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区别是:相对而言,Sourcing的过程可能很短,也可能很长,但确是“一次性行为”,一旦选定合适的供应商并把他们带上正规,Sourcing的任务就基本完成。当然Sourcing的过程可能很长。然后是Purchasing去执行日常订单管理。当然如果Sourcing选定的供应商有表现问题,例如质量、交货、价格等,那么Sourcing有可能再度涉入,寻找新的供应商。当然这种区分有点理论化。在很多公司,Sourcing和Purchasing是由同一组人员完成。但对于建制完全的大公司,总体趋势是把Sourcing从Purchasing分离出来。与采购有关的词有:Buyer,Purchasing,Procurement和Sourcing。我把它们分别译为:买;采购;获取(或资源获取);寻源与货源组织。从他们出现的顺序上也可以看出它们虽然最终都完成了采购的业务,但含义和执行工程是不同的: 1.Buyer只是简单的买,完成了“买”的动作和买入了某样物资或服务,侧重于下单,并跟踪订单; 2.Purchasing则有采购的意思,即先要采,然后再买进; 3.Procurement是实现了资源获取,有整合与更好的获得资源的意思; 4.Sourcing一般是制造型企业用的,要求有很强的理工知识和商业感觉,是要去在全球范围内找到最好的资源、然后将找到的货源和资源组合在一起来更好地加以利用,侧重于物料和供应商的开发,开发完成后交给buyer下单跟踪。它们的演变是随着采购业务不断发展的需求而出现和扩展而来的。



is that your baby sister



sourcing更强调通过搜索、比较最后购买,比如招投标项目中的购买就是一个sourcing的过程buy就是比较日常的用语,购买小型物品时使用,是动词procurement通常是比较正式的通过谈判、斡旋后的购买,多见于政府的购买项目purchase可以做动词,一般用于较大物品的购买,比如房子、车子等,也可以做名词,比如purchase price购买价,


Sourcing 找样buyer客人,买家Purchasing 购买,采购procurement 采购,购买 (尤其指为政府或机构)


您好:Procurement 直译为获得和取得的意思,这里的采购活动是特指一种基于订单或合同的日常采购行为。(更加广泛且正式)purchase是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和动词,可以翻译为购买、采购。希望能帮到您,谢谢。

采购中sourcing 和 procurement的区别

根据一般的企业定义:sourcing: 寻找供应来源和供应商;procurement: 实际采购的流程;

procurement 和 purchase 有什么不同

二者在用作采购时没区别!可以互换!procurement 采购;获得;促成This is the government procurement not commercial. 这是政府采购,不是商业采购。Obtain project resources in accordance with a procurement plan. 按采购计划获得项目资源。Procurement is the process of obtaining goods by the OCOG through purchase or VIK. 采购是奥组委通过购买或实物赞助形式获得物资的过程。purchase 采购The receipt is your proof of purchase. 这张发票是你购物的凭据.The house is the most expensive purchase I have ever made. 房子是我买过的最贵的东西。

采购中sourcing 和 procurement的区别

采购中sourcing指的是寻求供应源开发供应商的广义行动; procurement指向供应商下单采购的过程;广义狭义的区别;

iprocurement 意思



一般的上午英语或国际贸易英语的书籍里都会出现这些词,但是绝大多数都是交替使用的,并没有专门说明它们之间的区别。题主的问题的前半部分很容易解答,source有采购的意思,但source作采购这个义项来讲更强调“找到要采购物品的源头”。所以sourcing可以指采购的行为,或当形容词来用。Buyer泛指“买家”。题主的问题的重点应该是在后半部分,即purchase和procure的区别,procure用在比较专业或正式的场合, purchase则是一个通用词汇。procure指在恰当的时间,恰当的源头,以最低的价格采购到最适合的原材料,半成品,成品或服务。不光是找到源头,而且还涉及到物流,付款,检验等等。而purchase则没这个含义。其次是搭配上的习惯,采购经理很多公司的名片给出的说法是purchasing manager,一般不说procuring manager,偶见procurement manager。采购部是purchasing department。

SAP 里的Treasury transaction 是什么意思

就是司库相关的操作,付款类有支付电汇,支票付款,CAD付款,清账啊之类的操作。收款类有各种收款的付账清账类的F110 - Parameters for Automatic Payment FI - Financial Accounting FBZP - Maintain Pmnt Program Configuration FI - Financial Accounting DMEE - dmeE: Format Tree Maintenance Tool FI - Localization SEPA - EPS Server: Administration Basis - Transport Management System FDTA - TemSe/REGUT Data Administration FI - Financial Accounting OBPM4 - Payment Medium Selection Variants FI - Bank Accounting LM03 - Put Away - by TO Logistics Execution - Mobile data entry FBWE - Bill/Exch.Presentatn - International FI - Financial Accounting OBVCU - C FI Maintain View Cluster FI - Financial Accounting OBPM1 - Maintenance of Pymt Medium Formats FI - Bank Accounting OBPM3 - Payment Medium Formats (Customer) FI - Bank Accounting FBPM - Payment medium program of PMW FI - Bank Accounting SXMB_MONI - Integration Engine - Monitoring Basis - Integration Engine SM59 - RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) Basis - RFC XSLT - XSLT tester Basis - ABAP XML Processing FCC - Start Financial Customer Care - AL11 - Display SAP Directories Basis - Operating System Monitors WE20 - Partner Profiles Basis - ALE Integration Technology SP12 - TemSe Administration Basis - Print and Output Management SXI_CACHE - Integration Directory Cache Basis - Integration Builder - Configuration IDX2 - Meta Data Overview in IDoc Adapter Basis - ALE Integration Technology IDX1 - Port Maintenance in IDoc Adapter Basis - ALE Integration Technology CG3Z - Upload file Environment, Health and Safety - Product Safety CG3Y - Download file Environment, Health and Safety - Product Safety FPY1 - Payment Run / Debit Memo Run FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable OBPM2 - Maintenance of Note to Payee FI - Bank Accounting OBBA - C FI Maintain Table T012C FI - Basic Functions OBBD - C FI Maintain Table T045T FI - Basic Functions FQP3 - Payment Medium Formats FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable DMEE1 - dmeE: Format Tree Maintenance Tool Cross Application - Country-Specific Objects FQP1 - Define Payment Methods FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable JHEN - IS-M: Change Media Partnership IS - SAP Media PC00_M99_FPAYM - Create Payment Medium Payroll - Payroll: General Parts FQZV - FI-CA: Payment Cards: Acct Determ. FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable PC00_M99_CDTA - Bank transfer pre.program dme Inter. Payroll - Payroll: General Parts FPPCDS - PCARD: Perform invoicing FI - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable DMEE_DEBUG - dmeE: Format Tree Expert Mode FI - Localization

baby sister nurse哪个不是同类词



这里面buy和其它几个词的区别最大。buy只是购买的意思,就是简单的付钱取货。这个词只能用在非正式场合。其它三个词所代表的意思,美国人也常常搞混。它们的区别在于每个词所代表的过程。Purchase所代表的意义最窄,就是和采购本身相关的活动。而Acquisition所代表的意义最广,按美国国防部的定义,包含了设计、开发、生产、装备及维护等等过程。Procurement则介于两者之间。Purchase 采购过程,包括申请、批准、填写采购单、订货、及收货。Procurement 包括市场调查、厂家调查、合同谈判、及采购过程。Acquisition 包括所有Purchase和Procurement的过程,再加上从概念到产品开发到维护及服务的一系列活动。




procurement英 [pru0259"kju028au0259mu0259nt]美 [pru0259"kju028armu0259nt]n. 采购;获得,取得[网络短语]procurement 采购,strategic/ tactical/ transactional procurement,采购信息Procurement Engineer 采购工程师,供应商开发工程师,战略采购Procurement management 采购管理,采购治理,项目采购管理希望我的回答能帮助到你。


procurement 英 [pru0259u02c8kju028au0259mu0259nt] 美 [pru0259u02c8kju028armu0259nt]n. 采购; 获得,取得;[网络] 设备采购; 政府采购; 获取;[例句]Russia was cutting procurement of new weapons "by about 80 per cent", he said.他说,俄罗斯新武器的采购量将削减“大约80%”。[其他] 形近词: securement

求翻译 I survived 这课文的题目怎翻译了 看一看课文的内容吧


求Lady Antebellum的As you turn away中英对照歌词

Standing face to face我们面对面站着wrapped in your embrace刚刚我还包裹在你的拥抱don"t wanna let you go不想让你走but you"re already gone但你已经走了Now you kiss my cheek现在你亲我的脸颊soft and bittersweet软软的,,苦中带甜I can read it in your eyes我能从你的眼里了解this is our goodbye这是我们的离别Nothing more to say不能多说什么Nothing left to break也没什麽可以打破I keep reaching out for you我一直在寻求的你hoping you might stay希望你可以留下Nothing more to give没有更多东西可以给Nothing left to take也没什么能带走I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你Reaching out for you挽留的你As you turn away当你转身离开Let go of my hand放开我的手so I can feel again那样我就可以再感受一次Nothing"s going to hurt as much再没有比要那最后的联系让人痛苦的了As that final touch No we can"t be friends不,我们不可能成为朋友Cause I couldn"t take seeing you因为我无法承受在明知我们分手了还可以见到你and knowing where we"ve been I hope you understand我希望你理解Nothing more to say没什么能多说的Nothing left to break也没什麽可以打破I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你hoping you might stay希望你可以留下Nothing more to give没有更多东西可以给Nothing left to take也没什么要带走I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你reaching out for you挽留的你As you turn away当你转身离开One step my heart is breaking我的心在慢慢碎掉One more my hands are shaking我的双手在颤抖The door is closing那扇门正慢慢关上and I just can"t change it而我却不能改变什么Nothing more to say没什么能多说Nothing left to break也没什麽可以打破Nothing more to give没有更多东西可以给Nothing left to take也没什么要带走I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你reaching out for you挽留的你I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你reaching out for you挽留你As you turn away当你转身离开时As you turn away当你转身离开As you turn away...当你转身离开…

at your convenience是什么意思

at your convenience 在你方便的时候

Kuala Lumpur是什么意思

就是马来西亚首都吉隆坡=- -希望能帮到你 - -

求《生命要继续》英语完整版歌词,PS:知道是《lose yourself》,但是最后一段歌词是什么

stephanie 这是 witness 我从来没有机会和你说再见所以这首歌我献给你i know you"re in heaven right now probably watching down on me 我希望你能听见我的声音 this one right here goes out to you girl当我走在这条街一直想 what"s in my head"从来没想到我会变成这样子给我一面镜子让我看我自己我看到的不是witness who is this 终于走到医院看着我的stephanie 我叫她不要害怕叫她不要担心她病的不轻可是上帝一定会把撒旦赶回去他一定会赢now she"s gone 她还是走了 tell me now 为什么我失去我的天使我藉酒来逃避现实一杯接一杯来麻痹自己这一杯来怀念你 stephanie i miss you girl can you hear me 听我说这一句再见stephanie祝福你 can you feel me现在我站在十字路口问我自己生命要不要继续下去*life goes on (生命要不要继续)every time you close your eyes know i"llbe there (让我问我自己)拿著有翅膀的笔(tell me tell me你怎么离我而去)写封信(生命要不要继续)寄到梦里给你(让我问我自己)i"ll spread my wings when you need me (tell me tell me what"s it gonna be)*人都会死可是你不得不比我先走一步让我那么孤单让我那么痛苦幸亏我有好的兄弟因为没有他们我一定死定我的目的麻痹心灵灌醉自己 playin" girlies 每天跟着大马戏团一起 party 大支想要我麻痹自己给我 trippys 准备东西给我吸 thanks g 但是这不是长久之计清醒后我们心痛还在那里 baby hip-hop 习惯是把酒洒在地上表示对死着追忆这一瓶倒掉为了你rest in peace 你是否听见(i hear you )我的声音(that"s right)在你沉睡的梦里no doubt 镜子中是 witness and i " ve come tothis i" ll be with you you" ll be with me 请你放心我不会再把头垂的那么低爱惜自己尊重自己没有一个担子那么重我不能提oh my knees 我的祷告都是为了你 beggin" the lord please 照顾我的 stephy 保护我的 stephy i believe 生命要继续要继续我知道生命要继续下去虽然我想念你我知道你在天堂很开心跟你的妈妈妈在一起我也知道上帝会照顾你所以你不必担心i see you when i get there till then life goes on

at your convenience和for your convenience有什么区别?


at your convenience和for your convenience有什么区别


walpurga造句 walpurgaの例文

He is buried in the Monastery of Saint Walpurga in Eichst鋞t. In the 12th century, this church was dedicated to Saint Walpurga . The Cathopc church is devoted to Saint Walpurga ( " Heipge Walburga " ). The main civic church in Alsfeld, dedicated to St . Walpurga , has a ppcated building history. Ruotger was buried in the chapel dedicated to Saint Walpurga in the church of Sankt Paupn in Trier. She attended St . Walpurga "s School with the help of the nuns, who arranged her tuition. Wolfgang Ernst only had one daughter, Dorothea Walpurga of L鳃enstein-Wertheim ( 1628 1634 ) who predeceased him. She appeared in the role of Walpurga in the Franz Josef Gottpeb directed German production of Saison in Salzburg ( 1961 ). Harro"s daughter, Walpurga loves her tutor, Erich Spitta, who has ambitions of being an actor and a dramatist. The current festival is, in most countries that celebrate it, named after the Engpsh missionary Saint Walpurga ( 710 777 / 9 ). It"s difficult to see walpurga in a sentence. 用 walpurga 造句挺难的 Knowing that Erich and Walpurga love each other, Teresa, Harro"s wife, tries to intervene on their behalf before her hu *** and. The largest and oldest church of the city is the St . Walburgis ( Saint Walpurga ) church, which originally dates from the eleventh century. The earpest representation of Walpurga , in the early 11th-century Hitda Codex, made in Cologne, depicts her holding stypzed stalks of grain. Peasant farmers fashioned her reppca in a corn dolly at harvest time and told tales to explain Saint Walpurga "s presence in the grain sheaf. It was originally dedicated to Saint Othmar, but after the city purchased the ruins of Burgraves"Castle, it was rebuilt and dedicated to Saint Walpurga . As Walpurga "s feast was held on 1 May ( c . 870 ), she became associated with May Day, especially in the Finnish and Czech. Walpurga became a nun in the double monastery of Heidenheim am Hahnenkamm, which was founded by her other brother, Wilpbald, who appointed her as his successor. The church is in St Walpurga , St Bede on one side and St Gregory the Great, St Winefride, St Cuthbert, Saint Mildred and St Wilfrid on the other. Anglo-Saxon missionaries to the continent founded double houses there-- one example is the double monastery in Heidenheim, Bavaria, founded by Saint Wilpbald around 742 and later led by his sister, Saint Walpurga . In 916 Charles the Simple transported repcs of Saint Walpurga to Attigny and founded a chapel served by elve canons and his intention was that this chapel would be subject to the " Abbey of Saint-Corneille " at Compi鑗ne. On 30 June 1978, Prince Michael was married, at a civil ceremony, at the Rathaus, Vienna, Austria, to Hungarian-born wife, Maria Anna Caropna Franziska Walpurga Bernadette, Countess Szap醨y de Muraszombath, Sz闰hysziget et Szap醨. At first he was married to Christiane Freiin von Guttenberg-Steinenhausen ( 1798 1817 ) on July 24, 1798, and after her death to Karopne Friederike Walpurga Marie von Rechberg und Rothenl鳃en ( 1798 1878 ) on August 4, 1818. When the figurine of Saint Walpurga on the fountain of the market square was replaced by a more war-pke motif in October 1937, the Cathopc parish priest, Anton Geitner, an anti-Nazi, refused the Nazi salute and found himself heavily criticised. And in the garden of German art these rats are gnawing at the roots of the tree of ideap *** . " In his son"s room, Pastor Spitta discovers a photograph of Walpurga and, not knowing she is his daughter, shows it to Harro. The o earpest miracle narratives of Walpurga are the " Miracula S . Walburgae Manheimensis " by Wolfhard von Herrieden, datable to 895 or 896, and the late 10th-century " Vita secunda " pnked with the name of Aselbod, bishop of Utrecht. "" Walpurgis Night ""is the Engpsh translation of " " " " ", one of the Dutch and German names for the night of 30 April, so called because it is the eve of the feast day of Saint Walpurga , an 8th-century abbess in Francia. It"s difficult to find walpurga in a sentence. 用 walpurga 造句挺难的

at your convenience和for your convenience有什么区别


at your convenience和for your convenience有什么区别?

at your convenience 和 for your convenience 的区别1, at your convenience ,在你方便的时候 ,一般用在祈使句句尾,是请求你方便的时候做某事. 2, for your convenience, 为了您的方便 , 一般用在建议你做某事.例句:一, at your convenience1, Please send her the book at your convenience. 这本书,请你得便捎给她。2, Come by to pick me up at your convenience. 在你方便的时候来接我。二, for your convenience1, For your convenience, this application is also included with this article in a download file. 为了方便起见,本文在下载文件中还包含了此应用程序。2,We also provide assembling and fitting service for your convenience.为方便阁下,我们亦提供产品装配服务。

怎么辨别promptly instantly hurriedly immediately的区别

你好!promptly 、instantly 、hurriedly 和immediately作为副词的时候,都有“快速地、马上”等形容时间仓促的意思。 他们之间并没有明显的区别,就是看习惯搭配吧。

谁知道Dead By Sunrise 的give me your name歌词?跪求!

Dead By Sunrise - Give Me Your NameAlbum:Out Of AshesGive me a smileGive me your name girlGive me a sign to guide my wayAnd get what I came for you"cause you don"t come easyGive me your handCome walk with me girlNothing"s not that far when your nearSo come even closer to meSomething so easy to doAnd I fall into the oceanInside of your armsTaking me deeper where all the pain goesGive me a smileGive me your name girlLet them know that your mineAnd I"ll do the same for youBecause our love comes easyAnd I fall into the oceanInside of your armsTaking me deeper where all the pain goesAnd I fall into the oceanInside of your armsTaking me deeper where all the pain goesWith a smile into the oceanInside of your armsTaking me deeper giving me new lifeYou are my whole lifeYou are my whole life

Burning Bridges 歌词

歌曲名:Burning Bridges歌手:Red Rockers专辑:Schizophrenic CircusMest - Burning Bridges LyricsIt was a late Thursday night,When I decided to write this songJust me, bow wow,my dirty floorAnd all the herb is goneEveryone"s asleep, but the TV is still onDebating the past three years,What I did right and wrongSo tell me is this world we live in all rightWhy does every conversation end in a fight?Why does every fight keep us up all damn night?"Cause I ain"t trying to see the sunrise todayI"ve been burning bridgesAlways burning bridges抵制日货从我做起!!!小日本去死吧!!Just think of life, what do you knowAt twenty-two, I"ve learned all I need to knowI"ve made mistakes, I"ve burned a bridgeApologize (what?), there"s only one life to liveWhen everybody"s gone, and the radio"s still onThat"s when I realize it"s all I need to carry onSo tell me is this world we live in all rightWhy does every conversation end in a fight?Why does every fight keep us up all damn night?"Cause I ain"t tryin to see the sunrise todayI"ve been burning bridgesAlways burning bridgesI"ve been burning bridges (I"m looking at a lifetime)Always burning bridges (in these past three years)So tell me is this world we live in all rightWhy does every conversation end in a fight?Try to explain this life in black and white"Cause I"m gonna see the sunrise today抵制日货从我做起!!!小日本去死吧!!I"ve been burning bridgesAlways burning bridgesI"ve been burning bridges (I"m looking at a lifetime)Always burning bridges (in these past three years)I"ve been burning bridges(I"m looking at a lifetime)Always burning bridges(in these past three years)http://music.baidu.com/song/7907339





international journal of supply chain management 是SCI吗


求DUX JONES的Pourin it On中文翻译

我梦想的钱,唤醒和追逐现金,由3:45我做24-SEV,我对你说,成千上万的,我们可以把它添加到藏匿,该死的-忘了与老板的早餐见面,我就要保持pourin"它,我就要保持pourin"它,是的健康是不是我关心的,我就要保持purrin"它errn ...... OK,我必须说,我觉得抱歉这样说,是所有周围的世界,仍然是相同的狗屎。如果我告诉你,有人告诉我,“琼斯你可能是有史以来?最佳说唱歌手” ,我回答说,我已经是了。已经多年,其中他妈的你一直在?被藏起来了?让我猜猜同一地点拉登?无论是或状态的笔。穿过了然后消失,三人同居家庭跟踪拍就是现在,我还是808 我喝了这首rap仿佛裂缝的参与,以同样的激情当我打篮球,但随着这个冠军是铂,和我下认识的球迷通过声音扫描。想我不能去没有更多的,我感觉真正的向下,向下是的,你可以我梦想的钱,唤醒和追逐现金,由3:45我做24-SEV,我对你说,成千上万的,我们可以把它添加到藏匿,该死的-忘了满足老板的早餐,我就要保持pourin"吧对,我就要保持pourin"它,是的健康是不是我关心的,我就要保持purrin"它errn ...... 我没有转介到了现在,这样我就可以赚钱了世界各地。我可以赚钱世界各地,我可以赚钱了世界各地。我必须说我感到很遗憾的说这个,是所有周围的世界,仍然是相同的狗屎。如果我告诉你,有人告诉我,“琼斯有一些仇敌不想看到你还活着?“ 看看"全身像,“什么是新的我的兄弟?” 并回答说,你想到什么时,我的链状耶把它们放在蜡和我最糟糕的噩梦。我把我所有的烦恼在陆地上,当我脱下的巢穴。是啊,亚勒只是看着我吧,怎么样bean的日子,他们的检查一直在寻找犯规?疼痛跑马圈地,每天即使我保持着微笑,不能真正使节拍,更别说听到他们一斤。为了我的士兵在引擎盖没有打破,哇,这是一些真正的狗屎就在那里,不知道我是否能带来真正的回顺,我发誓,是的,你可以我梦想的钱,唤醒和追逐现金,由3:45我做24-SEV,而我对你说“成千上万的,我们可以把它添加到藏匿,该死的-忘了满足老板的早餐,我就要保持pourin"它,我就要保持pourin"它,是的健康是不是我关心的,我MMA保持purrin"它errn ...... 我做了这么远,没有转诊,这样我就可以赚钱了世界各地。我可以赚钱了世界各地,我可以赚钱了世界各地。

求Dux Jones的pourin it on的歌词

dux jones - pourin it onI dream of money, wake up and chase cash,by 3:45 I make twenty-four-sev,and I"m talkin" thousands we can add that to the stash,God damn--forgot to meet with the bosses for breakfast,I"mma keep pourin" it on,I"mma keep pourin" it on,yeah health is not my concern,I"mma keep purrin" it errn...OK- I must say I feel sorry to say this,been all around the world and still the same shit.What if I told you somebody told me,"Jones you could be the best rapper that ever lived?"and I responded by saying that I"m already is.Have been for years, where the fuck have you been?Been hiding? Let me guess the same place as Bin Laden?Either that or state pen.Cross over then fade away,menage a trois tracks the clap is now, I"m still 808I drink this rap shit as if crack"s involved,with the same passion when I play basketball.But with this the championship is platinum,and my down fans acknowledge by sound scan.Think I can"t go no more,I"m feeling real down, downYes you canI dream of money, wake up and chase cash,by 3:45 I make twenty-four-sev,and I"m talkin" thousands we can add that to the stash,God damn--forgot to meet with the bosses for breakfast,I"mma keep pourin" it on,I"mma keep pourin" it on,yeah health is not my concern,I"mma keep purrin" it errn...I made it this far with no referrals,so I can make money all around the world.I can make money all around the world,I can make money all around the world.I must say I feel sorry to say this,been all around the world and still the same shit.What if I told you somebody told me,"Jones there"s some haters don"t want to see you alive?"Look at "em like, "Whats new my nigga?" and replied,what did you expect when my chain like yeahput them on wax and I"m their worst nightmare.I leave all my troubles on land when I take off in the lair.Yeah, yall just looking at me now,what about the bean days when them checks was looking foul?pain staking every day even though I kept a smile,can"t really make beats, let alone hear them pound.To my soldiers in the hood without breaking down,wow, that"s some real shit right there,don"t know if I can bring the real back along, I swear,yes you canI dream of money, wake up and chase cash,by 3:45 I make twenty-four-sev,and I"m talkin" thousands we can add that to the stash,God damn--forgot to meet with the bosses for breakfast,I"mma keep pourin" it on,I"mma keep pourin" it on,yeah health is not my concern,I"mma keep purrin" it errn...I made it this far with no referrals,so I can make money all around the world.I can make money all around the world,I can make money all around the world.

求dux jones - pourin it on的英文歌词

dux jones - pourin it onI dream of money, wake up and chase cash,by 3:45 I make twenty-four-sev,and I"m talkin" thousands we can add that to the stash,God damn--forgot to meet with the bosses for breakfast,I"mma keep pourin" it on,I"mma keep pourin" it on,yeah health is not my concern,I"mma keep purrin" it errn...OK- I must say I feel sorry to say this,been all around the world and still the same shit.What if I told you somebody told me,"Jones you could be the best rapper that ever lived?"and I responded by saying that I"m already is.Have been for years, where the fuck have you been?Been hiding? Let me guess the same place as Bin Laden?Either that or state pen.Cross over then fade away,menage a trois tracks the clap is now, I"m still 808I drink this rap shit as if crack"s involved,with the same passion when I play basketball.But with this the championship is platinum,and my down fans acknowledge by sound scan.Think I can"t go no more,I"m feeling real down, downYes you canI dream of money, wake up and chase cash,by 3:45 I make twenty-four-sev,and I"m talkin" thousands we can add that to the stash,God damn--forgot to meet with the bosses for breakfast,I"mma keep pourin" it on,I"mma keep pourin" it on,yeah health is not my concern,I"mma keep purrin" it errn...I made it this far with no referrals,so I can make money all around the world.I can make money all around the world,I can make money all around the world.I must say I feel sorry to say this,been all around the world and still the same shit.What if I told you somebody told me,"Jones there"s some haters don"t want to see you alive?"Look at "em like, "Whats new my nigga?" and replied,what did you expect when my chain like yeahput them on wax and I"m their worst nightmare.I leave all my troubles on land when I take off in the lair.Yeah, yall just looking at me now,what about the bean days when them checks was looking foul?pain staking every day even though I kept a smile,can"t really make beats, let alone hear them pound.To my soldiers in the hood without breaking down,wow, that"s some real shit right there,don"t know if I can bring the real back along, I swear,yes you canI dream of money, wake up and chase cash,by 3:45 I make twenty-four-sev,and I"m talkin" thousands we can add that to the stash,God damn--forgot to meet with the bosses for breakfast,I"mma keep pourin" it on,I"mma keep pourin" it on,yeah health is not my concern,I"mma keep purrin" it errn...I made it this far with no referrals,so I can make money all around the world.I can make money all around the world,I can make money all around the world.

Procurement 和 supply chain两个职位有啥不同呀? 最好能举例说明 谢谢!


arthur miller是谁


背面有双头鹰有BURG.CO.1780.X ARCHID.AVST.DUX请问是哪国钱

背面有双头鹰有BURG.CO.1780.X ARCHID.AVST.DUX貌似奥匈帝国的钱,英文是否遗漏.背面为双头鹰图案,周围英文字母为:BURG.CO.TYR.1780.X ARCHID.AVST.DUX.


hurt so good痛得痛快;伤得如此美妙【例句】The poison never hurt so good毒药带给我伤害从未如此美妙。

请问Quarterly Journal of Finance这本期刊排名怎么样?

国内最权威的经济学刊物是《经济研究》,目前国内经济学期刊中,其他刊物的水平较《经济研究》相差较远。《经济研究》是1955年创办的全国性综合经济理论刊物,由中国社会科学院经济研究所主办,国内外公开发行。1998年被国家新闻出版署评定为“百种全国重点社科期刊”,1999年被评为中国社会科学院“优秀期刊”,2000年获第二届“百种全国重点社科期刊奖”和首届“国家期刊奖”两项大奖,是唯一入选的经济理论刊物。2002年又获中国社会科学院“优秀期刊一等奖” 第二届“国家期刊奖”。国外期刊中最权威的刊物是《American Economic Review》,但是与国内不同的是,与AER档次相当的还有不少,如《Econometrics》、《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》等等,基本上近年来的诺贝尔经济学奖的获得者都是这些杂志的常客。希望对你有帮助



dc_shell中,source dc.tcl文件的时候,出现+Suspended(tty input)的提示

输入源, Input source 输入电源 如果单纯按照字面翻译,我觉得应该是输入源,但是这个短语有没有深层的含义我就不知道了。 输入源

折旧和prepayment计算方法(URGENT!!!) 加10份

(1) 折旧 - Straight line 即每月摊分既数一样. 假如本月买入 asset 及开始 depreciate: Dr Plant & machinery 13,500 Cr Bank 13,500 Dr Depreciation (P&L) 225 Cr Accumulated depreciation (B/S) 225 之后每月重复第二条 entry 直至做够 60 个月为止 (2) Prepayment - 假设本月预付一年既保险费 Dr Insurance expenses 833.37 Prepayment 9,166.63 Cr Bank 10,000 下个月就开始做下面呢条 entry 直至做够 11 个月为止 Dr Insurance expenses 833.33 Cr Prepayment 833.33,参考: 自已做会计,Depreciation using straight line method, $13,500 divided by 5 years. Each year depreciation is $2,700. Prepaid insurance $10,000 for one year which me each month is $833.33 and the last month is $833.37 due to rounding difference. The accounting entries are as follow: 1. Dr. Depreciation - Machinery $2,700 Cr. Accumulated depreciation - Machinery $2,700 2. Dr. Insurance expenses $833.33 Cr. Prepaid insurance $833.33,

The police searched the city in an effort to catch the man who ____ murder l


求助,This server is currently suspended

此服务器目前已暂停server服务器; 侍者; 上菜用具; 发球者suspended暂停的,缓期的,悬浮的; 暂停; 悬( suspend的过去式和过去分词 ); 延缓; 使暂时停

刚注册的汤不热就出现这个Your account has been suspended.


The police believe the motive for the murder was jealousy.


The police the murderer everywher...

B 试题分析:根据when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.表示过去正在进行的动作,故用过去进行时;police一般总看作复数形式,故用were,所以选B。点评:通过时间状语,上下句意思和具体语境来确定时态。形式为单数,但意义永远为复数这类集合名词包括cattle(牛,牲畜)cattle,people(人),police(警察)等,其用法特点为:只有单数形式, 但却表示复数意义,用作主语时谓语用复数;不与 a(n) 连用,但可与the连用(连用)。如:People will laugh at you. 人们会笑你的。The police are looking for him. 警察在找他。Many cattle were killed for this. 就因为这个原因宰了不少牲畜。注:表示牲畜的头数,用单位词 head(单复数同形)。如:five head of cattle 5头牛,fifty (head of) cattle 50头牛。

Thanks for your existence什么意思


用过一款梳子头得睫毛膏 管上写着24-hour moisture 具体什么牌子没记 现在还想买买不到了 有用过的朋友知

Kose高丝Fasio 24小时不崩溃超纤长睫毛膏?


怎么将汉字转为url编码urlencode()函数原理就是首先把中文字符转换为十六进制,然后在每个字符前面加一个标识符%。 urldecode()函数与urlencode()函数原理相反,用于解码已编码的 URL 字符串,其原理就是把十六进制字符串转换为中文字符




这个是可以的传的时候用 Response.Redirect("WebForm2.aspx?id="+Server.UrlEncode("#@!$&")); 加码接受的时候 Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["id"]); 解码就可以了


在程序页面里 request这个参数后一般会自动转换为正常字符。如果没有自动转换的,使用UrlDecode即可转换


您好,1,Content- Type取值为application/x-www-form-urlencoded时,php会将http请求body相应数据会填入到数组$_POST,填入到$_POST数组中的数据是进行urldecode()解析的结果。(其实,除了该Content-Type,还有 multipart/form-data表示数据是表单数据,稍后我们介绍) 2,php://input数据,只要Content-Type不为 multipart/form-data(该条件限制稍后会介绍)。那么php://input数据与http entity body部分数据是一致的。该部分相一致的数据的长度由Content-Length指定。 3,仅当Content-Type为application/x-www-form-urlencoded且提交方法是POST方法时,$_POST数据与php://input数据才是”一致”(打上引号,表示它们格式不一致,内容一致)的。其它情况,它们都不一致。 4,php://input读取不到$_GET数据。是因为$_GET数据作为query_path写在http请求头部(header)的PATH字段,而不是写在http请求的body部分。 这也帮助我们理解了,为什么xml_rpc服务端读取数据都是通过file_get_contents(‘php://input", ‘r")。而不是从$_POST中读取,正是因为xml_rpc数据规格是xml,它的Content-Type是text/xml。 5. php://input碰到了multipart/form-data,请查阅RFC1867对它的描述。multipart/form-data也表示以POST方法提交表单数据,它还伴随了文件上传,所以会跟application/x- www-form-urlencoded数据格式不一样。它会以一更种更合理的,更高效的数据格式传递给服务端。当Content-Type为multipart/form-data的时候,即便http请求body中存在数据,php://input也为空,PHP此时,不会把数据填入php://input流。所以,可以确定: php://input不能用于读取enctype=multipart/form-data数据。 6. 当Content-Type为application/x- www-form-urlencoded时,php://input和$_POST数据是“一致”的,为其它Content-Type的时候,php: //input和$_POST数据数据是不一致的。因为只有在Content-Type为application/x-www-form- urlencoded或者为multipart/form-data的时候,PHP才会将http请求数据包中的body相应部分数据填入$_POST全局变量中,其它情况PHP都忽略。而php://input除了在数据类型为multipart/form-data之外为空外,其它情况都可能不为空。



如何使用server url




asp.net 通过encodeURI传递参数后乱码(一定要用encodeURI)

endcode 和decode是结合起来用的吧

mysql url encode编码后怎么精确搜索

  view sourceprint?  01.  DELIMITER ;  02.  03.  DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS urlencode;  04.  05.  DELIMITER |  06.  07.  CREATE FUNCTION urlencode (s VARCHAR(4096)) RETURNS VARCHAR(4096)08.  DETERMINISTIC  09.  CONTAINS SQL  10.  BEGIN  11.  DECLARE c VARCHAR(4096) DEFAULT "";  12.  DECLARE pointer INT DEFAULT 1;  13.  DECLARE s2 VARCHAR(4096) DEFAULT "";  14.  15.  IF ISNULL(s) THEN  16.  RETURN NULL;  17.  ELSE  18.  SET s2 = "";  19.  WHILE pointer <= length(s) DO  20.  SET c = MID(s,pointer,1);  21.  IF c = " " THEN  22.  SET c = "+";  23.  ELSEIF NOT (ASCII(c) BETWEEN 48 AND 57 OR24.  ASCII(c) BETWEEN 65 AND 90 OR  25.  ASCII(c) BETWEEN 97 AND 122) THEN  26.  SET c = concat("%",LPAD(CONV(ASCII(c),10,16),2,0));27.  END IF;  28.  SET s2 = CONCAT(s2,c);  29.  SET pointer = pointer + 1;  30.  END while;  31.  END IF;  32.  RETURN s2;  33.  END;  34.  |  35.  DELIMITER ;  view sourceprint?  01.  DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS urldecode;  02.  03.  DELIMITER |  04.  05.  CREATE FUNCTION urldecode (s VARCHAR(4096)) RETURNS VARCHAR(4096)06.  DETERMINISTIC  07.  CONTAINS SQL  08.  BEGIN  09.  DECLARE c VARCHAR(4096) DEFAULT "";  10.  DECLARE pointer INT DEFAULT 1;  11.  DECLARE h CHAR(2);  12.  DECLARE h1 CHAR(1);  13.  DECLARE h2 CHAR(1);  14.  DECLARE s2 VARCHAR(4096) DEFAULT "";  15.  16.  IF ISNULL(s) THEN  17.  RETURN NULL;  18.  ELSE  19.  SET s2 = "";  20.  WHILE pointer <= LENGTH(s) DO  21.  SET c = MID(s,pointer,1);  22.  IF c = "+" THEN  23.  SET c = " ";  24.  ELSEIF c = "%" AND pointer + 2 <= LENGTH(s) THEN25.  SET h1 = LOWER(MID(s,pointer+1,1));  26.  SET h2 = LOWER(MID(s,pointer+2,1));  27.  IF (h1 BETWEEN "0" AND "9" OR h1 BETWEEN "a" AND "f")28.  AND  29.  (h2 BETWEEN "0" AND "9" OR h2 BETWEEN "a" AND "f")30.  THEN  31.  SET h = CONCAT(h1,h2);  32.  SET pointer = pointer + 2;  33.  SET c = CHAR(CONV(h,16,10));  34.  END IF;  35.  END IF;  36.  SET s2 = CONCAT(s2,c);  37.  SET pointer = pointer + 1;  38.  END while;  39.  END IF;  40.  RETURN s2;  41.  END;  42.  43.  |  44.  45.  DELIMITER ;  当一个字符串经过多次 urlencode 处理之后,可以使用 multiurldecode来解码,它将多次调用 urldecode来解码,直到没有需要解码的字符www.it165.net  view sourceprint?  01.  DELIMITER ;  02.  03.  DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS multiurldecode;  04.  05.  DELIMITER |  06.  07.  CREATE FUNCTION multiurldecode (s VARCHAR(4096)) RETURNS VARCHAR(4096)08.  DETERMINISTIC  09.  CONTAINS SQL  10.  BEGIN  11.  DECLARE pr VARCHAR(4096) DEFAULT "";  12.  IF ISNULL(s) THEN  13.  RETURN NULL;  14.  END IF;  15.  REPEAT  16.  SET pr = s;  17.  SELECT urldecode(s) INTO s;  18.  UNTIL pr = s END REPEAT;  19.  RETURN s;  20.  END;  21.  22.  |  23.  24.  DELIMITER ;


  js中文转码默认是用urlencode,而php默认的是rawurlencode(),所以编码出来就不一样。  PHP中对于URL进行编码,可以使用 urlencode() 或者 rawurlencode(),二者的区别是前者(urlencode)把空格编码为 "+",而后者(rawurlencode)把空格编码为 "%20",不过应该注意的是,在编码时应该只对部分URL编码,否则URL中的冒号和反斜杠也会被转义。  在解码时,可以使用相应的 urldecode() 和 rawurldecode(),相应地,rawurldecode() 不会把加号("+")解码为空格,而 urldecode() 会。  语法:urlencode($str) rawurlencode($str) urldecode($str) rawurldecode($str)  GBK与UTF-8的转码:  iconv("gbk","utf-8","php中文转码");//把中文gbk编码转为utf8  iconv("utf-8","gbk","php中文转码");//把中文utf8编码转为gbk


因为你的描述不是太详细,只能告诉你解决问题的思路,在输入网址的页面,也就是所打开网页的上级页面,查看所生成的网址URL字符串,看看有没有非法字符,如:包含HTML标记等。如果参数中一定要包含一些特定标记,那就在生成网址前,做一下转换。比如在ASP.NET中Server.UrlEncode 这个方法用于生成URL字符串HttpUtility.UrlDecode 这个方法用于接收参数时解码,这两个方法一一对应。



如何用excel urldecode解码把url编码转为汉字

urlencode()函数原理就是首先把中文字符转换为十六进制,然后在每个字符前面加一个标识符%。 urldecode()函数与urlencode()函数原理相反,用于解码已编码的 URL 字符串,其原理就是把十六进制字符串转换为中文字符



如何用excel urldecode解码把url编码转为汉字

urlencode()函数原理就是首先把中文字符转换为十六进制,然后在每个字符前面加一个标识符%。 urldecode()函数与urlencode()函数原理相反,用于解码已编码的 URL 字符串,其原理就是把十六进制字符串转换为中文字符








测试中提交的中文参数 需要进行URL转码 使用函数 ${__urlencode()} 例如 : ${__urlencode(你好)} ${__urlencode(${参数变量})}测试中返回的中文参数 需要进行URL 解码 使用函数 ${__urldecode()} 例如 : ${__urldecode(%E4%BB%93%E5%BA%93)} ${__urldecode(${参数变量})}原文地址https://blog.csdn.net/zhang_xingneng/article/details/106420944


Java在net包中提供了相应工具类,直接调用即可import java.net.URLDecoder;import java.net.URLEncoder;try { String urlEncode = URLEncoder.encode("百度一下,你就知道", "UTF-8"); System.out.println(urlEncode); String urlDecode = URLDecoder.decode(urlEncode, "UTF-8"); System.out.println(urlDecode);} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace();}

求助 java.net.URLDecode 是哪个jar文件?

rt.jar里。 jre的核心jarsun.misc.GCsun.misc.VMjava.io.Bitsjava.io.Filejava.net.URIjava.net.URLjava.sql.Refsun.misc.Refjava.awt.Fontjava.awt.Listjava.awt.Menujava.nio.Bitsjava.sql.Blobjava.sql.Clobjava.sql.Date这些常用的类都包含在核心的包里面

如何将url加密 js加密 c#解密



existence 表示存在,survival表示灾难后幸存的,


要在项目里添加 System.Web的引用,如图:



existence与survival有什么区别?拜托了各位 谢谢

existence 表示存在,survival表示灾难后幸存的,




url的在线编码和解码工具: http://tool.chinaz.com/tools/urlencode.aspx 1、基本知识 URLEncode:是指针对网页url中的中文字符的一种编码转化方式,最常见的就是Baidu、 Google等搜索引擎中输入中文查询时候,生成经过 Encode过的网页URL。URLEncode的方式一般有两种一种是传统的基于GB2312的Encode(Baidu、Yisou等使用),一种是 基于UTF-8的Encode(Google,Yahoo等使用)。本工具分别实现两种方式的Encode与Decode。 中文 -> GB2312的Encode -> 中文 -> UTF-8的Encode -> 中文 Html中的URLEncode: 编码为GB2312的html文件中, http://ud03.kinoko.name/中文.rar -> 浏览器自动转换为 -> http://ud03.kinoko.name/.rar 注意:Firefox对GB2312的Encode的中文URL支持不好,因为它默认是UTF-8编码发送URL的,但是ftp://协议可以,我试过了.我认为这应该算是Firefox一个bug. 编码为UTF-8的html文件中, http://ud03.kinoko.name/中文.rar -> 浏览器自动转换为 -> http://ud03.kinoko.name/中文.rar PHP中的URLEncode: //GB2312的Encode echo urlencode(“中文-_. “).” ”; // -_.+ echo urldecode(“-_. “).” ”; //中文-_. echo rawurlencode(“中文-_. “).” ”; // -_. echo rawurldecode(“-_. “).” ”; //中文-_. ?> 除了 -_. 之外的所有非字母数字字符都将被替换成百分号(%)后跟两位十六进制数。 urlencode和rawurlencode的区别: urlencode 将空格则编码为加号(+) rawurlencode 将空格则编码为加号( ) 如果要使用UTF-8的Encode,有两种方法: 一、将文件存为UTF-8文件,直接使用urlencode、rawurlencode即可。 二、使用mb_convert_encoding函数。 $url = ‘http://ud03.kinoko.name/中文.rar"; echo urlencode(mb_convert_encoding($url, ‘utf-8′, ‘gb2312′)).” ”; echo rawurlencode(mb_convert_encoding($url, ‘utf-8′, ‘gb2312′)).” ”; //http://ud03.kinoko.name/中文.rar ?> 实例: function parseurl($url=”") { $url = rawurlencode(mb_convert_encoding($url, ‘gb2312′, ‘utf-8′)); $a = array(“:”, “/”, “@″); $b = array(“:”, “/”, “@”); $url = str_replace($a, $b, $url); return $url; } $url=”ftp://ud03:password@ud03.kinoko.name/中文/中文.rar”; echo parseurl($url); //ftp://ud03:password@ud03.kinoko.name//.rar ?> JavaScript中的URLEncode: 中文-_. 中文-_. encodeURI 不对下列字符进行编码:“:”、“/”、“;”、“?”、“@”等特殊字符。 http://ud03.kinoko.name/中文.rarhttp://ud03.kinoko.name/中文.rar2、示例 http://canvas.gdt.qq.com/canvas/1?viewid=%12%0C%08%E1%98%B7%CD%CB%DC%14%20%E4%A5%01%18%FF%89%18&ckn=91142321196129 1)utf-8解码 http://canvas.gdt.qq.com/canvas/1?viewid=u1637 &ckn=91142321196129 2)gb2312解码 http://canvas.gdt.qq.com/canvas/1?viewid=针吠塑 浈uf8f5?&ckn=91142321196129
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