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你好 见下 进行参考 望采纳http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/ed15cb1b1498201be2698142.html


打开浏览器输入路由器地址(一般192.168.1.1或看路由器背面)。 点设置向导,按设置向导进行操作。 基本第一步选择拨号方式时候选择pppoe或宽带拨号,输入宽带和密码,接下去按提示操作直到完成即可。图解文章 http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/03b2f78c1547d65ea237aefe.html

水星路由器用MERCURY ID怎么进行远程管理

水星路由器用MERCURY ID怎么进行远程管理?大家只需要在路由器上登录MERCURY ID,手机使用APP登录MERCURY ID就可以实现远程管理,下文发掘者给大家详细介绍。详细步骤在浏览器地址栏输入melogin.cn或192.168.1.1登录到路由器管理界面。点击界面上方的“登录MERCURY ID”,如果还没创建可以先创建一个MERCURY ID。在手机上下载水星路由APP,各大应用商店都有下载,打开APP,使用MERCURY ID登录。登录成功后,界面会显示已经登录该MERCURY ID的路由器,选中需要管理的路由器,进入路由器的管理界面,即可查看路由器状态、主机状态等信息。推荐您看: 王者之心2点击试玩





mercury 的路由器怎么改WiFi密码

  修改操作方法:  1、电脑或手机连接上无线路由器后,打开浏览器,输入192.168.1.1,回车,输入无线路由器的管理用户名和密码,确定,进入无线路由器设置界面;  2、无线设置,无线安全设置,PSK码框里输入需要修改的wifi密码,保存重启无线路由器即可。





水星路由器怎么安装 Mercury无线路由器安装图解


mercury无线路由器设置wifi网络还是很简单的。 你可以尝试一下方式电脑进入路由器:1、电脑ip、dns设置自动获取。2、打开浏览器,在地址栏输入192.168.1.1(一般路由器地址是这个或者查看路由器背面的登录信息)进路由-输入用户名,密码 ,(默认一般是admin)。设置路由器拨号:1、在【设置向导】里,选择【PPPoE拨号】(有些是ADSL拨号)这一项,按提示步骤输入上网的用户名和密码,保存。2、在【网络参数】--【WAN设置】里,选【正常模式】,在【连接】的三个选项,选择【PPPoE拨号】这一项。下面就是选择【自动连接】,保存,退出。开启路由器的无线功能:1、选择无线设置---基本设置。2、勾选【开启无线功能】,单击保存即可。设置wifi密码1、无线设置--无线安全设置--选择【WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK】。①、认证类型:自动。②、加密算法:AES。③、PSK密码就是无线密码。设置成需要的密码。


型号不同的mercury路由器,设置网址也不一样,目前mercury系列的路由器,设置网址主要有3种:一、二、三、melogin.cn所以,需要先弄清楚自己这台水星路由器的设置网址是多少,大家可以在这台mercury路由器底部,查看到设置网址信息,如下图网站截图:输入账号密码登录后进行操作拓展资料1.路由器(Router),是连接因特网中各局域网、广域网的设备,它会根据信道的情况自动选择和设定路由,以最佳路径,按前后顺序发送信号。 路由器是互联网络的枢纽,"交通警察"。目前路由器已经广泛应用于各行各业,各种不同档次的产品已成为实现各种骨干网内部连接、骨干网间互联和骨干网与互联网互联互通业务的主力军。路由和交换机之间的主要区别就是交换机发生在OSI参考模型第二层(数据链路层),而路由发生在第三层,即网络层。这一区别决定了路由和交换机在移动信息的过程中需使用不同的控制信息,所以说两者实现各自功能的方式是不同的。2.路由器(Router)又称网关设备(Gateway)是用于连接多个逻辑上分开的网络,所谓逻辑网络是代表一个单独的网络或者一个子网。当数据从一个子网传输到另一个子网时,可通过路由器的路由功能来完成。因此,路由器具有判断网络地址和选择IP路径的功能,它能在多网络互联环境中,建立灵活的连接,可用完全不同的数据分组和介质访问方法连接各种子网,路由器只接受源站或其他路由器的信息,属网络层的一种互联设备。


使用mercury无线接收器非常简单:1. 将接收器连接到电脑的USB端口,然后打开设备管理器,查看接收器是否已经正确安装。2. 将mercury无线接收器连接到无线路由器,然后打开无线路由器的管理界面,查看接收器是否已经连接上。3. 如果连接成功,就可以使用mercury无线接收器来连接无线网络,浏览网页,发送邮件等等。






你好,1、首先打开无线路由器,如果是笔记本电脑,那么要确保电脑连接到了路由器打开任意浏览器输入、回车确认后会出现登录界面,在登录对话框中输用户名和密码(出厂设置默认均为“admin”),单击“确定”按钮。3、成功登陆后,点击左侧的设置向导单击“下一步”,进入上网方式选择页面4、除非是光纤固定IP接入,这一般是单位或者小区网,其他接入方式都选第二个,PPPOE点击下一步后,出提示输入上网的账号和密码,这是申请宽带时候给的点击下一步后出现 无线状态:开启或者关闭路由器的无线功能  SSID:设置任意一个字符串来标识无线网络,这个你可以自己命名  WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK:路由器无线网络的加密方式,如果选择了该项,请在PSK 密码中输入密码,密码要求为8-63 个ASCII 字符或8-64 个16 进制字符。5、单击“下一步”后,会出现设置向导完成界面。点击“重启”后即可完成路由器设置。




mercury是水星。水星是太阳系的八大行星中最小且最靠近太阳的行星。轨道周期是87.9691天,116天左右与地球会合一次,公转速度远远超过太阳系的其它行星。水星是表面昼夜温差最大的行星,大气层极为稀薄无法有效保存热量,白天时赤道地区温度可达432°C,夜间可降至-172°C。水星的轴倾斜是太阳系所有行星中最小的(大约1u204430度),但有最大的轨道偏心率。水星在远日点的距离大约是在近日点的1.5倍。水星表面遍布环形山,与月球和其他卫星相似,其地质在数十亿年来都处于非活动状态。地理特征由于缺乏大气的包围,水星表面的赤道和两极之间有着陡峭的温度差,温度范围从100K至700K。日下点的温度在近日点时高达700K,而在远日点时只有550K;在行星夜晚的那一侧,平均温度是110K。虽然水星表面的温度在白天是非常的高,但观测的结果仍然强烈的支持冰 (冻结的水) 存在于水星。在极区深坑的底部从未被阳光直接照射过,温度依然维持在102K以下,远低于全球的平均温度。

mercury是什么意思 mercury的意思

1、mercury的意思:n.汞; 水银; 2、mercury的读音:英[u02c8mu025cu02d0kju0259ri]美[u02c8mu025cu02d0rkju0259ri] 3、[例句]Whats the chemical symbol for mercury?汞的化学元素符号是什么?






n. [化]汞,水银




连接数据源。private static void OpenSqlConnection(string connectionString){using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)){connection.Open();Console.WriteLine("ServerVersion: {0}", connection.ServerVersion);Console.WriteLine("DataSource: {0}", connection.DataSource);}}


didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)


datasource是一个数据库连接的中间控件,连接数据集控件(ADOTable)与数据库感知控件;ADOconnection是一个直接连接数据库的控件,数据集控件(ADOTable)可以使用它与数据库连接,当然,数据集控件也可以直接连接数据库;ADOTable的mastersource属性,指定作为数据集主表的data source组件的名字,mastersource和masterfields属性必然是对应两个表,所以你先要设好一个ADOTable1和datasource1,datasource的dataset为ADOTable1,然后再增加ADOTable2和datasource2,datasource2的dataset为ADOTable2,ADOTable2的mastersource设为datasource1,再选择masterfields,会弹出一个对话框,让你建立两个表的关联字段;ADOQuery的connection属性,确定使用的ADO连接组件ADOConnection。


"Mercury" 是一个英语单词,它可以指代多个不同的意思。首先,Mercury 可以是一种化学元素,其符号为 Hg,原子序数为 80。它是一种金属,常温下为液态,有很强的毒性。此外,Mercury 也可以指水星(Mercury),是太阳系八大行星之一,距离太阳最近,以最快的速度绕太阳公转。水星是古罗马神话中商业、盗贼和旅行的守护神,因此其英文名称 Mercury 也有“商业”的含义。此外,Mercury 还可以指代美国汽车品牌 Mercury,这个品牌隶属于福特汽车公司,于 1938 年创立,于 2011 年停产。最后,Mercury 还有一些其他的意义,比如可以指代计量单位“水银柱”(mercury column)或者是一种电子邮件客户端软件“Mercury Mail Transport System”等。总之,"Mercury" 这个词有多种意义,需要根据上下文来确定其具体指代的意思。

C# DataGridView.DataSource


curriculum vitae什么意思

curriculum vitae简历双语对照词典结果:curriculum vitae[英][ku0259u02ccru026akju0259lu0259m u02c8vi:tau026a]n.<正>简历,个人履历; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Mr hollande cannot now change his curriculum vitae, but he has altered his tone, slowing down his speech and adopting mitterrand-like gestures. 奥朗德现在无法改变他的履历,但他已经改变了自己说话时的语气,来放缓演讲时的语速并且采用密特朗式的招牌手势。

databings 与datasource有什么区别,这俩个方法都分别在什么情况下使用?

datasource 是一个属性,用来设置数据源databings 没见过,好象是有人自创的。倒是有一个databind 方法。用于把数据源中的数据加载到控件上去。例如:dim arr = new ArrayList()arr.add(new int[]{1,2,3})arr.add(new int[]{2,3,4})dataGrid1.datasource = arrdataGrid1.DataBind()




  在JDBC2.0或JDBC3.0中,所有的数据库驱动程序提供商必须提供一个实现了DataSource接口的类,要使用数据源必须首先在JNDI中注册该数据源对象。 如果在JNDI中注册了数据源对象,将会比起使用DriverManager来具有两个方面的优势: 首先,程序不需要像使用DriverManager一样对加载的数据库驱动程序信息进行硬编码,程序员可以选择先在JNDI中注册这个数据源对象,然后在 程序中使用一个逻辑名称来引用它,JNDI会自动根据你给出的名称找到与这个名称绑定的DataSource对象。然后就可以使用这个 DataSource对象来建立和具体数据库的连接了。 其次,使用实现了DataSource接口的类所具有的第二个优势体现在连接池和分布式事务上。连接池通过对连接的复用而不是新建一个物理连接来显著地提高程序的效率。从而适用于任务繁忙、负担繁重的企业级分布式事务。  数据库连接池的基本原理 传统的数据库连接方式(指通过DriverManager和基本实现DataSource进行连接)中,一个数据库连接对象均对应一个物理数据库连接,数 据库连接的建立以及关闭对系统而言是耗费系统资源的操作,在多层结构的应用程序环境中这种耗费资源的动作对系统的性能影响尤为明显。 在多层结构的应用程序中通过连接池(connection pooling)技术可以使系统的性能明显得到提到,连接池意味着当应用程序需要调用一个数据库连接的时,数据库相关的接口通过返回一个通过重用数据库连 接来代替重新创建一个数据库连接。通过这种方式,应用程序可以减少对数据库连接操作,尤其在多层环境中多个客户端可以通过共享少量的物理数据库连接来满足 系统需求。通过连接池技术Java应用程序不仅可以提高系统性能同时也为系统提高了可测量性。 数据库连接池是运行在后台的而且应用程序的编码没有任何的影响。此中状况存在的前提是应用程序必须通过DataSource对象(一个实现 javax.sql.DataSource接口的实例)的方式代替原有通过DriverManager类来获得数据库连接的方式。一个实现 javax.sql.DataSource接口的类可以支持也可以不支持数据库连接池,但是两者获得数据库连接的代码基本是相同的。 一个DataSource对象通常注册在JNDI命名服务上,应用程序可以通过标准的方式获得到注册在JNDI服务上的DataSource对象。 代码如下: Context ctx = new InitialContext(); DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/openbase");   如果当前DataSource不支持数据库连接池,应用程序将获得一个和物理数据库连接对应的Connection对象。而如果当前的 DataSource对象支持数据库连接池,应用程序自动获得重用的数据库连接而不用创建新的数据库连接。重用的数据库连接和新建立连接的数据库连接使用 上没有任何不同。应用程序可以通过重用的连接正常的访问数据库,进行访问数据的操作,完成操作后应显式的调用close()关闭数据库连接。   Connection con = ds.getConnection("User", "Pwd");   相关数据库的操作;   con.close();   当关闭数据连接后,当前使用的数据库连接将不会被物理关闭,而是放回到数据库连接池中进行重用。   JDBC3.0规范中数据库连接池框架   JDBC3.0规范中通过提供了一个支持数据库连接池的框架,这个框架仅仅规定了如何支持连接池的实现,而连接池的具体实现JDBC 3.0规范并没有做相关的规定。通过这个框架可以让不同角色的开发人员共同实现数据库连接池。   通过JDBC3.0规范可以知道具体数据库连接池的实现可以分为JDBC Driver级和Application Server级。在JDBC Driver级的实现中任何相关的工作均由特定数据库厂商的JDBC Drvier的开发人员来具体实现,即JDBC Driver既需要提供对数据库连接池的支持同时也必须对数据库连接池进行具体实现。而在Application Server级中数据库连接池的实现中特定数据库厂商的JDBC Driver开发人员和Application Server开发人员来共同实现数据库连接池的实现(但是现在大多数Application Server厂商实现的连接池的机制和规范中提到有差异),其中特定数据库厂商的JDBC Driver提供数据库连接池的支持而特定的Application Server厂商提供数据库连接池的具体实现。   JDBC3.0规范规定了如下的类和接口来支持数据库连接池的实现。   javax.sql.ConnectionEvent   javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource   javax.sql.PooledConnection   javax.sql.ConnectionEventListener   其中除javax.sql.ConnectionEvent是类,其它的均为接口。  C:/1.jpg  screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333;" src="/Develop/ArticleImages/19/19446/CSDN_Dev_Image_2003-7-41948411.jpg">   JDBC3.0连接池框架的关系图   通过此图可以大概的了解相关接口在一个典型的三层环境中应用程序的位置。   数据库连接池实现层次中,由特定数据库厂商的JDBC Driver开发人员提供连接池支持,而特定Application Server提供连接池实现的情况比较复杂,其它的实现层次均可视为其简化情况的一种。下面将针对这种情况进行说明。   在这个框架主要有两个用户角色存在,它们分别是:   特定数据库厂商的JDBC Driver开发人员,之后将简称为Driver Vendor   特定Application Server中连接池开发人员,之后将简称为Pooling Vendor   C:/2.bmp  screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333;" src="/Develop/ArticleImages/19/19446/CSDN_Dev_Image_2003-7-41948413.gif">   JDBC3.0规范中在上述情况下各个接口和类之间的UML图   下面对几个关键模块进行详细的说明:   Driver Vendor DataSource:   Driver Vendor必须提供一个ConnectionPoolDataSource 接口的具体实现,通过这个接口Pooling Vendor可以得到一个PooledConnection对象,从而使第三方实现的连接池可以使用特定数据库厂商得到JDBC Driver产生的数据库连接。在这里ConnectionPoolDataSource接口扮演的角色可以视为产生PooledConnection 对象的工厂。   Driver Vendor PooledConnection:   Driver Vendor必须提供标准PooledConnection 接口实现的类,这个接口允许Pooling Vendor在JDBC Driver提供连接池支持的基础上实现连接池。一个具体PooledConnection对象代表了一个物理的数据库连接;由 PooledConnection对象创建Connection对象仅仅只是一个指向PooledConnetion对象的句柄。在JDBC 3.0连接池实现框架中PooledConnection对象扮演的角色可以视为产生Connection对象的工厂。   Pooling Vendor DataSource: Pooling Vendor必须实现DataSource接口,这个接口是和连接池实现模块进行交互的入口点。ConnectionPoolDataSource根据需要创建PooledConnection对象。   Pooling Vendor Connection Cache:   此模块是Pooling Vendor对连接池的具体实现。JDBC 3.0 规范没有规定在DataSource对象和数据库连接池实现之间的需要实现的接口,所以它们之间的交互由Pooling Vendor自己定义。一般而言,一个数据库连接池的具体实现包含了一个或若干个具体的类,但是在连接池实现模块中必须包含一个类实现标准 ConnectionEventListener接口。当一个PooledConnectiond对象被关闭或者出现异常的时 候,PooledConnection对象将会向ConnectionEventListener接口发送ConnectionEvent对象,连接池实 现模块将会根据返回的ConnectionEvent对象对PooledConnection进行关闭或者重用操作。   ConnectionEvent:   实现连接池时,当应用程序调用Connection.close()试图去关闭数据库连接时,这时需要有一个通告给连接池实现模块,通告对当前的数据 库物理连接(PooledConnection 对象)进行重用。为了使连接池实现模块能得到这种"通告",连接池实现模块必须实现ConnectionEventListener接口,而且同时需要注 册成为PooledConnection对象的监听者。连接池实现模块通过 PooledConnection.addConnectionEventListener()方法注册自己成为一个监听者。   在典型三层环境中具体调用流程:   当应用程序通过调用DataSource.getConnection()得到一个数据库连接。 Pooling Vendor实现的DataSource对象在连接池中进行查找看当前是否有有效的PooledConnection对象,如果连接池中有可用的PooledConnection,则进行检查,如果当前的PooledConnection可用则使用。   如果如果连接池中没有可用的PooledConnection对象,或者当前的PooledConnection对象不正确,那么Pooling Vendor调用ConnectionPoolDataSource.getPooledConnection类创建一个新的 PooledConnection对象,这时由Driver Vendor实现的ConnectionPoolDataSource将会创建一个满足要求新的PooledConnection对象,并将其返回给连接 池实现模块进行管理。   然后,Pooling Vendor会调用PooledConnection.getConnection()获得一个逻辑的Connection对象,这个逻辑的 Connection对象将会象正常的Connection对象返回给应用程序。这个逻辑Connection对象实际上是连接池中 PooledConnection对象的一个句柄,当连接池有效时,应用程序调用DataSource.getConnection()就会得到这个句 柄。简而言之,应用程序此时使用的Connection对象仅仅是其创建者PooledConnection对象的句柄而已。   连接池实现模块调用PooledConnection.addConnectionEventListener()将自己注册成为一个PooledConnection对象的监听者,当数据库连接需要重用或者关闭的时候连接池实现模块可以得到通告。   当应用程序通过调用Connection.close()来关闭数据库连接,这时一个ConnectionEvent对象被创建并被返回到连接池实现 模块,连接池实现模块接受到此通告后,将PooledConnection对象返回到池中进行重用。这些过程中其它角色都不能访问 PooledConnection.close()方法,能访问这个方法的只有Pooling Vendor,它们使用这个方法对连接池中的对象进行操作,通过PooledConnection.close()方法可以关闭物理数据库连接。

asp.net 中gridview中datasource用法

在编辑列里不要写 c4就可以实现

Luscious Jackson的《Surprise》 歌词

歌曲名:Surprise歌手:Luscious Jackson专辑:Natural IngredientsGnarls Barkley-SurpriseBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulIt"s cool being the only oneBut it"s lonelyI could have fallen in the stove a thousand times beforeif only someone had know meThey say there"s someone for everyoneOh plus the word will be never doneWhen all you need is to be meet half way but nobody triesDon"t be surprisedDon"t be surprisedDon"t be surprisedThere are hills and mountains between usAlways something to get overNeedless to say it"s a wonderful dayI just noticed how nice it was to know yaOh but be ready to sacrificeIf you love him you should tell him twiceBecause when everything that"s alive ultimately diesOh lordDon"t be surprisedDon"t be surprisedDon"t be surprisedSomebody"s watchinMaybe you want em to see youBut with your regrets and secretsyou don"t really want them to be youWell you can make believe I"m thatAnd for now I"ll be just fineBut when the child grows up to have more than just your eyesDon"t be surprisedDon"t be surprisedDon"t be surprisedNow the ending to every story is most enchantingNow whether its heaven or hell I wear it wellPlease forgive me for ramblingI just wanted ya"llTo know that I don"t know it allSo when that big o"l smile ends upBeing just a disguiseDon"t be surprisedDon"t be surprisedOh lordDon"t be surprisedOoh oh lordDon"t be surprisedI said don"t be don"t be surprisedThere"s nothing left in here that"s surprising baby prising baby…….Larry Cheng & Kevin Boulshare with you ~~LK~~http://music.baidu.com/song/2802535


【英语单词】mercury英语读音【u02c8mu025c:kju0259ri】美语读音【u02c8mu025c:rkju0259ri】词性【名词】解释【[化]汞,水银; [天]水星; 温度表; 精神,元气】例句:1. That night the mercury fell to thirty degrees below zero. 那天晚上温度计显示气温降到了零下30度。2. What"s the chemical symbol for mercury? 汞的化学元素符号是什么?3. Mercury is a known poison. 水银是一种已知的有毒物质。





pads 中 copper 与 copper pour 的区别是什么?

简单点说,就是静态铜,和动态铜的区别。 动态铜,是每次画完之后都需要运行铺铜才能看到的。否则就只有一个铺铜框。






就是第一种啊!,,没问题 估计是IDE的问题 别理他


public interface DataSource extends CommonDataSource, Wrapper该工厂用于提供到此 DataSource 对象所表示的物理数据源的连接。作为 DriverManager 工具的替代项,DataSource 对象是获取连接的首选方法。实现 DataSource 接口的对象通常在基于 JavaTM Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API 的命名服务中注册。




Connection conn=null;你没有定义conn; 你定义一下在试试看 相关的数据库驱动加进去了没有啊

curriculum vitae 在中文是什么?他真正的意思也是什么?


struts 1.3 如何配置数据源datasource

在Struts1.3中已经取消了<data-sources>标签,也就是说只能在1.2版中配置,因为Apache不推荐在struts-config.xml中配置数据源。所以建议不要在struts中配置数据源,如果你用了hibernate或spring得话就可以在hibernate配置文件或spring文件配数据源如果都没用就到tomcat中配置 tomcat数据源配置数据源的配置涉及到Server.xml和web.xml,需要在server.xml中加入如下内容:说明一下:我的数据库是MYsql<Context path="/text" docBase="d:/upload" debug="0"> <Resource name="jdbc/testDb" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/> <ResourceParams name="jdbc/testDB">\数据源的名称 <parameter><name>username</name><value>root</value></parameter>数据库的名称 <parameter><name>password</name><value>password</value></parameter>数据库密码 <parameter><name>driverClassName</name> <value>org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver</value></parameter>\要加载的驱动 <parameter><name>url</name> <value>jdbc:mysql://localhost/test?</value></parameter>\要连接的URL </ResourceParams> </Context>另外在Web.xml中加入如下内容:<description>test connection</description>\描述 <res-ref-name>jdbc/testDB</res-ref-name>\名称与上对应 <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>\与上对应 <res-auth>Container</res-auth>\与上一置 </resource-ref>配置以上内容后,只要在你的Jsp或Javabean 中按以下方式创建连接,就可以(JNDI)Context ctx=new InitialContext(); DataSource ds=(DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/testDB"); conn = ds.getConnection();


这个是你在struts-config.xml配置文件中先要配置选项,该选项有一个属性key,而getDataSource(HttpServletRequest request,String key)方法就是在action中调用你配置好的data-source而已当然,方法中的参数key,就是你配置的的key

curriculum vitae什么意思

curriculum vitae[英][ku0259u02ccru026akju0259lu0259m u02c8vi:tau026a]n.<正>简历,个人履历; 例句:双语英语1.Mr hollande cannot now change his curriculum vitae, but he has altered his tone, slowing down his speech and adopting mitterrand-like gestures. 奥朗德现在无法改变他的履历,但他已经改变了自己说话时的语气,来放缓演讲时的语速并且采用密特朗式的招牌手势。2.But the most impressive item on his curriculum vitae was added last year when, at the age of 33, he became a co-founder and director of rockbridge commercial bank in atlanta. 但他履历中最引人注目的片段出现在去年在他33岁的时候,他成为美国佐治亚州亚特兰大rockbridge商业银行的创始人之一,同时出任董事。









如何创建 DataSource



1、fromCollection(Collection) - 从 Java 的 Java.util.Collection 创建数据流。集合中的所有元素类型必须相同。 2、fromCollection(Iterator, Class) - 从一个迭代器中创建数据流。Class 指定了该迭代器返回元素的类型。 3、fromElements(T …) - 从给定的对象序列中创建数据流。所有对象类型必须相同。 4、fromParallelCollection(SplittableIterator, Class) - 从一个迭代器中创建并行数据流。Class 指定了该迭代器返回元素的类型。 5、generateSequence(from, to) - 创建一个生成指定区间范围内的数字序列的并行数据流。 1、readTextFile(path) - 读取文本文件,即符合 TextInputFormat 规范的文件,并将其作为字符串返回。 2、readFile(fileInputFormat, path) - 根据指定的文件输入格式读取文件(一次)。 3、readFile(fileInputFormat, path, watchType, interval, pathFilter, typeInfo) - 这是上面两个方法内部调用的方法。它根据给定的 fileInputFormat 和读取路径读取文件。根据提供的 watchType,这个 source 可以定期(每隔 interval 毫秒)监测给定路径的新数据(FileProcessingMode.PROCESS_CONTINUOUSLY),或者处理一次路径对应文件的数据并退出(FileProcessingMode.PROCESS_ONCE)。你可以通过 pathFilter 进一步排除掉需要处理的文件。 实现: 重要注意: socketTextStream(String hostname, int port) - 从 socket 读取。元素可以用分隔符切分。 addSource - 添加一个新的 source function。例如,你可以 addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer011<>(…)) 以从 Apache Kafka 读取数据。 1、基于集合:有界数据集,更偏向于本地测试用 2、基于文件:适合监听文件修改并读取其内容 3、基于 Socket:监听主机的 host port,从 Socket 中获取数据 4、自定义 addSource:大多数的场景数据都是无界的,会源源不断的过来。比如去消费 Kafka 某个 topic 上的数据,这时候就需要用到这个 addSource,可能因为用的比较多的原因吧,Flink 直接提供了 FlinkKafkaConsumer011 等类可供你直接使用。你可以去看看 FlinkKafkaConsumerBase 这个基础类,它是 Flink Kafka 消费的最根本的类。 5、flink目前支持的source详细可以阅读官网connects部分;



如何创建 DataSource



为了建立一个连接,你可以从 DriverManager 这个对象获取以及连接,也可以从DataSource数据源获取一个连接,这个是一种 更加高效的方式 如果开放的软件不止使用一种数据源,可以发布不同的数据源进行隔离, DataSource的具体实现由具体的厂商提供 可以发现DataSource 有两种获取连接的方法,一种是无参的,一种是带有用户名和密码的 MySQL的数据源的具体实现: com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource , 一般来说, 支持分布式的数据源也支持连接池的数据源 数据源的部分,主要是了解有哪几种的实现方式,如果想了解数据源的创建和发布以及从数据源中获取连接: 请参考: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jdbc/basics/sqldatasources.html

nature climate change 是Nature吗


The book ____(translate)into four languages last


英语作文Dogs are our friends

Nowadays, manypeople keep animals as their pets ,such as dogs, cats and fish.But in fact they"re all our friends. We are not supposed to consider them as something like toys that entertain us. Many years ago, people kept a dog because it could guard the caves they lived in. Early men cuold use tols to hunt animals but they couldn"t run very fast, so they also kept a dog to help them hunt animals for food. Nowadays, dogs also help the police and the officers at the airport to make the city safe. They also help the blind people and farmers to do amny things. As you can ssee, dogs are our best friends.We share the same world and all lives are equal,what"s more,dogs have helped us so mucn.So it"s important to treat them as our friends.

英语作文Dogs are our friends

Nowadays, manypeople keep animals as their pets ,such as dogs, cats and fish.But in fact they"re all our friends. We are not supposed to consider them as something like toys that entertain us. Many years ago, people kept a dog because it could guard the caves they lived in. Early men cuold use tols to hunt animals but they couldn"t run very fast, so they also kept a dog to help them hunt animals for food. Nowadays, dogs also help the police and the officers at the airport to make the city safe. They also help the blind people and farmers to do amny things. As you can ssee, dogs are our best friends.We share the same world and all lives are equal,what"s more,dogs have helped us so mucn.So it"s important to treat them as our friends.

Dogs,our best friends 英语作文

Nowadays, many many people have pets like dogs, cats and fish. They"re all our best friends. But among all of them, dogs are one of the cleverest animals as our pets. They"re lovely and helpful, too. Many many years ago, people kept a dog as a pet because it could guard the caves they lived in. Early men cuold use tols to hunt animals but they couldn"t run very fast, so they also kept a dog to help them hunt animals for food. Nowadays, dogs also help the police and the officers at the airport to make the city safe. They also help the blind people and farmers to do amny things. As you can ssee, dogs are our best friends. We mustn"t be cruel to them. We must take care of them.

Partnership Current Account-急问

首先,你要分清楚,partnership current account是属于Capital account 而capital account 是与asset 同liabilities的account不同的, 是credit side 是属于增加收入,而debit side是属于减少收入, 所以,由于interest of drawing 是partner 向公司借钱而要支付的利息, 因此它是partner 的支出,即是在debit side。 而Interst of Capital Salares Profit Shared(Ratio)他们全都是partner 的收入, 因此就是在current account的credit side。 而appropriation account的作用是在profit and loss account 中加减了partner 的影响到公司的profit or loss的account,因此,appropriation account是由 公司的角落出发的。好像是interest of drawing咁,因为是partner给公司的 费用,因此,在appropriation account里面,interest of drawing是add的。 Interest of capital其实可以说是公司俾返利息分配给各partner,但是 最正确的说法就是因为每一个partner的投入公司的capital的份量也不一样, 而他们的工作量有很大的机会是同等的,为了避免对投入多一点资金的 partner不公平,因此公司就会按照他们投入公司的capital的比例派发 interest of capital来补偿partner们,而由于interest of capital 是公司给 partner的补偿金,因此,在appropriation 里面,interest of capital是减的。 而salaries就是公司为了奖励partner负起了一些他指定工作以外的责任或工作, 而支付的特别薪水。因此在appropriation 里面,salaries是减的,因为是公司的支出。 其实在appropriation 里面,来来去去也是只有数个items,慢慢记清楚就没问题了。 其实partnership的profit and loss account 和balanca sheet是很简单的,做多点就 没问题了。 参考: 自己,account books

有一首英文歌开头女生唱有句your boy friend

Boyfriend - Justin Bieber If I was 【your boyfriend】 I"d never let you goI can take you places you ain"t never been beforeBaby take a chance or you"ll never ever knowI got money in my hands that I"d really like to blowSwag swag swag on youChillin" by the fire while we eatin" fondueI dunno about me but I know about youSo say hello to falsetto in three twoI"d like to be everything you wantHey girl let me talk to youIf I was 【your boyfriend】 never let you goKeep you on my arm girl you"d never be aloneI can be a gentleman anything you wantIf I was 【your boyfriend】 I"d never let you go I"d never let you go........If I Was Your Boyfriend (Erwin Garcia Radio Remix) - AnastaciaBoyfriendBoyfriendBoyfriendBoyfriendIf I was 【your boyfriend】Would you let me get inside Free yourself to my commandJust release the other handIf I was 【your boyfriend】Could you enjoy the worldOther side of loveWhere surrender is enoughLet yourself pretend with meLet yourself fall freeIf you will see through my eyes........Your Boyfriend - Krista SiegfridsI got a stranger in bedAn awful ache in my headI got a hand on my thighWho the hell is that guyWhy oh why did II feel his breath on neckAnd I am totally wreckedTell me where have I beenI can"t remember a thingWhat a deadly sinI got 【your boyfriend】Here in my bedBut the damage is done now..........I Made Out With Your Boyfriend - fefe DobsonWas just about to leave the partWhen this super hot thing came on up to meHe said "I really think that you should come with meThere"s something something that you have to see"He said "Don"t worry I"ll just lock the doorClose your eyes and count to ten"One two three four Oh oh I just made out with 【your boyfriend】That"s right but we only did it one timeOh oh I didn"t know he was 【your boyfriend】That"s right and that"ll be the last timeI make out with 【your boyfriend】You can have him backYou can have him back back backSo the night after the partyHe calls and tells me that he wants me wants meAnd then he tells me that he"s never felt this wayI told "Boy you better stay away"Should had him begging for moreIt was unbelievableOne two three fourOh oh I just made out with 【your boyfriend】That"s right but we only did it one timeOh oh I didn"t know he was 【your boyfriend】That"s right and that"ll be the last timeOh oh I just made out with【 your boyfriend】That"s right but we only did it one timeOh oh I didn"t know he was 【your boyfriend】That"s right and that"ll be the last timeI make out with your boyfriendI I I just made out with 【your boyfriend】I I I just made out with 【your boyfriend】I I I just made out with 【your boyfriend】I I I just made out with 【your boyfriend】

Metal up your ass是什么意思

对乐迷来说一点儿也不陌生,这是 Metallica 1983年的首张专辑 “Kill ‘Em All” 原本的封面设计. 但是,在唱片公司的反对下撤换成後来大家熟知的”Kill ‘Em All”.这个大马桶上写著一句 Metal 迷最喜爱引用的一句俚语.”Metal up your ass !”大概大家都熟悉 “up your ass” 这句俚语很多情况下的使用.但是,Metallica 在前面加上 “Metal”.可就难懂了. 不会是”xx你的铁屁股”吧?这样翻译.可不大好…也许,传神些的翻译是 “向Metal致敬”.Metal 是名词.跟 UP连结.成了”动作”形容.这是有一点炫耀,有一点鸭霸的宣告,”Metal面前,只能伏首称臣”,也就是说,”Metal万岁,你跪安吧” …

metal enclosure是什么意思

metal enclosure 英[u02c8metl inu02c8klu0259uu0292u0259] 美[u02c8mu025btl u025bnu02c8klou0292u025a] [释义] 金属包壳; 全部释义>>[例句]A method to compute the shielding effectiveness of the metal enclosure with an aperture and thin walls in two and three dimensions is proposed.其三,提出了一种解决薄壁二维和三维金属腔体屏蔽效能计算的方法;

culture 与 civilazation 的区别




《Moving Pictures Discworld Novel10》txt下载阅读,求百度云资源

《Moving Pictures Discworld Novel 10》(Pratchett, Terry)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1poErp-vhUio3MOr0TJZxjw 提取码: 2e1k书名:Moving Pictures Discworld Novel 10作者:Pratchett, Terry页数:400内容简介:Discworld"s pesky alchemists are up to their old tricks again. This time, they"ve discovered how to get gold from silver -- the silver screen that is. Hearing the siren call of Holy Wood is one Victor Tugelbend, a would-be wizard turned extra. He can"t sing, he can"t dance, but he can handle a sword (sort of), and now he wants to be a star. So does Theda Withel, an ambitious ingénue from a little town (where else?) you"ve probably never heard of.But the click click of moving pictures isn"t just stirring up dreams inside Discworld. Holy Wood"s magic is drifting out into the boundaries of the universes, where raw realities, the could-have-beens, the might-bes, the never-weres, the wild ideas are beginning to ferment into a really stinky brew. It"s up to Victor and Gaspode the Wonder Dog (a star if ever one was born!) to rein in the chaos and bring order back to a starstruck Discworld. And they"re definitely not ready for their close-up!

Sources of Water Pollution

Klaus-Dieter BalkeInstitute for Geosciences,University of Tuebingen,Sigwartstr.10,D-72076 Tuebingen,GermanyYan ZhuDept.of Earth Sciences,Zhejiang University,Yuquan Campus,310012 Hangzhou,P.R.China1 Water qualityThe quality of surface water in rivers,lakes or artificial reservoirs,depends nowadays not only on the natural composition of the water but also on the intensity and kind of man-made pollution.Groundwater contained in the subsurface fills pores and joints of rocks,see Fig.1.Fig.1 Kinds of subsurface water(after Davies & DeWiest,1966)Fig.2 Concentration of dissolved salts increases from shallow to deep aquiferRegarding groundwater quality particularly the climatic parameters precipitation and temperature influence the hydrochemical properties.They govern weathering processes which cause a removal of soluble ions and molecules out of rocks.These substances,transported by percolating water,finally reach groundwater bodies.During the groundwater flow through an aquifer,chemical interactions between ground-water and the rocks of the aquifer take place.The main dissolved ions in groundwater are Ca2+,Mg2+,Na+,K+, , and Cl-.Additionally,there are many other compounds of minor concentration such as Fe,Si,Sr,B,NO3,CO3,etc.and trace substances such as Al,Cd,Cr,Co,Cu,Pb,Ra,Se,NO2,NH4,PO4,H2S,etc.Generally,the concentration of dis-solved salts increases from shallow to deep aquifers and the dominant ions change see Fig.2.cations;Ca2+-Ca2++Mg2+-Na+,anions: - + -- - +Cl--Cl-.At a global scale, the amount of dis-solved substances in shallow groundwater in-creases from the arctic areas via the temper-ate zones towards the arid regions and decreases again towards the humid tropics,see Fig.3.In most cases,between surface-and groundwater there exists a hydraulic connection,e.g.along river banks,see Fig.4.Surface-and groundwater influence each other and contamination can be transferred from surface water into groundwater and vice versa.Besides natural components dissolved in water a huge variety of artificially produced chemical substances may contaminate the water resources.Fig.3 Hydrochemical distribution of groundwater types of the European part of the USSR(after Alekin,1962)1.Zone of hydrogencarbonatic-SiO2-groundwater2.Zone of hydrogencarbonatic-Ca-groundwater3.Zone of prevailing sulphatic and chiloridic groundwater4.subzone of continental salt fringe5.Zone of hydrogencarbonatic-Ca-groundwater of montaneous areasFig.4 effluent system(a)and influent system(b)2 Artificial contamination of water2.1 AgricultureThe increase of food production in many areas around the world requires the application of increasing amounts of fertilizers.Among them especially nitrogen N as nitrate NO3,phosphorus P as phosphate PO4 and potassium K are essential elements for phytogenic and animal organisms.Especially high concentrations of nitrate and phosphate are to be found in water of rivers passing farm land and in groundwater below over-fertilized farm land where inorganic nitrate and phosphate are applied excessively.Another important source of contamination is often cattle breeding,respectively the removal of manure.Manure contains a lot of nitrate and is often spread out on farmland,from where it is washed into rivers and downwards into groundwater.In order to avoid harvest losses and to increase the crop yield,pesticides are usually applied to exterminate plant pests,weeds,destructive insects and parasites.The toxic components of these agents are organic compounds,especially chlorinated hydrocarbons,and inorganic chemicals such as heavy metals,hydrogen cyanide,phosphorus,sulphur,etc.Another group of contaminants with yet minor importance are veterinary pharmaceuticals which percolate the subsurface contained in fluid manure.2.2 IndustryIndustry and handicraft use numerous substances for their production:salts,heavy metals,hydrocarbons,chlorinated hydrocarbons,chlorofluorocarbons,radioactive compounds,pharmaceuticals,etc.These compounds are accumulated near the locations of the processing industries,in the working range of their products and in waste and sewage.Mineral oil products such as gasoline,diesel,kerosene,fuel oil,etc.are lighter than water.After having percolated the vadose zone they spread out above the groundwater surface,see Fig.5.There,lenses of oil are formed.The soluble parts of the mineral oil diffuse into the groundwater.If halogenated hydrocarbons seep downwards they infiltrate the vadose zone,percolate the aquifer and accumulate on its bottom,see Fig.5.That is an essentially different behaviour in an aquifer than that of oil.Fig.5 Behaviour of hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbonsThe most important properties of chlorinated hydrocarbons are shown in Table 1:Table 1 Properties of some chlorinated hydrocarbonsThe water solubility of chlorinated hydrocarbons is relatively high,in many cases it exceeds by far the limiting values for drinking water.The boiling point is often below 100℃,i.e.such substances evaporate more easily than water.Their mass density,often above that of water,allows them to percolate through water bodies.Halogenated hydrocarbons are easily volatile and chemically very persistent,they are even able to penetrate clay layers and concrete;moreover,they are lipidophilic i.e.they can penetrate cell membranes and accumulate in organic cells.Therefore,they can be found nowadays in the atmosphere,in rain water,surface water,sea water and shallow groundwater as well as in plants,animals,and even within human beings.The most important users of chlorinated hydrocarbons are:metal industry,chemical industry,pharmaceutical industry,dry cleaners,textile industry,plastics processing industry,paper and pulp industry,car industry and repair shops,production of paints and varnishes,production of feed-stuff,printing shops,production of cooling agents,recycling plants,re-fineries,production of aroma substances and essences,etc.Heavy metals,67 metallic elements with specific weights greater than 5g/cm3,are natural constituents of rocks,enriched in ore deposits.Being involved in many chemical reactions and technical processes they are ultimately incorporated in waste,sewage,sewage sludge from treatment plants,and exhaust fumes.Since most of the heavy metals are toxic to human beings above individually specified concentration levels it is of great importance to control their existence in the environment.Heavy metals are elements and therefore not degradable by natural decay.They can precipitate especially as hydroxides(e.g.Fe(OH)3),oxides(e.g.Fe3O4),and sulphides(e.g.FeS2),and they can be adsorbed by some natural substances(clay,hydroxides,humicmatter,etc.).In case of changing pH-values(into the acid range)and redox potentials(to low values)adsorbed or precipitated heavy metals can be dissolved again.As a result of natural release(volcanic exhalations,weathering processes,burning of forests)and man-made release(traffic,industrial and private exhaust gases,plant protective agents,burning of oil,coal,and wood),rainwater contains heavy metals.2.3 Private householdsIn private households salts,diluting agents,paint remover,cleaning agents,pharmaceuticals,cosmetics,etc.are in use.The waste from households is often deposited in uncontrolled municipal waste deposits which deliver contaminated waste water into the subsurface.Fluid contaminants percolate out of leaky sewage pipe systems into groundwater bodies.In developing countries septic tanks may release inorganic and organic pollutants.2.4 Pharmaceutical contaminantsWith growing population and rising living standard the application and use of pharmaceuticals increases.This group of chemical substances includes compounds such as hormones,vitamins,enzymes,beta-blocker,psycho pharmacological medicine,anti-epileptic drugs,antibiotics,disinfectants,etc.and their metabolites as decay products.In Germany about 45.000 different pharmaceuticals are licensed for sale.Nowadays,pharmaceuticals can be found in surface-and groundwater.Concentrations up to 20μg/L have been measured in water which is released from sewage treatment plants after the treatment process into receiving rivers,and values up to 1μg/L in groundwater.Regarding these results it has to be taken into consideration that only a very limited number of compounds have been measured until now.The endangering potential may be higher than yet estimated.Many pharmaceuticals are very persistent.In some cases 50% of the original dose is excreted from the body chemically unaltered,and they are not decayed by water treatment.Mainly released from sewage treatment plants into receiving rivers,from sewage of pharmaceutical industry,out of leaky sewer pipe systems,and dissolved in leachate from waste deposits,they pollute surface-and groundwater.A special source is cattle breeding with the application of antibiotics and hormones if liquid manure from these animals percolate into the subsurface.In German rivers maximum concentrations have been measured oflipid regulators 3.1μg/L,anti-phlogistics 4.1μg/L,beta-blockers 2.9μg/L,anti-epileptics 1.2μg/L,antibiotics 1.7μg/L,X-ray contrast medium 2.8μg/L,estrogens 0.0016μg/L.The concentrations are mostly higher in small than in big rivers,but they can accumulate to remarkable values,see Fig.6.Generally,the concentrations of pharmaceuticals and the number of substances involved are higher in surface water than in groundwater.At the present time,an endangering of human beings by pharmaceutics in drinking water and acute poisoning is scarcely to be expected.But it is as yet unknown whether a long-term poisoning by a cumulative effect may happen.Chronic effects could include toxicity against genes,nerves,and the immune system.It also has to be considered that enrichment effects in animals and human beings may lead to concentrations exceeding acceptable values.Such enrichment effects happened in fresh water fishes in Germany and in farmed shrimps in the Philip-pines some yearsago.In any case,it can be expected that in the long run germs,bacteria,viri,etc.come into being which are resistant to antibiotics.Also in such a way humans and the ecosystem could be affected.In order to reduce the occurrence of pharmaceutical compounds in surface-and groundwater it is necessary to optimise municipal and industrial sewage treatment processes,to repair defect sewage pipe systems,to use only controlled waste deposits,and to inform and train the population not to remove expired pharmaceutics by putting them into sewage.Fig.6 Contamination of the Weschnitz with pharmaceutical residues(after Ternes,2001)Another group of newly apparent substances in surface-and groundwater are cosmetics and perfumes(the production of cosmetics only in Germany amounted in 1993 to about 550.000 tons).It has to be taken into consideration that most of these substances are finally washed off the body and disappear in the sewage system.References[1]Alekin O.A.1962.Grundlagen der Wasserchemie.-61 fig.,Leipzig(Dt.Verlag fur Grundstoffindistrie),260p.[2]Davies N.S.,DeWiest,R.J.M.1966.Hydrogeology.-New York(Wiley),463p.[3]Ternes Th.2001.Vorkommen von Pharmaka in Gew?ssern.-Wasser,Boden.53/4,ISSN 0043-0951,Berlin

rurutia - サイレンとプレイヤー中文歌词。

暗暗に星粒を『请赐予黑暗星辰』 迷宫に导きを『请赐予迷宫指引』 失望に终焉を『请赐予失望终结』 颜を上げて 『请抬头仰望』 谁も皆过去があって『无论谁都有着过去』 谁も皆伤があって 『无论谁都有着伤痛』 谁も皆未来を『无论谁都能将未来』 変えてゆける『改写』 抜け壳だらけの地面を蹴飞ばして『摈弃满是空壳的地面』 描き出せばいいんだよ 君の自由に『只要描绘出来就行了 任凭你的自由』 だってそうさ『只因为』 限りなく光満ちた美しい世界を君は知ってる『你一直知晓充满无限光辉的美丽世界』 もう 始まってるんだよ『一切 已经拉开序幕了』 仆らは 行かなくちゃ『我们 必须出发了』 汚れた日常に静かなる祈り『污浊的日常生活中许下的静默祈祷』 どんな悲しい出来事が起こっても『纵使遭受了怎样的悲伤』 壊れない『也坚不可摧』 伪りを脱ぎ舍てて『丢弃掉虚伪』 憎しみを葬り去って『埋葬了憎恨』 后悔を恐れないで『别再畏惧后悔』 解き放つよ『释放自我吧』 さよならは始まりに『跨越离别便是一段开始』 寂しさはやさしさに『跨越寂寞便是一份温柔』 苦しみは强さに『跨越苦痛便是一份坚强』 超えてゆける 仆はいつまでも隣にいるよ『我会一直伴你左右』 理屈なんかじゃない 繋がっているんだ『这并非信口开河 我们一直紧紧维系着』 だってそうさ『只因为』 この宇宙で「绝対」なんて无いから『这个宇宙并不存在所谓的“绝对”』 それを求め彷徨うのは特别な事じゃないけど『因追求绝对而彷徨 这是很平常的』 仆らは 行かなくちゃ『我们 必须出发了』 矛盾だらけの今にうつむかないで『请不要埋头于矛盾重重的现在』 ただ1つの自分を 辉かせる その为に『为了让独一无二的自己 熠熠生辉』 限りなく光満ちた美しい世界を君は知ってる『你一直知晓充满无限光辉的美丽世界』 もう 始まってるんだよ『一切 已经拉开序幕了』 仆らは 行かなくちゃ『我们 必须出发了』 汚れた日常に静かなる祈り『污浊的日常生活中许下的静默祷告』 どんな悲しい出来事が起こっても『纵使遭受了怎样的悲伤』 壊れない『也坚不可摧』 02. Silent Prayerkurayamini hoshitsubu womeikyuuni michibiki woshitsubouni shuuen wokaowo agetedaremo mina kakoga attedaremo mina kizu ga attedaremo mina miraiwokaete yukerunukegaradarakeno chimenwo ketobashiteegaki daseba iindayo kimino jiyuunidattesousakagirinaku hikari michita utsukushii sekaiwo kimiwa shitterumou hajimatterun dayobokurawa ikanakuchayogoreta nichijyouni shizukanaru inoridonna kanashii dekigotoga okottemokowarenaiitsuwariwo nugisutetenikushimiwo hoomuri sattekoukaiwo osore naidetokihanatsuyosayonarawa hajimarinisamishisawa yasashisanikurushimiwa tsuyosanikoete yukerubokuwa itsudemo tonarini iruyorikutsu nanka janai tsunagatte irundadatte sousakono uchuude zettai nante naikarasorewo motome samayou nowa tokubetsuna koto janai kedobokuwa ikanakuchamujyundarakeno imani utsumukanaidetada hitotsuno jibunwo kagayakaseru sono tamenikagirinaku hikari michita utsukushii sekaiwo kimiwa shitterumou hajimatterun dayobokurawa ikanakuchayogoreta nichijyouni shizukanaru inoridonna kanashii dekigotoga okottemokowarenai

journal of hydrology在top区吗


Party In Your Bedroom 歌词

歌曲名:Party In Your Bedroom歌手:Cash Cash专辑:Take It To The FloorCash Cash - Party In Your BedroomThere"s a party in your bedroom all night longThere"s a party in your bedroom all night longThere"s a lot of talk about youCause there"s a party in your bedroom all night longPretty girl, it"s your show,Let it go, when you"re aloneThere"s a party in your bedroom all night longThere"s a lot of talk about youCause there"s a party in your bedroom all night longPretty girl, it"s your show,Let it go, when you"re aloneLips sealed tight, don"t say goodnightWalking down the street keeping hush hush on the sceneNo one knows you, such a mysteryOpposite of fun, till you turn the power on.Then you come out, turning up the heatUpstairs all alone, one click for a showYour roof is on fire you"re loosing controlThere"s a party in your bedroom all night longThere"s a lot of talk about youCause there"s a party in your bedroom all night longPretty girl, it"s your show,Let it go, when you"re aloneLips sealed tight, don"t say goodnightDancing with your hands turning strangers into friendsTouch the keys please, and unlock my heartYour free to be a freak, change your picture every weekShow the camera, you"re a superstarUpstairs all alone, one click for a showYour roof is on fire you"re loosing controlThere"s a party in your bedroom all night longThere"s a lot of talk about youCause there"s a party in your bedroom all night longPretty girl, it"s your show,Let it go, when you"re aloneThere"s a party in your bedroom all night longThere"s a lot of talk about youCause there"s a party in your bedroom all night longPretty girl, it"s your show,Let it go, when you"re aloneLips sealed tight, don"t say goodnightIt"s no debate, when I think of you can"t stay on trackCause I can"t wait,Can"t stay on track can"t hide the factYou"re all I want, you"re all I need,let"s get this party started, kick it hard just you and meThere"s a party in your bedroom all night longThere"s a lot of talk about youCause there"s a party in your bedroom all night longPretty girl, it"s your show,Let it go, when you"re aloneThere"s a party in your bedroom all night longThere"s a lot of talk about youCause there"s a party in your bedroom all night longPretty girl, it"s your show,Let it go, when you"re aloneLips sealed tight, don"t say goodnighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/1431405

sakura清木场俊介 罗马拼音歌词

Sakura Kimi wo mita no wa yoru no himei no nakaAshi wo furatsukaseta boku wo mite warattaTsuiteoideyo to kimi no te wo hiiteOmoi KOA wo akete boku no heya e oideYasashii kaze wa ima bokura wo tsutsunderuSonna ki ga shitetayoUsuakari ga terasu chiisana heya de madaKimi ga kuruno wo matteruSakura... Sakura... Kimi ni furetaiSakura... Sakura... Kimi ni aitaiKimi ga kieta no wa asa no muon no nakaMuri ni egao wo tsukuri boku no heya wo sattaKumoru sora no shita de hitori tatazunderusora mo naitekureru?Sunabokori ga maitte kimi no ushirosugataSagashite ame ni utareruSakura... Sakura... Kimi ni furetaiSakura... Sakura... Kimi ni ai ni yukuyo...Sakura... Sakura... Kimi ni furetaiSakura... Sakura... Kimi ni ai ni yukuyo...Sakura... Sakura... Kimi ni furetaiSakura... Sakura... Kimi ni aitai...


europe音标:/u02c8ju028au0259ru0259p/意思:欧洲。短语:eastern Europe东欧、Council of Europe欧洲委员会例句:1、The passing of the cold war and the rise of a new Europe.冷战的结束和一个新欧洲的崛起。2、The posters calling emigrants from Europe to the Golconda of the American West.召唤欧洲移民到美国西部宝地去的海报。3、The future of Europe should not hang on a referendum by the French.欧洲的未来不应取决于法国人的一次全民公决。4、Steering the pell-mell development of Europe on to a new and more gradual course.将欧洲乱糟糟的发展局面引上一条新的、更加渐进的道路。

your son of bitch 什么意思


pursue a commitment是指实现承诺,还是努力实现某个事业?


our commitment翻译中文是什么意思

commitment n.承诺,许诺; 委任,委托; 致力,献身; 承担义务我们的承诺our commitment我们的承诺


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