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flower 和flour音标都一样,为什么读音却不一样呢?

读音是一样的. 谁说不一样呢??

flour 和flower发音一样吗

不一样 flour 是 夫咯 另一个是夫捞Wer

面粉和花的英文读音一不一样 flower 和 flour的读音一不一样 英语课纠结很久了

flower 美] [u02c8flau028au025a]u2003u2003 [英] ["flau028au0259(r)]u2003u2003 n. 花; 精华; 开花植物 vi. 开花; 繁荣; 成熟 vt. 使开花; 用花装饰 flour [美] [flau028ar]u2003u2003 [英] ["flau028au0259(r)]u2003u2003 n. 面粉 vt. 撒上粉 从上可知,二者的英式发音一样,美式发音不一样

flower 和flour音标都一样,为什么读音却不一样呢??

我是金山词霸吖.我听过了.是一样的吖.,3,一样啊,2,flower 和flour读音是相同的,当你听到这个读音时,就不能总认为它是“花”的意思,应该想到它还有“面粉”的意思。听力时关键是要联系上下文理解。,2,我记得读音是一样的,2,读音是一样的. 谁说不一样呢??,1,flour[英][u02c8flauu0259] [美][flau028ar] 词典一个可能是美式,1,读音是一样的哦~,0,flower 和flour音标都一样,为什么读音却不一样呢? 如题 如果你们有金山词霸,你们就听听发音,没有的就到江户小弟在线词典里听一听,仔细听,好像重音不在一个地方,而且花的读音好像多了一个(w)的音 真是奇怪了,昨天听不一样,今天听又一样了……


[植]花常用释义flowers英 [ u02c8flau028au0259z ]美 [ u02c8flau028au0259rz ]释义[植]花(flower 的复数)n. (Flowers)人名;(英)弗劳尔斯例句短语例句1·The flowers are all open now.花现在都开了。2·These flowers have no scent.这些花不香。


1)floral英 [u02c8flu0254:ru0259l] 美 [u02c8flu0254ru0259l, u02c8flor-]adj.花的,花似的; 以花装饰的; 植物的,植物群的; 花神的2)flower英 [u02c8flau028au0259(r)] 美 [u02c8flau028au025a]n.花; 精华; 开花植物vi.开花; 繁荣; 成熟vt.使开花; 用花装饰


您好,Flower 翻译成中文是花的意思。花是被子植物(被子植物门植物,又称有花植物或开花植物)的繁殖器官,其生物学功能的是结合雄性精细胞与雌性卵细胞以产生种子。这一进程始於传粉,然後是受精,从而形成种子并加以传播。对於高等植物而言,种子便是其下一代,而且是各物种在自然分布的主要手段。同一植物上著生的花的组合称为花序。「花」在生活中亦常被称为「花朵」或「花卉」。广义的花卉可指一切具有观赏价值的植物(或人工栽插的盆景),而狭义上则单指所有的开花植物。除了作为被子植物的繁殖器官,花卉还一直广受人们的喜爱和使用,主要用於美化环境,而且还作为一种食物来源。许多花(Flower )在东西方文化中都被赋予了特定的内涵。在中国传统文化中,不少花卉都被赋予了美好的性格特徵:梅花象徵著民族之风骨,菊花象徵著文人之高洁,牡丹象徵著富人之华贵,兰花象徵著君子之气节。而在西方文化中,对各种花(Flower )赋予的各种象徵意义称为花语,比如红玫瑰象徵爱情、美丽和热情,罂粟花象徵对死亡的悼唁,鸢尾和百合在葬礼中象徵著「复活」和「生命」等。此外,在世界上的许多文化中,花同样是女性的象徵。







flower是什么意思中文 英语flower是什么意思

1、Flower是一个英文单词,主要用作名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时翻译为“花;精华;开花植物,人名;(英)弗劳尔”,作及物动词翻译为“使开花;用花装饰”,作不及物动词时翻译为“成熟,发育;开花;繁荣;旺盛”。 2、[例句]Do you know the name of this flower?你知道这是什么花吗?


flower的中文意思是花,精华,花开植物,开花,繁荣,成熟。英式发音为[u02c8flau028au0259(r)]。 美式发音为[u02c8flau028au025a]。 例句:1、Each individual flower is tiny. 每一朵花都很小。2、The flower garden will be ablaze with colour every day.花园每天都将开满各色鲜花。3、Several of these rhododendrons will flower this year for the first time. 这些杜鹃花有些将在今年首度开花。4、Their relationship flowered. 他们的关系最终开花结果了。5、Those killed have been described as the flower of Polish manhood. 那些牺牲者被称为波兰男子中的精英。6、Some of the daffodils are still in flower 有些水仙花仍在开放。




Flower是一个英文单词,主要用作名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时翻译为“花;精华;开花植物,人名;(英)弗劳尔”,作及物动词翻译为“使开花;用花装饰”,作不及物动词时翻译为“成熟,发育;开花;繁荣;旺盛”。短语搭配:Flower Shop 花店 ; 橙时光花店 ; 鲜花工坊 ; 小花良品Flower stand 花架 ; 花几 ; 茶几 ; 桌子King Flower 金大花的华丽冒险 ; 晶花 ; 霸王花 ; 花王仙女Flower preservation 永生花 ; 鲜花维护Flower Reaction 花之连锁 ; 花之锁链 ; 花朵连锁反应 ; 让花开满屏Flower Heart 花心 ; 花心脏 ; 花的心flower blue 花青 ; 花朵之蓝Flower Decoration 装饰花艺 ; 粉饰花艺 ; 鲜花装饰 ; [园艺] 花卉装饰Inula Flower 旋覆花 ; 旋覆花粉末 ; 旋复花对照药材


flower意思如下:Flower是一个英文单词,主要用作名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时翻译为“花;精华;开花植物,人名;(英)弗劳尔”,作及物动词翻译为“使开花;用花装饰”,作不及物动词时翻译为“成熟,发育;开花;繁荣;旺盛”。短语搭配Flower Shop 花店 ; 橙时光花店 ; 鲜花工坊 ; 小花良品Flower stand 花架 ; 花几 ; 茶几 ; 桌子King Flower 金大花的华丽冒险 ; 晶花 ; 霸王花 ; 花王仙女Flower preservation 永生花 ; 鲜花维护Flower Reaction 花之连锁 ; 花之锁链 ; 花朵连锁反应 ; 让花开满屏Flower Heart 花心 ; 花心脏 ; 花的心flower blue 花青 ; 花朵之蓝Flower Decoration 装饰花艺 ; 粉饰花艺 ; 鲜花装饰 ; [园艺] 花卉装饰Inula Flower 旋覆花 ; 旋覆花粉末 ; 旋复花对照药材双语例句I love you every everywhere the flower.我爱你每一寸土地上的花朵。I have receive your flower , but I can not accept it.我收到了你的花,但是我不能接受它。Flower and girl in together tear and the sky in together it rains should we still be together?花与女孩在一起眼泪与天空在一起在一起就下雨我们还要不要在一起?


flower读法:英 ["flaʊə] 美 ["flaʊɚ]释义:1、n. 花;精华;开花植物2、vi. 成熟,发育;开花;繁荣;旺盛3、vt. 使开花;用花装饰4、n. (Flower)人名;(英)弗劳尔

flower是什么意思 英文flower是什么意思

1、flower的意思是:n. 花;精华;开花植物;vi. 成熟,发育;开花;繁荣;旺盛;vt. 使开花;用花装饰;n. (Flower)人名;(英)弗劳尔。 2、短语: (1)Flower Shop 花店 ; 橙时光花店 ; 鲜花工坊 ; 小花良品。 (3)Flower stand 花架 ; 花几 ; 中式家具 ; 茶几。


flower是什么意思 英文flower是什么意思

1、flower的意思是:n. 花;精华;开花植物;vi. 成熟,发育;开花;繁荣;旺盛;vt. 使开花;用花装饰;n. (Flower)人名;(英)弗劳尔。 2、短语: (1)Flower Shop 花店 ; 橙时光花店 ; 鲜花工坊 ; 小花良品。 (3)Flower stand 花架 ; 花几 ; 中式家具 ; 茶几。


你好!flower 英[u02c8flau028au0259(r)] 美[u02c8flau028au025a] n. 花; 精华; 开花植物; vi. 开花; 繁荣; 成熟; vt. 使开花; 用花装饰; [例句]Each individual flower is tiny.每一朵花都很小。






flower[英]["flau028au0259(r)] [美][u02c8flau028au025a] 生词本简明释义n.花;精华;开花植物vi.开花;繁荣;成熟vt.使开花;用花装饰复数:flowers第三人称单数:flowers过去式:flowered过去分词:flowered现在分词:flowering易混淆的单词:Flower以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT花朵;鲜花A flower is the part of a plant which is often brightly coloured, grows at the end of a stem, and only survives for a short time.Each individual flower is tiny.每一朵花都很小。...large, purplish-blue flowers.




心灵的角落 Flower小小的鲜花在绽放那天的愿望是向着太阳(阳光),缓慢地绽放那是漫长的过程经历风吹,经历雨打“而现在能够做的”只是一直坚信着。你就像那一个虔诚的太阳一样。给予挫败着的我勇气可爱的花瓣 Flower成为了那个梦想的一部分张开双臂直接地接受阳光所给予的生命。一动不动地盯着 热泪盈眶 变得不能停止。如果死心的话就会无法绽放,最终化为泥土。在不知不觉的季节更替变化中 只留下一片天空周围的景色在不断的变化 没有名字的花心灵的角落 Flower小小的鲜花在绽放那天的愿望是向着太阳(阳光),缓慢地绽放存在只凭一个人的力量不能开花的花哟。因为有你在身边,这个愿望才能够实现。最美丽的Flower你的笑容在阳光的照耀下,就这样一直抚育着这朵花成长。就像爱一样…就像爱一样…收录曲目Flowerこの胸のメロディー頬杖とカフェu30fbマキアート夜明けまでこの胸のメロディーLa Brea AveBrunchはブルーベリー

flower的意思是什么? ???




前田敦子 —Flower 歌词

↓日语歌词 假名也都标注好了噢心(こころ)の片隅(かたすみ) Flower小(ちい)さな花(はな)が咲(さ)いた あの日(ひ)の愿(ねが)いは ゆっくりと 日向(ひなた)の中(なか) 咲(さ)いた それは长(なが)い道(みち)のり 风(かぜ)に吹(ふ)かれて 雨(あめ)に打(う)たれた 今(いま)できることだけを ただ 正直(しょうじき)に 信(しん)じ続(つづ)けた あなたの直向(ひたむき)さが太阳(たいよう)のように挫(くじ)けそうな私(わたし)に勇気(ゆうき)くれた可怜(かれん)な花(はな)びら Flowerひとつのその梦(ゆめ)かたちになった 両手(りょうて)を広(ひろ)げて まっすぐに 阳(ひ)を受(う)ける命(いのち)じっと眺(なが)めていると 涙(なみだ)溢(あふ)れて 止(と)まらなくなる もし谛(あきら)めてしまったら何(なに)も咲(さ)かない 土(つち)だったんだ季节(きせつ)は知(し)らぬ间(ま)に 空(そら)だけ残(のこ)して 周(まわ)りの景色(けしき)を変(か)える 名(な)もない花(はな) 心(こころ)の片隅(かたすみ)Flower小(ちい)さな花(はな)が咲(さ)いた あの日(ひ)の愿(ねが)いは ゆっくりと 日向(ひなた)の中(なか) 咲(さ)いた 一人(ひとり)の力(ちから)では 咲(さ)かない花(はな)があるよ そばにあなたが いてくれたから この愿(ねが)いが叶(かな)ったんだ 一番(いちばん)美(うつく)しい Flower あなたの笑颜(えがお)が日差(ひざ)しになり ここまで育(そだ)った この花(はな)は まるで爱(あい)のように…まるで爱(あい)のように…↓罗马音kokoro no katasumiFlowerchisana hana ga saitaano hi no negai wayukkuri tohinata no naka saitasore wa nagai michi norikaze ni fukareteame ni utaretaima dekiru koto dake wotada shoujiki nishinji tsuzuketaanata no hitamukisa gataiyou no you nikujike sou na watashi niyuuki kuretakaren na hanabiraFlowerhitotsu no sono yume katachi ni nattaryoute wo hirogetemassugu nihi wo ukeru inochijitto nagamete iru tonamida afuretetomaranaku narumoshi akirameta shimattaranani mo sakanaitsuchi dattandakisetsu wa shiranu ma nisora dake nokoshitemawari no keshiki wo kaerunamonai hanakokoro no katatsumiFlowerchisana hana ga saitaano hi no negai wayukkuri tohinata no naka saitahitori no chikara de wasakanai hana ga aru yosoba ni anata gaitekuretakarakono negai ga kanattandaichiban utsukushiiFloweranata no egao ga hizashi ni narikoko made sodattakono hana wamaru de ai no you ni...maru de ai no you ni...↓汉语歌词心灵的角落 Flower小小的鲜花在绽放那天的愿望是向着太阳(阳光),缓慢地绽放那是漫长的过程经历风吹,经历雨打而现在能够做的只是一直坚信着。你就像那一个虔诚的太阳一样。给予挫败着的我勇气可爱的花瓣 Flower成为了那个梦想的一部分张开双臂直接地接受阳光所给予的生命。一动不动地盯着 热泪盈眶 变得不能停止。如果死心的话就会无法绽放,最终化为泥土。在不知不觉的季节更替变化中 只留下一片天空周围的景色在不断的变化 没有名字的花心灵的角落 Flower小小的鲜花在绽放那天的愿望是向着太阳(阳光),缓慢地绽放存在只凭一个人的力量不能开花的花哟。因为有你在身边,这个愿望才能够实现。最美丽的Flower你的笑容在阳光的照耀下,就这样一直抚育着这朵花成长。就像爱一样…就像爱一样…祝你尽早学会这首歌噢w


您好,Flower 翻译成中文是花的意思。花是被子植物(被子植物门植物,又称有花植物或开花植物)的繁殖器官,其生物学功能的是结合雄性精细胞与雌性卵细胞以产生种子。这一进程始於传粉,然後是受精,从而形成种子并加以传播。对於高等植物而言,种子便是其下一代,而且是各物种在自然分布的主要手段。同一植物上著生的花的组合称为花序。「花」在生活中亦常被称为「花朵」或「花卉」。广义的花卉可指一切具有观赏价值的植物(或人工栽插的盆景),而狭义上则单指所有的开花植物。除了作为被子植物的繁殖器官,花卉还一直广受人们的喜爱和使用,主要用於美化环境,而且还作为一种食物来源。许多花(Flower )在东西方文化中都被赋予了特定的内涵。在中国传统文化中,不少花卉都被赋予了美好的性格特徵:梅花象徵著民族之风骨,菊花象徵著文人之高洁,牡丹象徵著富人之华贵,兰花象徵著君子之气节。而在西方文化中,对各种花(Flower )赋予的各种象徵意义称为花语,比如红玫瑰象徵爱情、美丽和热情,罂粟花象徵对死亡的悼唁,鸢尾和百合在葬礼中象徵著「复活」和「生命」等。此外,在世界上的许多文化中,花同样是女性的象徵。




Were it not for the adoption of the open policy, things ______ they are today.

你想复杂了啊..不是错综时间虚拟条件句..都是过去了. 按基本的虚拟条件句的格式

求take that -[when We Were Young]整首歌曲白话翻译

Take That - When We Were Young   接招乐队 - 年少轻狂时 When we were young the world seemed so old   当我们青春年少时,感觉世界似乎过于苍老 Careless and cold   无情与冷酷充斥其中 We did what we were told in our lives   我们按照叮咛嘱咐过生活 When we were young   当我们青春年少时 Had the world by the tail, good would prevail, starships would sail   仿佛世界在握,以为正义必胜,飞船也必将遨游太空 And none of us would fail in this life   谁都不会拥有失败的人生 Not when you"re young   至少在青春年少时不会 We were drawn to whoever could keep us together   我们会因某某而惺惺相惜   And bound by the heavens above   被抬头可见的天空所禁锢 And we tried to survive   我们也曾痛苦挣脱于 Travelling at the speed of love   转瞬即逝的懵懂爱情之伤 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们青春年少时 When we adored the fabulous   当我们沉浸于美丽的童话 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少无知时 We were the foolish fearless   我们曾因无知而无畏 Never knowing the cost of what we paid   却从不知要付出怎样的代价 Letting someone else be strong   才能使旁人变得更坚强 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少轻狂时 In a moment of grace   美好时刻的感受 A long leap of faith   形成了永久的信念 There"s still more glorious dawn awaits my life   我的人生还会有更璀璨的黎明来临   I"m here with the lovers   我与我爱的人同在 Then we burned the bridges we"re crossing over   我们点燃一路走过的木桥   Just to see the firelight   只为看那绚丽夺目的火光 And the innocent are getting over being old tonight   当年的天真烂漫经历重重,在今晚日渐成熟   Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们青春年少时   When everything was what it seemed   当一切事物看上去一如既往 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少无知时 And everyday was how we dreamed   每天都如生活在梦境一般 Never knowing the cost of what we paid   从不知要付出怎样的代价 Letting someone else be strong   才能使旁人变得更坚强 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少轻狂时 And when you look at yourself tonight   当你今晚凝望自己 Are you someone you recognise?   还是那个曾经认知的自己吗? You can take back what you"ve given away   你也许可以挽回曾放弃的一切   But it must be the last time   但这是最后一次机会 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们青春年少时 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少无知时 When we were young   当我们年少轻狂时 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们青春年少时 When we adored the fabulous   当我们沉浸于美丽的童话 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少无知时 We were the foolish fearless   我们曾因无知而无畏 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少轻狂时 We didn"t know it wouldn"t last   我们不知青春不会常驻 Wooaaah when we were young   喔……当我们年少轻狂时


Flw 很少用。把元音字母都去掉就是了。

There were no gyms then.的同意句.

There were no gyms then.这里没有健身房The gym is not there.健身房没有在这里


在那个时候没有 体育馆。

there be were no gyms or librarys in my school 20 years ago中为什么要用or


there were no gyms in my city before这里的no为什么不用not?

no +名词 =not any +名词There were no gyms in my city before.=There were not any gyms in my city before.

at that time,there were no gyms in the city.是什么意思


2. These stories were made------his own head.?

DADADBC,5,粉红地步,1,2. These stories were made------his own head. A. out ofB.up ofC. intoD. up out of 3. The cave------very dark , he made some candles-----light. A. was; given B. was ; being given C. being ; to give D. being ; give 4. Which is -------country , Canadaor Australia? A. largeB. largerC. a largerD. the larger 5. In the dark , there wasn"t a single person ------she could turn for help. A. thatB. whoC. from whomD. to whom 6. In my opinion , it is the best use that could be------of the money. A. turned upB. turned outC. spentD. made 7. Jenny liked Fred-------all the boys he was the most honest one . A. becauseB. because ofC. asD. for that 8. We called the First—Aid Center-------the traffic accident happened. A. immediatelyB. shortlyC. quicklyD. hurriedly 9. Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just ------worries the public. A. whyB. whichC. thatD. what 10. As a teacher , he has never given his students so difficult a problem--------they can"t work out. A. ifB. thatC. whenD. as 11. It will cost a lot of time. --------, I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful. A.What"s moreB. As a resultC. At the same timeD. After all 12. The conference gives a chance for people of different ------to exchange . A. charactersB. attitudesC. viewsD. ways 13. Some women ------a good salary in a job instead of staying home,but they decided not to work for the sake of the family. A. must earnB. should have earnedC. would earnD. could have earned 14. -------he e to see you ? Of couse ,please . And I"d rather he -----me the truth. A. will ; informB. shall ; toldC. should ; will tellD. can ; covers 15. We should show-----for school buildings, parks , playground , gyms and so on. A. envyB. purposeC. respectD. impression 16. He said that very clearly so that nobody was in -----about what he meant. A. doubtB. wonderC. questionD. puzzle 17. I"ll just say-------you should follow your father"s advice. A. thisB. thatC. thoseD. these 18. What -----great help the little girl is to her sick mother. A. /B. aC. theD. an 19. This is Sports News . The Lakers ------again last night, The Nets beat them 1 to nothing. A. defeatedB. missedC. wonD. lost 20.I don"t know why the color----- when I washed the coat. A. wentB. leftC. ranD. dropped 21. Would you like your coffee --------or strong ? Oh, I"d like a strong coffee. A. whiteB. blackC. weakD. sweet 22. The traffic in the city was-----today, so Mary got home earlier than usual. A. heavyB. weakC. scareD. light 23. I would l

there were no gyms in our city before.改为同义句

there were not any gyms in our city before.

there were no gyms in our city before.改为同义句

There used to be no gyms in our city.这里used to是过去的意思


该同义句的话 可以把no gyms 改成not any gyms


There were not any gyms in my time.我那个年代没有健身房。

At that time,there were no gyms.把否定句改为肯定句

At that time, there were some gyms.

“过去没有体育馆”是用“there was no gym”还是用“there were no gy


in my school什么1940填介词,there were no gym?


at that time,there were no gyms.什么意思



there were no cinemas or gyms

“过去没有体育馆”是用“there was no gym”还是用“there were no gy

体育馆可数的所以是were there were no gyms inthepast

Before there ____ no gyms in my school中间为什么要选were

因为时间副词before是“以前”的意思,表示过去的时间,句子要用一般过去时态;又因为句子的主语gym用了复数形式gyms,所以,这个Therebe句型中的系动词be要用过去式were. Beforetherewerenogymsinmyschool.= Beforetherewerenotanygymsinmyschool. 译文: 我的学校以前没有健身房。

请大家帮忙分析一下, there were是什么成分? what引导什么句?what 前面怎么有 介词in?

Aunt Harriet is the subjectdiscovered 充当动词,后面是有THAT引导的从句,在从句中主体结构是THERE BE结构,neatly stacked in .....在从句中做bottles的后置定语,起修饰作用,what had once been......在此处是做in的介宾从句,因为句子却成分,所以由what引导整句的意思是:harriet阿姨发现在原先是Bessie衣橱的地方整齐的捆放着成堆各种各样,大小不一的空酒瓶。

Aunt Harriet discovered that there were piles of empty wine bottles of all shapes and size

代词啊 代后边的wardrobe 还原就是neatly stacked in the wardrobe which had once been Bessie"s 这样就比较好理解些

Lotus Flower 歌词

歌曲名:Lotus Flower歌手:Kenny Dorham专辑:Afro-CubanTitle:Lotus Floweralbum: The king of limbsartist: RadioheadI will shape myself into your pocketInvisible, do what you want, do what you wantI will sink and I will disappearI will slip into the groove and cut me up, and cut me up.There"s an empty space inside my heartWhere the weeds take rootAnd now I"ll set you freeI"ll set you freeThere"s an empty space inside my heartWhere the weeds take rootTonight I"ll set you freeI"ll set you free..Slowly we unfurlAs lotus flowers"Cause all I want is the moon upon a stickJust to see what ifJust to see what isI can"t kick your habitJust to feed your fast ballooning headListen to your heart....We will sink and be quiet as miceWhile the cat is away; do what we wantDo what we want..There"s an empty space inside my heartWhere the weeds take rootSo now I set you freeI set you free.."Cause all I want is the moon upon a stickJust to see what ifJust to see what is.Put the lotus flower into my room.Slowly we unfurlAs lotus flowers"Cause all I want is the moon upon a stickI dance around a pitThe darkness is beneathI can"t kick your habitJust to feed your fast ballooning headListen to your heart...---end---http://music.baidu.com/song/2636661

what fools they were怎么讲解

感叹句型:what+a/an +形容词+单数名词+主语+谓语!what +形容词+不可数名词/复数名词+主语+谓语!

Those __still celebrated the New Year on April 1st were called fools.这里填who 还是whom

填who,who/whom 都引导定语从句,但是whom只能在定语从句中作宾语,而who在定语从句中作主语、宾语均可。本句:who 在定语从句中作主语。整个句子:Those 作主语,who still celebrated the New Year on April 1st 作主语的定语(定语从句),were called 作谓语,fools 作补语(被动时叫主补)希望我的回答能够帮到你,望采纳!如有疑问,欢迎追问。O(∩_∩)O


powermove是breaking的一部分!我们在斗舞中常见的托马斯、风车、大回环、头转等等都是powermove的动作!breaking一般分为4大类:第一就是toprock,就是摇滚步,它的特点是随意,走toprock一般是为了熟悉音乐,调节每个地板动作之间的节奏,得到休息或预热,uprock就是战斗舞,跟krumping有点像,可是breaking的uprock多用于衔接,battle的时候可以增加气氛,在动作方面更有张力和力量感.第二是freeze,freeze指的是你在某些音乐的特效中定住,一般都是倒立的freeze,常见的freeze有nike,大v,hello back等等,freeze也是battle时互相比拼难度的一个项目,但也不是说谁定的久谁就更厉害,关键在于和音乐,有视觉张力,和技巧的运用.第三就是footwork,又叫排腿,扫堂腿,常见的是6步,还有3步,12步之类的,footwork讲究快,越快越好,但是出腿要跟音乐,也要准确,到位.(这里纠正一下“footwork讲究快,越快越好”。这个说法错误,不是越快越好,快了没用,主要是要跟节奏,快成一团糟,只会影响整体效果!)第四是power,就是thomas,风车(superman windmill,baby windmill,no hand windmill),手转1990.2000,头转,hand spins,airswipes,airfly这些,他们也是breaking里最为酷炫的动作前三个叫stylemove,后面的叫powermove.答案由 肆、Lifě 整理编辑.

Breaking Dance中的toprock,footwork,freeze,powermove个表示什么意思?




What was less visible then,however,were the new,p


歌词“if you were my kings”歌名是啥来着?

歌名:If You Were My Man 歌手:Monica作曲:Monica作词: Monica专辑:Still Standing Monica歌词:If you were my man, I could be your fantasyAnd if you were my man, I"d give you sweet ecstasyYes if you were my man, what I"d odIf you were my man, if you were my manVerse 1:Boy I see you lookin" at my bodyWith that look in your eyesAnd even though you"re standing with your girlYou"ve got me on your mindB-section:If we spent one night, boy I"d love to touch your heavenAnd do you right, just sit backEnjoy the rideBaby close your eyes, there"s so many things that I want to doBaby with you, oooh baby baby

proteus 中power 和battery有什么区别

power就是一个电源,一般可以多点使用,battery 指的是电池,一般在做辅助测试时候,或者不共地的时候使用

Katja Werker的《Dakota》 歌词

歌曲:Dakota歌手:StereophonicsThinking back, thinking of youSummertime think it was JuneYeah think it was JuneLaying back, head on the grasschewing gum having some laughsYeah having some laughs.You made me feel like the oneMade me feel like the oneThe oneDrinking back, drinking for twoDrinking with youWhen drinking was newSleeping in the back of my carWe never went farDidn"t need to go farYou made me feel like the oneMade me feel like the oneThe oneYou made me feel like the oneMade me feel like the oneThe oneI don"t know where we are going nowI don"t know where we are going nowWake up call coffee and juiceRemembering youWhat happened to you?I wonder if we"ll meet againTalk about life since thenTalk about why did it endYou made me feel like the oneMade me feel like the oneThe oneYou made me feel like the oneMade me feel like the oneThe oneI don"t know where we are going nowI don"t know where we are going nowSo take a look at me nowSo take a look at me nowSo take a look at me nowSo take a look at me nowSo take a look at me nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2838181

更少的森林用英文为什么是less forest,而不是fewer forests


power industry trucks 指的是叉车吗

指的是叉车。 电瓶叉车优点:电瓶叉车以蓄电池—电动机为动力,起动性能好,运转平稳,无噪声,无废气排放,不污染空气,操作简单。 Advantages of battery forklift: battery forklift is powered by battery-motor. It has good starting performance, smooth operation, no noise, no exhaust gas emission, no air pollution, and simple operation.缺点:对电控系统的检修比较复杂,需要充电房和充电设备,轮班作业时需要备用蓄电池,对路面要求高,由于蓄电池容量的限制,一般电动机功率较小,爬坡能力较差。 Disadvantages: The overhaul of the control system is complex, requiring charging room and charging equipment, and spare batteries when working in shifts, which require high road surface requirements. Due to the limitation of the capacity of batteries, the power of General Motors is small and the climbing ability is poor.柴油叉车优点:柴油机的特点是燃料价格便宜,功率大,爬坡能力强,对路面的要求低,作业持续时间长,维修性能好,配件便宜,所以现阶段的内燃机叉车主要以柴油机为主,主力机型是新柴490A型。 Advantages of diesel forklift truck: diesel engine is characterized by low fuel price, high power, strong climbing ability, low requirements for road surface, long operation duration, good maintenance performance and cheap accessories, so at this stage, the main engine of internal combustion forklift truck is diesel engine, and the main engine is new diesel 490A.

he could not remember what the formulae were. remember 后 为什么用陈述语气, 为什么用 were

很高兴为您解答:这是宾语从句,从句还原为:the formulae were what.formulae公式的复数,所以用were希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝您学习进步,工作顺心。^_^

I _______ on the door for ten minutes now without an answer.

knock on敲门,但是没有答复

dz论坛怎么去掉power by discuz版权

1.Crossday Discuz! Board(简称 Discuz!)是康盛新创科技推出的一套通用的社区论坛软件系统。2.Discuz! 可以运行于装有 PHP 4.0.6 及以上,Zend Optimizer 2.1.0 及以上,MySQL3.23 及以上或 PostgreSQL7.1 及以上的 Linux/Unix/Windows等各种操作系统环境,是真正的跨平台应用软件,在安全模式下也能完好运行。3.Discuz! 的基础架构采用世界上最流行的web编程组合PHP+MySQL实现,是一个经过完善设计,适用于各种服务器环境的高效论坛系统解决方案。4.去掉去掉power by discuz版权方法如下:(1)登录网站远程服务器,找到网站根目录文件的forter.htm(如果是在本地测试,在本地找到即可)如图:(2)用编辑文本打开,如图:(3)查找power by discuz,修改你想改的内容即可。如图:(4)最后点击保存,就能看到效果了。如图:

how to make a good impression on an interviewer 求一片作文

How to Make a Good Impression During Job Interviews (by WorkBloom) When going to an interview, it is important to have the right state of mind and to focus on what is important. The thing that is the most important when attending an interview is not how you answer questions. It is the impression that you leave behind. That being said, answering questions "correctly" will of course impact on that impression. The word "correctly" was put in quotes because there are no perfect answers to questions, although there are wrong answers. Put things in perspective. By the time you are called for an interview, the employer will already have gone through your resume and cover letter. He or she knows the basics about you: your background, your work experience, your general interests, why you want to join the organization, etc. Whatever the employer knows up to that point, however, is only one-sided. The employer only knows what you have decided to reveal. Based on the information that you have provided, however, he or she decided that you were "worthy" of a meeting. This is the employer"s way to show an open mind. "Here"s your chance" he or she is saying. "Show me what you"ve got" or "prove to me that you are as good as you pretend to be." This is partly how the stress builds up. You are starting to feel the pressure to "impress." Knowing that other candidates have also been called for an interview, you feel even more pressure. This is where you realize that the application process in an ensemble. Everything has to fit together. Your resume and your cover letter have to impress, yet truly reflect who you are so that when you show up on Interview Day, you can be yourself. (Tips on how to handle stress during job interviews can be found in another article on WorkBloom.) The first thing about making a good impression is to be positive. If you are negative and over-worry, that will show. Condition your mind to be positive and optimistic about your future so that when you see the interviewer for the first time as he or she walks towards you, that smile that is on your face is sincere. First impressions matter. Why? Because they create biases. If you make a bad impression upfront, you will have to combat that bias. It"s like running uphill. On the other hand, if you make a good impression, you can ride on it. It"s like running downhill. That being said, make sure to dress professionally, smile, give a firm handshake, and introduce yourself properly. How to dress properly for an interview is discussed in further detail in the "Interview Attire" section of WorkBloom. As the interviewer walks you to the interview room, he or she might ask you a few questions about the weather or how you got there... some small talk to put you at ease. Accept the "invitation" and relax. As the interview "formally" starts, make sure to remember that interviewing is a "communication process." This means that you have to be "clear" when you talk. Clarity entails that you "speak clearly" and "answer clearly." Speaking clearly means that you have to speak loud enough and pronounce your words well enough so that you are well understood. Think of news anchors and how they speak. Answering clearly means that you have to satisfy whatever was on the mind of the interviewer when he or she asked you the question. In order to do that you have to practice your listening skills. Yes, listening is part of communicating. If you are not sure what was asked, ask the interviewer to repeat himself or, even better, rephrase the question in your own words and ask the interviewer to confirm that you grasped his or her question properly. The next thing to keep in mind is that questions are asked for a purpose. Try to find the purpose underlying the question. What does the interviewer want to know and how can you best answer his or her question? Put yourself at ease as you answer questions and undertake it as if it was a conversation. To "converse" with someone is the best way to "connect" with that person. If you were not offered a glass of water and feel that your mouth is dry, don"t be shy and ask for a glass of water. The interviewer will be happy to do so. Don"t let those minor details bother you. As the interview winds down, make sure that you have showed interest for the organization by asking a few relevant and intelligent questions. Don"t let your guards down. The interview is not over until you have left the building. As you leave, give each interviewer a firm handshake and thank them for meeting with you. You can also ask for their business cards if you do not yet have them. Having your interviewers" business cards is important for following-up purposes. You want to spell their name correctly and you want to send to each interviewer separate e-mails. Remember, the last step in the interview process is not when you leave the interview room. It is when you follow-up the day after the interview. Following-up is not an option. It is mandatory. To conclude, remember that you will be chosen not based on any specific answers that you give, but on the overall impression that you leave behind. Trusting yourself is the central and most important thing you need to remember. If you don"t trust yourself, nobody will.


把不同类的找出来。妹妹把一朵花给妈妈,妹妹说:A.Here"s a dress for you.B.Here"s a flower for you.应同B,A不同类【解析】dress:裙子;flower:花朵。根据题意选

一句话英文的语法问题。Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate.

表语这是个倒装句,原来应该是:Fossils were clearly intermediate

Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate.的语法。


Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate(这句语法问题全句见下面)

这好像不是整句,应该是一个句子的状语从句意思是:最近发现的化石明显是哺乳动物和鲸类的进化过渡生物而没有发现化石前,这个证据是缺乏的所以用missing,动词的ing形式until recently 这里是强调句,所以were 放在前面了 it is missing until recently fossils were clearly intermediate between land mammals and cetaceans 这样看明白么我表达能力有限,唉

Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?



句子:There were about ten cars in front of mine.

The Power Of Equality 歌词

歌曲名:The Power Of Equality歌手:Red Hot Chili Peppers专辑:Blood Sugar Sex MagikThe Power Of EqualityRed HOt Chili PeppersI"ve got a soulThat cannot sleepAt night when somethingJust ain"t rightBlood redBut without sightExploding egosIn the nightMix like sticksOf dynamiteRed black or whiteThis is my fightCome on courageLet"s be heardTurn feelingsInto wordsAmerican equalityHas always been sourAn attitudeI would like to devourMy name is peaceThis is my hourCan I getJust a little bit of powerThe power of equalityIs not yet what it ought to be (ought to be)It fills me up like a hollow tree (hollow tree)The power of equalityRight or wrongMy song is strongYou don"t like itGet alongSay what I wantDo what I canDeath to the messageOf the Klu Klux KlanI don"t buy supremacyMedia chiefYou menace meThe people you say"Cause all the crimeWake up motherfuckerAnd smell the slimeBlackest angerWhitest fearCan you hear meAm I clearMy name is peaceThis is my hourCan I getJust a little bit of powerThe power of equalityIs not yet what it ought to be (ought to be)It fills me up like a hollow tree (hollow tree)The power of equalityI"ve got tapesI"ve got CD"sI"ve got my public enemyMy lilly white assIs tickled pinkWhen I listen to the musicThat makes me thinkNot anotherMotherfuckin" politicianDoin" nothin" but somethingFor his own ambitionNever touchThe sound we makeSoul sacred loveVows that we takeTo create straightWhat is trueYo he"s with meAnd what I doMy name is peaceThis is my hourCan I getJust a little bit of powerThe power of equalityIs not yet what it ought to be (ought to be)It fills me up like a hollow tree (hollow tree)The power of equalityMadder than a motherfuckerLick my fingerCan"t forget"Cause the memory lingersCount "em off quickLittle piccadilly sicknessTake me to the hickEat my thicknessI"ve got a weltFrom the bible beltDealing with the handThat I"ve been dealtSitting in the gripOf a killing fistGiving up bloodJust to existRub me wrongAnd I get pissedNo I cannotGet to thisPeople in painI do not dig itChange of brainFor Mr BigotLittle brother do you hear meHave a heart oh come get near meMisery is not my friendBut I"ll break before I bendWhat I see is insanityWhat ever happened to humanityWhat ever happened to humanityWhat ever happened to humanityhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7657060

there were no desks.there were no charis 合并一句?

There were neither desks nor chairs.


在去年9月发布的AirPower到现在依然没有任何消息,很显然,苹果的这款无线充电底座有着很多未知,那么AirPower的价格是多少呢?作为的大木小编就为大家推测下,让大家都有个参考。AirPower的价格会是多少呢?此前一份可疑的报告称,AirPower的售价会在200美元上下,甚至已经有媒体宣称AirPower在国内的售价将会是1498元人民币。与之相比,一台普通的无线充电底座的价格大概在60美元,而苹果公司为Apple Watch的无线充电底座定价80美元,考虑到AirPower是一个三合一设备,且市面上没有竞争对手,所以150到180美元是AirPower的最低价格了。不过考虑到只有iPhone 8/8 Plus/X支持无线充电,AirPower也只支持Apple Watch Series 3,AirPods也需要最新的无线充电盒,用户要享受到AirPower的全部体验花费未免也太大了,苹果不会为AirPower设立一个天价的。很显然,AirPower不会是一款便宜的产品,但也不会贵到哪去,不少人会抱怨它太贵了,然后依然一口气买好几个。王者之心2点击试玩


在去年9月发布的AirPower到现在依然没有任何消息,很显然,苹果的这款无线充电底座有着很多未知,比如发布时间、比如售价,但现在我们还是有一些消息想和大家分享。AirPower的优势是什么?和其他的Qi标注无线充电器不一样,无论你把设备放在AirPower上的任何位置,都能够触发无线充电,而且 AirPower能够同时支持三款设备的充电。与之相对的,普通充电板只能够进行一对一的充电。虽然很多无线充电底座将多个线圈集成在了一个底座中,使得设备放在底座的任何区域都能充电,但依然一个底座只能对一个设备充电。所以如果你拥有多个苹果产品,那么这将会变得非常方便。甚至在充电过程中,iPhone还会有一个整齐的动画、电池状态指示灯,显示与之配对的AirPods充电盒和Apple Watch的充电状况。当然,多款设备同时充电这一功能仅仅对苹果设备开放,如果你手持其他品牌的设备,虽然也能够通过Qi协议进行无线充,但并不能同时支持多个设备。王者之心2点击试玩


这款AirPower充电板可以支持同时为你的iPhone X、Apple Watch和Air Pods充电,一举多得十分轻松。但是自从去年九月份发布以后,它的发售日期一再推迟,近日彭博社发文称,这款跳票多次的AirPower,可能要在今年9月才能上市。
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