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开机时出现 an error occurred while extracting

你说的不具体啊 蓝屏还是正常启动之后弹出对话框错误的?办法很多啊 关键你条件太少 很难判断可能是软件错误 了 调整了开机启动软件 而那个软件的东西被你删了!卸载不该用的饿软件 !从装系统!!

各位大神求助 饥荒正版联机出现 An error occurred while start


nginx 出现 An error occurred 为什么

  1分钟前还是好的,至少wordpress后台可以正常打开,突然就成这样子了。静态页面还正常,就ssh上,检查php-fpm进程是正常的,没有僵局。算了,杀死,连nginx一起杀死,虽然这是很不优雅的行为,所不齿的行为。然而结果是没用。随手查了下df -h ,分区满了,怪不得,查了下,删除几个备份文件,然后一切恢复正常了。空间不够,还是个问题,要进一步清理了。  希望我的回答对你有帮助。

安装红警3硬盘版出现 an error occurred while



持之以恒的人们从他人失败之处开启他们成功的旅程. 请及时采纳,多谢!

电脑win10系统老是出现一块an error occurred

硬盘有问题了。 用光盘或者启动U盘,进PE,把C盘格式化,之后检测磁盘错误。然后重新装系统就好了。

进跑跑卡丁车时谈出一个对话框“An error occurred ...”,怎么解决?


an ereoe occurred durong printing a document.这是什么意思

an error occurred during printing a document在打印文档时出现错误an error occurred during printing a document在打印文档时出现错误

An error occurred while processing the data


Eclipse 启动时错误:An error has occurred.

如果用户打开Eclipse的时候出现来了一个问题,导致了Eclipse打不开错误的提示是:An error has occurred.See the log file解决的办法如下:1、删除eclipse的临时文件: eclipse/configuration 目录下的 org.eclipse.osgi org.eclipse.update 两个子目录2、重新启动 eclipse如果还是不行3、将workspace中 项目做一下备份,删除workspace目录和上面两个子目录再次启动 eclipse,再导入备份的项目即可。

Eclipse 启动时错误:An error has occurred.

1、首先查看eclipse安装目录中的eclipse.ini文件,看看有没有jdk或者jre的目录在里面。2、如果有的话,并且是java9,如果自己也有另一个jdk,就把它改成低版本的那个。3、如果eclipse.ini像这样,找不到jdk或者jre目录,那么它用的是系统环境变量设置的jdk。4、在cmd命令行输入 java-version ,查看java版本,如果是9,也可以安装并设置环境变量为jdk8。5、在cmd中再次检查java版本,切换过来以后可以再次尝试打开eclipse,就可以

提示:an error has occurred?什么意思?


求助 IDE 打开报 an error occurred

如果 WinSocks 注册表项已损坏,则可能出现此问题。 或者系统的TCP/IP.sys文件损坏,也会出现这故障 要解决也很简单,修复你的TCP/IP.sys文件 命令提示符下输入 sfc /scannow,按提示放进系统光盘即可 修复WinSockS文件,用360安全修复即可. 你修改

an error has occurred


控制面板出现an error occurred while loading resource DLL 怎么解决 你的解决了没 能告诉我吗


An Error has occurred:的翻译是:什么意思

An Error has occurred发生了一个错误双语对照例句:1.An error has occurred loading the library requested. 加载所请求的库时发生错误。2.An error has occurred while writing to the microsoft map data file. 向“microsoft地图”的数据文件写操作时出错。

买了盗版碟安装总是失败An error occurred while unpacking


打印时弹出“An error occurred during this operation”窗口,怎么回事?

没源代码 没法说。这句英文的意思是,进行这个操作的时候有一个错误发生了。 那这个就简单了,是因为那台电脑驱动之类的事,当你调用接口进行打印的时候,报错了,无法使用的关系,程序本身没有问题。建议你试用一下WORD等程序看看能不能打印。。最后的绝招就是重做系统。



我的电脑一开机就出现An error occurred while loading library helper dll:Globals怎么解决呀?


an error has occurred什么意思

an error has occurred发生了一个错误

华为查找手机An error occurred什么意思?


an error has occurred while 问题求解决

[转]数据库连接错误:An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)数据库和空间要在同一台服务器上,如果要外联,就要在数据库控制面板中的 允许远程访问IP 中,设置要连接数据库的Iphttp://www.zhuhongwen.com/post/14.html看看可以解决么?sql2000要打sp4的补丁,不然是不让连接的

nginx 出现 An error occurred 为什么

  1分钟前还是好的,至少wordpress后台可以正常打开,突然就成这样子了。静态页面还正常,就ssh上,检查php-fpm进程是正常的,没有僵局。算了,杀死,连nginx一起杀死,虽然这是很不优雅的行为,所不齿的行为。然而结果是没用。随手查了下df -h ,分区满了,怪不得,查了下,删除几个备份文件,然后一切恢复正常了。空间不够,还是个问题,要进一步清理了。  希望我的回答对你有帮助。

mainly tourists

mainly 是副词,修饰 are 街上的人主要是旅游者.

控制面板出现an error occurred while loading resource DLL 怎么解决 你的解决了没 能告诉我吗


这道题怎么做:A last-minute injury


求【家庭教师】Friends、Sakura addiction 罗马/音译歌词+中文+日文对照

  歌词:  Friend  作词:KIKOMARU  作曲:内田"ucchy"悟  歌:笹川京子(CV:稲村优奈)vs三浦ハル(CV:吉田仁美)  (京子)负けないで どんなに 向かい风でも  makenaide donna ni mukai kaze demo  别认输就算是逆风也好  (ハル)ほら、世界はいつも 君の味方だから  hora sekai wa itsumo kimi no mikata dakara  看,世界总是你的伙伴  (京子)今まで気づかずにいた (リボーン&コロネロ)大切なもの  (コロネロ)コラ!  ima made kizukazu ni ita taisetsu na mono  こんなにも近かったね  至今为止尚未察觉的珍贵东西,就在身旁呢  konna ni mo chikakatta ne  (二人)くじけそうになった朝も  (ランボ&イーピン)いつも笑颜の (イーピン)ワ!  kujikesou ni natta asa mo itsumo egao no  あたたかい仲间がいたんだ  atatakai nakama ga itanda  清晨沮丧的时候也总是有,热心伙伴的笑颜  (ハル)だから 昨日より (二人)强くなれる  dakara kinou yori tsuyoku nareru  所以能比昨天变得更请  (ハル)风が (京子)运ぶ (ハル)梦の (京子)タネが  kaze ga hakobu yume no tane ga  风送来了梦想的种子  (ハル)「希望(はな)」を (二人)咲かすまで  hana wo sakasu made  直至是它盛开希望的花  (二人)负けないで どんなに 向かい风でも  makenaide donna ni mukai kaze demo  别认输就算是逆风也好  ほら、世界はいつも 君の味方だから  hora sekai wa itsumo kimi no mikata dakara  看,世界总是你的伙伴  (京子)未来は信じることと  (リボーン&コロネロ)助けあうこと (コロネロ)コラ!  mirai wa shinjiru koto to tasukeau koto  ほんの少しの勇気で  hon no sukoshi no yuuki de  未来是彼此信任相互帮助,用一点点的勇气就能改变  (ハル)変えていけるよ 谁もが  (ランボ&イーピン)特别だから (ランボ)ぶひゃっ!  kaete ikeruyo daremo ga tokubetsu dakara  决して梦 あきらめないでね  kesh*te yume akiramenaide ne  无论任何人都是特别的,绝不要放弃梦想哦  (京子)だから みんなのため (二人)强くなろう  dakara minna no tame tsuyokunarou  所以为了大家变强吧  (京子)虹の (ハル)むこう (京子)光る (京子)明日か  niji no mukou hikaru asa ga  彩虹的彼岸光辉的明天  (京子)待って (二人)いるんだから  matteirun dakara  在等着你  (二人)さあ振り返らず 向かおう あの场所  saa furikaerazu ni mukaou ano basho  那麽别回头向前看  まだ见たこともない 次のドアを开けよう  mada mitakoto mo nai tsugi no doa wo akeyou  那里还没见过开启下一扇门扉吧  负けないで どんなに 向かい风でも  makenaide donna ni mukai kaze demo  别认输就算是逆风也好  ほら、世界はいつも 君の味方だから  hora sekai wa itsumo kimi no mikata dakara  看,世界总是你的伙伴  (ハル)こころ (京子)ひとつになる  kokoro Hitotsu ni naru  齐心协力  (ハル)みんなの (京子)まん中に  minna no Mannaka ni  大家的正中  (ハル)ずっと (京子)君がいる  zutto Kimi ga iru  一直有你在  (ハル)これからも (二人)そうBest Friend  korekaramo Sou Best Friend  从今以后也是Best Friend  ※(コロネロ)ベストフレンドだぞ!コラ!  BESUTO FURENDO dazo ! kora !  (イーピン)仲良しな  nakayoshi na  (ランボ )#@$%& (←不明的噪音XD||)  (リボーン)オマエウゼェな  omae uzee na  (二人)さあ振り返らず 向かおう あの场所  saa furikaerazu ni mukaou ano basho  那麽别回头向前看  まだ见たこともない 次のドアを开けよう  mada mitakoto mo nai tsugi no doa wo akeyou  那里还没见过开启下一扇门扉吧  负けないで どんなに 向かい风でも  makenaide donna ni mukai kaze demo  别认输就算是逆风也好  ほら、世界はいつも 君の味方だから  hora sekai wa itsumo kimi no mikata dakara  看,世界总是你的伙伴  《Sakura addiction》  [歌词附翻译]  云雀:樱咲く 舞い落ちる 樱 花 绽 放 舞 然 飘 落  何も无い ぼくの手の上 在 什 麼 都 没 有 的 我 的 手 上  骸:儚くて 优しくて 虚 幻 多 变 的 柔 软 温 柔 的  壊れそう きみみたいな花 脆 弱 易 碎 的 像 你 一 样 的 花  云雀:いつもの改札を 每 日 如 是 的 剪 票 口  擦リ抜けて行くあの子はそう 他 总 是 每 日 那 样 擦 身 而 过  辉く目をして 明 亮 闪 烁 著 的 眼 眸  毎日何か掴み取って行くんだ 每 日 追 寻 著 什 麼 似 地 持 续 前 进  骸:ぼくはと言えば 但 对 我 而 言  何にも无い毎日缲リ返して 每 日 反 覆 过 著 平 凡 的 日 子  冷えた心持ってさ 花开く瞬间探して 寻 觅 著 花 开 的 瞬 间 时  目を闭じる以冷淡的心 闭 上 眼 睛  合:樱咲く 舞い落ちる 樱 花 绽 放 舞 然 飘 落  何も无い ぼくの手の上 在 什 麼 都 没 有 的 我 的 手 上  儚くて 优しくて 花 虚 幻 多 变 的 柔 软 温 柔 的  壊れそう きみみたいな 脆 弱 易 碎 的 像 你 一 样 的 花  骸:汚れたパイクなら 污 秽 了 的 尖 刺  心の奥に仕舞い込んだ 就 挪 移 到 心 的 深 处  云雀:「これでいいんだよ」と 「 这 样 就 可 以 了 唷 」  过ぎいく春の逃げ道探してるんだろう 在 已 过 去 的 春 天 中 逃 避 的 路 上 找 寻 著 吧  云雀:无くして 谛めたボ-ル 失 去 了 的 放 弃 了 的 球  见つけてくれたのは きみでした 发 现 了的 是 你  骸:春が来る 春 天 来 临  咲き夸る グランドが 风に摇れる 茂 然 盛 放 的 在 运 动 场 上 迎 风 摇 曳 著  みしめて 泣き出した 花 践 踏 在 上 的 流 泪 哭 泣 的  溢れそう きみみたいな 满 溢 著 似 的 像 你 一 样 的 花  合:此処に在(る 忘れ物 存 在 於 这 里 被 忘 却 之 物  取りに来た ぼくの手の上 为 取 回 而 来 在 我 的 手 上  儚くて 优しくて 虚 幻 多 变 的 柔 软 温 柔 的  壊れそう きみみたいな花 脆 弱 易 碎 的 像 你 一 样 的 花  [罗马发音]  Sakura saku maiochiru  Nani mo nai boku no te no ue  Hakanakute yasashikute  Kowaresou kimi mitai na hana  Itsumo no kaisatsu wo  Surinuketeiku ano ko wa sou  Kagayaku me wo shite  Mainichi nanika tsukami totte yukun da  Boku wa to ieba  Nani mo nai mainichi kurikaeshite  Hieta kokoro motte sa  Hana hiraku shunkan sagashite me wo tojiru  Sakura saku maiochiru  Nanimonai boku no te no ue  Hakankute yasashikute  Kowaresou kimi mitai na hana  Yogoreta supaiku nara  Kokoro no oku nishimaikonda  Kore de iin da yo to  Sugiyuku haru no nigemichi sagashiterun darou  Nakushite akirameta boru  Mitsukete kureta no wa kimi deshita  Haru ga kuru sakihokoru  Gurando ga kaze ni yureru  Fumishimete nakidashita  Koboresou kimi mitai na hana  Koko ni aru wasuremono  Tori ni kita boku no te no ue  Hakanukute yasashikute  Kowaresou kimi mitai na hana

there are mainly four seasons 中为什么用mainly

mainly ["meu026anlu026a] adv. 主要地,大体上我们知道 形容词修饰名词 副词修饰 句子,动词和形容词这里的mainly 是修饰整个句子的大体上有四个季节。


JOURNEY Lyrics: Saeko Nishio Music: Yuta Nakano Hora mabushi sugiru ORENJI no sora ga machi wo terasu yo Mou kurikaera nai kinou wo sutete soshite tabidatsu Tomadoi yori mo saki ni atsui kokoro ga ugoku kara Fushigi na hodo kowaku wa nai jibun wo sagashite Kakaeta kanashimi sae mo koete so far away Yume dake wo kaban ni tsumekonde Tookute hikaru kagayaki setsunai kurai Oikakete Mada ano hi no kimi to shiteta yakusoku wa nakushite inai Mou tachidomare nai kitto futari wa ano basho de aeru Korogatte demo mae ni yukeba keshiki ga kawaru kara Isshun sae mo minogase nai hajimete no sekai Itsudemo nagashita namida wo kakushi so far away Kumori no nai hitomi naku sazu ni Tookute hikaru kagayaki itsuka kanarazu Te ni irete Kizu ga hitotsu mata tsuite mo omoide fueru kara Itami sae mo daiji ni shite egao ni kaeru yo Kakaeta kanashimi sae mo koete so far away Yume dake wo kaban ni tsumekonde Tookute hikaru kagayaki setsunai kurai Oikakete Itsudemo nagashita namida wo kakushi so far away Kumori no nai hitomi naku sazu ni Tookute hikaru kagayaki itsuka kanarazu Te ni irete



whatever happens in the city can be devoured by

whatever happens in the city, can be devoured by the city.在这城事发生的大小事情 , 都终会给这城市吞噬

高中英语课文中:given the limitations that have shaped your life until now, that 后面是什么成分?

定语从句,that后是定于 修饰限定 the limitations

英语毕业论文局限性(limitation)怎么写?前景展望怎么写(future direction)?讲讲写哪些方面的内容就行

Limitations可以从几方面考虑:1. 资料方面,你所阐述的观点是based on a small sample size. 因而,你阐述的观点may have limited generalizability. 同样,所用的资料可能偏重男性或老年人,所以,你的观点may be generalizable only to males or the elderly. 2.方法方面。Future Directions 就写你打算如何处理/解决前面提及的局限性。给你一个例句。The results of the study highlight the need for future research to use a more representative sample ...

MYM 全写是meet your makers 是什么意思


Meet Your Makers是什么意思??

If someone has gone to meet their Maker, they have died.就是挂掉的意思,死了,嗝屁了。

DOTA战队“MYM”怎么读?“Meet Your Makers”是什么意思?


make up make out make sure make ready 的区别

make up 组成,化妆 make out 辨认出 make sure确定 make ready 准备好


trouble maker 吧。。

完形填空 On Thursday afternoon Mrs Clake locked the d

On Thursday afternoon Mrs Clake locked the door星期四下午,克拉克夫人锁的门。

If you want to become a better reader, here are four important points to remember about rate or...

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:C小题4:B小题5:C 试题分析:这篇短文中作者就如何成为一个好的读书者提出了四条具体的建议。小题1:根据第四段some things should be read rapidly. Examples are simple stories ……描述,可知神话故事属于故事类,故应快读,选C。小题2:根据第三段some things should be read slowly. Examples are directions for making or doing something……描述,可知关于自然知识的书应该慢读,故选D。小题3:根据第三段some things should be read slowly. Examples are directions for making or doing something; arithmetic(算术)problems, science and history books. They are full of important information. 描述,可知选C。小题4:根据If you want to become a better reader, 及下文描述,可知作者建议我们做一个好的读书者,故选B。小题5:根据here are four important points to remember about rate or speed(速度)of reading:及下文描述,可知本文主要谈论的是读书的速度问题,故选C。点评:本文浅显易懂,层次分明,学生很容易把握文章中心内容。答题中注意带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。

make sure 后面接什么介词?


make sure的同义词有---

You should be sure = You should make sure 肯定对

make sure后加什么?

make sure + that 从句; make sure to do sth; make sure of sth; 例句: Please make sure to turn off the lights when you leave. Please make sure of the time and the place of the meeting. 扩展资料   make sure   确保   Make sure the paving stones are flush with the lawn.   务必要使铺路石和草坪齐平。   Make sure you get a good look at their faces.   你一定要仔细看清他们的面孔。   Make sure that sign"s the right way up.   一定不要把这招牌挂颠倒了。   Make sure you park your car clear of the entrance.   切莫把车停在入口处。

make sure是什么意思及反义词

make sure 英[meik u0283uu0259] 美[mek u0283u028ar] [词典] 把事情弄清楚,核实或查明某事物; 设法确保出现某事物; 务使; [例句]I make sure I make time for fishing because it"s how I de-stress.我一定会腾出时间去钓鱼,因为这是我减压放松的方法。


make sure的这两个意思,其后都可以接that从句; make sure表示使确保,通常用于祈使句中,其宾语从句中的谓语动词要使用现在时,而不用将来时。 sure 常与make搭配,用于祈使句,表示确实,一定,所跟从句常用一般现在时,而不用一般将来时。 扩展资料   Make sure that sign"s the right way up.   一定不要把这招牌挂颠倒了。   Make sure you park your car clear of the entrance.   切莫把车停在入口处。   We make sure our clients get the best that money can buy.   我们确保客户买到最好的产品。   Make sure you"ve got a steady hold on the camera.   一定要拿稳相机。

乱答不采纳 这句话 有make sure和 give 那make sure是非谓语动词 那为啥原形

这是一个祈使句,主语you省去了。make sure 不是非谓语动词,而是本句的谓语。you give a concrete example 是make sure 的宾语从句。从句中:you 主语,give 谓语 ,a concrete example 是宾语。

make sure和be sure的区别

make sure和be sure的含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。make sure指务必、务请、确保将某事弄清楚;be sure指某人对某事或对某种情况有把握,常译为确信。make sure后面的that从句一般不用或很少用将来时;make sure后面的that从句一般不用或很少用将来时。 make sure和be sure的不同 be sure+of/about+动名词或名词,意为“确信……”;“对……有把握”。但在接名词时,be sure of侧重指主语对某抽象事物的确信无疑;而be sure about则侧重指主语对某具体事物的确信无疑。 make sure表示“弄确实;核实;查证”。make sure常用于祈使句,后面常接that宾语从句或of介词短语。Make sure+that从句意为“弄明白;确信”。Make sure+of+代词/名词,意思也是“弄明白;确信”。 be sure的用法 sure表示“无疑的,确信的,有把握的”,指主观上对某事相信无疑,不涉及有无客观根据。在句中作表语。 “be sure+不定式”往往表示推测的口气,主语不一定是人,表示“一定会…的”“必定会…的”。 sure还可表示“无可置疑、千真万确、不偏离的、不动摇的”。

一首英文歌曲高潮有one two three four 每个后面接一句歌词歌词里还有money

1234 by feist. 苹果ipod nano的广告歌



make sure后面加动词时是什么情况???

make sure to get make sure to do sth

make sure 做主语时,是否要用动名词形式


Source code does not match the bytecode


以High Technologies and our life 为题,写一篇英语短文

Growing up in the 90"s was like living in a happy-go-lucky era. Everyone seems to be carefree. Everything seems to be temporary. The world seems to be moving so slow. Everyone does not care about everyone. For a stripling like me, life in those days was definitely perfect. No one to care for and no obligation means freedom to the fullest.Things are being more different as time passes; you begin to change both emotionally and mentally. Life is starting to devour you seriously. You start to begin to bee responsible and caring for somebody has bee full of life. You bee conscious that living life to the fullest is a must as you begin to get older because you now realize that each day passes quickly. Changing your outlook to life as well as lifestyle is being affected by being attached to somebody.I met my future wife when I stated to work after college in a local pany in my hometown.Love at first sight and I know that my life will change with this woman. It sure did, after a year of being together; we got married and we were blessed with two children. My life became so different in contrast to what my life was during those carefree days. My life was bliss until I was given a chance to work abroad.If you are not used of being away from your loved ones, it can be pretty miserable and very lonesome. That"s what happened to me. Since I was in my teens, I have never been away from my family. Especially at nights, it always makes me feel so home sick and lonely realizing that I am not there to put my kids to sleep. In conquering loneliness, I made an ally from technology and new conception.Thanks to internet, I could connect to my family and friend anytime and anyplace without the hassle of paying high international call rates and very slow snail mails.I could even see my children as if they were just in front of me thru video chats. Internet made my life abroad easy in terms of being connected with my loved ones. I used to question the power of innovation but now I realized that without technology, life will be dull and lonesome. Internet added another life in my already fulfilled life and it has made me and my loved ones stay connected all the times.Whatever era you were born, everything in life is indeed temporary so you have to live it to the fullest. Always bear in mind that the most important thing in life is family and as for technology, be thankful for it because it will be your most trusted partner in getting connected with your loved ones.I look forward for more development for as we all know it; telemunication technology has taken over the world of munication. For more helpful services these advancement in technology can offer, I look forward for more great innovations. I used to think that we now have everything we need in terms of munication technology but I realize that there are so much more to e because innovation is a never ending process. I can"t wait for the next one!请自己整理哦~~

turnout和as a result的区别?

1) turn out: 结果为, 发现是:I was positive things were going to turn out fine.我当时就确信事情最终会好起来。2) as a result:由于; 原因是. As a result, services have been drastically reduced.正因如此,服务被大大减少了。

结婚照用英语表示 wedding pictures 和married pictures 哪个正确?


our wedding是什么意思






welcome to our wedding 的意思是什么?

Welcome to our wedding欢迎参加我们的婚礼


thursday是星期四。复数形式:ThursdaysThursday用法:Thursday可以用作名词。Thursday的意思是“星期四,礼拜四”,指一周的第五天。Thursday前一般不用冠词,有时可加定冠词the来表示“所谈到的那一周的星期四”。Thursday表示“某个星期四”时可加不定冠词a。扩展资料:相关短语:lastthurs day上周四;上星期四;表示过去时间的状语;上周星期四Thursday y星期四;周四;赖床大作战其他星期的表示:星期一,Monday,缩写:Mon.星期二,Tuesday,缩写:Tues.星期三,Wednesday,缩写:Wed.星期五,Friday,缩写:Fri.星期六,Saturday,缩写:Sat.星期日,Sunday,缩写:Sun.


HttpRequestHandler -- HTTP请求处理类TextWebSocketFrameHandler -- 对应Text消息的处理类WebSocketServer -- 系统主类WebSocketServerInitializer -- 服务主程序的初始化类WebSocketServer 类代码:import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap;import io.netty.channel.ChannelFuture;import io.netty.channel.ChannelOption;import io.netty.channel.EventLoopGroup;import io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoopGroup;import io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioServerSocketChannel;public final class WebSocketServer {private int port = 0;public WebSocketServer(int port) {this.port = port;}public void run() throws Exception {EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();try {ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap();b.group(bossGroup, workerGroup).channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class).childHandler(new WebSocketServerInitializer()) .option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 128).childOption(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true); System.out.println("WebsocketChatServer 启动了");// 绑定端口,开始接收进来的连接ChannelFuture f = b.bind(port).sync();// 等待服务器 socket 关闭 。在这个例子中,这不会发生,但你可以优雅地关闭你的服务器。f.channel().closeFuture().sync();} finally {workerGroup.shutdownGracefully();bossGroup.shutdownGracefully();System.out.println("WebsocketChatServer 关闭了");}}


HttpRequestHandler -- HTTP请求处理类TextWebSocketFrameHandler -- 对应Text消息的处理类WebSocketServer -- 系统主类WebSocketServerInitializer -- 服务主程序的初始化类WebSocketServer 类代码:import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap;import io.netty.channel.ChannelFuture;import io.netty.channel.ChannelOption;import io.netty.channel.EventLoopGroup;import io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoopGroup;import io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioServerSocketChannel;public final class WebSocketServer {private int port = 0;public WebSocketServer(int port) {this.port = port;}public void run() throws Exception {EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();try {ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap();b.group(bossGroup, workerGroup).channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class).childHandler(new WebSocketServerInitializer()) .option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 128).childOption(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true); System.out.println("WebsocketChatServer 启动了");// 绑定端口,开始接收进来的连接ChannelFuture f = b.bind(port).sync();// 等待服务器 socket 关闭 。在这个例子中,这不会发生,但你可以优雅地关闭你的服务器。f.channel().closeFuture().sync();} finally {workerGroup.shutdownGracefully();bossGroup.shutdownGracefully();System.out.println("WebsocketChatServer 关闭了");}}

return与come back的区别

return还有有归还的意思,come back只有回来的意思例:I will return/come back to my hometown tomorrow.(我明天回老家) Please return the book to me.(请把书还给我)

return和come back ,go back, give back take back区别


come back与return有什么区别?


return 等于come back?

错了 return 是返回come back 是重新回到二者区别很大啊

java导出jar包时提示resource is out of sync with the file system,已刷新但还是提示这个错误


This launch configuration is invalid and may be out of sync with the workspace

This launch configuration is invalid and may be out of sync with the workspace此启动配置无效,可能导致与工作区域不同步。

turn back 和 come back 什么区别

turn back 转身 / 翻回去come back 回来

return和come back有什么区别?

一个是单词 另一个是短语

英语作文:save our earth


Surface RT与Pro区别在哪里?版本有什么不同之处

主要系统区别Surface RT系统Windows RT微软专门定制精简版Windows系统支持电脑EXE应用程序Surface Pro搭载标准版Windows系统全面支持电脑文件功能比Surface RT高

for your record

report for file. 报告归档的意思. 可以加宾语,如:report to the authority for file,向相关机构报备. 如果只是登记报备,可以用register for file.



In Your Own Time 歌词

歌曲名:In Your Own Time歌手:Keane专辑:StrangelandIn Your Own TimeKeaneYou"ve got nowhere to goGot no way out of this holeGot no one to say it"s all just the way things areWouldn"t it be goodTo look into a brighter dayIt"s just the way things areIn your own timeThere"s no map to guide our waySo I say nothing, you say nothingIn your own wayThought I could help you find your placeBut I"m as lost as you are lost these daysAnd wouldn"t it be fineTo close your eyes and see somethingSomething more than this..In your own timeThere"s no map to guide our waySo I say nothing, you say nothingIn your own wayThought I could help you find your placeBut I"m as lost as you are lostIt"s not the wayThings are going to change, you knowThe battles you have fought won"t go to waste, you knowThings are going to change. It just takes time…Ooooh... In your own timeThere"s no map to guide our waySo I say nothing, you say nothingIn your own wayThought I could help you find your placeBut I"m as lost as you are lostIt"s just the wayIt"s just the wayIt"s just the wayIt"s just the wayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13981722

魔术分区怎么分好后重启提示Please manually reboot your computer


I wanna be your slave的中文翻译是什么?

I wanna be your slave的中文翻译是我想做你的奴隶


manually curated data手工辅助数据The genomic data is also curated to identify"alternate names"of viral proteins, where available.基因组数据也被精选以识别可用的病毒蛋白质的“别名”。
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