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区别是:measure指的是:措施;测量,测度;程度;尺寸。treatment指的是:处理;治疗,疗法;待遇,对待。例句辨析:measure1、Measure the length and width of the gap.测量一下这条缝隙的长与宽。2、The house is more than twenty metres long and measures six metres in width.这座房子长20多米,宽6米。3、With the exception of Juan, each attained a measure of success.除了胡安之外,每个人都获得了相当大的成功。4、It is a measure of their plight that few of them have anywhere to go to.他们几乎全都无处可归,看得出他们是陷入了困境。treatment1、Many patients are not getting the medical treatment they need. 很多病人没有得到他们需要的医治。2、We don"t want any special treatment.我们不想要任何特殊待遇。3、There should be greater treatment of sewage before it is discharged.污水排放之前应该进行更充分的处理。4、If you"ve got friends or family coming to stay, make it really special by giving themthe full treatment.如果你有朋友或家人要过来住,那就搞得特别一些,给予他们以热情款待。


n. 测量;措施;程度;尺寸vt. 测量;估量;权衡vi. 测量;估量希望对你有所帮助


measure表示措施,可数名词,词组搭配为take measures(采取措施)


measure[英][u02c8meu0292u0259(r)][美][u02c8mu025bu0292u025a]n.测量,测度; 措施; 程度; 尺寸; vt.测量; 估量; vi.测量; 测量(大小,容量,尺寸等); 第三人称单数:measures过去分词:measured复数:measures现在进行时:measuring过去式:measured以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.How do we measure poverty? 我们如何衡量贫困呢?


n.测量,测度;措施;程度;尺寸vt.测量;估量vi.测量;测量(大小,容量,尺寸等)be measured in... 以...衡量 take mearsures 采取措施 make sth to one"s mearsure 按照某人的身材做...


The crisis warrants special measures . 大难当头有必要采取特别措施。 Now i "m ing to the concrete measures . 以下我来讲一讲具体做法。 The contact resistance is difficult to measure . 接触阻力很难测量。 It can take stringent austerity measures . 它可以制定严格的紧缩措施。 Here are pnear measures in milpmeters . 这是毫米方式的线性量度。 A hank of cotton yarn measures 840 yards . 一汉克的棉纱长达840码。 You must measure the length by rule and pne ... 你必须准确地计量长度。 It can not be measured in terms of money . 这是不能用金钱衡量的。 The measure of his degradation was not yet full . 他出丑还没有出到顶点。 Sopd"s flow can be measured by weigh dump . 固体的流量可以由翻斗秤测量。 Common sense revolts against such measures . 这种处置违反常情。 He had taken the measure of soviet support . 他已经看透了蘇联支持的份量。 Hurry up. do n"t walk with measured steps . 快走,别迈方步了。 The measure was voted a failure . 大家都说这个办法是要失败的。 He measured the amount of overhang . 他量了量后面超出的部分。 The thickness of sima is not easily measured . 硅美圈的厚度是不容易测量的。 This measure will do more good than harm . 这项措施利多弊少。 He may well measure your corn by his bushel . 他很可能以小人之心度君子之腹。 Common sense revolts from such measures . 这种处置违反常情。 If you measure up, you will have a career . 倘若试用合格,你将获得一个职业。 Financial measures take precedence over other matters . 财政措施比其他事情重要。 Loudness of sound may be measured . 声音的响度可以测量。 His resignation is a measure of how angry he is . 从他辞职一事可见其气愤的程度。 Life has decided to use strong measures on me . 人生已经决定对我施加强大的压力。 Had louis the will to order bold measure ? 路易斯有没有采取破釜沉舟行动的勇气呢? The air terror had been measured . 空袭的恐怖已经克服。 She measured off o meters of cloth . 她量出两米的布。 The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud . 当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。 The measured value will be close to one of the o values . 测量值靠近两个值之一。 His waist measures forty inches round . 他腰围40英寸。 Direction on the sphere is measured by azimuths . 地球上的方向是通过方位角测定的。 Various concrete measures were enumerated in the plan . 计划中列举了各种具体办法。 The gravity is measured by nulpng the beam . 重力值是通过使横臂恢复零位而测定的。 Intensity of effort is clearly more difficult to measure . 努力的程度显然难以计量。 The aerovane is frequently used to measure windspeed . 风向风速仪经常用来测定风速。 All of these were in some measure inadequate . 所有这些都在某种程度上难以使他满足。 A good pfe is not measured by any bibpcal span . 生活的好坏并不以圣经的标准来衡量。 You cannot measure one man by another man"s rule . 你不能以一个人的标准衡量另一个人。 All rescue measures proved ineffectual . 抢救无效。 A law is imposed on others by way of a rule and measure . 法律靠规则和标准施用于他人。


这是复数形式。measure是名词,加s表示复数Do these measures go far enough? 这些措施能不能解决问题?

take measures翻译

measure释义:n.措施;测量,测度;程度;尺寸vt.测量;估量用法:1、measure用作名词时的意思是“测量”,指测量的行为;也指在测量过程中所采用的方法;也可指测量时所用的单位,即“计量单位”;还可指测量时所使用的工具,即“量具,量器”。measure还可指为了应付某件事情而采取的方法,即“措施,步骤,方法”。引申可指“尺度,标准”“程度,地步”。例句:If this measure fails, there are other methods we could fall back on.这个措施要是不行,我们还可采取别的办法。2、measure用作动词的意思是“测量”,指用某种工具或仪器测出某物在某方面的具体数据以便对其进行分析,从而得出结论或完成任务,其宾语多为有形物质。引申可以表示“打量”“估量”“考虑”等。例句:They measured the height of the ceiling.他们测量了天花板的高度。扩展资料词汇搭配:measure accurately 准确地测量measure carefully 仔细地测量measure against 把…同…作比较measure by 根据…测量词义辨析:standard,criterion,measure,gauge这些名词均含“标准”之意。1、standard指公认为决定事物质量或人的品质的准则或原则。2、criterion较正式用词,指判断、批评事物的标准,但不一定制成了规章。3、measure与standard基本同义,但多用于比喻,指衡量某事物的质量准则。4、gauge专指测量物体大小、厚度、直径等的标准规格。


measure v. 量,测量,计量;估量,衡量 n. 措施,步骤,办法;一定的量,一定程度 1. a measure of 一定的量,一定程度 He has not become rich, but he has had a certain measure of success. 他并未变得富有,可是取得一定程度的成就。 The system gives people a measure of protection against dishonest salesmen. 这种体制向人们提供了一定的保护,以防范那些不诚实的推销员。 2. take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事 The government has taken measures to preserve order. 政府已采取措施维持秩序。 Stronger measures will have to be taken to bring down unemployment. 需要采取更有力的措施降低失业率。 3. measure sth by sth 用某物衡量某物 Success isn"t measured by how much money you have. 成功与否不是靠钱多钱少来衡量的。 He must not measure his neighbor"s corn by his own bushel. 他不应拿自己作标准去衡量邻居。 4. measure up to 应付,应对 He measured up to his job in every way. 他各方面都能胜任他的工作。 Will he measure up to the challenges that lie ahead of him? 他能应付眼前的挑战吗?




measures英 ["meu0292u0259z] 美 ["meu0292u0259z] n.措施; 程度; 度量法; 度量单位; 度量器具; (一定的)量( measure的名词复数 ); 程度v.测量; 衡量; 量( measure的第三人称单数 ); 量出网络度量; 小节; 双语例句 Various concrete measures were enumerated in the plan. 计划中列举了各种具体办法。


1. 尺寸;分量2. 度量单位3. 度量法4. 度量器具5. 措施;手段;方法6. (判断等的)基准,尺度7. 程度;限度;分寸 8. 【音】拍子,小节9. 议案


measure英 [u02c8meu0292u0259(r)] 美 [u02c8mu025bu0292u025a] n.措施;测量,测度;程度;尺寸vt.测量;估量vi.测量;测量(大小,容量,尺寸等)第三人称单数: measures 复数: measures 现在分词: measuring 过去式: measured 过去分词: measured

one little two little threelittle……four little……的歌名是什么

Ten Little Indian Boys


measure[英][u02c8meu0292u0259(r)][美][u02c8mu025bu0292u025a]n.测量,测度; 措施; 程度; 尺寸; vt.测量; 估量; vi.测量; 测量(大小,容量,尺寸等); 第三人称单数:measures过去分词:measured复数:measures现在进行时:measuring过去式:measured例句:1.Manage ( and measure) performance by results. 2.依据结果管理(衡量)绩效

英语采取措施 是take measure 还是take measures? 到底有没有那个s?


Measures should be taken to protect the


英语 翻译 是采取严厉措施治理环境污染的时候了。(measures)

It is time to take drastic measures to curb environmental pollution.


别加介词,直接是take measures


  measure一词既可用作名词,作"尺寸"、"措施"、"办法"、"手段"解;又可用作动词,作"测量"、"量度"解。现将其用法小结如下。  1.make sth.to sb."s measure照某人的尺寸做某物。例如:  Mr.Smith asked the tailor to make some new clothes to his own measure.史密斯先生要求裁缝照他的尺寸做新衣服。  2.take sb."s measure或take the measure of sb.给某人量尺寸;take the measure of sth.给某物量尺寸。例如:  The tailor took my measure for anew suit.裁缝给我量尺寸做了一套新衣服。  Miss Green took the measure of the desk for me.格林小姐替我量了一下那书桌的尺寸。  3.made to measure定做的,按照尺寸做的。例如:  Here are clothes made to measure.这儿是些定做的衣服。  Was your jacket made to measure?你的夹克衫是按尺寸定做的吗?  4.by measure按尺寸。例如:  We make all kinds of clothes by measure,including evening dresses and jeans.我们按尺寸做各式各样的衣服,包括晚礼服和牛仔裤。  5.take measures采取措施,这时measure通常用复数形式。例如:  At the same time they are taking strong measures to protect wildlife resources.同时他们正在采取强有力的措施保护野生动物资源。  You should take effective measures to improve your working conditions.你们应采取有效措施来改善你们的工作条件。  6.测量,给……量尺寸。例如:  Did you measure the distance between those two development areas?你们测量了那两个开发区之间的距离了吗?  A clock measures time.钟是用来计量时间的。  有时measure可用作不及物动词。例如:  Mrs.Smith picked up a ruler and measured carefully.史密斯夫人拿起尺子仔细量了量。  7.量尺寸、面积,与表示数量的词(短语)连用,其主语是表示物的名词。例如:  This room measures ten metres across.这房间宽十米。  That river measures250kilometreslong and 60 metres wide.那条河长250公里,宽60米。  8.估量,衡量。如:  One should measure oneself by a high standard.一个人应当以高标准要求自己。

measures 后跟什么介词

books 后跟什麼介词? 异曲同工的问话






这个问题应该视具体情况需要而定: 例如: 作为:名词 n. 1.度量单位[C] e.g.An hour is a measure of time. 2.程度;限度;分寸[U][S1] I feel a measure of compassion for her. 作为:搭配短语后跟不定式表目的时,则会出现后跟to的情况 例如:措施;手段;方法[P1] The government was urged to take measures to combat the spread of AIDS.

measure 与measurement 有何区别?



measure当措施的意思用时,是一定要加s,否则就是尺寸的意思了;只有measures才能表示措施或者手段;eg.The traditional design methods and engineering measures are not compatible with practical requirement .传统的设计方法和工程手段已经与实际要求不相适应.






measure v.量,测量,计量;估量,衡量 n.措施,步骤,办法;一定的量,一定程度 1.a measure of 一定的量,一定程度 He has not become rich,but he has had a certain measure of success.他并未变得富有,可是取得一定程度的成就.The system gives people a measure of protection against dishonest salesmen.这种体制向人们提供了一定的保护,以防范那些不诚实的推销员.2.take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事 The government has taken measures to preserve order.政府已采取措施维持秩序.Stronger measures will have to be taken to bring down unemployment.需要采取更有力的措施降低失业率.3.measure sth by sth 用某物衡量某物 Success isn"t measured by how much money you have.成功与否不是靠钱多钱少来衡量的.He must not measure his neighbor"s corn by his own bushel.他不应拿自己作标准去衡量邻居.4.measure up to 应付,应对 He measured up to his job in every way.他各方面都能胜任他的工作.Will he measure up to the challenges that lie ahead of him?他能应付眼前的挑战吗?

measure 和 measurement 的区别?请举例说明.

measure作动词是测量. i.e.:Measure the height of the ceiling 词组 measure sth.up =to measure sth. 作名词则是措施、方法/度量单位,也有测量的本意. i.e.:The measure is given in centimetres.(度量单位) The measures had a detrimental effect.(措施方法) The tailor took my measure for a new suit.(测量) measurement则只是动词measure的名词形式.相对名词measure的测量,此处的测量更为强调其测量的动作和过程,而不是具体的“量度”这一事物. i.e.:The measurement of individual intelligence is very difficult. 好吧这个实在讲不太清楚……具体应用要多看句子培养语感 iciba貌似有不少例句.放上来了


measure的各个意思的短语 without measure 过分 for good measure 作为额外增添;另外 measure with 用…测量;用…衡量 beyond measure 无可估量,极度 measure up 合格;符合标准 in the same measure 同样地,同一程度地 be the measure of sth. 成为衡量某事物的标准 fill (up) the measure of 使(邪恶、不幸等)达到极点 in good measure 分量足, 充分地in measure as 按...的比例, 依照...的程度 keep [observe] measure [measures]保持适度, 有节制 know no measure 没有限度, 没有止境 made to measure 量尺寸定做的(衣服等) [喻]适应特殊需要的 take [get] *** ."s measure (=take the measure of *** .) 量某人的尺寸, 估量某人的能力; 衡量某人; 判断某人的为人 Measure for measure . [谚]一报还一报。 measure against 拿...和...比(长度) measure off 量出, 划出, 裁下, 锯下 measure oneself against [with] 同...较量 曹操的坏的故事 曹操错杀吕伯奢 曹操在洛阳刺杀奸贼董卓未遂而逃离洛阳,路经中牟县,当时的中牟县令陈宫感其忠义,从其而逃,两人来到大吕村时,已经是夜幕降临,曹操就和陈宫投奔居住在这里的吕伯奢。吕伯奢是曹操的义叔,非常热情,他说,家中没有好酒,容往西村沽酒一樽来相待,说完,匆匆上驴而去。曹操和陈宫坐在屋里等了一会儿,听见有人说,捆住之后再杀,如何?曹操就怀疑吕伯奢要杀自己,就说,今若不先下手,必定要遭其擒获。就和陈宫拔剑冲过去,不问男女,见人就杀,连杀了8个人,搜到厨房,见到一头猪被捆而欲杀,这才明白吕家是要杀猪款待他俩。陈宫悔恨地说,孟德多心,误杀好人!曹操拉着陈宫急忙出庄上马而行,刚走了两里多路,见吕伯奢骑驴带着两瓶好酒和许多果菜回来了,看到曹操和陈宫两人,他笑着叫道,贤侄为什么要匆忙离去?我已经吩咐家里人宰一头猪款待你们!曹操也不说话,策马就走,走了几步,忽然拔剑回身,对吕伯奢说,那边来的是谁?吕伯奢回头看时,曹操挥剑把吕伯奢砍杀于驴下。陈宫惊叫道,刚才我们已经错杀了8个人,你为什么又杀了你的义叔?曹操说,吕伯奢到家,必将大怒而追杀我们,不如及早杀之。 最为民间所不满意的是曹操说了这样一句话:宁肯我负天下人,不可天下人负我。 许田打围 东汉建安四年,也就是公元199年,曹操的一次打猎行为,震惊了天下。这就是流传于我国民间的《三国演义》中的“许田打围”故事。有一天,曹操骑爪黄飞电马,引十万之众,与天子猎于许田。军士们排开围场,周围达二百余里。曹操与天子并马而行,只相差一个马头的距离。背后都是曹操的心腹将校。文武百官,远远侍从,谁都不敢近前。当日献帝驰马到许田,刘玄德起居道傍。献帝说:“朕今欲看皇叔射猎。”刘玄德、关羽、张飞一同策马而行,忽然草丛中跑过来一只兔子,刘玄德拿起弓箭就射,一箭正中那兔。献帝喝彩。转过土坡,忽见荆棘中赶出一只大鹿。献帝连射三箭不中,就对曹操说:“卿射之。”曹操就向献帝要了宝雕弓、金箭,扣满一射,正中鹿背,鹿倒于草中。群臣将校,见了金箭,以为是天子射中的.就一起庆贺,结果曹操骑马挡在天子面前接受群臣的庆贺, 三门峡的的哥们 报警,挨个查,雪铁龙的车都是一个公司的,你说的应该是那个淡蓝色的雪铁龙,大街上随处可见,你让警察协助你去他们公司,你挨个跟他们的司机见面,看看能认出不。。。 读小说的目的 是理解作者的心理,并揣摩情节发展的原因,最好是好好地把细节揣摩一下,因为往往一本书里最经典最耐人寻味的就是细节,所以我们要学习如何看懂并理解细节,会很有趣噢,建议你先看《水浒传》里的细节,可以看看《百家讲坛——水浒传》 餐厅的餐的拼音什么 餐 [读音][cān] [解释]1.吃:~具。~厅。聚~。风~露宿。 2.饭食:早~。西~。 3.量词,指一顿饭:一日三~。 贴吧的签与论坛的签 随便吧~这个没有限制~~ 谁有Christina Aguilera的《Hurt》的歌词? Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face当我看见你的脸,感觉好像昨天 You told me how proud you were, but I walked away你告诉我你有多为我骄傲,可是我却离开了 If only I knew what I know today Ooh, ooh如果当时我知道今天的一切 I would hold you in my arms 我会将你拥入怀 I would take the pain away我会抹去你的痛 Thank you for all you"ve done感谢你为我做的一切 Five all your mistakes原谅你所有的错 There"s nothing I wouldn"t do To hear your voice again为了能再次听到你的声音,没有什么是我不会做的 Sometimes I wanna call you有时我想给你打电话 But I know you won"t be there但是我知道你已经不在了 Ohh I"m sorry for blaming you. For everything I just couldn"t do 很抱歉,当时我只是忍不住,把每件事都怪到你头上 And I"ve hurt myself by hurting you然而,伤害你等于伤害我自己 Some days I feel broke inside but I won"t admit有些日子,我觉的我的心都碎了,但我不想承认 Sometimes I just wanna hide "cause it"s you I miss有时我只想一个人躲起来,因为我想念的是你 And it"s so hard to say goodbye. When it es to these rules遇到这些事的时候,说再见实在是太难了Would you tell me I was wrong?你能告诉我,我错了吗? Would you help me understand?你能让我明白过来吗? Are you looking down upon me?你正在天上看着我吗? Are you proud of who I am?你为我感到骄傲吗? There"s nothing I wouldn"t do. To have just one more chance没有什么我不会做,如果能再有一次机会的话 To look into your eyes. And see you looking back能看着你的眼睛,而你也会回望我 Ohh I"m sorry for blaming you. For everything I just couldn"t do 很抱歉,当时我只是忍不住,把每件事都怪到你头上 And I"ve hurt myself, ohh然后我伤了我自己 If I had just one more day. I would tell you how much that I"ve missed you 如果再给我一天,我会告诉你我有多么想念你 Since you"ve been away自从你走后 Ooh, it"s dangerous. It"s so out of line To try and turn back time 试着想让时光倒转,即使这很危险,即使这不合常理 I"m sorry for blaming you. For everything I just couldn"t do 很抱歉,当时我只是忍不住,把每件事都怪到你头上 And I"ve hurt myself by hurting you然而,伤害你等于伤害我自己 backstreet boys的《as long as you love me》的歌词? although loneliness has always been a friend of mine. 孤独一直是我的朋友 i"m leaving my life in ur hands. 自从你离开我的生活 people say i"m crazy that i am blind. 朋友说我疯了太盲目 risking it all in a glance. *** 总是短暂的 how you got me blind is still a mystery.你为何能使我如此盲目仍是个谜 i can"t get u out of my head. 我就是无法忘了你 don"t care what is written in ur history.我不在乎你过去的种种 as long as u"re here with me. 只要你陪在我身边 i don"t care who u are. 我不在乎你是怎样个人 where u"re from.你从那里来 what u did.你做过什么 as long as u love me.只要你爱我就好 who u are.你是怎样个人 where u"re from.你从那里来 don"t care what u did.我不在乎你做过什么 as long as u love me.只要你爱我就好 every little thing that u have said done.所有你说过的话和做过的事 feels like it"s deep within me.都深深的烙印在我心里 doesn"t really matter if u"re on the run.我甚至于不在乎你是否就要逃开 it seems like we"re meant 2 be.我以为我们是一对的 i"ve tried 2 hide it so that no one knows.我试着把感情隐藏起来不让任何人知道 but i guess it shows.但我无法不流露真情 when u look in 2 my eyes.当你凝视着我时 what u did where u"re in from.你做过什么从那里来 i don"t care,as long as u love me,baby!我不在乎,只要你爱我就好,宝贝! i don"t care.我不在乎 有重复的我就不重复了。嘿! 32个11的和是______,480的20倍是______ 11×32=352; 480×20=9600. 答:32个11的和是352,480的20倍是9600. 故答案为:352,9600. 求Justin Timberlake的My Love的歌词,急~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin Timberlake My Love Lyrics Ain"t another woman that could take your spot my... If I wrote you a symphony Just to say how much you mean to me (What would you do?) If I told you you were beautiful Would you date me on the regular? (Tell me would you?) Well baby I"ve been around the world But I ain"t seen myself another girl (like you) This ring here represents my heart But there is just one thing I need from you (say I do) (Yeah,) Because I can see us holding hands Walking on the beach our toes in the sand I can see us on the country side Sittin" on the grass laying side by side You can be my baby Let me make you my lady Girl you amaze me Ain"t gotta do nothin" crazy See all I want you to do is be my love (So don"t give away) My love (So don"t give away) My love (So don"t give away) Ain"t another woman that could take your spot my love (So don"t give away) My love (So don"t give away) My love (So don"t give away) Ain"t another woman that could take your spot My loooooooove, looooooove My loooove My loooove Now if I wrote you a love note And made you *** ile at every word I wrote (What would you do?) Would that make you wanna change your scene And wanna be the one on my team? (Tell me would you?) See what"s the point in waitin" anymore Cause girl I never been more sure (That baby it"s you) This ring here represents my heart And everything that you been waiting for (Just say I do) (Yeah) Because I can see us holding hands Walking on the beach our toes in the sand I can see us on the country side Sittin" on the grass laying side by side You can be my baby Let me make you my lady Girl you amaze me Ain"t gotta do nothin" crazy See all I want you to do is be my love (So don"t give away) My love (So don"t give away) My love (So don"t give away) Ain"t another woman that could take your spot my love (So don"t give away) My love (So don"t give away) My love (So don"t give away) Ain"t another woman that could take your spot My loooooooove, looooooove My loooove (A"ight it"s time to hit it J.T.) My looo...(I dunno why she hesitatin" for man)...oove Eh shorty cool as a fan On the new once again And he still have fans from Peru to Japan Listen baby I don"t wanna ruin your plan (Nah) But if you got a man try to lose "em if you can Cause the girls real wild throw their hands up high When they wanna e and kick it with a stand up guy (Kick it) You don"t really wanna let the chance go by Cause you ain"t been seen with a man so fly Baby friend so fly i can go fly Private cause I handle my B.I. They call me candle guy (Why?) Simply cuz I am on (Haha!) fire I hate to have to cancel my vacation so you can"t deny I"m patient but I ain"t goin" try (Nah) You don"t e I ain"t goin" die Hold up what you mean you can"t go why? (Why?) Me and your boyfriend we ain"t no tie (Ah) You say you wanna kick it when I ain"t so high (Man) Well baby it"s obvious that I ain"t your guy I ain"t goin" lie I feel your space But fet your face I swear I will St. Bart"s, Antigua, anywhere I chill Just bring wit me a pair I will (Come on) I can see us holding hands Walking on the beach our toes in the sand I can see us on the country side Sitting on the grass laying side by side You can be my baby Let me make you my lady Girl you amaze me Ain"t gotta do nothin" crazy See all I want you to do is be my love (Looooooove) My love (Looooooove) My love (Looooooove) Ain"t another woman that could take your spot my love (Looooooove) My love (Looooooove) My love (Looooooove) Ain"t another woman that could take your spot My looooooove, loooooove My loooove, My loooove


measure v. 量,测量,计量;估量,衡量 n. 措施,步骤,办法;一定的量,一定程度 1. a measure of 一定的量,一定程度 He has not become rich, but he has had a certain measure of success. 他并未变得富有,可是取得一定程度的成就。 The system gives people a measure of protection against dishonest salesmen. 这种体制向人们提供了一定的保护,以防范那些不诚实的推销员。 2. take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事 The government has taken measures to preserve order. 政府已采取措施维持秩序。 Stronger measures will have to be taken to bring down unemployment. 需要采取更有力的措施降低失业率。 3. measure sth by sth 用某物衡量某物 Success isn"t measured by how much money you have. 成功与否不是靠钱多钱少来衡量的。 He must not measure his neighbor"s corn by his own bushel. 他不应拿自己作标准去衡量邻居。 4. measure up to 应付,应对 He measured up to his job in every way. 他各方面都能胜任他的工作。 Will he measure up to the challenges that lie ahead of him? 他能应付眼前的挑战吗?


measure ["meu0292u0259] n. 测量;措施;程度;尺寸vt. 测量;估量;权衡vi. 测量;估量1.V-T If you measure the quality, value, or effect of something, you discover or judge how great it is. 估量例:I continued to measure his progress against the charts in the doctor"s office.我继续根据医生办公室里的图表来估量他的进展。2.V-T If you measure a quantity that can be expressed in numbers, such as the length of something, you discover it using a particular instrument or device, for example a ruler. 测量例:Measure the length and width of the gap.测量一下这个裂口的长度和宽度。3.V-T If something measures a particular length, width, or amount, that is its size or intensity, expressed in numbers. (长度、宽度、数量的) 数值为例:It measures 20 yards from side to side.从这边到那边的距离为20码。4.N-SING A measure of a particular quality, feeling, or activity is a fairly large amount of it. 一定数量; 一定程度例:With the exception of Juan, each attained a measure of success.除了胡安,每个人都取得了一定的成功。5.N-SING If you say that one aspect of a situation is a measure of that situation, you mean that it shows that the situation is very serious or has developed to a very great extent. (严重程度的) 标准例:That is a measure of how bad things have become at the bank.那就是银行的局面已经糟糕到何种程度的衡量标准。


measure 英 [u02c8meu0292u0259(r)] 美 [u02c8mu025bu0292u025a]n. 措施;测量,测度;程度;尺寸vt. 测量;估量vi. 测量;测量(大小,容量,尺寸等)Measure the length and width of the gap 测量一下这条缝隙的长与宽。


measure,作动词,意思是测量;估量。作名词,意思是措施;尺度;程度。读音:英[u02c8meu0292u0259z],美[u02c8meu0292u0259rz]。释义:v.测量;度量;(指尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为;估量,判定(重要性、价值或影响等)。n.措施;方法;(一定的)量;尺度;标准;程度。例句:This smart keyboard precisely measures the cadence with which one types and the pressure fingers apply to each key.这个智能键盘能精确地测量人打字时的节奏和手指敲击每个键时施加的压力。原型:measure。n.措施;测量,测度;程度;尺寸vt.测量;估量短语:measure accurately 准确地测量measure carefully 仔细地测量measure against 把…同…作比较measure by 根据…测量measures的近义词gauge读音:英 [ɡeu026adu0292],美 [ɡeu026adu0292]。释义:n. 测量仪器;测量标准;(铁道的)轨距;(钢丝等的)直径;(枪管的)口径。v. 估计;判断;测量。例句:It was difficult to gauge how people would respond.大家的反应如何难以估计。短语:wind gauge 风速计a gauge for measuring 度量器gauge one"s character 判断某人的品格take the gauge of 估计


measuresn. 程度;度量法;度量单位;度量器具;(一定的)量( measure的名词复数 );程度;措施v. 量( measure的第三人称单数 );测量;衡量;量出


measures,读音:英[u02c8meu0292u0259(r)z],美[u02c8meu0292u0259rz]。释义:n. 措施;层组(measure的复数)v. 测量(measure的单三形式)例句:Do these measures go far enough?这些措施能不能解决问题?变形:原形measure短语:corrective measures 校正措施remedial measures 补救办法cardinal measures 基数测度物compulsory measures 强迫手段quarantine measures 检疫措施extreme measures 过激的手段measures的近义词gauge读音:英 [ɡeu026adu0292],美 [ɡeu026adu0292]释义:n. 测量仪器;测量标准;(铁道的)轨距;(钢丝等的)直径;(枪管的)口径v. 估计;判断;测量例句:We must gauge the diameter of wire first.我们必须先测量电线的直径。短语:take the gauge of 估计,衡量internal gauge 内径规narrow gauge 窄轨距angle gauge 角规fuel gauge 油位表gauge one"s character 判断某人的品格

neural net clustering怎么用的

你的inputs和targets的数据的名字怎么都叫data 呀,你是不是在选择了inputs之后又进行了什么操作。其实没有什么行列要求的,只要你的输入和输出的行相等(此时选中matrix row)或者列相等(此时选中matrix column )就行了.至于权重什么的那些这个工具箱会自动帮你搞定的,


用免疫印迹检测方法研究Survivin基因的表达,结果发现Survivin基因在人鼻咽癌高分化上皮细胞株(CNE-1)和低分化上皮细胞株(CNE-2)中均有表达,但其表达量差异无显著意义,因此认为Survivin基因可能与鼻咽癌细胞分化程度无关,但可能与鼻咽癌的发生、发展和预后不良有关。利用间接免疫荧光、基因转染、抗体剔除(Ab-knock-out)、细胞平板集落形成、流式细胞术以及半胱氨酸天冬酰胺酶(caspase3)活性检测等方法,探讨EB病毒潜伏膜蛋白1(LMP1)调控细胞增殖和细胞凋亡双重效应的分子机制,发现LMP1表达介导survivin核移位,促进细胞Rb磷酸化增加,S期细胞数显著增加;LMP1通过survivin促进细胞克隆形成。用Ab-knock-out阻断survivin核移位和survivin反义核酸抑制survivin表达时,Rb磷酸化水平降低,S期细胞减少,抑制LMP1介导的细胞增殖,,活化细胞caspase3,诱导细胞凋亡。提示EB病毒LMP1可通过 添加概述促进细胞增殖和抑制细胞凋亡。Survivin 参与细胞凋亡细胞凋亡有两条途径:外源性凋亡途径和内源性凋亡途径。外源性凋亡途径,又称为死亡受体通路,是由胞外肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)超家族的死亡配体如TNFa、FasL/CD95L、TWEAK和TRAIL引发的。这些配体和相关的细胞表面死亡受体(分别是TNFR、Fas/CD95、DR3、DR4/DRS)结合,使受体三聚化(receptor clustering)并激活,三聚化的死亡受体通过死亡域(deathdomain)募集衔接蛋白如TRADD和(或)FADD。衔接蛋白通过死亡效应域(deatheffecterdomain,DED)与 pro—caspase—8形成复合物,称为死亡诱导信号复合物(death—inducing signaling complex,DISC)。Pro-caspase-8具有弱的催化活性,在DISC中局部浓度升高,可发生自我剪接并活化。活化的caspase—8释放到胞质中启动caspase的级联反应,激活下游的效应caspase,导致细胞凋亡。激活的caspase—8能使胞质中的Bid断裂成tBid,tBid转移到线粒体上,诱导细胞色素 C从线粒体释放进入胞质,从而把死亡受体通路和线粒体通路联系起来,有效地扩大了凋亡信号。

论文阅读“Structural Deep Clustering Network”

聚类是数据分析的一项基本任务。近年来,从深度学习方法中获得灵感的深度聚类获得了最先进的性能,并引起了广泛的关注。目前的深度聚类方法通常利用深度学习强大的表示能力来提高聚类结果,例如autoencoder,这表明学习一种有效的聚类表示是一个至关重要的要求。深度聚类方法的优点是从数据本身中提取有用的表示,而不是从数据的结构中提取有用的表示,这在表示学习中很少受到关注。基于图卷积网络(GCN)在图结构编码方面取得的巨大成功,我们提出了一种结构化深度聚类网络(SDCN),将 结构信息 整合到深度聚类中。具体来说,我们设计了一个 传递算子 ,将自动编码器学习到的表示转换到相应的GCN层,并设计了一个 双自监督机制 来统一这两种不同的深层神经结构,引导整个模型的更新。通过这种方式, 从低阶到高阶的多种数据结构自然地与自动编码器学习到的多种表示相结合 。此外,我们从理论上分析了传递算子,即通过传递算子,GCN将自编码器特有的表示改进为高阶图正则化约束,而自编码器有助于缓解GCN中的过平滑问题。通过全面的实验,我们证明我们所提出的模型可以始终比最先进的技术表现得更好。 论文关注点:在DEC的单视图深度聚类的模型中扩展了关于结构信息的捕获,并使用GCN结构来捕获。在相比于GAE的结构,关于GCN的部分并没有采用临接矩阵的重建来进行监督,而是在此基础上利用聚类的目标分布信息 构造了另外的 结构分布 ,以量化结构信息的监督。 图注: 和 分别是输入数据和重建数据。 和 分别是DNN和GCN模块第 层的输出。不同的颜色代表从DNN中学习到的不同的表征 。蓝色实线表示目标分布 是由分布 计算出来的,两条红色虚线表示双重自我监督机制。目标分布 同时指导DNN模块和GCN模块的更新。 总述:首先根据原始数据构造一个KNN图。然后将原始数据 和KNN图 分别 输入到AE和GCN中。作者将AE的每一层与相应的GCN层连接起来,这样就可以通过 传递操作符 将特定于AE的表示集成到结构感知的表示中。同时,提出了一种双重自我监督机制来监督AE和GCN的训练过程。 b:一般情况下在介绍AE结构时所说的层数,指的是出去输入层和重建层之外的,第一个隐藏层到Code层的层数 DNN模块采用的是具有 层的基础AE结构,这里将不进行赘述。 step-:获得第 层的卷积操作输出结果 对于每一层的结果的卷积操作是与图神经一致的,但是在输出的构造上,作者连接了DNN模块对应层的表示形式(will be propagated through the normailized adjacency matrix),如图中选择了平衡因子来组合来自DNN和GCN的信息。 step-:但对于第一层的输出只保留了来自原始 。 step-:在关于结构信息分布的构造上,则是采用了多分类的softmax层获取。 结果 表示概率样本 属于聚类中心 ,我们可以将 视为概率分布。 目标函数优点: (1)与传统的多分类损失函数相比,KL散度以一种更加“温和”的方式更新整个模型(soft labels),防止数据表示受到严重干扰; (2) GCN和DNN模块统一在同一个优化目标上,使其在训练过程中结果趋于一致。 因为DNN模块和GCN模块的目标是近似目标分布 ,而这两个模块之间有很强的联系,所以称其为双重自我监督机制。 论文中使用GCN+不同层AE的表达以添加结构,实验结果验证了模型的有效性,并且给出了理论支持。整体实验很完整。对于样本间关系的构造上,给出了新的思路,并且开启了关于总体样本结构的进一步探索。 关于理论支持这一块没有看,待续。。

An unexpected 1/0 error has occured我的电脑开机出现这个,然后我

你好。发生意外的1 / 0错误,应该是系统问题,建议重装系统试试。


Churning[英]["tu0283u025c:nu026au014b][美]["tu0283u025c:nu026au014b]n.搅拌; v.搅拌(牛奶或乳脂)以制黄油( churn的现在分词 ); 搅动,扰乱某物; (尤指液体)翻腾; 例句1、Anything to take our minds off that gap and the brown, churning water below能够让我们不去注意脚下的峡谷和混浊湍流的任何事情2、Construction Technology of Pre Pore-forming Chemical Churning Pile with Compaction Soil Rammed by Heavy Hammer重锤夯扩挤密土预成孔旋喷桩施工技术3、The Application of Comprehensive Technology of High-Pressure Chemical Churning and Grouting to Defective Pile Strengthening高压旋喷和注浆综合技术在缺陷桩补强中的应用

Win7开机黑屏提示An unexpected I/O error has Occurred怎么办

disk read error occurred Press Ctrl+Alt+del to restart” A盘读取错误,按Ctrl+Alt+Del重启。 引起这个问题的原因有很多: 1.检查软驱中是否有软盘,然后进BIOS,把启动顺序调解为A在最后,顺便把A给关闭了。 2.BIOS设置中将“防病毒保护”设为启用。如果是这个原因,进BIOS,关闭“防病毒保护”。 3.写引导区错误。将BIOS恢复成默认,再重新插拔一下光驱数据线,或者换一条光驱数据线。 4.硬盘出现问题。问题一般出在硬盘连接线和硬盘坏道上。如果是出在连接线上,更换连接线即可解决。如果是硬盘出现坏道,可以试着用修复软件修复一下。如果坏道无法修复,也无法使用FBDISK分区软件对硬盘重新分区,那就只能更换硬盘。 5.系统问题。用系统盘对电脑进行修复安装或格盘重装即可解决。 6.中毒引起。进安全模式,用最新版杀毒软件杀毒。如果病毒无法清除,就重装系统



medicare 和medical insurance 的区别

medicare n. 医疗保险; [例句]"Medicare" is available to victims of advanced kidney disease老年医疗保险也适用于肾病晚期患者。medical insurance[词典] 医疗保险; [例句]These items are not covered by your medical insurance这些项目不在你的医保范围之内。含义和用法相同,无区别,都是医疗保险的含义。

An unexpected error occurred是什么情况



可以不用ITopologicalOperator,直接用空间查询就可以实现//spatial queryISpatialFilter pSpatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();pSpatialFilter.Geometry = (IGeometry)pPolyline;//用于查询的polylineSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;//IntersectIFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor = pFeatureClass.Search(pSpatialFilter, false);//queryIFeature pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();while (pFeature != null){IPolyline pQueryPolyline = (IPolyline)pFeature.Shape ; //查询出来的polylinepFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();}//release com resourceSystem.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeatureCursor);

英语wiggle your ears怎么翻译?

wiggle your ears 扭动你的耳朵

An unexpected error occured


au unexpected error occurred


为什么我下载的(植物大战僵尸)不能玩 弹出 Fatal Error An unexpected error has occured!


英雄联盟an unexpected error occurred while logging in怎么办


重做系统 蓝屏提示 An unexpected error(1111969281)occurred at line 1773 in d:xpspaseootsetupa


An unexpected error has occured是什么意思

An unexpected error has occured 全部释义和例句>>发生意外错误

在控制版面删除东西时点击要删除的文件显示An unexpected error occured怎么办啊删不了

在控制版面删除东西时,点击要删除的文件显示An unexpected error occured删不了,是设置错误造成的,解决方法如下:1、首先,要借助一个金山毒霸来进行。在网页搜所金山毒霸,直接点击进行下载就好了。2、下载以后,点击安装,安装的时候注意选择安装的地方,然后打开毒霸。3、然后点击上面的百宝箱,点击打开。4、然后会看到一个文件粉碎的软件,点击。5、然后点击添加文件,或者把文件直接拖拽过来也可以的。6、然后确定以后,点击删除按钮,再提示中选择确定。7、然后会提示您一次删除了就找不回来了,点击确定,就删除成功了。

电脑装机时显示an unexpected error(256)accurred at line 5728 in d:srvrtmaseootsetupsetup.c.


unexpected error occured when running the game


An unexpected error has occured是什么意思

An unexpected error has occured 发生了一个意外错误unexpected 英[u02ccu028cnu026aku02c8spektu026ad] 美[u02ccu028cnu026aku02c8spektu026ad] adj. 意外的; 想不到的,料不到的; 忽然的; 突然的;

问:宏碁笔记本出现An unexpected error has occurred.是什么意思

An unexpected error occurred发生意外错误开机长按F8(进入开机模式选择)>安全模式>C盘右击(在安全模式下,打开我的电脑,选择C盘)>属性>工具>查错>开始检查,勾选“自动修复文件系统错误”再点击“开始”在弹出的对话框中点击“是”,在点击“确定”按钮,重启电脑,OK了。

Apply your cleansing cream on the Attachmet head用中文翻译

attachment head 应该是一种机器吧,意思应该是用清洁剂清洁机器。

moisturizing cream是什么意思

保湿霜双语对照词典结果:moisturizing cream[医]增湿霜; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~



求一首英文歌。一开始歌词是hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt姐姐为了给妹妹治病嫁给了一个自己不喜欢的男的

brown eyed girls

高分悬赏 跪求英语中旅游(trip travel journey tour……)区别

这一组词都有“旅行”的意思,但各词的含义有所不同。 1. journey指从一地到另一地,通常指陆地上的远距离“旅行”,有时也可以表示经常走的或长或短的“路程”。只作名词。例如: I took a journey from Beijing to Shanghai last year. -- How long is your journey to school? --Only about 10 minutes. 2. trip 一般指时间短、距离近的“旅行、远足”,也可以指长途旅行。在非正式用语中可代替journey。只作名词。例如: We made a boat trip to the island last week and had a good time. I will be on a trip to / journey to the south next summer holiday. 3. tour 着重指旅行线路比较曲折,常表示“(周游各地的)参观、访问、(巡回)旅游、视察、购物、演出”等意思。可作动词和名词。例如: I will tour the world in the future. My father has gone down-town on a shopping tour. 4. travel作“旅行、游历”解,一般表示从一地到另一地旅行这一总的概念。常指长时间、远距离的“旅行”。尤指出国旅行。可作动词和名词。其复数形式意思为“旅游笔记”、“游记”。例如: At present, many people are fond of travel in their spare time. I am reading a book about the travel to North Pole. They came home after years of foreign travel. Light travels faster than sound.

【旅行旅游英文】travel、trip、journey、tour 中文意思差别!

旅行、旅游 英文 怎么说?“travel”、“trip”、“journey”、“tour”这四个英文单字中文意思都是「旅行」,可是用法却不尽相同。到底甚么时候该用甚么字?就让Sonia老师来把大家的观念用清楚,以后就知道甚么时候要用甚么字了! 1. Travel 旅行 这个字表示从某个地方到另一个地方「这件事」。它可以是动词、名词或形容词。 ◎动词: “Sam travel a lot.” 「Sam很常去旅行。」 ◎名词: “Travel has bee easier these days.” 「现在要去旅行变得比较容易了。」 ◎形容词: “I know of a good travel agency.” 「我知道一家不错的旅行社。」 2. Journey 旅程、路程 这个字表示从一地到另一地的「路程」。可以是很长(long journey)或很短(short journey)的路程。 “How was your journey?” 「你的旅途愉快吗?」 “How long is your journey to work every day?” 「你每天去工作的路程多长?」 3. Trip 旅行、旅游 这个字用来表示短程的旅行,像是出差、出去玩等等。 “We went on a trip to Greece.” 「我们去希腊玩。」 “My boss is always on a business trip.” 「我的老板总是在出差。」 4. Tour 旅游 这个字表示去拜访过的几个「地点」,尤其是放假的时候。 ◎名词: “We went on a tour to Spain last year.” 「我们去年去了一趟西班牙。」 ◎动词: “I toured to Europe with my friends.” 「我和我的朋友们去了欧洲。」 journey, journey 中文, journey 意思, journey 翻译, tour, tour 中文, tour 意思, tour 翻译, travel, travel 中文, travel 意思, travel 翻译, trip, trip 中文, trip 意思, trip 翻译, 旅行 英文, 旅游 英文



Package Travel和Package Tour之间有什么区别?

这个就在tour 和 travel 上的区别“tour”,一般是有观光、享受、娱乐、旅游等目的,也有可能是“漫无目的”的,到了第一站才计划安排当地的节目,玩了一回才计划下一站到哪里去......。另外,“tour”通常是旅游业界用来形容它们提供和售卖的服务。英文的原意是指一比较长时间、而又有好几个中途停留站的享乐旅程。现在这个字也有用于“非享乐”旅程的,比如某知名乐队的巡欧演唱会“Concert Tour of Europe”,或是某买家要到美国多地采购,“a business buying tour in the US”。 “travel”,不一定是长途,不一定跟旅游有关。但旅行社、旅行代理都是用“travel agent”来形容。 “travel”有时候有“去”的意思,跟“go”互相替换。如“I am working in Beijing today. I will travel to Tianjin tomorrow for business.”。 “travel”通常是用于形容从一点到另外一点的旅程,如“he travels from Beijing to Tianjin”,或“横跨”的旅程,有很多的经历,如“he travels across the entire width of Tibet”。附带一个 trip“trip”,不一定是短途旅行,可以是长途,也可以是短途。关键是“trip”通常是一来、一回、一目的地(或少数目的地),另外最重要的,是有一个明确的独特目标,如“a business trip to London”,“taking a trip to Guangzhou to see my uncle”,也可以是享乐的,“a leisure trip to Guilin”。

tour, journey, travel, trip四个词的区别?

tour是类似周游、观光旅游的旅行,比如tour of London, tour of World,一般短语就是on the tour of some placejourney是着重于行程时间比较长的旅行,较正式,比如我们在飞机上常常看到"Wish you have a good journey.";另一点我认为journey还强调抽象的“旅程”的意思,比如"Life is a journey."trip是有目的性的旅行,强调“短期旅行”,但实际上口语上trip和journey是可以互换的。travel的意思就很广泛了,算是一个总称,着重于“离开居住地去其他地方作短途旅行”。

请问Heur.Suspicious (修改)是什么病毒?




迸发 The Surge 找机器人女儿支线任务?

C:UsersPublicDocumentsSteamCODEX3DM版:C:ProgramDataThe Surge以上就是迸发存档位置介绍,希望对大家有帮助。

mac book有没有类似surge的软件

spechtlite,目前在os x平台最好用的


urban ,surprise, surpass, surf , surge, Thursday

什么是surge model




越狱后surge 反而不能用了,648实在太贵,有大神能解决吗



击败BOSS加西亚狱长之前收起击败BOSS加西亚狱长之前击败BOSS加西亚狱长之后击败BOSS伊莱弟兄之后击败BOSS以斯拉·希尔兹少将之后其它成就结局+二周目成就剧情DLC The Kraken开放世界动作冒险RPG游戏迸发2(The Surge 2)目前正在steam平台优惠特卖中,游戏中支持steam成就系统,下面给大家分享一个全成就解锁攻略击败BOSS加西亚狱长之前建议击败BOSS加西亚狱长之前,就开始做这些成就装甲护体已获得一套外骨骼装甲流程必得似曾相识已帮助本杰明·伯克击败BOSS硝化甘油后,拿到外骨骼,回去打开牢门成功越狱击败加西亚狱长流程必得表现出色得到一名Boss的特别奖赏打BOSS加西亚狱长时,锁定并处决右手;绝大部分BOSS都可以做这个成就



surge protection是什么意思

surge protection浪涌保护双语对照词典结果:surge protection[英][su0259:du0292 pru0259u02c8teku0283u0259n][美][su025adu0292 pru0259u02c8tu025bku0283u0259n]过(高峰)电压保护; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The electronic power supply is over 90% efficient, with surge protection.


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