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showering 意思


Bath Shower Gel是什么意思


Bath Shower Gel是什么意思

Bath Shower Gel沐浴露双语对照例句:1.At the side of the bath is what appears to be a single bottle of shampoo or shower gel.2.Ignite end up putting honey in their bubble bath and soap, while Empire have seaweedin their soap and shower gel.

Bath Shower Gel是什么意思

bath shower gel即沐浴啫喱


bath shower gel沐浴凝胶.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

Bath Shower Gel是什么意思

Bath Shower Gel沐浴露Bath Shower沐浴双语对照例句:1.He went into the bath to take a shower. 他进浴室去洗淋浴。2.Warm bath, yes; shower, no 要洗热水澡,不要冲凉

bath and shower gel什么意思


Bath Shower Gel是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:Bath Shower Gel沐浴露希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳

take showers 和 take baths 的区别。


take shower or baths

take a shower 比较常用milkwings 的回答很全面

英文解字 -have showers/have baths

have showers系企缸洗澡 have baths系 浸浴 到满 have showers 系 good for the environment (好既良好习惯) have baths 系 bad for the environment (坏既良好习惯) have baths 系 waste water (浪费水) 分别冇咩大 系have baths 比较浪费D 希望幇到你啦 have showers的意思是在企缸站来洗澡 have baths的意思是浸浴地洗澡 为了节用水 最好是have showers地洗澡 have baths会好浪费水 have shower is stand and use 花洒 have bath is 浸浴 hope can help [email protected][email protected] have showers是站在企缸洗澡 have baths是浸浴

Bath Shower Gel是什么意思


翻译My fiance (未婚夫) and I were excited about shoppi

译文如下,空缺的单词可从译文中看出,不做赘述。想到要去购买自己的第一个住房,我和未婚夫都很兴奋。但我们资金有限,而且符合我们价位的住房看似都不中意。 一位房产纪经人向我们着重推荐了一个房子。尽管这位女纪经人介绍说这个房子非常棒,但售价超出了我们的价位,所以我们拒绝了。但她不停地督促我们至少要去看一看。我们最终答应去看看,对这个房子一见钟情。这就是我们的家,虽然不大,但令人陶醉,俯视着一片静谧的湖泊。我们查看了各个房间,与和善的老年夫妻房主交谈,我们切身感受到在这个家中的婚姻既温馨又幸福。尽管房子完美无瑕,但售价对我们来说依然太高。尽管如此,我们每天都会坐在湖畔,欣赏着这个房子,梦想着在里面生活的样子。 几天之后,我们报出了买价,远远低于要价。令人吃惊的是,他们并没有嘲笑我们,而是报出了新的售价。尽管新的售价我们依然负担不起,但比之前的要价确实低了很多。 第二天,我们收到一条令人沮丧的短信,另一个买家出价比我们高。即使已经这样,我们依然决定直接与房主谈谈。我们报出了最终买价,比另一个买家的报价依然低了几千美元。我们知道这一点,但我们必须放手一搏。 “成交!”房主说。他接着介绍说:他看到我们这段时间一直坐在湖畔;他知道我们有多么爱这个地方,也知道我们会感激他们老两口在房子上所投入的工作;他知道把房子卖给我们要冒一定的风险,但毕竟值了。

Bowers & Wilkins的关于 Abbey Road (艾比路录音室)

毋庸置疑,Abbey Road Studios 是世界上最富盛名的录音室。它不仅享有世界上最有名乐队的盛誉,亦是流行音乐、摇滚音乐、古典音乐和电影配乐录制技术蓬勃发展的枢纽。您听到的大部分音乐都是在 Abbey Road 录制的。从 20 世纪 80 年代末起,它也采用 Bowers & Wilkins 扬声器灌制唱片。合作之初,该录音室将 B&W Matrix 801 用作其标准监听扬声器。这种合作关系延续至今。直到今天,B&W 800 Diamond系列仍然为 Abbey Road 所用。

光学问题,如何进行烛光(CANDLE POWER)和LUX换算?


they were____than tigers and ate meat A much fierce B much too fierce C fiercer D more fiercer


canton tower什么意思

. 广州塔例句:1.The canton tower in guangzhou was built for the opening of the 16th annual asian gamesin november 2010. 广州为了迎接2010年第16届亚运会而斥资建造了广州塔。2.The canton tower in guangzhou was built for the opening of the 16th annual asiangamesin november 2010. The tower features integratedphotovoltaics, the latest in solar paneltechnology. 为2010年11月在广州开幕的第十六届亚运会而修建的广州塔,采用了最新的太阳能电池板技术集成光伏发电

Filip C.W. Van Nieuwerburgh 荷兰人名 哪个是姓 哪个是名 怎么看啊?


Filip C.W. Van Nieuwerburgh 荷兰人名 哪个是姓 哪个是名 怎么看啊?

Van Nieuwerburgh是姓Filip是名字,C.W.是中间名字的缩写。荷兰人名字,可以有好几个,但是第一个才是称呼名字,中间的几个,通常是比如纪念谁,或者爷爷啊,祖父啊什么的名字作为中间名字。



tower bridge is a bridge什么意思

tower bridge is a bridge塔桥是一座桥

How were the beaches 为什么beach后面要加es

因为were,所以要用复数,凡是 sh,o,x,ch结尾的名词加es应该可以吧

how were the beaches?/what do you think of the beaches?


capitals is or that lower case 组句

that is capitals or lowercase .那是大写或小写.




如果上拉电阻值过小,Vcc灌入端口的电流(Ic)将较大,这样会导致MOS管V2(三极管)不完全导通(Ib*β,有饱和状态变成放大状态,这样端口输出的低电平值增大(i2c协议规定,端口输出低电平的最高允许值为0.4v)。如果上拉电阻过大,加上线上的总线电容,由于RC影响,会带来上升时间的增大(下降延是芯片内的晶体管,是有源驱动,速度较快;上升延是无源的外接电阻,速度慢),而且上拉电阻过大,即引起输出阻抗的增大,当输出阻抗和负载的阻抗可以比拟的时,则输出的高电平会分压而减少。I2C的上拉电阻可以是1.5K,2.2K,4.7K, 电阻的大小对时序有一定影响,对信号的上升时间和下降时间也有影响,一般接1.5K或2.2K。(实验:接入200K上拉电阻,结果观察到信号上升时间增大,方波变成三角波)I2C上拉电阻确定有一个计算公式:Rmin={Vdd(min)-o.4V}/3mARmax=(T/0.874) *c, T=1us 100KHz, T=0.3us 400KHzC是Bus capacitanceRp最大值由总线最大容限(Cbmax)决定,Rp最小值由Vio与上拉驱动电流(最大取3mA)决定;于是 Rpmin=5V/3mA≈1.7K(@Vio=5V)或者2.8V/3mA≈1K(@Vio=2.8V)。Rpmax的取值:100Kbps总线的负载最大容限总的来说:电源电压限制了上拉电阻的最小值 ; 负载电容(总线电容)限制了上拉电阻的最大值。补充:在I2c总线可以串连300欧姆电阻RS可以用于防止SDA和SCL线的高电压毛刺: I2c从设备的数量受总线电容,上拉电阻阻值的确定由于I2C接口采用OpenDrain机制,器件本身只能输出低电平,无法主动输出高电平,只能通过外部上拉电阻RP将信号线拉至高电平。因此I2C总线上的上拉电阻是必须的!漏极开路上拉电阻取值及上拉电阻阻值的确定RP不宜过小,一般不低于1KΩ一般IO 端口的驱动能力在2mA~4mA量级。如果RP阻值过小,VDD灌入端口的电流将较大,这样会导致MOS管不完全导通,有饱和状态变成放大状态,这样端口输出的低电平值增大(I2C协议规定,端口输出低电平的最高允许值为0.4V);如果灌入端口的电流过大,还可能损坏端口。故通常上拉电阻应选取不低于1KΩ的电阻(当VDD=3V时,灌入电流不超过3mA)。RP不宜过大,一般不高于10KΩ由于端口输出高电平是通过RP实现的,线上电平从低到高变化时,电源通过RP对线上负载电容CL充电,这需要一定的时间,即上升时间。端口信号的上升时间可近似用充电时间常数RPCL乘积表示。信号线负载电容(对地)由多方面组成,包括器件引脚、PCB信号线、连接器等。如果信号线上挂有多个器件,负载电容也会增大。比如总线规定,对于的400kbps速率应用,信号上升时间应小于300ns;假设线上CL为20PF,可计算出对应的RP值为15KΩ。如果RC充电时间常数过大,将使得信号上升沿变化缓慢,达不到数据传输的要求。因此一般应用中选取的都是几KΩ量级的上拉电阻,比如都选取4K7的电阻。小阻值的RP电阻增大了端口Sink电流,故在可能的情况下,RP取值应稍大一点,以减少耗电。另外,通产情况下,SDA,SCL两条线上的上拉电阻取值是一致的,并上拉到同一电源上。PCB布局布线与抗干扰设计I2C信号线属于低速控制线,在手机PCB设计时,按通常的控制IO对待即可,无需做特别的保护设计,一般不用担心受到噪声源干扰。但在一些特定的情况下,比如折叠、滑盖机型中,I2C的两根信号线需要通过转轴或滑轨处的FPC,此时由于信号路径比较长,距离天线比较近,而且Opendrain的输出级对地阻抗大,对干扰比较敏感,因此比较容易受到RF信号源的干扰。在这种情况下,就应适当注意对I2C信号线的保护。比如I2C两条信号线(SDA,SCL)等长度地平行走线,两边加地线进行保护,避免临近层出现高速信号线等。上拉电阻应安置在OD输出端附近。当I2C总线上主从器件(Master &Slave)两端均为OD输出时,电阻放置在信号路径的中间位置。当主设备端是软件模拟时序,而从设备是OD输出时,应将电阻安置在靠近从设备的位置。I2C协议还定义了串联在SDA、SCL线上电阻Rs。该电阻的作用是,有效抑制总线上的干扰脉冲进入从设备,提高可靠性。这个电阻的选择一般在100~200ohm左右。当然,这个电阻并不是必须的,在恶劣噪声环境中,可以选用。漏极开路上拉电阻取值及上拉电阻阻值的确定比如常用的FM接收模块或者Capsense触摸感应功能块,都是通过I2C接口控制的。I2C接口信号从处理器出发,经过PCB上的信号路径,进入上述电路单元。I2C信号线上载有一定干扰,这种干扰虽然幅度并不很大,但还是会影响敏感的FM接收模块或Capsense触摸感应功能块。此时,可以通过在靠近FM模块或触摸感应模块的I2C信号线上串接Rs电阻,即可有效降低干扰的影响。此外,上拉电阻端的电源也要进行退耦处理。软件模拟I2C时序由于一般的I2C应用速率并不高(400kbps),使用处理器的IO口模拟I2C波形,完全可以胜任(处理器一般担任Master,占有I2C通信的控制权,无需担心随机的I2C通信服务中断其他任务的执行)。处理器分配给I2C任务的IO口,要求可以输出高低电平,还能配置为输入端口。处理器根据总线规范以及从设备的时序要求,利用2条IO信号线,模拟I2C接口时序波形,进行I2C通信。处理器发送数据时,通过IO口输出高电平,上升时间基本与外部上来电阻阻值无关,且比用外部上拉电阻上拉到高电平快很多。处理器在接受数据时,即便上拉电阻阻值选的大一些,从设备输出数据的波形上升沿缓慢,但由于处理器使用软件采样的而非硬件采样,因此,对数据传输的结果并不影响。也就是说,使用IO口模拟I2C时序时,上拉电阻阻值可以适当选的大一些。需要指出的是,使用软件模拟最多只能完成单Master的应用,对于多Master应用,由于需要进行总线控制权的仲裁管理,使用软件模拟的方法很难完成。I2C总线空闲的时候,两条信号线应该维持高电平。否则,上拉电阻上会有耗电。特别是在上电过程中,IO线上电平也应保持在高电平状态。也就是说:当Master的I2C使用的是IO软件模拟时,一定要保证该两个IO上电默认均为输入(或高阻)或者输出高电平,切不可默认为输出低电平。IO默认为输入时,可以通过外部上拉电阻将I2C信号线拉至高电平。漏极开路上拉电阻取值及上拉电阻阻值的确定I2C应用中上拉电阻电源问题在部中分应用中,还存在主从设备以及上拉电阻电源不一致的情况,比如Camera模组。在很多设计方案中,Camera模组不工作时,并不是进入PowerDown模式,而是直接关闭模组供电VDDS。此时,处理器与模组相互连接的所有信号线都应该进入高阻态,否则就会有电流漏入模组;而对于此时的I2C控制信号线来说,由于上拉电阻的存在,必须关断上拉电阻电源VDDP。如果上拉电阻使用的是系统电源VDDM(VDDP=VDDM),无法关闭,就会有漏电流进入模组;因此这种情况下,应该使用VDDS作为上拉电阻电源(VDDP=VDDS),这样上拉电阻电源与Slave电源即可同时关闭,切断了漏电路径。另外需要注意的是,在上述应用实例中选择的IO,应该选取上电默认为输入(或高阻)才行。漏极开路上拉电阻取值及上拉电阻阻值的确定--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------附录 上拉电阻上拉就是将不确定的信号通过一个电阻钳位在高电平,电阻同时起限流作用。下拉同理,也是将不确定的信号通过一个电阻钳位在低电平。上拉是对器件输入电流,下拉是输出电流;强弱只是上拉电阻的阻值不同,没有什么严格区分;对于非集电极(或漏极)开路输出型电路(如普通门电路)提供电流和电压的能力是有限的,上拉电阻的功能主要是为集电极开路输出型电路输出电流通道。作用1、当TTL电路驱动CMOS电路时,如果电路输出的高电平低于CMOS电路的最低高电平(一般为3.5V), 这时就需要在TTL的输出端接上拉电阻,以提高输出高电平的值。2、OC门电路必须使用上拉电阻,以提高输出的高电平值。3、为增强输出引脚的驱动能力,有的单片机管脚上也常使用上拉电阻。4、在CMOS芯片上,为了防止静电造成损坏,不用的管脚不能悬空,一般接上拉电阻以降低输入阻抗, 提供泄荷通路。5、芯片的管脚加上拉电阻来提高输出电平,从而提高芯片输入信号的噪声容限,增强抗干扰能力。6、提高总线的抗电磁干扰能力,管脚悬空就比较容易接受外界的电磁干扰。7、长线传输中电阻不匹配容易引起反射波干扰,加上、下拉电阻是电阻匹配,有效的抑制反射波干扰。概念就是从电源高电平引出的电阻接到输出端1,如果电平用OC(集电极开路,TTL)或OD(漏极开路,CMOS)输出,那么不用上拉电阻是不能工作的, 这个很容易理解,管子没有电源就不能输出高电平了。2,如果输出电流比较大,输出的电平就会降低(电路中已经有了一个上拉电阻,但是电阻太大,压降太高),就可以用上拉电阻提供电流分量, 把电平“拉高”。(就是并一个电阻在IC内部的上拉电阻上,这时总电阻减小,总电流增大)。当然管子按需要工作在线性范围的上拉电阻不能太小。当然也会用这个方式来实现门电路电平的匹配。注意事项需要注意的是,上拉电阻太大会引起输出电平的延迟。(RC延时)一般CMOS门电路输出不能给它悬空,都是接上拉电阻设定成高电平。下拉电阻:和上拉电阻的原理差不多, 只是拉到GND去而已。 那样电平就会被拉低。 下拉电阻一般用于设定低电平或者是阻抗匹配(抗回波干扰)。上拉电阻阻值的选择原则包括:1、从节约功耗及芯片的灌电流能力考虑应当足够大;电阻大,电流小。2、从确保足够的驱动电流考虑应当足够小;电阻小,电流大。3、对于高速电路,过大的上拉电阻可能边沿变平缓。综合考虑以上三点,通常在1k到10k之间选取。对下拉电阻也有类似道理。使用原因一般作单键触发使用时,如果IC本身没有内接电阻,为了使单键维持在不被触发的状态或是触发后回到原状态,必须在IC外部另接一电阻。数字电路有三种状态:高电平、低电平、和高阻状态,有些应用场合不希望出现高阻状态,可以通过上拉电阻或下拉电阻的方式使处于稳定状态,具体视设计要求而定!一般说的是I/O端口,有的可以设置,有的不可以设置,有的是内置,有的是需要外接,I/O端口的输出类似于一个三极管的C,当C接通过一个电阻和电源连接在一起的时候,该电阻成为上拉电阻,也就是说,该端口正常时为高电平;C通过一个电阻和地连接在一起的时候,该电阻称为下拉电阻。上拉电阻是用来解决总线驱动能力不足时提供电流的问题的。一般说法是上拉增大电流,下拉电阻是用来吸收电流。

greet在什么时候是及物什么时候是不及物 下面的句子写的对吗?我总感觉were fond of 有点毛病似的

1. i 当单词讲, 要用 大写 , 即 I ;2. 时态用过去时, greet 应 改成 greeted; 3. 语序不清晰,逻辑不通顺。逻辑连词 and, but 用法不准。建议修改如下:They were college students traveling in Beijing and most of them were fond of Chinese culture. So I greeted to them in English. 句意: 他们是在北京旅游的大学生,并且多数人都热爱中方文化。于是,我就用英语给他们打招呼。

born加ed吗 出生 where were you born born加ed吗

不加 born 本身就是过去分词

I do not think those people are really English.If they were,they()speak with French accents


镜音连唱的fire flower 罗马音歌词

"saisho kara kimi o suki de irarete yokatta" nante sora ni utau ndatsume konda yume o uchi ageru bashosagashi motomete kono machi kara detafurueru chakushin dengen o kittamoe dasu dōka sen dare mo tome rare naisekai no owari ga ima otozureta to shitarazehbu hoppotte futari eien ni issho nanoni neLike a Fire Flowerboku ga kie chawa nai yōni hi no ko chirase yume uchi agare"saisho kara kimi o suki ni nara nakya yokatta" nante uso made tsuitenare nai keshiki fu shizen na egaohanayaka na matsuri towa chigattetakuri kaesu rusu den "ganbare" no koenamida de dōka sen kie chai sō dayouchū no hajimari ga ano kuchi zuke dato shitarahoshi zora wa futari koboshita kiseki no atoLike a Fire Flowerkimi ga mitsuke yasui yōni raimei no gotoku yume todorokase"saisho kara kimi o suki ni nara nakya yokatta" nante bare teru nda rōnaumare mo sodachi mo bara bara na boku rasugata mo katachi mo sore zore na boku raotoko mo onna mo chigu hagu na boku rasore demo kokoro o hitotsu ni dekita narajinsei no tochū ga senkō hanabi dato shitaraisshun demo futari terasu himawari no yōniLike a Fire Floweritsuka yozora ni tairin o sakasu sono toki made matte kure"saisho kara kimi o suki de ira rate yokatta" nante sora ni utau nda

pro tools m-powered 7在有firewire solo 声卡的情况下的详细安装步骤是什么?

正确安装步骤: 1.先将以前错误安装的全部卸掉,然后注销下。重新安装。 2.安装驱动 自带驱动盘,一直点下一步。到最后选择重启是 点 NO ,然后将电源线拔掉重新插上(因为这款声卡不带电源开关),会出现一个是否继续安装的对话框,点仍然安装。然后装完重启。 3.重启后等带发现新硬件,然后点下一步。再确定下即可。




1 Try2 careless3 powerful4 unfair5 confident 6 organized7 qualities8 pleasure



Grace’s eyes were wet with tears as she put her face _______ she could, gripping my left han


My legs were aching and I knew that there was____

D no way.我的腿隐隐作痛,我知道,没有办法能上山。The hill是小山。

电脑中的power beep是什么

1、BIOS系统里面的power beep表达的是电源蜂鸣器。2、对这个不需要进行修改,以免影响电脑出现故障时报警不正常,导致故障扩大。BIOS主要功能是为计算机提供最底层的、最直接的硬件设置和控制。此外,BIOS还向作业系统提供一些系统参数。系统硬件的变化是由BIOS隐藏,程序使用BIOS功能而不是直接控制硬件。现代作业系统会忽略BIOS提供的抽象层并直接控制硬件组件。扩展资料:主要程序中断例程BIOS中中断例程即BIOS中断服务程序。它是微机系统软、硬件之间的一个可编程接口,用于程序软件功能与微机硬件实现的衔接。DOS/Windows操作系统对软盘、硬盘、光驱与键盘、显示器等外围设备的管理即建立在系统BIOS的基础上。程序员也可以通过 对INT 5、INT 13等中断的访问直接调用BIOS中断例程。系统设置微机部件配置情况是放在一块可读写的CMOS RAM芯片中的,不接市电或笔记本没有电池时,CMOS通过一块后备电池向CMOS供电以保持其中的信息。如果CMOS中关于微机的配置信息不正确,会导致不能开机、时间不准、零部件不能识别,并由此引发一系列的软硬件故障。在BIOS ROM芯片中装有一个程序称为“系统设置程序”,就是用来设置BIOS中的参数的,并将这些设置保存在COMS中。这个程序一般在开机时按下一个或一组键即可进入,它提供了良好的界面供用户使用。上电自检微机接通电源后,系统将有一个对内部各个设备进行检查的过程,这是由一个通常称之为POST(Power On Self Test,上电自检)的程序来完成的。这也是BIOS的一个功能。完整的POST自检将包括CPU、640K基本内存、1M以上的扩展内存、ROM、主板、 CMOS存贮器、串并口、显示卡、软硬盘子系统及键盘测试。自检中若发现问题,系统将给出提示信息或鸣笛警告。自检程序在完成POST自检后,ROM BIOS将按照系统CMOS设置中的启动顺序搜寻软硬盘驱动器及CDROM、网络服务器等有效的启动驱动器 ,读入操作系统引导记录,然后将系统控制权交给引导记录,由引导记录完成系统的启动。参考资料来源:百度百科——bios

BIOS里power beep是什么意思?

1、BIOS系统里面的power beep表达的是电源蜂鸣器。2、对这个不需要进行修改,以免影响电脑出现故障时报警不正常,导致故障扩大。BIOS主要功能是为计算机提供最底层的、最直接的硬件设置和控制。此外,BIOS还向作业系统提供一些系统参数。系统硬件的变化是由BIOS隐藏,程序使用BIOS功能而不是直接控制硬件。现代作业系统会忽略BIOS提供的抽象层并直接控制硬件组件。扩展资料:主要程序中断例程BIOS中中断例程即BIOS中断服务程序。它是微机系统软、硬件之间的一个可编程接口,用于程序软件功能与微机硬件实现的衔接。DOS/Windows操作系统对软盘、硬盘、光驱与键盘、显示器等外围设备的管理即建立在系统BIOS的基础上。程序员也可以通过 对INT 5、INT 13等中断的访问直接调用BIOS中断例程。系统设置微机部件配置情况是放在一块可读写的CMOS RAM芯片中的,不接市电或笔记本没有电池时,CMOS通过一块后备电池向CMOS供电以保持其中的信息。如果CMOS中关于微机的配置信息不正确,会导致不能开机、时间不准、零部件不能识别,并由此引发一系列的软硬件故障。在BIOS ROM芯片中装有一个程序称为“系统设置程序”,就是用来设置BIOS中的参数的,并将这些设置保存在COMS中。这个程序一般在开机时按下一个或一组键即可进入,它提供了良好的界面供用户使用。上电自检微机接通电源后,系统将有一个对内部各个设备进行检查的过程,这是由一个通常称之为POST(Power On Self Test,上电自检)的程序来完成的。这也是BIOS的一个功能。完整的POST自检将包括CPU、640K基本内存、1M以上的扩展内存、ROM、主板、 CMOS存贮器、串并口、显示卡、软硬盘子系统及键盘测试。自检中若发现问题,系统将给出提示信息或鸣笛警告。自检程序在完成POST自检后,ROM BIOS将按照系统CMOS设置中的启动顺序搜寻软硬盘驱动器及CDROM、网络服务器等有效的启动驱动器 ,读入操作系统引导记录,然后将系统控制权交给引导记录,由引导记录完成系统的启动。参考资料来源:百度百科——bios

bios里power beep什么意思?

1、BIOS系统里面的power beep表达的是电源蜂鸣器。2、对这个不需要进行修改,以免影响电脑出现故障时报警不正常,导致故障扩大。BIOS主要功能是为计算机提供最底层的、最直接的硬件设置和控制。此外,BIOS还向作业系统提供一些系统参数。系统硬件的变化是由BIOS隐藏,程序使用BIOS功能而不是直接控制硬件。现代作业系统会忽略BIOS提供的抽象层并直接控制硬件组件。扩展资料:主要程序中断例程BIOS中中断例程即BIOS中断服务程序。它是微机系统软、硬件之间的一个可编程接口,用于程序软件功能与微机硬件实现的衔接。DOS/Windows操作系统对软盘、硬盘、光驱与键盘、显示器等外围设备的管理即建立在系统BIOS的基础上。程序员也可以通过 对INT 5、INT 13等中断的访问直接调用BIOS中断例程。系统设置微机部件配置情况是放在一块可读写的CMOS RAM芯片中的,不接市电或笔记本没有电池时,CMOS通过一块后备电池向CMOS供电以保持其中的信息。如果CMOS中关于微机的配置信息不正确,会导致不能开机、时间不准、零部件不能识别,并由此引发一系列的软硬件故障。在BIOS ROM芯片中装有一个程序称为“系统设置程序”,就是用来设置BIOS中的参数的,并将这些设置保存在COMS中。这个程序一般在开机时按下一个或一组键即可进入,它提供了良好的界面供用户使用。上电自检微机接通电源后,系统将有一个对内部各个设备进行检查的过程,这是由一个通常称之为POST(Power On Self Test,上电自检)的程序来完成的。这也是BIOS的一个功能。完整的POST自检将包括CPU、640K基本内存、1M以上的扩展内存、ROM、主板、 CMOS存贮器、串并口、显示卡、软硬盘子系统及键盘测试。自检中若发现问题,系统将给出提示信息或鸣笛警告。自检程序在完成POST自检后,ROM BIOS将按照系统CMOS设置中的启动顺序搜寻软硬盘驱动器及CDROM、网络服务器等有效的启动驱动器 ,读入操作系统引导记录,然后将系统控制权交给引导记录,由引导记录完成系统的启动。参考资料来源:百度百科——bios

笔记本BIOS 设置里面的 power beep 是什么?

)Power Control Beep---电源控制声音。如果启用该功能,那么在计算机进入电源管理方式、恢复运行方式以及连接或断开交流电源适配器时会发出蜂鸣声。

There were some bees too.的否定句和否定句

疑问句 Were there any bees, too?否定句 There were not any bees, either.

When spring comes,we can see many bees and butterflies---(fly)around the flowers。


There were some bees on my lunch.句子对some bees的提问

what were there on your lunch?

there were many bees什么the flower?

您好,可以填on。即,There are many bees on the flower.句意:这朵花上有许多蜜蜂。


rainshower意思是暴雨。《Rainshower》是2008年Carson Cooman、Jeffrey Grossman演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《New Dawn》。《New Dawn》是Amanda Forsythe于2008年10月1日发行的音乐专辑,共收录35首歌曲,由歌手Carson Cooman、Jeffrey Grossman担任专辑制作人,《Rainshower》也收录其中。


答案是:said--say got--get wanted--want fitted--fit were--be☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

when the flowers and begetable came up


求救:英语作文:if I were a boy again

If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was difficult or inconvenient. If we want light, we must conquer darkness. Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results.“There are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “Who can surmount the pyramids — the eagle and the snail.” If I were a boy again, I would school myself into a habit of attention; I would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand. I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once. The habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begin early enough. I often hear grownup people say, “I could not fix my attention on the sermon or book, although I wished to do so.” and the reason is, the habit was not formed in youth. If I were to live my life over again, I would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. I would strengthen that faculty by every possible means, and on every possible occasion. It takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and gives very little trouble. It only needs early cultivation to become a power. If I were a boy again, I would cultivate courage. “Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice,” says a wise author. We too often borrow trouble, and anticipate that may never appear. “The fear of ill exceeds the ill we fear.” Dangers will arise in any career, but presence of mind will often conquer the worst of them. Be prepared for any fate, and there is no harm to be feared. If I were a boy again, I would look on the cheerful side. Life is very much like a mirror: If you smile upon it, it smiles back upon you; But if you frown and look doubtful on it, you will get a similar look in return. Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner, but of all that come in contact with it. “Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out from love.” If I were a boy again, I would school myself to say “No” more often. I might write pages on the importance of learning very early in life to gain that point where a young boy can stand erect, and decline doing an unworthy act because it is unworthy. If I were a boy again, I would demand of myself more courtesy towards my companions and friends, and indeed towards strangers as well. The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make the season of ice and snow more endurable. Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, I would, if I were a boy again, I would still try harder to make others happy.求采纳

The child talked to us as if he were a grown-up.不太明白此处事情发生在过去


The child talked to us as if he were a grown-upuff1f

The children talked to us as if he were a grown-up.as if 是一个连词词组,后接一个从句或者一个名词形式。意思是"好像"。as if 引导词本身就表达了一个"虚拟"的意向,所以后面的时态要改为"过去时态"。

To his surprise ,he found a lot of _were_Apassers—by grown —up Bpassers—bys growns —up


The child talked to us as if he were a grown-upuff1f



buy your flowers and grow up买你的花然后长大



willpower ;behavior; behave 这英语怎么读?


willpower ;behavior; behave 这英语怎么读?


five of them were quiet and well behaved 翻译中文

6人在车厢上火车.其中五个是安静的行为和,但是第六是一个粗鲁的年轻人是造成许多麻烦,其他乘客. 这个年轻人最后一站下车,与他的两个沉重的袋子.所有其他的乘客协助他,但他们一直等到无礼年轻人很遥远,然后打开窗户,对他喊道,“你离开留下的车厢里!”然后他把窗关了. 年轻人转过身来,匆匆回到他的两个包.他转回来时,显得非常疲倦,对着窗户大声喊:“我把什么东西留在车上了?” 当火车再次启动时,叫他回来的旅客打开窗户说,“一个极坏的印象!”

If you were an animal rights activist,

If you were an animal rights activist, how would you stop the physicians doing animal research.中文意思是:如果你是一名动物权利活动家,你会怎样停止医师们做动物实验。



在powerpoint中如何插入flas *** ,

分类: 电脑/网络 问题描述: 我插入动画时总是提醒我,quicktime未安装。可是下载安装后依然如此。怎么办? 解析: PowerPoint因其通俗易懂、容易上手而成为老师们制作课件的常用工具,而Flash是目前比较流行的动画制作软件,有时在PowerPoint课件中为了更形象地说明问题,希望可以插入Flas *** 。 看过《中国电脑教育报》以前刊登过在PowerPoint中插入Flas *** 的文章,基本方法是选择菜单“工具→控件工具箱→Shockwave Flash Object”,然后在地址栏位置输入Fla s *** 文件的路径。这种插入Flas *** 的方法有一个缺点是在播放幻灯片时,Flas *** 会自动播放,不能自主地控制。 近日,我发现在PowerPoint中插入Flas *** 的另一种方法,可以避免出现自动播放动画的情况。1、先打开一幻灯片,选择“插入→对象”,在出现的对话框中选择单选框“由文件创建”,这时对话框要求填入文件的位置,单击[浏览],选中需要插入的Flas *** 文件,最后单击[确定]返回幻灯片。 2、这时,在幻灯片上就出现了一个Flash文件的图标,我们可以更改图标的大小或者移动它的位置,然后在这图标上右击鼠标,选中“动作设置”。在“单击鼠标时的动作”中选中“超级链接到”,然后在下拉列表中选择“其他文件”。 3、这时在出现的超链接对话框中输入与之相对应的动画文件,单击[确定],设置完成。 现在我们来播放幻灯片,Flas *** 没有自动播放,我们需用鼠标点击这个Flash文件图标,这时会出现一个对话框,我们单击[确定],此时才会播放动画,不需要时直接单击[关闭]按钮即可。 小提示:后来我发现这种方法也有它的缺陷,那就是不能设置它的播放区域,总是一播放就是原文件的大小,有时就把其他的内容给遮住了,所以您要用的时候要看好是不是符合自己的需要,嘻嘻。 pconline/pcedu/soft/office/ppt/10211/110329


高达2颗英特尔至强处理器 , 800MHz前端总线, 1MB二级缓存3.6GHz;3.4GHz;3.2GHz;3.0GHz;2.8GHz;高达2颗英特尔至强处理器 , 800MHz前端总线, 2MB二级缓存3.6GHz;3.4GHz;3.2GHz;3.0GHz; 工厂安装:Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 企业版Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 标准版Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 小型企业Premium版Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 小型企业标准版Red Hat Enterprise Linux v3 (AS和ES)可用,但不支持工厂安装:Red Hat Enterprise Linux v2.1 (AS和ES)Novell NetWare 6.5Novell NetWare 5.1 硬盘:10,000RPM Ultra320 SCSI驱动器: 36GB, 73GB, 146GB15,000RPM Ultra320 SCSI驱动器: 18GB, 36GB, 73GB最大内部存储: 3TB SCSI (10 X 300GB)外部存储选项:可选PowerVault 220S/221S SCSI外部存储系统可选光纤通道主机适配卡(Qlogic和Emulex)可选Dell/EMC光纤通道外部存储,包括AX100, CX300, CX500, CX700 (包括SAN支持)磁带备份选项:PowerVault PV110T- DAT72PowerVault PV100TPowerVault PV 110T - DLTVS80, DLTVS160, LTO, LTO-2, SDLT320PowerVault PV114T阵列柜PowerVault PV 122T 2U自动装载机 - DLTVS80, LTO, LTO-2, SDLT320PowerVault PV 132T磁带库PowerVault PV136T磁带库PowerVault PV160T磁带库 内部硬盘托架支持1x8 (1x4 + 1x4分开)和1x2媒介托架,副代表标准Dell热插拔底板(同时支持内部磁带备份)专用CD/软驱托架附加两个媒介托架支持2个48X CD-ROM, 16X DVD ROM或24X CD-RW/DVD 驱动器或2个可添加热插拔硬盘 共7个: 2个热插拔PCI Express插槽(x4线 & x8线); 4个PCI-X插槽 (64-bit/133MHz); 1个PCI插槽 (32-bit/33MHz, 5v)驱动器控制器集成双通道LSI 1030 Ultra320 SCSI控制器不需占用PCI插槽提供高性能SCSI技术。提供2个可添加内置SATA通道。可选Adaptec Ultra3 (Ultra160) SCSI 39160控制器支持外部磁带备份(TBU)RAID控制器SCSI: 可选内置双通道Ultra320 SCSI控制器集成PERC 4/Di,附带256MB后背电池支持缓存(支持内部和外部存储)。可选可添加PowerEdge可扩展RAID控制器、版本4、双通道(PERC 4/DC),附带128MB后背电池支持缓存 集成双英特尔 Gigabit2服务器适配器不占用PCI插槽英特尔PRO/1000 MT单口 Gigabit网卡英特尔PRO/1000 MT双口 Gigabit网卡英特尔PRO/1000 MF光纤 Gigabit网卡 机箱类型: 5U塔式或机架安装机箱带面板和机脚扩展件(不含轮脚和调整件)塔式机箱: 44.65厘米 (17.58英寸)高 x 22.99厘米 (9.05英寸)宽 x 71.83厘米 (28.28英寸)深塔式机箱重量 48.98千克 (108磅), 最大配置不带面板机架式机箱: 21.82厘米 (8.59英寸)高 x 44.68厘米 (17.59英寸)宽 x 71.17厘米 (28.02英寸)深机架式机箱重量 45.36千克 (100磅), 最大配置动态ID指示灯包括机箱前后指示灯显示系统状态信息免工具接触内部组件SCSI硬盘托架适用于所有第8代PowerEdge塔式和机架式服务器端口背部: 2个RJ-45、1个9针串口、1个25针并口、2个通用串行总线(USB) 2.0、视频、PS/2鼠标接口、PS/2键盘接口、带蓝色/琥珀色LED指示灯ID按键、外部SCSI接口(要求可选线缆)前部: 2个通用串行总线(USB) 2.0、带蓝色/琥珀色LED指示灯ID按键、15针视频接口电源930W, 可选热插拔冗余电源, 110/220伏散热热插拔冗余风扇 Windows SpaceSaver 101键键盘Windows Performance 101键键盘USB键盘Dell PS/2鼠标 ATI Radeon显卡,含16MB SDRAM显存

第一句歌词貌似应该是you were my dream my world 什么歌曲?

你找的应该是cascada《miracle》歌手:cascada 专辑:everytime we touch [al:everytime we touch]cascada - miracleboy meets girlyou were my dream,my worldbut i was blindyou cheated on me from behindso, on my own, i feel so all alonethough i know, it"s true,i"m still in love with you!chorus:i need a miracle i wanna be your girlgive me a chance to see,that you were made for me!i need a miracle, please let me be your girl,one day you"ll see, it can happen to me!i need a miracle,i wanna be your girlgive me a chance to see,that you are made for me!i need a miracle, please let me be your girl!one day you"ll see,it can happen to me,can happen to me!musical break(miracle)- echomusical breakday and night,i"m always by your sidecause i know, for sure,my love is real, my feelings pure,so take, a try, no need to ask me why!cause i know, it"s true,i"m still in love with you!i need a miracle, i wanna be your girlgive me a chance to see,that you are made for me!i need a miracle, please let me be your girl,one day you"ll see, it can happen to me!i need a miracle, i wanna be your girlgive me a chance to see,that you were made for me!i need a miracle, please let me be your girl!one day you"ll see,it can happen to me, it can happen to me!musical break(miracle)- echomusical break(miracle miracle)-echoend

believer与follower有什么区别?如果要说我是某个哲人(e.g. Socrates,Plato)的信徒,怎么说更好呢?

I am a believer of ...


你说的这个不知道,你确定不是flower吗 flower是花的意思

cashier;towel; tower 这英语用谐音怎么读?




Are these their flowers? No,they are ours. (用belo

does these flowers belong to them? no, they don"t.

Plants are very important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants. This is ...

小题1:A小题2:B小题3:B小题4:C 小题1:主旨推理题。第一段说明了人和动物都需要植物。小题2:细节推理题。根据文章可以排除A.B.C。小题3:词义推理题。Protect 与guard都是保护的意思。小题4:推理题。文章在第一段讲了植物的重要性。第二段又说明了植物的种类以及植物的种子、胚芽等概念。是一篇科技说明文。


were all made here都是这里制造的



lower under below beneath underneath 这几个词究竟有什么分别?能否详细区分开来?

他们的区分underneath is often used instead of under to slightly emphasize the idea of covering,touching,or hiding.beneath can also be used in all there ways,but is a little old-fashioned or literary.Below suggerts only that one thing is in a lower position than another.

what are the powers of the US President?

Powers of the President of the United StatesExecutive powersWithin the executive branch itself, the president has broad powers to manage national affairs and the workings of the federal government. The president can issue rules, regulations, and instructions called executive orders, which have the binding force of law upon federal agencies but do not require congressional approval. As Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the United States, the president may also call into federal service the state units of the National Guard. In times of war or national emergency, the Congress may grant the president even broader powers to manage the national economy and protect the security of the United States. These actions have been taken by presidents from Washington to today but are not powers granted by the Constitution to the president. (Congress is the body constitutionally given the power to call forth the national guard and army.)The president nominates — and the Senate confirms — the heads of all executive departments and agencies, together with hundreds of other high-ranking federal officials. (See United States Cabinet, Executive Office of the President.)The president is also responsible for preparing the budget of the United States, although the Congress must approve it. (See Office of Management and Budget)[edit] Powers related to LegislationDespite constitutional provisions, the president, as the chief formulator of public policy, has a major legislative role. The president can veto any Act of Congress, and unless two-thirds of the members of each house vote to override the veto, the bill does not become law.If the Congress is still in session for ten business days after the president receives the bill, the legislation will become a law without the president"s signature. But, if Congress adjourns within the ten business days of giving the bill to the President, the bill dies. If the president does this to a bill, Congress can do nothing to override the president. This is called a Pocket Veto.Much of the legislation dealt with by Congress is drafted at the initiative of the executive branch. In annual and special messages to Congress, the president may propose legislation he believes is necessary. The most important of these is the annual State of the Union Address. Before a joint session of Congress, the president outlines the status of the country and his legislative proposals for the upcoming year. If Congress should adjourn without acting on those proposals, the president has the power to call it into special session. But beyond this official role, the president, as head of a political party and as principal executive officer of the United States government, is primarily in a position to influence public opinion and thereby to influence the course of legislation in Congress.To improve their working relationships with Congress, presidents in recent years have set up a Congressional Liaison Office in the White House. Presidential aides keep abreast of all important legislative activities and try to persuade senators and representatives of both parties to support administration policies.[edit] Powers of Appointment & Executive ClemencyThe president has the power to nominate federal judges, including members of the Supreme Court. However, these nominations do require Senate ratification, and this can provide a major stumbling block for presidents who wish to shape their supreme court in a particular ideological stance. The president also has the power to grant full or conditional pardon to anyone convicted of breaking a federal law-- except in a case of impeachment. The president has the pardoning power to shorten prison terms and reduce sentences.[edit] Foreign affairsUnder the Constitution, the president is the federal official primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations. The president appoints ambassadors, ministers, and consuls — subject to confirmation by the Senate — and receives foreign ambassadors and other public officials. With the secretary of state, the president manages all official contacts with foreign governments. On occasion, the president may personally participate in summit conferences where chiefs of state meet for direct consultation. Thus, President Woodrow Wilson headed the American delegation to the Paris conference at the end of World War I; President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with Allied leaders during World War II; and every president since then has sat down with world leaders to discuss economic and political issues and to reach bilateral and multilateral agreements.Through the Department of State and the Department of Defense, the president is responsible for the protection of Americans abroad and of foreign nationals in the United States. The president decides whether to recognize new nations and new governments, and negotiate treaties with other nations, which become binding on the United States when approved by two-thirds of the Senate. The president may also negotiate "executive agreements" with foreign powers that are not subject to Senate confirmation.[edit] Constraints on Presidential powerBecause of the vast array of presidential roles and responsibilities, coupled with a conspicuous presence on the national and international scene, political analysts have tended to place great emphasis on the president"s powers. Some have even spoken of "the imperial presidency," referring to the expanded role of the office that Franklin D. Roosevelt maintained during his term.President Theodore Roosevelt famously called the presidency a "bully pulpit" from which to raise issues nationally, for when a president raises an issue, it inevitably becomes subject to public debate. (Although in the argot of his day "bully" was simply a slang adjective meaning "nifty" or "effective", today this phrase is frequently taken at face value with the more common sense of the word "bully".) A president"s power and influence may be limited, but politically the president is certainly the most important power in Washington and, furthermore, is one of the most famous and influential of all Americans.Though constrained by various other laws passed by Congress, the President"s executive branch conducts most foreign policy, and his power to order and direct troops as commander-in-chief is quite significant. (The exact limits of what a President can do with the military without Congressional authorization are open to debate.)The Separation of Powers devised by the framers of the Constitution was designed to do one primary thing: to prevent the majority from ruling with an iron fist. Based on their experience, the framers shied away from giving any branch of the new government too much power. The separation of powers provides a system of shared power known as Checks and Balances (see Separation of powers). For example, the President appoints judges and departmental secretaries. But these appointments must be approved by the Senate.



lower bent的区别




flotherm优化分析,响应面优化后,chart中3D RSO Result Reviewer观察期打开没有显示!


The power of music


English: 怎么区别flour和flower这两个单词的发音?

are things that a man in his living flesh cannot



flour and flower怎么区分

后者是花朵,前者是flour ["flau05] n. 面粉,粉沫,碎粉 n. 面粉,粉沫,碎粉词形变化时 态:floured, flour·ing, flours形容词:flour"y点击查看……
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