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2023-07-12 21:35:14






1.average; mean 2.equally equalize
2023-07-12 20:14:422


您好:应该用单数我想您是想表达:平均每人这样表达会更规范On average per person后面的谓语单词要用单数形式。
2023-07-12 20:15:041

智力一般averagely intelligent 第一个单词是副词,第2个是名词,副词可以用来修饰名词的吗?

2023-07-12 20:15:124


可以有很多,取决于typically的使用场合。classically,commonly,generally,normally,essentially,ideally,averagely,ordinarily, naturally,regularly...
2023-07-12 20:15:211


There is no doubt that learning a language needs explicit aim and great effortYou should adapt to the local custom when arriving in a countryYour secretary will filter phone calls for meHe has excellently acquired Englishwhen we learn a foreign language,we should make balanced development on techniques in listening,speaking,reading and writing
2023-07-12 20:15:423


Please add the punctuations.
2023-07-12 20:15:524


2023-07-12 20:16:072

翻译成英文 急~~~

the United States be come算了算了,好难翻得你用楼上的吧。
2023-07-12 20:16:186


1.A promising 有前途的 2. A receive one"s attention 引起某人的注意力3. A . on average 短语 “平均”4。 D instructing 有指导意义的5。C comprehend 理解 comrehesion 是名词"在美国,能够读懂比税收,报纸更难的材料的能力,估计相当于12年级的水平。”6.C harmony 和谐,统一实际上,一幅好画是线条,色彩,和理念的统一。
2023-07-12 20:16:351


一、雅思阅读看到all, only, must, every等绝对词就选F题目1:Cities with high levels of bicycle usage can be efficient even when public transport is only averagely good.原文:Bicycle use was not included in the study but Newman noted that the two most “bicycle friendly” cities considered-Amsterdam and Copenhagen-were very efficient, even though their public transport systems were “reasonable but not special”.这道题一些学生看完题目就直接写答案F,想当然的认为题干表达太过于绝对一定是错的,但事实上only averagely good意思是“只有一般般好,还行”,和原文定位句中的reasonable but not special是同意替换表达,所以正确答案是T。雅思阅读题目2:The trees from which quinine is derived grow only in South America.原文:At the time, quinine was the only viable medical treatment for malaria. The drug is derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, native to South America and by 1856 demand for the drug was surpassing the available supply.这道题题干中同样有only,但题目和原文表述是有区别的,题目说只生长在南美,定位句说原产于南美。原产于不一定现在南美独有,也许后来出口到别的国家种植了。既然有区别但不是完全矛盾,那么答案应该是NG。由此可见,大家做题时千万不能想当然,一定要回原文找依据,仔细推敲定位句的句意再作答。二、原文和题目不一致就选F雅思阅读题目:Tourism contributes over six per cent of the Australian gross national product.原文:This industry is the worldu2019s leading industrial contributor, producing over 6 per cent of the worldu2019s gross national product and accounting for capital investment in excess of $422 billion in direct, indirect and personal taxes each year.这道题学生在对比原文和题干时,很容易发现国民生产总值GNP的范围不一致,题干说澳洲,而原文却说世界,所以得出F这个答案。但正确答案应该是NG,因为旅游业占澳洲GNP超过6%,也可以同时占世界GNP超过6%。这两者并不完全矛盾,在某种情况下是可兼容的。F和NG的区别也是判断题最大的难点。非对即错会容易很多,但是NG这个第三者会让很大一部分学生混淆纠结。大家切记:题目和原文必须要有明显的相反矛盾的点才是F,如果题目和原文只是不一样但又没有明显相反矛盾的表达就应该选NG。还有个思路就是去考虑两者兼容性,如果题目和原文的信息点在某种情况下可同时满足答案就是NG,反之就选F。三、原文和题目高度一致就选T题目:Private schools in Japan are more modern and spacious than state-run lower secondary schools.雅思阅读原文:Lower secondary schools in Japan cover three school years, from the seventh grade(age 13) to the ninth grade(age 15). Virtually all pupils at this stage attend state schools: only 3 per cent are in the private sector. Schools are usually modern in design, set well back from the road and spacious inside.这道题题干部分90%的词都在原文中原词重现了,有些同学就会认为高度一致就是T。但是雅思阅读考察的是考生同意替换的能力,换句话说大量原词重现是非常可疑的。原文和题目高度一致(很多原词重现)就选T!!这道题考察的是判断题中比较级的考点,虽然比较对象,比较内容都是相符的 ,但原文中这两者并未发生比较关系,我们无从得知moreu2026than这个对比结果,所以答案是NG。还有些同学读懂题干后毫不犹豫就写T,因为非常符合现实情况,学生会根据自己的常识进行主观臆断,但这个在做判断题的过程中是非常忌讳的。更多关于雅思考试的备考技巧,备考干货,新闻资讯等内容,小编会持续更新。
2023-07-12 20:16:421


2023-07-12 20:16:526

长期待摊费用这个小段 如何翻译啊

The expenses that company has happened but should be amotised in the current and subsequent periods in more than one year, e.g. improvement expenses happened to fixed assets leased by operating way. Operating lease improvement expenditure of fixed assets should be amortised averagely by leasing period or assets fair value which is shorter; other long-term deferred expenses should be amotised evenly in the benefited period.
2023-07-12 20:17:183


2023-07-12 20:17:286


中文:1、海平面上升的影响 过去的百年海平面上升了14.4cm,我国上升了11.5cm。海平面升高的原因,主要是海水热膨胀,当海洋变暖时,海平面则升高。全球升温会引起地球南北两极的冰山融化,这也是造成海平面上升的主要原因之一。海平面上升的直接影响有以下几个方面: (1) 低地被淹: 英国加高堤坝应对气候变暖 全球变暖使海平面升高,暴风雨频率增加,这使英国人不得政治面目 加高防洪堤坝。据英国官方近日公布的统计数据,在过去的20年中,由于泰晤士河的水位随全球变暖而升高,当地政府机构不得不先后88次加高防洪堤坝,以保障伦敦人的生命财产安全。,据悉,人们现在平均每年4次加高其堤坝。据估计,在2030年以前,其加高堤坝的频率会达到每年30次。钟和 中国环境报2004-10-19 (2) 海岸被冲蚀 (3) 地表水和地下水盐分增加,影响城市供水。 (4)地下水位升高。 (5) 旅游业受到危害(海平面上升50米,大连、秦皇岛、青岛、北海、三亚滨海旅游区向后31-366料,沙滩损失24%,北戴河沙滩损失60%。2002年中国国土资源公报报道,沿海旅游业已成为第一大产业,其产值为2503亿元,占海洋产业总产值的34.6%。 (6) 影响沿海和岛国居民的生活(占世界1/3的人口),使之受到威胁。如果极地冰冠融化,经济发达、人口稠密的沿海地区会被海水吞没,马尔代夫、塞舌尔等低洼岛国将从地面上消失,上海、威尼斯、香港、里约热内卢、东京、曼谷、纽约等海滨大城市以及孟加拉、荷兰、埃及等国也将难逃厄运。 2、对动植物的影响 气候是决定生物群落分布的主要因素,气候变化能改变一个地区不同物种的适应性并能改变生态系统内部不同种群的竟争力。自然界的动植物,尤其是植物群落,可能因无法适应全球变暖的速度而做适应性转移,从而惨遭厄运。以往的气候变化(如冰期)曾使许多物种消失,未来的气候将使一些地区的某些物种消 失,而人些物种则从气候变暖中得到益处,它们的栖息地可能增加,竞争对手和 天敌也可能减少。比如说桔子,过去20世纪70年代,它的最北的边界线是在黄 山一线,宣城市也曾经试种过,但到冬天的一场大雪,树木就冻死了。但现在我 们校园里的桔子树都长得很好。又如,扬子鳄只生活在宣城、泾县和南陵这样狭 小的地带,如果北界线北移,扬子鳄可能会自然绝种。这是从我省的局部地区来 讲。从全国来讲,我国把冬季1月0度等温线作为副热带北界,目前这一界线处 于我国秦岭-淮河一带。研究发现,气温升高会使这一界线北移至黄河以北,徐 州、郑州一带冬季气温将与现在的杭州、武汉相似。 3、对农业的影响 一年中温度和降水的分布是决定种植何种作物的主要因素,温度及由温度引起降水的变化将影响到粮食作物的产量和作物的分布类型。气候的变化曾经导致生物带和生物群落空间(纬度)分布的重大变化。如公元800-1200年北大西洋地区的平均温度比现在高1℃,使玉米在挪威种植成为可能,但到了公元1500-1800年,西欧出现小冰川期,平均气温也只比现在低1-2℃,就造成了挪威一半农场弃耕,冰岛的农业耕种活动则几乎全部停止。除此之外,全球变暖还会使高温、热浪、热带风暴、龙卷风等自然灾害加重。因此,全球气温升高后,世界粮食生产的稳定性和分布状况将会有很大变化。 4、对人类健康的影响 人类健康取决于良好的生态环境,全球变暖将成为下个世纪人类健康的一个 主要因素。极端高温将成为下世纪人类健康困扰变得更加频繁、更加普遍,主要 体现为发病率和死亡率增加,尤其是疟疾、淋巴腺丝虫病、血吸虫病、钩虫病、 霍乱、脑膜炎、黑热病、登革热等传染病将危及热带地区和国家,某些目前主要 发生在热带地区的疾病可能随着气候变暖向中纬度地区传播。English: 1, sea level rises effect Past century sea level has risen by 14.4 cms , our country has risen by 11.5 cms. The cause that sea level raises, is seawater thermal expansion mainly , thinks that ocean changes when warm , sea level rises then. The whole world litre of temperature iceberg that can arouse the earth north and south two poles melts , this is also one of the main cause bringing about sea level rising. Directness rising affects sea level having several the following aspect: (1) down land is submerged: United Kingdom heightens dike and dam answering climate unexpected turn of events warm Global warming makes sea level rise , rainstorm frequency increases by, this makes British heighten flood protection dike and dam without obtaining political affiliation. On the grounds of the statistics data that the United Kingdom government announces recently, in 20 in the past, follow global warming but rise because of the Thames water level, local government organization has to successively heighten flood protection dike and dam 88 time, to ensure Londoner"s life property safety. ,By report, people heightens whose dike and dam averagely 4 time now every year. Evidence is estimated, before 2030, that the person heightens dike and dam frequency is able to reach 30 time of every year. The bell and the Chinese environment report 2004-10-19 (2) coast is rushed eclipse (3) the earth"s surface water and groundwater salinity increase , affect city water supply. (4) water tables rise. (5) tourist trade is endangered (sea level rising by 50 meters , Dalian , Qinhuangdao , Qingdao , the North Sea , 31-366 backward San Ya coast tour area material , sandy beaches lose 24% , the Beidaihe sandy beach loses 60%. Chinese land and resources in 2002 communique news report, littoral tourist trade already becomes the first big estate , whose output value is 250,300,000,000 yuan , account for 34.6% of marine industries gross output value. That (6) affects (1/3 of the total population of the world) the life composing in reply along the coast an island country resident, makes that accept a threat. Economy is developed , dense coastal areas of population is able to be swallowed up by seawater if the polar cap melts,the low-lying island countries such as Maldives , Seychelles will disappear on the secondary floor , seashore big cities and countries such as Bengal , Holland , Egypt such as Shanghai , Venice , Hong Kong , Rio de Janeiro , Tokyo , Bangkok , New York can"t will difficult to evade adversity. 2, effect to the animal and plant The climate is to decide the major factor that biological community distributes , the climate changes the adaptability being able to change a different species of area and whole being able to change ecosystem inside diversity population competes for a force. Nature animal and plant, especially may make the adaptability metastasis , suffer adversity thereby because of having no way to adapt to the global warming speed phytocoenosium. Climate change in the past disappears (if the glacial epoch) once used a lot of species , the future climate eliminates some species using a little area Loss, but the then secondary person some of species climate is changed into warm middle getting benefit , their habitat may increase by , the competitor draws The natural enemy also may fall off. For instance , orange , the 1970"s going over, it most the north boundary line be on yellow Mountain a thread , Xuan Cheng City had planted experimentally also once , a heavy fall of snow , trees to winter had frozen to death but. But now I Tangerine subtree inside the campus all grows very good. If, Chinese alligator lives in Xuan Cheng City , Jing county and Nan Ling county such is narrow Small zone, Chinese alligator may possibly become extinct naturally if north boundary line moves to north. This is to come from my some areas of province Talk. From that the whole nation comes, our country looks on winter 0 degree isothermal lines in January as the subtropics norths boundary , this one boundary line gets along at present Yu our country Qinling Mountains- Huaihe River area. That go into discovers , the air temperature elevates a meeting makes this one boundary line move to north to the north of the Huanghe River , Xu The prefecture , the Zhengzhou area winter air temperature will be similar to Hangzhou , Wuhan now. 3, effect to the agriculture The temperature and the precipitation distribution are to decide what crop major factor to cultivate among 1 year , the temperature and the change arousing precipitation from the temperature will affect the distribution type arriving at cereals output and crop. Climatic change once led to the significant change that biozone and biological community space (latitude) distribute. The messenger maize has been cultivated in Norway becoming possibility , has arrived at but 1500-1800 A.D. , small ice age has appeared on Western Europe if 800-1200 A.D. North Atlantic Ocean area mean temperature is 1 higher than now ~C,the average temperature is also only 1-2 lower than now ~C , the farm abandons plough , Icelandic agriculture cultivation with regard to having brought about Norway halves exercising then nearly all stoppage. Besides, global warming may make natural calamities such as the high temperature , heat wave , tropical storm , tornado increase weight. Therefore, the whole world air temperature elevates the queen , the stability and distribution situation that world grain produces will be able to have very big changes. Healthy effect of 4, couples of human being Human being health depends on the fine ecological environment , global warming will become healthy one of century human being down Major factor. Under the exceeding high temperature general being become, the healthy century human being harassment becomes frequently , more common , main Embody for morbidity and the death rate increase by, especially malaria , lymphatic gland filariasis , bilharziasis , ancylostomiasis, Cholera , meningitis , infectious diseases such as kala-azar , dengue fever will endanger tropics area and country , some are at present main The disease possibility happening in tropics area is warmed up with the fact that the climate changes spreading toward middle latitude area.
2023-07-12 20:17:479


2023-07-12 20:18:042


A, B, C is a total of three sections cloth, cutting first cut A & B, sufficient in quantity, and finally cut C, so it is little more than cloth or cloth, the gap will only be reflected in this one paragraph.And these models because the ratio is different from cutting can be divided into yards cut, the loss of a relatively large must say that if the average of three sections, then cut the quantity can be controlled within 3%.In drawing up cloth, the requirement will be strict, so dare not too much wear and tear, so as not to become a stock.
2023-07-12 20:18:134


Averagely, 400 people die on this disease.
2023-07-12 20:18:272


The yellow fruit tree waterfall is located in Chinese Guizhou Privince An Shun City Zhen Ning Bouyei Nationality Miao Nationality Autonomous County , is that Zhujiang River river system strikes that scale is maximal in nine steps of branch plain boiled water river waterfalls group first order waterfall of country River. The waterfall is 77.8 meters highly , host waterfalls among them are high 67 meters; The waterfall is broad 101 meters , host waterfalls among them are the broadest 83.3 meters. The yellow fruit tree waterfall once was known as "the first Niagara of Asia", but the waterfall and Guangxi calculating the Kong En waterfall not comparable with Lao in fact with rate of flow and width , also being inferior to the Huanghe River kettle mouth compared with in the homeland waterfall on rate of flow and width are morals day waterfall. The yellow fruit tree waterfall is located in subtropics monsoon climate area, that area effect , the climate are throughout the year moist , mild by Indian Ocean southwest monsoon and the Pacific Ocean southeast monsoon much rain. The waterfall area mean temperature is 15.6 ~C. In July the air temperature is maximal, mean temperature 23.2 ~C; January the mean temperature is 5.9 ~C. Air temperature annual range 17.3 ~C. Exceeding highest temperature in history 35.3 ~C, the exceeding minimum air temperature is 8.5- ~C. Be average area amount of precipitation many years"s turn to be 1307 millimeters, 4 amount of precipitation among them till October accounts for 89.9% of general amount of precipitation annual right away , amount to 1175 millimeters averagely. Waterfall location area sunshine is less, sunshine percentage many years 30%, the low-lying zone , precipitation are in addition place Guizhou western part more , the annual relative humidity amounts to 80% or so. Yearly average frost day 7.3 day , frost-free season 290 day. That area karst general configuration of the earth"s surface is notable. The zone vegetation is to be hit by subtropics broad-leaved evergreen forests, but under artificial factor of long range effect, already fundamental nothingness of protogenesis forest, owing area a vegetation at present is secondary forest mainly.
2023-07-12 20:18:361


科普类的文章翻译起来真不容易,查资料翻译了一晚上才完成。英文是从网上找的,我想字数应该够了,附在后面,楼主不要食言啊。==================================================================== 2012年12月21日。火焰从天而降,海洋翻滚起来吞噬了陆地,地震使陆地裂成了无数块。 相信世界末日的人们说2012年12月21日这一天是世界的终结。他们预计数以亿记的人会死去,这将会是我们星球上最可怕的灾难。自然之母会变成一个毁灭一切的可怕刽子手,以上是世界将要在何时以何种方式毁灭。 如果你相信这个预言的话,这样我们的星球有一只巨大的眼睛,大约在2012年,无数的飞镖会飞起来打击我们,但问题是:这其中的任何一件事情会发生吗? 2012最可信的星球灾难是什么?地球生命的毁灭真的即将来临了吗? 在星期五,2012年12月21日,太阳会像往常一样升起,但是在这一天,它会运行到地球和银河系中心之间的位置。世界末日就要到来了。 有人认为会有剧变降临到地球或者人类身上,上帝会按下悬浮在天空上的巨大的关闭按钮。这一天即将结束的时候,这个世界将会被灰尘掩埋,曾经繁忙的城市会被岩浆的河流搅得面目全非。强烈的地震会被高大的建筑彻底研碎埋进土里,狂暴的巨浪会冲上陆地把我们统统卷走。 这只是我们活着的时候所能看到的一种版本的启示,有些人觉得这符合太阳遮蔽银河系中心的学说。当这种情况出现时候,他们说黑洞会把我们同作为至关重要的宇宙能量源头的银河系中心的心脏隔离开。 有些人认为地球上的生命会迎来剧变,或者被干脆的抹去。但是也有一些人不同意这种观点。他们声称在我们的银河系中没有任何一种能源可以被阻塞。事实上排列曾经在1999年出现过,但是世界末日并没有如约而至。所以没有任何的理由可以让我们相信2012年出现的星球排列会带来什么变化。 为什么会有那么多人相信世界末日会在那一天到来而不是其他什么时候,为什么这一天恰恰就是2012年12月21日呢? 这是因为玛雅历法中2012年12月21日是新轮回的开始。玛雅人十分精通数学和天文学。 最长的日历是被玛雅人计算出来的,一直持续5126年。 专家相信现行的长算法大概开始于公元前3114年,将结束于2012年12月21日。 但是有一件事会在2012年发生,那就是太阳的磁暴现象。 每隔11年,太阳就会到达最活跃的水平,平均每天会放2或3个耀斑,2012年年末被认为是它将准备好进入到下一个活跃阶段的时间,遗憾的是即便是我们的科学家也不确定下一次太阳耀斑爆发的具体情况,说不定2012年它会让我们大吃一惊。 如果它确实在2021让我们大吃一惊的话,那么会发生什么呢?那么对于我们来说,结果会比曾经发生过的的所有灾难都要严重。太阳耀斑是大量的能量爆发,它的威力堪比数百万的氢弹在同一时间爆炸。但即使强大到像这些辐射爆炸,也只是太阳发怒初期的表现而已。之后,一种叫做日晷质量抛射的物质也会从太阳中涌出。它会被数亿吨的热量推出来,以每小时数百万英里的速度在宇宙中穿行。 太阳周边的环境里充满了太阳风,太阳大气中的粒子向外流出,然后GME(日晷质量抛射)会进入到这些物质中并且掀起巨大的冲击波,撞击加速日晷质量抛射前面的粒子。所以如果这些粒子向我们的方向冲来,它们的确会带来巨大的麻烦。 如果太阳在2012年像炸薯条一样油炸我们中的一个,即使你看到它来了,你也没有太多时间来做准备,因为大多数日晷质量抛射会在几天之内到达地球,它们的速度快得几乎像光一样。那么,当粒子到达地球的时候又发生什么呢? 首先,通电的粒子掀起的巨浪会冲入我们的卫星轨道,它们释放的电磁会阻碍我们的卫星通讯,所以想象一下这会是怎样的? 1、所有运输工具上的卫星导航系统都会遭到破坏。它会造成飞机坠毁,轮船失踪。但是与卫星网络失去联系只是最坏的一天的开始。一旦穿过了冲击波,日晷抛射物质将撞向地球磁场。 地球磁场像一面盾牌保护我们免受日晷抛射物质的袭击。 这个天然屏障一般通过使他们在地球附近偏离来阻止它们集合并且到达地球表面。但是如果日晷抛射物质十分强大,就会给天然屏障带来极大破坏。 太阳风暴的带电粒子撞击的磁场也叫做磁气圈,它们会被困在这一区域,我们会像看到曙光一样看到这种现象,或者像北极光,但是如果你在附近看见了它们,这预示着灾难即将降临。 如果带电粒子太多超越了磁气圈所能承受的极限就会造成我们磁场的移动,而且,一个接一个的,会使地面带上电流,这些电流会带来电压波动和变压器短路。这会毁坏电网,使世界一片黑暗。因此,如果我们被力量足够强大的太阳爆炸击中,我们在能量系统上一连串的失衡会摧毁整个电网,带来世界的终结。根据美国国家科学院最近发布的一系列报道,这些破坏全部恢复至少要用4到10年的时间。如果这些确实发生的话,带来的后果将会是灾难性的,食物被会消耗殆尽,人们被冻死,突然间人们会失去饮用水,或者是因为农业消耗,或者是因为污染。 人类的文明会倒退到黑暗时代,结果是混乱的无政府状态。但事实上情况只会变得更糟。 磁极颠倒会造成我们的大地旋转,并且带来大陆之间的剧烈碰撞。撞击会带来地震、火山喷发、海啸,岩浆河流会滚滚而来毁灭我们,把我们从这个世界上抹去。 但是那并不意味着人类只能坐着等待太阳来毁灭我们创作的世界。我们有很多事情可做来为类似的事情做准备。我们可以在电力网上面做很多工作。你主要就是把它们打开或者关上,以及做类似的一些工作。但是上述的所有事情都只是科学家们的预言,2012年发生这些事情的可能性非常低,许多报道和研究都证明都证明了这一点。但是这并不以为着这些永远也不会发生,这只意味它们不会在2012年发生,或许是在将来呢。==================================================================== December 21 2012.Fire pours down from the sky, ocean bumps and swallows the land, earthquake rips ground into parts. People who believe the dooms say the December 21 2012 is the end of the world. They can expect billions of people to die, it is going to be the most terrible on our plant, Mother Nature is going to be a scary executioner to kill everything, this is when and how the world will end. If you believe in the predictions, so our plant has a great bull eye on it and any number of darts are going to hit us around year 2012, but the question is: is any of that going to happen? What are 2012"s most plausible planetary disasters? And is the end of life on earth looking just right around the corner?On Friday, December 21, 2012, the sun will rise as usual, but on this day, it will align itself just between the earth and the center of our galaxy. And the end of the world is coming. There are people who believe that some huge changes will befall the earth or humanity, that the god will press a great button of ‘off" in the sky, by the end of the day, the world will be blanketed in ash, once busy city streets will churn with rivers of lava, massive earthquakes will have bought tall cities crashing to the ground, and enormous oceans waves will be rushing in to wash us away. It is just one version of an apocalypse that expect to see in our lifetimes, Some people believe this coincides with the sun eclipses the center of the Milky way, when it does, they say we will be cut off from the vital cosmic energy emanating by the black hole as the heart of the center of our galaxy.Some people believe the life on earth will be thrown into upheaval or wiped away.And there also are some people disagree. They say there is no any kind of energy that can be blocked from our galaxy. In fact the alignment had happened in 1999 and the world didn"t be end, so there is on any particular reason that can be making us to believe that the alignment in 2012 will bring any difference.Why are many people convinced that the end of world will happen at one day not other days, and precisely this day is December 21, 2012? Why people say December 21 2012 is the doom day?It is because the Mayan Calendar says December 21, 2012 is the apocalyptic day.Mayan is extremely good at mathematic and astronomy.The longest calendar that has been count by Mayan is for 5126 years.Experts believe that the current Long Count probably began in 3114 B.C. and will end on December 21, 2012.But there is one thing that would happen in 2012, that is magnetic blast from the sun.Every 11 years, the sun reaches the maximum level of activity, and it can averagely fire off 2 or 3 Solar Flare every single day, and the end of 2012 is expected to be getting itself ready to enter the next solar maximum, and unfortunately even our scientists are not sure what is the next Solar Flare will be like, it may gave us some surprises in 2012.So what is going to happen if it does gave us some surprises in 2012? The consequences could be much more far than any disasters that had happened to us.The Solar Flares are massive explosions of great energy, and it is like millions of hydrogen bombs explode all at same time, but as powerful these explosions of radiation are, it is sometimes just the beginning of a solar temper-tantrum. After that, there also is material that is rushing out from the sun is called ‘Coronal Mass Ejections". It will be pushed away with billions of billions of ton hot gas, and it travels at speeds of a millions or so miles per hour. The environment around the sun is filled with the Solar wind that the particles of the sun"s atmosphere that are streaming away, then the CME (Coronal Mass Ejections) goes into this material and creates a shock wave, and the shock accelerates the particles that are in front of the CME. So if it comes to our direction, we will get in a really big trouble.If the sun fries one at us in 2012, you will not have much time to prepare for it, even if you see it coming, because the bulk of the CME will reach us in just a few days, their speed is almost reaching to the speed of light.So what will happen when the particles reach earth?Firstly, the shock wave of energized particles will slam into our satellites orbit, shouting out their electronics to block our satellites networks, so imagine what will this be like? 1 The GPS on every vehicle will be broken. It will make airplanes crashing, steamboats getting in lost. But losing the satellites networks could be just a beginning of the real bad day. Once the shock wave has been passed, the bulk of CME will crash into the earth"s magnetic field.The Earth"s Magnetic field is a kind of power that shields us from the CME attacking.This natural barrier normally prevents charged the particle form reaching the surface by deflecting them around the earth, but as the CME is strong enough, it will make a high damage to our natural barrier.When charged particles from solar storm hit the magnetic field which also called magnetosphere, they can become trapped in this field, and we can see this phenomenon as aurora, or as northern lights, but if you see them in your neighborhood, it means an imminent disaster is coming.If the charged particles are too many that even the magnetosphere can"t be tolerable, it causes a moving of our magnetic field, and that, in turn, will cause electric currents on the ground, and these currents can cause fluctuations, and transformers to be shorted out. This would bring down the power grid and cause blackouts. So if we have been hit by a solar blast that powerful enough, our cascading failures in power system could fry the electric grid the world over. According to a recent report issued by the National Academy of Sciences, full recovery could take 4 to 10 years. If it really does happened, the consequences could be devastating, the food is going to run out, people could be dead of freezing, suddenly people would not have water for drinking, or for agriculture, or for sewage. Modern civilization will be hurled back into a literal dark age, and the result could be anarchy. But actually it only gets worse from here.As a moving of the magnetic field, it causes our land moving around, and getting lots of huge crashes between land and land. As it is crashing, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and Lava Rivers would come for destroying us, for wiping us out.But that doesn"t mean humanity has to just sit around and wait for the sun to chat and blister the world that we have made.There is lot we can do to prepare for something like this. We can do lots of things with the power grids. You basically turn them off or turn them down, and something like this. But everything that mentioned is just the predictions from our scientists, and the likelihood of that will happen in 2012 is low and from lots of more report and researching, the likelihood is getting lower. But it is not meaning that it is not going to happen forever, it means it is not going to happen in 2012, but soon.
2023-07-12 20:18:451


雅思判断题的考点词都有哪些:谓语+宾语作为句子主干,句子中的谓语以及宾语经常会设置考点。例如Cinema presents a biased view of other countries. (C6T3P1)此题考点词为biased,文章出现cinema,而且拿America作为例子(替换other countries),但并为提及是否biased;因此,此题判断为NG。系动词+表语同第一种情况,作为句子主干,句子中的系表结构经常会设置考点。例如:Cities with high levels of bicycle usage can be efficient even when public transport is only averagely good.(c6t2p1)此题考点词为be efficient,文章bicycle friendly cities替换主句的主语,reasonable but not special替换only averagely good,而且还出现were efficient,和题目中考点词一样;因此此题判断为T。绝对关系词only,every,all此类绝对词汇也经常设置为考点,而且如果题目中考察绝对关系词,则一定为F。例如:The ISTP study examined public and private systems in every city of the world. (C6p2t1)此题考点词为every,文章中只对比了thirty-seven cities,因此题为F。而第二点所举例子出现的only,为什么是T呢,因为一个句子可以出现多个考点,而题目中真正作为考点的其实是be efficient,因此判定为T。比较关系词雅思阅读中常考比较关系词,可分为同级比较,比较级,以及最高级;下面就比较级举例:It"s easier to manage a small business than a large business.(C6t3p2)此题考点词为easier than,文中出现small business以及large business,但并为就两种进行比较;因此,此题为NG否定词否定考点词为TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN中非常高频的考点词,也是重要及优先的考点词,在解题方法上还是有些规律可循的,在题干里面,除了大家已经知道的否定词诸如not, never, hardly, few, little, 以及某些否定前缀如dis, mis, in, un等之外,大家还需要了解一些隐含或间接的否定词,如fail to, be at a loss to, be free of, lack, be short of, 等等。
2023-07-12 20:19:071


Are men smarter or women are smarter? 第一句就有问题Which are smarter between men and women? This is a question that people have argued for many years. 不能用for many times 明显的中式英语 Recent years改成recently是不是更好?research for,不能用reaearch of应该是:some British scientists made a research for which are smarter.下面我帮你重新写下好了: The scientists did the research among 1250 men and 1250 women. The research was about a test including math, science and English literature knowledge. 这段后面没问题 That seems a pretty fair answer to both men and women, but I believe that there are more people think that males are better/smarter than females because more people like to look at the top part of all the human culture. Since the number of top 2% of the smartest males is larger than females", so people tend to believe that males are smarter.这样吧!给我加个二三十分 不过分吧 呵呵 后面还算写得不错 我觉得像在看文献 但是前面有些小问题 太中式英语咯
2023-07-12 20:19:151


2023-07-12 20:19:384


China will endeavor to ensure every employee to have average 13.3 years of education. If the goal is achieved, a majority of people entering the labor market will be having Bachelor"s degree.  In the next few years, China will increase the number of people in vocational college. Except focusing on the higher education, the government will find a breakthrough point to ensure the justice of education. China is trying to optimize education resources and, accordingly, the countryside as well as the less developed areas will receive more support.  In addition, the education ministry decides to improve the nutrition of students in less developed areas and provides equal opportunities for the children of workers from out of town to receive education in the city.
2023-07-12 20:19:472


While some little pussies stated that it gives higher chance to cause accidents.Well, you know what? That is a pathetic excuse for them being stupid pussies. As a 15 years old man, I already knew how to do sex with my girls, my penis has been hairly already, and I tell you a secret, I averagely cum 10times a day, you think that is easier than running 1500meters long? What i"m trying to say is, 1500meters is nothing for a real man, so in my opinion, it shouldn"t be cancelled unless you admit that you are one of those pussies!
2023-07-12 20:19:561


1.Mr.Wu has taught English for twenty years.2.Since I came here, I have made many friends .3.My parents have not been back.4.Have you heard from Pingping recently?5.Since we were seven years old, we have been good friend.6.How many years has he lived here?7.Yangon has changed a lot in these years.8.Once the air was fresh in Moon village.9.My parents once always got up early.10.Our hometown changed a lot in the past few years.
2023-07-12 20:20:044


2021关于中秋节的英语演讲稿(通用5篇)   演讲稿要求内容充实,条理清楚,重点突出。在当今社会生活中,用到演讲稿的地方越来越多,那么你有了解过演讲稿吗?下面是我为大家收集的2021关于中秋节的英语演讲稿(通用5篇),仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。   中秋节的英语演讲稿1   The mid-autumn festival has all interesting history. long ago in one of the dynasties of china there was a king who was very cruel to the people and did not manage the country well. the people were so angry that some brave ones suggested killing the king. so they wrote notes telling about the meeting place and time and put them into cakes. on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month every person was told to buy the cakes. when they ate them they discovered the notes. so they gathered together to make a sudden attack on the king. from then on the chinese people celebrate on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month and eat "moon cakes" in memory of that important event. when the mid-autumn festival is near, shop windows are   beautifully decorated. many "moon cakes" are displayed for people to buy. people send presents such aswine, fruits and "moon cakes" to their friends and relatives. in the evening of the day, they have a feast. after the feast, they go out to the garden to look at the moon. the children run and laugh on the streets.   it is believed that the moon is at her brightest on this night. many poems have been written about it, and poets are never tired of reading and writing such poems. in chinese literature, the moon of the mid autumn festival has been compared to a looking-glass, a jade rabbit, and so on. it seems that chinese literature takes far more interest in the moon than in the sun.   中秋节的英语演讲稿2   when the mid-autumn festival is near, shop windows are beautifully decorated. many "moon cakes" are displayed for people to buy. people send presents such aswine, fruits and "moon cakes" to their friends and relatives   the mid-autumn festival has all interesting history. long ago in one of the dynasties of china there was a king who was very cruel to the people and did not manage the country well. the people were so angry that some brave ones suggested killing the king. so they wrote notes telling about the meeting place and time and put them into cakes. on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month every person was told to buy the cakes. when they ate them they discovered the notes. so they gathered together to make a sudden attack on the king. from then on the chinese people celebrate on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month and eat "moon cakes" in memory of that important event.   when the mid-autumn festival is near, shop windows are beautifully decorated. many "moon cakes" are displayed for people to buy. people send presents such aswine, fruits and "moon cakes" to their friends and relatives. in the evening of the day, they have a feast. after the feast, they go out to the garden to look at the moon. the children run and laugh on the streets.   it is believed that the moon is at her brightest on this night. many poems have been written about it, and poets are never tired of reading and writing such poems. in chinese literature, the moon of the mid autumn festival has been compared to a looking-glass, a jade rabbit, and so on. it seems that chinese literature takes far more interest in the moon than in the sun.   中秋节的"英语演讲稿3   woo! i am so nervous. you know it is my first time for making a english speech, especially face to so many colleagues, leaders and our boss. yeah!it is really a challenge for me!   okey! wangyongli is here. i am from enginnerring department.. and my topic is hope keep your direction and never give up!   i feel really honored to make a speech here.   at this joyful mid-autumn festival, even though we cannot return home to spend this beautiful night with our family, we can get together here and enjoy the harmony and delight.   as a matter of fact, the whole company is a large family. since i joined in this warm family one year ago, i have learned much from the work. i learned how to adapt myself into the ever-changing environment in the possibly shortest time. i learned how to keep close coordination with others. i learned how to open my mind to new things and different opinions and accept others" valuable advice modestly. i learned how to manage my time more effectively.   “i am a fresher! ”i always say to myself. but when i saw the really new partners. i realisied i have been here for 1 year!   for the time being here, i got a lot of help from my colleagues and leaders! i appreciate your honest help sincerely! and i hope you all can give me lasting help and guidance in the coming days!   maybe i seem less mature or experiences than my most colleagues. but i still believe age is not important. compared with age, passion energy and confidence are more significant!   admittedly, life has its ups and downs, its peaks and valleys. so i encountered certain difficulties in the work. however, i strongly believe the best way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal. direction means objectives. the right direction is like a lamp. this lamp can guide you in darkness and help you overcome obstacles on your way. otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead.   i never fear difficulties or failures. because i believe success is going from failure to failure without losing passion. in fact, the ultimate failure is not trying, for it means you can never make progress toward your goals. as long as you keep trying and go ahead toward your direction, you will succeed and have a bright future. just remember never give up or lose hope because nothing is too easy. rainy days will end and the sky will be beautiful again.   in short, everyone should have a direction and keep this direction, no matter what difficulties he or she will encounter.   finally, i want to take this opportunity to wish you all good health and success in your career.   and you know it is a specially day, which is the mid-autumn festival, so i wish you all and your family a happy mid-autumn festival.   thanks so much! that is all!   中秋节的英语演讲稿4   The Mid-Autumn Festival has all interesting history. Long ago in one of the dynasties of China there was a king who was very cruel to the people and did not manage the country well. The people were so angry that some brave ones suggested killing the king. So they wrote notes telling about the meeting place and time and put them into cakes. On the 15th day of the 8th lunar month every person was told to buy the cakes. When they ate them they discovered the notes. So they gathered together to make a sudden attack on the king. From then on the Chinese people celebrate on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month and eat "moon cakes" in memory of that important event.   When the Mid-Autumn Festival is near, shop windows are beautifully decorated. Many "moon cakes" are displayed for people to buy. People send presents such aswine, fruits and "moon cakes" to their friends and relatives. In the evening of the day, they have a feast. After the feast, they go out to the garden to look at the moon. The children run and laugh on the streets.   It is believed that the moon is at her brightest on this night. Many poems have been written about it, and poets are never tired of reading and writing such poems. In Chinese literature, the moon of the Mid Autumn Festival has been compared to a looking-glass, a jade rabbit, and so on. It seems that Chinese literature takes far more interest in the moon than in the sun.   中秋节的英语演讲稿5   A: Hello, everyone! I am very glad to share my topic with you. Then wed like to talk something about Mid-Autumn festival today. My name is xx.   B: My name is xx. So, xx, can you make some introductions about the Mid-Autumn festival?   A: Okay. The Mid-Autumn festival is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon, which is an   auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. On the evening there will be a big family dinner. After dinner, people usually taste delicious moon cakes of many varieties with a good cup of hot   Chinese tea, while children run around with their brightly-lit lanterns. They can also look back on the past and look forward to the future together. By the way, do you know what the meaning behind this holiday is?   B;Mid-Autumn festival probably began as a harvest festival. The festival was later given a mythological flavor with legends of Chang-E, the beautiful lady in the moon. According to Chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. One day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. The earth was saved when a strong archer, Hou Yi, succeeded in shooting down 9 of the   suns. As his reward, the Heavenly Queen Mother gave Hou Yi the   Elixir of Immortality .But his wife, Chang-E drank it. Then she became the Moon Fairy. Thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young Chinese girls would pray and people would sacrifice at the Mid-Autumn Festival.   A: Referred to legends, there is another one I want to share with all of you. During the Yuan Dynasty, China was ruled by the Mongolian people. The king of them was very cruel. An underground group led by Zhu Yuanzhang was determined to rid the country of Mongolian dominance. The moon cake was created to carry a secret message. When the cake was opened and the message read,   an uprising was unleashed which successfully routed the Mongolians. What followed was the establishment of the Ming Dynasty. Today, moon cakes are eaten to commemorate this event.   B: Wow! How clever he is! In my hometown lies in the Minnan area, there is a custom in Mid-Autumn Festival called Moon-cake gambling. All the game requires are six dice and a china bowl. Just throw the dice into the bowl and the different pips you get stand for different ranks of awards you will win. The activity was invented by Zheng Chenggong to help relieve homesickness among his troops during Mid-Autumn Festival. Now, Xiamen people still believe that the person, who wins "Zhuangyuan" in the game, will have good luck that   year. And the Mid-Autumn Festival is the second important holiday in Xiamen besides Spring Festival.   A: Sounds interesting! The winner of Moon-cake gambling can taste delicious moon cakes! I usually looked forward to the Mid-Autumn Festival during childhood because I could eat various tastes of moon cakes. The custom of eating moon cakes appeared in the Tang Dynasty. Ancient moon cake was eaten as a sacrifice (祭品)in the Mid-Autumn Festival. Due to the passage of time, the moon cake has been changed into the Mid-Autumn Festival"s food and gifts. In the enening, family members worship the moon, and then the housewife cut moon cake by the members of the family. Who shares moon cake more averagely, who will have more good luck.   ? B: I also enjoy moon cakes. It is believed that the moon is at her brightest on this night. The round shape of moon cakes symbolizes not only the moon but also the unity of the family. By the way, except moon cakes, I also hear that in Taiwan, barbecuing meat outdoors has become a widespread way to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Different areas celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in different ways, but the wishes of enjoying the moon and getting together with families are the same. As the moon rises, we share it at the same time no matter we   are together or far apart.   A: That"s all. Thank you for listening. ;
2023-07-12 20:20:131

Write a quotation or a firm offer covering the following contents

Name:Woman"s lintStyle: have 20 kind of new styles, black and red.Material:made of high quality oxhide.Price:$8-$20 (CIF+3%commission )Pay terms: irrevocable L/C at sight.Package: papaer or wood box would be decision by customer.Delivery date: from Sep 2003 will delever 3 times averagely; transfer allowed.
2023-07-12 20:20:391


2023-07-12 20:21:155


long-term prepaid expenses
2023-07-12 20:21:522


He is the tallest boy in my class. He is so outgoing , that he always looks happy with smiles on his face. And he is also a funny guy, his jokes will always make us burst into laugh.He is kind and likes sharing with friends. He prepares to help help others all the time and he gives his hand at anytime when other students are in trouble.He likes playing chess and baseball. Averagely, it takes him one hour on his hobbies each day, which is more than that of me.He wants to be a social worker when he grows up, so he can help more people in need.供参考,纯原创,请采纳
2023-07-12 20:22:113

急急急!!eating in a restaurant帮我翻译一下下面的内容,最好不要用国难的句子

I like of eat many kind of food. I like fast food, such as McDonald or KFC because they save time. I am a lazy person and I don"t like to cook and besides, I am always busy. Eating at a fast food restaurant is the best choice. Every week, I go there many times sometimes, I go there with my friends and sometimes I go there by myself. Many people said that fast food is all junk food and it"s not good for our body but, I think there is no junk food in the world, and besides fast food is delicious.
2023-07-12 20:22:205


on average
2023-07-12 20:22:359


  between-person  人与人之间  双语例句  In the second and third experiment, 80 participants were chosen separately andthe experimental design with 2 × 2 between-person levels of analysis was made.  实验二和实验三分别选取80名被试,进行2×2的被试间实验设计。  within-person  在人  双语例句  1. An averagely fit person can master easy ski runs within a few days.  健康的普通人几天内就可以掌握简单的滑雪技术。  2. Within a short time, a person could have a complete change of mood.  然而同时他又不能够压下另外一种思想.  3. Proud one person, result have destroyed self always within pride.  一个骄傲的人, 结果总是在骄傲里毁灭了自己.
2023-07-12 20:22:511


incroding to根据
2023-07-12 20:23:035


Last Saturday was May 2nd. It was a nice day. The sun is shining. I went to the beach with my friend Xiao Ming. We left home at eight in the morning. We went there by bus. It took us half an hour to get there. At 8:30, we reached thebeach. First, we swam in the cold water, and played beach ball in the sea. It was fun. Then, we buit a sandcastle on the beach. That was very beautiful. We were satisfied with it. We had lunch at 12:30. We ate our sandwiches and drank some orange juice. We had a rest after lunch. At 2:30, we got up and flied kites. We ran around the beach with the kite. In the late afternoon, we walked around the seaside to relax ourselves. We went home at 5:00. What a fun day we"ve got!
2023-07-12 20:23:212


The massacre , major part happen in turmoil period. Two soldier connect with, casualties is uncertain , this is above censure. But, massacre but do not also stop in peace age. Have very deep cause face to face here. World ten Dalian of being encircled by a murderer, fire chamber hand Jack. One pole law case of his at last , the appearance being a person face carrying out long the cruel killing amounting to 3 hours, and then dismemberment on Mary Kelly, and every organ being lined up into. Dreadful being , people do not know whom the murderer is. The United Kingdom police has not been able to clear up a case till now. Work , drawing , film having many in the later ages, achievement describing Jack"s. Charles & # 8226; Man is dark , the world mounts the most dangerous alive personage. In the hippie agitation mounting century sixties, Man is dark have established "the dark clan , of Man" he has threatened that self is Jesus reincarnation , will have lead a batch of disciple entering a "bottomless pit" , had taken shelter from doom race and class war. They have been killed many person , have been arrested , have been betrayed all living creatures imprisonment ultimately by the police. But, the thing is not over. At the prison, he is able to receive the letter that 4 worshipers send here averagely every day. Effect that dark case brings about until today, is graceful the aftermath is as before unfinished. Mary lotus & # 8226; Man is dark, USA industry rock"n roll music group, inspiration originates from a name right away killing a person devil Man is dark , their music is called "demon music ". Ted Bundy. He is excellent both in conduct and learning , appearance appearance is handsome, never worry did not had the appointment marriage partner , once did not were male Tong Jun , motion aspect is also very excellent , enter famous one university afterwards , same graduate with excellent achievement, with work within the government the job , the high salary favor duty and social position is lofty. But Ted Bundy it is a such model to be born in, profundity in his heart, have lived for a demon but. He kills a girl student like to slip into campus most , invites a girl student to leave for another town to go sight-seeing possibly with his charm , gives a traitor again going into battle. He buries a everywhere same place always with the victim dead body , often goes back and then looking at them. He emphasizes to say unceasingly to the police: "Killing them is not to be to satisfy the force need only, for hold. On thinking that you are looking at their body, when one wisp of breath leaves finally, you feel they have become self part right away, ... Be looking at their eye, you feel self resembles a god right away". The victim number is 28 altogether , many people all believe in but an over more than such number. He has been judged the triple death penalty altogether. 回答者: 小茶杯吓 - 童生 一级 11-23 18:21Killings, most of which occurred in the unrest period. It is not unreasonable that numerous deaths and injuries occurr when soldiers of the two-sides meet each other. However, in the era of peace, there is no less killing. There are deep reasons in it. The head of the world"s ten serial murderer, is the ripper Jack . He"s last case, is killing Mary Kelly for up to 3 hours, and then dismembered her, and then he made the organ line looks like a face . The frightening thing is that people do not know who commetted the murderer. British police have been unable to solve the case. There are many works, paintings, films, descrip Jack"s story after that period . Charles Manson, the most dangerous person living in the world. In the 1960s"wave of hippies, Manson created the "Manson family", he claimed that he is a reincarnation of Jesus, and will lead a group of followers into the "bottomless pit" to survive the end of race and class war. They killed many people, and was eventually arrested by the police, finally they betrayed the people and went into prison. But, the matter was not over yet. In prison, he would receive average 4 admirer"letters everyday. Today, the impact of the Manson casea is still expending. The name of Marilyn Manson, United States" dustrial rock music groups, was inspired by the killer Manson, and their music has been referred to as the "devil music." Ted Bundy,high academic achievers, handsome, and never worry about no date, once the Scouts, a good at sports boy, got access to a well-known university, with the same excellent graduation, working in the government, Well-paid and post high social status. Yet,such a model student, in the depths of his heart, lived a demon. He likes to kill women students in the campus, or to invite female students go out to play with his charm, then raped and killed. He always buried the bodies of victims in the same place, and then went back to look at them often. He continued to stress that to the police: "They are not killed only to meet the needs of the violence, but to share. When you look at their last ray of breathe leave the body, you feel that they become part of yourself... ... Looked at their eyes, you feel like a god. " The total number of victims is 28, but many people believe that there are a lot more than this number. He has been sentenced to death three times in total.
2023-07-12 20:23:313

英语翻译“the us平均每天做家务的时间为1:20

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . . . It takes averagely an hour and twenty minutes every day to do housework in the US>
2023-07-12 20:23:491


dish解释为菜肴为可数名词。 3.[c]一道菜;菜肴food prepared in a particular way as part of a mealdish美 [du026au0283]英 [du026au0283]n.盘;碟;菜肴;一道菜v.骗;挫败(计划等);把(食物)盛在碟[盘]子里;使成盘形网络盘子;碟子;盘装菜第三人称单数:dishes 现在分词:dishing 过去式:dished 搭配同义词adj.+n.vegetarian dish,dish do,dish dinner,serve dishdishn.1.[c]碟;盘a flat shallow container for cooking food in or serving it from2.[pl](待清洗的)餐具the plates, bowls, cups, etc. that have been used for a meal and need to be washed3.[c]一道菜;菜肴food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal4.[c]盘状物;碟状物any object that is shaped like a dish or bowl5.[c](informal)性感的人;对异性有诱惑力的人a sexually attractive personv.更多例句筛选1.It"s the most famous dish in Beijing.这是北京最著名的菜肴。2.Shandong"s most famous dish is the Sweat and Sour Carp.山东最有名的菜肴是糖醋鲤鱼。3.Turkey is a traditional dish on Christmas Day.火鸡是圣诞节的传统菜肴。4.The taste of this exotic dish puts me off .这道异国菜肴的味道令我望而却步。5.Here people come expecting their favourite dish.来这里的人们期望他们最喜爱的菜肴。6.Currently, AIC can finish a dish within 2 minutes averagely .目前爱可平均2分钟完成一道菜肴制作。7.The main colors of a dish may include red, yellow, green and white.菜肴的主色调包括:红色,黄色,绿色和白色。8.Borscht is a very common dish in Germany and Eastern Europe.罗宋汤在德国和东欧很常见的菜肴。9.A: I"d like a dish with a strong flavour. What would you suggest? A.我喜欢吃口味重的菜肴,你可以推荐些什么吗?10.This simple dish surprised me with its amazing flavors.我被这道简单菜肴不可思议的味道震住了。
2023-07-12 20:23:581


2023-07-12 20:24:053


The goal understands the room air pollution the degree and to the human body health influence. The method October, 2007 to December, to the Dongguan Wan city some plot"s 50 varying degree repair, housing less than a half year housing, carries on many item of air pollution target monitor, and to 120 family members has carried on the inquiring survey. Finally the carbon monoxide exceeds the allowed figure more than 1 time; The carbon dioxide exceeds the allowed figure 12 times; The formaldehyde exceeds the allowed figure more than 40 times; The benzene, the toluene, the ethyl benzene, the xylene exceed the allowed figure separately 8-13 times; The bacterium target surpasses standard 2.9 times. In 120 by the investigation object, some 80 bodies appeared the bad symptom. In the conclusion room air the formaldehyde pollution is most serious, moreover the indoor spatial pollution is harming human body"s health directly.
2023-07-12 20:24:122

can be是什么意思

2023-07-12 20:24:234


Molecular cloning and prokaryotic expression of structural protein vp3 gene of ibdv 3基因的克隆与原核表达 Effect of qinchuankang granule on the immune organs of chickens infected by ibdv 对感染法氏囊病毒雏鸡免疫器官病理学的影响 Infectious bursal disease virus ( ibdv ) is an important pathogenic agent of chicken 摘要传染性法氏囊病毒是鸡的一种重要的病原。 This research may open a new approach to effectively control of ibdv 本文对ibdv基因免疫进行研究,期望为ibd的防治提供新的途径。 It indicated that developed primary rt - pcr and nested - pcr are rapid diagnostic method for ibdv 为ibd临床快速诊断提供了一种有用而可靠的新技术。 The result showed vp2 hydrophipc region and antigen variant and virulence of ibdv had very affinity 该结果表明, vp2与ibdv毒株的毒力强弱和抗原变异有密切的关系。 With vvibdv and variant strains showed , it is very important to research of antigen and virulence of ibdv 随着vvibdv和变异株的发现, ibdv的抗原变异和毒力研究变的尤为重要。 Virul isolation had been done for the 23 positive samples by using cam or cef . we only got 11 strains of ibdv 在此基础上设计的nested - pcr则大大提高了阳性检出率(提高52 . 1 ) 。 Regions and amino acids , which were characterized as important for antigenicity or pathogenicity of ibdv , were also discussed 这表明,河北省与其周边省市的法氏囊毒株有交叉感染,相互影响的。 The results above clearly demonstrated that the rebinant ibdv vp2 produced in transgenic tobacco is immunogenic 上述结果说明烟草中产生的ibdvvp2重组蛋白具有免疫学功能,能与ibdv特异性抗体反应。 Indirect immuno - fluorescent assay and enzyme pnked immunosorbent assay ( epsa ) showed that the expressed protein was reactive with chicken anti - ibdv serum Dna疫苗对bc6 85 、 zj2000 、 zj991等3株强毒株具有良好的免疫保护效果,平均保护率达83 It confirmed that ibdv vp2 gene was integrated into nuclear chromosomal dna by pcr . pcr positve plants were double checked for incorporation of the rebinant gene by southern blots 在转基因组织生长成植株的过程中, vp2基因随着植物细胞的生长而得到表达。 For the products of primary rt - pcr and nested - pcr are all enpassing the hyper - variable region of vp2 gene , so we can take a restriction enzyme *** ysis ( rea ) directly 第二,本研究的基础rt - pcr和nested - pcr所扩增的片段均是横跨 ibdv 的vvp2的,所以,可直接对pcr产物进行酶切分型研究。 In this review , the developments made in the structure and function of the genome , molecular diagnosis methods and the molecular basis of the ibdv variation and so on were briefly described 文章概述了在传染性法氏囊病毒基因组结构和功能、分子生物学诊断方法和病毒变异的分子基础等方面的研究进展。 Series of dna vaccines including pci - vp2 / vp4 / vp3 , pcdna3 - vp2 / vp4 / vp3 , pci - vp2 , pcdna3 - vp2 of ibdv strains zj2000 and jd1 were developed using immune - stimulating plexes ( is ) as the adjuvant 33 ;弱毒苗b87虽对bc6 85株具有良好的保护,但对zj991株、 zj2000株的攻击不理想,平均保护率仅达60 。 Infectious bursal disease virus ( ibdv ) , the causative agent of infectious bursal disease ( ibd ) , causes immunosuppression in young chickens by destroying the precursors of b lymphocytes in the bursa of fabricius 传染性法氏囊病( ibd )是由传染性法氏囊病病毒( ibdv )引起的急性接触性传染病,是危害世界养禽业的主要传染病之一。 To understand of the current mercial vaccine could also protect chickens from wibdv challenges , o vaccines a and b were tested and pared for their protective immune efficacy in spf chickens against wibdv strain gx8 / 99 在spf鸡分别比较研究了两个中等毒力 ibdv 疫苗接种后对法氏囊和胸腺的影响,以及对超强毒gx 8 99攻毒后的免疫保护力。 There was a 100 % homology which was among sd - 3 / 98 , js30 / 99 and hk46 for the hv region of vp2 . it was demoastrated that the new wibdv strains gx8 / 99 had changed in both pathogenicity and vp2 gene Sd l 97 、 sd 3 98 、 js 30 99相互之间及其与 ibdv 参考株hk46间均具有相当高的同源性,结果似乎说明ibdv毒株的致病性与vpz基因高变区变异的关系不大。 The traditional inactivated or attenuated vaccines could not provide enough protection against these variants and wibdv . therefore , a new generation of more effective and safer vaccines is anticipated . the purpose of this study was to develop a dna vaccine against ibdv 用弱毒苗和灭活苗免疫鸡群是目前防治ibd的主要方法,但随着ibdv变异株与超强毒株的出现,免疫失败常有发生。 Relatively , the new wibdv strains gx8 / 99 had less homology to wibdv reference strain hk46 and other 3 field strains as 96 . 8 % - 97 . 2 % at dna or aa levels , than the homology among hk46 and 3 strains , strains gx8 / 99 more than 98 . 4 % - 98 . 6 % at dna or aa levels 为研究病毒的核酸分子结构与其致病性的关系,本研究选取了在致死率上不同的4个 ibdv 野毒株,比较了它们的vpz基因高变区共494个堿基序列。 The specificity of the nucleic acid probe was very strict . lt reacted positively with iltv dna only and it react negatively with the nuleic acid of ndv , bv and ibdv . the sensitivity of this kind of probe is very high . ilt could even detect 20pg " s iltv dna 结果表明:该种核酸探针具有高度的特异性,它仅与iltv的dna呈现阳性反应,而与新城疫病毒、传染性法氏囊病病毒和传染性支气管炎病毒的核酸等均呈阴性反应。该种探针具有高度的敏感性,能够检测到20pg的iltv的dna 。 The chickens and chicken embryos were inoculated with variant serotype isolate e of infectious bursal disease virus using cloacal , nosal routes or via the allantoic cavity route , and the histopathological features of the bursa of fabricius of the ibdv _ infected chickens at various intervals of time were systematically investigated 本试验全面而系统地观察了传染性法氏囊病病毒变异e株,通过泄殖腔、鼻腔和尿囊腔接种雏鸡和鸡胚后不同时间法氏囊的组织形态学变化。 These results showed that the three isolates were infectious bursal disease virus . the full - length cdna of the genomic segment a of o viruses , one virulent field strain ibdv zj2000 and one attenuated strains ibdv jd1 , were amppfied in a single step procedure by long - accurate reverse - transcription polymerase chain reaction ( la - pcr ) , cloned into pgem - t easy vector , and sequenced 分别以传染性法氏囊病病毒zj2000株(野毒株)和jd1株(弱毒株)基因组dsrna为模板,采用long - accuratert - pcr ( la - pcr )一步法扩增并克隆了两株病毒的基因组a节段全长cdna 。 The results also indicated that the virulence of the most ibdv field collected in recent years was beeen the typical very virulent and standard virulent strains . a very virulent strain gx8 / 99 of ibdv was studied for its mortapty in spf chickens and mercial egg - type chickens at different age inoculated with bursal suspension of 20 - 2000 eld50 in repeated experiments 选择致病性最强的来自广西的gx8 99株,在对法氏囊悬液中病毒用鸡胚半数致死量( eld _ ( 50 ) )定量测定后,在不同年龄的spf鸡和商品代蛋用型坞多次重复地比较研究了该毒株的致病性。 The high specificity of dot - epsa was proved by the specific blocking test and the cross - reaction te st in which the diagnostic diaphragm did n " t react with the positive serum against ibdv , ibv , eds - 76 , pox , ibv , iltv , salmonellosis jc . both the test within batch and the test among batches proved the method or the diagnostic diaphragm was stable . stored at 4c for at least 6 months , the diagnostic diaphragm " s sensitivity and specificity did n " t change 阻断试验和交叉试验表明快诊膜具有良好的特异性:不与马立克、法氏囊、鸡痘、鸡传支、鸡传喉、鸡减蛋综合症、鸡传鼻、鸡沙门氏菌等阳性血清反应。批内和批间重复性试验表明该法重复性良好。诊断膜片4至少可保存6个月,其特异性、灵敏性不变。 Three ibdv strains , designated as zj2000 , zj991 and zj992 , were isolated from bursa of fabricius of the sick chicken flocks in hangzhou , shenzhou , and ningbo of zhejiang province . the isolates could react with ibdv positive reference serum in the agar immune - diffusion test and caused 30 - 100 % mortapty when passaged in chicken embryos . chickens inoculated with these isolates exhibited cpnical and pathological signs typical of infectious bursal disease 从浙江省杭州、嵊州,宁波等地暴发疑似传染性法氏囊病的鸡群中采集法氏囊病料(编号分别为zj2000 、 zj991 、 zj992 ) ,分离病毒,经琼脂免疫扩散试验、动物回归试验、鸡胚回归试验和电镜观察等证实所分离的3株野毒是传染性法氏囊病病毒。 Sequence and phylogeic *** ysis of segement a of chinese infectious bursal disease virus ( ibdv ) hb - bp strain isolated from hebei province was studied in this thesis . the experiments as below were included : double - strand rna of viral genome was purified by pcl gradient precipitation , 48 hours after bursa was harvested from chicken which had been inoculated with hb - bp strain . referred to the pubpshed sequence o primers were designed and synthesized 给4周龄spf雏鸡人工接种鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒hb - bp毒株, 48小时后采取法氏囊,用双pcl分级沉淀法提纯全长基因组dsrna ,设计一对引物,通过rt - pcr方法进行了体外扩增,获得hb株a节段基因全长cdna 。 Spf chickens with 21 - day - old were infected subcutaneously with oil - emulsion vaccine of ibdv of germinal or cellcular and injected intramuscularly with different dosages bursin which gain through ultrafilter . lt is proved that bursin of chickens and ducks can both shorten the time of antibody induced against ibdv , raise the level of serum antibody . they make chickens obtaining strong immunopetente in a short time . agp pters of the group of infecting 0 . 4mlcbs + ibdv of germinal and 0 . 8mlcbs + ibdv of cellcular or 0 . 8mldbs + ibdv of germinal and cellcular are higher than immune control group about 2 pters averagely . the chickens were inoculated with ibdv pve vaccine mixed with the different dosages of lyophipzed bursin by the eye drop method . the results sugest that cbs or dbs of different dosages can both improve the antibody inducation to different age chickens against ibdv . they may also alleviate the immunological injury of activated virus to bursa of fabricius . and promote the repairation of the lesion . it can be found that bs can raise body weight gain and feed coversion ratio 将超滤获得的法氏囊活性肽分别以不同剂量肌肉注射21日龄spf鸡,同时颈部皮下注射ibd胚毒或细胞毒灭活苗,结果表明:鸡、鸭法氏囊活性肽都能够缩短ibd油苗诱导产生抗体的时间,提高抗体水平,使鸡可以在比较短的时间内获得坚强的免疫。 0 . 4mlcbs胚毒组和0 . 8mlcbs细胞毒组或0 . 8mldbs胚毒和细胞毒组的agp抗体滴度平均比免疫对照组高2个滴度。将法氏囊活性肽与ibd活苗联合免疫鸡,结果表明:不同剂量的cbs和dbs都可以对不同日龄鸡ibd抗体的产生有不同程度的促进作用;还可以减少弱毒对鸡法氏囊组织的损伤,加快其修复。 Northern blot *** ysis indicated that foreign ibdv vp2 gene was correctly transcripted into mrna . the rebinant protein from tobacco leaves was detected by dot - epsa and western blot using antisera specific for ibdv . the protein ibdv vp2 expressed in tobacco appeared with apparent molecular mass of 52kd 取生长期烟草植株,经pcr检测和southern杂交检测,证明外源基因ibdvvp2成功整合到烟草染色体上; northern杂交分析表明转基因烟草中存在正确转录的ibdvvp2基因的mrna ; dot - epsa和westernblot分析证实转基因烟草中产生了能与ibdv特异性抗血清反应的ibdv抗原蛋白,其大小约为50kd 。 The result shows that a vvibdv strain was obtained , the above work lay a important role for further studying on the molecular biological mechani *** of antigenic drift and virulence variation of ibdv , molecular epedimiology , it also provided the basis for rebinant and gene deleted vaccine of ibdv 本实验可以帮助我们进一步探讨ibdv抗原性漂移和毒力变化的分子生物学机制,追溯ibdv的起源,理解病毒的传播方式。同时也为研制开发基因重组疫苗和缺失疫苗打下一定的基础。
2023-07-12 20:24:301


There is one Chinese in every five people.
2023-07-12 20:24:405

英语作文写自己拥有的体育物品和其他物品怎样写?50词拜托各位了 3Q

英语作文写自己拥有的体育物品和其他物品怎样写?50词拜托各位了 3Q I have a basketball. For the round shape, it is like a watermelon. It seemed to be departe averagely by several black line. Beeen to part, there are o point. It is made of plastic. 写一段英语,谈谈你所拥有的体育用品和其他物品 初一的吧,这么简单的不好好学,看你以后怎么办 I have a ping-pong ball,o basketballs.I have an alarm clock,it"s blue,it"s on the dresser.I like them very much. 类似的多写几个就OK了,谈谈颜色,位置这些 写一段英语,谈谈你所拥有的体育用品和其他物品 可加分 I am good at sports,I like basketball,so ,I own a basketball.I like ping-pong ,too.And I also have a ping-pong ball and a bat. 怎样写英语作文:游泳?拜托各位了 3Q Today is Sunday. This morning, I went to the swimming pool with my mum.I decided to learn swimming today. At first, I could not swim at all. My mother was very patient. She taught me how to swim.Three hours later, I could swim by myself. Although I couldn"t swim very well, I was very happy. 麻烦采纳,谢谢! 人类和其他物种写篇英语作文 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”这句话用在老师的身上再恰当不过了。老师默默无闻地传授给我们知识,带我们在知识的海洋里遨游。 每当放学后,经过老师的窗前总会看到老师们仍然在那些电灯的陪伴下认真地批改作业、备课,甚至为了使我们可以理解得更透彻,学得更扎实,老师不惜花费很长时间去做很多的模型。作业本上的每一个对勾以及每一个红叉都凝聚着老师的汗水。当我们有不懂的难题时,老师总会耐心地为我们讲解,“师恩重如山”“滴水之恩当涌泉相报”。同学们,不要等到事业有成,就在今天,就在师生相处的日日夜夜,我们就要把诚挚的谢意和美好的祝福献给恩师,使我们的恩师时时感受到莘莘学子的爱的热流! 他们呕心沥血,他们甘为人梯,他们清贫一生为的是什么?为的是给国家培养出更多具有高素质的优秀人才,老师们是一枝不起眼的蜡烛,在关键时刻默默奉献的蜡烛,他们牺牲了自己宝贵的青春年华,然而为国家培养出一批批的栋梁之材。 老师是无私的,他们配受一切赞美。 ~~~~~~~~~ 爱惜物品的作文拜托各位了 3Q 我有一个心爱的布熊,是XX送的,是我的吉祥物,我的小宝贝。他有一身棕色的绒毛,大大的眼睛像两颗黑宝石,一闪一闪地。他的脖子上有一个小蝴蝶结,粉粉地,是我扎的。它的绒毛很软,绵绵的,摸上去十分舒服。白天,我带着她到院子里玩,它总是用那双大眼睛望着我,好像在对我撒娇。晚上,我抱着她睡觉,他带给了我一晚好梦。 每次,我生气,他都在一旁看着我,好像在说:“别生气了,我不喜欢你生气的样子!”我痛哭流泪时,它好像对我说:“哭的孩子会变丑的,不哭了好不好?”我开心时,它也会说:“希望你以后一直都会开心”看着它,我就马上会露出甜美的笑容。 布熊那纯真可爱的样子,一直陪伴着我,他是我的好伙伴。每当我想起布熊时,心里就暖洋洋的。 是这个布熊带给了我快乐、自信,我要永远爱惜它 写一篇英语小短文,描述你拥有的物品50字 My dog I have a dog.Its name is Laike.It"s o years old.It"s grey.Its body is very long.Its mouth is white.Its o eyes are blue.It has o *** all ears.Its four legs are very long.Its tail is thin and long.It runs fast.It likes meat.I like to play with it.It"s my good friend. 关于儿时喜欢而且依然拥有的物品英语作文 Three years of high school life already became past. Recalling my memory about these precious three years, I surprisingly found out that i experienced so much in high school Remember when i was in grade 8, i made a new friend, A. It was a extremely cold December morning, i arrived at school as usual. A dashed toward me with great excitement, and shouted,"e on B, i got a strawberry plant from a *** all store! I"m gonna eat strawberries this summer!" Hearing that, I *** irked,"It"s like 10degree below zero outside, how can you put any hope on planting such delicate thing!" A glanced at me disappointed, and then took her strawberry away quickly. In front of tons of homework, I fot about such a *** all thing very quickly. Until March, A brought another plant to school. Many healthy-looking strawberry were hanging down from the delicate plant. A held her plant with such pride,"See, i can plant strawberries in winter! This time you are so wrong haha" "That"s so unbelievable!" Still not recovered from the shock of those bright red strawberries, I praised. "How is that possible!" Our friend C cried in the crowd. Yeah, maybe sometimes, i really can make impossible things possible, like what A did. What i"m lacking is just what A has: some great determination. Since then, I tried hard to believe in myself, and finally, i bee w 请写一篇英语小短文,描述你拥有的物品50词左右,简单 She is medium hight,very slim,her shape is cute,and her skin is as white as snow.She has got long,curly,black hair,her lips red as wine.She has big,bright eyes,when she is *** illing,her eyes are shinning.Her voice is soft,but powerful,that"s because she is knowledgeable.Her head is big,I bet there"s lots of knowledge in it.She likes wearing a blue sweater and long,brown skirt.Sometimes she also wears jeans,when she is wearing jeans,she looks pretty cool.By the way,she never wears glasses; you can see her eye sight is very good.Well,she is beautiful,isn"t it? 英语作文:写自己房间,还有物品的位置 Look this is my room! Although very simple, but I like it. There is a clock on the door. Wall painting, painting is beside the window. The window and the pink curtain. The of the wall and lamp. On the table there is plant and box. Oh. On my desk is a box and a cup. The desk there is a vase. To have a blanket, that was my sleeping blankets! 看这是我的房间!虽然很简陋,但我喜欢它。 门上有一个钟。墙上还有一幅画,画的旁边就是窗户。窗户上还有粉色的窗帘。墙顶上还有灯。桌子上有植物和盒子。哦!在我的书桌上还有一个盒子和一个杯子。书桌旁还有一个花瓶。地上还有一个毯子,那可是我睡觉的毯子哦! 希望钕的回答对你有帮助! 浅影 2012.11.26 23:05
2023-07-12 20:24:551


With the constant development of economics and the guadual enlargement of the lottery markent, it is forecast that in 2008,09,10, the general scale of China"s lottery market will reach 80 billion, 90billion and 100billion respectively. THe lottery market in China is equally occupied by Welfare Lotteries and Sports Lotteries respectively. The market scale of Sports Lotteries will reach a level of 100 RMB purchase ability averagely within 3 to 5 years, while the amount of lottery buyers will enlarge to 500 million and the market sales scale will reach 50 billion by then.
2023-07-12 20:25:142


Average daily production 50 tons of mining equipment
2023-07-12 20:25:213


I am very glad to receive your email. According to your request, I attach the scanning copy of payrolls, bonus sheet and stock certificate in this email.Regarding these documents, I want to make explanation as following: 1. The payrolls is Mar, 2010, FYI. 2. My current company provides the bonus twice, one time before the Spring Festival, one time at the Dragon Boat Festival (each half), so the bonus sheet is the front one. 3. Stock: I provide you with the screenshots of the custodian bank for your referenceIn addition, I provide ***** as reference of my company.Thank you very much and look forward to your response.
2023-07-12 20:25:307

翻译ENGLISH 求高人帮忙

2023-07-12 20:25:504


摘要在这纸中,我们为不受拘束的最佳化问题计画一个 快速记忆倾斜度方法的新班级。信赖区域方法被用于新的运算法则保证全球的集中。在每个重复中,新的运算法则自动地产生一个适当的信托区域半径而且获得那然后藉由解决一个简单的次问题反复。这些运算法则在每个重复由于使用坚固地而且平均地聚合比较反复的数据,而且能被减少对似乎是牛顿的方法当那反复接近最佳的解决。数字的结果表示这个新的班级快速记忆倾斜度方法在实际的计算中是有效的。
2023-07-12 20:25:572

材料题请点击右侧查看材料问题A.19 minutes.B.30 minutes.C.45 minutes.

2023-07-12 20:26:041