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networkservice可以创建用户。Network Service 是 Windows 中的内置帐户,主要运行一些服务,权限与Users相同。它的完整名字是:NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE。


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 操作系统/系统故障 解析: Neork Service 是 Windows Server 2003 中的内置帐户。Windows 操作系统中的所有帐户都分配了一个 SID(安全标识,Security ID)。服务器是根据 SID,而不是与 SID 相关的名称来识别服务器上所有帐户的,而你我在与用户界面进行交互时,则是使用名称进行交互的。服务器上创建的绝大部分帐户都是本地帐户,都具有一个唯一的 SID,用于标识此帐户隶属于该服务器用户数据库的成员。由于 SID 只是相对于服务器是唯一的,因此它在任何其他系统上无效。所以,如果您为本地帐户分配了针对某文件或文件夹的 NTFS 权限,然后将该文件及其权限复制到另一台计算机上时,目标计算机上并没有针对这个迁移 SID 的用户帐户,即使其上有一个同名帐户也是如此。这使得包含 NTFS 权限的内容复制可能出现问题。 内置帐户是由操作系统创建的、一类较为特别的帐户或组,例如 System 帐户、Neork Service 和 Everyone 组。这些对象的重要特征之一就是,它们在所有系统上都拥有一个相同的、众所周知的 SID。当将分配了 NTFS 权限的文件复制到内置帐户时,权限在服务器之间是有效的,因为内置帐户的 SID 在所有服务器上都是相同的。Windows Server 2003 服务中的 Neork Service 帐户是特别设计的,专用于为应用程序提供访问网络的足够权限,而且在 IIS 6 中,无需提升权限即可运行 Web 应用程序。这对于 IIS 安全性来说,是一个特大的消息,因为不存在缓冲溢出,怀有恶意的应用程序无法破译进程标识,或是对应用程序的攻击不能进入 System 用户环境。更为重要的一点是,再也不能形成针对 System 帐户的“后门”,例如,再也无法通过 InProcessIsapiApps 元数据库项利用加载到 Iinfo 的应用程序。 Neork Service 帐户在创建时不仅仅考虑了在 IIS 6 中的应用。它还具有进程标识 W3WP.exe 的绝大部分(并不是全部)权限。如同 ASPNET 用户为了运行 ASP 应用程序,需要具有 IIS 5 服务器上某些位置的访问权限,进程标识 W3WP.exe 也需要具有类似位置的访问权限,而且还需要一些默认情况下没有指派给内置组的权限。 为了管理的方便,在安装 IIS 6 时创建了 IIS_WPG 组(也称为 IIS 工作进程组,IIS Worker Process Group),而且它的成员包括 Local System(本地系统)、Local Service(本地服务)、Neork Service(网络服务)和 IWAM 帐户。IIS_WPG 的成员具有适当的 NTFS 权限和必要的用户权限,可以充当 IIS 6 中工作进程的进程标识。以下位置具有指派给 IIS_WPG 的权限:u2022 %windir%helpiishelpmon – 读取 u2022 %windir%IIS Temporary Compressed Files – 列出、读取、写入 u2022 %windir%system32isrvASP Compiled Template – 读取 u2022 Ipub oot(或内容目录)- 读取、执行 另外,IIS_WPG 还具有以下用户权限: u2022 忽略遍历检查(SeChangeNotifyPrivilege) u2022 作为批处理作业登录(SeBatchLogonRight) u2022 从网络访问此计算机(SeNeorkLogonRight) 因此,Neork Service 帐户提供了访问上述位置的权限,具有充当 IIS 6 工作进程的进程标识的充足权限,以及具有访问网络的权限。 更详细请登陆微软网站:microsoft/china/tech/munity/columns/insider/iisi1203.mspx

[7] Is this the reason ____ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?

A 定语从句 省略了that

天龙AVR2106中的Subwoofer连接到wharfedale SW-10的低音箱中,为什么就没有声音出来


two of the strings were broken.broken是adj也是v,为什么在这个句子中为v.而不为adj?两个词性如何分?

是形容词还是动词要看具体情况,例如There are 10 strings over there. Two of the strings were broken. 这里就是形容词,表示状态。再如 Suddenly two of the strings were broken by the srong wind. 这里就是动词,表示动作。如果没有上下文,则均可。望采纳。

two strings 和two of the strings区别

string 名词是绳子two strings 意思是两根绳子(只有两根)two of the strings 意思是绳子中的两根(一堆绳子中拿两根)

two strings 和two of the strings区别

two strings 只是说两根弦。而two of the strings 是说这些弦中的两根。

求镜音双子jabber wocky歌词罗马音QAQ

Toaru koufuku lonja ga norotta ashitaGenjitsu shugisha wa tsumannai kyou niShikouteishi no jumon wo tonaeru「Abracadabra 」Kaeraku shigisha wa junanchuuDakara joushiki shinja wa tsumannai kyou moIppanron teki kisetsu wo motomeru「Abracadabra 」Turn up! turn up! Imi fumei gengoTurn up! turn up! Onshin futsuu shinkiTurn up! turn up! Imi no nai hibi woMotto tanoshimaseteSay AaaaaaaaaaaahToaru koufuku lonja ga norotta ashitaGenjitsu shugisha wa tsumannai kyou niGenjitsutouhi kanousei wo utau「Abracadabra 」Kaeraku shugisha wa junanchuuDakara joushiki shinja wa tumannai kyou niIppanron yume ni shigamitsuku「Abracadabra 」Turn up! turn up! Imi fumei gengoTurn up! turn up! Onshin futsuu shikiTurn up! turn up! Hiseisan gengoTurn up! turn up! Mumimu shuumatsuronTurn up! turn up! Fuhitsuyou gengoTurn up! turn up! Hijou kaibunshouTurn up! turn up! Kachi no nai hibi woMotto tanoshimasete?Say Aaaaaaaaaaaah AaaaaaaaaaaahKyougen mousou sekai wa mawaruUh oh okusuri no junbi !Aaaaaaaaaaaah AaaaaaaaaaaahIjou shinjou sekai wa odoruUh oh fuyuu kan wo douzoHeisoku-teki mainishi wa mawaruUh no okusuri no junbi!Yokuatsuteki sekai wa mawaruUh no fuyuu kan wo douzo!Chissokukan mansai de odoruUh no okusuri no junbi!Hametsu ganmou shouwa de odoruOide isshou ni ikou ka !!Turn up! turn up! Imi fumei gengoTurn up! turn up! Onshin futsuu shikiTurn up! turn up! Hiseisan gengoTurn up! turn up! Mumimu shuumatsuronTurn up! turn up! Fuhitsuyou gengoTurn up! turn up! Hijou kaibunshouTurn up! turn up! Kachi no nai hibi woMotto tanoshimasete?

there is no person in the world who can do interes



whatever的用法 Whatever有两个用法,一是引导名词性从句(如主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句),二是用于引导让步状语从句。 1. 用于引导名词性从句 Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。 Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。 I will do whatever you wish. 我可做任何你想我做的事。 Give them whatever they desire. 他们想要什么就给他们什么。 Whatever I have is at your service. 我所有的一切都由你使用。 You may do whatever you want to do. 无论你想做什么事,你都可以做。 I"ll just say whatever comes into my head. 一我想到什么就说什么。 One should stick to whatever one has begun. 开始了的事就要坚持下去。 She would tell him whatever news she got. 她得到的任何消息都会告诉他。 I"m going to learn whatever my tutor wishes. 我将学习任何我的导师愿意我学的东西。 College students are seen doing whatever work they can find. 我们可以看到,只要有工作,大学生们什么都干。 Do whatever she tells you and you"ll have peace. 她叫你干什么你就干什么,那你就太平了。 2. 用于引导让步状语从句 Whatever we said, he"d disagree. 无论我们说什么,他都不同意。 Whatever happened I must be calm. 不管发生什么情况我都要镇静。 We"ll go along together whatever happens. 不管发生什么情况我们都要起干。 Don"t lose heart whatever difficulties you meet. 不管遇到什么困难都不要灰心。 Whatever you do, I won"t tell you my secret. 不管你做什么,我都不会把我的秘密告诉你。 Whatever happens, we"ll meet here tonight. 不管发生什么事情,我们今晚都在这儿碰头。 Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool. 不管发生什么事,头等重要的是保持冷静。 【注意1】 whatever还可用于加强语气,相当于what ever, what on earth等。如: Whatever is the matter? 这是怎么回事? Whatever does he mean? 他到底是什么意思? 【注意2】 Whatever从句有时可以省略。如: Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision. 不管你怎样争辩,我还是坚持自己的决定。■however的用法1、however可以做副词,含义为“但是,可是,不过”。多插在句中,有时放在句首或句尾。例如:However,they did not seem to have much effect.不过,他们似乎没有起太大的作用。He said that it was so;he was mistaken,however.他说事情就是这样;然而,他错了。由上文可以看出,第五单元的文章中的三句话中,however做副词,同学们可以试着翻译一下。2、however还可以做连词,含义为“不管……如何,多么”,引导让步状语从句。从句的语序为:however+adj./adv.+主语+句子的其他成分。例如:We shall never succeed,however much we try.无论我们多么的努力,都不可能成功。However cold it is,she always goes swimming.无论天多冷,她总是去游泳。注意:当however做连词时,可以转换为no matter how,因此上面的两个例句可以转换为:We shall never succeed,no matter how much wetry.No matter how cold it is,she always goes swimming.从构词法的角度看,词尾加-ever的常用词还有:whoever,whomever,whosever,whatever,whichever,whenever,wherever等,这些词都可以引导让步状语从句,而且当它们引导让步状语从句时,可以转换为no matter who(what,when,where,which….)。nomatter…是连词词组,做“不管”,“无论”解,no matter what(when,where,who)等的含义为“不管什么(何时,哪里,谁)”例如:No matter who(=Whoever) knocks,don"t open the door.不管是谁敲门,都不要开。Nomatterwhat(=Whatever) happened,he would not say a word.不管发生什么事,他总是一言不发。I go to the theatre no matter when(=whenever) I get the chance.每当我有机会,我就到剧院去。No matter where(=Wherever) you work,you must write to me.无论你在何处工作,一定要给我写信。No matter whether you have time or not,you must deliver these clothes today.不管你明天是否有时间,你必须今天把这些衣服送去。whichever(形容词): 1.〔关系〕无论哪一个,随便哪一个。 2.〔强势疑问〕究竟哪一个…。 I will take whichever book you reject. 随便哪一本书拿你不要的给我。 you may choose whichever you want. 你要哪一个就挑哪一个希望这些可以帮到你,望采纳 谢谢!!!

海贼王share the world中文歌词

HERO]:为了拥抱那片长空 I bielive 奔向同一个明天~ (MICKY:hey~) [ALL]come on let"s go everybody oh we share the music (XIAH:we share the music) [ALL]:come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one dream [ALL]come on let"s go everybody oh we share the good times (MAX:We share the good times) [ALL]come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one word(MAX:now) [U-KOWN]:在迷失的黑暗之中摸索谜题 [XIAH]:当我们失去方向无所适从之时 [U-KOWN]:umm you and me yes 畅快 在这个同甘共苦的世界上 [XIAH]:引导你我 I feel the beat 踏上旅途 oh yeah [ALL]:share the music (MICKY:无论何时) share the one dream (MICKY:相互信赖) share the good times (MICKY:手牵着手) [ALL]:Share the world right now [HERO]:为了拥抱那片长空 谁也阻挡不了我的脚步排除万难 I bielieve 奔向同一个明天 yeahyeah~~ [ALL]come on let"s go everybody oh we share the music (XIAH:we share the music) [ALL]come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one word(MAX:now)[MICKY]:你追我赶 梅比斯环 上的角逐 [MAX]:相识 乐观 渴望share style [MICKY]:起始 蔓延 这片超乎想象的flavor [MAX]:全身 I feel so good 享受自由 oh yeah~ [ALL]:share the music (XIAH:无论多远) share the one dream (XIAH:相互倾诉) share the good times (XIAH:开怀畅笑) [ALL]:Share the one world now[MAX]:在那堵无形的墙后 有你在等待着我这就去相会I bielieve 一同奔向新世界yeah yeah[ALL]Come on let"s go everybody oh we share the music[ALL]Come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one dream[ALL]Come on let"s go everybody oh we share the good times[ALL]Come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one world [HERO]:为了拥抱那片长空 谁也阻挡不了我的脚步?? 排除万难 I bielieve 奔向同一个明天 yeahyeah~~ [MAX]:在那堵无形的墙后 有你在等待着我?? 这就去相会 I bielieve一同奔向新世界 yeahyeah~~ [ALL]come on let"s go everybody oh we share the music (米:hey)[ALL]come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one word 是这个吧~~~


timberwolves是NBA明尼苏达森林狼队。明尼苏达森林狼队(Minnesota Timberwolves)是一支位于美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市的职业篮球队,于1989年成立并加入美国男篮职业联赛(NBA),现为西部联盟西北赛区参赛球队。 1989-1990赛季是加入NBA的第一个赛季,森林狼队仅取得了22胜60负的糟糕成绩,此后球队连续7年常规赛获胜场次不到30。1995年,森林狼队在首轮第五顺位选中了高中生球员凯文·加内特,1996-97赛季就带领球队取得了历史性的突破,成功杀入季后赛。直到2007年,加内特转会凯尔特人,森林狼投入重建,随后在2008年NBA选秀得到了凯文·乐福,在2009年NBA选秀以第五顺位选中了西班牙“金童”里基·卢比奥。

Timberwolves at New Jersey 歌词

歌曲名:Timberwolves at New Jersey歌手:Taking Back Sunday专辑:Tell All Your FriendsTimberwolves At New JerseyGet up, get upCome on, come on, lets goThere"s just a few thingsI think that you should knowThose words at bestwere worse than teenage poetryFragment ideasand too many pronounsStop it, come onYou"re not making sense nowYou can"t make them want youThey"re all just laughingLiterate and stylish (literate and stylish)Kissable and quiet (kissable and quiet)Well that"s what girls dreams are made ofAnd that"s all you need to know(and that"s all you need to know)You have it or you don"t (you have it or you)You have it or you (don"t)You have it or youYou see how much time you"re wastin?You"re coward of seperatinStop it, come onyou know I can"t help itI got the micand you got the mosh pitWhat will it taketo make you admit that you were wrong?Was his demise so carefully constructed?Well let"s just say I got what I wantedCause in the end it"s always the same(you"re still gone)Lets goLiterate and stylish(literate and Stylish)Kissable and quiet (kissable and quiet)Well that"s what girls dreams are made ofAnd that"s all you need to know(and that"s all you need to know)You have it or you don"t(you have it or you)You have it or you (don"t) don"tThis is me with the wordson the tip of my tongueAnd my eye through the scopedown the barrel of a gun (gun,gun)Remind me not to ever act this way againThis is you trying hard tomake sure that you"re seenWith a girl on your armand your heart on your sleeveRemind me not toever think of you againThis is me with the wordson the tip of my tongueAnd my eye through the scopedown the barrel of a gunRemind me notto ever act this way again (again)again (again)This is me with the wordson the tip of my tongueAnd my eye on the scopedown the barrel of a gunI"ll never act this way againRest the weight(I know somethin that you don"t know)you"ve had your chance and foldedDon"t hold your breathbecause you"ll only make things worseRest the weight(I know somethin that you don"t know)you"ve had your chance and foldedDon"t hold your breathbecause you"ll only make things worse(I know somethin that you don"t know)This is me with the words(I know somethin that you don"t know)And you sure don"tHold your, hold your breath(I know somethin that you don"t know)Because you"ll only make things worseHold your breathBecause you"ll only make things worseHold your breath(I know somethin that you don"t know)because you"ll only make things worseDon"t hold your breathbecause you"ll only make things worse!http://music.baidu.com/song/25636861

东方神起为《海贼王》唱的主题曲《Share The World》中文歌词

HERO]:为了拥抱那片长空 I bielive 奔向同一个明天~ (MICKY:hey~) [ALL]come on let"s go everybody oh we share the music (XIAH:we share the music) [ALL]:come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one dream [ALL]come on let"s go everybody oh we share the good times (MAX:We share the good times) [ALL]come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one word(MAX:now) [U-KOWN]:在迷失的黑暗之中摸索谜题 [XIAH]:当我们失去方向无所适从之时 [U-KOWN]:umm you and me yes 畅快 在这个同甘共苦的世界上 [XIAH]:引导你我 I feel the beat 踏上旅途 oh yeah [ALL]:share the music (MICKY:无论何时) share the one dream (MICKY:相互信赖) share the good times (MICKY:手牵着手) [ALL]:Share the world right now [HERO]:为了拥抱那片长空 谁也阻挡不了我的脚步排除万难 I bielieve 奔向同一个明天 yeahyeah~~ [ALL]come on let"s go everybody oh we share the music (XIAH:we share the music) [ALL]come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one word(MAX:now)[MICKY]:你追我赶 梅比斯环 上的角逐 [MAX]:相识 乐观 渴望share style [MICKY]:起始 蔓延 这片超乎想象的flavor [MAX]:全身 I feel so good 享受自由 oh yeah~ [ALL]:share the music (XIAH:无论多远) share the one dream (XIAH:相互倾诉) share the good times (XIAH:开怀畅笑) [ALL]:Share the one world now[MAX]:在那堵无形的墙后 有你在等待着我这就去相会I bielieve 一同奔向新世界yeah yeah[ALL]Come on let"s go everybody oh we share the music[ALL]Come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one dream[ALL]Come on let"s go everybody oh we share the good times[ALL]Come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one world [HERO]:为了拥抱那片长空 谁也阻挡不了我的脚步 排除万难 I bielieve 奔向同一个明天 yeahyeah~~ [MAX]:在那堵无形的墙后 有你在等待着我 这就去相会 I bielieve一同奔向新世界 yeahyeah~~ [ALL]come on let"s go everybody oh we share the music (米:hey)[ALL]come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one word 是这个吧~~~


timberwolves是什么意思中文翻译手机版灰狼森林狼队例句与用法1. Timberwolves 19 - 16 new year , new lease on life for kg森林狼19胜16负,新一年新时期kg的生活? 2. The timberwolves got no closer than seven points the rest of the way随后森林狼迫近7分后却再也没能接近。 3. The discussion is now once again between the lakers and timberwolves湖人和森林狼队的交易又一次摆在了桌面上。 4. The owners of the lakers and timberwolves spoke for 20 minutes on friday湖人队和森林狼队的老板在周五大概谈了20分钟。


limitation英 [u02cclu026amu026au02c8teu026au0283n]美 [u02cclu026amu026au02c8teu0283u0259n]n.限制; 局限; 极限; 起限制作用的规则(或事实、条件)网 络局限性;局限;限度,局限;时效复数: limitations双语例句1. This drug has one important limitation. Its effects only last six hours. 这种药有一个严重缺陷:它的药力只能持续6个小时。来自柯林斯例句2. There is to be no limitation on the number of opposition parties. 反对党的数量没有限制。来自柯林斯例句3. The meeting was merely an exercise in damage limitation. 这次会议只是控制损失的一项举措。来自柯林斯例句4. Damage limitation measures have been introduced. 已经推出了损害控制措施。来自柯林斯例句5. They would resist any limitation of their powers. 他们会抵制对他们权力的任何限制。

索尼VAIO Smart NETwork关闭了怎么开启

最简单的就是可以通过360里面的功能大全, 系统服务状态, 开启VAIO Smart Network就可以了

hepworth museum 是什么意思

巴巴拉·赫普沃思 博物馆 ( Barbara Hepworth Museum )

One midnight, a little girl woke up to get water. She got up and down her be





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一首英文歌曲高潮有one two three four 每个后面接一句歌词歌词里还有money

1234 by feist. 苹果ipod nano的广告歌


我查了一下韦氏大辞典 wonderful的解释是extremely goodfantastic除了有wonderful这个意思以外 还有一个意思是 extremly high or good 比如在下面这个句子里就不能用wonderful而应该用fantastic The train runs at fantastic speeds.excellent的意思和wonderful就差不多了 但语境上前者稍为正式些希望我提供的信息对你有所帮助(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

in the rapidly changing world还是rapid


英语单选题求解 1, As a result of his hard work, he has

1, A

earth day falls on april twenty twoth这里的fall当什么讲?

正确的表达是:Earth day falls on April twenty second.这里的fall当comes讲.地球日是四月22日。

when is world earth day

你好!when is world earth day世界地球日是什么时候

Scent of a Woman

The colonel sits alone in his room, drinking and nursing his self-pity. He is a mean, angry, sarcastic man. We sense he has always been lonely, but never lonelier than now, when he is trapped inside blindness. He lost his sight late in life, through his own stupidity, and now he gets drunk and waits for victims.There is hope for him, however, because of two fugitive threads in his personality: He is a romantic. And he possesses a grudging sense of humor. The colonel, whose name is Slade, and who does not like to be called "Sir," is played by Al Pacino in one of his best and riskiest performances - risky, because at first the character is so abrasive we can hardly stand him, and only gradually do we begin to understand how he works and why he isn"t as miserable as he seems. He certainly seems like a sad, sorry SOB that first day when Charlie Simms goes to housesit for him. Charlie (Chris O"Donnell) is a student at the exclusive local prep school - a scholarship kid from out West who doesn"t have money to throw around and is happy to have this weekend job, keeping an eye on the old guy. Charlie is in a lot of trouble at school. There"s going to be a disciplinary hearing on Monday about who pulled the prank that damaged the headmaster"s new Jaguar, and Charlie, who knows who did it, doesn"t want to be a stoolie. He could get expelled for that. Martin Brest"s "Scent of a Woman" takes Charlie and the colonel and places them in a combination of two reliable genres. There"s the coming-of-age formula, in which an older man teaches a younger one the ropes. It"s crossed here with the prep school movie, which from "A Separate Peace" through "If," "Taps," "Dead Poets Society" and "True Colors," has always involved a misfit who learns to stand up for what he believes in. The two genres make a good fit in "Scent of a Woman," maybe because the one thing Charlie needs in school is a role model, and the one thing the colonel has always known how to do is provide one. The screenplay is by Bo Goldman ("Melvin and Howard"), who is more interested in the people than the plot. Charlie thinks the weekend will be spent in the colonel"s grim little cottage, watching the old guy drink and listening to his insults. The colonel has other ideas - more than Charlie can even begin to guess. He buys them a couple of tickets to New York and announces that they are going to do some partying in the big city. In particular, he wants to indoctrinate the younger man with his ideas about women and how they are the most wonderful beings in all of God"s creation. The colonel"s ideas are not Politically Correct. On the other hand, he is not a sexist animal, either; he has an old-fashioned regard for women, mixed with yearning and fascination, and the respect of a gentleman who has lived his life in the military and never known a woman very well. He almost believes he can inhale a woman"s scent and tell you all about her - what color her hair is, or her eyes, and whether she has a merry light in her eyes. All of this is done against a backdrop of very serious drinking, which Charlie looks at with growing alarm. The movie does not make the mistake of making the colonel and the student into pals with instant camaraderie. Charlie keeps his distance. He is a little afraid of the colonel, and very afraid of what might happen to him. They rent a limousine. They take a suite at the Waldorf. They talk. The colonel lectures. Charlie, who distrusts him, answers politely, remaining guarded. The colonel does not seem to notice. They drink. They go to a hotel ballroom, where Charlie notices a beautiful young woman (Gabrielle Anwar), and the Colonel engages her in conversation and talks her into doing the tango with him. He"s a pretty good dancer. He is even better as an old smoothie. There is something so touching with him. All of his life, he confides to Charlie, he has dreamed of waking up beside a good and beautiful woman. The limo driver takes them to the address of a highly recommended call girl. Charlie waits in the car. The movie could have spoiled everything by going inside with the colonel, but it stays outside with Charlie, and when the colonel comes out again he says very little, but in it we can guess that he regards woman as the undiscovered country of all good and reassurance, a country he will never live in. They arrive at a crisis, and Pacino and O"Donnell engage in the emotional equivalent of the showdown between Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise in "A Few Good Men." It"s quite a scene - the real conclusion of the movie, although Charlie"s story still has to find its own conclusion, when the two men go back to the prep school. By the end of "Scent of a Woman," we have arrived at the usual conclusion of the coming-of-age movie, and the usual conclusion of the prep school movie. But rarely have we been taken there with so much intelligence and skill

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Wooden Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Wooden Heart歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The Essential Elvis PresleyElvis Presley - Wooden HeartCan"t you seeI love youPlease don"t break my heart in twoThat"s not hard to do"Cause I don"t have a wooden heartAnd if you say goodbyeThen I know that I would cryMaybe I would die"Cause I don"t have a wooden heartThere"s no strings upon this love of mineIt was always you from the startTreat me niceTreat me goodTreat me like you really should"Cause I"m not made of woodAnd I don"t have a wooden heartMuss i denn, muss i dennZum Stadtele hinausStadtele hinausUnd du, mein schat, bleibst hier?There"s no strings upon this love of mineIt was always you from the startSei mir gutSei mir gutSei mir wie du wirklich sollstWie du wirklich sollst"Cause I don"t have a wooden hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7433453

求一篇以“Magic Power of Polite Word”为题的英语作文

英语中“please”、“thank you”、“sorry”等礼貌用语具有增进友谊、改善关系、化解矛盾等神奇的力量,因而被称为“magic words”。请以“Magic Power of Polite Words”为题写一篇100词左右的英语作文。体裁不限(叙述文、评论文、说论文……) Magic Power of Polite Words We use magic words in our daily life without realizing it. These magic words such as "please", "thank you", "sorry" can make our life much easier. Magic words can help build friendship. They make you polite and easier to get along with, thus strengthen the relationship between you and others. Once you offend someone else, you can as well use these words. A word such as "sorry" will make him less annoyed. Try using polite words every now and then. If you often use these polite words, they will provide you with magic power.



歌词有i need a special girl,in my special world的歌叫什

歌曲: Girl 歌手: O-Town 专辑: 《O-Town》She"s a special girlWith her own money, job, and credit cardsA sexy girlYou better be careful or she"ll pull your cardIn this worldYou wont find any like her standing aroundAnd I want a girl like herAnd I need a girl like herGirlA pretty girlA lovely girlGirlA down for whatever special girlGirlA smart girlA real girlI need her in my life alwaysGirlA sexy girlA lovely girlGirlA down for whateverspecial girlGirlA smart girlA real girlI need her in my life alwaysGirlEvery day oh II think about where she isAnd who she"s withAnd whoever he is can he truly handle itCause there is only one kind of guyFor this kind of girlAnd I want herAnd I need herI gotta have this girlGirlA pretty girlA lovely girlGirlO-TownA down for whatever special girlGirlA smart girlA real girlI need her in my life alwaysGirlA sexy girlA lovely girlGirlA down for whateverspecial girlGirlA smart girlA real girlI need her in my life alwaysGirlGirlA pretty girlA lovely girlGirlA down for whatever special girlGirlA smart girlA real girlI need her in my life alwaysGirlA sexy girlA lovely girlGirlA down for whateverspecial girlGirlA smart girlA real girlI need her in my life alwaysGirlOh girlI need you in my lifeI want you in my worldOh girl girl girlSexy, lovely, pretty girlYeahSee, you got me feigningI know you hear me callingFor just a chance with youI"ll never do you wrong babyHere is where you belongSugarBaby can"t you see that I need youCause you"re such aGirlA pretty girlA lovely girlGirlA down for whatever special girlGirlA smart girlA real girlI need her in my life alwaysGirlA sexy girlA lovely girlGirlA down for whateverspecial girlGirlA smart girlA real girlI need her in my life alwaysGirlGirlA pretty girlA lovely girlGirlA down for whatever special girlGirlA smart girlA real girlI need her in my life alwaysGirlA sexy girlA lovely girlGirlA down for whateverspecial girlGirlA smart girlA real girlI need her in my life alwaysGirlGirl





英语作文speak out your worries60到80词

It"s spring now. The weather is warm and comfortable. It"s a good time for hiking. Therefore, my teacher organized a climbing for us. There is a beautiful mountain in my city and it"s target this time. We took bus there and arrived there at 9 p.m.. After we took off the bus, we started to climb. The mountain is high but the scenery is beautiful. We are so excited that we climbed fast at first. But after a while, some of us were tired,especially girls. They did not want to go on anymore. But some others encouraged and helped them. All of us slowed down our speed, so that no one was left behind. About 11:00 p.m., we got to the top of the mountain. We were so happy that we did it. We feel that all the tiredness were worth it.

英语作文。 speak out your worries 百分之50认为作业多,压力大 百分之30



world世界 universe宇宙

word form这类题怎么做?如果满意100分将相送!!!英语高手快来~

英语构词法简述英语单词的构成有一定的规律,这种规律被称为构词法。掌握构词法知识对我们更好的理解词义、认识新词和扩大词汇量有重要意义。 同时,也可使我们写作的文章更加生动,体现英语的方法特点。构词法主要有三种:派生法、合成法、转换法。例如:转化(Conversion):由一个词类转化为另一词类: water水-- water浇水 派生(Derivation):通过加前缀或后缀构成另一个词: happy -- unhappy(加前缀) 合成(Compounding):由两个或更多的词合成一个词: wood(木)+ cut(刻)-- woodcut(木刻) 由于英语在发展过程中,吸收了大量外来词汇,因而构词法非常复杂。本文只是选取了部分构词方法,作一个简要的介绍,使大家对英语构词法有个初步的了解。详细情况请阅读有关书籍和文章。一、派生构词法在一个词的词根的前面或后面加上某个词缀来产生新词,这种构词法称为派生法。加在前面的词缀叫前缀,后面的叫后缀。 下面介绍一下常用的前缀和后缀。1、表示相反意义的前缀有:un-,dis-,in-,im-,ir-,il- 等。 un-unfair(不公正的), unwise(不明智的), unforgettable(不可忘记的), unexpected(出乎意料的), unfailing(不会失败的)。 undo(解开,松开, 取消),untie(解开),unpack(打开行李), unleash(放开,释放出),unhorse(从马上拉下)。in- insane(精神错乱的),illogical(缺乏逻辑的), impossible (不可能的), immovable(无法移动的), irregular(不规则的)。 dis-disloyal(不忠诚的),disobey(不服从),dislike (厌恶,不喜欢)。 2、co- 加在动词 和名词 之前表示“伴随,共同、合作”: cooperate(合作),coexist(共存),co-education(男女同校教育)。 3、表示方位的前缀: sub- 加在名词,动词 和形容词 之前表示“下面的”: subway(地铁),subconscious(下意识的) inter- 加在动词,名词 和形容词 之前表示“中间的”: international (国际的),interplay(互相作用)。 trans- 加在动词 和形容词 之前表示“横跨,横穿”: transatlantic(横跨大西洋的),transplant (移植), transship(换车,换船)。 4、表示时间和顺序pre- 加在形容词之前;或加在名词之前构成形容词,表示“预先,在……之前”: post-war(战后的),post-election(选举之后的)。 ex- 加在名词 之前表示“前-”: ex-president(前总统),ex-wife(前妻)。 5、re- 加在动词 和名词 之前表示“重新”: rebuild(重建),reuse(重新使用),resell(重新卖出) 6、表示数量的前缀: mono-(一): monodrama (独脚戏), monorail(单轨)。 bi-(二): bimonthly (双月的),bicycle )(双轮自行车)。 tri- (三):tricycle(三轮自行车)。 multi-(许多):multi-national(多国的),multi-racial(多种族的)。 poly-(许多):polytechnic(多种工艺的,多种技术的)。 7、表示形容词的后缀-ful cheerful useful grateful faithful -less careless homeless fearless motherless -ish childish reddish Swedish selfish -ive active collective decisive destructive -ous courageous famous continuous erroneous -able acceptable agreeable applicable comfortable -ic realistic poetic historic energetic -ant ignorant significant defiant observant -ly friendly leisurely lively daily -al critical accidental continual exceptional -y rainy handy thirsty dirty -ent different dependent consistent obedient -ary imaginary revolutionary honorary secondary -some troublesome burdensome lonesome tiresome -like childlike womanlike warlike manlike -en golden wooden earthen woolen -ed landed moneyed cultured talented -ate fortunate affectionate collegiate passionate -an European Indian American Canadian 二、转化 1. 动词可以转化为名词,有时意思没有太大变化,只是词性的变化。 Let me have a try. 我来试一试。 We stopped there for a swim. 我们在那儿停下来游了一会儿泳。 This is for winter wear. Don"t make it to tight. 这是冬天穿的,别做的太紧。 I like a quiet read after supper. 晚饭后我喜欢静静地看一会儿书。 动词转化成名词,常常采用have.../make...之类的短语,表示一个动作。例如: have a look (chat, talk, wash, swim, rest, try, quarrel, smoke, lie, read, dream, run, fight, walk, ride, drink, laugh, dance, bathe, wish, win, fear, love, shave, debate, dipute, interview, taste, etc.) make a study (guess, visit, call, survey, jump, slip, change, search, stay, start, answer, reply, remark, fight, arrest, appeal, purchase, sacrifice, demand, show, deal, an attempt, an attack, an advance, etc.) 有时意思有一定的变化: He was about the same build as his brother. 他的体形和他哥哥差不多。 Last year"s catch was four times that of 1986. 去年的捕鱼量为1986年的四倍 This was a decisive move. 这是一个决定性的步骤。 They can be used as stock feed. 它们可以用作牲口饲料。 Women have an equal say in everything. 妇女在各方面都有同等的发言权。 He won two games。 他赢得了两场比赛。2. 有少部分形容词也可用作动词: The train slowed down to half its speed. 火车速度慢了一半。 Please warm up the dish over the stove. 请把菜放在炉子上加热一下。 The room gradually quieted down. 屋里慢慢静了下来。 They periodically thinned our leaves. 他们定期打掉一些叶子。 Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered. 发现了错误,一定要改正。 Nothing dries sooner than a tear. 什么也没眼泪干的那么快(谚语)。 Shelley was unable to calm her. 雪莱没法让她平静下来。 The results humbled him. 结果使他失了体面。 Don"t idle away your time. 不要把时间白白混掉。 They braved the better cold to complete the railway. 他们不顾严寒完成了这条铁路。 Most of these rivers empty into the Pacific Ocean. 这些河流大多流入太平洋。 He adjusted the lathe and readied the cutting tool. 他调好车床,把刀具准备好。She busied herself with household work. 她忙着干家务活。 Don"t dirty your clothes. 别把你衣服弄脏了。 They finally freed themselves from slavery. 他们最后把自己从奴隶制度下解放出来。Only thus can we better the life of the people. 只有这样才能改善人民的生活。 He felt himself wronged. 他感到自己受了委屈。 His hair is beginning to grey. 他的头发开始变得花白。 The newspaper had been yellowed by sunlight. 阳光使报纸变黄了。 He lowered his voice. 他放低了声音。 3. 副词、数词等也可用作动词: This helped to further their unity. 这帮助促进了他们的团结。(副 - 动) Truth will out. 真相总会大白的。(副 - 动) 3000 workers there downed tools. 那儿三千工人罢工了。(副 - 动) Please forward the letter to my new address. 请把信转到我的新地址。(副 - 动)She will off and do her own things. 她将走掉去干自己的事。(副 - 动) I second the motion. 我同意这项提议。(数 - 动) 4. 有不少形容词可用作名词: Nobles constitued seven per cent of the population. 贵族占人口的百分之七。 He didn"t want to disturb the quiet needed by patients. 他不愿打扰病人需要的安静环境。 He"s a dear. 他是个招人喜欢的孩子。 Their jobless total reached a record high since 1940. 他们失业总人数达到1940年以来的最高峰。 There is only one black in my class. 我们班上只有一个黑人学生。 When is your French oral? 你什么时候上法语口语课? She is investigating the ancients" conception of the universe. 她在研究古人对宇宙的概念。 He is a natural for the job. 他是一个天生适合干这工作的人。 It is necessary to make a distinction between right and wrong. 必须分清是非。They"re running in the final. 他们正在进行(赛跑的)决赛。 Our six-year-old is at school. 我们六岁的孩子在上学了。 5. 有个别词在一定的场合下特殊转化: His argument contains too many ifs and buts. 他在说理时“如果”和“但是”用得太多了。This book is a must for students of electronics. 这是学电子学的人的一本必读书。 Have you considered the why and how of the plan? 你考虑过制定这样计划的原因和方式吗? Have you had a medical yet? 你检查身体了吗? Don"t keep on sirring me now! 现在不要老叫我“先生”了! What"s the use of all this ohing and ahing? 这样“哦”呀“啊”呀有什么用? This is a repeat performance of their old policy. 这是他们的故技重演。They held a fancy dress ball. 他们举行了一次化装舞会。We began to march north. 我们开始向北进军。6. 另外,有些词通过改变词尾的清浊音来改变词类,有的拼法无变化,有的拼法也跟着变。名词 -- 动词 abuse /з"bju:s/ abuse /з"bju:z/ advice /зd"vais/ advise /зd"vaiz/ belief /bi"li:f/ believe /bi"li:v/ excuse /iks"kju:s/ excuse /iks"kju:z/ grief /gri:f/ grieve /gri:v/ half /ha:f/ halve /ha:v/ house /haus/ house /hauz/ mouth /mauθ/ mouth /mau&三、截短法(Clippling)或缩短法(shortening)截短法和缩短法,都是将一些长的单词或词组,舍取其中的部分字母构成单词。主要有以下几种情况: 1、截头: 去掉头部字母,保留剩余部分。telephone - phone violincello - cello aeroplane - plane helicopter - copter omnibus - bus bicycle - cycle 2、去尾: 去掉尾部字母,保留剩余部分。advertisement - ad exposition - expo gentlemen"s - gents public house - pub professor - prof stereophonic - stereo mathematics - maths professional - pro co-operative - co-op preparation - prep examination - exam laboratory - lab photograph - photo microphone - mike memorandum - memo taxicab - taxi television - telly submarine - sub kilogram - kilo rubber-shoes - rubbers zoological garden - zoo veterinary surgeon - vet 3、留中:有个别的字既截头又去尾或把头尾连在一起: prescription - script refrigerator - fridge influenza - flu fantasy - fansy 4、有时是几个字变成一个字: a prefabricated house - prefab 预制房屋 nylon-stockings-- nylons 尼龙长袜 popular song singer - pop-singer 流行歌手 three-dimensional film- Three-D 立体感电影 5、混合词 (Blends):是把两个词各取一部分合在一起,构成一个新词。transmitter and receiver - transceiver 收发报机 electro + execute - electrocute 上电刑处死,电死 news broadcast - newscast 新闻广播 parachute troops - paratroops 伞兵 television broadcast - telecast 电视播送 transfer + resistor - transistor 半导体 travel catalogue - travelogue 旅游报导(影片) International Criminal Police - Interpol 国际刑警组织 mean and stingy - mingy 鄙吝 smoke and fog - smog 烟雾 helicopter airport - heliport 直升飞机场 breakfast and lunch - brunch 早午饭(早饭午饭一起吃) motorist"s hotel - motel 汽车旅馆(供驾车旅客住) teleprinter exchange - telex 电传 European television - Eurovision 欧洲电视 Oxford and Cambridge - Oxbridge 牛津剑桥 Europe + Asia - Eurasia 欧亚大陆 American Indian - Amerind 美国印第安人 medical care - medicare 老人医疗保险(美) biographical picture - biopic 传记影片 dialectical materialism - diamat 唯物辩证法 psychological warefare - psywar 心理战 positive electron - psitron 正电子 privileged intelligentsia - privilegentsia 知识分子特权阶层 multi-university - multiversity 大型综合性大学 tactical satellite communications - tacsatcom 战术卫星通讯 alloy of aluminium, nickel and cobalt - alnico 铝镍钴合金 6、还有一类词是先有合成名词,再去掉词尾构成动词。名词 -- 动词editor 编辑 - edit 编辑 television 电视 - televize 电视播送 typewriter 打字机 - typewrite 打字 sleep-walker - sleep-walk 梦游 day-dreamer - day-dream 做白日梦 housekeeper 管家 - housekeep 管家 window-shopping - windowshop 逛商店(不买东西) sightseeing - sightsee 游览观光 tape-recording - tape-record 磁带录音 mass-production - mass-produce 成批生产 dry-cleaning - dry-clean 干洗 四、首字母缩略词 (acronym):将一个词或词组的首字母合在一起,构成新词。TV 电视 TB 肺结核 FBI 联邦调查局 KGB 克格勃 EEC 欧洲经济共同体 MIT 麻省理工学院 DDT 滴滴涕 TNT 梯恩梯 VIP 重要人物 NATO 北约 UNESCO 联合国教科文组织 OPEC 石油输出国组织 UFO 不明飞行物 laser 激光 radar 雷达 loran 洛伦

100分求,cont stop wont stop组合up and away歌词

能不能也发我下啊 lujieyan1988@163.com

I have done "my homework"变特殊疑问句?

Have you done your homework?可以把Have视为完成时的助动词,变成疑问句时就把助动词提到句首,其余成分用陈述句语序即可。

英语Word warp怎么翻译?

Word warp这一个英语把它翻译成中文之后,他要表达的中文意思就是:文字扭曲。

国内CDN 哪个可以像 Cloudflare 那样加速 Wordpress


His word is his bond为什么可以翻译成他是讲信用的?

在以前的华尔街,银行家如果发行bond(债券)一般要有实物抵押物做为发行基础。但是对于一些声誉卓著的大银行家们,债券认购方相信他们有足够的能力还本付息,不需要实物抵押物,只需要大银行家们的口头承诺就行。由此衍生出my word is my bond(我一言九鼎)的意思。




welcome to pi network欢迎来到pi network(PI Network,其代币为“π”,号称有可能成为手机挖矿的比特币。)





阅读理解 Some people belive that a Robin hood is at work..

有人相信一个罗宾汉在发挥作用. Robin hood 应该是罗宾汉的意思

这句话为什么用过去将来时?sadly, mallory would die on the moun

Sadly, Mallory would die on the mountain in 1924.这句话用过去将来时, 是写这句话的时间要早于1924年。这种过去将来时表示可能性。类似于:He would die very soon if we couldn"t give him a hand.

Address: UBS AG52/F Two International Finance Centre, 8 Finance Street, Central,Hong Kong


卧龙读音:wò lóng。卧龙的拼音:wo、long。基本解释:比喻隐居或未露头角的杰出人才。睡卧的龙。北周.庾信〈同会河阳公新造山池聊得寓目〉诗:「暗石疑藏虎,盘根似卧龙。」比喻隐居而未显达的旷世奇才。《三国志.卷三五.蜀书.诸葛亮传》:「诸葛孔明者,卧龙也。将军岂愿见之乎?」《晋书.卷四九.嵇康传》:「嵇康,卧龙也,不可起。」例句1、我们还参观了卧龙大熊猫保护基地。We also visited the panda reserve base in Wolong.2、你认为卧龙岗大学怎么样?。What do you think of University of Wollongong?3、 中心已经收容了卧龙自然保护区内的53只大熊猫。The center has already taken 53 pandas that had been living at the Wolong Nature Reserve.4、看到这片白桦林,咱们就离卧龙湾不远了。At the sight of this white birch grove, I know we are nearing Wolong Lake.


可以使用 亿彩文档批量处理大师的批量打印功能。

我想到澳洲留学,澳洲的University of Wollongong,这个学校怎么样?谢谢大家了。

UOW 强的是IT 在悉尼旁边


public void ExportDataGridView(DataGridView srcDgv){ SaveFileDialog sfile = new SaveFileDialog(); sfile.AddExtension = true; sfile.DefaultExt = ".doc"; sfile.Filter = "(*.doc)|*.doc"; if (sfile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { object path = sfile.FileName; Object none = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; Word.Application wordApp = new Word.Application(); Word.Document document = wordApp.Documents.Add(ref none, ref none, ref none, ref none); //建立表格 Word.Table table = document.Tables.Add(document.Paragraphs.Last.Range, srcDgv.Rows.Count , srcDgv.Columns.Count, ref none, ref none); try { for (int i = 0; i < srcDgv.Columns.Count; i++)//设置标题 { table.Cell(0, i + 1).Range.Text = srcDgv.Columns[i].HeaderText; } for (int i = 1; i < srcDgv.Rows.Count; i++)//填充数据 { for (int j = 0; j < srcDgv.Columns.Count; j++) { table.Cell(i+1, j + 1).Range.Text = srcDgv[j, i - 1].Value.ToString(); } } document.SaveAs(ref path, ref none, ref none, ref none, ref none, ref none, ref none, ref none, ref none, ref none, ref none, ref none, ref none, ref none, ref none, ref none); document.Close(ref none, ref none, ref none); MessageBox.Show("导出成功!"); } finally { wordApp.Quit(ref none, ref none, ref none); } }}



63.Father made a promise_________ I passed the examination he would buy me a bicycle.



wolf :[wulf]名词 n1.狼Wolves kill sheep and sometimes even attack men.狼吃羊,有时候甚至袭击人。2.【口】色狼,色鬼3.残忍凶狠的人,贪婪的人4.赤贫,饥饿5.【音】狼音,不谐和音及物动词 vt.1.狼吞虎咽地吃[(+down)]He wolfed his supper and went out.他狼吞虎咽地吃完晚饭就出去了。





Word的编辑菜单中的“粘贴”命令,也可使用快捷键( )来实现同样的功能?



)将Word中的大写英文字母转换为小写,最优的操作方法是() A.执行“开始”选项卡“字体”组中的“更改大小写”命令B.执行“审阅”选项卡“格式”组中的“更改大小写”命令C.执行“引用”选项卡“格式”组中的“更改大小写”命令D.单击鼠标右键,执行右键菜单中的“更改大小写”命令正确答案:A

Drowned World/Substitute For Love 中文歌词翻译


「经济学人」u200bLast women standing

Last women standing Another women-only Cambridge college goes mixed Do the remaining ones have a future? LUCY CAVENDISH is different from other Cambridge colleges, both in its modest appearance and its character. “We"re not hierarchical, we"re very open and friendly, we"re not pretentious,” says Dame Madeleine Atkins, its president. Yet it is soon to become a bit less distinctive. On March 12th the college announced that from 2021 it will accept men. (It will also admit under-21s for the first time.) That will leave only two women-only colleges in Cambridge: Murray Edwards and Newnham. Oxford lost its last in 2008, when St Hilda"s opened its gates to men. The colleges were set up to end the male monopoly at the universities, with Girton College the first in 1869, some 79 years before women could officially be awarded Cambridge degrees. At Newnham and Lucy Cavendish all fellows are women, but male ones are allowed at Murray Edwards. None of the colleges has the sort of restrictions on male guests that once forced amorous visitors to vault college walls. Still, in an article in Varsity, a student newspaper, a columnist recalls telling teachers about her destination: “They thought I wanted to become a nun or was a ‘full-on feminist".” The colleges have made much progress in their founding mission: 49.5% of the Cambridge undergraduate intake is female, and women are now more likely than men to attend university. It was this that prompted the change of policy, says Dame Madeleine. In addition, the number of mature students has recently plummeted, partly because of higher fees, making life tricky for a college dedicated to them. Few applicants are keen on women"s colleges, either. Two-thirds of the most recent undergraduate intake at Murray Edwards originally applied to a different college. “The biggest challenge is getting across the idea that students are not cut off from men,” says Dame Barbara Stocking, its president. She believes that the college"s job is to prepare young women for a working world dominated by men by encouraging them to take risks, and that it will only be finished when there is true gender equality. To inspire students, Murray Edwards has a collection of more than 500 works by women artists, including Tracey Emin and Barbara Hepworth, as well as an “enrichment programme” that builds connections with alumnae. Students at Newnham are encouraged to take a similar approach. Visitors to the college"s website are greeted with a quote from a recent graduate: “I am now part of Newnham"s tradition of producing strong, witty and rebellious women.” It is, however, a tradition that is becoming increasingly unusual. This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline "Last women standing" ( Mar 14th 2019) 完整word资源详见「才思汇」社群 LearnAndRecord 2015年2月8日 2019年3月20 日 第1502天 每天持续行动学外语










1. 如何实现在word中对英文字母进行大小写转换 在word中对英文字母进行大小写转换,有三种方法: 方法一、word 2007/word 2010英文大小写转换 1、点击工具栏上的【 开始】; 2、选择【 更改大小写】 (图标为Aa);3、选中具体操作【 全部大写/全部小写】。 方法二、word 2003英文大小写转换 1、点击工具栏上的【格式】; 2、选择【更改大小写】; 3、选中你需要的操作【 大写 】或【 小写】。 方法三、使用快捷键进行大小写转换 选中要转换的字母,按下Shfit+F3快捷键,可以快速进行大小写转换,如果原来的英文字母是小写的,就会先把句子或单词的第一个字母转换为大写,再按一次快捷键即可把整个句子或单词的字母均转换为大写,再按一次转换为小写,以此类推。 2. 在WORD中如何将大写字母转为小写 原发布者:gded 如何在Word中转换字母大小写用Word写作时忘了及时应用字母大小写规则,或者忘记使用全角或半角字符规则了,怎么办?有什么办法实现这些格式的快速统一吗?下面分别介绍几种情况的快速统一办法。一、录入英文文章忘掉应用大小写规则1.在Word中选择要转换的英文文档,选择系统“格式→更改大小写”命令(图1)。2.在弹出的“更改大小写”窗口中选择“句首字母大写”(图2)。3.单击“确定”按钮。二、通篇文章或特定块内大小写字母的转换如果要把文档中的大写字母转换成小写,小写字母转换成大写,可用如下方法:1.在Word中用Ctrl+A组合键选择要转换的整个文档,或用鼠标选择要转换的部分文档,选择系统“格式→更改大小写”命令(图1)。2.在弹出的“更改大小写”窗口中选择“转换大小写”(图3)。3.单击“确定”按钮。三、把拼音串或英文转为词首字母大写有时在做广告或标题时,我们需要每个英文单词或汉语拼音的词首都用大写字母,如果我们在输入时忘了按规则进行,则可以在输入完毕后统一设置:1.在Word中用Ctrl+A选择要转换的整个文档或用鼠标选择要转换的部分文档,选择系统“格式→更改大小写”命令(图1)。2.在弹出的“更改大小写”窗口中选择“词首字母大写”(图4)。3.单击“确定”按钮。四、将通篇文章或特定块内字符统一转为大写或小写如果要把文档中的字母统统转换成小写或大写,可用如下方法实现:1.在Word中用Ctrl+A选择要转换的整个文 3. word怎么把大写英文换成小写 在word里面,将已经输入的的英文大写换成小写快捷键是: Shift + F3 功能键。 1、选中需要转换的英文大写字母; 2、按Shift + F3; 3、英文大写字母即被转换成英文小写字母。 除这种方法外,还可以通过下面的方法使其转换成小写字母。 1、选中需要转换的英文大写字母; 2、单击开始----更改大小写----全部小写即可,如图所示。 4. Word英文字母大小写怎么相互转换 在word中,通过 Shift+F3 快捷键,就可以实现英文的大小写转换。 首先选中要转换的英文 第一次按 Shift+F3 快捷键,将所选的英文首字母转换为大写; 第二次按 Shift+F3 快捷键,将选中的所有英文都转换为大写; 第三次按 Shift+F3 快捷键,将选中的所有英文都转换为小写; 知识扩展: 如果您的Excel单元格数据多,需要转换大小写的单元格多,您可以这样做: 选择Excel要转换大小写的单元格,将其复制粘贴到word的新文档,这样,在word中,会自动生成表格。之后,选择word中的表格,通过 Shift+F3 快捷键实现大小写的转换; 转换成功之后,再将word数据,复制粘贴到Excel,这样就成功了。 5. word文档里大小写字母转换 原发布者:gded 如何在Word中转换字母大小写用Word写作时忘了及时应用字母大小写规则,或者忘记使用全角或半角字符规则了,怎么办?有什么办法实现这些格式的快速统一吗?下面分别介绍几种情况的快速统一办法。一、录入英文文章忘掉应用大小写规则1.在Word中选择要转换的英文文档,选择系统“格式→更改大小写”命令(图1)。2.在弹出的“更改大小写”窗口中选择“句首字母大写”(图2)。3.单击“确定”按钮。二、通篇文章或特定块内大小写字母的转换如果要把文档中的大写字母转换成小写,小写字母转换成大写,可用如下方法:1.在Word中用Ctrl+A组合键选择要转换的整个文档,或用鼠标选择要转换的部分文档,选择系统“格式→更改大小写”命令(图1)。2.在弹出的“更改大小写”窗口中选择“转换大小写”(图3)。3.单击“确定”按钮。三、把拼音串或英文转为词首字母大写有时在做广告或标题时,我们需要每个英文单词或汉语拼音的词首都用大写字母,如果我们在输入时忘了按规则进行,则可以在输入完毕后统一设置:1.在Word中用Ctrl+A选择要转换的整个文档或用鼠标选择要转换的部分文档,选择系统“格式→更改大小写”命令(图1)。2.在弹出的“更改大小写”窗口中选择“词首字母大写”(图4)。3.单击“确定”按钮。四、将通篇文章或特定块内字符统一转为大写或小写如果要把文档中的字母统统转换成小写或大写,可用如下方法实现:1.在Word中用Ctrl+A选择要转换的整个文 6. 如何快速的切换word文档中字母的大小写 1.选定要改变大小写的字符。 2.执行格式→更改大小写,打开更改大小写对话框。 3.在此对话框中,根据需要进行以下选择: 句首字母大写:将所选文本的第一个单词的第一个字母改为大写。 小写:将选择文本的所有字母改为小写。 大写:将选择文本的所有字母改为大写。 词首字母大写:将选择文本中每个单词的第一个字母改为大写。 切换大小写:将所选文本中的大写字母转换为小写字母,小写字母转换为大写字母。 半角:将选定的字母全部转换为半角,对数字以及常用符号同样有效。 全角:将选定的字母全部转换为全角,对数字以及常用符号同样有效。 4.单击确定按钮。 提示:1.选定文字后,按Shift+F3可以在句首字母大写、全部大写以及全部小写间相互转换;按Ctrl+Shift+A可在全部大写和全部小写间切换。










在word里面,将已经输入的的英文大写换成小写快捷键是: Shift + F3 功能键。 1、选中需要转换的英文大写字母; 2、按Shift + F3; 3、英文大写字母即被转换成英文小写字母。 除这种方法外,还可以通过下面的方法使其转换成小写字母。 1、选中需要转换的英文大写字母; 2、单击开始----更改大小写----全部小写即可,如图所示。

Which boy hasn’t dreamed of being a cool secret agent (特工)? The wonderful fighting abilities an

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:A小题4:D 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一部电影Agent Cody Banks少年特工科迪。这篇文章告诉了我们:科迪是怎样成为特工的?成为特工后的第一个任务是什么?的内容。小题1:D考查细节理解。根据文章第二段可知,Banks接到的第一个任务就是和Natalie交朋友,然后监视她父亲的危险技术。所以选D。小题2:C考查细节理解。根据文章第三段可知,他怎样才能和Natalie交朋友,怎样才能监视她父亲的工作。所以,他参加Natalie的生日聚会的目的是和她交朋友。故选C。小题3:A考查细节理解。根据文章第二段的内容可知,Natalie父亲研制的是一种很危险的技术,Banks的任务就是防止坏人强迫他使用这种技术来危害世界。故选A。小题4:D考查作者的写作意图。根据文章的整体内容可知,文章介绍的是一部美国特工电影。所以作者的意图很明确,就是介绍这部新电影。故选D。

贾斯丁比伯my world 中所有歌曲 还有他哪张最经典 baby latin girl 还有些其他歌曲都有的

YY频道7450欢迎您 少年歌手贾斯汀?比伯(Justin Bieber)的个人首张专辑《我的世界》(MY World)于2009年11月17日在全球发行。当年,年仅15岁的贾斯汀?比伯(Justin Bieber)来自加拿大,是由Usher一手捧红的新晋偶像歌手。“My World”的首只单曲“One Time”于2009年7月7日发行,在加拿大单曲榜上挤进了前20名,而在美国单曲榜上则挤进了前30名。正是这一首《One Time》,让大家知道了这个15岁的小帅哥,他在青少年中的人气也开始逐渐提升。截至2009年10月份,《One Time》的MV在Youtube上的点击已经超过了1亿次。而新专辑的第二只单曲《One Less Lonely Girl》也于2009年10月6日通过网络曝光。 凭借第一张专辑带来的超人气,贾斯汀?比伯乘胜追击,于2010年3月23日发表了个人第二张专辑《我的世界2.0版》(My World 2.0)。专辑发行仅一周,就登上了美国Billboard专辑榜的头名,成为自伟大的Stevie Wonder以来历史上最年轻的男性专辑榜冠军得主。今年1月,率先曝光的第一播主打歌曲“宝贝”(Baby),一经推出,就成为全美少女心目中理想情歌的典范,在美国Billboard单曲榜上跻身前5。国际上也取得了不俗成绩,在全世界7个国家排名前十。另外两首单曲”Never Let You Go”和”U Smile”也在美国Hot 100榜单上进入前三十,在他的家乡加拿大进入前20。 此次发行的《My Worlds》(我的全世界)专辑,是他前2张专辑的集合,或者说是完整意义上的他的首张专辑。集合了小贾所有的大热单曲,《One Time》,《Baby》,让那些为他疯狂的少女们一次听到过瘾! 有歌曲;Baby Eenie MeenieNever Let You GoOverboardRunaway LoveSomebody to LoveStuck In the MomentThat Should Be MeU SmileUpOne TimeFavorite GirlDown to EarthBiggerOne Less Lonely First DanceLove MeCommon Denominator这是他2011年2月14日推出的一张The Remixes专辑:“Never Say Never”。 由Jaden Smith,Rascal Flatts,Usher,Miley Cyrus等众明星一起打造有歌曲;Never Say Never That Should Be MeSomebody To LoveUpOverboardRunaBorn To Be Somebodyway Love支持Justin Bieber 希望亲喜欢我的回答



gone with the wind---karl wolf 中文歌词

扭转 所有的风都在燃烧 离开我没有名字 我们如何能找到我们的方式... 雪下得很 我能听到受惊的呼唤 每个人都害怕接管 生命的意义无非砂更多... 风横扫 我在这里的痕迹 在我眼里的故事 这就是我要给... 愤怒大火吞噬的生命,我知道 实力对抗的唯一途径 你必须抬头看到了光明... 飘... 飘... 飘... (独奏) 采取一切我知道 它变成黑暗的阴影 他们将消失在阳光下 当一个新的故事已经开始 她幸存的噩梦 开始了全新的生活在这里 但我可以看到后面的眼睛 她还认为,在晚上的大火... 扭动和旋转 哦,风正燃烧 离开我没有名字 我们如何能找到我们的方式 啊....
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