会举办相亲会,介绍单身男女认识。   Creative celebration 新奇庆祝   For breakfast on Singles Day, singles often eat four youtiao (deep-fried dough sticks) representing the four "ones" in "11.11" and one baozi (steamed stuffed buns) representing the middle dot.   光棍节的早上,单身青年们会吃四根油条,代表11.11的四个“1”,再吃一个包子,代表11和11之间的那个点。   Many singles also choose to say goodbye to their single lives on this day. Many attend "blind date" parties and many people choose to marry on this day. In addition to meaning "single" the four "ones" of the date can also mean "only one" as in "the only one for me." Some people will use this date and this meaning to tell their special someone that they are the only "one" in their heart.   很多单身朋友选择在这一天告别单身,一些人参加相亲会,一些人则在今天结婚。四个“1”不仅可以代表单身,还可以代表“唯一”,这也成了一些人的爱情告白日。

广州英文介绍旅游景点 英语介绍广州景点的作文80词

急需1篇介绍广州某一个旅游景点的英语作文1.广州是广东省的省会城市2.广州位于中国的南部。(liein位于southeinpartof...的南部。3.广州一年四季不太冷也不太热。4.广州的美食全世界闻名。5.广州还有很多名胜,如越秀公园,陈家...等。6.广州的交通还很利(convenien)从一个地方到另一个地方,你可以乘公交车或地铁,还可以打的,但是很多人会搭摩托车,因为它能在车流中穿梭更快。7.广州人是勤劳善良,以及好客的。如果你来广州,你一定会爱热烈的欢迎的。广州著名景点英文Famous Scenic Spots in Guangzhou广州人喜欢旅游,这也是为什么到了周末,旅游业一直会很火的原因。因为周末广州人都会去周围城市溜达一圈,到广州旅游也是不错的选择。这一天广州各大景点吸引了大批来广州旅游的外地人。广州各个景点人头攒动,场面热闹繁华。其中最热闹繁忙的景点有广东博物院、长隆野生动物世界、珠江夜游、白云山、华南植物园等景点。游客数量剧增,游客爆棚。广州有两个非常著名的旅游景点,分别是珠江新城和广州塔。珠江两岸的人非常多,尤其是在广州塔的附近,人山人海,几乎每个景区都是座无虚席的场面。描写广州景点的英语作文,要分开写,三个景点.白云山 People often use "Baiyun Zhuhai" to refer to Guangzhou,the "white" refers to the Baiyun Mountain. Baiyun Mountain scenic area in the northern city of Guangzhou,about 17 kilometers away from downtown,is nine mountains in the southern part of the known as "the first mountain in South Vietnam," said. Allegedly every autumn,often clouds rising up,make a mountain side into a piece of white clouds,like a veil,hence the name. Baiyun Mountain consists of 30 peaks in a cluster, the whole mountain area of 28 square kilometers,the highest peak of Mount Davis 382 meters above sea level,is the peak of Guangzhou city. 人们常用"白云珠海"来特指广州,这"白云"指的就是白云山.白云山风景区在广州市北部,距市区约17公里,是九连山脉的南延部分,素有"南越第一山"之称. 据说每到秋季,常有白云冉冉升起,使山上一个侧面变成白云漫漫的一片,犹如面纱笼罩,因而得名.白云山由30多座山峰簇集而成,全山面积28平方公里,最高峰摩星岭海拔382米,是广州市最高峰. 沙面岛: Here in Guangzhou can be said to be the most interesting place,here in after the Opium War was ceded to Britain and France powers, so many of the buildings here are marked with the European style,is located in the island"s main roads of France is a typical representative of the Catholic church.The island has a beautiful park. Here is different from other parts of the atmosphere in Guangzhou and the pace of life on the island, due to the implementation of traffic control, so that no traffic jams,air pollution problems.Like some European town, the road there are many coffee shops,restaurants and bars,the sidewalk filled with elegant small tables and chairs. 这里可以说是广州最有意思的地方,这里在鸦片战争后曾被割让给英法列强,因此这里的许多建筑都带有明显的欧洲风格,位于岛上主干道的法国天主教堂是非常典型的代表.岛上还有一个美丽的公园. 这里的有着与广州其他地方不同的氛围和生活节奏,由于岛上实行交通管制,因此没有那种交通拥阻、废气污染的问题.像某些欧州的小城一样,这里的路边有许多家咖啡馆、餐店以及酒吧,人行道上放满了优雅的小桌椅. 陈家祠: Also known as Chan"s college,is located in Zhongshan Road seven,is a national key cultural relics protection units.Guangxu twelve years (1894) built,72 County, Guangdong Province was called from the joint venture ancestral temple built together, to provide homes for this group of people all over the study to Guangzhou to participate in the examination.Now the Guangdong Museum of folk art. Chen Clan Academy for the three courtyard, composed of nine hall hospital buildings of the size 19. It embodies the essence of architectural decoration Guangdong folk decorative art,skillfully using wood, brick,Tao Su,iron casting process for decoration, craft art beats nature.,is very famous.Chen academy is the largest existing Guangdong,save the most complete, most exquisite decorative arts of ancient architecture,the Guangdong Museum of folk art. 又名陈氏书院,位于中山七路,是全国重点文物保护单位.光绪十二年(1894年)建成,是当时广东省72县陈姓人氏合资兴建的合族祠堂,为本族各地读书人来广州参加科举考试时提供住处.现为广东民间工艺博物馆. 陈家祠为三进式庭院,由九堂六院大小19座建筑组成.它的建筑装饰集中体现了广东民间装饰艺术的精华,巧妙地采用了木雕、砖雕、陶塑、铜铁铸等工艺进行装饰,技艺巧夺天工,十分有名.陈氏书院是广东现存规模最大、保存最完整、装饰最精美的古代艺术建筑,现为广东民间工艺博物馆.


July 9th, 2002 - We have just been informed that this book is still in copyright and therefor we have had to remove the text from the site. In place of the text we have added a chapter by chapter summary. Please note the search feature searches through this summary, not the text.The Great Gatsby was first published in 1925. The novel would prove to beWithin the novel, Fitzgerald uses the character of Nick Carraway as the first-person narrator. It is through Carraway"s eyes that we see the other characters and the world they live in. Carraway is the only character in the novel to exhibit, and hold onto, a sense of morals and decency throughout the novel. Symbolism is heavily used, and can be found in both the characters actions and the physical objects.Through the novel, Fitzgerald puts across the idea that the American dream has been corrupted by the desire for materialism. We see that Gatsby had a pure dream, but became corrupt in his quest towards that dream.Much has been made of Fitzerald"s relation to his characters. Many of the characters in his novels are based on people from his life. Within the characters of Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby we can see the dueling parts of Fitzgerald"s own personality. Gatsby and Fitzgerald are alike by both being self-made men who have achieved financial success. Similarly, they both achieved their financial success for the love of a woman. Gatsby felt that he needed wealth to win the hand of Daisy, and Fitzgerald felt the same about Zelda. The love of a woman was the motivating factor behind virtually all of Gatsby"s actions, and many of the young Fitzgerald"s. Fitzgerald would spend the majority of his career struggling to earn as much money as possible to maintain the privelaged lifestyle that Zelda desired. Nick Carraway can be seen to represent the outsider that Fitzgerald felt himself to be. Both Fitzgerald and Carraway found themselves surrounded by high society and dishonest people. Neither of them truly fit in with those surroundings. One of the major themes within the novel is East vs. West. Carraway comes from the West, and returns to it by the novel"s end. Through Carraway, Fitzgerald shows his fondness for the West, which he idealized as being a moral land. It is their dissatisfaction with their surroundings that Carraway and Fitzgerald share. It is because of such feelings, that they both feel like outsiders.


用英语介绍国庆节带翻译范文:October 1st is the national day of our country, which is a public holiday for the whole country. It"s an important day that marks the beginning of PRC. On that day, there are plenty of celebrations holding throughout the country, from the central government to the general people. And public places, including big squares, parks are decorated in festive theme. In recent years, the national holiday means the golden week as well, which is a short holiday that all people expect to. With the improvement of living standards, people have more money and desire to travel and the golden week is a good chance for them. Besides, for those people who would not go out, it"s a good time to have a good rest as well. Therefore, the national day means a lot to the Chinese.10月1日是我国的国庆节,这是全国的共同节日。这一天是中华人民共和国开始的标志。在那天,全国到处都有很多庆祝活动,上至中央政府到普通老百姓。公共场所,包括大的广场和公园,都装饰成节日主题。近年,国庆节同样也是所有人都期待的短假黄金周。随着生活水平的提高,人们又更多的钱和渴望去旅游,黄金周对他们来说是一个很好的机会。除此之外,对于那些不想外出的人来说同样也是休息的好时机。因此,国庆节对中国人来说意味着很多。想要用英语介绍国庆节还带上翻译的话,你一定要努力学习英语才可以做到了,务必要打好英语基本功,报课在线外教英语培训班也是你不错的选择,跟着教学经验丰富的外教老师学英语,更加有自信心和兴趣,效果还是不错的,课程价格便宜最大才要13.8元一节课。给你分享免费试听课地址:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击即可领取外教一对一免费试听课大礼包!阿卡索是外教一对一授课的,欧美师资的发音是很标准的,每一个外教都有证书,有证书才是好外教。拥有较高的性价比,每节课不超过20元。希望可以帮到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全的英语资源。


Yuanxiao is sticky, sweet and round in shape, symbolizing family unity, completeness and happiness. You can find Yuanxiao in oriental food stores. If you enjoy cooking, here is a recipe of Yuanxiao for you.  元宵口感粘糯,口味香甜,外观浑圆,象征着一家人团圆、美满和幸福。在一般的中国店铺都可以买到。这里就向您介绍一个做元宵的食谱(英语介绍中英对照):Ingredients原料:  4 1/2 cups (500 g) sticky rice flour  500克黏糯米面  butter 7 oz (200 g)  200克黄油  black sesame powder 7 oz (200 g)  200克黑芝麻粉  sugar 8 oz (250 g)  250克白糖  1 tsp wine  一茶匙酒  Methods  方法:  1. Mix the butter with sesame powder, sugar and wine together. You need to heat a little bit. Make small balls about 0.3-0.4 oz (10 g) each.  1、将黄油、黑芝麻粉、白糖和酒混合,加热一会,搓成10克左右的小团。  2. Take 1/2 cup of sticky rice flour. Add water into the flour and make a flatten dough. Cook it in boiled water and take out until done. Let it cool down. Then put it in the rest of the sticky rice flour. Add water and knead until the dough is smooth.  2、取约100克黏糯米面,加水和成面团,放在开水中煮熟。晾凉后加入到剩余的糯米面中,揉捏到平滑。  3. Make the dough into small pieces about 0.3-0.4 oz (10 g) each. Make it like a ball using hands first and then make a hole in the ball like a snail. Put the sesame ball into it and close it up.  3、将面团分成10克左右的小团,用手搓成球形,再在中间刺出一个蜗形,再把之前做好的芝麻馅填充进去。  4. Cook them in boiled water. Make sure to keep stirring in one direction while cooking. When they float on the water, continue to boil for about one minute using less heat.  4、在开水中煮熟,在煮的过程中要始终顺着一个方向搅拌,汤圆全部浮起在水面后小火再煮一分钟,即可。


Tangyuan, also known as "Tangtuan" and "Fuyuanzi", is one of the representative traditional snacks of the Han nationality. At the same time, it is also the most characteristic food of the Lantern Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, which also expresses the yearning and expectation of the ancient people for a happy life.Tangyuan was first called "Fuyuanzi" and later "Tangyuan", also known as Yuanxiao. "Tangyuan" is made of sesame, bean paste, walnut, nut and jujube paste. It is wrapped in a round shape with glutinous rice powder. It can be both meat and vegetable with different flavors. Soup can be boiled, fried, steamed food, reunion happy meaning.汤圆,别称“汤团”“浮元子”,是汉族传统小吃的代表之一。同时,也是中国的传统节日元宵节所最具有特色的食物,也表达了古代人民对幸福生活的一种向往和期盼。汤圆最早叫“浮元子”后称“汤圆”,又称元宵;“汤圆”以芝麻、豆沙、核桃仁、果仁、枣泥等为馅料,用糯米粉包成圆形,可荤可素,风味各异。可汤煮、油炸、蒸食,有团圆美满之意。汤圆由来据传,汤圆起源于宋朝。当时的明州(现浙江省宁波市)所兴起的一种新奇食品,即用黑芝麻、猪板油做馅、加入少许白糖,外面用糯米粉搓成圆形,煮熟后,吃起来香甜软糯,回味无穷。同时,汤圆象征合家团圆美满,吃汤圆也意味着在新的一年里合家幸福、团团圆圆,所以是正月十五元宵节必备美食。




The Red-crowned Crane (Grus japonensis), also called the Japanese Crane or Manchurian Crane, is a large crane and is the second rarest crane in the world. (Chinese: 丹顶鹤; Chinese: 丹顶鹤; Hanyu Pinyin: Dāndǐng Hè; Japanese: 丹顶 , tancho; the Chinese character "丹" means "red", "顶/顶" means "crown" and "鹤/鹤" means "crane"). In East Asia, it is known as a symbol of luck, longevity and fidelity. At 140-150 cm (55-60 inches) high, the crane does not make easy prey, for all that it stands out in its natural habitat of marshes and swamps. When it matures, the Red-crowned Crane is snow white with a patch of red skin on its head. This patch of skin becomes bright red when the crane becomes angry or excited. This species is the heaviest crane, typically 7.7–10- kg (17-22 lb), although large Sarus Cranes are taller. The maximum known weight of a male Red-crowned Crane is 15 kg (33 lbs).In the spring and summer, the Red-crowned Crane breeds in Siberia and occasionally in northeastern Mongolia (i.e., Mongol Daguur Strictly Protected Area). Normally the crane lays 2 eggs, with only one surviving. Later, in the fall, it migrates in flocks to Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, and other countries in East Asia to spend the winter. All Red-crowned Cranes migrate, except for a flock that is resident in Hokkaidō.The crane eats small amphibians, aquatic invertebrates, insects, and plants that grow in marshes and swamps.The habitats used are marshes, riverbanks, rice fields, and other wet areas.StatusThe estimated population of the species is only 1,500 in the wild. Nearly all of the Chinese population lives in the Yancheng Coastal Wetlands.The National Aviary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ran a program where U.S. zoos donated eggs which were flown to Russia and raised in the Khinganski Nature Reserve and released into the wild. This program sent 150 eggs between 1995-2005. The program has been put on hold in order to concentrate on different crane conservation programs in Russia, such as education and fire suppression.


介绍一个名菜,就是宫保鸡丁吧,格式也很重要。Chinese Recipe : Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁宫保鸡丁做法Ingredients:3/4 lb. chicken, boned and skinned 2 tbsps. oyster sauce 2 1/2 tbsps. cooking oil 8 small dried red chilies 4 tsps. minced garlic 2 stalks celery, diced 1/2 red bell pepper, cut into 1u2212inch squares 1 can (8 oz.) bamboo shoots, sliced and drained 2 tsp. cornstarch dissolved in 1 tablespoon water 1 tsp. cornstarch 1/3 cup roasted peanuts Sauce:3 tbsps. Chinese rice wine or dry sherry 1/4 cup Chinese black vinegar or balsamic vinegar 1/4 cup chicken broth 1 tbsp. soy sauce 2 tbsps. hoisin sauce 2 tsp. sesame oil 2 tsps. chili garlic sauce 2 tsps. sugarDirections: Cut chicken into 1u2212inch pieces. Marinade chicken with oyster sauce in a bowl and let stand for 10 minutes. Combine sauce ingredients in a bowl. Place a wok over high heat until hot. Add 2 tablespoons oil, swirling to coat sides. Add chilies and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 10 seconds. Add chicken and stir fry for 2 minutes. Remove chicken and chilies from wok. Add remaining 1/2 tablespoon oil to wok, swirling to coat sides. Add garlic and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 10 seconds. Add celery, bell pepper, and bamboo shoots; stir fry for 1 1/2 minutes. Return chicken and chilies to wok; stir fry for 1 minute. Add sauce and bring to a boil. Add cornstarch solution and cook, stirring, until sauce boils and thickens. Add peanuts and stir to coat.


Szechuan Style outstands in Chinese Cuisine for spicy and pungency, and is internationally famous and widely accepted throughout the world. I would like to introduce two of the most typical to you, Kong Po Chicken and Hot & Spicy Shrimp.Kong Po Chicken, as you may have heard a lot about, ranks...


HuoGuo,ChunJuan,GongBaojiding,very good




1.关于迪拜的英文介绍 【迪拜Dubai的英文介绍】Dubai (/duu02d0u02c8bau026a/ doo-by; Arabic: u062fu0628u064au200e Dubayy, Gulf pronunciation: [du028au02c8bɑj]) is the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is located on the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf and is one of the seven emirates that make up the country. Abu Dhabi and Dubai are the only two emirates to have veto power over critical matters of national importance in the country"s legislature. The city of Dubai is located on the emirate"s northern coastline and heads up the Dubai-Sharjah-Ajman metropolitan area. Dubai is to host World Expo 2020.Dubai has emerged as a global city and business hub of the Middle East.It is also a major transport hub for passengers and cargo. By the 1960s Dubai"s economy was based on revenues from trade and, to a *** aller extent, oil exploration concessions, but oil was not discovered until 1966. Oil revenue first started to flow in 1969. Dubai"s oil revenue helped accelerate the early development of the city, but its reserves are limited and production levels are low: today, less than 5% of the emirate"s revenue es from oil.The emirate"s Western-style model of business drives its economy with the main revenues now ing from touri *** , aviation, real estate, and financial services.Dubai has recently attracted world attention through many innovative large construction projects and sports events. The city has bee symbolic for its skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, in particular the world"s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa. Dubai has been criticised for human rights violations concerning the city"s largely South Asian workforce.Dubai"s property market experienced a major deterioration in 2008–2009 following the financial crisis of 2007–2008,but the emirate"s economy has made a return to growth, with a projected 2015 budget surplus.As of 2012, Dubai is the 22nd most expensive city in the world and the most expensive city in the Middle East. In 2014, Dubai"s hotel rooms were rated as the second most expensive in the world, after Geneva. Dubai was rated as one of the best places to live in the Middle East by American global consulting firm Mercer.。 2.迪拜的英文介绍 看看这里吧 很久以来,迪拜在这一地区的贸易地理上便占据突出的位置。 迪拜一直是一个繁荣的商业中心,迪拜港湾在这个城市的经济发展中扮演着非常重要的角色。对那些装满各种货物转口到海湾地区、印度次大陆和东非等不同地区的中小船只来说,迪拜港湾一直是一个安全的重要海港。 在海湾地区,迪拜被认为是这一地区最重要的贸易中心之一。主要有以下原因: 首先,迪拜位于阿联酋海岸线的中部,约400英里长,其位置具有非常重要的战略性和竞争性。 在阿拉伯湾西南部的这一重要位置一方面使迪拜在连接各航线中扮演活跃的贸易角色,另一方面又可以大大方便东西部之间的的海上运输。 其次,迪拜实行自由和稳定的经济政策,在各国之间以及国际工商界赢得良好的声誉,这就鼓励了本国资本和外国资本投资于商业、工业和服务业等各个经济领域。 第三,迪拜通过建设完善的基础设施、提高政府服务效率和提供公共服务等措施,进一步加强了其在国际贸易中的战略地位。这些高效的便利化措施有效地促进了各经济部门的增长、社会发展和人民生活水平的提高。 总之,迪拜酋长国的经济建立在两类经济活动的基础之上,即:非石油贸易和石油的生产与出口。在过去的三十年,由于占据海湾独特的战略性地理位置、一系列基础设施项目的完工以及根据国际最高标准实施的一系列贸易便利化措施,迪拜的贸易和工业经历了快速的增长。 如今迪拜已经成为这一地区最重要的进口、出口和转口贸易中心。同时,迪拜也在致力于大力加强其工业基础的建设,以进一步实现其经济的多元化。 为此,迪拜在杰布拉里自由区建立了一些重工业项目,活跃的私人经济也建立了一些中小规模的制造工厂,并在某些商品上实现了自给自足,有些商品甚至已经超过当地市场的需求并出口到海外市场。 1997年——2001年迪拜国内生产总值统计(单位:百万迪纳姆) 年份 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 国内生产总值总额 47,879 49,876 55,810 62,335 64,415 非石油产业GDP 42,810 46,248 51,068 55,970 58,941 注:1美元=3.67迪纳姆 迪拜对外贸易概况 在过去的几十年中,迪拜的对外贸易活动一直非常活跃。 无论是在当地、地区性还是国际贸易中,都取得了较快的贸易增长速度。这主要是由于绝大部分最终消费品、中间产品和资本货物的各种贸易方式的自由进口 *** 了当地和地区市场的需求,并进一步促进了经贸活动的发展。 1.货物出口及最终目地国 迪拜的出口占阿联酋总出口的78.4%,在各酋长国的出口中居首。非石油出口主要由两部分组成,即传统商品和工业制成品。 传统商品主要包括枣椰、皮革、冷冻和干鱼、废铁和其他金属。这部分商品仅占总出口的较小比例,大部分直接出口到海湾国家和印度次大陆;工业制成品主要出口到海湾国家和其它国际市场。 其中,铝锭、液化天然气、成衣主要出口到美国、韩国、日本、英国、荷兰、印度、台湾、中国和西欧的一些工业国家。食品、化学品、塑料制品、建筑材料、和金属制品主要出口到海湾合作委员会各国。 值得注意的是,迪拜的传统农产品和高级工业制成品的出口总额都很小。但是,随着工业活动的扩张和繁荣,预计迪拜工业制成品的出口如铝锭、液化天然气、水泥、电力和其它产品的出口将进一步增长。 在迪拜出口商品的最终目的国中,2002年美国是迪拜商品的第一进口国,对美国出口约占迪拜总出口的4.4%;对海湾合作委员会国家的出口占迪拜总出口的7%。 2.货物进口及最初进口国 迪拜每年的进口规模和金额是阿联酋整个商业活动的重要指标,因为阿联酋约三分之二的消费品、中间产品和资本品需求以及海湾合作委员会国家的一部分商品需求都是通过迪拜进口的。 迪拜非石油商品进口从2000年的723.92亿迪纳姆上升到2001年的831.86亿迪纳姆,增长13.1%。迪拜2001年进口约占整个阿联酋进口的74.2%,是第一大进口酋长国。 2001年,迪拜的进口来自于全世界191个国家的地区,主要是中国、英国、日本、印度、法国、美国、韩国、德国、意大利和瑞士。从这些国家的进口约占迪拜总进口的65.4%。 3.货物转口及地理分布 在迪拜的商业历史上,迪拜一直以作为邻近海湾国家活跃的转口贸易中心而闻名。如今,迪拜的转口贸易已经超越这一发展阶段,开始大量转口到印度次大陆和非洲东海岸。 借助于基础设施和贸易便利化的提高,迪拜不断扩大其转口贸易并覆盖整个海湾和阿拉伯国家,亚洲、欧洲国家以及一些非洲国家,2001年转口贸易已占其总进口的27.1%。 2001年迪拜的转口贸易占整个阿联酋转口贸易的75.2%,在迪拜的对外贸易中扮演非常重要的角色。 除去杰布拉里自由区的转口贸易,迪拜2001年的转口贸易总额达到225.75亿迪纳姆。 迪拜转口贸易的目地国有202个国家和地区,重要的国家有伊朗、印度、沙特、科威特、土耳其、安哥拉、英国、伊拉克、利比亚和香港。 对这些国家的转口贸易为133.94亿迪纳姆,约占转口贸易总额的59.3%。海湾合作委员会国家的转口贸易为39.95亿迪纳姆,占转口贸易总额的17.7%。 3.关于迪拜的英文介绍 迪拜英文介绍The United Arab Emirates (UAE) consists of seven Emirates" and Dubai is the most popular destination of them all. It is situated on the southern shore of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula. Dubai is the second largest Emirate after Abu Dhabi and is usually recognised as the "Pearl of the Persian Gulf". Dubai"s population is estimated at 1.5 million, a huge difference from 183,200 in 1975. Dubai is one of the most multicultural cities in the world with the expatriate munity covering most of the population, with less than 10% of the total being national Emiratis. The state of Dubai is monly referred to as a city because it has been distinguished as the most modern and co *** opolitan environments in the Emirates, especially due to its rapid technological transformation over the past few decades. Dubai is a landmark for innovation; some might even pare it to the puter game Sim-city where expansion has no limit. The city boasts remarkable skyscrapers, such as the world"s current tallest building, the Burj Dubai, and is also in the process of developing one of the most technologically advanced buildings in the world – The Pad. This is based on the idea of an iPod; this residential tower is set to be embedded with the latest gadgets that will have the power to change interior design and window views to almost anything imaginable. Sheikh Mohammed is the ruler of Dubai. It is said that he is primarily responsible for making Dubai what it is today; a modern hig h flying city thriving from mercial investments. Sheikh Mohammed"s most significant business proposal was the introduction of Dubai"s world class airline, the Emirates. The city of Dubai gains higher returns from its touri *** unlike many of the other Emirates, as revenue from oil only accounts for around 6% of Dubai"s gross domestic product. The city"s oil is decreasing by the year and therefore cannot be depended upon. That is partly the reason why there has been a construction boom in order to diversify its economy in the expansion of mercial and corporate activity. Dubai has therefore bee a world famous city through innovative real estate projects, sports events, conferences and Guinness records. Although Dubai has been transformed into a man-made hi-tech city, it still has a strong Islamic culture with a stretch of historical buildings by the Creek. Whilst some may view this as a conflict of old meeting new, it is also considered to be a captivating city that offers both extremes; a traditional past interlinked with modern dayDubai Culture Culture in Dubai is rooted in Islamic traditions that form UAE National"s lifestyles. However, the UAE is tolerant and weling to foreigners who do not practice the religion of Islam. Expatriates are free to practice their own religion, alcohol is served in hotels and the dress code is liberal. Women don"t face discrimination. Courtesy and hospitality are one of the many virtues of Dubai. Rulers are keen to maintain their culture and do so through a number of practices. One is promoting sporting events that are representative of their past. Falconry, camel racing and dhow sailing are still popular in Dubai. The official language of the country is Arabic, however most people in and out of the workplace municate in English. There are so many different nationalities in Dubai, English finds mon ground with most people. The majority of road and shop signs, restaurant menus etc. are in both English and Arabic. Dubai is a co *** opolitan city and visitors can dress however they like. Still, a good amount of respect for local customs is appreciated. In deference to local customs and norms it is a good idea for visitors not to wear very short, tight clothing, at least until such time as they are fortable with the city. UAE nationals usually wear their traditional dress. For men this is the dishdasha or khandura, a white full-length shirt-dress. It is worn with a white or red checked headdress known as a gutra. In public women wear the black abaya, a long black robe that covers their normal clothes. They also wear a headscarf.中文翻译:迪拜是(迪拜市(英语:Dubai 阿拉伯语:u062fu0628u064au0651))是阿联酋第二大酋长国,面积3885平方公里,占阿联酋总面积的5%。 2002年人口达111.2万。迪拜的经济实力在阿联酋也排第二位,阿联酋70%左右的非石油贸易集中在迪拜,所以习惯上迪拜被称为阿联酋的“贸易之都”,它也是整个中东地区的转口贸易中心。 迪拜拥有世界上第一家七星级酒店、全球最大的购物中心、世界最大的室内滑雪场,源源不断的石油和重要的贸易港口地位,为迪拜带来了巨大的财富,如今的迪拜成了奢华的代名词。迪拜政府所。 4.迪拜的英文介绍 看看这里吧 很久以来,迪拜在这一地区的贸易地理上便占据突出的位置。 迪拜一直是一个繁荣的商业中心,迪拜港湾在这个城市的经济发展中扮演着非常重要的角色。对那些装满各种货物转口到海湾地区、印度次大陆和东非等不同地区的中小船只来说,迪拜港湾一直是一个安全的重要海港。 在海湾地区,迪拜被认为是这一地区最重要的贸易中心之一。主要有以下原因: 首先,迪拜位于阿联酋海岸线的中部,约400英里长,其位置具有非常重要的战略性和竞争性。 在阿拉伯湾西南部的这一重要位置一方面使迪拜在连接各航线中扮演活跃的贸易角色,另一方面又可以大大方便东西部之间的的海上运输。 其次,迪拜实行自由和稳定的经济政策,在各国之间以及国际工商界赢得良好的声誉,这就鼓励了本国资本和外国资本投资于商业、工业和服务业等各个经济领域。 第三,迪拜通过建设完善的基础设施、提高政府服务效率和提供公共服务等措施,进一步加强了其在国际贸易中的战略地位。这些高效的便利化措施有效地促进了各经济部门的增长、社会发展和人民生活水平的提高。 总之,迪拜酋长国的经济建立在两类经济活动的基础之上,即:非石油贸易和石油的生产与出口。在过去的三十年,由于占据海湾独特的战略性地理位置、一系列基础设施项目的完工以及根据国际最高标准实施的一系列贸易便利化措施,迪拜的贸易和工业经历了快速的增长。 如今迪拜已经成为这一地区最重要的进口、出口和转口贸易中心。同时,迪拜也在致力于大力加强其工业基础的建设,以进一步实现其经济的多元化。 为此,迪拜在杰布拉里自由区建立了一些重工业项目,活跃的私人经济也建立了一些中小规模的制造工厂,并在某些商品上实现了自给自足,有些商品甚至已经超过当地市场的需求并出口到海外市场。 1997年——2001年迪拜国内生产总值统计(单位:百万迪纳姆) 年份 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 国内生产总值总额 47,879 49,876 55,810 62,335 64,415 非石油产业GDP 42,810 46,248 51,068 55,970 58,941 注:1美元=3.67迪纳姆 迪拜对外贸易概况 在过去的几十年中,迪拜的对外贸易活动一直非常活跃。 无论是在当地、地区性还是国际贸易中,都取得了较快的贸易增长速度。这主要是由于绝大部分最终消费品、中间产品和资本货物的各种贸易方式的自由进口 *** 了当地和地区市场的需求,并进一步促进了经贸活动的发展。 1.货物出口及最终目地国 迪拜的出口占阿联酋总出口的78.4%,在各酋长国的出口中居首。非石油出口主要由两部分组成,即传统商品和工业制成品。 传统商品主要包括枣椰、皮革、冷冻和干鱼、废铁和其他金属。这部分商品仅占总出口的较小比例,大部分直接出口到海湾国家和印度次大陆;工业制成品主要出口到海湾国家和其它国际市场。 其中,铝锭、液化天然气、成衣主要出口到美国、韩国、日本、英国、荷兰、印度、台湾、中国和西欧的一些工业国家。食品、化学品、塑料制品、建筑材料、和金属制品主要出口到海湾合作委员会各国。 值得注意的是,迪拜的传统农产品和高级工业制成品的出口总额都很小。但是,随着工业活动的扩张和繁荣,预计迪拜工业制成品的出口如铝锭、液化天然气、水泥、电力和其它产品的出口将进一步增长。 在迪拜出口商品的最终目的国中,2002年美国是迪拜商品的第一进口国,对美国出口约占迪拜总出口的4.4%;对海湾合作委员会国家的出口占迪拜总出口的7%。 2.货物进口及最初进口国 迪拜每年的进口规模和金额是阿联酋整个商业活动的重要指标,因为阿联酋约三分之二的消费品、中间产品和资本品需求以及海湾合作委员会国家的一部分商品需求都是通过迪拜进口的。 迪拜非石油商品进口从2000年的723.92亿迪纳姆上升到2001年的831.86亿迪纳姆,增长13.1%。迪拜2001年进口约占整个阿联酋进口的74.2%,是第一大进口酋长国。 2001年,迪拜的进口来自于全世界191个国家的地区,主要是中国、英国、日本、印度、法国、美国、韩国、德国、意大利和瑞士。从这些国家的进口约占迪拜总进口的65.4%。 3.货物转口及地理分布 在迪拜的商业历史上,迪拜一直以作为邻近海湾国家活跃的转口贸易中心而闻名。如今,迪拜的转口贸易已经超越这一发展阶段,开始大量转口到印度次大陆和非洲东海岸。 借助于基础设施和贸易便利化的提高,迪拜不断扩大其转口贸易并覆盖整个海湾和阿拉伯国家,亚洲、欧洲国家以及一些非洲国家,2001年转口贸易已占其总进口的27.1%。 2001年迪拜的转口贸易占整个阿联酋转口贸易的75.2%,在迪拜的对外贸易中扮演非常重要的角色。 除去杰布拉里自由区的转口贸易,迪拜2001年的转口贸易总额达到225.75亿迪纳姆。 迪拜转口贸易的目地国有202个国家和地区,重要的国家有伊朗、印度、沙特、科威特、土耳其、安哥拉、英国、伊拉克、利比亚和香港。 对这些国家的转口贸易为133.94亿迪纳姆,约占转口贸易总额的59.3%。海湾合作委员会国家的转口贸易为39.95亿迪纳姆,占转口贸易总额的17.7%。 5.英文介绍迪拜的文章 Dubai CultureCulture in Dubai is rooted in Islamic traditions that form UAE National"s lifestyles. However, the UAE is tolerant and weling to foreigners who do not practice the religion of Islam. Expatriates are free to practice their own religion, alcohol is served in hotels and the dress code is liberal. Women don"t face discrimination. Courtesy and hospitality are one of the many virtues of Dubai. Rulers are keen to maintain their culture and do so through a number of practices. One is promoting sporting events that are representative of their past. Falconry, camel racing and dhow sailing are still popular in Dubai.The official language of the country is Arabic, however most people in and out of the workplace municate in English. There are so many different nationalities in Dubai, English finds mon ground with most people. The majority of road and shop signs, restaurant menus etc. are in both English and Arabic.Dubai is a co *** opolitan city and visitors can dress however they like. Still, a good amount of respect for local customs is appreciated. In deference to local customs and norms it is a good idea for visitors not to wear very short, tight clothing, at least until such time as they are fortable with the city. UAE nationals usually wear their traditional dress. For men this is the dishdasha or khandura, a white full-length shirt-dress. It is worn with a white or red checked headdress known as a gutra. In public women wear the black abaya, a long black robe that covers their normal clothes. They also wear a headscarf.。 6.求迪拜的英语介绍

贵阳织金旅游景点介绍英文 贵州景点英文介绍

一篇关于 织金洞一日游 的英语作文。谢谢您好:Zhijin cave is situated in the east of Guizhou province Bijiecity Zhijin county north of the Guan Zhai Xiang, Zhijin caveis a national scenic area, national geological parks, forty best tourist attractions in China and one of the most beautiful tourist cave, China first, China National Natural Heritage, international tourist cave Association member,international and domestic experts have repeatedly visited the Zhijin cave, and highly: "the planet a great spectacle" and "underground art treasure house", "the king" and "thehole" karst Museum ". That day, our family went to Zhijin to play the hole.Into the cave, of greet is some greatly small "strangestone", the "strange stone" colorful, see my eyes, as if to a fairyland on earth in general. I had answered a God to come, take a look, ah"! Those old I called "strange stone"stone are all animals and plants a lifelike! When I found it, I will happy to run around.希望对您的学习有帮助满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O谢谢织金有什么好玩的地方?其实还是看题主想玩什么了,织金其实是个很有历史情怀的地方,如果喜欢拍照,喜欢小城文化,那这里有很多值得你去逛的地方。(1) 织金洞,这毫无疑问是当地最为出名的景点:沉淀亿万年的溶洞,目前开发面积达到170平方千米,什么概念呢?就是能装下35个天安门广场那么大,走完溶洞大概需要2-4小时。里面景观太多不做赘述,反正2005年就被中国国家地理评选为“中国最美旅游洞穴第一名”,至今仍居榜首;(2) 财神庙,刚才说了这里很有历史情怀,烟火气特浓,几乎没有一个中国人不知道财神爷,但这座庙是全中国唯一一个非宗教大统使用,且供奉至今的财神庙,光这一个民间文化意义,就很值得一看,还有说它建筑很牛逼的,说的内部结构很绝,但因为我不是很懂,就不在这里瞎说了,题主有兴趣可以去搜一搜;(3) 东山寺,如果说财神庙比较接地气,那这座寺庙就比较仙了。寺后有一处似洞天一线的景观,沿山而上的扶梯被雕刻成龙体模样,爬到山顶才可以看见龙头,寺内的东寺晚钟就是织金八大景之一;(4) 保安寺,顾名思义就是保护这方水土平安,算得上是个红色旅游景点,当年解放军135团在这驻扎打仗,寺内有一个守寺人,到今天守了10年了;(5) 斗姥阁,曾经的奢香行宫;(6) 文昌阁,供奉文昌帝君,求功名的话可以来这拜拜;(7) 鱼山黑神庙,供奉着唐代大将军——南霁云(是唐代名将张巡的得力干将);庙宇两旁的对联可见出处。传说明太祖曾隐迹于此。还有好多玉皇阁、隆兴寺、将军庙、紫竹庵......每个建筑背后都有一段属于自己的历史和故事,来这真正了解之后,也许会让你的旅行内容更加丰富啦。英语高二作文介绍古城织金Hi, I"m Liu Jin. I"m a pretty girl. I now read technical secondary school, professional care, I come from Zhijin. I like to sing and dance, I am very high, I hope to meet you, and you will become good friends!大家好,我是刘进,我是一个漂亮的女孩。我现在读中专,专业是护理,我来自织金。我很喜欢唱歌跳舞,很高系认识大家,希望和大家成为好朋友!急求贵州特别著名的几个旅游景点介绍,需要中英文互译,谢谢!第一个,织金洞。织金洞原名“打鸡洞”、“乾宏洞”、“织金天宫”,位于贵州织金县城东北面二十三公里织金洞公园正门官寨乡东街口。1980年4月,织金县人民政府组织的旅游资源勘察队发现此洞。织金洞囊括了当今世界溶洞中的各种沉积形态,它既是一座地下艺术宝库,又是一座岩溶博物馆,堪称“世界奇观”。 织金洞是我国著名的喀斯特风景名胜区,中国旅游胜地40佳之一。1988年国务院审定公布的第二批国家级重点风景名胜区,与红枫湖、龙宫、黄果树大瀑布三个国家级风景区共同形成旅游黄金环线。织金洞已开发的洞厅47个,洞厅最宽处173米,一般高50—60米,最高达150米。洞内地形复杂,有迎宾厅、万寿宫等10个景点、40多种岩溶形态,有“岩溶博物馆”之称。洞外有地面岩溶、峡谷、溪流、瀑布等自然景观与布依、苗、彝族村寨。整个风景名胜区面积450平方公里,除织金洞景区外有织金古城、裸结河峡谷、洪家渡景区。织金城建于公元1382年,三面环山,一水贯城,城内有71处清泉,庵堂寺庙50余处,有结构奇特的财神庙、洞庙结合的保安寺等。2009年织金洞风景名胜区成功升级为国家AAAA级风景名胜区第二个,黄果树瀑布。黄果树瀑布,位于中国贵州省安顺市镇宁布依族苗族自治县,是珠江水系打邦河的支流白水河九级瀑布群中规模最大的一级瀑布,因当地一种常见的植物“黄果树”而得名,瀑布高度为77.8米,其中主瀑高67米;瀑布宽101米,其中主瀑顶宽83.3米。黄果树瀑布属喀斯特地貌中的侵蚀裂典型瀑布。黄果树瀑布不只一个瀑布的存在,以它为核心,在它的上游和下游20千米的河段上,共形成了雄、奇、险、秀风格各异的瀑布18个。1999年被大世界吉尼斯总部评为世界上最大的瀑布群,列入世界吉尼斯记录。第三个,青岩古镇青岩古镇,位于贵阳市南郊,距市区约29公里。它是贵州四大古镇之一,一座建于600年前的军事古镇 。古镇内设计精巧、工艺精湛的明清古建筑交错密布,寺庙、楼阁画栋雕梁、飞角重檐相间。悠悠古韵,被誉为中国最具魅力小镇之一。第四个,百里杜鹃百里杜鹃风景区位于贵州省黔西、大方县交界处,地理坐标为:东经105°45′~106°04′45〃,北纬27°08′30〃~27°20′00〃。百里杜鹃属贵州西北部次生地带性植被中保存最好的一部分,初步查明景区内有马缨杜鹃、树型杜鹃、狭叶马缨杜鹃、美容杜鹃、大白花杜鹃、露珠杜鹃、团花杜鹃、迷人杜鹃、银叶杜鹃、皱皮杜鹃、锈叶杜鹃、问客杜鹃、腺_马银花、多花杜鹃、映山红、锦绣杜鹃、贵定杜鹃、暗绿杜鹃、映山红变种、落叶杜鹃、水红杜鹃、百合杜鹃、多头杜鹃41个品种,占世界5个亚属中的4 个,花色多样,有鲜红、粉红、紫色、金黄、淡黄、雪白、淡白、淡绿等。最为难得的是一树不同花,即一棵树上开出不同颜色的花朵,最多的达7 种之多被誉为“世界上最大的天然花园”。有“世界级的国宝精品”之美称。暮春3月下旬至4月末各种杜鹃花先后怒放,杜鹃花漫山遍野,千姿百态,铺山盖岭,五彩缤纷。真是好一幅“千峰叠起嶂,乌金地下埋,杜鹃花似海,满山留异香”的美丽画卷。其花色品种之多,分布之密集,美学价值、观赏价值之高,艺术感染力之强,实属世界罕见。公园分为金坡景区、普底景区、野营区、游乐区、休闲疗养区、后备发展区。共有五彩路、数花峰、醉九牛、漫步云台、黄家坝阻击战纪念碑、百花坪、马缨岭、锦鸡箐、对嘴岩、御赐银杏、千年古桑、杜鹃花王、移山湖、花底岩等20多个景点。此外人文资源也十分丰富:彝族的“火把节”、苗族的“跳花坡”内容丰富多彩、目不暇接。彝族的舞蹈《撮泰吉》、苗族的高架芦笙舞、无伴奏多声部合唱等别具特色。因此,百里杜鹃不百里杜鹃--戛木杜鹃仅是杜鹃花的世界、杜鹃花的海洋,也是参天古树云集、山水林洞辉映、珍禽异兽栖息、民族风情浓郁的原始森林旅游区。游客在观杜鹃花、赏民族歌舞之余,还可以饱览灵山、秀水、古树、山珍、名药。每年相约春天的“中国杜鹃花节”规模盛大、丰富多彩,吸引了大量的专家和中外游人前来观光旅游,已成为国内外媒体每年关注的旅游和文化热点。百里杜鹃——戛木景区:距大方县城72公里,有花底岩、戛木等主要景点。花底岩多岩溶,有天生桥,两边悬崖成剪状排开,像万里长城逶迤而来。下有伏流,此桥边底100多米,在桥的右下侧,伏流出口处形成戛木杜鹃--落红一个半月形的巨大岩溶景观,深落在花山、花海之下。花底岩险要处有只闻其声而不见其形的地下瀑布,有"迎客松"式的千年疙瘩万年树--岩松,有走马转阁的岩长廊。戛木有保存完好的原生马樱杜鹃林带,这里杜鹃花有着花大、树大、色艳特点,每到春天来时放眼望去红艳如火,霞展满天。由于海拔较高,在雨雪、凌冻和冰霜的塑造下树干、树枝轮廓分明,线条曲折多变。造型奇美,可谓树绝花奇。1987年3月,贵州省人民政府将百里杜鹃列为省级风景名胜区,同时落红--拼图百里杜鹃被列为贵州省“十大风景名胜区”之一。1993年5月,原国家林业部批准建立百里杜鹃国家级森林公园。2001被列为地区级自然保护区。2007年7月贵州省委批准成立贵州省百里杜鹃风景名胜区党工委和管委会,为毕节地委行署正县级派出机构,统一管理和开发百里杜鹃,为百里杜鹃这一“地球的彩带、世界的花园”面向全国、走向世界提供了强有力的组织保障。根据《中共贵州省委常委专题会议纪要》(九届[2006]9号)精神,省编办下发了《关于设立贵州百里杜鹃风景名胜区党的工作委员会和管理委员会的批复》(省编办发(2007)76号),批准成立贵州百里杜鹃风景名胜区(贵州百里杜鹃国家级森林公园、贵州百里杜鹃自然保护区)党的工作委员会和管理委员会,为地委、行署正县级派出机构,对百里杜鹃风景区实行统一领导和管理。受大方和黔西两县委托,管理大方县普底乡、大水乡和黔西县金坡乡、仁和乡以及大方、黔西两县部分乡镇所涉及的村(组)。百里杜鹃风景名胜区辖7个乡(镇)的54个村(居)(其中,有4个乡是整体划入),辖区面积近500平方公里,辖区内居住人口近9万人。第五个,红枫湖红枫湖是国家AAAA级风景名胜区,位于贵州清镇、平坝县境内,距安顺77千米、贵阳33千米。红枫湖是岛屿最多的高原岩溶湖泊, 湖中有岛屿100多个,以岩溶地貌和湖光山色为特色,是国家级风景名胜区,被誉为贵州腹地的一颗明珠。红枫湖始建于1958年,当时挖水库修电站。湖边有座红枫岭,岭上及湖周多枫香树。深秋时节,枫叶红似火,红叶碧波,风景优美,故名“红枫湖”。还有很多 你可以看下

贵阳市旅游景点英文介绍 如何介绍贵阳旅游

贵州贵阳旅游景点介绍地标建筑甲秀楼黔灵公园兰花雕塑人民广场大十字广场贵阳地标——甲秀楼青岩古镇东山塔贵阳大剧院凯宾斯基酒店贵航喜来登贵州饭店贵州省图书馆贵阳美术馆新贵阳国际机场新贵阳火车站民族文化宫国贸大厦富中国际天怡豪生大酒店南国花锦购物中心国际会展中心奥林匹克体育中心贵州电视台贵阳市行政中心中环国际中心花果园立交桥贵阳旅游注意事项1、要注意旅途安全,旅游有时会经过一些危险区域景点,如陡坡密林、悬崖蹊径、急流深洞等,在这些危险区域,要尽量结伴而行,千万不要独自冒险前往。2、爱护文物古迹,旅游者每到一地都应自觉爱护文物古迹和景区的花草树木,不任意在景区、古迹上乱刻乱涂。3、贵州当地少数民族众多,至当地旅游,请一定要尊重少数民族兄弟的风俗与习惯。4、带上一两件春秋装的薄外套,这里早上和晚上的气温会有很大的降低,昼夜温差比较大。 希望对你有所帮助,祝好运!中国旅游景点介绍,(英语的)故宫,意为过去的皇宫,就是过去人们常说的紫禁城,位于北京市中心。故宫建成于明永乐十八年(1420年),占地72万平方米,建筑面积16万平方米,有宫殿建筑9000多间,是中国乃至世界现存最大最完整的古代宫殿建筑群。Imperial Palace, Italy for past imperial palace, was Forbidden City which the past people often said that located at Beijing town center. the Imperial Palace completed the bright Yunglo 18 years in (in 1420), occupied a land area of 720,000 square meters, the floor space 160,000 square meters, had the palace to construct more than 9000, was Chinese and even the world extant most greatly most complete ancient times palace architectural complex.贵阳的旅游景点介绍 贵阳的旅游景点介绍 开学周已经来临,天气即将变暖,来到大贵阳,怎么不好好体验一下“走遍大地神州,醉美多彩贵州的风情”呢!下面,让我来为大家介绍贵阳都有哪些好玩的景点噢! 1、黔灵山公园 黔灵山公园是国内为数不多的大型综合性城市公园之一。以明山、秀水、幽林、古寺、圣泉、灵猴而闻名遐迩。园内峰峦叠翠,古木参天,林木葱茏,古洞清涧,深谷幽潭,景致清远,自古是贵州高原一颗璀璨的明珠,有“黔南第一山”的美誉。 2、青岩古 青岩古镇,贵州四大古镇之一,位于贵阳市南郊,建于明洪武十年(1378年),原为军事要塞 。被誉为中国最具魅力小镇之一。 3、南江大峡谷 南江大峡谷地处贵州高原中部的"开阳县,以发育典型、气势宏大的喀斯峡谷风光和类型多样、姿态万千的瀑布群落为特色,风乐旖旎,景象万千。 4、红枫湖 红枫湖位于贵阳市西郊,是贵州西线黄金旅游第一站。湖边有座红枫岭,岭上及湖周多枫香树。深秋时节,枫叶红似火,红叶碧波,风景优美,故名“红枫湖”。 5、天河潭 天河潭风景区位于贵阳市花溪区石板镇境内,兼具黄果树瀑布之雄、龙宫之奇与花溪之秀,集飞瀑、清泉、深潭、奇石、怪洞与天生石桥于一身,浑然天成;农舍水车,小桥流水,野趣盎然,清幽宜人。 6、贵阳野生动物园 贵阳野生动物园以野生动物和森林景观的展示观赏为主线,园区内森林茂密,气候宜人,是大自然赐予的天然氧吧,并且可与部分食草动物零距离接触,可真正感受到人与动物和谐相处的快乐! 7、保利国际温泉 保利·国际温泉座落于素有“黔中秘境,自然乌当”之称的乌当区,四周环绕着二十年的环城林带,景色宜人,空气清新,装修为东南亚风格,是按国际一流打造的养生、休闲、度假胜地,国家AAAA旅游景区、中国十佳温泉度假酒店。 8、贵御温泉 贵御温泉位于“黔中秘境、生态乌当”,景区青山相拥,空气清新,幽静雅致,是城区难得的天然氧吧,自然环境得天独厚。贵御温泉被评为“中国沐浴行业50强”。 9、天邑森林温泉 天邑森林温泉是目前整个贵州省占地面积最大,绿化率最高的天然原生态森林温泉度假中心。林泉相依是天邑森林温泉最具诱惑之处。温泉让森林平添几分浪漫,森林又让温泉多了几许惬意。呼吸着森林里清新的空气,享受温泉水掠过肌肤时的温润,这独特的情趣是天邑森林温泉给人的超然意境。 10、白马峪温泉 白马峪温泉地处黔中腹地,占据富有灵气的风水宝地,豪华典雅,盛唐浪漫而唯美的艺术气息。地处风景秀丽,水碧如玉、清流蜿蜒的马岔河谷,年平均气温在10.6至15.40摄氏度之间,夏季平均气温15.1度,日涌水量400余吨,水温40℃,水质晶莹透亮明,“可饮可浴”,口感纯正,富含偏硅酸、锶、锌等13种有益人体健康的微量元素,属低纳、低矿化度、重碳酸钙型优质天然山泉水。 11、修文桃源河旅游景区 素有“人间仙境”、“黔中福地”之称的贵阳修文桃源河峡谷生态旅游区,位于贵阳市修文县六屯乡境内,地处桃源河谷,是黔中自然风光,人文景点荟萃地,也是中国首创魔幻漂流地。 12、花溪国家湿地公园孔学堂 2015年3月,经贵州省旅游景区质量等级评定委员会评定,花溪国家城市湿地公园孔学堂景区获得国家4A级旅游景区称号。 13、阿哈湖国家湿地公园 阿哈湖湿地公园是在已建成的小车河城市湿地公园基础上,整合阿哈水库湿地申报建设的国家级湿地公园,有河流、沼泽、人工湿地三大湿地类型,是贵阳首个国家湿地公园。 14、蓬莱仙界白云休闲农业旅游景区 蓬莱仙界·休闲农业旅游区是以现代农业展示为基本功能,集生态农业、循环农业、精致农业、旅游观光休闲农业为一体的农业旅游区。漫步在田园廊道中,一排排五彩缤纷、形状各异的特色蔬菜、精品水果、香草、裸仁南瓜目不暇接、垂手可摘。 15、息烽集中营革命历史纪念馆 烽集中营是抗日战争时期国民军统局设立的监狱中规模最大、等级最高的一所秘密监狱,由设于息烽阳郎坝的本部和玄天洞囚禁处组成。军统内部称之为“大学”,而重庆白公馆监狱和望龙门看守所则分称“中学”和“小学”。 ;贵阳的旅游景点有哪些 贵阳的旅游有什么景点1、青岩古镇:青岩古镇位于贵阳市南郊,始建于明洪武十年(1378年),原为军事要塞。古镇内设计精巧、工艺精湛的明清古建筑交错密布,寺庙、楼阁画栋雕梁、飞角重檐相间。镇人文荟萃,有历史名人周渔璜、清末状元赵以炯(贵州历史上第一个文状元)。 2、黔灵山公园:黔灵山公园是一座综合性的游览公园,建于1957年,位于贵阳市西北角。公园幽静的山谷里建有动物园,清泉怪石,随处可见,有成群的灵猴和鸟类在此栖息,山上还保存有第四纪冰川期遗迹。黔灵公园不仅是国内著名风景区,而且地质构造复杂,植物种类繁多。 3、贵阳花溪国家城市湿地公园:贵阳花溪国家城市湿地公园,位于贵阳市花溪区中心城区的北部,距离贵阳市中心仅12公里,是贵州省首个国家城市湿地公园,平均海拔1140M,年平均气温14.9°C,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,气候温和湿润,空气清新宜人,面积有4.6平方千米。 4、甲秀楼:甲秀楼在贵州省贵阳市城南的南明河上,以河中一块巨石为基而建,是国家AAA级旅游景区。甲秀楼始建于明朝,后楼毁重建,改名“来凤阁”。清代甲秀楼多次重修,并恢复原名。现存建筑是宣统元年(1909年)重建的。 5、花溪公园:花溪公园雏形始于1787年(清乾隆五十二年),由举人周奎父子营造,位于贵州贵阳市南郊17公里花溪区内,占地800余亩,东至花溪大桥,南沿磊花路,西临花溪平桥,北抵花溪小寨。花溪公园融真山真水、田园景色、民族风情为一体,是贵州省著名风景区。




Chinese Valentine"s Day七夕节


2022年杭州亚运会英文介绍就是用英文介绍亚运会,然后加上中文翻译。介绍:The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games") was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China from September 10 to 25, 2022.There are 40 major events in the Asian Games, including 31 Olympic events and 9 non Olympic events. At the same time, on the premise of keeping the 40 major events unchanged, two competition events, E-sports and break dance, will be added.中文翻译:杭州2022年第19届亚运会(The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022),简称“杭州2022年亚运会”,于2022年9月10日至25日在中国浙江杭州举行。本届亚运会共设40个竞赛大项,包括31个奥运项目和9个非奥运项目。同时,在保持40个大项不变的前提下,增设电子竞技、霹雳舞两个竞赛项目。


2022年杭州亚运会英文介绍就是用英文介绍亚运会,然后加上中文翻译。介绍:The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games") was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China from September 10 to 25, 2022.There are 40 major events in the Asian Games, including 31 Olympic events and 9 non Olympic events. At the same time, on the premise of keeping the 40 major events unchanged, two competition events, E-sports and break dance, will be added.中文翻译:杭州2022年第19届亚运会(The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022),简称“杭州2022年亚运会”,于2022年9月10日至25日在中国浙江杭州举行。本届亚运会共设40个竞赛大项,包括31个奥运项目和9个非奥运项目。同时,在保持40个大项不变的前提下,增设电子竞技、霹雳舞两个竞赛项目。


2022年杭州亚运会英文介绍就是用英文介绍亚运会,然后加上中文翻译。介绍:The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games") was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China from September 10 to 25, 2022.There are 40 major events in the Asian Games, including 31 Olympic events and 9 non Olympic events. At the same time, on the premise of keeping the 40 major events unchanged, two competition events, E-sports and break dance, will be added.中文翻译:杭州2022年第19届亚运会(The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022),简称“杭州2022年亚运会”,于2022年9月10日至25日在中国浙江杭州举行。本届亚运会共设40个竞赛大项,包括31个奥运项目和9个非奥运项目。同时,在保持40个大项不变的前提下,增设电子竞技、霹雳舞两个竞赛项目。


Everyone loves Snoopy We must not think that the United States are all cartoon violence and fighting, which was full of warmth works. The final stage is to figure among the best examples, known Snoopy"s Snoopy! As long as the last review for McDonald"s Snoopy craze, we know that the popularity of classical and simply dumping the whole city! Snoopy as if Japan"s jingle, with the lovely classical degrees degrees can not be all to the suspect, and even the United States national treasures. Snoopy in the Peanuts comic in 1950 there emerged so far, has been popular. Later, snoopy one after another have been with the author of numerous awards, named Snoopy to the playground, Snoopy products, E-card, and so on the minds of young people is good. Snoopy is the most comic has been translated into 40 languages and 75 countries in the local press, leading for half a century. At all times, Snoopy is an absolute classic of classics.这个可以吗


2022年杭州亚运会英文介绍就是用英文介绍亚运会,然后加上中文翻译。介绍:The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games") was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China from September 10 to 25, 2022.There are 40 major events in the Asian Games, including 31 Olympic events and 9 non Olympic events. At the same time, on the premise of keeping the 40 major events unchanged, two competition events, E-sports and break dance, will be added.中文翻译:杭州2022年第19届亚运会(The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022),简称“杭州2022年亚运会”,于2022年9月10日至25日在中国浙江杭州举行。本届亚运会共设40个竞赛大项,包括31个奥运项目和9个非奥运项目。同时,在保持40个大项不变的前提下,增设电子竞技、霹雳舞两个竞赛项目。

史努比 英文介绍

Snoopy is an extroverted beagle with a Walter Mitty complex. He is a virtuoso at every endeavor- at least in his daydreams atop his doghouse. He regards his master, Charlie Brown, as "that round-headed kid" who brings him his supper dish. He is fearless though prudently cautious about "the cat next door." He never speaks- that would be one human trait too many- but he manages to convey everything necessary in facial expressions and thought balloons. A one-man show with superior intelligence and vivid imagination, he has created such multiple personalities as: Joe Cool, World War I Flying Ace, Literary Ace, Flashbeagle, Vulture, Foreign Legionnaire, etc.


英语介绍做薯片:(薯片:crisps)How to make crisps:1). Pour the vegetable oil into a plastic sandwich or freezer bag. Add the potato slices, and toss to coat.2). Coat a large dinner plate lightly with oil. Arrange potato slices in a single layer on the dish.3). Cook in the microwave for 3 to 5 minutes, or until lightly browned (if not browned, they will not become crisp). Times will vary depending on the power of your microwave. Remove chips from plate, and toss with salt (or other seasonings). Let cool. Repeat process with the remaining potato slices. You will not need to keep oiling the plate.

奥巴马 中英文介绍(静等高手)



牛津高阶字典解释:英文:a person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft.中文:接受过专业训练的,乘坐宇航起执行宇航任务的专业人员。


1. 法律服务范围 The Attorney will act as the legal council of Party A in P.R. China, within the service period, from January 1, 2010 to December 30, 2010. The legal services shall include:律师将在约定的服务期限内:即2010年1月1日至2010年12月30日,担任甲方在中国的法律顾问。其法律服务的范围包括:uf06c Legal consultation for Party A"s business operation, include internal management and business with a third party, via telephone, email or face-to-face talk. 通过电子邮件、电话或面谈,为甲方的经营(包括内部管理和对外经济事务)提供法律咨询uf06c Legalization on labor contract, company"s labor management rules(e.g. staff handbook), Salary structure design. 规范劳动合同和公司劳动管理制度(例如员工手册),薪酬结构设计uf06c Drafting contract according to Party A"s requirement or Amendment on the contract Party A provided (for example, a contract drafted by a business partner of Party A or by Party A itself). 根据甲方的要求起草合同或者修改甲方提供的合同(例如甲方生意伙伴起草的,或者甲方起草的)uf06c Reviewing other legal documents provided by Party A(e.g. Notice, statement, letter, etc.)审查甲方提供的其他法律文书(例如通知、声明、信函等)uf06c Preparing lawyer"s letters when Party A"s requests. 如甲方要求,出具律师函。uf06c Participation in Party A"s labor dispute or economic dispute, in non-contentious phase, (e.g. personal talk, correspondence, negotiation, etc). 参与甲方劳动争议、经济纠纷的非诉讼处理,例如个人谈话、沟通、谈判等。

求用英文介绍这个歌手,普通大学大一英语水平,浅显易懂。材料如下: 1.我是个音乐迷,并且特别喜欢张

I am a musicomania, and i am a big fun of Zhang Shaohan who is a actress, singer and writer, born in TAIWAN. When i was a child, i heard her song<the invisible wings>, i loved this song which gave me strength. I also heard lofs of her other songs, like < Pandora> <Fable>,<Lilium Casa Blanca>, and so on. Not only singing good , but she is very good-looking.I hope you could love her through my introduction, thank you.

用英文介绍一下 厄尔尼诺现象



2022冬奥会英文介绍:1、2022年1月17日,北京冬奥组委发布北京冬奥会竞赛日程终版。On January 17, 2022, the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee released the final version of the competition schedule of the Beijing Winter Olympics.2、2022年北京冬季奥运会共设7个大项,15个分项,109个小项。The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games consists of 7 major events, 15 sub items and 109 minor events.3、2021年12月31日下午,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会誓师动员大会召开。On the afternoon of December 31, 2021, the oath mobilization meeting of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games was held.4、2022北京冬奥会会徽以汉字“冬”为灵感来源,运用中国书法的艺术形态。The emblem of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is inspired by the Chinese character "winter" and uses the artistic form of Chinese calligraphy.5、北京冬奥会吉祥物名为“冰墩墩”,形象来源于国宝大熊猫。The mascot of the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing is called "ice pier pier". Its image comes from the national giant panda.


The mascot for the 2022 Asian Games in Hangzhou, China is named Le Yangyang, which means antelope in Chinese. The official English name for the mascot is Sydney, which was selected through a global naming competition. The mascot is inspired by the Tibetan antelope, a rare and endangered species that is native to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Sydney is depicted as a lively and cheerful antelope with bright turquoise fur and golden horns. According to the organizers, the mascot represents the characteristics of sportsmanship, strength, and perseverance. The design of Sydney is a product of collaboration between Chinese and foreign designers. The mascot was officially unveiled on September 17, 2019, and since then has become a familiar symbol of the upcoming 2022 Asian Games. The designers of Sydney hope that the mascot will help to create a festive and welcoming atmosphere. The 2022 Asian Games, also known as Asiad 19, will be held in Hangzhou, China from September 10-25, 2022. The games will feature competitions in 40 sports, including 61 disciplines. More than 10,000 athletes from 45 participating countries and regions are expected to participate in the games.
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