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She was going to push him up.是什么意思

She was going to push him up.她打算把他推上去。


您好,(1)在res--menu目录下的main.xml文件。(2)类的文件package com.example.menu_showasaction; import android.os.Bundle; import android.app.Activity; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.widget.Toast; public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main, menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onMenuItemSelected(int featureId, MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case R.id.create: Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "create...", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); break; default: break; } return super.onMenuItemSelected(featureId, item); } }

英语谚语:Haste makes waste 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Haste makes waste 中文意思: 拔苗助长。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The best horse needs breaking and the aptest child needs teaching 玉不琢不成器。 The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good 要求过高反难成功。 The best is yet to be 好戏在后头。 The best man stumbles 智者千虑,必有一失。 The best mirror is an old friend 老朋友是最好的镜子。 The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves 最好的 *** 是教导我们管理自己。 The best of friends must part 莫逆至交,终有一别。 The best remedy against an ill man is much ground between 敬而远之。 The best *** ell is bread the best savour salt the best love that of children 面包的气味最香,食盐的滋味最鲜,儿童的情爱最纯。 The best teacher one can have is necessity 我们能得到的最好教师是“需要”。 英语谚语: Haste makes waste 中文意思: 拔苗助长。


用一般过去时,因为今天已经过去了。today the weather is fine

be hit和was hit

如下:be hit 被击中was hit 被击中了hit可用作名词,有打击,碰撞,批评等含义。hit也可用作及物动词和不及物动词,有打击,碰撞,猜中等含义。一.用作名词1.打,击 That was just a lucky hit! 那只是他运气的一击! 2.(精神上的)打击A difficulty is a hit to the weaker, but a kind of inspiration to the stronger. 困难,对弱者是一次打击,对强者却是一次激励。3.碰撞 We were victims of a hit and run driver. 我们被车撞了,肇事司机逃逸。4.成功,轰动The new fad even made a hit among older people too. 这新的流行甚至也受年龄较大的人们欢迎。5.讽刺,抨击That last remark was a hit at me. 最后的话是对我的讽刺。6.击中,命中;得分 Not even one player got a hit. 甚至没有球员得分。 7.点击,浏览,访问;查询结果,检索结果 Our small company has had 78,000 hits on its Internet pages. 我们这个小公司的因特网网页已经有了78,000次的点击量。二.用作动词1.撞击,碰撞 The car hit a tree. 车碰撞在树上。2.达到 All industrial discharge has hit the state limits by May 2000. 工业污染源已于2000年5月全部达到国家排放标准。3.袭击We were hit by really bad weather. 我们遭受到了坏天气的袭击。4.(精神上)打击,抨击,伤的感情,使受严重影响 The bad news hit everyone hard. 这条坏消息使每个人都受到严重打击。5.击中,命中;得分 He hit the mark nine times. 他九次击中目标。6.猜中You"ve hit it. 你猜对了。7.使突然想起It hit me all of a sudden that I have forget her birthday. 我突然想起,我把她的生日给忘了。8.偶然发现,偶然碰上I hit on the book in a small book-shop. 我在一家小书店偶然发现了这本书。

英文*是*怎么说的啊!到底是was。were,been 还是am,are,is啊??

英语有时态变化be 动词的现在时用is am are 过去时用was were 完成时用has/have been

阅读翻译At one timethere was an oyster.He thought tha

1. was satisfied with2. reason 3. stuck to4. safety5. looking around6. strong enough

Massive to semi massive mineralization was intercepted. 翻译


Pompeii was buried deep. deep做什么成分?


Lot 111,Jln Industri 11,Fasa 3, Kawasan Perindustrian Kelemak, 78000 Alor Gajah,Malaysia

是地址,马来语的。邮编78000 Alor Gajah(工业区)11工业路 第三段111号,78000,地名:亚罗牙也,马来西亚

there was a secon race.(划线提问,划线部分是a second race)


求翻译 快快快 回了 快When I was 8 years old, I once decid


She has an adoptede child who she says was an orphan. 为什么这里的who不用whom?


完形填空mark was an 11-year-old orphan .he lived with his aunt,who was not greatly with the burden


Once there was a little orphan (孤儿) who always wished that he could fly like a bird. It was ver.

【小题 1】B小题2:A 【小题 3】C 【小题 1】词义推断题,由文中语句““But I"ve been thinking about what it would be like to walk and run like others.””理解可知。【小题 2】细节理解题,由文中语句“The little orphan boy turned around and told his friend to slide onto his back. Then he began to run across the grass. He ran faster and faster, carrying the little crippled boy on his back.”理解可知。【小题3 】细节理解题,通读全文理解可知。

I Was Praying 歌词

歌曲名:I Was Praying歌手:The Five Blind Boys Of Mississippi专辑:Kings Of The Gospel Highwaybryan adamsShe left my dreams just out of reachShe left her shoes out on the beachShe left her footprints in the sandShe was a bird right in the handI met a girl that made me laughShe left a faded photographI thought I heard a siren songI sang along but I was...I was only dreamin"Visions in my headTalkin in my sleepTurning in my bedI met a girl that talked in rhymeI met a girl who took her timeI saw the ocean in her eyesI saw myself unrecognizedAnd all the stars up in the skyFell down like rain and made me cryI held the world right in my handsI held her close but I was...Life was so completeBut I was only dreamin"oh yearhttp://music.baidu.com/song/22436845

请问谁有张卫平 英语报刊阅读(语言文化类)第一课The Higher Education of Washington 的原文翻译!谢谢


It was wham, bam, thank you, Sam.是什么意思?越狱2里的


Prana was a beautiful dog, whose name means "breath of life".文段翻译

普拉那是一个漂亮的狗,名字的意思是“生命的呼吸”。虽然它死了几年,但我还记得我们一起度过的日子,它教会了我很多关于爱的道理。我有两棵苹果树在花园里。它爱苹果。当它走到外面,它会抓住一个苹果,把它进带进屋里晚些再吃。苹果一直放在地上,常常很脏,所以我并不总是高兴它带苹果进了屋子。那是一天美国的秋日,但很冷。在那天下了大雪之前我们没有做任何的准备。在那个特殊的日子,普拉那到外面去,我看着它从窗户进来。我注意到他疯狂挖洞,使苹果到地面之上,所以他们可以看到雪。我不知道它为什么会这样做,它似乎想做一件特别的事。当我叫他回来,他通常一个苹果塞进嘴里。大约五分钟后,我向窗外望去。那花园完全被雪覆盖了。普拉那挖出了那些苹果让他的鸟朋友吃。他知道鸟朋友在即将来临的冬天没有储存足够的食物! (by the way, it"s really a good dog! ) Hope to help you!


thrones was set宝座是集

The moment I opened the door, I had an () that something was wrong.


hear the news,I was heart broken.为什么要变为Hearing?

Hearing the news,I was heart broken. 句子的 hearing 是现在分词 hearing the news 是形容词短语,修饰 I . 这是固定语法. 再举个例子: Wagging its tail,the dog ran toward it"s master.

为同学翻译papa was a rodeo歌词,力求表达更加准确和贴切,请求知友们指点!

Papa was a rodeo(By Sara Lov)I like your twisted point of view, Mike 你那游目骋怀的奇思妙想,仿佛为我流淌,麦克I like your questioning eyebrows 我的心绪早已锁在你想要洞悉一切的眉穹,麦克 You"ve made it pretty clear what you like 你点滴爱好,我都已明了,将视若珍宝 It"s only fair to tell you now 抱歉,是时让你知晓 that I leave early in the morning 我无法再同你耳旁细语悄悄and I won"t be back till next year 今晨离别是明年归来的彩票 I see that kiss-me pucker forming 我看清了你那不舍的索吻祷告 but maybe you should plug it with a beer, cause 但还请你,借酒浇愁,因为你不知道Papa was a rodeo - Mama was a rock"n"roll band 家父深爱野马,一生自在逍遥,家家钟情摇滚,半世充满闪耀 I could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to stand 蹒跚爬行之时,就懂弄琴御车,试将自由拥抱 Home was anywhere with diesel gas – 我自四海为家 Love was a trucker"s hand 所到便是牵挂Never stuck around long enough for a one night stand 哪怕温存醉人,从不为谁停下 Before you kiss me you should know 你我拥吻刹那,与你预想有差Papa was a rodeo 你爱上的人,她只爱天涯 The light reflecting off the mirror ball 舞厅灯似玛瑙 looks likea thousand swirling eyes 如同千眸闪耀 They make me think I shouldn"t be here at all 听到四周鼓噪,明白此地非我宝岛 You know,every minute someone dies 你我心自明了,此生逝时难料 What are we doing in this dive bar 何必在此犄角,让生命盲目燃烧 How can you live in a place like this 你怎可被懦弱环绕,不去尽情奔跑Why don"t you just get into my car 为何不让我带你前行,精彩要一起寻找and I"ll take you away I"ll take that kiss now, but 让我带你起舞翩翩,彼此相恋无间,但切莫忘记我曾有言Papa was a rodeo - Mama was a rock"n"roll band 家父深爱野马,一生自在逍遥,家家钟情摇滚,半世充满闪耀I could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to stand 蹒跚爬行之时,就懂弄琴御车,试将自由拥抱Home was anywhere with diesel gas – 我自四海为家Love was a trucker"s hand 所到便是牵挂Never stuck around long enough for a one night stand 哪怕温存醉人,从不为谁停下Before you kiss me you should know 你我拥吻刹那,与你预想有差Papa was a rodeo 你爱上的人,她只爱天涯 And now it"s 55 yearslater甲子转瞬不见We"ve had the romance of the century 浪漫已融百年After all these years wrestling gators 千载搏击诗篇,眨眼已被收殓I still feel like crying when I think of what you said to me 回首你我往昔,耳语清晰不变,不禁落泪连连Papa was a rodeo - Mama was a rock"n"roll band 家父深爱野马,一生自在逍遥,家家钟情摇滚,半世充满闪耀I could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to stand 蹒跚爬行之时,就懂弄琴御车,试将自由拥抱Home was anywhere with diesel gas – 我自四海为家Love was a trucker"s hand 所到便是牵挂Never stuck around long enough for a one night stand 哪怕温存醉人,从不为谁停下Before you kiss me you should know 你我拥吻刹那,应该小心幸福哪天轰然坍塌Papa was a rodeo 因为你爱的人,她只爱天涯 Before you kiss me you should know - Papa was a rodeo 轻触我唇之前,别忘我已有言,家父是个牛仔What a coincidence,your Papa was a rodeo too 当初青春丽韶,若你不说,何会料到:令父也爱驭缰奔跑,一生不懂寂寥,直到慢慢终老。

Papa Was a Rodeo 歌词

歌曲名:Papa Was a Rodeo歌手:Sara Lov专辑:i already love youPapa Was a RodeoSara LovI Already Love YouI like your twisted point of view, MikeI like your questioning eyebrowsYou"ve made it pretty clear what you likeIt"s only fair to tell you nowthat I leave early in the morningand I won"t be back till next yearI see that kiss-me pucker formingbut maybe you should plug it with a beer, causePapa was a rodeo - Mama was a rock"n"roll bandI could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to standHome was anywhere with diesel gas - Love was a trucker"s handNever stuck around long enough for a one night standBefore you kiss me you should knowPapa was a rodeoThe light reflecting off the mirror balllooks like a thousand swirling eyesThey make me think I shouldn"t be here at allYou know, every minute someone diesWhat are we doing in this dive barHow can you live in a place like thisWhy don"t you just get into my carand I"ll take you away I"ll take that kiss now, butPapa was a rodeo Mama was a rock"n"roll bandI could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to standHome was anywhere with diesel gas - Love was a trucker"s handNever stuck around long enough for a one night standBefore you kiss me you should knowPapa was a rodeoAnd now it"s 55 years laterWe"ve had the romance of the centuryAfter all these years wrestling gatorsI still feel like crying when I think of what you said to mePapa was a rodeo Mama was a rock"n"roll bandI could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to standHome was anywhere with diesel gas - Love was a trucker"s handNever stuck around long enough for a one night standBefore you kiss me you should knowPapa was a rodeoWhat a coincidence, your Papa was a rodeo toohttp://music.baidu.com/song/5545918

If I Was A Dancer (Dance Pt. 2) 歌词

歌曲名:If I Was A Dancer (Dance Pt. 2)歌手:The Rolling Stones专辑:Sucking In The SeventiesI stand accused of talkingBut I feel that we are fallingIn the same old grooveThe radio is playingSpitting out the same old newsIt"s time to get up, get outGet out into something newTime to get up, get outOut into something newEverybody wants somebody"s fantasyEverybody wants somebody"s crazy dreamsEverybody wants somebody"s fantasyEverybody wants somebody"s crazy dreamsIf I was a woman, I would want a new man every nightIf I was a woman, I would want a new man every nightIf I was a politician, make sure I was the best in sightIf I was a woman, I would want a new man every nightThe poor man eyes the rich manDenigrates his povertyThe rich man eyes the poor manAnd envies his simplicityEverybody wants somebody"s fantasyEverybody wants somebody"s crazy dreamsIf I was a movie star, five million dollars would be my priceIf I was a trucker, I"d drive for seven days and seven lonelyNightsIf I was a drummer, I would never miss the beatIf I was a dancer, y"all would never see my feetIf I was a hooker, a thousand dollars would be my price, all rightIf I was a candidate for President, I"d make sure I had a steady wifeIf I was a millionaire, I"d spend all my money in one crazy nightI am what I amYeah, my my boss I am what I amMy dreams can"t be bought Yeah, I said nowI tear across the dollar Just to end this day with you Yeah, I am what I amI am my own boss Everybody wants somebody"s crazy dreamsEverybody want somebody"s fantasyEverybody wants somebody"s crazy dreamsEverybody wants somebody"s crazy dreamsEverybody want somebody"s fantasyEverybody wants somebody"s crazy dreamshttp://music.baidu.com/song/1753223

William Shakespeare was a writer of plays and poems. Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet, ...

小题1:D小题2:A小题3:D小题4:C小题5:B 试题分析:本文叙述了莎士比亚的生平事迹,他是英国伟大的剧作家和诗人,他从事写作虽然没有挣到钱,可是他通过在剧中做演员挣了一些钱,他总共写了37个剧本,至今仍然很受欢迎。小题1:细节理解题。根据Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth. 故选D。小题2:细节理解题。根据He was born in 1564 in England.He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen.故选A。小题3:细节理解题。根据In 1585, Shakespeare left his hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon. His wife and children stayed behind. 他独自离开了家,故选D。小题4:细节理解题。根据But he made a lot of money from acting.故选C。小题5:细节理解题。根据William Shakespeare was a writer of plays and poems.莎士比亚写了许多剧本和诗,故选B。点评:细节题为阅读考题的重头戏,所占比例高达80% ,相对而言较简单,因为这类题虽然要求理解准确,但基本上限于字面意义的理解,范围也限于局部,因此是我们可望得高分的部分。细节题绝大部分体现“中心思想是解”这一原理。本文都是细节理解题,在文中比较容易找到答案。

Shakespeare was said______37 famous plays in his?

Shakespeare was said to have written 37 famous plays in his lifetime.人们说莎士比亚写了37个有名的歌剧.,10, 举报 yuanbandeng 请采纳。谢谢! 我是一个良民 举报 为什么 我是一个良民 举报 谁不知道答案啊 我是一个良民 举报 我要为什么 举报 yuanbandeng is said to 是固定的用法。 从来没有is said having done 的说法。 我是一个良民 举报 但是可以是is said that 从句呀 举报 yuanbandeng 改为is said that 从句 要用 It is said that, 主语用it It is said that Shakespeare had written 37 famous plays. 我是一个良民 举报 你确定是这样吗 我是一个良民 举报 还有一点:为什么要用to have done 我是一个良民 举报 难道To have done表示过去? 举报 yuanbandeng to have done 意思是已经完成, 已过去。莎士比亚已经死去已久,所以一定要用 is said to have done 我是一个良民 举报 你能给我列举列举不定式有什么类型吗 举报 yuanbandeng 你应该买一本英语语法书看。 我是一个良民 举报 不是只有五种吗 我是一个良民 举报 不用这么麻烦吧。。。 举报 yuanbandeng 这是我从网上找到的。 1.作主语 作主语用的动词不定式常常用it替代,动词不定式(或短语)放在后面。例如: It"s easy to get lost in a big city like Tokyo.在东京这样的大城市容易迷路。 It is terrible to see the ship sinking into the sea.目睹轮船沉入大海,真是太可怕了。 2.作宾语 Indians like to eat hot food.印度人喜欢吃辣味食品。 They need to look at a map.他们需要查看地图。 有的动词不定式在作带有补足语的宾语时,前面往往带有形式宾语it。例如: Do you think it necessary for us to learn to wait?你认为学会等待对我们来说很必要吗? They improved the software to make it easier for people to use puters.他们改进了软件,使人们使用计算机更简便了。 3.作表语 It seems to be an interesting book.它看起来是本有趣的书。 The old man"s job is to take care of the flowers in the garden.这位老人的工作是照料花园里的花。 4.作宾语补足语 He told me not to bring you anything.他叫我不要给你带任何东西。 Who taught you to play the music?谁教你弹这支曲子的? 举报 yuanbandeng 5.作定语 动词不定式作定语时,要放在它所修饰的名词或代词后面。例如: In my dreams I always have very difficult jobs to do.我在梦里总是做一些艰难的工作。 Every day he made one of the *** aller animals bring him something to eat.他每天叫一个小动物给他带来吃的东西。 6.作状语 (1)表示目的 You can hide under my seat when the conductor es to check the tickets.当列车员来查票时,你可以藏在我的座位下面。 In his third year,he left Harvard to work for a pany called Microsoft.在三年级时,他为了去微软公司工作而离开了哈佛大学。 (2)表示结果 动词不定式作状语表示结果时常与副词too或enough连用。例如: It"s too heavy to carry.太重了搬不动。 The Californian ship arrived too late to save more people.加利福尼亚号来得太晚,没能挽救更多的人。 7.和某些形容词连用 和动词不定式经常连用的形容词有sure,ready,happy,sorry,afraid等。例如: He"s very happy to see his wife.他见到妻子非常高兴。 I"m sorry to trouble you.很抱歉打扰你了。 8.和疑问词who,what,when,where,which,how构成不定式短语作宾语。例如: I don"t know how to use a puter.我不知道怎样使用计算机。 Can you tell me when to start?你能告诉我什么时候出发吗? 我是一个良民 举报 我不是问这个。。。 我是一个良民 举报 我只是问不定式可以是 to do To have done 还有什么形势 to have been doing 如果动作还在持续的话。,Shakespeare was said______37 famous plays in his life time A having writing B to have written

---- Have you heard of the story Monkey King? It ____ like this: There was a monkey who….----Oh..

C 试题分析:句意:你听说过《西游记》吗?故事是这样的:有一个猴子……。哦,听起来很有趣。say后接说的内容,tell译为“告诉”,look“看起来”;sound“听起来”,因此第一个空选择go“进行”;故选C。

was gone 和disappear的区别


There was a fashion show yesterday.否定句和一般疑问句

否定句:There wasn"t a fashion show yesterday. 一般疑问句:Was there a fashion show yesterday?

fragrance wash gel nettoyant parfume什么意思

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求一篇 英语阅读理解 开头是When I was 13 years old, l became a vegetarian?

When I was nine years old living in a *** all town in North Carolina,I found an ad for selling greeting cards in the back of a children"s magazine. I thought to myself I could do this. I asked my mother to let me send for the cards. Two weeks later when the cards arrived, I opened the parcel, caught the cards and rushed from the house. Three hourslater, I returned home with no card and a pocket full of money. A sales-person was born.    When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Zigler.I remember sitting in that dark hall listening to Mr. Zigler"s talk, which made everyone excited. I left there feeling like I could do anything. When we got to the car, I turned to my father and said, "Dad, I want to make people feel like that." My lather asked me what I meant. "I want to be a motivational speaker just like Mr. Zigler," I answered. A dream was born.    Recently, I began following my dream of motivating others. After a four-year job in a big pany beginning as a sales trainer and ending as a sales manager, I left the pany in the end. Many people were surprised that I would leave after getting a great ine. And they asked why I would risk everything for a dream.    I made my decision to start my own pany after attending a sales meeting. The chairman of our pany delivered a talk that changed my life. He asked us, "If a genie would give you three wishes, what would they be?" After we wrote down the three wishes, he asked, "Why do you need a genie?" i knew I was ready and did not need a genie"s help to bee a motivational speaker. I wanted to move forward rather than end up with a mouth full of "if only..." later on. A motivational speaker was born. 提示:think to oneself 盘算;自思自忖   motivational adj.鼓动性的    risk v.冒险    genie n.精灵 Read the passage and choose the best answer. 阅读短文后,选择最佳答案. 1. What is the passage mainly about?  ( )   A. Something the writer did when he was a child.   B. How the writer became a salesperson.   C. Somebody who helped the writer start his own pany.   D. When the writer began to have the strange dream. 2. The sentence "A salesperson was born" means “__________” ( )   A. the writer began to be a salesperson then   B. a child born at that time became a salesperson later   C. the writer knew he could be a salesperson   D. it was how the first salesperson was born 3. Why did the writer want to leave the pany? ( )   A. The chairman told him to do so.   B. He couldn"t motivate others in his work.   C. The meeting made him very unhappy.   D. He wanted to find a better way to make his dream e true. 4. What might happen next, according to the writer" s idea?    ( )   A. The writer would start his own pany and bee a great motivational speaker.   B. The writer" s dream could not e true because genies didn"t help him.   C. The pany would e to an end when the writer left.   D. The writer would motivate everyone to join his pany. 应该是,2,求一篇 英语阅读理解 开头是When I was 13 years old, l became a vegetarian and quickly

求一篇 英语阅读理解 开头是When I was 13 years old, l became a vegetarian

When I was nine years old living in a *** all town in North Carolina,I found an ad for selling greeting cards in the back of a children"s magazine. I thought to myself I could do this. I asked my mother to let me send for the cards. Two weeks later when the cards arrived, I opened the parcel, caught the cards and rushed from the house. Three hourslater, I returned home with no card and a pocket full of money. A sales-person was born.    When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Zigler.I remember sitting in that dark hall listening to Mr. Zigler"s talk, which made everyone excited. I left there feeling like I could do anything. When we got to the car, I turned to my father and said, "Dad, I want to make people feel like that." My lather asked me what I meant. "I want to be a motivational speaker just like Mr. Zigler," I answered. A dream was born.    Recently, I began following my dream of motivating others. After a four-year job in a big pany beginning as a sales trainer and ending as a sales manager, I left the pany in the end. Many people were surprised that I would leave after getting a great ine. And they asked why I would risk everything for a dream.    I made my decision to start my own pany after attending a sales meeting. The chairman of our pany delivered a talk that changed my life. He asked us, "If a genie would give you three wishes, what would they be?" After we wrote down the three wishes, he asked, "Why do you need a genie?" i knew I was ready and did not need a genie"s help to bee a motivational speaker. I wanted to move forward rather than end up with a mouth full of "if only..." later on. A motivational speaker was born. 提示:think to oneself 盘算;自思自忖   motivational adj.鼓动性的    risk v.冒险    genie n.精灵 Read the passage and choose the best answer. 阅读短文后,选择最佳答案. 1. What is the passage mainly about?  ( )   A. Something the writer did when he was a child.   B. How the writer became a salesperson.   C. Somebody who helped the writer start his own pany.   D. When the writer began to have the strange dream. 2. The sentence "A salesperson was born" means “__________” ( )   A. the writer began to be a salesperson then   B. a child born at that time became a salesperson later   C. the writer knew he could be a salesperson   D. it was how the first salesperson was born 3. Why did the writer want to leave the pany? ( )   A. The chairman told him to do so.   B. He couldn"t motivate others in his work.   C. The meeting made him very unhappy.   D. He wanted to find a better way to make his dream e true. 4. What might happen next, according to the writer" s idea?    ( )   A. The writer would start his own pany and bee a great motivational speaker.   B. The writer" s dream could not e true because genies didn"t help him.   C. The pany would e to an end when the writer left.   D. The writer would motivate everyone to join his pany. 应该是

jacks father repaired the car itwas broken改为同义句谢谢

可以改成Jack"s father repaired the broken car.或者用定语从句Jack"s father repaired the car which was broken.

I was raped是啥意思

你被强 暴了

I was telling my boy Sonny ...



Something relieved him.或It relieved him.

20. He was relieved _____ that his son had been rescued from the wrecked ship. A. to learn

relieved是形容词,其中有一个固定用法是 relieved to see/know/hear sth.意思是“看到、听到、了解到~~~~后,很欣慰” 这是固定用法。

Which one was healthier/less healthy?的中文意思是什么


He was caught poaching a deer on my land是状语从句么?


He was a child prodigy on the piano 中的on 是关于的意思么


Uncle Vernon was pointing at what looked like a large rock way out at sea

one interpretation of "way" : adv. to a great degree or by a great distance.不言而喻了

it is repaired regularly是什么语态,为什么用is不是was



Hedas Nexus支线任务(开启该星云要到Illium去买地图)前往Hedas Nexus的Sheol星系Gei Hinnom行星,探测到异常。扫描显示那里有一个Quarian飞船残骸,并且探测到生命。前去寻找幸存者。在这里找到一个受伤的Quarian调查后,会有很多Verran攻击,守住一段时间后,飞船会来,会飞船就行了支线任务结束Minos Wasteland星云支线任务(开启该星云要在Illuim买地图)前往MinosWasteland的Fortis星系Aequitas星球,探测到异常扫描到采矿基地有外星信号进入矿井后发现很多Husk,从矿井里的资料得知这里的工人发现一个外星机器,后来工人就生病了,后来就变成了Husk。来到深处,这里的敌人貌似会不断刷,把机器旁边的两个Bomb打暴就可以了支线任务结束Pylos Nebula支线任务前往Pylos Nebula的Naripg的MSV Broken Arrow。(这个任务我不清楚是怎么接到的,可能是收到了一封邮件,也有可能是在Illium上买的地图后自动触发的)扫描显示这艘飞船正向附近的行星坠落,船上有Geth活动迹象。任务是有时间限制的,注意一下把船上能互动的东西后互动一边,最后启动引擎,支线任务结束。

It was ________ he had done to the villagers ________ saddened his parents.


My seat was next to ___of James Bond


winkawas我下载了双截龙ZIP文件没解压的放到NEG文件夹里 为什么提示我找不到游戏的082-pl.bin(34ab832a)


maybe it was fated歌词

Maybe it was fated (也许是命中注定)Vocal:Hiroko Yamawaki(山脇 宏子) Arrangement, Guitar & Bass:Kohei Wada(和田 耕平) Lyrics:Kyo Hifumi(一二三 恭) Chorus:Hiroko Yamawaki(山脇 宏子)、Ayako Sibazaki(しばざき あやこ) 何を求めて 何をあきらめたの naniwo motome te naniwo akirametano 所追求之物是什么 所摈弃之物又是什么 そしてその手に何を掴もうとしてるの soshitesono teni naniwo tsukamo utoshiteruno 随即 这双手所握紧的又是什么 Maybe it was fated 流れに Maybe it was fated nagare ni 也许是命中注定 缓缓流动 Maybe it was fated まかせて Maybe it was fated makasete 也许是命中注定 被托付的Maybe it was fated この瞬间 Maybe it was fated kono shunkan 也许是命中注定 这个瞬间ただ乐しめばいい tada tanoshi mebaii 自己只要能够享受就好ずっと望んでいるのは zutto nozon deirunoha 一直渴望得到的 たったひとつの爱だけ tattahitotsuno meda ke 仅仅只是一份真爱 きっと叶わないなら kitto kanawa nainara 如果永远都无法实现 いっそすべて消してしまえ issosubete keshi teshimae 那就让一切都灰飞烟灭何を探して 何を失ったの naniwo sagashi te naniwo utta no 所追求之物是什么 所摈弃之物又是什么 そしてその目は何を见つけるというの soshitesono me ha naniwo mitsu kerutoiuno 随即 这双眼看到的又是什么 Maybe it was fated 体が Maybe it was fated karada ga 也许是命中注定 这个躯体 Maybe it was fated 欲しがる Maybe it was fated hoshi garu 也许是命中注定 所渴望的Maybe it was fated リズムを Maybe it was fated rizumu wo 也许是命中注定 那首旋律 ただ楽しめばいい tada tanoshi mebaii 自己只要能够倾听就好 ずっと足掻き続けて zutto ashi kaki tsuduke te 一直拼命抓紧的 たったひとつの爱さえ tattahitotsuno aisa e仅仅只是一份真爱 きっと得られないなら kitto era renainara 如果永远都无法得到 いっそすべて舍ててしまえ issosubete sute teshimae 那就把一切都全部舍弃 Maybe it was fated 流れに Maybe it was fated nagare ni 也许是命中注定 缓缓流动 Maybe it was fated まかせて Maybe it was fated makasete 也许是命中注定 被托付的Maybe it was fated この瞬间 Maybe it was fated kono shunkan 也许是命中注定 这个瞬间ただ乐しめばいい tada tanoshi mebaii 自己只要能够享受就好ずっと待ち続けてる zutto machi tsuduke teru一直耐心等待的 たった一度の口づけ tatta ichido no kuchiduke 仅仅只是一次亲吻 そっと抱きしめられて sotto daki shimerarete 而它就在轻轻地被拥抱 流す涙の中で nagasu namida no naka de 那瞬间所流出的泪水之中 ずっと隠し続けた zutto kakushi tsuduke ta一直埋藏在心底的 たったひとつの愿いが tattahitotsuno negai ga 无可替代的唯一愿望 きっと満たされるなら kitto mita sarerunara 如果能够满足的话 命など惜しくはない inochi nado oshi kuhanai即使生命都能够舍弃

各位翻译帮忙解决一下: Here was the raw material of houses a


It is complex physics process that using waste plastic bottles of raw material make clothes

Making clothes from waste plastic bottles requires a complex physical and chemical process

The boy was put into the prison for of stealing a lot of ...

C 试题分析:考查动名词用法及动词用法。For是介词,后面要接动名词。Blame与介词for连用;charge与介词with连用,accuse与介词of连用,表示控告。句意:那个男孩被送进监狱是因为被控告偷了很多的刀。根据句意说明本题使用被动形式,且与of连用。故C正确。点评:注意动名词的被动及复合结构,blame要与for连用;accuse要与of连用;charge要与with连用。

这句话中的主语和宾语分别是什么?The boy was caught stealing.

主语The boy 谓语 was caught (被动) stealing.宾语补足语

He was caught alive中的主语补足语是哪一部分啊 ?


The boy was caught stealing.


出生地年月日怎么用英文写出来,如was bron是用in还是用on

出生地年月日怎么用英文写出来,如was bron是用in还是用onwas born in+地点+on+日期



英语-为什么是I was born?

假设是错误的 born不是bear的过去式

I was so overwhelmed 是什么意思

这句话的意思应该是 我不知所措

I was so overwhelmed 是什么意思

整句翻译:我被打动了.(或者我对这件事感激涕零/我被..征服了)具体根据语境来翻就好了~ overwhelmed 及物动词 vt. 1.战胜;征服;压倒 The defense was overwhelmed by superior numbers. 防守被优势的兵力摧垮了. 2.覆盖;淹没 The village was overwhelmed by ash from the volcano. 村子被火山灰覆盖. 3.使受不了;使不知所措[H][(+by/with)] was overwhelmed by his generosity. 他的慷慨令我感激难言.


一般现在时 is

It was no use to do还是It is no use doing?

习惯上应该说:it is no use doing类似结构:it is no good doing如果要用to do,应该用It is useless to do sth例:It is no use talking without doing. 光说不做是没有用的。

______in a seemingly endless war, the general was forced to evaluate the situation again.


what a coincidence it was为啥要加it was 他们做什么成分?

这是一一句感叹句!以what开头,感叹句一般由:感叹词+名词/形容词+人称或物主代词+系动词本来这句话是It is a ( )concidence .意思是:这是一场多么可怕的事故呀!但是感叹句一般把形容词去掉,前面加what/how做为感叹词!再把it is 放到后面!事实上就类似于一个倒装句,加强语气!只是以what/how开头而已!不过what后面只能接名词,而how后面只能接形容词!这句话可以这样说:What a terrible concidence it is!How terrible the concidence is!在语气上,一般都会很夸张的表情和语气!希望能帮到你!

英语我想说 这是一个巧合 可以说it happened吗?那it was a coincidence

usually you say it as "it happened accidentally"..it could be "it was a coincidence" in writting..but not for oral :)

开头是A woman was troubled by mice。they ran inside her house at night.的文章,谁有

A woman was troubled by mice. They ran inside her house at night. In the day, they were in hiding. The woman thought, "What I need is a good cat, a good mouser." She knew of a man who had cats for sale. So she went to see him. "Do you have a cat that"s good for the mice?" she asked the man. "Well, yes, I do happen to have a cat that"s good for the mice," replied the man. "I"ll take it," said the woman. She paid for the cat and took it home.Several days later, her house had more mice.She went back to ask the seller. "Your cat simply won"t catch them, I thought you said he was good for the mice.""That"s right," said the man, "He is good for the mice. Come to think about it, he"s really very good-- for the mice!"

一个外语题Word formWord form 1、It was imperative that students __?

1、It was imperative that students __has finished____(finish) their papers before July 1st. 2、So far,Irving __has been living____(live) in New York City for ten years. 3、The patient __had been sent____(send) to another hospital before we got there. 4、The __farther___(far) away we get from the earth,the thinner the air bees. 5、With apples at 25 cents a pound,we couldn"t resist _taking_____(take) four pounds. 6、Coffee delays the body clock in the morning,and _advances_____(advance) it at night. 7、When __given____(give) the chance,it is quite possible for him to fulfill the task within ten days. 8、I"ll be only too pleased _to help_____(help) out those who are in difficulty. 9、Television is another major instrument of munication,_permitting_____(permit) us to see as well as to hear the performer. 10、It is high time that we _shall take_____(take)firm measures to protect our environment.,3,1.finished 2.has been living 3.had been sent 4.farther 5.taking 6.advances 7.given 8.for helping 9.that permits 10.must take,2,1 finish 2 has been living 3 had been sent to 4 farther 5 taking 6 advances 7 given 8 to help 9 permitting 10 take,0,finish has lived had been sent farther taking can"t resist doing advances given to help permitting/which permits took,0,一个外语题Word form Word form 1、It was imperative that students ______(finish) their papers before July 1st. 2、So far,Irving ______(live) in New York City for ten years. 3、The patient ______(send) to another hospital before we got there. 4、The _____(far) away we get from the earth,the thinner the air bees. 5、With apples at 25 cents a pound,we couldn"t resist ______(take) four pounds. 6、Coffee delays the body clock in the morning,and ______(advance) it at night. 7、When ______(give) the chance,it is quite possible for him to fulfill the task within ten days. 8、I"ll be only too pleased ______(help) out those who are in difficulty. 9、Television is another major instrument of munication,______(permit) us to see as well as to hear the performer. 10、It is high time that we ______(take)firm measures to protect our environment.

The view from my bedroom window was absolutely spectacular.


Her remark was followed by an embarrassed silence。这句话为什么用embarrassed,而不用embarrassing?

embarrassed 修饰人 embarrassing 修饰物

It was so ________ having to sing in public. A.embarrassed B.embarrassing C.nervous D.em

B 试题分析:考查词义辨析。Embarrassed感到尴尬的;embarrassing令人尴尬的;nervous 紧张的;embarrassingly是副词,令人尴尬地;句意:不得不在公众场所唱歌是如此地让人尴尬。故B项正确。点评:要注意现在分词转换的形容词常常用来形容事物,过去分词转换的形容词修饰人或者与人有关的事物。解题时要把单词的意思与句意相融合。

英语I was overwhelmed怎么翻译?

I was over whelmed 我不知所措

________he was seen to be an aggressive politician, he was a quiet and loving family man at home.

【答案】:AAlthough虽然、尽管,despite尽管、不管、任凭,in spite of尽管、虽然、不管,nevertheless然而、尽管如此。Although和nevertheless是连词,后接句子。Despite是介词,后面只能接名词、动名词或代词,不能接句子。In spite of是介词短语,后接名词、名词性从句。根据题意,选项A是正确的。Despite和in spite of都含有不管、不顾的意思,不合题意,语法上也不合要求。选项D虽然是连词,但在词义上不合题意。【句子大意】虽然他被公认为是激进的政治家,但在家里他却是平静的、爱家的男人。


大家可有听说过“Greenwash”这个单词?“green”也就是英文中表示“绿色”的green,也可以引申为“有益于地球、环境,环境意识高”的意思。“wash”也是我们熟知的英文单词,“洗、清洗”的意思。这两个单词都是我们熟知的英文单词,有人会想将两个拼合起来“green+wash”是否就是“对地球有意的清洗”这个意思呢? 其实不然!greenwash这个单词实际上是从“whitewash”这个单词演变而来的。Whitewash原本是“修正液”的意思,也由此引申出“瞒弄、补缀、粉饰”等意思。也就是说whitewash是个经常使用到“对某某事情隐瞒”、“对某某情况粉饰(好处、太平)”等场合。例如:He tried to whitewash the sin of himself.(他极力隐瞒自己的罪行。) 将“用白色的修正液涂抹来掩盖”的whitewash中的white用green来替换,就产生了greenwash这个新的英文单词,它的意思就是“用对环境有利这个幌子来做掩盖”。一般来说英文圈国家的人们知道whitewash这个词的引申意思,听到greenwash后就会很容易的领会它背后的含义。 Greenwash,实际上是一个针对“表面上看起来在做着有利于环境的事情,实际上却在做着给环境带来很坏的影响的企业行为和这样的企业。”的意思。例如,实际上大部分的生产经营用能源是使用煤炭、石油这类不可再生资源,却采用利用风车产生的风力能源这样的广告形象等行为。之将部分实施的自然能源利用行为做表象,“向外界发布爱护环境形象”的企业就在greenwash的所指范围内。无论是企业故意的做表面形象战略,还是企业善意的某种行为,但是结果上还是“给环境带来了恶性影响”的,也在这个greenwash的所指范围内。 针对greenwash行为,在亚洲国家收到社会批判和指责的好像并没有出现。但是在欧美等国家NGO(非政府组织)、市民、媒体等都会对企业的“greenwash”行为进行告发或者批判。例如,本部位于美国的CorpWatch的NGO,自1996年成立以来一直开展着针对通过战争、不正当行为、环境破坏、人权侵犯等行为获取利益的企业的告发活动。每年都会进行“greenwash大奖”评选,在世界自由经济论坛(World Economic Forum)期间开展“颁奖”活动。在该组织的网页上有“greenwash的历史”和“授奖者的授奖理由”这样的页面,也许对感兴趣的网友可以参考,引以为戒! 什么是“洗绿”?近几年英文中兴起了一个新词汇“Greenwash”,来自green(绿色)和whitewash(洗白)的结合,也被翻译成“漂绿”,指的是名不符实的环保形象包装,即某些厂商以各种营销手段大打环保牌,将本不够环保的产品或服务包装成“绿色”误导消费者,也指一些公司表面上支持环保事业,其实本身就是破坏环保的帮凶。 “洗绿”一词最早出现于1986年,当时纽约环保主义者杰伊·韦斯特维尔德造出这个词讽刺酒店业掩盖不环保行为。他在一篇文章中写道,酒店业在每个房间都放上一张环保宣传牌,鼓励客人自带牙具和毛巾,少用酒店提供的一次性产品,以“拯救地球”。但是,韦斯特维尔德指出,大多数情况下,这些酒店根本没有建立废物回收系统,环保措施不力。他认为,这些酒店之所以发起“环保运动”,实际是为了节省成本,提高利润。于是,他用greenwash这个词形容那些为了提高利润而鼓吹环保的行为。Greenwash 是绿色公关(green PR)或绿色行销(green marketing)的一种。 环保主义者常用这个词来形容能源公司的“粉饰”举动,因为能源公司本身就是最大的污染者。 “洗绿”六宗罪 第一宗罪:潜在交易。比如,号称节能的电子产品其实含有危险物品。再比如,一家公司或许会鼓吹自己生产的纸巾来自可持续砍伐的森林,但是却通过喷放二氧化碳的卡车和飞机运往全球市场。 第二宗罪:缺乏认证。比如,洗发水广告上自称“被认证为有机产品”,但实际上没有出具可信的认证机构。 第三宗罪:含糊不清。比如,有产品号称100%使用天然品,不含添加剂,但是许多自然生成的物质如砷和甲醛是有毒的。 第四宗罪:混淆视听。比如,一个产品鼓吹“不含氯氟烃”(氯氟烃是一种温室气体)。但实际上,氯氟烃早已被禁用多年,这家公司不过是在遵守法律,却将它作为了卖点。 第五宗罪:大话连篇。比如,假称自己的产品通过了国际环保认证标准如“绿色产品”、“节能之星”等,实则没有。 第六宗罪:自欺欺人。比如,香烟贴上“有机”的标签,杀虫剂鼓吹“对环境友好”,简直是自欺欺人。 一些石油公司因为“洗绿”而受到环保主义者的指责 如今,全球变暖现象引起所有地球人的警觉,越来越多的人开始支持环保事业。各种环保产品大行其道,但是,有消费者机构提醒,千万不要被商品上所标的“环保”、“绿色”、“有机”或者“可持续”字样所迷惑,因为有调查显示,北美市场上99.9%的所谓“环保”产品其实都与商家所鼓吹的环保卖点不符。而商家的这种行为被称为“洗绿”,即为了吸引消费者上钩,将本不够环保的产品或服务包装成“绿色”。 去年年底,加拿大环保广告公司TerraChoice的副总裁斯科特·凯斯曾派公司调查员到一个零售店评估其所售商品的环保宣传是否有夸大之嫌。 结果令人大吃一惊:在被调查的1018个产品中,除了一种外,其余都与产品本身所鼓吹的环保卖点不符——像“无毒”这样的字眼被含糊不清地使用着,而号称“节能之星”的产品根本没有取得权威部门的认证。 “这个结果让我抓狂。”凯斯说,“我想是这些调查员的调查出了问题。”他命令调查小组重新做调查,但结果还是一样。“这说明‘洗绿"行为简直是铺天盖地。”凯斯说。 商家急于跟环保沾边 或许,许多消费者并没有听到过“洗绿”这个词,但是却在承受着“洗绿”的后果。“洗绿”通常指商家对于某种产品的环保功能的误导式营销。“洗绿”常用的字眼除“环保”、“绿色”之外,还包括“碳中和”、“零碳排放”、“可持续”、“有机”“100%回收”等。 “洗绿”并非新鲜事,从上世纪70年代初环境问题开始受到普遍关注以来,“洗绿”这一行为就存在了,当时广告公司竭力劝说消费者:购买某个品牌是拯救地球的唯一方式。随着环保产业成为一个大产业(仅有机产品一项,产值就从2003年的100亿美元增长到2007年的200亿美元),商家都急于跟环保这个卖点沾边,不管自己是不是真的环保。 有专家估计,今年秋季美国很可能出现一股绿色广告潮,将令消费者不胜其烦。 如今,这种“洗绿”的风气如此盛行,以至于美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)从去年开始一直在举行听证会,拟将真正的环保宣传与空洞的“洗绿”行为区别开来。但是,这一点并不容易做到。有环保组织担心在这场争议的漩涡中受害的是那些真正的环保公司。 “在气候变化方面,我们面临一个大挑战。”营销顾问公司——“环境媒介”的创始人凯文·图尔夫说,“‘洗绿"行为伤害了我们正在进行的努力。” 上网识别“洗绿”行为 打击“洗绿”的第一步首先是加以鉴别。图尔夫和他的同事想出了一个识别洗绿行为的好点子。他们建立了“洗绿指数”网站,消费者可以将疑似正在洗绿的广告贴到网上,然后按照1~5的量表来评价它,1代表稍有撒谎,5代表弥天大谎。 这个看似简单的方法显示了互联网在纠出误导性广告方面的力量。有的汽车制造商大力推出节油型混合动力车,以环保企业自居,但是任何消费者通过简单的网络搜索,就可以得知这家汽车制造商大部分收入都来自销售油耗大的卡车和SUV所得。 通过谷歌等搜索引擎搜索并不是识别“洗绿”的唯一方式。一些环保网站还会发布鉴别“洗绿”的指南,比如像“‘洗绿"的六大罪行”这样的指南就是消费者的好帮手。 挪威汽车广告禁用“绿色” 对“洗绿”行为感到厌烦的不仅仅是美国的消费者。英国广告标准局去年收到了561个有关假冒环保广告的投诉,而前年收到的投诉是117个。航空公司、石油公司、汽车制造商都因为“洗绿”而受到环保主义者的指责。 如今,挪威禁止所有汽车广告使用“绿色”、“环保”、“清洁”这些字眼,因为任何小汽车的使用都会加剧全球变暖。 目前,美国联邦贸易委员会正在修订一份针对消费者的《绿色指南》,这份指南从1998年问世以来就没有更新过。有专家指出,业界最终可能会像定义低热量和低脂一样对环保产品的广告范围进行严格定义和管理。

如果说我在电影院,用英文说 是应该讲 I was at cinema 还是I am at cinema?

I am at cinema表示说话人现在在电影院I was at cinema表示说话人过去在电影院时间不确定希望可以帮到您

deep withinthe forest was a village where lived

deep withinthe forest was a village where lived直接翻译为:深在森林是一个村庄,住这里意思是:住在一个深山老林里的村庄

这牛奶快过期了!可以说The milk was about to expire.吗?

The milk is turning sour.

我发现在美国聊天的时候经常会出现 I was like, or he was like, 不懂在什么情况下用,应该是slang吧

楼主你好!我目前在美国,听美国人(包括在美国长大的ABC等)说话时的确常用I was like,it"s like等词眼。总的来说这不能算slang,只是他们的一种习惯,而且这种习惯一般在美国年轻人中较为普遍,因为很随意,正式工作以后就比较少用informal language了。我们国人说话时也有自己的习惯,比如现在流行的“好吧”“你懂的”等词眼,只是一种流行习惯用语,却不能算作俚语,因为俚语一般带有方言地域性,一个地方的俚语拿到另一个地方人们就可能不能理解,在口语中也算比较不正式的。楼主若问这样的口语在什么时候用,其实无所谓,习惯的话就可以用。这种话本身没有实际含义,往往用来填充思考时间,因为一般老美在说完I was like之后都会停下来想一下之后要说的内容。楼主愿意的话就把它同“Well”“You know”等词眼一样用吧!满意的话请采纳,谢谢!

我发现在美国聊天的时候经常会出现 I was like, or he was like, 不懂在什么情况下用,应该是slang吧

楼主你好!我目前在美国,听美国人(包括在美国长大的ABC等)说话时的确常用I was like,it"s like等词眼。总的来说这不能算slang,只是他们的一种习惯,而且这种习惯一般在美国年轻人中较为普遍,因为很随意,正式工作以后就比较少用informal language了。我们国人说话时也有自己的习惯,比如现在流行的“好吧”“你懂的”等词眼,只是一种流行习惯用语,却不能算作俚语,因为俚语一般带有方言地域性,一个地方的俚语拿到另一个地方人们就可能不能理解,在口语中也算比较不正式的。楼主若问这样的口语在什么时候用,其实无所谓,习惯的话就可以用。这种话本身没有实际含义,往往用来填充思考时间,因为一般老美在说完I was like之后都会停下来想一下之后要说的内容。楼主愿意的话就把它同“Well”“You know”等词眼一样用吧!满意的话请采纳,谢谢!

shewas so weakened by the disease that she could


He was so weakened by the disease that he could__ _stand up.A.rarely B.barely C.merely D.almost

此句纯粹为考察词意 答案选 A
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