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谁知道big big world有首中文版的叫什么名字?

《big big world》中文版是《世界无限大》歌曲:世界无限大歌手:柳翰雅填词:庄静文谱曲:EMILIA/YOGI歌词每次我坐在这里,想到收音机旁的你总是觉得很好奇,不知道你现在,在哪里是和朋友快乐的聊天,还是偷偷伤心不过能在这无限大的世界透过小小录音间,和你相遇对我来说却是一件非常非常非常非常重要的事情有时候聊了你不太感趣的话题有时候收到来信却没时间处理相信一定有些什么让你感受深刻而我却从来没想过,就像你现在听到的这首歌它叫做世界无限大,你愿意跟我说说你的世界里,正在发生的事情吗I"m big big girl in a big big world(我是大世界里的大女孩)It"s not a big big thing if you leave me(如果你离开我不是什么大事)Miss you much miss you much(很想你很想你)扩展资料《世界无限大》,该歌曲收录在专辑《壁花小姐》中,由发现音乐公司发行于1999-10-01,该张专辑包含了10首歌曲。该歌曲其他版本1、林嘉欣演唱的《Big Big World(中英版)》,该歌曲收录在专辑《单恋物语》中,由环球唱片公司发行于1999-08-01,该张专辑包含了11首歌曲。2、Emilia演唱的《Big Big World》,该歌曲收录在专辑《Alle 40 Goed (90"s Volume 2)》中,2013-01-01发行,该张专辑包含了39首歌曲。

Python 有像WordPress这样的开源程序么


The possibility------have to walk to the work was being discussed

选A. that people would have to walk to the work是同位语从句,非定语从句。先行词是被定语从句修饰的,所以定语从句的关系词是跟先行词有直接关系,例如:which/that/who/whom=先行词; where/when=介词+先行词;why=for+先行词。也就是说,你把关系词用上面的等量关系换成先行词或介词+先行词,如果此时定语从句是个完整的句子(语意、结构完整),那么说明你选的关系词是对的。例如上句选项B是of which 引导的定语从句,但是用等量关系换下关系词得到:of the possibility the people have to walk to work. 这个句子不管怎么调整也不是一个完整的句子,所以不选B。

He set up a new world record in Septembe...



找一张和荣誉证书一样大小的纸张(打印试验用),然后按照这样的纸张在word里面设置。由于荣誉证书输入的东西,就三部分内容。 荣誉证书 同志: 因。。。。。。获得。。。。。表彰,特颁发奖励。最后是落款日期。用虚框表格或文本框均可进行快速的设置。









什么是transitional words

transitional words网络过渡词; 转折词; 连接词; 渡词汇

Personal Keywords 什么意思


Of all the gin joints,in all the towns,in all the world,he walks into mine。这句话什么意思?







可以不用模板,动态生成Word文档,也可以创建模板然后填充模板;用C#创建Word文件建议可以通过类库来实现,下面是使用spire.doc for .net来创建word方法,供参考://创建文档Document doc = new Document();//添加sectionSection s = doc.AddSection();//添加段落Paragraph para1 = s.AddParagraph();para1.AppendText("介绍");Paragraph para2 = s.AddParagraph();para2.AppendText("第一条 为提高XXX有限公司基础管理水平,建立科学的现代管理制度,充分调动员工的积极性和创造性,使员工紧紧围绕公司的发展目标,高效的完成工作任务,根据公司目前的实际情况,特制定本管理方法。");Paragraph para3 = s.AddParagraph();para3.AppendText("第一条 绩效考核指企业在既定战略目标下,运用特定的标准和指标,对员工过去的工作行为及取得的工作业绩进行评估,评估的结果作为岗位人员业绩优劣的评判依据,并对员工将来的工作行为和工作业绩产生正面引导的过程和方法。");//创建段落样式1ParagraphStyle style1 = new ParagraphStyle(doc);style1.Name = "titleStyle";style1.CharacterFormat.Bold = true;style1.CharacterFormat.TextColor = Color.Purple;style1.CharacterFormat.FontName = "宋体";style1.CharacterFormat.FontSize = 12;doc.Styles.Add(style1);para1.ApplyStyle("titleStyle");//创建段落样式2ParagraphStyle style2 = new ParagraphStyle(doc);style2.Name = "paraStyle";style2.CharacterFormat.FontName = "宋体";style2.CharacterFormat.FontSize = 11;doc.Styles.Add(style2);para2.ApplyStyle("paraStyle");para3.ApplyStyle("paraStyle");//设置段落对齐方式para1.Format.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;para2.Format.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Justify;para3.Format.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Justify;//设置段落缩进para2.Format.FirstLineIndent = 30;para3.Format.FirstLineIndent = 30;para1.Format.AfterSpacing = 15;para2.Format.AfterSpacing = 10;//保存文档doc.SaveToFile("First_Word_Document.docx", FileFormat.Docx2013);

spire.doc 替换word文件有没有字数限制


C# 获取Word中的指定图片坐标位置(附VB.NET) word怎么批量调整图片位置

C# 获取Word中的指定图片坐标位置(附) word怎么批量调整图片位置。以下内容通过C#以及代码示例来介绍获取Word文档中指定图片的坐标位置。工具/材料.NetFramework4.8VisualStudio2013FreeSpire.Docfor.NET7.11Word测试文档:.docx2013操作方法01指定文件路径,本次测试代码路径为项目文件夹路径。即在VisualStudio项目文件下存入用于测试的Word文档,如:C:UsersAdministratorDocumentsVisualStudio2013ProjectsExtractTextandImage_DocGetCoordinatesOfImginDebug est.docx。文件路径也可自定义为其他路径。02在“解决方案资源管理器”中引入必要程序集文件,03在程序中键入如下C#代码:usingSpire.Doc;usingSpire.Doc.Documents;usingSpire.Doc.Fields;usingSystem;namespaceGetCoordinatesOfImg{classProgram{staticvoidMain(string[]args){//加载Word测试文档Documentdoc=newDocument();doc.LoadFromFile("test.docx");//遍历sectionfor(inta=doc.Sections.Count-1;a=0;a--){Sectionsection=doc.Sections[a];//遍历paragraph段落for(intj=section.Paragraphs.Count-1;j=0;j--){Paragraphparagraph=section.Paragraphs[j];//遍历段落中的对象for(inti=0;iparagraph.ChildObjects.Count;i++){DocumentObjectdocobj=paragraph.ChildObjects[i];//判断对象是否为图片if(docobj.DocumentObjectType==DocumentObjectType.Picture){DocPicturepicture=docobjasDocPicture;if(picture.Title.Equals("图片4"))//定位标题为“图片4”的图片{//获取图片坐标位置floatx=picture.HorizontalPosition;floaty=picture.VerticalPosition;Console.WriteLine("坐标位置为: X="+x+" Y="+y);Console.ReadLine();}}}}}}}}04完成代码后,执行程序,输出图片坐标获取结果,05附代码:ImportsSpire.DocImportsSpire.Doc.DocumentsImportsSpire.Doc.FieldsNamespaceGetCoordinatesOfImgClassProgramPrivateSharedSubMain(argsAsString())"加载Word测试文档DimdocAsNewDocument()doc.LoadFromFile("test.docx")"遍历sectionForaAsInteger=doc.Sections.Count-1To0Step-1DimsectionAsSection=doc.Sections(a)"遍历paragraph段落ForjAsInteger=section.Paragraphs.Count-1To0Step-1DimparagraphAsParagraph=section.Paragraphs(j)"遍历段落中的对象ForiAsInteger=0Toparagraph.ChildObjects.Count-1DimdocobjAsDocumentObject=paragraph.ChildObjects(i)"判断对象是否为图片Ifdocobj.DocumentObjectType=DocumentObjectType.PictureThenDimpictureAsDocPicture=TryCast(docobj,DocPicture)Ifpicture.Title.Equals("图片4")Then"定位标题为“图片4”的图片"获取图片坐标位置DimxAsSingle=picture.HorizontalPositionDimyAsSingle=picture.VerticalPositionConsole.WriteLine("坐标位置为:"vbLf"X="+x+vbLf"Y="+y)Console.ReadLine()EndIfEndIfNextNextNextEndSubEndClassEndNamespace

java 中用poi读取word和用docx4j读取word?

不知道你是具体读取Word里面的什么元素,下面以读取文字和图片为例吧,两个代码示例,你参考看看:读取文本import com.spire.doc.Document;import java.io.FileWriter;import java.io.IOException;public class ExtractText {public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {//加载Word文档Document document = new Document();document.loadFromFile("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\sample.docx");//获取文档中的文本保存为StringString text=document.getText();//将String写入Txt文件writeStringToTxt(text,"ExtractedText.txt");}public static void writeStringToTxt(String content, String txtFileName) throws IOException {FileWriter fWriter= new FileWriter(txtFileName,true);try {fWriter.write(content);}catch(IOException ex){ex.printStackTrace();}finally{try{fWriter.flush();fWriter.close();} catch (IOException ex) {ex.printStackTrace();}}}}2. 读取图片import com.spire.doc.Document;import com.spire.doc.documents.DocumentObjectType;import com.spire.doc.fields.DocPicture;import com.spire.doc.interfaces.ICompositeObject;import com.spire.doc.interfaces.IDocumentObject;import javax.imageio.ImageIO;import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;import java.io.File;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.List;import java.util.Queue;public class ExtractImages {public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {//加载Word文档Document document = new Document();document.loadFromFile("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\sample.docx");//创建Queue对象Queue nodes = new LinkedList();nodes.add(document);//创建List对象List images = new ArrayList();//遍历文档中的子对象while (nodes.size() > 0) {ICompositeObject node = nodes.poll();for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildObjects().getCount(); i++) {IDocumentObject child = node.getChildObjects().get(i);if (child instanceof ICompositeObject) {nodes.add((ICompositeObject) child);//获取图片并添加到Listif (child.getDocumentObjectType() == DocumentObjectType.Picture) {DocPicture picture = (DocPicture) child;images.add(picture.getImage());}}}}//将图片保存为PNG格式文件for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) {File file = new File(String.format("output/图片-%d.png", i));ImageIO.write(images.get(i), "PNG", file);}}}注意这里使用的jar包是spire.doc.jar,需要在java程序中先导入jar文件。

求一首英文歌!与Worth It的前奏差不多

是up down。

Java 给Word添加数字签名 Java给Word添加数字签名的方法

Java 给Word添加数字签名 Java给Word添加数字签名的方法。数字签名是一种应用于数字数据的电子加密身份验证戳记,主要用于确认来自签名者的信息以及文档内容未被篡改。本文,将介绍如何使用Spire.DocforJava以编程方式向Word文档添加数字签名。工具/材料IntedliJIDEAJDK1.8.0Jar包:spire.doc.jar4.5.1Word文档:.docx2013版数字证书:.pfx及秘钥操作方法011.关于如何导入jar1.1手动下载jar包,导入,1.2maven仓库下载导入,须配置pom.xml文件,如下:repositoriesrepositoryidcom.e-iceblue/idurl/repository/repositoriesdependenciesdependencygroupIde-iceblue/groupIdspire.docversion4.5.1/version/dependency/dependencies完成配置后方可下载导入。02Java代码:importcom.spire.doc.*;publicclassAddSignature{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){//加载Word文档Documentdoc=newDocument();doc.loadFromFile("test.docx");//添加数字签名,并保存文档doc.saveToFile("AddSignature.docx",FileFormat.Docx_2013,"Cermia.pfx","123654yes!");}}03运行程序,生成Word文档。可查看如下图中的签名添加效果:







c# npoi XSSFWorkbook中如何读写文件来源的作者或说明属性值?

读取Excel文件属性么?可参考如下方法,包括自定义属性值:using Spire.Xls;using Spire.Xls.Collections;using Spire.Xls.Core;using System;namespace ReadProperties{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){//加载Excel文档Workbook wb = new Workbook();wb.LoadFromFile("AddProperties.xlsx");//获取文档属性Console.WriteLine("摘要信息:");Console.WriteLine("标题: " + wb.DocumentProperties.Title);Console.WriteLine("主题: " + wb.DocumentProperties.Subject);Console.WriteLine("作者: " + wb.DocumentProperties.Author);Console.WriteLine("管理者: " + wb.DocumentProperties.Manager);Console.WriteLine("公司: " + wb.DocumentProperties.Company);Console.WriteLine("类别: " + wb.DocumentProperties.Category);Console.WriteLine("关键字: " + wb.DocumentProperties.Keywords);Console.WriteLine("备注: " + wb.DocumentProperties.Comments);//获取自定义属性Console.WriteLine(" 自定义属性:");for (int i = 0; i < wb.CustomDocumentProperties.Count; i++){Console.WriteLine(wb.CustomDocumentProperties[i].Name + ": " + wb.CustomDocumentProperties[i].Value);}Console.Read();}}}属性值读取结果:读取值结果图程序中引入spire.xls.dll程序集文件。


spire.xls for java 操作excel, spire.doc for java操作word





C# spire.doc.document读取控件axofficecontrol中的word

string connstr=""; DataSet ds=new DataSet(); SqlConnection conn=new SqlConnection(connstr); string sql="select * from test where name="jack"" SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sql,conn); sda.Fill(ds); string name = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["name"].ToString();





____two meters by one meter, this table is big enough to treat the guests to the dinner tonight.



Ten little indians歌词One little, two little, three little Indians: Four little, five little, six little Indians; Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians; Ten little Indian boys. Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians; Seven little, six little, five little Indians; Four little, three little, tow little Indians; One little Indian boy.

歌词中有一句歌词是one little two little bady ducks 的儿童歌曲,是什么名字

u300aEight Little Baby Ducksu300bhttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzk4NTczMTI=.html

one little two little threelittle……four little……的歌名是什么

Ten Little Indian Boys

儿童英文歌:One two three.歌词里好像有little start

是这首么?[ten little inidan boys]one little,two little,three little indians.four little,five little,six little indians.seven little,eight little,nine little indians,ten little indian boys.ten little,nine little,eight little indians.seven little,six little,five little indians.four little,three little,two little indians,one little indian boy.记得小学时候唱过~

one little two little three little raibow出自哪首歌曲?

“one little,two little,three little raibow”出自The Beach Boys演唱歌曲《ten little indians》《ten little indians》演唱:The Beach Boys词曲:伏名歌词:Ten little Indian十个小印第安人One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little Indians;三个小印第安人;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little Indians;六个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little Indians;九个小印第安人;Ten little Indian boys;十个印度小男孩;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little Indians;八个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little Indians;五个小印第安人;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little Indians;两个小印第安人;one little Indian boy;一个印度小男孩;One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little fingers;三个小手指;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little fingers;六个小手指;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little fingers;九个小手指;Ten fingers on your hands;十个手指放在你的手上;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little fingers;八个小手指;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little fingers;五个小手指;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little fingers;两个小手指;one finger on your hand;一根手指放在你的手上扩展资料:《ten little indians》是一首英文流行歌曲,发行时间是2012年9月21日,收录于专辑《Surfin" Safari (2001 - Remaster)》中,由The Beach Boys演唱。《ten little indians》翻唱者众多,截止2019年,贝瓦儿歌、Miranda Jesse、碰碰狐儿歌等都翻唱过这首歌。

one little, two little, three little raibow是什么歌?

“one little,two little,three little raibow”出自The Beach Boys演唱歌曲《ten little indians》《ten little indians》演唱:The Beach Boys词曲:伏名歌词:Ten little Indian十个小印第安人One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little Indians;三个小印第安人;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little Indians;六个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little Indians;九个小印第安人;Ten little Indian boys;十个印度小男孩;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little Indians;八个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little Indians;五个小印第安人;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little Indians;两个小印第安人;one little Indian boy;一个印度小男孩;One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little fingers;三个小手指;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little fingers;六个小手指;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little fingers;九个小手指;Ten fingers on your hands;十个手指放在你的手上;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little fingers;八个小手指;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little fingers;五个小手指;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little fingers;两个小手指;one finger on your hand;一根手指放在你的手上扩展资料:《ten little indians》是一首英文流行歌曲,发行时间是2012年9月21日,收录于专辑《Surfin" Safari (2001 - Remaster)》中,由The Beach Boys演唱。《ten little indians》翻唱者众多,截止2019年,贝瓦儿歌、Miranda Jesse、碰碰狐儿歌等都翻唱过这首歌。

ipad上的游戏 创世神topia world builder 怎么玩?




在宝贝计划里面,成龙唱的那首“one little,two little,three little ....",歌名是什么啊


one little two little three little raibow什么歌?


ucinet 中的clustering的意义是什么,如何分析Network>Cohesion>Clustering Coefficient生成图表的意义



Medical worker指的是医务人员,而health career主要是指的医疗保健服务人员。

MySql出现错误MySql Workbench Unexpected Error



这是英文 oh my babe, would you wannamarry me。日文:ああ、私のベイビー、あなたは私と结婚したいですか?中文:哦,我的宝贝。你愿意嫁给我吗?

英语翻译是Will you marry me?还是Would you marry me

Will you marry me? 祝求婚成功 ^-^

如果问到would you marry me?应该怎么回答?

提问用的是 would 其中有一定的虚拟/假定成分. 肯定回答也应该用 yes, i would. 如果问的是 will you marry me? 那肯定回答就该是 yes, i will. 如果问 do you want to marry me? 肯定回答是 yes, i do.不懂请追问,明白敬请采纳!谢谢!

请给我解释下"would you marry me?"这个句子


would you marry me? yes,i do这是什么意思


有这首歌词If I give you a golden ring.Would you marry marry me 的歌的名字

额是不是perfect proposal 啊

mary,mary,would you marry me是哪中文首歌里?

不知道你找的是不是,1.Perfect Proposal - Wayne Wonder2.Will you marry me_

I would you marry me这样说对吗有would sb do sth这种用法吗


would you marry me if i could be a rich guy would you marry me if i could be more handsome 这首歌歌

歌曲:marry me歌手:ellegarden 专辑:ellegarden best [ti:marry me][al:ellegarden best ]ellegarden - marry me作词:takeshi hosomi作曲:takeshi hosomisomewhere closer i can hear the wedding bellit"s a fine dayi am wearing a blue shirts like the skyi am standing in the linewhile holding confettii see the girl of my dream isshining like the sun beside himwon"t you marry me if i could be a rich boywon"t you marry me if i could be very handsomewon"t you marry me if i could be a tall guydon"t you marry him if i could be in the next lifeyou"re an idol in high schoolhe was a quarter backhe has sold me a photocopy of your photographi am standing in the linewhile holding confettii see the girl of my dream issmiling like the sun in her wedding dressmaybe not she don"t remember memaybe not she don"t know how i feelmaybe not she don"t even know my last namewon"t you marry me if i could be a rich boywon"t you marry me if i could be very handsomewon"t you marry me if i could be a tall guydon"t you marry himhe"s just another stupid in the next lifehttp://share.music.soso.com/s?k=1707161451 不知道是不是这首end

would you merry me 哎呀呀!里面的一句歌词不知道是什么歌

歌曲:I"ll Marry You 歌手:侯湘婷 七夕情人七夕情人节的前一天 你说明天GIVE ME A SURPRISE SURPRISE 隔天我们穿着情人衫还一模一样的 手挽着手去吃情人餐 WAITER说我们有夫妻脸 你乐得希望他再说一遍 拿出准备好了的戒指 告诉我你爱我的心永不变 你问WOULD YOU BE WITH ME哎呀呀 这可怎么好啦 再问WOULD YOU MARRY ME哎呀呀 我已脸红心跳 我说I WILL BE WITH YOU哎呀呀 我只好说好啦 再说I WILL MARRY YOU哎呀呀 我是你的新娘 七夕情人节的前一天情人节到了 你说明天GIVE ME A SURPRISE 隔天我们穿着情人衫 手挽着手去吃情人餐恩情人餐 WAITER说我们有夫妻脸 你乐得希望他再说一遍 拿出准备好了的戒指八十克拉的 告诉我你爱我的心永不变 你问WOULD YOU BE WITH ME哎呀呀 这可怎么好啦 再问WOULD YOU MARRY ME哎呀呀 我已脸红心跳 我说I WILL BE WITH YOU哎呀呀 我只好说好啦好啦 再说I WILL MARRY YOU哎呀呀 我是你的新娘 你问WOULD YOU BE WITH ME哎呀呀 这可怎么好啦怎么好呢 再问WOULD YOU MARRY ME哎呀呀 我已脸红心跳 我说I WILL BE WITH YOU哎呀呀 我只好说好啦 再说I WILL MARRY YOU哎呀呀 我是你的新娘 你问WOULD YOU BE WITH ME哎呀呀 这可怎么好啦 再问WOULD YOU MARRY MEWOULD YOU MARRY ME 哎呀呀 我已脸红心跳 我说I WILL BE WITH YOU哎呀呀 我只好说好啦好啦 再说I WILL MARRY YOU哎呀呀 我是你的新娘侯湘婷嫁给我吧满意请采纳

would you merry me 什么意思


I would you marry me这样说对吗有would sb do sth这种用法吗

你可以说 I‘d like you to marry you.(我想让你跟我结婚) Would you marry me? (跟我结婚吧,好吗?)(委婉、有礼貌)

would you marry me?的回答

yes i do

Would you marry me? would应该换成will么,怎么理解?

would 这个是一种婉转的说法,跟could的用法差不多。不一定指过去式。



would you marry me什么意思


请给我解释下"would you marry me?"这个句子


新版we are the world都有哪些明星参加


Wilson [K] Six Two于Wilson [K] Surge差别在哪?


I am suspicious ________ that woman - I think she may have stolen something from our shop.




JOHN CENA的WORD LIFE是什么意思 多说几个人的口头殚 我加分中文意思也说下来 别用翻译要你自己懂英语的


求John cena Word Life 歌词

so... you think you"re untouchable?"Word life! this is basic thuganomicsthis is ba-basic thugamoicsword life!"i"m untouchable, but i"m forcin you to feel me"word life! this is bas-basic thuga- thuga- thuganomicsword life!"i"m untouchable, but i"m forcin you to feel me"Whether fightin, or spittin, my discipline isunforgivengot you backin up, in a defensive positionan ass-kickin anthem, heavyweight or bantamholdin camps for ransom, the microphone phantomteams hit the floor, this the new fight jointlike a broken needle kid, you missin the point!we dominate your conference with offense that"s nononsensemy theme song hits, get your reinforcements!we strike quick with hard kicks, duckin ice picksbare-knuckle men through fight pits, beat youlifelessnever survive this! get forget like alzheimer"stwo-face rappers, walk away with four shinersthe raw rhymer, turnin legends to old-timersmy incisor"s like a viper, bitin through yourone-liners!new deadman inc. and we about to make you famoustakin over earth and still kickin in uranus!Word life! this is basic thuganomicsthis is ba-basic thugamoicsword life!"i"m untouchable, but i"m forcin you to feel me"word life! this is bas-basic thuga- thuga- thuganomicsword life!"i"m untouchable, but i"m forcin you to feel me"You ain"t advanced enough to process potentialphonetical conceptsthe objects are foreign, like blot testssponsored sex, a complex, regardless of your finesseor your fitness, it"s the condition of businessyour lame vision of a underground, physical imageyou"re underneath to undermine your whole, typicalimagewith the precision of percentages, and the collisionof sedativespoetry, beats, and mics - we untouchablelike righteous sluts with no crevicesstreets unite, we rock right over dumber beatsyo" cats couldn"t come this hot in the summer heatforget two takes, kill y"all birds the first timeyo" best {shit} ain"t, worthy of my filler or worstrhymesi"m better than nice, check the veteran stripesleave you beside yourself with fear, i kill you, andbury you twicedespite the cover of night, trackin your flightlike guerilla warfare, where the grass is denseapproachin me is a quick way to get referred to in thepast tensedead that! when the light to mic is onthe crowd is dead like the intermission when you onthe titantronWord life! this is basic thuganomicsthis is ba-basic thugamoicsword life!"i"m untouchable, but i"m forcin you to feel me"word life! this is bas-basic thuga- thuga- thuganomicsword life!"i"m untouchable, but i"m forcin you to feel me"

求一首韩国女声歌曲,高潮有句“哪里哪里哪里”别的词我忘了,好像是wonder girl唱的吧,挺流行的


statistic would be what we would expect even if volunteering does not boost longevity.would用法?

that statistic would be what we would expect even if volunteering does not boost longevity,这是一个宾语从句,至于你说的为啥这样用,这句子成分很明显,语法就是这样没那么多为什么的吧。这句话的意思是:虽然志愿者并没有长寿但这些数据将是我们所期望的。

找一首英文歌,CCTV曾经放过,歌词有TOP THE WORLD ,I M TOP THE world,还有很多职业的人在中间

歌手:chumbawamba 专辑:top of the world


Wowza Media Server 的日志Wowza nDVR 的日志Wowza Transcoder 的日志Wowza DRM 的日志Wowza Media Server 的日志Code:server ERROR 500 - server core failure: java.net.BindException: Address already in usevhost WARN 200 _defaultVHost_ Bind failed, try again ([any]:1935): java.net.BindException: Address already in use原因: 通常的原因是这台服务器上已经有另一个Wowza Media Server正在运行。 wowzamediaserver_service.log 记录了安装的信息以及启动信息。 关闭掉所有Wowza Media Server的实例,然后重新启动。Wowza 可以作为一个服务运行,或作为独立模式(standalone mode)运行,或者在Wowza IDE中运行,但是在同一个时间只能运行一个。 要对JMX访问进行配置,请阅读管理和监控(JMX 和 JConsole)。Code:comment server ERROR 500 - Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[ConnectException: Connection refused]. comment server WARN 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasic.getStreamIn fo: RTSP/RTP re-streaming. Cannot connect to server: rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]/myStream.sdp原因:试图用不正确的凭证/授权去连接一个IP摄像头(被拒绝连接了)。Code:server WARN 200 - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.handlePacket[live/_definst_/myStream]: Fragment duration greater than suggested range of 1-4 seconds. Adjust keyframe interval accordingly: Fragment durations: [5.0,5.0,5.0]原因: 对于Silverlight Smooth Streaming (仅针对直播流),关键帧的间隔(可以直接在一些编码器上设置,或者是gop除以fps)需要在1到4秒之间,推荐2秒。任何超过4秒的设置就会引起播放暂停。 如果你没有用Smooth Streaming,请在Streams/LiveStreamPacketizers中删除smoothstreamingpacketizer。Code:comment server WARN 200 - RTPPacket.write: Bad packet: Incomplete NAL Units.原因: 大多数是因为丢包。请打开丢包日志记录的功能以验证是否是这个问题。(请阅读Configure an RTP jitter buffer and packet loss logging (RTP/MPEG-TS over RTP).)Code:comment server ERROR 500 RTPDePacketizerMPEG4LATM.handleRTPPacket: Bad packet length: 200:105原因: 这暗示着网络连接故障。请试着在你本机或本地局域网来测试相同的流,来排除网络问题。Code:ERROR server comment HTTPUtils.HTTPRequestToByteArray: java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://[ip-address]/latest/meta-data/product-codesWARN server comment Server.run: License key specified in [install-dir]/conf/Server.license file is malformed.ERROR server comment error: java.lang.NullPointerExceptionERROR server comment ERROR: Cannot write to license key file:原因: 这个错误可能是由于您使用了错误的授权码(license key)。例如,你将Wowza Media Server 2 的license key 用在了 Wowza Media Server 3 上。Code:ERROR: License key is not valid or license file does not exist and running as a service (exiting)原因: 这个错误是由于使用了永久授权的插件,但没有合法的Wowza服务器永久授权。Code:server comment ERROR com.wowza.wms.server.LicensingException: Server.license原因: 当使用性能测试工具时,在每一次性能测试脚本运行时,你会看到2个服务器license 错误。这个问题在Wowza的性能测试工具文档中有说明,可以忽略这个错误信息。Code:ERROR server comment - The Wowza Media Systems Software licensing system has determined that your serial number is not valid. Please validate that your are using the correct serial number. If this problem persists, please visit http://www.wowzamedia.com/subscriptionsupport.php for up to date information.ERROR server comment - system.exit原因: 这个错误是由于你没有购买合法的license。请联系billing@wowza.com 解决。Code:comment server ERROR 500 - invoke(onHTTPCupertinoStreamingSessionDestroy): java.lang.NullPointerException: com.ptin.wms.module.AbortSession.onHTTPCupertinoSt reamingSessionDestroy(EndSession.java:10)原因: 在这个案例中,在用户自定义模块AbortSession的第10行有一个错误。必须由这个模块的开发者来检查这个错误。Code:Comment server WARN 200 Application folder ([install-location]/applications/_defapp_) is missing原因: 这个错误发生在当你连接Wowza Media Server时,Wowza没有找到对应的应用名。Code:comment server WARN 200 - Application folder ([install-location]/applications/:80) is missing原因: 通常这是由于在使用ffmpeg作为编码器时,它没有正确的发送应用名。Code:comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.create[9936743] - - - 2.469 comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.init[9936743] - - - 2.47 comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.Reconnector[9936743:live/_definst_:live/customer.stream]: start: 1 - - - 2.473 comment server INFO 200 - VHost.startStartupStreams: Stream successfully started [live/_definst_]: flv:live/customer.stream - - - 2.486 comment server ERROR 500 - Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host]. - - - 5.603 comment server WARN 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasic.getStreamIn fo: RTSP/RTP re-streaming. Cannot connect to server: rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]/customer.mp4 - - - 5.618 comment server ERROR 500 - Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host].原因: 这个MediaCaster的问题通常是由于一些网络错误引起的。例如SHOUTcast服务器没有启动。在这里我们看见有一个直播流启动了,接下来的警告和错误暗示Wowza Media Server被它依赖的网络连接错误影响。Code:Application (vod) is not defined原因: 如果是在使用例子播放器时遇到这个错误,并且应用"vod"是正确定义好的,那么可能是有另外一个应用已经占用了Wowza Media Server用的端口。在这种情况下,http://localhost:1935 不会向你期望的那样返回build number 并且在日志中不会有其它记录,因为服务器无法连接。Code:ERROR server comment RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasicRTSPConnecti on.connect[wowza-ip-address]:[port-number]: Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information]. WARN server comment LiveMediaStreamReceiver.doWatchdog: streamTimeout: Resetting connection原因: Wowza Media Server无法连接到MediaCaster流。这可能是网络的问题或输入流的问题。例如,摄像头可以被访问,但是拒绝连接。Wowza Media Server 将会继续尝试连接直到流重新可用了。Code:comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.bind[live/_definst_]: - - - 556.803 comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.bind[live/_definst_]: - - - 556.803 comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.bind[live/_definst_]: - - - 556.804 comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.bind[live/_definst_]: - - - 556.804 comment server INFO 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasicRTSPWorker.s essionStart: PLAY: rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]/myStream.3gp/ comment server INFO 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasicRTSPWorker.p rocessResponse: PLAY: rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]/myStream.3gp/ comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.Reconnector[30149247:live/_definst_:live/myStream.stream]: done: 2 - - - 556.805 comment server INFO 200 - UDPTransport.firstPacket: - - - 557.044 -----other log lines removed for clarity -----------------comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.shutdown[30149247:live/_definst_:live/myStream.stream]: live/myStream.stream comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.disconnect[30149247:live/_definst_:live/ myStream.stream] - - - 853.437 comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.closeRTPSession[30149247:live/_definst_:live/ myStream.stream] - - - 853.437 comment server INFO 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasicRTSPWorker.c lose closeSession - - - 853.437 comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.unbind[live/_definst_]: - - - 853.438 comment server INFO 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasicRTSPWorker.o nClose - - - 853.438 comment server INFO 200 - RTPSessionTracker.remove[rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]/myStream.3gp]: 0:true - - - 853.439 comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.unbind[live/_definst_]: - - - 853.439 comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.unbind[live/_definst_]: - - - 853.439 comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.unbind[live/_definst_]: - - - 853.439comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.unbind[live/_definst_]: - - - 853.439原因: 2或4行的有bind的内容,后面很快出现2后4行unbind内容暗示有一个UDP session错误,端口无法访问。通常这是由于Wowza Media Server所在服务器的防火墙的原因。也有可能是路由器、代理服务器的原因。或者可能是RTSP流应用的运营商网络问题。Code:server WARN 200 - RTPDePacketizerWrapperPacketSorter.packetLoss[live/_definst_/streamOne.sdp:trackID=2]: last:13066 curr:25584 server WARN 200 - RTPDePacketizerWrapperPacketSorter.packetLoss[live/_definst_/streamTwo.sdp:trackID=1]: last:63732 curr:14634 server WARN 200 - HTTPStreamerAdapterCupertinoStreaming.getAppInstan ce: Stream not found [live/_definst_/streamThree.sdp/playlist_w1234567890.m3u8]: myStream.sdp 68998.779原因: 在同一个网络内有另一个编码器也在向Wowza服务器的相同通道推送数据包,引起了冲突。它看起来有些像是有些流丢包的问题。 另一个故障排查提示: 注意在上一个和当前的值有很大的区别。如果是RTP,数值应该都是类似的。数据包排序只发生在流是RTP包的情况下。 我们在RTP包头使用了序列号(sequence number),用它来进行重新排序。由于这个数值差距非常大,它通常意味着这个流不是RTP。 可能引起问题的流是MPEG-TS,不是RTP封装的。


  Wowza Media Server 的日志  Code:  server ERROR 500 - server core failure: java.net.BindException: Address already in use  vhost WARN 200 _defaultVHost_ Bind failed, try again ([any]:1935): java.net.BindException: Address already in use  原因: 通常的原因是这台服务器上已经有另一个Wowza Media Server正在运行。 wowzamediaserver_service.log 记录了安装的信息以及启动信息。 关闭掉所有Wowza Media Server的实例,然后重新启动。Wowza 可以作为一个服务运行,或作为独立模式(standalone mode)运行,或者在Wowza IDE中运行,但是在同一个时间只能运行一个。 要对JMX访问进行配置,请阅读管理和监控(JMX 和 JConsole)。  Code:  comment server ERROR 500 - Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[ConnectException: Connection refused].  comment server WARN 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasic.getStreamIn fo: RTSP/RTP re-streaming. Cannot connect to server: rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]/myStream.sdp  原因:试图用不正确的凭证/授权去连接一个IP摄像头(被拒绝连接了)。  Code:  server WARN 200 - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.handlePacket[live/_definst_/myStream]: Fragment duration greater than suggested range of 1-4 seconds. Adjust keyframe interval accordingly: Fragment durations: [5.0,5.0,5.0]  原因: 对于Silverlight Smooth Streaming (仅针对直播流),关键帧的间隔(可以直接在一些编码器上设置,或者是gop除以fps)需要在1到4秒之间,推荐2秒。任何超过4秒的设置就会引起播放暂停。 如果你没有用Smooth Streaming,请在Streams/LiveStreamPacketizers中删除smoothstreamingpacketizer。  Code:  comment server WARN 200 - RTPPacket.write: Bad packet: Incomplete NAL Units.  原因: 大多数是因为丢包。请打开丢包日志记录的功能以验证是否是这个问题。(请阅读Configure an RTP jitter buffer and packet loss logging (RTP/MPEG-TS over RTP).)  Code:  comment server ERROR 500 RTPDePacketizerMPEG4LATM.handleRTPPacket: Bad packet length: 200:105  原因: 这暗示着网络连接故障。请试着在你本机或本地局域网来测试相同的流,来排除网络问题。  Code:  ERROR server comment HTTPUtils.HTTPRequestToByteArray: java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://[ip-address]/latest/meta-data/product-codes  WARN server comment Server.run: License key specified in [install-dir]/conf/Server.license file is malformed.  ERROR server comment error: java.lang.NullPointerException  ERROR server comment ERROR: Cannot write to license key file:  原因: 这个错误可能是由于您使用了错误的授权码(license key)。例如,你将Wowza Media Server 2 的license key 用在了 Wowza Media Server 3 上。  Code:  ERROR: License key is not valid or license file does not exist and running as a service (exiting)  原因: 这个错误是由于使用了永久授权的插件,但没有合法的Wowza服务器永久授权。  Code:  server comment ERROR com.wowza.wms.server.LicensingException: Server.license  原因: 当使用性能测试工具时,在每一次性能测试脚本运行时,你会看到2个服务器license 错误。这个问题在Wowza的性能测试工具文档中有说明,可以忽略这个错误信息。  Code:  ERROR server comment - The Wowza Media Systems Software licensing system has determined that your serial number is not valid. Please validate that your are using the correct serial number. If this problem persists, please visit http://www.wowzamedia.com/subscriptionsupport.php for up to date information.  ERROR server comment - system.exit  原因: 这个错误是由于你没有购买合法的license。请联系billing@wowza.com 解决。  Code:  comment server ERROR 500 - invoke(onHTTPCupertinoStreamingSessionDestroy): java.lang.NullPointerException: com.ptin.wms.module.AbortSession.onHTTPCupertinoSt reamingSessionDestroy(EndSession.java:10)  原因: 在这个案例中,在用户自定义模块AbortSession的第10行有一个错误。必须由这个模块的开发者来检查这个错误。  Code:  Comment server WARN 200 Application folder ([install-location]/applications/_defapp_) is missing  原因: 这个错误发生在当你连接Wowza Media Server时,Wowza没有找到对应的应用名。  Code:  comment server WARN 200 - Application folder ([install-location]/applications/:80) is missing  原因: 通常这是由于在使用ffmpeg作为编码器时,它没有正确的发送应用名。  Code:  comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.create[9936743] - - - 2.469  comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.init[9936743] - - - 2.47  comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.Reconnector[9936743:live/_definst_:live/customer.stream]: start: 1 - - - 2.473  comment server INFO 200 - VHost.startStartupStreams: Stream successfully started [live/_definst_]: flv:live/customer.stream - - - 2.486  comment server ERROR 500 - Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host]. - - - 5.603  comment server WARN 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasic.getStreamIn fo: RTSP/RTP re-streaming. Cannot connect to server: rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]/customer.mp4 - - - 5.618  comment server ERROR 500 - Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host].  原因: 这个MediaCaster的问题通常是由于一些网络错误引起的。例如SHOUTcast服务器没有启动。在这里我们看见有一个直播流启动了,接下来的警告和错误暗示Wowza Media Server被它依赖的网络连接错误影响。  Code:  Application (vod) is not defined  原因: 如果是在使用例子播放器时遇到这个错误,并且应用"vod"是正确定义好的,那么可能是有另外一个应用已经占用了Wowza Media Server用的端口。在这种情况下,http://localhost:1935 不会向你期望的那样返回build number 并且在日志中不会有其它记录,因为服务器无法连接。  Code:  ERROR server comment RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasicRTSPConnecti on.connect[wowza-ip-address]:[port-number]: Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information].  WARN server comment LiveMediaStreamReceiver.doWatchdog: streamTimeout: Resetting connection  原因: Wowza Media Server无法连接到MediaCaster流。这可能是网络的问题或输入流的问题。例如,摄像头可以被访问,但是拒绝连接。Wowza Media Server 将会继续尝试连接直到流重新可用了。  Code:  comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.bind[live/_definst_]: - - - 556.803  comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.bind[live/_definst_]: - - - 556.803  comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.bind[live/_definst_]: - - - 556.804  comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.bind[live/_definst_]: - - - 556.804  comment server INFO 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasicRTSPWorker.s essionStart: PLAY: rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]/myStream.3gp/  comment server INFO 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasicRTSPWorker.p rocessResponse: PLAY: rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]/myStream.3gp/  comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.Reconnector[30149247:live/_definst_:live/myStream.stream]: done: 2 - - - 556.805  comment server INFO 200 - UDPTransport.firstPacket: - - - 557.044  -----other log lines removed for clarity -----------------  comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.shutdown[30149247:live/_definst_:live/myStream.stream]: live/myStream.stream  comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.disconnect[30149247:live/_definst_:live/ myStream.stream] - - - 853.437  comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.closeRTPSession[30149247:live/_definst_:live/ myStream.stream] - - - 853.437  comment server INFO 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasicRTSPWorker.c lose closeSession - - - 853.437  comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.unbind[live/_definst_]: - - - 853.438  comment server INFO 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasicRTSPWorker.o nClose - - - 853.438  comment server INFO 200 - RTPSessionTracker.remove[rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]/myStream.3gp]: 0:true - - - 853.439  comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.unbind[live/_definst_]: - - - 853.439  comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.unbind[live/_definst_]: - - - 853.439  comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.unbind[live/_definst_]: - - - 853.439  comment server INFO 200 - RTPUDPTransport.unbind[live/_definst_]: - - - 853.439  原因: 2或4行的有bind的内容,后面很快出现2后4行unbind内容暗示有一个UDP session错误,端口无法访问。通常这是由于Wowza Media Server所在服务器的防火墙的原因。也有可能是路由器、代理服务器的原因。或者可能是RTSP流应用的运营商网络问题。


Wowza Media Server 的日志  Code:  server ERROR 500 - server core failure: java.net.BindException: Address already in use  vhost WARN 200 _defaultVHost_ Bind failed, try again ([any]:1935): java.net.BindException: Address already in use  原因: 通常的原因是这台服务器上已经有另一个Wowza Media Server正在运行。 wowzamediaserver_service.log 记录了安装的信息以及启动信息。 关闭掉所有Wowza Media Server的实例,然后重新启动。Wowza 可以作为一个服务运行,或作为独立模式(standalone mode)运行,或者在Wowza IDE中运行,但是在同一个时间只能运行一个。 要对JMX访问进行配置,请阅读管理和监控(JMX 和 JConsole)。  Code:  comment server ERROR 500 - Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[ConnectException: Connection refused].  comment server WARN 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasic.getStreamIn fo: RTSP/RTP re-streaming. Cannot connect to server: rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]/myStream.sdp  原因:试图用不正确的凭证/授权去连接一个IP摄像头(被拒绝连接了)。  Code:  server WARN 200 - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.handlePacket[live/_definst_/myStream]: Fragment duration greater than suggested range of 1-4 seconds. Adjust keyframe interval accordingly: Fragment durations: [5.0,5.0,5.0]  原因: 对于Silverlight Smooth Streaming (仅针对直播流),关键帧的间隔(可以直接在一些编码器上设置,或者是gop除以fps)需要在1到4秒之间,推荐2秒。任何超过4秒的设置就会引起播放暂停。 如果你没有用Smooth Streaming,请在Streams/LiveStreamPacketizers中删除smoothstreamingpacketizer。  Code:  comment server WARN 200 - RTPPacket.write: Bad packet: Incomplete NAL Units.  原因: 大多数是因为丢包。请打开丢包日志记录的功能以验证是否是这个问题。(请阅读Configure an RTP jitter buffer and packet loss logging (RTP/MPEG-TS over RTP).)  Code:  comment server ERROR 500 RTPDePacketizerMPEG4LATM.handleRTPPacket: Bad packet length: 200:105  原因: 这暗示着网络连接故障。请试着在你本机或本地局域网来测试相同的流,来排除网络问题。  Code:  ERROR server comment HTTPUtils.HTTPRequestToByteArray: java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://[ip-address]/latest/meta-data/product-codes  WARN server comment Server.run: License key specified in [install-dir]/conf/Server.license file is malformed.  ERROR server comment error: java.lang.NullPointerException  ERROR server comment ERROR: Cannot write to license key file:  原因: 这个错误可能是由于您使用了错误的授权码(license key)。例如,你将Wowza Media Server 2 的license key 用在了 Wowza Media Server 3 上。  Code:  ERROR: License key is not valid or license file does not exist and running as a service (exiting)  原因: 这个错误是由于使用了永久授权的插件,但没有合法的Wowza服务器永久授权。  Code:  server comment ERROR com.wowza.wms.server.LicensingException: Server.license  原因: 当使用性能测试工具时,在每一次性能测试脚本运行时,你会看到2个服务器license 错误。这个问题在Wowza的性能测试工具文档中有说明,可以忽略这个错误信息。  Code:  ERROR server comment - The Wowza Media Systems Software licensing system has determined that your serial number is not valid. Please validate that your are using the correct serial number. If this problem persists, please visit http://www.wowzamedia.com/subscriptionsupport.php for up to date information.  ERROR server comment - system.exit  原因: 这个错误是由于你没有购买合法的license。请联系billing@wowza.com 解决。  Code:  comment server ERROR 500 - invoke(onHTTPCupertinoStreamingSessionDestroy): java.lang.NullPointerException: com.ptin.wms.module.AbortSession.onHTTPCupertinoSt reamingSessionDestroy(EndSession.java:10)  原因: 在这个案例中,在用户自定义模块AbortSession的第10行有一个错误。必须由这个模块的开发者来检查这个错误。  Code:  Comment server WARN 200 Application folder ([install-location]/applications/_defapp_) is missing  原因: 这个错误发生在当你连接Wowza Media Server时,Wowza没有找到对应的应用名。  Code:  comment server WARN 200 - Application folder ([install-location]/applications/:80) is missing  原因: 通常这是由于在使用ffmpeg作为编码器时,它没有正确的发送应用名。  Code:  comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.create[9936743] - - - 2.469  comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.init[9936743] - - - 2.47  comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.Reconnector[9936743:live/_definst_:live/customer.stream]: start: 1 - - - 2.473  comment server INFO 200 - VHost.startStartupStreams: Stream successfully started [live/_definst_]: flv:live/customer.stream - - - 2.486  comment server ERROR 500 - Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host]. - - - 5.603  comment server WARN 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasic.getStreamIn fo: RTSP/RTP re-streaming. Cannot connect to server: rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]/customer.mp4 - - - 5.618  comment server ERROR 500 - Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host].  原因: 这个MediaCaster的问题通常是由于一些网络错误引起的。例如SHOUTcast服务器没有启动。在这里我们看见有一个直播流启动了,接下来的警告和错误暗示Wowza Media Server被它依赖的网络连接错误影响。  Code:  Application (vod) is not defined  原因: 如果是在使用例子播放器时遇到这个错误,并且应用"vod"是正确定义好的,那么可能是有另外一个应用已经占用了Wowza Media Server用的端口。在这种情况下,http://localhost:1935 不会向你期望的那样返回build number 并且在日志中不会有其它记录,因为服务器无法连接。  Code:  ERROR server comment RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasicRTSPConnecti on.connect[wowza-ip-address]:[port-number]: Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information].  WARN server comment LiveMediaStreamReceiver.doWatchdog: streamTimeout: Resetting connection  原因: Wowza Media Server无法连接到MediaCaster流。这可能是网络的问题或输入流的问题。例如,摄像头可以被访问,但是拒绝连接。Wowza Media Server 将会继续尝试连接直到流重新可用了。


  Wowza Media Server 的日志  Code:  server ERROR 500 - server core failure: java.net.BindException: Address already in use  vhost WARN 200 _defaultVHost_ Bind failed, try again ([any]:1935): java.net.BindException: Address already in use  原因: 通常的原因是这台服务器上已经有另一个Wowza Media Server正在运行。 wowzamediaserver_service.log 记录了安装的信息以及启动信息。 关闭掉所有Wowza Media Server的实例,然后重新启动。Wowza 可以作为一个服务运行,或作为独立模式(standalone mode)运行,或者在Wowza IDE中运行,但是在同一个时间只能运行一个。 要对JMX访问进行配置,请阅读管理和监控(JMX 和 JConsole)。  Code:  comment server ERROR 500 - Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[ConnectException: Connection refused].  comment server WARN 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasic.getStreamIn fo: RTSP/RTP re-streaming. Cannot connect to server: rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]/myStream.sdp  原因:试图用不正确的凭证/授权去连接一个IP摄像头(被拒绝连接了)。  Code:  server WARN 200 - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.handlePacket[live/_definst_/myStream]: Fragment duration greater than suggested range of 1-4 seconds. Adjust keyframe interval accordingly: Fragment durations: [5.0,5.0,5.0]  原因: 对于Silverlight Smooth Streaming (仅针对直播流),关键帧的间隔(可以直接在一些编码器上设置,或者是gop除以fps)需要在1到4秒之间,推荐2秒。任何超过4秒的设置就会引起播放暂停。 如果你没有用Smooth Streaming,请在Streams/LiveStreamPacketizers中删除smoothstreamingpacketizer。  Code:  comment server WARN 200 - RTPPacket.write: Bad packet: Incomplete NAL Units.  原因: 大多数是因为丢包。请打开丢包日志记录的功能以验证是否是这个问题。(请阅读Configure an RTP jitter buffer and packet loss logging (RTP/MPEG-TS over RTP).)  Code:  comment server ERROR 500 RTPDePacketizerMPEG4LATM.handleRTPPacket: Bad packet length: 200:105  原因: 这暗示着网络连接故障。请试着在你本机或本地局域网来测试相同的流,来排除网络问题。  Code:  ERROR server comment HTTPUtils.HTTPRequestToByteArray: java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://[ip-address]/latest/meta-data/product-codes  WARN server comment Server.run: License key specified in [install-dir]/conf/Server.license file is malformed.  ERROR server comment error: java.lang.NullPointerException  ERROR server comment ERROR: Cannot write to license key file:  原因: 这个错误可能是由于您使用了错误的授权码(license key)。例如,你将Wowza Media Server 2 的license key 用在了 Wowza Media Server 3 上。  Code:  ERROR: License key is not valid or license file does not exist and running as a service (exiting)  原因: 这个错误是由于使用了永久授权的插件,但没有合法的Wowza服务器永久授权。  Code:  server comment ERROR com.wowza.wms.server.LicensingException: Server.license  原因: 当使用性能测试工具时,在每一次性能测试脚本运行时,你会看到2个服务器license 错误。这个问题在Wowza的性能测试工具文档中有说明,可以忽略这个错误信息。  Code:  ERROR server comment - The Wowza Media Systems Software licensing system has determined that your serial number is not valid. Please validate that your are using the correct serial number. If this problem persists, please visit http://www.wowzamedia.com/subscriptionsupport.php for up to date information.  ERROR server comment - system.exit  原因: 这个错误是由于你没有购买合法的license。请联系billing@wowza.com 解决。  Code:  comment server ERROR 500 - invoke(onHTTPCupertinoStreamingSessionDestroy): java.lang.NullPointerException: com.ptin.wms.module.AbortSession.onHTTPCupertinoSt reamingSessionDestroy(EndSession.java:10)  原因: 在这个案例中,在用户自定义模块AbortSession的第10行有一个错误。必须由这个模块的开发者来检查这个错误。  Code:  Comment server WARN 200 Application folder ([install-location]/applications/_defapp_) is missing  原因: 这个错误发生在当你连接Wowza Media Server时,Wowza没有找到对应的应用名。  Code:  comment server WARN 200 - Application folder ([install-location]/applications/:80) is missing  原因: 通常这是由于在使用ffmpeg作为编码器时,它没有正确的发送应用名。  Code:  comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.create[9936743] - - - 2.469  comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.init[9936743] - - - 2.47  comment server INFO 200 - RTPMediaCaster.Reconnector[9936743:live/_definst_:live/customer.stream]: start: 1 - - - 2.473  comment server INFO 200 - VHost.startStartupStreams: Stream successfully started [live/_definst_]: flv:live/customer.stream - - - 2.486  comment server ERROR 500 - Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host]. - - - 5.603  comment server WARN 200 - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasic.getStreamIn fo: RTSP/RTP re-streaming. Cannot connect to server: rtsp://[wowza-ip-address]/customer.mp4 - - - 5.618  comment server ERROR 500 - Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host].  原因: 这个MediaCaster的问题通常是由于一些网络错误引起的。例如SHOUTcast服务器没有启动。在这里我们看见有一个直播流启动了,接下来的警告和错误暗示Wowza Media Server被它依赖的网络连接错误影响。  Code:  Application (vod) is not defined  原因: 如果是在使用例子播放器时遇到这个错误,并且应用"vod"是正确定义好的,那么可能是有另外一个应用已经占用了Wowza Media Server用的端口。在这种情况下,http://localhost:1935 不会向你期望的那样返回build number 并且在日志中不会有其它记录,因为服务器无法连接。  Code:  ERROR server comment RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasicRTSPConnecti on.connect[wowza-ip-address]:[port-number]: Failed to connect: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information].  WARN server comment LiveMediaStreamReceiver.doWatchdog: streamTimeout: Resetting connection  原因: Wowza Media Server无法连接到MediaCaster流。这可能是网络的问题或输入流的问题。例如,摄像头可以被访问,但是拒绝连接。Wowza Media Server 将会继续尝试连接直到流重新可用了。




[white world] DO YOU REMEMBER? 出会ったあの日のこと DO YOU REMEMBER? deatta ano nichi nokoto 君を想いながら 舞い落ちる雪见つめてる kimi wo omoi nagara mai ochiru yukimi tsumeteru すれ违って 胸が苦しい夜は sure chigatte mune ga kurushi i yoru ha 白い雪は溶けて 二人の颊を濡らすけど shiroi yuki ha toke te futari no hoo wo nura sukedo OH HOLY NIGHT とけない魔法の夜 OH HOLY NIGHT tokenai mahou no yoru 白い世界で 雪より白く光る心で I"M WAITING FOR YOU shiroi sekai de yuki yori shiroku hikaru kokoro de I " M WAITING FOR YOU 逢いたくて 逢いたくて 瞳闭じて君を见る ai takute ai takute hitomi toji te kun wo miru 粉雪が包み迂む 全ての音を无くせば konayuki ga tsutsumi komu subete no oto wo naku seba 胸の中に流れる 优しい君のMELODY mune no nakani nagare ru yasashii kimi no MELODY 何もかも白く染まるとき 君に棒げよう WHITE WORLD nanimo kamo shiroku soma rutoki kimi ni bou geyou WHITE WORLD NOW AND FOEVER 变わらないものがある NOW AND FOEVER kawa ranaimonogaaru 生きる意味をそっと 教えた君への想い iki ru imi wosotto oshie ta kun heno omoi OH HOLY NIGHT 觉めない梦を见よう OH HOLY NIGHT same nai yume wo miyo u 永远を 信じる二人だけの世界へ MY HEART WILL GO ON eien wo shinji ru futari dakeno sekai he MY HEART WILL GO ON 恋い焦がれる奇迹を 谁もが皆啮みしめる koi koga reru kiseki wo daremo ga mina 啮 mishimeru 粉雪の静寂を 称える钟が闻こえる konayuki no seijaku wo tonae ru kane ga kiko eru 温もりも悲しみも 分かち合えるこの夜に atatamo rimo kanashimi mo waka chi ae rukono yoru ni 重ね合う心は辉き 白く永远に kasaneau kokoroha kagayaki shiroku eien ni 一人きりでは 抱けない梦を 君に学んで 抱きしめている AH hitori kirideha dake nai yume wo kimi ni manan de daki shimeteiru AH I " M WAITING FOR YOU 逢いたくて 逢いたくて 瞳闭じて君をみる ai takute ai takute hitomi toji te kun womiru 粉雪が包み迂み 全ての音を无くせば konayuki ga tsutsumi komi subete no oto wo naku seba 胸の中に流れる 优しい君にMELODY mune no nakani nagare ru yasashii kimi ni MELODY 何もかも白く染まるとき 君に棒げよう WHITE WORLD nanimo kamo shiroku soma rutoki kimi ni bou geyou WHITE WORLD 君と白く永远に WHITE WORLD kimi to shiroku eien ni WHITE WORLD


[white world] DO YOU REMEMBER? 出会ったあの日のこと DO YOU REMEMBER? deatta ano nichi nokoto 君を想いながら 舞い落ちる雪见つめてる kimi wo omoi nagara mai ochiru yukimi tsumeteru すれ违って 胸が苦しい夜は sure chigatte mune ga kurushi i yoru ha 白い雪は溶けて 二人の颊を濡らすけど shiroi yuki ha toke te futari no hoo wo nura sukedo OH HOLY NIGHT とけない魔法の夜 OH HOLY NIGHT tokenai mahou no yoru 白い世界で 雪より白く光る心で I"M WAITING FOR YOU shiroi sekai de yuki yori shiroku hikaru kokoro de I " M WAITING FOR YOU 逢いたくて 逢いたくて 瞳闭じて君を见る ai takute ai takute hitomi toji te kun wo miru 粉雪が包み迂む 全ての音を无くせば konayuki ga tsutsumi komu subete no oto wo naku seba 胸の中に流れる 优しい君のMELODY mune no nakani nagare ru yasashii kimi no MELODY 何もかも白く染まるとき 君に棒げよう WHITE WORLD nanimo kamo shiroku soma rutoki kimi ni bou geyou WHITE WORLD NOW AND FOEVER 变わらないものがある NOW AND FOEVER kawa ranaimonogaaru 生きる意味をそっと 教えた君への想い iki ru imi wosotto oshie ta kun heno omoi OH HOLY NIGHT 觉めない梦を见よう OH HOLY NIGHT same nai yume wo miyo u 永远を 信じる二人だけの世界へ MY HEART WILL GO ON eien wo shinji ru futari dakeno sekai he MY HEART WILL GO ON 恋い焦がれる奇迹を 谁もが皆啮みしめる koi koga reru kiseki wo daremo ga mina 啮 mishimeru 粉雪の静寂を 称える钟が闻こえる konayuki no seijaku wo tonae ru kane ga kiko eru 温もりも悲しみも 分かち合えるこの夜に atatamo rimo kanashimi mo waka chi ae rukono yoru ni 重ね合う心は辉き 白く永远に kasaneau kokoroha kagayaki shiroku eien ni 一人きりでは 抱けない梦を 君に学んで 抱きしめている AH hitori kirideha dake nai yume wo kimi ni manan de daki shimeteiru AH I " M WAITING FOR YOU 逢いたくて 逢いたくて 瞳闭じて君をみる ai takute ai takute hitomi toji te kun womiru 粉雪が包み迂み 全ての音を无くせば konayuki ga tsutsumi komi subete no oto wo naku seba 胸の中に流れる 优しい君にMELODY mune no nakani nagare ru yasashii kimi ni MELODY 何もかも白く染まるとき 君に棒げよう WHITE WORLD nanimo kamo shiroku soma rutoki kimi ni bou geyou WHITE WORLD 君と白く永远に WHITE WORLD kimi to shiroku eien ni WHITE WORLD

东方神起的Two hearts歌词和中文翻译

Two hearts 歌词を见る 作词:H.U.B. 作曲:AKIRA 日语 now listen to me come on girl I love you oh girl to me 夜明けも ためらう扉を 仆らは 开けてしまうkiss you ぬくもりを 残したままで ずるいよね 君の中のtwo hearts oh baby make you mine ずっとここで待ってるのに 会いたくて会えないよmy girl 明日が来なくていいと 思うほどせつなさはso pain of love どこまで行けば终われるの? 自由と引き替えのyour love 见つめ合う 光と影を 重ねては 抱きしめてるtwo hearts oh baby make you mine きっと答えが远くても 忘れられない梦をtonight 痛みよりも爱しさが 身体まで缔め付けるoh chain of love be my girl in my world be the one gonna make you mine be my girl in my world be the one make you mine ずっとここで待ってるのに 会いたくて会えないよmy girl 明日が来なくていいと 思うほどせつなさは ‘so pain of love but I"m gonna make you mine" きっと答えが远くても 忘れられない梦をtonight 痛みよりも爱しさが 身体まで缔め付けるoh chain of love I love you oh girl 罗马: NOW LISTEN TO ME COME ON GIRL I LOVE YOU OH GIRL TO ME yo ake mo tamerau tobira wo bokura wa akete shimau KISS YOU nukumori wo nokoshita mama de zurui yone kimi no naka no TWO HEARTS OH BABY MAKE YOU MINE zutto koko de matteru no ni ai takute aenai yo MY GIRL ahita ga konakute i i to omou hodo setsunasa wa SO PAIN OF LOVE dokomade ikeba owareru no? jiyu to hikikae no YOUR LOVE mitsume au hikari to kage wo kasanete wa dakishime teru TWO HEARTS OH BABY MAKE YOU MINE kitto kotae ga toku temo wasure rare nai yume wo TONIGHT itami yori mo itoshisa ga karada made shimetsukeru OH CHAIN OF LOVE BE MY GIRL IN MY WORLD BE THE ONE GONNA MAKE YOU MINE BE MY GIRL IN MY WORLD BE THE ONE MAKE YOU MINE zutto koko de matteru no ni ai takute aenai yo MY GIRL ahita ga konakute i i to omou hodo setsunasa wa "SO PAIN OF LOVE BUT I"M GONNA MAKE YOU MINE" kitto kotae ga toku temo wasure rare nai yume wo TONIGHT itami yori mo itoshisa ga karada made shimetsukeru OH CHAIN OF LOVE I LOVE YOU OH GIRL 中文: now listen to me come on girl I love you oh girl to me 无论是破晓 还是犹豫的门扉 我们 都将开启kiss you 将余温 留在这里 未免太诈 在你心中的two hearts oh baby make you mine 虽然我一直在这里等你 想见你却见不到你my girl 明天不再来临也没有关系 越想越痛心 so pain of love 究竟要走到哪里才能结束 拿自由来交换your love 互相凝视的 光与影 交织缠绵 紧拥在怀里two hearts oh baby make you mine 相信即使答案再远 有些梦还是无法忘怀tonight 比起痛楚更多的是爱意 紧紧缠绕着我的身体 oh chain of love be my girl in my world be the one gonna make you mine be my girl in my world be the one make you mine 虽然我一直在这里等你 想见你却见不到你my girl 明天不再来临也没有关系 越想越痛心 ‘so pain of love but I"m gonna make you mine" 相信即使答案再远 有些梦还是无法忘怀tonight 比起痛楚更多的是爱意 紧紧缠绕着我的身体 oh chain of love I love you oh girl

在word中用CNKI e-learning自动插入参考文献时出错如何解决??????


求英文歌一曲.男的唱的从一开始就是wo o o o o o o不是DJ的。谢谢!

歌名hey oh 歌手tragediehttp://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=Tragedie+Hey+Oh&lm=-1
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