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occupied in ,occupied with有什么区别?


be occupied with的用法

1. 忙于做,专心于2. 忙碌3. 被……所占据 1. The citizens seem to be occupied with their own business, and even the pedestrians look so leisurely.街上的市民各做各的活儿,行人也都从容不迫。 2. Increase their sincerity, so that with all humility and contrition they may turn to Thy kingdom and be occupied with service to the world of humanity.增进他们的诚挚,以使他们怀着全然谦卑和悔悟转向祢的天国,竭力为人类世界服务。 3. It seemed to him sometimes that they were all rejoicing as he was himself, and were only trying to conceal that joy, by pretending to be occupied with other interests.有时候,他又觉得,所有的人都同他一样高兴,只不过他们尽力掩饰这种高兴,假装他们的兴趣在其他方面罢了。

be occupied with和be occupied in分别什么意思哦?

be occupied in doing sth/with sth 牛津高阶译为,无暇,忙碌 例句,she is occupied in looking after /with 3 children. 她忙于照料3个孩子.

be free要加名词是be free +with+名词吗?

  be free with  直爽  坦白.  例句:  1、I will be free with you, I do love her above all the women in the world, and I will have her.让我坦白地告诉你,我爱她超过世界上所有的女人,我总得娶她。  2、Chen Ge: Future can be free with collect fees coexisted situation, copyright issue can get settlement.陈戈:未来会是免费与收费并存的局面,版权问题会得到解决。

用get on with 造句,要中文,这词组中文是与..相处

xiaoming gets on well with xiaohong

英语He couldn’t get alone well with English怎么翻译?

译文 :他英语学得不好 。

与人相处融洽,形容关系好,除了get well along with外,除了还可以怎么说

be good with 与……相处的好:灵巧的;擅长。get along with 与……相处的好;在...方面进展;(多指虽有困难)仍继续使用,应付...get on well with 与……相处的好。

请帮忙分析一下这两个句子,(1) The six people were injured in the crash, with only two surviving


polymer Chemistry with editor一般会持续多久


be struck with的意思


be struck with 什么意思

be struck with(by) 为...所袭击; 为...所侵袭 为...所触动[感动]

as regards,in regard to ,with regard to,这三个词都 有关于的意思,但用法的区别是什么啊。

1、as regards sb./sth.的搭配,“关于或至于某人(某事)”。这是一个俚语,regards是做为动词出现的。如:I have little information as regards his past.我对他的过去不太了解。 2、in regard to为固定搭配,“关于某人(事),在这……点上”。这儿regard为名词。如:I have nothing to say in regard to your complaints.对于你的投诉,我无可奉告。 with regard to [of](=in regard to) ,关于, 对于。without regard to [for] 不顾, 不考虑。更多例句:I have nothing to say with regard to your complaints.With regard to our quotation, we will discuss it later.We have reached an agreement with him in regard to the shipment.

May the force be with me 翻译


tackle 与 tackle with的区别 如题

没区别,就像deal with一样

tackle with是短语吗


be tackled with 如何翻译啊?


tackle & deal with

作应付、处理、解决(难题或局面)讲时,两者后面均可直接加名词作宾语 ;两者后面加人作宾语时 ,意为:与某人打交道,和某人交涉;而 deal with +sb./sth 还有另一意思,为:与……做生意;deal with 还有涉及,论及,关于的意思,eg:Her poems often deal with the subject of death.她的诗通常是关于死亡这一主题的。另外,tackle在足球、曲棍球等中还有 抢球 抢断 抢截 铲断的意思;在橄榄球或美式足球中还可作擒抱摔倒 阻截讲;tackle 还有一 抓获 擒获 给以颜色的意思 有点乱 希望能帮上楼主一些·~~~

翻译一下Are quarters fine with you?


the world is too much with us 选自哪个诗集


请问以下英文的用法怎样用?请举例说明 (必定加分) with who& with whom& ac

首先,with who& with whom的问题,现在who和whom在作宾语的时候已经可以通用了~如 With who/whom would you go for a walk.你一般都和谁一起散步呢?然后According to 就是根据的意思,一般用在正式的场合,特别essay等paperwork上面~例如,According to Taylor,the scientific analysis of labor processes could help to reduce waste and inefficiency in the workplace.(向科学管理鼻祖致敬~~)As long as是只要的意思,属于条件状语,举例 I"ll be easy as long as you are safe and sound.(简单翻译过来就是只要你好我就好~~PS我今天怎么走了痴情路线=_=)However是个连词也是副词,两种词性用法不同,分别举例可以是I"m going to marry her however it will take.和 However my heart breaks, I"ll be right here waiting for you.(为啥写到这想到毛利兰了。。。。)As soon as一……就……,估计你以后会在作文中经常用到它,是丰富句子结构的常见短语,注意它后面用一般现在时表将来。如We will meet him at the airport as soon as the aircraft lands.Has long been 不算是一个固定词组,它只是一个常见的结构,比如It has long been known by the world that China is a country with a long history....Therefore就是因此的意思,用法太多太广了,想系统地了解建议你到金山词霸或者有道上面查一查咯~纯手打。。。。好累。。。。一下子问这么多你好好学啊~~望采纳

What do people do with their old, useable but outdated(过时的) computers? Most people don’t know

小题1:F小题2:T小题3:T小题4:T小题5:F小题6:T 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了人们怎么处理旧的、可以使用的、但是过时的电脑的方法。有的放在家里聚集着大量的灰尘,许多被当做垃圾扔掉。小题1:考查语境的理解。根据第一段内容Most people don"t know what to do with them.可知Nobody knows what to do with their old computer.是错误的,故填F。小题2:考查语境的理解。根据第一段内容Many old computers end up gathering(聚集) dust in homes.可知在家里那些旧电脑被灰尘所覆盖。故填T。小题3:考查语境的理解。根据第二段内容可知戴尔是一个正在运用思维方式来减少大量电脑垃圾的公司,故填T。小题4:考查语境的理解。根据第三段内容可知如果电脑公司想要收集和回收他们使用的产物,他们不得不支付钱。故填T。小题5:考查语境的理解。根据第四段内容成百上千的组织只收集和修理旧电脑是错误的。故填F。小题6:考查语境的理解。根据对整篇阅读的理解可知这个故事谈论的是怎样处理使用过的电脑的方法。

With prices rising sharply, we now have to spend _______ three months ago on basic living materials.


一首英文歌 歌词有with my love

应该是m2m的dont mess with my love专辑:shades of purple

treat my sister with your semen, my little sist

my little sister.我的小妹妹 why are you unhappy?你为什么不开心? Little toys are all over your world,小玩具充满了你的世界 Why is not there one you treasure?为什么没有你所珍惜的? my little sister.我的小妹妹 Black umbrella that god left is my only possession.黑色的雨伞是上帝赐予我的唯一财富 Please tell me,请告诉我 how could i trade it for your smile? 我怎样用它来换取你的笑容 my little sister.我的小妹妹 Do not have to use your pretty scissors 不要用你那把可爱的小剪刀 to cut down the dream you planted in your garden.将你种在花园里的梦想剪断 the rianbow will still appear from the sky and it will start to be sunny.彩虹依然会在天空出现,天空终将晴朗 my little sister.我的小妹妹 Do not mind his tears.不要在意他的眼泪 little toys are all over your world Always you can find another one 你得失界充满了玩具 if you lose him`````` 如果你失去了他,你仍然可以拥有另外一个

angel with a shotgun中文歌词

Get out your guns, battles begun, are you a saint, or a sinner?——持枪上膛,战役已经打响。你是一个圣人,还是一个罪人?If loves a fight, than I shall die,with my heart on a trigger——如果爱是一场战役,那我也会拼尽全力扣下扳机,即便我会因此死去。They say before you start a war, you better know what you"re fighting for.——他们说“在你开始一场战役前,你最好知道自己为何而战。”Well baby, you are all that I adore, if love is what you need, a soldier I willbe.——宝贝,你是我的挚爱,如果爱是你所要的,那我将成为你披上戎装。I"m an angel with a shotgun, fighting til" the wars won, I don"t care if heaven won"t take me back.——我是个持枪上膛的天使,为了胜利奋战到最后,我不在乎天堂是否会就此抛弃我。I"ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.——我将抛弃我的信仰,宝贝,仅仅是为了你的安全。Don"t you know you"re everything I have?——你是否知道,你是我所拥有的一切?Sometimes to win, you"ve got to sin,don"tmean I"m not a believer.——彼时胜利,你被定罪,并不意味着我不是信徒。and I"m gonna hide, hide, hide my wings,tonight.——今晚,我将藏起我的羽翼。

Angel With A Shotgun 歌词

歌曲发行时间:2011-08-23所属专辑:《Symphony Soldier》歌手:The CabThe Cab是一支来自拉斯维加斯的流行朋克摇滚乐队,组建于2004年。2011年8月第二张专辑《Symphony Soldier(交响士兵)》问世,随即被AbsolutePunk网站评为“大作”。歌词:An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun,An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, Get out your guns, battles begun,are you a saint, or a sinner?If loves a fight, than I shall die,with my heart on a trigger.They say before you start a war,you better know what you"re fighting for.Well baby, you are all that I adore,if love is what you need, a soldier I will be.I"m an angel with a shotgun,fighting til" the wars won,I don"t care if heaven won"t take me back.I"ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.Don"t you know you"re everything I have?..and I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight.Sometimes to win, you"ve got to sin,don"t mean I"m not a believer...and major Tom, will sing along.Yeah, they still say I"m a dreamer.They say before you start a war,you better know what you"re fighting for.Well baby, you are all that I adore,if love is what you need, a soldier I will be.I"m an angel with a shotgun,fighting til" the wars won,I don"t care if heaven won"t take me back.I"ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.Don"t you know you"re everything I have?..and I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight.ooooohhhhhhhh, ooooooohhhhhwhoa whoa oooh whoaI"m an angel with a shotgun..fighting til" the wars won..I don"t care if heaven won"t take me back..I"m an angel with a shotgun,fighting til" the wars won,I don"t care if heaven won"t take me back.I"ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.Don"t you know you"re everything I have?..and I, want to live, not just survive, tonight.not just ..and I"m gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight.They say before you start a war,you better know what you"re fighting for.Well baby, you are all that I adore,if love is what you need, a soldier I will be.

求 angel with a shotgun 的中文歌词

Get out your guns, battles begun, are you a saint, or a sinner?——持枪上膛,战役已经打响。你是一个圣人,还是一个罪人?If loves a fight, than I shall die,with my heart on a trigger——如果爱是一场战役,那我也会拼尽全力扣下扳机,即便我会因此死去。They say before you start a war, you better know what you"re fighting for.——他们说“在你开始一场战役前,你最好知道自己为何而战。”Well baby, you are all that I adore, if love is what you need, a soldier I willbe.——宝贝,你是我的挚爱,如果爱是你所要的,那我将成为你披上戎装。I"m an angel with a shotgun, fighting til" the wars won, I don"t care if heaven won"t take me back.——我是个持枪上膛的天使,为了胜利奋战到最后,我不在乎天堂是否会就此抛弃我。I"ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.——我将抛弃我的信仰,宝贝,仅仅是为了你的安全。Don"t you know you"re everything I have?——你是否知道,你是我所拥有的一切?Sometimes to win, you"ve got to sin,don"tmean I"m not a believer.——彼时胜利,你被定罪,并不意味着我不是信徒。and I"m gonna hide, hide, hide my wings,tonight.——今晚,我将藏起我的羽翼。资料:http://wenda.haosou.com/q/1398917798067366

angel with a shotgun出自哪部动漫


using both the rifle and shotgun,claim one trophy with each firearm是什么意思

using both the rifle and shotgun,claim one trophy with each firearm使用步枪和猎枪,声称一个奖杯,每个枪支

求angel with a shotgun的MP3


ten cab - angel with a shotgun这歌出自哪里?

中文名称:带枪的天使外文名称:Angel With A Shotgun所属专辑:Symphony Soldier歌曲时长:03:43发行时间:2011年8月歌曲原唱:The CabThe Cab是一支来自拉斯维加斯的流行朋克摇滚乐队,组建于2004年。2011年8月第二张专辑《Symphony Soldier(交响士兵)》问世,随即被AbsolutePunk网站评为“大作”。

treat sb with sth造句

The teacher treats us with all her kindnessu3002

treat sb 与treat with sb的区别是什么?

treat sb 是请客的意思treat sb with sth 是用什么方式对待某人的意思

treat sb 与treat with sb的区别是什么?

1.treat sb 对待,招待 eg.Our grandma treats us very kindly.我们的祖母对我们很慈爱. She treatd him to lunch.她请她吃午饭. 2.treat with sb 和……协商(谈判,交涉) eg.If we are to treat with you,it must be on equal terms. 如果要我们和你谈判,双方必须处于平等地位.

he goes 定语从句的关系词是什么?He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth,spre


treat和deal,she --(对待) everyone with kindness.为什么是treats不是deals

deal 表对待的意思时,是不及物动词,多用于对待/处理事情,事物 而不是人。

请问 Copper with gold flash plating 怎么翻译?


Bill Withers的《Rosie》 歌词

歌曲名:Rosie歌手:Bill Withers专辑:MenagerieRosie watch doin" in this low class jointDancin" in the dark all dayYou used to be the darlin"Of your high school sceneNow you put your love on displaySweaty hands hand you up a dollar billHungry eyes never seem to get their fillI used to watch you walkin" down the hallRosie do you see meWhen you hear them call your nameRosie, rosie i wanna take you awayRosie, rosie i"m gonna make you mine somedayRosie, i went with you for that rose tattooYou promised no one else would seeI used to wait and drive you home from dancin" schoolRemember when you danced just for meOur love was deeper then the night was longBut things just didn"t work out like our favorite songI used to watch you walkin" down the hallRosie do you see meWhen you hear them call your nameRosie, rosie i wanna take you awayRosie, rosie i"m gonna make you mine somedayDo you rememberOur love was deeper then the night was longBut things just didn"t work out like our favorite songI used to watch you walkin" down the hallRosie do you see meWhen you hear them call your nameRosie, rosie i wanna take you awayRosie, rosie i"m gonna make you mine somedayRosie, rosie i wanna take you awayRosie, rosie i wanna take you awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9684445

i shall be telling this with a sigh是什么意思

i shall be telling this with a sigh我会一声叹息地述说这事双语对照例句:1.I shouldn"t be telling you this. 我真不应该告诉你这些.2.Shall I be honest with you? 我该跟你说实话吗?

sigh with emotion

可译为 感慨

provide sb with sth和provide sth for sth什么意思



provides for

词语释义,provides us with 的意思:【具体见下】


provide to 和 provide with 区别

provide to 是供给(某人)……比如说The U.S. provides to the developing countries its military aid.provide with 是供给某人某物……例如:he provided me with all the files that involve the case.

to go with the turkey是目的状语吗?

to go with the turkey不是目的状语;表示目的状语的从句可以由that,so that,,in order that,lest,for fear that,in case等词引导;目的状语从句的谓语常含有may,might,can,could,should,will,would等情态动词。扩展资料:in order to+动词原形 ( in order to后面加的那个不叫目的状语从句,叫目的状语);in order to 为了,后接动词原形,做目的状语。i get up early in order to catch the early bus.in order that 为了,后接从句,做目的状语。i get up early in order that i can catch the early bus.目的状语从句的一个特点:由于目的都是未来的行为,所以从句中一般用表示未来可能性时态。

maid with the flaxen hair是什么乐器

maid 是女佣的意思。scheduledadj. 预定的; 排定的; 规定价格的; 严格按时间表生活的; vt. 将…列入计划(或时间)表; scheduled maid ——按定期上班、计付工资的女佣。on time 固定短语按时,准时; 以分期付款方式; 正点; 顺时; on time maid——按时计付工资款的女佣。二者区别就在于付款工资方式不同。

英语翻译我们之间很有默契We have a tacit understanding with each other.(o?

很高兴为您 用have a tacit understanding sth. understanding在这里做名词,后面of,表所有格. 即使其后又with,with也是与之后的词汇组合在一起,譬如with respect to “关于”,with ***凭借...,靠...“ 篮球中的”配合“用的是teamwork 足球中配合可以用cooperation,不过很多中文翻译过来的配合并非一定要在英文中体现,如: 短传配合short game 短传三角配合short triangular passing 深传配合deep pass ------------------------------- 倾心解答愿您满意 欢迎追问敬请采纳 -------------------------------,3, 0o恋战冰峰o0 举报 就是We have a tacit understanding of each other. of each other做定语修饰understanding对吧? 恩,We have the tacit understanding each other.我们彼此很有默契。 Have the tacit understanding between us.我们之间很有默契。 配合——cooperate,3,用with比较好,更强调相互,也可以简单点 We don"t have to talk to know what is on one another"s mind. collaboration,3,英语翻译 我们之间很有默契 We have a tacit understanding with each other.(of each other) 是用of each other 还是with each other啊? 还有足球 篮球里中的 配合怎么说啊?

宝儿 be with you歌词

[00:05.21]Artist:BoA[00:11.98]Album:Be with you[00:15.73]Title:Be with you[04:59.03][04:57.40][04:55.29][04:51.20][04:49.40][04:47.57][04:32.82][04:11.58][03:06.31][02:39.97][02:11.30][01:56.75][00:27.45][00:24.82][00:21.61][00:28.43]桜舞う [00:32.10]この道を [00:35.57]あなたと并び 歩いている[00:42.46]风は まだ 肌寒い(はだざむい) [00:48.65]けど何か 幸せ [00:55.63]一歩ずつ 重(かさ)ねては [01:02.65]今日という日が 明日に変(か)わる[01:09.32]二人でいる时间が [01:15.62]私には 当たり前(あたりまえ) なの [04:12.48][01:22.50]いつか ねぇ [01:26.42]交わした约束を ちゃんと[01:31.82]忆えていますか[01:36.14]いつか きっと [01:39.91]叶(かな)えられる [01:43.53]そう信じてもいいよね[01:47.67]あなたとだから今 [01:50.71]私はここにいる [02:12.75]足を止め [02:16.46]立ち止まり [02:19.98]あなたは空を仰(あお)いでいる [02:26.74]风に包(つつ)まれながら [02:32.86]穏(おだ)やかな [02:36.73]表情(ひょうじょう)で [02:40.74]一秒って[02:43.95]本当は [02:47.41]とっても长い 时间なんだと[02:54.32] そばに いてくれるから [03:00.47]そう感じ られるのきっと[03:06.87]いつかねぇ [03:10.96]交わした约束を [03:15.00]ちゃんと 忆えていますか[03:21.03]今は まだ [03:24.54]叶えられて[03:28.44]いない 约束さえ [03:31.96]大切なの だから[03:35.27]あなたと共にいる [03:40.54] [03:41.72]この时代 [03:44.09]思い通(どお)りの [03:48.45]希望(きぼう)なんて持てない[03:55.49]その度に [03:57.63]不安になるけど[04:01.99]あなたが [04:04.40]いて くれる から [04:16.06]交わした约束をちゃんと[04:21.62]忆えていますか [04:25.76] [04:25.82]いつか きっと [04:29.86]果たせたとき[04:33.65]もっと 深い(ふかい)绊(きずな)[04:37.06]手にできる のだから[04:40.83]二人はここにいる[04:53.35]by:Hmilee*

‘和某人谈论’的英文有哪些表达方式?类似于talk about sth with sb

talk to sb.about sth.talk about sth. with sb.talk sth. with sb.

the grapes withered on the vine 这里的on the vine算定语吗?或者作什么成分?

在这个句子中,"on the vine"是一个介词短语,用来描述"grapes",表示葡萄在藤上。"on the vine"表达了葡萄的位置或状态,它作为定语修饰名词"grapes"。这个短语提供了额外的信息,告诉我们葡萄在生长的过程中仍然留在葡萄藤上。

关于如何应对压力 How to Cope with Stress的英文范文?急需

With the development of society, the competition of the entire society is more and more intense, causing increasing pressure to people. Stress of study, work and life are ubiquitous, but how can we deal with it? Here are some tips that I hope can be useful.Firstly, keep good health. A healthy body is the premise to face presure. It"s the least capacity to cope with stress when a person is sick. Secondly, to accept the pressure. The reason why many people can not cope with stress is that they resist and escape it. Actually, there always is trouble and problems once we chose a path to go, because almost everything worth doing is not so easy. Thirdly, solve the problem, rather than complain about it. Many people complain about the surroundings and don"t think about the solutions when faced with problems.....全文你参考这个“英语作文网”吧: http://www.adreep.cn/dxyy/2964.htmllcl1977

关于如何应对压力 How to Cope with Stress的英文范文?急需

With the development of society, the competition of the entire society is more and more intense, causing increasing pressure to people. Stress of study, work and life are ubiquitous, but how can we deal with it? Here are some tips that I hope can be useful. Firstly, keep good health. A healthy body is the premise to face presure. It"s the least capacity to cope with stress when a person is sick. Secondly, to accept the pressure. The reason why many people can not cope with stress is that they resist and escape it. Actually, there always is trouble and problems once we chose a path to go, because almost everything worth doing is not so easy. Thirdly, solve the problem, rather than complain about it. Many people complain about the surroundings and don"t think about the solutions when faced with problems..... 全文你参考这个“英语作文网”吧: http://www.adreep.cn/dxyy/2964.html lcl1977

It goes without saying

It goes without saying that today"s face-paced and market-oriented economy calls for much higher standard for service industry what is the meaning for this sentence? 这句话的意思是:毋庸置疑/毫无疑问,当今快速发展的,以市场为导向的经济呼唤更高标准的服务产业。what is the meaning for"it goes without saying?毋庸置疑,毫无疑问的意思。it goes without saying, China is the most populous nation in the world.毫无疑问,中国是世界上人口最多的国家。

请问老师这里with whom指的是什么呢╭(°A°`)╮,这是什么用法,从句呢?感谢

定语从句,先行词是those在从句中做介词with宾语,have interaction with是固定搭配,这时with可以提前到关系代词前,构成介词加关系代词构成的定语从句。

急求ride with me中文歌词.nelly的

ride wit me 打印此页 歌手:nelly 专辑:country grammar Where they at (x8)(Chorus)If you wanna go and take a ride wit meWe three-wheelin in the fo" with the gold D"sOh why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money!)If you wanna go and get high wit meSmoke a L in the back of the Benz-yOh why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money!)(Verse 1)In the club on the late night, feelin rightLookin tryin to spot somethin real niceLookin for a little shorty I noticed so that I can take home(I can take home)She can be 18 (18) wit an attitudeor 19 kinda snotty actin real rudeBut as long as you a thicky thicky thick girl you know that it"s on(Know that it"s on)I peep something comin towards me on the dance floorSexy and real slow (hey)Sayin she was peepin and I dig the last videoSo when Nelly, can we go; how could I tell her no?Her measurements were 36-25-34I like the way you brush your hairAnd I like those stylish clothes you wearI like the way the light hit the ice and glareAnd I can see you boo from way over there(Chorus)(Verse 2)Face and body front and back, don"t know how to actWithout no vouchers on her boots she"s bringin nuttin backYou should feel the impact, shop on plasticwhen the sky"s the limit and them haters can"t get past thatWatch me as I gas that, fo" dot six RangeWatch the candy paint change, everytime I switch lanesIt feel strange nowMakin a livin off my brain, instead of "caine nowI got the title from my momma put the whip in my own name nowDamn shit done changed nowRunnin credit checks with no shame nowI feel the fame now (come on), I can"t complain now (no more)Shit I"m the mayne now, in and out my own townI"m gettin pages out of New Jersey, from Courtney B.Tellin me about a party up in NYCAnd can I make it? Damn right, I be on the next flightPayin cash; first class - sittin next to Vanna White(x2 Chorus)(Verse 3)Check, check -- yo, I know somethin you don"t knowAnd I got somethin to tell yaYou won"t believe how many people, straight doubted the flowMost said that I was a failureBut now the same motherfuckers askin me fo" doughAnd I"m yellin, "I can"t help ya""But Nelly can we get tickets to the next show?"Hell no (what"s witchu?!) you for real?!(City Spud)Hey yo, now that I"m a fly guy, and I fly highNiggaz wanna know why, why I fly byBut yo it"s all good, Range Rover all woodDo me like you should - fuck me good, suck me goodWe be them stud niggaz, wishin you was niggazPoppin like we drug dealers, sippin Cris-sy, bubb" mackinHoney in the club, me in the BenzIcy grip, tellin me to leave wit you and your friendsSo if shorty wanna... knock, we knockin to thisAnd if shorty wanna... rock, we rockin to thisAnd if shorty wanna... pop, we poppin the Crist"Shorty wanna see the ice, then I ice the wristCity talk, Nelly listen; Nelly talk, city listenWhen I fuck fly bitches; when I walk pay attentionSee the ice and the glist"; niggaz starin or they dissHonies lookin all they wish - come on boo, gimme kiss(x2 Chorus)Hey, must be the money! (x4)(Chorus)

Nelly的“ride with me”歌词怎么翻译?

If you wanna go and take a ride wit me 如果你想搭我的车,跟我走We three-wheelin in the fo" with the gold D"s Oh why do I live this way? (Hey, must be the money!) 噢,我为何非要这样生活?(嘿,肯定是钱多烧的!)If you wanna go and get high wit me 如果你想跟我去High一下Smoke a L in the back of the Benz-y 在我的大奔后座来上一口(L指毒品,Benz是奔驰,加一个y是昵称,就像爸爸dad被称作dady,同时谐音)Oh why must I feel this way? (Hey, must be the money!) 噢,我为什么非要这样?(嘿,肯定是钱多烧的!)[Verse 1]In the club on the late night, feelin right 深夜的夜店里,感觉不错Lookin tryin to spot somethin real nice 四处打探,想发现点上等的货色Lookin for a little shorty hot and horny so that I can take home 想找个火辣的女郎好让我带回家(horny是色咪咪的意思)(I can take home) 好让我带回家She can be 18 (18) wit an attitude 可以18岁,一副不食人间烟火的样子or 19 kinda snotty actin real rude 也可以19岁,一脸沧桑脾气暴躁Boo, as long as you a thicky thicky thick girl you know that it"s on 砰,只要这个女孩“波涛汹涌”,你知道我肯定来电(You know that it"s on) 你知道我肯定来电I peep something comin towards me up the dance floor 我窥探到舞池里的什么朝我走来Sexy and real slow (hey) 性感,张扬,嘿Sayin she was peepin and I dig the last video 她说她也在窥探,很喜欢上一个MVSo when Nelly, can we go; how could I tell her no? “所以,Nelly我们什么时候走?”我怎么能拒绝她!Her measurements were 36-25-34 她三围 36-25-34Yellin I like the way you brush your hair 我喜欢你捋头发的样子And I like those stylish clothes you wear 也喜欢你穿衣的格调I like the way the light hit the ice and glare 我喜欢光线打在你身上And I can see you boo from way over there 大老远就能看到你脱颖而出


在游戏《The Past Within》中,蝴蝶和蜜蜂没有太多的区别。游戏中的谜题与剧情与蝴蝶和蜜蜂的生物学特征无关,而更多地涉及到它们在游戏中的象征意义。对于游戏内的蝴蝶和蜜蜂,它们在语法上没有区别,仅仅是谜题的答案有所不同,可能有利于玩家进行二周目。

relate to 与relate with 有没有区别?有什么区别? 词组辨析

relate通常与to搭配:relate…to…;be related to associate通常与with搭配 connect既可以与to又可以与with (可参考较权威的字典,牛津、朗文之类的)

be related to/in/with等有什么区别,是否还能跟其他介词,意思和用法都请教下,

relate to 涉及; 同…有…关系; 与…协调; 将…与…联系起来 维系;涉及;与…有关;与…相关的 1.将…与…联系起来,使与…相结合 It is difficult to relate his argument to the facts. 很难把他的论证同事实联系起来. 2.涉及,关系到… His remarks didn"t relate to the topic under discussion. 他说的话与讨论的问题无关. 3.与…协调,与…相处得好,与…相适应 She doesn"t relate very well to her mother. 她和她母亲关系不太融洽. 4.同…有…关系 The unemployment figures are not necessarily related to the rise in prices. 失业的数目同物价的上涨并没有必然的联系. relate with 把…同…联系起来 connect sth in thought or meaning 联系;涉及与;和……有关;与联系 这些意思和relate to的意思都差不多,relate with还有“符合”的意思 relate with 使符合,使关联 relate with the facts 与事实相符 relate…with 把关联 没有relate in这样的说法,但是有 “in relation to”意为“涉及、论及” “Sympathy motivates altruism in relation to the plight of the recipient.” “in relation to”也可以表示相对性 “If two drives are on the same cable,you have to specify the priority of one drive in relation to the other.”



Find you, love you,marry you and live without shame 翻译一下。。谢


这句什么意思?Find you Love you. Marry you. And live without shame.


调和oto~with reflection全罗马音译

调和oto~with reflectionChouwa Oto~with Reflection~ Lyrics: KOKIA Music: KOKIAShizukesa no naka hitotsubu ochita dakeHirogaru hamon ni nami utsuido no sokoZawatsuita watashi no kokoro no mori wo yusaburu kogarashi yoKyouzon dekiru mono naraSono mama deDare mo ga kono mori de shizuka na koe wo kiiteZatsuon ni namida shita3 25 15 21 23 1*rurekuteshieka wokitonakayada onirokokonoshi tawatai tsuwazadekazushi teshisokunamae tahatookumeshihinirimonoko*Repeatureramu ureramu ureramu otonimiunooto denzushi denzu sea denzu seaureramu ureramu ureramu otonimiunooto uroma uroma uroma uroma*Repeat 5timesKekkai wa yaburaretaTsuki no kami ryuu ga naite iruwith reflection.

英语翻译,我们离开教室要关灯,we should …… with……

we should leave classroom with lights turned off



if you lay down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.怎么翻译最好?


if you lay down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.怎么翻译最好?

本意:如果你跟狗躺在一起,你就会染上虱子. 寓意:近朱者赤近墨者黑.

without penalty是什么意思

without penalty没有处罚请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

怎样让凋零骷髅(wither skeleton)拿弓?如果要用命令方块那是什么。

在命令方块中输入下面这一条指令就会在命令方块上面一格生成一个拿弓的凋零骷髅/summon Wither Skeleton ~ ~1 ~ {Equipment:[{id:261,Count:1},{},{},{},{}]}

big booty girls with big tits什么意思


冚家拎 (Video Drome With 坏碑唇) 歌词

歌曲名:冚家拎 (Video Drome With 坏碑唇)歌手:Lmf专辑:A Room Represents曲 : 陈辉阳 词 : 黄伟文编 : 陈辉阳编曲:SnoopySnoopy倾情编辑绝无漏洞!车:早知 一定与你分手最爱往往难以相厮守爱过你之后 我怕没然后原来寂寞 没有你的问候用谁 来平复也不够你似个 最窝心的缺口许:没有这牺牲 怎可让你我得救每个劫数 时间会善后以往那轰烈 渐渐会变温柔长年累月 就算你多念旧明天一滴也不留爱与痛 如昨夜喝的酒车:从前共你讲不要分别 不要归去明明还流过一点眼泪许:又再跟你相遇 跟你相对合:为何完全己经能面对车:最爱都会过去 都会散去许:都会退去 既然难忘合:为何连记得都太累车:最痛都会过去 都会散去许:都会退去 我们如何合:仍然能活下去车:往事 就像是一道桥许:你与我 会过去的情怀不会倒退Snoopy倾情奉献~~许:没有这牺牲 怎可让你我得救车:每个劫数 时间会善后许:以往那轰烈 渐渐会变温柔车:长年累月 就算你多念旧许:明天一滴也不留合:爱与痛 如昨夜喝的酒许:得到过车:什么许:也要放下车:什么合:即使你与我苦或甜有几多 车:失去许:什么车:谁能留恋许:太多合:当天你说你会最爱我他朝好好想清楚只怕没那幺多!!高潮来啦!!!kkk合:从前共你讲不要分别 不要归去明明还流过一点眼泪又再跟你相遇 跟你相对合:为何完全己经能面对许:爱与恨 就像列车夜行车:过去 会过去的合:当天你与我怎样重视过谁和谁在年月快线里都给压碎~~~~http://music.baidu.com/song/7297879

迪诺stay with me 歌词

啊,终于有听过迪诺stay with me了!~~感动ing~~不过歌词我也不知道

电脑设置的免费wifi,手机输入密码一定正确,却一直显示saved,secured with WPA2,求大神解答


with it汉语

第一:在这件事上我和Harry(的看法)一直都是一致的. all the way 就是“一直的”意思. 第二:very后面应该少了个词,比如说well I"m not feeling very well with it today. 我今天感觉不大想做这件事(或吃这个、用这个、看到这个). it指什么得看上文指的什么,with代替的意思以要看上文中说的是什么行为与动作. 第三:他爱着你. with就是介词么,与谁相爱. I"m not feeling very with it today. with在这里是支持、赞同的意思.我今天觉得不怎么赞同. with prep. [表示一致]在...一边, 与...一致; 拥护, 有利于

with regard to 和 whit respt to 的区别和用法



whit +名词+动词的正在进行时

with 用中文怎么读 告诉我啊


vote with our feet.......

其实:英文谚语中有vote with your feet Cambridge Dictionary online就有以下解释: vote with your feet If you vote with your feet you leave an anization or stop supporting using or buying something and change to a new anization service or product: e.g.When the price of skiing in the mountain resorts doubled tourists voted with their feet and just stopped going. 而牛津第六版,也有以下解释: vote with your feet:to show what you think about sth by going or not going somewhere e.g. Shopper voted with their feet and avoided the store. 购物者对那商店避而远之. Vote with your feet无疑直译可译为:用脚投票; 但其意思就是指:人不去某处表示其反对、不满某些事情 或去某处表示支持,赞成某些事情 因你的句子没有上下文,所以不能最准确译其意思,但估计,文章是指,当我们面对人要求我们做某些事的压力之下,我们会离开以表示我们的不满,不愿意 希望帮到你!

英文翻译(你可以放心地跟他们打交道,他们都非常正直 deal with)

You can rest assured to deal with them, and they are very honest

Imagine me Without You中英文歌词

楼主,音乐帝来了。 以下歌词为自己人工翻译:Imagine Me Without You-Jaci Velasquez As long as stars shine down from heaven 天空中,繁星点点And the rivers run into the sea 江河依旧流入大海Til the end of time forever 直到永恒You are the only love I"ll need 你是我爱的唯一In my life you"re all that matters 在我的生活中 你就是一切In my eyes the only truth I see 我眸中独存的事实When my hopes and dreams have shattered 当我的希望和梦想破灭时 You"re the one that"s there for me 你就是我的精神支柱When I found you I was blessed 当我发现我在为你祈祷And I will never leave you, I need you 你将永远不会失去你 我需要你Chorus: 副歌:Imagine me without you 想象没有你的时候I"d be lost and so confused 我将会在心灵的道路上迷失,困惑I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid 我无法忍受没有你的那一天 我很害怕Without you there to see me through 没有你 也没有人能够懂我Imagine me without you 想象没有你的时候Lord, you know it"s just impossible 上帝啊 我知道这是不肯能的Because of you, it"s all brand new 因为你 世间一切都明朗了My life is now worthwhile 我的生活是充满意义的I can"t imagine me without you 我无法想象没有你的日子When you caught me I was falling 当我一次次衰败时,你就来安抚我You"re love lifted me back on my feet 你的爱使我重新振作起来It was like you heard me calling 你是我唯一的倾听者And you rush to set me free 你释放了我的一切When I found you I was blessed 当我发现你时我继续祈祷And I will never leave you, I need you 我永远都不会失去你 我需要你Imagine me without you 想象没有你的时候I"d be lost and so confused 我将会在心灵的道路上迷失,困惑I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid 我无法忍受没有你的那一天 我很害怕Without you there to see me through 没有你 也没有人能够懂我Imagine me without you 想象没有你的时候Lord, you know it"s just impossible 上帝啊 我知道这是不肯能的Because of you, it"s all brand new 因为你 世间一切都明朗了My life is now worthwhile 我的生活是充满意义的I can"t imagine me without you 我无法想象没有你的日子When I found you I was blessed 当我发现你的时候 我祈祷And I will never leave you, I need you oh 我永远都不会失去你 我需要你 噢~(imagine me without you) 想象我没有你的日子(I"d be lost and so...) 我将会自我迷失I"d be lost and so confused 我会自我迷失并困惑着I wouldn"t last a day, 我无法忍受 一天都不能Without you there to see me through 除了你 没有人能够懂我(imagine me without you 想象着没有你(I"d be lost and so...) 我会继续迷失。。impossible 不会的Because of you, it"s all brand new 因为你 我的生活又充满了希望My life is now worthwhile 变得更有意义了I can"t imagine me 我无法想象(without you) 没有你I can"t imagine me without you 我无法想象没有你。。
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