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non-functional currency什么意思

2023-07-29 05:34:43

non-functional currency



英 ["nu0252nf"u028cu014bku0283u0259nl] 美 ["nu0252nf"u028cu014bku0283u0259nl]



1.Functional and non-functional requirements are not conceptually different.


2.The non-functional requirements for the service must now be satisfied and this typically involves scalability and performance issues.



英 [u02c8ku028cru0259nsi] 美 [u02c8ku025c:ru0259nsi]


复数: currencies


1.Its currency is pegged to the dollar


2.Countries may also find their currency is depreciating in foreign markets.








2023-07-28 02:17:231


amortization vs depreciation都是对long-lived asset item做估值调整depreciation 对应的是有形资产,如存货;(主要目的是对physical long-lived asset进行减值)amortization 对应的是无形资产;另外债券也可以进行摊销;(主要目的是将费用在使用年限中平摊)每年季度,半年,年度会计都会进行资产价值的重新评估使其趋近于市场价值,这时就需要进行depreciation和amortization; 而depreciation和amortization 都主要是针对使用期限可以估计的资产,描述年度可估计的估值调整,分配;另外impairment则是描述不可估计的资产估值调整;
2023-07-28 02:17:323


2023-07-28 02:17:472

I go to play football文法上有错吗

Grammatically this sentence is correct. However conceptually the word "go" is not so meaningful since this sentence has not specified the place of playing football. For instance "I go to the playground to play football." You must write and not write:- Prime tense=Present tense=present (adj) time with verb eg:-be have eg:-I go to play; I go to work; I like to play; I get up at; I start for football ground; I am called Tom. 太chinglish啦 应该I like playing football./I am going to play football./I will play football 我认为 I will go to plat football.或者I am going to plat football.会比较好 2012-08-29 08:32:49 补充: 因为说现在在踢足球就用am+verb-ing 如果是准备踢足球 就应该用will+verb base 所以我应为你的句子文法上有错 2012-08-29 08:33:54 补充: 打错字 I will go to play football. I am going to play football. 参考: me 加埋 everyday好小小 I go to play football everyday 比best我please 等分用丫 参考: 神风亨 基本上是没错的,可是这句像是中式英语,I PLAY FOOTBALL 可能会好一点,可是如果是日记等的话应该用过去式,story的话应该用现在式 2012-08-29 00:21:51 补充: 希望能帮到你! 参考: me
2023-07-28 02:18:001


2023-07-28 02:18:082


参数名称 >参数值 >单位 >俯仰角编码器精度 >4096 >Counts/Rev. >偏转角编码器精度 >8192 >Counts/Rev. 计数/转
2023-07-28 02:18:183


2023-07-28 02:18:462


以20世纪60年代为分界线,西方恐怖电影分别以经典恐怖和后现代恐怖为主导的审美类型,经典恐怖电影是恐怖电影的儿童时期,这就决定了这一时期的恐怖美学特征具有最初原始性的特征。 一、恐怖形象 经典恐怖电影中的恐怖形象与美国恐怖电影研究的专家诺埃尔·卡罗尔(Nol Carroll)对恐怖怪物的界定比较相似,他在《恐怖哲学——心灵的悖论》一书中将恐怖艺术的对象定义为被现在的科学证明为不可能存在的怪物,如非人类怪物、通过奇怪组合拼凑而成的畸形物、外星球的入侵者等等。 怪物在形象上具有超越界限的特征,比如说猫人,融合了猫和人类的两种外形特征;吸血鬼德拉库拉,超越了活人与死人的界定,具有人类的外表,却能在嗜血中得到永生。 卡罗尔将肮脏、不洁净作为怪物不可缺少的一个特征,也适合于经典恐怖电影,20世纪60年代以前的恐怖电影,基本上都不可或缺地将非人类的怪物纳入恐怖的必要元素,但是这些怪物通过何种方式达到恐怖的效果呢?除了杀人如麻的暴力倾向,经典恐怖形象的一个重要特征就是肮脏,怪物必须在外形上表现出令接受者感到恶心的特征,这种肮脏、恶心的东西是被我们的文化所认定的僭越种属划分的东西,是卑贱之物。 西方经典恐怖电影最具代表性的恐怖形象就是吸血鬼和科学怪人,它们影响了之后一大批经典恐怖形象的产生,成为恐怖艺术流派中最古老的恐怖符号。 《弗兰肯斯坦》中的怪物狰狞可怕,令人恶心,代表了西方启蒙以后工业文明的发展给人类带来的新的困惑与危机,科学带来的不仅仅是进步与文明,工具理性的膨胀潜伏着文明的危机,科学怪人反映了资本主义社会前进过程中新的焦虑与不安,具有普遍的意义。 经典恐怖电影中的怪物都是异于人类的生物,无论在外形特征上,还是生活习性上,它们都是来自异类世界的“不速之客”,这些怪物身上体现的是人们对外在世界的恐惧,是人与自然的矛盾,人们害怕的是未知世界对现存秩序的破坏,怪物反映了资本主义上升时期人对外在灾难的抗争与恐惧。 二、恐怖的核心构成元素:害怕+恶心 卡罗尔认为恐怖美学范畴的核心元素包括害怕(fear)和恶心(disgust)。 害怕作为恐怖电影的主要心理构成我们是不难理解的,恐怖电影之所以区别于其他类型电影,很重要的一个标准就是它激起的恐惧的心理体验与审美接受心理。 “恶心”这一元素虽然出现在很多当代恐怖艺术作品中,但是西方理论界长期以来并没有明确地提出将它作为恐怖艺术的核心构成元素,直到卡罗尔之后,才成为相当一批学者的共识而广泛应用,恶心情感的美学化,一反西方传统美学的自由与和谐观点,无疑证明了它的当代属性与意义。 当代电影已经不满足于单一的情感表现,越来越将非美学的元素加入到创作与表现中,任何极端的、对立的情感元素都可能被大胆地使用,以此来打破习惯的美学模式,创造新的、强烈的体验。 以美国好莱坞电影为例,恶心可以与任何情感融合在一起。 发展出不同的电影类型与流派,从而达到更强烈的情感效果,恐怖电影正是恶心美学化过程中萌生的一个当代电影类型。 恶心和害怕这两种情感元素在恐怖艺术中是如何结合在一起的,卡罗尔在《今日怪诞:分类学的初步笔记》(The Grotesque Today,Preliminary Notes towarda Taxonomy)一文中分析当代怪诞的时候,明确对恐怖(horror)中的害怕(fear)与恶心(disgust)之间复杂的关系提出了新见,进一步完善了他早期的经典恐怖艺术理论: 恐怖由害怕与厌恶合成,但是它们不是简单的合成,而是一个错综复杂的结合体。 仅仅概念上的反常并不能产生厌恶(disgust)和恐怖(horror),但是当概念上的反常(conceptually anomalous)与害怕(fear)结合在一起的时候,概念反常这一元素就会以它自身的方式变成令人害怕的(fearsome)。 在可怕的想象中,令人害怕(fearsome)这一元素扮演了化学的作用,释放出一种催眠的特性(dormant property),不洁净,就是概念上反常的对象,换句话说,恐惧(fear)以一种催化剂(catalyst)的方式,将反常的东西转化为不洁净的。 卡罗尔虽然认为恐怖是害怕与恶心结合而成的混合性的情感,但是这种混合不是简单的结合,而是产生了化学性的质变。 虽然恶心的东西可能产生害怕的情感,但是在恐怖电影中。 这两种情感元素的结合是以微妙的方式互相对用于对方的,正是恐惧(fear)的作用,才使恐怖的原始客体:不规则的、反常的东西转化成为肮脏、恶心的东西。 一种怪物是不洁净的,去触摸或者被触摸会令人恶心,从广义上讲,它是有毒的(toxic),卡罗尔称这个过程为“毒化”(toxification)。 “艺术恐怖(art-horror)中包含了恶心(disgust)、从不洁净(impurity)中分离出来的恐惧(fear),以及这两种元素混合后产生的第三种元素——‘毒化的恐惧"(fear-of-toxification),这种特殊的情感在现实生活中并不十分典型,它首先是作为恐怖流派的艺术事实而存在。”卡罗尔对恐怖艺术核心构成元素的分析无疑可以有效地解释经典恐怖类型的结构构成。 三、恐怖叙事 考察恐怖电影的发展史,我们不难发现20世纪30年代至60年代的恐怖电影,在故事原型、叙述方式等方面都是早期经典哥特式小说的翻版,可以说,小说本身叙事性的特点:强调故事的曲折、悬念、引人入胜等元素深刻影响了早期恐怖电影的叙事风格,从某种意义上讲,经典恐怖电影从整体上体现出来的是一种文学色彩浓厚的表现方式与特点。 经典恐怖电影在叙事结构上具有较大的相似性,往往以一个怪物对正常秩序的暴力入侵为开始,叙事围绕着怪物的入侵和人们的抵抗展开情节,故事一波三折,危险步步紧逼,危机层层化解,一环扣一环,极尽悬念之能事,勾起观众和读者的好奇心与探索欲,虽有危险、恐惧的情节和场面出现,但是强烈的故事性化解了这种恐惧感,叙事在整个恐怖情感的接受中起到了主导的作用,一个完整的、起伏跌宕的故事成为经典恐怖电影必不可少的构成元素。 为了营造诡异陌生的神秘气氛,经典恐怖电影往往将故事发生的地点安置在遥远偏僻的地方,与世隔绝的旧城堡、冰天雪地的无人之处、人迹罕至的孤岛等等往往成为故事发生的地点,而晚上则成为故事情节重点发生、进展的时间,目的是通过时间、空间的陌生化与隔绝来加强神秘的气氛,在电影《德拉库拉》中,故事一开始就把焦点放在晚上前往一个偏僻神秘的城堡,一下子就将气氛和基调定在了黑色的背景上,而《弗兰肯斯坦》也在空间上多处选择了偏僻、遥远的异国孤岛等地展开情节,与我们熟悉的世俗日常生活背景拉开了距离。 经典恐怖电影叙事的一个重要特点就是它的封闭性叙述结构,怪物出现一人类与怪物的斗争一怪物被打败,这成为一个最常见的模式叙事。 在这种叙事模式下,一开始就设定了一个二元对立的力量和对象,善与恶、正义与邪恶、合法与非法、正常的与变态的等等,一切都有清晰的划分与界定,整个叙事也是围绕着这两种对立的价值双方展开。 故事因为怪物出现,打破了正常的秩序为开端,情节随着人类与怪物之间为了争夺决定权而展开,但是故事的结局是既定的,即正义战胜邪恶。 人类一定消灭怪物,秩序得以维持,一切恢复平静,当怪物被消灭,就意味着这个恐怖故事的终结,它不再暗示或提供其他情节进展的可能性,就像一个圆圈,起点与终点将会重合进而完成一个封闭性的情节进展。 在这种叙事模式下,恐怖的叙事就占据了主导,当叙事结束,就意味着进入封闭的想象空间中,它给我们暗示出:危险虽然存在,甚至很大,但它是外在于我的,并且一定能够被消灭,非理性的力量虽然强大到可以造成毁灭性的灾难,但是经过斗争和努力,人类一定能够胜利。 我们注意到,以20世纪30年代后美国好莱坞恐怖电影为代表的西方恐怖电影,在电影模式上多采用拍续集的方式来重复一个成功的恐怖故事,在电影《德拉库拉》、《弗兰肯斯坦》获得巨大成功之后,它们的续集一而再、再而三地推出,每个故事中德拉库拉和科学怪人都毫无缘由地“死而复生”,出现在新的故事情节中,尽管它们的结局毫无例外地都是再次被消灭掉。 四、单一的恐怖情感 在经典恐怖电影中,故事情节和基调都是阴郁、低沉、晦暗的,为了强化欣赏者的恐惧感,它往往将激起的情感简化为消极的黑色情感,如神秘、黑暗、无助、低沉、厌恶、悲伤等等,即使其中有其他反差较大的情感,在情节和布景上也尽量与恐怖和暴力的灰色场面隔绝开来,在时间、空间上拉开距离,它强调的是一种极端恐惧的艺术基调,情节和场面必须有助于产生恐惧、无助和尖叫,因而在故事进展上,它倾向于层层推进欣赏者的恐惧感,而不是插入其他的情感(尤其是与恐怖对立的笑的情感)来对这种单纯的恐惧进行干扰。 即使整个情节中有滑稽搞笑的场面,也不会穿插在恐怖的气氛和场面中,欣赏者何时该颤栗,何时该开怀大笑都是严格分开的不同场面,恐怖就是单纯的恐怖,在怪物暴力的展现过程中,只有破坏力引起的沉重的恐惧和悲伤的黑色情感,而不会有笑和滑稽,插科打诨在早期的经典恐怖电影中很少出现。 在《德拉库拉》中,故事的主线沿着人与吸血鬼的斗争展开。 情节一开始,就笼罩在神秘的气氛中,并且这种紧张与恐怖伴随着情节的进展虽有所加强和缓解,但是在整个欣赏过程中,情感都是较为单一、无杂质的“纯恐怖”情绪,电影也是沿着一个比较单一的叙事风格来推进故事和渲染气氛,它不会如后现代恐怖电影那样在吸血鬼杀人的瞬间插入搞笑的花絮来使欣赏者在惊悚的情绪中突然爆发出笑声,经典恐怖电影追求恐怖的纯粹性,尽力排除其他情感要素参与其中干扰、弱化怪物的厌恶感和恐惧感,怪物只有一种形象:异化的,与人类敌对的他者形象,因而人类与怪物的斗争也是严肃的,容不下戏谑的。 以上我们从四个方面总结了经典恐怖电影的主要审美特征,在具体的操作上,因为恐怖电影自身类型的复杂性和多变性,使得我们的分类仅仅构成了观察西方经典恐怖电影的一个角度、甚至可能是片面的视角。 在日渐多变和不断增加的恐怖电影类型中,由于出现了越来越多的交叉性的恐怖形象和混合性的元素,使得经典恐怖电影和后现代恐怖电影的分类也会显得过于简单,这也决定了我们只能将这种界定的努力视为一种批评和研究的视角,而不能生搬硬套在所有恐怖电影文本中。
2023-07-28 02:18:551


yes, you are right!
2023-07-28 02:19:045


2023-07-28 02:19:462


由于内隐记忆现象的多样性和复杂性,目前还无一种理论能够成功地解释所有的内围已化现象。目前影响最大、争议最热烈的是多重记忆系统说和加工说这二种理论。下面我们简要地介绍这二种理论。 (multiple memory systemsview)的核心是认为记忆的实验性分离现象反映了记忆系统存在着不同的子系统。内隐记忆和外显记忆现象分别代表了记忆的两种不同的子系统。图尔温等人(Tulving et al, 1985)提出启动效应(内隐记忆现象)代表一种新的记忆系统,即知觉表征系统(PercePtual rePresentation system),且用随机独立性的概念来论证这一观点。按照这一论证逻辑,可推出‘内隐记忆的各种测验间应是随机相关的”结论。但威瑟斯庞和莫斯科维达(With-erspoon&Moscovitch, 1989)用实验证明:在两种内隐记忆测验间发现了随机独立性。这就出现了矛盾。究其原因可能有三:(1)论证逻辑正确,知觉表征系统独立存在,并可继续划分。(2)论证逻辑不正确,不能从实验性分离现象推出机能上独立的记忆系统。(3)记忆的确由不同的系统组成,但并不是以此逻辑论证所得。图尔温等人坚持此一论证逻辑,继续将知觉表征系统再细分为字词系统、结构描述系统和概念语意系统。图尔温等(Tulving et al., 1990)设计了新的实验,从另一个角度论证了多重记忆说的观点。实验发现:在外显记忆测验中,针对同一目标的两种不同线索,结果表现出中等程度的相关;而在内隐记忆测验中,针对同一目标的两种不同线索,结果却是无关的。由此证明内隐记忆的表征和外显记忆的表征是不同的,内隐记忆代表知觉表征系统,这种系统没有单字的固定痕迹,是无痕迹的记忆系统(traceless memory system),但它可能包含单字的多重分布特征,每一重表征的唤起是通过一个特殊的线索来实现的。神经心理学家在另一个研究层次上(认知神经学)提出了多重记忆说。有的还利用先进的正电子发射X射线断层照相术,以不同的推理逻辑论证了多重记忆说的观点。在对健忘症病人的研究中,斯夸尔(L.R.Squire)把记忆分为两类:陈述记忆(declarative memory)和程序记忆(Procedural memory)。陈述记忆是唯一能进入意识中的可以觉察的记忆,而程序记忆只能通过记忆系统的操作来实现。另有一些神经心理学家把记忆分为知觉表征系统(perceptualrepresentation systems,简称 PRS)和语意记忆系统(semantic memorysystems),其核心与斯夸尔的观点是一致的。斯夸尔的观点代表着神经心理学家对此类记忆现象的看法,但对于陈述记忆与程序记忆的神经机制目前研究的还不多。一般说来,陈述记忆涉及脑边缘系统的神经结构,它必须依赖大脑皮质及一些特殊脑区;而程序记忆中的启动效应则可能是普遍存在于神经系统(包括脊髓)所有主要神经节中的一种特性。多重记忆说能较好地解释健忘症病人的记忆分离现象,因为各个记忆系统是独立的,当陈述记忆系统受损伤时,程序记忆系统仍保持完好。对于正常人的记忆分离现象表现为,某变量只影响陈述记忆而不影响程序记忆,或某变量只影响程序记忆但不影响陈述记忆。 解释内隐记忆现象的另一种理论为加工说,加工说(pro-cessing view)认为,记忆的实验性分离现象反映了两类测验所要求的加工过程不同,并不说明记忆系统存在着在机能上相独立的两个不同的子系统。加工说是适当传输加工(transfer-appropriate processing)的简称,它与多重记忆系统的观点是对立的。持此观点的代表人物罗迪格(Roediger,1990)提出传输适当认知程序(transfer-appropriate procedures approach)的观点,认为外显记忆测验要求概念驱动过程(conceptually driven processing)。概念驱动过程要求有意义的加工、精细编码和心理印象等加工过程,正是句子的精细编码以及材料的有意义组织等因素,提高了直接测量(即外显记忆测验)的成绩。因此,外显记忆测验要求概念驱动过程。与此相反,大多数内隐记忆的测验非常依赖于学习时与测验时的知觉过程的匹配程度。许多内隐记忆测验几乎是提取过去经验中的知觉成分。因此,认为内隐记忆测验要求材料驱动过程(data-driven processing)。所以,影响概念加工的各种变量对内隐记忆测验就没有影响,而行为特征方面的变量对内隐记忆就会有很大影响;反过来也有这种分离。布拉克斯顿(Blaxton,1989)设计了一组构思新颖的实验,发现实验性分离现象有规律地依赖于加工方式,支持了加工说。有些研究者也获得了同样的结果。但沙克特最近在其系列研究中发现:某些线加工水平的变量对内隐记忆没有影响,这与加工说不相符。加工说从另一个侧面成功地说明正常被试的两类测验间的实验性分离现象。材料驱动测验与概念驱动测验各自所要求的认知过程不同,若测验与学习的认知过程相匹配,则测验成绩就好;若不匹配,则测验成绩就差。这就会导致实验性分离现象。但是,此观点在对健忘症病人的实验性分离现象进行解释时却不理想。对于健忘症病人有意识记忆效果差、而无意识记忆效果好的现象的解释是,其概念驱动过程有障碍而材料驱动过程保持完好。但有些病人在那些要求概念驱动过程的无意识记忆中也表现出与正常人一样的启动效应,这就难以解释了。综上所述,从某种意义上说,多重记忆系统说和加工水平说相辅相成,学术争论推动了科学的发展,揭示内隐记忆机理的日子已为时不远了。
2023-07-28 02:19:561

What is IP address?

阅读提示 IP地址(Internet Protocol Address)是一种在Internet上的给主机编址的方式,也称为网际协议地址。由32位二进制数组成,为便于使用,常以XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX形式表现,每组XXX代表小于等于255的10进制数。例如202.96.155.9。Internet中,IP地址是的。目前IP技术可能使用的IP地址最多可有约42亿个。骤看可能觉得很难会用尽,但由于早期编码上的问题,使很多编码实际上被丢空或不能使用。加上因特网的普及,使每个家庭都至少有一部电脑,连同公司的电脑,以及连接每个网络的服务器,长此下去,专家担心随着Internet的发展,将不够用。所以相应的科研组织正在研究128位的IP地址,其IP地址数量可达 3.402823669 × 1038 个,地球上的每一粒沙子都可以拥有自己的IP地址,这种新版的IP地址技术叫IPv6。 An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a unique number that devices use in order to identify and communicate with each other on a network utilizing the Internet Protocol standard. Any participating device — including routers, computers, time-servers, internet FAX machines, and some telephones — must have its own unique address. This allows information passed onwards on behalf of the sender to indicate where to send it next, and for the receiver of the information to know that it is the intended destination. The numbers currently used in IP addresses range from to, though some of these values are reserved for specific purposes. This does not provide enough possibilities for every internet device to have its own permanent number. Subnet routing, Network Address Translation and the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server all allow local networks to use the same IP addresses as other networks elsewhere though both are connected to the Internet. Devices such as network printers, web servers and email servers are often allocated static IP addresses so they can always be found. IP addresses are conceptually similar to phone numbers, except they are used in LANs (Local Area Network), WANs (Wide Area Network), or the Internet. Because the numbers are not easy for humans to remember, the Domain Name System provides a service analogous to an address book lookup called "domain name resolution" or "name resolution". Special DNS servers on the internet are dedicated to performing the translation from a domain name to an IP address and vice versa. More detail The Internet Protocol (IP) knows each logical host interface by a number, the IP address. On any given network, this number must be unique among all the host interfaces that communicate through this network. Users of the Internet are sometimes given a host name in addition to their numerical IP address by their Internet service provider. The IP addresses of users browsing the World Wide Web are used to enable communications with the server of the Web site. Also, it is usually in the header of email messages one sends. In fact, for all programs that utilize the TCP/IP protocol, the sender IP address and destination IP address are required in order to establish communications and send data. Depending on one"s Internet connection the IP address can be the same every time one connects (called a static IP address), or different every time one connects, (called a dynamic IP address). In order to use a dynamic IP address, there must exist a server which can provide the address. IP addresses are usually given out through a server service called DHCP or the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. If a static address is used, it must be manually programmed into parameters of the device"s network interface. Internet addresses are needed not only for unique enumeration of hosted interfaces, but also for routing purposes, therefore a high fraction of them are always unused or reserved. The unique nature of IP addresses makes it possible in many situations to track which computer — and by extension, which person — has sent a message or engaged in some other activity on the Internet. This information has been used by law enforcement authorities to identify criminal suspects; however dynamically-assigned IP addresses can make this difficult. IP version 4 Addressing In version 4 of the Internet protocol (IPv4), the current standard protocol for the Internet, IP addresses consist of 32 bits, which makes for 4,294,967,296 (over 4 billion) unique host interface addresses in theory. If all of these were used, that would be around one IP address per 21.3 square meters, or 70 square feet, of land. In practice, because addresses are allocated in blocks, many unused addresses are unavailable (much like unused phone numbers in a sparsely-populated area code), so that there is some pressure to extend the address range via IP version 6 (see below). IPv4 addresses are commonly expressed as a dotted quad, four octets (8 bits) separated by periods. The host known as currently has the number 3482223596, written as in base-256: 3482223596 equals 207×2563 + 142×2562 + 131×2561 + 236×2560. (Resolving the name to its associated number is handled by Domain Name System servers.) IPv4 addresses were originally divided into two parts: the network and the host. A later change increased that to three parts: the network, the subnetwork, and the host, in that order. However, with the advent of classless inter-domain routing (CIDR), this distinction is no longer meaningful, and the address can have an arbitrary number of levels of hierarchy. (Technically, this was already true any time after the advent of subnets, since a site could elect to have more than one level of subnetting inside a network number.) Assignment Each interface of a device is assigned, at least theoretically, a unique IP address. In practice, some interfaces may be unnumbered, and many addresses are not globally unique. The actual assignment of an address is not arbitrary. The fundamental principle of routing, that addresses encode information about a device"s location within a network, implies that an address assigned to one part of a network will not function in another part of the network. A hierarchical structure, standardized by CIDR and overseen by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and its Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), manages the assignment of Internet address worldwide. Each RIR maintains a publically searchable WHOIS database that provides information about IP address assignments; information from these databases plays a central role in numerous tools which attempt to locate IP addresses geographically. Exhaustion Some private IP address space has been allocated via RFC 1918. This means the addresses are available for any use by anyone and therefore the same RFC 1918 IP addresses can be reused. However they are not routable on the Internet. They are used extensively due to the shortage of registerable addresses. Network address translation (NAT) is required to connect those networks to the Internet. While a number of measures have been taken to conserve the limited existing IPv4 address space (such as the use of NAT and Private Addressing), the number of 32-bit IP addresses is not sufficient to accommodate the long-term growth of the Internet. For this reason, the plan is that the Internet 128-bit IPv6 addressing scheme will be adopted over the next 5 to 15 years. IP version 5 What would be considered IPv5 existed only as an experimental non-IP real time streaming protocol called ST2, described in RFC 1819. In keeping with standard UNIX release conventions, all odd-numbered versions are considered experimental, and this version was never intended to be implemented; the protocol was not abandoned. RSVP has replaced it to some degree.IP version 6 In IPv6, the new (but not yet widely deployed) standard protocol for the Internet, addresses are 128 bits wide, which, even with generous assignment of netblocks, should suffice for the foreseeable future. In theory, there would be exactly 2128, or about 3.403 × 1038 unique host interface addresses. If the earth were made entirely out of 1 cubic millimeter grains of sand, then you could give a unique address to each grain in 300 million planets the size of the earth. This large address space will be sparsely populated, which makes it possible to again encode more routing information into the addresses themselves.Addressing A version 6 address is written as eight 4-digit hexadecimal numbers separated by colons. For readability, addresses may be shortened in two ways. Within each colon-delimited section, leading zeroes may be truncated. Secondly, one string of zeroes (and only one) may be replaced with two colons (::). For example, all of the following addresses are equivalent: 1080:0000:0000:0000:0000:0034:0000:417A 1080:0:0:0:0:34:0:417A 1080::34:0:417A Global unicast IPv6 addresses are constructed as two parts: a 64-bit routing part followed by a 64-bit host identifier. Netblocks are specified as in the modern alternative for IPv4: network number, followed by a slash, and the number of relevant bits of the network number (in decimal). Example: 12AB::CD30:0:0:0:0/60 includes all addresses starting with 12AB00000000CD3. IPv6 has many improvements over IPv4 other than just bigger address space, including autorenumbering and mandatory support for IPsec. Further reading: Internet RFCs including RFC 791, RFC 1519 (IPv4 addresses), and RFC 2373 (IPv6 addresses).
2023-07-28 02:20:111


/rev是什么单位? = cubic centimeter (即立方厘米), 1立方厘米=1毫升.体积单位 rev 是revolution的简称, 意思是 "转" /rev = 毫升/转, 常用于表示泵的排量, 马达的排量, 发动机的批量 即轴每旋转一周, 泵/马达/发动机泵排出/吸进多少毫升的油 /imp是什么单位? 电表的有功、无功脉冲常数:用??(imp/kWh&kvarh)来表示。 脉冲输出常数(imp/kWh)与电度表标牌标志的表常数一致。 电表脉冲 许多电表都在每使用一定量电能时产生一个脉冲。电表脉冲可以采用LED闪烁的方式提供可见的用电指示讯号,或采用触... 谁知道/rev是什么单位,与国标的单位怎么换算? 泵或马达流量(l/min) Q = q × n / 1000 这个是刚查到的一个关与它的转换工式,q:泵或马达的几何排量(/rev),n:转速(rpm) 你自己去百度看,马达型号排量(cm3/rev)单位扭矩(Nm/bar)额定转速(rev/min)最大转速(rev/min)最大压力(bar /rev是个什么单位了,它与r/min有什么关系。 /rev是吐出量的单位。 rev/min是最高转速的意思。 in3/rev是什么单位 立方英寸/转,一般是指泵或者马达的排量,换算成公制单位就是 1 cubic inch(in3)立方英寸 = 16.4 cubic centimeter (cm3)立方厘米 即1in3/rev=16.4cm3/rev PS/Rev是什么单位 一般是 油品静止电导率: 指不带静电电荷的用直流电源测得的油品电导率。其计量单位为ps/m。1pS/m=1×10^(-12)Ω^-1·m^-1 油品安全静止电导率: 当油品静止电导率等于或大于油品安全静止电导率值时,为油品安全静止电导率。在该电导率值时油品不会积聚电荷。 油品安全静止电导率值: 轻质油品安全静止电导率值为50pS/m。当油品静止电导率小于50pS/m时,则按国家颁发的其他有关静电安全标准要求规定执行。 counts/rev是什么单位 counts/rev的意思是计数/转速。属于计数/转速单位。 例句 1 Surely it doesn"t matter where charities get their money from: what counts is what they do with it. 慈善机构从哪里筹得捐款的确无关紧要:关键是钱是怎么花的。 2 Absolute numbers matter less than relative valuations, but the psychology counts. 虽然绝对数值的意义不如相对估值大,但它的心理效应不容小觑。 3 Experience counts for a lot in poker. 打扑克经验很重要。 4 He was indicted by a grand jury on o counts of murder. 他被大陪审团以两项谋杀罪名起诉。 5 The process of generating threshold counts is conceptually simple. 生成阀值计数的流程从概念上来说非常简单。 /ml 什么单位 比如泄露量要求在20/ml 什么意思 1,CC在日常生活中一般是体积或容积单位,单位大小等于毫升(ml)立方厘米(cm3); 即20/ml =20CC=20毫升=20立方厘米 2,输血或鲜血时常说300CC---现病人急需输血AB型500CC血, 液体流量的单位:/min 是什么单位,跟立方米的换算是怎样的 是一个体积单位 1=1毫升=1cm^3 立方米也是体积单位 1m^3=1000000cm^3 立方米和/min 一个是体积单位 一个流量单位 不存在换算关系
2023-07-28 02:20:361


信息处理系统包括输入、分析、储存、输出等众多系统,其中记忆系统是储存和分析等活动的场所,在信息处理系统中起着至关重要的作用。对记忆的实证性研究始于19世纪,起初并没有按时间严格地划分记忆,但发现短时间内的记忆容量是7个单位左右(Ebbinghaus1902)。1890年,詹姆斯(James1890)首次提出短时记忆和长时记忆的区分。这种区分后来被广为接受,人们通常把几十秒内的记忆称为短时记忆,把一分钟以上的记忆统称为长时记忆,但强调的是长期保存。20世纪50年代之后,信息处理理论被引入认知心理学,人们开始以计算机为模型探讨大脑的编码、贮存、提取等心理活动。认知科学诞生之后,各相关学科形成合力,从不同的角度揭示了人的心理机制,神经心理学利用现代技术所取得的成果尤为突出。在此发展过程中,人们认识到记忆不是一个统一体,而是由不同的记忆组成,每种记忆具有不同的形式与功能。1968年,Atkinson和Shiffrin首次提出了多重记忆系统模型(Atkinson—Shiffrinmemorymode1)。他们从短时记忆中区分出“感觉记忆”(sensorystores),如听觉、视觉、触觉、味觉、嗅觉等记忆,时间约为1—4秒(cf.Carroll1999:47—8)。1974年,Baddeley和Hitch等人提出了“工作记忆”(workingmemory)这个新概念,该记忆在容量方面与短时记忆相同,但具有处理功能,是个信息进出的加工场。(BaddeleHitch 1974) 与此同时,长时记忆也被划分为多种记忆。早期的研究将长时记忆分为情节记忆(episodicmemory)和语义记忆(semanticmemory)(Tulving1972),情节记忆由经历和事件组成,包括具体的时间和地点,语义记忆是一种广义的概念,相当于一般知识。为了区分语言代码记忆与未经语言代码的记忆,原来的“语义记忆”后来被区分为“百科知识记忆”与经过预言代码的“语义记忆”(Clark&Clark1977:135)。至此,长时记忆被分为三种:一般知识记忆、情节记忆、语义记忆(Richardseta1.1992:158),其中的语义记忆指词、词义、词义组合和分类等记忆。但是,由于一般知识记忆和情节记忆在本质上难以区分,人们后来将两者统称为“陈述性记忆”(declarative memory)或“心理百科”(encyclopedicknowledge),同时又把经过语言代码的语义记忆称为“心理词典”(mentallexicon)(Clark8,-Clark1977:41O—l2)。之后,根据意识的作用。人们又把长时记忆的所有内容都划分为两种记忆:“外显记忆”(explicitmemory)和“内隐记忆”(implicit memory)(Graf and Schacter 1985;Schacter1987)。“外显记忆”是有意识参与的记忆,其提取过程属于“概念驱动过程”(conceptuallydrivenprocessing)。“内隐记忆”是没有意识参与的记忆,属于“材料驱动过程”(data-drivenprocessing),即可以通过某种刺激信号触发记忆。随着研究的深入,人们又将长时记忆的全部内容分为陈述性记忆和程序性记忆(proceduralmemory)(Ullman2004)。陈述性记忆是能够通过意识的作用提取的常规知识性记忆,而程序性记忆指的是无法说明和描述的心理程序性记忆,例如技能和习惯。(Stillingseta1.1987:312—3)。程序性记忆可以独立储存,也可以寄生于陈述性记忆之中,使陈述性记忆带有自动性。以上对记忆的区分形成了现在的多重记忆系统理论,其中的每一种记忆都与语言处理有关。
2023-07-28 02:20:462


  说是ForeignKey是one-to-many的,并举了一个车的例子:有两个配件表,一个是车轮表,另一个是引擎表。两个表都有一个car字段,表示该配件对应的车。对于车轮来说,多个对应一个car的情况很正常,所以car字段应该用ForeignKey来表示。对于引擎来说,一个引擎只可能对应一个car,所以必须用OneToOneField。OneToOneField(someModel) 可以理解为 ForeignKey(SomeModel, unique=True)。    两者的反向查询是有差别的:  ForeignKey反向查询返回的是一个列表(一个车有多个轮子)。  OneToOneField反向查询返回的是一个模型示例(因为一对一关系)。    另外的补充说明:  Be careful to realize that there are some differences between OneToOneField(SomeModel) andForeignKey(SomeModel, unique=True). As stated in The Definitive Guide to Django:  OneToOneField  A one-to-one relationship. Conceptually, this is similar toa ForeignKey with unique=True, but the "reverse" side of the relation will directly return a single object.  In contrast to the OneToOneField "reverse" relation, a ForeignKey "reverse" relation returns aQuerySet.  Example  For example, if we have the following two models (full model code below):  Car model uses OneToOneField(Engine)  Car2 model uses ForeignKey(Engine2, unique=True)  From within python shell execute the following:  OneToOneField Example  >>> from testapp.models import Car, Engine>>> c = Car.objects.get(name="Audi")>>> e = Engine.objects.get(name="Diesel")>>><Car: Audi>  ForeignKey with unique=True Example  >>> from testapp.models import Car2, Engine2>>> c2 = Car2.objects.get(name="Mazda")>>> e2 = Engine2.objects.get(name="Wankel")>>> e2.car2_set.all()[<Car2: Mazda>]  Model Code  from django.db import modelsclass Engine(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=25) def __unicode__(self): return self.nameclass Car(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=25) engine = models.OneToOneField(Engine) def __unicode__(self): return self.nameclass Engine2(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=25) def __unicode__(self): return self.nameclass Car2(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=25) engine = models.ForeignKey(Engine2, unique=True) def __unicode__(self): return    
2023-07-28 02:21:041

Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 [Overlay]这是什么意思

2023-07-28 02:21:142


有机简称或高分子,又称高聚物。是衣、食、住、行和工农业生产各方面都离不开的材料,其中棉、毛、丝、塑料、橡胶等都是最常用的。以往人们使用的都取自天然产物。和精神文明都高度发展的今天,天然已经不能满足生产、生活和科技各方面日益增长的需要。近代化学化工科学技术的迅速发展,创造了许多自然界从来没有过的人工合成,对满足各种需求做出了重要贡献。高分子是由一种或几种结构单元多次(103~105)重复连接起来的化合物。它们的组成元素不多,主要是碳、氢、氧、氮等,但是很大,一般在10 000以上,可高达几百万。因此才叫做。(你可以查查百度百科)
2023-07-28 02:21:233


句子的意思是:它正在做什么?是现在进行时态,回答也要用现在进行时态。 回答:It is sleeping.它在睡觉。 扩展资料   双语例句:   What is it doing? It is sleeping.   它在干什么?它在睡觉。   What is it doing? It"s eating bananas.   它正在做什么?它正在吃香蕉。   And if Cola is such an effective cleaner of corroded metal, what is it doing to the inside of your stomach?   如果可乐能有效清洁金属锈斑,那么可乐对人体的`胃会产生什么影响呢?   What is it doing to him?   那些虫子做了什么?   But what is it actually doing?   但究竟为什么呢?   What is it not doing conceptually though?   可是有什么是没有做的?
2023-07-28 02:21:491

经得起推敲 翻译为 We withstand scrutiny.是什么意思

We withstand scrutiny我们经得起推敲
2023-07-28 02:21:572

Fuzzilli 初识

变异: u200b 对于每一个target对应一个fuzzer实例,通过IPC或者network同步,程序可以从另一个实例导入,并与本地语料库进行比较 A fuzzer instance (implemented in Fuzzer.swift ) is made up of the following central components: Furthermore, a number of modules are optionally available: u200b The fuzzer is event-driven, with most of the interactions between different classes happening through events. Events are dispatched e.g. as a result of a crash or an interesting program being found, a new program being executed, a log message being generated and so on. See Events.swift for the full list of events. The event mechanism effectively decouples the various components of the fuzzer and makes it easy to implement additional modules. u200b A FuzzIL program can be built up using a ProgramBuilder instance. A ProgramBuilder provides methods to create and append new instructions, append instructions from another program, retrieve existing variables, query the execution context at the current position (e.g. whether it is inside a loop), and more. There is one fuzzer instance per target process. This enables synchronous execution of programs and thereby simplifies the implementation of various algorithms such as consecutive mutations and minimization. Moreover, it avoids the need to implement thread-safe access to internal state, e.g. the corpus. Each fuzzer instance has its own dedicated OperationQueue , conceptually corresponding to a single thread. Every interaction with a fuzzer instance must then happen on the instance"s queue. This guarantees thread-safety as the queue is serial. For more details see the docs . To scale, fuzzer instances can become workers, in which case they report newly found interesting samples and crashes to a master instance. In turn, the master instances also synchronize their corpus with the workers. Communication between masters and workers can happen in different ways, each implemented as a module: This design allows the fuzzer to scale to many cores on a single machine as well as to many different machines. As one master instance can quickly become overloaded if too many workers send programs to it, it is also possible to configure multiple tiers of master instances, e.g. one master instance, 16 intermediate masters connected to the master, and 256 workers connected to the intermediate masters. 这里以V8为例,根据官方repo的readme依次执行即可,checkout到特定的版本,根据以下步骤 The basic steps to use this fuzzer are: 最后跑起来的效果就是: 在profile文件中会定义 processArguments 和 codePrefix 、codeSuffix,比如v8: Generating and executing programs. 具体来说,主要有以下几类Mutator:
2023-07-28 02:22:051


2023-07-28 02:22:122


2023-07-28 02:22:191

求大神翻译 高悬赏!!!!!!

The Concept of Intelligence in Cross-cultural Perspectives跨文化视野中的智力概念[1] One of the positive outcomes from so much research on the relationship between culture and intelligence is an expanded view of what intelligence may be, and how it may be conceptually related to culture. This issue is intricately intertwined with cross-cultural research on intelligence because one of the possible confounding factors in previous studies that documented cultural differences has been cultural differences in the very concept and meaning of intelligence.【1】文化和智力之间的关系研究的一个积极成果,是对智力可能是什么的扩展看法,以及它与文化概念上的关系。这个问题错综复杂的交织在一起的跨文化研究情报,因为在以前的研究中,可能存在的混杂因素之一,记录文化差异的文化差异的概念和意义的情报。[2] Researchers in this area have discovered that many languages have no word that corresponds to our idea of intelligence. The closest Mandarin equivalent, for instance, is a Chinese character that means “good brain and talented”. Chinese people often associate this concept with traits such as imitation, effort, and social responsibility. Such traits do not constitute important elements of the concept of intelligence for most Americans.[ 2 ]在这一领域的研究人员发现,许多语言没有与我们的智力观念相一致的词。例如,最接近的普通话,是一个汉字,意思是“良好的大脑和人才”。中国人常把这个概念与模仿、努力和社会责任等特征联系在一起。对于大多数美国人来说,这些特征并不构成智力概念的重要组成部分。
2023-07-28 02:22:441

世界可以造到大同吗 ? 你有什么观点 、 理据 ?

人类只能共患难,不能共富贵! 所以要世界大同,除非知道世界将近末日。 无论任何阶层,都面对相同处境。这一刻,人人平等,金钱利益,已经不重要了! 但一旦找到可以用金钱买到自我生存的机会时,大同世界就会马上崩溃! 就现在现实的世界 大同是不可能存在的. 最主要的原因是有限的资源. 人类会因为争取有限的资源 便会分开不同的组织 就是连福利机构 也不能做不大同 各家机构都为著自己组织的资源各出其谋. 相反来说 要大同的话 首要是解决资源问题. 一日未能做到无限资源 大同的世界根本不可能. 2008-10-21 23:48:39 补充: 那又不一定 要看你为什么要一定追求大同啦. 人总需要希望 如果你认为大同世界是你的理想 那你就由自己先出发吧. 当然 现实世界就是现实世界 只怕有生之年也不能有什么吋进. what condition does human have to have to achieve a state we call utopia do you know deeply not just yeah yeah you are right yes it makes sense or it is a good point I like it or it is rubbish I don"t like it that it is you and I to build up the world the society the system the religion the polictcal party and so on and so on? To me if you and I are violent in some senses then it is not possible to achieve anything. Human beings like theroy how to do it? THen there are too many systems and beliefs arise and I thinkt he ultimate goal is to achieve a state called utopia. And all are just theroy so politic and clever human beings are concerned with how to work it out concern of the method concepts but not the reality itsef. Is that my opinion? ot it is the fact? If it is just an opinion then I thnk it is of no value since there are thousands of opinion thrown out and what I am concern is can we act? can you act? Not just sit here and ask:" Yeah I will type the questions "and it is just an intellectual games it is not a reality to you. IF you are at all serious you will spend the most of your life to this problem not just one or o minutes "yeah humanity is in a great war war fighting fighting always asking questions that is not related to everyday life and always seeking something that is conceptually true but actually can"t work out and because of these cocepts we kill each other." If you are really serious you will ask " what can I do ?" because you are not separated from the world and indeed you are the world can you see it? not superfically? But with all your heaarts blood nerves and so you will say< " Yes I am responsible for the war for the poverty and so on..." Humanity are one 参考: Krishnamurti: You are the world
2023-07-28 02:22:541


人造卫星(Manmade Satellite):环绕地球在空间轨道上运行(至少一圈)的无人航天器。人造卫星基本按照天体力学规律绕地球运动,但因在不同的轨道上受非球形地球引力场、大气阻力、太阳引力、月球引力和光压的影响,实际运动情况非常复杂。人造卫星是发射数量最多、用途最广、发展最快的航天器。人造卫星发射数量约占航天器发射总数的90%以上
2023-07-28 02:23:033


我估计可能是一个是外键,一个是独立表实现,从语义上讲OneToOne Field的关联要求要比Foreignkey的关联限制要求高。
2023-07-28 02:23:274

2023-07-28 02:23:461


The IMF definition: "Balance of Payments is a statistical statement that summarizes transactions between residents and nonresidents during a period."The balance of payments comprises the current account, the capital account, and the financial account. "Together, these accounts balance in the sense that the sum of the entries is conceptually zero."The current account consists of the goods and services account, the primary income account and the secondary income account. The financial account records transactions that involve financial assets and liabilities and that take place between residents and nonresidents. The capital account in the international accounts shows (1) capital transfers receivable and payable; and (2) the acquisition and disposal of nonproduced nonfinancial assets. In economic literature, "capital account" is often used to refer to what is now called the financial account and remaining capital account in the IMF manual and in the System of National Accounts. The use of the term capital account in the IMF manual is designed to be consistent with the System of National Accounts, which distinguishes between capital transactions and financial transactions.国际收支平衡表由三部分组成:the current account, the capital account, and the financial account,其中任何组成因素的变化都会有影响.
2023-07-28 02:23:531


制服 [zhì fú] uniform; livery; subdue; bring under control; flat tint:
2023-07-28 02:24:183


形容词词组,意思是单级的。例句:Within the range of this discount, the buyer"s single-stage order tactics can be changed into two-stage one. 在此折扣范围内,买方的订货策略可以由单阶段订货改为两阶段订货。不知能不能帮助你,望采纳
2023-07-28 02:24:383


Once the plugin is installed, the next step is to configure it. Conceptually, this is very similar to associating a local project with a repository project in Structure101 ide plugin. You have some local code on your machine, here in the form of a project in an IDE, and you need to tell the plugin where the corresponding repository project is located. Logically, then, configuration takes place on a per-project basis: you configure local project X to be associated with repository project X, local project Y with repository project Y, etc. See also: Multi-project Issues. Once the association is in place, the plugin retrieves the architecture diagrams from the repository and displays them in the Diagrams Viewer. It then plugs itself into the IDEbuild system, ready to check for violations whenever a project source file is (re-)compiled. Any violations it finds are shown as overlays in the Diagrams Viewer. Note that any class map for the relevant model will be applied before the architecture is checked. See Understanding Models and Rules. A key feature is that the plug-in can be set to warn only on new code changes that are inconsistent with the architecture. This way developers can grow the code-base towards the target architecture without being constantly swamped with pre-existing violations. This is achieved by comparing each (bad) dependency against a reference snapshot of the project stored in the repository, marking a violation as "new" if the corresponding dependency cannot be found in the reference. The primary configuration data required by the plugin is therefore: The path to the repository: either a file system path (typically to a shared network drive) or an URL if the repository has been web-enabled via the Structure101 web application The project within the repository that corresponds to the given IDEproject The snapshot in the repository project to use as the reference (usually the most recent, but possibly hard-wired to a specific older version in extended branching and merging scenarios) The severity to apply for new vs existing violations The last aspect of the configuration relates to exactly when the plug-in will actually check for violations. The default setting is always - this means that it will perform an incremental scan every time code is recompiled. The main alternative is on demand - in this mode, it will only perform the scan when you tell it to (by hitting the refresh button) in the Diagrams Viewer. Finally, you can also set never - this basically puts the plugin to sleep, but without losing any of the settings. To get at the configuration screen: In Eclipse: right-click the project item, select Properties from the popup menu, and then select Structure101 in the tree on the left. In IntelliJ IDEA: choose File / Settings / Structure101 (under Project Settings). To get at the configuration screen in Eclipse: right-click the project item, select Properties from the popup menu, and then select Structure101in the tree on the left. Here"s what the configuration screen looks like in Eclipse.
2023-07-28 02:24:461

the green party是什么意思

Official Name:Green Party Founder:Howie Hawkins (1984) Founding date:1984 (Committees of Correspondence), 1990 (Green Committees of Correspondence), 1991 (The Greens USA), 1992 (Green Party USA), 1996 (Association of State Green Parties), 2001 (Green Party of the United States). Party Ideology:The Green Party, which rejects any form of corporate sponsorship or funding, is committed to preserving democracy, the environment and social justice, through a policy of non-violence. Party History:The Green Party of the United States was founded in 2001, primarily to serve as an umbrella body for various state level green parties. In an earlier incarnation, it was registered as the Association of State Green Parties (1996-2001), a conceptually similar, but organizationally different entity. The Green Party"s 2012 nominee for president, Dr. Jill Stein, is the most successful female presidential candidate in the country"s history, garnering almost 500,000 votes in the election. Ralph Nader, the 2000 candidate for president, holds the record as the party"s most successful nominee, securing nearly three million votes. His performance is regularly cited as one of the contributing factors behind Sen. Al Gore"s defeat to former President George W. Bush in 2000.
2023-07-28 02:24:563


知觉的加工过程(重点掌握)认知心理学强调外部刺激与内部认知结构的相互作用,因此,它认为知觉的过程包含着相互联系的两种加工:自下而上(Bottom-up)加工和自上而下(top-down)加工。Lindsay和Norman(1972)将这两种加工分别称作数据驱动加工(Data Driven Processing)和概念驱动加工。(Conceptually Driven Processing)(一)自下而上的加工自下而上的加工是指由外部刺激开始的加工,通常是说先对较小的知觉单元进行加工分析,然后再转向较大的知觉单元,经过一系列连续阶段的加工达到对感觉信息的解释。如根据图形的直线、曲线、边角等信息知觉图形。(二)自上而下的加工自上而下的加工是指在知觉过程中,人们运用已有的一般性知识概念对当前的信息加工,在这种加工中,知觉依赖的是自身的信息,由此可以形成知觉期待,对知觉现象作出解释。(三)两种加工的交互作用1、自下而上和自上而下的加工是密切联系在一起的,在实际的知觉过程中是结合起来同时进行的。如果只有自下而上的加工,则会由于需要识别的特征总量很大,使得加工的负担过重。2、两种加工可以相互补偿的。在良好的知觉条件下,人们更多地依赖于感觉输入的直接作用,自上而下地加工作用就会减弱;相反,知觉条件困难,人们则更多地进行自上而下的加工,对感觉信息的直接依赖程度降低。3、在两种加工的实际进行中,前面地加工可以为后面的加工所应主义的对象提供信息。反之,后面的加工过程可以使人确认前面的加工对象。另外,还可以从串行加工和并行加工来研究知觉的加工过程。二者同时进行,但是并不排除两者启动时间上的先后。
2023-07-28 02:25:233


这是matlab给的解释,你看吧predictPredict output k steps ahead Syntaxyp = predict(m,data)[yp,x0p,mpred] = predict(m,data,k,"InitialState",init)Descriptiondata is the output-input data as an iddata object, and m is any idmodel or idnlmodel object. predict is meaningful only for time-domain data.The argument k indicates that the k step-ahead prediction of y according to the model m is computed. In the calculation of yp(t), the model can use outputs up to time t–k: y(s), s = t–k, t–k–1,...and inputs up to the current time t. The default value of k is 1.The output yp is an iddata object containing the predicted values as OutputData.x0p is the used (estimated) initial state vector. For multiexperiment data, x0p is a matrix, whose columns contain the initial states for each experiment.The output argument mpred contains the k step-ahead predictor. This is given as a cell array, whose kth entry is an idpoly model for the predictor of output number k. Note that these predictor models have as input both input and output signals in the data set. The channel names indicate how the predictor model and the data fit together. init determines how to deal with the initial state:init ="e(stimate)": The initial state is set to a value that minimizes the norm of the prediction error associated with the model and the data.init = "d(elayexpand)": Same as "estimate", but for a model with nonzero InputDelay, the delays are first converted to explicit model delays (using inpd2nk) so that they are contained in x0p.init = "z(ero)" sets the initial state to zero.init = "m(odel)" uses the model"s internally stored initial state.init = x0, where x0 is a column vector of appropriate dimension, uses that value as initial state. For multiexperiment data, x0 can be a matrix whose columns give different initial states for each experiment. For a continuous-time model m, x0 is the initial state for this model. Any modifications of the initial state that sampling might require are automatically handled. If m has a non-zero InputDelay, and you need to access the values of the inputs during this delay, you must first apply inpd2nk(m). When m is a continuous-time model, it must first be sampled before inpd2nk can be applied.If init is not specified for linear models, its value is determined, as follows:If m.InitialState is "Estimate", "Backcast", and "Auto", init = "Estimate".If m.InitialState is "Zero", init = "zero".If m.InitialState is "Model" or "Fixed", init = "model". For idss, idproc, and idgrey models, init corresponds to the m.x0 values. For other linear models, init = "zero".If init is not specified for idnlgrey models, init = "Model" is the default. The values and their estimation behavior are inherited from m.InitialStates.If init is not specified for idnlarx models, init = "Estimate" is the default. This corresponds to the first few samples of predicted outputs exactly matching the first few output samples in the data set.If init is not specified for idnlhw models, init = "Estimate" is the default. This computes initial states by minimizing the prediction errors over the available data range.An important use of predict is to evaluate a model"s properties in the mid-frequency range. Simulation with sim (which conceptually corresponds to k = inf) can lead to levels that drift apart, since the low-frequency behavior is emphasized. One step-ahead prediction is not a powerful test of the model"s properties, since the high-frequency behavior is stressed. The trivial predictor can give good predictions in case the sampling of the data is fast. Another important use of predict is to evaluate time-series models. The natural way of studying a time-series model"s ability to reproduce observations is to compare its k step-ahead predictions with actual data. Note that for output-error models, there is no difference between the k step-ahead predictions and the simulated output, since, by definition, output-error models only use past inputs to predict future outputs. AlgorithmsThe model is evaluated in state-space form, and the state equations are simulated k steps ahead with initial value , where is the Kalman filter state estimate. ExamplesSimulate a time series, estimate a model based on the first half of the data, and evaluate the four step-ahead predictions on the second half. m0 = idpoly([1 -0.99],[],[1 -1 0.2]);e = iddata([],randn(400,1));y = sim(m0,e);m = armax(y(1:200),[1 2]);yp = predict(m,y,4);plot(y(201:400),yp(201:400))Note that the last two commands are also achieved bycompare(y,m,4,201:400);See Alsocompare | pe | sim | simsclc, cleara=[ ];a=a"; a=a(:); a=a"; %把原始数据按照时间顺序展开成一个行向量Rt=tiedrank(a) %求原始时间序列的秩n=length(a); t=1:n; Qs=1-6/(n*(n^2-1))*sum((t-Rt).^2) %计算Qs的值t=Qs*sqrt(n-2)/sqrt(1-Qs^2) %计算T统计量的值t_0=tinv(0.975,n-2) %计算上alpha/2分位数b=diff(a) %求原始时间序列的一阶差分m=ar(b,2,"ls") %利用最小二乘法估计模型的参数bhat=predict(m,[b"; 0],1) %1步预测,样本数据必须为列向量,要预测1个值,b后要加1个任意数,1步预测数据使用到t-1步的数据ahat=[a(1),a+bhat{1}"] %求原始数据的预测值,并计算t=15的预测值delta=abs((ahat(1:end-1)-a)./a) %计算原始数据预测的相对误差
2023-07-28 02:25:321

Alan Parsons Project

alan出生于1949,12月20号,开始他的音乐生涯是作为emi的员工与之相关:写歌人Eric Woolfson披头士(?)
2023-07-28 02:25:402

electric force怎么算

电力计算使用的是千瓦每小时。1度=1千瓦时=1千瓦×1小时=1000瓦×1小时也就是1000瓦(W)的用电器用一个小时的用电量就是一度电.electric force英[iu02c8lektrik fu0254:s]美[u026au02c8lu025bktru026ak fu0254rs]词典电力网络电场力; 电动力fig. 8 conceptually illustrates the charge distribution and the lines of electric force generated in the high frequency coupler.图8概念性地示出了在高频耦合器中生成的电荷分布和电力线。
2023-07-28 02:25:481


Subrogation Subrogation is the legal technique under the common law by which one party, commonly an insurer (I-X) of another party (X), steps into X"s shoes, so as to have the benefit of X"s rights and remedies against a third party such as a defendant (D). Subrogation is similar in effect to assignment, but unlike assignment, subrogation can occur without any agreement between I-X and X to transfer X"s rights. Subrogation most commonly arises in relation to policies of insurance, but the legal technique is of more general application. Using the designations above, I-X (the party seeking to enforce the rights of another) is called the subrogee. X (the party whose rights the subrogee is enforcing) is called the subrogor. In each case, because I-X pays money to X which otherwise D would have had to pay, the law permits I-X to enforce X"s rights against D to recover some or all of what I-X has paid out. A very simple (and common) example of subrogation would be as follows: D drives a car negligently and damages X"s car as a result. X, the insured party, has Collision insurance, and claims (i.e., asks for payment) under his policy[1] against I-X, his insurer. I-X pays in full to have X"s car repaired. I-X then sues D for negligence to recoup some or all of the sums paid out to X. I-X receives the full amount of any amounts recovered in the action against D up to the amount to which I-X indemnified X. X retains none of the proceeds of the action against D except to the extent that they exceed the amount that I-X paid to X. If X were paid in full by I-X and still had a claim in full against D, then X could recover "twice" for the same loss. The basis of the law of subrogation is that when I-X agrees to indemnify X against a certain loss, then X "shall be fully indemnified, but never more than fully indemnified ... if ever a proposition was brought forward which is at variance with it, that is to say, which will prevent [X] from obtaining a full indemnity, or which will give to [X] more than a full indemnity, that proposition must certainly be wrong."[2] I-X will normally (but not always) have to bring the claim in the name of X. Accordingly, in situations where subrogation rights are likely to arise within the scope of a contract (i.e. in an indemnity insurance policy) it is quite common for the contract to provide that X, as subrogor, will provide all necessary cooperation to I-X in bringing the claim. Subrogation is an equitable remedy and is subject to all the usual limitations which apply to equitable remedies. Although the basic concept is relatively straightforward, subrogation is considered to be a highly technical area of the law. [edit] Legal analysis It is periodically argued that the concept of unjust enrichment provides the conceptual underpinning for the law of subrogation.[3] Whilst this is probably true as a matter of the English language (otherwise X could be paid twice in respect of the same claim), other academic commentators have disagreed that subrogation fits squarely with accepted legal reasoning relating to this field.[4] In reality, the argument as to the conceptual underpinning for the legal technique is more theoretical than practical. There is also lively debate in legal circles as to whether the rights of subrogation are the subject of an express or implied agreement, or whether they arise automatically by operation of law. The reasoning of the courts has not always been clear in relation to this,[5] but the answer is probably all three in many cases. It is clear that subrogation rights can arise even where there is no contract between subrogor and subrogee,[6] so it is clearly not necessary for there to be an express or implied term. However, it clearly is an implied term of any policy of insurance or guarantee that the insurer or guarantor will be subrogated in the event of any payment by the insurer to the insured party. However, in practice, most policies of insurance will contain an express clause regulating subrogation rights as well.[7] [edit] Types of subrogation Although the classes of subrogation rights are not fixed (or closed), types of subrogation are normally divided into the following categories: Indemnity insurer"s subrogation rights Surety"s subrogation rights Subrogation rights of business creditors Lender"s subrogation rights Banker"s subrogation rights Although the various fields have the same conceptual underpinnings, there are subtle distinctions between them in relation to the application of the law of subrogation. [edit] Indemnity insurer"s subrogation rights An indemnity insurer in fact has two distinct types of subrogation right. Firstly, they have the classic type of subrogation used in the example above; viz. the insurer is entitled to take over the remedies of the insured against another party in order to recover the sums paid out by the insurer to the insured and by which the insured would otherwise be overcompensated.[8] Secondly, the insurer is entitled to recover from the insured up to the amount which the insurer has paid to the insured and by which the insured is overcompensated.[9] The latter situation might arise if, for example, an insured claimed in full under the policy, but then started proceedings anyhow against the tortfeasor, and recovered substantial damages.[10] [edit] Surety"s subrogation rights A surety who pays off the debts of another party is subrogated to the creditor"s former claims and remedies against the debtor to recover the sum paid.[11] This would include the endorser on a bill of exchange.[12] In relation to a surety"s subrogation rights, the surety will also have the benefit of any security interest in favour of the creditor for the original debt. Conceptually this is an important point, as the subrogee will take the subrogor"s security rights by operation of law, even if the subrogee had been unaware of them.[13] Accordingly, in this area of the law at least, it is conceptually improbable that the right of subrogation is based upon any implied term. [edit] Subrogation rights against trustees A trustee of a trust who enters into transactions for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the trust is generally entitled to be indemnified by the beneficiaries for personal loss incurred, and has lien over the trust assets to secure compensation. If, for example, the trustee conducts business on behalf of the trust and fails to pay creditors, then the creditors are entitled to be subrogated to the personal and proprietary remedies of the trustee against the beneficiaries and the trust fund.[14] Where under the terms of the trust instrument the trustees are permitted to trade in derivatives as part of the trust"s investment strategy,[15] then the derivatives document will also normally contain a subrogation clause to bolster the common law rights. [edit] Lender"s subrogation rights Where a lender lends money to a borrower to discharge the borrower"s debt to a third party (or which the lender pays directly to the third party to discharge the debt), the lender is subrogated to the third party"s former remedies against the borrower to the extent of the debt discharged.[16] However, if the original loan was invalid (because, for example, it was ultra vires the borrower) then the lender generally cannot enforce the third party"s claim against the borrower as this would indirectly validate an invalid loan.[17] Nonetheless the claim can subsist insofar as the unlawfully borrowed money was used to discharge lawful debts, by inferring the legality of the use of the funds to the right of subrogation.[18] The law in this area has been subject to conflicting decisions.[19] [edit] Banker"s subrogation rights Where a bank, acting on what it believes erroneously to be the valid mandate of its client, pays money to a third party which discharges the customer"s liability to the third party, the bank is subrogated to the third party"s former remedies against the customer.[20] [edit] Remedies In Lord Napier & Etterick v Hunter [1993] 2 WLR 42, the House of Lords confirmed that an indemnity insurer"s subrogation rights against the assured are not limited to a simple personal remedy; the insurer also has the benefit of an equitable lien over the damages received by the assured. That case also controversially held that in working out the overcompensation to which the insurer is entitled the assured cannot first recover the whole of his uninsured loss, and must instead bear the excess agreed. Subrogation can thus be in conflict with Make Whole Doctrine, the right of an injured party to recover full damages. This abrogation of Make Whole doctrine puts the insurer in the position of having first claim to an at-fault party"s assets, even if the assured is left destitute as a result (see Northern Buckeye vs Lawson - 2004). In other words, the law"s intent to prevent dual recovery by the assured can lead to less-than-equitable recovery. In the cited case, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled that the language of the assured"s insurance contract overruled Ohio"s statutory default Make-Whole Doctrine. For this reason, an insured client needs a full awareness of subrogation clauses in his insurance contracts, including insurance provided by employers, fraternal organizations, etc.
2023-07-28 02:26:061


实验的实验装置本新闻稿中提到概念从斯沃维克等前期工作所采取的实验项目描述。 1998年,开展了在大学。美国科罗拉多州的博尔德。在这些测试中,大型模拟岩石/混凝土双材料标本受到双向负荷,以得出的坝体,地基界面材料的性能,通常遇到的外部行动。同样,在岩石上,在大坝混凝土界面为重点,如图所示。 1,我们确定的边界条件对被征收化验标本。同样,这个代表性的联合,通过面力和限制明智的修改,可以很容易地联合模型电梯,一开裂混凝土量,或岩石节理。面力和分娩是通过两个独立的应用和“反对称”硬的铁笼里。正交恒定禁闭的联合将模型的重力负荷,而准时部队将通过一个几乎恒定的剪应力分布肋笼转移沿联合。这些部队将模型中的惯性力是在测试忽视地震引起的水平力。相对的不寻常的测试配置的优势,虽然已经成功地在斯沃维克等使用。 1998年,该弯矩被测表面上带来的是零,这可以从一个简单的自由体图确定。在sheartests一般很难有一个剪应力,或者至少,分离剪切和弯曲效果均匀分布。从先前进行的测试在大学内的主要区别。科罗拉多大学博尔德分校的是,负载应用到接口不是单调的,但周反复。另外,在所有这些设备在以下介绍的设计或安排专门这个新的测试。样品制备改性光试样尺寸必须受制于实验室设备的能力。这些有限的尺寸的表面裂纹90 30厘米,而试样的总高度是70厘米。混凝土块的是在两个阶段投票。首先,降低混凝土块被蒙上了2厘米厚的铝板的顶部。24个14毫米螺纹杆被连接到板本身,以确保充足的试验机切负荷转移到联合。此外,同一板块有12个14毫米螺纹孔空到后来连接试样侧围器具。最后,额外增援放在里面的模板,但远离关节保持结构完整性应该有意料之外的二次裂纹。 第一次系统地粗糙块约一小时后,用手铸件表面,以模拟联合粗糙度和改善与第二投的凝聚力。最后,表面喷砂投票后48小时。 我都有点看不懂...
2023-07-28 02:26:141


2023-07-28 02:26:225

帮我翻译下吧 翻译软件都不好用哇

2023-07-28 02:26:363

英语作文 题目:明天考试前应该做些什么 80词

Faced with intense review, the candidates themselves are even more eager to play well in the examination room, to get good results. In order to allow candidates to get good grades in the examination room, especially expert examination related to the candidates introduce spot scoring strategies for your reference.According to experts, in fact, seven by the level exam, with three-point play, the candidates acquire a certain spot test scores strategy for candidates to test the optimal level is very important.First, the advance into the "role", "clean" test scenariosExam time is limited, the examination process to race against time, so the candidates before entering the examination room should advance into the "role", so that the brain simply start thinking activities into a single exam situation. Inventory test equipment; for some important knowledge, such as the definition of concepts, principles, laws, formulas, laws and other "worked on the movie"; for some hard to remember, easy to forget that knowledge, then cursory visit again. These three links are indispensable.Second, quickly find out the kinds of questions to develop problem-solving strategiesCandidates just get the papers, do not rush to answer. You can look through from start to finish first full volume, be aware of. The first to answer the simple conclusion that one could see that choice or fill in the blank. In this way, they can have a "hit the ground running, high aspirations," the psychological effect, thus contributing to timely access to the best competitive thinking activity status. Secondly, to prevent fuss. For objectivity questions (selection, fill in the blank) compressible answer time, thereby saving more time behind the big questions to answer. The implementation of the first ripe epigenetic strategies. Do first content is relatively simple, familiar questions and questions, and then do a little of those hard questions. Because from a psychological point of view, medium difficulty of the questions likely to stimulate the spirit of excitement, people will not help the state to enter the answer.Third, the proper step to answer, make sure that dispute "points" wins secondMarking the adoption of a "segment score" approach, in answer process, candidates should adhere to the following points:1, to overcome the "will not right, right instead of all" common problem. Some of the questions papers of candidates would have done, but the final answer is wrong - would not of; although some candidates answer is right, but in the middle there are logical flaws or conceptually vague, resulting in full-on without. Therefore, to remind the candidates will do the subject must be careful. From the past can be seen in the responses of candidates, particularly difficult problem was 1,2 points easy, but simple question is difficult to get out.2, adhere to high principles. First, two questions will be doing, you should choose to do the title score, then do low-scoring title in order to reduce the situation arising due to lack of time lose points. Secondly, to the final stage of the examination, for less than Jiugong subject should do first high title, of course, there should also prevent the "title Jiugong high, low title attend" phenomenon.
2023-07-28 02:26:461


是,例如:Many mathematicians simply set nettlesome questions like these aside and get back to the more pleasant business of proving theorems(许多数学家只是把这些恼人的问题简单地弃置一旁,而忙于类似定理证明这样更有趣的事务。)
2023-07-28 02:26:544


价格上来说,AU$289澳币基本款8GB的iPod Touch四代,要比AU$859澳币16GB的iPhone 4当然是便宜了很多。单纯从概念上看,iPod Touch目前就是一款不能电话的iPhone ( The iPod Touch is, conceptually, a phone-less iPhone)。但这近 AU$600澳币的差价决不是差的一个简简单单的语音电话。 iPod Touch 优势方面更薄,更轻 同样搭载A4处理器拥有更大存储空间选择 64GB iPod Touch 劣势方面内存只有256 MB 背面的主摄像头是个半残疾 像素低没有GPS 功能配备的耳机也较iPhone 4的垃圾 iPod Touch的屏幕并非 IPS iPod touch 底部增加了一个明显的麦克风,扬声器仍然主要通过底部的 Dock 空隙释放声音 .
2023-07-28 02:27:012


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2023-07-28 02:27:221


分类: 商业/理财 >> 企业管理 解析: Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) Population classification, introduced by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in 2000, consisting of the county or counties associated with at least one core of 10,000 or greater population, plus adjacent counties having a high degree of social and economic integration with the core(s) as measured by muting ties. Example: Core-based statistical areas are classified as Micropolitan Statistical Areas if their population is 10,000-49,999 and Metropolitan Statistical Areas if its 50,000 or more. The largest city in each metropolitan or micropolitan statistical area is designated a "principal city." Additional cities qualify if specified requirements are met concerning population size and employment. A Core Based Statistical Area is the official term for a functional region based around an urban center of at least 10,000 people, based on standards published by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in 2000. Areas defined on the basis of these standards applied with Census 2000 data were announced by OMB in June 2003. These standards are used to replace the definitions of metropolitan areas that were defined in 1990.The term "CBSA" refers to both metropolitan statistical areas and newly-created micropolitan areas collectively. Micro areas are based around Census Bureau-defined urban cluster of at least 10,000 and less than 50,000 people. The basic definition of metropolitan areas has had slight changes made to it as well. A metro area, as it did in 1990, requires a Census Bureau-defined urbanized area of at least 50,000 people. A metropolitan statistical area containing an urbanized area of at least 2.5 million people can be subdivided into o or more "metropolitan divisions," provided specified criteria are met. Metropolitan divisions are conceptually similar the primary metropolitan statistical areas (PMSAs) defined under previous standards. By a similar token, there are now definitions for "Combined Statistical Areas" (CSA). These areas can be formed when adjoining CBSAs meet particular standards to bee new areas. It does not matter which kind of areas they are; any bination of metro and micro areas may be used to form a CSA. Unlike past years, the traditional listings of metro areas list New England regions as county-based areas. In the past, these were referred to by the Census as "NECMA""s (New England County Metropolitan Areas) and were separate from the normal census counts for the areas, which used cities and towns as their basis. They have essentially swapped places now, with the city and town areas (or NECTAs for New England City and Town Areas) being the separate listings. Despite there not being much change in the basic definition, 49 new metropolitan areas were formed as a result of the new rules for them. Over 550 other areas were classified as micropolitan. All told, the present rules have defined 935 CBSAs in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. 11 of the CBSAs have metropolitan divisions, 29 in total. In parison, the definition of metropolitan areas in 1999, the last year areas were formed based on the 1990 rules for them, there were 284 metropolitan areas, with 19 of the areas providing 76 primary metropolitan areas (the equivalent of divisions); almost three times the number of areas overall are now recognized by the OMB. 我汉语不太好! 请原谅!
2023-07-28 02:27:311

pa speaker造句,pa speakerの例文

Their original product pne were guitar amps and PA speakers . A *** all coffeehouse may have a single power amp driving o PA speakers . During this era, the backpne gear was set behind the PA speakers to create the modern audio stage set-up. Using a remote recording system, Mazer set up PA speakers in the barn for monitors rather than have the players wear headphones. As fans left the concert area at sunrise, The Beatles"" Here Comes the Sun " played over the PA speakers . During playback at the ranch, Mazer ran the left channel into the PA speakers still in the barn and the right channel into speakers in the house. Some subwoofers have speaker mounts built into the top, so that they can double as a base for the stand-mounted full-range PA speaker cabis. Under O"Donnell"s direction, Alesis expanded into new product categories such as electronic drums, mixers, portable PA speakers , and other recording equipment. During the 1960s, the PA speakers for the vocals and the band"s amppfication were all set in a pne, which conceptually grouped PA and instrument amppfication together. Native PA speakers shouldn"t have a problem identifying such attributes for mon Engpsh words-- your purpose is obscure . talk ) 07 : 00, 5 May 2013 ( UTC) It"s difficult to see pa speaker in a sentence. 用 pa speaker 造句挺难的 For the latter o markets, crossovers are used in bass amppfiers, keyboard amppfiers, bass and keyboard speaker enclosures and sound reinforcement system equipment ( PA speakers , monitor speakers, subwoofer systems, etc . ). They will address the driver and any passengers over the PA speaker of the patrol car, typically instructing the driver to turn the engine off, remove the keys from the ignition, and sometimes toss them out the window. These are used for other high-current apppcations within pve events; monly for trunk cables to connect PA speakers or stage wedges to amppfiers, usually using breakin and breakout cables to NL2 / NL4 / NL8 or EP5. The first amppfiers and speakers were PA speaker setups; while an upright bassist could potentially have used one of these early PA systems, they could only be powered with large batteries, which made them heavy and hard to carry around. Many new PA speaker cabis were designed and put into production, such as the 212 & 412 Dual Concentric, 212BL, 215BL, 412BL, 115PA Radial Horns and Bass Bin + Piezo plus the Concert Series of pro PA systems. In 2007 Chicago Executive"s management created a pubpc viewing area east of the south end of Runway 16-34 along Palatine Frontage Road, with parking, a piic table, bleacher seating and a PA speaker to allow visitors to monitor Air Traffic Control radio munications. For instance, Animal Collective set up its PA systems in the control room in an attempt to reppcate the group"s pve sound; Weitz said, " since so much of [ the album ] was electronic and sample-based, we used those PA speakers to make the samples ". The same price / quapty approach is used with sound reinforcement system equipment and musical instrument amppfiers and speaker cabis; a low-priced stage monitor, PA speaker or bass amppfier speaker cabi will typically use lower quapty, lower priced passive crossovers, whereas high-priced, high quapty cabis will use better quapty crossovers.
2023-07-28 02:27:381

ta 154造句 ta 154の例文

The airfield and its maintenance unit were involved in the production of the wooden Focke-Wulf Ta 154 in-engine Moskito nightfighters. Substitute glue problem causing structural failure also affected Focke-Wulf Ta 154 and other late-war German aviation projects depending on bonded wooden ponents. The first armed example of the Ta 154 was the ""V3 ""prototype, which also was the first to fit the Jumo 211R engines. The Mosquito inspired a conceptually similar German aircraft, the Focke Wulf Ta 154 " Moskito ", which, pke its namesake, was constructed of wood. It was also fitted more rarely to the ( prototype ) Focke Wulf Ta 154 & Fw 189 along with the planned, o-seat Me 262B-2 jet night fighter. Other " Mistel " posites included the Ta 154 / Fw 190, Ar 234 / Fi 103, Do 217K / DFS 288 and Si 204 / Lippisch D-1. *1943 The first prototype Focke-Wulf Ta 154 V1, TE + FE, powered by Jumo 211R engines, first flown 1 July 1943, tested at Rechpn, is written off in a landing accident this date when the undercarriage collapsed. The ""Focke-Wulf Ta 154 " Moskito " ""was a fast in-engined German night fighter aircraft designed by Kurt Tank and produced by Focke-Wulf during late World War II . Only a few were produced and proved to have less impressive performance than the prototypes. Just prior to depvery the only factory making Tego-Film, in Wuppertal, was bombed out by the Royal Air Force, and the plywood glue had to be replaced by one that was not as strong, and was later found to react chemically, apparently in a corrosive manner, with the wood in the Ta 154 "s structure. In time the Ta 154 " Moskito " resulted from the " Lufaffe " requirement for a in-engine heavy fighter pke the Fw 187, but constructed from wood instead of pght alloys but due to the different material and construction techniques Tank made no use of the Fw 187 work, instead having to design a pletely new aircraft to meet this requirement. It"s difficult to see ta 154 in a sentence. 用 ta 154 造句挺难的 The " exact " date for this especially critical RAF night raid is not a certain one; the progress on the Ta 154 "s development which occurred nearly a year before the He 162"s first prototypes were even built and exactly when the corrosive replacement adhesive was first used for building its production airframe series, cause doubt concerning the early February 1943 timeframe. As with the Jumo inpne-powered versions of the Ju 88, this made the plane look as if it was mounting a radial engine, and the Ar 240, pke later Jumo inpne-powered fighter aircraft from the Focke-Wulf firm ( the Fw 190 D, Ta 152 and in engined Ta 154 ) also benefitted from the simpler setup of an annular radiator just forward of the engine.
2023-07-28 02:27:561


更新1: 有没有中文的解释? 英文不能全部理解 Magic flux (磁通量) can be conceived as a measure of the "number of magic field lines"(磁力线数量) passing through normally on a particular surface area. It is used to measure the strength of magic fields such as the strength of a permanent or electro mag. Mangetic field can be conceptually represented by magneic field lines. The more number of field lines exist in a given space the stronger is the magic field. Magic flux is a quantity used to measure the strength of a magic field.
2023-07-28 02:28:041

英译汉文章翻译 谢谢了

这个房子是为了想把家建造在农场旁边的客户设计的。总占地有1.25英亩,坐落在北以色列的田园地带。它的设计结合了当地建筑的实用主义风格和乡村特色的建筑结构。灵感被运用,转化到了这栋房子的布局用料以及外观上。房子一共被分为三个平行的部分,私人区,半私人区和公共区。这样做使得当后院和周围的场景被扩展成为公共空间时,一块主要的生活区有可能受到北方的光。南方的私人区域被很好的用复杂设计的墙保护了隐私。在公共区和半公共区之间有一度厚墙,那里设有 空调系统,贮藏室,洗手间等。线形的天窗结构性地分割了房子,也照亮了交错的栋梁式建筑结构。中心那道复杂的墙上的梁用来做生活区线形屋顶的悬臂。这使得北面建筑的玻璃外表不需要柱子支撑。环形的外部线条影响了内部的设计,在私人区的客厅里创造出一条供以休息的长凳和窗户与墙上独一无二的线条。超出房子的复杂的线(可能是通道一类的设计)使得外部的早餐区可以概览农场。公共区和私人区之间的区域提供了隐蔽的“公众之外地区”,也是房子入口的中心线。累死我了。
2023-07-28 02:28:341


2.3. 网络广告时机分析2.3. Internet advertising opportunity analysis 首先要通过广告机会分析解决针对哪些消费者做广告以及在什么样的时机做广告等问题。为此就必须搜集并分析有关方面的情况 ,如消费者情况、竞争者情况、市场需求发展趋势、环境发展动态等,然后根据企业的营销目标和产品特点,找出广告的最佳切入时机,做好广告的群体定位,为开展有效的广告促销活动奠定基础。First through advertising opportunity analysis to solve what consumers for advertising and what kind of time in advertising. Therefore we must collect and analysis the relevant aspects, such as consumers, competitors, the market demand, the environment development dynamic development trend, etc., and then according to the enterprise marketing objectives and product features, and find out the best advertising time, completes the ads into groups positioning, to develop effective advertising promotion lay the foundation. Ⅲ.网络广告目标的确定Ⅲ. Internet advertising goal setting 确定广告目标,就是根据促销的总体目的,依据现实需要,明确广告宣传要解决的具体问题,以指导广告促销活动的时行。广告促销的具体目标,可以使消费者了解企业的新产品、促进购买增进销售或提高产品与企业的知名度以便形成品牌偏好群等。发布网络广告的根本目的,就是要劝说受众接受网络广告的传播对象,或购买网络广告主的产品、劳务或提高网络广告主在受众心中的知名度。为此,每一网络广告均需要有独特的理由,即不同于同类产品、同类服务、同类企业的理由。网络广告的诉求越独特,越不同于他人,广告的说服效果就越好。这种独特性就是网络广告诉求的重点,也就是网络广告的主题。概括地说,网络广告目标确定的实质就是网络广告所宣传的产品、劳务、企业形象的市场定位。通过市场定位,在消费者心目中以树立网络广告主的产品、劳务或企业形象,树立其独特的、不同于他人的位置。Advertising objectives is determined according to the overall purpose, according to promotion, clear realistic need advertising to solve specific problems, and to guide the teats of the promotion advertising. The specific target advertising, can make consumers understand enterprise purchase of new products, promote sales or to improve our products and promote enterprise"s popularity order to form brand preference groups. The basic purpose of distribution network advertising is to persuade the audience accept spread of Internet advertising object, or buying network advertisers products, services or improve network advertisers in the audience heart visibility. Therefore, each network advertising requires both have unique reasons, namely different from similar products and similar services, similar enterprise reasons. Internet advertising appeal, the more different the unique in others, advertising persuaded the effect is better. This uniqueness is Internet advertising is the key, appeal to the theme of online advertising. Generally speaking, the network advertising objectives determined essence is Internet advertising claims of products, services, and corporate image of the market orientation. Through the market orientation in consumer memory, by setting up network advertisers products, services or enterprise image, establish its unique and different from others" position. Ⅳ.网络广告内容的形成Ⅳ. Network advertisement content formation 网络广告的具体内容应根据广告目标、媒体的信息可容量来加以确定。一般来说应包括以下三个方面:Internet advertising specific content should be based on advertising objectives, media information can be capacity to be confirmed. In general should include the following three aspects: 1.产品信息 产品信息,主要包括产品名称、技术指标、销售地点、销售价格、销售方式以及国家规定必须说明的情况等。1. The product information product information, including product name, technical indices, sales site, sales prices, sales mode and provisions of the state must explain the situation, etc. 2.企业信息 企业信息,主要包括企业名称、发展历史、企业声誉、生产经营能力以及联系方式等。2. Enterprise information enterprise information, including the enterprise name, history, enterprise reputation, production and operation ability and contact method, etc. 3.服务信息 服务信息,主要包括产品保证、技术咨询、结款方式、零配件供应、保修网点分布以及其他服务信息。 企业在安排广告内容时应注意以下问题: (1)真实性,即传播的信息必须真实可信,不可有夸大不实之词,更不能用虚假广告欺骗消费者。 (2)针对性,即传播的信息应该是目标消费者想了解的,做到有的放矢。 (3)生动与新颖性,广告具有吸引力、感染力从根本上来说,取决于以上两个方面,但同时也与广告的生动性与新颖性密切相关,因此广告内容应简明易懂、易于记忆,广告形式应生动有趣、富有新意。3. Service information service information, mainly including product assurance, technical consultation, "money mode, spare parts supply, warranty node distribution and other services and information. Enterprises in the AD content should be paid attention to when arrange the following problems: (1) the authenticity, namely spread information must be true, do not contain exaggerated rhetoric; the more cannot use false advertising cheats consumers. (2) targeted, namely the information should be spread target consumers want to know, do are offered. (3) with vivid novelty, advertising is attractive, infectiously fundamentally depends on the above two aspects, but also with advertising is closely related with the vitality of novelty, therefore advertising content should be conceptually simple and easy memory, advertising forms should be lively and interesting, rich new idea. Ⅴ.网络广告类型的确定Ⅴ. Advertising network type determination 双语对照查看
2023-07-28 02:28:471