
阅读 / 问答 / 标签

be surround by和be surround with 区别?

be surrounded by 表示动作As soon as the soldiers arrived, they were surrounded by the enemy. 士兵们一到,就被敌人包围了。be surrounded with 状态The old town were surrounded with the green forest. 古镇周围绿色成荫。

surround by 和 with 有什么区别?

with 表示围的时候用的东西多,by就是意思一下。


by" is followed by the noun indicating who ACTIVELY is doing the surrounding..就是说如果surround后面的名词是主动的做包围这个动作,用by比如 we are surrounded by the mountain.如果surround后面的名词被动的做包围这个动作,用with.或者说这个主语和surround前的主语是形成一个整体,就用withthe cake is surrounded with berries

part with, depart 区别

depart是单独的词,动词。离开,去世等part with是一个词组,失去,付出、割舍。。。

第一句是i walking in my·····with my······女声英文歌

是i saw you walking in the rain 么

英语演讲稿围绕“Talk with the World, share our dreams!”主题展开,自拟小标题,这句话先翻译一下英文


"go with the odds"怎么解释


with sympathy

同情地不适合... 一楼说得对,是慰问卡比较适合

sympathy 和with,for 搭配都有同情的意思吗?

sympathy for 对…表示同情 sympathy with 赞同;对…同情 sympathy with 侧重对什么表示赞同



英国学位里 master with merit 怎么翻译呢?优等硕士吗?


Pass with Merit是什么意思

Pass with Merit优秀双语对照例句:1.Each subject is divided into 35 steps. Students who reach step 25 graduate with a pass; those who make it to step 30 or 35 gain, respectively, a merit or distinction. 每一课目被分为35级,学生达到25级就可以视为通过,如果达到30或35级,则被分别认为是良好或优秀。满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】

MSc degree with merit 是什么程度的?相当于国内的GPA多少?

这个具体要看颁发这个Master of Science Degree的学校对于merit的界定.国外大学的GPA一般计算方式都比国内的科学,所以直接用你原来学校给你的GPA就ok了.

英语翻译 if a can can can a can can the can can a can with the can

如果一个罐头能容纳另一个罐头,那这个罐头能不能再容纳一个罐头(第三个罐头)呢? can有三个含义 1.can作情态动词,表能够 2.can作实义动词,表填装进(罐头) 3.can作名词,表罐头 If a can(罐子)can(能)can((用罐子)装)a can(罐子)|(语义停顿)can(能) the can(罐子) can(装)a can(罐子) with the can(罐子). 这是英语里的绕口令哦,很有意思的.类似的还有I have never saw a saw saw a saw. 我从来也没见过一个锯子锯另一个锯子.

be polluted with和by有什么分别?

be polluted with 意思是“用……污染”with 有“随身携带”的意思。be polluted by “被……污染”,by 意思是“被,由”。咱们经常说的是 “被污染”如河水被人们扔的垃圾污染了。The river is polluted by litter that people throw 。

他的房间乱七八糟他的妈妈要求他把房间弄干净英文(with宾语 +宾补)

His mother had him to clean his room with him.

狼与辛香料第一季的一首片尾曲,不是旅途之中,是首英文歌,歌词第一句是senven apples on with trees……

the wolf whistling song狼与香辛料片尾曲* 「リンゴ日和~The Wolf Wishing Song 」歌:ROCKY CHACK作词:Chris Mosdell作曲:ROCKY CHACK|山下太郎&noe编曲:保刈久明歌词:O seven apples on a with"s tree〖魔法的树上长出了七个苹果〗With seven seeds to plant inside of me〖在我的心里种下了七颗种子〗In springtime I grew a magic song〖当春天来临 它们就会长成魔法的歌谣〗Then skipping along,oh I sang the song to everyone〖我一路蹦蹦跳跳 把歌儿唱给所有人听〗I looked at the world through apple eyes〖我用苹果般大的眼睛看着世界〗And cut myself a slice of sunshine pie〖给自己切一片阳光烤制的馅饼〗I danced with the peanut butterflies〖我和美丽的蝴蝶们一起跳着舞〗Till time went and told me to say hello but wave goodbye〖从问好的时候开始 到道别的时刻来临〗A thousand sugar stars〖把一千个星星般的糖果〗Oh put then in a jar〖全都装进我的瓶子里面〗And then whistle round the world〖然后吹着口哨环游世界〗Oh whistle round the world〖我要吹着口哨环游世界〗I"m a little wolf insede a girl,you say〖我是有着少女相貌的小狼〗And off I"ll go from June to May〖从这个春天走到下个春天〗Oh whistling round the world〖一直吹着口哨环游世界〗I met a golden swan upon the road〖我在路上遇见一只金色的天鹅〗Who was a handsome prince,so I was told〖它说它曾经是一位英俊的王子〗I asked it the way to yesterday〖我向它询问了回到昨天的方向〗Then I was a sailor,and through the day I sailed away〖然后我乘着船儿向着昨天启航〗Bluebird seas I sailed〖我驶过像蓝色小鸟一样的海洋〗With mermaids riding whales〖骑着巨鲸的美人鱼就在我身旁〗Oh whistle round the world〖我要吹着口哨环游世界〗Oh whistle round the world〖我要吹着口哨环游世界〗I"m a little wolf inside a girl,you say〖我是有着少女相貌的小狼〗And off I"ll go down Winder Way〖在充满未知的路上大步向前走〗Oh whistling round the world〖一直吹着口哨环游世界〗Through apple eyes〖我睁着苹果般的大眼睛〗Oh there are rose-coloured skylines〖远方是玫瑰色的地平线〗Where flying silver spoons〖银色的勺子们正惬意飞翔〗Eat melting marmalade moons〖一口口吃着融化了的橙色月亮〗Through apple eyes〖我睁着苹果般的大眼睛〗I see for millions of miles〖能够看到百万英里之外〗The sun"s a diamond shining〖太阳像钻石一样闪闪发光〗In the nighttime of a summer day〖在这个仲夏夜的夜晚〗A thousand sugar stars〖把一千个星星般的糖果〗Oh put them in a jar〖全都装进我的瓶子里面〗And then whistle round the world〖然后吹着口哨环游世界〗Oh whistle round the world〖我要吹着口哨环游世界〗I"m a little wolf inside a girl,you say〖我是有着少女相貌的小狼〗And off I"ll go(I can not stay)〖不喜欢停留在同一个地方〗Oh whistling round the world〖我总是吹着口哨环游世界〗Let"s whistle round the world〖让我们吹着口哨环游世界〗Whistle round the world〖我要吹着口哨环游世界〗Whistle round the world〖我要吹着口哨环游世界〗

eva notty with tara,vanessa and kurt什么意思

eva notty with tara,vanessa and kurtEVA与notty塔拉,凡妮莎和库尔特eva notty with tara,vanessa and kurtEVA与notty塔拉,凡妮莎和库尔特


作定语时常有in a hat , 如:The man in a hat is a scientist . 作伴随状语时用with,如:He alwasy goes out with a hat .祝学习进步,天天快乐,万事如意!满意请采纳!:)

Lancet投稿都一个多月了,怎么还with editor状态

根据杂志而定,有的快有的慢,有的with editor 一天后就under review了。有的两个月都算正常。更有的投稿系统根本没有with editor这个过程,就是同一个期刊都有不同的时间这个和杂志和审稿人都有关系,投文章需要点耐心啊,国外SCI总的来说比国内期刊快多了



You can screw me,but you can not screw with me

screw sb 在口语里是和谁发生关系的意思,screw with sb 是玩弄的意思。就是你可以跟我上床,但是你要认真对待我们的感情



美国大学withdraw class


外汇平台出金后面注释withdrawal 什么意思

withdraw 一般是在银行取钱 (这个是往外)withdrawal 是从你的帐户收钱 (这个是往里)

withdraw 与remove的区别

撤退 撤离 离开

我现在在美国的社区大学 想转到四年制大学 想问一下withdraw课对转学有没有影响

有影响。你的transcript 里面会明确表示你的 withdraw non credits的课程。为什么你要withdraw 和 non credits 很明显了,要么是这个科目成绩太差拉了GPA,要么就是你确实学不太会这个课程。 所以这几个选项在你的成绩单里面非常辣眼睛。 你想要申请好学校,这几个必然是你的限制。15分 至少4门课程,甚至更多了,2年你是quarter还是半年制? 基本每个学期都出现这种情况明显是学习出了问题。 话转回来,如果CC的课程都太难了,那么你到四年制大学里面岂不是要绝望了? CC的课程,真心的,真的算很简单了。好好学习,必然不可能那么多withdraw。最后,提供方法,延长一年时间吧,如果想要好学校,延长的时间里面,找个好老师把能重修的都重修一次,GPA看着过得去,申请学校还有希望。加油咯。CC真的太依靠自觉性了。对吧。






形容词: withdrawable名词: withdrawer过去式: withdrew过去分词: withdrawn现在分词: withdrawing第三人称单数: withdraws



美国要转学 withdraw之后影响签证吗


一直不能理解SAP文档里面的withdraw是什么意思 望高手解惑

谢谢你们的回答 SAP文档里面好多单词都不知道专有解释 严重影响理解啊象这个WITHDRAW: 收回 预提 放在句子里我怎么都理解不通 郁闷啊




和我画画的意思,应该上with draw I


Withdrawn 是 withdraw 的完成时. Withdraw 和 cancel 有几个不同意思, 但就你的提问, Withdraw 的意思是 撤回,退回,取出,提取 Withdraw funds from a bank account 从银行账户中取款. withdraw a boy from school 把孩子从学校里领回[退学]. withdraw troops from a place 把部队撤离某处. Withdraw blood 抽血. 而 cancel 则有 取消,注销,把…作废,抵消之意. The pros and cons cancel out. 正反两种意见互相抵消. Cancel a transaction 把交易作废. The concert has been canceled 音乐会已被取消.



美国学校中withdraw a class与drop a class有什么区别





学生选课后在开学两周之内,还可以换课、退课,但必须经教师、家长、主任签名,在成绩单上没有任何记录。开学后两个月内,如果学生学习成绩明显不好,在考试中出现了不及格,或有可能通不过 期末 考试,学生可以提出退课,这时在退课科目成绩单上有个记号W(withdrawal的缩写),即标明选过这门课,但退掉了,不过不影响总平均成绩的评定。超过两个月,学生就不可以退课,成绩不及格就是不及格。


withdraw 有收回的意思,意思是重新搞cancel 有删除的意思,意思是不再做了


"withdraw"是一个动词,表示“提取、取回、撤回”。通常情况下,它的第三人称单数形式需要加上“-s”,即“withdraws”。例如:He always withdraws money from the ATM on Fridays. (他总是在周五从自动取款机里取钱。)She withdraws her support from the project. (她从这个项目中撤回了支持。)但是,当使用该动词的时候,需要根据主语的数来确定是用“withdraw”还是“withdraws”。如果主语是第三人称单数,那么应该使用“withdraws”。如果主语是其他人称或复数,那么应该使用“withdraw”。


withdrawvt.撤走; 拿走; 撤退; (从银行) 取 (钱); vi.撤退; (从活动或组织中) 退出; 第三人称单数:withdraws过去分词:withdrawn现在进行时:withdrawing过去式:withdrew


翻译:vt.撤走; 拿走; 撤退; (从银行) 取 (钱); vi.撤退; (从活动或组织中) 退出;来自英语牛人团望楼主您能采纳一下 谢谢你了哦!


Withdrawn 是 withdraw 的完成时。Withdraw 和 cancel 有几个不同意思, 但就你的提问,Withdraw 的意思是撤回,退回,取出,提取Withdraw funds from a bank account 从银行账户中取款。withdraw a boy from school 把孩子从学校里领回[退学]。 withdraw troops from a place 把部队撤离某处。Withdraw blood 抽血。而 cancel 则有取消,注销,把…作废,抵消之意。 The pros and cons cancel out. 正反两种意见互相抵消。Cancel a transaction 把交易作废。The concert has been canceled 音乐会已被取消。



美国网申withdraw和 decline什么意思



名词是 withdrawal 怎么没人回答。。。


withdraw 是动词,跟宾语:She withdrew all her savings and left the country. 她把全部存款取出後离开了那个国家。withdrawl 是错误拼法,不存在。


1. “withdraw”:首先这是动词,大多是指从银行取钱,并且,方向是往“外”——取出来。2. “withdrawal”:相对于前者这是名词,同时,多是指从某个账户中收钱,并且,方向是往“里”——取了收进。大家平时网购的时候,从银行取钱交给卖家,这个是withdraw。而对于卖家来说,从买家的账户取钱,收到自己兜儿里,这就是withdrawal啦。




withdraw 是收回,撤消cancel 是取消这两个例句没有区别




Abolish 和 Withdraw 的区别在于,abolish 是永久性的,把原有的法律、规定或者制度彻底废除;而 withdraw 是暂时性的,只是暂时停止使用或执行原有的法律、规定或者制度。




  withdraw有撤回;取回;撤退;提款等意思,那么你知道withdraw的用法吗?下面是我为大家整理的withdraw的用法和相关 短语 例句,欢迎大家学习!    withdraw的用法:   withdraw的用法1:withdraw的基本意思是“取〔收〕回”自己的东西或已经说出的话等,指出于某种原因或动机而有意地移动,这种原因或动机一般是得体的、礼貌的,也可能是出于不满。withdraw引申用于军事可表示“(使)撤退〔出〕”,有时还有“提款”的意思。   withdraw的用法2:withdraw既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与介词from, to连用。   withdraw的用法3:withdraw可用于被动结构。   withdraw的用法4:withdraw的过去式是withdrew,过去分词是withdrawn。    withdraw的常用短语:   用作动词 (v.)   withdraw from (v.+prep.)   withdraw to (v.+prep.)    withdraw的用法例句:   1. She"d half expected him to withdraw from the course.   她多少已经预料到他会中途就退出这门课程。   2. The African National Congress threatened to withdraw from the talks.   非洲国民大会威胁要退出会谈。   3. The unemployed cannot withdraw their labour — they have no power.   失业者没法罢工——他们没有这种实力。   4. Despite the scare there are no plans to withdraw the drug.   尽管大家忧心忡忡,可是并无撤回药物的计划。   5. A back injury forced her to withdraw from Wimbledon.   背部受伤使她不得不退出温布尔登赛事。   6. His reaction was to withdraw, to bury himself in work.   他的反应是抽身而退,埋头于工作。   7. Government troops were forced to withdraw.   政府部队被迫撤走了。   8. The company has decided to withdraw from some of its sports sponsorship.   这家公司已决定撤销部分体育项目的赞助.   9. Tell the men to withdraw from their new position.   告诉那些士兵从他们的新阵地上撤退.   10. I want to withdraw a statement I made earlier.   我想收回我早些时候发表的一项声明.   11. The soldiers ran out of ammunition and had to withdraw.   士兵们用光了弹药,不得不撤退.   12. We would rather withdraw the draft resolution than amend it.   与其修改决议草案,不如予以撤回.   13. The general decided to withdraw his soldiers.   那位将军决定撤军.   14. The enemy troops had to withdraw.   敌人不得不退却.   15. Open a savings account that does not charge ridiculous fees to withdrawmoney.   开一个取款时不会乱收费的储蓄账户。


withdraw 为 资 卓 翶chapter 慨 普 特厄plastic 普 莱斯提克




在 production order and material document table fields中﹐withdraw qty 都是指发料数量


with draw取回

obey和comply with的区别用法...

comply withph.1. 遵守obeyKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 服从;听从;执行;遵守You didn"t obey the manager"s instructions.你没有执行经理的指示。Obey your boss or you will be fired.服从你的上司,否则你会被解雇。2. 按照...行动vi.1. 服从;听话The child obeyed and went to bed.孩子听话睡觉去了。

he had spotted a tiny bottle at the bottom of my case and he pounced on it with delight这句话时态?

这句话前半句是过去完成时,后半句是一般过去时。 判断的标准 是hadspotted和pounced两个词。勤学好问,天天进步!

comply with 与obey的区别

comply withph.1. 遵守obeyKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 服从;听从;执行;遵守You didn"t obey the manager"s instructions.你没有执行经理的指示。Obey your boss or you will be fired.服从你的上司,否则你会被解雇。2. 按照...行动vi.1. 服从;听话The child obeyed and went to bed.孩子听话睡觉去了。

joker is poker with a j是什么意思啊?


我对我这次的考试成绩不满意 英文翻译用beunhappywith

i am unhappy with the result of this examination.

eminem 的 without me 歌词 中英文对照的(我正在学唱,要翻译正确的)


跪求paula deanda. 的 wanna be with you歌词中文翻译!这首歌真的很

我想和你在一起It"s crazy but it"s true,疯狂但是真实In everything I do (oh oh),我将为你做任何事情I wanna be with you,我想和你在一起I"d like to know your policy,我想知道你的方针When it comes to me,但你过来时Like to know what"s in your mind,我想知道你在想什么It"s not easy, see,这不是很容易I know now what I feel,我现在知道我的感觉And what to do,还有我知道我该做什么I wanna be with you,我想和你在一起And I"ll be waiting,我会一直等你Until you face the truth,直到你了解事情的真相The light is fading,光线是暗的You know what I wanna do你知道我想做什么事情I wanna be with you我想和你在一起It"s crazy but it"s true疯狂但是真实(You know it"s true)你知道这是真实And everything I do (is for you, baby)我将为你做任何事情I wanna be with you (Oh, with you)我想和你在一起Everybody sing (Oh yeah)大家一起唱See you once again再见你一面Yeah, everybody swing大家一起唱歌Yeah, everybody大家Yeah, everybody swing大家一起唱Wish you"d come and set me free希望你能过来把我释放So that I can see以便我能看见你All the thing I"ve left behind我落来的所有的事情What"s missing in me我错过的事情I"m looking for a sign我在寻找一个标志And the things you do还有你做过的事情I wanna be with you我想和你在一起And I"ll be waiting我会一直等Until you face the truth直到你了解事情的真相若我的回答有帮助还望采纳O(∩_∩)O



mount&blade with fire and sword是什么意思

mount&blade with fire and sword用火与剑骑马与砍杀sword英 [su0254:d] 美 [su0254:rd] n.剑,刀; 武力,战争; 兵权,权力网络基本剑术; 刃; 武士刀复数: swords

sew up 和 stitch 的区别with


be filled with后面加什么,5分求


swell with pride


There are people who swell with pride whenever they make some small.. 这英语句子成分怎么划分?

swell with pride 是who引导的定语从句中的谓语和宾语。本句中有两个句型,一是who引导的定语从句,二是whenever引导的时间状语从句。

swell with pride/anger造句

swell with pride/anger造句如下:1、To swell with pride;gloat or exult.Your feet often swell with the heat in the afternoon.My feet often swell with the heat in the afternoon.Are they still warm when the eyes swell with them?Two patients had areas swell with blood from the vacuuming procedure.2、Ten years of often grueling study, now l already swell with pride and hope, confiden.e feel exciting when we review the past, and our hearts swell with pride and hopewhen we look forward!3、Shuffling among his museum"s keystones, Karp, a stooped, intense man whose weathered head is ornamented with a fringe of gray hair, seemed to swell with vigor and pride.

There are people who swell with pride whenever they make some small.. 这英语句子成分怎么划分?

这句英语句子的成分可以划分如下:主语:There are people(有些人)谓语:who swell with pride whenever they make some small contribution(每当他们做出一些微小的贡献时就会充满自豪感)关系代词“who”引导的从句作定语,修饰主语“people”。从句的谓语“swell with pride”是“people”的表语,表示这些人充满了自豪感。从句的条件状语“whenever they make some small contribution”表示每当他们做出一些微小的贡献时。“with pride”是介词短语,修饰动词“swell”,表示这些人充满了自豪感。它可以理解为“带着自豪感地”。

swell with, be full of, abound的意思都是充满,在用法上有什么区别吗?

这三个词的用法区别很明显,第一个后面要接介词with.full 是接介词of,而abound是后面直接接名词。

There I was, ___stranded___ in New York with no passport, money or friends. 请问这句话 中 There

there I was 是个倒装句,这句话中的there 不可省略。我觉得stand(是要填这个词吧)的形式不对,应该是standing.

be layered with

be layered with被分层双语例句1It is found that the control power of China family firms could be layered. With the exterior social environment, special legal system environment changed, the property right structures have different control power configurations. 通过研究发现,中国家族企业控制权可以进行分层,企业产权结构随着外部社会环境,尤其是法制环境的改变而调整,同时有不同的控制权配置。

work out有解决问题的意deal with也有这个意使用时怎样区分


lodge a claim with sb 和 lodge a claim against sb 区别

1)lodge a claim with sb 也就是lodge sth with sb ,例如:Be sure to lodge a copy of the contract with your solicitor.2)lodge a claim against sb 相当于lodge a complaint/protest/appeal with sb, 例如:He lodged an appeal with the High Court.
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