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英[u02c8juu02d0slu0259s];美[u02c8juu02d0slu0259s]useless造句:1、A:It is useless trying to argue with Shylock Don-t wait any longer安东尼奥:跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。别再等了。2、He is in great danger of losing all his money if he continues to buy useless objects.如果他继续买这些无用的东西,他就有失去所有钱财的危险。3、It is useless for you to tempt me!你诱惑我是没有用的!4、to throw out a useless card or to fail to follow suit.丢出无用的牌不照样做。5、a useless mouth光吃不做的人, 饭桶6、It is useless arguing with him.和他辩论没有用处。7、She knew it was useless to say that he had let many spring cleaning times pass.她知道说许多次春季大扫除他都没有来许多次春季大扫除是没有用的。8、Those who err, in each discourse, are not inevitably useless in it.在每个论述里犯错误的那些人,他们未必然是没有用途。


无用的,没有用的His advice is useless. 他的建议一点用都没有。

useful signs英语作文?

SignsWhen we are in the streets, we can see a lot of public signs. They have different meanings and different colors. It"s very important to know their meanings. Because they tell us what to do and what not to do.Look at my sign. I design it by myself. It is “No climbing”. It means you can"t climb here. We often can see it in the park. We should obey the rules in our daily life.希望能帮到你谢谢采纳


词典释义n.虱;虱子;不受欢迎的人;讨厌鬼v.搞糟;清除(虱子)TEM8变形名词复数:lice 动词第三人称单数:louses 现在分词:lousing 过去分词:loused 过去式:loused 双语例句全部虱子寄生虫卑鄙的家伙捉虱子1.What kind of louse is he!他是什么玩意儿!百度翻译例句库以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考2.March turned out to be a louse, and his wife of two weeks left him.马奇是个讨厌的人,他妻子跟他过了两星期就和他分手了。provided by jukuu3.One louse can kill you.一个虱子就可以置人死地。provided by jukuu4.W: The virus came to the tulip from a louse living on peaches and potatoes.W:这些病毒来自于桃子和土豆上的一种寄生虫。 typhus is passed from human to human by the body louse.流行性斑疹伤寒是由体虱在人与人之间传播的。suxuewang.com6.Always she feared lest some louse had escaped her.她总是害怕有个虱子逃过了他的惩处。www.dictall.com7.It has the same characteristics as an adult louse.它具有相同的特点,作为一个成人虱子。danci.911cha.com8.Lethal woman It is no surprise that your champion turned out to be a louse.你的支持者变成了一个道德败坏的人,这并不令人惊讶。www.ftchinese.com9.Let"s beat this louse into a rat!让我们把这个家伙打成大老鼠!provided by jukuu10.A parasitic louse that infests the body of human beings.在人类的身体上滋生的寄生虱子。www.dictall.com11.A black plant louse that lives on oaks and dogwoods.寄居在橡树和椋木上的黑色木虱。provided by jukuu12.You"re not sentimental, you"re just a louse.你不是感性,只是卑鄙的家伙。provided by jukuu13.You have your orders. don"t louse up.你要服从命令,不要乱来。provided by jukuu14.But instead I mined the global wisdom using Google and discovered, from a UK contributor, the best tip so far: wash the kids "hair in Coke ( it helps remove the louse eggs).但现在我利用谷歌挖掘全球智慧,并从一个英国贡献者那里发现了迄今最有用的小窍门:用可乐给孩子洗头发(可乐有助于去除虱卵)。www.ftchinese.com15.It could louse up your divorce petition.它可能会把你的离婚申请搞砸。provided by jukuu16.The infectious rate of louse in Guinea pigs and mite in New Zealand rabbits was all 100% revealed by sacrifice method.用处死法测得豚鼠体表长虱和新西兰兔体表疥螨的感染率均为100%。www.dictall.com17.The last event in this history of human-louse cohabitation was the transfer of the gorilla"s Phthirus louse to people.人虱同居的最后历史事件就是大猩猩虱子对人的传染。www.dictall.com18.The life of the louse is somewhat short.关于虱子的介绍的要短一些。danci.911cha.com19.Large marine arthropod of the American Atlantic coast having a domed horseshoe-shaped carapace and stiff pointed tail; a living fossil related to the wood louse.美洲大西洋海岸的大型海生节肢动物,有半球形马蹄状甲壳和硬而尖的尾巴;与林虱有关的一个活化石。provided by jukuu20.He called for a gun, but to shoot a louse.他嚷嚷着要枪,但是就为了吓人。provided by jukuu




Future Electronics富昌电子虽然不属于目录分销商,但产品线广度,库存深度,价格等确实比其他目录分销商有优势,同时,富昌电子也支持小批量采购,现货也充足,欢迎询价。






mouse的读音是:英[ma?s]。mouse的读音是:英[ma?s]。mouse的词语用法是n.(名词)mouse的意思是“老鼠”“耗子”,指一种较rat小的、尾巴细长的啮齿类动物。用于比喻还可指“胆小如鼠的人”“怕羞的人”。mouse在科技术语中,指电脑上的“鼠标”“光标移动控制盒”。mouse名词复数:mice;过去式:moused;过去分词:moused;现在分词:mousing;第三人称单数:mouses。一、详尽释义点此查看mouse的详细内容n.(名词)【计】滑鼠【动】耗子,老鼠,鼠,小鼠,尤指家鼠【计】鼠标(器)胆小怕羞的人青肿光标移动控制盒女人,姑娘坠子v.(动词)捕鼠,捉耗子(偷偷地)搜寻,搜索,搜捕,寻找慢慢地走动(来回)窥探欺负,虐待扯开,撕裂【海】用鼠装饰用绳子扎紧【计】使用鼠标探出 orbital unmanned satellite of the earth 不载人的最小人造地球卫星二、词典解释The pluralmouses can be used for meaning 2.复数 mouses 可用于义项2。1.老鼠;耗子Amouse is a small furry animal with a long tail.e.g. ...amouse running in a wheel in its cage.在笼中转轮上奔跑的老鼠e.g. ...the problem of rats and mice.鼠患2.鼠标Amouse is a device that is connected to a computer. By moving it over a flat surface and pressing its buttons, you can move the cursor around the screen and do things without using the keyboard.3. game of cat andmouse -> see cat三、网络解释1. mouse什么意思1. 滑鼠:14.(O) 滑鼠(Mouse)一般常见者有光学式和机械式两种. 写入资料.17.(O) 所谓韧体(firmware)是指将软体转变为硬体形式以供使用. 21.(O) 作业系统(Operation System)能对记忆体中程式或资料所需求的空间做有效而安全的分配31.(O) 一个位元组(byte)是由 8 个位元(bit)所组成.2. 鼠标器:鼠标器 鼠标器(Mouse)也是一种常用的输入设备,一般有 2~3 个键,它通过 RS-232C 接口与主机连接.鼠标器的平面移动可以转化为鼠标箭头在屏幕上 的移动,用鼠标箭头选择屏幕上的命令,程序名或图标,3. mouse的解释3.mouse:mou; 鼠四、例句The mouse scurried into its hole when the cat appeared.猫一露面,老鼠急忙钻进自己的洞里。The cat is playing with a live mouse.猫在戏弄那只活老鼠。He remained a mouse in public affairs.在公众事务上他依然胆小如鼠。My mouse is broken, so I need to get a new one.我的鼠标坏了,得去买个新的。Does your cat mouse well?你家的猫很会抓老鼠吗?The burglar moused about for valuables.窃贼鬼鬼祟祟地四处搜寻值钱之物。Mouse over the link in the original message.移动鼠标至原始信息的链接上。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)The cat was playing with a live mouse.这只猫在逗一只活老鼠。This mouse is very big.这只老鼠很大。A mouse is a timid creature.老鼠是胆小的动物。A mouse is a small animal.老鼠是一种小动物。The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken.只有一个穴洞的老鼠必然会被捉住。A lion at home, a mouse abroad.在家如狮,在外如鼠。Are you a man or a mouse?你是男子汉还是胆小鬼?六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~catch mouse捉老鼠形容词+~white mouse白鼠名词+~field mouse田鼠house mouse家鼠meadow mouse田鼠介词+~as poor as a church mouse一贫如洗as quiet as a mouse一声不响as silent as a mouse静无声息as still as a mouse悄无声息trap for mouse捕鼠夹七、词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语的mus;最初源自希腊语的mus,意为鼠。mouse的相关临近词mousse、mournful、mouser、mousey、Mousel、mousery、mousepad、mouseion、Mouselli、mousepox、mousedun、mousehole点此查看更多关于mouse的详细信息

mouser买东西 需要关税吗









老鼠:mouse 比较级: mouser 最高级:mouset



有关申请James Ruse Agricultural High School 的事项!!!

james ruse是精英学校,是不收留学生的.哪怕你是移民如果没有就读精英初中也不收,所以这个学校你就不要想了.精英学校也是公立学校,硬件师资并没有好的私校强,人么很多很多。主要是因为精英学校的学生生源比较好.我推荐私立学校,我自己也是私立学校的.男生我觉得Knox不错.AEAS是有要求的,不过Knox生意比较好,人满要提前很久申请.AEAS建议70左右.

Lifehouse的《Simon》 歌词

歌曲名:Simon歌手:Lifehouse专辑:No Name Face能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollCatch your breath,Hit the wall,Scream out loud,As you start to crawlBack in your cageThe only placeWhere they willLeave you alone."Cause the weak willSeek the weaker til they"ve broken them.Could you get it back again?Would it be the same?Fulfillment to their lack of strength at your expense,Left you with no defense;They tore it down.(Chorus):And I have felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same.Locked insideThe only placeWhere you feel sheltered,Where you feel safe.You lost yourselfIn your search to findSomething else to hide behind.The fearful always preyed upon your confidence.Did they see the consequence,when they pushed you around?The arrogant build kingdoms made of the different ones,Breaking them "til they"ve become just another crown.And I have felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same.Refuse to feel anything at all,Refuse to slip,Refuse to fall.Can"t be weak,Can"t stand still,You watch your back "cause no one will.You don"t know why they had to go this far,Traded your worth for these scars,For your only company.And don"t believe the liesThat they have told to you. Not one word was trueyou"re alright, you"re alright, you"re alright.And I have felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same.

jack has to exeruse,一般疑问句?

原句:Jack has to exercise.改为一般疑问句:Does Jack have to exercise?





steam RUSE 兵者诡道无法运行!



because 因为since 自从;既然for 给;为了uniess?打错吧了?unless 除非

palace museum怎么读

拍里丝 谬(miu,第三声then)

Lovegame (Chew Fu Ghettohouse Fix 歌词

歌曲名:Lovegame (Chew Fu Ghettohouse Fix歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:The Remixes (Bonus Track Version):Lady GaGa - Love GameLet"s have some fun, this beat is sickI wanna take a ride on your disco stickLet"s have some fun, this beat is sickI wanna take a ride on your disco stickI wanna kiss youBut if I do then I might miss you, babeIt"s complicated and stupidGot my ass squeezed by sexy cupidGuess he wants to play, wants to playI love game, I love gameHold me and love meJust want touch you for a minuteBaby three seconds is in it for my heart to quit itLet"s have some fun, this beat is sickI wanna take a ride on your disco stickDon"t think too much, just bust that thickI wanna take a ride on your disco stickLet"s play a love game, play a love gameDo you want love, or you want fameAre you in the game?Through the love gameLet"s play a love game, play a love gameDo you want love, or you want fameAre you in the game?Through the love gameI"m on a mission and it involves some heavy touching, yeahYou"ve indicated your interest, I"m educated in sex, yesand now I want it bad, want it badI love game, I love gameHold me and love meJust want touch you for a minuteBaby three seconds is in it for my heart to quit itLet"s have some fun, this beat is sickI wanna take a ride on your disco stickDon"t think too much, just bust that thickI wanna take a ride on your disco stickLet"s play a love game, play a love gameDo you want love, or you want fameAre you in the game?Through the love gameLet"s play a love game, play a love gameDo you want love, or you want fameAre you in the game?Through the love gameI can see you staring there from across the blockwith a smile on your mouth and your hand on your c (huh!)The story of us, it always starts the sameA boy and a girl and a (huh!) and a gameLet"s play a love game, play a love gameDo you want love, or you want fameAre you in the game?Through the love gameLet"s play a love game, play a love gameDo you want love, or you want fameAre you in the game?Through the love gameLet"s play a love game, play a love gameDo you want love, or you want fameAre you in the game?Through the love gameLet"s play a love game, play a love gameDo you want love, or you want fameAre you in the game?Through the love game

use skills

这里是定语后置,这个定语不仅仅是brave,而是brave enough to..course,因此需要放在students后面 整个句子的结构是: 主语:students 定语:brave...course 谓语:will certainly learn 宾语:a lot..skills

星际争霸有一个宣传片有句台词“because My poud of people”求完整的


nowadays the overuse of cars is one of the main causes of air pollution这篇文章


Some states use income tax in addition to sales tax to raise their revenues.


windows10的USER组下的用户NT AUTHORIYTinteractive可删除吗?它作用是什么

NT AUTHORITY SYSTEM用户代表什么 NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM代表程序以系统身份运行,这是两个系统内置的系统账户。 不要删除,这系统权限用到的



Queen的《Jealouse》 歌词

歌曲名:Jealouse歌手:Queen专辑:JazzSinead O"Connor-JealousYou"re jealousYou just can"t stand to see me get along without youLike I do,you told me toNow you"re jealousYou don"t know how hard it was to be alone without youAnd wanting you,like I doI would"ve stayed if you"d wantedwould have been willingBut you said I treat you so badlyI can"t be forgivenYou know I would have done anythingTo make it through with youBut I don"t deserve to be lonelyJust cuz you say I doYou"re jealousYou don"t know how hard it is to be a woman in love with youWhen you"re so cruel,and so jealousYou don"t think about anybody"s feelings but your own.Are you coming home?I would"ve stayed if you"d wantedWould have been willingBut you said I treat you so badlyI can"t be forgivenYou know I would have done anything to make it through with youBut I don"t deserve to be lonely just cuz you say I doSo if you"re gonna go you"ve got a go and if you"re staying stayCuz I can"t take the pain you keep leaving when you go awayIf you"re gonna go you"ve got a go and if you"re staying stayCuz I can"t take the pain you keep leaving when you go awayI don"t deserve to be so lonelyI don"t deserve to cryI don"t deserve to be so lonely



刚到美国,想买个USED CAR


简述深圳恐龙博物馆 Dinosaurs museum of Shenzhen?


谁知道Ne-yo的Because Of You歌词的中文意思?

Want to, but I can"t help it, 我不能自拔,我很想,I love the way it feels, 我很喜欢这样的感觉,It"s got me stuck between my fantasy And what is real. 它让我在虚幻与真实之间徘徊,I need it when I want it, 我需要她时我想要她,I want it when I don"t. 不想她的时候我还是需要她,Tell myself I"ll stop everyday Knowin that I won"t. 我知道我每天都不停的想她,Hook:I got a problem and I [Don"t know what to do about it] Even if I did, 我有一个问题,并且我(不知道怎么办)I don"t if I would quit, 甚至我不知道我是否应该退出,But I doubt it I"m taken by the thought of it, 但是我一点都不怀疑我所需要的就是她。And I know that much is true 我知道这是非常真实的,Baby, you have become my addiction 宝贝儿,我已经深深迷上了你,I"m so strung out on you Baby-boo, but I like it. 你太让我意乱情迷了,我早就不能自拔,但是我喜欢这样。Chorus:And it"s all because of you,And it"s all because of you,And it"s all because of youAnd it"s all because....这都是因为你(因为你),,这都是因为你(因为你),这都是因为你(因为你) ,这都是因为你,因为你……Never givin" up,She"s the sweetest touch... 永远也找不到像她这样可人儿了。Verse 2:Think of it every second 我每时每刻都在想这些,I"m thinkin nothin but, 这让我做不了其他事Only concern is the next time, 我只关心下一刻我能够得到什么。I"m gon get me some Know I should stay away from,Cuz it"s no good for me 这样不好,我应该远离的,I try and try but my obsessionWon"t let me leave 但是我再怎么努力,我还是对她念念不忘。Hook:I got a problem and I[Don"t know what to do about it]Even if I did, 我有一个问题,并且我(不知道怎么办) ,甚至我不知道我是否应该退出,I don"t if I would quit,But I doubt itI"m taken by the thought of it,And I know that much is true 但是我一点都不怀疑我所需要的就是她。我知道这是非常真实的,Baby, you have become my addiction 宝贝儿,我已经深深迷上了你,I"m so strung out on youBaby-boo, but I like it. 你太让我意乱情迷了,我早就不能自拔,但是我喜欢这样。Chorus:And it"s all because of you,And it"s all because of you,And it"s all because of youAnd it"s all because.... 这都是因为你(因为你),,这都是因为你(因为你),这都是因为你(因为你) ,这都是因为你,因为你……Never givin" up,She"s the sweetest touch... 永远也找不到像她这样可人儿了。Verse 3:Ain"t no doubt, so strung out, 毫无疑问我应该在你身边,Ain"t no doubt, so strung out, 毫无疑问我应该在你身边,Over you, over you, over you... 在你身边,Ooooo....Because of you, 因为你,And it"s all because of you, 这全是因为你,Never givin" up,She"s the sweetest touch,she"s the sweetest tooouch....再也找不到像她那样的可人儿了。

because of you - ne-yo的歌词翻译


neyo 的because of you 歌词 中文翻译

(自己翻译的仅供参考)Because ofyou——Ne-YoWant to but I can"t help it很想但是无能为力I love the way it feels我爱这种感觉It"s got me stuck between my fantasy and what is real它让我在幻想和现实之间被动弹不得I need it when I want it I want it when I don"t我想要她并且需要她,但是却不能得到Tell myself I"ll stop everyday known that I won"t我每天都告诉自己我需要停止但是我却停不下来I got a problem and I don"t know what to do about it我遇到了问题但是我不知道如何解决Even if I did I don"t know if I would quit but I doubt it即使我尝试过放弃但是我不知道是否能放弃I"m taken by the thought of it and i know this much is true我被这种想法困住了我知道这是真的Baby you have become my addiction宝贝你变成了我的瘾I"m so strung out on you我对你如此着迷I can barely move but I like it and it"s all because of you我动弹不得但是我喜欢这种感觉这都是因为你And it"s all because of you这都是因为你And it"s all because of you这都是因为你And it"s all because of you这都是因为你Never get enough永远不够She"s the sweetest drug她是最甜的毒品Think of it every second我每秒钟都在思念I can"t get nothing done我什么都不能做Only concern is the next time I"m gonna get me some我唯一期待的就是下次见面再给我一些Know I should stay away from cause it"s no good for me我知道我应该远离这种迷恋因为这对我不好I try and try but my obsession won"t let me leave我试了一次又一次但是我的痴迷让我无法离开I got a problem and I don"t know what to do about it我遇到了问题但是我不知道如何解决Even if I did I don"t know if I would quit but I doubt it即使我尝试过放弃但是我不知道是否能放弃I"m taken by the thought of it and I know this much is true我被这种想法困住了我知道这是真的Baby you have become my addiction宝贝你变成了我的瘾I"m so strung out on you我对你如此着迷I can barely move but I like it and it all because of you我动弹不得但是我喜欢这种感觉这都是因为你And it"s all because of you这都是因为你And it"s all because of you这都是因为你And it"s all because of you这都是因为你Never get enough对你的思念永远都不够She"s the sweetest drug她是最甜的毒品Aint no doubt so strung out果断沉迷了Aint no doubt so strung out果断沉迷了Over you over you over you迷上了你迷上了你迷上了你Because of you因为你And its all because of you这都是因为你Never get enough对你的思念永远都不够She"s the sweetest drug她是最甜的毒品And I know this much is true我知道这是真的Baby you have become my addiction宝贝你变成了我的瘾I"m so strung out on you我对你如此着迷I can barely move but I like it我动弹不得但是我喜欢这种感觉And it"s all because of you这都是因为你And it"s all because of you这都是因为你And it"s all because of you这都是因为你And it"s all because of you这偶是因为你Never get enough对你的思念永远都不够She"s the sweetest drug她是最甜的毒品She"s the sweetest drug她是最甜的毒品

有人说林俊杰的不潮不用花钱是抄的Neyo的Because of you???是真的麼?~


NeYo / 《Because Of You》中文的歌词


英语user’s stock这么翻译?


帮我做几道英语填空。1 After the hurricane,mary(空)(see)that the roof of her house (空)(disappear)

turned found had ruined arrived took left finished had tried passed died had fallen had been flooded had been destroyed had been killed高一的不知道可不可以

stock ,storage 和warehouse有什么区别吗?

stock: 库存, 另外也有股票的意思storage: 储存, 储藏warehouse: 仓库三个都是和物流仓储相关的名词, 但是意思不一样。




cease 是停止的意思,楼主看错词了吧

assignable cause是什么意思




求一篇英语描写外表的作文,过去式,用(used to) ,速度!

I have a good mother too. She has not very black hair, a pair of bright eyes, but also face some spots. She has a little fat, so it is not so good. Although look very kindly, but not so good temper!At that time, I have finished my lunch, the mother hurried back. Since a few days ago, my mother had promised me to buy me a beautiful bag, but up to now has not helped me to buy back, so, I asked: " Mum, mum, you promised to buy me a new schoolbag? Why can I not even half a bag of shadow did not see ah? " unexpectedly, I just bumped on the mother"s fire, she be ablaze with anger and scold a way: " buy buy Bag, bag, you"ll see let me buy you a bag, the only you can"t use bag! I have spare time to buy you new bag! Factory boss asked me to wait for person, I waited for two hours, but still did not come, I have to rush home, until now, I haven"t eat lunch! "I was this mother remarks was too frightened to speak. Had to go out, at that time, my mood is very complex, want to cry to injustice, and to feel should not. I just gently sighed ... ...You see, my mom"s temper is not so good! Usually, I dare not top, but sometimes also very good to me, oh, my mother"s temper is volatile, so fickle!希望可以帮助到你哦!祝你学习进步啊~


surf英 [su025c:f] 美 [su025c:rf] n.海浪;拍岸碎浪 vi.冲浪;(联网上)冲浪 克里斯巴克; 海浪音乐; 拍岸浪; 海浪 过去式:surfed 过去分词:surfed 现在分词:surfing 第三人称单数:surfs 名词 n.1.拍岸浪花 They threw off their clothes and ran into the surf.他们脱掉衣服奔向海浪.不及物动词 vi.1.滑浪,作冲浪运动 If the waves are big enough,we"ll go surfing.如果海浪大,我们就去冲浪.2.(互联网上)冲浪,漫游,浏览 use英 [ju:s] 美 [ju:s] n.使用;使用权;功能 [juz] v.使用;运用;消耗;服用 使用; 利用; 运用; 用途 复数:uses 过去式:used 过去分词:used 现在分词:using 第三人称单数:uses 及物动词 vt.1.使用; 利用,运用 May I use your knife for a while?我用一下你的小刀行吗?She uses every opportunity.她利用每一个机会.He used his job as a screen for his spying activities.他利用他的工作作掩护进行间谍活动.2.耗费,消费 All the paper has been used.所有的纸张都用完了.3.(施展手段)利用(别人)4.吸(毒);服用(毒品)名词 n.其他读音:[ju:s] 1.使用,应用,得到利用 For use only in case of fire!只供火警时用!2.用途,效用,功能,用法 It is an electronic device with many uses.这是一部具有多种用途的电子仪器.3.使用能力; 使用权; 使用机会 This is for the use of students only.这是仅供学生使用的.The boy regained the use of his arm.这男孩恢复了手臂的功能.4.运用头脑(或身体)的能力;功能





shirt blouse scarf tie belt skirt coat jacket pants shoes high heels raintcoat dress 单词翻译成中文





没有啊你是不是想问enclosure? 是圈场圈地的意思

the house suddenly collapsed


because, because of 后面怎样接从句?

我可以凭直觉回答你吗。。。I don"t love you because who you are. 我不爱你这样的人。。。I don"t love you because of who(m) you are. 我爱你不是因为你是谁(你的外在)。

请高手回答我下问题,TECH house有什么特点?他的趋势呢?

tech house就是以minimalist music为主的,有舞池效应的

Kiss唱的because I am a girl的中文歌词还有其中一段女人说的对白的意思

Because I am a girl歌曲名: 因为是女子oh , yeah 。。。到底能否了解男人的心?何时爱者我 把心交出 而你却离我而去你曾说第一次这样心动 去感受一个特别的人这话让我深信不疑 让我幸福话还在耳边 你的爱却已不再傻傻的我却还追在你的左右嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂爱是一切 只因我生为女人轻易将自己付出 却很快让你厌倦男人们就是这样无情意下定决心不再轻易付出再次陷入爱的漩涡的还是女人也许是因了这样 你不再爱我傻傻的我却还追在你的左右嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂爱是一切 只因我生为女人为了爱情 付出一切 心甘情愿请不要利用女人这柔弱天性身为女人 原该被一生宠爱不曾想爱是如此辛苦和艰难嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂爱是一切 只因我生为女人嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂爱是一切 只因我生为女人..女独白)今天, 我们分手了希望我能够幸福, 能够找到比你更好的人你也像其他的男人一样, 忘了说过的一切说实话, 我不希望你能够幸福我担心你能找到比我更漂亮的女孩子,幸福的过日子那你就会真的把我忘记的,我是那麼的难过, 心如刀绞我想我爱你爱的太深了不要利用可以为了爱.不惜一切的女人.的善良的本性生为一个女人, 被人爱是如此的难虽然我在骂你, 但我心里是那麼的想你因为,把爱视为全部的我……是女人为了爱情 付出一切 心甘情愿请不要利用女人这柔弱天性身为女人 原该被一生宠爱不曾想爱是如此辛苦和艰难嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂爱是一切 只因我生为女人嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂爱是一切 只因我生为女人(男独白)有一个我深爱者的女人,虽然我不能和她在一起不过,我仍然深爱者她男主角 申贤俊Because i am a girl--kissDodeche ar suga obso namjadurui maum wonhar ten onjego da juni ije tonandeironjog choumirago nonun thugbyorhadanun gu marur midosso negen hengbogiosso marur haji guresso nega shirhojyoda go nunchiga obnun nan nur bochegiman hesso norur yoghamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya sarangijonbuin nanun yojainika modungor swibge da jumyon gumbang shirhjungnenunge namjara durosso thollin mar gathjin anha dashinun sogji anhuri maum mogo bojiman todashi sarange munojinunge yoja ya marur haji guresso nega shirhojyodago nunchiga obnun nan nur boche giman hesso noruryoghamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika [narration] Onur urin heojyosso budi hengbogharago noboda johun sarammannagir barandago nodo darun namjarang togathe narsaranghanda go marhanten onjego sorjighi na nega jar doenungo shirho naboda yepun yoja manna hengboghage jar sarmyon otohge guroda nar jongmar ijoborimyon otohge nan irohge himdunde himdurojuggenunde ajigdo nor nomu saranghanunde sarangur wihesoramyon modun da har su inun yojaui chaghan bonnungur iyong hajinun marajwo hanyojaro theona sarangbadgo sanunge irohge himdurgo oryourjur mollasso

Because i m a girl的MP3格式里有一段英语谁能把英文原文告诉我


metropolitan museum是什么意思


Life is like a toilet paper, sometimes it’s useful but sometimes it’s full of shit !这是什么意思




trouser与jeans、pants有什么区别? 在什么情况下使用较好?


( ) 1. There is ______ “u” and ______ “s” in the word “use”. A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an,



house是可数名词。 house: n.房屋;房子;住宅;住在一所房子里的人;全家人;某种用途的建筑物。 v.给(某人)提供住处;是(某物)的贮藏处(或安置处);收藏;安置。 第三人称单数: houses复数: houses现在分词: housing过去式: housed过去分词: housed 扩展资料   Now is a good time to buy a house.   现在买房子正是时候。   Get out of my house, the lot of you!   你们别待在我家里,通通给我滚出去!   Building a new road here will force house prices down.   在这里修建一条新道路将使房价下跌。   Do you like their new house?   你喜欢他们的新房子吗?   Water supplies to the house are at low pressure.   这房子的供水水压低。

Enjoy youself.怎么读




this is why和this is because的区别是什么?

“This is why”和“This is because”都是英语中用来解释原因的表达方式,但它们之间存在着一些区别。首先,让我们来看看“This is why”这个表达。当你想要解释某件事情或者某个结果发生的原因时,你可以使用这个表达。它是一种比较自然的说法,表达了一个结果产生的原因。比如说,“我今天晚上要早点回家,因为明天早上我有一场重要的面试。”这句话中,“因为明天早上我有一场重要的面试”就是一个原因,“这就是为什么我今晚要早点回家”的表达方式。另一方面,“This is because”是一种更加正式的说法,通常用于学术、商业或其他严谨的场合。它也是一种解释原因的表达方式,但与“This is why”不同的是,它强调的是结果的产生是由于一个特定的原因。例如,“我们今天没有按时交货是因为我们的供应链出现了问题。”这句话中,“我们的供应链出现了问题”就是一个特定的原因,“这就是为什么我们今天没有按时交货”的表达方式。总体来说,“This is why”和“This is because”之间的区别可以总结如下:1、“This is why”是一种非正式的表达方式,通常用于日常对话,强调的是结果的产生。2、“This is because”是一种更加正式的表达方式,通常用于学术、商业或其他严谨的场合,强调的是结果的产生是由于一个特定的原因。3、“This is why”通常用于解释一个结果,强调的是结果与原因之间的联系。4、“This is because”通常用于提供一个明确的解释,强调的是一个具体的原因。在实际使用中,我们需要根据具体情况选择合适的表达方式。如果我们想要在日常对话中解释某个结果的产生,我们可以使用“This is why”。如果我们需要在学术或商业场合中提供一个更加正式的解释,我们可以使用“This is because”。同时,我们还需要注意使用场合和语境的不同,以避免使用不当引起误解。

this is why与this is because的区别?

this is why与this is because的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.this is why:这就是为什么;这是为什么2.this is because:这是因为;因为二、用法不同1.this is why:why的意思是“为什么”,可用作疑问副词,也用作关系副词,还用作连接副词,可以引导名词从句。why作为疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句或省略的特殊疑问句,表示疑问,意思是“为什么”,表示某一动作是不必要的或无意义的。2.this is because:基本意思是“因为”,强调直接造成某种结果的理由和原因,所引导的原因状语从句多置于主句之后,有时为了强调,也可置于主句之前,并用逗号与句子的其他部分隔开。三、侧重点不同1.this is why:强调句式,用来说明结果,后面接某事造成的结果。2.this is because:原因状语从句,用来解释原因,后面接某事造成的原因。

中译英:1:正因为有了爱因斯坦的理论,才使后来的宇航员能进入太空(because of)

1.It was because of Einstein"s theory,astronauts are able to go into space.2.It was the result of the flood made people realize the importance of planting trees.3.It was the note that tells Bob the truth.4.It was for the injured soldiers that she worked in the hospital day and night.5.It was through playing,the kids learned lots of knowledge and grew up.希望能帮到你!







userswin7appdatalocal emp中的是些什么文件,可以删吗



楼主:你既然用了优化大师,就应该信任他的判断力通常来说,.tmp和.bak的文件都可以删,其他的.log倒无所谓,这些是真正的日志文件(知道blog=web log吧,log就是日志的意思),因为log一般都很小,而且某些软件需要用。此外临时文件夹下的声音和图像也是可以删掉的。另外,临时文件之所以你自己删不掉,是因为系统和一些软件正在使用他们。就像虚拟内存文件,你在vista下同样删不掉的。

win7 C:UsersXXAppDataLocalTemp 是些什么文件 可以删除吗






in his house 怎么连读?

省去 h音 in"is house

influence和 cause的区别

区别在于:influence指的是影响;势力;有影响的人(或事物)。cause指的是原因;事业;动机;理由;引起;导致;成为…的原因。例句对比:influence1、As Hugh grew older, she had less influence and couldn"t control him. 休慢慢长大,她的影响力变小了,无法再控制他了。2、He is trying to improperly influence a witness.他在试图误导证人。3、Van Gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting.凡·高对现代绘画的发展有着重大影响。cause1、Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease.在可以预防的引发死亡和疾病的因素当中,吸烟排在第一位。2、Attempts to limit family size among some minorities are likely to cause problems.试图在某些少数民族地区限制生育可能会引起问题。3、Only a few people can find any cause for celebration.只有少数几个人能找到庆祝的理由。


使用VS2005下的Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt进入控制台模式(这个模式会自动设置各种环境变量)、解压缩openssl的包,进入openssl的目录、perl configure VC-WIN32尽量在这个目录下执行该命令,否则找不到Configure文件,或者指定完整的Configure文件路径。、msdo_ms在解压目录下执行msdo_ms命令、nmake -f ms tdll.mak编译后在openssl解压目录下执行,完成编译后。输出的文件在out32dll里面,包括应用程序的可执行文件、lib文件和dll文件注意:在运行第五步时,cl编译器会抱怨说.cryptodesenc_read.c文件的read是The POSIX name for this item is deprecated(不被推荐的),建议使用_read。呵呵,我可不想将OpenSSL中的所有的read函数修改为_read。再看cl的错误代码 error C2220,于是上MSDN上查找:warning treated as error - no object file generated/WX tells the compiler to treat all warnings as errors. Since an error occurred, no object or executable file was generated.是由于设置了/WX选项,将所有的警告都作为错误对待,所以。。。于是打开OpenSSL目录下的MS目录下的ntdll.mak文件,将CFLAG的/WX选项去掉,存盘。
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