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word删除空白页操作方法如下:操作设备:戴尔笔记本电脑操作系统:win10操作程序:word2019 2.011、打开一个带有多余空白页的word文档。2、选择红色方框中的段落功能。3、修改行距为红色方框中的固定值。4、设置行距为红色方框中的最小。5、点击确定完成设置。6、这时多余的空白页就删除成功了。






Word删除空白页方法:1.将鼠标放在前一页的最后,用DEL健删除。如果空白面是最后一页,且鼠标在第一行,可选“格式”-“段落”,将这一行的行距设为固定值1磅,该空白页将自动消失。2.先显示分页符,即在Word的左下角调整到“普通视图”状态,这时分页符就出现了,直接删除即可。 3 选择“替换”点“高级”,在里面选择“使用通配符”以后下面有一个“特殊字符”字的开头,按住shift的时候再点下鼠标,选择空白页,再删除;4.如果是插入分页符造成的空白页,少的话,删除分页符就行,就是到空白页顶部按退格键。(普通视图下或打开编辑标记会显示分页符) ;5.如果分页符很多,可以编辑/替换/高级/特殊字符/人工分页符/全部替换就可以了。6.如果是你画了一个表格,占了一整页,造成最后一个回车在第二页删不了,可以将表格缩小一点或者将上面或者下面页边距设小一点,在文件/页面设置中,上下的数字改小一点。7.将鼠标放在前一页的最后,用DEL健删除。如果空白面是最后一页,且鼠标在第一行,可选“格式”-“段落”,将这一行的行距设为固定值1磅,该空白页将自动消失。8、后面有空白是上一页内容过多导致的,一般可以把鼠标点到空白面上,然后按回退键,退有内容的那一面,空白的就没有了,如果还存在,可以稍调整一下上一页内容,少一行就可以了 。9、word 预览有空白页 页面视图时没有。空白页有页码,造成我打印的文档页码不连续。怎样删除:可能是你的文档中有过宽,过长的对象(如表格,图片,公式),导致与打印纸张的规格不一至,调整附近的对象(如表格,图片,公式)大小看看。也可能与分栏和一些可个和回车符号有关。10、ctrl+enter即可去除空白页11、插入表格后的Word删除空白页 在Word2003中插入一张表格并使该表格充满当前页时,会在当前页后面产生一个空白页。尽管在产生的空白页中只含有一个段落标记,但是无法将其删除,从而无法去掉该Word空白页。不过用户可以按以下步骤删除Word空白页: 第1步,在Word2003窗口选中空白页中的段落标记,然后在Word菜单栏依次单击“编辑”“全选”菜单命令。 第2步,在Word菜单栏依次单击“格式”“段落”菜单命令,打开“段落”对话框。在“行距”下拉菜单中选中“固定值”,并将“设置值”调整为“1”。设置完毕单击“确定”按钮






在光标点击你分节的起始页面,然后:页面设置-板式-节的起始位置 改成偶数页 就行。


  将Word文档的第一页改为横向的时候,如果第二页的第一行是空白的,那么就会多出一页空白的页面,但是用普通的方式又不能删除,那么下面就由我给大家分享下取消word第二页空白页的技巧,希望能帮助到您。   取消word第二页空白页 方法 一:   把光标放在多余页开头。然后按键盘上的回车键“backspace”。即可自动出现在第一页的末尾。第二页自动删除了。这是最简单的方法。   取消word第二页空白页方法二:   如果方法一失效,可尝试进入普通视图中以删除分页符的方式删除页面。如图所示。   取消word第二页空白页方法三:   也是稍微复杂的方法,按ctrl+f,找到替换标签里的特殊字符,选择手动分页即可。点击替换所有。   取消word第二页空白页方法四:   步骤一:最简单的,直接按键盘上的BackSpace或者Delete键,来进行删除。2分页符过到。打开“编辑”-->替换-->高级-->特殊字符-->手工分页符-->“全部替换”即可。   步骤二:如果画了一个表格,占据了一整页的,造成最后一个回车在第二页,删不了。可以将表格缩小一点或者将上面或者下面页边距设小一点,打开菜单栏-->文件-->“页面设置”命令中调整上下的数字,将其改小一点。   步骤三:可能你最后几行文字的格式有问题,把他们的字体行距之类调一下应该可以,如果确实不可以的话你在打印的时候直接在第一页按ctrl+p调出打印对话框之后选择打印当前页就可以了,不会打出后面的空白页的。5将鼠标放在前一页的最后,用DEL健删除。如果空白面是最后一页,且鼠标在第一行,可选“格式”-->段落,将这一行的行距设为固定值1磅,空白页就会消失。


1.如果是回车空行过多造成空白页,很简单删除空行就行了 2.可以先在空白页上段文字的末尾先点下鼠标,在自动空白页下段文字的开头,按住shift的时候再点下鼠标,选择空白页,再删除 3.如果是插入分页符造成的空白页,少的话,删除分页符就行,就是到空白页顶部按退格键 4.如果分页符很多,可以 单击菜单编辑----替换----高级-----特殊字符----人工分页符------全部替换 或者按CTRL+H打开替换对话框后在“查找内容”框中输入^b,“替换为”框中为空,单击“全部替换”就可以了 5.如果是你画了一个表格,占了一整页,造成最后一个回车在第二页删不了,可以将表格缩小一点或者将上面或者下面页边距设小一点,在 文件》》页面设置中,上 下 的数字改小一点! 6.将鼠标放在前一页的最后,用DEL健删除。如果空白面是最后一页,且鼠标在第一行,可选“格式”-“段落”,将这一行的行距设为固定值1磅,该空白页将自动消失。




word最后一页空白页的删除方法:方法1、将鼠标放在前一页的最后,用DEL健删除。如果空白面是最后一页,且鼠标在第一行,可选“格式”-“段落”,将这一行的行距设为固定值1磅,该空白页将自动消失。方法2、先显示分页符,即在Word的左下角调整到“普通视图”状态,这时分页符就出现了,直接删除即可。方法3、选择“替换”点“高级”,在里面选择“使用通配符”以后下面有一个“特殊字符”字的开头,按住shift的时候再点下鼠标,选择空白页,再删除;方法4、如果是插入分页符造成的空白页,少的话,删除分页符就行,就是到空白页顶部按退格键。(普通视图下或打开编辑标记会显示分页符) ;如果分页符很多,可以编辑/替换/高级/特殊字符/人工分页符/全部替换就可以了。如果是你画了一个表格,占了一整页,造成最后一个回车在第二页删不了,可以将表格缩小一点或者将上面或者下面页边距设小一点,在文件/页面设置中,上下的数字改小一点。将鼠标放在前一页的最后,用DEL健删除。如果空白面是最后一页,且鼠标在第一行,可选“格式”-“段落”,将这一行的行距设为固定值1磅,该空白页将自动消失。后面有空白一般是上一页内容过多导致的,一般可以把鼠标点到空白面上,然后按回退键,退有内容的那一面,空白的就没有了,如果还存在,可以稍调整一下上一页内容,少一行就可以了 。




工具/原料:华为matebookB7410、windows10、word 20071、点击将鼠标光标放到空白页,按住【backspace】删除多余内容。2、然后右键点击选择【段落】,设置段前和段后数值。3、然后点击【行距】,选择设置为【最小值】,点击【确定】。4、多个连续的空白页可以左键点击确定位置,使用【shift】全选空白页删除。5、再就是点击右下方的【普通视图】,选择虚线处进行删除。
















  1、光标定位法:适用于空白页位于文章的最后一页,直接将光标定位到最后一页,在键盘上按删除键“delete”方可将空白页删除   2、通过缩小行距删除空白页。因有时候可能因为行距而无法删除空白页,此时将光标放至空白页,单击右键,选择“段落”。在弹出的对话框中选择“缩进和间距”—“行距”,设置行距为“固定值”“1磅”方可删除空白页。   3、通过删除分页符删除空白页,文档插入分页符也会导致空白页无法删除,此时就要将分页符进行删除。具体操作方法:点击菜单栏的“视图”—“web版式”。在web版式中找到分页符进行删除,空白页就没有了。


第一步点击 “章节”然后直接点击删除本节 就可以了

Unscramble the words and match the words with the definitions 谁知道这句话的意思


Match the words to their definitions.(把单词和它们的释义连接?

高兴帮助你Match the words to their definitions.把单词和它们对应的定义连起来。请采纳,谢谢!需要你给出几个定义和单词,才能帮你相连。

Match the words and phrases with the definitions 什么意思


match the words with the definitions


什么是 TRT- WORLD?懂维语的同胞进来!

May 1, 1964 As the article 359 came into effect in the Turkish Constitution, the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (“TRT” from here onwards) was established and fully authorized to run the State radio channels. 有英文版的

There are two pieces of paper in the bag. 对 two pieces of paper 对划线部分进行提问 应该是什么?

What"s in the bag?

The team won和The team is winning什么区别?


we won和we are winning的差别是什么


What made her so happy? __. A.Win B.Winning C.Won D.Wins A跟B,想不清楚

选 B 只有动名词能做主语 而其他选项都不能做主语。



they won the basketball match snd they were w——。添什么?


A life in the world,each deachin order to be bach 什么意思

世界上有一种生命,它的每一次死亡,都是为了归来。(我想你打错了,应该是A life in the world,each death in order to be back! )

请帮忙把下面英文翻译成中文In order to move forward, I would like to ask y?


the old woman farms the land改为一般疑问句

Does the old woman farm the land? How many students are there in our class?

Work Hard, Play Hard 歌词

Work Hard, Play Hard歌手:Wiz Khalifa单曲发行时间:2012-05-18专辑:Work Hard Play Hard歌词:HookWork hard, play hard (x4)Work (x8)Buying gear, flying heref-ck what you heard, its my time of yearIf I"m in the club I get a hundred stacksI"m always rollin" up so I could laugh at thatYou see it in the closet before it"s on the rackWas at the ? Hawaii now I"m going backI got so much money I should start a bankSo much paper right in front of me it"s hard to thinkFind so many bottles it"s gon be hard to drinkBut I"m still pouring up and my family hereAnd they rolling up so, ughThe bigger the billThe harder you ballWell I"m throwin" mineCause my money longThe quicker you"re hereThe faster you goThat"s why, where I come from, the only thing we know isThe bigger the billThe harder you ballWell I"m throwin" mineCause my money longThe quicker you"re hereThe faster you goThat"s why, where I come from, the only thing we know isWork hard, play hard (x4)Work (x8)Hopped your pretty *ss up in this f-cking carb*tch I"m out this world, girl you know I"m a starUsed to buying rounds, but now we buy the barLast year they had to ask, now they know who we areYou can tell by who I"m on the phone withNeed to f-ck around, get ya own sh*tGet ya own cars, get ya own clothesGet ya own smoke, get ya own b*tchYeah, you aint reppin" my gang, get ya own cliqueThe bigger the billThe harder you ballWell I"m throwin" mineCause my money longThe quicker you"re hereThe faster you goThat"s why, where I come from, the only thing we know isThe bigger the billThe harder you ballWell I"m throwin" mineCause my money longThe quicker you"re hereThe faster you goThat"s why, where I come from, the only thing we know isGo hard, make sure you do whatever it is that you gotta doThats your jobSo hey f-ck ‘em don"t need nothing from ‘emIt"s straight from CaliThats whats in my jointThats what I"m puffin"OG and been one since I was young enough that know that everybody was gonna know meThe bigger the billThe harder you ballWell I"m throwin" mineCause my money longThe quicker you"re hereThe faster you goThat"s why, where I come from, the only thing we know isThe bigger the billThe harder you ballWell I"m throwin" mineCause my money longThe quicker you"re hereThe faster you goThat"s why, where I come from, the only thing we know isWork hard, play hard

翻译文章 wanted :blue -collar workers to many,

have to表示客观需要做的事情,意思是“必须”、“不得不”.后跟动词原形,有人称、时态和数的变化,与情态动词 must 近义.一、 have to 的陈述句形式A、 肯定式:have to + 动词原形1、 I have to tidy my room.我得整理房间.2、 She has to help with the washing.她得帮忙洗衣服.B、 否定式:don"t (doesn"t) + haveto + 动词原形1、You don"t have to go if you don"t want to.如果你不想去,你就不必去.2、He doesn"t have to stay at home all day.他不必整天呆在家里.二、have to 的一般疑问句形式及简略答语have to的一般疑问形式必须借助助动词 do 或 does:1、 Do you have to look after your sister?你得照看你妹妹么?Yes,I do./ No,I don"t.是的,我得照看./不,我不必照看.2、 Does Jim have to do his homework?吉姆必须做家庭作业么?

Worrying never stops the bad stuff from happening

你好!Worrying never stops the bad stuff from happening担心永远不会停止坏事情的发生

What kind of attitude do people teng to take toward blue collar workers?


Wanted:Blue-Collar Workers的翻译是:什么意思


Virtual World 歌词

歌曲名:Virtual World歌手:The Verve专辑:A Storm In Heaven「Virtual World」作词∶U作曲∶U歌∶松下优也Virtual Boys Virtual Girls机械に恋い焦がれ二次元世界にただ憧れそれがないともうダメVirtual World Virtual Worldの中に饮み込まれ现実に追い込まれる日々やめたいヤツはこの指にとまれ现代に蔓延るゲーム、インターネット、携帯その他诸々いいんじゃねえ?けど停滞してる头マジやば过ぎHold on Hold on起きてますかHey Was up!?年柄年中の何とか中毒さん部屋にこもり1人でサバイブでもアライブ状态なのにバーチャルに梦を抱く仕事终了即家に帰宅で始まるゲームと共に现実から逃避してくモロに更に进化続けるテクノロジー ゲームの中で人を何人杀しいつするか分からない行动报道された後じゃ遅い同情Virtual Boys Virtual Girls机械に恋い焦がれ二次元世界にただ憧れそれがないともうダメVirtual World Virtual Worldの中に饮み込まれ现実に追い込まれる日々やめたいヤツはこの指にとまれ早く持ちたいな なんて思ってたあの憧れの携帯今じゃそんなの昔の话今は依存症よくある话でしょ人と人会话も交わさずに下向きながらメール打ち必死ギッシリ书き込まれた内容を送信 また谁かが受信大切な人と繋がれる手段だったりもするんだでも一歩间违えりゃ简単に手放せなくなるあんたの思考を略夺そして泣く泣く悲剧のヒロイン颜あげてみな 広がる景色は矛盾している真実ここは现実でもVirtual WorldVirtual Boys Virtual Girls机械に恋い焦がれ二次元世界にただ憧れそれがないともうダメVirtual World Virtual Worldの中に饮み込まれ现実に追い込まれる日々やめたいヤツはこの指にとまれいつまで経っても増える一方诽谤中伤书き込む通称名无し2ちゃんでまたどうこう言うの?じゃあ俺が见せますどうこうゆうの?二次元世界でやりたい放题三次元世界じゃやりそうにないヤツほどやってる相当重伤だな矫正施设とか言う前にどう接してる自分に対し理想と现実のフィードバック疲れまたリモート连日连夜理解しないと持てない梦や希望绝対なれはしないヒーロー暗い部屋から飞び出してShall we dance?さあ1、2ステップVirtual Boys Virtual Girls机械に恋い焦がれ二次元世界にただ憧れそれがないともうダメVirtual World Virtual Worldの中に饮み込まれ现実に追い込まれる日々やめたいヤツはこの指にとまれ収録∶キミへのラブソング~10年先も~ - Virtual World/発売日∶2012/01/25终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3477473

反编译framework-res.apk 修改好了运营商(就是把“中国移动”改别的字)怎么回编译就出错了?

framework-res.apk 是apk文件的框架结构...反编译前一定要备份....不然一旦回编出错,就像你的问题...直接就跪了....只能找个魅族MX的framework-res.apk的原版替换进去..你的回编出错可能有1.该框架文件已被编译过.2.你反编译修改时方法有误3.把"中国移动"改的时候最好字段长度不变,如改为"求粉求蹭"的四字4.反编译回去会自动打包生成apk文件!这个时候这个apk还不能使用!必须用压缩软件直接解压这个apk文件找到刚才修改的operators.xml文件备用!5.用rar软件打开我们原始的framework-res.apk文件(注意是打开)>>>res>>>找到xml文件夹并打开,然后将我们备用的operators.xml文件拖到xml文件夹内替换原文件,(注意这个时候有个窗口,压缩方式必须选择标准,当然,替换其他文件如图片就必须选择存储,这个自己注意就可以了)6.替换好的framework-res.apk文件,(注意不要再签名了),直接可以使用,导入SD,复制到system下改成系统权限(不知道系统权限的自己用re看看源文件的权限就知道了),然后剪切到framework文件.....................然后重启OK........如果还有疑问继续问我吧...本人比较懒....就码这么多字了.....

office word 联机协作 怎么操作?



修改代码 page.php




网站内容多了后,想不同的内容来调用不同的侧边栏来优化网站的体验。这个是有一个插件的,但是模板已被自己改得乱七八糟的,而且也想直接代码来实现,下面的代码较为明了,并且经过了验证。不同页面调用不同侧边栏的两种代码方式:<?php if(is_page()) { // We"re on a "page", which? if (is_page("About")) { // Ah, the about page! get_sidebar("about"); // 调用 sidebar-about.php } elseif (is_page("archives")) { get_sidebar("archives"); // 调用 sidebar-archives.php } elseif (is_page("contact")) { get_sidebar("contact"); // 调用 sidebar-contact.php } else { // if we"re not any of the above pages get_sidebar(); // 调用 sidebar.php } else { get_sidebar(); // 调用 sidebar.php } ?>或者<?php //to be able to use this outside the_Loop if ( have_posts() ) { the_post(); rewind_posts(); } if ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) { get_sidebar("home"); //gets sidebar-home.php } elseif ( is_archive() ) { get_sidebar("archive"); //gets sidebar-archive.php } elseif ( is_page() ) { get_sidebar("page"); //gets sidebar-page.php } elseif ( is_single() ) { get_sidebar("single"); //gets sidebar-single.php } else { get_sidebar() //gets sidebar.php } ?>不同分类调用不同侧边栏代码<?php //to be able to use this outside the loop if( have_posts() ) { the_post(); rewind_posts(); } if( in_category("1") ) { get_sidebar("themes"); //调用 sidebar-themes.php } elseif ( in_category("2") ) { get_sidebar("plugins"); //调用 sidebar-plugins.php } elseif ( in_category("3") ) { get_sidebar("course"); //调用 sidebar-course.php } elseif ( in_category("4") || in_category("5") || in_category("6") ) { get_sidebar("catRest"); //调用 sidebar-catRest.php } else { get_sidebar() //调用 sidebar.php } ?>

office word 联机协作怎么操作?

office word 联机协作操作方法:1安排会议单击“工具”菜单之“联机协作”。注意:如果此时你的WORD中该菜单文字皆为灰色,那么,对不起,它表示你在安装OFFICE2000时没有装载可选项“MSNetMeeting(微软网络会议程序)”,而此程序却恰恰是本文的主角。请将它安装上。现在单击“安排会议”选项,系统弹出“会议”对话框。就像我们填过无数次的个人简历一样,你只须对号入座就行了。但对其中几个关键的项目应注意:首先,你只须点击一下“收件人”按钮,并在“选择与会者及资源”的对话框中动动鼠标就行了。另外,那个“这是联机会议”的选项一定要选定,否则到时你可能无法实时收到对方的信息;在“目录服务器”和“组织者的电子邮件地址”栏中,你也要如实填入你所使用的服务器名称和你的Email地址;最后,还要在“OFFICE文档”项中选定开会时共享的文档以及会议的“类别”——我想还是“私有”最合适吧。一切搞定,单击“发送”2. 现在开会单击“工具”菜单之“联机协作”的“现在开会”选项,WORD应该弹出“联机会议”工具栏,同时Windows任务栏的系统托盘上也应出现一个叫“MSNetMeeting”的程序图标,两者缺一不可。现在再右击系统托盘上的“NetMeeting”图标,选择“打开”——怎么样,咱们的“网络会议室”够豪华吧。赶快点击“呼叫”按钮(注意:此时,与点击“联机会议”工具栏上的“呼叫参加人”按钮效果相同,并在弹出窗口中选择相应的服务器,当然还有参加开会的朋友们。单击“呼叫”后你就静待佳音吧。此时,只要是参加进会议的朋友,首先看到的便是你在“安排会议”时所设的共享“OFFICE文档”。也许性急的朋友现在已经坐不住了,这样的“联机会议”与Web浏览有什么区别啊?微软的NetMeeting至少为我们提供了三种互动式交流界面——谈天室、白板和音频视频输出(入)。运用起来都非常简单。其中的“聊天室”,只须单击NetMeeting“工具”菜单的“谈天”选项即可,交谈方式与其他类型的“聊天室”大同小异(而“音频视频输出(入)”呢,我因没有家用摄像头而无福消受,只能点点“工具”菜单上的“切换音频和视频”选项解解眼馋了;倒是一个叫做“白板”的东西让我流连忘返,因为它可以让你发挥无尽的想象,把某种不能用语言方式表达的意思用图案、绘画或别的什么方法表达出来。3. Web讨论既然是开会没有“讨论”气氛怎么能行?单击WORD2000“工具”菜单之“联机作”之“WEB讨论”项,并在弹出的工具栏中选择“在文档中插入讨论”按钮,现在你就可以痛痛快快地高谈阔论了。注意:在输入讨论之前要确定主题,以便接收方便于查看。需要说明的是,当你一旦收到或插入了讨论文字,WORD的窗口便会自动分成上下两截,上部是原文,下部是插话。插话的部分也并非全文显示,而是在其右边多出一个“信签”似的图标来表示。将鼠标移动其上,即可看到讨论主题,而右击该图标,又可进行诸如“答复”、“编辑”一类的操作。真可谓傻瓜式的操作,精灵般的效果。

it will stay from teo to two to two.是什么意思

这道题的原题应该是A train will stay at a station from two to two to two two一列火车将要在一个站点从差2分钟两点停留到2点过2分。two to two 1:58分two two 2:02分


调用侧栏的是sidebar.php和页脚footer.php这两个文件!x0dx0a不管是首页的index.php还是单篇日志页面的single.php,在文件的最后面,总是有这么两行代码:x0dx0a< ?php get_sidebar(); ?>x0dx0a< ?php get_footer(); ?>x0dx0a我们需要分两种情况说明:x0dx0ax0dx0a第一种情况:如果不使用主题的Widgets,那么只要两步就能完成对不同侧边栏的调用。x0dx0ax0dx0a找到single.php文件里的:x0dx0a< ?php get_sidebar(); ?>x0dx0a修改为:x0dx0a< ?php include_once("sidebar2.php"); ?>x0dx0a上传并覆盖single.php,刷新,搞定!x0dx0a第二种情况:如果你使用了Widgets,只需要4步,也就能实现对不同侧边栏的调用。x0dx0a重复第一种情况中新建sidebar2.php的步骤。x0dx0a接着打开function.php,找到类似的代码:x0dx0a< ?phpx0dx0aif ( function_exists("register_sidebar") )x0dx0aregister_sidebar(array(x0dx0a"before_widget=> "",x0dx0a"after_widget=> ,x0dx0a"before_title=> "x0dx0a));x0dx0ax0dx0a这几行代码是一封”申请书”,向Wordpress申请了一个Widget。如果要在不同面面显示不同的侧栏,并且这个侧栏是要支持Widget的,那么需要向Wordpress再写一封”申请书”申请一个Widgets。并且这封申请书是有名字的,名字格式应该这样写: ‘name" => ‘名字",名字应该和后面sidebar2.php调用些widgets的名字保持一致,那应该这样写:x0dx0aif ( function_exists("register_sidebar") )x0dx0aregister_sidebar(array(x0dx0a"name=> "sidebar2",x0dx0a"before_widget=> "< id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">",x0dx0a"after_widget=> ,x0dx0a"before_title=> "x0dx0ax0dx0a",x0dx0a"after_title=> "x0dx0a",x0dx0a));x0dx0a将上面这句加到原先的”申请书”后面去。现在,需用将sidebar2.php中原来调用默认Widgets的代码改为调用sidebar2这个刚申请的Widgets。打开Sidebar2.php,找到这样的代码:x0dx0ax0dx0a< ?php if ( function_exists("dynamic_sidebar") && dynamic_sidebar() ) : else : ?>x0dx0a< ?php endif; ?>x0dx0ax0dx0a修改为:x0dx0a< ?php if ( function_exists("dynamic_sidebar") && dynamic_sidebar(sidebar2) ) : else : ?>x0dx0a< ?php endif; ?>x0dx0a现在做最后一步的工作,打开single.php,找到:x0dx0a< ?php get_sidebar(); ?>x0dx0a修改为:x0dx0a< ?php include_once("sidebar2.php"); ?>x0dx0a保存文件,上传。x0dx0a现在去后台的Widgets设置,会发现在下拉列表中多出一个Widget了,它的名字为Sidebar2,现在需要为他添加上一些东西。x0dx0a概括一下第二种情况的大体步骤:x0dx0a* 在functions.php”申请”一个Widgetsx0dx0a* 在single.php中调用sidebar2.phpx0dx0a* 将sidebar2.php中调用的widgets修改为sidebarx0dx0a* 拖一下你的Widgetsx0dx0a到此,也就完成了不同页面显示不同sidebar的教程!

two-feet-long还是teo feet long



应该是super women吧?超级女人


我的理解是这样的,WP带几个页面显示,index.php首页,archive.php分类页,single.php文章内容页,还有page.php单独文章页。以上的那几个文件通常有放边栏的,这要看你的主题模板排布了。<?php get_sidebar(); ?> 这个是默认的边栏,就是你在sidebar.php建立的样式。现在你需要的是首页才用sidebar2.php,就在index.php中修改,不要加入<?php get_sidebar(); ?>这句,直接调用sidebar2.php过来,如<?php include(TEMPLATEPATH . "/sidebar2.php"); ?>index.php样式大概为:<?php get_header(); ?><div id="总的"> <div>主要内容部分</div> <?php include(TEMPLATEPATH . "/sidebar2.php"); ?></div><?php get_footer(); ?>archive.php的大概为:<?php get_header(); ?><div id="总的"> <div>主要内容部分</div> <?php get_sidebar(); ?></div><?php get_footer(); ?>以上个人理解,仅作参考。




Superwoman by Karyn WhiteEarly in the morning 一大清早I put breakfast at your table 我在桌边准备好了你的早餐And make sure that your coffee 然後检查你的咖啡has its sugar and cream 是否都已加了糖和奶精Your eggs are over easy 你要的蛋煎得软嫩半熟Your toast done lightly 你要的土司烤得微酥All that"s missing is your morning kiss 唯一缺少的是你That used to greet me 以前早晨都会给我的吻Now you say the juice is sour 如今你嫌果汁太酸It used to be so sweet 在以前你都说好甜And I can"t help but to wonder 我禁不住疑惑If you"re talking "bout me 你说的那些真的是我吗We don"t talk the way we used to talk 我们没像以前那样聊天It"s hurting so deep 这伤人太深I"ve got my pride; I will not cry 我有我的尊严 我不会哭But it"s making me weep 但却让我无法不哀伤Chorus:I"m not your superwoman 我不是你的女强人I"m not the kind of girl that you can let down 我不是那般让你随便糟蹋And think that everything"s Ok 然後觉得什麼都没关系的女孩Boy, I am only human 先生 我只是个凡人This girl needs more than occasional 这个女孩需要的不只是偶尔的Hugs as a token of love from you to me 一个拥抱就表示你有在爱我Ooh baby 噢亲爱的I fought my way through the rush hour 我在拥挤的下班车潮中冲锋陷阵Trying to make it home just for you 为你赶著回家I want to make sure that your dinner 我希望你的晚餐能顺利地Will be waiting for you 在你回家之前在桌上等你But when you get there you just tell me 但你回来却只告诉我You"re not hungry at all 你根本不饿You said you"d rather read the paper 你说你只想看报纸And you don"t want to talk 而且不想说话You like to think that I"m just crazy 你一心认定我只是在闹脾气When I say that you"ve changed 当我说你变了的时候I"m convinced I know the problem 我深知自己明白问题所在You don"t love me the same 你已不再像以前一样爱我You"re just going through the motions 你只是草草照章行事And you"re not being fair 你不再有甜言蜜语I"ve got my pride; I will not cry 我有我的尊严 我不会哭Still I can"t help but to care 但我还是无法不在意(Chorus)Ooh, baby, look into the corners of your mind噢亲爱的 仔细看看你的内心深处I"ll always be there for you through good and bad times我陪著你经历了岁月的晴与雨But I can"t be that superwoman that you want me to be但我无法如你所希望的那般强大I"ll give my everlasting love if you"ll return love to me只要你愿意回应我的爱 我将愿意永远爱你(Chorus)If you feel it in your heart 如果你心里感觉到了我说的这些And you understand me 而且真的懂我Stop right where you are 就此停止你现在的行径Everybody sing along with me 所有的人都会站在我这边与我高声同唱I am the kind of girl that can treat you so sweet 我可以给你温柔But you got to realize that you got to be sweeter to me但你要明白 你必须付出更多的温柔I need love 我需要爱I need just your love 我需要的就只是你的爱

two-feet-long还是teo feet long



Early in the morning I put breakfast at your table 每天早上我都将煮好的早餐放在你桌上 And make sure that your coffee has its sugar and cream 小心地给咖啡加好足够的糖与牛奶 Your eggs are over easy, your toast done lightly 给你做的鸡蛋刚煎好,面包也放进了烤箱 All that"s missing is your morning kiss 唯一缺少的是每天早上必须的亲吻 That use to greet me. 它足以振奋一切 Now you say the juice is sour 可现在,你说果汁太酸了 It used to be so sweet 以前是很甜的 And I can"t help but to wonder 我不得不怀疑 If you"re talking about me. 你是否在跟我说话 We don"t talk the way we used to talk 你以前从来都不用这种语气的 It"s hurting so deep 你知道它伤害了我吗 I"ve got my pride 我也有我的自尊 I will not cry 我不会哭 But it"s making me weak. 但我的心里好像有某些东西,碎了 CHORUS: I"m not your Superwoman 我不是你的女仆 I"m not the kind of girl that you can let down 我不是那种千依百顺的女生 And think that everything"s okay 为你任劳任怨 Boy, I am only human 我只是个普普通通的女人 This girl needs more than occasional hugs 时而需要拥抱 As a token of love from you to me 来证明你对我的爱. Ooh, baby... 噢,亲爱的 I fought my way through the rush hour 我一下班就匆匆上路 Trying to make it home just for you 尽力为你而赶回家 I want to make sure that your dinner will be waiting for you 我想要确保你一回到家就能吃到我做的晚餐 But when you get there you just tell me 但你却告诉我 You"re not hungry at all 你一点都不饿 You said you"d rather rea d the paper 你说你更想看下报纸 And you don"t want to talk 然后一言不发 You"d like to think I"m just crazy 你会认为我疯了吧 When I say that you"ve changed 当我说你变了 I"m convinced I know the problem 我确信我知道问题所在 You don"t love me the same 你没有从前那么爱我了 You"re just going through the motions 你只是回避这个问题 And you"re not being fair 这样一点都不公平 I"ve got my pride 我也有我的自尊 I will not cry 我不会哭 Still I can"t help but care. 但我真的不想这样下去了 REPEAT CHORUS (twice) Ooh baby, look into the corners of your mind 噢,亲爱的,在你灵魂的深处 I"ll always be there for you 我会永远陪伴 Through good and bad times 不管是喜悦,或是伤悲 But I can"t be that Superwoman that you want me to be 但我真的不是你想的那种女人 I"ll give my love, oh lasting love 我会给你我的爱,那永恒的爱 If you"ll return love to me 但你也要用你的爱来交换 REPEAT CHORUS Ah ha, If yo


调用侧栏的是sidebar.php和页脚footer.php这两个文件!不管是首页的index.php还是单篇日志页面的single.php,在文件的最后面,总是有这么两行代码:< ?php get_sidebar(); ?>< ?php get_footer(); ?>我们需要分两种情况说明:第一种情况:如果不使用主题的Widgets,那么只要两步就能完成对不同侧边栏的调用。找到single.php文件里的:< ?php get_sidebar(); ?>修改为:< ?php include_once("sidebar2.php"); ?>上传并覆盖single.php,刷新,搞定!第二种情况:如果你使用了Widgets,只需要4步,也就能实现对不同侧边栏的调用。重复第一种情况中新建sidebar2.php的步骤。接着打开function.php,找到类似的代码:< ?phpif ( function_exists("register_sidebar") )register_sidebar(array("before_widget" => "","after_widget" => ,"before_title" => "));这几行代码是一封”申请书”,向Wordpress申请了一个Widget。如果要在不同面面显示不同的侧栏,并且这个侧栏是要支持Widget的,那么需要向Wordpress再写一封”申请书”申请一个Widgets。并且这封申请书是有名字的,名字格式应该这样写: ‘name" => ‘名字",名字应该和后面sidebar2.php调用些widgets的名字保持一致,那应该这样写:if ( function_exists("register_sidebar") )register_sidebar(array("name" => "sidebar2","before_widget" => "< id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">","after_widget" => ,"before_title" => "","after_title" => "",));将上面这句加到原先的”申请书”后面去。现在,需用将sidebar2.php中原来调用默认Widgets的代码改为调用sidebar2这个刚申请的Widgets。打开Sidebar2.php,找到这样的代码:< ?php if ( function_exists("dynamic_sidebar") && dynamic_sidebar() ) : else : ?>< ?php endif; ?>修改为:< ?php if ( function_exists("dynamic_sidebar") && dynamic_sidebar(sidebar2) ) : else : ?>< ?php endif; ?>现在做最后一步的工作,打开single.php,找到:< ?php get_sidebar(); ?>修改为:< ?php include_once("sidebar2.php"); ?>保存文件,上传。现在去后台的Widgets设置,会发现在下拉列表中多出一个Widget了,它的名字为Sidebar2,现在需要为他添加上一些东西。概括一下第二种情况的大体步骤:* 在functions.php”申请”一个Widgets* 在single.php中调用sidebar2.php* 将sidebar2.php中调用的widgets修改为sidebar* 拖一下你的Widgets到此,也就完成了不同页面显示不同sidebar的教程!

求orange caramel的superwoman中文歌词

Alicia Keys: 《Superwoman》Everywhere I"m turning 不管我转向何处Nothing seems complete 一切都不太完美[不尽如人意] I stand up and I"m searching 我站了起来 不断寻找For the better part of me 自己更美好的一面 I hang my head from sorrow 我不再沉沦于悲伤之中Slave to humanity 成了博爱的奴隶I wear it on my shoulders 我肩负着一切Gotta find the strength in me 我一定要找到自己内在的力量 Cause I am a superwoman 因为我是女超人 Yes I am是的 我就是(一个女超人)Yes she is 她的确是 Even when I"m a mess 即使我的生活一团糟 I still put on a vest 我依旧将穿上那件With an S on my chest 胸前印着个“S”的背心Oh yes 是的 I"m a superwoman 我就是女超人 (This is for…) 这是献给…All the mothers fighting for better days to come那些所有为了更美好的生活而努力奋斗着的妈妈们And all my women, all my women sitting here trying 还有所有的女性朋友们 所有和我在这里并排坐着的To come home before the sun试图想在天亮前赶回家的女性朋友们And all my sisters 我所有的姐妹们啊 Coming together 相聚在一起吧Say yes I will 喊一声:是的我会的 Yes I can 我可以的 Cause I am a superwoman 因为我是女超人 Yes I am是的 我就是(一个女超人)Yes she is 她的确是 Even when I"m a mess 即使我的生活一团糟 I still put on a vest 我依旧将穿上那件With an S on my chest 胸前印着个“S”的背心Oh yes 是的 I"m a superwoman 我就是女超人When I"m breaking down 当我崩溃的时候 And I can"t be found 没有人能察觉得到And I start to get weak 我开始变得脆弱 Cause no one knows 因为没人了解Me underneath these clothes 衣衫下真正的我[我的内心]But I can fly 但我能展翅高飞 We can fly, oh我们都能展翅高飞Cause I am a superwoman 因为我是女超人 Yes I am是的 我就是(一个女超人)Yes she is 她的确是 Even when I"m a mess 即使我的生活一团糟 I still put on a vest 我依旧将穿上那件With an S on my chest 胸前印着个“S”的背心Oh yes 是的 I"m a superwoman 我就是女超人Yes she is她的确是Let me tell ya...让我来告诉你吧I am a Superwoman我是一个女超人Yes I am是的 我就是Yes she is她的确是Even when I"m a mess即使我的生活一团糟I still put on a vest我依旧将穿上那件With an S on my chest胸前印着个“S”的背心Oh yes I"m a Superwoman我就是一个女超人Yes I am是的 我就是(一个女超人)and I"m a Superwoman我是一个女超人Yes you are你也是Yes I am是的 我就是Yes we are是的 我们都是(女超人)Yes I am是的 我就是Yes you are你也是

Super Woman 歌词

Superwoman 歌词 歌手:曹格 专辑:格格Blue(台湾版) 在线试听 放入音乐盒 给朋友送歌 手机铃声 Early in the morning I put breakfast at your table 一夜都没睡但我 不曾如此清醒 我早餐准备了你 爱吃的东西 这次换我等你被咖啡 的香味叫醒 想要找回每天早晨 对我微笑着的你 还能够 做些什么代替我的歉意 总是望着我 小心翼翼顺着我呼吸 而我竟然理所当然 让你精疲力尽 You were my superwoman 安静的在身边 无条件给我 梦寐以求的温柔 But I am only human 我怎么不懂你多寂寞 残忍的犯了错 不能失去你 Ooh-Babe--- Ooh—Babe--- You fought your way through the rush hour Try to make it home just for me 月光下静静靠着彼此 只求夜长一点 有多久没有好好看你 只是认定了我 无论在什么时候回头 都有你的笑容 是我忽略了你也会有 想要哭的感觉 没有一种付出应该永远心甘情愿 再给被宠坏的男人最后一次机会 换我忍耐换我等待 不要真的弃权 You were my superwoman 安静的在身边 无条件给我 梦寐以求的温柔 But I am only human 我怎么不懂你多寂寞 残忍的犯了错 不能失去你 Ooh-Babe--- 是我把爱想得太简单 以为只要我存在就能让你取暖 心里唯一的superwoman没有人能代替 不能想像更不能原谅这样让爱化成 灰烬 You were my superwoman 安静的在身边 无条件给我 梦寐以求的温柔 But I am only human(希望只是一个 只是一个人) 我怎么不懂你多寂寞 残忍的犯了错(不能失去你) If you feel it in your heart and you understand me. STOP right where you are, everybody sing along with me You were my superwoman 安静的在身边 无条件给我 梦寐以求的温柔 But I am only human 我怎么不懂你多寂寞 残忍的犯了错(不能失去你) You were my superwoman Ooo~yes,u were 安静的在身边 无条件给我 梦寐以求的温柔 But I am only human 我怎么不懂你多寂寞 残忍的犯了错



有一首英文歌女声唱的,有一句歌词是I NOT A SUPERWOMEN,I JUST A ONLY HUMAN。 请问是什么歌呢??谢谢

i not



曹格 superwoman歌词

曹格 Superwoman Early in the morning, I put breakfast at your table 一夜都没睡但我 不曾如此清醒 我早餐准备了你 爱吃的东西 这次换我等你被咖啡 的香味叫醒 想要找回每天早晨 对我微笑著的你 还能够 做些什麼代替我的歉意 总是望著我 小心翼翼顺著我呼吸 而我竟然理所当然 让你精疲力尽 You were my superwoman 安静的在身边 无条件给我 梦寐以求的温柔 But I am only human 我怎麼不懂你多寂寞 残忍的犯了错 不能失去你 Ooh—Babe--- You fought your way through the rush hour Try to make it home just for me 月光下静静靠著彼此 只求夜长一点 有多久没有好好看你 只是认定了我 无论在什麼时候回头 都有你的笑容 是我忽略了你也会有 想要哭的感觉 没有一种付出应该永远心甘情愿 再给被宠坏的男人最后一次机会 换我忍耐换我等待 不要真的弃权 (---Baby)是我把爱想得太简单 以为只要我存在就能让你取暖 心裏唯一的superwoman没有人能代替 不能想像更不能原谅这样让爱化成 灰烬 If you feel it in your heart and you understand me. STOP right where you are, everybody sing along with me.感谢网友我爱6bb提供歌词


Early in the morning I put breakfast at your tableand I make sure that your coffee has its suger and creamYour eggs are over easy and you toast is lightyAll thats missing is your morning kiss that used to greet meNow you say the juice is sour, it used to be so sweet,And I cant help but to wonder if youre talking about meWe dont talk the way we used to talk, its hurting so deepIve got my pride, I will not cry But its making me weakIm not your super womanIm not the kind of girl that you can let down and think that eveythings okBoy, I am only humanThis girl needs more than occasional heart as a token of love from you to meI find my way through the rush hour, try to make it home just for youI want to make sure that your dinner will be waiting for youBut when you get there, you just tell me, youre not hungry at allYou said youd rather read the paper and you dont want to talkYou like to think that Im just crazy when I say that youve changedIm convinced I know the problem, you dont love me the sameYoure just going through the motions and youre not being fairIve got my pride, I will not cry Still I cant help but careIm not your super woman Oh no, no, noIm not the kind of girl that you can let down and think that eveythings okBoy, I am only human Im only humanThis girl needs more than occasional heart as a token of love from you to meIm not your super womanIm not the kind of girl that you can let down and think that eveythings okBoy, I am only humanThis girl needs more than occasional heart as a token of love from you to meOoh baby, look into the corners of your mindIll always be there for you, through good and bad timesBut I cant be that super woman that you want me to beIll give my ever lasting love if you return love to meIm not your super woman Oh no, oh noIm not the kind of girl that you can let down and think that eveythings okBoy, I am only human Im only humanThis girl needs more than occasional heart as a token of love from you to meIf you feel it in your heart and you understand me,stop right where you are, everybody sing along with meIm the kind of girl that can treat you so sweet,but you got to realise that you got to be sweeter to meI need love,I need love, your loveIm not your super woman Oh no the kind of girl that you can let down

Paulini的《Superwoman》 歌词

《Superwoman》歌手:Paulini所属专辑:《Superwoman》发行时间:2006年04月17日歌词:Early in the morning I put breakfast at your table and I make sure that your coffee has it"s suger and cream Your eggs are over easy and you toast is lighty All that"s missing is your morning kiss that used to greet me Now you say the juice is sour it used to be so sweet, And I can"t help but to wonder if you"re talking about me We don"t talk the way we used to talkit"s hurting so deep I"ve got my pride, I will not cry But it"s making me weak I"m not your super womanI"m not the kind of girl that you can let down and think that eveything"s ok Boy, I am only human This girl needs more than occasional heart as a token of love from you to me I find my way through the rush hour try to make it home just for you I want to make sure that your dinner will be waiting for you But when you get there, you just tell myou"re not hungry at all You said you"d rather read the paper and you don"t want to talk You like to think that I"m just crazy when I say that you"ve changed I"m convinced I know the problemyou don"t love me the same You"re just going through the motions and you"re not being fair I"ve got my pride, I will not cry Still I can"t help but care I"m not your super woman Oh no, no, no I"m not the kind of girl that you can let down and think that eveything"s ok Boy, I am only human I"m only human This girl needs more than occasional heart as a token of love from you to me I"m not your super woman I"m not the kind of girl that you can let down and think that eveything"s ok Boy, I am only human This girl needs more than occasional heart as a token of love from you to me Ooh baby, look into the corners of your mind I"ll always be there for youthrough good and bad times But I can"t be that super woman that you want me to be I"ll give my ever lasting loveif you return love to me I"m not your super woman Oh no, oh no I"m not the kind of girl that you can let down and think that eveything"s ok Boy, I am only human I"m only human This girl needs more than occasional heart as a token of love from you to me If you feel it in your heart and you understand mestop right where you areeverybody sing along with me I"m the kind of girl that can treat you so sweetbut you got to realise that you got to be sweeter to me I need love,I need love, your love I"m not your super woman Oh no the kind of girl that you can let down



求Alicia Keys《superwoman》歌词

Alicia Keys Superwoman Everywhere I"m turning Nothing seems complete I stand up and I"m searching For the better part of me I hang my head from sorrow Slave to humanity I wear it on my shoulders Gotta find the strength in me Cause I am a Superwoman Yes I am Yes she is Even when I"m a mess I still put on a vest With an S on my chest Oh yes I"m a Superwoman For all the mothers fighting For better days to come And all my women, all my women sitting here trying To come home before the sun And all my sisters Coming together Say yes I will Yes I can Cause I am a Superwoman Yes I am Yes she is Even when I"m a mess I still put on a vest With an S on my chest Oh yes I"m a Superwoman When I"m breaking down And I can"t be found And I start to get weak Cause no one knows Me underneath these clothes But I can fly We can fly, Oooohh Cause I am a Superwoman Yes I am Yes she is Even when I"m a mess I still put on a vest With an S on my chest Oh yes I"m a Superwoman她的声音我也很喜欢

乔治 达克的《Superwoman》 歌词

歌曲名:Superwoman歌手:乔治 达克专辑:Duke你别再这睡 你怎么苦着脸year~我是supermanyear~我是supermanyear~我是supermanyear~你是 Loser快点闪一边 我们在庆功宴谁叫你还搞不清楚 我跟你的差别下课 超人 准备准备 Q KLoser留下来擦干眼泪美女都在我的我的身边抹布记得要还啊 啊啊 啊啊伯超人没空 给你给你安慰不服气你就乖 乖乖 乖乖转学管你作弊还是叫你爸捐钱我是可以考虑 让你帮我擦擦 擦擦 擦鞋比赛靠的是实力 不是运气所以 你真的不用太伤心如果想再挑战随时都欢迎不过你要努力 努力 一百年才可以Loser 那边有人要找你签名他想要提醒 自己不要像你Loser怎么写个L写不下去啊~忘记你英文太烂 还差点留级超人其实也需要一点感情这么快你马子传给我简讯她说她不想理你这个没用东西最后她还加一句 欧 欧 欧 我爱你http://music.baidu.com/song/16133546

曹格的《Superwoman》 歌词

  歌名:《Superwoman》  演唱:曹格  作词:Edmonds kennethb  作曲:Edmonds kennethb  改编词:徐世珍  制作人:曹格,涂惠源,永邦  歌词:  Early in the morning,I put breakfast at your table  一夜都没谁但我不曾如此清醒  我早餐准备了你爱吃的东西  这次换我等你被咖啡的香味叫醒  想要找回每天早晨对我微笑着的你  还能够做些什么代替我的歉意  总是望着我小心翼翼顺着我呼吸  而我竟然理所当然 让你精疲力尽  You were my superwoman  安静的在身边 无条件给我梦寐以求的温柔  But I am only human  (可希望只是一个只是一个人)  Ooh babe you fought you way though the rush hour  Try to make it home just for me  月光下静静靠着彼此 只求夜长一点  有多久没有好好看你 只是认定了我  无论在什么时候回头  都有你的笑容是我忽略了你也会有想要哭的感觉  没有一种付出应该永远心甘情愿  再给被宠坏的男人最后一次机会  换我忍耐 换我等待 不要真的弃权  ooh babe 是我把爱想得太简单  以为只要我存在就能让你取暖  心里唯一的superwoman  没有人能代替不能想象  更不能原谅这样让爱化成灰烬  If you feel it in your heart and you understand me  Stop right where you are  Everybody sing along with me


超人式 (Superwoman)是一个全身性的训练运动。此动作对于核心和髋关节的控制有训练效果。除了能锻炼下肢肌群与背部肌群外,还能加强平衡与协调,同时美化臀部线条,增加核心稳定。初次尝试者可在前放摆放支撑物提供稳定。 超人式 锻炼肌肉群:全身 动作难度: STEP 1 准备动作 双手掌撑,双脚打开与肩同宽,肚子收紧预备。 STEP 2 右手左脚延伸 右手向前延伸,左脚向后延伸,停留5秒。 STEP 3 左手右脚延伸 左手向前延伸,右脚向后延伸,停留5秒,重复动作,做1分钟。 以上教学示范仅供参考,实际训练状况请依个人身体状况自行斟酌。


superwoman是有非凡才能的女子;超级女人(尤指事业和家庭都成功);女超人(网络)superwoman一般作为名词使用,在常见短语或俚语中出现较多。下面是一些常见的用法及例句。1.No, Harvey, i didn"t ask for partner just so i could keep being a superwoman behind closed doors, but, to the rest of the world, be a glorified office manager.翻译:不,哈维,我要当合伙人不是为了继续无名无份的做女超人拯救一切,而在外人眼里只是个名头好的办公室主任。2.Superwoman exists only in the minds of journalists and Hollywood producers.翻译:超级女人只存在于记者和好莱坞制片人的脑子里。3. instead of trying to be superman or superwoman, how about easing yourself back into work or life gently?翻译:不要试图去做超男或者超女,放松你自己慢点进入工作或者生活中,怎么样呢?

英语作文would you like to have more discussions in your classes ?why or why not

你想写的内容我都不知道不如这样吧 你先写一个我们大家把你修改?

I wish I _____the host of the show. A am B would be C will be D am going to be


Shaihai has been the host ----2010 worid Expo. 横线处该填of 还是for?

Shaihai has been the host of 2010 worid Expo:上海已经worid博览会,2010年的主人。Shaihai has been the host for 2010 worid Expo:上海已经worid宿主的2010年世博会。

she does her homework on Fridays 改一般疑问句


John Butterworth的《Jade》 歌词

歌曲名:Jade歌手:John Butterworth专辑:Regards To BroadwayJade作曲︰YOSHIKI作词︰YOSHIKI歌:X JAPANWalk through the light to find the shadow,Til" your gods stall you from the edge,Sunk in the thought, the feel, the distance,Was it your secret?Stop holding your fear, let memory live and die alone.No need to be there, let your desire scream,Til" you feel alive.‘Cause you are beautiful,Your scars are beautiful,Like the jade.You"ll still shine, when you sink into the sea,When the bleeding scarlet jealousy, carves the way you believe.Brink of the light, the wings of the night,Look into the eyes of fallen angels,Sink like a stone into the dark,Where no light can touch.Will god break my fall?I feel the mystery, tries to take me along,To the end of the world, where I still believe,The colour is from your eyes.‘Cause you were beautiful,Your blood was beautiful, yesterday,I still hide at the seam of memories,Oh, I still hold my rosary, beneath the pain of life.Where the tears, when the bloody face of love, they take away the stain,Know that the stars of the sky,Glow in the ocean,The art of life,Makes me wanna die in the colour of heaven.Oh, another day has gone,Another friend has gone into the flame,It"s burning now, jibun de kirisaita mune no kizuato sae birei ni naru made.Oh, "cause you are beautiful,Your scars are beautiful, like the jade,You"ll still shine, when you sink into the sea,When the bleeding scarlet jealously carves the way you believe,Now and forever, you"ll be loved,Let your destiny lead your heartMy Jade~END~http://music.baidu.com/song/15074336

What would you like to drink Fridays?这个句子是对的吗?


英语新目标九年级Unit12 section B 4groupwork 怎么写啊 高分求救

please give us more content ,otherelse we cannont help you .

one two three and hihihi

一、二、三,嗨 嗨 嗨 dj舞曲sky - smile - DragonflyLike a warm summer day Like a warm day in May Babe, you make me feel so hot Like a small butterfly Like a bird in the sky Feels like a star that I"m not You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow) So what am I supposed to do? (ay-ow) Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow) One Two Three and I"m here here here Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a small paradise Like a scent of a spice Yes I guess I understood Like a flower so sweet Like a lover of me Boy you make me feel so good You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow) So what am I supposed to do? (ay-ow) Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow) One Two Three and I"m here here here Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I
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