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pursuit 发音

pursuit的读音:英 [pu0259u02c8sju:t];美 [pu0259ru02c8sut]释义:n.追赶;工作(复数:pursuits)短语:in pursuit of寻求,追求;in hot pursuit穷追不舍;紧随其后例句:1.His life is spent in the pursuit of pleasure.他一生都在寻欢作乐。2.We work hard in pursuit of happy life.我们为追求幸福生活而努力工作。3.What"s your favorite pursuit?你的爱好是什么?


pursuit n. 追赶;工作

电脑开机出现 invalid signature detected。check secure boot policy in setup

需要重装系统 装不了试下回复mbr

Suraj Jagan怎么发音


Earthquakes are the shaking, rolling or sudden shock of the earth’s surface. Earthquakes happen..

小题1:B小题2:D小题3:C 略

Shock To Your System 歌词

歌曲名:Shock To Your System歌手:Tegan And Sara专辑:HeartthrobTegan And Sara-Shock To Your SystemYou seem like you"re so restless, young at heartWho gave you reason?You should be out driving people wildWho gave you a reason?You got a shock to your systemKnocked your heart right out of syncYou"re only meant to hurt once in a whileWho gave you reason?You"re only meant to cry once in a whileWho gave you a reason?You got a shock to your systemPull yourself out of itI know that shock to your systemKnocked your heart right out of syncWhat you areWhat you areWhat you areWhat you areWhat you areWhat you are is lonelyWhat you are is lonelyWhat you are is lonelyWhat you areYou must rely on love once in a whileTo give you reasonYou must rely on me once in a whileTo give you a reasonYou got a shock to your systemPull yourself out of itI know that shock to your systemKnocked your heart right out of syncWhat you areWhat you are is lonelyWhat you areWhat you are is lonelyWhat you areWhat you are is lonelyWhat you are is lonelyWhat you are is lonelyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52288167

华硕主板!启动出现USB device over current detected 然后15秒自动关机


电脑开机显示USB device over current detected 15秒后自动关机?



Unturned未转变者CN南方地图全物品ID汇总。CN南方地图是一张同人制作的优秀地图,不少玩家可能还不太清楚这张地图的物品ID,下面就一起来看看吧。CN南方地图全物品ID汇总手枪54式黑星手枪-------60054QSZ92半自动手枪-6009705式警用左轮-------60107QSZ20自动手枪----60140警用网枪-------------6017017式毛瑟枪----------61017QSZ92G军用手枪--6102132式自动毛瑟枪----61032冲锋枪05式消音冲锋枪----6000556式冲锋枪----------6005679式冲锋枪----------6007956式冲锋枪战术版-6105679式冲锋枪改装型-61079改装射钉枪-----------61165散弹枪DDI PUMA霰弹枪-6006697-1式防暴散弹枪-60112QBS-09散弹枪-----63043步枪类191式突击步枪-----6000195-1式步枪----------6000203式突击步枪-------60003QBZ202步枪--------60006QBZ201步枪--------6000881-1式自动步枪-----60081CQ-A突击步枪------6036381式自动步枪战术版-6108195-1-B式短突击步枪-6109595-B式卡宾枪-------61096QBZ203步枪--------61031汉阳造88式步枪----61188中正式步枪----------61224刘将军步枪----------6141495-1式加强版-------61502李-恩菲尔德步枪------6171081-2式自动步枪-------62081BZ303原型突击步枪---62701狙击枪LR35-1高精度狙击枪--6001588式狙击步枪-----------60088M99大口径狙击枪------6050110式反器材狙击步枪---610107.62毫米高精度狙击步枪--61014机枪及特殊武器QLU21榴弹狙击枪-------6001188式通用机枪------------6013284-1式火焰喷射器------6149795-1式班用机枪---------62095再生者磷焰喷射器------62497火箭发射器背包----------63500弹药小口径北方工业弹药盒:60040小口径北方工业弹药箱:60041大口径北方工业弹药盒:60042大口径北方工业弹药箱:60043小口径游击弹药盒:60044小口径游击弹药箱:60045大口径游击弹药盒:60046大口径游击弹药箱:60047弹夹类北方工业弹匣:60000北方工业弹鼓:60125北方工业扩容弹鼓:60017游击弹匣:60123游击弹鼓:60124游击扩容弹鼓:60126西方弹匣:60018西方弹鼓:60019北方工业大口径弹匣:60298善良弹夹:60108星火燎原弹匣:61429寒鸦之翼弹盒:60133千尺深寒弹匣:61022碾压弹匣:60098阳旭之灼弹匣:60055沧海桑田弹匣:60141云雾弹匣:60080云雾加长弹匣:61080摧枯拉朽弹匣:60115众志成城弹匣:60089典藏之作弹夹:61018汉阳之堤弹夹:61188钨芯12号口径霰弹:63044迸发之焰霰弹:60113迸发之焰烟雾霰弹:60114 【发射烟雾】灭顶之戟榴弹弹鼓:60013猎原锐刃弹匣:60067中正之谋弹夹:61080网枪弹:60172千尺深寒弹匣:61022喷火器燃料盒:61498刘氏之魂弹夹:61415加强重机枪弹盒:61395喷火器磷燃料盒:62498海蓝中式弹匣:61504国立弹夹:61457外野弹匣:61711外野加长弹匣:61712坦克炮弹:62172先进弹匣:62700先进加长弹匣:62703龙舌火箭:63501枪口配件中式消音器:60144中式消焰器:61190中式加长枪管:61191万能枪管:64419海蓝中式枪口:61506握把弹出式握把:64408脚架:64143垂直握把:64008转角握把:64145海蓝脚架:61505突击握把:64409寒鸦之翼三脚架:60134战术配件先进战术配件:64444战术镭射:60151战术灯:60152枪膛升级:61007测距仪:61008海蓝测距仪:61507三棱军刺:61438瞄具20倍镜:6429610倍镜:611207倍镜:60553海蓝突击镜:61503夜视突击镜:61201突击镜:64148红点:64146全息:64147近战武器中式军刺:60185中式警棍:61023烈士之名(LV1~4):61942~61945(等级越高对僵尸伤害越高)红缨枪:61490三棱军刺:61439板砖:61600锄头:61198煤油灯:62131塑料拖鞋:61601神话:64049服装平民级别校服:64440校裤:64441农民上衣:64690农民裤子:64691农民帽:64692囚犯服:62100囚犯裤:62101服装警察级别民用防毒面具:61272警用帽子(黑):60225警用帽子(白):62225警用头盔:63225警用背心:60110警用上衣:60223警用裤子:60224交警上衣:62223交警裤子:62224警司上衣:63223警司裤子:63224武警上衣:65491武警下身:65492消防防毒面具:61270消防头盔:60241消防背带:61235黑色消防裤:62234黑色消防衣:62233红色消防裤:61234红色消防衣:61233服装军用级别包括特战人员军用头盔:64223军用背心:64310军用上衣:64491军用战术上衣:61557军用承重上衣:63591军用下身:64492军用战术下身:61556军用承重上衣:63592军用背包:64222特警上衣:65491特警下身:65492特警背心:65493特警头盔:65494特警背包:65495军用防毒面具:61273军用重型头盔:64523军用重型背心:64510军用重型上衣:64591军用重型下身:64592军用重型背包:64522军用夜视仪:64334医疗用品突击队医疗箱:64405标准医疗箱:64435生存狂医疗箱:64415自制医疗盒:64425食品辣条:63300单兵自加热口粮:64481荔枝:63302车辆武装直升机:60135威龙战斗机:60140风暴装甲车:6070159式坦克:6155499式坦克:61599蓝色共享单车:60185青色共享单车:60186黄色共享单车:60187橙色共享单车:60188白色鬼火:60176绿色鬼火:60177红色鬼火:60178黑色鬼火:60179橙色大巴:64000蓝色大巴:64001绿色大巴:64002紫色大巴:64003红色大巴:64004蓝色长途客车:64005橙色长途客车:64006资源GPS:61276对讲机:61370手机:61175塑料块:61650竹竿:60213一大叠100元纸币:62058一小叠100元纸币:62057100元纸币:6205550元纸币:6205420元纸币:6205310元纸币:620525元纸币:620511元纸币:620561元硬币:620595角硬币:620601角硬币:62061

break yourleg在美国英语是什么意思

break your leg = good luck 好运气 打断你的腿

break your leg 什么意思

某种程度而言,“break a leg”可被列为演艺圈、尤其是戏剧界的“行话”,朋友若要上台演出,你大可对他/她说:“Play well, Jack--break a leg!”(杰克,好运!祝你演出成功!) 究其渊源,这个颇为怪异的祝福语,有很多种说法。目前,较为大众接受的理论有两种。一种观点认为,“break a leg”源于莎士比亚时期的舞台传统。演出接受后,演员一般要到前台谢幕,如若表演出色,一般会赢得台下观众的“小费”。当然,接受了小费,演员是要弯腿行“屈膝礼”的。由此,“Break a leg”成了希望演员演出成功的形象说法。 还有一种观点带有浓厚的迷信色彩。传说人们非常相信精灵的存在,而这些精灵最喜欢制造争端。如果你许了个愿望,他们就会故意让相反的事情发生。于是人们要“祝愿某人好运”时,就会故意说“祝你跌断一条腿”,希望借此骗过那些精灵,让好运来临。 值得一提的是,随着时间的推移,“break a leg”的语义范围逐渐扩大,除了演出,也可用于祝福某人试镜/考试/面试成功。如:Break a leg in your test today.(祝你今天考试顺利。)

Break your leg 是什么意思?是骂人还是咒人

骂人和咒人有区别吗 咒人只是更恶毒的骂人

"Break a leg in your exam today."中的"break a leg"是什么意思?

某种程度而言,“break a leg”可被列为演艺圈、尤其是戏剧界的“行话”,朋友若要上台演出,你大可对他/她说:“Play well, Jack--break a leg!”(杰克,好运!祝你演出成功!) 究其渊源,这个颇为怪异的祝福语,有很多种说法。目前,较为大众接受的理论有两种。一种观点认为,“break a leg”源于莎士比亚时期的舞台传统。演出接受后,演员一般要到前台谢幕,如若表演出色,一般会赢得台下观众的“小费”。当然,接受了小费,演员是要弯腿行“屈膝礼”的。由此,“Break a leg”成了希望演员演出成功的形象说法。 还有一种观点带有浓厚的迷信色彩。传说人们非常相信精灵的存在,而这些精灵最喜欢制造争端。如果你许了个愿望,他们就会故意让相反的事情发生。于是人们要“祝愿某人好运”时,就会故意说“祝你跌断一条腿”,希望借此骗过那些精灵,让好运来临。 值得一提的是,随着时间的推移,“break a leg”的语义范围逐渐扩大,除了演出,也可用于祝福某人试镜/考试/面试成功。如:Break a leg in your test today.(祝你今天考试顺利。)

高一英语作文翻译:我最喜欢的工作My favourite job

We all know about that there are various kinds of jobs in the world, but what kind of job do you like?Because different people are attracted by different jobs, everyone has his own interest and destination, For example Many people consider an ideal job as a means of making more money and living more comfortably, It may sound reasonable because money is the foundation of life. As far as my ideal job is concerned, I think I want to be a psychologist, I have made up my mind to do what I really want to so that I can realize my ideal, I believe interest is of the utmost importance in choosing a job, I have been interested in psychology for a long time, so I want to be a psychologist in the future, I think being a psychologist can help lots of people lead a happier life. However, it isn"t easy for me to become a qualified psychologist and many people around me think that it"s unrealistic to me. NevertheLess, I"ll make every effort to gain much more knowLedge, patience, methods, etc. To live up to The name of a qualified psychologist. I believe my dream will come true someday. 我们都知道世界上有各种各样的工作,但是你喜欢什么样的工作?因为不同的人被不同的工作所吸引,每个人都有他自己的兴趣和目的地,例如许多人认为理想的工作就是赚更多的钱和生活更舒适,这听起来合理,因为金钱是生活的基础。 就我的理想工作而言,我想成为一名心理学家,我已经下决心要做我真正想做的工作,我相信兴趣是最重要的,我对心理学很感兴趣,所以我想成为一名心理学家,我想当心理学家可以帮助很多人过上幸福的生活。 然而,对我来说,成为一名合格的心理学家和许多人都不容易,我认为这对我来说是不现实的。然而,我会尽一切努力来获得更多的知识,耐心,方法等,以达到一个合格的心理学家的名义。我相信我的梦想总有一天会实现的。

to be yourself和be yourself区别

主要还是符合西方人的说话习惯,他们说的是be yourself,是个句子,祈使句。to be yourself,是句子的状语,不能单独成为句子!!

Break your legs!祝你好运!这个俚语是怎么来的?


game security violation detected

Game security violation detected.检测到游戏安全违规。重点词汇:1,gamen. 游戏;比赛;猎物,野味adj. 勇敢的vi. 赌博2,securityn. 安全,安全性;保证;证券;抵押品adj. 安全的;保安的;保密的3,detectedadj. 检测到的v. (尤指用特殊方法)发现,识别;(通常指用特殊设备)探测,检测;查明,调查(罪犯,罪行);察觉(细微或不易察觉的东西)(detect 的过去式和过去分词)扩展资料:game的用法:1,作名词,game用作名词的意思是游戏,运动,比赛。也可表示比赛中的一局,一盘或一场,比分,比赛规则。引申可表示策略,诡计,是可数名词。game也可指游戏或运动的器材,是可数名词。game也可表示行业,行当,是可数名词,属非正式用法。2,作形容词,game作勇敢的,有决心的,敢作敢为的的意思时在句中可用作定语或表语。game也可作愿意的,心甘情愿的的意思,在句中多用作表语,与介词for连用。

be myself和be yourself的含义和区别分别是什么?"做自己"用哪个更准确?

给别人说用 be yourself 给自己说 be myself

cur和bbreak的区别?cut my leg和break my leg都是伤了吧,区别?


如何开发 findsecuritybugs detector

关于MyEclipse的checkStyle插件的使用: 首先这个插件不是eclipse自带的,而是需要去网上的 得到插件之后在eclipse的links文件夹中新建一个checkstyle_4.4.1.link的文件,以记事本打开,在里面设置一个path 来记录插件的安装路径path=D://tool//checkstyle_4.4.1 注意路径用//隔开,否则不会显示出插件的内容 在myEclpse的window preferiences里面选择checkstyle new一个编码风格,选择想要使用的编码规范(是一个XML文件) 使用时想要对哪一个工程进行规范的约束,右击该工程然后选择preferiences 找到CheckStyle之后剩下的事情也就OK了 开始研究find bugs是一个用于检查类或者JAR文件,以发现可能存在的问题的静态分析工具,可检测出来大量隐含问题,可在编码或单元测试时使用。安装方法:Help -> Software Update -> Find and Install -> Search for new features to install -> Next -> New Remote Site -> 输入:Name: FindBugs update site使用方法:右击项目或程序名->Find Bugs->Find Bugs,执行后,会在存在缺陷的代码行标识一个BUG;

break your leg 什么意思

某种程度而言,“break a leg”可被列为演艺圈、尤其是戏剧界的“行话”,朋友若要上台演出,你大可对他/她说:“Play well, Jack--break a leg!”(杰克,好运!祝你演出成功!) 究其渊源,这个颇为怪异的祝福语,有很多种说法。目前,较为大众接受的理论有两种。一种观点认为,“break a leg”源于莎士比亚时期的舞台传统。演出接受后,演员一般要到前台谢幕,如若表演出色,一般会赢得台下观众的“小费”。当然,接受了小费,演员是要弯腿行“屈膝礼”的。由此,“Break a leg”成了希望演员演出成功的形象说法。 还有一种观点带有浓厚的迷信色彩。传说人们非常相信精灵的存在,而这些精灵最喜欢制造争端。如果你许了个愿望,他们就会故意让相反的事情发生。于是人们要“祝愿某人好运”时,就会故意说“祝你跌断一条腿”,希望借此骗过那些精灵,让好运来临。 值得一提的是,随着时间的推移,“break a leg”的语义范围逐渐扩大,除了演出,也可用于祝福某人试镜/考试/面试成功。如:Break a leg in your test today.(祝你今天考试顺利。)

Lee Ritenour的《Starbright》 歌词

歌曲名:Starbright歌手:Lee Ritenour专辑:On The LineSomewhere in the Milky WaySomewhere deep in outer spaceAs he travels all the galaxyDoes he feel as lonely as meOut there where the comets flyOut there where worlds collideAs he chases all his wildest dreamsDoes he ever dream of meStar brightShining so high aboveHow I wish he could hear meStar brightSend me the one I loveMake my wishes all come true tonightStar brightWish that I hadn"t been so shyWish that he could read my mindEven though he may be lightyears awayI know he"s in my heart to stayStar brightShining so high aboveHow I wish he were near meStar brightSend me the one I loveMake my wishes all come true tonightStar brightStar brightFirst star I see tonightWish I may, I wish I mightStar brightWish I could hold him tightMake my wish come true tonightStar brightWish he were by my sidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8214672


参考代码如下:hf = figure;x = linspace(-3,3);y = (x/5-x.^3).*exp(-2*x.^2);plot(x,y);% Save the text handle and give it a tag to make it easier to find...ht = text(0,0,"text*", "tag", "rollover");


come to me ,i love you can you see why do you turn your back,pretending not to hear. still i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my way in my arms you stay 靠近我,我爱你你看得见吗为什么你要转过身去,就当没有听见我仍然希望有一天,你能回到我的身边静静地躺在我的怀中。你给的分太低了,我只能给你翻译这么一段,你要知道,时间就是金钱,要珍惜别人给你答题的辛苦

Lose Control (Featuring Ciara & Fat Man Scoop) (Amended Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lose Control (Featuring Ciara & Fat Man Scoop) (Amended Album Version)歌手:Missy Elliott专辑:Respect M.E.The Saturdays - Lose ControlOooo-Oooofashion fashion fashion fashionI always use to be the shy girlNot a hot girlAnd not your type girlI never cared about the cool clothesabout the right shoesmaking the right moveswho"s that hot boy?who"s that boy?when he looks at me i"m beautifulwho"s that hot boy?who"s that boy?I should be the face of every fashion magazineohh!Oooo-OoooI"m gonna feel that feelinggonna loose controlOooo-OoooTheres a fire going on in my heart and soulNnever before i met you babeyNever before tonightBut your making me believe it"s rightOooo-OoooI"m gonna feel that feelingGonna loose control tonightI"m not use to being first pickNot the cool chickFrom the in cliqueI have always gone my own wayBeen my own girlIn my own worldwho"s that hot boy?who"s that boy?when he looks at me i"m beautiful!Oooo-OoooI"m gonna feel that feelinggonna loose controlOooo-OoooTheres a fire going on in my heart and soulNever before i met you babeyNever before tonightBut your making me believe it"s rightOooo-OoooI"m gonna feel that feelingGonna loose control tonightUh Uh Uh Uhis the nightUh Uh Uh Uhwhen i leaveUh Uh Uh UhThe past behind meTonightUh Uh Uh Uhis the nightUh Uh Uh Uhwhen i"m hereUh Uh Uh Uhabout to find meyeah!!Oooo-Ooooyeaayeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahOooo-Ooooto find the place that hurtsOooo-OoooI"m gonna feel that feelinggonna loose controlloose controlOooo-Ooooohhhtheres a fire going on in my heart and soulnever before i met you babeynever before tonightbut your making me believe it"s rightOooo-Oooowoah nowI"m gonna feel that feelinggonna loose control tonightgonna feel that feeling gonna loose controlgonna feel that feeling gonna loose control tonightgonna feel that feeling gonna loose controlgonna feel that feeling gonna loose control tonight!!!http://music.baidu.com/song/8271255

give me your love tonight原唱是谁?

歌手:Simon Tom 歌词: come to me ,i love you can you see why do you turn your back,pretending not to hear. still i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my way in my arms you stay valentine is such a special day can i have your love just today if she ask you i want you tell her please to wait just for one day give me your love tonight, just tonight when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do in the morning i"ll be on my way take what i give tonight, just tonight missing him on my pillow hold me tight take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow so take me what you can take my hand,i love can you see why do you turn your head,pretending not to see still i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my way in my arms you stay i love you ,i miss you everyday can i have your love just today if she ask you I want you tell her pleased to wait just for one day give me your love tonight, just tonight when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do in the morning i"ll be on my way take what i give tonight, just tonight missing him on my pillow hold me tight take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow so take me what you can forever i wait,wait for the day the day that you say ,say that you say give me your love tonight, just tonight when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do in the morning i"ll be on my way take what i give tonight, just tonight missing him on my pillow hold me tight take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow so take me what you can

give me your love tonight(双失情人节英文版)歌词

come to me ,i love you can you see why do you turn your back,pretending not to hear. still i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my way in my arms you stay valentine is such a special day can i have your love just today if she ask you i want you tell her please to wait just for one day give me your love tonight, just tonight when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do in the morning i"ll be on my way take what i give tonight, just tonight missing him on my pillow hold me tight take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow so take me what you can take my hand,i love can you see why do you turn your head,pretending not to see still i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my way in my arms you stay i love you ,i miss you everyday can i have your love just today if she ask you I want you tell her pleased to wait just for one day give me your love tonight, just tonight when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do in the morning i"ll be on my way take what i give tonight, just tonight missing him on my pillow hold me tight take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow so take me what you can forever i wait,wait for the day the day that you say ,say that you say give me your love tonight, just tonight when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do in the morning i"ll be on my way take what i give tonight, just tonight missing him on my pillow hold me tight take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow so take me what you can

Lose Control (Featuring Ciara & Fat Man Scoop) (Promo Amended Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lose Control (Featuring Ciara & Fat Man Scoop) (Promo Amended Version)歌手:Missy Elliott专辑:Lose ControlLose ControlLyric, Music & Arrangement : HIROAh Ah Ah I"m losing controlAh Ah Ah I"m losing controlAh Ah Ah I"m losing controlAh Ah Ah I"m losing losingHot 动き出す Heart 止まらないSweat 少し濡れた肌が语る真実Stare 见つめたら No 戻れないDon"t stop 高鸣る気持ちはもう止められたい燃え上がる感觉隐せないFeelings Ohh息が诘まりそうなくらいBaby Oh BabyTonight"s gonna be the night alright二人だけのShow Timeはやく见せてYour styleBaby Oh BabyAh Ah Ah I"m losing controlAh Ah Ah I"m losing controlAh Ah Ah I"m losing controlAh Ah Ah I"m losing losingHold 焦らずに Slow 味わってもっとPlease このまま朝までFreeze Uh Let me touch itGirl 踊るようにMake Love to me tonightShake 体を震わせて今夜は All Night Baby燃え上がる感觉隐せないFeelings Ohh息が诘まりそうなくらいBaby Oh BabyTonight"s gonna be the night alright二人だけのShow Timeはやく见せてYour styleBaby Oh Baby君だけのNo body elseI want you nowもう待てない Yeah甘い夜に诱われてこのまま二人だけで Oh!Uh Uh Uh Baby Bounce With MeUh Uh Uh Baby Rock With MeUh Uh Uh Baby Bounce With MeUh Uh Uh Baby BounceI"m losing controlUn~hu燃え上がる感觉隐せないFeelings Ohh息が诘まりそうなくらいBaby Oh BabyTonight"s gonna be the night alright二人だけのShow Timeはやく见せてYour styleBaby Oh Baby燃え上がる感觉隐せないFeelings Ohh息が诘まりそうなくらいBaby Oh BabyTonight"s gonna be the night alright二人だけのShow Timeはやく见せてYour styleBaby Oh BabyAh Ah Ah I"m losing controlAh Ah Ah I"m losing controlAh Ah Ah I"m losing controlAh Ah Ah I"m losing losingAh Ah Ah I"m losing controlAh Ah Ah I"m losing controlAh Ah Ah I"m losing controlAh Ah Ah I"m losing losinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/7658494

give me your love tonight谁唱的呀``求歌词

Give me your love tonight - Simon Tom come to me ,i love you can you seewhy do you turn your back,pretending not to hear.still i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my wayin my arms you stayvalentine is such a special daycan i have your love just todayif she ask you i want you tell her please to waitjust for one daygive me your love tonight, just tonightwhen all my sads tomorrow"s out of sightgive me your kiss tonight like a lovers doin the morning i"ll be on my waytake what i give tonight, just tonightmissing him on my pillow hold me tighttake what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrowso take me what you cantake my hand,i love can you seewhy do you turn your head,pretending not to seestill i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my wayin my arms you stayi love you ,i miss you everydaycan i have your love just todayif she ask you I want you tell her pleased to waitjust for one daygive me your love tonight, just tonightwhen all my sads tomorrow"s out of sightgive me your kiss tonight like a lovers doin the morning i"ll be on my waytake what i give tonight, just tonightmissing him on my pillow hold me tighttake what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrowso take me what you canforever i wait,wait for the daythe day that you say ,say that you saygive me your love tonight, just tonightwhen all my sads tomorrow"s out of sightgive me your kiss tonight like a lovers doin the morning i"ll be on my waytake what i give tonight, just tonightmissing him on my pillow hold me tighttake what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrowso take me what you can

give me your love tonight 歌词?

come to me ,i love you can you see why do you turn your back,pretending not to hear. still i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my way in my arms you stay valentine is such a special day can i have your love just today if she ask you i want you tell her please to wait just for one day give me your love tonight, just tonight when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do in the morning i"ll be on my way take what i give tonight, just tonight missing him on my pillow hold me tight take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow so take me what you can take my hand,i love can you see why do you turn your head,pretending not to see still i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my way in my arms you stay i love you ,i miss you everyday can i have your love just today if she ask you I want you tell her pleased to wait just for one day give me your love tonight, just tonight when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do in the morning i"ll be on my way take what i give tonight, just tonight missing him on my pillow hold me tight take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow so take me what you can forever i wait,wait for the day the day that you say ,say that you say give me your love tonight, just tonight when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do in the morning i"ll be on my way take what i give tonight, just tonight missing him on my pillow hold me tight take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow so take me what you can

give me your love tonight 歌词

歌曲名:give me your love tonight歌手:TwinsGive Me Your Love Tonight- _ -||典型中国人唱英文歌Singer unknowncome to me ,i love you can you seewhy do you turn your back,pretending not to hear.still i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my wayin my arms you stayvalentine is such a special daycan i have your love just todayif she ask you i want you tell her please to waitjust for one daygive me your love tonight, just tonightwhen all my sads tomorrow"s out of sightgive me your kiss tonight like a lovers doin the morning i"ll be on my waytake what i give tonight, just tonightmissing him on my pillow hold me tighttake what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrowso take me what you cantake my hand,i love can"t you seewhy do you turn your head,pretending not to seestill i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my wayin my arms you stayi love you ,i miss you everydaycan i have your love just todayif she ask you I want you tell her please to waitjust for one daygive me your love tonight, just tonightwhen all my sads tomorrow"s out of sightgive me your kiss tonight like a lovers doin the morning i"ll be on my waytake what i give tonight, just tonightmissing him on my pillow hold me tighttake what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrowso take me what you canforever i wait,wait for the daythe day that you say ,say that you saygive me your love tonight, just tonightwhen all my sads tomorrow"s out of sightgive me your kiss tonight like a lovers doin the morning i"ll be on my waytake what i give tonight, just tonightmissing him on my pillow hold me tighttake what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrowsGive Me Your Love Tonight国语版就是twins/magic专集里面的(双失情人节)QQqun7979278http://music.baidu.com/song/18653177


歌曲名:GIVE ME YOUR LOVE TONIGHT歌手:铃木圣美专辑:City Hunter Sound Collection Y-Insertion TracksGiveMeYouLoveTonight作词:Linda Hennrick作曲:国吉良一歌:铃木圣美come to me ,i love you cant you seewhy do you turn your back pretending not to hearstill i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my wayin my arms you stayvalentine is such a special daycan i have your love just todayif she ask you i want you tell her please to waitjust for one daygive me your love tonight, just tonightwhen all my sads tomorrow"s out of sightgive me your kiss tonight like a lovers doin the morning i"ll be on my waytake what i give tonight, just tonightmake sweet dreams on my pillow hold me tighttake what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrowso take me what you cantake my hand,i love cant you seewhy do you turn your head,pretending not to seestill i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my wayin my arms you stayi love you ,i miss you everydaycan i have your love just todayif she ask you I want you tell her pleased to waitjust for one daygive me your love tonight, just tonightwhen all my sads tomorrow"s out of sightgive me your kiss tonight like a lovers doin the morning i"ll be on my wayso take me what you canforever i wait,wait for the daythe day that you say ,say that you staygive me your love tonight, just tonightwhen all my sads tomorrow"s out of sightgive me your kiss tonight like a lovers doin the morning i"ll be on my waytake what i give tonight, just tonighttake what i give tonight, just tonightmake sweet dream on my pillow hold me tightmissing him on my pillow hold me tighttake what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrowtake what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrowgive me your love tonighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/59330400

give me your love 什么意思?

[00:18.06]来找我00:19.52],[我爱你,你能看到[00:20.93]你为何把你的背,[00:23.20假装没有听见。][00:25.29]我仍然希望有那么一天,[00:27.00]我将让你把我的方式[00:29.03]你呆在我的臂弯里[00:33.51]valentine是这样的一个特殊的日子00:36.74][我能在今天拥有你的爱[00:40.90]如果她问你,我希望你告诉她[00:43.31]][00:44.82请等待只是一天[00:47.98]今夜给我你的爱,[00:50.11]][00:51.93只是今晚我[00:53.76 sads)明天的离开你的视线[00:55.88]给我你的吻[00:57.10今晚做像情人]]在[01:00.57早安[01:01.77]我要上路了[01:03.80]接受我今夜给你01:05.73],[今晚][01:07.63就失去了他在我的[01:09.21]枕头抱紧我[01:11.50]接受我今夜给你的[01:13.68]使我们的爱情有[01:15.18]][01:16.74甜明天尽你所能接受我01:26.67]

给我一个give me your love tonight 这首歌的中文翻译?

《Give me your love tonight》歌词是come to me ,i love you can you see跟我来,我爱你,您能看见 why do you turn your back,pretending not to hear.为什么您转到您的后面,假装没听见 still i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my way仍然我某天祝愿,我将使您转动我的方式 in my arms you stay在我的胳膊里停留的您 valentine is such a special day华伦泰是这样一特别天 can i have your love just today今天我能有您的爱 if she ask you i want you tell her please to wait如果她询问您我想要您劝告她请等待 just for one day为一天 give me your love tonight, just tonight今晚给我您的爱, 今晚 when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight当所有我的sads 明天的出于视域 give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do今晚给我您的亲吻如恋人 in the morning i"ll be on my way早晨我将是在我的途中 take what i give tonight, just tonight作为什么给我今晚, 今晚 missing him on my pillow hold me tight想念他在紧拿着的枕头我 take what i give tonight作为什么给我今晚 cause our love has no sweet tomorrow不要导致我们的爱,明天有甜点 so take me what you can如此采取我什么您能 take my hand,i love can you see牵着我的手,我爱能您看 why do you turn your head,pretending not to see为什么您转动您的头,假装不看 still i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my way仍然我某天祝愿,我将使您转动我的方式 in my arms you stay在我的胳膊里停留您的 i love you ,i miss you everyday我爱你,我想念您每天 can i have your love just today今天能我有您的爱 if she ask you I want you tell her pleased to wait如果她询问您我想要您告诉她高兴等待 just for one day为一天 give me your love tonight, just tonight今晚给我您的爱, 今晚 when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight当所有我的sads 明天的出于视域 give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do今晚给我您的亲吻如恋人 in the morning i"ll be on my way早晨我将是在我的途中 take what i give tonight, just tonight作为什么我今晚给, 今晚 missing him on my pillow hold me tight想念他在我今天紧拿着枕头 take what i give tonight作为什么我今晚给 cause our love has no sweet tomorrow不要导致我们的爱明天有甜点 so take me what you can如此采取我什么您能 forever i wait,wait for the day我永远等待,等这天 the day that you say ,say that you say您说的天,, 说您说 give me your love tonight, just tonight今晚给我您的爱, 今晚 when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight当所有我的sads 明天的出于视域 give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do今晚给我您的亲吻如恋人 in the morning i"ll be on my way早晨我将是在我的途中 take what i give tonight, just tonight作为什么我今晚给, 今晚 missing him on my pillow hold me tight想念他在我的枕头拿着我紧 take what i give tonight作为什么我今晚给 cause our love has no sweet tomorrow不要导致我们的爱明天有甜点 give me your love tonight 今晚给我您的爱

给我一个give me your love tonight 这首歌的中文翻译?

《Give me your love tonight》歌词是come to me ,i love you can you see跟我来,我爱你,您能看见 why do you turn your back,pretending not to hear.为什么您转到您的后面,假装没听见 still i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my way仍然我某天祝愿,我将使您转动我的方式 in my arms you stay在我的胳膊里停留的您 valentine is such a special day华伦泰是这样一特别天 can i have your love just today今天我能有您的爱 if she ask you i want you tell her please to wait如果她询问您我想要您劝告她请等待 just for one day为一天 give me your love tonight, just tonight今晚给我您的爱, 今晚 when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight当所有我的sads 明天的出于视域 give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do今晚给我您的亲吻如恋人 in the morning i"ll be on my way早晨我将是在我的途中 take what i give tonight, just tonight作为什么给我今晚, 今晚 missing him on my pillow hold me tight想念他在紧拿着的枕头我 take what i give tonight作为什么给我今晚 cause our love has no sweet tomorrow不要导致我们的爱,明天有甜点 so take me what you can如此采取我什么您能 take my hand,i love can you see牵着我的手,我爱能您看 why do you turn your head,pretending not to see为什么您转动您的头,假装不看 still i wish someday,i"ll make you turn my way仍然我某天祝愿,我将使您转动我的方式 in my arms you stay在我的胳膊里停留您的 i love you ,i miss you everyday我爱你,我想念您每天 can i have your love just today今天能我有您的爱 if she ask you I want you tell her pleased to wait如果她询问您我想要您告诉她高兴等待 just for one day为一天 give me your love tonight, just tonight今晚给我您的爱, 今晚 when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight当所有我的sads 明天的出于视域 give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do今晚给我您的亲吻如恋人 in the morning i"ll be on my way早晨我将是在我的途中 take what i give tonight, just tonight作为什么我今晚给, 今晚 missing him on my pillow hold me tight想念他在我今天紧拿着枕头 take what i give tonight作为什么我今晚给 cause our love has no sweet tomorrow不要导致我们的爱明天有甜点 so take me what you can如此采取我什么您能 forever i wait,wait for the day我永远等待,等这天 the day that you say ,say that you say您说的天,, 说您说 give me your love tonight, just tonight今晚给我您的爱, 今晚 when all my sads tomorrow"s out of sight当所有我的sads 明天的出于视域 give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do今晚给我您的亲吻如恋人 in the morning i"ll be on my way早晨我将是在我的途中 take what i give tonight, just tonight作为什么我今晚给, 今晚 missing him on my pillow hold me tight想念他在我的枕头拿着我紧 take what i give tonight作为什么我今晚给 cause our love has no sweet tomorrow不要导致我们的爱明天有甜点 give me your love tonight 今晚给我您的爱

谁有give me your love tonight的歌词

come to mei love you can you seewhy do you turn your backpretending not to hearstill i wish somedayi"ll make you turn my wayin my arms you stayvalentine is such a special daycan i have your love just todayif she ask you i want you tell her please to waitjust for one daygive me your love tonightjust tonightwhen all my sads tomorrow"s out of sightgive me your kiss tonight like a lovers doin the morning i"ll be on my waytake what i give tonightjust tonightmissing him on my pillow hold me tighttake what i give tonightcause our love has no sweet tomorrowso take me what you cantake my handi love can you seewhy do you turn your headpretending not to seestill i wish somedayi"ll make you turn my wayin my arms you stayi love youi miss you everydaycan i have your love just todayif she ask you I want you tell her pleased to waitjust for one daygive me your love tonightjust tonightwhen all my sads tomorrow"s out of sightgive me your kiss tonight like a lovers doin the morning i"ll be on my waytake what i give tonightjust tonightmissing him on my pillow hold me tighttake what i give tonightcause our love has no sweet tomorrowso take me what you canforever i waitwait for the daythe day that you saysay that you saygive me your love tonightjust tonightwhen all my sads tomorrow"s out of sightgive me your kiss tonight like a lovers doin the morning i"ll be on my waytake what i give tonightjust tonightmissing him on my pillow hold me tighttake what i give tonightcause our love has no sweet tomorrowgive me your love tonight

求一首英文歌歌名 歌词do you love give me your love


TuneUp Turbo 模式有什么用?

还记得以前486、586电脑上面那个“turbo”键吗?也许你也使用过吧。以前那个不称职的“加速”功能其实是为了防止程序执行过快而设的,打开 它,CPU就在正常模式下运行,关闭它CPU速度就会降低。现在Core i7(开发代号Nehalem)以及即将上市的Core i5(i3系列不支持) 将支持“Turbo Mode”,不过大家可以放心,这个功能与以往完全不同。 “Turbo mode”功能基于Nehalem的“Integrated Power Gate”电源管理技术,它允许关闭一些核心,而将电力加至其它核心,让他们以更高的频率运行,整个CPU的TDP仍保持不变。 我们可以拿电脑游戏作例子,你使用Core i7的4核处理器,但游戏只使用1个核心,一般来说其他三个核心就闲置了,你只能获得4核处理器的1/4的性能。但Core i7这时会将其他三个核心关闭,减少CPU的功耗和发热量,然后将真正起作用的核心超频以获得更高的性能,现阶段有消息表明,一个3.0GHz的核心将自 动超至3.2GHz甚至3.4GHz。 的确,这项技术可以优化CPU的使用效率,有望改变“多核处理不如高频双核处理器”的观点,不过也有人提出,“Turbo Mode”会使手动超频更加复杂,因为如果CPU已经被预先超频,那么开启“Turbo Mode”就很危险了。

nine-year-old Louis pasteur全文翻译

九岁的路易斯·巴斯德冲进房子,他脸色苍白。 “妈妈!”他喊道,“疯狗打我的朋友亨利,现在他们正在燃烧着炽热的铁他。这真是糟透了。” “狂犬病,路易斯。燃烧的伤是唯一的希望阻止亨利从捕捞的疾病。” 亨利并得到狂犬病,死后,在巨大的痛苦中,一些天以后。路易斯·巴斯德从未忘记。"有一天,”他想,“我必须做些什么来帮助人们喜欢亨利。” 16年后,巴斯德成为医生的科学。他开始在他的特殊领域的重大发现。 巴斯德在他的生活中取得了巨大的成功。但在多年的研究,他失去了左臂的使用和腿。他工作努力,像往常一样,他急切地想找到一种方法对固化狂犬病。他永远不会忘记他的朋友亨利。 许多危险的实验后,他终于找到疯狗的回答。就在这时,一个小男孩已经严重咬了一只疯狗到达了他的实验室。几天之后,那个男孩是治疗巴斯得到更好的。他没有赶上狂犬病。 这个发现给新人们希望在许多国家。人们寄钱去帮助建立巴斯德研究所的巴黎。今天是世界上最著名的中心,以供研究之用。

Return On Capital Employed (ROCE)代表什么?

已动用资本回报率(ROCE),英文全称是Return on capital employed,又可称作投资回报率(ROI,Return on investment)或净资产回报率(RONA,Return on net assets)。

Return On Net Assets (RONA)是什么意思?

Return On Net Assets 净资产收益率

Return On Investment (ROI)与Return On Capital Employed(ROCE)的区别是什么

Return on investment (%) = Net profit ($) / Investment ($)ROCE = Net Operating Profit After Tax / Capital Employed (Capital Employed represents the capital investment necessary for a business to function. It is not just assets, but of capital investment.)They two are similar, just depends on how you define investment or net profit.

your life story作文题目

From the sixteenth of January to the seventh of February is our Winter Holiday. I think everybody did a lot of things in the Winter Holiday. But I didn"t. Let you to listen to my story of Winter Holiday.   I spend a lot of time on the homework.. Every day in my Winter Holiday, I always got up late. Then I listened to the tape, it was nine o"clock. Then I ate breakfast and then I did my homework during the daytime! I"m not very slow but the homework was too heavy!   I"m unlucky on the playing too. I played firecracker but I hurt my finger with the fire. I ‘m careless to kindle the firecracker, so I"m very unlucky.   I still unlucky on my friend"s party. In the morning, I wanted to get up early but I woke up at 10:50. After ten minutes, the party would start! So I only eat a piece of bread then I go to my friend"s home! And I stay at his home for a long time when I came home. My mother and father were very angry and they scolded me!   I"m worried and feel unlucky on my weigh. Last term, I was 48 kilogram but now I am 51 kilogram! I must to do banting!   But most important, I have gone to Shanghai Ocean Aquarium, I want to go there very much because I want to see the horse, the monkey……in the sea. Now I"ve done it . It is a bright dot in my Winter Holiday.


blursday的意思是模糊日。blur 是“模糊”的意思,所以 Blursday 就是形容大家疫情期间“因长期待在家而失去时间感,过到不知道星期几”。例:Hey, what day is today?(嘿,今天是星期几呀?)Monday...no, Sunday—I don"t know, blursday.(星期一...不是,星期天……晕了,过到不知道星期几了。)虽然中国控制住了疫情,但是世界上大部分国家依旧饱受疫情肆虐的影响,不少英美国家的人在疫情期间一直待在家里。新冠病毒(coronavirus 或者COVID-19 )不只改变了他们的生活模式,同时在语言上给了他们很多灵感,创造了许多不同的新词。下面我们就来一起看看有什么新的有趣的英语新词吧。1、Rona其实 Rona 就是 Coronavirus 的缩写,也可以写成 the Rona,都是代表“新冠病毒”的意思。这个字通常会用在一些比较无伤大雅、幽默的语句中,属于口语的用法。有些人甚至会将它加上性别,变成 Miss Rona。例:Everything was going well until Miss Rona came, she ruined all our plans!(一切原本都很顺利,直到疫情突然出现毁了我们所有的计划!)2、doomscrolling在疫情期间,人们常常会从社交媒体上一直接收各种坏消息,过度沉浸于负面新闻中。而这样的行为就被称为 doomscrolling,是由 doom“厄运、死亡”加上动词 scroll“滚动”所产生的。另外因为“上网”也可以用 surf the Internet 表示,所以这个字也可以写成 doomsurfing。


是的。kuromi(库洛米)是一只兔子。是动漫《三丽鸥》中的主要人物,是kuromi的音译。库洛米在马里兰乐园因思想偏激,经常故意作弄My Melody、令父母担心、采摘皇宫花园的花草、骑着三轮单车在街上乱驶、和偷去皇宫一大批面包这几项罪名而被判入反省室,后来逃到人间去,所以她是马里兰乐园的通缉犯,经常被人叫作“黑头巾小朋友”。简介:三丽鸥英文的翻译是Sanrio,旗下有我们熟悉的文化品牌HelloKitty,MYMELODY,LITTLE TWIN STARS等。本着礼物传递真情的经营理念,三丽鸥致力于丰富人际交流的伟大事业,赋予礼品全新的意义——礼物不仅是用来表达对他人的尊重,信任,友爱,也可以成为与自己内心世界沟通的桥梁。在帮助人们追求幸福,互求相互理解,彼此建立良好友谊的同时,三丽鸥也为人们提供精神上的休闲与满足。

求一首歌名, 高潮部分歌词是 bring it on~ Burn it down~ Burn it down~ 似乎是一名纽约的女歌手唱的。





Furla的中文名是芙拉。芙拉(Furla)是来自意大利的皮革品牌,于1927年由Furlanetto家族创立。Furla让女性对手题袋态度轻松一点,特别一点。其它精品包括钱包、手表、珠宝手饰等均是女士们每季热切搜罗的目标。芙拉(Furla)国家或地区:意大利创建时间:1926年创建人:Mr.Furlanetto◆芙拉(Furla)品牌简介芙拉(Furla)是来自意大利的品牌,于1927年由Furlanetto家族创立,是意大利少有仍然保持家族经营与现代管理架构结合的公司之一。芙拉(Furla)总部设在充满人文情怀又精致优雅的意大利城市博洛尼亚。严格坚持意大利本质风格及创作成就了品牌的独特标志。意大利皮革品牌芙拉(Furla)以优良品质见称,吸引讲潮流也重品质的都市女性。芙拉(Furla)经营的品牌形像是:成熟、女人味,带点幽默好玩的个性态度。芙拉(Furla)让女性对手题袋态度轻松一点,特别一点。芙拉(Furla)在意大利、日本、美国、法国、西班牙、香港、中国、英国、澳大利亚及德国均设有分支机构。◆芙拉(Furla)产品类别:手提包、钱包、小皮具、腰带、成衣、珠宝、手表、鞋履、钥匙扣◆芙拉(Furla)所属集团:Furla公司◆喜欢芙拉(Furla)的明星:在时尚界,芙拉(Furla)也许倍受许多名媛淑女的推崇,女明星伊莉莎白·赫莉(ElizabethHurley)和RubyWax都很喜欢芙拉(Furla)的皮包。美国现任第一夫人劳拉·布什(LauraBush)在出访时,也手挽着黑色芙拉(Furla)Chelsea绅包。◆芙拉(Furla)官方网站:http://www.furla.com/◆芙拉(Furla)品牌故事芙拉(Furla)的诞生正值第一次世界大战之后,创始人ProtagonistsAldo和MargheritaFurlanetto将主要目标定位于为女性消费者提供各式各样的皮革饰品和配饰,以满足她们在战后对于这类商品日益高涨的需求。从最初的商业化,到其后的工业化历程,芙拉(Furla)产品的多变讲述了不同时代的生活方式和社会节奏的变迁。1955年,Aldo在博洛尼亚核心地段的ViaUgoBassi开设了芙拉(Furla)第一家店铺。上世纪70年代,公司由他的子女GiovannaFurlanetto,CarloFurlanetto和PaoloFurlanetto接管,第一个印着芙拉(Furla)标记的手袋系列诞生。得益于他们前卫的风格定位,选用非常规的制作工艺,采用特殊材料如尼龙、橡胶等,经过一系列创新,芙拉(Furla)很快便受到广泛认可。新社会中被解放的独立女性更加注重新的时尚趋势,这个决定性的公司战略转变正契合了这部分女性的需求。公司发展也随着新产品的推出不断革新。那是80年代的拂晓。Giovanna融合了父亲的传统和自我风格。同时,Carlo和Paolo执掌品牌战略。芙拉(Furla)创立了令每个女人触手可及的奢侈品概念,立即成为在全球被热切追捧的品牌。高品质、经典与功能性是他们手袋产品的鲜明特色。继博洛尼亚之后,芙拉(Furla)在罗马、巴黎和纽约的麦德逊大街开设了专门店。1980年代,芙拉(Furla)开始探索一个长远的分销网络建设计划。2012年,公司实现2.12亿欧元营业额,这个目标的实现得益于在做每一个决定时本着对意大利设计的由衷尊重。2014年5月20日,芙拉(Furla)广州首家概念店于在广州丽柏广场正式开幕。◆芙拉(Furla)购买方式前往Shopbop购买Furla目前品牌分布于全球91个国家,开设了328间精品店,其中有153间为直营店铺,超过1290个百货公司及专门店销售点,以及5家子公司分别位于美国、法国、日本、香港和韩国,并且设有网上购物商店。罗马、伦敦、香港和北京开设的旗舰店也充分体现了芙拉(Furla)的国际扩展计划。(截至2013年)芙拉(Furla)专卖店在中国地区城市分布:北京、重庆、杭州、哈尔滨、合肥、济南、昆明、上海、沈阳、深圳、天津、武汉、郑州、香港、澳门、台湾。北京:北京国贸商城SB122B号店电话:+86 10 65055978北京新光天地三楼精品A区电话:+86 10 65331977北京老佛爷百货1楼1.15号店 电话:+86 10 63624535北京金融街购物中心L231号店 电话:+861066220289上海:上海国金中心商场L3-28号店 电话:+86 21 38681568上海恒隆港汇广场238/239号店 电话:+86 21 54355025上海环贸iapm商场L2-225号店 电话:+86 21 54268095沈阳:沈阳卓越购物中心2楼 电话:+86 24 22761608沈阳尚泰百货1楼沈阳盾安新一城1楼 电话:+86 24 31655960杭州:银泰城1楼1F020号店 电话:+86 57187971882杭州万象城尚泰百货1楼深圳:京基百纳KKMALL123号店电话:+8675522905989天津:乐天百货1-1-02号店 电话:+86 22 58068538重庆:远东百货1楼 电话:+86 23 89180659合肥:万千百货1楼 电话:+86 55162879691济南:恒隆广场162B号店电话:+86 53186011513武汉:武汉广场1楼 电话:+86 15727021106郑州:丹尼斯百货2楼 电话:+86 18039238868西安:世纪金花珠江时代广场L271号店 电话:+86 29 89538051成都:仁恒置地广场2楼L221号店 电话:+86 28 61322387哈尔滨:远大购物中心2楼 电话:+86 45153603610广州:丽柏广场2楼216号店 电话:+86 20 83315971南京:南京金鹰国际购物中心新街口店1楼JW007号店 电话:+86 2588816046


we should protect the environment for the well being of all creatures on earth。。。

thank you for your reply和have a nice day可以一起说吗


请问谁能给个恩雅long long journey歌词


67. did , do, what , weekend,your,last,friend,(?)

A.What did you do last weekend? B.I(visited my pen pal). A.What about your friend,Carol? B.She(did her homework at home).What did you do? A.I(did some reading)and(stayed at home).

sun your buns in hell什么意思???

是"Sue your buns in hell"吧?意思是:把你们告上法院,告到你们入地狱。

《隐藏人物Hidden Figures》主要讲了什么?

该片讲述了在二十世纪的60年代,几个黑人女性与让人震惊的种族偏见作斗争,最终在美国的航天计划中占有了一席之地。政府组织太空任务小组正在建造可以航天飞行的载人火箭,杰出的数学家凯瑟琳·约翰逊(塔拉吉·P·汉森饰),她被雇来做计算和核实数据。多罗西·沃恩(奥克塔维亚·斯宾瑟饰)和玛丽·杰克逊(加奈儿·梦奈饰)两人各有自己的抱负,凯瑟琳·约翰逊和她俩虽职责不同,但都同样很难融入自己的新职位,面临着一个全是白人同事的工作环境,还要面对像Paul Stafford(吉姆·帕森斯饰)这样同事的私人不满。但凯瑟琳·约翰逊不仅证明,自己完全可以应对太空任务小组的数据需求,还在白人同事每日对她的侮辱中存活下来,她慢慢终于开始着手接触她真正想要做的项目。在多罗西·沃恩和玛丽·杰克逊在各自的领域为争取机会而打拼时,凯瑟琳·约翰逊慢慢得到了她的上司Al Harrison(凯文·科斯特纳饰)的支持,开始担负起更多职责 。

求give it up or turnit a loose歌词

E E E E EBaby give it up or turn it a looseUh ha baby gives it up or turn it a looseStarting over againBaby, give it up or turn it a looseOh ha baby, give it up or turn it looseOooooh all right Baby, give it up, oh turn it a loose ohOh o o all night long, uhAll right, hey, hey, hey, heyAll night long, ain"t no use oh oOh oo baby give it up haLord have mercy, hey, hey, hey, heyAll night long, ain"t no use oh oOh oo baby give it up haLord have mercy, hey, hey, hey, heyUh ha oh oh e wowBaby need you soUh turn it a looseHey, hey, hey, hey Oh, oh, oh, hold you tightCause I need you so With all my mightI"ve got to squeeze youHold you tight because I love you soOh oh oh baby oh

Lauren Wood的《Fallen》 歌词

歌曲名:Fallen歌手:Lauren Wood专辑:Beautiful SongsI can"t believeit you"re a dream comin" trueI can"t believe howI have fallen for youAnd I was notlooking was content to remainAnd it"s ironic to be back in the gameYou are the one who"s led me to the sunHow could I know thatI was lost without youAnd I want to tell youyou control my brainAnd you should know that you arelife in my veinsYou are the one who"s led me to the sunHow could I know thatI was lost without youI can"t believe it you"re a dream coming trueI can"t believehow I have fallen for youAnd I was notlooking was content to remainAnd it"s erotic to be back in the gameYou"re a dream coming true oh my my myI have fallen for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/60255417

please,choose further action什么意思

  翻译:请选择进一步的行动。或者;请选择更深一步的行动/动作。  分析:这是一个简单句。句式为祈使句,肯定形式。  Please(感叹词,加强语气,表示委婉),choose(谓语)further(定语)action(宾语).  知识点:  further:adj.更远的;深一层的;vt.促进,助长;增进;adv.进一步地;而且;更远地。在这里是形容词,它是far的比较级。  Pleasedoitatyourleisure.  请你在空暇时间做一下。  Pleasecountmeinonthisproject.  请把我也算入这项计划的参加者。  Pleasegivehimmyregards.  请转达我对他的问候。  Pleaselifttheboxdownfromtheshelfforme.  请帮我把这只箱子从搁板上抬下来。  Afterthat,dependingontheresults,wewillmeetprivatelywiththeathletetodiscussfurtheraction.  在那之后,我们将根据结果,与运动员私下会面,并讨论进一步的行动。  Underenergy-saving,Chinawouldcontinuewithcurrentcommitmentstocutairandwaterpollutionbutwouldtakenofurtheraction.  在节能情景下,中国将继续执行目前削减空气和水污染的承诺,但是不会采取进一步的行动。

在matlab中 lsqurvefit指令输出的结果有三个值 分别是什么意思?

[x,resnorm] = lsqcurvefit(...) returnsthe value of the squared 2-norm of the residual at x: sum((fun(x,xdata)-ydata).^2).[x,resnorm,residual] = lsqcurvefit(...) returnsthe value of the residual fun(x,xdata)-ydata atthe solution x.x是拟合出来的系数,resnorm是残差,residual是残差向量


uggpure植入式羊毛指羊毛是后期植入在产品里面的,植入式丝感羊毛里衬及内底,搭配防滑耐磨的Treadlite by UGG轻翼大底,将带来新奇别致的温暖和舒适体验。特点:ugg羊毛裤采取的是中高腰款式,并且在后腰处做了加高设计,对腰部有一定的保护,并且面料含有弹力纤维,做蹲起这些动作的时候都不会回缩,看得见的品质,温暖程度绝对不亚于一件普通的羽绒服。清洗方法:1、用冷水打湿鞋表面,最好用湿布擦,不要用水龙头直接冲。2、清洁剂(或者洗衣液什么的)以1:1兑冷水稀释。用湿海绵沾稀释液擦拭鞋表面。这个清洁剂只要是能去污的液体都可以用来稀释,根据浓缩程度自己调配吧。3、再鞋里塞上报纸保持鞋型,然后用冷水冲洗鞋面。这个步骤会发现有点掉色,不过没关系,晾干后看不出来的,注意不要把水灌进鞋子里,鞋子里的毛是不能湿水的。一般正品是不会透水的,一两百的UGG透水了也没事,晾干也不影响穿。4、冲洗干净泡沫后,放到阴凉处吹干(鞋子里的报纸要塞好,防止变形),大概1天皮面就干了,干透后,用刷子轻轻向一个方向刷皮面就可以。以上内容参考:百度百科--ugg

residual current device是什么意思

residual current device noun a current-activated circuit-breaker used as a safety device for mains-operated electrical tools and appliances 剩余电流断路器剩余电流装置满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】

翻译Residual Solvents Statement (Ph.Eur./USP) or Letter of Confirmation for Product manufactured

Residual Solvents Statement (Ph.Eur./USP) or Letter of Confirmation for Product manufactured with use of Residual Solvents意思是:残留溶剂声明(Ph.Eur./USP)或使用残留溶剂制造的产品确认书


是一家澳大利亚雪地靴品牌。最早起源于澳大利亚,最初叫做Ugly boots,澳大利亚人用两块羊皮包裹成鞋子穿在脚上御寒,后来逐渐在澳大利亚流行开来。充满了传奇色彩。看似笨笨的卡通外形却风靡了欧亚大地,在全世界都刮起一阵流行风。一旦你穿上它,你就舍不得脱下了,它的独创性、可信度以及超级豪华的舒适感都会让你着迷。这种羊皮靴从1910年开始在剪羊毛人中变得流行,剪羊毛人从羊的身上取下一小块羊皮,经过修剪后,用来包住他们的脚,他们称这种鞋为丑陋的靴子, 二战时,澳大利亚飞行员用两块羊皮包裹成鞋子穿在脚上御寒,后来逐渐在澳大利亚流行开来。想当年,澳大利亚空军首先发掘了雪地靴(Ugly Boots)的奇妙功能,它内里是羊毛,外边是鞣制过的无比轻软的羊皮,设计来设计去,万变不离其宗,都是圆头圆脑。开过飞机的人都知道(这么说话口气很不小),飞行员飞到高空,半天脚一动不动,最容易觉得冷了。所以,空军的靴子公认地最需具备保暖效果,所以,雪地靴就被澳大利亚空军指定制作专用的军靴,一度地它被称为FUGG,也就是Flying Ugly boots。


“uggpure”是UGG品牌专柜用的是一种名为“UGGpure”的新型织物。作为国际品牌,UGG在全球超过125个国家拥有注册商标。然而由于在澳大利亚人们习惯用“Ugg”一词来指代所有羊皮制成的皮靴,UGG因此未能在澳洲拥有注册商标。相关信息:UGG其实是澳大利亚羊毛靴的总称,意为“Ugly Boots”(丑陋的靴子)。1978年,一位澳大利亚冲浪运动员布莱恩在美国南加州成立了UGG品牌,把UGG靴子最先带到美国,但是它的样子并不受欢迎。1995年,Deckers(德克斯)户外运动公司接手经营,让好莱坞明星穿上雪地靴而一举走红美国,而后迅速在许多国家获得认可。

求伊格莱西亚斯dont turn off the light中文歌词

Don"t Turn off the Lights 不要关灯 [歌词大意]  I don"t have to tell you 我不用全部告诉你,  What this is all about 我心里在想什么。 "Cause baby half the fun 因为这其中的乐趣就在于,   Is in us 1)figuring it all out 我们彼此能心有灵犀。   So why you gotta ask me 所以你为什么要问我,   What I"m doing now 现在我在做什么?   "Cause I don"t like to 2)question 因为我不喜欢别人问我,   What I still haven"t found 我还不确定的事情。   So don"t turn off the lights 所以不要关灯,   I don"t wanna be 今晚我不想   In 3)the dark tonight 在黑暗中度过。   "Cause I can"t 4)read your mind 因为我无法知道你在想什么,   I need to know if 我不知道   What I"m doing is right 这样做对不对。   Don"t turn off the lights 所以请不要关灯。   So tell me how 告诉我我们怎样才能   We"re gonna get there 长相厮守,   It"s hard to even try 这很困难。    But if we move together 但是如果我们不离不弃,   We"ll 5)end up on the same side 我们就不会再分离。   If you could know 如果你知道  What I"m feeling 我的感受,  Would you run and 你会跑开吗?   Where would you go 你会去哪里?   If you want to see 如果你想知道   What I"m thinking 我在想什么,   Then just turn on the lights 只要打开灯   And you"ll know 你就会知道。

Turn The Lights On的歌词翻译

你要的打开意思如下,不知你是否满意:这就是他,这就是它 你告诉我谁是你的忠诚是睡着了,不是吗? 让它死亡,这次我要让它死去 我离开这里的零碎,再试一次 我从来没有感到羞辱我马上做 我不知道我要离开了我的头 但我要试试 我不需要,不认真,我不需要的东西 你给你的原因,为离开我,让你的谎言 能和你说你是在白费口舌,但是宝贝,你能说的 这是我的决定,但你选择你的方式,我也会 我从来没有感到羞耻,你比我更马上做 所以把灯、走 记住,我是多么爱着你的时候,你需要你心痛 我记得当你转过身来 记住,当你烧了什么,你,你有 一切所有的、都得站下车,永远从我所知道的一切,我的心里一定是喝够多了 你从来就没有值得的,我把它所有的带回来,解决我的要求,覆盖所有的遗迹 和你一起散步,没有更多的,和你一起散步。

turn the controls/charger“on”是什么意思

你好!turn the controls/charger“on”把控制/充电器”“



天下足球有一首歌曲:Do not turn off the light 求中英文对照歌词!

Heres how it goes You and me Up and down but maybe this time We"ll get it right Worth a fight Cause love is something you can"t shake When it breaks All it takes is some trying Chorus: If you feel like leaving I"m not gonna make you stay But soon you will find that You can run you can hide but you can"t escape my love x2 You should know It"s to hard It"s to hard just to forget the past So fast In the end It was good but it was real but thats All it takes In the end, all that mattered Chorus: If you feel like leaving I"m not gonna make you stay and soon you will find that You can run you can hide but you can"t escape my love But you can"t escape my love Here"s how it goes All it takes is some trying Chorus: If you feel like leaving I"m not gonna make you stay But soon you will find that You can run you can hide but you can"t escape my love x2

turn on 2.turn off 3.on the way 4.in the way 5.by the way造句 经典的 带翻译 最好用多种时态

Please turn on the radio请打开收音机Did she turn off the light when she left?她离开的时候关灯了吗?He is on the way home他正在回家的路上there is a barrier in the way.路上有个障碍物By the way ,tomorrow is my birthday,will yo come and join my Birthday Party顺便说一下,明天是我的生日,你会来参加我的生日聚会吗?

it为什么放在turn on中间

turn it on 宾语是名词的时候,可以放在中间或者后面,如:开灯 turn on the light / turn the light on 都行 宾语是代词,只能放中间turn it on

turn them on和turn on them有区别吗

只能用turn them on,没有turn on them(此说法错误)。turn on 是由动词turn和副词on构成的短语动词,在这种情况下,后加名词可放中间,也可放后面,如turn on the light或turn the light on都对;如果后接代词,只放中间,如turn it/them on.

she___________ (turn) on the light after she ___

turned went

开锁用open还是turn on

开锁用open Open the trunk, please.turn on 多用于开 电器 有关的

turn on the light before you leave the room

won"t you? 祈使句的反意疑问,一般都是won"t you? 叫别人做...事,然后问“你会这样做吧?” use of 原句:你拿鼠标来做什么? 鼠标有什么用? 当然the mouse 也可以理解成老鼠.

He must turn on the light.

What does he douff1f

turn on the light you know

Turn off the radio Turn off the lights you know 把收音机关上 把那灯也关上(you know在这里主要是为了押韵) Turn on your favorite song Turn off what I did wrong 来放你最爱的歌 忘记我犯下的错 Turn on the radio Don"t wanna care anymore 把那收音机关上 什么都不愿去想 Turn off your favorite song Just like there"s nothing wrong 停下你最爱的歌不再放 好像这一切都还如平常 Turn off my radio 把我的收音机关上


Well turn on the light.Turn on连读


“turn on the light”的英文翻译是“turn on the light”。

Turn on the lights light为什么加s

这个不加也对的. turn on the light 开开灯. 屋里只有一个.或者有很多,但指出具体开那一个,总之开一个. turn on the ligjhts 开灯,屋里有N个,把这些都开开!


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