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澳大利亚申请,看到学院里的 advisor,Postgraduate coordinator等等是什么意思?


Provisionnal Invoice是临时发票吗?和形式发票Proforma Invoice有什么区别?

1、Provisional Invoice 临时发票 交易双方在以卸货港的卸货重量为交易条件时,由出售方先按照装货时的临时重量为准开立的发票,该种发票有时也作为卖方在贸易成交前给买方的货物报价单,所以最终成交的商品的价格、规格等可能与临时发票有出入。2、Proforma Invoice形式发票 卖方应买方的要求开立的一种非正式发票,发票上载明拟出口货物的名称、单价等内容。主要供进口商申请进口许可证或申批外汇时使用。发票上的价格仅仅是根据当时情况估算的,对买卖双方都无约束力。形式发票不能作为结汇单据。

travel trip tourism tourist visitor journey tour 的区别和用法


supervisor 和officer 哪个职位高?


惠普envy4-1220tx摄像头不能用,开机的时候摄像头TrueVision HD,但是过一会就变成了SPCA2082 PC Camera

您好,感谢您选择惠普产品。一、您的问题有可能是摄像头设备识别问题导致,建议您在设备管理器中选中此设备,右键点击,选择卸载,然后重新安装摄像头驱动:(1)如果您安装的是win7系统,请您安装:如果您安装的是win8系统,请您安装:二、如果故障依旧,建议您恢复bios默认值:开机不停点击F10进入bios,选择exit选项,选择load setup defaults--yes.再选择Exit--exit saving changes--yes。欢迎您通过百度平台的追问功能反馈您的操作结果,以便我继续跟进您的问题,祝您一切顺利!希望以上回复能够对您有所帮助。

实证主义是empirical 还是positivism?


If I visited my future university tomorrow, i wou

第一句很明显是虚拟语气,所以要用动词过去式,加ed ,因为句子中有tomorrow ,所以不可能是过去式,第二句是过去式,所以是offered,可以变成offers 如果句子语境是一般现在时第三句 应该是had come 过去完成时,我宁愿他昨天就已经来了

实证主义是empirical 还是positivism


ACCA(AA)科目知识点讲解:Provision and contingencies

2021年ACCA6月考季即将到来,大家在学习AA科目时,相信都知道当中有比较多零散的知识点,除了做到理解还需要进行整理和总结,对此,深空网为大家做了关于Provision and contingencies的汇总,希望有所帮助。01、Present obligation现有的义务确定过去的事项导致了这家公司现在存在一个义务,义务分为两种,一个是legal obligation法定义务,指的是因为合同导致的义务,一个是constructive obligation推定义务,因为之前的行为导致人们对他有一个期待,觉得他依旧会这么做。针对不同的义务,我们会分别采取不同的措施:推定义务:跟董事会讨论,看看他们是否有正式宣布过如果宣布过,审阅一些支持性文件看一下过去的行为和公开的政策等法定义务:跟管理层讨论问题的实质,确保充分理解审阅往来信函去评估是否有现有的义务02 、Probable可能性也就是极有可能导致未来现金流的流出,这个可能性要大于50%审阅期后付款事项,看一下有没有真的付款跟管理层讨论过去一些相似的案例审阅董事会决议以及往来信函,确定可能性询问公司的律师关于官司胜诉的可能性获得管理层声明书03 、Reliable estimate金额可以可靠计量只有同时满足了这三个条件,才能被确认为provision,缺一不可,如果有一个或者多个条件没有满足的时候,那就是contingent liabilities,provision会出现在资产负债表的科目里面,或有负债不在报表中,只会披露出来。获得计算的明细并加总,查完整性重新计算provision审阅前一年的provision审阅往来信函审阅董事会决议审阅年后实际的金额和去年类似案件进行对比





请问网上支付的时候 VISA卡要填account number 用不用填最后三位呢???


optic optical visual 有何区别?

optic [简明英汉词典][5Cptik]adj.眼的, 视觉的, 光学上的optical [简明英汉词典][5CptikEl]adj.眼的, 视力的, 光学的visual [简明英汉词典][5vizjuEl]adj.看的, 视觉的, 形象的, 栩栩如生的






I builded a horse yesterday I am fishing now I will organize a school trip next month Iam taking photos now




visit英 [u02c8vu026azu026at] 美 [u02c8vu026azu026at]a英 [u0259] 美 [eu026a]friend英 [frend] 美 [fru025bnd]


have a visit toon a visit

visual c++编程,使用到了指数函数,输入之后却显示undeclared identifier


Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0中文翻译

译文:通用串行总线规范版本2.0。说明:这是一个通信协议总称。针对 USB传输协议的定义USB插头标准 USB 连接器触点 触点 功能(主机) 功能(设备)1 VBUS (4.75-5.25 V) VBUS (4.4-5.25 V)2 D- D-3 D+ D+4 接地 接地USB 信号使用分别标记为 D+ 和 D- 的双绞线传输,它们各自使用 半双工的差分信号 并协同工作,以抵消长导线的电磁干扰,[编辑] Mini USB接口Mini USB连接器触点 触点 功能 颜色1 VBUS (4.4–5.25 V) 红2 Du2212 白3 D+ 绿4 ID 5 接地 黑mini USB除了第4针外,其他接口功能皆与标准USB相同。第4针成为ID,在mini-A上连接到第5针,在mini-B可以悬空亦可连接到第5针。


在ER图中有如下四个成分:矩形框:表示实体,在框中记入实体名。菱形框:表示联系,在框中记入联系名。椭圆形框:表示实体或联系的属性,将属性名记入框中。对于主属性名,则在其名称下划一下划线。连线:实体与属性之间;实体与联系之间;联系与属性之间用直线相连,并在直线上标注联系的类型。(对于一对一联系,要在两个实体连线方向各写1; 对于一对多联系,要在一的一方写1,多的一方写N;对于多对多关系,则要在两个实体连线方向各写N,M。)更倾向于概要设计。


1由于Visio 2003默认的绘图模板并没有E-R图这一项,但是画E-R图必须的基本图形Visio 2003还是有的,所以我们就得先把必要的图形添加到“我的模板”。以添加椭圆和矩形为例,打开Visio2003,在主界面的选择绘图类型下选择“框图”,然后选择“基本框图”2在基本框图的的可选图形中找到椭圆形,右击,选择“添加到我的形状”,然后选择“添加到新模具”3然后就是出现一个保存对话框,文件名处我们打上“ER图”,这样,Visio就为我们新建了一个名为“ER图”的绘图模具,并且把椭圆加入了该模具中4接下来就是继续添加需要的图形。找到矩形,右击,选择“添加到我的形状”,这次不是选择“添加到新模具”,而是添加到“ER图”5重复上述步骤直到把画ER图所需的所有图形(矩形,椭圆,菱形,直线)添加完毕。需要注意的是,并不是上述图形都能在“基本框图”下找到。比如直线可以在数据库的ORM图下找到,菱形则在流程图的基本流程图中ENDNO2.开始绘制ER图点击菜单栏的“文件”,依次选择“形状”,“我的形状”,“ER图”这时候Visio 2003就进入了画图状态,可以看到我们自定义的ER图模型下,已经有绘制ER图必须的一些图形了。看到界面的左边,选中“矩形”这个画图模型,按住鼠标左键不放,直接拖动到中间的带有标尺的画图区域,双击图形可以在里面输入文字根据ER图的规则开始我们想要的绘图,矩形表示实体,椭圆表示实体的属性,菱形表示实体与实体之间的联系,图形之间用线段连接,直到绘图基本完成最后一个步骤,保存好绘制出来的图形。点击菜单栏的“文件”,选择“另存为”,填好文件的名字,文件类型可以选择普通的“jpeg”,但这样保存以后就不可编辑了。建议再保存一份vsd格式的绘图工程文件以便日后修改

为什么had用过去式? 全句是 you had a visit from the stork yesterday. 这里的had 是看作过去完成时吗?

这里had是动词have的过去式,visit用的是名词have a visit=pay a visit =visit(这里visit是动词)visit有动词和名词两种词性,pay/have a visit 在这里visit当名词用

Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 [Overlay]是 什么啊,怎么 解决啊 ?

该程序是由Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0编译出来的 [Overlay] 有伪装覆盖的意思和E易语言的结构差不多

Visual C++ 2005 Release -> Microsoft [Overlay] *

没有壳,这个软件是用Visual Studio系列的Visual C++开发的, 发布版本是Release,不是壳。Overlay也不是壳的名称,是链接器。

Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 [Overlay]


intended place to apply for visa 应该怎么写

Intended Visa Classification For Study At MSU 研究MSU签证类双语照例句:1.Please apply forthwith for visa at the chinese embassy visa office. 使馆签证处申请签证2.It is a requirement for study visa applications that full fees are paid in advance of submitting an application. 按照规定留签证申请应递交申请前付清所费

求Visual Dreams 罗马发音 少女时代的

罗马拼音 One Two Three Four jjarit hageh eomeona One Two Three Four neoreul wonhae iminan One Two Three Four soljikhan naemangeulda deulkyeh beorilraeda deulryeojulrae chokchokchok odalkomhan nae ipsuleh Come Come Come cheoncheonhi geuraedagabwa Tic Tac Toe oh ajjilhageh nehgeh pukbbajyeobeoringyeol nogabeoringeol cheoeum neulggini gamjeong My Deep Love Core jeomjeom ddeuhgeowojineun eolgulsumi makhineun sungan eojjeoji ddeolrigo itseo boy boy boy boy bo bo bo boy boy boy boy gomingomin haebwado moreulgehsseo sangsangmaneuron jeongmalro hanado oh how to do my first kiss just wait a minute? boy boy boy boy bo bo bo boy boy boy boy mangseoriji malgo my love get into my core One Two Three Four jjarit hageh eomeona One Two Three Four neoreul wonhae iminan One Two Three Four soljikhan naemangeulda deulkyeh beorilraeda deulryeojulrae chokchokchok odalkomhan nae ipsuleh Come Come Come cheoncheonhi geuraedagabwa Tic Tac Toe oh ajjilhageh nehgeh pukbbajyeobeoringyeol nogabeoringeol naemangsok visual neomu waknbyeokhae negaji gomin eonjeh eodiseo mueoseul eoddeotgehman bbaego hehmaego itseo Core Core Core Core Co Co Co Core Core Core Core jigeumiya baro start! jump into love core One Two Three Four jjarit hageh eomeona One Two Three Four neoreul wonhae iminan One Two Three Four soljikhan naemangeulda deulkyeh beorilraeda deulryeojulrae Take you higher / oh my love ooh yeah visual dreams / neuggyehbwa beating of my heart One Two Three Four jjarit hageh eomeona One Two Three Four neoreul wonhae iminan One Two Three Four soljikhan naemangeulda deulkyeh beorilraeda deulryeojulrae chokchokchok odalkomhan nae ipsuleh Come Come Come cheoncheonhi geuraedagabwa Tic Tac Toe oh ajjilhageh nehgeh pukbbajyeobeoringyeol nogabeoringeol ooh yeah visualize my love oh yeah 韩文歌词 One Two Three Four One Two Three Four One Two Three Four Come Come Come Tic Tac Toe Come Come Come Tic Tac Toe My Deep Love Core (boy boy boy boy) (boy boy boy boy) how to do my first kiss just wait a minute? (boy boy boy boy) my love get into my core One Two Three Four One Two Three Four One Two Three Four Come Come Come Tic Tac Toe visual (Core Core Core Core) (Core Core Core Core) the end pop pop (Core Core Core Core) Core of my love start! ~ jump into love core One Two Three Four One Two Three Four One Two Three Four Take you higher oh my love ooh yeah visual dreams beating of my heart One Two Three Four One Two Three Four One Two Three Four Come Come Come Tic Tac Toe 中文意思 One two three four 火辣辣的 欧莫那 One two three four 我已经想要你 One two three four 我诚实的心 全都被发现 全都被听见 Choc Choc Choc oh 在我甜美的嘴唇上 Come Come Come 一点一点的那样靠近我 Tic Tac Toe oh 神志不清的被你迷住 被你融化 初次体会到这样的感情 My Deep Love Core 一点点变红的脸 呼吸困难的瞬间 怎样才好 身体在颤动 boy boy boy boy bo bo bo boy boy boy boy 就算不断的苦恼 还是无济于事 就算是想象 也真是一点也 oh how to do my first kiss just wait a minute boy boy boy boy bo bo bo boy boy boy boy 请不要犹豫 my love get into my One two three four 火辣辣的 欧莫那 One two three four 我已经想要你 One two three four 我诚实的心 全都被发现 全都被听见 Choc Choc Choc oh 在我甜美的嘴唇上 Come Come Come 一点一点的那样靠近我 Tic Tac Toe oh 神志不清的被你迷住 被你融化 在我心中的visual实在太完美 你带来的苦恼 到底何时何处怎样做才能消除 正在彷徨 Core Core Core Core Co Co Co Core Core Core Core 犹犹豫豫 错过了也不知道 犹豫 the end 看这里 扑通扑通 pop pop 听听看 怎样 core of my love Core Core Core Core Co Co Co Core Core Core Core 现在才是start! jump into love core One two three four 火辣辣的 欧莫那 One two three four 我已经想要你 One two three four 我诚实的心 全都被发现 全都被听见 Take you higher/oh my love ooh yeah visual dreams/感受吧 beating of my heart One two three four 火辣辣的 欧莫那 One two three four 我已经想要你 One two three four 我诚实的心 全都被发现 全都被听见 Choc Choc Choc oh 在我甜美的嘴唇上 Come Come Come 一点一点的那样靠近我 Tic Tac Toe oh 神志不清的被你迷住 被你融化 Ooh yeah visualize my love oh yeah 中文音译 BY:、cooky One two these (four)呆里拍gie 奥们噶 One two these (four)闹lir王海 移米那 One two these (four)苏及肯没 玛恩们大地kiao巴黎类 大度药具嘞 ai~ 就就就 (oh)太苦满内 伊苏类 Come Come Come讲讲你裤来 他噶哇 Tic tac toe 哦啊吉拉gie 捏噶喷八角博林girl 闹噶bo林够 er~ 桥肯内kie一干就My Deep Love Core 讲讲地噶哇寄卖傲骨素米吗ki你 孙干啊敲击 (Boy Boy Boy Boy BBB Boy Boy Boy Boy) 奥利故一扫 高敏高敏还把到毛定改扫 桑桑骂一路强马路哈那度哦 How to do my first kiss (Boy Boy Boy Boy BBB Boy Boy Boy Boy) Just wait a minute? 满扫立即吗儿谷 my love Get into my core One two these (four)呆里拍gie 奥们噶 One two these (four)闹lir王海 移米那 One two these (four)苏及肯没 玛恩们大地kiao巴黎类 大度药具嘞 ai~ 就就就 (oh)太苦满内 伊苏类 Come Come Come讲讲你裤来 他噶哇 Tic tac toe 哦啊吉拉gie 捏噶喷八角博林girl 闹噶bo林够 er~ 奶素慢visual那木完表开 奶噶及够民孔家 阿地扫木奥苏啊 到开满白口 (Core Core Core Core CoCoCo Core Core Core Core) 还买谷一扫 物理组里害den乃基滴木拉 满扫里the end要gi吧度跟读跟 pop pop (Core Core Core Core CoCoCo Core Core Core Core) Core of my love 及肯尼亚吧录 start~ Jump into love core One two these (four)呆里拍gie 奥们噶 One two these (four)闹lir王海 移米那 One two these (four)苏及肯没 玛恩们大地kiao巴黎类 大度药具嘞 ai~ take you higher oh~my love ooh yeah~ visual dreams 嫩giao吧beating of my heart One two these (four)呆里拍gie 奥们噶 One two these (four)闹lir王海 移米那 One two these (four)苏及肯没 玛恩们大地kiao巴黎类 大度药具嘞 ai~ 就就就 (oh)太苦满内 伊苏类 Come Come Come讲讲你裤来 他噶哇 Tic tac toe 哦啊吉拉gie 捏噶喷八角博林girl 闹噶bo林够 er~

Visual Dreams 中文歌词

中文意思One two three four火辣辣的 欧莫那One two three four我已经想要你One two three four我诚实的心全都被发现全都被听见Choc Choc Choc oh在我甜美的嘴唇上Come Come Come一点一点的那样靠近我Tic Tac Toe oh神志不清的被你迷住被你融化初次体会到这样的感情My Deep Love Core一点点变红的脸呼吸困难的瞬间怎样才好身体在颤动boy boy boy boy bo bo bo boy boy boy boy就算不断的苦恼还是无济于事就算是想象也真是一点也oh how to do my first kissjust wait a minuteboy boy boy boy bo bo bo boy boy boy boy请不要犹豫my love get into myOne two three four火辣辣的 欧莫那One two three four我已经想要你One two three four我诚实的心全都被发现全都被听见Choc Choc Choc oh在我甜美的嘴唇上Come Come Come一点一点的那样靠近我Tic Tac Toe oh神志不清的被你迷住被你融化在我心中的visual实在太完美你带来的苦恼到底何时何处怎样做才能消除正在彷徨Core Core Core Core Co Co Co Core Core Core Core犹犹豫豫错过了也不知道犹豫the end 看这里扑通扑通 pop pop听听看 怎样core of my loveCore Core Core Core Co Co Co Core Core Core Core现在才是start!jump into love coreOne two three four火辣辣的 欧莫那One two three four我已经想要你One two three four我诚实的心全都被发现全都被听见Take you higher/oh my love ooh yeahvisual dreams/感受吧 beating of my heartOne two three four火辣辣的 欧莫那One two three four我已经想要你One two three four我诚实的心全都被发现全都被听见Choc Choc Choc oh在我甜美的嘴唇上Come Come Come一点一点的那样靠近我Tic Tac Toe oh神志不清的被你迷住被你融化Ooh yeah visualize my love oh yeah

少女时代visuadream怎么唱 用中文写出来,或用拼音

One Two Three Four jjarit hageh eomeonaOne Two Three Four neoreul wonhae iminanOne Two Three Four soljikhan naemangeulda deulkyeh beorilraeda deulryeojulraechokchokchok odalkomhan nae ipsulehCome Come Come cheoncheonhi geuraedagabwaTic Tac Toe oh ajjilhageh nehgeh pukbbajyeobeoringyeol nogabeoringeolcheoeum neulggini gamjeong My Deep Love Corejeomjeom ddeuhgeowojineun eolgulsumi makhineun sungan eojjeojiddeolrigo itseoboy boy boy boy bo bo bo boy boy boy boygomingomin haebwado moreulgehsseosangsangmaneuron jeongmalro hanado oh how to do my first kissjust wait a minute?boy boy boy boy bo bo bo boy boy boy boymangseoriji malgo my love get into my coreOne Two Three Four jjarit hageh eomeonaOne Two Three Four neoreul wonhae iminanOne Two Three Four soljikhan naemangeulda deulkyeh beorilraeda deulryeojulraechokchokchok odalkomhan nae ipsulehCome Come Come cheoncheonhi geuraedagabwaTic Tac Toe oh ajjilhageh nehgeh pukbbajyeobeoringyeol nogabeoringeolnaemangsok visual neomu waknbyeokhaenegaji gomin eonjeh eodiseo mueoseul eoddeotgehman bbaegohehmaego itseoCore Core Core Core Co Co Co Core Core Core Corejigeumiya baro start! jump into love coreOne Two Three Four jjarit hageh eomeonaOne Two Three Four neoreul wonhae iminanOne Two Three Four soljikhan naemangeulda deulkyeh beorilraeda deulryeojulraeTake you higher / oh my love ooh yeahvisual dreams / neuggyehbwa beating of my heartOne Two Three Four jjarit hageh eomeonaOne Two Three Four neoreul wonhae iminanOne Two Three Four soljikhan naemangeulda deulkyeh beorilraeda deulryeojulraechokchokchok odalkomhan nae ipsulehCome Come Come cheoncheonhi geuraedagabwaTic Tac Toe oh ajjilhageh nehgeh pukbbajyeobeoringyeol nogabeoringeol

少女时代Visual Dreams罗马歌词。

SNSD - Visual Dreams Lyrics (Romanization)One Two Three Four jjarithage omonaOne Two Three Four neoreul wonhae imi nanOne Two Three Four soljikhan nae mameul da deulkyeobeorillae da deullyeojullaechokchokchok o dalkomhan nae ibsureCome Come Come cheoncheonhi geurae dagawaTic Tac Toe o ajjilhage nege puk bbajyeobeoringeol nogabeoringeolcheoeum neukkin i kamjeong My Deep Love Corejeomjeom ddeugeowojineun eolgeul sumi makhineun sungan eojjeojiddeolligo isseoBoy boy boy boy bo bo bo boy boy boy boygomingomin haebwado moreugesseosangsangmaneuron jeongmallo hanado o do how to do my first kissJust wait a minute?Boy boy boy boy bo bo bo boy boy boy boymangseoliji malgo my love get into my coreOne Two Three Four jjarithage omonaOne Two Three Four neoreul wonhae imi nanOne Two Three Four soljikhan nae mameul da deulkyeobeorillae da deullyeojullaechokchokchok o dalkomhan nae ibsureCome Come Come cheoncheonhi geurae dagawaTic Tac Toe o ajjilhage nege puk bbajyeobeoringeol nogabeoringeolnae mam sok visual neomu wanbyeokhaene gaji gomin eonje eodiseo mueoseul eoddeohkeman bbaegohemaego isseoCore Core Core Core Co Co Co Core Core Core Coreumuljjumul hadan nohchilji mollamangseolim the end yeogil bwa dugeundugeun pop pop deulliji eoddaeCore of my loveCore Core Core Core Co Co Co Core Core Core Corejigeumiya baro start! Jump into love coreOne Two Three Four jjarithage omonaOne Two Three Four neoreul wonhae imi nanOne Two Three Four soljikhan nae mameul da deulkyeobeorillae da deullyeojullaeTake you higherOh my love ooh yeahVisual dreamsneukkyeobwa beating of my heartOne Two Three Four jjarithage omonaOne Two Three Four neoreul wonhae imi nanOne Two Three Four soljikhan nae mameul da deulkyeobeorillae da deullyeojullaechokchokchok o dalkomhan nae ibsureCome Come Come cheoncheonhi geurae dagawaTic Tac Toe o ajjilhage nege puk bbajyeobeoringeol nogabeoringeolOoh yeah visualize my love oh yeahCredits:Rom/Trans:Hyunjin808,typicalharu & grandma deer@soshified

Gee visual dream 中文歌词

Sscia)A-ha! listen boy my first love story my angel I"m a girl my sunshine oh oh let"s go (서현)너무 너무 멋져 눈이 눈이 부셔 太帅气了,太耀眼了 숨을 못 쉬겠어 떨리는 걸 紧张的不能呼吸 Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby (Ffany)oh 너무 부끄러워 쳐다 볼 수 없어 太害羞,都不敢看你了 사랑에 빠졌어 수줍은 걸 陷入你的爱情中,太羞涩 Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby Gee Gee Gee Gee babe babe....... (수영&윤아)어떻게 하죠(어떡하죠)怎么办(怎么办) 떨리는 마음(떨리는 맘은요)紧张的心(很紧张的心) (두근 두근 두근 두근)怦怦跳 두근 두근거려 밤에 잠도 못 이루죠七 上八下睡不着觉 (Ssica)나는 나는 바본가봐요 我好像笨蛋 그대 그대밖에 모르는 바보 只知道你的笨蛋 그래요 그댈 보는 난 在那样乖戾看你的我 (All)너무 반짝반짝 눈이 부셔 no no no no no 非常闪亮的他 너무 깜짝깜짝 놀란 나는 oh oh oh oh oh 非常大吃一惊了的我 너무 짜릿짜릿 몸이 떨려 Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee 身体被电到了 멋쩍은 눈빛 oh ye 좋은 향기 oh ye ye ye 帅气的眼神 oh ye 很香的气味 (Yuri)oh 너무 너무 예뻐 맘이 너무 예뻐 非常非常漂亮,心情非常好 첫눈에 반했어 꼭 찝은 걸 对你一见钟情了 Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby baby Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby baby (Sunny)너무나 뜨거워 만질수가 없어 不能过分热情触摸 사랑에 타버려 후끈한걸 爱情被接受了 Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby Gee Gee Gee Gee babe babe...... (서현&효연)어쩌면 좋아(어쩌면 좋아요) 怎样做才好(怎样做才好) 수줍은 나는(수줍은 나는요) 害羞的我(害羞的我) (몰라 몰라 몰라 몰라 몰라) 몰라 몰라하며 不知道 (태연)매일 그대만 그리죠 每天只描绘你 친한 친구들은 말하죠 好朋友们说 정말 너는 정말 못말려 바보 你真的不能留下,笨蛋 하지만 그댈 보는 난 但是看你的我 (All)너무 반짝반짝 눈이 부셔 no no no no no 非常闪亮的他 너무 깜짝깜짝 놀란 나는 oh oh oh oh oh 非常大吃一惊了的我 너무 짜릿짜릿 몸이 떨려 Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee 身体被电到了 멋쩍은 눈빛 oh ye 좋은 향기 oh ye ye ye 帅气的眼神 oh ye 很香的气味 (Yuri)말도 못했는 걸 话也说不成了 너무 부끄러워 하는 날 太害羞的我 (태연)용기가 없는 걸까 没有勇气 어떡해야 좋은걸까 怎么办才好 두근두근 맘 졸이며 바라보고 있죠 看着你心脏狂跳 (All)너무 반짝반짝 눈이 부셔 no no no no no 非常闪亮的他 너무 깜짝깜짝 놀란 나는 oh oh oh oh oh 非常大吃一惊了的我 너무 짜릿짜릿 몸이 떨려 Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee 身体被电到了 멋쩍은 눈빛 oh ye 좋은 향기 oh ye 帅气的眼神 oh ye 很香的气味 너무 반짝반짝 눈이 부셔 no no no no no 非常闪亮的他 너무 깜짝깜짝 놀란 나는 oh oh oh oh oh 非常大吃一惊了的我 너무 짜릿짜릿 몸이 떨려 Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee 身体被电到了 멋쩍은 눈빛 oh ye 좋은 향기 oh ye ye ye 帅气的眼神 oh ye 很香的气味

visual dream的歌词中文谐音


少女时代的visual dream的谐音,罗马还是什么的都可以,只要是谐音就行了,快

One two these (four)呆里拍gie 奥们噶One two these (four)闹lir王海 移米那One two these (four)苏及肯没 玛恩们大地kiao巴黎类 大度药具嘞 ai~chu chu chu (oh)太苦满内 伊苏类Come Come Come讲讲你裤来 他噶哇Tic tac toe 哦啊吉拉gie 捏噶喷八角博林girl 闹噶bo林够 er~桥肯内kie一干就My Deep Love Core讲讲地噶哇寄卖傲骨素米吗ki你 孙干啊敲击(Boy Boy Boy Boy BBB Boy Boy Boy Boy)奥利故一扫高敏高敏还把到毛定改扫桑桑骂一路强马路哈那度哦 How to do my first kiss(Boy Boy Boy Boy BBB Boy Boy Boy Boy)Just wait a minute?满扫立即吗儿谷 my loveGet into my coreOne two these (four)呆里拍gie 奥们噶One two these (four)闹lir王海 移米那One two these (four)苏及肯没 玛恩们大地kiao巴黎类 大度药具嘞 ai~chu chu chu (oh)太苦满内 伊苏类Come Come Come讲讲你裤来 他噶哇Tic tac toe 哦啊吉拉gie 捏噶喷八角博林girl 闹噶bo林够 er~奶素慢visual那木完表开奶噶及够民孔家 阿地扫木奥苏啊 到开满白口(Core Core Core Core CoCoCo Core Core Core Core)还买谷一扫物理组里害den乃基滴木拉满扫里the end要gi吧度跟读跟 pop pop 独立疾苦该(Core Core Core Core CoCoCo Core Core Core Core)Core of my love及肯尼亚吧录 start~Jump into love coreOne two these (four)呆里拍gie 奥们噶One two these (four)闹lir王海 移米那One two these (four)苏及肯没 玛恩们大地kiao巴黎类 大度药具嘞 ai~take you higheroh~my love ooh yeah~visual dreams嫩giao吧beating of my heartOne two these (four)呆里拍gie 奥们噶One two these (four)闹lir王海 移米那One two these (four)苏及肯没 玛恩们大地kiao巴黎类 大度药具嘞 ai~chu chu chu (oh)太苦满内 伊苏类Come Come Come讲讲你裤来 他噶哇Tic tac toe 哦啊吉拉gie 捏噶喷八角博林girl 闹噶bo林够 er~

少女时代 Visual Dreams 的歌词






(1)事件:十月革命的胜利(2分)【试题分析】(1)第一问,材料一中的“Bolshevism胜利可依据材料一中的时间“1917年”与“俄国革命”这些信息来分析为“十月革命”。 “天下惊秋的一片桐叶”这里是指俄国的社会主义革命胜利后建立了世界第一个社会主义国家。李大钊是第一个在中国传播马克思主义的人,所以他的文章意味着中国开始向俄国学习。 请采纳~


C “Bolshevism(布尔什维主义)”及引文主要说明:俄国十月社会主义革命不仅影响俄国,必将对世界其他国家产生深远影响。C符合这种思想。A、B反映的是资产阶级的思想。D主要是关于中国革命的有关内容。


常用词典n.布尔什维克主义;激进论双语例句1.Kautsky had a special relation to Russia and to Bolshevism.考茨基与俄国和布尔什·维克有着一层特殊的关系。2.I"m afraid Bolshevism is a large question, "said Hammond, shaking his head seriously.“我恐怕波尔雪维克主义是个太大的问题。”韩蒙摇着头郑重地说。3.He recognised the terrible danger of Bolshevism at an early date and dedicated his existence to this struggle.很早的时候,他就认识到布尔什·维克的巨大威胁,并把他的一生奉献给了这场斗争。同近义词n. 布尔什维克主义;激进论ultraism



Is this the museum ___you visited last month?


Penetration的《Vision》 歌词

歌曲名:Vision歌手:Penetration专辑:Moving Targets「VISION」作词∶motsu作曲∶t-kimura歌∶m.o.v.e何故この风景に ずっと胸うばわれ頬を切るような スピード 醒められないHey yo, hey yoどっから来た どこへ行くんだどれだけやった あとどれだけ欲しいんだ You"re the strangerほかの谁でもないオマエ一人に问いかけつづけてるんだずっと前から これからもバカね 「梦」なんて简単なワードじゃ 钓り合うワケがないWaiting for the chorus with the×3beat like this. Come on风が泣いてる 夜を感じる どこまで ahFollow the vision of your life Follow what you see right nowその果てにある マボロシが舞う 美しくFollow the vision of your life Follow what you see right nowFollow the vision of your lifeFollow the vision that you want...见失ったのなら 目を闭じてみればいい涙隠すなら どしゃ降り浴びればいいEmergency right now ずっと岚の中 ココロ丸裸涙で 叫びで 决壊寸前のダム警报鸣らせ 响かせろオマエのサイレン一斉に解き放てリビドー 空っぽになるまで言叶以上に语る背中を ただ见つめてたいWaiting for the chorus with the×3beat like this. Come on岚が咆える 雷鸣の夜 いつまで ahFollow the vision of your life Follow what you see right now昨日と违う 夜明けに逢いに 旅は行くFollow the vision of your life Follow what you see right nowFollow the vision of your lifeFollow the vision that you want...风が泣いてる 夜を感じる どこまで ahFollow the vision of your life Follow what you see right nowその果てにある マボロシが舞う 美しくFollow the vision of your life Follow what you see right now【 おわり 】

Travis的《Driftwood》 歌词

歌曲名:Driftwood歌手:Travis专辑:The Man Who (Bonus Track Version)Travis - DriftwoodEverything is openNothing is set in stoneRivers turn to OceanOceans tide you homeHome is where your heart isBut your heart had to roamDrifting over bridgesNever to returnWatching bridges burnYou"re driftwood floating underwaterBreaking into pieces, pieces, piecesJust driftwood hollow and of no usewaterfalls will find you, bind you, grind youNobody is an islandEveryone has to goPillars turn to butterButterflying lowLow is where your heart isBut your heart has to growDrifting under bridgesNever with the flowAnd you really didn"t think it would happenBut it really is the end of the lineSo I"m sorry that you turned to driftwoodBut you"ve been drifting for a long, long timeEverywhere there"s troubleNowhere"s safe to goPushes turn to shovel"sShovelling the snowFrozen you have chosenThe path you wish to goDrifting now foreverAnd forever moreUntil you reach your shoreYou"re driftwood floating underwaterBreaking into pieces, pieces, piecesJust driftwood hollow and of no useWaterfalls will find you, bind you, grind youAnd you really didn"t think it would happenBut it really is the end of the lineSo I"m sorry that you turned to driftwoodBut you"ve been drifting for a long, long timeYou"ve been drifting for a long, long timeYou"ve been drifting for a long, longDrifting for a long, long time

Asta La Vista Baby 是什么意思?是西班牙语


谁有摇滚青春Hasta La Vista的中文歌词??


Hasta la vista! 什么意思?谢谢

The meaning of this Spanish expression in English is : See you later!Actually it sounds like a Spanish Slang.

Buena suerte! Pase! Tome asiento! Hasta la vista!翻译成中文是什么意思


Hasta La Vista歌词

YeahIt"s Your boy BarronYoAnd the place to beIt"s crazyCome rock with me!Couldn"t wait to leave,But now I hate to goLast day of camp,Packing my bags slowMade so many friends,Why does it have to endIn the end its a win,Because we grown so close togetherRemember when we first met,First dayFigured this would be no fun,No wayAnd now its time to leave, (leave)But now we wanna stay, (stay, stay, stay, stay)Hasta la vistaI"m gonna say goodbye to youWhatever happens I"ll be cool with youWanna give me your number I"ll call yaPromise I won"t forget yaWe"ll all be going seperate waysSay everything you didn"t sayThis is your moment, before you goCome on now get up and show themKeep doing your thing, thing, thing(And I"m gonna do my thing)There"s so much inside of meThere"s so much more I just want to beAll the things I"ve seen, obviously I"m inspiredGot love for all the friendships I"ve acquiredEverybody put a hand up,put a hand up,hey, hey, heyput a han (是Jordan Francis的吗)

Hasta La Vista 歌词

歌曲名:Hasta La Vista歌手:E.A.V. (Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung)专辑:HimbeerlandHasta La Vista!Hasta La Vista!Hasta La Vista!we used to go out at nightyou were my friend with youit always felt so rightwe knew each other from the hoodtogether looking goodand there never was disrespectrelationship was good, was the best I had"til you found these brand new friendsit"s hard to understandWhen it"s gone, then it"s gone, you can"t stop the timeOh no, I don"t think soout of sight, out of mind, just leave it behindtime to say goodbyeIf I see you in the club with all your chicasla…Hast la vista!If you only represent yourself amigohasta la vista!I don"t care if you dare to fake a gansta"s life"cuz now my time has come to leave yahasta la vista!You tell me you didn"t changeyou try to do me rightyou wanna rearrangebut what is broken should be thrownaway, oh, don"t you know?so I leave it up to historybut honestly, why should I really care, baby?whatcha wearing under your clothesI think I"ll never knowWhen it"s gone, then it"s gone, you can"t stop the timeOh no, I don"t think soout of sight, out of mind, just leave it behindtime to say goodbyeIf I see you in the club with all your chicasHast la vista!If you only represent yourself amigohasta la vista!I don"t care if you dare to fake a gansta"s life"cuz now my time has come to leave yahasta la vista!ohhasta la vista!ohhasta la vista!So let me take another second tell you whyI just don"t like it so I kick it and say bye bye"cuz when a difference is between what you get and giveit ain"t gonna fitso let me take another second to tell you whyI just don"t like it so kick it and say bye bye"cuz when a difference is between what you get and givethen I"m through with itIf I see you in the club with all your chicasHast la vista!If you only represent yourself amigohasta la vista!I don"t care if you dare to fake a gansta"s life"cuz now my time has come to leave yahasta la vista!If I see you in the club with all your chicasHast la vista!If you only represent yourself amigohasta la vista!I don"t care if you dare to fake a gansta"s life"cuz now my time has come to leave yahasta la vista!hasta la vista!

Hasta La Vista 歌词

歌曲名:Hasta La Vista歌手:Ruslan Alehno专辑:Eurovision Song Contest Belgrade 2008Eurovision 2008 - Belarus: Ruslan Alehno - Hasta la vistaYou shone at me like a blinding starI"ve just never seen such a light so farAll my days were fairy talesI begged you to look in my loving eyesBut you were as cold as arctic iceAnd your laugh has killed my loveThe story is close to the final cutIt won"t be the end, but a running startSo don"t be upset and don"t ask me whyI say goodbyeHasta la vista, babyI gonna miss you, maybeYou can be blissfully happyThough it"s not fairHasta la vista, babyI gonna miss you, maybeHasta la vista, blame meBut I don"t careNo way to repair the broken glassThere"s nothing to share nor to discussNow I see, you"re not for meYou"ve cast me away to a desert shoreYou"ve shattered my heart, now you keep the scoreHave a rest, you"ve done your bestThe story is close to the final cutIt won"t be the end, but a running startSo don"t you pretend you can"t get it whyI say goodbyeHasta la vista, babyI gonna miss you, maybeYou can be blissfully happyThough it"s not fairHasta la vista, babyI gonna miss you, maybeHasta la vista, blame meBut I don"t careHasta la vistaHasta la vista

Hasta La Vista 歌词

歌曲名:Hasta La Vista歌手:Manuel & The Music Of The Mountains专辑:Y Viva EspanaHasta La Vista!Hasta La Vista!Hasta La Vista!we used to go out at nightyou were my friend with youit always felt so rightwe knew each other from the hoodtogether looking goodand there never was disrespectrelationship was good, was the best I had"til you found these brand new friendsit"s hard to understandWhen it"s gone, then it"s gone, you can"t stop the timeOh no, I don"t think soout of sight, out of mind, just leave it behindtime to say goodbyeIf I see you in the club with all your chicasla…Hast la vista!If you only represent yourself amigohasta la vista!I don"t care if you dare to fake a gansta"s life"cuz now my time has come to leave yahasta la vista!You tell me you didn"t changeyou try to do me rightyou wanna rearrangebut what is broken should be thrownaway, oh, don"t you know?so I leave it up to historybut honestly, why should I really care, baby?whatcha wearing under your clothesI think I"ll never knowWhen it"s gone, then it"s gone, you can"t stop the timeOh no, I don"t think soout of sight, out of mind, just leave it behindtime to say goodbyeIf I see you in the club with all your chicasHast la vista!If you only represent yourself amigohasta la vista!I don"t care if you dare to fake a gansta"s life"cuz now my time has come to leave yahasta la vista!ohhasta la vista!ohhasta la vista!So let me take another second tell you whyI just don"t like it so I kick it and say bye bye"cuz when a difference is between what you get and giveit ain"t gonna fitso let me take another second to tell you whyI just don"t like it so kick it and say bye bye"cuz when a difference is between what you get and givethen I"m through with itIf I see you in the club with all your chicasHast la vista!If you only represent yourself amigohasta la vista!I don"t care if you dare to fake a gansta"s life"cuz now my time has come to leave yahasta la vista!If I see you in the club with all your chicasHast la vista!If you only represent yourself amigohasta la vista!I don"t care if you dare to fake a gansta"s life"cuz now my time has come to leave yahasta la vista!hasta la vista!

谁知道这个词的出处?hasta la vista

Translated from the Spanish - "see you later". (西班牙语:再会的意思)This phrase has of course been in everyday use in Spanish-speaking countries for some time. It came to the attention of the English-speaking world via the 1991 film Terminator 2: Judgment Day, which was written by James Cameron and William Wisher Jr.是终结者2中的一名台词:The phrase "hasta la vista, baby" features in an exchange between the film"s characters John Connor (Edward Furlong) and "The Terminator" (Arnold Schwarzenegger): John Connor: No, no, no, no. You gotta listen to the way people talk. You don"t say "affirmative," or some shit like that. You say "no problemo." And if someone comes on to you with an attitude you say "eat me." And if you want to shine them on it"s "hasta la vista, baby." The Terminator: Hasta la vista, baby. John Connor: Yeah but later, dickwad. And if someone gets upset you say, "chill out"! Or you can do combinations. The Terminator: Chill out, dickwad. John Connor: Great! See, you"re getting it! The Terminator: No problemo.It is sometimes misspelled as "asta la vista".

hasta la vista 怎么发音


Hasta La Vista 什麽意思

Translated from the Spanish - "see you later". (西班牙语:再会的意思) This phrase has of course been in everyday use in Spanish-speaking countries for some time. It came to the attention of the English-speaking world via the 1991 film Terminator 2: Judgment Day, which was written by James Cameron and William Wisher Jr. 是终结者2中的一名台词: The phrase "hasta la vista, baby" features in an exchange between the film"s characters John Connor (Edward Furlong) and "The Terminator" (Arnold Schwarzenegger): John Connor: No, no, no, no. You gotta listen to the way people talk. You don"t say "affirmative," or some shit like that. You say "no problemo." And if someone comes on to you with an attitude you say "eat me." And if you want to shine them on it"s "hasta la vista, baby." The Terminator: Hasta la vista, baby. John Connor: Yeah but later, dickwad. And if someone gets upset you say, "chill out"! Or you can do combinations. The Terminator: Chill out, dickwad. John Connor: Great! See, you"re getting it! The Terminator: No problemo. It is sometimes misspelled as "asta la vista".

Hasta la vista的意思是?是什么语

Hasta la vista 是西班牙语, 再见的意思!也可以理解为 后会有期 !

hasta la vista 怎么发音?

哈自搭 拉 VI子搭

hasta la vista 怎么发音

hasta la vista_百度翻译hasta la vista =Goodbye 西班牙语,由于美国邻近墨西哥,故这句西班牙语在美国也有很多人讲;阿斯达 拉 毕斯达西语里H不发音,所以,T和英语里D发音相似所以发“阿斯达”西语里V和B发音相同,所以是“毕斯达”

Hasta la vista的意思是?是什么语?

是西班牙语啦,‘再会"的意思.提示:施瓦辛格/Hasta la vista,baby. 阿斯达 拉 毕斯达 西语里H不发音,所以,T和英语里D发音相似所以发“阿斯达” 西语里V和B发音相同,所以是“毕斯达”

hasta la vista 怎么发音

hasta la vista =Goodbye 西班牙语,由于美国邻近墨西哥,故这句西班牙语在美国也... [例句]Hasta la vista , baby : schwarzenegger will be back - as frankenstein "smonster 再见了,宝贝:施瓦辛格会再回来的--那时将会是恶魔的野兽

Hasta La Vista 歌词

歌曲名:Hasta La Vista歌手:今井麻美专辑:Hasta La Vista「Hasta La Vista」作词∶近藤ナツコ作曲∶椎名豪歌∶今井麻美梦が儚いものなら もっと 楽になれるはず呪文のように 言い闻かせても もっと ツラくなるのならねえ、その视线が読み込む世界に 今 别の谁かが入り込んでいようともどうか 嘘のない言叶が 连锁となり つながり 真実だけ响かせてMira Meu Amor La Vista 白い砂 宿る热 浮かれるNovio,NoviaHasta La Vista 热い风 缠う肌 焼けつく太阳はいたずらね真珠のしずくは 波になって 雨になって あなたへ 届け孤独 溶かす くちづけをください Te Quiero Te Amor波に浮かんだゴンドラ 水に映る 空の花远くから闻こえる歌声 无机质な时计の音ほら、その耳元でささやく旋律が 奥の奥で揺れて 震わせているどうか 真っ白な火花が 音叉となり 消えずに 无垢なカンテ 歌わせてMira Meu Amor La Vista 出逢いは ヒカル月夜 想えば ナミダナミダHasta La Vista 恋心 引き换えに 捧げるモノが何かあるのなら神秘の记忆は 空を焦がし 胸を焦がし あなたへ 届け静かなる情热は続くのどこにも行ったりしない いつも いつも 见守ってるだれにも话したりしない だから いつか 気がついてねAh- とめどなくあふれる 爱しみ 慈しめば共に 歩いていける日まで 消えないMira Meu Amor La Vista 出逢いは ヒカル月夜 想えば ナミダナミダHasta La Vista 恋心 引き换えに 捧げるモノが何かあるのならHasta La Vista 白い砂 宿る热 浮かれるNovio,NoviaHasta La Vista 热い风 缠う肌焼けつく太阳はいたずらね真珠のしずくは 波になって 雨になって あなたへ 届け孤独 溶かす くちづけをください Te Quiero Te Amor终わり


  Translated from the Spanish - "see you later". (西班牙语:再会的意思)  This phrase has of course been in everyday use in Spanish-speaking countries for some time. It came to the attention of the English-speaking world via the 1991 film Terminator 2: Judgment Day, which was written by James Cameron and William Wisher Jr.  是终结者2中的一名台词:  The phrase "hasta la vista, baby" features in an exchange between the film"s characters John Connor (Edward Furlong) and "The Terminator" (Arnold Schwarzenegger):  John Connor: No, no, no, no. You gotta listen to the way people talk. You don"t say "affirmative," or some shit like that. You say "no problemo." And if someone comes on to you with an attitude you say "eat me." And if you want to shine them on it"s "hasta la vista, baby."  The Terminator: Hasta la vista, baby.  John Connor: Yeah but later, dickwad. And if someone gets upset you say, "chill out"! Or you can do combinations.  The Terminator: Chill out, dickwad.  John Connor: Great! See, you"re getting it!  The Terminator: No problemo.  It is sometimes misspelled as "asta la vista"


astalavista baby再见..宝贝

Hasta la vista的意思是?是什么语?

是西班牙语啦,‘再会"的意思.提示:施瓦辛格/Hasta la vista,baby. 阿斯达 拉 毕斯达 西语里H不发音,所以,T和英语里D发音相似所以发“阿斯达” 西语里V和B发音相同,所以是“毕斯达”

hasta la vista (西班牙语)是什么意思?


Hasta la vista的意思是?是什么语

Hasta la vista后会有期hasta la vista=Goodbye 西班牙语,由于美国邻近墨西哥,故这句西班牙语在美国也有很多人讲; 双语例句1“ And if you want to shine them on, it"s ” hasta la vista, baby.如果你不想搭理某人,就说“再见,亲爱的”。2Joining Hollywood"s royalty, his ominous “ Terminator ” catchphrases “ I"ll be back,” and “ Hasta la vista, baby ” have now entered the English lexicon& and he still uses them frequently as a politician.在成为好莱坞的一员后,他在电影《终结者》中的预示性名言:我会回来的和后会有期,宝贝现在已经被列入英语词汇,而且在步入政坛后他依然多次使用这两句名言。

hasta la vista是什么意思

hasta la vista是西班牙语,翻译成中文是“再会”的意思。在电影《终结者2》里施瓦辛格说的一句台词:“Hasta la vista, baby.” 翻译成中文是“后会有期,宝贝。”

visitor attractions是什么意思

Jeff Jarvis - Off The Hook.wma大神们帮帮忙

歌手名:jeff jarvis 歌曲名:off the hook 感谢{Kumiko欢}辛苦编辑Lrc歌词,并提供给大家分享 Jeff Jarvis - Off The Hook Would you be my girl Would you be my girl - The ring upon your finger's worths a fortune But it doesn't matter He don't love you 九九Lrc歌词网 => 配词 And I know you went to paris When he asked for your hand but He don't love you He don't love you I will give you something that no other man could When love is for real you know it feels so good It's hard to walk away now But it's gonna get worse Just cancel the wedding and come with me Sweet baby Understand me I feel the pressure to Let the man marry me But deep down in my heart It's you I want It's you I want You keep on driving me crazy Girl let me off the hook tell me Said you need time But I wanna know now Would you be my girl Would you be my girl I am so mad about you boy It's hard to be your friend when I want more I think about it seven and twenty-four It's what I want Would you be my girl Would you be my girl =>九九Lrc歌词网 配词 Come on I fell in love the second that I laid my hands on you I said Let me love you Let me love you But everybody told me I was wasting my time that I shouldn't love you I shouldn't love you But I will give you something that no other man could When love is for real you know it feels so good It's hard to walk away now But it's gonna get worse Just cancel the wedding and come with me Sweet baby Understand me I feel the pressure to Let the man marry me But deep down in my heart It's you that I want It's you that I want You keep on driving me crazy Girl let me off the hook tell me Said you need time But I wanna know now Would you be my girl Would you be my girl I am so mad about you boy It's hard to be your friend when I want more I think about it seven and twenty-four It's what I want Would you be my girl Would you be my girl It's hard to be in between Love can hurt so easily You're all I want And all I need Girl I need you to be mine You keep on driving me crazy Girl let me off the hook tell me Said you need time But I wanna know now Would you be my girl Would you be my girl I am so mad about you boy It's hard to be your friend when I want more I think about it seven and twenty-four It's what I want Would you be my girl Would you be my girl You keep on driving me crazy Girl let me off the hook tell me Said you need time But I wanna know now Would you be my girl Would you be my girl I am so mad about you boy It's hard to be your friend when I want more I think about it seven and twenty-four It's what I want Would you be my girl Would you be my girl By:Kumiko欢

Elumens - Vision Dome 4 - Dukane应用范围有哪些?

可以为了数量庞大的群众是设计 例如营销活动。贸易展览。消费广场。娱乐事业或者是研究教学等应用 也可作为大型模拟机 可同时45人观赏

英语作文visiting the space Hotel

Visiting Shanghai Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world.If you like sight-seeing,you will love it. People"s Square People "s Square is in the centre of Shanghai. It is a large public area with green grass,fountains and birds.If you visit Pople"s Square,you can also see famous buildings around it,such as the shanghai grand theatre and the shanghai museum.

passport 和 visa 有什么区别啊?好像一个是入境用,一个是出境,对不上号了,望详细点,谢谢~~





passport只是你在国外的身份证明。 而visa是外国对你入境的许可、通行证。 只有passport是不可以入其他国家境内的,有visa才可以。




VISA: 签证,是一个国家的主权机关在本国或外国公民所持的护照或其他旅行证件上的签注、盖印,以表示允许其出入本国国境或者经过国境的手续,也可以说是颁发给他们的一项签注式的证明。PASSPORT:护照是正式的证明文件或证书由国家的政府颁发,用来证明持有者作为特定国家的国民。国民需要申请,以示颁发国的主权或政府。护照关系到某人在国外的法定权利和加入某国国籍的权利,护照上通常有持有者的照片、签名、出生日期、国籍和其它个人的证明。许多国家在发展生物识别技术,来以更进一步确认某人所出示的护照是合法持有的。

afin de recueillir les avis les plus larges sur la question

这牵扯法语中比较级和最高级的用法,比较级的形式为plus+adj, 最高级为le/la plus+adj, 如果是用比较级,一般都有比较对象,比如,a比b更漂亮, a est plus belle que b,在这个句子当中,首先不具备比较成分,再一个原因,你可以翻译一下句子的意思,为了最广范围的收集针对这个问题的意见,强调的是最大限度,所以用最高级而不是比较。



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