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The mother showed her _____ to her kid,She told him that she loved him and would do anything for hi


谁能提供 Kid Loco的歌曲 She Woolf Daydreaming 多个链接 要mp3格式的 不胜感谢!!!!!!!!!!!

LZ;*^_^*《 歌曲:She Woolf Daydreaming 》空间链接;注意查收私信和HI;还不熟悉知道的亲可追问留个邮箱!好发给你。【提醒一下WMA、MP3格式都可以哦】同求资源者请将鼠标放在我的网名上,再点击“求助知友”按钮,向我提问并注明“qw659631”!

一首童声DJ 非常快 有点中国风 歌词带one two three and hihihi 据说很像Koonichi Wa 求歌名

dj舞曲sky - smile - DragonflyLike a warm summer day Like a warm day in May Babe, you make me feel so hot Like a small butterfly Like a bird in the sky Feels like a star that I"m not You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow) So what am I supposed to do? (ay-ow) Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow) One Two Three and I"m here here here Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a small paradise Like a scent of a spice Yes I guess I understood Like a flower so sweet Like a lover of me Boy you make me feel so good You tell me things that I never knew (ay-ow) So what am I supposed to do? (ay-ow) Running around like a little kid (ay-ay-ow) One Two Three and I"m here here here Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above and beyond you and I Like a dragonfly flying high in the sky There is light above you and I



芭比之钻石城堡中的Two Voices, One Song (Movie Version) 英文版歌词

It"s so rare to find a friend like youSomehow when you"re around, the sky is always blueThe way we talk, the things you sayThe way you make it all okAnd how you know, all of my jokes, but you laugh anyway!If I could wish for one thing, I"d take the smile that you bring, Wherever you go in this world I"ll come along!Together we dream the same dream.Forever I"m here for you, you"re here for me.Oh ooh oh.Two voices, one song.And anywhere you are,you know I"ll be around.And when you call my name,I"ll listen for the sound!Two Voices, One Song [Movie Version]If I could wish for one thing, I"d take the smile that you bring.Wherever you go in this world, I"ll come along!Together we dream the same dream. Forever I"m here you, you"re here for me.Oh ooh oh.Two voices, one song.Oh ooh oh.Two voices, one song!

The password must include uppercase and lowercase letters,numbers,and symbols请帮我翻译一下!


有-Tobias Wolff的英文读后感吗?

在网上给你找来一篇读后感Tobias Wolff: "Powder"Yesterday I received a copy of The Night in Question, a collection of short stories by Tobias Wolff. I"ve read this before, but decided I should own a copy, since Mr. Wolff is (blush) my favorite writer of short fiction. I admire, among other things, his ability to keep short fiction short. In this collection, "Powder," at four pages, and "Bullet in the Brain," at six, are among the best short-shorts I"ve ever read."Powder" is a straightforward story about an adolescent boy (the pov character) and his father on a ski trip. The parents are separated or divorced; the father has promised to have the boy back to his mother in time for Christmas Eve dinner. But the father tarries, deciding to get in a few more runs, and by the time they set off, the mountain road they must take is closed and guarded by a state trooper. Eventually the trooper leaves his post and the father decides to risk the snow-covered road.In this story, everything seems to point to disaster. The narrator (an older version of the boy) consistently conveys a sense of worry, at first only that he will be late for Christmas Eve dinner (which has added importance because the father wants to win back the favor of his wife and is screwing this up), but later we fret about their physical well-being. The father sternly warns the boy against such foolhardy behavior. Disaster looms. Yet the boy, who is so tightly wired that he numbers his clothes hangers, is finally able to relax, to trust his father, to accept his fate and enjoy the journey. "If you haven"t driven fresh powder," he says at the end, "you haven"t driven."As with many Wolff stories, signposts of "craft" are not so readily extracted from this piece. There are no tricks. Wolff follows a traditional path: he creates an empathetic protagonist (two, really); he gives the characters a clear goal; a problem arises from a character trait; the protagonists suffer a setback; they overcome the setback and the primary protagonist grows, or at least learns something. And all in four pages! What Wolff doesn"t do is burden the story with flashbacks or a single word of backstory beyond what is required. He gets to the point quickly without ever making the reader feel rushed. There"s even time left at the end for a little protagonistic reflection.This story is really about the father, and that"s the key. The story begins: Just before Christmas my father took me skiing at Mount Baker. He"d had to fight for the privilege of my company, because my mother was still angry with him for sneaking me into a nightclub during his last visit, to see Thelonius Monk.What a dad! Not only does he take his son skiing, he fights for the privilege, and this after sneaking the kid into a jazz club. Who wouldn"t want this guy for a father? But we also recognize that he is a risk-taker, and we are concerned. The rest of the story echoes this first paragraph. It"s all right there.


A:I"m worried.B:Don"t worry.





英语作文how to face the worries of growing up

小小少年,很少烦恼,无忧无虑乐陶陶……”每当听到三年级的小朋友唱起这首歌,心里总是酸溜溜的…… 小时侯,我很想长大,因为长大了,就可以干许许多多自己想做的事情,不必背着妈妈的叨唠,爸爸的责备。 可是真正等到自己长大了,却出现了许许多多的烦恼。长大了,作业渐渐像小山似的多起来。放学后,我不敢去玩,去看自己喜爱的书,我怕自己的作业完成不了,我只能拼命让自己的笔在本子上蠕动着,等到华灯初上,我又骑着自行车狂奔在回家的路。课程也逐渐地繁重起来。每当晚上回家复习时,我望着一大堆的书 ,真不知该去复习哪一科,是语文?还是数学?还是地理?还是…… 我多想有时间去玩会啊!去打打羽毛球,看会儿电视就恐怕成为了我最大的享受了吧。每当看见一大群小孩子们蹦蹦跳跳的样子,我就多想和他们打成一片啊!可玩着玩,我又想起了自己可怜的功课,结果又没心情去玩了。我多想再回到童年,丢掉那无尽的烦恼,再重新当一回无忧无虑的小孩 2 昏暗的台灯下,我凝视着这一杯茶,沸水一次又一次的冲击,让我感到了茶的清香。那苦涩中略微含着的一点甘甜,也被我贪婪的嘴给霸占了,眼的朦胧,勾勒出朦胧的记忆,可记忆却已不再朦胧。 作业之多“难为”了嬉戏之少,老师之严肃“阻抑”了欢笑之渺,压力之沉重,“造就”了在梦幻中的我们——成长的烦恼。打开厚重的回忆之书,那思绪点点,也许是不倦回眸的一些往事。 “初”来乍到,一个脆弱的我,被“敌人”瞄准了“弱点”猛开了一炮,那个不堪一击的我,在“血”场上牺牲了,可一个“睡里挑灯看卷,梦回铃响背诗”的我又一次站了起来。那段岁月,正在黑暗中迷茫的我,学习之余,有时我也找一席尚未枯黄的草地,有时也会是书桌前、窗台边,看伫立在远处的一排排树正在拼搏,为的只是能发出最后的一丝艳绿。那些是什么树?我无从得知,可这又有什么关系呢?只要它们是树,就足够了。当我看着它们发呆时,心里就会思绪万千,当我的眼睛重新回到树的时候,心情豁然开朗,压力荡然无存,转而投身于繁忙的学习之中。 似乎茶的清香已弥漫了“世界”,我的心情也随之沸腾起来。 我的拼搏,战胜了烦恼,战胜了一切,让那似乎是最后一丝艳绿,同样放出等同于盛夏的光彩。“少年不知‘烦"滋味”,可在这“山重水复”的转弯处时,有谁要是放松下来,等待你的便是“沼泽千里,棘丛万丈”。反之,若要是拼搏和毅力,等待你的便是“柳暗花明,青山绿水”了。莫非你还真要让烦恼化作青烟一缕,缠绕你的灵魂,让你烦闷,让你苦恼吗? 若成长是一篇著作,那么烦恼便是藏在段落深处的错字;如果成长是一张白纸,那么烦恼便是附在背面的一个瑕疵。这些微小的东西似乎是似曾相识,似乎是一直打扰着我们,在成长的大自然中,过去那似微风抚面般的学习,现已被暴风雨般的学习和压力的进攻吹散在记忆的深处了。 双手已经感觉不到茶的温度了,弥漫在屋子里的清雾也悄然消失。更加用心地品味那“苦中有乐”的水,去品味成长的烦恼,“烦着烦着”,时光也“走着走着”,经历也“多着多着”,再一次去品味那茶,那“苦涩”似乎已随着温度、随着用心灵丈量的时间而荡然无存了……。Little boy, little worry, worry-free ... ... Le Taotao "Every time the third grade to hear the children sing the song, was always sour ... ... Xiao Shihou, I would like to grow up, grow up because you can do many things they want to, do not have to talk on and on the carrying mother, the father of the blame. But when his real grown up, but there have been many troubles. Grown up, operating gradually as more and more like the hill. After school, I can not play, to see their favorite book, I would be afraid of their own work can be completed and the hard so I can only pen in his book on peristalsis, Huadengchushang wait, I rode a bike in the running to go home Way. Courses are also heavy up gradually. Every home in the evening review, I looked at a lot of books, I really do not know where to go Review Section, is the language? Or mathematics? Or geography? ... Or ... I think there will be time to play ah! To play badminton, watch TV later on, I am afraid I have become the largest enjoyed it. Whenever I see a large group of kids who look like the bounce, I think they mix and ah! Can be played playing, I think of his poor schoolwork, the results do not have the heart to play. I would like to return to childhood, then throw away the endless troubles, and then back again when a carefree child 2 Dim lamp, I looked at the cup of tea, boiling water again and again the impact, I feel the fragrance of tea. That bitter taste in his mouth a little bit of sweet, I was greedy to the occupation of the mouth, eyes dim and hazy outline of memory, no longer has hazy memory. Operating as many as the "hard" to play a little, the teacher"s serious, "inhibition," the laughter of vague, heavy pressure, "created" in the dream of us - Growing Pains. Open the thick book of memories, thoughts that little bit of, perhaps some of the tireless Review of the past. "Early" arrived at that time, I have a fragile, "the enemy" aimed at the "weaknesses" Meng opened a gun, that I would not withstand a single blow of the "blood" at the expense of the field, a "sleep, burning the midnight oil to see Volume, Bei Shi Meng Hui rang "I stood up again and again. During that time, is the dark I am puzzled, to learn, and sometimes I have yet to find a seat of the brown grass, is sometimes desk, side of the window to see in the distance standing in the rows of trees are fighting for the Only be able to issue a final trace of the Green-yan. What are those trees? I have no way of knowing that this could be what is the relationship? As long as they are trees enough. When I looked at them in a daze, the heart will be thousands of thoughts, when my eyes return to the tree, suddenly feeling the pressure gone, turn themselves into the busiest of the study. It seems that tea has been filled with the fragrance of the "World", my heart also boiling up. My struggle to overcome the troubles to overcome everything, so it seems to be the last trace of the Green-yan, also released in the summer of the same luster. "I do not know Junior "trouble" taste," in which "a heavy water Complex Hill," the corner, if anyone down to relax and wait for you is the "swamp thousands of miles, miles Cong spine." On the other hand, if it is perseverance and hard work, your wait is "a new vista, green mountains and blue waters." Could you really let the smoke plume into trouble, winding your soul, your bored, let it upset you? If growth is a book, then the trouble is hidden in the depths of paragraphs misprint; if growth is a piece of blank paper, the worry is attached to the back of a flaw. These small things appear to be familiar, seems to always bother us, in the nature of the growth in the past, it may ask the breeze as the study area, the storm has been like learning the offensive pressure and disperse in the depths of memory. His hands have been feeling less than the temperature of tea, filled the house in the fog-ching also quietly disappeared. More carefully to taste that "there is suffering in music," the water to taste Growing Pains, "the trouble with trouble," time "walked" experiences "with more and more" once again to taste it Tea, "bitter" seems to have with the temperature, measure souls with the use of time gone by ... ....嫌多的话自己摘抄 踏过如歌的花季,走过如诗的雨季,忽然发现岁月已经摇走了17个春秋,过去的欢笑和悲伤,都已悄然放在旧时的枕边。如今,曾经的琴棋书画、风花雪月已变成了柴米油盐般习以为常。作业之繁多控制了嬉戏之时;老师之严肃“阻抑”了欢笑之渺;压力之沉重,“造就”了我们成长中如影随形的烦恼。打开厚重的回忆之书,那思绪点点,也许是不倦回眸的一些往事。 期中考试,我以作文离题而忐忑不安。一瞬间,我所有的骄傲和自信都沉入了太平洋。坐在餐桌旁,看着妈妈脸上阴云密布,我的心一阵阵打颤,我知道这是暴风雨的前奏。“不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。”苦口婆心的“政治课”拉开了序幕:“你太让我……” “咚咚咚……”上帝保佑,我的救星——老爸回来了。老爸一直都是以思想为教育前列,一般不会像妈妈那样令我有种莫名的恐惧。爸爸嬉皮笑脸地说:“怎么样,期中考圆了你的第一梦没?”“又是骄傲成这样,你问你的宝贝儿子!”妈妈一脸失望地说。“没关系,考试又不是人生,失败就是次挫折嘛。”“哼,老是这样,平常你也不理,现在呢……”不知道什么时候,妈妈学会了指桑骂槐。我的眼泪在眼眶里打转,都怪我不争气,连累了爸爸。可爸爸似乎没有领悟冷嘲热讽的内涵,继续他的“牛论”:“别听你妈的,考试算什么,自己心中有数就行了,你老是争第一就是带压力,你妈不信,下次你给她‘突变"一下。”妈妈一阵唉声叹气。不过我知道,妈妈也是一时半会的满脸怨气,时间一逝就心平气和了,我也就埋头钻进了书屋。 自然,成长的烦恼不是独自“进攻”,一来就是一群。又是一个阳光熹微的明媚早晨,我依然沉浸在我的美梦中,然而梦还没完,“长官”便如影随形地吼起高八度:“快起来,书法要来不及了。”没有办法,只有起床啰。自从前几年练起书法,就有种莫名的拘束感,朋友在外驰骋,而我却是笼中之鸟。我知道父母是为我着想,多一门“手艺”,长大就多一份希望,但心里总不是滋味。没办法,收拾了“家伙”就匆匆赶到“前线”,两小时的练习就此开始。刚煎熬完书法,下午又是英语的天地。匆匆赶完午饭,英语时刻又悄然来临。 虽从哇哇坠地到现在殷殷少年,我一直沉浸在欢乐的海洋中,然而成长的日益增长,烦恼不尽而来,压力也从此日益沉重,偶尔的松懈便有如释重负的悦感。若成长是一篇著作,那么烦恼便是藏在段落深处的错字;如果成长是一张白纸,那么烦恼便是附在背面的一个瑕疵;成长是取舍,而烦恼就是舍中之取。Ta Guo Song of the season, poetically through the rainy season, has suddenly found time shaking away the Spring and Autumn, 17, of laughter and sadness in the past, have been quietly on the old pillow. Today, Qin Qi"s painting was, has become a romantic Chaimiyouyan used to like. Operating range of control when the play; teacher"s serious, "inhibition" of laughter vague; heavy pressure, "created" hand in hand in the growth of our troubles. Open the thick book of memories, thoughts that little bit of, perhaps some of the tireless Review of the past. Mid-term exam, I digress composition and uneasy. The blink of an eye, all my pride and self-confidence are the sink into the Pacific Ocean.坐在餐桌旁, looked at her mother"s face covered with dark clouds, waves Dachan my heart, I know that this is a prelude to the storm. "Silence is not in the outbreak, in the silence of extinction." Earnestly "political class" started: "You let me too ... ..." "Dong Dongdong ... ..." God, my savior - father back. Dad has always been in the forefront of the ideological education for the general mother did not like so I have a nameless fear. Xipixiaolian father: "how kind, a round of the midterm of your dreams did I?" "Is proud to be so, you ask your baby son!" Her mother said with a look of disappointment. "It does not matter, the examination is not life, is the failure of frustration at them." "Well, always the case, you would not normally grounds, it is now ... ..." I do not know when, my mother learned to make oblique accusations. Tears in my eyes around, I do not blame live up to our expectations, the implication of the father. Dad can not seem to understand the connotations of cynicism, to continue his "cattle": "Do not listen to your mother, What kind of examination that he had a pretty good idea on the line, you always fight is the first to bring pressure on the mother you do not believe that the next Time you give her a "mutation" look. "Moan and groan a mother. But I know that the mother also will be 1:30 the face of grievances, the time passed away on a calm, and I buried it into the House. Naturally, Growing Pains is not alone "offensive" to a group that is. Is a bright sunny morning of Xi Wei, I am still immersed in my dream, the dream does not end there, however, the "Executive" will be hand in hand to roar from high-octave: "fast, calligraphy to be too late." Not only to get up Hello. Since a few years ago, practicing calligraphy, have a nameless sense of restraint, he said outside a friend, and I was Longzhongzhiniao. I know my parents think, more than a "craft", grew up on more than a hope, but the overall feel bad. No way, to clean up the "guy" rushed "front line", a two-hour practice to start on this. Suffering has just finished calligraphy, the afternoon is the English world. Lunch rush hurriedly finished, the arrival of English at all times and quietly. Although the girls fell onto the ground from the wah-wah to the present juvenile hopes, I have been immersed in the joy of the ocean, but the growth of the growing troubles are not from pressure from increasingly heavy, occasionally let"s have a sense of relief of Yue. If growth is a book, then the trouble is hidden in the depths of paragraphs misprint; if growth is a piece of blank paper, the worry is attached to the back of a flaw; growth is a trade-off, and the trouble is in the care of the check.

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举剑及眉,仰笑长天。请及时采纳,不懂继续问。(*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!

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阅读与回答问题。(共5分)The Sawyers live at 87 King Street. In the morning, Mr Sawyer goes to wor

1.They live at 87 King Street. 2. She stays at home every day. 3. Her friends. 4. No ,he doesn"t.5.They often do their homework. 略


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In the morning,Mr Sawyer goes to work. 帮忙分析一下句子成分,谢谢。

In the morning,Mr Sawyer goes to work. Sawyer先生早上去上班,很明显主谓宾结构Mr Sawyer 做主语 goes to做谓语动词work作宾语In the morning做时间状语




富文本格式(RichTextFormat)即RTF格式,又称多文本格式,是由微软公司开发的跨平台文档格式。大多数的文字处理软件都能读取和保存RTF文档。这是一种类似DOC格式(Word文档)的文件,有很好的兼容性,使用Office Word就能打开并进行编辑。通用兼容性是RTF的最大优点,但同时也就具有它的缺点,比如文件一般相对较大、Office Word等应用软件特有的格式可能无法正常保存等。扩展资料富文本格式(RTF)规范为了便于在应用程序之间轻松转储格式化文本和图形的一种编码方法。现在,用户可以利用特定转换软件。在不同系统如MS-DOS、Windows、OS/2、Macintosh和PowerMacintosh的应用程序之间转移字处理文档。RTF规范提供一种在不同的输出设备、操作环境和操作系统之间交换文本和图形的一种格式。富文本使用ANSI,PC-8,Macintosh,或IBMPC字符集控制文档的表示法和格式化,包括屏幕显示和打印。


1、rtf是多信息文本格式(方便于不同的设备、系统查看的文本和图形的文档格式)。转成word方法:在任意位置单击右键,选择“新建”“Word文档”,并双击打开。2、点击左上角的“菜单”按钮,然后点击“打开”。3、将右下角文件类型修改为“所有文件”,找到“写字板”类型的文件,点击“打开”。演示机型:华为MateBook X 系统版本:win10 APP版本:word 20201、rtf是多信息文本格式(方便于不同的设备、系统查看的文本和图形的文档格式)。转成word方法:在任意位置单击右键,选择“新建”“Word 文档”,并双击打开。2、在打开的word文档中,点击左上角的“菜单”按钮,然后点击“打开”。3、在打开文档界面右下角文件类型修改为“所有文件”,找到“写字板”类型的文件,点击“打开”。4、打开之后点击“菜单”选择“另存为”。5、在“另存为”界面,将“保存类型”修改为“Word 文档”,选好保存位置,设置好保存的文件名,点击保存即可。




  演示机型:华为MateBook X 系统版本:win10 APP版本:word 2020   1、rtf是多信息文本格式(方便于不同的设备、系统查看的文本和图形的文档格式)。转成word方法:在任意位置单击右键,选择“新建”“Word 文档”,并双击打开。   2、在打开的word文档中,点击左上角的“菜单”按钮,然后点击“打开”。   3、在打开文档界面右下角文件类型修改为“所有文件”,找到“写字板”类型的文件,点击“打开”。   4、打开之后点击“菜单”选择“另存为”。   5、在“另存为”界面,将“保存类型”修改为“Word 文档”,选好保存位置,设置好保存的文件名,点击保存即可。



Mr.Sawyer comes home from work.请问这里的work是什么意思

work 在这里是名词,意思是“工作”,此处借代“工作单位”,from work 就是“离开工作单位”,这句话的意思是“索耶学生下班回家”






富文本格式(Rich Text Format,RTF)是一种文件格式,它使你能在不同的操作系统下的不同的文字处理软件间更换文本文件。比如,你可以在Windows 98下用Microsoft Word创建一个文件,把它存为RTF文件(文件名后缀为“.rtf”),然后你可以将文件发给一个在Windows 3.1下使用WordPerfect 6.0的人,他是可以打开这个文件阅读它的。(在某些情况下,RTF性能可以被做到文字处理软件中。而在其他情况下可能需要一个独立的阅读器或编辑器。)  RTF规范使用ANSI、PC-8、Macintosh、IBM PC等字符集。它定义了控制字及符号,其作用就像“公分母”格式命令一样。当文件被保存成富文本格式时,RTF编辑器将对文件进行处理,将文字处理软件的标记转换成RTF语言。当阅读RTF文件时,RTF阅读器将对控制字和符号进行处理,将RTF语言转换成显示这个文档的文字处理软件所需要的格式。这个规范的备份放于万维网协会的档案中,它用于创建一个RTF的阅读器或编辑器。

total amount in words是什么意思

total amount in words 词汇总量双语对照例句:1.His account in words and pictures. 他用文字和图片说明了这一切。2.I put chinese words in english sentences! 我把汉字夹在英语中!



total amount in words是什么意思








下面那个不是反病毒软件 A.Kill B.Cpav C.Word D.Kv3000





在使用Word时,需要进入打开功能,需要点击另存为选项卡进行操作即可。华硕 飞行堡垒windows 10Word 20211、打开【电脑桌面】,双击进入到【rtf文档】。2、点击上方的【开始】选项,设置rtf文档格式。3、点击左上方的【文件】,选择显示列表里面的【另存为】选项。4、接下来找到右侧的【word文档】选项,根据提示进行转换。5、可以点击【其他格式】,选择【doc格式】进行保存。


富文本格式(RichTextFormat,RTF)是一种文件格式,它使你能在不同的操作系统下的不同的文字处理软件间更换文本文件。比如,你可以在Windows98下用MicrosoftWord创建一个文件,把它存为RTF文件(文件名后缀为“.rtf”),然后你可以将文件发给一个在Windows3.1下使用WordPerfect6.0的人,他是可以打开这个文件阅读它的。(在某些情况下,RTF性能可以被做到文字处理软件中。而在其他情况下可能需要一个独立的阅读器或编辑器。)  RTF规范使用ANSI、PC-8、Macintosh、IBMPC等字符集。它定义了控制字及符号,其作用就像“公分母”格式命令一样。当文件被保存成富文本格式时,RTF编辑器将对文件进行处理,将文字处理软件的标记转换成RTF语言。当阅读RTF文件时,RTF阅读器将对控制字和符号进行处理,将RTF语言转换成显示这个文档的文字处理软件所需要的格式。这个规范的备份放于万维网协会的档案中,它用于创建一个RTF的阅读器或编辑器。

english--the bridge to the world的作文

先用中文写,在下有道词典翻译。 或English--the bridge to the world It is said that English is the bridge to the world since English is widely utilized by people in business negotiation, communication with others, school education, and so forth. Two-thirds of the world speak English that originates from England and is also spoken as a native language in the other home countries of the United Kingdom, in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa, and numerous other countries. English is now the third most spoken native language worldwide (after Chinese and Hindi), with some 380 million speakers. It has lingua franca status in many parts of the world, due to the military, economic, scientific, political and cultural influence of the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries and that of the United States from the mid 20th century to the present. Through the global influence of native English speakers in cinema, airlines, broadcasting, science, and the Internet in recent decades, English is now the most widely learned second language in the world. Many students worldwide are required to learn some English, and a working knowledge of English is required in many fields and occupations. Because English is so widely spoken, it has been referred to as a "global language." While English is not the official language in many countries, it is the language most often taught as a second language around the world. It is also, by international treaty, the official language for aircraft/airport communication. Its widespread acceptance as a first or second language is the main indication of its global status


1、rtf是多信息文本格式(方便于不同的设备、系统查看的文本和图形的文档格式)。转成word方法:在任意位置单击右键,选择“新建”“Word文档”,并双击打开。2、点击左上角的“菜单”按钮,然后点击“打开”。3、将右下角文件类型修改为“所有文件”,找到“写字板”类型的文件,点击“打开”。 演示机型:华为MateBook X 系统版本:win10 APP版本:word 2020 1、rtf是多信息文本格式(方便于不同的设备、系统查看的文本和图形的文档格式)。转成word方法:在任意位置单击右键,选择“新建”“Word 文档”,并双击打开。 2、在打开的word文档中,点击左上角的“菜单”按钮,然后点击“打开”。 3、在打开文档界面右下角文件类型修改为“所有文件”,找到“写字板”类型的文件,点击“打开”。 4、打开之后点击“菜单”选择“另存为”。 5、在“另存为”界面,将“保存类型”修改为“Word 文档”,选好保存位置,设置好保存的文件名,点击保存即可。



which language is the most widely spoken in th world ,the answer is English 相关的一篇英语短文

English is widely used  More than 6,000 languages are spoken in the world today. Many of these languages are spoken by small groups of people. More than 200 languages are spoken by one million or more people. Which language is spoken by the largest number of people in the world? Of course, the answer is Chinese. But which language is the most widely spoken in the world? The answer is English. English is spoken by more than 400 million people as their first language. It is spoken by most people in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. But it is also used very widely as a foreign language in many other countries of the world. Look at the back of your watch. You many see the English words “Made in China”. Look at something else, for example, a TV set. Again you may find the English words “Made in China”, “Made in Japan”, or even “Made in Germany”. English is the first language in none of these countries. Why are English words written on these things? It is because in the modern world, English is widely used for business between different countries. When a German buy something from a Japanese, or an Indian sells something to a Frenchman, they often use English. Most business letters around the world are written in English. Half the world"s telephone calls are made in English. Three quarters of the world books and newspapers are written in English. More than three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English too! If you travel in India, France, Germany, or almost any other country in the world, you will still be able to use English. It is used by travelers and business people all over the world. It is one of the world"s most important languages as it is so widely used. That is why more and more people in China are interested in learning English.

around the world in eight hours这篇课文的英文

Good news!A new called "eight hours to travel around the world" educational cd-rom game just to come out.This sounds very interesting,isn"t it?This type of CD can not only help you learn English can help you learn geography knowledge.She is by Nancy Jackson of the design.Yes,she is the children favorite called "online traveler" CD designer. Of this wonderful new main character of the game is "itch feet." He is 13 years old and likes to travel.One day,he was lying on the lawn,and look at the beautiful blue sky,imperceptibly asleep and had a strange dream. In his dream he saw a golden clouds.In this little cloud that read:welcome,traveler.See those with the different color of the big clouds?When you answer to a question,you will get a portion.When you acquire enough points,a cloud will decline brought you to a place you"ve never been to.Are you ready?Let"s go! When you play this game,you will play the role of itch feet.The game has eight levels,and finish each level will cost you an hour.If you are smart,you will be in eight hours to travel around the world! This type of CD-ROM can through the test your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary to help you learn English.Every time you get to a new place,on your screen you will see a lot of information about the place.For example,when you get to London,you will understand the British museum and some other interesting places.Every time you pass a level,you will see a map of the world.Before you visit place will be on this map marked with bright purple.That when you through the eight levels after what you"ll see?Well,this is the need to find out! This game is simply the best a one.You will like it very much.In all the computer stores and bookstore you can buy.In it before buying it quickly sold out .

《English—the bridge to the world》

English——the bridge to the world Everybody knows that English is the bridge to the world. English is widely used in the world. First of all, English is the working language of most of the organizations in the world. If you don"t understand English, you can"t communicate with foreigners. Though you can have an interpreter, it will be more fun to communicate with a foreigner in person. Second, you can do business with foreign countries in English. If you don"t know English, it will be more difficult to do so. Third, English is used in tourism. Whether you go to a foreign country to travel or foreign friends come to travel in China, English is used. Fourth, most of the websites are in English and TV and radio programmes are braodcasted in English, too. Besides, most of the newspapers and bokks are printed in English. In a word, English is very important, either in China or outside China. So English is the bridge to the world.(我自己写的)Since the succuessful host of Beijing Olympic Games, more and more people realize the importance of learning English. People, old and young are crazy about English, not to mention we students.Why are English so popular in China and around the world?Because English is a bridge to the world. If you learn English well, you can communicate with others wherever you are, since people in almost every country learn English. So we students should attach more importance to English learning. But meanwhile, we should not neglect our Chinese, since Chinese is our gem, forever and cannot be replaced by any other language definitely.From now on, let"s work hard on English learning. Speak more, practice. Don"t be shy, just try.

around the world歌词,注意是首儿童歌!

HELLO TO ALL THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLDHello, Bon Jour, Buenos Dias,G"day, Guten tag, Konichiwa,Ciao, Ni Xao, Sawadeeka,Hello to all the children of the world!We live in different places from all around the world,We speak in many different ways -Though some things might be different, we"re children just the same,And we all like to sing and play.Hello, Bon Jour, Buenos Dias,G"day, Guten tag, Konichiwa,Ciao, Ni Xao, Sawadeeka,Hello to all the children of the world!There are children in the deserts, and children in the towns,And children who live down by the sea.If we could meet each other, to run and sing and play,Then what good friends we all could be.Hello (English) Guten tag (German)Bonjour (French) Konichiwa (Japanese)Buenos dias (Spanish) Ciao (Italian)G"day (Australian) Ni Xao (Chinese)Sawadeeka (Thai) Namaste (Hindi)Shalom (Hebrew) Dobrey Dyen (Russian)


Nowadays,the world is turning into a global village.In order to make effective communication with people from different places,a common language is needed.And English is just playing that part.English is now being spoken all around the world.In many non-English-speaking countries,English,as the first foreign language is being taught from primary school to college.Many people major in English and make contribution to the spread of the language.And relative competitions are held every now and then for those who are interested in English.There are a lot of different accents for English.In different countries,their English have different features.For example in China,we have formed our own accent and Chinese-like grammar which is called Chinglish.No matter what it has become,it"s purpose for communication never changes.

社交网络如何影响我们的生活,how does social network affect our life

Globally, we have moved from a culture centered on network television, cable, AM and FM radio and telephone into a digital society with mass media,streaming information, intelligent computer. To shift...

English has become used around the world.语法对吗?

正确的表达是:English has become useful around the world.用 useful 而不是use 的过去分词.

英语作文A lecture on English around the word

As everyone knows,english is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. If we can speak english well,we will have more chance to succeed.because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a high speed. i love english,it gives me a colorful dream.i hope i can travel around the world one day. with my good english, i can make friends with many people from different contries.i can see many places of great intrests.i dream that i can go to london,because it is the birth place of english. i also want to use my good english to introduce our great places to the english spoken people,i hope that they can love our country like us. i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well. i am sure that i will realize my dream one day! thank you!

english around the world60词初中作文

With the developing of economic and technology,English is more and more important,especially in communication.As everybody known,English is playing the most important role in the economic gobalization.Any country must be open to others in order to make more interests,and at that time,English is the necessity to communicate as a basic tool.Nowadays,technological advances are improving day by day,and we must have the ability to know the new things,so English is helpful to academic exchanges,which can enhance our competitiveness .At present,more and more people are learning English as the second language,and English is the most popular language all over the world ,which prove its importance in daily life around the world.

填介词:English is popular around the world ______computers

withbe popular with sb.受某人欢迎

翻译:世界各地很多人讲英语English_____ _____ by a lot of people around the world.

miss since is fartold at allunder controlto buy for

各位大虾:Around China 和Around the world以及English classroon分别是什么电视节目?敬请赐教。

1.Around China 是CCTV9的一个电视节目,介绍中国各个地方的美景和少数名族的特色,中文是"走遍中国".2.你说的Around the world应该是英国广播公司的节目,《BBC 八十天环游地球》(BBC Around The World In 80 Days,主要介绍世界各地的奇观异景.3.english classroom是疯狂英语里面的一个节目.你说的答语是指别人对你说圣诞快乐你应该怎么回答是吗?如果对方直接说Merry Christmas,你就一样回答他Merry Christmas.如果说Wish you a merry christmas,你可以说Thank you,the same to you.

English is a language spoken all around the world


English has become widely used around the world


急需外研版初三英语 Module9 unit2 课文原文《Who owns English?》和 Around the world 急需呀!!

english around the worldBatman and Spiderman are two of the most famous American car toons.Batman os older tahn Spiderman.The first Batman cartoon appeare in 1939.Batman is one of the few cartoon heroes who have appeared in books since 1940. Spiderman was created a little more recently.Spiderman first appeared in comic books in 1962.In 1977, he appeared in daily newspapers.The Spiderman cartoon has been in over 500 different newspapers around world. Like Batman,Spiderman was also made into a television proramme and was cery successful.Both of them have been made into films,which helped to popularise them more widely,especially among children.Many try to imitate them.When they can"t fly,like Batman,they might try to walk on walls or even try to climb up them.Butthe main thing they should try to learn from Batman or Spiderman is to do good things for people,to help those who are unhappy or in trouble.

以English Around the World为题目的英语作文


English around the world 这个怎么翻译好呢?

English around the world=English (which is)around the world.around the world 是后置定语修饰English,直译过来就是围绕全球的英语.


除非D=0也算可以。。。。不这样这题无解易证D=1 所以R=2 E=4 但是再前面的 WO+WO=GG 是做不出来的。

social network 和 social media有什么区别


诗歌a forever friend是谁写的,内容有"A friend walk in when the rest of the world walks out." ……




the l word。 Jenny到底怎么死的??




这句英文什么意思“RASSWORD DISABLED !!! Press any key to continue”

Password Disable. Press any key to continue密码不可用,按任意键继续。

Janita唱的《no words》的歌词是什么谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

本站歌词来自互联网 Ashanti - No Words LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-de... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-de... Oooo Lately I, don"t know why Every time I think about you I just wanna cry It"s not the cry that makes my heart ache It"s the one that brings me to my knees and gives thanks That finally, I have a chance to breathe And thank God for all the goodness that he sent me So it took a while but it was worth the wait It"s a different kind of love when we love make If I"m sitting with you Laying with you, Talking with you I know I love it when I"m Just riding with you, loving with you Laughing with you, I can"t believe I"m So addicted to you, but I"m not ashamed It"s so hard to explain There are No Words that I can say It"s a different kind of love when we love make It"s been a while, you been around And I think I like how everything is going down And spending time just let"s me know I will need you and I never wanna let you go And mentally you were meant for me Not to mention how I feel you physicality So it took a while but it was worth the wait It"s a different kind of love when we love make If I"m, sitting with you Laying with you, Talking with you I know I love it when I"m Just riding with you, loving with you Laughing with you, I can"t believe I"m So addicted to you, but I"m not ashamed It"s so hard to explain There are No Words that I can say It"s a different kind of love when we love make There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo

Janita唱的《no words》的歌词是什么

本站歌词来自互联网 Ashanti - No Words LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-de... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-de... Oooo Lately I, don"t know why Every time I think about you I just wanna cry It"s not the cry that makes my heart ache It"s the one that brings me to my knees and gives thanks That finally, I have a chance to breathe And thank God for all the goodness that he sent me So it took a while but it was worth the wait It"s a different kind of love when we love make If I"m sitting with you Laying with you, Talking with you I know I love it when I"m Just riding with you, loving with you Laughing with you, I can"t believe I"m So addicted to you, but I"m not ashamed It"s so hard to explain There are No Words that I can say It"s a different kind of love when we love make It"s been a while, you been around And I think I like how everything is going down And spending time just let"s me know I will need you and I never wanna let you go And mentally you were meant for me Not to mention how I feel you physicality So it took a while but it was worth the wait It"s a different kind of love when we love make If I"m, sitting with you Laying with you, Talking with you I know I love it when I"m Just riding with you, loving with you Laughing with you, I can"t believe I"m So addicted to you, but I"m not ashamed It"s so hard to explain There are No Words that I can say It"s a different kind of love when we love make There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo

Janita唱的《no words》的歌词是什么

本站歌词来自互联网 Ashanti - No Words LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-de... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-de... Oooo Lately I, don"t know why Every time I think about you I just wanna cry It"s not the cry that makes my heart ache It"s the one that brings me to my knees and gives thanks That finally, I have a chance to breathe And thank God for all the goodness that he sent me So it took a while but it was worth the wait It"s a different kind of love when we love make If I"m sitting with you Laying with you, Talking with you I know I love it when I"m Just riding with you, loving with you Laughing with you, I can"t believe I"m So addicted to you, but I"m not ashamed It"s so hard to explain There are No Words that I can say It"s a different kind of love when we love make It"s been a while, you been around And I think I like how everything is going down And spending time just let"s me know I will need you and I never wanna let you go And mentally you were meant for me Not to mention how I feel you physicality So it took a while but it was worth the wait It"s a different kind of love when we love make If I"m, sitting with you Laying with you, Talking with you I know I love it when I"m Just riding with you, loving with you Laughing with you, I can"t believe I"m So addicted to you, but I"m not ashamed It"s so hard to explain There are No Words that I can say It"s a different kind of love when we love make There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo

work out和figure out 的区别

都是解答,解决的意思。但work out 比较理性, figure out 比较感性,你看这个句子大概就能理解了:If there is something you can not figure out , time will tell. 其实相似词义的单词,很多时候不能从字面意思去理解,要感性地去认识。

求青之驱魔师 OP IN MY WORLD 的歌词

IN MY WORLD   作词:SHINNOSUKE   作曲:ROOKIEZ is PUNK"D   编曲:ROOKIEZ is PUNK"D and akkin   演唱:ROOKIEZ is PUNK"D   Dark side in my heart is   拭い去れない过去の哀しみ   It"s alright 心にもない   Blaster 放ち手を伸ぼした   my life 切り离した   额绿の中を眺める夕に   存在证明一切もうねぇ   かろうじて保つ自分自身   避けて通れない道は いつからかこんなだった   そして谁もいなくなった…   运命なんてくそくらえ   やりきれなくてcry for pride   ah, ah, ah, alone in my world   响く爱の咏唱(うた)   歪んだ现実 曲がった愿い   崩れさっていく理想と明日   吐いて舍てるほどに退屈だった   good bye precious life   Dark cloud in my heart is   晴れ渡り道に光は射した   Let"s fight 恐れはない   诸刃の剣振りかざした   my life 一人きりじゃない   仲间の声に导かれる方に   存在证明一切肯定   解き放った自分自身   避けて通れない道は いつだってこんなだった   迷いは消えてなくなった…   运命なんてくそくらえ   がむしゃらにたってtry for pride   ah, ah, ah, alone in my world   闻こえる爱の咏唱   歪んだ世界 届かす愿い   弱音なんてもんは握りつぶした   吐いて舍てるほどに大切だった   it"s my precious life   运命なんてくそくらえ   やりきれなくてcry for pride   ah, ah, ah, alone in my world   响く爱の咏唱(うた)   歪んだ现実 曲がった愿い   崩れさっていく理想と明日   吐いて舍てるほどに退屈だった   good bye precious life   运命なんて涂り替えて   伤だらけになってtry for pride   ah, ah, ah, alone in my world   それでも爱を歌う   歪んだ世界 届かす愿い   筑き上げてく绊と未来   吐いて舍てても结局大切なんだ   It"s my precious life



In My World 歌词

歌曲名《In My World》歌手:ROOKiEZ is PUNK"D作词:SHiNNOSUKE 作曲:ROOKiEZ is PUNK"D专辑:《IN MY WORLD》歌词:Dark side in my heart is〖我心底里的黑暗部分〗拭い去れない过去の哀しみ〖是过去无法抹除的哀伤〗It"s alright 心にもない〖没关系 不放在心上〗Blaster放ち 手を伸ばした〖释放冲击波 伸出双手〗my life 切り离した〖撕开我的人生〗额縁の中を眺めるように〖仿佛眺望画框内侧般〗存在证明 一切もうねぇ〖存在证明 一切皆无〗かろうじて保つ自分自身〖好不容易才保存自身〗避けて通れない道は〖避开的死胡同〗いつからかこんなだった〖不觉间已成这幅摸样〗そして谁もいなくなった…〖于是变得空无一人…〗运命なんてくそくらえ〖命运什么的 见鬼去吧〗やりきれなくてcry for pride〖总是事与愿违 为荣誉而嚎叫〗ah, ah, ah, alone in my world〖啊 啊 啊 我的世界只剩我一人〗响く爱の咏唱(うた)〖爱之诗歌响彻四方〗歪んだ现実 曲がった愿い〖歪扭的现实 曲折的愿望〗崩れさっていく理想と明日〖面临崩溃的理想与明天〗吐いて舍てるほどに退屈だった〖真是无聊得让人想吐 想抛弃〗good bye precious life〖再见了 我的宝贵人生〗Dark cloud in my heart is〖在我心里的那团乌云〗晴れ渡り道に光は射した〖如雨过天晴 阳光倾洒街道〗Let"s fight 恐れはない〖一起突破重围吧 无须畏惧〗诸刃の剣振りかざした〖挥舞起这把双刃剑〗my life 一人きりじゃない〖我的人生 不再是孤身一人〗仲间の声に导かれる方に〖同伴们的声音指引着我〗存在证明 一切肯定〖存在证明 一切肯定〗解き放った自分自身〖将自我解放开来〗避けて通れない道は〖避开的死胡同〗いつだってこんなだった〖无论何时都是这幅摸样〗迷いは消えてなくなった…〖所有迷茫都已烟消云散…〗运命なんてくそくらえ〖命运什么的 见鬼去吧〗がむしゃらになってtry for pride〖变得不顾一切 挑战荣誉〗ah, ah, ah alone in my world〖啊 啊 啊 我的世界只剩我一人〗闻こえる爱の咏唱〖爱之诗歌传入耳中〗歪んだ世界 届かす愿い〖歪斜的世界 传达的心愿〗弱音なんてもんは握りつぶした〖把微不足道的怨言狠狠捻碎〗吐いて舍てるほどに大切だった〖曾是如此重要 不惜舍弃一切〗it"s my precious life〖这便是我的宝贵人生〗TVアニメ「青の祓魔师」OP2テーマ运命なんてくそくらえ〖命运什么的 见鬼去吧〗やりきれなくてcry for pride〖总是事与愿违 为荣誉而嚎叫〗ah, ah, ah, alone in my world〖啊 啊 啊 我的世界只剩我一人〗响く爱の咏唱(うた)〖爱之诗歌响彻四方〗歪んだ现実 曲がった愿い〖歪扭的现实 曲折的愿望〗崩れさっていく理想と明日〖面临崩溃的理想与明天〗吐いて舍てるほどに退屈だった〖真是无聊得让人想吐 想抛弃〗good bye precious life〖再见了 我的贵重人生〗运命なんて涂り替えて〖命运什么的 将其涂改〗伤だらけになって try for pride〖混得遍体鳞伤 挑战荣誉〗ah, ah, ah alone in my world〖啊 啊 啊 我的世界只剩我一人〗それでも爱を歌う〖尽管如此亦要歌颂爱〗歪んだ世界 届かす愿い〖歪斜的世界 传达的心愿〗筑き上げてく绊と未来(あした)〖点滴筑造起的羁绊与未来〗吐いて舍てても结局大切なんだ〖要吐要舍到头来还是如此重要〗It"s my precious life〖这便是我的宝贵人生〗终わり

英语作文 介绍电视剧《平凡的世界》(the ordinary world)


Timmy Wong是英文名,但是什么意思?

当然只要自己喜欢,不一定要根据姓名起名字。有些女孩喜欢叫Suan, An等。仅供参考。 malina 玛琳娜,很好听 和SHE中的任家萱英文名差不多 fuck

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