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when elizabeth got married,it seemed asif her life would be comfort. 出处和原文


password must contain an uppercase letter

密码必须包含至少一个大写字母 双语对照 例句: 1. Your password must contain at least one capital letter. 你的密码至少要有个大写字母.

一、英译汉 1.Thank you for the wonderful party. 2. Con


有一首韩文歌,是个男生唱的,刚开头有点嘻哈 第一句是 one two three 男生姓金 【貌似

lucky guy




好莱坞(Hollywood),本意上是一个地名的概念,港译“荷里活”,位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市市区西北郊,是洛杉矶的邻近地区,约有30万居民。但由于当地发达的娱乐工业,现“好莱坞”一词往往直接用来指美国加州南部的电影工业。不过电影制片厂分布的范围早已不局限在好莱坞一隅,好莱坞与其周边的伯班克等市共同构成了美国影视工业的中心地区。 好莱坞市内有不少数十年历史的老电影院,通常被用作电影首映式或举行奥斯卡奖颁奖礼的场所,如今也成为旅游热门地点。 作为大洛杉矶市的一部分,好莱坞没有自己的市政部门,但有一个指定的官员担任所谓“荣誉市长”,仅供各种仪式需要。目前,好莱坞市的市长是约翰尼·格兰特(Johnny Grant)。它的名字是音译的 不能直译 类似的词有 坦克 沙发 等等



hollywood tonight 中文歌词(人工翻译)

今夜好莱坞(Hollywood Tonight)演唱:Michael jackson(迈克尔杰克逊)选自专辑《MICHAEL》(迈克尔)歌词中文翻译:口红在手茶色皮肤穿着涂鸦牛仔裤她梦想着名利她自改了姓名想在电影里露个脸她要出名,那就是说她要去好莱坞她今晚就要去好莱坞她要去好莱坞她今晚就要去好莱坞她要去好莱坞她今晚就要去好莱坞就是这样,机不可失失不再来灰狗大巴向西跑闪亮影城已开到要把影星梦追寻只要能入行男人要勾引刚满十五岁就知道这行不干净她要去好莱坞她今晚就要去好莱坞她要去好莱坞她今晚就要去好莱坞她要去好莱坞她今晚就要去好莱坞就是这样,机不可失失不再来口红在手茶色皮肤穿着涂鸦牛仔裤她梦想着名利她自改了姓名好在电影轧一角她要出大名,那就是说她要去好莱坞她今晚就要去好莱坞她要去好莱坞她今晚就要去好莱坞她要去好莱坞她今晚就要去好莱坞就是这样,机不可失失不再来 灰狗大巴向西跑闪亮影城已开到要把影星梦追寻只要能入行男人要勾引刚满十五岁就知道这行不干净她要去好莱坞她今晚就要去好莱坞她要去好莱坞她今晚就要去好莱坞她要去好莱坞她今晚就要去好莱坞就是这样,机不可失!




Hollywood Undead是来自美国加利福尼亚洛杉矶由6名成员组成的乐队,05年建队时有7人,后shady jeff 退出,现为6人乐队,都是戴着独特的面具,以掩藏他们的真实身份。他们有着自己鲜明的个性:糅合了嘻哈,机床和金属风格, 以吼叫嗓音+和谐的吉他旋律+快节奏的riff让人为之振奋,拖着情绪朋克和鞭笞金属的小影子,却大受人们喜爱。2005年6月3日,他们在供应上建了网页,上传几首重金属与嘻哈混合的原创音乐作品。很快,每天几百条评论,几千个“添加为好友”的请求,几万次的点击率,使他们登上了供应乐队排行榜,从第十二名跃到第一,许多全球知名的乐队都成了他们的手下败将。 乐队在全球共售出150万张专辑,仅美国本土就达100万张。




Jay-Z Hollywood Lyrics It ain"t for everybody Welcome to Hollywood baby -Take my picture I"m comin with -Let"s not even talk about it Let"s do it -Let"s go [Beyonce] I see your jealousy as you"re watching (I see you watching) You"re watching ( It"s all good) It"s kinda sexy to me (I Love it) How you"re watching, you"re watching I see your face (i see your face) You want to touch it (you want to touch it) Come to my place (come to the crib) And let"s discuss it (let"s chop it up) Tonight you"ll be (you "gon be a superstar baby) A superstar Come let me sign you up (let"s get into it) [Chorus] Ooh it"s the lights (you"re blinded by the...) Action! (you need that...) Hollywood (Uh Uh Uh Uh) Ooh it"s the lights (you"re blinded by the...) Satisfaction (you need that...) Hollywood (Uh Uh Uh Uh c"mon) [Verse 1] Paparazzi spots me in the lobby of my high rise I hide, behind my shades because the fame is blindin my eyes My god, I know how Ozzy Oz must have felt when he was outside Cuz i have got, i have got to make this stop People often warn me that the fame ain"t for the faint of heart It"ll change those cuz if they had love for you into strangers When the fame starts, A chain reaction Locomotion like when a train departs Stranger things have happened Rappers stackin platinum plaques Born in Brooklyn, Got a place in Manhattan Goin back to Brookly to escape the madness Chris & Gwyneth when your girl is more famous than you Then it"s time to get all your windows tinted Keep your eyes squinted it"s gon flash any minute The music biz is like musical chairs When the music stop spinnin it"ll... [Chorus] [Beyonce] You got to get it (oh oh oh oh oh oh oh) Do you want it? (oh oh oh oh oh oh oh) But you don"t need it (oh oh oh oh oh oh oh) "Til you do, "til you do (oh oh oh oh oh oh oh) [verse 2] Hey Mister, page sixer A-Lister, you"re in the midst of The bright of your light, but you gotta keep them hits up Can"t put your guard down, gotta keep your mits up Take a sip sir, it"s so intoxicating ain"t it? Try not to get jaded Hollywood"s been good to ya Startin to feel like buzz to ya Don"t lie, go on fly, you"re addicted to the light Without the fame, how you gonna survive? It"s like bein on heroin, you so high [Beyonce] And everybodies warning you about it (I tried to told you) And once you taste it you can"t live without it (It"s addicting) Not cuz you choose to not live without it (you sure you want this baby) It"s now a part of you, it"s now a part of you (It"s a part of you) And everybodies warning you about it And once you taste it you can"t live [chorus] [verse 3] Wanna be seen now, groupies Now you"ve become what you once despised James Dean, John Belushi, blow your whole life trying to live in the lights Heroin"s following, Marijuane hopping over the edge It"s like Janis Joplin Red Bull fiend ask Jimi Hendrix Jimmy Morrison all them ended by Hollywood Thank God for Hollywood Hollywood... you sure you want this babe? It"s hollywood, the most addicting drug in the world Want the fame Want the lights

hollywood waistband 什么意思呢,是外贸服装中的术语,指的是什么腰 ?谢谢~~~


Students see stars in Hollywood(全文;电子课本)

Julia Carter and Roddy Wang,students from sunshine International School,had the time of their lives during their recent visit to Hollywood.Philip interviewed them and wrote an article about the visit for Youth Post. I asked them which attraction they liked best.Julia said that the Dinosaur Jungle was her favourite."We took a car into the place,"said Julia."It was hot and humid,and really smelt like a jungle.We saw some cute little baby dinosaurs and rhen a big one came and chased us.I knew it was only a model,but it looked very real!I almost jumped out of my skin when the dinosaur roared at us!" Roddy was impressed by the Great Wave attraction."It was really awesome,"said Roddy."Everything was peaceful.Then suddenly we saw a huge wave coming towards us.There was a terrific noise and the wave seemed to crash over the top of our car.The car shooked violently but we didn"t get wet at all!The special effects were so great.I don"t know how they did it. " I asked them whether they saw any famous stars."Yes,we did, but we had some more exciting experiences than that.We visited a film set.We saw a crew filming a scene,"Roddy said."They were shooting a scene showing some students in a school.They needed some extras for the scene.The director asked us whether we wanted to be in the film.To cut a long story short,the director selected me."Julia,whose ambition is to be an actress,admitted that she was green with envy! At the end of the interview,I asked Roddy if he enjoyed working as an extra.He told me that it was apiece of cake for him and hi really wanted to be a director

young -hollywood undead歌词翻译~

Hollywood Undead - Sell Your Soul出售你的灵魂I"m holding on so tightly now,此时我紧紧地抓住不放My insides scream so loud我的内心放声尖叫They keep watching,他们仍在观看Watching me drowned,看着我沉没How did it come to this怎会变成这样How did it come to this?怎会成为这样How did I know it was you?我怎么知道那是你It was a bad dream?这是一场恶梦吗?Asphyxiated and watch me bleed快要窒息,眼睁睁看着我流血the life support was cut,生命的维持被切断The knot was too tight,这个系得紧紧的结They push and pull but他们又推又拉They know they"ll never win他们知道永远赢不了Throw it all away throw it all away扔掉一切,扔掉一切I keep on screaming but我仍在尖叫,但是There"s really nothing left to say真的没什么可说So get away, just get away所以离开,逃离吧I keep on fighting but我继续拼博,但是I can"t keep going on this way无法在这条路上继续I can"t keep going,无法继续Can"t keep going on like this,不能像这样继续下去They make me sick,他们让我觉得不舒服And I get so sick of it,我如此地厌恶Cause they won"t let me,因为他们不让我They won"t let me breath,他们不给我呼吸Why can"t they let me be?为什么他们不让Why can"t they let me be?为什么他们不让Why don"t I know what I am?为什么我不知道我是谁I force this hate into my heart我强迫让这种憎恨进入我的内心Cause it"s my only friend,因为它是我唯一的朋友My lips are sewn shut,我的嘴唇被缝闭I watch my self bleed,看着我自己在流血They push and pull me他们对我推拉And it"s killing me within于内心中杀死我Throw it all away throw it all away扔掉一切,扔掉一切I keep on screaming but我仍在尖叫,但是There"s really nothing left to say真的没什么可说So get away, just get away所以离开,逃离吧I keep on fighting but我继续拼博I can"t keep going on this way在这条路上继续前行I can"t keep going,无法继续Can"t keep going on this way在这条路上继续前行I can"t keep going,无法继续Can"t keep going on this way在这条路上继续前行My heart beat stumbles and心中踌躇My back bone crumbles脊柱碎裂I feel is it real as我觉得像是The lynch mob doubles一场暴徒的加倍私刑They want blood and they"ll kill for it,他们为鲜血而杀戮Drain me and they"ll kneel for it耗尽我的血液,他们将为我跪拜Burn me at the stake met在火刑台上燃烧我The devil made the deal for it.魔鬼做下这笔交易Guillotine dreams, yeah,断头台上的梦They"re guillotine gleams,他们是断头台上的光芒The blood of they"re enemies鲜血是他们的敌人Watching while they sense me.看吧当他们感知到我,Sentencing decease, sentence宣判死亡,宣判Decease and watch them bask死亡,看着他们暴于太阳之下In the glory of their holy disease在他们至圣的弊病荣耀中Throw it all away throw it all away扔掉一切,扔掉一切I keep on screaming but我仍在尖叫,但是There"s really nothing left to say真的没什么可说So get away, just get away所以离开,逃离吧I keep on fighting but我继续拼博I can"t keep going on this way在这条路上继续前行I keep on running,我继续奔跑I keep on running我继续奔跑I keep on running我继续奔跑But I can"t keep但是我无法继续Going on this way在这条路上继续前行I keep on running我继续奔跑I keep on running.我继续奔跑But I can"t keep但是我无法继续Going on this way 在这条路上继续前行END.追问:是《Undead》这首歌的中文歌词- -回答:undead!亡灵undead!亡灵undead!亡灵undead!亡灵undead!亡灵you better get up out the way,你最好动身离开,tomorrow we"ll rise so we fight today,明天我们将起来反抗所以今天我们一起战斗,and no, i don"t give a不。我不给fuck what you think and say,一点儿你所想的和所说的,cause we are gonna rock导致我们将要摇动this whole place anyway.这整个处境不管怎样(undead!)亡灵you better get up out the way,你最好动身离开tomorrow we"ll rise so we fight today,明天我们将起来反抗所以今天我们一起战斗and no, i don"t give a不。我不给fuck what you think and say,XX你所想的和所说的,cause we are gonna rock导致我们将要摇动this whole place anyway.这整个处境不管怎样now i see that mother现在我明白了fucker writing on the wall写在墙上的XX你妈(骂人的话)when you see, j-3-t,30 d bra,当你明白,j-3-t,30 d brafuck those haters i see,XX这些我看见的讨厌者cause i hate that you breathe,以至我恨你呼吸i see you duck, you little punk,我看到你忽然低下头,你小朋克you little fucking disease,你XX有病i got h.u. tattooed on the front of my arm,我在手臂前弄了个 h.u.纹身the boulevard, brass knuckles大道,指节铜套in the back of the car,在车的后方cause we drunk drive cadillac"s, we never go far,导致喝醉的我们开着卡迪拉克轿车,我们从没有成功and when you see us mother fucker"s,当你看到我们XX你妈better know who we are.最好知道我们是谁i got one thing to say我有一件事要对to punk asses who hate,朋克说来评论恨mother fucker"s who don"t know what,XX你妈的不知道you better watch what you say.你最好看你说的from these industry fucks,从这些工业的XXto these faggot ass punks,到这些讨厌的女人评论朋克you don"t know what it takes,你不知道它带到to get this mother fucking truck.使你妈XXi"m already loud maybe,我可能已经大声了it"s a little too late,也有些晚了,johnny"s taking heads off,男人给头注射麻醉药物of all the faggots who hate,为所有讨厌的女人恨cause i am good mother fucker导致我很好XX你妈and there"s a price to pay,有要付的价钱get out my gun, mother fucker从枪子里拿,XX你妈and it"s judgment day!这是最后的审判日(undead!)亡灵you better get up out the way,你最好动身离开,tomorrow we"ll rise so we fight today,明天我们将起来反抗所以今天我们一起战斗and no, i don"t give a不。我不给fuck what you think and say,XX你所想的和所说的,cause we are gonna rock导致我们将要摇动this whole place anyway.这整个处境不管怎样(undead!)亡灵you better get up out the way,你最好动身离开,tomorrow we"ll rise so we today,明天我们将起来反抗所以今天我们一起战斗and no, i don"t give a不。我不给fuck what you think and say,XX你所想的和所说的,cause we are gonna rock导致我们将要摇动this whole place anyway.这整个处境不管怎样i"m getting used to this nuisance,我已习惯了这个讨厌的人and all the fags who bad mouth this music,和所有的批评这个音乐的变态how fucking stupid and foolish真他妈的愚蠢啊愚蠢要是of you to think you can do this,你认为你可以做到这一点,you cowards can"t, you never will,你不能懦夫,你永远也不会,don"t even try to pursue it.甚至不要尝试利用它。i took the chance, i played the pill,我借那机会,扮演那药,i nearly died for this music.为了这个音乐我差点死了。you make me wanna run around,你让我要跑来跑去,pulling my guns out and shit,使我的枪熄灭胡扯,your tempting me to run my mouth,你引诱我张开我的嘴,and call you out on this bitch,并大声说你是这婊子,how ignorant you gotta be,你是多么想无知to believe any of this,来相信其中的任一点you need to slit your wrist,你需要切开腕关节get pissed and go jump off a bridge,恼火的跳离一个桥what? you can"t see the什么?你看不到sarcasm in the verses i spit?我在诗中蔑视的讥讽?what? you think i just got lucky什么?你认为我仅仅是幸运and didn"t work for this shit?不为这狗屎工作?bitch. i"ve been working at女人,我已经在这里工作this ever since i was a kid,从还是个孩子时,i played a million empty shows我进行了100万场空虚的演出to only family and friends.给我的家人和朋友们what kind of person can哪种人能dis a band that deserves to get big?不尊敬一个值得变大乐队?i hate to be that person when我恨成为那种人当my verse comes out of the kid"s lips.我的诗从小孩的嘴里说出来that shits as worse as it gets.那运气与它得到一样糟糕this verse is over, i quit.这首诗结束了,我停止了signed charlie scene签上蠢人地点on your girlfriend"s tits.在你女朋友的MM上(undead!)亡灵you better get up out the way,你最好动身离开

Hollywood tonight歌词

歌词:Lipstick in handTahitian tannedIn her painted on jeansShe dreams of fameShe changed her nameTo one that fits the movie screenShe"s headed for the big time, that meansShe"s going HollywoodShe"s going Hollywood tonightShe"s going HollywoodShe"s going Hollywood tonightShe"s going HollywoodShe"s going Hollywood tonight01:02.96]It"s true, that you, may never ever have that chance againWest bound GreyhoundTo tinsel townJust to pursue her movie star dreamsShe"s giving hot tricks to menJust to get inWhen she was taught that that"s not cleanShe"s headed for the big time, that meansShe"s going HollywoodShe"s going Hollywood tonightShe"s going HollywoodShe"s going Hollywood tonightShe"s going HollywoodShe"s going Hollywood tonightIt"s true, that you, may never ever have that chance again (that chance again)Lipstick in handTahitian tannedIn her painted on jeansShe dreams of fameShe changed her nameTo one that fits the movie screenShe"s headed for the big time, that meansShe"s going HollywoodShe"s going Hollywood tonightShe"s going HollywoodShe"s going Hollywood tonightShe"s going HollywoodShe"s going Hollywood tonightIt"s true, that you, may never ever have that chance again (that chance again)






  vintage hollywood是来自韩国的一个饰品品牌,Vintage Hollywood坚持UNIQUE WEARABLE的设计方向,是每年发展的设计师品牌。


Madonna - HollywoodEverybody comes to Hollywood 每个人都想去好莱坞They wanna make it in the neighborhood 他们都想在那当明星They like the smell of it in Hollywood 好莱坞的味都是香的How could it hurt you when it looks so good 看起来那地方那么好 怎会有问题和声:Shine your light now 不如现在就耀眼夺目吧This time it"s gotta be good 你正是时候You get it right now 现在就想得到一切"Cause you"re in Hollywood 因为你在好莱坞There"s something in the air in Hollywood 好莱坞的空气真不一样The sun is shining like you knew it would 阳光果然美好You"re ridin" in your car in Hollywood 在好莱坞你开着车You got the top down and it feels so good 放下敞篷的感觉真是棒Everybody comes to Hollywood 每个人都想去好莱坞They wanna make it in the neighborhood 他们都想在那当明星They like the smell of it in Hollywood 好莱坞的味都是香的How could it hurt you when it looks so good?看起来那地方那么好 怎会有问题I lost my memory in Hollywood 我在好莱坞丢失了记忆I"ve had a million visions, bad and good 我有万千幻象 不论好坏There"s something in the air in Hollywood 好莱坞的空气真不一样I tried to leave it but I never could 我想离开可已不可能和声:Shine your light now 不如现在就耀眼夺目吧This time it"s gotta be good 你正是时候You get it right now 现在就想得到一切"Cause you"re in Hollywood 因为你在好莱坞music stations always play the same songs 音乐台总是播一样的歌im bored with the concept of right and wrong 关于对错我已然厌倦Everybody comes to Hollywood 每个人都想去好莱坞They wanna make it in the neighborhood 他们都想在那当明星They like the smell of it in Hollywood 好莱坞的味都是香的How could it hurt you when it looks so good? 看起来那地方那么好 怎会有问题Shine your light now 不如现在就耀眼夺目吧This time it"s gotta be good 你正是时候You get it right now 现在就想得到一切"Cause you"re in Hollywood 因为你在好莱坞"Cause you"re in Hollywood 就因为你在好莱坞"Cause you"re in Hollywood 就因为你在好莱坞In Hollywood 在好莱坞Check it out, this bird has flown 看 鸟儿已飞过Shine your light now 不如现在就耀眼夺目吧This time it"s gotta be good 你正是时候You get it right now 现在就想得到一切"Cause you"re in Hollywood 因为你在好莱坞"Cause you"re in Hollywood 就因为你在好莱坞"Cause you"re in Hollywood 就因为你在好莱坞In Hollywood 在好莱坞Push the button 按按钮Don"t push the button 别按按钮Trip the station 换个台Change the channel 换个频道……


hollywood指的是好莱坞。hollywood的意思是好莱坞。例句:Hollywood is American film center. 意为好莱坞是美国电影业的中心。"好莱坞"一词往往直接用来指美国的电影工业,由于美国许多著名电影公司设立于此,故经常被与美国电影和影星联系起来,好莱坞是世界闻名的电影中心,每年在此举办的奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼则是世界电影的盛会。好莱坞不仅是全球时尚的发源地,也是全球音乐电影产业的中心地带。

the word became flesh是什么意思

the word became flesh这个词成了肉身-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

learn words and sentences怎么翻译


write sentence s using the following words这句语法

打印有误,应该就是 sentences。 (sentence的复数形式)全句意思是“用以下的词语造句”。using....是做非谓语动词作状语,具体的说是现在分词短语作状语。例:Sally ran out of the house shouting. 莎莉大叫着跑出房子。 I got home, feeling very tired. 我回到家,感觉累极了。

words sentences是什么意思

word 单词 words 很多个单词或者说过的话的意思 sentence 句子的意思 sentences 很多个句子

words 和sentences的区别

words是有多过一个字但是不代表能变成句子 sentences是句子

wound closure 什么意思

wound closure伤口闭合例句:1.Navarro began his career with Johnson and Johnson focusing on wound closure.





wow autohotkey 如何实现双开同步


There are many wonderful theme parks in America,( )Disneyland in California is my favorite.


the.l.word s608结局到底是什么?急啊!

刚看了,没说是谁杀死jenny的,其他人都是happy ending

美剧the l world

第二季木匠没和B在一起..这是很明显的撒!第二季bette和tina分开了 tina再次怀孕并和helena在一起 bette处于单身状态 并极力挽回tina 直到第二季快结束了 也就是孩子快生下来了时``tina bette终于和好.shane遇见她的一生最爱--carmen 但shane carmen jenny陷入三角恋中(应该可以这样说)Alice当然是和Dana在一起咯!!小两口实在很可爱!!很配的一对!顺便说句:第二季的服装明显好看的多了!因为有许多品牌赞助了!第三季tina bette又开始闹矛盾 tina从会异性圈 bette又难过了!她们还为抚养孩子的事情争吵..反正就是不愉快!shane这个孩子和她的carmen过着愉快的大半季 因为在第三季后面shane本来就要和carmen结婚的 但shane逃婚了....Alice和Dana分了 Al处于"疯癫"状态``并仍对Dana痴迷着 她做出的行为非常好笑!!反正幽默不改啦!!但在第三季里 Dana将会因为乳癌死去.!jenny将神经质发挥得淋漓尽致!!第四季tina慢慢地想挽回与B的感情 但bette喜欢上了她们学校的一个老师 是个艺术家叫jodi(是个失聪者)shane的生活改变了..照顾她同夫异母的弟弟 和一个单亲妈妈在一起..(shane真的很有恋母情节啊!)jenny写的lez girl小说将拍成电影Alice遇见一个在伊拉克打仗的黑人士兵(女的)tasha``对她很有感觉第五季tina bette终于无法忍受对彼此的爱 开始"偷情" 但B对T说那是"回家"的感觉!!!!shane把一个直女活生生扳弯了!!厉害啊!!Alice依旧和黑士兵tasha在一起 但也发生了很多事情```目前(510为止)还是很幸福的!jenny爱上了在她电影里扮演她角色的演员niki```接着看吧!很好看的!最后,我只想在说一句:这部电视剧叫"the l word"而不是"the l world"

Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) (Album Version)歌手:Astrud Gilberto-Down With Love Soundtrack专辑:Down With Love: Music From And Inspired By The Motion PictureFLY ME TO THE MOONAya Bossa Techno VersionFly me to the moonAnd let me play among the starsLet me see what Spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other words, hold my hand!In other words, darling, kiss me!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!Fly me to the moonAnd let me play among the starsLet me see what Spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other words, hold my hand!In other words, darling, kiss me!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!http://music.baidu.com/song/8453740

You Mean All the World to Me有谁懂得这首歌的歌词?


英语翻译 you are all long for all i worship and adore all long for短语怎么用

应该是打错了吧? 我认为原句应该是: You are all I long for,all I worship and adore. 你是我想要的一切,我崇拜和热爱的一切. 没有all long for这个短语.

Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words)歌手:Matt Monro专辑:The Emi Years/The Capitol Years/Through The YearsFly Me To The Moon(In Other Words)- Matt Monro (猎天使魔女/Bayonetta Ver.)Fly me to the moonLet me play among the starsLet me see what spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other wordshold my handIn other wordsdarling kiss meFill my heart with songAnd let me sing forever moreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other wordsplease be trueIn other wordsI love youFly me to the moonLet me play among the starsLet me see what spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other wordshold my handIn other wordsdarling kiss meFill my heart with songAnd let me sing forever moreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other wordsplease be trueIn other wordsI love youIn other wordsI love youFly me to the moonLet me play among the starsLet me see what spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other wordshold my handIn other wordsdarling kiss meFill my heart with songAnd let me sing forever moreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other wordsplease be trueIn other wordsI love youFly me to the moonLet me play among the starsLet me see what spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other wordshold my handIn other wordsdarling kiss meFill my heart with songAnd let me sing forever moreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other wordsplease be trueIn other wordsI love youIn other wordsI love you...........http://music.baidu.com/song/2642055

It is _________ he is always addicted to video games _________ makes his parents worried about ...

C 试题分析:考查主语从句和强调句:这句话可以改成:That he is always addicted to video games makes his parents worried about him.所以判断是强调句,强调结构是:It is/was+强调部分+that+其余部分. 这里强调的是主语从句,he is always addicted to video games是完整的句子,用that引导主语从句,不做成分,that不能省略,句意:是他对录像上瘾使他父母对他很担心。选C。

Step by step one two three Dipdi daridu是什么意思?

Step by step一步一步, one two three一二三, Dipdi daridu 没意思

求翻译Bright Eyes的The Center of the World 中文歌词

At the center of the world世界的中心There is a statue of a girl有一座女孩的雕像She is standing near a well在一口井边With a bucket bare and dry那只水桶已然干涸I went and looked her in the eyes我望向她的双眼And she turned me into sand她将我变成了沙子This clumsy form that I despise我不屑 我笨拙的样子It scattered easy in her hand在她手中一下散开And came to rest upon a beach躺在沙滩上With a million others there和这里无数的沙子一起We sat and waited for the sea我们等待着To stretch out so that we could disappear海洋的潮汐 让自己Into the endlessness of blue消失于这无尽的蓝Into the horror of the truth消失于这恐怖的事实Yes, we are far less than we knew是啊,我们远不及自己所知Yeah, we are far less than we knew!我们远不及自己所知But we knew what we could taste但我们可以感受到Girls found honey to drench our hands女孩们用蜜弄湿我们的手The men cut marble to mark our graves男人们在大理石上刻下我们的墓碑Said we"ll need something to remind us所以我们要提醒自己Of all the sweetness that has passed through us经历过所有幸福的事(fresh sangria and lemon tea)新鲜的汽酒还有柠檬茶The priests dressed children for a choir神父给孩子们穿上唱诗班的衣服(white robed small voices praise him)穿着长袍的孩子们稚嫩的声音赞美上帝But found no joy in what was sung但唱着毫无乐趣的内容The funeral had begunIn the middle of the day葬礼已然在这天的中午开始When you drive home to your place你开着车离家From that job that makes you sleep从那让人昏昏欲睡的工作Back to the thoughts that keep you awake回到让你清醒的思维Long after night has come to claim黑夜后宣称Any life that still remains所有的生命In the corner of the frame都在你构架的That you put around her face她脸庞的角落里Two pills just weren"t enough两片药远远不够The alarm clock"s going off闹钟响起来But you"re not waking up但你没有起床This isn"t happening happening happening happening这不会发生It is!就是这样

mysql workbench 如何为什么没有columns


求关于 Lee greenwood 的介绍 超喜欢

Lee Greenwood生于美国加利福尼亚州,是美国著名的乡村音乐大师,80年代开始活跃于乐坛,纵横歌坛已近30载,发表过20多张专辑,有35首单曲上过美国乡村音乐每周排行榜。God Bless the USA(上帝保佑美国)是Lee Greenwood最有名的单曲,发行于2001年。 唱片公司:Mca公司(环球唱片) 生 日:10-27 星 座:天蝎座 类 型:乡村音乐【Country Music】 语 言:英语英语介绍(稍微全一点)Lee Greenwood (born October 27, 1942 in South Gate, California) is an American country music artist. Active since the early 1980s, he has released more than twenty major-label albums and has charted more than thirty-five singles on the Billboard country music charts.Although he is best known for his single "God Bless the USA", Greenwood also has charted seven Number One hits in his career: "Somebody"s Gonna Love You", "Going, Going, Gone", "Dixie Road", "I Don"t Mind the Thorns (If You"re the Rose)", "Don"t Underestimate My Love for You", "Hearts Aren"t Made to Break (They"re Made to Love)", and "Mornin" Ride". His 1983 single "I.O.U." was also a Top Five hit on the Adult Contemporary charts, and a #53 on the Billboard Hot 100. A 2001 re-release of "God Bless the USA" became his highest charting pop hit, reaching #16 on the Hot 100.Early lifeAfter the separation of his parents, Lee grew up in Sacramento on the poultry farm of his grandparents. At the age of seven, he began playing the saxophone, and at the age of nine became a member of a dance ensemble. In 1969, he joined the Chester Smith Band and had his first television appearance. A short time later, he worked with the country musician Del Reeves.He founded his first band, Apollo, in 1962. He briefly battled a cocaine addiction and moved to Iceland to go to rehab. The band, which changed its name later to Lee Greenwood Affair, played mostly pop music and appeared mostly in casinos in Las Vegas. A few records were recorded in Los Angeles with the Paramount label. After the band broke up in the 1970s, Greenwood moved back to Las Vegas, where he worked as a blackjack dealer during the day, and as a singer at night.CareerIn 1979, he was discovered in Reno, Nevada by Larry McFaden, the bandleader and bassist of Mel Tillis. After making some demo tapes, Greenwood was signed in 1981 by the Nashville division of the MCA label (who had recently absorbed the Paramount label), and McFaden became his manager.The first single, "It Turns Me Inside Out", made it to a spot in the top 20 of the country charts. Greenwood had written this song for Kenny Rogers, but Rogers turned it down due to the sheer volume of songs he had been offered at the time. "Ring On Her Finger, Time on Her Hands" landed him in the country top 10. Each song was marketed heavily, particularly in the South Florida market by MCA Account Service Rep, Brad Fitzgerald, among others.He is best known for writing and recording the patriotic song "God Bless the USA" in the early 1980s. "God Bless the USA" gained renewed popularity following the launch of Operation: Desert Storm in 1991, and again, ten years later, following the September 11, 2001 attacks; in fact, the song even re-entered the Top 20 of the country charts in late 2001. Since then, Greenwood has played at many public events and commemorations of the attacks. He supports the United States Republican Party.In November 2008, President Bush appointed Greenwood to a 6 year term to the National Arts Council.[1]TheaterIn 1995, Greenwood took a break from his touring schedule to spend time with his wife and newborn son. In his time off, he elected to build a theater in Sevierville, Tennessee, and in April 1996, the "Lee Greenwood Theater" opened its doors. This gave Greenwood the opportunity to still perform daily shows, in addition to being with his family. The theater operated for five seasons, and closed for Greenwood to continue touring. The theater was not located in the heavily entertainment and tourist oriented areas of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee and Gatlinburg, Tennessee which contributed to the theater closing. The former theater building is now host to a church.http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/culturemonster/2008/11/lee-greenwoods.html


阿里巴巴是中国领先的云服务提供商,并正在全球范围内扩张它的云业务。阿里将它旗下的电子商务和云服务紧密结合起来,它需要保持业绩增强透明度以获得全球范围内的成功。 从2010年开始阿里巴巴旗下的阿里云业务开始发展,最开始它是模仿亚马逊AWS的模式,特别是云服务相关的技术和服务模式。逐渐的,根据市场的需求,阿里云开始创新它的产品。最初阿里云将中小企业特别是互联网公司作为它的目标客户,但是从2013年开始,阿里云逐渐的将它的业务扩展到政府、制造业和金融行业。阿里云的IaaS业务在上一个财报年达到了20.5亿,相比同期增长了64%。 这份报告同样将从优势、劣势、机会和威胁四个维度来分析阿里云的定位和能力: 该报告同样对阿里的合作伙伴和竞争对手给出了相关建议: Gartner发现,许多阿里云的竞争对手和合作伙伴对其战略和能力认知不够。凭借其现有的云基础设施,阿里正建立和完善以数据为主的能力,以帮助其客户转型和发展,这是以企业为主导的云战略。阿里巴巴是中国最大的云计算供应商,它是联系中外客商与中国大中型电子商务消费者的重要通道。对于阿里全球竞争对手来讲,这不是一场零和博弈。以阿里巴巴在中国的实力和影响力,他们与之将会有一些合作机会。 阿里全球竞争对手在战略规划时,可以利用阿里在企业级云产品和生态系统的不足,从竞争中获得优势。 阿里在中国以外的市场有比较积极的扩张计划,阿里需要迅速推出它的云基础设施和服务以支持其电商的拓展需求。阿里云在短期内为全球客户提供先进的云技术仍然存在一定的压力。阿里要发展其云基础设施,并为全球客户提供云服务,在这两方面为全球技术服务供应商提供了极大的合作机会。阿里需要通信服务提供商和IT基础设施供应商在数据中心设施和网络方面提供支持。而独立的软件开发商、咨询服务公司、系统集成商和管理服务提供商可以参与到其云端生态圈中去。

英文中two million和two millions of哪个对?在句中的用法?thousand

在英文中,“two million”是正确的写法,而“two millions”则是错误的。同样地,“thousand”也只能用单数形式出现,不能写成“thousands”。“two million”表示200万,是一个具体的数值。在句中的用法,可以作为主语、宾语、定语、状语等等。例如:Two million people attended the concert.She earned two million dollars from the sale of her company.The company plans to invest two million dollars in the project.“Thousand”是指1000,也是一个具体的数值。它的中文意思是“千”。在句中的用法和“million”类似,可以作为主语、宾语、定语、状语等等。例如:We need a thousand more chairs for the event.The book has sold thousands of copies.She has saved up a thousand dollars for a new car.“百万亿”在英文中的写法是“trillion”,表示10的12次方。在美国英语中,“trillion”意味着“1,000,000,000,000”,而在英国英语中,“trillion”意味着“1,000,000,000,000,000,000”



The one which I would like to say and make me imp

The one ( whom ) I would like to say and make me impressed is ( in) the Hafen Street.

He rented out his house while he worked abroad 这里的rent是及物动词,为什么要加一个介词out?

rent out - a verb phrase. rented out - a verb phrase in the past tense. rent-out means to earn by renting out a property. He is not renting his property out to earn money now. Or he was renting out his property to earn money during the time he was working overseas.

初二英语 i wish i ______ be thinner would和will 为什么

would 【建议看一下英语虚拟语气那得语法】 wish后宾语从句的虚拟语气只有两种时态,一是一般过去时,一是过去完成时. 即若表示对现在或将来的虚拟就用一般过去时;若表示对过去的虚拟就用 过去完成时. PS:wish的用法 1)用于wish后面的从句,表示与事实相反的情况,或表示将来不太可能实现的愿望.其宾语从句的动词形式为: 真实状况 wish后 从句动作先于主句动词动作 现在时 过去时 (be的过去式为 were) 从句动作与主句动作同时发生 过去时 过去完成时 (had + 过去分词) 将来不大可能实现的愿望 将来时 would/could + 动词原形 I wish I were as tall as you.我希望和你一样高. He wished he hadn"t said that.他希望他没讲那样的话. I wish it would rain tomorrow.我希望明天下雨就好了. 2)Wish to do表达法. Wish sb / sth to do I wish to see the manager.= I want to see the manager. I wish the manager to be informed at once.(= I want the manager to be informed at once.)

wish为什么后面不能加 would have done

建议不要这样去理解. 虚拟语气是指没做到或不能做到的一种假设.I wish后面如果用虚拟语气,通常以过去时来表示现在的意愿,而且知道是不可能的,如:I wish I were you. 以would或could+现在完成时或者过去完成时来表示过去没做到的事,如:I wish you could have helped me (事实上你并没有帮助我),I wish I had told you that.(事实上我并没有告诉过你) would do并不是虚拟语气,而是意愿的表达方式:I would do the job. (我来干这事吧) would have done不能理解为“虚拟将来”,而是“想做而没做”(有“马后炮”的意思),如:I would have helped you if I had not left early. (如果我没早走,我会帮助你的)


太高端了 这个问题绝对高端


would could是没有过去式的

I wish I would do sth.与I wish I +过去式区别是什么?我搞糊涂了


(英语语法)高中 i wish he would 的would是什么用法

虚拟语气的用法. wish后面的宾语从句,如果是对将来动作的假设,则从句使用would do sth结构. 再如:I wish that I would go to Beijing University next year. 我希望我明年能考取北京大学. 其实该变化形式就是给从句的正常时态加上一个过去的变化即可,也就是说本来是will do sth,加上过去就变成了would do sth. 这种变化类似于直接引语变间接引语时,主句为一般过去时候引语的时态变化规则. 如:I said, "I will go to Beijing tomorrow." 变成:I said that I would go to Beijing the next day.如果对你有所帮助,请点击我回答下面的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

I wish后跟是不是一般虚拟语气,如I wish I could/would/should/might????


I wish后跟是不是一般虚拟语气,如I wish I could/would/should/might????


古墓丽影8Tomb Raider:Underworld-Setup怎么设

由于你的显卡太低,内存太小导致不能运行 。换一张显卡就行了——NVIDIA GeForce 6700 GT 就行了 。为了玩游戏当然要付出些代价。 还有最好下载完整版的虽然下起来慢 但是很好玩的




packing:100% Do we我们包装:100%

有一首歌 女声唱的 歌词里有 I say yeah yi yeah I say wow wu wow 求告知 是哪首歌?

Mi Gente

我校将举行一场名为“A Beautiful World”的慈善表演,请根据下列要点写一篇90词左右的演讲稿。1.时间:1

略 这是一篇给材料作文,写一篇演讲稿。题目中给出的材料较为详细,我们要做的就是用正确的英语句子把这些内容表达出来,注意不要遗漏要点。在写作时,本文的主语可以用第一人称,时态一般应该用一般现在时态。为了是表达更有逻辑性,可以使用序数词,连接词等。

A Blind Man Helped Me See the Beautiful World课文中文翻译

A blind man helped me see the beautiful world一个盲人帮我看见这个美丽的世界希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可继续追问

you and beautiful world的歌词

What a wonderful world Louis ArmstrongI see trees are green, red roses, tooI see them bloom for me and youAnd I think to myselfWhat a wonderful worldI see skies of blue and clouds of whiteThe bright blessed dayThe dark says good nightAnd I think to myselfWhat a wonderful worldThe colors of the rainbowSo pretty in the skyAre also on the faces of people going byI see friends shaking handsSaying "how do you do?"They"re really saying I love youI hear babies cry, I watch them growThey learn much moreThan I"ll never knowAnd I think to myselfWhat a wonderful world 多麼美好的世界 路易士阿姆斯壮我看见树的翠绿和玫瑰的红艳她们为你我而绽放我心中想著多麼美好的世界啊我看到了蓝天与白云明亮、幸福的一天夜晚向人们道晚安我心中想著多麼美好的世界啊彩虹的颜色在天空中多麼美丽那些过往的行人脸上也是我看到朋友互相握手说著"最近好吗?"他们是真心的爱著彼此我听著婴儿哭泣,看著他们长大他们学习著许多我从不知道的事物我心中想著多麼美好的世界啊 ###2You are so beautiful Joe CockerYou are so beautiful to meYou are so beautiful to meCan"t you seeYou"re everything I hope forYou"re everything I needYou are so beautiful to meYou are so beautiful to meYou are so beautiful to meCan"t you seeYou"re everything I hope forYou"re everything I needYou are so beautiful to me 你是如此美丽 乔库克对我来说,你是如此美丽在我眼中,你是如此美丽你看不出来吗?你是我所有的期盼你是我需要的一切对我来说,你是如此美丽在我眼中,你是如此美丽对我来说,你是如此美丽你看不出来吗?你是我所有的期盼你是我需要的一切在我眼中,你是如此美丽


taking care of our environment is our duty.but how we can do to make our environment more beautiful?at first,we must make ourselves clean.for example,we must wash our clothes when they are dirty.we should not litter waste things about,and draw on the wall.we mustn"t spit in public or cut down trees.we should plant more trees around our neighbourhood.we should pick the rubbish up and throw them into the dustbin when we see them.we must make our world more and more beautiful,don"t you think so?

美丽的世界英文怎么写? 是beautiful the world

the beautiful world

有一首日语歌曲 是三个女孩唱的 我记得歌名当中有一个词是“world”【世界】歌名是英文 比较欢快


求The Beautiful World的歌词

the Beautiful World——奇诺之旅 [ 2007-7-19 8:58:00 | By: 步 ] 0顶下TVアニメーション「キノの旅」エンディングテーマ「the Beautiful World」 前田 爱 Tooku de furidashita ame Dareka ga nurenagara sotto furueru Yama wo nukete kumo wo tashikame Kaze ni furete hoshi to deatta Soshite tabi ha tsudzukiteru so the Beautiful World Bokura ha iku chiisa na koe so the Beautiful World Kikoeru kara sekai wo hashiru Ikutsumo yarisugosu yoru Dokoka de onaji tsuki miru hito omou Mori ni mayoi sora ni yorisou Kuno wo tazuneyori hito to yukikai Soshite tabi ha owaranai so the Beautiful World Doko kara kita dokomade yuku so the Beautiful World Nagareru mama sekai wo hashiru Yama wo nukete kumo wo tashikame Kaze ni furete hoshi to deatta Soshite tabi ha tsudzukiteru so the Beautiful World Bokura ha iku chiisa na koe so the Beautiful World Kikoeru kara sekai wo hashiru 远くで降りだした雨 だれかが濡れながら そっと震える 山を抜けて 云をたしかめ 风にふれて 星と出会った そして旅は続いてる so the Beautiful World ボクらは行く ちいさな声 so the Beautiful World 闻こえるから 世界を走る いくつもやり过ごす夜 何処かで同じ月 见る人想う 森に迷い 空に寄り添う 国を访ね寄り人と行き交い そして旅は终わらない so the Beautiful World 何処から来た 何処まで行く so the Beautiful World 流れるまま 世界を走る 山を抜けて 云をたしかめ 风にふれて 星と出会った そして旅は続いてる so the Beautiful World ボクらは行く ちいさな声 so the Beautiful World 闻こえるから 世界を走る 中文歌词:远处雨点洒落 是谁在边淋着雨 边悄悄地颤抖 越过群山 触摸白云 在轻拂的风中 与星星相会 然后继续旅行 So the beautiful world 因为我们听到 那细微的声音 So the beautiful world 让我们出发 环游世界 一直任夜晚流逝 在那里看着同样的夜空思念别人 迷失在深林中 靠近天空 周游列国 结识朋友 永无休止的旅行 So the beautiful world 从何处而来 又要往何处而去 So the beautiful world 就这样 环游世界 越过群山 触摸白云 在轻拂的风中 与星星相会 然后继续旅行 So the beautiful world 因为我们听到 那细微的声音 So the beautiful world 让我们出发 环游世界 http://tv.mofile.com/IKMXJMGR/ 这个是ED

西城男孩beautiful word表达什么意思


Beautful world 中文歌词

如果只能实现一个愿望 让我在你身旁沉睡 无论哪里都无所谓 Beautiful world 毫不犹豫地只凝视着你 Beautiful boy 你还不知道 自己是这般美丽吗 It"s only love 无论睡着或醒着 脑子都是少年漫画 不停地做白日梦 不喜欢这样的自己 不清楚究竟渴望什么 只是一味期盼 不冷不热的泪水湿了双颊 没什么特别想说的 只是想再见你一次 无法道出内心的话 或许因为没骨气吧 那样也无所谓 如果只能实现一个愿望 让我在你身旁沉睡 无论哪里都无所谓 Beautiful world 毫不犹豫地只凝视着你 Beautiful boy 你还不知道 自己是这般美丽吗 It"s only love 凡事都要勇于尝试 就算吃了亏 多少也会增加些经验 不需要什么报纸 反正重要消息也不会刊登 最近状况如何呢? 如果过得不错 那就还好 如果在我的世界消失之前都无法相见 让我在你身旁沉睡 无论哪里都好 Beautiful world 在流逝得太过短暂的岁月里 Beautiful boy 情绪起伏不定也是无可奈何 如果只能实现一个愿望 让我在你身旁沉睡

宇多田光的Beautiful World 出自哪部动画?

“Beautiful World”的PV全篇使用了《福音战士新剧场版:序》(Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone)的画面。   宇多田光离婚后第一张单曲。   2009年Beautiful World: Planitb Acoustica Mix" 成为《福音战士新剧场版:破》(Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance)的主题曲。

爱的魔幻beautiful world罗马音

Beautiful World - LOVE PSYCHEDELICO映画「任侠ヘルパー」主题歌帰らない日々を抱きしめてたんだろうka e ra nai hi bi wo da ki shi me te tan da rou 静寂を胸でこらえてる morningsei ja ku wo mu ne de ko ra e te ru morning その爱が空を伝ってゆくんだろうso no ai ga so ra wo tsu ta tte yu kun da rou 儚くても梦は终わらない everythingha ka na ku te mo yu me wa o wa ra nai everything いつの间に爱は流れてゆくんだろうi tsu no ma ni ai wa na ga re te yu kun da rou It"s just the wayIt"s just the way痛いくらい音も无い storyi tai ku rai o to mo nai story それでもまた想いに揺られてゆくんだろうso re de mo ma ta o mo i ni yu ra re te yu kun da rou 见えなくても明日が君を待つ everydaymi e na ku te mo a su ga ki mi wo ma tsu everyday Lullaby for you 风になってLullaby for you ka ze ni na tte Still I wish for you 君を乗せてStill I wish for you ki mi wo no se te あの爱の向こう take you therea no ai no mu kou take you there In this beautiful worldIn this beautiful world この移りゆく timeko no u tsu ri yu ku time その终わらない loveso no o wa ra nai love Oh, 梦で miss youOh, yu me de miss you 风に呗おう 爱が消える前にka ze ni u ta ou ai ga ki e ru ma e ni そして生まれゆく wishso shi te u ma re yu ku wish この beautiful worldko no beautiful world 今 裏腹に cryi ma u ra ha ra ni cry Oh, 爱が take youOh, ai ga take you 风に揺れる love, love, loveka ze ni yu re ru love, love, love Baby, feelingBaby, feelingThis beautiful worldThis beautiful world一人きり梦で泣いていたんだろうhi to ri ki ri yu me de na i te i tan da rou 君はあの风に揺られながら holdingki mi wa a no ka ze ni yu ra re na ga ra holding それでもまたいつか爱に生きるんだろうso re de mo ma ta i tsu ka ai ni i ki run da rou 悲しみが君をすり抜ける far awayka na shi mi ga ki mi wo su ri nu ke ru far away Lullaby for you 风に乗ってLullaby for you ka ze ni no tte Still I wish for you 君を连れてStill I wish for you ki mi wo tsu re te その爱の向こう take you thereso no ai no mu kou take you there In this beautiful worldIn this beautiful world この思い知る heartko no o mo i shi ru heart まだ薄れない lovema da u su re nai love Oh, 梦で touch youOh, yu me de touch you 风に呗おう 爱に触れる度にka ze ni u ta ou ai ni fu re ru ta bi ni Baby, あの空の blueBaby, a no so ra no blue この beautiful worldko no beautiful world 今 想い出に kissi ma o mo i de ni kiss Oh, 爱が hold youOh, ai ga hold you 君に赠る love, love, loveki mi ni o ku ru love, love, love Baby, sharingBaby, feelingThis beautiful worldThis beautiful world始まらない明日を忧いた daysha ji ma ra nai a su wo u re i ta days 悲しみを胸に抱いた loveka na shi mi wo mu ne ni i da i ta love それでもまた爱を呗うんだろうso re de mo ma ta ai wo u ta un da rou Sing this lullaby for you, babySing this lullaby for you, babyYou gonna fly, you gonna flyYou gonna fly, you gonna flyYou gonna flyYou gonna flyIn this beautiful worldIn this beautiful world この移りゆく timeko no u tsu ri yu ku time その终わらない loveso no o wa ra nai love Oh, 梦で miss youOh, yu me de miss you 风に呗おう 爱が消える前にka ze ni u ta ou ai ga ki e ru ma e ni そして生まれゆく wishso shi te u ma re yu ku wish この beautiful worldko no beautiful world 今一人ゆく君に送る wordsi ma hi to ri yu ku ki mi ni o ku ru words And I say good byeAnd I say good byeYou make me cryYou make me cryあの想い出と君に kiss youa no o mo i de to ki mi ni kiss you Beautiful worldBeautiful world今 溢れゆく hearti ma a fu re yu ku heart この终わらない loveko no o wa ra nai love Oh, 君に bless youOh, ki mi ni bless you 风に揺れる love, love, loveka ze ni yu re ru love, love, love Baby, holdingBaby, feelingThis beautiful worldThis beautiful worldBeautiful worldBeautiful world

宇多田光《beautiful world》中文谐音

我的建议是 外语不会还学G8外文歌

宇多田beautiful world罗马音歌词

Beautiful World 歌手:宇多田光 It"s only love It"s only love もしも愿い一つだけ mo shi mo ne ga i hi to tsu da ke叶うなら ka na u na ra君の侧で眠らせて ki mi no so ba de ne mu ra se teどんな场所でもいいよ don na ba syo de mo i i yoBeautiful world 迷わず君だけを见つめている ma yo wa zu ki mi da ke o mi tsu me te i roBeautiful boy 自分の美しさまだ知らないのzi ben no wu tsu ku si sa me da si ra nai noIt"s only love 寝ても覚めても少年マンガ me te mo sa me te mo syou nen man ga梦见てばっか yu me mi te ba ka 自分が好きじゃないの zi ben ga su ki jya nai no何が欲しいか 分からなくて na ni ga ho si i ka,wa ka ra na ku teただ欲しがって ta da ho si ga teぬるい涙が頬を伝う me ru i na mi da ga ho o tsu te u言いたいことなんか无い i tai ko to nan ga naiただもう一度会いたい ta da mou yi chi do a i tai言いたいこと言えない i tai ko to i e nai根性无しかもしれない kon jyou na si ka mo si re naiそれでいいけど so re de i i ke doもしも愿い一つだけ mo shi mo ne ga i hi to tsu da ke叶うなら ka na u na ra君の侧で眠らせて ki mi no so ba de ne mu ra se teどんな场所でもいいよ don na ba syo de mo i i yoBeautiful world 迷わず君だけを见つめている ma yo wa zu ki mi da ke o mi tsu me te i roBeautiful boy 自分の美しさまだ知らないのzi ben no wu tsu ku si sa me da si ra nai noIt"s only love どんなことでも やってみて don na ko to de mo ya te mi te损をしたって sun o si ta te少し経験値上がる su ko si kei ken ji a ga ru 新闻なんかいらない xin bun na ga i ra nai肝心なことが载ってない kan jin na ko to ga mo te nai最近调子どうだい? sai kin cyou si dou dai?元気にしてるなら gen ki ni si te ru na ra别にいいけど be tsu ni ii ke do仆の世界消えるまで bo ku no se kai ki e ru ma de 会えるなら a e ru na ra 君の侧で眠らせて ki mi no so ba de ne mu ra se teどんな场所でも结构 don na ba syou de mo ke koBeautiful world 儚く过ぎて行く日々の中で ha ga na ku su gi te yu ku hi bi no na ka deBeautiful boy 気分のムラは仕方ないね ki ben no mu ra wa si ga da nai neもしも愿い一つだけ mo shi mo ne ga i hi to tsu da ke叶うなら ka na u na ra君の侧で眠らせて ki mi no so ba de ne mu ra se teBeautiful world... Beautiful world... Beautiful world... Beautiful world... Beautiful world... Beautiful world... Beautiful world...

求宇多田光的Beautiful world的中文歌词

it"s only love it"s only loveもしも愿いひとつだけ叶うなら 如果只有一个愿望能实现 君のそばで眠らせて 那么就让我在你身边恬睡 どんな场所でもいいよ 哪里也不再想去Beautiful world迷わず君だけを见つめている 凝视着坚定的你Beautiful boy自分の美しさまだ知らないの 还不知道自己的美吗It"s only love寝てもさめても 少年マンガ 梦见てばっか 睡着醒着 都只梦见少男漫画自分が好きじゃないの 难道他就不喜欢我吗何が欲しいか 分からなくて ただ欲しがって 他想要什么 我不知道ぬるい涙が頬をつたう 只想要脸颊上流淌着的温存的泪言いたいことなんてない 什么都不想说ただもう一度会いたい 只想再见一次面言いたいこと言えない 想说的事情却不能说根性なしかもしれない 说不定是没有毅力それでいいけど 这样虽然也不错もしも愿いひとつだけ叶うなら 如果只有一个愿望能实现君のそばで眠らせて 那么就让我在你身边恬睡 どんな场所でもいいよ 哪里也不再想去Beautiful world迷わず君だけを见つめている 凝视着坚定的你Beautiful boy自分の美しさまだ知らないの 还不知道自己的美吗It"s only loveどんなことでも やってみて 什么事情都试着做做看损をしたって 虽然这样的结果是吃亏少し経験值あげる 但却能从中汲取经验新闻なんかいらない 根本不需要什么报纸肝心なことが载っていない 连那么重要的事情都没有记载最近调子どうだい 最近的气氛是怎么了元気にしてるなら 如果还充满干劲的话别にいいけど 那也还好吧仆の世界消えるまで会えるなら  如果我的世界消失那天能够遇见你君のそばで眠らせて  在你的身边恬睡どんな场所でも结构 无论在什么样的地方Beautiful world  儚く过ぎていく日々の中で 在过度虚幻的每一天里Beautiful boy気分のムラは仕方ないね 世外桃源不是办法もしも愿いひとつだけ叶うなら 如果只有一个愿望能实现君のそばで眠らせて 那么就让我在你身边恬睡

求EVA·破片尾曲 宇多田光的Beautiful World的中文歌词+日文+中文发音!

找百度娘搜搜就行吧......... 【中文发音即罗马音】It"sonlylove如果只能实现一个愿望让我在你身旁沉睡无论哪里都无所谓Beautifulworld毫不犹豫地只凝视着你Beautifulboy你还不知道自己是这般美丽吗It"sonlylove无论睡着或醒着脑子都是少年漫画不停地做白日梦不喜欢这样的自己不清楚究竟渴望什么只是一味期盼不冷不热的泪水湿了双颊没什么特别想说的只是想再见你一次无法道出内心的话或许因为没骨气吧那样也无所谓如果只能实现一个愿望让我在你身旁沉睡无论哪里都无所谓Beautifulworld毫不犹豫地只凝视着你Beautifulboy你还不知道自己是这般美丽吗It"sonlylove凡事都要勇于尝试就算吃了亏多少也会增加些经验不需要什么报纸反正重要消息也不会刊登最近状况如何呢?如果过得不错那就还好如果在我的世界消失之前都无法相见让我在你身旁沉睡无论哪里都好Beautifulworld在流逝得太过短暂的岁月里Beautifulboy情绪起伏不定也是无可奈何如果只能实现一个愿望让我在你身旁沉睡It"sonlyloveもしも愿い一つだけ叶うなら君の侧で眠らせてどんな场所でもいいよBeautifulworld迷わず君だけを见つめているBeautifulboy自分の美しさまだ知らないのIt"sonlylove寝ても覚めても少年マンガ梦见てばっか自分が好きじゃないの何が欲しいか分からなくてただ欲しがってぬるい涙が頬を伝う言いたいことなんか无いただもう一度会いたい言いたいこと言えない根性无しかもしれないそれでいいけどもしも愿い一つだけ叶うなら君の侧で眠らせてどんな场所でもいいよBeautifulworld迷わず君だけを见つめているBeautifulboy自分の美しさまだ知らないのIt"sonlyloveどんなことでもやってみて损をしたって少し経験值上がる新闻なんかいらない肝心なことが载っていない最近调子どうだい?元気にしてるなら别にいいけど仆の世界消えるまで会えぬなら 君の侧で眠らせてどんな场所でも结构Beautifulworld 儚く过ぎて行く日々の中でBeautifulboy気分のムラは仕方ないね もしも愿いひとつだけ叶うなら君の侧で眠らせて

求多宇田光 Beautiful World歌词

It"s only love 如果只能实现一个愿望 让我在你身旁沉睡 无论哪里都无所谓 Beautiful world 毫不犹豫地只凝视着你 Beautiful boy 你还不知道 自己是这般美丽吗 It"s only love 无论睡着或醒着 脑子都是少年漫画 不停地做白日梦 不喜欢这样的自己 不清楚究竟渴望什么 只是一味期盼 不冷不热的泪水湿了双颊 没什么特别想说的 只是想再见你一次 无法道出内心的话 或许因为没骨气吧 那样也无所谓 如果只能实现一个愿望 让我在你身旁沉睡 无论哪里都无所谓 Beautiful world 毫不犹豫地只凝视着你 Beautiful boy 你还不知道 自己是这般美丽吗 It"s only love 凡事都要勇于尝试 就算吃了亏 多少也会增加些经验 不需要什么报纸 反正重要消息也不会刊登 最近状况如何呢? 如果过得不错 那就还好 如果在我的世界消失之前都无法相见 让我在你身旁沉睡 无论哪里都好 Beautiful world 在流逝得太过短暂的岁月里 Beautiful boy 情绪起伏不定也是无可奈何 如果只能实现一个愿望 让我在你身旁沉睡

求宇多田光演唱Beautiful World的中文翻译

it"s only love it"s only loveもしも愿いひとつだけ叶うなら如果只有一个愿望能实现君のそばで眠らせて 那么就让我在你身边恬睡どんな场所でもいいよ 哪里也不再想去Beautiful world迷わず君だけを见つめている凝视着坚定的你Beautiful boy自分の美しさまだ知らないの还不知道自己的美吗It"s only love寝てもさめても 少年マンガ梦见てばっか 睡着醒着 都只梦见少男漫画自分が好きじゃないの 难道他就不喜欢我吗何が欲しいか 分からなくて他想要什么 我不知道ただ欲しがってぬるい涙が頬をつたう 只想要脸颊上流淌着的温存的泪言いたいことなんてない 什么都不想说ただもう一度会いたい只想再见一次面言いたいこと言えない想说的事情却不能说根性なしかもしれない说不定是没有毅力それでいいけど这样虽然也不错もしも愿いひとつだけ叶うなら如果只有一个愿望能实现君のそばで眠らせて那么就让我在你身边恬睡どんな场所でもいいよ哪里也不再想去Beautiful world迷わず君だけを见つめている 凝视着坚定的你Beautiful boy自分の美しさまだ知らないの还不知道自己的美吗It"s only loveどんなことでも やってみて什么事情都试着做做看损をしたって 虽然这样的结果是吃亏少し経験值あげる但却能从中汲取经验新闻なんかいらない根本不需要什么报纸肝心なことが载っていない连那么重要的事情都没有记载最近调子どうだい 最近的气氛是怎么了元気にしてるなら 如果还充满干劲的话别にいいけど 那也还好吧仆の世界消えるまで会えるなら 如果我的世界消失那天能够遇见你君のそばで眠らせて 在你的身边恬睡どんな场所でも结构 无论在什么样的地方Beautiful world儚く过ぎていく日々の中で 在过度虚幻的每一天里Beautiful boy気分のムラは仕方ないね  世外桃源不是办法もしも愿いひとつだけ叶うなら 如果只有一个愿望能实现君のそばで眠らせて 那么就让我在你身边恬睡

beautiful world歌词翻译



  《Beautiful World》  中英文歌词  Here we go, lost in the lessons. 在行走的路上,我从生活上汲取经验  Sometimes I mess up my intentions 有时候我会弄不清自己的目的  I get lost, the cost was losing everything I"ve known. 我迷失了,代价是失去一切所知  Laying here, staring at the ceiling. 躺在这里,盯着天花板  Sometimes still dealing with the feelings. 有时仍在梳理感情  Where I"ve been, what I"ve done, I"m so far out there on my own. 我曾在何方,我做过什么,为何我对自己如此陌生  So quick to point the finger, to find the one to blame. 迅速地反思自我,找到让我迷惘的罪魁祸首  So hard to realize I kept getting in my own way. 很难意识到我在自己的路上正在继续前行  I never thought that I was that strong. 我从未想过我是这样的坚强  To carry on, carry on tonight. 继续吧,继续今夜  Forgiveness in your eyes with nothing to hide. 在你的眼睛里的宽恕,是那样诚挚  All I know, it"s shown me it"s a beautiful world. 我所知的一切,告诉我这是一个美丽的世界  Oh, it"s a beautiful world.(Oh~) 啊,这是一个美丽的世界啊  No more fearing my reflection 从此不再畏惧  Here I am with these imperfections. 纵然我有很多缺陷  You know my flaws but you don"t care, you take them all. 然而你并不在意,坦诚的接受了它  Till now I was barely breathing. 我曾难以呼吸  But you gave me something to believe in. 但是你给了我信仰  We"re writing history, life"s made up of small victories. 我们在书写历史,生活处处掌声与荣耀  We could go round in circles and never get to here 我们可以彷徨但不能停滞不前  So good to realize that we have nothing left to fear. 很高兴意识到我们不再惧怕  I never thought that I was that strong. 我从未想过我这么坚强  To carry on, carry on tonight. 继续吧,继续今夜  Forgiveness in your eyes. Nothing to hide. 在你的眼睛里的宽恕,是那样诚挚  All I know, it"s shown me it"s a beautiful world. 我所知的一切,告诉我这是一个美丽的世界  Oh, it"s a beautiful world.(Oh~)啊,这是一个美丽的世界,啊  So quick to point the finger when it was me to blame. 迅速的反思自我,找到让我迷惘的罪魁祸首  So hard to realize I kept getting in my own way. 很难意识到我在自己的路上正在继续前行  I never thought that I was that strong. 我从没想过我这么坚强  To carry on, carry on tonight. 继续吧,继续今夜  Forgiveness in your eyes. There"s nothing to hide. 在你的眼睛里的宽恕,是那样诚挚  All I know, it"s shown me it"s a beautiful world. 所有的一切在向我表明,这是一个美丽的世界  Oh, the stars alight, Let"s watch its shine for you and I. 啊,流星划过,让我们看着它们为你我闪耀  Oh, these open skies, can we just lie here a while? 啊,这些广阔的天空,我们可以躺下仰望星空吗?  In this beautiful world. 在这美丽的世界里  I never thought that I was that strong. 我从没想过我这么坚强  To carry on. It"s a beautiful world. 继续吧,这个美丽的世界  It"s a beautiful world. 这是一个美丽的世界  西城男孩,Westlife是在1998年成立的爱尔兰男子歌唱团体。 Westlife由Kian,Shane,Mark,Nicky和Bryan(2004年离队)组成,Westlife出道后在爱尔兰和英国走红,在非洲与亚洲也很受欢迎。1999年至2005年间,Westlife有13张单曲唱片在英国高据首位,其销量排名英国音乐史第34位。西城男孩也是英国流行音乐史上唯一支头七支单曲空降榜首的乐队。西城男孩在世界范围内售出四千万张专辑,其中包括七张超白金专辑。2011年10月20日,成立14年的爱尔兰流行组合西城男孩在官网发布了解散声明。

《奇诺之旅》TV的片尾《Beautiful World》的注平假名歌词。不要罗马音和汉译。尽量准确些谢谢~

the Beautiful World歌:前田爱キノの旅远(とお)くで降(ふ)り出(だ)した雨(あめ)だれかが濡(ぬ)れながら そっと震(ふる)える山(やま)を抜(ぬ)けて 云(くも)をたしかめ风(かぜ)にふれて 星(ほし)と出会(てあ)ったそして旅(たび)は続(つづ)いてるso the Beautiful Worldボクらは行(ゆ)く ちいさな声(こえ)so the Beautiful World闻(き)こえるから 世界(せかい)を走(はし)るいくつもやり过(す)ごす夜(よる)どこかで同(おな)じ月(つき) 见(み)る人(ひと)想(おも)う森(もり)に迷(まよ)い 空(そら)に寄(よ)り添(そ)う国(くに)を访(たず)ね 人(ひと)と行(ゆ)き交(か)いそして旅(たび)は终(お)わらないSo the beautiful world何処(どこ)から来(き)た 何処(どこ)まで行(ゆ)くSo the beautiful world流(なが)れるまま 世界(せかい)を走(はし)る山(やま)を抜(ぬ)けて 云(くも)をたしかめ风(かぜ)にふれて 星(ほし)と出会(てあ)ったそして旅(たび)は続(つづ)いてるSo the beautiful worldボクらは行(ゆ)く ちいさな声(こえ)So the beautiful world闻(き)こえるから 世界(せかい)を走(はし)る

宇多田光beautiful world音译歌词

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