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Little Women,小妇人英语读后感600字

During the American Civil War, Mr. Madge went to the battlefield as chaplain, four daughters and her mother at home and lived a poor but strong and optimistic life. Although they were poor, they were willing to help Hummel, a neighbor who was more in need of help. Women have vanity, they want to get beautiful clothes, eat delicious food, live like a princess. Although full of fantasy, but in real life, they have been relying on their own efforts to solve all kinds of hardships in life. Meg was the eldest daughter of beauty, full of longing for love; the o daughter of Joe independent, determined to bee a writer; three daughter Bess is a traditional girl, gentle and lovely little daughter Amy loves painting. The story follows the years when the four women grew up as young women, describing their uninhibited love experiences and their respective pursuit of different ideals and destination. This is a book that looks very prosaic at the first glance. But when you go deep into it, you will be surprised to find that this book seems to be full of the shadow of yourself or some familiar people. To face and experience all the girls growing up in the age of the girl, can be found in this book: the first love and worry, differences beeen emotion and reason, the ideal and the reality, the contradiction beeen the rich and poor. The little woman has no plot of falling rocks and no suspense, but the author tells the family"s love by simple words. Watching and watching, I can not help but cry for them, inspired by their experience, and even pray for their misfortune. Of course I was their humor laugh, they admire the courage to face difficulties...... Unconsciously, I felt like I was one of them, watching and thinking about the plot of my mind. I like Meg, I like her love for poverty, not for money temptation character, like her lady style. I like Joe, I like her freedom, I love her unswerving determination to dream. I love Beth, love her quiet, do anything without plaining, she always love for others good character. I also like Amy"s belief that she is strong and regards poverty alleviation as the responsibility of poverty. Their ideals and fates are different, but they all find their best home. In their view, the home is their growing place, but also a sacred refuge. They listened carefully to their mother"s teachings, and used their *** art hands and brains to invent another creative and beautiful mind game. The growth process of the four sisters seems to be an interesting educational poem. The author uses neither geous nor boring language to show us the great family, friendship and love of human beings. It seems to me that in the eyes of the four sisters, it is the happiest thing in the world to live forever with the people they love and those who love them. From them, I learned to be strong, learned to know contentment, but can not meet, I learned to be full of hope for the future, and strive to pursue the dream of optimi *** . I also learned to double treasure what I have, don"t wait for death to lose, only to know their mendable. We should find out the advantages of everyone, not with colored eyes, but see the shortings of others.

The family man?Father was a hardworking man who tried his best to support his wife and three ch...

小题1:No, he doesn"t.小题2:Because he wanted to provide his family with the best things that money could buy.小题3:A senior supervisor.小题4:He was not spending enough time with them.小题5:Near the coast of Singapore.小题6:Any reasonable answer is acceptable. 小题1:从文章第一段的:so that he could one day find a better-paid job, except for Sundays.可知爸爸星期天不上班。所以回答No, he doesn"t.小题2:从文章第一段的:He worked and studied very hard because he wanted to provide his family with the best things that money could buy.可知爸爸努力工作是因为想给家人用钱买到的最好的东西。小题3:细节题:从第三段的he was offered a good job as a senior supervisor (主管), which paid quite well. 可知爸爸第一份报酬丰厚的工作是主管。A senior supervisor.小题4:细节题:从文章的第二段的句子:Whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them,说明家人抱怨爸爸和他们在一起的时间不够。小题5:细节题:从文章最后一段的:he bought a beautiful condominium near the coast of Singapore.知道爸爸在新加坡的沿海买了一座漂亮的公寓。小题6:这题是开放性的,要求正确的表达自己的想法。


I don"t mean to hurt you- Richard Clayderman


天赋的野性成长点出没猛群刷啊上3花啊 多上HOT啊


yinggaibuhui erqiehaihuidainiqukanxinliyisheng


练个奶D 再练野D 天赋你== 哥哥去模拟点一下奶D天赋 http://wow.duowan.com/tf3/#0VhZZf0IubuxVuVhsVo:qs已分配点数:61  需要等级:70【平衡】未学习【野性战斗】 44 点·凶暴 5/5 级使你的槌击、挥击、爪击、扫击和裂伤技能的怒气或能量消耗减少 5点 。·野性本能 3/3 级使你在熊和巨熊形态下所造成的威胁值提高 15% ,并在你潜行时降低敌人侦测到你的几率。·厚皮 3/3 级使你由装备而得到的护甲值提高 10% 。·豹之迅捷 2/2 级使你在猎豹形态下的移动速度提高 30% ,只能在户外生效。另外,还可使你在猎豹、熊和巨熊形态下的躲闪几率提高 4% 。·野性冲锋 1/1 级 向目标冲锋,打断其正在施放的任何法术,令其在4秒内无法施放该法术,且无法移动。·锋利兽爪 3/3 级 使你在猎豹、熊或巨熊形态下的爆击几率提高 6% 。·撕扯攻击 2/2 级 使你的撕碎技能所消耗的能量值减少 18 点。你的割裂技能所消耗的怒气值减少 2 点。·猛兽攻击 3/3 级 使你在猎豹、熊、巨熊和枭兽形态下的攻击强度加成提高,数值相当于你的当前等级的 150% 。·血之狂暴 2/2 级 使你在熊形态和巨熊形态下对目标造成爆击后,有 100% 的几率获得5点怒气值;在猎豹形态下的所有可增加连击点数的技能在对敌人造成爆击之后有 100% 的几率增加一个额外的连击点数。·野蛮暴怒 2/2 级 使你的爪击、撕裂和裂伤(猎豹形态)技能所造成的伤害提高 20% 。·精灵之火(野性) 1/1 级 使目标的护甲降低175点,持续40秒。在效果持续期间,目标无法潜行或隐形。可训练的更高等级: 等级 2: -285点护甲 等级 3: -395点护甲 等级 4: -505点护甲 等级 5: -610点护甲·野性之心 5/5 级 使你的智力提高 20% 。另外,在熊或巨熊形态下,你的耐力提高 20% ,在豹形态下,你的攻击强度提高 10% 。·适者生存 3/3 级 使你的所有属性提高 3% ,并使你受到近战爆击的几率降低 3% 。·兽群领袖 1/1 级 在猎豹、熊或巨熊形态下,使半径45码范围内的所有小队成员的远程和近战攻击打出重击的几率提高5%。·强化兽群领袖 2/2 级 受到你的兽群领袖效果影响的队友在近战或远程攻击对目标造成重击之后,有100%的几率回复总生命值的 4% 。该效果每6秒只能生效一次。·狩猎天性 5/5 级 使你的爆击伤害加成提高 10% ,躲避范围伤害攻击的几率提高 15% 。·裂伤 1/1 级 撕扯目标,对其造成伤害,并使其在接下来的12秒内受到的流血伤害提高。这个技能可以在猎豹形态或巨熊形态下使用。巨熊形态:20点怒气值,5码,瞬发,6秒冷却时间115%伤害 + X,+30%流血伤害。 等级 1: +86 等级 2: +121 等级 3: +155猎豹形态:45点能量值,5码距离,瞬发,奖励1个连击点数160%伤害 + X,+30%流血伤害。 等级 1: +158 等级 2: +204 等级 3: +264 野的不会 所以复制了一个给你 给哥+分

wow 奶德HOT流和秒触流


do you ever wonder 歌词

歌曲名:do you ever wonder歌手:Alison Moyet专辑:hometimeDo you ever wonderWhat it"s likeTo be alone andNo sleep at nightEver wonderIs this for realEver WonderSometimes I think you sighTime drifts by, once in a lifeLove is strongI won"t feel anythingI"m lost without youIn my mind a pictureThat you frameKaleidoscope of love you"re showing meLoving sweet raysAll hopes that fadeMy only gainMy lonely game played without youYou sighTime drifts by, once in a lifeLove is strongI won"t feel anythingI"m lost without youThrough the wake of youEvery now and thenEvery now and thenThe road that I follow is so far from youDo you every wonderhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14131874

Two men are working in the park. One is Mr. Brown, a worker, and the other is Mr. Black. Mr. Br...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A小题4:C小题5:B小题1:根据Twomenareworkinginthepark.OneisMr.Brown,aworker,andtheotherisMr.Black.描述,可知选C.小题2:根据Mr.Brownisgoingtoachair.Itisnexttotheroad.Mr.Blackisafterhim.描述,可知他们在走向一把椅子。故选B。小题3:根据Mr.Brownisgoingtoachair.Itisnexttotheroad.Mr.Blackisafterhim.可知一开始布莱克先生在后面,故选A。小题4:根据Mr.BlackrunsfasterthanMr.Brown.Sohegetstothechairfirst描述,可知选C。小题5:根据Heissorry toshowanotice(通知)withthewords.“WetPaint”(油漆未干)toMr.Black.NowMr.BlackknowsWhyMr.Brownisgoingtothechair.描述,可知布朗先生不是为了抢椅子。故选B。


1. would/might用法区别would :①. 表will的过去,用于过去将来时 ②. 表"意愿",乐意做某事 ③. 用于虚拟语气might: ①1. may的过去,表猜测:可能是 ②. 表许可(婉转语气)

有首英文歌WO WO WO sitter sitter 这样重复是什么歌

是曾轶可的歌,叫baby sister

On Top Of The World 歌词

歌曲名:On Top Of The World歌手:Cheap Trick专辑:Cheap Trick/In Color/Heaven Tonight (3 Pak)「On top of theworld」作词∶けったろ/K作曲∶笹本安词编曲∶笹本安词歌∶けったろ(市形启太)everybody knows he is the SAMURAI暗闇 光る白刃に両手を天に掲げ真実だけを掴み取るんだたゆたってる It"s none the better for the change孤独を今 研ぎ澄ませ瞳に 映るのは遥か彼方 手に入れるWorld顶から见下ろす 広い世界深呼吸ひとつしてchange the worldyou and meこの胸に誓ったからgo farawaysomething wrong谛めることなどできないkeep goingsomebody says everything all right仰いで 空を见上げてる両足踏みしめる枯れ果てた想い一握り梦追うその背中に 一筋の希望が射るはずだからchange the worldyou and meいつかは手に入れるだろうgo farawaysomething wrong揺るぎないその心でlife goes onその腕で抱きしめ脆く砂上の城たちは寄せる波に溶けて崩れてもうないから...change the worldyou and meこの胸に誓ったからgo farawaysomething wrong谛めることなどできないchange the world梦を 追い求め彷徨うままgo farawayいつかI feel like I"m on top of the worldlife goes on収録∶圣smiley学园~Ver.理系~Vol.2 - On top of theworld/市形启太/発売日∶2011/06/15LRC to make By∶Yoho888(Vine)终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10212878



那位亲知道the shinee world的中文歌词、和中文的音译歌词、还有每句是谁唱的、谢谢啊

中文的:(钟铉) 有如看到了曙光般 眼睛闪烁不停 从今开始的重生 有谁在看着我们SHINee World 早已经想到的混乱 (Key) 不需要耍帅 我们只是唱歌的人 只要全力以赴 享受舞台就好 SHINee Go! (钟铉)S.H.I.N. double e!SHINee Go! (珉豪)这就是我们的选择 * (All)I wanna know you 在你身边 (泰民)无需再等待 我们来了 (All)We got the flow it`s break your naughty. (温流)现在这瞬间 一切都已开始 (All)I Wanna show it我会表现出来. (Key)我已占领你的思绪 (All)You got the flow it through my body. (钟铉)你就接受吧 这个SHNIee世界 (泰民)Go on and on and on.Let me do it do it now. 有如中毒般刺痛的笑容 拥有金属感的Voice (温流)SHINee dance SHINee one style! 寒风刺骨般的do it slow it now.现在我要进到你心里 (钟铉/Key)姐姐 你太美了 (温流)利用这首歌 我已是Start (钟铉/Key)用氧气般的你再次 (泰民)掳获女生的心 (钟铉)站在决定性的一刻 我不需要falsetto 这样还有可能性吗? ** (All)I Wanna get you in this party. (泰民)试着陷入我的Boomingsystem (All)We got the flow it`s break your naughty. (温流)我绝对不需要耍Cool (All)I Wanna show it我会表现出来 (Key)不管做什么 我都有自己的理由 (All)You got the flow it`s through my body. (温流)你就接受吧 这个SHINee世界 (钟铉)试着被我吸引吧 就感受一下 SHINee makes love right now! (珉豪)闪闪发亮is钟铉~我们魅力泰是泰民~ 豆腐only是温流~SHINee万能钥匙Key~ 火花魅力珉豪~My name is珉豪~ 我们是闪耀者的SHINee~We`re living in the SMTOWN! (All)OH!Let me got a doo-bop doo-bop doo-bop~ 韩文的罗马译音:Minho: Yeah shinee world asia produces number one sm as one get the break down Jonghyun: sumgwangeul bondeuthan nooni boosyuhjildeuthan ijeh shijakdweneun tansaeng noogoongaga jikyubogo issuh shinee world imi yesang dweneun nonrandeul yeah Key: mutjichugeun pilyo ubsuh oorin noraehaneun saramdeul geujuh choisuneul dahae moodae-eh sulddaeh jeulgu-oomeul neugguh shinee go Jonghyun: S H I N double E shinee go geugunbaro oorideulyeh suntaek i wanna know you nuyeh gyuteh Taemin: gidarimeunggeut ijeh oorigawassuh we got the flow it"s break your naughty Onew: jigeum eesoongan nan shijak dwessuh i wanna show it daboyuhjoolgeh Key: nuyeh murissogeun ijeh naegah jumryung we got the flow it"s drown my body Jonghyun: badadeulyuhbwa ijeh shinee segyeh Taemin: oh on and on let me do it do it now geumdoh belgutgateun nalkaro-oon miso geum sogsuneul gajin voice Onew: shinee dance shinee"s onew style bbyussoggaji seumyuhdeulgeh do it so now jigeum naega nuyeh mameh deuluhga nunan numoo yebuh Onew: eenoraero nan baro start san sogateun nuro dashi Taemin: geunyudeulyeh mameul naega sarojaba Jonghyun: gyuljung jugin songanapeh nan balsagooga pilyohaji anhneundeh (naegaseumeh~~~~~ neega bogi-en ganeung hagettna) i wanna know you nuyeh gyuteh Taemin: gidarimeun ggeut ijeh oorigawassuh we got the flow it"s break your naughty Onew: jigeum eesoongan nan shijagdwessuh i wanna show it daboyuh joolgeh Key: nuyeh murissogeun ijeh naega jumryung we got the flow it"s drown my body Jonghyun: gabolsooga ubneun shinee segyeh i wanna get you in this party Taemin: bbajyudeul ubwa nuyeh booming system we got the flow it"s break your naughty Onew: cool hanchugeun nan juldae pilyo ubgo i wanna show it daboyuhjoolgeh Key: uddungul hadeun naegen eeyooga ittgo we got the flow it"s drown my body Onew: badadeulyuhbwa ijen shinee segyeh Jonghyun: jigeum eesoongan nuyeh feel like that pilyo ubneun gut anything like that nareulbarabwa (geudaero jeul gyuburimyundweh) nalbarabwa (~~~~ igun juldae-uh ooriji anhneungut) naegeh bbajyubwa geugul neuggyubwa Jonghyun: shinee make oh right now i wanna you know you nuyeh gyuteh Taemin: gidarim ggeut ijeh oorigawassuh we got the flow it"s break your naughty Onew: jigeum eesoongan nan shijakdwessuh i wanna show it daboyuhjoolgeh Key: nuyeh murissogeun ijeh naega jumryung we got the flow it"s drown my body Jonghyun: badadeulyuhbwa ijen shinee segyeh digidigdig bling bling is jonghyun digidigdig oori bagryug bagryug taemin digidigdig dooboo onridaneun onew digidigdig shinee manneungyulsoi key digidigdig boolggot kariseuma minho digidigdig my name is minho digidigdig oorin bicheul naeneun shinee we"re living in the SM TOWN oh let me got a doo bop doo bop doo bop oh let me got a doo bop doo bop doo bop oh oh let me got a doo bop doo bop doo bop

the worldwide system that enables us to communicate instantl?

the worldwide system that enables us to municate instantly with anyone in any part of the world by using puters linked to telephone networks 这不是一个完整的句子,因为它只有中心词the worldwide system 和中心词的同位语从句,你没有引用完整吧?该句中that是system的同位语,that不仅仅是连接词,也是同位语从句的主语,that与 enables之间没有省略什么.,5, Amanehh 举报 that可以又做连接词又做同位语主语? Of course, Leon Bagrit could not possibly have foreseen the development of the Internet, the worldwide system that enables us to municate instantly with anyone in any part of the world by using puters linked to telephone networks. the worldwide system是the Internet的同位语,that引导定语从句,又在定语从句中做主语!,同学你好,这句话是错的。that不能要,否则这句话没有谓语动词。去掉that后不是同位语从句,也没有定语从句。 如果满意,请采纳,如果有疑问,可追问,谢谢^^这是新概念第三册课文,没错你这句话到底打完了没?Of course, Leon Bagrit could not possibly have foreseen the development of the Internet, the ...,2,是同位语从句,不是定语从句吗?同位语,表解释,定语是形容词性的,翻译为:....的这里明明是定语从句吧,从句很明显就是要前面的system做主语的,怎么不是定语从句呢? 这句话如果只是一个名词的话,就是the worldwide system ,后面的是定语从句修饰 如果是一个句子的话,肯定是要去掉that的同位语从句可以有that连接词...,1,the worldwide system that enables us to municate instantly with anyone in any part of the that enables us to municate instantly with anyone in any part of the world by using puters linked to telephone networks.这个同位语从句,that与 enables之间是不是省略了什么



Two shots of happy, one shot of sad 歌词

歌曲名:Two shots of happy, one shot of sad歌手:Matt Dusk专辑:Smooth Jazz Cafe Vol 7Two shots of happy, one shot of sadTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadYou think I"m no good, well I know I"ve been badTook you to a place, now you can"t get backTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadWalked together down a dead end streetWe were mixing the bitter with the sweetI Don"t try to figure out what we might of hadJust two shots of happy, one shot of sadI"m just a singer, some say a sinnerRolling the dice, not always a winnerYou say I"ve been lucky, well hell I"ve made my ownNot part of the crowd, but not feeling aloneUnder pressure, but not bent out of shapeSurrounded, we always found an escapeYou Drove me to drink, but hey that"s not all badTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadGuess I"ve been greedy, all of my lifeGreedy with my children, my lovers, my wifeGreedy for the good things as well as the badTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadMaybe it"s just talk, saloon singingThe chairs are all stacked, the swinging"s stopped swingingYou say I hurt you, you put the finger on yourselfThen after you did it, you came crying for my helpTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadI"m not complaining, baby I"m gladYou call it a compromise, well what"s thatTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59488602

Two Shots Of Happy, One Shot Of Sad 歌词

歌曲名:Two Shots Of Happy, One Shot Of Sad歌手:Matt Dusk专辑:Two ShotsTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadYou think I"m no good, well I know I"ve been badTook you to a place, now you can"t get backTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadWalked together down a dead end streetWe were mixing the bitter with the sweetI Don"t try to figure out what we might of hadJust two shots of happy, one shot of sadI"m just a singer, some say a sinnerRolling the dice, not always a winnerYou say I"ve been lucky, well hell I"ve made my ownNot part of the crowd, but not feeling aloneUnder pressure, but not bent out of shapeSurrounded, we always found an escapeYou Drove me to drink, but hey that"s not all badTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadGuess I"ve been greedy, all of my lifeGreedy with my children, my lovers, my wifeGreedy for the good things as well as the badTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadMaybe it"s just talk, saloon singingThe chairs are all stacked, the swinging"s stopped swingingYou say I hurt you, you put the finger on yourselfThen after you did it, you came crying for my helpTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadI"m not complaining, baby I"m gladYou call it a compromise, well what"s thatTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadhttp://music.baidu.com/song/5492524

我这里有ssa格式的字幕文件,是俄语字幕,但是在word里打开时乱码 怎样才能将它变成俄语文本形式啊?

idx+sub图形字幕转成srt文本字幕的几种方法 1、了解字幕格式 一般而言,DVDrip电影自带的字幕文件是*.sub格式,并配合*.idx索引文件一起使用的。由于*.sub是基于图片形式来存放字幕数据的,所以自身的容量比较大,并且无法编辑,这给我们的字幕翻译和修改工作带来了不便。相反,*.srt字幕文件是基于文本格式的,所占空间小、可直接用记事本打开编辑,普遍用于字幕的翻译和修改。因此,我们在翻译英文字幕或修改中文字幕之前,要将*.sub格式转换成*.srt格式,更重要的是后面要用到的Subtitle Workshop不支持*.sub格式(当然如果字幕已是*.srt格式的,那么就可跳过下一步) 2、转换字幕格式 转换字幕格式的方法有许多,这里只介绍比较常用的三种方法:1)用SubResync转换*.sub格式的英文字幕;2)用subRip转*.sub格式的英文字幕3)用“SubToSrt 3.11”转换*.sub格式的中文字幕; 1)、用SubResync转换*.sub格式的英文字幕 机器上安装好Vobsub软件,点选*.sub或*.idx文件,从鼠标右键菜单中选择“Edit With SubResync”,打开文件。先在下拉菜单中选择语言为English,然后选择Save As,保存类型选Subripper(*.srt),最后填好文件名保存。要注意的是,在OCR Settings中有一个调整识别敏感度的滑块,将敏感度调到最高可以提升软件的识别能力(如图1) 此时,软件会进行字幕识别的学习。其界面下方会依次一行一行地出现我们前面打开的字幕,请照着提示一一输入(字母要分大小写),软件会对它们进行识别学习并记录下来(如图2)。当你把26个大小写字母以及标点、数字输入一遍之后,字幕的学习也就结束了。而这时你会惊奇地发现,字幕文件的格式转换工作也结束了(以上所有工作只需5分钟左右,相比“SubToSrt 3.11”要方便,但中文就不太适用了)。完成之后,你就得到了一个可自由编辑的,大小仅有几十KB的*.srt字幕文件。这种*.srt字幕不仅可以像*.sub一样直接用于电影播放,而且还可以用记事本或翻译工具(Subtitle Workshop等)打开编辑。 2)用“subRip”转换*.sub格式的英文字幕 机器上安装并打开subRip软件,点击菜单“文件”→“打开Vob文件”弹出详细的选择对话框。在左侧选择字母流的语种(目前SubRip的OCR功能限于西文字母类语言使用,中文的OCR可用另一个叫做SubOCR的软件,支持简繁体),在”字符点阵文件”处加载字库(即”ChMatrix"目录下的*.sum文件)。设置完成后点击“开始”,SubRip就会开始搜索指定文件中的字幕流。 每种字母第一次出现时会要求你输入同样的字母验证(即字幕库中未有的字符),之后再出现同样字母就会被自动识别。全文识别结束后,SubRip还提供“PostOCRCorrection”功能对识别文件进行自动校正。最后点击“文件”→“另存为”将字幕保存为SubRip格式或.srt格式的字幕文件。SRT字幕转好后,当软件提醒你(即字库),可以选择否。如果选择了是,那么识别错误的字符将被保存。因此有时就需要修正字符点阵文件了: 打开subrip-字符点阵-编辑/查看字符点阵-打开一个字符点阵文件-选择你的字符点阵文件-确定-查找错误字符-修改/删除-确定-保存字符点阵文件。 3)用“SubToSrt 3.11”转换*.sub格式的中文字幕 前面讲到的两个文件都不太适合转换中文字幕,要转换中文字幕最好是用“SubToSrt 3.11”,因为它拥有强大的字库,你可以自己导出导入字库也可下载最新字库,当你更新了字库后你会发现转换字幕的时间只需要1-5分钟!下面就看看“SubToSrt 3.11”的具体使用步骤吧! (1) 用SubRip将*.sub文件转换为bmp图片 1. 首先安装SubRip 1.17.1,选择安装所有 3. 打开SubRip->文件->打开Vob文件 4. 打开文件目录->选定sub->语言数据流选Chinese->右面操作里选字幕图片保存为4bit的BMP文件,以及在加时间和尺寸上打勾->开始 5. 输入任意文件名

求Bow wow的歌词。

I ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)Now I done been with different kind of girlsLike I done seen em allbut ain"t none of them at all (like u)And I done seen the best of the bestBaby still I ain"t impressedcause ain"t none of them at all (like u)If you know how I feel when I chillIf I"m seen with a girl then she gotta be just (like u)And baby that"s the way I feelAnd I got no choice but for me to keep it realCause when we first got together started hanging out you wasSkeptical at first had to figure out ifI was the kind of guy to try to dog you out butI ain"t that kind of guy you tried to make me outYou found out when you turned into my babyI showed them other brothers how to treat a ladyI let you drive when I ride that MercedesAnd I ain"t trippin or actin shady cause baby you knoI ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)And every time I think about you (I cry)When you ride when you call when you come I (ride)Your love is a-mazing to meCan"t wait til I see you (I wanna be wit you again)And every time you"re out on the road (I make a trip)And whenever I"m doing a show (Don"t you forget)That I"m your (main chick)Who got that (game chick)One and the (same chick)The one you can hang withI ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)Okay when you hit the mall pop tags spend a few g"s (jazin?)Hit the runway to a new season (season)It ain"t nothin it"s you the one I care forFeel like I ain"t doing enoghthat"s when I share more (share more)I give you this give you that what you need love (love)You know I got it holla at me if you need love (love)And affection cause i"ll be your protectionKinda hard job but i"ll do it to perfectionAnd you can tell that I ain"t tryna let you goI get with you when I can so that"s how I let you knoAnd you be trippin cause sometimes I gotta goBut you the first one I hollared to right after my showsAnd I was trippin in a sense I was tenseFrom my body loose around you what imma do without youI gotta get it together say whatevaSince I met you my life seems so bettaI ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)I ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)

words and sentences是什么意思


Mike Posner - Bow Chicka Wow Wow什么意思


bow chicka wow wow 歌词的中文

我有一个属于自己的梦 它唯我独拥 自孩提起,就是我的朋友 它有自己的生命,自己的心,自己的灵魂 那是,这个女人所能给予这世界的一部分 这个梦,很大 大的足够分享 就像天边的彩虹 多么感谢上帝让梦成真 让我觉得,上帝可能也是个女人 让我觉得上帝可能也是个女人 今夜,一轮满月高悬 我沐浴在银色月光下 赤裸如我诞生的那一天 在这样的夜空下,不会有羞愧 我正式和过去吻别 把那颗交瘁破碎的心慢慢缝补起来 用的是那只有我才能发出的美妙声音 随着鼻息,渐渐加强 这一切是我有如重生 让我觉得,上帝可能也是个女人 让我觉得上帝可能也是个女人

bow chicka wow wow的中文歌词 mike posner的

狼性证明:Once I throw on this, once I throw on thisIts over girlOnce I throw on this, once I throw on thisIts over girl.I hear you knock knock baby come on upI hope you got got got something in yo" cupCause im three shots deep and I aint tryna sleepPut your redbull on cause im readyYou"ve been playin naughty getting with me all nightWe both know exactly what you want rightTell me what you want thoughTell me what you gon" do whatchu gon" doOnce I throw on this bowchickawowwowWhatchu gonna sayYou act like you gon leaveBut I know you gon" stayDown dicky downdownGirl dont even playOnce I set the mood rightI am make you sound likeI am make you sound likeAre you tryna make me late wait wait till the second dayBut I cant cant cant even comtemplateWaiting one more minute lemme jump in itI brought chu flowers and a teddyYou"ve been playin naughty getting with me all nightWe both know exactly what you want rightTell me what you want thoughTell me what you gon" do whatchu g 一旦我扔在这,一旦我丢了 它结束了女孩 一旦我扔在这,一旦我丢了 它结束了女孩。 我听说你敲门婴儿上来吧 我希望你有了哟杯的一些东西 化生事业3个球,深,我不会tryna睡觉 把你的理由redbull我准备好了 你已经玩顽皮的得到和我的夜晚 我们都知道你到底要什么吧对的 告诉我你到底要什么吧虽然 告诉我你下定whatchu“下定的做 一旦我丢在这bowchickawowwow Whatchu会

Bow Chicka Wow Wow 歌词

歌曲名:Bow Chicka Wow Wow歌手:Mike Posner专辑:31 Minutes To TakeoffMike Posner feat. Lil Wayne - Bow Chicka Wow WowOnce I throw on this, once I throw on thisIt"s over girlOnce I throw on this, once I throw on thisIt"s over girl.I hear you knock knock knock baby come on upI hope you got got got something in yo" cupCause I"m three shots deep and I ain"t tryna sleepGet your redbull on cause I"m readyYou"ve been playin" hard to get with me all nightWe both know exactly what you want rightDon"t tell me what you won"t doTell me what you gon" do, whatchu gon" doOnce I throw on this bowchickawowwowWhatchu gonna sayYou act like you gon" leaveBut I know that you gon" stayBreak it down dicky downdownGirl don"t even playOnce I set the mood right I"ma make sound likeI"ma make you sound likeAre you tryna make me late wait wait till the second dateBut I can"t can"t can"t even comtemplateWaiting one more minute lemme jump in itI brought you flowers and a teddyYou"ve been playin" hard to get with me all nightWe both know exactly what you want rightDon"t tell me what you won"t doTell me what you gon" do whatchu gon" doOnce I throw on this bowchickawowwowWhatchu gonna sayYou act like you gon" leaveBut I know that you gon" stayBreak it down dicky downdownGirl don"t even playOnce I set the mood right I"ma make you sound likeYeah I can make you sound likeI gotta leather couchand a black micand we all alonewhat it sound likethe night was deadwe found lifeI know I talk shitbut it sound rightyou say you can"tbut that"s affairgotta give somethingsomething"s gotta giveI bet you love itI went to bedNow we went up... cigarattesNow I ain"t even gotta say shitTo make you feel alive girl you know you like thatOwohowohowowohSay I ain"t even gotta say shitTo make you feel alive girl you know you like thatOwohowohowowohOnce I throw on this bowchickawowwowWhatchu gonna sayYou act like you gon" leaveBut I know that you gon" stayBreak it down dicky downdownGirl don"t even playOnce I set the mood right I"ma make you sound likeYeah I"ma yeah I"ma make yaOnce I throw on this, once I throw on thisIt"s over girlOnce I throw on this, once I throw on thisIt"s over girlOnce I throw on this, once I throw on thisIt"s over girlhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2190580

bow chicka wow wow歌词带翻译

Bow Chicka Wow Wow LyricsOnce I throw on this, once I throw on thisIts over girlOnce I throw on this, once I throw on thisIts over girl.I hear you knock knock baby come on upI hope you got got got something in yo" cupCause im three shots deep and I aint tryna sleepPut your redbull on cause im readyYou"ve been playin naughty getting with me all nightWe both know exactly what you want rightTell me what you want thoughTell me what you gon" do whatchu gon" doOnce I throw on this bowchickawowwowWhatchu gonna sayYou act like you gon leaveBut I know you gon" stayDown dicky downdownGirl dont even playOnce I set the mood right you gon" sound likeIma make you sound likeAre you tryna make me late wait wait till the second dayBut I cant cant cant even comtemplateWaiting one more minute lemme jump in itI brought chu flowers and a teddyYou"ve been playin naughty getting with me all nightWe both know exactly what you want rightTell me what you want thoughTell me what you gon" do whatchu gon" doOnce I throw on this bowchickawowwowWhatchu gonna sayYou act like you gon leaveBut I know you gon" stayDown dicky downdownGirl dont even playOnce I set the mood right you gon" sound likeYeah I can make you sound likeNow I aint even gotta say shitTo make you feel alive girl you know you like thatOwohowohowowohSay I aint even gotta say shitTo make you feel alive girl you know you like thatOwohowohowowohOnce I throw on this bowchickawowwowWhatchu gonna sayYou act like you gon leaveBut I know you gon" stayDown dicky downdownGirl dont even playOnce I set the mood right you gon" sound likeYeah ima ima make yaOnce I throw on this, once I throw on thisIts over girlOnce I throw on this,once I throw on thisIts over girl我有一个属于自己的梦 它唯我独拥 自孩提起,就是我的朋友 它有自己的生命,自己的心,自己的灵魂 那是,这个女人所能给予这世界的一部分 这个梦,很大 大的足够分享 就像天边的彩虹 多么感谢上帝让梦成真 让我觉得,上帝可能也是个女人 让我觉得上帝可能也是个女人 今夜,一轮满月高悬 我沐浴在银色月光下 赤裸如我诞生的那一天 在这样的夜空下,不会有羞愧 我正式和过去吻别 把那颗交瘁破碎的心慢慢缝补起来 用的是那只有我才能发出的美妙声音 随着鼻息,渐渐加强 这一切是我有如重生 让我觉得,上帝可能也是个女人 让我觉得上帝可能也是个女人 。。LZ你一点分也不给么- -祝你好运~!

bow chicka wow wow歌词


Bow Chicka Wow Wow什么意思


跪求bow chicka wow wow音译歌词 不要翻译的 要音译成中文的歌词 因为我想学 可是英文不好

爆bow 吃卡chicka 哇哦wow 哇哦wow


《The Dog Said Bow-Wow》(Swanwick, Michael)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TFkA_7OZgS7kucx1QL8UCA 密码:8qor书名:The Dog Said Bow-Wow作者:Swanwick, Michael出版社:Independent Pub Group出版年份:2007-9页数:296内容简介:Great literature has never been this much fun before. The reigning master of short fiction reinvents science fiction and fantasy in a dazzling new collection unlike anything you have ever read. Time-travelling dinosaurs wreak havoc on a placid Vermont town. An ogre is murdered in a locked room in Faerie. An uncanny bordello proves as dangerous as it is alluring. Language is stolen from the builders of Babel. Those strangely loveable Post-Utopian scoundrels and con men, Darger and Surplus, swindle their way through London, Paris, and Arcadia. The book includes three Hugo Award-winning stories and an original novelette of swashbuckling romance and adventure, "The Skysailor"s Tale!". Ranging from the hardest of science fiction to the highest of fantasy, this irresistible collection amuses and enlightens as only Michael Swanwick can.

lil bow wow演过什么电影

《速度与激情:东京漂移/狂野时速》 (2006) ...Twinkie《 Nickelodeon Kids" Choice Awards "06 》 (2006) ...Himself《冰上迪斯科/热血滑轮社 Roll Bounce 》 《 Mr. Prez 》 (2005) ...《 "My Super Sweet 16" 》 (2005) ...Himself (1 episode, 2005)《 "I Love the 80"s 3-D" 》 (2005) ...Himself《约翰逊一家的幸福之旅/因乜家事周围踪 Johnson Family Vacation 》 (2004) ...D.J. Johnson《 35th NAACP Image Awards 》 (2004) ...Himself《 Who"s Your Momma? 》 (2004) ...Himself《 3rd Annual BET Awards 》 (2003) ...Himself《变身飞人/象迈克那样/乔丹传人 Like Mike 》 (2002) ...Calvin Cambridge《变身飞人/象迈克那样/乔丹传人 Like Mike 》 (2002) ...(songs)《班哲明传奇 All About the Benjamins 》 (2002) ...Kelly《 2002 MTV Movie Awards 》 (2002) ...Himself《 2nd Annual BET Awards 》 (2002) ...Himself《 Nickelodeon Kids" Choice Awards "02 》 (2002) ...Himself《 MTV Video Music Awards 2002 》 (2002) ...Himself - Presenter《 2002 Much Music Video Music Awards 》 (2002) ...Himself《 Carmen: A Hip Hopera 》 (2001) ...Jalil《 The Teen Choice Awards 2001 》 (2001) ...Performer《 The 28th Annual American Music Awards 》 (2001) ...Himself《 "Gonna Meet a Rock Star" 》 (2001) ...Himself《 Party in the Park 2001 》 (2001) ...Performer《 1st Annual BET Awards 》 (2001) ...Himself《卧底肥妈 Big Momma"s House 》 (2000) ...(song)《 Christina Aguilera: My Reflection 》 (2000) ...Himself《 The 2000 Billboard Music Awards 》 (2000) ...Himself!!!还有很多 他还小的很


MCS_MILL几何体,是关于加工坐标系的描述,是WORKPIECE 几何体父级,WORKPIECE 几何体可以包括部件几何体和毛坯几何体。一般情况下,无论哪种加工方式,都应该设置好 几何体中的部件和毛坯,同时也必须设置,在选择某一加工方法时,直接指定WORKPIECE,同时也就指定了MCS_MILL几何体。

求助mill work 是什么意思?

我觉得比较贴近 压榨机工作

急!求Wanted-Bow wow-big dreams歌词翻译


tell me bow wow歌词

  tell me  歌手:bow wow 专辑:the price of fame  Ooo  Tell u  Tell u  Tell me what i gotta do to get things back to the way they was  Im trying to fight it but i find myself still thinking about us  Tell me what i gotta say to whatcha try to hear come out my mouth  Im trying to work it out, baby we needa we needa work this out  Can"t u see what im trying to do i need to work it out between me and u it ain"t through i would do down to do anything u ask just to get u back take u shopping all over the map just to see u laugh pop em tags u plus me do the math minus all the negative  bs u my other half ain"t no other that makes me feel the way u do i can see myself coming back at chu  Im a whole different individual now everybody but chu invisible now i wanna commitment and i want u home u"d never miss a good thing till its gone and i miss kissing u and im miss spoiling miss u loving and miss me adoring u  Now tell me what i gotta do to get things back to the way they was  Im trying to fight it but i find myself still thinking about us  Tell me what i gotta say to whatcha try to hear come out my mouth  Im trying to work it out, baby im trying to work it out tell me tell me what i gotta do to get things back to the way they was  Im trying to fight it but i find myself still thinking about us  Tell me what i gotta say to whatcha try to hear come out my mouth  Im trying to work it out, baby we needa we needa work this out  Alot of ladies in the world wanna be mine but i don"t give no time niggas no shine no matter how many women i see without u girl im incomplete im telling the world i can"t be disgree i ain"t the same without u and me girl i"d miss the arguments u can"t b  e real not fradulant howd it look its hard to get another shortie lik mine one that can keep me up when im down besides my riches or my bentley u can have all the rest that comes with me thats my heart, mind, soul u can be my company where ever i go ima  function when i let u go now im trying to let u know so...  Now tell me tell me what i gotta do to get things back to the way they was  Im trying to fight it but i find myself still thinking about us  Tell me what i gotta say to whatcha try to hear come out my mouth  Im trying to work it out, baby im trying to work it out now tell me tell me what i gotta do to get things back to the way they was  Im trying to fight it but i find myself still thinking about us  Tell me what i gotta say to whatcha try to hear come out my mouth  Im trying to work it out, baby we needa we needa work this out  Tell me when im gonna see em pretty pearly whites u can get it girl tonight if u can act just right tell me that im ur nigga for life and i"ll tell u everything i know u like nobody else know u like bow i do things that"ll make u say wow ain"t notin abou  t me i ain"t no child, grown man now lets figure this out u stay on my mind i can"t take the lost like t-waters im throwning off even when i try to perform i think about u under my arm i can"t stand the rain but u can"t under the storm i be here for the  long run even when the songs done u gonna see that im the one here"s what u need to come  Tell me what i gotta do to get things back to the way they was  Im trying to fight it but i find myself still thinking about us  Tell me what i gotta say to whatcha try to hear come out my mouth  Im trying to work it out, baby im trying to work it out tell me tell me what i gotta do to get things back to the way they was  Im trying to fight it but i find myself still thinking about us  Tell me what i gotta say to whatcha try to hear come out my mouth  Im trying to work it out, baby we needa we needa work this out  Tell u  [o oooo] what u wanna do  Tell u o... O...  tell me 打印此页

Bow Wow Wow的《Cowboy》 歌词

歌曲名:Cowboy歌手:Bow Wow Wow专辑:Love, Peace & Harmony The Best Of Bow Wow Wow「Cowboy」作词∶Kate作曲∶Shige歌∶DadaD草原の向こうへ 连れ出して浊った空気 饱きたよcity girl车を降りて 歩いてくあなたはきっと 私のdream boy风を感じ 绿香るcatch me nowoh my cowboycatch me nowoh cowboy太阳を浴びて よみがえるもっと向こうへ 駆け抜けようriding风を感じ 绿香るcatch me nowoh my cowboycatch me nowoh cowboy空は高く 鸟も歌うcatch me nowoh my cowboycatch me nowoh cowboyたてがみなびかせride on, ride on二人を乗せてくget on, get on爱して 爱してride on, ride onいつでもここからget on, get on绿の丘へとride on, ride on风を切って行くget on, get on爱して 爱してride on, ride on虹が见えるまでget on, get onoh cowboy【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/8836438

Bow Wow的《Tell Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Tell Me歌手:Bow Wow专辑:The Price Of FameTell MeBow WowOooooTell UTell Me What I Gotta DoTo Get Things Back To The Way They WasIm Trying To Fight ItBut I Find Myself Still Thinking About UsTell Me What I Gotta Say To WhatchaTry To Hear Come Out My MouthIm Trying To Work It Out,Baby We Needa We Needa Work This OutCan"t U See What Im Trying To DoI Need To Work It Out Between Me And UIt Ain"t Through I Would Do Down To Do AnythingU Ask Just To Get U Back Take U ShoppingAll Over The Map Just To See U Laugh Pop Em TagsU Plus Me Do The Math Minus All The Negative BsU My Other Half Ain"t No OtherThat Makes Me Feel The WayU Do I Can See Myself Coming Back At ChuIm A Whole Different IndividualNow Everybody But Chu InvisibleNow I Wanna CommitmentAnd I Want U Home U"d Never Miss A Good ThingTill Its Gone And I Miss Kissing UAnd Im Miss Spoiling Miss U LovingAnd Miss Me Adoring UNow Tell Me What I Gotta DoTo Get Things Back To The Way They WasIm Trying To Fight ItBut I Find Myself Still Thinking About UsTell Me What I Gotta SayTo Whatcha Try To Hear Come Out My MouthIm Trying To Work It Out,Baby Im Trying To Work It Out Tell Me Tell MeWhat I Gotta Do To Get Things BackTo The Way They WasIm Trying To Fight It But I Find MyselfStill Thinking About UsTell Me What I Gotta SayTo Whatcha Try To Hear Come Out My MouthIm Trying To Work It Out,Baby We Needa We Needa Work This OutAlot Of Ladies In The World Wanna Be MineBut I Don"t Give No Time NiggasNo Shine No Matter How Many Women I SeeWithout U Girl Im IncompleteIm Telling The World I Can"t Be DisgreeI Ain"t The Same Without U And Me GirlI"d Miss The Arguments U Can"t Be RealNot Fradulant Howd It Look Its HardTo Get Another Shortie Lik Mine OneThat Can Keep Me Up When Im Down Besides My RichesOr My Bentley U Can Have All The RestThat Comes With Me Thats My Heart, Mind, Soul UCan Be My Company WhereEver I Go Ima FunctionWhen I Let U Go Now Im Trying To Let U Know SoNow Tell Me Tell Me What I Gotta DoTo Get Things Back To The Way They WasIm Trying To Fight It But I Find MyselfStill Thinking About UsTell Me What I Gotta Say To Whatcha TryTo Hear Come Out My MouthIm Trying To Work It Out,Baby Im Trying To Work It OutNow Tell Me Tell Me What I Gotta Do To Get ThingsBack To The Way They WasIm Trying To Fight It But I Find MyselfStill Thinking About UsTell Me WhatI Gotta Say To Whatcha Try To Hear Come Out My MouthIm Trying To Work It Out,Baby We Needa We Needa Work This OutTell Me When Im Gonna See Em PrettyPearly Whites U Can Get It Girl TonightIf U Can Act Just RightTell Me That Im Ur Nigga For LifeAnd I"ll Tell U Everything I Know U Like Nobody ElseKnow U Like Bow I Do ThingsThat"ll Make U Say Wow Ain"t Notin About MeI Ain"t No Child, Grown Man Now Lets FigureThis Out U Stay On My MindI Can"t Take The Lost Like T-WatersIm Throwning Off Even When I Try To PerformI Think About U Under My ArmI Can"t Stand The Rain But U Can"t Under The StormI Be Here For The Long RunEven When The Songs Done U GonnaSee That Im The One Here"s What U Need To ComeTell Me What I Gotta Do ToGet Things Back To The Way They WasIm Trying To Fight ItBut I Find Myself Still Thinking About UsTell Me What I Gotta Say To Whatcha TryTo Hear Come Out My MouthIm Trying To Work It Out,Baby Im Trying To Work It Out Tell Me Tell MeWhat I Gotta Do To Get ThingsBack To The Way They WasIm Trying To Fight ItBut I Find Myself Still Thinking About UsTell Me What I Gotta Say To Whatcha TryTo Hear Come Out My MouthIm Trying To Work It OutBaby We Needa We Needa Work This OutTell U(O Oooo) What U Wanna Dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/7990404

Bow Wow的《All I Know》 歌词

歌曲名:All I Know歌手:Bow Wow专辑:Doggy BagI bruise youYou bruise meWe both bruise soEasilyToo easilyTo let it showI love youAnd that"s all I knowAnd all my plansKeep fallin" throughAll my plans, theyDepend on youDepend on youTo help them growI love youAnd that"s all I knowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8719260

Bow Wow Wow 歌词

歌曲名:Bow Wow Wow歌手:bodyrox专辑:StreetDance 2 (Original Soundtrack)This time I wanna get itGet down I wanna get downThis time I wanna get itGet down I wanna get downThis time I wanna get itGet down I wanna get downThis time I wanna get itGet down I wanna get downThis time I wanna get itGet down I wanna get downThis time I wanna get itGet down I wanna get downThis time I wanna get itGet downNo bad boys no champaigneNo false love no mind gamesNo scandals no boxesNo labels labelsNo ice cream no candyNo too hot to handle meNo cigarette just alcoholSliding easy down my throatNo french kiss no ooh la laMy fake tan my shaggy lashNo chit chat no slap on the backShow me show me who you areI like youI like youI feel your leg on the dancefloorRubbing on my ooh oohBow wow wowGive the dog a boneIs that your leg on the dancefloorRubbing on my ooh oohBow wow wowGive the dog a boneThis time I wanna get itGet down I wanna get downThis time I wanna get itGet downYou want a boneNo labels LabelsI drop girls like jagIm faded I"m unstableBut my two step"s just fineAnd I like girls that like girlsYou Nicki Minaj thats fineAnd I"m crazy but look babyIf you give me ha I"ll shineOkay she got the moves like jaggerMakes you wanna daggerWanna play boy I hear youMy bank balance hits high notesLike Miss AguileraI MC I can dance tooSwags cool dance crewBodyrox and its me chipBut I thought you can danceI feel your leg on the dancefloorRubbing on my ooh oohBow wow wowGive the dog a bonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/54876507

Bow Wow的《Eighteen》 歌词

歌曲名:Eighteen歌手:Bow Wow专辑:Unleashed「eighteen」作词∶すこっぷ作曲∶すこっぷ编曲∶すこっぷ歌∶エルシ×すこっぷ掘り进めてきた幸せ埋めてくように终わりはとてもあっけないものだったんだ强がる余裕も理由もないんだけれど唇噛んで固い笑颜作って通い惯れた公园のベンチに座り空を见ればこんなにも星がきれいだなああなたがいた 隣にいたそんな日々が当たり前で不惯れな右侧の风が冷たいな思い返しても楽しい恋だったから嫌いになんかなれない好きで良かったな肩の力抜けたような穏やかな気持ちなのになぜかこんなにも涙が止まらないのあたしの泣く场所はあなたの胸の中だけだったから今日はこの涙は星に预けようそしたらまた明日からは前を向いて强くなろう优しい人だったなあたしも优しくなれた星の见えない冷たい夜はまたあなたの温もり思い出してしまうでしょう今日はとてもいろんなこといろんな思い募りすぎてたくさん泣たりして少し疲れたから恋するのはしばらくは休みにしよう帰ったらひさびさにピアノでも弾いてみようかな下手くそな恋の歌を収録∶in a greaceful sound - eighteen「すこっぷ×エルシ」/発売日∶2010/08/14LRC to make By∶SMILE_YAKOI终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8716672



A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the 以提供翻译+讲解

ops这个abandon by不会是个倒装吧a person who serves as mediator abandon the right by agreeing....

上海酒吧经常放的一首歌 很high 歌词大概是one shot two shot

你听一下是不是two shots of happy ,one shots sad


sentence 是连贯的长句,words一般就是词语的意思,可以是几个连贯的 也可以毫不相干的

跪求bow wow《big dreams》伴奏!

- - 1楼你牛..

电影冰上迪斯科开头曲叫什么,bow wow独滑那段,歌词有:哒哒哒滴答哒哒哒哒,英文的女声的,

流浪诗人作词:方文山作曲:周杰伦演唱:周杰伦海边篱笆 咿呀咿呀风一直刮 我像枝桠帮你过滤了风沙墙上的时差 滴答滴答还在牵挂我们都偏爱她的长发Gary你坐火车 忾恰忾恰回来我这 就像燕子下雨躲屋檐怕冷写一封书信汐沙汐沙写谁的名你讲她的故事给我听又想你一次 一次要怎样才能跟你认识我真的不该不该简单一句爱说不出来经过山丘 嗨呦嗨呦汗一直流 行李不多但思念一定带走我们走同一条路哒啰哒啰 要走到哪随风流浪去玩耍等发芽 树有树枝等写字 我有地址等它满 茶有茶叶等消息 我们都在想她春天 花有花蕊等展翅 田有蜻蜓等结局 流浪诗人的回忆又想你一次 一次要怎样才能跟你认识我真的不该不该简单一句爱说不出来海边篱笆 咿呀咿呀风一直刮 我像枝桠帮你过滤风沙墙上的时差 滴答滴答还在牵挂 我爱她的长发你坐火车 忾恰忾恰回来我这 就像燕子怕冷写一封书信 沙汐沙汐写谁的名 你讲给我听远方回音我们迎风边走边弹琴我们的人生因为她开始认真她的眼睛像是一幅翠绿的风景我们的感情 越唱放越深

求bow wow的歌词?

《Big dream》:I Have a dream of my ownAnd it"s mine and mine aloneIt"s been my friend since I was just a girlIt has a life, it has a heart, has a soulAnd that"s a part of everything this woman gives the worldAnd it"s a big dreamBig enough to shareLike a rainbow hanging in the airAnd I thankGod formaking it come trueMakes me think maybe God"s a woman tooMakes me think maybe God"s a woman tooThere"s a full moon tonightAnd I"m bathing in its lightNaked as the day that I was bornThere is no shame beneath this skyI have kissed the past good-byeAnd mended up my broken heart so tornWith a sweet sound only I can makeAnd it gets stronger with every breath I takeAnd it"s all a part of making me feel newMakes me think maybe God"s a woman tooMakes me think maybe God"s a woman too



翻译Bow Wow—Get That Paper 歌词

哈哈哈哈你准备好弓是啊(我们去)是(2)(体重)叫我林宝坚尼苔藓浩(隆)6.1.4(哥伦布)我们说兄弟(是的)希望的悍马(行)是他们的大卡车(是)30英寸轮辋(stuntin)是我喜欢特技(弓)我甚至不能前(哇)我喜欢很多球不是,不是这些说唱是烤像杰米福克斯很骄傲的年轻人叫它威利迪安(包括我)人球这些黑鬼甚至在淡季(好),我都没有我你有低现金叫狗屎cb4哦当我22母狗我wildin和所有女孩说他像雷阿伦(是啊),我看它的所有百威飞黑鬼不难告诉喜欢的说(寺人)和我是最好的,我说的是(是)和我是一个冠军(什么是现在看哈)喜欢坎耶知道(嗯是的)因为我是球直到我(什么)把纸(什么)特技这些家伙在乎仇敌(嗯)视频钱看起来像(什么)(x 2)的视频视频视频看钱不钱喜欢说我尝试告诉他们黑色汽车和弓(什么)你听到我湾呸(什么)和我一号(什么),像拜伦戴维斯(什么)和我保持新鲜(寺),穿上最新(寺)封闭的房子甜蜜赢得了拉斯维加斯(寺我们现在弓)支出离谱(哇),幻影的白人(白色)必须做好了大家都讨厌(耶)弓保持cakin(现金)热如凯(噢)的巡回巴士上玩游戏(疯狂),冷了哥伦布我人在代顿(俄亥俄州)玩我的钱,我不是开玩笑的像杰森(寺)流是什么了不起的是什么说(寺)我不需要孩子你知道我不想玩(嗡嗡声)你是现在知道(嗯是的)我麻球直到我倒下(365个特技你黑鬼)获得该文件(你知道我的意思)特技这些黑鬼们不在乎的人你是现在知道是(哥伦布站起来体重获得)因为我是球直到我(我看见你串)把纸(什么你的心在瓦尔登巴特)特技这些黑鬼们不在乎钱者的视频看起来像(什么)(4)的视频视频视频钱不钱看起来像说我尝试告诉他们把现在休息下来,人好嗯弓逸黑鬼什么你用电脑6000黑人减缓弓抱歉如果我被粗鲁让我自我介绍他们叫我(什么你的名字)林宝坚尼苔(隆)啊啊,这个,体重刚弓

girlfriend的歌词,Omarion&Bow wow唱的需要中英对照,

楼上是傻A.Let me tell yall!Talking: Bow Wow & Omarion][Bow Wow:] Uh[Omarion:] So special超特别的..[Bow Wow:] LB Dub(bow wow的厂牌名)[Omarion:] Ahhh [Omarion:] That`s my girl, yeah(那是我的女孩~)[Bow Wow:] True that(没错)[Omarion:] That`s my girl(那是我的女友~)[Bow Wow:] That"s right(说得对)[Omarion:] She with me homie(老兄 她是我的了)[Omarion:] Omarion yeah[Bow Wow:] Yep! Uh[Omarion:] And Bow Wow yeah[Bow Wow:] Yep! Uh[Omarion:] Yeah yeaaahhh, yeaahhh[Bow Wow:] I"m sayin O(O,我说..是时候了)[Omarion:] Lemme tell you what my girlfriend looking like(让我告诉你我有个怎样的女友)[Bow Wow:] Holla at the people man(和大家打个招呼)[Bow Wow:] Hey[Verse 1: Omarion]She be rockin them D&G"s她身穿DnGHer jeans be riding low她穿着超低腰的牛仔裤Homies breakin they neck兄弟们扭断了脖子(脖子歪得很厉害)Just to see how far they go down down来看她的牛仔裤能低到多低Shawty put it on me like a pro宝贝她轻松的俘虏了我They say she got my head gone (yep)他们说她让我神魂颠倒She got my head gone (Shol is)神魂颠倒啦.!I can"t even lie 我甚至不能掩饰She put it on me (Shol is)她迷住了我I can"t even lie 我甚至不能假装She got me homie (Shol is)她俘虏了我I"ll fight you, Try to take her from me如果你想抢走她我会揍你"Cause she"s all I got因为她是我的一切"Cause she"s all I got因为她是我的全部[Chorus:]You got Baby you got that good stuff你所拥有的一切都那么好Good love完美的爱Put it on me迷住了我Can"t get enough我永远不能满足Yep, that"s my girlfriend哈哈 那是我的女朋友Yep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriendAll mine, all mine她的一切都是我的Shawty with me all the time我的宝贝一直和我待在一起Stay hot, stay fly一直那么火辣 一直那么有型Keep her right by my side, (she so fine yeah,yeah)把她留在我身边(她太棒了)Yep, that"s my girlfriend哈 那是我的女朋友Yep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriend[Verse 2: Bow Wow]She got a body of a stripper man, stripper man (stripper man)她有一个和脱衣舞女郎一样迷人的身材She be doing her lil dance她跳着属于自己的舞So I tip her man (I tip her man)所以我为她花钱And man she hood wit it嘿 她喜欢这样So fine (uh huh)真不错啊Lil mama宝贝女孩So fly (yeahh)超有型Do anything for the b-o-dub为我做一切事情And thats why she stay right by my side这就是为什么她留在我身边Like LL, she so bad像LL(是ll cool j?)一样 她很顽皮She likes when my True"s sag她喜欢我的风格My tattoos, she like that我的纹身 她的最爱Anything she want, she got that无论她想要什么 都不是问题Them other broads, can fall back其他的那些人They hate cuz they wanna be where you at他们嫉妒 因为他们也想成为你She number one like T-mac把她放在第一位(NO.1)就像麦蒂一样What nigga gonna do you like that还有哪个黑人小子能像我这样对你?[Chorus:]You got (前面有)Baby you got that good stuff (you got that good stuff)Good love (good looove)Put it on meCan"t get enough (put it on my baaby)Yep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriend (and please believe you gon always be my girl)Yep, that"s my girlfriendAll mine, all mine (she rockin that Louie V)Shawty with me all the timeStay hot, stay flyKeep her right by my side, (and she so fine cant you see)Yep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriend[Verse 3: Omarion]Shawty got keys to my car宝贝有我的车钥匙Keys to my crib我别墅的钥匙Always where I is总是和我在一起Always paying the bills (yeahh)总是我来买单I keep it G 我让这事变得gangsta点Yeah shawty put me down哈 宝贝I spend a G every time she comes around每当她出现时我就开始花钱 She"s my girl but I wanna tip her, yeeah她已经是我的但我忍不住要去讨好她And her body"s built like a stripper, yeeah她有着迷人的身材We keep it hot up in that RangeWith the feet up on the dashboard, dashboard 我们之间那些火辣的..哈哈哈不说~She"ll do anything I like (yeaaahhhh, yeeahhh)她会做任何事 只要我喜欢[Chorus:]You got (前面有)baby you got that good stuffGood lovePut it on meCan"t get enoughYep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriendAll mine, all mineShawty with me all the time (she be with me all the time)Stay hot, stay flyKeep her right by my side, (ohh, she"s so beautiful)Yep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriend[Bridge: Omarion]Oh I won"t give you up girl我不会离开你 女孩You"ve got that (fire love)你有着像火一样的爱情People might hate us也许有些人不喜欢看到我们在一起But you"ll always be my girl但你永远都是我的女孩(Don"t be mad at me)不要生我的气 毕竟我的女孩的所有都是我的!(Cause my girl is all mines, all mines) {sheee"s all minnne}That"s my baby, that"s my girl那是我的宝贝 我的女人And I need her in my world我的世界需要她She"s got me going craaaaazy 我为她疯狂!(Craaaazy baaabyy)[Chorus:]You got (前面有)baby you got that good stuffGood love (she got that good stuff and that good looove)Put it on meCan"t get enoughYep, that"s my girlfriend (yeah yeahh yeahh yeeahh)Yep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriendYep, that"s my girlfriendAll mine, all mineShawty with me all the time (shawty wit me all the time)Stay hot, stay flyKeep her right by my side, (she so fine cant you see man)Yep, that"s my girlfriend(can you hear me man)Yep, that"s my girlfriend(can you hear me man)Yep, that"s my girlfriend(cuz thats my girrlll)Yep, that"s my girlfriendBow Wow Talks while Omarion gettin it in the background:(bow wow和Omarion在说一些无聊话 就不用知道了)Yeah man, uhthats my lil mami, you know what I"m talkin aboutI fly G5, she fly G5I stay fly, she stay flySimply as thatAye man I even got the matching dog paw chainYou know what Im sayin to match my iced out dog paw chainyou know what I mean[Omarion:]Said that"s my girlfriend (yep)You see, said that"s my girlfriend (yep)[Bow Wow:] {We got another hit O}You see, See she my girlfriendRockin that O chainYeah that"s me man[talks:] WooI know you can tell she with me right?Say man, just ask her[Bow Talks:]You can catch me man, Ridin with the top down in my red L430 manShe sittin right there by my sideAll day you know what im talkin about[Omarion:] Bow Wow[Bow Wow:] (Me)[Omarion:] OMARIONYepAnd cut[Bow Wow:] L - B - DUB gangAhhT - U - G yeah

Bow Wow的《to my mama》 歌词

歌曲名:to my mama歌手:Bow Wow专辑:UnleashedYeah, this song right here is dedicated to that one special woman in my life, right(Thank you for loving me) My Mother(And thank you for holding me down) Theresa(I know that you care for me) Rene(Cuz you"ve always been around) Sing itMa (Thank you for loving me) This song right here is for you(I wanna thank you for holding me down) All the love you showed me(I know that you care for me) I"ma give it right back to youLet"s goAll of the things you do (yeah)I can never repay you (uh huh)I can"t imagine life without youMy mama, my roll dogAll of the things you do (yeahI can never repay you (ah uh)I can"t imagine life without youMy mama, my roll dogAnything you need from me, Ma, you know that it"s yoursYou"re the only woman in my life that I adoreI remember back in the days when we couldn"t get muchTV"s wasn"t covered and the floor was tore upHow you juggle three jobs just to take care of meYo baby boy, Bow WeezyLate night shifts, daytime to the AMComin" home late, there was my best friendMy soulmate, yes, my big brotherThe one who tucked me in, put me under the coversWhen I had nightmares, you came right awayRead me bedtime stories and chased them awayMy beautiful black queen, my everythingThe one that keeps this heart pumpin" everydayI"m a young man nowBut my plan is to show you that I really understandMom, I love youAll of the things you doI can never repay youI can"t imagine life without youMy mama, my roll dogLook at you nowYou sittin" up on top of the worldGot a X5 and a Benz just to swerveGotcha dream house nowSittin" on big land, big money, big jewels, big game planYou told me one day I"ma make it this farHave God in my life and I"m gon" be the starI did it, well, look where we atDon"t have to worry "bout past due bills and all thatDon"t have to worry "bout them bill collectors all on yo backDon"t worryIf you ain"t got it, I gotcho backDon"t even worry "bout you workin 3 jobs real lateDon"t even have to worry when you have no food to put on the plateBack then, I didn"t understand but I do nowI look back and I reminisce on how it all went downWent from bad to good, from frowns to smilesMom, I really love you, understand nowI love youThank you for loving meSay what nowThank you for holding me downSay what nowI know that you care for meSing thatCuz you"ve always been aroundKick it back andThank you for loving meSay what nowThank you for holding me downSay what nowI know that you care for meSay whatCuz you"ve always been aroundDrop the beat backYo (yeah)This song right here is dedicated to my mother (and oh)And all the mothers out there (oh oh ooh)Every mother (yeah)All the single mothers out there workin" hard (oh oh yeah)Just keep ya head up (oh)And we gon do it like this for all the mothers now (oh oh oh ooh)All the mothers rock rock rock on (ooh)All the mothers rock rock rock on (ooh)If you wit me, rock rock rock on (ooh)Uh uhu uh (just keep ya, just keep ya)Just keep ya head up (just keep ya)Uh uhu uh rock on (just keep ya head up)Uh uhu uh rock on (just keep ya head up)Uh, all my single mothers, rock on (yeah)All my mothers come on, uh (yeah yeah)All of the things you do (all the things you do)I can never repay you (that"s why I love you)I can"t imagine life without you (that"s why I need you)My mama, my roll dog (that"s why I need you, yeah)All of the things you do (all the things you do)I can never repay you (I can never replace you)I can"t imagine life without youI can"t imagine my life without the one I loveOh no yeah yeah yeahWhoo ooh oohYeah yeah oh oh oh oh noI love you mamaSaid I love you mamaYeah yeahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14240163

Bow Wow的《Like You》 歌词

歌曲名:Like You歌手:Bow Wow专辑:Like You (Feat. Ciara) (4 Pack)Bow Wow - Like You (Feat Ciara)I ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)Now I done been with different kind of girlsLike I done seen em allbut ain"t none of them at all (like u)And I done seen the best of the bestBaby still I ain"t impressedcause ain"t none of them at all (like u)If you know how I feel when I chillIf I"m seen with a girl then she gotta be just (like u)And baby that"s the way I feelAnd I got no choice but for me to keep it realCause when we first got together started hanging out you wasSkeptical at first had to figure out ifI was the kind of guy to try to dog you out butI ain"t that kind of guy you tried to make me outYou found out when you turned into my babyI showed them other brothers how to treat a ladyI let you drive when I ride that MercedesAnd I ain"t trippin or actin shady cause baby you knoI ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)And every time I think about you (I cry)When you ride when you call when you come I (ride)Your love is a-mazing to meCan"t wait til I see you (I wanna be wit you again)And every time you"re out on the road (I make a trip)And whenever I"m doing a show (Don"t you forget)That I"m your (main chick)Who got that (game chick)One and the (same chick)The one you can hang withI ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)Okay when you hit the mall pop tags spend a few g"s (jazin?)Hit the runway to a new season (season)It ain"t nothin it"s you the one I care forFeel like I ain"t doing enoghthat"s when I share more (share more)I give you this give you that what you need love (love)You know I got it holla at me if you need love (love)And affection cause i"ll be your protectionKinda hard job but i"ll do it to perfectionAnd you can tell that I ain"t tryna let you goI get with you when I can so that"s how I let you knoAnd you be trippin cause sometimes I gotta goBut you the first one I hollared to right after my showsAnd I was trippin in a sense I was tenseFrom my body loose around you what imma do without youI gotta get it together say whatevaSince I met you my life seems so bettaI ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)I ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)http://music.baidu.com/song/8322655


JTL《BowWow》歌词Yeah 2 double02 J.T.L. it"s comin" at ya 每天回家彻夜不眠同电脑作战~ 然后去学校睡觉被发现, 被责骂~ 还在班长面前眼睛瞪大~ Bow wow wow e py yo e py yeah! 邻居的上班族每天去上班但却不做事儿~ star craft,眼睛变大~ (果然)金董事发现了被骂~ Bow wow wow e py yo e py yeah! 大家都说这样的我疯了。 Bow wow wow e py yo e py yeah! 我只是酱,我就是今天的我。 谁说什么都无所谓。 Bow wow wow e py yo e py yeah! 只是稍稍等一下看, 这个世界里已经变了我也。 Bow wow wow e py yo e py yeah! Bow wow wow e py yo e py yeah! My friend今天为hip-hop痴迷。 耳朵上一天也离不开耳机。 My friend今天全然是hip-hop~ Bow wow wow e py yo e py yeah! 如今你为漫画而疯狂,发昏了吧。 学校的课业全翘了,跑去茶屋看漫画。 追求被漫画充满的世界。 Bow wow wow e py yo e py yeah! 大家都说这样的我疯了。 我只是酱,我就是今天的我。 谁说什么都无所谓。 Bow wow wow e py yo e py yeah! 只是稍稍等一下看, 这个世界里已经变了我也。 Bow wow wow e py yo e py yeah! 我希望能在梦里实现我的愿望。 谁说什么都无所谓。 所有人都误解我看扁我阻止我,我只是单纯的觉得自己幸福, 只要我自己喜欢,管谁说什么 uuh! 我想的时候我的心意我的热情就酱堂堂的亮出来。 这一刻我的热情,我就是今天的我,谁说什么都无所谓 Bow wow wow e py yo e py yeah! 只是稍稍等一下看, 这个世界里已经变了我。 Bow wow wow e py yo e py yeah! 在我梦中的世界, 我大大的张开着翅膀…… Bow wow wow e py yo e py yeah! 只是看守着,世界已经改变。 Bow wow wow e py yo e py yeah! Ha ha...

求 Bow Wow 的 Thats my name 的所有歌词

歌曲名:Bow Wow (That"S My Name)歌手:Lil Bow Wow Featuring Snoop Dogg专辑:Beware Of DogJTL - Bow WowYEAH2 DOUBLE ZERO 2JTL.COMIN" AT YAJibe ojamaja meir jam anjagobamse khom phyothowa shirumhago igoto hagyo eso jaga gallyo odothojigodashi monitho aphesomyon nuni khojigoBOW WOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!uriyoph jib hoesawon meir churgun hagoir anhago stha harya nuni khojigo (yogshi)gim isaege gollyo odothojigoBOW WOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!iron narur modu michyodago haneBOW WOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!nar gunyang jom neboryo dwonan jigumui nair pun nuga mwora hedo sangwanhaji anhaBOW WOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!BOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!jogumman gidaryobwa sesangyr bakwoborir narurBOW WOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!BOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!BOW WOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!MY FRIEND jigum hibhabe michyodajiiophon gwoe gorgo pajir nari objiMY FRIEND jigum hibhabi jonbujiBOW WOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!jigum manhwae michin no jejong shin anijihagyosuob da pemogo manhwa bang gandajimanhwaro gadugchan sesangur baragoijiBOW WOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!iron narur modu michyodago haneBOW WOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!nar gunyang jom neboryo dwonan jigumui nair pun nuga mwora hedo sangwan haji anhaBOW WOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!BOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!jogumman gidaryobwa sesangur bakwo borir narurBOW WOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!BOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!nega wonhego baredon nega kumkwo wadongu nuga mwora gon sangwan hagon margonmoduga nar biturgeman barabonun shis ondwie gumandur su obsodon gon dansunhi nejashini hengboghadago kyoso gunyang negajohaso nuga mwora gedo UHH!nega nukinun dero ne tudero ne yorjong iderodangdanghi phyorchyo nagar goya idero ne yorjonguronan jigumui nair pun nuga mwora hedo sangwan haji anhaBOW WOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!BOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!jogumman gidaryobwa sesangur bakwoborir narurBOW WOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!BOW WOW E PY YO E PY YEAH!nega kumkwon sesang ne nargeryr hwarjag phyorchir su igeBOW WOW WOW E PY YO E P









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爵士舞的种类有哪几种。例如may j lee的superstar. worth it是属于什么。还

属于new jazz西安北郊未央区盛龙广场泷舞舞蹈零基础培训学校告诉大家爵士舞大略分为以下几种:  1.classical jazz 传统的爵士舞,在歌舞剧里面常见。(很难用言语形容!)  2. ballet jazz 就是融合芭蕾舞。但是这种爵士,并不是由爵士乐来的,而是因舞蹈潮流而结合在一起。因爵士舞本身较芭蕾有爆发性,像是pose的定格,跳跃,踢腿等,是芭蕾所没有的。  3.new jazz 就是现在我们一般在跳的爵士,pose点比较多,以前可能是有了舞蹈,再找音乐,但是新潮爵士则是有音乐,再配合去编舞,像各式音乐MTV。NEW JAZZ早期是在美国纽约由芭蕾所演化过来,但是它是透过JANET JAKCSON的「IF」MTV中,才逐渐让人发现芭蕾融合HIP-HOP的街舞魅力。NEW JAZZ的特色可以说是JAZZ加上HIP-HOP的一种舞蹈,可是NEW JAZZ并不归类于HIP-HOP里的其中一门。 它的特色是:身体的延展。NEW JAZZ的每个动作都有固定的角度跟摆的方式,当你在作手的动作时会有无限延伸的感觉,这种感觉就像是有人正在拉你的手一样。目前我们国内的jazz dancer多是女生, 跟舞者在跳NEW JAZZ的妩媚感觉可以说有很大的关系。但是实际上在国外是没有这样子分的,我们在很多音乐录像带里头都可以见到跳new jazz的男舞者。舞蹈本来就没有性别之分,没有什么舞蹈是专门给一个性别跳的,所以大家学舞的时候不要设限喔!  4.funky jazz 这种据说是融合了有氧舞蹈的一种。是介于hip-hop及jazz之间,有hip-hop的感觉但却缺少了它的律动吧.....  5.hip hop jazz 这不用说啦,当然是有hiphop律动在里头的爵士舞。  6.africa jazz 我想是beat比较重,动作大而比较俐落,追求力道的美感吧。通常会有甩头的动作。  7.Latin jazz 其实这个流派是分的很不明显的,但是拉丁爵士,一开始是跟国际标准舞有关,像是森巴什么的。不管男生女生,跳起来都有一种热情奔放,充满诱惑的感觉。  8.Be-bop house和jazz结合的一种舞风。BE-BOP这种舞风它算是HOUSE跟NEW JAZZ的混合体,因为它跟HOUSE一样充满了许多脚步的动作,但是在做动作的同时还必须将身体做出跟NEW JAZZ一样的延伸的感觉,所以也有所谓的BE-BOP JAZZ. 在台湾几乎没有一个专攻BE-BOP的DANCER  一点一点从基本练起,爵士舞的种类也有不少,尤其是在美国舞蹈圈的种类就更繁多。主流可分为:踢躂舞 Tap Dance,舞台式爵士舞 Theatrical Jazz Dance,现代爵士舞Modern Jazz Dance,街头爵士舞Street Jazz Dance。

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1、首先需要确保Word的宏安全性设置至少为“中”(工具-宏-安全性-中)。2、在Word里面新建一个空白文档,给它随便取个名字(比如“我的日志”)保存一下——这个文档就是你以后日志文档的开端了!(注意,如果你用的是Word 2007的话,需要保存为启用宏的文档*.docm)3、键入ALT+F11打开VBA编辑窗口,键入CTRL+R激活左边的“工程 – Project”面板;4、双击工程面板中的“Project (我的日志)Microsoft Word 对象ThisDocument”打开代码窗口;粘贴如下代码进去:Option ExplicitDim oLogFileCreator As LogFileCreatorPrivate Sub Document_Open()On Error Resume Next Set oLogFileCreator = New LogFileCreatorSet oLogFileCreator.WordApplication = ApplicationEnd SubPrivate Sub Document_Close()On Error Resume NextSet oLogFileCreator.WordApplication = NothingSet oLogFileCreator = NothingEnd Sub5、选择菜单“插入-类模块”,然后在工程面板里双击这个刚生成的“Project (我的日志)类模块类1”,粘贴如下代码进去:Option ExplicitPublic WithEvents WordApplication As Word.Application" 根据需要修改下面引号中的内容作为你日子文件的默认前缀Private Const c_strFileNamePrefix = "我的日志_"Private Sub WordApplication_DocumentBeforeSave(ByVal Doc As Document, SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)On Error Resume NextDim fso As ObjectDim strOldName As String, strNewName As String Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strOldName = ActiveDocument.FullNamestrNewName = fso.BuildPath(fso.GetParentFolderName(strOldName), Format(Now, c_strFileNamePrefix & "yyyy-mm-dd.") & fso.GetExtensionName(strOldName)) If UCase(strNewName) <> UCase(strOldName) ThenActiveDocument.SaveAs strNewNamefso.DeleteFile strOldNameCancel = TrueEnd If Set fso = NothingEnd Sub6、可以根据需要修改代码中的日志文件名前缀。默认的日志文件名是类似 “我的日志_2009-09-12”这样的形式。7、键入F4打开属性面板,在里面把“(名称)”从“类1”改为“LogFileCreator”。8、键入ALT+Q关闭VBA编辑窗口返回Word文档窗口,保存,关闭。9、再次重新打开这个文档,如果Word提示是否启用宏,选择启用。10、现在你的这个自动按日期保存的日志就可以正常运作了。每次你做完修改后,只要你一保存,它就会根据今天的日期自动把文档保存成类似这样的形式“我的日志_2009-09-12”(前缀“我的日志”可以在上面代码中修改)。

marrymarrychristmas togetherwocanfind英文歌高潮部分男生唱的

Merry, Merry Christmas- Fabian Buch

大概歌词是这样you are my super hero ~……wo wo wo wo wo…很火

u300asongthing just like thisu300b

一本德文小说的翻译,小说名字是:Die Wolke

你要是看得懂德语的话就直接进入wiki的德语版,里面有详细介绍,作者通过描写一位叫Janna-Berta 的主人公的命运(她是核辐射的受害者,),假想当年切尔诺贝利核泄漏这样的惨痛事件在德国发生会产生怎样的影响,借此对核能的使用进行谴责。Janna-Berta 的家人全都受辐射死去,她逃到东西德边界处后被送往医院,并出现了身体的异变开始掉头发,而后她住在汉堡的阿姨把她接回去,但是却隐瞒Janna的祖父发生在这一家人身上的变故(她的祖父母在灾难发生时去度假而幸免)。直到她的另一位阿姨Almut来看她,Almut本人也受辐射影响而失去了孩子,Janna就搬去和她一起住并且帮助受苦难的这群人。之后Janna又回到自己原来的家,见到了仍然被蒙在鼓里的祖父母,并最终把一切告诉了他们。我写了那么多,希望有用啊。这部书还拍过同名电影的。(你都不给分的弄...)

woman in love的故事梗概

小说Woman in love 由英国作家D.H.Lawrence 所著并于1920年出版。这部小说是作者早期作品The Rainbow (1995)的续集,故事仍然以布兰文(Brangwen) 姐妹古德兰和厄休拉(Gudrun and Ursula) 的爱情生活为主线,描述了她们不同的情感经历和恋爱体会。姐姐厄秀拉是一个温柔美丽的中学教师;妹妹古德兰·布兰文则是一个小有名气、恃才傲物的艺术家。古德兰遇上了矿主的独生子吉拉德,原始的欲望点燃了爱的激情,然而在狂暴的激情过后,失望而痛苦的她与另一位艺术家又陷入了爱的狂欢。厄休拉与本区督学鲁伯特·伯金相爱了,她一心要让对方成为爱情的囚鸟,而对方却希望在灵与肉的交融中保持彼此心灵上的距离…… 情绪化的关系最终在被确认为同性恋吉拉德和鲁伯特之间给出更深入的情感与张力。劳伦斯毕生致力于男女性爱题材小说创作,他在揭示男女情爱的同时,将性爱描写上升到哲学和美学的高度,而那伴随着炽烈的性爱体验的,是对历史、政治、宗教、经济等社会问题的严肃思考。

一道英语阅读题:The word “colossal” in Line 3 most likely means ________.


英语翻译 All the faces in the world are mirror

世上所有的面孔是都镜子 mirror应是mirrors吧

kimi wo i ti bann a i shi te rugo日文读出来是什么意思


the words i love you,lost in the unease什么意思

1、The words I love you, lost in the unease.那句我爱你,遗失在流年里。2、I use memories under an end to end the iron between us the story.我用回忆烫下一个句号来结束我们之间的故事。3、Fireworks rain lane, whose kite is broken line, who really injured.烟花雨巷,谁的风筝断了线,谁的真心受了伤。4、Sometimes love, he come so fast, and sometimes love will call a person hurt.有时爱,他来得太快,有时爱也会叫人受伤害。5、Are you turn a walk, do not see my sad. Am I too wayward, regardless of your feelings.是你转头就走,没看见我的难过。是我太任性,不顾你的感受。6、I really love you, perhaps in your eyes just talk, but my heart is full, but you.我真的爱上了你,或许在你眼里只是说说而已,但我的心,却是满满的都是你。7、Even if I bowed my head also cannot find reason lets you took me by the hand.即使我低头也无法找到理由让你牵起我的手。8、I want to repeat the gentle strengthened themselves again and forced persons我也不想再逞强把温柔一次次逼到绝路上9、You are not me, you don"t know my loneliness, itas after.你不是我,你不用懂得我的寂寞,就当作是经过。10、Once this dial the disorderly my heartbeat, now how could I forget you.曾今拨乱我心跳的人,如今我怎么可能忘记你。

一首男人唱的英文歌!好像是用钢琴弹的,歌词里面有,one two baby...three four baby...five six baby的...

Say hello

歌词中有one two three four five的英文歌

蝴蝶怎么飞 dj舞曲

有一首歌 里面歌词有one two one two three four的higt曲叫什么名呢?

布兰妮的 3 不常见,也不知道是不是,试试把,应该是因为我也在找,而且找到了.

four-letter word是什么意思

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