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Toby Keith的《tired》 歌词

歌曲名:tired歌手:Toby Keith专辑:dream walkin"My name is Jackson, I was named after my fatherFollowed in his footsteps, down here to this factoryI ain"t complainin", wouldn"t waste my breath to botherThis work ain"t hard, it"s only borin" as can beMarried Rebecca back in seventy-sevenI still love her and I guess she loves me tooWe go to church on Sundays "cause we want to go to heavenMe and my family, ain"t that how you"re supposed to doBut I"m tired, Lord I"m tiredLife is wearin" me smooth down to the boneNo rest for the weary, ya just move onTired, Lord I"m tiredI"ve only missed six days in nigh on twenty years o" workThe money went to taxes and these bills I"ve paid on timeThe raise I got two months ago don"t meet the cost o" livingSelling my body for these nickels and these dimesThe smell of Becky"s coffee rolled me out of bed this morningI showered and shaved and dressed and pulled my work boots onWalked in the kitchen, she was starin" out the windowThe way she said good morning made me ask is something wrongShe said I"m tired, woke up tiredLife is wearin" me smooth down to the boneNo rest for the weary, ya just move onI guess you just keep goin" till your goneTired, Lord I"m tiredTired, Lord I"m tiredhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14091600


tired 是“疲倦,疲累”的意思,是tire加d而构成的.而 tried是try的过去式,是把y改为i再加ed而构成的,是“尝试”的意思.










thirteen 数字13



tireenht 可以组成什么单词

thirteen, 13


thirteen 十三



lui的用法,我知道是间接宾语,但是不知道第二句中间宾是哪个动词的,第一句的attirer… a

Attirer qch à qn 你的理解是正确的,而对于第二句中的lui为重读人称代词,有在介词后 quant à 为对于,关于之意。quant à lui 可以理解为对于他来说


中高档次品牌King, 中文名译为国王。创建于1982年的英国伦敦,设计风格阐释了八十年代的个性,张扬,夸张。一直以来,只是小众明星的心头好,近年来,作为一个完整独立的服装品牌,越来越多走入人们视野,为大众所爱好。产品有:T恤,男士背心,女士背心裙,短裙,打底裤,短裤,男女长裤,外套,夹克,长袖T恤,连帽T恤,棉外套,羽绒服,风衣;另有儿童款帽子,手链,背包等饰品。

The old man.(retire)by the time thewar.(b )over

The old man (had retired) by the time the war (was) over. 解析:首先讲一下by the time 的用法 1.表示将来的时间. 主句用将来完成时,而从句用一般现在时来表示将来的动作. 如:I will have finishied the work by the time my father comes back. 2.表示过去的时间. 主句用过去完成时,而从句用一般过去时. 如:He had built a lab for himself by the time he was 12 years old. 鉴于战争结束,所以描述的应该是过去的时间,所以遵从第二条. 希望得到你的采纳!

don’t retire的中文

Don"t retire(退休;离开;撤退)别退休、别离开

im going to retire 是什么基本句型?

这是简单句句型之一,主谓结构!即S+V!,其中,I 是主语,(am going to) retire是谓语。


句子结构分为,he,主语,said,谓语,后面省略了,that,引导宾语从句,that he was going…作为整个句子的宾语。

If I had enough money I______ tomorrow .( retire)

If I had enough money I【would retire】tomorrow . 如果我有足够的钱,我会退休的. 解析:虚拟语气:if + 主语+ 过去式,主语+ would do 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

retire from 什么意思

retire from英 [riˈtaiə frɔm] 美 [rɪˈtaɪr frʌm] 词典引退; 从…退休; 将…回收停用; 从…撤退网络退出; 从...退休; 退休


retire英 [ru026a"tau026au0259(r)] 美 [ru026au02c8tau026ar] vi. 退休;撤退;后退,退却vt. 退休,退隐;使撤退;收回as可以作为原因状语从句引导词,retire...as..就是因为…原因退休希望能帮助到你,祝生活愉快!

retire from sth是什么意思

退出… 退出什么或从什么退出(翻译的)

是retire to还是retire in

retire to退出,离开(去别的地方)If you retire to another room or place,you go there 没有retire in的表达方式吧,有个句子He expected to retire in the "next few months".但是retire in 不是词组啊,只是恰好组合在一起


退出;退隐She retired to the country. 她退隐到乡下去了。


retiredadj.退休的,退职的,退役的;偏远的,幽静的;与世隔绝的n.退休v.退职,退役,(使)退休( retire的过去式)retiringadj.即将退休的;即将离职的;过隐居生活的;害羞的v.退职,退役, (使)退休( retire的现在分词 );退下;撤退;就寝




retire读法:英音 [ru026a"tau026au0259(r)]、美音 [ru026au02c8tau026ar]。1、retire 基本解释vi. 退休;撤退;后退,退却vt. 退休,退隐;使撤退;收回n. 退休;退隐;退兵信号2、retire 变化形式第三人称单数: retires过去式: retired过去分词: retired现在分词: retiring3、retire 用法和例句Many people worry about their finances when they retire .很多人担心自己退休之后的经济状况。Don "t you want one more shot at a ring before you retire ?你难道不想在退役之前为总冠军戒指奋力一搏?After a nap , television entertains the apprentices until they eat dinner and retire .在小睡之后,新手们会一直看电视直到吃晚饭和就寝。Republicans have promised to retire him .共和党人已经誓言要让他退休。And he is ready to retire soon .而且他很快就准备退休了。






retire名词形式是retirement。retire主要用作名词与动词,作名词时意思是“退休;退隐;退兵信号”,作及物动词时意思是“退休;离开;收回”,作不及物动词时意思是“退休;撤退;退却”。一、retire单词发音英[ru026au02c8tau026au0259(r)]美[ru026au02c8tau026au0259r]二、retire词性转换第三人称单数: retires现在分词: retiring过去式: retired过去分词: retired


retire 英[ru026a"tau026au0259(r)] 美[ru026au02c8tau026ar] vi. 退休;撤退;后退,退却 vt. 退休,退隐;使撤退;收回 n. 退休;退隐;退兵信号 [例句]Not that kent is planning to retire anytime soon.当然,这并不代表穆泰康打算在短期内退休。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


retire的形容词形式是retired。adj.已退休的;已退职的。retire是一个英语单词,英[ru026au02c8tau026au0259(r)];美[ru026au02c8tau026au0259r],名词、动词,作名词时意思是“退休;退隐;退兵信号”,作及物动词时意思是“退休;离开;收回”,作不及物动词时意思是“退休;撤退;退却”。拓展:retired adj. 退休的 retirement n. 退休。Or should they just retire?或者他们就是退休了?I can retire right now if you promise me one thing, that you will live with us.如果你答应我一件事,我现在就可以退休,那就是你要和我们一起生活。I like early retire.我想提前退休。retire。v. (使)退休; (令)退职; (因伤)退出(比赛等); 离开(尤指去僻静处); 撤离,撤退(以进行休整); 睡觉; 使出局。


1.retire to 的用法 多表示隐居 休息 (退休后)搬家I hate you! I"m going to retire to a nunnery! 我恨你!我要到女修道院隐居The old people would retire to bed early, to save fuel and light.老人们一般早早地上床休息,以节省灯油。After dinner our host said, "Shall we retire to the drawing room?"晚餐之后主人说道,"我们去客厅好吗?" The old worker decided to retire to the country. 老工人决定退休后搬到乡下去。 2. retire from 表示从哪里退休To retire from official life and return home 致仕还乡 To retire from the world and dwell in deep seclusion 逃世深居 He will retire from his job next year and take things easy 他明年就要退休过轻松的生活了。


你说的是be retired这个结构吗?retired是多义词,既是动词retire的过去式和过去分词,也可以作形容词。因此,be retired可以说是被动语态结构,也可以说是表示状态的系表结构。就看你所遇到的是什么情况? 能否拿出来让我们看看?


be 接动词应该是动名词形式即动词ing形式,表示现在进行时be后接to do 即动词不定式


retired是retire的过去分词和过去式,它的意思是退职、退休、退出和离开的意思,我们可以把这个单词划分为两个音节【re】和【tire】,第一个音节读成【ru026a】,第二个音节读成【tau026au0259】,放在一起就是【ru026au02c8tau026au0259(r)】,注意一下这个单词以re结尾,所以它的英式发音跟美式发音是有区别的,英式发音读作【ru026au02c8tau026au0259】,美式发音我们要把卷舌音读出来读作【ru0259u02c8tau026au0259r】;retire由两部分组成,tir是它的词根,意思是拉回来,re是它的前缀,表示再的意思,把…拉回来,用作撤退,延伸为退休,例如在这个句子中,He has retired from the army,他从军队退休回来,在这个句子中retire的意思就是退休,而在下面这个句子中,After the attack, the army will retire at full speed,攻击结束灾之后,这个军队将以最高速度撤退,retire这个动词,你学会了吗?




retirement,n. /vi. /vt. 退休

retire 和retirement 的区别



retire 跟在 be 动词之后用什么形式取决于句子的语义表达是什么。动词 retire 跟在 be 动词之后可以有三种形式:retired,retiring 和 to retire。retired 是过去分词作形容词用,表达“已经退休了”;retiring 是现在分词与 be 构成句子谓语或者进行时不定式,表达“即将退休”; to retire 是不定式与 be 构成复合谓语,表达“计划将要退休”。例:My teacher is retired. She no longer teaches us. (我的老师已退休,不再教我们了。—— 形容词作表语)I"m retiring from the company soon. (我将很快从公司退休。—— 谓语动词)It"s a bad idea to be retiring right now. The company needs you! (现在马上就退休不是好主意,公司需要你!—— 进行时不定式做表语补足语)He is to retire soon. (他计划很快就退休。—— 复合谓语)


retire名词形式是retirement。retire主要用作名词与动词,作名词时意思是“退休;退隐;退兵信号”,作及物动词时意思是“退休;离开;收回”,作不及物动词时意思是“退休;撤退;退却”。一、retire单词发音英[ru026au02c8tau026au0259(r)]美[ru026au02c8tau026au0259r]二、retire词性转换第三人称单数: retires现在分词: retiring过去式: retired过去分词: retired


retire[英][ru026au02c8tau026au0259(r)][美][ru026au02c8tau026ar]x0dx0avi.退休; 撤退; 后退,退却; x0dx0avt.退休,退隐; 使撤退; 收回; x0dx0an.退休; 退隐; 退兵信号; x0dx0a名词形式是 retirement。x0dx0aretirement[英][ru026au02c8tau026au0259mu0259nt][美][ru026au02c8tau026au0259rmu0259nt]x0dx0an.退休,退职; 引退,隐居; 退隐处;


retire 英[ru026au02c8tau026au0259(r)] 美[ru026au02c8tau026ar] vi. 退休; 撤退; 后退,退却; vt. 退休,退隐; 使撤退; 收回; n. 退休; 退隐; 退兵信号; [例句]At the age when most people retire, he is ready to face a new career在大多数人都退休的年龄,他却准备好面对新的职业。[其他] 第三人称单数:retires 现在分词:retiring 过去式:retired过去分词:retired


retire读法:英音 [ru026a"tau026au0259(r)]、美音 [ru026au02c8tau026ar]。1、retire 基本解释vi. 退休;撤退;后退,退却vt. 退休,退隐;使撤退;收回n. 退休;退隐;退兵信号2、retire 变化形式第三人称单数: retires过去式: retired过去分词: retired现在分词: retiring3、retire 用法和例句Many people worry about their finances when they retire .很多人担心自己退休之后的经济状况。Don "t you want one more shot at a ring before you retire ?你难道不想在退役之前为总冠军戒指奋力一搏?After a nap , television entertains the apprentices until they eat dinner and retire .在小睡之后,新手们会一直看电视直到吃晚饭和就寝。Republicans have promised to retire him .共和党人已经誓言要让他退休。And he is ready to retire soon .而且他很快就准备退休了。

an entire class of patents

class 这里是一整类的意识。 class of 后面本来就是复数。

轮胎自补液的工作原理是什么?国外叫tire sealant

轮胎自补液在轮胎内部胎面区域形成一层薄膜,使产品封住胎面区域的刺孔。当轮胎被刺穿后,逼出的空气会带动自补液到刺孔处。自补液液体的一部分会渗出,而纤维和粘合剂会交织形成一个富有弹性的栓头。这使得这种产品能对任何产生的刺孔进行及时迅速的封堵。 因此当轮胎漏气时,不需要浪费时间去补胎。这种自我修复的自补液能防止轮胎漏气长达两年。 自补液在轮胎转动时,离心力会迫使自补液在胎面区域形成一层保护层,修复可能产生及现有的刺孔。 请参照出处:http://www.jbltire.com/news/49.htm How does the real tire sealant work? The tire sealant coats the inside of the tire within the tread area, allowing the product to seal tread area punctures. When the tire is punctured, the escaping air carries the sealant to the puncture. The liquid portion of the sealant escapes and the fibers and binders build-up and intertwine to form a flexible plug. This will allow the product to instantly seal any puncture that may occur. Don"t waste time repairing a flat tire. The self-healing sealants prevent flats for up to two years. As the sealant treated tire rotates, centrifugal force pushes the sealant to the tread area creating a layer of protection, repairing punctures as they occur and treating existing punctures.


tired读法是英音["tau026au0259d]、美音[tau026ard]。tired造句:1、Every weekend my husband goes off golfing;I"m tired of being a grass widow.我丈夫每个周末都要出去打高尔夫球。丈夫经常不在家这种生活我已经厌倦了。青草——丈夫经常外出的妇女。2、She was tired and her mind ticked away dully,mechanically,as the clock on the mantel.她疲倦,她的心在迟钝地机械的跳动,就像壁炉架上那座时钟似的。3、Moreover,workers said they felt less tired than they did before the stress management training.此外,工人说他们现在感觉比参加压力管理训练前没有那么疲倦了。4、No more soft layup attempts.Yi does not look as tired physically as he does mentally.看起来易建联身体上并不疲劳,精神层面更多些。5、Many people stay up late at night,which makes them feel tired during working hours.很多人晚上熬夜,这使得他们在工作时间感到疲劳。



retire, go to bed,hit the sack三者意思上的区别

retire是就寝,go to bed是睡觉,hit the sack是野营中常用的就寝.



retirement pension book 是什么意思



stir 英[stu025c:(r)] 美[stu025a] vt. 搅拌; (使) 移动; (使) 行动; (使) 微动; vt. 使打起精神; 使奋起; 叫醒; 唤起; vi. 苏醒; 奋起; 传播; 发生; [例句]Stir the soup for a few seconds将汤搅和几秒钟。

杰克逊的有一首歌有这么一个句子tired of scheme,这是哪首歌?

Scream 尖叫 歌词及翻译: Scream 嘶喊 (Michael) Tired of injustice 受够了不公正 Tired of the schemes 受够了阴谋诡计 Kinda disgusted 有些厌恶 So what does it mean 这都是什么意思 Damn it 可恶 Kicking me down 想打垮我 I got to get up 我必须重新屹立 As jacked as it sounds 它就像听起来那样低俗 The whole system sucks 整个事件都一样的恶心 Damn it 可恶 (Janet) Peek in the shadow 躲在暗处的偷窥者 Come into the light 站到明处来吧 You tell me I"m wrong 你说我是错的 Then you better prove you"re right 那你最好证明自己的正确 You"re sellin" out souls but 你们正出卖灵魂 I care about mine 可我很珍惜我自己的 I"ve got to get stronger 我必须更加坚强 And I won"t give up the fight 绝对不会放弃抗争 (Michael) With such confusions 他们如此颠倒黑白 Don"t it make you wanna scream 你难道不想发出叫喊吗 Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme 你编织阴谋凌辱那些牺牲品 (Janet) You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize 你试图应付他们编造的每个谎言 (Both) Somebody please have mercy 好心人请发发慈悲 "Cause I just can"t take it 因为我快受不了了 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Make me wanna scream 让我不由开始嘶喊 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Make you just wanna scream 让你不由开始嘶喊 (Michael) Tired of you tellin" the story your way 受不了你自顾自的编造故事 It"s causin" confusion 它造成的混乱还不够吗 You think it"s okay 你却希望这样最好 Damn it 可恶 (Janet) Keep changin" the rules 你跟别人玩游戏 While you"re playin" the game 却不停的改变规则 I can"t take it much longer 我再也不能忍受了 I think I might go insane 我觉得我都要疯了 (Michael) With such confusion 他们如此颠倒黑白 Don"t it make you wanna scream 你难道不想发出叫喊吗 Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme 你编织阴谋凌辱那些牺牲品 (Janet) You find your pleasure scandalizin" every lie 用谎言中伤他人是你的乐趣 (Both) Oh father, please have mercy "cause 哦, 天父,请发发慈悲 I just can"t take it 因为我快受不了了 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Make me wanna scream 让我不由开始嘶喊 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop F*ckin" with me 少TMD来惹我 Make you just wanna scream 让你不由开始嘶喊 (Janet) "Oh my God, can"t believe what I saw “哦,我的上帝,简直不敢相信 As I turned on the TV this evening 今天晚上我打开电视所看到的画面 I was disgusted by all the injustice 我对这一切的不公待遇感到厌倦极了 All the injustice” 这一切的不公待遇” (Michael) "All the injustice" “这一切的不公待遇” (News Man) (新闻主播) "A man has been brutally beaten to death by “一名男子由于 Police after being wrongly identified as a 被警察误认为是 robbery suspect. The man was 一个抢劫疑犯而被粗暴殴打致死。 an 18 year old black male..." 该名男子一名18岁男性黑人” (Michael) With such collusions 他们如此颠倒黑白 Don"t it make you wanna scream 你难道不想发出叫喊吗 Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme 你编织阴谋凌辱那些牺牲品 (Janet) You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize 你试图应付他们编造的每个谎言 (Both) Oh brother please have mercy 哦 兄弟 请发发慈悲 "Cause I just can"t take it 因为我快受不了了 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Make me wanna scream 让我不由开始嘶喊 (Repeat 6 times) (重复六次)


tired adj.feeling that you need to rest or sleep,weary in body or mind疲倦的,疲惫的,感到疲倦eg: I was completely tired out after all that. 做那么多事后我感到精疲力竭。tiresome adj.that makes you annoy or bored; annoying 令人生厌的,烦人的bored 用于形容人,一般用作表语。如I am bored. boring用于形容物,意思是令人厌烦的,乏味的。如 it is a boring day!

hochziehen pullup etirer devisser removecap abschrauben求大神帮助



tired是一个形容词,表示“疲倦的、累的”的意思。它的音标为/tu028cu026au0259d/,其中tu028cu026a表示元音/d/的发音,u0259d表示/d/的发音。拓展:tired通常用于形容人或动物因为长时间的活动、工作或缺乏睡眠而感到疲倦、疲惫。例如,I"m so tired after working all day.(我整天工作后感到非常疲倦。)或者The dog looked tired after running around in the park.(狗在公园里跑了一圈后看起来很疲惫。)tired还可以用于形容某件事物或状态,表示它已经过时、陈旧或无聊。例如,The same old jokes are getting tired.(老掉牙的笑话已经让人感到厌倦了。)或者The design of this room is starting to look tired.(这个房间的设计看起来已经有些过时了。)tired还可以用于一些常见的短语中,例如tired of,表示“对某事感到厌倦、烦躁”例如I"m tired of this weather.(我对这种天气感到烦躁。)或者She"s tired of her job.(她对自己的工作感到厌倦。)tired out则表示“非常疲倦、精疲力竭”,例如I"m completely tired out after running a marathon.(我跑完马拉松后精疲力竭。)

one day I( )a newspaper article about the retirement of an English progessor a nearby state college





是正新 是国产的

Tired Of You 歌词

歌曲名称:Tired Of You歌手名称:Foo Fighters专辑名称:One by OneI can be your liarI can be your bearer of bad newsSick and uninspired by the diamonds in your fireBurning like a flame inside of youIs this just desire or the truthSo shame on me for the ruseShame on me for the bluesAnother one returned that I"ll never useI won"t go getting tired of youI won"t go getting tired of youI"m not getting tiredI won"t go getting tired of youI won"t go getting tired of youI"m not getting tiredHanging on this wireWaiting for the day where I"ll have to chooseCursed by love so direOne more boy for hireOne more boy to lend a hand to youIs this just desire or the truthSo shame on me for the ruseShame on me for the bluesAnother one returned that I"ll never useI won"t go getting tired of youI won"t go getting tired of youI"m not getting tiredI won"t go getting tired of youI won"t go getting tired of youI"m not getting tired of you of youI can be your liarI can be your bearer of bad newsSick and uninspired by the diamonds in your fireBurning like a flame inside of youIs this just desire or the truthSo shame on me for the ruseShame on me for the bluesAnother one returned that I"ll never useI won"t go getting tired of youI won"t go getting tired of youI"m not getting tiredI won"t go getting tired of youI won"t go getting tired of youI"m not getting tired of youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/385415

极品飞车中,汽车的性能之类的英文缩写,都是什么意思啊? spd acc tires sus nit


fat tire bike tours是什么意思


i got sick and tired of hotels怎么读

got sick,s发爆破音,而t要轻读,tired of 中d,o要连读

tired 中的r发什么音




third tired bird三个读音一样吗?

不一样tired 不同,读["taiəd]third ,bird 读[ɜ:]


tired ["tau026au0259(r)d]adj. 疲累的, 厌倦的, 疲乏的


tired英 [taɪəd]美 ["taɪɚd]v. 疲倦;对…腻烦(tire的过去分词形式)adj. 疲倦的;厌倦的,厌烦的




【读法】tired 英 ["tau026au0259d] 美 ["tau026au0259rd] adj.疲倦的;疲劳的希望能帮助你,祝你学习进步如有问题请追问,如有其他问题请求助我如果对我得回答满意***************************************************请点击选为满意回答这是你对我最大的肯定,谢谢!


"累"的英语读音是 "tired",发音为 [tau026au0259rd]"tired" 是一个形容词,用于描述人或物感到疲倦或疲劳的状态。以下是 "tired" 的一些常见解释:1、感到疲倦或疲劳的身体状态:例如,"I am tired after a long day at work."(工作了一整天后,我感到疲倦。)2、看起来疲倦或疲劳的外貌:例如,"She looks tired because she didn"t get enough sleep."(她看起来很累,因为她没有睡够。)3、对某事感到厌倦或不耐烦:例如,"I am tired of doing the same thing every day."(我对每天做同样的事情感到厌倦。)4、某物因为使用过度或老化而无法正常工作:例如,"The tired engine of the car broke down."(汽车的老旧引擎坏了。)"tired" 的用法1、"I am tired."(我累了。)- 描述自己感到疲倦或疲劳。2、"She looks tired."(她看起来很累。)- 描述某人看起来疲倦或疲劳。3、"After a long day at work, I feel tired."(工作了一整天后,我感到疲倦。)- 描述在某个活动或工作之后感到疲倦。4、"The old car broke down because its tired engine couldn"t handle the strain."(这辆老爷车坏了,因为它疲倦的引擎无法承受压力。)- 描述某物因为疲倦或疲劳而无法正常工作。5、"I need to rest because I am tired."(我需要休息,因为我累了。)- 描述需要休息来缓解疲劳。6、请注意,"tired" 还可以用作动词的过去分词形式,例如 "I am tired of waiting."(我等得厌烦了。)这里的 "tired" 表示对某事感到厌倦或不耐烦。


tiredx09英["taɪəd] 美[taɪrd] adj.x09疲倦的;困倦的;对…不耐烦的;陈旧的 v.x09(使)疲劳( tire的过去式和过去分词);对(做)某事感到厌倦 最高级:most tired;比较级:more tired

tired怎么读 英语单词tired的正确发音?





tired 英["tau026au0259d]美[tau026ard]adj. 疲倦的;困倦的;对…不耐烦的;陈旧的v. (使)疲劳( tire的过去式和过去分词);对(做)某事感到厌倦最高级:most tired;比较级:more tired

skirt fireworks dirty tired哪个读音不一样?

第二个读音不一样,其他读 e第二个读艾尔,所以选择第二个fireworks。




tired 英[u02c8tau026au0259d] 美[u02c8tau026au0259rd] adj. 疲倦的; 困倦的; 对…不耐烦的; 陈旧的; v. (使)疲劳( tire的过去式和过去分词) ; 对(做)某事感到厌倦; [例句]Michael is tired and he has to rest after his long trip.迈克尔累了,他在长途旅行以后必须休息。[其他] 原型: tire 比较级:more tired 最高级:most tired


单音节词直接加er/est,少数双音节词加more/most (需积累,无规律),多音节词more/most.quiet 是双音节词。


feel tired感到疲倦 常用释义[英] [fiːl tʌɪəd][美] [fil ˈtaɪ(ə)rd][释义]感到疲惫; 感到疲倦; 感到累了[例句]Daming: I feel tired already, I may need a rest very soon.大明: 我已经感到累了,我很快就需要休息了。


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