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求purple passion 小提琴曲空间链接

i don"t know too! (别问我。。。。。)

求Diana Boncheva 的purple passion 小提琴谱,谢谢~!


measured power是什么意思

measured power 英[u02c8meu0292u0259d u02c8pauu0259] 美[u02c8mu025bu0292u0259d u02c8pau028au025a] [词典] 实测功率; [例句]The measured power flows are compared for the different anti-vibration mounts with different stiffnesses.对不同劲度系数的隔振支架对结构声功率流的影响进行了比较。

求韩国李弼浩的purple passion小提琴五线谱


及物动词 vt. 1.测量;计量We measured the distance. 我们测量了距离。 2.打量;估量She measured the stranger with her eyes. 她用双眼打量着那个陌生人。 3.(按量)配给[(+out)]4.酌量,权衡不及物动词 vi. 1.量2.有...长(或阔、高等)The lake measures 130 by 80 kilometers. 这条湖长一百三十公里宽八十公里。 名词 n. 1.尺寸;分量[U]2.度量单位[C]An hour is a measure of time. 小时是计时单位。 3.度量法[U]4.度量器具[C]5.措施;手段;方法[P1]The government was urged to take measures to combat the spread of AIDS. 人们敦促政府采取措施以防止爱滋病的传播。 6.(判断等的)基准,尺度[C]7.程度;限度;分寸[U][S1]I feel a measure of compassion for her. 我对她怀有一定程度的同情。 8.【音】拍子,小节[C]9.议案[C]


1 Success cannot be measured by / with money2 You cannot measure success with money



call me by your name什么意思?

call me by your name 请以你的名字呼唤我(这也是一部电影的影片名字)

as measured by是什么意思

as measured by释义像……测试的那样(measured是measure的过去分词)如……衡量的那样(measured是measure的过去分词)




measure释义:n.措施;测量,测度;程度;尺寸vt.测量;估量用法:1、measure用作名词时的意思是“测量”,指测量的行为;也指在测量过程中所采用的方法;也可指测量时所用的单位,即“计量单位”;还可指测量时所使用的工具,即“量具,量器”。measure还可指为了应付某件事情而采取的方法,即“措施,步骤,方法”。引申可指“尺度,标准”“程度,地步”。例句:If this measure fails, there are other methods we could fall back on.这个措施要是不行,我们还可采取别的办法。2、measure用作动词的意思是“测量”,指用某种工具或仪器测出某物在某方面的具体数据以便对其进行分析,从而得出结论或完成任务,其宾语多为有形物质。引申可以表示“打量”“估量”“考虑”等。例句:They measured the height of the ceiling.他们测量了天花板的高度。词汇搭配:measure accurately 准确地测量measure carefully 仔细地测量measure against 把…同…作比较measure by 根据…测量词义辨析:standard,criterion,measure,gauge这些名词均含“标准”之意。1、standard指公认为决定事物质量或人的品质的准则或原则。2、criterion较正式用词,指判断、批评事物的标准,但不一定制成了规章。3、measure与standard基本同义,但多用于比喻,指衡量某事物的质量准则。4、gauge专指测量物体大小、厚度、直径等的标准规格。

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measure释义:n.措施;测量,测度;程度;尺寸vt.测量;估量用法:1、measure用作名词时的意思是“测量”,指测量的行为;也指在测量过程中所采用的方法;也可指测量时所用的单位,即“计量单位”;还可指测量时所使用的工具,即“量具,量器”。measure还可指为了应付某件事情而采取的方法,即“措施,步骤,方法”。引申可指“尺度,标准”“程度,地步”。例句:If this measure fails, there are other methods we could fall back on.这个措施要是不行,我们还可采取别的办法。2、measure用作动词的意思是“测量”,指用某种工具或仪器测出某物在某方面的具体数据以便对其进行分析,从而得出结论或完成任务,其宾语多为有形物质。引申可以表示“打量”“估量”“考虑”等。例句:They measured the height of the ceiling.他们测量了天花板的高度。词汇搭配:measure accurately 准确地测量measure carefully 仔细地测量measure against 把…同…作比较measure by 根据…测量词义辨析:standard,criterion,measure,gauge这些名词均含“标准”之意。1、standard指公认为决定事物质量或人的品质的准则或原则。2、criterion较正式用词,指判断、批评事物的标准,但不一定制成了规章。3、measure与standard基本同义,但多用于比喻,指衡量某事物的质量准则。4、gauge专指测量物体大小、厚度、直径等的标准规格。

measured or measuring?



measure [英]u02c8meu0292u0259(r) [美]u02c8mu025bu0292u025a n. 测量,测度;措施;程度;尺寸 vt. 测量;估量 vi. 测量;测量(大小,容量,尺寸等) 希望采纳


measured的意思是量过的,慎重的,基于标准的,有规则的,测量。一、measured的短语搭配1、measured drawing量测绘图。2、measured deviation测量偏差。3、measured discard计量丢弃物。4、measured thickness实测厚度。5、measured resources测量资源。6、measured pace稳定的步伐。二、measured的双语例句1、Her moremeasured response will appeal to voters.她那经过斟酌的答复会受到选民的欢迎。2、Tests at the age of seven provide a benchmark against which the child"s progress at school can bemeasured.七岁时进行的测试为孩子在学校中的学习发展提供了一个测量基准。3、He delivered his words in slow,measured cadences.他讲话缓慢而抑扬顿挫、把握有度。


measure sb/sth against sb/sth phr vto judge someone or something by comparing them with another person or thing 将…与…作比较Bridget did not think she had to measure herself against some ideal standard.布里奇特认为她没有必要把自己和某种完美标准相比较。Measured against our budget last year, $2.7 million seems small.相比于我们去年的预算,270万美元似乎太少。measure sth ←→ off phr vto measure a particular length or distance, and make a mark so that you can see the beginning and end 量出并作出标记He measured off three yards of rope.他量出了三码绳子。measure sth ←→ out phr vto take a specific amount of liquid, powder etc from a larger amount 量出,量取Measure out 100 grams of flour.称取100克面粉。measure up phr v1to be good enough to do a particular job or to reach a particular standard 合格;达到某个标准We"ll give you a week"s trial in the job to see how you measure up.我们将试用一周看看你是否合适。[+ to ]How will the Secretary General measure up to his new responsibilities?秘书长将如何胜任他新的职责呢?2to measure something before you do something, for example before you put in new furniture, cupboards etc 测量,度量I"d better measure up before I start laying the carpet.铺地毯之前我最好量一量。measure sth ←→upMeasure up any items that you want to keep in the kitchen.把要放在厨房里的所有物件都量一量尺寸。


Gauge 一般是用于仪表仪器的测量; Measure 可以是估量,或者简单的尺子量度...



measure 的音标 是什么?

音标是[04me0105]measure measure[简明英汉词典][04me0105]vt. & vi. 量vt. 1 量出; 记录 2 估计, 估量 3 仔细考虑 4 (通过竞争, 冲突等)考验某事物, 较量 link v. 有…大小n. 1 测量 2 计量制, 度量法 3 计量单位 4 量具, 量器 5 尺度, 标准 6 程度, 地步 7 措施, 办法 词条指正 - Google 搜索


measure的非谓语形式有:measuring;measured;to measureto be measuredbeing measuredmeasure;having measured

be measured by 是什么意思

be measured by 通过......测量双语对照例句: 1. The quality of an experience cannot be measured by its duration or its end. 一次体验的意义不能用时间的长短或结局来衡量。 2. America"s attitude to race has changed: how much it has changed will be measured bythe bradley effect, or lack of it. 美国对于种族的态度已经改变了:改变了多少则将由布莱德利效益来衡量,或者说用它的减少来衡量

the bridge,measured

C measure在说明一个物体的长度的时候是一个联系动词,不能用在被动,所以在做the bridge的定语时要用现在分词形式measuring

measured variable是什么意思


美国地质报告中描述资源量的 Measured,Indicated,Inferred这三个词该怎么翻译



measure后边跟具体测量值或形容词时一般作系动词. 后边跟测量的物体对象时才可做及物动词用. 例句: using a ruler to measure a piece of paper an instrument for measuring air pressure mental abilities measured by IQ testing He"s being measured for a new suit. His success cannot be measured solely on the basis of his popularity. The cloth measures 3 meters. The room measures 15 feet wide by 30 feet long.

measure怎么读 英语measure怎么读

1、measure英[u02c8meu0292u0259(r)]美[u02c8meu0292u0259r],vt.测量; 度量; (指尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为; 估量,判定(重要性、价值或影响等);n.措施; 方法; (一定的)量; 尺度; 标准; 程度。 2、[例句]We measured the difference in temperature.我们测量了温度的变化。


这是独立结构中with+n.+V-ing作补充说明的用法.measure后面接尺寸、体积等量度时应用主动态。请看牛津高阶英汉双解词典的解释:measure:(2)be (a certain size, length, volume, etc) 为(某体积、 长度、 容积等)e.g. The room measures 10 metres across. 这房间宽10米.


英语中表示测量的动词都是这样的啦,同样的还有weigh.这类动词并不是强调被测量这个过程的,而是强调测量的结果. 习惯英语表达方式就好.

measured or measuring?


有没有一些好听的音乐,类似《紫色激情purple passion》《卡农》《夜的钢琴曲五》这一类的




at a measured jog为什么用measured



From the window I could see the buildings were very tall,some measuring over 100 metres.(通过窗户我们可以看到建筑物都很高,有一些高度超过一百米。)解释:其实这是一个“独立主格结构”,分词带着自己的逻辑主语,构成“独立主格结构”。句中u2002measuring和some(buildings)是主动关系,因此用现在分词形式。measure做不及物动词是意为:测量的距离(长度、宽度、数量等)是…u2002

求purple passion空间链接

歌曲:urple passionQQ空间背景音乐链接已发 【 HI 】注意急时查看 如果【HI】中没能找到请追问留个邮箱或直接【HI】【私信】本人尽力帮您解答

会英语的进,翻译歌词还有球purple passion这首歌的作曲家资料

[ti: 舞蹈的八十年代的国歌][ar: Spektor] Regina[al: 远][由: 活在当下][] 00:01.12里贾纳 Spektor-80 年代舞蹈国歌[] 00:05.89[] 00:06.73LRC制作:活在当下 QQ:6313827[] 00:11.35[] 00:12.52您的 ou-ou-ou ou a-a-a-a-a-are[] 00:15.38所以-o-o-o-o sw-ee-ee-ee-ee-eet[] 00:18.20Da-a-a-a-an-ci-i-i-ing 的[] 00:21.80Be-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-eat[] 00:24.73[] 00:24.96走在街上的肉类市场[] 00:30.80男孩和女孩看每个其他吃[] 00:35.41[] 00:36.96你是那么甜、 那么甜蜜[] 00:43.20舞蹈和移动到那种节拍,种心跳[] 00:48.51[] 00:49.25走在街上的肉类市场[] 00:52.80男孩和女孩看每个其他吃[] 00:55.05男孩和女孩看每个其他吃[] 00:57.96当他们真的只是想看对方[] 01:01.00[] 01:01.35睡眠[] 01:07.40他们想要看看对方[] 01:10.92睡眠、 睡眠、 休眠[] 01:13.62睡眠[] 01:19.53他们想要看看对方[] 01:22.92睡眠、 睡眠、 休眠[] 01:24.99[] 01:26.09你真可爱。[] 01:31.28(更多一次)[] 01:32.07你真可爱[] 01:37.34(我独奏)[] 01:38.35[] 02:03.07我穿过城市行走[] 02:05.96但不是喜欢一个人醉,[] 02:09.05有一点显示我滑移[] 02:12.16但不是喜欢一个人醉,[] 02:15.27我是人的你们之一[] 02:18.27但车子不停[] 02:21.46我是人的你们之一[] 02:24.35但车子不停[] 02:26.75[] 02:27.50之前我已经感动了,它一直以来很长时间[] 02:31.87现在我越来越感动所有的时间[] 02:33.79它只是世卫组织和[] 02:36.70它是只是什么时候[] 02:39.11[] 02:39.79网络成瘾的手和脚[] 02:42.92走在街上的肉类市场[] 02:45.92男孩和女孩看每个其他吃[] 02:48.45当他们真的只是想看对方睡[] 02:51.94走在街上的肉类市场[] 02:55.14男孩和女孩看每个其他吃[] 02:58.25当他们真的只是想看对方[] 03:03.71[] 03:04.17睡眠[] 03:10.81他们想要看看对方[] 03:13.57睡眠、 睡眠、 休眠[] 03:16.39睡眠[] 03:35.18[] 03:22.20他们想要看看对方[] 03:38.00[] 03:25.68睡眠、 睡眠、 休眠[] 03:39.95[] 03:27.71[] 03:28.46他们想要看看对方[] 03:31.83睡眠、 睡眠、 休眠


measured draw length 测量的拉伸长度 length[英][leŋθ][美][leŋθ] n.长度,长; 时间的长短; (语)音长; 一段,一节; 复数:lengths 例句: 1. Mit factored in the travel patterns of individuals: the length of their trips and l。



"meet our expectation(s)"里expectation到底用单数还是复数?


会英语的进,翻译歌词还有球purple passion这首歌的作曲家资料

You-ou-ou-ou-ou a-a-a-a-a-areSo-o-o-o-o sw-ee-ee-ee-ee-eetDa-a-a-a-an-ci-i-i-ing to thatBe-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-eat There's a meat market down the streetThe boys and the girls watch each other eatYou are so sweet, so sweetDancing and moving to that beat, that beatThere's a meat market down the streetThe boys and girls watch each other eatThe boys and the girls watch each other eatWhen they really just wanna watch each otherSleepThey want to watch, to watch each otherSleep, sleep, sleepSleepThey want to watch, to watch each otherSleep, sleep, sleepYou are so sweet.(Once more)You are so sweet(My solo)I'm walking through the cityLike a drunk, but notWith my slip showing a littleLike a drunk, but notAnd I am one of your peopleBut the cars don't stopAnd I am one of your peopleBut the cars don't stopAnd it's been a long time since before I've been touchedNow I'm getting touched all the timeAnd it's only a matter of whoAnd it's only a matter of whenAn addiction to hands and feetThere's a meat market down the streetThe boys and girls watch each other eatWhen they really just wanna watch each other sleepThere's a meat market down the streetThe boys and girls watch each other eatWhen they really just wanna watch each otherSleepThey want to watch, to watch each otherSleep, sleep, sleepSleepThey want to watch, to watch each otherSleep, sleep, sleepThey want to watch, to watch each otherSleep, sleep, sleep                                           purple passion由保加利亚著名电子小提琴家Diana Boncheva演奏


  measured 英[u02c8meu0292u0259d] 美[u02c8meu0292u0259rd]  adj. 仔细斟酌的,慎重的; 缓慢而又有节奏的;  v. 测量; 衡量; 量( measure的过去式和过去分词 ); 量出;  [例句]The men spoke in soft, measured tones  这些人说话的语气轻柔而平稳。  [其他] 原型: measure

purple passion 这曲子 大致讲什么


purple passion超级好听,难不难拉

您好!purple passion这歌我听了一下,简要如下:零基础的话至少需要一个月来熟悉键位和练习双手协调性,并且如果想要到达这种速度和水平,并将音色拉的饱满至少要过四级(注意是至少呢,其实我觉得要六级)2.涉及较多的“换把”,换把是三级的必备课程。3.快板处大量涉及“跳弓”,是七级及以上要慢慢掌握的。4.有较多的半音临时升降,并且有一些是在换弦同时出现的,这需要一定功底。5.音色饱满与情感到位问题是要在长期积累中不断进步的。因为初学者很容易拉出让人感觉“干涩”的声音。总之,可以说无基础演奏这首曲子是不可能的呢……谁都有自己的长处,一条路堵了还有别的路嘛,歌曲那么多,总有适合你的哦!加油!

measure 和 solution 本质上有什么区别吗?

solutionn. 溶液, 解答, 溶解, 解决, 解决办法 She rinsed her mouth with a solution of salt in water. 她用盐的水溶液漱口。 It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。 What is the solution to your trouble? 你解决困难的办法是什么? The solution of the problem requires a lot of time. 解决这个问题需要很多时间。 Salt can be held in solution in water. 盐能溶于水。measuren. 措施, 尺寸, 量度器, 量度标准, 测量, 方法 The government was urged to take measures to combat the spread of AIDS. 人们敦促政府采取措施以防止爱滋病的传播。 I feel a measure of compassion for her. 我对她怀有一定程度的同情。 An inch is a measure of length. 对是长度的度量单位。 vt. 测量, 估量, 测度, 权衡, 调节 We measured the distance. 我们测量了距离。 vi. 度量 The room measures five metres across. 这房间有五米宽。

many measures

D. 虽然"已"实施"了"许多措施,世界经济现在还是在走下坡 过去完成式

求《purple passion》小提琴谱!




用...来衡量是measure sth by 还是measure sth with


purple passion紫色激情的创作背景是什么?



strategy指方法,策略。measure指的是所采取的措施。比如,study strategy学习方法或策略,make measures to protect our environment采取措施保护我们的环境

零基础演奏小提琴Purple passion难不难

您好!purple passion这歌我听了一下,简要如下:1.零基础的话至少需要一个月来熟悉键位和练习双手协调性,并且如果想要到达这种速度和水平,并将音色拉的饱满至少要过四级(注意是至少呢,其实我觉得要六级)2.涉及较多的“换把”,换把是三级的必备课程。3.快板处大量涉及“跳弓”,是七级及以上要慢慢掌握的。4.有较多的半音临时升降,并且有一些是在换弦同时出现的,这需要一定功底。5.音色饱满与情感到位问题是要在长期积累中不断进步的。因为初学者很容易拉出让人感觉“干涩”的声音。总之,可以说无基础演奏这首曲子是不可能的呢……谁都有自己的长处,一条路堵了还有别的路嘛,歌曲那么多,总有适合你的哦!加油!



take measures ,take steps ,take action 的区别是什么

take measures:采取手段,采取措施,设法,着手:take measures to do sth. We should take measures to preserve the environment from pollution. 我们应该采取措施保护环境免受污染. take steps :采取步骤,采取行动(或措施) take steps to do sth The government should take steps to preserve the natural resource. 政府应该采取一定的措施去保护自然资源. take action:1.采取行动(或措施) 2.提出诉讼,对…起诉,控告 3.开始起作用 I knew I needed to take action. 我知道我要采取一些行动了. There is no better/sounder time to take steps/measures/action than right now,for no chance will be greater than the one we are offered. 要采取行动,没有比现在更好/更适宜的时机,因为我们现在拥有的机会是我们能得到的最好机会. 注: 这三个词组没有明显差别,意思都差不多的,一般都可以替代使用的:从最后一个例句也可以看出.

make measures to

take measures to do sth在句中是采取措施的意思 整句是说”人们采取措施来限制外国游客的人数,并且努力保护当地环境与历史,使其不因国际旅游业(的发展)而受到影响.”

purple passion是哪部电影的原声



不是,没有定语。will take是谓语动词,measures是宾语。

measure&action 在都表示“措施、行动”时,有什么区别?


measure 和 solution 本质上有什么区别吗

take measures 固定搭配 表示采取措施而 solutions 表示解决某种问题的方法、方案它的用法是 The solutions to sth

a series of measures后面加is 还是are

a series of measures 中心词是复数形式的measures,因此后跟are。

是take effective measures 还是take efficient measures?

take effective measures

英语采取措施 是take measure 还是take measures?到底有没有那个s?

take measures是采取各种措施.take the measure是采取具体的某个措施.

the measures to

个人觉得是which.此题为非限制性定语从句,主干是We hope the measures will succeed.to control house prices为measures的后置定语,逗号后面的句子是对measures的解释说明,as做关系代词要指代整个句子,所以不行.

如何评价纯音乐Purple Passion


purple passion什么意思

purple passion紫色的热情很高兴为您解答希望对你有帮助 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

take measures to do sth是什么意思

采取措施做某事,例如we should take measures to protect the environment.我们应该采取措施保护环境。

用...来衡量是measure sth by 还是measure sth with

两个不一样 1.sth is measured by sb 某人估计什么 The length is measured by a professional engineer.一个专业的工程师估计这个长度. 2.measure sth with sth 用什么估计什么 The teacher measures time with a stop watch.老师用秒表估计时间

measures up是什么意思

measure up 合格;符合标准 measure up1. 量;予以衡量;计量;估量(某人):例句: I have to go to the shop to be measured up for my suit.我得去商店量尺寸定做衣服。You"ll find him on top of the ladder, measuring up.你将见他正在梯子上测量呢。2. 合格;胜任;符合标准:例句: She did not get the job because she just did not measure up.她没得到那份工作,因为她正巧不合标准。His performance doesn"t measure up.他的表现不合格。3. 估量(某物的大小或质量):例句: Take a little time to measure up your chance before deciding.做出决定前花点时间估量一下你的机会如何。4. 对…进行估价


这个问题应该视具体情况需要而定: 例如: 作为:名词 n. 1.度量单位[C] e.g.An hour is a measure of time. 2.程度;限度;分寸[U][S1] I feel a measure of compassion for her. 作为:搭配短语后跟不定式表目的时,则会出现后跟to的情况 例如:措施;手段;方法[P1] The government was urged to take measures to combat the spread of AIDS.

ten nine eight seven six five four three two 然后再one two three four 什么什么英文,是一女声唱的



及物动词 vt. 1.测量;计量We measured the distance. 我们测量了距离。 2.打量;估量She measured the stranger with her eyes. 她用双眼打量着那个陌生人。 3.(按量)配给[(+out)]4.酌量,权衡不及物动词 vi. 1.量2.有...长(或阔、高等)The lake measures 130 by 80 kilometers. 这条湖长一百三十公里宽八十公里。 名词 n. 1.尺寸;分量[U]2.度量单位[C]An hour is a measure of time. 小时是计时单位。 3.度量法[U]4.度量器具[C]5.措施;手段;方法[P1]The government was urged to take measures to combat the spread of AIDS. 人们敦促政府采取措施以防止爱滋病的传播。 6.(判断等的)基准,尺度[C]7.程度;限度;分寸[U][S1]I feel a measure of compassion for her. 我对她怀有一定程度的同情。 8.【音】拍子,小节[C]9.议案[C]

what are your expectation



means通常指的是手段、方法(用为贬义较多)eg.It is all a means to an end.这只是达到目的的一种手段medium通常是指的是通过什么媒介来达到什么效果eg.English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school.英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。method是个较为中性一点的词eg.方法,办法[C][(+of/for)]A new training method was introduced.引进了一种新的训练方法。measure通常说的是政府采取的较大规模的措施等eg.措施;手段;方法[P1]The government was urged to take measures to combat the spread of AIDS.人们敦促政府采取措施以防止爱滋病的传播。influence是较为常用的做影响来讲的词eg.n.1. 影响,作用[C][U][(+on/upon)]The influence of climate on crops are self-evident.气候对农作物的影响是不证自明的。2. 影响力;势力,权势[U][(+over/with)]Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town.史密斯先生是这个镇上有权势的人物。3. 有影响的人(或事物);有权势者[C][(for/on)]vt.1. 影响,感化;左右[O2]I don"t want to influence you. You must decide for yourself.我不想影响你。你必须自行决定。effect名词上用得多eg.n.1. 结果[C][U][(+on/upon)]2. 效果,效力;作用;影响[C][U][(+on/upon)]This had a great effect upon the future of both mother and son.这对母子俩的将来影响很大。affect做动词用eg.vt.1. 影响;对...发生作用The amount of rain affects the growth of crops.雨量影响作物的生长。2. 使感动,使震动She was deeply affected by the news of her father"s death.她父亲去世的消息使她深受震动。3. (病)侵袭;罹患Her kidneys had become affected.她的肾脏受到了感染。vt.1. 假装,装作[+to-v]He affected not to see her.他假装没看见她。He affected ignorance of the law.他假装不知法。2. 爱好,爱用She affects old furniture and china.她喜欢古老的家具和瓷器。3. 常去呵呵~~````不知道我说清楚了没有~~```~`



measure的几种用法 并且造句、.

及物动词 vt. 1.测量;计量 We measured the distance. 我们测量了距离. 2.打量;估量 She measured the stranger with her eyes. 她用双眼打量着那个陌生人. 3.(按量)配给[(+out)] 4.酌量,权衡 不及物动词 vi. 1.量 2.有...长(或阔、高等) The lake measures 130 by 80 kilometers. 这条湖长一百三十公里宽八十公里. 名词 n. 1.尺寸;分量[U] 2.度量单位[C] An hour is a measure of time. 小时是计时单位. 3.度量法[U] 4.度量器具[C] 5.措施;手段;方法[P1] The government was urged to take measures to combat the spread of AIDS. 人们敦促政府采取措施以防止爱滋病的传播. 6.(判断等的)基准,尺度[C] 7.程度;限度;分寸[U][S1] I feel a measure of compassion for her. 我对她怀有一定程度的同情. 8.【音】拍子,小节[C] 9.议案[C]

measure的几种用法 并且造句、.

及物动词 vt. 1.测量;计量 We measured the distance. 我们测量了距离. 2.打量;估量 She measured the stranger with her eyes. 她用双眼打量着那个陌生人. 3.(按量)配给[(+out)] 4.酌量,权衡 不及物动词 vi. 1.量 2.有...长(或阔、高等) The lake measures 130 by 80 kilometers. 这条湖长一百三十公里宽八十公里. 名词 n. 1.尺寸;分量[U] 2.度量单位[C] An hour is a measure of time. 小时是计时单位. 3.度量法[U] 4.度量器具[C] 5.措施;手段;方法[P1] The government was urged to take measures to combat the spread of AIDS. 人们敦促政府采取措施以防止爱滋病的传播. 6.(判断等的)基准,尺度[C] 7.程度;限度;分寸[U][S1] I feel a measure of compassion for her. 我对她怀有一定程度的同情. 8.【音】拍子,小节[C] 9.议案[C]

用 measuring 而不用 measure需要解释语法,

你查下词典吧,measure作为及物动词,是“测量,度量”的意思.同时也可作为不及物动词来用,意为:“重/长/宽,达,”.如: The stone measures 2 tons.这石头重达2吨. 那么关于你问的ing形式是怎么来的呢?看这个句子. The person can lift the stone which measures 2 tons.这孩子可以提起这重达2吨的石头. 把定语从句改成非谓语动词就是:The person can lift the stone measuring 2 tons. PS:定语从句改成非谓语动词的步骤: 1、删连词 2、删主语 3、看谓语:是主动形式,改成ing形式,是被动形式,改成ed形式.

医学上measure items 是什么意思

measure items 措施项目词典结果:measure[英][ˈmeʒə(r)][美][ˈmɛʒɚ]n.测量,测度; 措施; 程度; 尺寸; vt.测量; 估量; vi.测量; 测量(大小,容量,尺寸等); 第三人称单数:measures过去分词:measured复数:measures现在进行时:measuring过去式:measured以上结果来自金山词霸


without measure 过分 for good measure 作为额外增添;另外 measure with 用…测量;用…衡量 beyond measure 无可估量,极度 measure up 合格;符合标准 in the same measure 同样地,同一程度地be the measure of sth. 成为衡量某事物的标准fill (up) the measure of 使(邪恶、不幸等)达到极点in good measure 分量足, 充分地in measure as 按...的比例, 依照...的程度keep [observe] measure [measures]保持适度, 有节制know no measure 没有限度, 没有止境made to measure 量尺寸定做的(衣服等) [喻]适应特殊需要的take [get] sb."s measure (=take the measure of sb.) 量某人的尺寸, 估量某人的能力; 衡量某人; 判断某人的为人Measure for measure . [谚]一报还一报。measure against 拿...和...比(长度)measure off 量出, 划出, 裁下, 锯下measure oneself against [with] 同...较量


measure及物动词 vt. 1.测量;计量We measured the distance. 我们测量了距离。 2.打量;估量She measured the stranger with her eyes. 她用双眼打量着那个陌生人。 3.(按量)配给[(+out)]4.酌量,权衡不及物动词 vi. 1.量2.有...长(或阔、高等)The lake measures 130 by 80 kilometers. 这条湖长一百三十公里宽八十公里。 名词 n. 1.尺寸;分量[U]2.度量单位[C]An hour is a measure of time. 小时是计时单位。 3.度量法[U]4.度量器具[C]5.措施;手段;方法[P1]The government was urged to take measures to combat the spread of AIDS. 人们敦促政府采取措施以防止爱滋病的传播。 6.(判断等的)基准,尺度[C]7.程度;限度;分寸[U][S1]I feel a measure of compassion for her. 我对她怀有一定程度的同情。 8.【音】拍子;小节;旋律9.议案[C]9.议案,法令 measuring1.v.量( measure的现在分词 ); 测量; 衡量; 量出; 2.adj.测量用的


这个问题应该视具体情况需要而定:例如:作为:名词 n. 1.度量单位[C]e.g. An hour is a measure of time.2.程度;限度;分寸[U][S1]I feel a measure of compassion for her.作为:搭配短语后跟不定式表目的时,则会出现后跟to的情况例如:措施;手段;方法[P1]The government was urged to take measures to combat the spread of AIDS.
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