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was 的用法和解释,详细,详细

was是系动词be的单数形式is和am过去式 用于表达一般过去式




“was”的读音是 [wu0252z]was读音英 [wu0252z] 美 [wu028cz] 释义1、be的第一和第三人称单数过去式2、是、在短语waslaunched 动词谓语;推出;已推出;正在翻译wasdoing 过去进行时;去进行时;过去进行Seeingwas 眼见得例句What an inspiration she was to all around her! 她对于她周围所有的人是一种多么大的鼓舞! What you said on the occasion was not appropriate. 在这种场合你说这样的话是不相宜的。 The building was constructed fromthe design of that architect. 这幢大楼是按那位建筑师的设计建造的。


was 是(is,am的过去试)谐音(位死)





saying 后面有两个句子怎么分析 there are...it was....

改错题的?Mr. Cameron called the killing "appalling," 主谓宾宾补saying there were strong indicatioins that it was a terrorist incident.伴随状语there were strong indicatioins that it was a terrorist incident(saying的宾语从句).there were strong indications(there be 结构)that it was a terrorist incident(同位语从句,说明indications)

第八题 为什么填was watching 而不填watched

意思是当我堂姐走进我房间 我正在看电视 所以是was

was watching是什么时态

was watching是过去进行时,是过去的某个时间正在进行的动作。一般可以这样用: I was watching movie when he called me . 当他给我打电话的时候我正在看电影。 扩展资料   例句:   She felt he was watching her every move.   她觉得他在注意她的.一举一动。   He was watching a game of tennis on a television monitor.   他那时正在电视监控器上观看一场网球赛。   He had the strong impression that someone was watching him.   他强烈地感觉到有人在监视他。   I was watching the clock all through the meeting, as I had a train to catch.   我开会的时候一直在看钟,因为我要赶火车。

If you were to ask Harry what was in the bottle, he would tell you that it contained perfumed mud


Washburn Dime 3ST 就是潘多拉乐队吉他的用的吉他。 这吉他适合什么音乐风格?价格是多少?

勇士啊。反正是不适合布鲁斯,乡村,爵士,主要还是玩摇滚呢,无论硬摇滚还是什么其他的金属风格。你可以注意一下这个琴的拾音器 是两块双组的,这样的配搭是很突出高音和低音的。所以很适合摇滚。

Abigail Washburn的《Chains》 歌词

歌曲名:Chains歌手:Abigail Washburn专辑:City Of RefugeDuran Duran - ChainsAlbum: AstronautAn hour since the sundownThe ghosts are creepin inAre gathering around meLike starlings in the windDark shapes gather roundVoices like my brother"sAre whispering to meBut I don"t know these othersWho want to set me freeCome home you"re out of timeBut the life cannot let goIt"s a chain cuts across my soulAnchoring in this worldI put my hand into the flameBurning but I feel no painDon"t speak, don"t speak my nameHold on to this life of chainsThe door is standing openBut I"m too tired to be afraidMy whole life"s in this momentI"ve been fighting all the wayJust need a little more timeCuz the life just can"t let goNah nah nah nah nahChains... chains... chains...http://music.baidu.com/song/1970520

Washburn wi-65pro 价格?

北京的福达有卖 价格没写出来 貌似只有韩产没有美产~~ 价格你直接打他们电话问就行 washburn WI-65PRO琴身:桃花心木琴颈:桃花心木指板:玫瑰木校音系统: Grover 18-1拾音器结构: 双双琴颈拾音器: E.Gnater琴桥拾音器: E.Gnater琴桥功能: 固定型产地:韩国

有谁知道印尼生产的 washburn wg500 如何辨别真伪?




刚买的washburn wi66pro琴颈是直的,一品打品其他品都不打品,把1品丝撬高些行吗?是不是琴颈有变形了?


wasnburn 勇士吉他在中国有没有生产厂家?


washburn n2 真假

我也喜欢washburn的吉他只要感觉手感和音色都是这个价位不亏的,没没什么大问题其实网上说得也不全对.推荐你去guitarchina论坛里问问,那里吉他牛人多 呵呵









washburn n2 的电吉他产地在哪里?


Washburn X12 怎么样啊 最近正在犹豫 属于什么档次的琴啊

参考报价不到339.9美元, 属于中档琴, 但是性价比比较高, 音色很不错.网上的很多使用者的打分比较高.http://www.washburn.com/products/electrics/x/x12qvs.aspx主要的配置如下:Quilted maple top 絮纹枫木贴面Solid wood body 实木琴体Bolt on maple neck 螺丝连接枫木琴颈Hardtail bridge 固定式琴桥Rosewood fingerboard with dot inlay 紫檀木指板,点状泛音点镶嵌Gloss finish 抛光漆面3-way switch 3档拾音器选择开关Tune-o-matic bridge Tune-o-matic琴桥Washburn HH pickups Washburn自己生产的双线圈拾音器Die cast tuners Die cast卷弦器琴弦长度25.5"24品欢迎站内信交流.


老款N4Washburn众多签名系列中,在中国大陆最为大家熟悉的就是极端乐队的吉他手Nuno Bettencourt的N系列吉他,Nuno在大部分演出和录音中使用的都是Washburn N4吉他,足见这款吉他的出众之处。型号为Washburn N4 RELIC,这款吉他个人认为是一把适合速弹的吉他,琴颈和琴体是用5螺栓弧形方式连接的,是由Stephens设计,所以结构名称叫Stephens extended cutaway 5-bolt neck joint,这样可以毫无困难的在高把位演奏。不像GIBSON那样的琴用的是传统的方式连接,使得手小的吉他手不容易弹奏高把位的音。N4 RELIC拾音器使用的是著名的 Lawrence L-500与Seymour Duncan 59,琴头是Reverse设计(就是通常所说的反头琴),我觉得可能是反头的原因,在使用同一规格的琴弦时,推弦比其他吉他容易的多,轻轻松松的就能推到大二度。带有锁弦系统的Floyd Rose琴桥不易跑音,与Fei-ten矫正调音系统配合得很完美。这是一把Washburn的旗舰型号。 它经过纯手工仿旧处理,精确模仿Nuno使用的N4的所有细节。不同时期的N4 Relic会根据Nuno那把琴的情况作相应调整,所以不是所有的N4 Relic都一样。 产地:美国 产品规格:●美国手工定做部门制造(Washburn USA Custom Shop)●经长年保存的实心桤木琴体●经久耐用的金属件●琴桥拾音器:Bill Lawrence L500●琴颈拾音器:Seymour Duncan ‘59●3档拾音器切换●Floyd Rose琴桥●Floyd Rose认证颤音系统●22品枫木琴颈,黑檀(乌木)指板●Stephens 5螺栓弧形方式连接琴颈与琴体●R2渡铬弦锁●西班牙琴师风格的琴头连接●高档Grover 18:1齿速比卷弦器●14”倾斜角反琴头●Buzz Feiten调音系统 N4系列中还有一个高贵的型号N4E PNM。 之所以说它高贵是因为N4E PNM使用的是紫檀木琴身和琴体,使得音色方面更增加了许多温暖和高频的特性。调音钮使用的是GROVER公司的18-1,琴头还贴有Buzz Feiten Tuning System的标志。这一系统就是把琴枕向一品方向略微移动了一点,并对指板做了一些修正,使我们在演奏吉它时,弦在拉力的作用下仍然能保持准确的音高。当然我们在琴上是看不到这套系统的任何外部装置的。琴的指板采用乌木,使音色圆润清亮,而且指板十分坚固不易变形,非常适合需要大量外出演出的乐手。 产地:美国琴颈:紫檀琴体:紫檀指板:乌木连接:螺钉连接(STEVENS专利5螺钉)拾音器:SEYMOUR DUNCAN 59(琴颈),BILL LAWRENCE L500(琴桥)琴桥:德国SCHALLER原产FLOYD ROSE双摇调音钮:GROVER 18-1校音系统:BUZZ FEITEN TUNINTG SYSTEM出品:美国 CUSTOM SHOP纯手工 声音表现声音表现是最难说的,一般都要有个参照物。但是和N4音色接近的琴不是很多见,我就只好直接说了。它的声音表现如同Nuno专辑的音乐一样,可以表现的刚劲有力,又可以演奏出轻快的Funk感觉,N4的低音重而不闷是众所周知的,而且低音很有颗粒感,不浑浊。用琴桥拾音器的时候,明显比其他同档次的金属琴亮很多,但不刺耳。这样的声音很难形容,(声音太抽象)总之很好就是了。CLEAN音色和FEDNER比,肯定不如FEDNER的音色清脆,但是很扎实。而且N4在失真的时候没有杂音,声音很容易捏到一起,音头很清楚。这一点非常的好,对于流行金属比较合适,Nuno很多时候的演奏会有制音的切分快速扫弦,这个技法在N4上表现的是最好的。 新款N4Nuno现在的音乐在不断地转变和变化。2005年Washburn为Nuno推出了新款的N4。首先,我们来看看新款N4的性能指标。 琴颈:枫木琴体:桃花心木指板:乌木连接:螺钉连接(STEVENS专利5螺钉)拾音器:SEYMOUR DUNCAN 59(琴颈),BILL LAWRENCE L1000(琴桥)琴桥:德国SCHALLER原产FLOYD ROSE双摇调音钮:GROVER 18-1校音系统:BUZZ FEITEN TUNINTG SYSTEM出品:美国 CUSTOM SHOP纯手工新款N4的调音旋钮采用黑色设计,琴颈与老款最显著的区别就是品位标记由原来的圆点变成了符号(样子比较怪),好象是Nuno身上的纹身符号,琴颈和琴身的连接依然使用STEPHENS的专利连接技术,连接使用的螺钉改用平头螺钉。琴颈拾音器依然为SEYMOUR DUNCAN 59,与老款不同的是琴桥处拾间器更换为BILL LAWRENCE的更高型号 L1000,与老款音色不同。新款在音色控制上有了很大的改进,不仅增加了音色控制,而且音量和音色旋钮都可以拨起,用于减小拾音器的输出,模拟单线圈拾音器,(俗称切单)这样可以更加适合演奏一些轻快的音乐。新款N4的琴体采用了桃花心木,与老款N4不同的是,它将带来更多的低频表现。新款N4音色表现新款琴体采用桃花心木,低频响应有所提高,很明显的感觉是声音变得更加结实了,音量输出也比老款N4有所提高,琴体共振效果更加出色,延音非常的好。琴桥处拾音器BILL LAWRENCE更换为新型号L1000,它的动态、清澈度都是极为出色的。高低频的输出十分平衡,不会让吉它手的SOLO淹没在沉重的节奏里。在弹奏的时候,我们能很清晰地感受到BILL LAWRENCE的经典声音。而当换到SEYMOUR DUNCAN拾音器上演奏时,纯正的电子管声音立刻出现。新款N4可以适应更多风格的音乐,扩展了琴本身的风格和性价比。 新产品:Washburn N5 N6吉他Washburn与Nuno Bettencourt 20年以来首次发行新款得N系列吉他。Nuno说:我需要一款能够体现我的变化和成长的吉他。N5 N6就是为这样的目的所设计的。N5、N6都是由美国Washburn公司生产的,其琴身是桤木的,非常结实,琴颈和指板采用雀眼枫木,Floyd Rose双摇系统,Grover18:1卷弦扭,阳极处理的镀铝护板,Stephens 5螺栓弧形方式连接琴颈与琴体,Buzz Feiten调音系统。N5的特点是Seymour Duncan SSL1 拾音器,N6使用的是Seymour Duncan SSL1 拾音器和一条JB 琴桥拾音器联合使用。上面所说的都是N系列的高型号吉他,下面我们来说说低型号,被称为Exterme乐队吉他手Nuno签名系列琴的入门型号的N1 N2。很多朋友都很喜欢NUNO,喜欢N4,可是因为经济原因不能购买。不过N1的出现改变了这一状况,N1价格低廉,使得很多朋友圆了梦。N1的设计完全是遵循N4的样式,做工没有因为价格低而下降,外观也是简洁大方,NI的音色也对的起它的价格,可谓价廉物美,原声音色极为悦耳,低频出色,这好像也是Washburn一贯的特点,毕竟是金属琴,低频当然要好点。高频则清亮细腻,比较突出音头。原声音色出众就保证了失真音色的浑厚有力,在同价位电吉他中有极为明显的优势。当然你不要拿N1 N2和N4来比较,那样的比较是没有意义的,在同等价位的吉他中N1 N2还是很有优势的,特别是在金属风格方面尤为出众。惟一遗憾的是它不是美国生产的。NI的产品规格桤木琴体 琴桥拾音器: Washburn 621 琴颈拾音器: Washburn 621 Floyd Rose Lic双摇琴桥 卷弦器:Grover 18:1 品数:22琴颈:枫木指板:红木 14"仰角反琴头设计总体来说,Washburn N系列的电吉他之所以深受人们喜爱,不仅是因为大师效应,更是因为产品本身的优秀。适应风格比较广泛,录音演出都可以用,声音通透有力,简直是好处多多。所以你要是喜欢NUNO或是Jennifer Batten等大师,又对Washburn吉他垂涎已久,就赶快买一把自己心仪的型号吧,相信你绝对不会后悔的。


没有听过的哦~~我用的是eplay的 手感音色都不错的呢


Washburn词典结果:Washburn[人名] [北方英格兰人姓氏] 沃什伯恩地貌名称,来源于古英语人名Walc+古英语,含义是“溪流”(stream); [地名] [美国] 沃什本; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Dan washburn is a shanghai-based writer. 丹沃什本是一名驻上海的作家。

was to be expected as

楼主理解有些偏差1文章整体为过去,这里用过去将来时表将来,说得通2be expected被动,主语是人,后边给出是settler3as是有词组与expect构成be expected as,可是这里行不通(如果硬要说成是搭配的话,后边的那些单词完全孤立,语法错误)……as这里引导一个状语从句,as相当于“当什么什么时候”或者表示伴随,意为“随着”。再之后的eventually引导分词状语,表结果……句子分析完毕说个题外话,一般这些文章中的被动式比较多,搞得迷惑得很,建议楼主直接主动理解,别按照原文翻译,效果更好:例如:随着,居住者对这片土地的侵占,他们对动物(鹿)的(需求)状况更加严重……

the reason she was dismissed is

第一题选B,从句中缺少状语时应用关系副词或用介词加上关系代词,没有for that这种形式 第二题选C,这里的reason是理由的意思,所以后面的从句中缺宾语,而且这种情况不能用that

this is the reason hey was dismissed

同意二楼说法 1、this is the lady (who) wants to see you. 定语从句,whom做宾语不能做主语 2、is this the phone which you took last year? which就是took 的宾语,不能有两个宾语,得去掉 it 3、it isthe old factory( where) Jack parks his car. 定语从句where或介词+which,park是既无动词,需要加地点 4、i didn"t know the reason( why)he was dismissed. the reason why是定语从句的特殊类型 也是固定短语,记住了以后考试都对 还有 the cause of 5、i still remember the day( on) which i first came to the school 应该用when 引导的时间从句



以that monent i was moved为题的英语作文

Life comes from life. The universe is a living thing made by love and of love. The earth too as part of the universe is a living thing made of love. We experience her love in the abundance of support she provides us such as the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. And we recognize the divinity of her unconditional love and so call her mother earth or some of us refer to her as goddess. We must recognize as well that we too spring from universal love and as such carry a spark of the divine within each and everyone of us.    I was invited last year to witness and celebrate a passage of life, a passage of love, which my aunt and uncle chose to enter upon. They decided to become more than just lovers, but a family. My families had been invited to be physical representatives of the divine and give our support to their union, so as to help make their new path a joyous one, one that was walked upon with wonder and ease. For truly, whether we recognized it or not, we were all family all of the time.   This celebration was not an end, but a beginning, the start of a new process. From my experience it was not the marriage ceremony nor the marriage that was touching but the love and friendship that we shared. Those would ensure a longer lasting relationship than any ritual. My love went with them, as I was sure everyone else"s love in that place went with them as well.

like most people, i was brought up to look upon lifeas a process of getting.


If our love was a fairy tale/是哪首歌的歌词

歌曲:breathless 歌手:shayne ward歌词[ar:shayne ward ][ti:shayne ward - breathless][by:活在当下]shayne ward - breathlessif our love was a fairy tale i would charge in and rescue you on a yacht baby we would sail to an island where we"d say i do and if we had babies they would look like you it"d be so beautiful if that came true you don"t even know how very special you are chorus you leave me breathless you"re everything good in my life you leave me breathless i still can"t believe that you"re mine you just walked out of one of my dreams so beautiful you"re leaving me breathless and if our love was a story book we would meet on the very first page the last chapter would be about how i"m thankful for the life we"ve made and if we had babies they would have your eyes i would fall deeper watching you give life you don"t even know how very special you are you"re everything good in my life you leave me breathless i still can"t believe that you"re mine you just walked out of one of my dreams so beautiful you"re leaving me you must have been sent from heaven to earth to change me you"re like an angel the thing that i feel is stronger than love believe me you"re something special i only hope that i"ll one day deserve what you"ve given me but all i can do is try every day of my life you leave me breathless you"re everything good in my life you leave me breathless i still can"t believe that you"re mine you just walked out of one of my dreams so beautiful you"re leaving me breathless you leave me breathless you"re everything good in my life you leave me breathless i still can"t believe that you"re mine you just walked out of one of my dreams so beautiful you"re leaving me breathless

baby life was good to me but You just made it better。这个歌词的歌名是什么?

Until you-shayne ward


是kaws。考斯(Kaws),原名布里安(Brian),1974年出生于美国新泽西州,街头艺术家,街头涂鸦艺术的代表,代表作品主要有《回家路漫漫》。2006年创办街头潮流品牌Original Fake,利用各样独有的Kaws式代表元素,进军潮流服饰市场。KAWS创立的OriginalFake品牌2006年,已经在潮流圈成名许久的KAWS在MEDICOM TOY的资助下,在东京的南青山开设了OriginalFake的首家,也是迄今为止唯一的一家专卖店。从设计的角度来讲,OriginalFake遵循的依旧是KAWS的艺术风格,无论T-shirt图案还是衣服上的细节设计都来源于KAWS的著名作品以及个人标识,如Companion与Bendy玩偶,涂鸦海报以及KAWS招牌式的骷髅头骨和叉眼图案。2007年clot与OriginalFake联名,推出当时大热的舒淇T-Shirt,把KAWS和CLOT的特色元素融入到衣服当中,当时限量发售400件。凭借陈冠希在中国潮流的影响力,original fake也渐渐引起了所有人的关注。2009年,OriginalFake邀请日本潮流品牌NEXUS VII的创始人今野智弘加盟,担任设计师工作,这位比KAWS更为了解服装本身的设计师为OriginalFake注入了全新的血液,也让这个牌子从一个原本单一的街头品牌向真正意义上的成熟服饰品牌发展。2012年,设计师KAWS宣布了OriginalFake将于2013年五月结业。正式挥别相随多年的拥趸。以上内容参考:百度百科-Kaws

能发下2012版初一英语下册Unit11 How was your school trip part2-周丽娜的种子或下载链接么?

2012版初一英语下册Unit11 How was your school trip part2-周丽娜种子下载地址:请采纳

初中英语七年级下册周丽娜Unit11 How was your school trip PartB(2012版)种子下载地址有么?跪谢

初中英语七年级下册周丽娜Unit11 How was your school trip PartB(2012版)种子下载地址:记得采纳

(2013·高考新课标全国卷Ⅱ)It was only after he had read the papers ________Mr.Gross realized the t

B 选B。题干的意思是:“直到他读了文件之后,格罗斯先生才意识到他面前的任务非常难完成。”本句为强调句型,强调状语only after he had read the papers。根据强调句结构“It is/was+被强调部分+that+剩余部分.”可知选B。此外,我们也可以将It is/was与空格去掉来验证此句是不是一个强调句。

It was only after he had read the papers Mr. Gross realized the task B...

B 考查强调句型。only after he had read the papers是被强调的部分,Mr. Gross realized the task Before him was extremely difficult to complete句子成分完整,排除C、D;把It was和that去掉后不影响句意,因此是强调句,故选B。【考点定位】强调句型it is...that。

It was so interesting a book that I stayed up all night reading it.(同义句转换)


wonder与I was wondering有什么区别?

这两种说法都是指“我想知道,我很好奇”。只是时态不同,导致。wonder表示一种一般现在时,是指一种普遍的没有特指的,用在一般现在时中;而I was wondering特质“刚刚还很好奇”,正好遇到某人,表示一种动作的连贯性。一、 wonder 作及物动词,意为“想知道;对……感到怀疑”:1、后接 who , what , why , where 等引导的宾语从句。如:I wonder who she is.我想知道她是谁。2、后接 that 引导的宾语从句,表示“感到惊奇;对……感到惊讶”, that 常可省去。如:I wonder (that) she has won the race.我对她赢了比赛感到惊讶。3、后接 if 或 whether 引导的宾语从句,常用来表示一种委婉的请求或疑问。如:She wondered whether you were free that morning.她想知道你那天上午是否有空。4、后接动词不定式短语。如:I wondered to see you there.看到你在那里,我感到惊讶。5、后接“疑问词+不定式”构成的短语。如:I"m just wondering how to do it.我正想知道该怎样做那件事。二、 wonder 作不及物动词,意为“感到惊讶;感到疑惑”,常见的用法有:1、与 at 连用。如:I wonder at your allowing her to do such a thing.我对你允许她做这样的事感到惊讶。2.、后接 about 短语,表示“对……感到疑惑;对……感到新奇”。如:I wonder about my future.我对我的未来感到疑惑。三、 wonder 作名词,意为“奇迹;奇观”。如:The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders of the world.长城是世界上七大奇迹之一。四、常用固定句型有:1、It"s a wonder that … 意为“奇怪的是……”。如:It"s a wonder that she is still alive.奇怪的是她还活着。2、 It"s no wonder that … 意为“难怪……”。如:It"s no wonder that they won"t come.难怪他们没有来。

wonder和I was wondering的区别是什么?

这两种说法都是指“我想知道,我很好奇”。只是时态不同,导致。wonder表示一种一般现在时,是指一种普遍的没有特指的,用在一般现在时中;而I was wondering特质“刚刚还很好奇”,正好遇到某人,表示一种动作的连贯性。一、 wonder 作及物动词,意为“想知道;对……感到怀疑”:1、后接 who , what , why , where 等引导的宾语从句。如:I wonder who she is.我想知道她是谁。2、后接 that 引导的宾语从句,表示“感到惊奇;对……感到惊讶”, that 常可省去。如:I wonder (that) she has won the race.我对她赢了比赛感到惊讶。3、后接 if 或 whether 引导的宾语从句,常用来表示一种委婉的请求或疑问。如:She wondered whether you were free that morning.她想知道你那天上午是否有空。4、后接动词不定式短语。如:I wondered to see you there.看到你在那里,我感到惊讶。5、后接“疑问词+不定式”构成的短语。如:I"m just wondering how to do it.我正想知道该怎样做那件事。二、 wonder 作不及物动词,意为“感到惊讶;感到疑惑”,常见的用法有:1、与 at 连用。如:I wonder at your allowing her to do such a thing.我对你允许她做这样的事感到惊讶。2.、后接 about 短语,表示“对……感到疑惑;对……感到新奇”。如:I wonder about my future.我对我的未来感到疑惑。三、 wonder 作名词,意为“奇迹;奇观”。如:The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders of the world.长城是世界上七大奇迹之一。四、常用固定句型有:1、It"s a wonder that … 意为“奇怪的是……”。如:It"s a wonder that she is still alive.奇怪的是她还活着。2、 It"s no wonder that … 意为“难怪……”。如:It"s no wonder that they won"t come.难怪他们没有来。

在做完型填空的时候见到it was an (experience)---这是一次不同寻常的经历。这个翻译和搭配是对的吗?

可以的, 抽象名词前面如果有形容词就可以加冠词如A AN THE



a good many proposals were raised by the delegates,___was to be expected. A.that B.what C.as

你好 想问一下你是在哪做到这道题的

as was to be expected


worked was worked was been worked有什么区别

1.are worked ,.have worked had worked都是正确的 are worked:一般现在时的被动语态 was worked:一般过去时的被动语态 have worked:现在完成时 had worked:过去完成时 2.had been worked.have been worked是对的 had been worked:过去完成时的被动语态 have been worked:现在完成时的被动语态

i was worked 和i worked的区别? 为什么有的动词已经是过去时了,还要加Be动词的过去时呢?是被动语态吗


6.In this workshop ,the output of July was three times ()of January.

a that7月的产值是一月的三倍...

The program was stared by the Ministey of Education and the Chinese Young Pioneers.


Where was she born 和Where is she from 的区别?

Where was she born 她生于何地?Where is she from 她从哪里来?

Where Are We? Where are we? That was a big questi

Where Are We?Where are we? That was a big question when we first explored our world long ago. The early explorers found that the stars in the sky were good land-marks. Using the stars, they could find out where they were and in which direction they were going. This method worked well at night as long as the weather was good and the stars could be seen. But it didn"t work so well during the rest of the time. That was a problem.Today, the problem has been solved by the Global Positioning System, or GPS. It is like a man-made star. We can use it at any time, in any place and in any weather to find out our position. It can also be used to study the shape of the earth. GPS is a great invention that helps us explore our planet and discover where we are.我们在哪里?我们在哪里?这是一个大问题很久以前当我们第一次探索我们的世界。早期的探险者发现天上的星星好地标。用星星,他们可以找出他们在哪个方向。这个方法很好晚上只要天气很好,可以看到星星。但是没有工作在休息的时间。这是一个问题。今天,全球定位系统的问题已经解决,或GPS。它就像一个人造恒星。我们可以用它在任何时候,在任何地方和任何天气找出我们的立场。它也可以用来研究地球的形状。全球定位系统(GPS)是一个伟大的发明帮助我们探索我们的星球和发现。来自百度翻译,绝对标准,请采纳。

where were you还是where was you

were are 的过去式

Where _____ you yesterday evening? I_____ at home.A are;am B was;were C were;was


it was the postman 为什么用it?


Who is it和who was it区别?

如果是过去时用Who was it? 一般现在时用Who is it?

Today Was A Fairytale 歌词

歌曲名:Today Was A Fairytale歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:Valentine"S Day OstToday Was a FairytaleTaylor SwiftToday was a fairytale, you were the prince.I used to be a damsel in distress.You took me by the hand and you picked me up at six.Today was a fairytale.Today was a fairytale.Today was a fairytale, I wore a dress,You wore a dark grey T-shirt.You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess.Today was a fairytale.Time slows downWhenever you"re around.Can you feel this magic in the air?It must have been the way you kissed me.Fell in love when I saw you standing there.It must have been the wayToday was a fairytale.It must have been the wayToday was a fairytale.Today was a fairytale,You"ve got a smile that takes me to another planet.Every move you make, everything you say is right.Today was a fairytale.Today was a fairytale,All that I could say is now it"s gettin so much clearer.Nothin" made sense till the time I saw your face.Today was a fairy tale.Time slows downWhenever you"re around, yeahCan you feel this magic in the air?It must have been the way you kissed me.Fell in love when I saw you standing there.It must have been the wayToday was a fairytale.It must have been the wayToday was a fairytale.Time slows downWhenever you"re around.I can feel my heart-It"s beating in my chest.Did you feel it?I can"t put this down.Can you feel this magic in the air?It must have been the way you kissed me.Fell in love when I saw you standing there.It must have been the way…Can you feel this magic in the air?It must have been the way you kissed me.Fell in love when I saw you standing there.It must have been the wayToday was a fairytale.It must have been the wayToday was a fairytale.Ohh ohh yeaahOhh ohToday was a fairytalehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7650843

it was our presents这句话不是有问题吗?it was后接复数!而且这个错误出现在完形填空里面

不太清楚你那句子的情况,后面还有没有。我最近遇到的一个句子。It was banks that were on wrong planet,with accounts that market prices overstate assets.其中bank银行,后面加s,表示复数,并不是集体名词。这句话的It was我认为可以去掉,仅仅表达 这是 的意思。放在句首可以隐藏不看,修饰后面的名词而已。

it was really a nice day 为什么用really


yes,i were 还是 was.为什么

was 因为am,is的过去分词是was,一般肯定回答是yes,I am或者是yes I was,否定是yes,I am not.no I wasn"t.这是固定搭配.不能是Yes I is

Reuse Waste 作文

Reuse waste In everyday life,we find a lot of waste material,such as used paper,plastic bags,cans,bottles and so on.It is very important for us to make good use of these waste things. Here are some ways to reuse the waste.Used plastic bags can be used to contain rubbish.Empty tins can be made into ashtrays.We can also make use of bottles in different kinds of handiwork.That will make our rooms more beautiful. If we don"t know how to reuse waste ,we can sell it to recycling stations. There are many other ways to reuse the waste.If we try our best to recycle the waste,there will be less pollution in our life. To cherish the environment is to love ourselves.

don t you wish your grilfriend was a raw like me

pussycat的(Don"t cha )[Busta Rhymes] Ok (ahh) Yeahh (ahh) Oh, we about to get it just a lil hot and sweaty in this mu"fucka (oh, baby) Ladies let"s go (uhh) Soldiers let"s go (dolls) Let me talk to y"all and just you know Give you a little situation... listen (fellas) [Buster Rhymes] Pussycat Dolls Ya see this shit get hot Everytime I come through when I step up in the spot (are you ready) Make the place sizzle like a summertime cookout Prowl for the best chick Yes I"m on the lookout (lets dance) Slow bangin shorty like a belly dancer with it Smell good, pretty skin, so gangsta with it (oh, baby) No tricks only diamonds under my sleeve Gimme tha number But make sure you call before you leave [Pussycat Dolls] I know you like me (I know you like me) I know you do (I know you do) Thats why whenever I come around She"s all over you (she"s all over you) I know you want it (I know you want it) It"s easy to see (it"s easy to see) And in the back of your mind I know you should be f#@*ing with me [Chorus:] Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me? Dont cha Dont cha Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? Dont cha Dont cha Fight the feeling (fight the feeling) Leave it alone (leave it alone) Cause if it ain"t love It just aint enough to leave a happy home Let"s keep it friendly (let"s keep it friendly) You have to play fair (you have to play fair) See I dont care But I know She ain"t gon" wanna share [Chorus:] Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was freak like me? Don"t cha Don"t cha Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? Don"t cha Don"t cha [Busta Rhymes] Ok, I see how it"s goin" down (ahh, don"t cha) Seems like shorty wanna little menage pop off or somethin, let"s go Well let me get straight to it Every broad wan watch a nigga when I come through it It"s the god almighty, lookin all brand new If shorty wanna jump in my ass then vanjewish Lookin at me all like she really wanna do it Tryna put it on me till my balls are black an blueish Ya wanna play wit ah playa girl then play on Strip out the channel And leave the lingerie on Watch me and I"mma watch you at the same time Lookin at ya wan break my back You the very reason why I keep a pack ah the Magnum An wit the wagon hit chu in the back of tha magnum For the record, don"t think it was somethin you did Shorty all on me cuz it"s hard to resist the kid I got a idea that"s dope for y"all As y"all could get so I could hit the both of y"all [Pussycat Dolls] I know she loves you (I know she loves you) So I understand (I understand) I"d probably be just as crazy about you If you were my old man Maybe next lifetime (maybe next lifetime) Possibly (possibly) Until then old friend Your secret is safe with me [Chorus:] Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was freak like me? Don"t cha Don"t cha Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? Don"t cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? Don"t cha

Why did Ma say that Laura was a good girl


The brilliance of his satires was( )make even his victims laugh.

选D 如此,以至

钱学森的名言 knowledge was boundless为什么是was

不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果的。 -----钱学森正确的结果,是从大量错误中得出来的;没有大量错误作台阶,也就登不上最后正确结果的高座。 ——钱学森常常是最后一把钥匙打开了门 ——钱学森高等学校的学习,是打基础的时期,应该强调学好基础课程。 ——钱学森

there was a time when a deep blue sky




what l said was selfish and pointless


He was nourse about this?什么意思


An eneny was caught alive.这里alive是副词还是定语


i was left with several curiously shaped bits of metal which did not seem to fit anywhere

留给我几块形状奇葩的金属,它们貌似放哪都不合适。leave with 你可以当做是短语,理解成留给某人某物。其实是be left是被留下的意思,with后面是伴随的状语。被动语态就是表示被动,不是我主动剩下的,是别人留给我的,所以是i was left with。which did not seem to fit anywhere是which引导的定语从句修饰前面的metal。seem to do 是固定搭配,意思是好像。did not seem to fit anywhere 就是看起来好像哪都安不上。

Sally was very excited (because she had never travelled on a train before.) (针对划线部分提问)

Why was Sally very excited?Who got on the train and sat opposite Sally?Sally said to the lady that she was still ugly.She was taken by me to a children"ts party last month.When did the lady take out her powder compact?1 met2 exciting3 asked4 seen5 regularly6 curious7 dressed8 makes9 worried10 swept

No one thought that the ____ statesman was really the murderer of the former minister.

A. adj. 可敬的, 有名望的, 高尚的, 值得尊敬的B. adj. 恭敬的, 尊敬的, 尊重人的, 有礼貌的C. adj. 分别的,各自的D. prep. 关系, 说到题目的意思是:没有人认为________政治家真的是谋杀前部长的凶手。依题意,应选A

[A] wreck[B] ruin[C] relic[D] waste

【答案】:A24.A wreck沉船,遇难船;ruin废墟,遗迹;relic遗体,遗物;waste荒原,荒芜之地。根据前文可知,“英国皇家海军爱丁堡号”巡洋舰于 1942年在巴伦支海沉没,由此可推断出该句中六十具船员的尸骸所在的位置应在沉船内,故选A。

It was in the first class Miss Li taught us we never forget it.

Awhich和that的区别: 1ue010只用which,不用that的情况。 1)which可用在非限制性定语从句中。例如: The project,which lasted four years,cost one billion dollars.这项工程历时四年,耗资十亿美元。 2)which可用前置介词宾语。例如: This is the house in which we lived three years ago.这是我们三年前住过的那所房子。 2ue010只用that,不用which的情况。 1)that相当于关系副词when,where,why,in the way=in which。例如: I"ll never forget the Monday that /when you first arrived.我将永远不会忘记你初到的那个星期一! Do you know anywhere that I can get fruit? 你知道我能在哪里买到水果吗? I like the place for the very reason that/why you dislike it.我喜欢那地方的原因,恰恰是你不喜欢它的原因。 He doesn"t see things the way that /in which we see them.他看问题跟我们不一样。 2)that既可指物,也可指人。例如: The people that worked on the project made a good effort.从事那项工程的人们做了很大努力。 3)当主句以here,there开头时,常用that。例如: Here is the place that you"ve been looking for.这就是你一直找的地方。 4)当先行词是序数词、形容词最高级或先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,常用that。例如: The first(thing)that should bed one is to get the book.应该做的第一件事是弄到那本书。 This is the best place that I"ve ever visit-ed.这是我曾参观过的最好的地方。 5)当先行词是all,anything,nothing(something除外),none,little,much时,常用that。例如: Is this all that"s left?这就是剩下的所有东西吗? Have you got anything that belongs tome?你有没有拿过属于我的东西? 6)当先行词被no,little,only,very,the last等修饰时,常用that。例如: The only thing that could be done is to find our way home.唯一能做的事情就是要找到回家的路。 7)当先行词是两个或两个以上的词分别表示人和物时用that。例如: They talked about the teachers and the schools that they knew.他们谈到了他们熟悉的老师和学校。 8)在以which,who开头的句子中常用that。例如: Which is the car that killed the man?撞死那个男子的小车是哪一辆? 9)time是先行词时,前面如有序数词或last修饰时,定语从句只能用that引导或省略。例如: This is the last time(that)I shall give you a letter. The first time(that)I saw him was last year.

日本人的名字怎么翻译Hiro Tanaka (Mr),Yasu Iwasa(Ms)?


现代汽车上的“washer only”是什么意思?


英语翻译Mr White was busy last week.His wife had a son.They like?

怀特先生上周很忙.他妻子生了个儿子.他们很爱他.怀特的朋友向他这个三十岁的爸爸表示了祝贺.怀特精心地在家照顾他的妻儿,他很高兴. 两周前,这个宝贝开始在夜里哭.只要一听见他哭,怀特夫人总要叫醒他的丈夫.这可怜的男人不得不起床,然后去旁边的房间哄他,让他别哭.这经常需要两三个小时.怀特先生不得不去医院找医生寻求帮助.那位医生告诉他如何照顾孩子.怀特先生照医生说的做了.这对孩子非常有效,他不再哭了.怀特先生非常高兴. 我直译的,保证没错.,5,WHITE先生上周很忙。他的太太生了个儿子。他们非常喜欢他。他的朋友向这个33岁的父亲道贺。他在家里好好照顾太太和儿子。他累,并快乐着。 两周前,孩子开始在晚上哭闹。WHITE太太总是一听到孩子哭就摇醒她丈夫。这个可怜的男人只有起床去另一间房间哄孩子。这常要花上两三个小时。他不得不去医院向医生请求帮助。医生告诉他怎么样照看小孩。他照着医生的话做了。这些方法对孩子很有效,他不再哭闹了。WHI...,2,white先生上周很忙。他的太太生了个儿子。他们非常爱这个孩子。他的朋友们向这个33岁的父亲(white先生)表示了祝贺。他在家里细心地照顾着妻子和儿子。他很累但是却很开心。 两周前,这个孩子开始在晚上哭。white太太只要听到哭声就会叫先生起来。这个可怜的男人不得不起来去隔壁的房间并且尽力让孩子停止哭。这经常花去他两三小时。他不得不去医院向医生寻求帮助。医生告诉了他怎么照顾孩子。...,0,英语翻译 Mr White was busy last week.His wife had a son.They liked him wery much.HIs friends showed their congratulations to the thiety-three-year-old father.He took good care of his wife and the son at home.He was very tired,but he was happy. Tow weeks ago the baby began to cry in the night.Mrs White alwayswoke her hu *** and up as soon as she heard it .The poor man had to get up and go to the next room and triedto stop him crying.It often took him two or three hoursto do some work.He had to go to a hospotal and asked a doctor for help.The doctor told him how to look after the baby.He did as the doctor said.And it was helpful to the baby and he didn"t cry any longer.Mr White was very happy.
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