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1. 什么是 lovespouselovespouse 是一个在线交友平台,主要服务对象是正在寻找结婚对象的人群。该平台不仅提供了注册、创建个人资料等基本功能,还有各种交友方式、活动、咨询等辅助服务,力求为用户创造更好的交友机会。2. lovespouse 对用户隐私的保护如何lovespouse非常重视用户的隐私保护,采取了多种措施来保障用户信息的安全。例如,公司内部设有专门的信息安全团队,对平台安全风险进行定期监控和防范;同时,平台在技术层面上也对用户信息做了加密处理和严格权限控制,确保只有授权人员可以访问用户信息。3. lovespouse 在防诈骗方面有何措施作为一家专注于婚恋交友的网站,lovespouse非常重视防范诈骗行为。平台在注册、认证及交友过程中,都有各种规则和机制来识别和防范诈骗行为,包括系统风控、审核机制、举报和投诉系统等。同时,平台还会提供安全提示和教育,增强用户的防范意识。4. 为什么说 lovespouse 是安全的lovespouse在用户信息安全、防范诈骗等方面采取了很多措施,可以保障用户的积极交友体验。此外,平台还非常注重社交作用的发挥和对相互关系的维护,这也为用户提供了更加开放和安全的交友环境。5. 如何防范交友平台的安全风险虽然lovespouse采取了很多保障措施,但作为用户也需要相应的安全意识和防范策略。例如,要选择正规和有信誉的平台,了解平台的服务和规则;在注册和交友过程中需谨慎对待个人信息和隐私;不轻易相信并转发不明来源的信息等等。6. 总结在互联网普及和社交交友需求增大的背景下,lovespouse等在线交友平台的发展是不可避免的。而从平台自身和用户角度出发,安全是促进交友和社交的基础,任何一个安全不保障的平台都难以获得用户的信任和支持。


1. 什么是 lovespouselovespouse 是一个在线交友平台,主要服务对象是正在寻找结婚对象的人群。该平台不仅提供了注册、创建个人资料等基本功能,还有各种交友方式、活动、咨询等辅助服务,力求为用户创造更好的交友机会。2. lovespouse 对用户隐私的保护如何lovespouse非常重视用户的隐私保护,采取了多种措施来保障用户信息的安全。例如,公司内部设有专门的信息安全团队,对平台安全风险进行定期监控和防范;同时,平台在技术层面上也对用户信息做了加密处理和严格权限控制,确保只有授权人员可以访问用户信息。3. lovespouse 在防诈骗方面有何措施作为一家专注于婚恋交友的网站,lovespouse非常重视防范诈骗行为。平台在注册、认证及交友过程中,都有各种规则和机制来识别和防范诈骗行为,包括系统风控、审核机制、举报和投诉系统等。同时,平台还会提供安全提示和教育,增强用户的防范意识。4. 为什么说 lovespouse 是安全的lovespouse在用户信息安全、防范诈骗等方面采取了很多措施,可以保障用户的积极交友体验。此外,平台还非常注重社交作用的发挥和对相互关系的维护,这也为用户提供了更加开放和安全的交友环境。5. 如何防范交友平台的安全风险虽然lovespouse采取了很多保障措施,但作为用户也需要相应的安全意识和防范策略。例如,要选择正规和有信誉的平台,了解平台的服务和规则;在注册和交友过程中需谨慎对待个人信息和隐私;不轻易相信并转发不明来源的信息等等。6. 总结在互联网普及和社交交友需求增大的背景下,lovespouse等在线交友平台的发展是不可避免的。而从平台自身和用户角度出发,安全是促进交友和社交的基础,任何一个安全不保障的平台都难以获得用户的信任和支持。


My spouse and my lord中文翻译的意思:我的配偶和大人




pouse的意思是配偶。配偶的常用词组:1. future spouse - 未来的配偶2. ex-spouse - 前配偶3. common-law spouse - 民事伴侣4. spouse abuse - 配偶虐待5. spouse visa - 配偶签证双语例句:1. It"s important to have a good relationship with your spouse in order to have a happy marriage.(与配偶保持良好关系对于拥有幸福婚姻很重要。)2. My ex-spouse and I have joint custody of our children.(我和前配偶共同拥有孩子的监护权。)3. In some countries, common-law spouses have similar legal rights as married couples.(在一些国家,民事伴侣拥有与已婚夫妇类似的法律权利。)4. Spouse abuse is a serious problem that affects many families.(配偶虐待是一个严重的问题,影响着许多家庭。)5. She applied for a spouse visa so that her foreign husband could come to live with her in her home country.(她申请了配偶签证,以便她的外国丈夫能够和她一起生活在她的家乡。)









de facto spouse什么意思及同义词

中文释义: 【法】 事实上的丈夫, 事实上的配偶相似短语de facto spouse 【法】 事实上的丈夫, 事实上的配偶de-facto 事实上的de facto a.事实上的,实际的de facto segregation phr. 事实上的种族隔离de facto limited government 有限政府换一组更多短语相似单词spouse n. 1.配偶,夫或妻facto n. 事实上, 实际上



如何办理英国夫妻团聚签证spouse visa?(需要准备哪些资料)

你要办理的是英国特有的EEA FAMILY PERMIT签证,是非常特殊的签证,严格的说不叫夫妻签证,属于欧盟的签证。你首先要申请EEA FAMILY VISIT 去英国,然后再英国自动转为5年的EEA FAMILY PERMIT。拥有了这个签证在欧洲任何国家都不用申请签证了。不过问题在于第一次在英国办理EEA FAMILY VISIT是非常难的。即使你拥有了葡萄牙的签证也不定代表英国政府认可你们的夫妻关系,以及经济关系,这是英国法律的规定。类似很多的案例包括拒签的在龙朔的网站上边都有。你可以用百度搜索一下龙朔两个字,或者搜索SUPERFY,他是这方面的专家,可以多跟他咨询。



spouse partner mate "配偶" --含义和用法有何细微区别?

spouse 婚姻上的夫妻关系,配偶(个人觉得是这三个词中含义最单一的一个词) [n.] a person"s partner in marriagemate 伙伴,同事,配偶,(动物,鸟兽)配偶,[航海学]驾驶员[n.] 1. the officer below the master on a commercial ship 2. a fellow member of a team e.g. It was his first start against his former teammates 3. the partner of an animal (especially a sexual partner) e.g.He loved the mare and all her mates camels hate leaving their mates 4. a person"s partner in marriage 5. an exact duplicate 6. South American holly; leaves used in making a drink like tea 7. informal term for a friend of the same sex 8. South American tea-like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate 9. a chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent"s king[v.] 1. make love e.g. Birds mate in the Spring。 2. bring two objects, ideas, or people together 3. place an opponent"s king under an attack from which it cannot escape and thus ending the game e.g. Kasparov checkmated his opponent after only a few moves partner 伙伴,合伙人,搭档,舞伴,配偶[n.] 1. a person"s partner in marriage 2. an associate who works with others toward a common goal 3. a person who is a member of a partnership[v.] 1. provide with a partner 2. act as a partner

spouse partner mate "配偶" --含义和用法有何细微区别?

spouse 本就是指夫妻、配偶 partner一般指合伙人、伙伴,作配偶讲也是根据句情需要翻译成的. mate一般有同事、助手的意思,作配偶讲的情况较少.


A couple is two people who are married, living together, or having a sexual relationship. 是指两个人,而且可以不用结婚。Someone"s spouse is the person they are married to. 就是户口本“配偶”一览,指一个人,必须是婚姻关系的


spouse 英 [spau028az; -s] 美 [spau028as] n. 配偶vt. 和…结婚n. (Spouse)人名;(英)斯波斯


spouse 英[spau028as] 美[spau028as, spau028az] n. 配偶,夫或妻 vt. 和…结婚 第三人称单数:spouses;过去分词:spoused;名词复数:spouses;现在分... [例句]There are two ways to be a political spouse.做政治人物的配偶有两种方法。


1. i used to 的英语作文及翻译 "Used to" is used when you want to make others know that a certain action happened frequently in the past, but not now (过去经常发生的事/习惯). For example, "I used to go to school at 7 a.m," an old man says. This means that when the man was in his childhood, he normally went to school (i.e. near everyday) at 7 a.m. However, now he doesn"t go to school any more. 2. used to写作文 Hope School Thanks to the Hope Project r, great changes have taken place in a country school, This school used to be called Lijiazhuang School. Most of its pupils left school because their families were too poor to pay for their education. The only unsafe schoolhouse had to be used as classrooms.And all the teachers shared one room. The playground was nothing but an open land. Things are different now. All the children who left school have e to continue their studies. In the schoolyard stands a o-storeyed teaching building. There are rooms for music, art and - puter teaching. The school is well equipped with sports goods. The Project benefits the school a great deal. For this reason, it was renamed Hope School. 希望学校 多亏希望工程的实施,一所乡村学校发生了巨大的变化。 以前这学校叫做李家庄小学。由于家庭困难交不起学费,大部分学生辍学了。那座仅有的危房要用来做教室,所有的教师们共住一间。操场上除了空地什么也没有。 现在情况可不同了乙辍学儿童都回校继续学习。一座双层的教学楼矗立在校园内,有音乐室、美术室,还有教学用的电脑室。学校的体育器材配备精良。 希望工程给李家庄小学带来了极大的好处,学校也因此改名为“希望小学”。 3. 用used to do 结构写一篇80字的英语作文 并翻译 My parents used to be peasants. They used to work day and night. They used to live a poor life, though. There used to be no enough food in my family. So my parents used to suffer from hunger often. When I was 6 years old, they used to tell me again and again to work hard. Now, everything has changed. My parents are not peasants any longer. They work in a factory making clothes. They can earn enough money to live happily. I am now a senior school student. I will keep on working hard.望采纳。 4. 用used to do 结构写一篇80字的英语作文 并翻译 My parents used to be peasants. They used to work day and night. They used to live a poor life, though. There used to be no enough food in my family. So my parents used to suffer from hunger often. When I was 6 years old, they used to tell me again and again to work hard. Now, everything has changed. My parents are not peasants any longer. They work in a factory making clothes. They can earn enough money to live happily. I am now a senior school student. I will keep on working hard. 望采纳 5. used to英语作文 Do you have any hobbies? If not ,what do you do in the holidays ? I have many hobbies .On weekdays ,when I study in school ,I used to play with my clas *** ates .Sometimes I play volleyball with them,sometimes I play football with them .I think playing football is very interesting and exciting .But when I get home ,I used to listening to music alone .Also I like reading story books.When I am not happy about something ,I used to draw some pictures though I am not good at drawing .On weekends ,there is no class ,I like shopping with my friends and my parents . Hobbies can make someone happy ,so I like them .And I have many hobbies.Do you agree with me?。 6. 改变自己的英语作文要翻译用 used to be rom my point of view, we should change ourselves when the situation can"t be changed any more. Difficulties hide in every corner of our life so we have to face them at times. But the problem is that we sometimes are not able to change the challenging situations at all as our abilities are limited. When it es, we"d better change our attitude towards these difficulties. Only in this way can we get rid of the tough surroundings and be happy. Something like that happened to me once. There was a time when I was laughed at by my clas *** ates while I was walking. I was puzzled so I asked them why they laughed at me. One of them told me that the way I walked was very strange and funny. I was sad but I just couldn"t change the way I walked. And the situation of being laughed at by those people didn"t stop. Therefore, I changed my attitude towards the incident. I ignored those ments on me and walked as I used to. The ments soon disappeared and I was so glad to have succeeded in the quiet war. So in my opinion, we should change ourselves first and then the situation can be changed at last. It is very difficult for us to change our surroundings but much easier to change ourselves. People around us will see our change, after which they may change their attitude toward us. 7. 寒假英语作文带翻译 题目 I used to be When I was in primary school,I used to go school at 8:00.But while I went to middle school,I need to get up earlier than before.Because my teacher asked me to go to school at7:30.After going to school,my clas *** ates and I need to do a lot of reading before our first class is beginning. Another important difference is I need to learn physics and chemistry now.These o courses are really very hard for me.But I believe,"No pain,no gain".I can learn it as good as my clas *** ates.我在小学的时候,我曾经在甫亥颠酵郯寂奠檄订漏8点去学校。但是当我去中学,我需要比以前早点起床。因为我的老师要求我七点半到校。上学后,我们的第一课开始之前,我和我的同学需要做大量的阅读。另一个重要区别是我现在需要学习物理和化学。这两个课程都是真的对我来说很困难。但我相信,“不劳则无获”。我可以学得我的同学一样好。 8. 帮忙写一篇英语作文:I used to When I was in primary school,I used to go school at 8:00. But while I went to middle school, I need to get up earlier than before.Because my teacher asked me to go to school at7:30. After going to school, my clas *** ates and I need to do a lot of reading before our first class is beginning. Another important difference is I need to learn physics and chemistry now. These o courses are really very hard for me. But I believe,"No pain, no gain".I can learn it as good as my clas *** ates. 9. used to的作文 不知道什么要求,是老是用它来写句子,还是解释这个词语? I used to live in the country. It was very beautiful. I used to live there with my parents. They used to live there when they were very young. There used to be a river there. The water in the river was very clean. But now it isn"t. It is polluted by some factories.


1. i used to 的英语作文及翻译 "Used to" is used when you want to make others know that a certain action happened frequently in the past, but not now (过去经常发生的事/习惯). For example, "I used to go to school at 7 a.m," an old man says. This means that when the man was in his childhood, he normally went to school (i.e. near everyday) at 7 a.m. However, now he doesn"t go to school any more. 2. 用used to do 结构写一篇80字的英语作文 并翻译 My parents used to be peasants. They used to work day and night. They used to live a poor life, though. There used to be no enough food in my family. So my parents used to suffer from hunger often. When I was 6 years old, they used to tell me again and again to work hard. Now, everything has changed. My parents are not peasants any longer. They work in a factory making clothes. They can earn enough money to live happily. I am now a senior school student. I will keep on working hard.望采纳。 3. 用used to do 结构写一篇80字的英语作文 并翻译 My parents used to be peasants. They used to work day and night. They used to live a poor life, though. There used to be no enough food in my family. So my parents used to suffer from hunger often. When I was 6 years old, they used to tell me again and again to work hard. Now, everything has changed. My parents are not peasants any longer. They work in a factory making clothes. They can earn enough money to live happily. I am now a senior school student. I will keep on working hard. 望采纳 4. 用usedto语法介绍自己写一篇英语作文 When I was in primary school,I used to go school at 8:00. But while I went to middle school, I need to get up earlier than before.Because my teacher asked me to go to school at7:30. After going to school, my clas *** ates and I need to do a lot of reading before our first class is beginning.Another important difference is I need to learn physics and chemistry now. These o courses are really very hard for me. But I believe,"No pain, no gain".I can learn it as good as my clas *** ates。 5. used to写作文 Hope School Thanks to the Hope Project r, great changes have taken place in a country school, This school used to be called Lijiazhuang School. Most of its pupils left school because their families were too poor to pay for their education. The only unsafe schoolhouse had to be used as classrooms.And all the teachers shared one room. The playground was nothing but an open land. Things are different now. All the children who left school have e to continue their studies. In the schoolyard stands a o-storeyed teaching building. There are rooms for music, art and - puter teaching. The school is well equipped with sports goods. The Project benefits the school a great deal. For this reason, it was renamed Hope School. 希望学校 多亏希望工程的实施,一所乡村学校发生了巨大的变化。 以前这学校叫做李家庄小学。由于家庭困难交不起学费,大部分学生辍学了。那座仅有的危房要用来做教室,所有的教师们共住一间。操场上除了空地什么也没有。 现在情况可不同了乙辍学儿童都回校继续学习。一座双层的教学楼矗立在校园内,有音乐室、美术室,还有教学用的电脑室。学校的体育器材配备精良。 希望工程给李家庄小学带来了极大的好处,学校也因此改名为“希望小学”。 6. 改变自己的英语作文要翻译用 used to be rom my point of view, we should change ourselves when the situation can"t be changed any more. Difficulties hide in every corner of our life so we have to face them at times. But the problem is that we sometimes are not able to change the challenging situations at all as our abilities are limited. When it es, we"d better change our attitude towards these difficulties. Only in this way can we get rid of the tough surroundings and be happy. Something like that happened to me once. There was a time when I was laughed at by my clas *** ates while I was walking. I was puzzled so I asked them why they laughed at me. One of them told me that the way I walked was very strange and funny. I was sad but I just couldn"t change the way I walked. And the situation of being laughed at by those people didn"t stop. Therefore, I changed my attitude towards the incident. I ignored those ments on me and walked as I used to. The ments soon disappeared and I was so glad to have succeeded in the quiet war. So in my opinion, we should change ourselves first and then the situation can be changed at last. It is very difficult for us to change our surroundings but much easier to change ourselves. People around us will see our change, after which they may change their attitude toward us. 7. 用usedto语法介绍自己写一篇英语作文 When I was in primary school,I used to go school at 8:00. But while I went to middle school, I need to get up earlier than before.Because my teacher asked me to go to school at7:30. After going to school, my clas *** ates and I need to do a lot of reading before our first class is beginning. Another important difference is I need to learn physics and chemistry now. These o courses are really very hard for me. But I believe,"No pain, no gain".I can learn it as good as my clas *** ates. 8. 帮忙写一篇英语作文:I used to When I was in primary school,I used to go school at 8:00. But while I went to middle school, I need to get up earlier than before.Because my teacher asked me to go to school at7:30. After going to school, my clas *** ates and I need to do a lot of reading before our first class is beginning. Another important difference is I need to learn physics and chemistry now. These o courses are really very hard for me. But I believe,"No pain, no gain".I can learn it as good as my clas *** ates. 9. used to的作文 不知道什么要求,是老是用它来写句子,还是解释这个词语? I used to live in the country. It was very beautiful. I used to live there with my parents. They used to live there when they were very young. There used to be a river there. The water in the river was very clean. But now it isn"t. It is polluted by some factories.

never expect the perfect man, itu2019s not because th


be confused about是什么意思

be confused about对。。。。感到困惑双语对照例句:1.Second is that people seem to be confused about how we diagnose bipolar disorder. 其二,人们似乎弄错了我们如何诊断双相情感障碍。2.Yet despite this fairly clear statement of direction, outsiders tend to be confused about sbi right now. 尽管sbi明确的声明了其方向,但外界仍然对sbi感到困惑。

The flu is believed to be caused by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human.

对,有两个被动,但句子成分不同。1. is believed是谓语动词。2. to be caused是不定式短语作宾语。

戴尔电脑出现check for viruses on your computer. ,难以解决

戴尔电脑出现check for viruses on your computer. ,是与您关机前的不当操作有关系吧?比如:玩游戏、看视频、操作大的东西、使用电脑时间长造成的卡引起的吧?或下载了不合适的东西、或删除了系统文件、或断电关机等,故障不会无缘无故的发生吧?按电源键反复开关机试试,放一段时间试试,确实不可以就重装系统吧,如果自己重装不了,花30元到维修那里找维修的人帮助您。只要自己的电脑不卡机、蓝屏、突然关机,开机就不会这样了。有问题请您追问我。 打开BIOS是为了用光盘安装系统设置光驱启动的,如果您不是重装,打开这个BIOS是没用的,因为卡死机引起的不能开机,不是设置问题引起的,所以进入BIOS是没有用的。

catch viruses


check for viruses on your computer

0X0000007B 这个代码和硬盘有关系,不过不用害怕,不是有坏道了,是设置问题或者病毒造成的硬盘引导分区错误。 如果您在用原版系统盘安装系统的时候出这个问题,那说明您的机器配置还是比较新的,作为老的系统盘,不认这么新的硬盘接口,所以得进BIOS把硬盘模式改成IDE兼容模式。当然了,现在人们都用ghost版的操作系统,比较新的ghost盘是不存在这个问题的。 如果您的操作系统使用了一段时间了,突然有一天出现这个问题了,那么对不起,病毒造成的,开机按F8,选择最后一次正确的配置,恢复不到正常模式的话那么请重新做系统吧。

笔记本电脑进水后晾干开机出现“check for viruses on your computer”怎么回事啊


蓝屏check for viruses on your computer怎么解决?


viruses detected什么意思





viruses----复数 virus----单数





JAVA标识符;Sting 和User name为什么是非法的标识符?


英语the Terms of Use怎么翻译?

英语:The Terms of Use.翻译:使用条款/条件。

哪位清楚电脑系统启动就出现 WTSQueryUserToken failed是怎么回事?


characters who use violence often go punished 请问老师 这句可不可以改成characters。。。

语法上正确,但细抠的话节奏差了一些(主要是usinig violence太短了,放在名词后面略显别扭,你之所以问,也是这个原因吧?),不大符合英语说话习惯。

Hello, everyone. Because of the high rate of school violence (暴力) in some areas, teenagers’ saf

小题1:A小题1:C小题1:B 小题1:D 小题1:根据School Watch is a volunteer project in our school.因为是在学校中的一个志愿项目,所以这对群体最大可能是学生,学生也就是青少年,故选A.小题2:根据School Watch is…… improve the quality of school life.可知选C。小题3:根据Anybody can become a member of School Watch because everyone has something to offer.每个人都有东西可提供,也就是可以为其他人帮助,故选B。小题4:根据To be part of this plan, the only thing you need to do is to talk to the director of the plan in your grade.可知选D。

Note:You can only use Latin characters.的翻译是:什么意思


jouns pluse如何连无线网


dollhouse这首歌讲的大概是什么,不要翻译,出自哪个故事请大概简述 Ps.歌手是Melanie Martinez


做家务劳动用英文是“do the housework ”还是“do housework”

do housework... do后面可以加my,her或者其他的形容词性物主代词, 但不能用冠词the


excuse 英[u026aku02c8skju:s] 美[u026aku02c8skjuz]vt. 原谅; 为…申辩; 免除,宽免; 给…免去;n. 辩解; 借口,托辞; 道歉,歉意; 请假条;vi. 作为借口; 请示宽恕; 表示宽恕;[例句]It is easy to find excuses for his indecisiveness为他的犹豫不决寻找借口是很容易的。

Maybe use vibrant colors for the font这是什么颜色啊求大神帮助

vibrant colors 意思是亮色。客户是叫你们用亮色系的 比如有绯红,亮橙,金黄,翠绿,粉蓝,淡紫等

英语lottery use cost怎么翻译?


英语翻译“Do you think,because I am poor,obscure,plain,and little


do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am

Do you think ,because I am poor , obscure ,plain,and little,I am soulless and heartless?-You think wrong!-I have as much soul as you ,-and full as much heart!And if God had gifted me with some beauty ,and much wealth ,I should have made it as hard for you to leave me,as it is now for me to leave you .I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom,conventionalities.nor even of mortal flesh :-it is my spirit that addressess your spirit. just as if both had passed through the grave ,and we stood at God"s feet ,equal-as we are!。 “你以为,因为我贫穷、低微、相貌平平、矮小,我就没有灵魂,也没有心吗?--你想错了!我的灵魂跟你一样,我的心也跟你的完全一样。如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我会让你难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开你一样。上帝没有那么多,但我们的精神是平等的,就像我们的灵魂穿过坟墓,站在上帝面前,彼此平等--本来就是如此。”

如何让mighty mouse蓝牙鼠标在XP下正常使用?

如果你有一台 Mac,你希望为它配一款轻便的无线鼠标,那就选择内置安全可靠的蓝牙功能的 Mighty Mouse 无线鼠标吧,它方便你随身携带,由 AA 电池(一或两节,由你决定)提供动力,不必总拖着笨重的充电器。只要塞进你的包里,即可随你轻松出行。不论你拥有的是 Mac 还是 PC,都不用担心线缆的问题。因为 Mighty Mouse 鼠标不仅能够完全支持 Mac OS X,还可以与 PC 机兼容。它使用 Windows 2000 和 Windows XP 操作系统中标准的鼠标驱动程序,可以插在任何 USB 1.1 或 USB 2.0 端口中。其实上面说的很清楚了,这是苹果官网给你复制过来的:蓝牙无线只能用在MAC系统上,有线的可以用在XP上……无线的要想在XP下使用,必须用apple的安装光盘安装蓝牙驱动,就可以认到.除了左右不能滚动.其他都正常它们的相关数据在下面:无线(MB111CH/A)电源 AA 电池(内附)线缆 无滚球 360 度滚球,具有可调整的滚读功能按键 多达 4 个可编程按键:鼠标本身就是一个按键,外壳下采用的触觉传感技术可帮助进行左、右和滚球点击。压力感应式侧键。移动感应方式 激光式系统需求 Mac OS X v10.4.8 或更高版本有线(MB112CH/A)电源:USB线缆:USB 1.1(与 USB 1.1 或 USB 2.0 端口兼容)按键: 多达 4 个可编程按键:鼠标本身就是一个按键,外壳下采用的触觉传感技术可帮助进行左、右和滚球点击。压力感应式侧键。移动感应方式:光学式系统需求:Mac OS X 10.4.8,Windows 2000 或 Windows XP。官网上的驱动下载(你试试吧

从英语修辞学 分析高英第四课 everyday use for your grandmama,求相关具体参考资料或者分析框架提纲

我也在学这课。13) And she stops and tries to dig a well in the sand with her toe. (exaggeration)----P58, L4.14) I feel my whole face warming from the heat waves it throws out .(exaggeration)15)After I tripped over it two or three times he told me to just call him Hakim-a-barber.(metaphor)-------P60,L4.16) “Maggie"s brain is like an elephant"s”.Wangero said ,laughing .(ironic)—P62, L4.17)You didn"t even have to look close to see where hands pushing the dasher up and down to make butter had left a kind of sink in the wood .(metaphor)----P62,L4.18) “Mama,”Wangero said sweet as a bird .“can I have these old quilts?”(simile)---P63, L4.19) She gasped like a bee had stung her .(simile)如果需要其他课的,留言哈~··

large house comfortable classes

原文一个稍微修改一下: towns like B and E sprang up,house large “comfortable” classes who had retired on their incomes,and who have no relation to the rest of the community except that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders"s metting to dictate their orders to mangement. 这句子有两个并列的句子,有两个定语从句,一个修饰主语,另一个修饰宾语 主语是“towns”,后面的“like B and E”是定语从句,它修饰主语”towns“,其实可以看成“towns (that/which) like B and E",在此括弧里的”that“或”which“已省略. 谓语是sprang up,意思是指象雨后春笋般地到处出现. 后面的”house“是并列结构的谓语,其实在”house“前省略了一个连词”and“,此处”house“不是名词指房屋,而是动词,指安置,容纳,住有等. 宾语是”classes“,它前面的 large “comfortable”是定语,修饰宾语,但”classes“后面还有一个由”who“引导的定语从句,也是修饰宾语”classes“. 这个定语从句也有并列结构,分别是“who had retired on their incomes,” 和 “who have no relation to the rest of the community”,这两个结构用连词“and”来连接;“that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending..." 也是个并列结构,该结构和前面的“have no relation to the rest of the community”用”except“作为连接词,表示例外的意思,该结构内还有一重并列,即”that of drawing dividends“ 和 "occasionally attending...",它们之间用 ”and“作连词.

Stormy applause broke forth( ) the singer appeared on the stage.

B、是马上 立刻的意思。 歌手马上登场、

用refuse to do sth 造句?

你好可以I refuse to hit my dog

1. Elles sont toutes contentes. 2. Elles sont tout heureuses. (tout是副词)

问题1:恰恰相反,正是因为是h muet,所以tout不变(reste invariable);tout是在元音开头的阴性名词才s"accorder(ex. toutes honteuses, 但是tout étonnées)问题2:两种都可以;联系上下文


关于confuse的用法和搭配如下:confuse是一个英文动词,意为“使困惑”、“混淆”、“搞混”,在句子中通常用来描述一个人或事物因为某种原因而感到迷惑或不清楚。它常与介词with或about连用,也可以与名词、代词等构成各种搭配,表达不同的含义和用法。1.confuse的基本用法confuse常用作及物动词,其基本用法是表示“使困惑”、“混淆”、“弄糊涂”等含义,例如:His explanation confused me.他的解释让我感到困惑。2.confuse with/aboutconfuse常与介词with或about连用,表示“把…和…混淆在一起”、“对…感到困惑”等含义,例如:Don"t confuse the two names.(不要把这两个名字弄混。)I am confused about the instructions.(我对说明感到困惑。) confused withconfuse还可以与被动结构连用,表示“与…被混淆”、“与…弄混”等含义,例如:His name is often confused with his brother"s.(他的名字经常和他兄弟的名字搞混。总结:confuse是一个英文动词,意为“使困惑”、“混淆”、“搞混”。它常用于及物动词结构,表示“使困惑”或“弄糊涂”。与介词with或about连用时,可以表示“把…和…混淆在一起”或“对…感到困惑”。

精灵旅社cause you are my zing歌词中英对照


cause you re my zing歌词

l thought l found a lovebut she was just a flingAnd then l met a girland felt a different thinglt"s like you"re hit in the ringLike you"re pulled by a stringCan"t breathelike you"re choking on a chicken winglt was a thing called a Zingand l wanted to singAnd Iisten to baIIadsof the man named StingLady looks in your eyesand it"s suddenly springLike when NaIa Iooked at Simbain The Lion KingZinging in the airand I don"t have a carel"m winging from the Zingthat we sharedZinging in the rainNow l"m feeling no painlt"s a real time for celebrating"Cause you"re my ZingSo Iisten aII you Zingersfrom here to BeijingYou better crash the box springGet ready to cIing"Cause if Iove was moneyyou"d be yelling cha-chingNext to a ZingCupid"s arrow"s a IittIe bee stinglt was a Zing and a zangand a zingidy-deeAnd there was only one ladyin the Zing for me"Cause when you"re dingedby the ZingYou better know one thingThe only bling you gonna slingls a wedding ringZinging in the airNow I don"t have a carel"m winging from the Zingthat we sharedZinging in the rainNow l"m feeling no painlt"s a real time for celebrating"Cause you"re my ZingFeel the Zing, y"allBa-da-bing, y"allGonna knock youright out of that ring, y"allBetter bring, y"allHappening, y"allPay attentionto the undead king, y"all

The back garden of our house contains a lawn, _____ very pleasant to sit on in summer.

非限定性定语从句 句中it带指sit on the back garden这一件事 原句可为: It is very pleasant to sit on the back garden of our house in summer.

精灵旅社cause you are my zing歌词中英对照


paula used tobe really quiet

这个句子有两个改法 Paula used to be really quiet,usedn"t she? Paula used to be really quiet,didn"t she?

Because had because, so had so, since has become since, why say why. 这段英文是什么意思?


Muse的《Minimum》 歌词

Mi Ni演唱:Jacky Cheung今天刚发现 或者於最近时刻都想 想一个人甚麽都不想发问 只想发梦特别是你走近应吸引的 都不够吸引心中反时针 皮肤都欠缺养分只知道我在 偷偷地为谁关心找不到原因应兴奋的 一点不兴奋常孤单的男人 凭呼吸对你慰问玫瑰的香薰 痴住了这一只蚊一天一分钟相遇一点点一切记住偏偏当你於不远处迷你的心 总有点 微雨消遣太多 照样参加过能开心的时刻无多红酒想对我协助但我很清楚 巨蟹的思想太多一天一分钟相遇一点点一切记住偏偏当你於不远处迷你的心 总有点 微雨消遣太多 照样参加过能开心的时刻无多红酒想对我协助但我很清楚开篷车 应该两座其实这一天 Ai 我得一个

MUSE的《Minimum》 歌词

Mi Ni演唱:Jacky Cheung今天刚发现 或者於最近时刻都想 想一个人甚麽都不想发问 只想发梦特别是你走近应吸引的 都不够吸引心中反时针 皮肤都欠缺养分只知道我在 偷偷地为谁关心找不到原因应兴奋的 一点不兴奋常孤单的男人 凭呼吸对你慰问玫瑰的香薰 痴住了这一只蚊一天一分钟相遇一点点一切记住偏偏当你於不远处迷你的心 总有点 微雨消遣太多 照样参加过能开心的时刻无多红酒想对我协助但我很清楚 巨蟹的思想太多一天一分钟相遇一点点一切记住偏偏当你於不远处迷你的心 总有点 微雨消遣太多 照样参加过能开心的时刻无多红酒想对我协助但我很清楚开篷车 应该两座其实这一天 Ai 我得一个

Poly Fuse压敏电阻

传统的Fuse主要有三种:以大电流烧断的金属熔线(Metal Fuse)和多晶硅熔线(Poly Fuse),或是以激光烧断之金属熔线(Laser Fuse)。Fuse为电子产品中之关键性零组件,其功能为掌管备用内存(Redundancy Memory)切换,或用于射频电路(RF)中,提供可调整之电阻与电容特性(RC trimming),以及常见使用于安全码(Security Code)、电子卷标之低字码(Low Bit Count)数据储存。现有市售产品因使用激光烧断、大电流烧断等制程,往往面临不可回复性等问题,如以大电流烧断之金属熔线(Metal Fuse)或是复晶硅熔线(Poly Fuse),需以较大电流进行,将受限于烧录设备与接脚的设计,而以激光烧断之金属熔线(Laser Fuse) 仅能在芯片封装前进行,应用范围受限,且制程的良率较差。传统制程所衍生之不可回复性与不便利性俱为产业界亟欲改良之缺点,且随着半导体制程技术的进步,市场需要快速适应变化与突破限制的零组



Because The Night 歌词的中文翻译

take me now, baby, here as i am hold me close, try and understand 抱紧我,试着了解一下desire is hunger is the fire i breathe 欲望是火 是我所呼吸的空气love is a banquet on which we feed 爱情是滋养我们的舞会come on now, try and understand 来吧 试着去了解the way i feel under your command 我被你支配的感觉 take my hand, come under cover 抓住我的手 要要再伪装they can"t hurt you now 他们现在不能伤害你can"t hurt you now 不能伤害你can"t hurt you now 不能伤害你because the night belongs to lovers 因为夜色是属于恋人的because the night belongs to lust 因为夜色是纵欲的because the night belongs to lovers 因为夜色是属于恋人的because the night belongs to us 因为夜色是属于我们的have i doubt, baby, when i"m alone 我也曾经怀疑过 在我孤单的时候love is a ring on the telephone 爱情是电话的响铃love is an angel, disguised as lust 爱情是天使 由欲望伪装here in our bed "til the morning comes 现在我们在一起知道天亮come on now, try and understand 来吧 试着去了解the way i feel under your command 我被你支配的感觉take my hand, come under cover 抓住我的手,不要再伪装they can"t hurt you now 他们现在不能伤害你can"t hurt you now 不能伤害你can"t hurt you now 不能伤害你because the night belongs to lovers 因为夜色属于恋人because the night belongs to lust 因为夜色是纵欲的because the night belongs to lovers 因为夜色属于恋人because the night belongs to us 因为夜色属于我们because the night belongs to lovers 因为夜色属于恋人because the night belongs to lust 因为夜色是纵欲的because the night belongs to lovers 因为夜色属于恋人because the night belongs to us 因为夜色属于我们

lame excuse中文翻译

He gave a lame excuse for being absent 他找了个站不住脚的理由来解释缺席的原因。 Oversleeping is a lame excuse for being late 睡过头不是迟到的充足理由。 My lame excuse is that i have too much to do 我那站不住脚的借口就是我要干的事太多了。 So it " s basically , a lame excuse for a three - day booze up 所以,基本上人们只是为了饮酒作乐而随便找个借口而已 We thought he had just found a lame excuse for being a miser 我们当时认为他是在为他守财奴的形象找一个蹩脚的借口。 That " s a lame excuse 这算什么烂理由 A lame excuse 比如没有说服力的借口 We used lame excuses pke in sook " s paperwork wasn " t sufficient enough 我们找了一些漏洞百出的借口,比如说仁淑的作业不够好 We used lame excuses pke in sook " s paperwork wasn " t sufficient enough . . 我们找了一些漏洞百出的借口,比如说仁淑的作业不够好. .

ios 中pauserecording怎么用

如何在ios中运用core animation暂停和继续动画核心代码如下//暂停layer上面的动画- (void)pauseLayer:(CALayer*)layer{ CFTimeInterval pausedTime = [layer convertTime:CACurrentMediaTime() fromLayer:nil]; layer.speed = 0.0; layer.timeOffset = pausedTime;}//继续layer上面的动画- (void)resumeLayer:(CALayer*)layer{ CFTimeInterval pausedTime = [layer timeOffset]; layer.speed = 1.0; layer.timeOffset = 0.0;layer.beginTime = 0.0; CFTimeInterval timeSincePause = [layer convertTime:CACurren尝尝佰妒脂德拌泉饱沪tMediaTime() fromLayer:nil] - pausedTime;layer.beginTime = timeSincePause;}转载,仅供参考

the professor paused as if ------his students to ask questio?

as if 后面能接 had done / did / were /woulld do 所以选C H意思是 老师听了一下 好像是希望学生对刚才讲的提出问题,6,教授停顿了,似乎——他的学生将要对他刚才提出的观点提问。,2,C,1,正确答案选A 这题我做错过呢,之前选的C,与as if 无关。这句话省略了he was,即The professor paused as if he was expecting his sudents to ask questions on the point he had just made.意思是教授停下讲课,是因为他当时正期待着能有学生的提问。,1,the professor paused as if ------his students to ask questions on the point he had just made. a,expecting b,to have expected c,expeted

怎么跳出program enter to continue

“进入系统出现press any key to continue“的意思是就是它字面翻译的意思:按下任意键继续 1、在XP时代,使用微软官方XP系统光盘安装XP时候,首先设置光驱启动,然后光驱放入系统盘 2、重启电脑,在开机几秒内会出现”press any key to continue“。

三星s6 edge 显示charging paused. battery temperature too low无法充电是什么意?


transport mode paused是什么意思

节操指人的气节、操行。多用褒义 作为原释义的一种引申用法,在ACG文化爱好者或网络交流中常被引用。常被用在对方开了过分的玩笑,对方说出了相当不得了的发言等场合。何谓“过分”和“不得了”的界限划分,就取



pause limit什么意思

pause limit中止限制Year card of GuangMing is pause with postpone time limit, while exam over.光明的年卡也会延长停卡的时限,直到考后才重新开通。pause 英[pu0254:z] 美[pu0254z] n. 暂时的停顿; 犹豫; (诗中) 节奏的停顿; [乐] 延长号; vi. 暂停,中止; 逗留,停滞; (按暂停键) 暂停放音; 犹豫; [例句]Surely these policies must give pause before Tehran is invited to join a team whose members see them largely as hostile and destructive.在伊朗受邀加入反ISIS的同盟之前,该国的这些政策肯定会让同盟的其他成员犹豫,在他们眼里,这些政策基本上是敌对和破坏性的。[其他] 第三人称单数:pauses 复数:pauses 现在分词:pausing过去式:paused 过去分词:paused -----------------------------希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!

帮忙划一下句子成分,拜托了。 I paused, and stood to watch

I 主语 pause和stand是用and连接的谓语 to watch 和to examine 是状语 两个him是状语中谓语的宾语

计算机右下角script paused




英雄萨姆里德 paused 是什么意思啊?我已从游戏里蹦出来再进去就变成这样了

按键盘第一排最右边:Pause 因为你切出去以后游戏自动暂停了

我的英雄萨姆正在玩,出来再进去就不能玩了?为什么啊不让出来么? 显示···PAUSED 什么意思?

楼上不清楚就不要乱说,英雄萨姆的默认暂停键为Pause键(Num Lock灯左边那个),不是P键。


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