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求resco photo viewer5.00注册码


Resco Photo Viewer注册码(高手救我啊)


求 Resco Photo Viewer Pro v 6.33注册码 谢谢了啊

我前几天在网上搜的用户名改为Rachel,注册完再改回来。注册码24036或者02476我的HTC viva试了,能用。



RescoViewer 5.0注册码




Resco Photo Viewer v4.51注册码


诺基亚N70蓝牙收到图片后打开时自动用Resco Photo Viewer软件打开。搞的我无法存手机里。怎么解决


急resco photo viewer 注册码!!


哪位大侠帮忙算下Resco photo viewer 注册码

resco photo viewer v6.0 最新版名:FOXPDA-TEAM注册码:50574注册时将串号351983046252419 改为 FOXPDA-TEAM这款软件的注册码是根据用户名算的,不依串号5.0版本 4.3版本的Hi我,我也可以帮你注册



Resco Photo Viewer 怎么所有图片都混在一起,本来是分在不同文件夹的,但用RPV 后所有图片都混在一起了


Resco Photo Viewer 安装时提示证书过期?什么意思?具体怎么做?

简短 把手机时间向后调一年 不行就两年 啥时能按就按 安完了日起在调回来 绝对好使 分

英语谚语:One flower makes no garland 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: One flower makes no garland 中文意思: 一木不能成林。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Hunger knows no friend 饥难周友。 Hunger will relish the plainest fare 饥不择食。 Hungry belies have no ears 饥寒起盗心。 Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings 饥不择食。 I am cought between the devil and the deep blue sea 进退维谷。 I am not a slave I am not a captive and by energy I can overe the greater obstacles 我不是奴隶,也不是俘虏,我有力量可以克服更大的艰难险阻。 I am not now that which I have been (I am not what I used to be.) 今日之我已非昔日之我。 I am not only witty in myself but the cause that wit is in other men 我不仅要使自己有才智,而且也要使别人有才智。 I believe the first test of truly great man is his humility 一个真正伟大的人,对他的第一个考验就是看他是否谦逊。 I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too 我不能既是你的朋友,而又对你阿谀奉承。 英语谚语: One flower makes no garland 中文意思: 一木不能成林。


PowePivot是EXCEL的插件(add-ins),默认是没有的, 如果需要您需要网上下载或者购买。如果您装完powerpivot插件在2013选项卡上不显示,可以尝试以下操作:File > Options > Add-Ins >click Disabled Items > Go. > Select Microsoft Office PowerPivot for Excel 2013 and click Enable. 如果上述操作之后,PowerPovit仍未在功能区显示,请继续如下操作:Close Excel. > press Start button > Run and then type “regedit”. >In Registry Editor, expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Office > 15.0 > User Settings. > Right-click PowerPivotExcelAddin and then click Delete. > Scroll back up to the top of Registry Editor. Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Office > Excel > Addins. > Right-click PowerPivotExcelClientAddIn.NativeEntry.1 and then click Delete. >Close Registry Editor. 然后再打开EXCEl再试。

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根据sharepoint2013、sql server2012等资料介绍,BISM可以连接PowerPovit工作簿和Analysis Services数据源。目前已测试连接Analysis Services数据源成功,但是连接上传的PowerPovit工作簿失败。

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PowerBI 核心组件介绍(Power Query&Power Pivot & Power View& Power BI)

一句话简明介绍:Power Query用来加载元数据,Power Pivot负责对数据进行建模分析,Power View则是生成数据图表,三兄弟主要是给Excel这位老板打工;而Power BI是这三兄弟合资经营的新公司,脱离了Excel专注于做BI产业。 1.Power Query Power Query的诞生晚于Power Pivot,最初问世于Excel 2013,后来由于需求庞大,微软又对应的开发了对Excel 2010版本的支持。Power Query专注于对数据连接的管理,可以理解为一种ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) 服务。Power Query支持将导入的不同数据源数据进行裁剪和合并生成一个新的表单(例如将SQL,Oracle和Facebook的数据进行整合),同时也支持对数据格式进行调整,去掉空数据,批量替换某些数据,以及拆分某一column或者合并多个column。如果有需要,还可以用Power Query对数据做简单的整理例如计算,排序和过滤。Power Query对数据的处理都在加载数据如Excel之前完成的,也就是说,通过Power Query中的设置,相当于创建了一个模具,只有符合这个模具大小要求的数据才会被加载到Excel之中。相比Power Pivot只能在load数据之前做filter处理,Power Query提供的功能操作就丰富了很多,可以很大程度上减少冗余数据的加载,从而显著提高数据分析的效率和能力。 2.Power Pivot Power Pivot应该是最早被人熟知的Power家族成员。最早是作为Excel 2010的一个Add-in被引入进来,在Excel 2013做了大幅度的功能提升和改进,在最新的Excel 2016中已经变成了Built-in工具。Power Pivot的工作原理是将数据加载到内存中进行建模,因此可以快速的对数据进行分析,整合和计算,缺点吗,当然是对内存的依赖程度比较高,可以分析的数据量于内存大小成正比。Power Pivot可以对多种数据源进行建模分析,当引入多张表时,可以在不同的表之间添加关联关系并且可以使用Data Analysis Expressions (DAX)语言对数据进行计算。同时Power Pivot生成的数据图表可以以Excel为载体发布到SharePoint端已实现数据共享。并且与Excel native的数据分析功能相比,Power Pivot的显著优势是在导入数据时可以指定具体导入哪部分数据(以column为单位做filter),这样能一定程度的减少冗余数据被加载到表单里面而影响数据分析的效率。 3.Power View(数据展示) 跟它的名字一样,Power View是一个让人“看”的工具,提供了丰富的图形模块用已将数据分析的结果展现出来。Power View最早来源于SQL Server2012的Server Reporting Services,并被SharePoint 2010所应用。之后被引入到Excel 2013,与Power Pivot带的Povit Table和Chart相比,Power View提供的可用数据图形模板更加丰富,更加便于操作,大大提升了Report的整体视觉感官。 4.Power BI Power BI是基于Power Query,Power Pivot和Power View架构的一个独立软件,在包含了这三者的全部功能同时又增加了一些BI相关工具,允许在没有Excel,SQL Server或者SharePoint的环境上对数据进行可视化分析处理。同时为了的实现数据共享,Power BI除了提供On desktop版本外,还有基于微软Azure运行的SaaS版本以及为mobile用户准备的APP版本,可以实现在不同场合地点对数据的无缝浏览以及修改。同时,Power BI还提供了一套REST API允许第三方Application引用Power BI的相关图形表单。也就是说,第三方application可以专注于数据的收集和初步整理,之后利用Power BI对进行建模分析生成相应的表单图形,之后再将结构引入到自己application里面功任何用户使用。


楼主,您好!PowePivot是EXCEL的插件(add-ins),默认是没有的, 如果需要您需要网上下载或者购买。如果您装完powerpivot插件在2013选项卡上不显示,可以尝试以下操作:File > Options > Add-Ins >click Disabled Items > Go. > Select Microsoft Office PowerPivot for Excel 2013 and click Enable. 如果上述操作之后,PowerPovit仍未在功能区显示,请继续如下操作:Close Excel. > press Start button > Run and then type “regedit”. >In Registry Editor, expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Office > 15.0 > User Settings. > Right-click PowerPivotExcelAddin and then click Delete. > Scroll back up to the top of Registry Editor. Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Office > Excel > Addins. > Right-click PowerPivotExcelClientAddIn.NativeEntry.1 and then click Delete. >Close Registry Editor. 然后再打开EXCEl再试。

在Power Povit中如何像vlookup一样返回其他列的值?

使用RELATED函数。by PowerBI星球

gasoline-powered car的意思??





引起组件加载失败的原因一般是以下几点: 1、没有给Internet来宾用户读取组件安装目录的权限。如果你的操作系统是默认安装,动易组件也是默认安装,一般不会出现这个问题。如果你已经会配置权限。那么知道了原因,应该也就知道了解决方法——设置权限。2、安装了某个杀毒软件,与动易组件不兼容。这个可能性不大,但不能排除。因为如果只是干净的操作系统,动易组件绝对可以正常工作。我们已经在为客户安装的几百台服务器上证明了这一点。3、安装的操作系统是盗版的,是那些免激活之类的版本。我们在部分客户那里碰到这个问题。换成正版安装盘后安装后解决。不过只有30天激活期了。许多用户只好为此专门再购买了正版的操作系统。4、可能是您的机器上少了VB的这个Msvbvm60.DLL文件解决方法:1、http://www.powereasy.net/download/msvbvm60.rar Msvbvm60.DLL文件,放入winntsystem32目录中,然后注册此组件。 2、重新安装动易组件。如果是ASP的话 你装一个WEB小旋风玩一下啊,这个动易系统很难搞的!

动易的cms--PowerEasy SiteFactory 3.6在建立数据库时出现问题!


PowerEasy SiteWeaver的默认数据库?


现在我一访问页面就出现 用户 PowerEasy 登录失败。 .Net SqlClient Data Provider 这个错误,求

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这个系统我也不是太熟悉。我比较熟悉的是SiteServer CMS,我也是从刚开始什么都不知道,看SiteServr CMS的教程,一点点把网站做起来的。他们官网有教程,讲的很清楚。而且那个CMS程序安装起来很简单,比较适合新手。如果你还没搭建起来的话,建议你用那个程序试试。我教给你大概的步骤:1.登陆ftp,然后删除所有的内容2.把所有网站的数据删掉3.找一个合适的CMS系统,这里我给新手推荐SiteServer CMS,这个系统比较简单,适合新手,而且编辑模板很简单。4.去SiteServer CMS官网下载程序。5.配置IIS环境。(开始-控制面板-添加删除程序-添加删除Windows组件-在Internet信息服务项前打勾。)6.安装.net语言环境。(搜一下.net就会出来很多下载处,下载好后安装。)7.安装SQL SERVER数据库,建立一个数据库。8.把SiteServer CMS官网下载来的CMS程序按教程进行安装。安装完成后一个网站就生成了,以后就可以通过后台进行管理,可以更新内容。



AD 16里原理图生成pcb时显示GND contains HiZ pin and power pin object

提示不是说得很清楚了么,GND连接到 HIz引脚和电源引脚上了如果设计没问题,就打上no ERC,直接忽略


Input:输入引脚IO输入输出双向引脚。 Output:输出引脚 OpenCollector:集电极开路引脚。 Passive:无源引脚。 HiZ:高阻引脚 OpenEmitter:发射极开路引脚。 Power:电源地线引脚。

when a deep bule sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers could never have什么意思

when a deep bule sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers could never have翻译:当一个深蓝色的天空,鸟儿的歌唱,月光和鲜花永远

Steppenwolf的《Power Play》 歌词

歌曲名:Power Play歌手:Steppenwolf专辑:GoldDreamtale-Powerplayby kidowMay it be a star?A shining gem cut from the purest of heartTo light the way out of the shadows and darkA fraction of dreamA memory to shine forevermoreTo enlighten like a beacon light in the nightIn the dark of nightNew beam of lightTo guide and light the way in the darkFeelings of supremacyI feel my rage unchainedMake my song ring through airMake it shine like the stars in the nightAs I give it to all of youMake my song known to allAs I show my song right down to your throatAnd I will give you what you deserveWhat is a star?An image wrought by those who could care lessProjection of their sick misguided brainsWhat became a song?Simplicity bled in the altar of starsAnd forever I shall mourn for it"s fateIn the dark of nightNew beam of lightTo guide and light the way in the darkFeelings of supremacyI feel my rage unchainedMake my song ring through airMake it shine like the stars in the nightAs I give it to all of youMake my song known to allAs I show my song right down to your throatAnd I will give you what you deserveMake my song ring through airMake it shine like the stars in the nightAs I give it to all of youMake my song known to allAs I show my song right down to your throatAnd I will give you what you deserveMake my song ring through airMake it shine like the stars in the nightAs I give it to all of youMake my song known to allAs I show my song right down to your throatAnd I will give you what you deservehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8310762

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Symbol Power Injector 1 Port是什么设备啊?


思科无线AC中发现有的ap供电方式为:Power injector,跟POE的区别是什么?

无线路由器---POE供电 Power Injector ----无线AP -------AC指示灯 本POE供电的设备叫做Power  Injector ----电力注射器 。 传输用的是1236四根铜线,传输电力用的是4578四根线,其中4.5两根线相互缠绕,做电线的正极。 78两根线相互缠绕作为负极,。 由于厂区某一个地方有一个办公点,但是离机柜很远,所以就采用POE这种 供电的方式,示意图如下: 注意那个POE模块后面的是DC插头就是直流电插头, 而插在插座上的是AC插头,就是交流电插头,插排是交流电插排, 电力在220左右。 power injector 上的Port指示灯线亮了表示已经有一个设备如(无线AP)连到了这个Data and Power cabel 端口上 AC指示灯表已经接了交流电源。 来自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_614f473101017dzb.html 接触到思科的无线AP,看到有三种供电模式,分别为POE供电,电源适配器供电,power inject供电,无法理解power inject供电是什么意思,或者说是什么样的供电方式,求大神解答 PowerInjector叫做电力注射器,意指它是一个中继设备,即能传输数据又能供电。通常用在交换机与终端(如你的无线AP)距离较远(通常超75米)的情况下,通过它相当于距离可以再扩展一倍。 POE是通常是目前用得最多的,即通过它,可以将电源和数据都通过一根网线来实现。当然,它也要考虑传输长度、终端设备的负荷。 电源适配器 供电就不用说了吧?!它就是一个充电器。 如果你只是想把你家用的无线AP投入使用,那你只需要考虑你打算安装AP的位置,方不方便给它供电(它旁边能有 220v 的插座能插个 电源适配器 就省事了)。如果AP安装点旁边取电麻烦,那就需要加一个POE供电设备(有单口的,也有多口的),视你的AP数量而定。价格10多块钱到几千块钱不等! 来自: https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/810049944158134732.html

power inject供电是什么意思


win10的笔记本上安装oculus Runtime 0.8,装完一直显示“hmd pawered off,check hdmi connection”!


本人准备购买AKB48 31单,由于第一次购买我军的单曲,求巨巨科普TOWER特典 乐天特典 HMV特典的区别

呃...特典都是一张生写 只不过图案不一样在同一家买哪个版本送的都是一样的(PS 乐天的有数量限定 需要尽早下手 另外两家没说)

Such inns as there were were generally dirty.这是新概

相当于这个句子:There were such inns as were generally dirty.Such...提前了。as引导定语从句。



such inns as there were were generally dirty 为什么有两个were? 麻烦分析一下这句话的语法,谢谢!

such inns were generally dirty 句子主干 as there were (there be句型)such inns as there were were generally dirty 那里像这样的小酒馆通常都很脏

Such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden

第一个were 是定语从句 there be 句型( as there were)里面的谓语,第二个were才是整个句子的谓语。such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden 正如那里的此类小旅馆一样,通常总是很肮脏而且跳蚤横行。as 正如。打字不易,如满意,望采纳。

do you remember what you were doing相关的文章

All you remember about your child being an infant is the incredible awe you felt about the precious miracle you created. You remember having plenty of time to bestow all your wisdom and knowledge. You thought your child would take all of your advice and make fewer mistakes, and be much smarter than you were. You wished for your child to hurry and grow up. All you remember about your child being two is never using the restroom alone or getting to watch a movie without talking animals. You recall afternoons talking on the phone while crouching in the bedroom closet, and being convinced your child would be the first Ivy League1 college student to graduate wearing pullovers2 at the ceremony. You remember worrying about the bag of M&M"s melting in your pocket and ruining your good dress. You wished for your child to be more independent. All you remember about your child being five is the first day of school and finally having the house to yourself. You remember joining the PTA3 and being elected president when you left a meeting to use the restroom. You remember being asked "Is Santa real?" and saying "yes" because he had to be for a little bit longer. You remember shaking the sofa cushions for loose change4, so the toothfairy5 could come and take away your child"s first lost tooth. You wished for your child to have all permanent teeth. All you remember about your child being seven is the carpool6 schedule. You learned to apply makeup in two minutes and brush your teeth in the rearview mirror1 because the only time you had to yourself was when you were stopped at red lights. You considered painting your car yellow and posting a "taxi" sign on the lawn next to the garage door. You remember people staring at you, the few times you were out of the car, because you kept flexing2 your foot and making acceleration3 noises. You wished for the day your child would learn how to drive. All you remember about your child being ten is managing the school fundraisers. You sold wrapping paper for paint, T shirts for new furniture, and magazine subscriptions4 for shade trees in the school playground. You remember storing a hundred cases of candy bars in the garage to sell so the school band could get new uniforms, and how they melted together on an unseasonably5 warm spring afternoon. You wished your child would grow out of playing an instrument. All you remember about your child being twelve is sitting in the stands6 during baseball practice and hoping your child"s team would strike out7 fast because you had more important things to do at home. The coach didn"t understand how busy you were. You wished the baseball season would be over soon.



computer rack and tower翻译过来应该是什么?请高手指教

rotoscope是速动观察器的意思,加d就不知道了。 是动画技术和设计卡通者踪影结束居住行动影片运动。 最初,预录居住行动影片图象被射出了a 毛玻璃盘

300字英语作文 in twenty years there will be fewer cars

Topic: In twenty years, there will be fewer cars are in use than there are today. No one can neglect the contribution of cars in people"s life in 20th century. However, I think cars face the problem to be reduced in the next 20 years just because we overuse them today. First, in past half century, crude oil exploitation is dramatically grown which makes the energy crisis concerning all facilities which cost fuel. Car takes a considerable part of using fuel. Nowadays people are pursuing to find other substitute for gas. however, we find that it"s hard to make it efficient and economic because of limited technology. Since it"s a long period to develop applicable gas substitute, we think reducing cars and using bicycles and taking public transportation such as buses and trains could be a temporary replacement because there is less cost of fuel per capita when people take public transportation, comparing with individual cars. Second, fewer cars can urge a greener earth since environmental pollution is seen as a worldwide topic. Scientists predict that the sea level would rise over one meter after fifty years and a series of cities on the seashore could be immerged in one hundred years due to greenhouse effect which is caused by excessive emission of carbon dioxides. To solve this problem, we must limit the quantities of cars whose exhaust gas ranks second place in omission of greenhouse gas, right after industrial exhaust. Lastly, cars are initially used to server people"s lives, but we can observe that you would hardly reach your destination on time by a car if you live in a megapolis. Traffic problem is negatively influence our lives indeed. If you read news, then you find how people deal with this issue. For example, people in London pay an extra while they are entering in the center by car. How is the situation in Beijing? The answer is your car can drive only the day of even numbers or uneven. What"s more, ninety percent of people in Tokyo take subway to their offices and leave their cars at home. Thus, I assert that cars will be fewer, and public transportation will develop fast instead. To sum up, I confidently believe cars are gradually becoming fewer in twenty years than today because the problems of energy crisis, environment pollution and traffic jam.

1902 MassMutual Tower,38Gloucester Road,Wanchai,HongKong



1、 从预算着手.新的立式钢琴较为合理的价位在l0000一30000元人民币之间〔世界名琴会更高〕。新的三角钢琴一般在40000元左右,最昂贵的音乐会三角钢琴则可达100万元以上。2、从外形、音色及家居空间大小考虑。请牢记这条法则:钢琴越大,声音越好!如果经济和使用空间上不存在问题,购买一架顶级品质的三角钢琴是一种投资。但是,如果您的选择是在一般三角钢琴和高品质立式钢琴之间的话,最好选立式钢琴。钢琴与电钢琴的选购建议Suggestion 1:如果是小孩子初学钢琴的话,建议买一个2万以内的品牌钢琴就足够可以学到10多岁了。如果小孩有意愿从事音乐专业的话,一般在考过业余9级后就需要换琴了,可以换3-5万之间的进口钢琴。毕竟国产琴真的和进口琴差很多很多,简直不能比。对于要做专业或者想继续深造的琴童来说,国产琴根本不够用。总而言之,小孩学钢琴不建议买电钢琴,还是买一台真正的钢琴比较实用。Suggestion 2:电钢琴在我看来适合什么用呢?其一,专业做音乐的,录音的时候,电钢琴的音准非常稳定,录音可以直接line in 录音,也可以直接发送midi信号,在软件里进行编辑修改非常方便,因此电钢琴也成为录音棚里常备的设备。其二,成年人。例如家里地方并不大,也懒于辛勤保养,而且也不追求高标准的学习者,当爱好或者当生活调剂的人群很适合买电钢琴。有些电钢琴里根电子琴一样带有自动伴奏,录音,转调,可以换音色等等各种功能。Suggestion 3:关于钢琴学习,最好还是请专业老师,教学里面有很多技巧性的东西,可以避免不必要的机械性损伤。不正确的弹琴习惯很容易造成无用功的肌肉紧张,关节僵硬,最后导致腱鞘炎、肩周炎等等。虽然腱鞘炎肩周炎等是钢琴演奏员的职业病,但是通过老师指导、很多痛苦是可以避免也可以缓解的。同时请老师的话,也可以避免练琴的枯燥。

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I KnewYouWereTrouble的歌词是什么?

I know you weretrouble Taylor SwiftOnceupon a time, a few mistakes ago  在很久很久之前, 范了不少的错误Iwas in your sights you got me alone  只身一人,我在你的视线里youfound me,you found me, you found me 你寻寻觅觅地找到了我,是的,你找到了我Iguess you didn"t care, and I guess I liked that我猜你一定毫不在乎,这却是我喜欢上你的理由andwhen I fell hard,you took a step back 当我深陷爱河,你却往后退withoutme,without me, without me   离我而去,你离我而去andhe"s long gone when he"s next to me  当他近在咫尺,但他的心永不属我,千里之外andI realize the blame is on me   我蓦然忆起所有问题的差错都在我身上causeI knew you were trouble when you walked in 当你走进我的生活时,我知道你是我的劫难soshame on me now   现在只能深深地埋怨自己youflew me to places I"ve never been 你带我私奔,流亡到一个我未曾落足的边际tillyou put me down oh   直至你狠狠地将我放下Iknew you were trouble when you walked in当你走进我的生活时,我知道你是我的劫难soshame on me now 现在只能深深地埋怨自己youflew me to places I"ve never been 你带我领略我未曾浏览的风景nowI"m lying on the cold hard ground而此刻,我却只能躺在冰冷的地面上ohoh trouble trouble trouble,oh oh trouble troubletrouble 劫难,陷阱,无法躲避noapologies, he"ll never see you cry 没有半句道歉,他永远不会看到你的哭泣pretendshe doesn"t know, that he"s the reason why 装作毫不知情, 他就是你哭泣的原因you"redrowning, you"re drowning, you"re drowning 你哭得一塌糊涂heardyou moved on, from whispers on the street 从大街小巷八卦的讨论得知你移情别恋anew notch in your belt is all I"ll ever be 而我仅是你发亮的皮带上的一个小孔罢了andnow I see, now I see, now I see he has long gone 此刻,我如梦惊醒,他早已离开whenhe met me and I realize the joke is on me 他遇到我时,我意识到这是自己的一个笑话Iknew you were trouble when you walked in当你走进我的生活时,我知道你是我的劫难soshame on me now  只能傻傻地埋怨自己youflew me to places I"ve never been  你带我飞去,我不曾落足的边际tillyou put me down oh  直至你狠狠地将我放下Iknew you were trouble when you walked in当你走进我的生活时,我知道你是我的劫难soshame on me now  只能傻傻地责怪自己youflew me to places I"ve never been 你带我领略我未曾浏览的风景nowI"m lying on the cold hard ground而此刻,我却只能躺在冰冷的地面上ohoh trouble trouble trouble,oh oh trouble troubletrouble 劫难,陷阱,无法躲避andthe saddest fear comes creeping in 最悲伤的恐惧永无止尽地蔓延在我的脑海里thatyou never loved me, or her, or anyone or anything, yeah你不曾爱我,爱她,或任何人,任何事Iknew you were trouble when you walked in当你走进我的生活时,我知道你是我的劫难soshame on me now  只能傻傻地埋怨自己youflew me to places I"ve never been  你带我飞去,我不曾落足的边际tillyou put me down oh  直至你狠狠地将我放下Iknew you were trouble when you walked in当你走进我的生活时,我知道你是我的劫难soshame on me now  只能傻傻地责怪自己youflew me to places I"ve never been 你带我领略我未曾浏览的风景nowI"m lying on the cold hard ground而此刻,我却只能躺在冰冷的地面上ohoh trouble trouble trouble,oh oh trouble troubletrouble 劫难,陷阱,无法躲避Iknew you were trouble when you walked in当你走进我的生活时,我知道你是我的劫难ohoh trouble trouble trouble,oh oh trouble troubletrouble 劫难,陷阱,无法躲避

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Stan Getz的《Sunshower》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunshower歌手:Stan Getz专辑:Bossas & Ballads「Sun Shower」作词∶Tomiko Van作曲∶Yusuke Itagaki歌∶Do As Infinityいつものように颜を洗って好きな靴で出挂けよう云の隙间 颜出す太阳忧う心 溶けてゆく远回りしてた日々にサヨナラ雨上がりの道は辉く梦の扉 开くカギはこの手にある涙雨はほら煌めく明日のためいつの间にか忘れていたこのトキメキ果てしない空に歌うよ时を越えて君に届けふとした瞬间思い出すんだ君がくれた言叶を「人は谁も 孤独なんだ故に人を 爱せる」モノクロみたいな日々にサヨナラ水溜まりに映る青空飞び越えてみよう梦の地図を広げたなら心のまま色とりどりの未来をスケッチしよう向かい风に耐えて咲いた花のように强く优しく生きるよ今踏み出す一歩今日が全ての始まり勇気という名の道を行こう収録∶TIME MACHINE/発売日∶2012/02/29终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8264391

power dvd这个软件的具体介绍谁知道?谢谢

硬件兼容性powerDVD完全支持多声道(4/6/7/8)和 SPDIF 声音设备,包括(但不仅限于)那些由 Analog Devices、Aureal、Creative、Cirrus/Crystal、CMedia、ESS、Fortemedia、KCTech、Philips/VLSI、Realtek、Sigmatel、SiS、TI、Yamaha 和 VIA 生产的设备和任何其它支持 Microsoft WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE 接口的声音设备。powerDVD为流行声卡提供支持,它们包括但不局限于:Creative Audigy2 ZS Intel 高清晰音频 Creative Sound Blaster Audigy2 6.1 Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Creative Sound Blaster Live!5.1 系列 Hercules DIGIFIRE 7.1 Hercules GameTheater XP 6.1/7.1 M-Audio Revolution 7.1 Terratec Aureon 5.1/6.1/7.1 系列 Turtle Beach Santa Cruz VideLogic Sonic Fury 为了使多声道输出正常工作,建议您不要使用任何 Windows 内置的驱动程序,而应安装卡/设备原始制造商的最新驱动程序。powerDVD支持由 ATI、Intel、NVidia、SiS 和 VIA/S3 提供的显示芯片或集成芯片组中的 Microsoft DirectX 视频加速 (DXVA) 。 加速功能包括反向离散余弦变换、硬件动态补偿和字幕 Alpha 混合单元。 支持 Windows ME、Windows 98 以及 Windows XP 和 Windows 2000。如果启用了"硬件加速",某些系统的字幕显示可能会不正确。 这是因为显示驱动程序仅支持旧格式的 Microsoft DXVA 接口。为使此功能完全正常工作,建议您安装原始显示卡/设备制造商的最新驱动程序。powerDVD完全为多媒体指令集而优化,如 AMD 3D Now ! 专业版、增强版 3D Now!、3DNow!、Intel Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2)、SSE、MMX 和超线程技术。powerDVD可以与带有 IEEE 1394、USB 2.0、ATAPI、SCSI 或 Card Bus 接口的任何新型 DVD-RAM、DVD-R/RW、DVD+RW、DVD-Multi、DVD-Dual 或 DVD-ROM/CD-RW 组合驱动器兼容,前提是该驱动器符合 SFF8090 命令集和 SBP-2(如果适用)。powerDVD与 Intel、VIA、SiS、Ali、NVIDIA 和 AMD 芯片中的所有 Centrino、Socket 478、Socket 423、Socket 370、Slot 1、Socket A 和 Slot A 成芯片组兼容。也与 Transmeta Crusoe 系统兼容。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------一般播放性能和质量问题启用视频颜色配置文件,例如"生动"、"影院"或"明亮"(代替"原始设置")会消耗额外的 CPU。 若要使用这些颜色配置,建议您的系统最少为 400MHz。若要启用诸如杜比耳机、杜比虚拟扬声器、SRS、CLMEI-2、DSP 和杜比 Pro Logic II 解码器之类的音频效果,或要使用 DTS 数码环绕音效来播放 DVD 光盘,建议您使用 400MHz 或更高的处理器系统,至少要有 128MB 的系统 RAM。外置字幕载入:要载入外置字幕,应该使字幕文件的名称与播放视频文件的名称相同。DMA 模式:为降低使用 DVD 时 CPU 的负载,强烈建议启用 DVD-ROM 的 DMA 功能。 Windows XP、Windows 2000、Windows ME、Windows 98、Windows 98SE 都包含内置的 DMA 支持。显示问题:若要确保powerDVD正常工作,请安装 DirectX 8.1 或更高的版本。powerDVD要求使用 DirectDraw 重叠字幕外观显示来优化播放性能和视频质量。 几乎当前所有的显示卡都支持该功能。如果不能创建 DirectDraw 重叠字幕外观显示,powerDVD 将使用一种称为 DirectDraw 画外模式的较慢模式。 不能创建 DirectDraw 重叠字幕外观的原因,主要是颜色深度、桌面分辨率或屏幕刷新速率太高,故而没有足够的带宽支持创建重叠字幕外观,要么就是显卡需要安装最新的 DirectX 运行时。 如果无法创建 DirectDraw 重叠字幕外观,请试着调低桌面分辨率、颜色深度或刷新速率,然后重试。由于 DVD 视频的分辨率高于 640x480,因此强烈建议您不要在 640x480 的分辨率下运行 ASUSDVD。


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The tower remains intact ever after two hundred years.


The tower remains intact ever after two hundred years.


All the goods were received intact.这是什么语法?


All the goods were received intact.这个intact要不要变副词


大佬有没有 凛时雨的flowering无损专辑?

相关专辑 ▪ abnormalize ▪ film a moment ▪ still a sigure virgin ▪ flowering ▪ just a moment ▪ telecastic fake show ▪ inspiration is dead ▪ feeling your ufo 。可以在专辑里面选择自己喜欢的。

Flowers Dragon用中文是什么意思


San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair) 歌词

歌曲名:San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair)歌手:Merrilee Rush专辑:Angel Of The MorningBrett Dennen - San FranciscoGo if you want to goBut I won"t followJust so you knowLeave if you need to leaveBut I won"t be hereI wont be here when you come homeI"m gonna to move to San FranciscoLook up some old friendsI"m gonna get me a navy pea coatAnd an old Mercedes BenzThis old town it keeps shrinkingThere"s too many people in my junkI"m gonna do a lot of drinkingCause it don"t hurt when I"m drunkI"m gonna rent me an old VictorianDown in the Lower HaightI"m gonna find me an old accordionPlay for the tourists on the golden gateI"m gonna plant a gardenPaint my bathroom blueI"m gonna try real hardTo get over youHere in the city life doesn"t move so slowThere"s plenty of good people I knowUp in north beach they drink spicy Italian liqueurDown on market there"s a lot of hobos and the hustlersDown in Hayes Valley, there"s a lot of real good restaurantsDeep in the tenderloin you can get anything you wantOver in the mission it"s always a sunny dayIt"s a real good baseball town but my team is across the bayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10736519

the home-made dishes were

delicious in front of fruit waiting for happily continued chopsticks juicy manage crispy

Harry Pepl&Werner Pirchner的《Homesick》 歌词

歌曲名:Homesick歌手:Harry Pepl&Werner Pirchner专辑:Live At Miles SmilesKristy Lee Cook - HomesickI got money in my pocketI got a map in my frint seatGot a sweet kiss from my mamaHer lipstick"s still on my cheekGot a good luck from my daddyAnd my sister"s favorite dressOh I miss them all alreadyAnd it ain"t even been ten miles yetI know this ain"t goodbye foreverI know I can come back anytimeI want to my dreams are callingI know it"s now or neverAll I gotta do is remember where my heart isWhen I get homesickHomesickI got a one bedroom apartmentA view of 16th avenueGot my grandpa"s old guitarAnd in my head a picture of youI know this ain"t goodbye foreverI know I can come back anytimeI want to my dreams are callingI know it"s now or neverAll I gotta do is remember where my heart isWhen I get homesickIf these dreams work out like I planThey"re gonna take me farBut no matter how farI know this ain"t goodbye foreverI know I can come back anytimeI want to my dreams are callingI know it"s now or neverAll I gotta do is remember where my heart isWhen I get homesickHomesickHomesickHomesickhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7508464

had been invited 和were invited有什么区别?



我最近一直在研究answer系列 10 的话我个人认为是最好的 有充气系统 9也有 可惜非常不好买到 假的没有科技 就是个样子 就现在来说8 9 11 12 都是不错的 另外question3 也不错 不知道你是要买来收藏还是实战 收藏的话 就随你喜好了 实战的话 我推荐 8 11 question3




改错:把giant改为giants,或把were改为was。The giants were very sad.这些巨人以前非常伤心。The giant was very sad.这个巨人以前很伤心。句子是过去式,the giant是第三人称单数,动词用was;The giants是复数人称,动词用were。

ip camera viewer(网络摄像头监控软件)怎么录像保存


IP Camera Viewer怎么设置?

ip camera连接设置教程介绍:配置- 本地 接入在相机接入互联网之前,先把相机设置为本地接入,初始状态设置可以参阅随机的技术文档进行配置。相机设置为本地接入后,就可以开始网络摄像机的网络远程访问了。配置- 远程 访问在配置远程访问之前,建议大家先联络网络管理员,以确保您拥有适当的权限进行摄像机远程访问的配置,确认无误后,再开始进行操作。为了使网络摄像机能够接入互联网,我们需要配置端口转 发。端口转发允许您可以在远程通过转发网络摄像机连接到的网络端口而对该网络摄像机进行访问。转发的过程中,首先需要需要访问您网络中的路由器,然后,配置路由器使其能够转发网络摄像机所使用的端口。对于网络摄像机,具体哪些端口需要被转发,可以参阅随机附带的说明书。第1步- 获取IP地址信息为了访问网络中的路由器来配置端口转发,我们需要知道IP网络摄像机所连接到的路由器的IP地址。您可以通过咨询相关网络管理人员得到此IP地址信息,或者在Windows 命令提示符中输入“ipconfig /all ”命令。要打开一个命令提示符窗口,您需要点击窗口的开始按钮,然后点击运行。 现在,您将进入“命令”,并点击“确定”继续。此时显示了您电脑的IP 配 置,使用“ ipconfig /all ”命令,记录下路由器的IP 地址。您将需要此IP地 址访问路由器并且进行端口转发的配置。网络路由器的IP 地址会显示为默认网 关 。例如路由器的IP地址是192.168.0.1 。第2步- 访问网络路由器现在你已经获得了路由器的IP 地 址,在网络浏览器中输入该地址。该路由器在这个例子中是可以通过在Internet Explorer 地址栏中输入IP 地址192.168.0.1 被访问到的。第3步- 配置路由器的转发端口现在你已经进入网络 路 由器,下面,我们进入路由器中进行端口转发配置的部分。该部分的具体位置,请咨询路由器制造商以获得更详细的资料。输入网络摄像机的本地地址,这个地址将被当做与端口连接的唯一地址而转发。在本文的例子中,摄像机的端口80 将被转发。有一些IP 网 络摄像机要求转发的端口地址不止一个,以此来保证用户使用到摄像机提供的所有功能。此外你需要选择所使用的协议,通常是UDP,TCP, 或者两者都选,可能你的路由器会有其他额外的选择。大多数情况下,两种都选。这些标准将在端口转发中使用。点击“应用”,所需资料就都设置好了。在设置并且保存好路由器配置之后,将能看到一个信息提示,其中包括一些默认的项目。在最下方,有一个IP网络摄像机,即“IP Network Camera ”的入口。第4步- 在互联网中访问您的IP网络摄像机在路由器 的端口转发配置好之后,我们就可以通过网络 来 访问网络摄像机了。建议在远程位置来尝试访问网络摄像机,而不仅仅是在局域网中确认端口转发是否正确。在远程的位置,需要输入网络摄像机的公用IP地址,请联系你的ISP( 互联网服务提供商) 来提供。如果不知道公网IP地 址,将无法由子网访问网络摄像机。因为相机的专用IP地址不能在互联网中被看到,而只能在网络摄像机所连接到的局域网中看到。输入一个公网地址: ,同时在地址栏输入端口号800 ,根据指南,此款摄像机不使用端口80 。因为在访 问网络摄像机的时候无端口信息需要输入地址栏,所以大多数的应用中端口80 将被转发。然而,仍有一些IP 网 络摄像机出于安 全 的考虑而不使用80 端口,建议咨询相关网络管理员或者路由器制造商关于 端口80 的安全相关问题。如果80 端口没有被使用,你需要输入完整的IP地址,并机上一个冒号和所使用的端口号。在此例中,可以访问到网络摄像机的完整网络地址是http:// 。IP Camera Viewer是一个方便可靠能够通过IP地址监控多台摄像头的软件.你可以在几分钟之内设置一个免费的IP摄像监控系统,保持在家里,办公室,停车场或任何地方,你都可以监控.同时查看多台摄像机的视频.超过1500种不同的IP摄像头模型的支持,包括Axis,佳能,思科,D-Link,Foscam,Linksys,MOBOTIX,Pixord,松下,索尼,东芝,VIVOTEK,等等.IP Camera Viewer支持几乎所有的USB摄像头.IP Camera Viewer允许您单独配置,如视频属性:每个摄像头的分辨率和帧速率.如您还可以设置图像的属性:饱和度,亮度,对比度和IP相机.在预览布局排列多个IP摄像机:如果你的相机安装或其预览有点倾斜?IP相机取景器,你可以调整你的相机预览的方向.您还可以调整与支持PTZ(平移/倾斜/变焦)启用网络的覆盖范围相机.IP Camera Viewer可以让你的数码变焦图像,即使你的相机不支持变焦。

ip camera viewer 2电脑版怎么使用

没用过这款软件,特地搜了一番。因为是英文软件,水平有限,阅读帮助说明后自己理解如下: 1、首先这个软件需要用IP摄像头,就是能够配置IP的网络摄像头。 2、在一个局域网环境下使用(同一路由器接出的) 3、最多支持4个监控头。 4、流程是:先设置IP摄像头的IP(这个可以看监控器说明书);在连接这些摄像头引出的网线到路由器;从路由器引出网线连接到电脑(安装了IP Camera Viewer的);最后在电脑上进行测试和调试。 以上就是我的理解,希望能帮上你。 另,看了这款软件的适用环境,就是临时玩玩,跟其他的监控布线方式对比,它没什么优势的。 /ip-camera-viewer.aspx 上面就是对比结果。红叉的是IP Camera Viewer的效果……

网络摄影头 IP Camera Viewer 有没有人知道怎么使用


A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it do

句子整体时态选择过去时,had been working翻译成正在工作,是过去完成进行时。

Rich and honored , being in full flower咩意思啊



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There were smiling children all the way.Clearly t


谁知道Power Of the Horde这首歌的歌词。。

牛头人酋长乐队(魔兽世界中以剑圣萨穆罗为首的摇滚乐队,乐队会在沙塔斯城做巡回演出)的Power Of The Horde(部族之力)   歌词:   Storm, earth and fire, heed my call....   风暴、大地与火焰,听从我的召唤吧!!   (Guitar Solo)   (吉他独奏)   I am the son of the wind and rain   我是狂风与暴雨之子   Thunder beckons and I heed the call   响应着雷电的召唤   If I die upon this day, in battle I will fall...   如果我在今天死去,我将战死于沙场   Hear me Brothers, gather up the wolves to battle we will ride.   听着,弟兄们,将狼集合,我们将骑着它们拼杀于战场!   War drums black-out the beating heart, howling from inside.   战鼓掩盖了心跳声,从心底发出的呐喊   Storm, black clouds fill the sky   风暴!黑云铺满天空   Earth, hear my battlecry   大地!听着我的战吼   Fire, and thunder will bring force   火焰!与雷带来力量   Death, from the power of the horde...   死亡!以部落的力量!   Farseer to the Warsong Clan   战歌部落的先知   to no man will I kneel   除了他我们不会像谁拜服   Feel the power and the energy, For the black blood, honor and steel!   感受这力与能量,与生俱来的力量之血依旧荣耀!   Feel the fire burning in my veins   我感受着血管中淌过的火焰   The lightning strikes at my command   雷电奉我之命攻击   Storm and earth, axe and fire   风暴与大地,战斧与火焰   We come to claim this land   我们宣布这块土地是我们的   Storm, black clouds fill the sky   风暴!黑云铺满天际   Earth, hear my battlecry   大地!听着我的战吼   Fire, and thunder will bring force   火焰!与雷带来力量   Death, from the power of the horde...   死亡!以部落的力量!   (Guitar Solo)   (吉他独奏)   Surrounded by the enemy   我被敌人包围   the wolf among the hounds   战狼与诸多猎犬混战   Thunder turns to silence, sek-ta   雷鸣渐渐熄灭,希克-塔   the hundred to bring me down.   成百上千的敌人将我击倒   Wolf brothers falling at my side   狼骑兄弟倒在我的身边   With honour I will die   带着荣耀,我将死去   Upon the Altar of the Storms   在那风暴祭坛之上   I will be reborn   我将重生!   Storm, black clouds fill the sky   风暴!黑云铺满天际   Earth, hear my battlecry   大地!听着我的战吼   Fire, and thunder will bring force   火焰!与雷带来力量   Death, for I have been reborn!!   死亡!因为我已重生!!   STORM!!   风暴啊!!   EARTH!!   大地啊!!   FIRE!!   火焰啊!!   DEATH!! (humen paladin death sound)   死亡啊!! (人族圣骑士濒死惨叫)   The power of the HORDE-------!!!!   部落的力量!

《Power Of The Horde》的歌词的中文意思是什么

I am the son of the wind and rain  我是狂风与暴雨之子  Thunder beckons and I heed the call  响应着雷电的召唤  If I die upon this day, in battle I will fall...  如果我在今天死去,我将战死于沙场  Hear me Brothers, gather up the wolves to battle we will ride.  听着,弟兄们,将狼集合,我们将骑着它们拼杀于战场!  War drums black-out the beating heart, howling from inside.  战鼓掩盖了心跳声,从心底发出的呐喊  Storm, black clouds fill the sky  风暴!黑云铺满天空  Earth, hear my battlecry  大地!听着我的战吼  Fire, and thunder will bring force  火焰!与雷带来力量  Death, from the power of the horde...  死亡!以部落的力量!  Farseer to the Warsong Clan  战歌部落的先知  to no man will I kneel  除了他我们不会像谁拜服  Feel the power and the energy, For the black blood, honor and steel!  感受这力与能量,与生俱来的力量之血依旧荣耀!  Feel the fire burning in my veins  我感受着血管中淌过的火焰  The lightning strikes at my command  雷电奉我之命攻击  Storm and earth, axe and fire  风暴与大地,战斧与火焰  We come to claim this land  我们宣布这块土地是我们的  Storm, black clouds fill the sky  风暴!黑云铺满天际  Earth, hear my battlecry  大地!听着我的战吼  Fire, and thunder will bring force  火焰!与雷带来力量  Death, from the power of the horde...  死亡!以部落的力量!  (Guitar Solo)  (吉他独奏)  Surrounded by the enemy  我被敌人包围  the wolf among the hounds  战狼与诸多猎犬混战  Thunder turns to silence, sek-ta  雷鸣渐渐熄灭,希克-塔  the hundred to bring me down.  成百上千的敌人将我击倒  Wolf brothers falling at my side  狼骑兄弟倒在我的身边  With honour I will die  带着荣耀,我将死去  Upon the Altar of the Storms  在那风暴祭坛之上  I will be reborn  我将重生!  Storm, black clouds fill the sky  风暴!黑云铺满天际  Earth, hear my battlecry  大地!听着我的战吼  Fire, and thunder will bring force  火焰!与雷带来力量  Death, for I have been reborn!!  死亡!因为我已重生!!  STORM!!  风暴啊!!  EARTH!!  大地啊!!  FIRE!!  火焰啊!!  DEATH!! (humen paladin death sound)  死亡啊!!   The power of the HORDE-------!!!!  部落的力量!
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