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wait for the presents等待礼物双语例句1The children in foreign countries will put a sock beside their pillows.Andwait for the presents from Santa Clause.外国的小朋友还会在枕头旁边放一只袜子,等圣诞老人晚上偷偷地放礼物进去。2Molly: I guess you are right, I can"t wait for the after-Christmas sale tobuy presents for friends. Why don"t we go to the mall together?莫莉:我想你说的对,我不能等到圣诞节以后的大减价时再买礼物送给我的朋友。我们现在就一起去购物中心吧?




now 和nowadays 都是副词,都有“现在,目前”的意思,区别不算很大,只是now 还含有“此刻”的意思,它所表示的时间比nowadays 更近一点。而present 是形容词,现存的,当前的。

英文问题!Past tense 同 present prefect tense

Present Perfect Tense It is used when something has happened and it is related to the present time.(指示发生了的事情和现在有关) e.g. I have lost my keys. Have lost 是present perfect tense 虽然丢失锁匙已发生 但现在仍然是丢失中 言下之意即是说还没有找到. e.g. My parents have been married for 10 years. (for example 1998-2008) Have been married 是present perfect tense 即是说我的父母到现在 (2008) 已结了婚10年.言下之意是说还没有离婚. Simple Past Tense It is used to indicate something happened NOT related to the present time. (指示发生了的事情和现在无关) e.g. I lost my keys. Lost在这句子中是past tense(已过去) 意思是丢失锁匙与现在无关 言下之意即已找回锁匙. e.g. My parents were married for 10 years. (maybe from 1994-2004) Were married 是past tense(已过去) 意思是我的父母曾经结过婚10年.言下之意即现在已离婚了. 有时候无提到个timing会比较 mon 用 present perfect tense 是因为有个 assumption- 把发生了的动作当作与现在有关. 如果发生了的动作是跟现在无关的话 就须要指明时间才可配合用past tense. 当然这个assumption并不是绝对的 很多时候无指示 timing 也可用past tense. 不同的Tenses 的分别主要是implied message 不同. 主要是这些分别 如有further questions 请再发问. 我们使用当前官员时态,当我们想要注重的事实时 we做了行动。 we用途过去时,如果我们什么时候强调行动完成。 例如,我做了我的家庭作业。 意味我想要 to重音家庭作业完成。 我们说的if,我昨天做了我的家庭作业。 意味我要对 stress我什么时候做了家庭作业。 If the newspaper said instead A German woman confessed ...... The English-speaking reader expects that the newspaper will immediately say WHEN she confessed. If the important thing is that she confessed and not when she confessed it is strange to use simple past. we use present prefect tense when we want to stress the fact that we have done the action. we use past tense if we stress what time the action is done. for example i have done my homework. it me i want to stress the homework is done. if we say i did my homework yesterday. it me i want to stress what time i have done the homework.

什么是loose,periodic,balanced sentense


非限定性定语从句是属于periodic sentence还是loose sentence?

loose sentence

periodic sentence是什么意思

periodic sentence双语对照词典结果:periodic sentence[英][u02ccpiu0259riu02c8u0254dik u02c8sentu0259ns][美][u02ccpu026ariu02c8ɑdu026ak u02c8su025bntu0259ns]圆周句(指主要意义至句尾才明白的句子); 如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

periodic sentence例句

periodic sentence例句如下:英语掉尾句(periodicsentence)是一种比较正式的书面句型。其特点是将句子的次要成分提前,主要成分置后,形成整句的高潮,以取得设置悬念,吸引读者非一口气读完不可的效果。从结构上看,大多数掉尾句是将较长的状语等修饰成分排列在前,而将较短的主句或使语言主要意思置于句末,往往具有强调主句或使语言生动幽默的作用。英语松散句(loose sentence)松散句是一种组织松弛的句子。它的组成部分可以比较自由地拆散,在句中的某些地方,可以随意停顿,而且语法上具有一定的完整性。中心意思放在句首,修饰语放在句尾。这种句子中心意思不突出,整个句子结构比较松散。松散句的特点是:自然、轻松、流畅、易懂。when we arrived at the bus stop, Our friends, who had started before us, promised that they would meet us, were nowhere to be seen。

run-on sentence 和comma splice分别是什么意思啊?

是否齐全,分句之间的组合方式是否正确,连接词是否恰当,是否有“流水句(run-on sentences)”或“逗号拼凑句(comma splice)”,平行结构是 所谓“流水句”或“逗号拼凑句”,是指两个或多个主句之间不用连接词或错用标点连接起来。

It is essential that our pilots ( )best poss


noble sentiment 是什么

noble sentiment高尚情操例句:1.A noble sentiment, but investment wise, not very practical. 多么高尚的情操,虽然投资很好,却不很现实.

bulleted sentences是什么意思





award n. 奖, 奖品 vt. 奖励,授予:因优点或善行而给予 reward n.(名词)报答,报应:为相应的行为做酬劳及物动词)报答,奖赏,酬劳 award 侧重于奖励 reward 侧重于报答(某人、某事) 意思是不一样的 reward通常指给与善行,业绩,劳力等的报酬(奖励) award通常指由审核员等慎重审核的结果所给与的奖赏present用法:present…with sth. , present oneself, be present , be present in 存在.present倾向于赠品


award n. 奖, 奖品 vt. 奖励,授予:因优点或善行而给予 reward n.(名词)报答,报应:为相应的行为做酬劳及物动词)报答,奖赏,酬劳 award 侧重于奖励 reward 侧重于报答(某人、某事) 意思是不一样的 reward通常指给与善行,业绩,劳力等的报酬(奖励) award通常指由审核员等慎重审核的结果所给与的奖赏present用法:present…with sth. , present oneself, be present , be present in 存在。present倾向于赠品

如何删除sentinel ldk

Win8升级8.1时提示需卸载sentinelruntime drivers的解决方法第一步:打开这个网址。第二步:点击click on: Sentinel HASP/LDK -Command Line Run-time Installer,点击I Accept,下载一个程序。第三步:将下载一个名为Sentinel_LDK_Run-time_cmd_line4的程序。将其解压,里面有一个叫haspdinst.exe的软件。复制该软件所在的地址,例如:C:UsersraveDownloadsSentinel_LDK_Run-time_cmd_lineSentinel_LDK_Run-time_cmd_line.第四步:运行—cmd,输入cd(空格)复制的地址,如cd C:UsersraveDownloadsSentinel_LDK_Run-time_cmd_lineSentinel_LDK_Run-time_cmd_line,回车,目的就是能找到haspdinst.exe这个软件。第五步:接着输入haspdinst.exe –remove(注意- remove前面有空格),回车。等待几秒后,提示完成。第六步:继续升级win8.1

Step1 安装Centos7&Sentaurus TCAD

查了各路信息,用软碟通制作U盘安装安装就是不成功,后来在 U盘安装CentOS7遇到:init... timeout 1 找到原因,原来是Centos7有一个特别的分区问题,导致Windows下部分转移软件出现问题。更换镜像烧录软件为Win32 Disk Imager后,成功安装系统。 由于Sentaurus TACD的破解对系统有一些要求,所以需要对系统进行一些设置。 需要永久更改主机名,这个可以在安装系统时指定,也可以安装系统后再进行更改。安装系统时指定的话,只要在装系统时细心一些,就能找到设置的地方。下面介绍系统安装完成以后的更改方法。 主机名放在 /etc/hostname 文件中,修改这个文件,就可以修改主机名。这个文件需要超级用户权限才能修改。 这里修改主机名为tcadhost,其他也可以。 Centos7中,网卡名称被默认改为enoxxxx的形式,en表示enthernet,o表示onboard。有文章说Sentaurus TCAD的验证只认eth0,所以需要修改网卡名称。是不是只能用eth0我没有验证,下面提供修改方法。 由于Centos7中使用的ibus,会与SentaurusTCAD2013发生冲突,冲突的结果是在软件交互界面无法输入,所以需要卸载掉。关闭貌似也可以。 这里推荐知乎系列教程 SentaurusTCAD详细安装教程 7 ,同时感谢 滨彬斌缤 学长的帮助。这个教程已经十分详尽了,不再赘述。 感谢DQ兄弟的帮助,焦头烂额的时候一想到DQ兄弟就会思路清晰[斜眼笑]。 参考链接

A senator and a representative can only be elected for two times.()

A senator and a representative can only be elected for two times.() A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B

awkward or wordy phrasing or unclear sentences and paragraphs should be mercilessly poked and pr

Awkward or wordy phrasing or unclear sentences and paragraphs should be mercilessly poked and prodded into shape. 要毫不留情地挑出那些糟糕的、废话连篇的用词或不清楚的句子或段落,仔细打磨。见英语单词大全 phrasing.

it is unclear what force a contract can have for people who never consented to it

为您解答一,it是形式主语,真正主语是what...it二,what是形容词,定语,修饰force句子相当于a contract can have what force/ for


topic outline的整个大纲是用名词、短语、动名词短语等组成的sentence outline是用完整的句子来表示两种outlines不能混淆,topic outline只能是短语等,不能出现完整的句子sentence outline则必须全部是完整的句子

proudly presents是什么意思

自豪地介绍双语对照例句:1.Leo gallery proudly presents the exhibit small is beautiful, a collection ofsmall sculpture works. 狮语画廊荣幸展出“小是美丽”,一个小型雕塑的综合展览.自豪地介绍双语对照例句:1.Leo gallery proudly presents the exhibit small is beautiful, a collection ofsmall sculpture works. 狮语画廊荣幸展出“小是美丽”,一个小型雕塑的综合展览.

proudly presents是什么意思

proudly presents自豪地介绍present[英][u02c8preznt][美][u02c8pru025bznt]vt.提出; 出现; 介绍; 赠送; vi.举枪瞄准; 第三人称单数:presents过去分词:presented复数:presents现在进行时:presenting过去式:presented例句:1.Massive hot-money inflows present two dangers to china"s economy. 大规模流入的热钱目前给中国经济带来两大风险。2.Sounds like a nice wedding present. 听起来像一件不错的结婚礼物

proudly presents是什么意思

自豪地介绍双语对照例句:1.Leo gallery proudly presents the exhibit small is beautiful, a collection ofsmall sculpture works. 狮语画廊荣幸展出“小是美丽”,一个小型雕塑的综合展览。自豪地介绍双语对照例句:1.Leo gallery proudly presents the exhibit small is beautiful, a collection ofsmall sculpture works. 狮语画廊荣幸展出“小是美丽”,一个小型雕塑的综合展览。

电脑开机显示 To interrupt startup ,pressEnter而且键盘没反应

电脑开机显示 To interrupt startup ,pressEnter,是与您关机前的不当操作有关系吧?比如:玩游戏、看视频、操作大的东西、使用电脑时间长造成的卡引起的吧?或下载了不合适的东西、或删除了系统文件、或断电关机等,故障不会无缘无故的发生吧?按电源键反复开关机试试,放一段时间试试,确实不可以就重装系统吧,如果自己重装不了,花30元到维修那里找维修的人帮助您。只要自己的电脑不卡机、蓝屏、突然关机,开机就不会这样了。有问题请您追问我。


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 我知道1点 听说Present这个单词有很多的意思 有礼物 还有 今天的意思 那么我想问问 很多电影和游戏开头都有XXXX Present 或者Present By XXX 这里Present是什么意思 另外Present还有其他的意思吗? 解析: XXXX Present 就是XXXX 出品的意思。 Present By XXX 仍然是由XXX公司出品的意思。 其它的意思有礼物、现在,你已经提到了。

英语Disney present怎么翻译?


英文签名 Don’t let the past steal your present

I am nostalgic, but I am also strong. 我很念旧,但我也很坚强。不至于对你念念不忘。 Never let the reality get in the way of your dreams.别让现实挡住了梦想的去路。 One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for.有一天那个人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。 Stars can not shine without darkness——如果没有黑暗,星星就无法闪耀。 If you do not leave, I will in life and death.你若不离不弃,我必生死相依. I think success has no rules, but you can learn a lot from failure. 我认为成功没有定律,但你可从失败中学到很多东西。 I dont know 你要多久才能重新轮回到我的世界驱走阴霾 。 So what if we fall down? At least we are still young. 摔倒了又怎样,至少我们还年轻。 Retaining a childish heart is a matter of pride.——童心未泯,是一件值得骄傲的事情。 I see it all, I see it now 一切都已了然 The soul has long been hated buried[灵魂早已被恨掩埋 If I can be pure all the way to the end.如果我可以一路单纯到底。 Believe is one kind of love. For loving you, so I believe you ------ 信任也是一种爱。爱你,所以相信 There was once a moment,we misunderstood it was a lifetime. 有那么一瞬间,我们误以为是一辈子。 ┈┾“。Maybeyoudontlovemeanymore 或许你不爱我了 No reason to stay is a good reason to go.没理由留下,就是离开的最佳理由。 Do not give up. Fight for what you love. 别放弃,为你所爱的奋斗 Sometimes it is better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you. 有时候,孤单一个人反而更好,没人伤害得了你。 有些爱不用说比情人付出得更无所求 Some love less than lover pay more for nothing All things are difficult before they are easy. 所有事在变得容易之前,都是困难的。 Don"t let the past steal your present. 别让过去悄悄偷走了你的当下。 Fish forget seven seconds, people forget to seven years 鱼忘七秒,人忘七年。 Domani tornerà, ci sono chilometri e chilometri di estendere amore.明天还会再来,还是有无边无尽的爱蔓延。 With a forced laugh,only oneself know how tired .勉强笑着,只有自己知道有多累。 Want to say goodbye may is not far. I believe that you can hear you.想说再见愿为时不远。我坚信你能听见。 If I love you, what will you do 如果我爱你,你就等着被我爱。 阳光和你同在,就是我想要的未来。Sunshine and you is what I want in the future. Real girls aren"t perfect. Perfect girls aren"t real.真实的女孩不完美,完美的女孩不真实。 Some people were supposed to walk into your life, teach you a lesson, and then walk away.很多人闯进你的生活,只是为了给你上一课,然后转身离开。 再烫的水也会凉,不合适的人终会散场。 The hot water will be cold, and the wrong people will be scattered. There is always a sad dream,in the dream, he loves me very much. 总是做一个很悲伤的梦,在梦里他很爱我。 If life is like a journey, it must go through the whole. 如果生命如同一段旅程,总要走过后才完整。 You are the one,in particular,I care,I treasure.——最在乎的人,最重视的人,最特别的人,最珍惜的人,都是你。 It just happens and we should live with it.世事无常,我们要随遇而安。 Most want is you, the most do not want to bother is also you. 最想的是你,最不想打扰的也是你。 除非黄土白骨,我守你岁月无忧。 Unless the loess buried my bones, I will keep with you forever. Happiness is the precipitation of time,smile is the lonely sorrow. 幸福是年华的沉淀,微笑是寂寞的悲伤。 阳光和你同在,就是我想要的未来。Sunshine and you is what I want in the future. 我喜欢的人啊,他有一身的温暖。The man I loved has all the warmth. The happiness you gave me before has been there for me when I am sad.以前你给过的快乐,现在都陪着我难过。 Story is very long and I will make it short.I like you, for a long time. 故事很长,我长话短说,喜欢你,很久了。 Love as drinking,if it light will be tasteless,but liquor burning throat. 相爱如饮酒,淡了无味,烈了伤喉。 You need to believe that someting extraordinary is possible. 你需要去相信,生命中有些特别的东西,是可能存在的。 Time forget me, or I forgot to follow, a turn around, is a lifetime. 时间忘了等我,还是我忘了跟着走,一转身,便是一辈子。 What is more sad than sadness is empty glad.比悲伤更令人悲伤的是空欢喜。 Love is at first sight to see,can love is long.---喜欢是乍见之欢,爱是久处不厌。 It is too early to meet the luck of true l. 过早的将就,会透支遇到真爱的运气。 It"s not about what you say, it"s about what you do.关键不是你说什么,而是你做什么。 In additionto you,and who is eligible walked around in my heart. 除了你,还有谁有资格在我心里走来走去。 Is not easy to meet people do not easily say goodbye. ?好不容易相遇的人就不要轻易说再见。 One people, one city, a lifetime love dearly.一个人,一座城,一生心疼。 Happiness is, adhesion of the person you like, never think you boring. 幸福是,你喜欢粘着的那个人,永远都不嫌你烦。 Side to give up, while love you. 一边放弃,一边爱你。 Since then mention you no wind no rain also no clear.???? 从此以后提及你,也无风无雨也无晴。 It is universally ackonwledged that you are indispensible to me. ---全世界都知道你是我不可或缺的。 I want to be your favorite hello, and your hardest goodbye. 我想成为你最喜欢见到的和最不舍得说再见的人。 We are all in the world of anxiety for safe. 我们都在不安的世界里找安稳。 Love is not love is not only the most important to get along. 爱不爱是其次,相处不累才最重要。 You are not the best, but you are the best gift. 虽然你不是最好的,但是有你却比什么都好。 Love is so short, forgetting is so long. 爱那么短,可是遗忘那么长。 Nothing can separate us if we are meant to be. 如果注定会在一起,那就没有什么可以分开我们。 Softhearted and embarrassed, really will kill myself. 心软和不好意思,真的会杀死自己。

visual presenter是什么意思

英文:visual presenter中文:视频展示台1.视频展示台视频展示台(Visual Presenter)是国内、外通行的一个正式名称,在中国市场,有时也被叫做实物展示台、实物演示仪、实物投影机、 …2.数字展台av322 数字展台(visual presenter)使用手册 免费下载-广电电...av322 数字展台(visual presenter)使用手册 授权方式:共享软件 下载...3.视屏展示台讲座将详细介绍和比较各种视屏展示台(Visual presenter ),文件扫描仪(automatic document feeder (ADF) scanner)和中文识别软件…


present的英语读音是:[u02c8preznt,pru026au02c8zent]。音标:英[u02c8preznt,pru026au02c8zent];美[u02c8preznt,pru026au02c8zent]。释义:1、(adj.)在场的;出席的;在座的;现在的;目前的;正在考虑的;正在讨论的;存在的;现在时(态)的。2、(n.)现在;眼前;瞄准;礼物;现在时。3、(v.)郑重赠与;授予;呈献;导致;引发;把?对准;以(武器等)瞄准;介绍;提供;展示。短语搭配:1、at present:当前。2、birthday present:生日礼物;寿礼。3、past and present:古今;过去与现在。4、for the present:目前;眼下;暂时;暂且。5、a present for:给...的礼物。双语例句:a setback to the state could present a peril to the regime.国家遇到的挫折会威胁到政权。

投的OGC 2018的会议论文,昨天编辑的回复是presentation only,这意思是我的论文被拒了?也不能检索了?



sentiment[英][u02c8sentu026amu0259nt][美][u02c8su025bntu0259mu0259nt]n.情操; 感情,情绪; 意见,观点; 感伤; 复数:sentiments例句:1.Such weary sentiment is widespread in the industry. 这种厌倦情绪在石油业界非常普遍。2.Tensions will be aggravated by anti-china sentiment during the american elections. 美国大选期间的反华情绪将使紧张气氛加剧。

Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages




是be sent into prison 还是 be sent to prison

be sent to prison 被送进监狱 没有be sent into prison这种用法 be sent into被收入,常用短语有 Be Sent Into Exile充军 be sent into the world降生于世



JUJU present歌词罗马音

JUJU - PRESENT作词∶usewax (RamWire) 作曲∶RYLL (RamWire)/usewax (RamWire) 灯り出した电饰が今夜を『流光溢彩的灯饰 让今夜』tomori dashita denshoku ga konya woもっともらしく辉かせてる『理所当然般地璀璨』motto morashiku kagayaka seteru此処にいちゃいけないような気がして『莫名地觉得此处不宜久留』kokoni icha ike nai you na kigashiteその眩い通りを避ける『于是 我逃离了这炫目的街道』sono mabushii toori wp sakeru优しさを片手で受け取っては『单手接过那份温柔的心意』yasashisa wo kadate de uketotte wa见える痛みに目をそらして『这份显眼的痛 我不忍直视』mi eru itami ni me wo sorashite君が去った今ここに届いた『你早已离去的如今 寄来的』kimi ga satta ima kokoni todo itaこの小さな箱『这个小小的盒子』kono chiisana hako结んだ心をほどいたら『将连结的心解开』musunda kokoro wo hodo itara包む悲しみを剥がし『将包裹着的悲伤剥开』tsutsumu kanashimi wo hagashi见えてきた今こその気づき『渐渐明了 事到如今才察觉』mi etekita ima koso no kizukiそれは过去からの present『那是来自过去的礼物』sorewa kako kara no present暖かい食事とその向こうで『向温暖的聚餐以及对面的笑颜』atatakai shokuji to sono mukou deこぼれる笑みに笑い返して『回以微笑』koboreru emi ni warai kaeshiteあの日揺らめく灯かりが照らした『那天摇曳的烛火 照亮的』ano hi yurameku akari ga terashita未来に私は立っているの?『未来里 是否有我伫立着?』mirai ni watashi wa tatte iru no蚀まれた世界に写るのは『被腐蚀的世界里留下的剪影』mushiba mareta sekai ni utsuru nowaこのレンズが歪んでるせいかな?『莫非是镜头歪曲了的原因?』kono renzu ga yugan deru sei kana睨みあう自分をはぐらかす『巧妙地避开了相互对视的自己』nirami au jibun wo hagura kasu臆病者は谁?『到底谁才是胆小鬼?』okubyou sha wa dare痩せてく希望がまだ少し『渐渐消逝的希望如若』yaseteku kibou ga mada sukoshi光を帯びているなら『还能带来些许光芒的话』hikari wo obite iru nara目の前の运命を运ぶその手は『推动眼前命运的那双手』me no mae no unmei wo kakobu sono tewa未来を変えてゆく『便能将未来改变』mirai wo kaete yuku壊れた幸せの秤『坏损的幸福天秤』kowareta shiawase no hakari一体何が正しい?『到底什么才是正确的?』ittai nani ga tadashii『救いはあるの?』ってそこらじゅうから『在这个周遭都响彻着“是否仍有救赎?”』sukui wa aru no tte sokora juukara响くような时代に术も无くて『的时代 生存乏术』hibiku you na jidai ni jutsu mo nakute胸掻きむしって『心如刀绞』mune sawaki mushitteそれでも人はまたその手を伸ばすのでしょう『即便如此人 还是要伸出渴望的双手的吧』soredemo hito wa mata sono tewo nobasu no deshou结んだ心をほどいたら『将连结的心解开』musunda kokoro wo hodo itara包む悲しみを剥がし『将包裹着的悲伤剥开』tsutsumu kanashimi wo hagashi见えてきた今こその気づき『渐渐明了 事到如今才察觉』mi etekita ima koso no kizukiそれは过去からの present『那是来自过去的礼物』sorewa kako kara no present痩せてく希望がまだ少し『渐渐消逝的希望如若』yaseteku kibou ga mada sukoshi光を帯びているなら『还能带来些许光芒的话』hikari wo obite iru nara目の前の运命を运ぶその手は『推动眼前命运的那双手』me no mae no unmei wo kakobu sono tewa未来を変えてゆく『便能将未来改变』mirai wo kaete yuku


歌曲名:PRESENT歌手:JUJU专辑:BEST STORY~Life stories~「PRESENT」作词∶usewax (RamWire)作曲∶RYLL (RamWire)/usewax (RamWire)歌∶JUJU灯り出した电饰が今夜をもっともらしく辉かせてる此処にいちゃいけないような気がしてその眩い通りを避ける优しさを片手で受け取っては见える痛みに目をそらして君が去った今ここに届いたこの小さな箱结んだ心をほどいたら包む悲しみを剥がし见えてきた今こその気づきそれは过去からのpresent暖かい食事とその向こうでこぼれる笑みに笑い返してあの日揺らめく灯かりが照らした未来に私は立っているの?蚀まれた世界に写るのはこのレンズが歪んでるせいかな?睨みあう自分をはぐらかす臆病者は谁?痩せてく希望がまだ少し光を帯びているなら目の前の运命を运ぶその手は未来を変えてゆく壊れた幸せの秤一体何が正しい?『救いはあるの?』ってそこらじゅうから响くような时代に术も无くて胸掻きむしってそれでも人はまたその手を伸ばすのでしょう结んだ心をほどいたら包む悲しみを剥がし见えてきた今こその気づきそれは过去からのpresent痩せてく希望がまだ少し光を帯びているなら目の前の运命を运ぶこの手は未来を変えてゆく【 おわり 】

I have no desire other than to lead a quiet life, ______ from anxiety. A.absent B.separate .

C 考查词义辨析。absent缺席的,separate 单独的,free 自由的,short 短缺的,短语:free from 摆脱,句意:我没有什么欲望除了过安静的生活,摆脱忧虑。所以选C。

关注用英语怎么说? This watch never varies more than a second a month.是什么意思?essential是什么意

这只手表误差从未超过另一个一个月 基本




1. 可以和听众一起交流各自最喜欢的、最有趣的、资源最全面的一些网站,你自己可以举例子,然后引导大家一起互动。这样还可以获得更丰富的网络资源;2. 可以收集一些表达某一特定情感、动作、情景的词汇和俚语,比如英语中描写“笑” or “哭” 的短语,这个内容非常多,也很有意思;3. 或者搜集你最喜欢的一位科学家的资料什么的,说明他的特点,最崇拜什么;4. 描绘某一种产品的发展历程,从第一代到最新一代,比如手机、电脑之类的。5. 还有就是利用网络上比较火的,大家感兴趣的话题做文章。That"s all. Good luck.


neglect,negligence,carelessness和absentmindedness的区别neglect是动词的疏忽negligence 强调的是因为疏忽而造成的过失性错误.carelessness 强调的是粗心大意,粗枝大叶.absentmindedness 是缺乏注意力的,心不在焉的一个人可以心思缜密,但是偶尔疏忽会犯错.这就是negligence,一个人本质上粗心大意,神经粗大,就是 carelessness,区别不是特别大.一个人开小差,注意力不集中则是absentmindedness例如:The woman denied that she had neglected her child. 那位女士否认疏于照管自己的孩子。The soldiers were ordered to appear before a disciplinary council on charges of negligence. 士兵们被控玩忽职守,被勒令接受纪律委员会的审查。Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences. 由粗心大意造成的错误有可能带来严重的后果。Absentmindness: A small mistake can lead to big trouble. It would be better to leave things to your comrades. 缺乏注意力:小错误能导致大麻烦.最好把事情留给你的伙伴做。

past tense 与 present prefect tense的分别

Simple Past (简单过去式): Subject + Verb (动词过去式) 当一件事情在过去已经发生并完成左(不论系一秒前 或一万年前) 例句: I just missed the bus! Now I"m going to be late for school. When dinosaurs walked the earth there were no hum. Present Perfect Tense (现在完成式): Subject + have/has + past participle of verb (过去分词) a. 一件事开始时是过去 一直持续到现在 She has worked on the same job for 20 years. (佢20年前开始做呢份工 做到今日仲做紧 所以用现在完成式) b. 一件事在过去已经完成 但可能会再发生 We have had three tests this semester. (由学期开始到而家已经有3 个测验 由于学期未结束 可能仲有更多测验) c. 一件事在过去已经完成 但无确实讲明系几时完成(或根本唔重要) I have seen that movie. He has read that book. 但当如果有问几时 个答案就会变成简单过去式. 如: A: I have seen that movie. B: When? A: I saw it yesterday. Past tense 用法简单 它是表示过去的动作 状态 事实 大致和表示过去的副词如: yesterday last week 等连用 而Present prefect tense 1. 它表示动作刚刚完成的动作或状态 e.g He has left for China 他刚去了中国 2. 凡表示过去 到现在已完成或还在继续 须用 Present prefect tense e.g. I have stuided English for five year. 我英文读了五年了. (虽然已经读了五年 现在却还在继续读。) Hope these are useful for you <>??


"Present"在英语中读作/u02c8pru025bzu0259nt/。以下是关于这个问题的详细解释:1.单词读音解析"Present"这个词的读音是/u02c8pru025bzu0259nt/。其中,字母"p"发音为/p/,字母"r"发音为/r/,字母"e" 发音为/u025b/,字母"s"发音为/s/,字母"e"发音为/u0259/,字母"n"发音为/n/,字母"t"发音为/t/。注意,在"present"这个词中,重音落在第一个音节上,即"pre-"部分。2.单词意义和用途"Present"是一个名词,表示礼物或礼品。它可以用来指任何一种给予他人的东西,通常用于表示对特定场合或个人的感谢、喜爱或庆祝。"Present"也可以作为动词使用,表示向某人赠送或呈现物品。3.单词的其他意义除了作为表示礼物的名词外,"Present"还可以用作形容词和副词。作为形容词时,它表示目前存在或出现的;作为副词时,它的意义为在场,出席。4.进一步了解相关单词和短语"Gift"是另一个常用表示礼物的名词,与"present"的意义相似。它通常用于非正式场合."Give a present"是表示给予礼物的常见短语,意为给予一个礼物。"Receivea present"是表示接收礼物的常见短语,意为收到一个礼物。总结:"Present"在英语中读作/u02c8pru025bzu0259nt/,意为礼物或礼品,可以用作名词、形容词和副词。除了 "present"这个单词外,还可以使用"gift"表示礼物。常用的短语有"give a present"和 "receive a present"。希望这些解释对您有所帮助!


present的介意:n(名词):礼物;目前;在场的人a(形容词):出席的;现在的;在场的;立即的vt(动词):提出;演出;授予;呈现;描述;推荐present作为形容词的时候是由出席的 意思!例:How many people were persent at the meetting.出席会议的有多少人.

take up ,take off ,present sb. with sth.各是什么意思


diplomatic representative是什么意思?


necessity essential区别


at. present,there. are. 16. vocational

回答和翻译如下:At. present,there. are. 16. vocational.目前,有16个职业。


presentation美 [.prez(u0259)n"teu026au0283(u0259)n] 英 [.prez(u0259)n"teu026au0283(u0259)n]n. 发布会;提交;颁发呈现;展示;介绍复数:presentations例句筛选1.I"m going to ask each of you to make a short presentation.我准备要求你们每个人作一个简短的陈述。2.How much background information about your topic can youassume they bring to the presentation?您认为他们对您话题的背景知识了解多少?

essential waitrose简体中文怎么写

essential waitrose是waitrose的一个低价系列,waitrose一般翻译成维特罗斯也有香港代购翻译成维狄个人认为这个很难找到合适的解释,essential可以翻译成必要的,名词是必需品,而其他超市的低价系列的名字分别是,以食物品质从低到高排序Morrisonss Savers ASDA Smartprice Tesco Everyday Value Sainsbury"s Basics 从用词选词上就能体现出侧重点不同essential系列是生活必需品而不仅仅专注于省钱个人原创亲身经历仅供参考



faithfully represent 和Enhancing Qualitative Characteristics 分别是什么意思(均为会计用语)


"If I am lucky to be chosen to represent my college as a Chinese student."

I really hope to catch this opportunity to study abroad in such a unitversity. I heard that this is one of the best nationwide, or even worldwide universities.

The union representative put across her argument very effectivelyuff0e

【答案】:B【题 干】工会代表非常有效地解释了她的观点。A.发明 B.解释 C.考虑 D.接受【解 析】本题考查动词词组。划线词组put across的意思是“解释,陈述”,与explain意思相近,故本题选B。

The union representative put across her argument very effectively.

【答案】:B【题 干】工会代表非常有效地解释了她的观点。A.发明 B.解释 C.考虑 D.接受【解 析】本题考查动词词组。划线词组put across的意思是“解释,陈述”,与explain意思相近,故本题选B。

We do meet now and then,but not ________. A.freely B.commonly C.regularly D.presently

答案C freely意为“自由地”;commonly意为“一般地”;regularly意为“有规律地;定期地”;presently意为“很快地”.now and then意为“有时;时而”,C项符合句意.

填表中,present occupation 怎么填哪

present occupation目前职业[网络短语]Present Occupation 目前职业,现任职务,现行职业Present occupation in detail 工作职位明细Choose your present occupation 选择您从事的行业就是填您现在的职业啊 比如说是老师 还是公务员 还是上班的职位 等等啊! 希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢!!


A(An)()representstitletothecargo. A.CTD B.airwaybill C.roadwaybill D.billoflading 正确答案:D

Orange represents ________. It can cheer you up when you are feeling sad. A.wisdom C.

B 试题分析:根据语境可知橘黄色代表什么,它可以让你在伤心的时候振作起来正确答案应该选B,因joy表示开心,快乐的意思。点评:此题的关键点是对语句的正确理解,有cheer…up可以推测出正确答案。

Dashed line represents the identity line怎么翻译


represent peace


法律中的warrants and represents是什么意思

warrants and represents权证代表warrants and represents权证代表




represent的名词和形容词如下:名词:representation。例如:“The organization represents thousands of members.”(该组织代表了数以千计的成员。)形容词:representative。例如:“The representative sample was selected from the population.”(代表性样本从总体中选择。):拓展资料:represent是一个常见的例如:“The candidate represented the party in the election.”(候选人在选举中代表该政党。)同时,represent还可以表示在思想、情感或观念上表现出某种特征。例如:“The delegate represented the interests of his country at the conference.”(代表在会议上代表他国的利益。)形容词:表示象征性或具有代表意义的。表达某种情感或观念。例如:“She represented her idea to him, hoping to gain his support.”(她向他表达了自己的想法,希望获得他的支持。) 2. represent something to oneself:在内心想象或构想某种事物,彼此完全相似。)represent something as something else:表示将某事物作为另一样东西来呈现或表达,例如:“The author represented the city as a place of beauty and mystery.”(作者将这座城市描绘成一个美丽而神秘的地方。)represent something for something:表示为某个目的或组织担任代表或代理,例如:“He represented his country for many years in the United Nations.”(他在联合国的多个年份中代表自己的国家。)总之,“represent”是一个具有多个词性和组合意义的英语单词。了解其不同用法和含义,可以帮助我们更好地理解和运用这个词汇,同时拓展我们的英语表达能力和思维角度。




"represents" 的正确发音是 /ru026au02c8pru026azu0259nts/。"represents" 是动词 "represent" 的第三人称单数现在时形式。 "represent" 的用法:1、代表:表示或象征某个人、组织、理念、概念或事物。2、描述:以文字、图像或其他方式描述或展示某个人、地方或事物的特征、性质或情况。3、扮演:在戏剧、电影或其他艺术形式中,扮演某个角色。4、代替:作为替代或替补代表某人、团体或利益。例句The lawyer represents the defendant in court.(律师在法庭上代表被告。)He represents our company at the conference.(他在会议上代表我们公司。)The eagle represents freedom.(鹰象征着自由。)She represents the main character in the play.(她在剧中扮演主要角色。)The painting represents a peaceful countryside.(这幅画描绘了一个宁静的乡村场景。)Their brochure represents the beauty of the destination.(他们的小册子描绘了目的地的美景。)He represents his country in international negotiations.(他在国际谈判中代表他的国家。)The statue represents a legendary warrior from ancient times.(这座雕像代表着一个古代传说中的勇士。)This painting represents the artist"s interpretation of nature.(这幅画代表了艺术家对自然的诠释。)The logo represents our company"s values and vision.(这个标志代表了我们公司的价值观和愿景。)


represent英[u02ccrepru026au02c8zent]美[u02ccru025bpru026au02c8zu025bnt]vt.表现,象征; 代表,代理; 扮演; 作为示范vi.代表; 提出异议第三人称单数:represents现在分词:representing过去式:represented过去分词:represented形近词:mispresentomnipresent数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典同反义词英英释义百度百科百度知道新1Usability requirements in particular represent the style and taste of individuals; not all requirements attract all your stakeholders.细节中的可用性需求表现了个人的风格和品位;并不是所有的需求都会吸引所有的涉众。

imperative sentence是什么意思


求解释: L/C 条款 presentation under reserves, owing to any discrepancies is strictly prohibited 谢


subject-predicate sentence是什么意思




什么是Interactive presentation?具体流程是什么



请看词源学解释(英文):The use of the related noun present for ‘gift" originated in Old French in the concept of ‘bringing something into someone"s presence", and hence of giving it to them. 英语present 的语源在古法语,含义是把某物带给某人,因此就有了送礼物的含义。


Gift and present are used interchangeably these days. Generally speaking it me the same thing but there are some differences beeen the o. PRESENT– something you give someone on a special occasion or to thank them for something. In everyday English especially in Britain people usually say present rather than t. "present" is the more limited word usually Christmas/birthday/wedding etc present. GIFT is something that you give to someone as a sign of friendship love respect or as part of a formal ceremony. Christmas/birthday/wedding etc t If something is given for no special reason but that you want to it is a t. Enjoy a free t with any purchase of $5 or more. A Gift may be much more valuable than a present. It usually passes from the rich to the charity anization university hospital … e or from the high to the low. A tycoon made a $1 000 000 t to charity. In the hall of art gallery was a magnificent vase which was a t from a Chinese busines *** an. It was a t to the US from the Chinese people. t shop t certificate free t (You can"t replace the word “t” with “present”) You may as well say that all presents are ts but not all ts are presents. 参考: Longman English Dictionary; Longman Language Activator 绿星火环保礼品公司提供各种具有环保意识的礼品(t) 可以度身设计及生产属于你的礼品(ts) 欢迎订制礼品及礼品批发──传心意 宣环保做为赠品更佳.greenspark/products/eco-stationery 正如很多人都发觉今时今日其实是interchangable,不过,我试从一些实用的例子给你讲解一下使用上的微妙之处: Christmas Present Christmas Gift 在使用上是不会用/写Chri *** as Gift这个名词写法的,但是圣诞节朋友间交换礼物却只会用/写/讲是Exchange ts in Christmas. 而家人之间或正正式式的送给人的圣诞礼物,则一定叫/写做Christmas Present. I cannot decide what present to give to my boyfriend/girlfriend for Christmas. I"ve recevied a beautiful sweater as Christmas present from my father/mother/wife/hu *** and. 所以除了是formal/informal写法与否的关系外,亦是formal/informal处境或者是importance重要(关系上)的程度的分享。当然最古老(或幼稚)的说法是以大小(实际size)来决定亦可以的。 但亦有些好像exception的 例如你上司退休你们同事送他的是Farewell t,不是Farewell present. 反而你们送他的生日礼物却应该叫做Birthday present,而不是Birthday t. 希望你能领悟少少何时用t或present的精妙所在。 礼物的英文「present」和「t= same. The only difference is that t is a noun and cannot be used as a verb. Do you like this present /t? I like this present/ t very much. ----------------------- PRESENT - can be used as a verb or adjective He presents the opening ceremony speech to us.= verb He will be present at the seminar tomorrow = adjective Can you count how many peoples are present today ? = adjective. GIFT -can be used as adjective too but not verb. He is ted in Music. = adjective She is ted with a sweet lovely voice. = adjective Present/present/t give/t/present are used slightly differently: to give someone a t/present to present someone with a present/t. (more formal) "Gift" gives more figurative meaning than "present". When something is easy to do it is a t. The math test today is a t. At $100 the watch is a t. 2012-01-04 05:22:21 补充: Natural ability is a t a great t for music a ted artist e From nature the t of life the t of nature. present 是比较formal的字 t比较口语 present是比较正统的英文 t在字眼上比较不太正经的英文 严格来讲没有分别.我建议用present. 礼物的英文「present」和「t」没有任何分别﹗ 参考: 自己,hope I can help you(希望帮到你),其他回答者请勿抄袭,其他回答者请勿参考或「抄考」,发问者请勿移除问题,其他网友请勿检举本答案﹗




1.礼物的英语:gift gift:英 [g?ft]、美 [ɡ?ft] n.天赋;赠送;赠品,礼物;天资。 2. vt.赋予;向…赠送;天赋权力(或才能等);授予。 3. I send you this gift as a mark of esteem. 我送你这件礼物以表敬意。




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