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汇票中的drawer, drawee, payee分别是哪些单位?

DRAWER: China National Textile Import & Export Corp., Shanghai Branch DRAWEE: Bank of China, SingaporePAYEE: to the order of Bank of China


1拖曳者 2抽屉 3支票开票人 4制图员 5(机)拉线工


n. 抽屉;开票人;出票人;起草者;酒馆侍n. n.(德)德拉韦尔(人名)[网络短语]drawer出票人,发票人,汇票的出票人nail drawer拔钉钳,起钉钳,起钉钳拔钉器lipped drawer镶边的抽屉记得点好评哈


n.抽屉; 开票人,出票人; 起草者; 酒馆侍者; 复数:drawers

如何在arcgis中添加date reoiewer?

首先确定你的项目中引用了ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem,如果没有,找到该文件,在项目的引用,右键添加,把它添加进来。然后在代码的引用区,using ESRI.ArcGIS....


西兰花应该是 broccoli; broccoli = 西兰花,花椰菜,呈青色的那种; cauliflower = 花椰菜,菜花,呈白色的那种.


西兰花应该是 broccoli; broccoli = 西兰花,花椰菜,呈青色的那种; cauliflower = 花椰菜,菜花,呈白色的那种.


左边是cauliflower花椰菜 右边是brocolli西兰花


broccoli和cauliflower的区别:1.它们是不同的品种。broccoli指的是西兰花,二年生草本植物,是甘蓝的一种变种。表面的小花蕾不密集在一起,侧枝的顶端各生小花球。2.这两者的颜色不同,西兰花叶子大,主茎顶端形成肥大的花球,绿色或紫绿色,但是花椰菜是白色的。3.两者的产地分布不同,西兰花原产意大利,花椰菜原产于地中海东部海岸,约在19世纪初引进中国。花椰菜很受人们欢迎的蔬菜,味道鲜美,营养也很高,还有很高的药用价值。维生素C含量非常丰富,还具有抗癌功效,平均营养价值及防病作用远远超出其他蔬菜。扩展资料:西兰花富含丰富维生素C和膳食纤维,还含有具强效抗癌性能的多种营养成分,如二吲哚甲烷和少量硒。每100克西兰花就含有89.2毫克的维生素C。当中发现一种叫做3,3"-二吲哚甲烷的物质,对人的先天免疫系统好比一个有效的调制器,具有抗病毒,抗细菌和抗肿瘤活性作用。西兰花还含有一种叫葡萄糖萝卜硫苷的化合物,它可以加工成一种抗癌化合物叫萝卜硫素。萝卜硫素的前身为硫代葡萄糖,经由芥子酶(Myrosinase)转化成萝卜硫素,然而芥子酶为热不安定性,高温烹煮会破坏活性,进而大量减少萝卜硫素的生成。西兰花苗(英文: Baby Broccoli) 含有丰富的黑芥子酶,如果西兰花粉与西兰花苗同时食用,那么就可以同时获得黑芥子酶和萝卜硫素。 科学家表示,如果西兰花及西兰花干粉与西兰花苗一起食用,西兰花苗中所含的黑芥子酶可促进西兰花中萝卜硫素的形成和吸收,西兰花抗癌功效就会增加一倍。参考资料来源:百度百科——花椰菜参考资料来源:百度百科——西兰花



The tapes are in the drawer.(变为否定句)

1 No, it isn"t.2 Yes,they are. 3】The math book isn"t on the dresser. 4】The tapes aren"t in the drawer. 5 Where is the table .加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!

dresser drawer中文

dresser drawer中文化妆台抽屉

nigger, sharp dresser, drawer.

Here is my bedroom. / Welcome to my bedroom. This is my table. My bag is on my table. On the left of my table is my bookcase. There are lots of books in the bookcase. In front of my bookcase, it is my dresser. There are four drawers in it. Next to my dresser, it is the sofa. What a nice bedroom I have.

drawer是啥意思 dresser是啥意思




完形填空 Brownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs......

第一段Brownie and spotty were neighbor dogs who met every dag to ploy together the pair of dogs love each other and they ofteh stayed together one evening. Brownie"s family noticed that Browniehadn"t returned home. they went looking for him withno success. Brownie didn"t show up the next day . and despite their effects to find him, by the next week he was stiu missing.第2段curiausly, spotty shoned up at Brownie"s house alone , barking. whining(哀叫) , and generally bothering Brownie"s human family . Busy with their own lives, they just ignored the nervous little neighbor dog Finally, one morhing spotty de cided to take no" for an answer Ted , Browine"s owner, was steadily annoyed by the determined little dog spotty fouowed Ted about, barking irsistently, then yunning back and forth to a nearby emptu land , as if to say, "Follow me! It"s urgent!" Ted followed spotty across the empty land eventually, as spotty pansed to race back and bark encouraginglg the little dog led the man under a fence, past many tyees. to a deserted spot a half mile from the house.第3段There Tod found his beloved Brownie a live-----one of his hird legs was crushed(压伤) in a steel leg--hold trap kegretfully, Ted wished hed taken spotty"s e arlier appeals seriously.第4段Then Ted noticed somethiny quite remarkable-----spotty had done more than simply lead Brownie"s human to his friend In a circle around the injwed dog. Ted found a lot of dog food and table cloth. which were identified as the remains of every meal spotty had been fed that week!第5段spotty had been visiting Brownie regnlarly, in a single minded thaught to keep his friend alive by sacrificing his own comfort!

魔兽自带TD Azure Tower Defense 攻略

其实一开始几波都没什么难的,我个人认为要点是一定要尽早出满10个龙鹰和双英雄,这里说的是白虎和lich;建造者只要一个malachite shaman就可以了接下来就说一些比较费神的了。发现漏人了要马上操作龙鹰过去减速其他塔看情况建,acid monolith和gas bomb tower都要,后者尽量多,大约每波补两个左右吧接下来要马上出一个crystal cardinal,就是猛禽德鲁伊外形那个,建astral monolith,为第20波的boss做准备,因为是隐形的,而且接下来有不少怪也是隐形的 28波还是24波的怪,血更多了,地震更是不能少,图中的这个傻大个被催眠了,可以利用这段时间让部队修整一下,补塔什么的,注意塔一定要够!实在不行可以让lich配合白虎的地震放死亡凋最后这人被群殴致死...第30波是boss关,来的四只boss死后都会分裂成两个小的,小的死后还会分裂成更小的,而且这些小的一点都好打,建议让白虎缠住一个,晕一个(锤子),地震,龙鹰减速后用lich的死亡凋零,这样大的死后小的也会受到死亡凋零的伤害,催眠一个以争取时间建造第一个终极塔,1000一个,威力惊人,必须研发了楼上那个科技才能有crystal cardinal建造一有钱就建终极塔,astral zenith36波,没地震只能放死亡凋零了,同时龙鹰得不断地手放减速45波的怪又快血又厚,没地震的话要用死亡凋零40波也是最后一波,全是boss,一上来就是前三个boss关的boss,来送钱的 开始的防守交给龙鹰基本没问题,起码18波之前都行,钱的分配要合理,一开都用来出龙鹰和英雄,要白虎和lich,不然经验可能不够,打怪出的物品看着分配就行,注意多给白虎加智力的东西,不要给lich加攻击之爪,因为它打人是不伤血的,接着补塔的同时要攒钱,最好到30波时就能建一个astral zenith,接下来的几乎每一波都要用ult来顶怪...

it examines the order in which the browsers were opened. 帮忙分析下in which的词性?

in which是介词短语用作从属连词,引导了限制性定语从句,其中,in是介词,用关系代词which做其宾语而构成介词短语,which=the order; in which=where



Marie Curie took little notice___the honors that were given to her in her later years

take notice of 是个短语解释为关注,在意居里夫人不在乎她晚年所获得的荣誉

i go to _______ a shower. A take B make 选几为什么

A take -------

Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, a bunch of white flowers was put to my house.

Mystery of the White Gardenia-Marsha AronsEvery year on my birthday from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia was delivered to my house in Bethesda, MD. No card or note came with it. Calls to the florist were always in vain—it was a cash purchase. After a while I stopped trying to discover the sender‘s identity and just delighted in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect white flower nestled in soft pink tissue paper.But I never stopped imagining who the anonymous giver might be. Some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about someone wonderful and exciting but too shy or eccentric to make known his or her identity.My mother contributed to these imaginings. She"d ask me if there were someone for whom I had done a special kindness who might be showing appreciation. Perhaps the neighbor I‘d help when she was unloading a car full of groceries. Or maybe it was the old man across the street whose mail I retrieved during the winter so he wouldn"t have to venture down his icy steps. As a teen-ager, though, I had more fun speculating that it might be a boy I had a crush on or one who had noticed me even though I didn"t know him.When I was 17, a boy broke my heart. The night he called for the last time, I cried myself to sleep. When I awoke in the morning, there was a message scribbled on my mirror in red lipstick: “Heartily know, when half-gods go, the gods arrive.” I thought about that quotation from Emerson for a long time, and until my heart healed, I left it where my mother had written it. When I finally went to get the glass cleaner, my mother knew everything was all right again.I don"t remember ever slamming my door in anger at her and shouting, “You just don‘t understand!” Because she did understand.One month before my high school graduation, my father died of a heart attack. My feelings ranged from grief to abandonment, fear and overwhelming anger that my dad was missing some of the most important events in my life. I became completely uninterested in my upcoming graduation, the senior class play and the prom. But my mother, in the midst of her own grief, would not hear of my skipping any of those things.The day before my father died, my mother and I had gone shopping for a prom dress. We"d found a spectacular one, with yards and yards of dotted Swiss in red, white and blue. It made me feel like Scarlet O‘Hara, but it was the wrong size. When my father died, I forgot about the dress.My mother didn"t. The day before the prom, I found that dress—in the right size—draped majestically over the living room sofa. It wasn"t just delivered, still in the box. It was presented to me—beautifully, artistically, lovingly. I didn"t care if I had a new dress or not. But my mother did.She wanted her children to feel loved and lovable, creative and imaginative, imbued with a sense that there was magic in the world and beauty even in the face of adversity. In truth, my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia—lovely, strong and perfect—with an aura of magic and perhaps a bit of mystery.My mother died 10 days after I was married. I was 22. That was the year the gardenias stopped coming.



拳王2000里Terry怎么出招和连招啊?为什么我出不到power charge?我用的是键盘

出招我记得是ASD J/U```我一般设置是上下左右是WSAD 重拳U轻拳J轻脚K重脚I```

怎么翻译这句话?Prices are good,crowds are fewer and the dividends like expanded worldview


There were so many people in the hall, it was ___(人群). A、crowd B、crowded 填空详解谢谢


There were more than one _____(attack),"the detective said


DSI进入之后就黑屏,然后出现很长的一串英文..an error has occurred.Press and hold the power button to


使用Citrix Guest Attendee Site时候出现错误:The supplied credentials were invalid


Power of Attorney 是什么意思啊啊?


Power of Attorney代表什么

power of attorney 英[ˈpauə ɔv əˈtə:ni] 美[ˈpaʊɚ ʌv əˈtɚni] n. 委任书; 全部释义>>[例句]Is that like power of attorney?就像是律师的那种权力?望采纳 谢谢

Power of Attorney是什么意思呢?

Power of Attorney[电影]法网惊魂; 律师的权利

power of attorney是什么意思

power of attorney律师的权力power of attorney[英][u02c8pauu0259 u0254v u0259u02c8tu0259:ni][美][u02c8pau028au025a u028cv u0259u02c8tu025ani]n.委任书; 相关单词:Power of Attorney

power of attorney是什么意思

power of attorney[英][u02c8pauu0259 u0254v u0259u02c8tu0259:ni][美][u02c8pau028au025a u028cv u0259u02c8tu025ani]n.委任书; 例句:1.Legal documents to authorize power of attorney. 委托书法律文件送达授权委托书。2.People familiar with the matter said gome representatives had been in contact withmr huang and his associates, some of whom have power of attorney over his assets.知情人士表示,国美代表与黄光裕及其伙伴进行了联系,其中一些伙伴对他的资产有代理权。

power of attorney是什么意思


Power of Attorney是什么意思?

power of attorney英 [ˈpauə ɔv əˈtə:ni] 美 [ˈpaʊɚ ʌv əˈtɚni] n.委任书; 全部释义>> [例句]Is that like power of attorney?就像是律师的那种权力?


lawyer n.律attorneyn.<美>律师, (业务或法律事务上的)代理solicitorn.律师,法律顾问


转:Lawyer 是对于律师这个职业的统称。代表一种职业。凡是经过相关法律培训并取得律师执照的人都可以被称为Lawyer。Attorney 是律师被客户雇佣后的一种称呼。有"代理人"的含义。就是说客户授权律师代表自己,为自己处理相应的法律问题的代理人。Counselor 是指代理律师中上法庭辩护的那个律师。一个人可以有一群Attorney,但是其中只能有一个是Counselor。Counselor是唯一能在法庭上为客户进行辩护的人,一般无特殊原因,Counselor是不能随便更换的。

SONY EVI-D100P Power和standby灯两个都闪烁,摄像头无法使用,怎么回事啊?


Raw flowers smell very sweet. 对不对?


精灵宝可梦GO powerup和evolve什么意思


精灵宝可梦GO powerup和evolve什么意思

powerup:强化evolve:进化1、不要在自己等级低的时候power up任何精灵,因为等级低的时候,你遇到的精灵自身的cp值就低,距离cp上限就远,浪费了糖果和能量棒,精灵头上的半圆是他的cp值,到底了就是到极限,但是这个极限会跟着玩家的等级一起涨。2、不要在自己等级低的时候evolve任何精灵,除非是虫,鸟,蝙蝠之类的为了攒经验升级用。因为等级低的时候,不会抓到任何高cp精灵!evolve一次需要很多糖果,evolve之后,cp值会翻倍,所以原始cp越高,evolve越吃香。建议进化精灵:进阶最好选择身高/体重带有XL,进化完后的精灵会比没有XL的怪CP高。精灵宝可梦GO精灵怎么进阶 口袋妖怪口精灵进阶详解http://news.4399.com/jlbkmgo/xinde/m/652470.html



power builder是什么软件?作用是?

PowerBuilder是一个图形化的应用程序开发环境。使用PowerBuilder可以很容易地开发和数据库打交道的商业化应用软件。PowerBuilder开发的应用软件由窗口构成,窗口中不仅可以包含按钮、下拉列表框及单选按钮等标准的Windows控件,还可以有PowerBuilder提供的特殊的控件。这些特殊控件可以使应用软件更容易使用,使应用软件的开发效率更高。例如,数据窗口就是PowerBuilder提供的一个集成度很高的控件,使用该控件可以很方便地从数据库中提取数据。 商业化的软件开发要求有很好的移植性。PowerBuilder既可以跨平台开发,也可以发行跨平台软件。例如,在Windows 95下开发的程序,可以不修改源程序而形成UNIX下的执行文件或Macintosh下的执行文件。在开发小组中,不同成员可以使用不同的开发环境,但由于PowerBuilder的支持,在不同的开发环境下看到的共享PowerBuilder对象是相同的,所以仍可以同时开发同一个应用程序。 随着Internet的普及,开发Internet应用的需求激增。PowerBuilder 8.0及时地强化了Web开发功能,并提供了一些配套的开发工具,使PowerBuilder程序员不用再学习其他的开发工具就能开发基于Web的应用。 1.2.1 画笔 PowerBuilder开发环境由一系列的画笔(Painter)组成。画笔就是完成一定功能的工具,比如窗口画笔定义窗口对象,用户对象画笔定义用户对象,数据窗口画笔定义数据窗口对象以及库画笔完成应用库的增加、删除和修改等。开发人员可以通过打开、新建相关对象进入到相关的画笔中,这点和PowerBuilder 6.5版本以前的有所不同。在画笔中通过简单的鼠标操作就能设计、建立和测试相关的PowerBuilder对象。画笔中包含很多画笔工具,用来完成该画笔的功能。这些功能都是和具体的画笔相关的。 如图1-1所示是各个画笔构成的主操作环境中的工具条,相关术语称为PowerBar,它是由很多图形化的小图标构成的,每个小图标代表一种或者一类功能。将鼠标在该小图标上停留片刻后,鼠标旁边会显示图标的名称,窗口底部的信息提示栏(MicroHelp)中显示该图标功能的详细描述。 1.2.2 事件和脚本 PowerBuilder应用程序是事件驱动的。字符环境下的程序一经运行,用户就不能控制程序的执行流程了。其中也有一些有限的提问,但程序的执行流程是确定的。而PowerBuilder应用程序的执行流程是根据运行时事件的发生情况来决定的。用户可以单击按钮,选择菜单,也可以在数据窗口中输入数据,这时都会触发相应的事件。事件什么时候触发取决于事件的定义。PowerBuilder为很多控件(control)预先定义了大量事件,这些事件的触发时机已经定义好了。开发人员需要掌握这些事件的触发时机,才能决定自定义事件的触发时机,才能知道在哪些控件的哪些事件中编写脚本。 每个事件的发生都得满足一定的条件,除了掌握事件的触发时机外,还要清楚事件是在哪个(或哪些)控件上发生的。触发条件通常是用户的动作,当有什么动作时什么事件才发生。有些脚本也可以触发其他事件,例如,在一个按钮的Clicked事件中打开另外一个窗口时会触发另外一个窗口的Open事件。事件是属于特定控件的。例如,按钮可以单击,触发Clicked事件;而窗口上的线控件(line)的单击就没有什么意义,所以线就没有Clicked事件。 脚本(Script)是由PowerScript的命令、函数、语句及SQL语言等组成的命令集合,用来响应事件,做相应的处理工作。例如,可以在窗口的打开事件中编写脚本,在检索数据窗口中显示数据;在编辑框中可以编写脚本来校验用户的输入数据是否符合特定的要求,比如是否是数字等。脚本和事件的关系是,脚本的执行最终依赖于事件,没有不通过事件的触发就可以执行的脚本。 1.2.3 函数 PowerBuilder提供了大约600个内置函数,这些函数是构成脚本的基本元素。函数一般都是针对特定的对象操作的,例如,GetitemString是用来从数据窗口中读取string类型的字段的取值的,它不能用来操作其他的对象;函数FindItem是从列表框、下拉列表框、图形列表框及图形下拉列表框等对象中查找字符串的,不能用来从数据窗口中查找。PowerBuilder是面向对象的,因此具有多态性,很多函数都有多种格式。例如,经常用来显示信息的函数messagebox有4种格式,系统会自动识别使用哪种。 程序员可以自己定义函数,不仅逻辑结构清楚,方便重复调用,而且有利于程序的封装。可以定义多个同名但不同参数的函数。自定义函数和内置函数的使用一样,在函数的作用域中的任意脚本里都可以调用自定义函数。自定义函数还可以调用本身,以编写递归程序。 1.2.4 库文件 PowerBuilder对象,如菜单、窗口、数据窗口和用户对象等都保存在库文件中。库文件的后缀是PBL。使用普通的编辑器无法查看其中的内容,使用PowerBuilder的library画笔可以打开它。在开发环境中,PowerBuilder从库文件中检索所需要的对象。 一个应用中可以有多个库文件,这时应该设置应用的搜索路径。可以根据对象的使用频率或者功能的不同将对象放在不同的库中。例如,将报表的相关对象放在report.pbl库中,将查询相关的对象放在query.pbl中。这些不同库文件的组织策略应根据个人开发方便和系统的执行性能来确定。 1.2.5 创建执行文件 应用程序开发完毕后,可以使用PowerBuilder提供的工具创建执行文件,交付给用户安装盘。PowerBuilder提供打包应用程序的简单方法,方便快捷地创建商业化的安装盘。安装界面是用户接触应用程序的第一步,第一印象的好坏很重要,反映出开发人员对自己的客户重视程度。无论如何,提供给用户一个漂亮的安装界面,这肯定是没错的。

fruit flies who were taught

1、Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly tend to live shorter lives. 主:fruit flies 定:who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly 谓:tend 状:to live shorter lives. 翻译:那些被训化的比一般果蝇更聪明的果蝇活的时间要短一些. 2.This suggests that dimmer bulbs burn longer,that there is an advantage in not being too bright.这个句子中两个THAT有什么意义. 主:this 谓:suggest 宾:that dimmer bulbs burn longer,that there is an advantage in not being too bright 翻译:这意味着,可调亮度的灯泡的优势是不需要那么亮,所以寿命更长一些. 关于两个that:第一个that不用说了,很明显.第二个that是修饰dimmer bulbs的. 3、Is there an adaptive value to limited intelligence?这个句子的语序看不懂 这是疑问句,肯定的语序是: There is an adaptive value to limited intelligence. 翻译:对于智力发育不良者来说有适应价值吗? 4、Instead of casting a wistful glance backward at all the species we`ve left in the dust I.Q-wise,. 主:we 谓:have left 状:Instead of casting a wistful glance backward at all the species和in the dust 翻译: 意思不全.

flower bulb 是什么意思, 是指什么东西?谢谢。请给一个准确的答案,而不是直接翻译过来的


Who wants to carry a bulky bag to school? No children. Nobody wants one shoulder to be lower th...

小题1:C小题1:A小题1:C小题1:B小题1:D 小题1:根据No children.及下文描述,可知此处指的是又大又重的书包,故选C。小题1:根据In India, most of us would look at the reduction(减少)of textbooks as a way out.描述可知选A。小题1:根据But in a country like America, there are always more choices. A company called goReader has created a "school bag" which is the size of a laptop computer(笔记本电脑), weighing about 2.5 kg及下文描述,可知美国人采取的方法更好,故选C。小题1:根据Making notes and marking important parts of a lesson can be done just as lots of students have done on their textbooks before. 描述,可知这种机器可以作为课本来使用。故选B。小题1:根据All the students will have to do is to download(下载) their textbooks.及下文描述,这种机器已经代替了纸质教科书,故美国学生不在用纸质教科书。选D。


是叫you were there you were thereThe island bathes in the sun"s bright raysDistant hills wear a shroud of greyA lonely breeze whispers in the treesSole witness to historyFleeting memories riseFrom the shadows of my mindSing "nonomori" - endless corridorsSay "nonomori" - hopeless warriorsYou were thereYou were thereAm I forever dreamingHow to define the way I"m feelingYou were thereCountless visions they haunt me in my sleepYou were thereThough forgotten all promises we keepSlaves to our destinyI recall a melodySing "nonomori" - seasons lit with goldSay "nonomori" - legends yet untoldYou were thereYou were thereHappiness follows sorrowOnly believing in tomorrowYou were thereCountless visions they haunt me in my sleepYou were thereThough forgotten all promises we keepThe island bathes in the sun"s bright raysDistant hills wear a shroud of greyA lonely breeze whispers in the treesSole key to this mystery

谁有xp3viewer之类的提取galgame的CG动画的软件求- -


he was presented so many flowers at the singing party all() bunches 括号里填什么词?


even described the way they were done up in bundles

这个是 the way 的方式状语 后面可跟 in which / that/或者省略 这里用的是省略 be done 是被动语态

the way that they were done up in bundles是定语从句吗

火影忍者结尾曲《my answer》中文歌词?


policemen were called by a

Policemen were called by a shop early one Christmas morning.When they arrived,they found two burglars(破门偷盗者)were kept in a lift (11)w__________ a heavy box of money.The two men were in their twenties.They (12) b____________ into an office in the shop and (13) t___________ the money box and ran into the lift.They were in such a (14) h___________ that they did not see the (15) s___________ on the door saying that it carried no more than two people. “They were trapped (夹) (16)b____________ the floors because they had a heavy box,” the police said,“they (17)w____________ there for six hours,sitting on what they hoped to be their Christmas (18) p____________.They were doing this at a time when people were at home for Christmas with their families.It was a very special (19) m__________ when the policemen opened the door and they walked out holding our arms.They said they had never been so (20) p__________ to see policemen.” The policemen said they were glad to see them,too. 11.with 12.broken 13.took 14.hurry 15.sign 16.between 17.waited 18.presents 19.moment 20.pleased

英语完形填空及答案 policemen were called by a shop early one Christmas morning.

Policemen were called by a shop early one Christmas morning.When they arrived,they found two burglars(破门偷盗者)were kept in a lift (11)w__________ a heavy box of money.The two men were in their twenties.They (12) b____________ into an office in the shop and (13) t___________ the money box and ran into the lift.They were in such a (14) h___________ that they did not see the (15) s___________ on the door saying that it carried no more than two people. “They were trapped (夹) (16)b____________ the floors because they had a heavy box,” the police said,“they (17)w____________ there for six hours,sitting on what they hoped to be their Christmas (18) p____________.They were doing this at a time when people were at home for Christmas with their families.It was a very special (19) m__________ when the policemen opened the door and they walked out holding our arms.They said they had never been so (20) p__________ to see policemen.” The policemen said they were glad to see them,too. 11.with 12.broken 13.took 14.hurry 15.sign 16.between 17.waited 18.presents 19.moment 20.pleased

根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。Policemen were called by a s

小题1:with小题2:broke小题3:took小题4:hurry小题5:sign小题6:between小题7:waited/were小题8:presents 小题9:moment小题10:pleased 试题分析:本文讲述了两名盗窃犯入室盗窃了一大箱子钱,在逃跑时进入了一个载重量不足两人的电梯内被困在了里面,最终在人们报警之后被警察救了出来的趣事。小题1:这两名盗窃犯偷了一大箱子钱,with表示拥有;故答案为with小题2:break into意为“破门进入”;故答案为broke小题3:他们俩破门进入办公室拿了一箱钱躲进了电梯;take意为“拿走,带走”;故答案为took小题4:他们是如此的匆忙以至于没有看到门口的标志“载重不超过两人”;see意为“看见”;故答案为hurry小题5:根据句子后面的部分on the door saying that it carried no more than two people可知应该是门口的标识语;sign意为“标志,标识语”;故答案为sign小题6:因为他们带着一个重箱子被困在了楼层间;between the floors意为“在楼层间”;故答案为between小题7:他们在那里(等在那里)有六个小时了,故答案为waited/were小题8:两名窃贼坐在他们希望会成为圣诞礼物的箱子上,把偷的钱当做圣诞礼物;故答案为presents 小题9:那是一个非常特殊的时刻,警察打开门他们握着我们的手从里面走了出来;moment意为“时刻”;故答案为moment小题10:他们说他们当时见到警察从来就没有那么高兴过。故答案为pleased

有哪位高手能帮我翻译 永恒沉睡的cornflower 歌词意思?

【说实话,这首歌乍看之下歌词露骨,香艳旖旎,像cock和cunt都是英文表达中对男女不同器官比较粗口的表达,内容重口却肤浅,所以开始看到时对是否接手翻译有些犹疑。但略微观察之后,身为腐女的敏感纤细马上让我嗅到其中有异,并窥探出个中玄机。着手翻译,深入分析,完成它才算挑战功力,我已尽量和谐含蓄,同时避免损害歌词本身的风光靡丽,最终完成,望君满意!】 如果我拥有合宜的私密【私密指代cunt私密之处】我将为你轻解裙裳,满心欢喜有感你的炽热坚挺,一阵心悸将你的骄傲昂扬紧握在手里【此处的炽热坚挺和骄傲昂扬同指欲望分身cock】深深埋入我坟墓的幽暗神秘 来吧!我英俊的欲望魔鬼面对着我,进行自慰我承诺,将拯救你于痛苦的沼泽之地躺在冰凉的地板之上,任一天天过去,为逃避梦呓,也为惩罚自己的拖延怀疑 别吓走田野里的老鸹(乌鸦)踏上碎木窸窣作响,穿过玉米成排成行【乌鸦与玉米地的意象解析见后注释】我为爱疯狂,有的只是悲哀的幻象你难道看不见?那就再看一遍疯了的人不仅是我,也还有你 他将造一座殿堂【殿堂的意象见注释】为你的雄壮昂扬【Schwanz词源来自于德语与文中出现的cock同义,slightly vulgar(比较粗俗),此处我选择的翻译方法还同上文一样,用了四字形容词指代,同时也照顾到了歌词押韵的需求】用他温润的口腔【该段头3句说白了就是CJ】他欲把赞美诗吟唱用发自内心的渴望歌声缱绻绵长,情思荡漾穿过午夜时光的孤寂悠长【所谓吟诗颂唱,与国内的吹箫一说有异曲同工之妙】 如果我拥有合宜的私密我将为你轻解裙裳,满心欢喜有感你的灼热坚挺,一阵心悸把你的雄伟壮硕紧握在手里深深埋入我坟墓的幽暗神秘【末段与首段呼应,为求多样变化,部分词语做了改动】 【注释及扩展:关于“我”的性别界定:如果“我”为女性,可能身为女性的自卑认为自己魅力不够,私处不够漂亮。由“He will build a temple, a temple for your Schwanz, and he will build it with his mouth…”段牵涉出的第三者He的引入可看出,文中“男主”或“‘我"思慕的对象”至少是双性恋,或者就是同性恋。而且“‘我"思慕的对象”对男子的兴趣显然更大,所以才会有开头结尾处“我”对如果(if)的假设。如果硬要判断“我”为女性,理解起来也不是不行。那就是女主承受着三角恋和男主双性或同性性向的双重痛苦。而对于男主喜走旱路不走水路的缘由她只是自欺欺人地认为是自己魅力不够,如果拥有合宜的cunt,男主或许就会留在她身边了。这是一种理解。但我觉得下面的这种解释更为合理。那就是“我”的身份同为男子。Cunt是男子所没有的,所以本文说if…had…proper cunt,为何作者选用proper(合适的)一词,而不用beautiful,marvellous等形容词,这些词不是更能反映魅力和吸引力吗?而选用proper(合适的) 一词,反过来正说明,“我”的身份不合时宜,缺乏proper的东西,也指两人关系并不那么合适。另外通过“He will build a temple…chant the poetry…hours”段的描写,显然“我”对这种关系并不排斥甚至是赞赏的,否则就不会用殿堂(temple)颂诗(poetry)这样的词来描绘;而假如换做女性视角,她必会心生排斥,自然不会用这类积极赞赏的用词。综上所述,最终判定“我”的身份为男性。 关于主题:也许I"d take your hard cock in my hands and bury it deeply in my tomb.这句话更能揭示全文主题——性,爱,与死亡。是连人带那根进坟墓还是只带那根进坟墓?前者可理解为生同寝死同穴,也带点名正言顺的意思;不过从这句话看的意思看来,情况是后者的可能行居多,且之前提到了if…proper…,实际上并不合适,所以更疯狂的倾向就更好理解了。后者有着疯狂的占有欲,不容他人染指,是一种毁灭的倾向。这种倾向自然是极端而疯狂的,但文学作品中从来就不乏这样的例子。像威廉u2022福克纳笔下《献给艾米莉小姐的玫瑰》中的艾米莉,她为了维护尊严,拒绝背叛和彻底地拥有自己的爱人,她杀了他,并和一具尸体同床共枕几十年。直至死时,这个秘密方才为人所知。这是极端的爱与占有;同类的还有圣经人物中的莎乐美,她向国王要求砍下先知者约翰的头颅,之后托着并亲吻还在滴着血的头颅,因为她知道只有杀死他才能得到他。歌曲和其他的文学作品一样,可能为抒发人类的某种感情,也可能反应社会中的某种问题,或着引发某种思考。而这句揭示主题的话则引发并联想到一个争议性问题,性能等同于爱吗?或很大程度上表达爱吗?换句话说是表达爱的一种形式吗?对以上问题不同的回答导致了堆电影The Realm of the Senses截然不同的两种评价,同意观点的人认为女子怀有的是纯洁的爱情,反对的人则认为这部片子从头到尾都是无度宣淫。这个问题可能并不容易作答,而这部片子还是不建议观影。另外关于这句话的翻译,一开始怀疑过tomb(坟墓)是womb(子宫)的暗喻,把象征这生命的子宫比作坟墓意味着什么?埋葬你,毁灭你!虽然文中有疯狂倾向,但这种解释还是太勉强了。尽管这两个单词只有一个字母之差,很容易引发这种联想。况最后判定“我”为男性,自然是否认了这种想法的,还是根据原文原意来理解。他身为男子的事实不可改变,所以他只会想想如果我是女子又会怎样呢?可能会同样爱他,和他在一起的事情可能就更顺理成章了吧!还有多了一个把他带到坟墓里去理由。 关于背景:文中提到I am madly in love with a sad illusion,为何是悲哀的幻象(sad illusion),因为同性的恋情或多或少有点绝望,如果是男同,那这种基调就更为浓厚,当然有点社会历史的原因在里面。有部经典动漫叫《绝爱》,不知你听说过没有,它的影响在ACG界来说是很深远的,这可能跟年代早有关。《绝爱》讲得就是两个男人之间故事,如其名字一般,绝望的爱。可见当时这种感情是很不被社会接受面临的阻碍也是巨大的,现在的社会风气开放很多了,从腐女大军的人数疯长也可见一般,不才本人也淹没在洪流之间。而早些年这些事情几乎是不可想象的!像《霸王别姬》,多好的片子啊,当初和其他涉及敏感题材的电影一起被禁了很多年!相比而言,个人一般不大爱好国产片,但这一部在我的电影榜单中绝对名列前茅。像讲同性的影片现在也不再少数,但《霸王别姬》绝对是丰碑般的存在。扯得有点远了!呵呵! 关于意象:殿堂的意象:为何用口来建殿堂呢?从全歌格调来看,口与殿堂的联系当然不是只唱唱赞美诗这么简单!口腔作为腔室的形状与房间殿堂暗合,此处判断为暗喻!前面的明示已经够多了,来个暗喻不为过吧,好歹考虑考虑读者的承受能力,不能总一味平白昭然下去!况口的构成还包括娇唇和柔舌,功用就很多了,提示足够也够细致,不能再继续往下写了……就此打住或自行脑补LZ自便吧!基于本歌前后种种描写之后,对于这种推测,不要怀疑。玉米地的意象:想象电影《红高粱》里巩俐和那个土匪在高粱地里都干了些什么事情,这里只不过把高粱地换成了玉米地,暗示意味非常明显。看来旷野始终是人们趋之若鹜之地,而野战则是埋在人们内心深处的隐秘愿望。不赶乌鸦难道是希望它能作为观众,不时鸣叫几声以增加情趣?这算什么心理?暴露癖不成?结合全文,主人公也未必干不出这事,当然也可能是在人前压抑久了以这种方式寻求补偿。或者是旨在隐秘,不愿惊扰到任何人即使是一只鸟。不过在乌鸦的意象上,我可能是想太多了,各种理解均可,见仁见智吧!最后,关于意象,暗喻之类,多是作者的故意引导,这算是文学上的惯用手法了,似有还无,任君臆测!臆测越深越多越广越远,作者越得意越窃喜越得瑟得不行!读者呢?虽明知上套,却依然甘之如饴。算是一个愿打一个愿挨吧!题外话一句:每次听到电视里形容股市用坚挺和疲软这对词,一股想对词源进行考据的冲动便难以抗拒,臆想之余,有感汉文化的博大精深,岂是直白无曲的西方可比!最后为我的敬业精神感动一把,就此搁笔!】

exotic flowers翻译成中文是什么意思?





要看他句子中什么时候是复数什么时候是单数, am或is后用was, are后用were。当cupboard是单数的时候,加was:当是cupboards时,就得用were。下面是例句:肯定句:There was a cup in the cupboard. 否定句:There wasn"t any cups in the cupboard.疑问句:Are there any cups in the cupboard? 这是我自己写的,望采纳!


取硬盘ID:1、声明API:Function Boolean GetVolumeInformationA(ref String ls_Rootpath, ref String ls_volumnename,Ulong lul_VolumeNameSize, ref Ulong lul_VolumeSerialNumber,ref Ulong lul_MaximumComponentLength,ref Ulong lul_FileSystemFlags,ref String ls_FileSystemNameBuffer,Ulong lul_FileSystemNameSize) Library "Kernel32.dll " 2、如下代码实现取硬盘ID:String ls_Rootpath, ls_volumnename ls_Rootpath = "C: " // 指定要得到序列号的硬盘, // 一般情况都是C盘,除非你能保证用户存在其它逻辑盘或物理盘 ls_volumnename = Space(256) // 分配足够的空间,下同 Ulong lul_VolumeNameSize lul_VolumeNameSize = 256 Ulong lul_VolumeSerialNumber, lul_MaximumComponentLength, lul_FileSystemFlags lul_MaximumComponentLength = 256 String ls_FileSystemNameBuffer ls_FileSystemNameBuffer = space(256) Ulong lul_FileSystemNameSize lul_FileSystemNameSize = 256 beep(1) boolean lb_rtn lb_rtn = False lb_rtn = GetVolumeInformationA(ls_Rootpath, ls_volumnename, lul_VolumeNameSize, lul_VolumeSerialNumber, lul_MaximumComponentLength, lul_FileSystemFlags, ls_FileSystemNameBuffer, lul_FileSystemNameSize) if lb_rtn = true then MessageBox( "提示 ", "函数调用成功! ") else MessageBox( "提示 ", "函数调用失败! ") end if sle_1.text = String(lul_VolumeSerialNumber) // 得到硬盘序列号 PB9 测试通过。另,MAC、CUPID等可参考其它API。

power/burst 怎么翻译


满城尽带黄金甲为什么翻译成curse of the golden flower


Ms. LaRosa is a great teacher. She can answer almost any question that you have about any histo...

小题1: Yes, she is. 小题2: An activity (which is . called the station. / The students/They especially like an activity which is called the station. 小题3: The students usually spend about 40 minutes on each station. / About 40 minutes. 小题4: Because cursive writing can force you/people to think in words but not in letters (and it can help you/ people do better on tests. .小题5: Ms. LaRosa usually has her students do various fun and exciting things and also uses real examples from her life. / Ms. LaRosa teaches her class by doing various fun and exciting things and by using real examples from her own life. 小题6:Suggested answer: Her way of teaching, her knowledge, her devotion to teaching, her trust in students, etc. 试题解析:本文大意: LaRosa女士是个了不起的老师,她能回答几乎你所能问题的任何历史问题,如果她不知道的,她会尽力帮你找到答案。我们都喜欢她的课,尤其是被称为车站的一种能力,每一站需要大约40分钟来完成。她提倡写草书,因为草书能强迫你思考单词而不是字母,也能证明写草书的人考试成绩更好。女士的课会做各种有趣的事情。她也用自己生活中的真实例子,例如她女儿做的事情,她也绝对地信任她的学生,总把包放在桌子上。她是一个了不起的人,也是个了不起的老师。小题1:细节理解题。根据Ms. LaRosa is a great teacher. She can answer almost any question that you have about any history topic and if she cannot, LaRosa女士是个了不起的老师,她能回答几乎你所能问题的任何历史问题,可知答案填 Yes, she is. 小题2:细节理解题。根据We all like her class, especially an activity which is called the station. 我们都喜欢她的课,尤其是被称为车站的一种能力,可知答案填 An activity (which is . called the station. / The students/They especially like an activity which is called the station. 小题3:细节理解题。根据 Each station needs about 40 minutes to complete.每一站需要大约40分钟来完成, 可知答案填 The students usually spend about 40 minutes on each station. / About 40 minutes. 小题4:细节理解题。根据Cursive writing can force you to think in words but not in letters.草书能强迫你思考单词而不是字母, Also it has been proven that people who write in cursive letters do better on tests.也能证明写草书的人考试成绩更好,可知答案填 Because cursive writing can force you/people to think in words but not in letters (and it can help you/ people do better on tests. .小题5:细节理解题。根据Ms. LaRosa"s class gets to do various fun and exciting things. She also uses real examples from her own life, such as things that her daughter has done. Ms. LaRosa also has absolute trust in her students. She always leaves her purse on her desk. LaRosa女士的课会做各种有趣的事情。她也用自己生活中的真实例子,例如她女儿做的事情,她也绝对地信任她的学生,总把包放在桌子上, 可知答案填Ms. LaRosa usually has her students do various fun and exciting things and also uses real examples from her life. / Ms. LaRosa teaches her class by doing various fun and exciting things and by using real examples from her own life. 小题6:标题归纳题。根据语境可知她的教学方法与众不同,她的很博学,对学生很信任,可知答案填Suggested answer: Her way of teaching, her knowledge, her devotion to teaching, her trust in students, etc.

So from that day on all squirrels‘s tais were bushy什么意思

So from that day on all squirrels‘s tails were bushy【翻译】所以从那天起,所有松鼠的尾巴都是蓬松的。

We were struck by the extent ___________ which teachers’ d

C 我们被西湖的美震撼了,夜晚不知不觉就到到来了。

CUSCO BLUE POWER 到底是什么,和蓝鲸有什么关系?

CUSCO BLUE POWER是一款汽车启动电容器,相较于目前的铅酸电池和锂电池,其外形与锂电池相同,但其功能性能较铅酸电池和锂电池不一样。CUSCO BLUE POWER 汽车启动电容器采用新型碳基超级电容技术,同时支持大倍率放电。除了满足了储电供电需求,更具备稳压整流的功能。CUSCO BLUE POWER 汽车启动电容器是一款可以替换原车传统启动电池的高性价比终身质保产品。BLUE POWER 是蓝鲸的英译,主要是因为CUSCO BLUE POWER汽车启动电容器和蓝鲸一样,能量巨大,寿命超长,蓝鲸不是鱼,却是海里的王者,CUSCO BLUE POWER汽车启动电容器也不是电池,却能称霸电池界,两者之间有微妙相似之处!望采纳!

CUSCO BLUE POWER汽车启动电容器有什么作用?


那位英文高人帮搞搞..我要aviation - you were my everything 的中英文对照

Aviation - You Were My EverythingThis goes out to someone that wasOnce the most important person in my lifeI didn"t realize it at the timeI can"t forgive myself for the way I treated you soI don"t really expect you to eitherIt"s just... I don"t even knowJust listen…You"re the one that I like, the one that I needThe one that I gotta have just to succeedWhen I first saw you, I knew it was realI"m sorry about the pain I made you feelThat wasn"t me; let me show you the wayI looked for the sun, but it"s raining todayI remember when I first looked into your eyesIt was like God was there, heaven in the skiesI wore a disguise "cause I didn"t want to get hurtBut I didn"t know I made everything worseYou told me we were crazy in loveBut you didn"t care when push came to shoveIf you loved me as much as you said you didThen you wouldn"t have hurt me like I ain"t shitNow you pushed me away like you never even knew meI loved you with my heart, really and trulI guess you forgot about the times that we sharedWhen I would run my fingers through your hairLate nights, just holding you in my armsI don"t know how I could do you so wrongI really wanna show you I really need to hold youI really wanna know you like no one could else know youyou are number one, always in my heartAnd now I can"t believe that our love is torn apartI need you andI miss you andI want you andI love you ‘causeI wanna hold you,I wanna kiss youYou were my everythingAnd I really miss youI need you andI miss you andI want you andI love you ‘causeI wanna hold you,I wanna kiss youYou were my everythingAnd I really miss youI knew you gonna sit and play this with your new manAnd then sit and laugh as you"re holding his handThe thought of that just shatters my heartIt breaks in my soul and it tears me apartAt times we was off I was scared to show youNow I wanna hold you until I can"t hold youWithout you, everything seems strangeYour name is forever planted in my brainDamn it, I"m insane,Take away the painTake away the hurtBaby, we can make it workWhat about when youLooked into my eyesTold me you loved meAs you would hugged meI guess everything you said was a lieI think about it, it brings tears to my eyesNow I"m not even a thought in your mindI can see clearly, my love is not blindI need you andI miss you andI want you andI love you ‘causeI wanna hold you,I wanna kiss youYou were my everythingAnd I really miss youI need you andI miss you andI want you andI love you ‘causeI wanna hold you,I wanna kiss youYou were my everythingAnd I really miss you(Talking) I just wish everything could have turned out differentlyI had a special feeling about youI thought maybe you did tooYou would understand, but…No matter what, you"ll always be in my heartYou"ll always be my babyOur first day, it seemed so magicalI remember all the time that I had with youRemember when you first came to my house?You looked like an angel wearing that blouseWe hit it off, I knew it was realBut now I can"t take all the pain that I feelReach in your heart, I know I"m still thereI don"t wanna hear that you no longer careRemember the times? Remember when we kissed?I didn"t think you would ever do me like thisI didn"t think you"d wanna see me depressedI thought you"d be there for me, this I confessYou said you were my best friend, was that a lie?Now I"m nothing to you, you"re with another guyI tried, I tried, I tried, and I"m tryingNow on the inside it feels like I"m dyingI need you andI miss you andI want you andI love you ‘causeI wanna hold you,I wanna kiss youYou were my everythingAnd I really miss youI need you andI miss you andI want you andI love you ‘causeI wanna hold you,I wanna kiss youYou were my everythingAnd I really miss you(Talking) And I do miss youI just thought we were meant to beI guess now, we"ll never knowThe only thing I want is for you to be happyWhether it be with me, or without meI just want you to be happy曾经她是我生命中最重要的一个人但当时我却没有意识到当时那样的对你,直到现在我无法原谅我自己我从来没有真正想过要你投入另一个人的怀抱从来没有我只是……我真的不知道结果会那样……你……你能听我讲吗你是我想要的那个唯一,也是我需要的那个唯一是唯一我想要成功的唯一当我第一次看到你的时候,我知道你是我真正的唯一但我却让你陷入了痛苦的境地对不起,真的对不起!那不是我!那不是真正的我!但是世事就是这样无奈就像我想要太阳,天空却偏偏下起了雨一样的无奈我还记得第一次凝望你眼眸时的情景在里面我仿佛看到了上帝,仿佛看到了天堂我害怕受到伤害,所以我总是披着伪装来保护自己但我却不知道,这样的我让每一事变得更加糟糕你告诉我我们疯狂地相爱着但是在紧要关头你却总是那样不在乎如果你像你所说的那样爱我那你一定不会像对待一个傻瓜那样地伤害我我爱你,真真正正、完完全全、全身心的爱你可如今你却一把将我推开,好像你从来就没有认识过我我想你一定忘记了我们曾经一起渡过的美好时光那些午夜我轻轻地将你挽入臂弯,用手指柔柔地触摸着你的头发那时我绝不知道,我将怎样错误地对待你我真的想抱着你我真的想知道你比其他所有人都要理解我你永远都在我心里占据着重要的地位我永远也不相信我们的爱就这样被割裂了我需要你我思念你我想要你我爱着你我想抱着你我想吻着你我真的很想你你就是我的所有我知道你将要和一个新的男人重复发生在你我之间的爱情游戏我知道你会坐在他的身边,笑着牵住他的双手每当想到这些,我的心就像被撕裂了一样这种想法甚至撕开了我的灵魂,将我整个分成了两半当我们外出的时候,我真的很害怕让你看到现在的我非常非常的想抱住你直到我无法再能抱着你没有你,所有的一切看起来都仿佛陌生了起来你的名字永远地铭刻在了我的大脑里愚蠢!我真的很愚蠢拿走痛苦拿走伤害亲爱的!我们一定能够重新开始告诉我好吗你在想些什么,但你凝视着我的眼眸告诉我好吗你还爱着我告诉我好吗你想拥抱我也许你说的一切都只是谎言一个弥天大谎想到这,我的眼里就会含满泪水我清楚地看到在你的内心里现在的我已不再重要我清楚地看到你的爱已不再像从前一般盲目我只希望一切能够会变得不一样对你我有一种特别的感觉我想:也许你对我也会这样吧也许你会理解我的这种感觉吧然而……不管怎样你永远都会留在我的心里你永远都会是我的宝贝还记得我们相遇的那一天,那真是梦幻般的一天我还清楚地记得和你在一起渡过的分分秒秒我还清楚地记得你第一次来我家里时的情景你穿着那件宽松的衬衣,看起来就像一个天使一样美丽我们适合相爱,我知道我们真的适合相爱但是现在我却不能摆脱内心的痛苦因为我知道你的内心里依然有我的位置因为我真的不想听你说你不再在乎我还记得那些时刻吗?记得那些我们双唇相接的时刻吗?我真的不相信你竟会那样对我!我真的不相信你会忍心看我难过!我只相信你会在那里为我停留我只相信!你曾说过你是我最好的朋友那是个谎言吗?现在你和我行同陌路现在你已经和另一个男孩相守相依我曾经试着忘记你我曾经试着忘记你我曾经试着忘记你或者我一直在努力地试着忘记然而现在我却也正在慢慢地死去我真的想你现在我们也许永远不会知道我唯一希望的只是你能快乐不管有我在你身边,或者没有我唯一希望的只是你能快乐

you were my everything-Aviation英文歌词如何念。需要中文的读法。有些单词可以不用太详细。如WERE沃儿

You Were My Everything Aviation [Talking] This goes out to someone that was贼死 狗子 奥吐 撒木碗 载特 窝子Once the most important person in my life碗死 则 某斯特 一木抛吞特 破森 音 买 来福I didn"t realize it at the time爱 第den 特 rei儿来自 哎特 则 台木I can"t forgive myself for the way I treated you so爱 砍特 福给五 买赛奥夫 发哦 则 伟 爱 吹踢的 有 搜I don"t really expect you to either爱 动特 rei儿里 一克赛破特 有 吐 爱则儿It"s just... I don"t even know一此 扎斯特 。。。 爱 动特 一文 耨 Just listen…扎斯特 里森 You"re the one that I want, the one that I need有啊 则 碗 仔特 爱 网特, 则碗 仔特 爱 你的The one that I gotta have just to succeed则 碗 仔特 爱 高塔 嗨五 斯特 吐 色克细的 When I first saw you, I knew it was real文 爱 佛斯特 扫 有, 爱 你有 一特 我子 瑞偶I"m sorry about the pain I made you feel爱慕 扫瑞 啊报特 则 喷 爱 没的有 非有That wasn"t me; let me show you the way仔特 我怎特 米密, 来特 密 首 有 则 伟I looked for the sun, but it"s raining today爱 路克特 发哦 则 三, 吧特 一此 瑞宁 特得(dei)I remember when I first looked into your eyes爱 瑞慢波儿 文爱 佛寺特 路克特 音图 邀 爱死It was like God was there, heaven in the skies一特 我自 来客 噶的 贼儿, 嗨文 音则 寺改斯I wore a disguise "cause I didn"t want to get hurt爱 我 饿 第四贵斯 考子 爱 第丹特 网特 图 改特 和特But I didn"t know I made everything worse吧特 爱 第丹特 耨 爱 没的 爱无瑞星 我儿斯You told me we were crazy in love有 头的 密 伟 我 克瑞贼 音 辣舞 But you didn"t care when push came to shove吧特 有 第丹特 开而 文 谱是 尅木 图 是啊无 If you loved me as much as you said you did衣服 有 辣舞 密 爱子 吗吃 爱子 有 赛德 有 第的 Then you wouldn"t have hurt me like I ain"t shit怎 有 无丹特 嗨五 和儿特 密 来客 爱 恩特 谁一特 Now you pushed me away like you never even knew me哪奥 有 谱是的 密 饿 伟 来客 有 乃我儿 你有 密I loved you with my heart, really and truly爱 辣舞 有 伟子 买 和儿特 , 瑞尔里 安的 出力 I guess you forgot about the times that we shared爱 该死 有 福高特 啊报特 则 台爱木 在特 伟 晒儿的When I would run my fingers through your hair 文爱 舞的 软 买 福英歌儿 斯如 邀 嗨儿 Late nights, just holding you in my arms类特 乃此 , 扎斯特 后顶 有 音 买 啊木子 I don"t know how I could do you so wrong爱 动特 耨 好 爱 哭的 杜 有 搜 如昂I really wanna show you I really need to hold you爱 瑞尔里 网哪儿 首 有 爱 瑞尔 你的 吐 后的 有 I really wanna know you like no one could else know you爱 瑞尔里 网哪儿 耨 有 来客 耨 碗 哭的 爱哦斯 (nou) 有You"re number one, always in my heart有啊 南波儿碗 , 奥尔伟子 音买 和儿特And now I can"t believe that our love is torn apart安得 闹 爱 砍特 比例舞 在特 奥尔 辣舞 一子 套恩 饿怕特 ChorusI need you and 爱 你的 有 安得I miss you and 爱 密斯 有 安得I want you and 爱 网特 吐 有 安的I love you ‘cause 爱 辣舞 有 考子I wanna hold you, 爱 网哪 后的 有 I wanna kiss you 爱 网哪 尅(kei)斯 有You were my everything 有 我 买 爱无瑞斯应 And I really miss you [2x] 安得 爱 瑞儿里 密斯 有I knew you gonna sit and play this with your new man爱 你有 有 高娜 cei特 安得 谱类 伟子 邀 你有 慢And then sit and laugh as you"re holding his hand俺的 怎 sei特 俺的 辣福 矮子 有啊 后顶 嘿斯 汗的 The thought of that just shatters my heart则 斯如 饿舞 在特 扎斯特 晒特儿 买 和儿特 It breaks in my soul and it tears me apart一特 波瑞克斯 音 买 搜偶 安的 一特 踢儿斯 密 饿 怕特 At times we was off I was scared to show you爱特 台木子 伟 我自 奥夫 爱 我自 斯改儿的 吐 首 有Now I wanna hold you until I can"t hold you闹 爱 网哪 吐 后的 有 恩提哦 爱 抗特 后的 有 Without you, everything seems strange伟早特 有, 爱无瑞星 细目子 斯准直 Your name is forever planted in my brain邀 内目 椅子 发哦爱我儿 谱蓝提的 音买 波润Damn it, I"m insane,带目 伊特 爱慕 音细恩Take away the pain 忒克 饿伟 则 陪恩 Take away the hurt 忒克 饿伟 则 和儿特Baby, we can make it work 被逼 伟 砍 没克 一特 我克What about when you 沃特 饿 包特 文 有Looked into my eyes 路科特 阴图 买 爱死 Told me you loved me 偷得 密 有 辣舞 密As you would hugged me 矮子 有 唔得 哈格的 密 I guess everything you said was a lie爱 该死 爱无瑞行 有 塞得 我自 饿 来I think about it, it brings tears to my eyes爱 行可 饿包特 伊特, 伊特 博瑞鹰 吐 买 爱子Now I"m not even a thought in your mind闹 爱慕 闹特 疑问 饿 扫特 音 邀 慢的I can see clearly, my love is not blind爱 抗 细一 可立而立, 买 辣舞 椅子 闹特 波兰的 ChorusI need you and 爱 你的 有 安得I miss you and 爱 密斯 有 安得I want you and 爱 网特 吐 有 安的I love you ‘cause 爱 辣舞 有 考子I wanna hold you, 爱 网哪 后的 有 I wanna kiss you 爱 网哪 尅(kei)斯 有You were my everything 有 我 买 爱无瑞斯应 And I really miss you [2x] 安得 爱 瑞儿里 密斯 [Talking] I just wish everything could have turned out differently爱 扎斯特 卫视 爱无瑞星 哭的 还无 特恩德 奥特 地富润特 I had a special feeling about you爱 还得 饿 四百手 非零 恶报特 有 I thought maybe you did too爱 扫特 每笔 有 低的 吐 You would understand, but有 唔得 安德尔斯丹的 , 巴特 No matter what, you"ll always be in my heartno 迈特 沃特 ,尤为哦 奥尔位子 比 音 买 赫尔特 You"ll always be my baby有 伟哦 奥尔位子 买 被逼 Our first day, it seemed so magical奥我 佛斯特 得, 伊特 细募子 搜 买这口 I remember all the time that I had with you爱 瑞慢波儿 奥 则 太木 在特 爱 还得 位子 有 Remember when you first came to my house?瑞慢波 文 有 佛斯特 尅木 吐 买 好似You looked like an angel wearing that blouse 有 路科特 来客 安 按周 威尔瑞鹰 在特 好似 We hit it off, I knew it was real伟 嘿 踢特 奥夫, 爱 你偶 伊特 我自 锐欧But now I can"t take all the pain that I feel巴特 闹 爱 康特 忒克 奥 则 喷 在特 爱 非欧Reach in your heart, I know I"m still therer瑞吃 音 邀 赫尔特 , 爱 no 爱慕 死丢 贼而 I don"t wanna hear that you no longer care爱 东特 往哪 赫尔 在特 有 no 啷个儿 凯尔 Remember the times? Remember when we kissed?瑞曼波 则 太木子 ? 瑞曼波 文 伟 尅死的 ?I didn"t think you would ever do me like this爱 低等特 行可 有 唔得 爱我儿 杜 密 来客 贼死 I didn"t think you"d wanna see me depressed爱 低等特 行可 有的 往哪 细 密 地铺乳癌斯的I thought you"d be there for me, this I confess爱 扫特 有的 比 贼而 发哦 密 , 贼死 爱 肯福艾斯You said you were my best friend, was that a lie?有 塞得 有 我 买 白斯特 福软的, 我自 在特 饿 来?Now I"m nothing to you, you"re with another guy闹 爱慕 那行 吐 有 , 有啊 位子 饿那咋儿 盖 I tried, I tried, I tried, and I"m trying爱 太尔德 ,爱 太尔德 ,爱 太尔德, 俺的 爱慕 踹应 Now on the inside it feels like I"m dying闹 昂 则 因塞得 伊特 非欧子 来客 爱慕 带应 ChorusI need you and 爱 你的 有 安得I miss you and 爱 密斯 有 安得I want you and 爱 网特 吐 有 安的I love you ‘cause 爱 辣舞 有 考子I wanna hold you, 爱 网哪 后的 有 I wanna kiss you 爱 网哪 尅(kei)斯 有You were my everything 有 我 买 爱无瑞斯应 And I really miss you [2x] 安得 爱 瑞儿里 密斯 [Talking] And I do miss you俺的 爱 杜 迷死 有 I just thought we were meant to be爱 扎斯特 扫特 伟 我 敏特 吐 必I guess now, we"ll never know爱 该死 闹 , 伟偶 乃我耨 The only thing I want is for you to be happy则 偶恩利 行 爱 网特 椅子 发哦 有 吐 必 嗨皮Whether it be with me, or without me外则儿 伊特 必 伟子 密 , 奥 伪造特 密I just want you to be happy爱 扎斯特 网特 有 吐 必 嗨皮


您好,是吉利G-POWER动力系统中的2.0TD发动机,这应该是目前该系统中的当家主力机型,其采用了高压中置直喷、低惯量增压涡轮、可变排量机油泵、一体式双层排气歧管、DVVT等技术,最大输出功率140kW(190Ps)/4700rpm,峰值扭矩300Nm/1400-4000rpm。 这款的是可变正时的,提速比较快,也比较节油,适合家庭这款车型。dvvt是发动机的一项节油技术,可变配气相位的发动机技术

power 或Energy evacution 中文怎么翻译呀?

power 能力


too 也 还说明说话人在那里

Billie Eilish《wish you were gay 》中英文歌词

[Verse 1]"Baby, I don"t feel so good," six words you never understood"I"ll never let you go," five words you"ll never say (Aww)I laugh alone like nothing"s wrong, four days has never felt so longIf three"s a crowd and two was us, one slipped away (Hahahahahahahaha)[Chorus]I just wanna make you feel okayBut all you do is look the other wayI can"t tell you how much I wish I didn"t wanna stayI just kinda wish you were gay[Verse 2]Is there a reason we"re not through?Is there a 12 step just for you?Our conversation"s all in blue11 "heys" (Hey, hey, hey, hey)Ten fingers tearing out my hairNine times you never made it thereI ate alone at 7, you were six minutes away(Yay)[Chorus]How am I supposed to make you feel okayWhen all you do is walk the other way?I can"t tell you how much I wish I didn"t wanna stayI just kinda wish you were gay[Bridge]To spare my prideTo give your lack of interest an explanationDon"t say I"m not your typeJust say that I"m not your preferred sexual orientationI"m so selfishBut you make me feel helpless, yeahAnd I can"t stand another dayStand another day[Chorus]I just wanna make you feel okayBut all you do is look the other wayI can"t tell you how much I wish I didn"t wanna stayI just kinda wish you were gayI just kinda wish you were gayI just kinda wish you were gay

Billie Eilish《wish you were gay 》中英文歌词

wish you were gay Billie EilishBaby, I doBillie Eilish《wish you were gay 》n"t feel so good亲爱的我感觉不太好Six words you never understood这简单的六个字你却永远不懂I"ll never let you go我不会放任你将我离开Five words you never say (Aww)你永远不会对我说出这五个字I laugh alone like nothing"s wrong我跟着你开怀而笑仿佛一切仍在正轨Four days has never felt so long四天的时光从未如此漫长If three"s a crowd and two was us若三人成众两人便是你我彼此One slipped away (Hahahahahahahaha)终有一人将黯淡退场I just wanna make you feel okay我只想让你感觉一切正常But all you do is look the other way但你却总是对我避而不看I can"t tell you how much I wish I didn"t wanna stay不敢告诉你我有多么希望我不愿留在你身边I just kinda wish you were gay我多希望你喜欢的是男孩Is there a reason we"re not through?还有能够挽回我们的理由吗Is there a 12 step just for you?能否有“让我戒掉你的十二个步骤”(这里是指12 step addiction program 即十二步戒毒/烟项目)Our conversation"s all in blue我们的对话浸泡在忧郁之中11 "heys" (Hey, hey, hey, hey)我给你发了十一个“嘿”Ten fingers tearing out my hair我用十根手指拔着自己的头发Nine times you never made it there九次约会你都放我鸽子I ate alone at 7, you were six minutes away (Yay)七点我独自吃过晚餐六分钟之前你才刚刚离开How am I supposed to make you feel okay我怎样才能让你感觉一切如常When all you do is walk the other way?当你只是对我视而不见I can"t tell you how much I wish I didn"t wanna stay不敢告诉你我有多么希望我不愿留在你身边I just kinda wish you were gay我多希望你喜欢的是男孩To spare my pride让我的自尊不那么备受打击To give your lack of interest an explanation让我给你对我的不感兴趣冠上合理的缘由Don"t say I"m not your type别告诉我我不是你喜欢的那类女孩Just say that I"m not your preferred sexual orientation请告诉我我只是与你喜欢的性别不同吧I"m so selfish自私至极的我啊But you make me feel helpless, yeah你却让我感到无边的无助And I can"t stand another day我已一天都无法再忍受Stand another day我已一天都无法再忍受下去I just wanna make you feel okay我只想让你感觉一切正常But all you do is look the other way但你却总是对我避而不看I can"t tell you how much I wish I didn"t wanna stay不敢告诉你我有多么希望我不愿留在你身边I just kinda wish you were gay我多希望你喜欢的是男孩I just kinda wish you were gay我多希望你喜欢的是男孩I just kinda wish you were gay我多希望你喜欢的是男孩

tiny tower 里的任务怎么完成?


微型摩天塔 Tiny Tower的游戏攻略

1. COINS 的取得途径:金钱 COINS 有多种取得方式:商店若在营业状态,会持续有收入(第一样商品单价 1 COIN,第二项商品单价 2 COINS,第三样商品单价 3 COINS;但若备料都用完就会关店);用电梯载送客人到某楼层,会得到该楼层数数字两倍收入(例如送到 12 层可以得到 24 个 COINS);商店中三种商品补齐,可以得到少量 COINS 并将该店所有商品补满(或是得到 1 张钞票);可以定期由住户得到租金。脱机时住户租金以及营业状态的商店可以持续获得收入。另外钞票 TOWER BUX 可以兑换 COINS(但 COINS 不能换成 TOWER BUX),兑换的汇率随 TOWER BUX 张数而有所不同。2. 注意商店备料状态商店备料完成在下方会有纸箱符号显示,点击立刻可以到该楼层。游戏预设「通知」(NOTIFICATIONS) 是打开的,这样即使脱机,当备料完成也会通知您。若您觉得太干扰也可以把它关掉。不过当一项商品用完时,游戏并不会告知,除非该店所有商品都卖完关店,才会以惊叹号符号告知。因此在游戏进行间,应该经常检视是否有商品用完,必须赶快补货,才能维持高报酬率的 COINS营收。3. TOWER BUX 的取得途径TOWER BUX 是游戏中最重要的物品,可以用来换取 COINS、升级电梯、减少施工与备料时间(每 1 个 BUX 可减少一小时)、立刻将宿舍出租等,可以省去玩家许多时间。它与 COINS 不同,仅能在游戏进行时取得,脱机状态无法获得(玩家也可以透过「程序内建购买功能」付费购买,不过这就不在我们讨论的范围内了)。安排某个角色得到梦想工作,可以得到 2 张钞票 (BUX);载送客人到某楼层时,随机可能获得 1 BUX 当小费;出现寻人任务时,点击该对象所在楼层可以获得 1 BUX(按错没关系,只会提示对象不在该楼层,按到对为止就是了); 商店中三种商品补齐,有时可以得到 1 张钞票;建造(使用COINS)新建一个楼层,可以得到 BUX。4. 慎选员工游戏中搭电梯的客人要到哪一个楼层是随机的,如果他停留在的楼层是员工宿舍 (RESIDENTIAL) 且该楼层还有空房,则他一定会住进去成为大楼的一份子。此时点击楼层会列出该楼层所有住户列表,再点击任一个人就会列出他的梦想工作与能力属性,包括食物 (FOOD)、服务 (SERVICE)、娱乐 (RECREATION)、销售 (RETAIL) 和创造力 (CREATIVE)。其中「梦想工作」(可以让商店的其中一项备料加倍)的考虑优于「能力属性」(属性高会加快备料时间),也就是说若您的大楼有符合该住户的梦想工作时,可以优先保留此住户;若没有符合的梦想职业,但该住户有商店需要的高能力属性(例如理发厅 BARBER SHOP 需要 SERVICE 属性)也是可以考虑保留。其余的除非您需要他暂时在某一商店服务以获得收入,否则大可以直接将他退租。保留住户的最大缺点,就是他会占用该宿舍楼层的一个租用单位。由于一层宿舍只能住五个人,所以若被效率较差的人占用,尤其是该楼层已满的情况,就等于失去了雇用其他条件较佳员工的机会,所以随时检视目前住户的情况,并将他们调到更理想的职务或辞退,对提高营收会有很大的帮助。注意:当商店在产品备料状态,是不能将该店任何员工调职或辞退的,必须等到完成后才能进行。5. 分散住户延续前面第一点,若搭电梯的客人停留在有空房的宿舍楼层,则他会住进去;但若该楼层已满,则他会直接离开,并不会再去别层有空房的楼层。因此,若可能的话,宿舍楼层尽量保留一个以上的空房以增加员工进住的机会(若条件不理想可直接将他退租)。不过由于您不能让住户搬移楼层,只能让他永远迁出,所以也仅能尽量去考虑这个原则。6. 优先升级电梯当游戏进行初期,电梯速度并不会有太大影响,但等到您的楼层达到十层以上,它的速度会让人抓狂!由于电梯只能用钞票 (TOWER BUX) 升级,建议玩家一开始获得的钞票先用以升级电梯。其中第一次升级需要用 25 张钞票,第二次升级要 75 张,第三次(也是最后一次)升级则需要 125 张。第一次升级绝对必要,它会让您的电梯移动速度增加,也会让您赚取钱币和钞票的速度提高;第二、三次升级虽然较不急迫,但玩家也可以先升级第二次,或是一次到位升级完成,这样后续赚得的钞票就可以专心用于减少备料与施工时间,或是直接兑换成钱币。7. 善用 VIP 的特异功能搭电梯的除了一般客人以外,有时也会有 VIP 光临。VIP 分成五种:a. 戴黄色安全头盔、穿橘色工作服,他会让您施工中的楼层完成时间减少 3 小时;b. 穿着深咖啡色服装的送货员 (UPS?),他会让您准备中的产品备料时间减少 3 小时;c. 穿着西装的有钱人,会随机把该层楼商店的其中一样产品全部买下(直接获得钱币);d. 穿着时髦的名人,会直接带来 50 个客人;e. 穿着蓝色套装的房地产经纪人,会让有空位的宿舍住满人。当「VIP」符号出现时,请卷动画面或按 VIP 符号到最底层,看出现的是哪一种 VIP,不要按他,先确认目前大楼的状况,因为按了后就只能决定要送他到哪个楼层,不能取消。例如出现的是穿工作服的 VIP,此时若您已有足够钱币可以加盖楼层,或是已盖好楼层但尚未装潢施工,请先进行施工,然后再点选该 VIP 移至该楼层,这样才不会浪费一次机会(加盖楼层是花钱立刻完成,施工才会耗时间)。c、d 两种 VIP 出现时,请直接将他们移至仅有最高价单一物品的楼层,否则例如 c 到三种商品都有的楼层,可能买下的商品是价格最低的一种,这样得到的收入仅有高单价商品的三分之一。8. 店铺列表当加盖楼层后,选择店铺类别时,点击最下面的绿色按钮可以花费一定数量的TOWER BUX来选择具体的店铺。 Food Service Recreation Retail Creative Shop Name Bux Shop Name Bux Shop Name Bux Shop Name Bux Shop Name Bux Sushi Bar 11 Barber Shop 15 Comedy Club 12 Toy Store 17 Cake Studio 106 Mexican Food 13 Laundromat 21 Video Rental 16 Book Store 33 Pottery Studio 120 Sub Shop 15 Health Club 65 Arcade 46 Plant Nursery 35 Graphic Design 153 Frozen Yogurt 16 Travel Agency 65 Casino 55 Shoe Store 36 Glass Studio 160 Smoothie Shop 16 Fortune Teller 78 Mini Golf 70 Hat Shop 40 TV Studio 170 Sky Burger 18 Ship & Print 81 Planetarium 86 Bike Shop 43 AD Agency 171 Diner 18 Bank 98 Rock Climbing 90 Fabric Shop 71 Floral Studio 181 Tea House 23 Dentists Office 120 Aquarium 91 Game Store 73 Wood Shop 183 Vegan Food 23 Optometrist 120 Haunted House 93 Record Shop 75 Art Studio 233 Asian Cuisine 26 Wedding Chapel 170 Cineplex 111 Women"s Fashion 83 Software Studio 253 Pizza Place 26 Mechanic 200 Bowling Alley 111 Comic Store 85 Chocolatier 285 Fancy Cuisine 30 Tutoring Center 220 Museum 115 Candle Shop 85 Fashion Studio 286 Scoops 66 Security Office 275 Theater 115 Tech Store 106 Game Studio 320 Donut Shop 88 Fire Station 366 Racquetball 130 Pet Shop 113 Film Studio 340 Sea Food 93 Court House 400 Paintball Arena 136 Grocery Store 148 Recording Studio 348 BBQ Place 100 Doctors Office 413 Cyber Café 145 Mapplet Store 150 Laboratory 406 Italian Food 151 Martial Arts 473 Billiard Hall 193 Jewelry Store 240 Architect Office 413 Pancake House 185 Private Eye 560 Karaoke 310 Auto Dealer 303 Animation Studio 503

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