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中国传统文化英语手抄报内容:介绍古代主要节日(中英文双语简介),Ancient major festivals(Chinese-English)。1、元日:正月初一,一年开始。Mongol:the first month started this year onwards.人日:正月初七,主小孩。Man-days: the first month seventh day,the main children.上元:正月十五,张灯为戏,又叫“灯节“,Lantern: the first month 15,Zhang lights for the show,known as the "Festival of Lights"。2、社日:春分前后,祭祀祈祷农事。Sheri:equinox before and after worship to pray farming.寒食:清明前两日,禁火三日(吴子胥)。Cold Food:Ching Ming Festival Two days ago,a fire ban on the 3rd(Wu Zi Xu)。清明:四月初,扫墓、祭祀。Qingming: early in April,grave,and the festival。3、端午:五月初五,吃粽子,划龙(屈原)。Dragon Boat Festival:May fifth day,eating dumplings,is zoned Long(Qu Yuan)。七夕:七月初七,妇女乞巧(牛郎织女),Tanabata:July seventh day,women"s Qi Qiao(Legend of Love)。4、中元:七月十五,祭祀鬼神,又叫“鬼节”,Zhongyuan:July 15,worship the spirits,known as the "Halloween"。中秋:八月十五,赏月,思乡,Mid-Autumn Festival:August 15,the full moon,homesickness。5、重阳:九月初九,登高,插茱萸免灾,Chung Yeung Festival:September ninth day,climb,plug Melanophylla avoid disaster。冬至:又叫“至日”,节气的起点,Winter Solstice:known as the "Sun",Solar Terms starting point。6、腊日:腊月初八,喝“腊八粥”,December Day:the twelfth lunar month eighth day,drinking "laba porridge"。除夕:一年的最后一天的晚上,初旧迎新,New Year"s Eve:one year on the last day of the night,the beginning of the old and welcoming。中国传统文化英文词汇元宵节the Lantern Festival;刺绣embroidery;重阳节the Double-Ninth Festival;清明节the Tomb Sweeping Festival;剪纸paper cutting;书法calligraphy;对联couplets(the Spring Festival, wedding ceremony)。象形文字hieroglyph/ pictograph;雄黄酒realgar liquor;四合院quadrangle;战国Warring States;风水Geomantic Omen;昆曲Kunqu Opera;长城the Great Wall;集体舞group dance;黄土高原loess plateau。






1.在纸上写上春节的英文单词“spring festival”。2.给春节的英文单词中画上文本框。3.在文本框外围画一些春节元素。4.给spring festival涂上喜欢的颜色5.给灯笼、红包、爆竹等涂上红色。6.给文本框涂上橘黄色。7.给空白区域画上线条。8.为空白区域画上雪花点缀。资料扩展:一、 关于春节习俗的英语表达01、贴窗纸Paste window paperPeople in North China are used to posting paper-cut on their windows. When sticking the window decoration paper-cuts, people paste on the door large red Chinese character “fu”. A red "fu" means good luck and fortune, so it is customary to post "fu" on doors or walls on auspicious occasions such as wedding and festivals.在中国北方,人们习惯于在窗户上贴剪纸。人们既在窗户上贴剪纸,又在大门上贴上大大的红色汉字“福”字,一个红色“福”字意味着好运和财富,因此习惯上在婚礼,节日之类的吉祥场合中,人们都会在门或墙上贴“福”字。02、贴春联 Post Spring Festival CoupletsDuring the Spring Festival,every family pastes the Spring Festival couplets on their doors to express sincere blessings and good wishes.春节期间,每家每户都在门口张贴春联以表达真诚美好的祝愿。03、熬夜(“守岁”) Stay up late or all nighton New Year"s Eve"Shousui" means to stay up late or all night on New Year"s Eve. After the great dinner, families sit together and chat happily to wait for the New Year"s arrival.守岁意味着除夕夜不睡觉。年夜饭后,家人聚坐一起,愉快聊天,等待春节的到来。二、春节节相关英文短语春联 Spring Festival couplets剪纸 paper-cuts灯笼 lantern: a portable light烟花 fireworks爆竹 firecrackers红包 red packets



世界杯 英语手抄报

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五一劳动节的英文介绍:International Labor Day, also known as "International Labor Day" and "international demonstration day", is a national festival in more than 80 countries in the world. It"s on the first of May every year.It is a festival shared by working people all over the world. In July 1889, the second International Congress, led by Engels, held in Paris. The conference adopted a resolution stipulating that international workers would hold a march on May 1, 1890, and decided to make May 1 International Labor Day;In December 1949, the Government Affairs Council of the Central People"s government made a decision to designate May 1 as labor day. After 1989, the State Council basically commended national labor models and advanced workers every five years, with about 3000 people each time.On March 22, 2019, the general office of the State Council adjusted the arrangement of the Labor Day holiday in 2019. From May 1 to May 4, 2019, the general office of the State Council took a 4-day holiday.

英语I can手抄报 英语英语手抄报

i like english我喜欢英语手抄报图片大全资料小学生英语手抄报图片简单又漂亮五年级c61第一单元知识总结手抄报作品展示当前位置 手抄报 英语手抄报 正文 one of my favorite teachers英语手抄报版iloveenglish育儿天堂-195kb多姿多彩的英语手抄报学校开展了i can design my abc英语创意手抄报趣味英语手抄报的资料 英语小短文 i owe you for a fl漫画英语手抄报漫画英语手抄报学识网 语文 手抄报 英语手抄报 on weekdays i have many三年级英语手抄报图片大全英语手抄报图片图片3英语手抄报图片4英语手抄报图片5英语手抄报资料1农夫与蛇it六2班的孩子们完成了《how can i get to the park》的手抄报不仅六2班的孩子们完成了《how can i get to the park》的手抄报不仅党建引领激趣创新感受语言魅力合肥市蚌埠路第二小学英语手抄报英语手抄报图片六年级并创作了以fight virus i can 为主题的手抄报i love english秀小三年级五六班英语手抄报上线啦


感恩的英语手抄报内容:thanksgiving day is a time to offer thanks and a time for family gathering and holiday meals.(感恩节是一个感谢恩赐,家庭团聚,合家欢宴的日子。)thanksgiving day is celebrated on the fourth thursday of november.(每年十一月的最后一个星期四是感恩节。)on thanksgiving day, the u.s. president will free a lucky turkey. the turkey will live on a farm and will never be eaten. (每逢感恩节,美国总统都会亲自特赦一只幸运的火鸡,将它送回农场,永远不得宰杀。)on thanksgiving day, some people will give full baskets of food to the poor. (每逢感恩节,人们还会装上满满一篮子食物送到穷人家。)thanksgiving day is a time to thank all of your friends and family sincerely.(感恩节是真诚地向所有朋友和家人表示感谢的`时刻。)dear teacher, thank you for illuminating mvoyage of life with your own light of life. mgrateful sentimentcome from the bottom of mheart.老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulnesand thankfulneson thispecial day.在这特别的日子谨向您致以我们永恒的感激之情。


光棍节英语手抄报版面设计边框图案资料 1、Tosweetheartorfriend, wordscanmeanmuch. Valentinehearttoheart, conveysalovingtouch. 给我的爱人或是朋友, 一句话可以代表许多意思, 让我们传递著情人节的讯息,也传送出爱的感觉。 2、You"realwaysthereforme Whenthingstendtogowrong It"sthatfaithyouhaveinme Thatmakesourlovestrong 就算是我犯了错误也没关系, 是你对我坚定的信心, 让我们的爱更加 加茁壮。 3、It"syourlovingandyourcaring Andknowingthatyou"renear Thatgentletouchyouhave Makemytroublesdisappear 是你的.爱意和呵护, 知道你就在我的身边, 还有你的温柔和体贴, 让我所有的麻烦全都不见。 4、AbetterloveIcouldn"taskfor Withyoursweetandgentlyway Andknowingthatyourloveforme Growsmoreeveryday 我再也没法找到一个比你更好爱我的人, 能比你更加温柔和体贴, 我也深深地相信, 你对我的爱一天比一天更深。 5、Wesharesomuchtogether Andyoualwayspullmethrough Thankyouforstandingbehindme InallthatIdo 我们分享生命中的每一天, 感谢你带领着我 感谢你一直支持着我 不论我做了些什么


Best wishs to my country.致以我的祖国美好的祝福。I love my country deep. 我深深地爱着我的祖国。Strong and beatiful country like flowers.像鲜花一样美丽的祖国。A tramendous dragon in east of Asia.东方升起的巨龙。Yello river,the Changjiang river,the great wall make a long territory.黄河,长江,长城铸就了伟大的江山。Innovation,opening and development illumine the eye of the word.改革,开放和发展点亮了世界的眼睛。Sun of draw which is my contry.我的祖国是黎明的太阳。My country Bassinet of east culture. 祖国东方文明的摇篮。I love you my mom. 我爱你,我的妈妈。I am people"s son,I love my country and people.我是人民的儿子,我深爱着我的祖国和人民。The motherland in the everybody in my heart this lives happily now is hard-earned, the heroism that this is the our great hero that fight day and they are not afraid of death for us the following person can have to make the same score installed life. To us the values this hard-earned life that we had been close friends for the child of 21 centuries. Well grasp this opportunity well study, learn my each lesson the good student that does to taste actor learning a needle to contend for the person that take the success that becomes new generation, for our national win honour for, for ours domestic ancestor contends for a tone to be absent let those foreigners look not to remove us. After I want to be in, we want unitive at one, everybody is in one collective each are to want to had been done, the study that in the following day I had been close friends well forging, the country is after be brought up win honour for.Various countries National DayThe National Day is a national political nature strondawn of discoverygest holiday. But, the various countries" National Day name as well as the date determination is different actually.Said from the name that, in the world called “National Day” or “National Day” has China, France and so on approximately 40 countries; Called “independent date” or “independendiscovery tfestival” has American, Mexican, Philippine, the Burmese ten-day period and so on approximately 60 countries, was called “republican date” or “republic date” has countries and so on the Yugoslavia, Zaire, Iceland; Called “revolutionary festival” has the former U.S.S.R, Albania, Hungary; Called “federation establishment date” has Switzerland; Called “union date” has Tanzania; Also some directly adds on “the date” by the country"s name, like “Australian date” and “Pakistani date”.Said from the date meaning that, the world including our country, approximately some 30 countries take founds a nation Japan as a National Day; Some are take the constitution promulgation date as the National Days, like Federal Republic of Germany; Some take revolutionizes the revolt date as the National Day, like France; Some take the head of state birthday as the National Day, like countries and so on Japan, Thailand, Holland, Denmark, England. Interesting is, these countries along with king, the emperor of Japan or queen"s replacement change the National Day the date.General country only then a National Day, but, Nepalese, Sweden, Ugandan, Republic of Guinea Denmark has two National Days actually. In Nepal, one is “the national democratic date” (on February 18), one is kings birthday; In Sweden, one is “the national flag date” (on June 6), one is king"s birthday; In Cuba, one is “the liberation date” (on January 1), one is “the national revolt date” (on July 26); In Uganda, one is “the independent date” (on October 9), one is “the second republican date” (on Juary 25); In the Republic of Guinea, one is “the announcement republican date” (on October 2), one is “the people defeats the aggression commemoration day” (on November 22): In Denmark, one is “the constitution date” (on June 5), another is queen the birthday." National Day", in celebration of the state, the first in the Western Jin dynasty. Western Jin Dynasty writer Lu Ji in" five other princes theory" a paper once a" national day alone for its benefit, the main worry about Mo and its harm " records, China"s feudal era, the national celebration event, a great over-the emperor ascended the throne, birthday ( birthday of the Qing Dynasty emperor called for long live Festival ). Thus our country ancient times the emperor ascended the throne, the birthday is called" national day". Today is the anniversary of the founding of state for national day.




1、Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind. The entire country is behind Qi, and the home-Sheng everything. This grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!  万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。举国上下齐欢畅,家和国盛万事兴。愿这盛大的节日带给你永远的幸运!  2、Autumn years, the harvest season, I wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply wishes you happy National Day, cause brilliant TOUCH DOWN!  金秋的岁月,丰收的季节,愿我最真诚的笑容伴随你,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐,事业辉煌腾达!  3、National Day, the National Day, celebrating the country. The birthday wish you good mood every day happy, eternal happiness!  国庆,国庆,举国欢庆。祖国生日祝你美好心情,天天开心,快乐永恒!  4、Lost, very missed. In this long National Day holiday, often recalled coexistence years.Time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience!  好久不见,十分想念。在这漫漫的国庆长假里,常常忆起共处的岁月。找点时间,约个地点,带上祝福,来个非常体验!  5、Girls like flowers, and more broad-minded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain, the river changed its appearance. This is a beautiful motherland is where my growth.  姑娘好像花儿一样,小伙儿心胸多宽广,为了开辟新天地,唤醒了沉睡的高山,让那河流改变了模样。这是美丽的祖国,是我生长的地方。  6、National Day when you do not want to give too much, just to give you 50 million: 10 million to be happy, healthy 10 million, 10 million should be safe, happy to 10 million, 10 million MO forget me!  国庆节之际,不想给你太多,只给你五千万:千万要快乐,千万要健康,千万要平安,千万要知足,千万莫忘记我!  7、States have a home, you can have a home, you have me, I wish my dear parents happy National Day! Healt!h  有国才有家,有家才有你,有你才有我,祝我亲爱的爸妈国庆快乐!身体健康!  8、Went to the National Day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, I hope youhappy as Xi, always happy. Happy National Day!  又到国庆节了,在这举国欢庆的日子里,希望你快乐如夕,永远幸福。国庆节快乐!  9、Just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every success!  刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。借此机会我呈上对你衷心的祝福:祝你一切顺利,万事如意!  10、throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. In this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through.  神州大地繁花似锦,祖国长空乐曲如潮。在这美好日子里,让我用最真挚的祝福伴您渡过。  11、When you see I will give you the blessing of this, you should first hard wall, see not,you immediate countless stars is unlimited I wish a happy National Day!  当你看到我给你的这份祝福,请将头用力撞墙,看到没有,你眼前无数的星星是我无限的祝福,国庆快乐!


The Asian Games the Asiad


中秋节美食英文来了  中秋节必吃的10种食物  1、桂花糕  农历八月十五正是桂花飘香的时候,聪明手巧的人们会将桂花做成可口的糕点,香气扑鼻,尤其是桂花为的绿豆糕,非常受人们的欢迎。  2、大闸蟹  秋风起,蟹脚肥。中秋节是大闸蟹上市的季节,喜欢吃螃蟹的朋友可不能错过。不过中秋节买螃蟹肯定会涨价,大家最好是提前买。  3、糍粑  中秋吃糍粑是源于春秋战国时期,为了纪念楚国大将军伍子胥,便流传至今,在做糍粑的时候加入桂花,沾着黄豆面和红糖浆一起吃,别有一番风味。  4、田螺  中秋吃田螺可以明目,并且在中秋前后,田螺的肚子里面没有小螺,肉质非常的肥美,是食用田螺的最佳时节,在广州等地都有炒田螺的习惯。  1. Osmanthus cakeThe 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar is the time when the osmanthus flowers are fragrant, and the clever and skillful people will make the osmanthus into delicious pastries, and the aroma is fragrant, especially the mung bean cake made of osmanthus flowers, which is very popular with people.2. Hairy crabsThe autumn wind rises, and the crab feet are fat. The Mid-Autumn Festival is the season when hairy crabs are on the market, and friends who like to eat crabs cannot miss it. However, buying crabs during the Mid-Autumn Festival will definitely increase in price, and it is best to buy them in advance.3. Sticky DumplingsMid-Autumn Festival eating rice dumplings originated from the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, in order to commemorate the Chu general Wu Zixu, it has been passed down to this day, when making rice dumplings to add osmanthus flowers, dipped in soybean noodles and brown sugar syrup to eat together, have a different flavor.4. Field snailsEating field snails in the Mid-Autumn Festival can be blind, and before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival, there is no small snail in the stomach of the field snail, the meat is very fat, it is the best time to eat field snails, and there are habits of stir-frying field snails in Guangzhou and other places.  5、芋头  在江浙一带,中秋节的时候会食用芋头,谐音“运来”,祖先保佑自己找到好工作,还有辟邪消灾的寓意。并且芋头这种粗粮对身体也好。  6、柚子  柚子也是很多地区中秋的必备食物之一,谐音“佑”有希望月亮保佑的意思,吃了腻腻的月饼,再吃点酸甜解渴的柚子,开胃解腻。  7、南瓜  中秋吃南瓜是比较特别的习俗,中秋正好是南瓜的丰收季节,个头最大,味道最香甜的时候,在江南等地,中秋节是有钱人家吃月饼,穷苦人家吃南瓜。  8、菱角  中秋节吃菱角,据说可以让孩子长得聪明伶俐,用清水煮熟之后,直接把壳剥开吃,还可以用来煮粥,非常清香。直接生吃嫩菱角也非常不错。  9、藕盒子  中秋节吃藕盒子也是寄托了团圆的意思,江浙人一般将藕切片,中间夹上肉馅,外面裹上面糊,下锅炸至金黄,吃起来酥脆可口。  10、月饼  中秋节吃什么传统食物大家都知道了,月饼是必不可少的,也是我国流传许久的风俗,各地人民都会在中秋这天吃月饼,赏月亮,团团圆圆。  5. TaroIn Jiangsu and Zhejiang, taro will be eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival, the harmonic sound "transported", ancestors bless themselves to find a good job, and there is also the meaning of warding off evil spirits and eliminating disasters. And taro is a coarse grain that is good for the body.6. YuzuYuzu is also one of the must-have foods for the Mid-Autumn Festival in many regions, the harmonic sound "You" has the meaning of hoping for the moon to bless, eat greasy moon cakes, and then eat some sweet and sour thirst-quenching grapefruit, appetizing and relieving grease.7. PumpkinMid-Autumn Festival to eat pumpkin is a more special custom, Mid-Autumn Festival is just the harvest season of pumpkins, the largest, the sweetest taste of the time, in Jiangnan and other places, the Mid-Autumn Festival is rich people eat moon cakes, poor people eat pumpkins.8. Diamond angleEating diamond horn during the Mid-Autumn Festival is said to make children look smart and clever, and after cooking it in water, they directly peel off the shell and eat it, and can also be used to cook porridge, which is very fragrant. It"s also very good to eat the tender diamond directly raw.9. Lotus boxMid-Autumn Festival to eat lotus box is also the meaning of reunion, Jiangsu and Zhejiang people generally slice the lotus, sandwiched with meat stuffing in the middle, wrapped in the paste, fried until golden brown, crisp and delicious to eat.10. MooncakesWhat traditional food to eat in the Mid-Autumn Festival is known to everyone, mooncakes are essential, but also a long-standing custom in our country, people everywhere will eat mooncakes on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, enjoy the moon, and reunite.

以诗歌为主题的英语手抄报 爱为主题的手抄报

一起来欣赏高二15班同学们的英文诗歌手抄报吧一起来欣赏高二15班同学们的英文诗歌手抄报吧童心童趣精彩纷呈英语成功节手抄报和思维导图设计大赛一起来欣赏高二15班同学们的英文诗歌手抄报吧我爱英语为主题的英语手抄报 我爱英语手抄报五至六年级学生以i love my family为主题进行了手抄报创作.可爱风英语诗歌小报word手抄报学会感恩与爱同行五六年级感恩节主题英语手抄报比赛英语诗歌小报手抄报模板趣味英语诗歌word手抄报高二a15罗铭诗的英语手抄报 身边的英语手抄报英语手抄报写什么内容才好呢可以是英语短文也可以是英语诗歌.英文诗歌欣赏手抄报 诗歌手抄报英语诗歌大赛手抄报诗歌手抄报以我爱英语为主题的英语手抄报 我爱英语手抄报大德十第二届英语主题月之英语手抄报活动colorful english同学完成的英语诗歌手抄报.棒棒哒


August 1 each year is the anniversary of the People"s Liberation Army, also called the "August 1" Army Day. Its origin can be traced to 2:00 a.m. on August 1st, 1927 at the front line Committee headed by Zhou Enlai and He Long, Ye Ting, Zhu De, Liu and other leaders of the 20,000 person Northern Expeditionary Force. Nanchang in Jiangxi province was held in an armed uprising and started an armed struggle between the Communist Party of China and Kuomintang reactionaries.


English teacherHello.Today is teacher"s day, I am very happy, because finally came to your holiday!


教师节简介:Teachers Day, September 10th, this is the teacher"s day in China. It is celebrated since 1985. It expresses respects to the labors and contributions of teachers to the Chinese society. The goal of Teachers Day is to form a social climate in which teachers are respected and knowledge is valued. The date of Teachers Day is set at the beginning of the school year in order to arouse teachers and students enthusiasm for their work, and give a good start to teaching and learning. On teachers Day, students usually send greeting cards with good wishes to their teachers to show their respect. In Taiwan, Teachers Day is celebrated on September 28 annually. Choose this day is to celebrate the birth of Confucius for his great contribution to Chinese culture. In some other countries, Teachers Day is also celebrated.教师节,9月10日,这是中国的教师节。这是自1985年庆祝。它表示敬意,劳动力和教师的贡献华人社会。在教师节的目标是要形成一种社会氛围,尊重教师和知识的重视。在教师节的日期定在学年开始时,为了提高教师和学生对他们的工作积极性,提供一个良好的开端教学和学习。在今年教师节,学生通常发送问候与良好祝愿他们的老师,以表达他们的尊敬卡。在台湾,庆祝教师节是每年9月28日。选择这一天是为了庆祝他的伟大贡献,中华文化的孔子诞生。在其他一些国家,教师节,也是庆祝。关于教师节的祝福语:1、Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.教育不是灌满一桶水,而是点燃一团生命的火焰。2、It"s your day, Teacher、Have a great day!老师,这是属於您的日子,祝您愉快。3、This is Teachers" Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers、This profession deserves the special recognition and pect、There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field、You have my eternal gratefulness、Have a happy Teachers" Day.时逢教师节,是向所有教师表达谢意的日子。这个职业值得受到特别的重视和尊重。此刻是向您及您的同行们致敬的最佳时机。我永远感激您。祝节日快乐!4、This small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness、We all want to thank you.这件小小的礼物略表我们的感激之情。我们大家都很感谢您。5、for all the great things you say and do the best teacheru2019s award goes to you.因为您的身教言教,颁给您最佳教师奖。6、We all like having you as our teacher、You have our respect and gratefulness.我们喜欢您做我们的老师,我们尊敬您、感激您。7、What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.教育之于灵魂,犹如雕刻之于大理石。8、Thanks for being such a great teacher. Happy Teacher"s Day.您真的是一个好老师,谢谢您,祝教师节愉快。9、No one deserves a bigger thank you than you、One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.没有人比您更值得如此深厚的谢意。仅这一天远不足以表达我们对您的感激之情。10、It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。


【 #小学英语# 导语】手抄报,是指新闻事业发展过程中出现的一种以纸为载体、以手抄形式发布新闻信息的报纸,是报纸的原形,又称手抄新闻。以下是 整理的《小学生端午节英语手抄报内容》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 1.小学生端午节英语手抄报内容   The Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.People always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it.   The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races,especially in the southern places where there are many rivers and lakes. It is very popular.   The rice dumpling is made of glutinous rice,meat and so on. You can eat different kinds of rice dumplings. They are very delicious.   And Dragon Boat Festival is for Qu Yuan. He is an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.   Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting! 2.小学生端午节英语手抄报内容   Dragon Boat Festival is a Chinese folk grand, celebration is various, common activity has the following a variety of forms: dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, peja sweet bursa, calamus, etc.   Today is the annual Dragon Boat Festival. Father and mother get up early and go out and buy a lot of food. I asked dad what the grass was, and dad said, "it"s a flag." Father made a sword of calamus and put it on the eyebrow. The mother also adjusted the realgar wine to the wall corner, the chest side spray, say: "can antiseptic prevent disease!"   In the middle of the day, my mother cooked a hearty meal. There are chickens, ducks, meat, brown and bread cones, and so on. Mom and dad told me when we eat in the Dragon Boat Festival origin story: in a long time ago there was still the poet named qu yuan after miluo river, they package rice dumplings to commemorate him. I listened to the mystery and ate with relish.   How happy the Dragon Boat Festival is this year! 3.小学生端午节英语手抄报内容   The Dragon Boat Festival comes from the story of qu yuan, a patriotic poet qu yuan out a good idea to rich countries qiangming, but not adopted by the king, he was kicked out of the palace. Qu yuan was so angry that he jumped into the miluo river. The local fisherman learned that he rowed a boat to the miluo river to the miluo river. Later, the bamboo tube was changed to zongzi, and the boat was changed to the dragon boat to commemorate qu yuan. Our family is very impressed with qu yuan, so we celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival every year.   The traditional custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is eating zongzi. Our family has a really good zongzi -- my mother. Every year during the Dragon Boat Festival, our whole family can eat delicious dumplings. Momma always said: the rice dumplings with reeds are the most fragrant. Therefore, every year, the mother of the Dragon Boat Festival USES the leaves of the reed to make zongzi. Before making zongzi, she prepared herself: boil the leaves of the reeds in the water and wash them separately. When the reed leaves were cold, she began to make zongzi. Her first three leaf, this three leaves into a cone, then put a date first, and then put on inside glutinous rice, middle to clip a few dates, the last thread tied leaves, a rice dumplings wrapped. Her dumplings are fat and big, like the old Buddha sleeping. After the dumplings have finished, mom put them in a pressure cooker for 40 minutes, then another three or four hours to make it taste and then eat it! My mother"s dumplings are very fragrant, so that when I see the zongzi, I will eat them. So, when eating zongzi, I always eat a lot!   The Dragon Boat Festival besides the need to eat zongzi, also the dragon boat!   I like watching dragon boat RACES the most, and dozens of mariners, with their OARS, struggling to make their way to the drum, beat the drum and beat the drum. "Come on, come on! The outside cheerleaders were enthusiastic, thundering and cheering, and the sailors were forced to row harder. The scene of the dragon boat race was spectacular and enthusiastic.   Eating zongzi and racing dragon boat racing, the two traditional customs jointly knit together a hot and noisy Dragon Boat Festival. 4.小学生端午节英语手抄报内容   The Duanwu Festival, which is also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is an ancient Chinese traditional festival, celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.   For thousands of years, various celebrating activities are held all around the country. Eating zongzi and racing dragon boats are the most pertinent ones, which are said to be in memory of Qu Yuan, a great poet. In some places, people spread realgar wine on the children in the hope of protecting them from the evil spirits.   Many people consider May as an especially dangerous time for diseases in a year, and therefore they hang moxa and calamus and things like that around the doors to ward off evil and diseases and pray for good luck. 5.小学生端午节英语手抄报内容   1.I say: to see the person of message Dragon Boat Festival is happy!   2.May I can put the best blessing to you, and wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!   3.Remember: you smile smile of my world, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!   4.Let this coat tightly with pass every minute near you, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!   5.As friends, I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival!   6.Not often contact, but must heart, As friends, I wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival!   7.Wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!   8.Wish you all the luck, the Dragon Boat Festival is happy!   9.Wish you and your families have a nice holiday!   10.Without it, the gutty friendship, but got the message, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!


Why do people yawn?When we feel tired, the body has generated a lot of carbon dioxide. When the excess of carbon dioxide, it is important to increase the oxygen needed to balance the body. Because these residual carbon dioxide, would affect the functioning of our body activity, then the body will issue a protective response, so come on playing yawn.Yawning is a kind of deep breathing movements, it makes us more than usual, sucked into oxygen and emit carbon dioxide, but also do it to eliminate the role of fatigue.



英语手抄报 垃圾分类?

The resources of the earth are limited. We should cherish and cherish these resources. So we"re going to do garbage sorting, and reuse the available resources again. At home, remind everybody garbage classification, water bottles, cans, such as waste paper packed together to sell, resources recycling, and made money, the waste batteries, cartridges, etc in the recycling bins. In school, you can reuse and reuse garbage, put in two different trash cans, one is recyclable and one is unrecyclable. Learn from your classmates and discuss ways to classify rubbish. In the suburbs, we will use two bags to classify garbage, pick up the garbage that we see and classify it, so that it is the best young pioneers. This allows you to easily categorize. Everyone is sorting garbage, and the earth is beautiful. We will see the thick wood, the clear water, the blue sky and the blue sea, everyone has a sweet smile. 地球的资源是有限的,我们要好好地爱护和珍惜这些资源。所以我们要进行垃圾分类,再次利用这些可用的资源。 在家里,提醒大家进行垃圾分类,把矿泉水瓶,易拉罐,废纸等装在一起拿去卖,资源再利用了,又赚了钱,把废电池,墨盒等放到不可回收的垃圾桶里。在学校,就把可以再次利用和不能再次利用的垃圾,放在不同的两个垃圾桶,一个是可回收,一个是不可回收。和同学学习,讨论垃圾分类的的方法。在郊外,我们要用两个袋子进行垃圾分类,把看到的垃圾捡起来,进行分类,这样才是优秀的少先队员。这样就可以轻轻松松的进行分类了。 人人都进行垃圾分类,地球就变得美丽了。我们就会看到茂密的树林,清澈见底的湖水,蔚蓝的天空和蓝蓝的大海,人人都露出甜甜的笑脸。


五一英语手抄报内容简短:一、劳动节英语句子1、祝天下所有像我一样的劳苦大众五一快乐!I wish the world all the toiling masses May 1 happy like me!2、五月是放飞心情的好时节,你愿意和我一起双双飞吗?May is a good season that puts flying state of mind, you are willing to and I together both fly?3、今天是国际男人劳动节,祝女人们节日快乐,天天美丽!Today is international labor day men, I wish the women festival happiness, beautiful every day!4、祝你的努力和汗水尽快变成明天成功的果实。劳动节快乐!I wish you the efforts and sweat as soon as possible into tomorrow the fruits of success. Happy labor day!5、劳动节愿我们的劳动带给大家春天的回报,祝您全家幸福愉快。Labour Day to our Labour us all spring returns, I wish you a happy family happiness.6、五彩缤纷的世界里,友情珍贵,在这长长的假日里,祝你快乐!The colorful world, friendship is precious, in this long holidays, I wish you happiness!7、劳动节,愿我们的劳动带给大家春天的回报,祝您全家幸福愉快。Labor day, wish our work to bring spring returns, I wish you a happy family happiness.二、劳动节英语文章I spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st may, we went to the zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.On 2nd may, i visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together, the resturant were crowded as well.on 3rd may, we went to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we went to watch a new movie.All the other days lefti didnt go anywhere, no only becasue i still have some homework,but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere!我很快度过了这个假期,5月1日,我们去了动物园,那里很拥挤,有那么多来自全国各地的游客在假期里玩得很开心。5月2日,我和父母去探望亲戚,一起吃了顿丰盛的午餐,餐厅也很拥挤。5月3日,我们去购物中心购物,购物后去看一部新电影。剩下的日子我哪儿也没去,不仅因为我还有一些作业,而且几乎到处都是人!

关于都江堰的英语手抄报 春节的英语手抄报

手抄报关于都江堰都江堰手抄报图片大全关于春天的英语手抄报英语手抄报-61多彩儿童网关于招聘的英语手抄报关于书虫的英语手抄报关于梦想的英语手抄报关于动词过去式的英语手抄报 关于英语手抄报春节的手抄报图片大全-春节的图片 春节图片素材 春节关于竖版英语手抄报描写我的朋友关于竖版英语手抄报描写我的朋友

英语关于太空手抄报 英语英语手抄报

关于中国航天的英语手抄报一等奖explorespace探索太空英文手抄报学科手抄报简笔画lifeinthefuture主题英语手抄报explorespace探索太空英文手抄报我的航天梦英语手抄报我的航天梦英语手抄报我的航天梦英语手抄报我的航天梦英语手抄报太空之旅英语手抄报简单太空旅行英语手抄报英语旅行手抄报关于太空旅馆的英语手抄报 身边的英语手抄报多才多艺的英语手抄报-英语小天地飞上太空手抄报 手抄报a4纸关于太空的画二年级的手抄报二年级的手抄报科技科学手抄报英语版本太空英语手抄报太空酒店英语手抄报 英语英语手抄报关于及太空的英语手抄报 简单的英语手抄报一颗种子的太空旅行手抄报旅行手抄报关于太空与火箭的手抄报图片


英语资源频道为大家整理的关于母亲节的英语手抄报:母亲节英语祝福语,供大家阅读参考。 母亲的爱是永恒的,她是一颗不落的星。看着母亲一丝一丝的白发,一条一条逐日渐深的皱纹,多年含辛茹苦哺育我成人的母亲,在这属于您的节日里请接受我对您最深切的祝愿:节日快乐,永远年轻!慈母手中线,游子身上衣,临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归,谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。希望在这特别的日子送上我特别的问候!祝:母亲节快乐!妈妈我永远爱你!亲情在这世间,总是让生活充溢着一份份平平常常但却恒久的温暖,亲情是贯穿生命始终的。为此,我们祝福天底下每一位母亲——母亲节快乐!母亲永远是我心灵的港湾,祝亲爱的妈妈健康快乐.妈妈我感谢你赐给了我生命,是您教会了我做人的道理,无论将来怎么样,我永远爱您!妈妈:这十几年来您辛苦了!希望在这特别的日子送上我特别的问候!祝您健康长寿!永远年轻!天天快乐!捋开额前的细发,便可以惊见星星点点银丝,孩子,是我的青春转嫁到了你的身上么?辛劳一辈子的您虽已银发如雪,可您在我心目中仍是那么的青春靓丽!妈,祝您永远年轻快乐!!!我的美好祝福浓得化不开;我的美好祝福深得抹不去;我的美好祝福只献给你---我最亲最爱的父亲母亲!母亲:长满老茧的双手有我快乐的童年;斑白的双鬓有我成长的足迹!远方的母亲,你是我的牵挂!新年来临,恭祝事事顺心!身体健康!妈妈节日快乐!你的深思啊无法报答.只有灿烂的笑在漫漫的长路上作出回答妈妈,感谢您多年的艰辛哺育,使我长大,使我成才!一年又一年,风风雨雨。您为了我们呕心沥血,请接受我们对您深深感谢和炙热的爱。轻轻一声问安,将我心中的祝福化作阳光般的温暖,永恒地留在您眼中、您心中。您的付出、您的祈盼,只为我们的成长。谢谢您,妈妈。妈妈,您的怀抱最温暖。无论我走多远,心中永远眷恋您。妈妈,我想对您说,话到嘴边又咽了;妈妈,我想对您笑,眼里却点点泪花。虽然您不轻易表露,但我知道您一直都在关心着我。谢谢您,妈妈! A mother"s love is eternal, she is a not falling star. mother looked at a little white hair, a growing by deep wrinkles, years of nurturing my mother bear bitter hardships adult, please accept my wishes for your deepest in this day belongs to you: happy holidays, forever young! the mother line, wandering onto clothing, leaving thick seam, Italy has to fear, who made grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments. hope on this special day I send my special greetings! I wish: Happy Mother"s Day! I love you forever and ever! family in this world, always let a life full of a plain but constant warm, the family is throughout the life always. To this end, I wish every mother on earth -- happy mother"s day! mother is always my heart, I wish my dear mother happy and healthy. Mom I thank you give my life, is you taught me the truth in life, no matter how in the future, I will always love you! mother: in the last ten years, you have worked hard! I hope this special day to send my special greetings! Wish you health and longevity! Forever young! Happy every day. the fine hair brushed her forehead, then can see the tiny spots of silver, child, is my youth passed on to your body? hard work a lifetime you have hair like snow, you can in my mind is still so young and beautiful! Mom, I wish you happy forever young!!! my good wishes thick don"t open; my good wishes to wipe not deep; my good wishes to you only - I love the most pro - father and mother! mother: finger-nails hands I happy childhood; I have the double applogized gray growing footprint! Distant mother, you are the only one I care! New year is coming, wish everything goes well! Health! mother happy holidays! You thinking Oh can"t repay. Only bright smile to answer. Mother in the long long way, thank you for your years of hard feeding, that I grew up, I success! year after year, groundless talk. You make painstaking efforts in order to us, please accept our deep gratitude to you and the burning love. pay one"s respects to gently say, will be the blessing of my heart into the warmth of the sun, forever remain in your eyes, your heart. your pay, your hope, only for our growth. Thank you, mom. mother, your most warm embrace. No matter how far I go, my heart forever love you. mom, I want to say to you, words to his mouth and swallowed; mom, I want to smile at you, but my eyes are full of tears. although you don"t say anything, but I know you have been concerned about me. Thank you, mom!


The origin of April Fool"s Day There are different versions as to the origin of April Fool"s Day.The most widespread theory links the day to Gregorian calendar reform while others involve mythological legends or anthropological explanations.


那个红日 基本古


ExploringChina"s Spring Festival, especially from 20 kicks off. The Ballads" twenty-three ceremony, sticky" refers to is every year in twenty-three or twenty-four people, the so-called" officer "s four son five ", is also the official in December twenty-three, common people home in twenty-four days, people on the water is held twenty-five days duration.

英语手抄报 内容:学英语50词

And gladly would learn , and gladly teach .( Chaucer , British poet) 勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人, 乔叟) Better be unborn than untaught , for ignorance is the root of misfortune .(Plato , Ancient Greek philosopher) 与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源.(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图) Genius17 without education is like silver in the mine. (Benjamin Franklin , American president ) 未受教育的天才,犹如矿中之银。 (美国总统 富兰克. B.) The roots of education are bitter , but the fruit is sweet .(Aristotle , Ancient Greek philosopher ) 教育的根是苦的,但其果实是甜的。( 古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德) CULTURE 文化篇 A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight .(P. B. Shelley , British poet ) 伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人 雪莱. P. B) A novel is a mirror walking along a main road .( Stendhcl , French writer ) 一部小说犹如一面在大街上走的镜子。 (法国作家 司汤达) Art is a lie that tells the truth .( Picasso , Spanish painter ) 美术是揭示真理的谎言。 (西班牙画家 毕加索) Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest. (Mark Twain , American novelist ) 幽默被人正确地解释为“以诚挚表达感受,寓深思于嬉笑”。(美国小说家 马克·吐温) The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downward tendency.( Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German poet ) 文学的衰落表明一个民族的衰落。这两者走下坡路的时间是齐头并进的。(德国诗人 歌德 . J . W .) When one loves one"s art no service seems too hard .( O. Henry, American novelist ) 一旦热爱艺术,什么奉献也不难。 (美国小说家 欧·亨利)


Summer is the second season in a year. I love summer very much. In summer, it"s hot, and sometimes it"s rainy. People wear T-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. 夏姑娘像个孩子,经常变脸。一会儿碧空如洗,骄阳似火;一会儿天低云暗,电闪雷鸣;一会瓢泼大雨,倾盆滂沱;一会儿潇潇雨歇,虹桥飞架南北。不过,在树林的小鸟却不在意夏姑娘的脾气,他们每天心情都很好,白天晚上轮流歌唱。


Mid-Autumn Festival handwritten newspaper content: Mid-Autumn Festival originMoon cakes are the first food of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there are many theories about their origin. Said at the end of yuan dynasty, jiangsu taizhou against yuan insurgent leaders gathering (or zhu yuanzhang counsellor liu bowen) using the Mid-Autumn festival people give each other a round cake, entrainment in the cake "August 15 night to kill the dalai son" note, you see the note in the cake, news and keep in the night together hand blade marauding "dalai son" (soldiers), Later, every family ate cakes to celebrate the victory of the uprising, and officially called the round cakes of the Mid-Autumn Festival mooncakes. For a long time, even at the end of the last century, many mooncakes had a small piece of paper attached to them! Unfortunately, mooncakes produced in recent years have no trace of small pieces of paper, and the "cultural code" passed down from generation to generation has disappeared. Another said that in the early years of Ming Hongwu, General Xu Da conquered the Yuan Dynasty residual forces stationed in the Yuan capital of Beijing, and the good news was transmitted to the capital of Nanjing. Zhu Yuanzhang, who was playing chess, was overjoyed, that is, the Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated all over the world, and the moon cake was given to the subjects when the anti-Yuan uprising was transmitted. Since then, moon cakes have become the "legal" food of the Mid-Autumn Festival and must be eaten.Moon cakes, originally originated in the Tang Dynasty army Zhujie food. During the reign of Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty, General Li Jing won the battle against the Turks by means of hidden communication of moon cakes, and returned triumphantly on August 15. Since then, eating moon cakes has become an annual custom. At that time, some businessmen in Turpan offered cakes to the Emperor of Tang Dynasty. Emperor Gaozu Li Yuan took the gorgeous cake box, took out the round cakes, and smiled at the bright moon in the sky and said: "Toad should be invited to the Hu cake." Then he divided the cakes among the ministers.In the book "Dream Sorghum Record" of Wu Zimu in the Southern Song Dynasty, the word "moon cake" has been used, but the description of the Mid-Autumn Festival and eating moon cakes is recorded in the "West Lake Tour History" of the Ming Dynasty: "August 15 is called the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the folk take the moon cake as the meaning of reunion." In the Qing Dynasty, there were more and more records about mooncakes, and the production became more and more elaborate.中秋节手抄报内容:中秋节起源中秋节美食首推月饼,其起源说法多种。一说元代末年,江苏泰州的反元起义领袖张士诚(或说是朱元璋的谋士刘伯温)利用中秋民众互赠圆饼之际,在饼中夹带“八月十五夜杀鞑子”的字条,大家见了饼中字条,一传十,十传百,如约于这天夜里一起手刃无恶不作的“鞑子”(元兵),过后家家吃饼庆祝起义胜利,并正式称中秋节的圆饼为月饼。在后来很长历史时期,甚至在上世纪末,许多月饼上还贴有一方小纸片!只可惜,近几年所产月饼已不见小纸片踪影,月饼所含代代相传的“文化密码”荡然无存。另有一说为,明洪武初年,大将徐达攻下元朝残余势力盘踞的元大都北京,捷报传到首都南京,正在下棋的明太祖朱元璋欣喜若狂,即传谕中秋节普天同庆,并将当初反元大起义时传递信息的月饼赏赐臣民。月饼从此成为中秋节“法定”的食品,非食不可了。月饼,最初起源于唐朝军队祝捷食品。唐高祖年间,大将军李靖征讨突厥靠月饼隐蔽的传话得胜,八月十五凯旋而归,此后,吃月饼成为每年的`习俗。当时有经商的吐鲁番人向唐朝皇帝献饼祝捷,高祖李渊接过华丽的饼盒,拿出圆饼,笑指空中明月说:“应将胡饼邀蟾蜍”。说完把饼分给群臣一起吃。南宋吴自牧的《梦粱录》一书,已有“月饼”一词,但对中秋赏月,吃月饼的描述,是明代的《西湖游览志会》才有记载:“八月十五日谓之中秋,民间以月饼相遗,取团圆之义”。到了清代,关于月饼的记载就多起来了,而且制作越来越精细。


六年级吗 我也要做 大哥大姐帮帮帮忙


英语兔年春节手抄报内容如下:I like the Chinese new year, this is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes, eat good food. I have a good time from morning tillnight. I "m happy as a clam.The Spring Festival, the Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China, people used as Chinese New Year. This festival is always in every early January to mid February. Before the Spring Festival period, Chinese early do Spring Festival shopping. They buy vegetables. Fish and meat. New clothes and many other things. They cleaning the house, have made their home a new layout.The Spring Festival is the most important festival of the han. The long history of the spring festival. Before the doors pasted red paper yellow word meaning of happy new year and as the God of wealth and red lanterns. Festival gift money to children, relatives and friends to pay New Year"s call for.In the new year, I went to Zhangjiajie, where there are many beautiful places, such as: Golden Whip Stream, the best in all the land bridge ... We live in the mountain, the mountain is covered with snow, we play snowball fights, photography in the snow, we played very happy, I love the new year.手抄报内容翻译我喜欢中国新年,这是一个专为休息和欢乐的时间。我不需要读书。我穿好衣服,吃好东西。我每天从早到晚日子过得轻松愉快。我很快乐。春节到了,春节是中国的传统节日,人们习惯上成作农历年。这个节日总是在每年的一月初到二月中旬之间。春节前的一段日子,中国人早早地开始买年货。他们买蔬菜、鱼和肉。新衣服和种种其他的东西。他们打扫房屋,把自己的家布置一新。春节是汉族最重要的节日。春节的历史很悠久。节前就在门脸上贴上红纸黄字的寓意的新年寄语及财神像和挂大红灯笼等。节中有给儿童压岁钱、亲朋好友拜年等。在新年里,我去了张家界,那里有许多好看的地方,比如:金鞭溪、天下第一桥等。我们在山上住,山上到处是雪,我们在雪地里玩打雪仗、照相,我们玩得很开心,我喜欢新年。


每年的公历四月五日前后为清明节,是二十四节气之一。今年的清明节是4月4日。在二十四个节气中,既是节气又是节日的只有清明。清明节是我国传统节日,也是最重要的祭祀节日。按照旧的习俗,祭祀(扫墓)时,人们要携带酒食果品、纸钱等物品到墓地,将食物供祭在亲人墓前,再将纸钱焚化,为坟墓培上新土,折几枝嫩绿的新枝插在坟上,然后叩头行礼祭拜,最后吃掉酒食回家。 清明节,又叫踏青节,正是春光明媚草木吐绿的时节,也正是人们春游的好时候,所以古人有清明踏青,并开展一系列体育活动的的习俗。直到今天,清明节祭拜祖先,悼念已逝的亲人的习俗仍很盛行。问题补充:每年的公历四月五日前后为清明节,是二十四节气之一。今年的清明节是4月4日。在二十四个节气中,既是节气又是节日的只有清明。清明节是我国传统节日,也是最重要的祭祀节日。按照旧的习俗,祭祀(扫墓)时,人们要携带酒食果品、纸钱等物品到墓地,将食物供祭在亲人墓前,再将纸钱焚化,为坟墓培上新土,折几枝嫩绿的新枝插在坟上,然后叩头行礼祭拜,最后吃掉酒食回家。 清明节,又叫踏青节,正是春光明媚草木吐绿的时节,也正是人们春游, 强身健体的好时候,所以古人有清明踏青,并开展一系列体育活动的的习俗。直到今天,清明节祭拜祖先,悼念已逝的亲人的习俗仍很盛行。The Gregorian calendar year before April 5 for tomb-sweeping day, 24 solar is one. This is the tomb-sweeping day on April 4. In the twenty four seasons, is also the only qingming festival nights. Chinese traditional festival, is also the most important holiday of sacrifice. According to the old tradition, the grave), sacrifice (people to carry fruits, especially to the graveyard, pack items will be food for the offerings in the family grave, again will pack incineration, grave in new soil, fold a few branches in the new green grave, then KouTou salute, especially home last eat worship. Tomb-sweeping day, also called TaQingJie TuLu vegetation, spring season, also is the good people, so a spring outing, and the ancients had clear outing launched a series of sports activities. Until today, the tomb-sweeping day, our ancestors have relatives customs still prevail

