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就是陆途吧 众多zhai牌之一,除了便宜 硬 重 容易漏油 外 没啥特点了。好用的 耐用的前叉,依次为:三拓(SUNTOUR)、野宝(X-FUSION)、马尼托(MANITUO)、ROCKSHOX、FOX、左撇子(佳能戴尔)。其中入门级的是三拓 RADION(神叉的小弟,专供品牌整车,零售不好买到,强过LUTU之流)、三拓 EPICON(神叉)、野宝 ENIX、马尼托 M30、ROCKSHOX RECON(越野专用), 600-800之间。马尼托R7 PRO(1100)是低、中端的分水岭代表、秒杀LUTU之流)、马尼托R7 MRD、野宝 X32 EVO、ROCKSHOX REBA(1700-1800,属于中端,XC竞技比赛的入门级)。再往上,两千多的是标准中端叉,XC竞技比赛用、四千多的是中高端,比如FOX SC32金管,高端的要七八千起步,比如左撇子PBR、OHCO。。。。。入门级里推荐野宝 ENIX RL2(现在600块即可)、马尼托 M30(2018或2019款)

It was July 1, 1997 ___ saw the return of Hong Kong to the motherland.

选A。that。这是一个强调句型,It was …(A)…that…(B)…这里的A部分也就是July 1,1997,它是被强调的部分。不仅仅是用来表示时间,所以不能用when。整句话可以翻译为:1997年7月1日是香港回归的日子。望采纳,谢谢。


comprise [ku0259m"praiz] vt.1. 包括,包含:例句: The committee comprises men of widely different views.该委员会包括了具有各种不同意见的人。2. 由…组成:例句: Their country is comprised of 50 states.他们的国家是由50个州组成的。3. 形成,构成:例句: Women comprise 51 percent of the population of France.妇女构成了法国人口的51%。近义词:include . 短语be comprised of由…组成变形:vt.comprisedcomprisingEg1. A cricket team is comprised of eleven players.一个板球队由11名队员组成。2. This month"s figures are comprised in the total.这个月的数字已包含在总数之内。3. Fifteen separate republics comprised the Soviet Union.苏联由十五个加盟共和国组成。4. Twenty chapters comprise Book One.第一卷有二十章。5. Collectively, these genes comprise the product"s genome.总体上,这些“基因”构成了是产品具有的”基因组“。6. Why not make a comprise instead of sticking to each ground?我们为什么不妥协一下而一定要坚持自己的立场不肯让步呢?7. The sky and the ocean together comprise a harmonious picture.天空和大海构成了一幅和谐的画面。8. Why don\"t we make a comprise instead of sticking to each ground?我们为什么不妥协一下而一定要坚持自己的立场不肯让步呢?9. There are many, many expressions that comprise your total suffering.有许多,许多表达合成了你的痛苦。10. The board of directors shall comprise representatives of the employees.董事会成员中应当有公司职工代表。11. The diageneses mainly comprise cementation, compaction and dissolition.主要成岩作用有机械压实作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用。12. Logic valves comprise cartridge elements and covers with pilot passages.插装阀是由插装元件(插件)和带先导通路的阀盖组成的。13. The chapters that comprise the first part of the novel are especially good.构成那部小说开头部分的几章特别好。14. There are two subsets of equipment which comprise the sound system in a theatre.电影院的音响系统包括两个环节。15. How do you provide security for the numerous components that comprise the system?如何保证构成系统的各个组件的安全性?16. A group can comprise an organization, a part thereof, or more than one organization.一个团体可由一个组织或其一部分或多个组织构成。17. At today"s level of development , it might comprise 10,000 separate electronic elements.就今天的发展水平来说,它可以包含一万个分立电子元件。18. The breast is to abound adipose gland body organization, comprise by 20 mammary gland about.乳房是富于脂肪的腺体组织,约由20个乳腺组成。19. Revenues from the oil and gas industry comprise about half the projected surplus for 2009-11.来自石油和天然气行业的收入构成大约一半的直到09年11月的预期结余。20. The House of Commons and the House of Lords comprise/compose/constitute the British Parliament.英国国会是由下议院和上议院组成的.21. These comprise top down and bottom up views respectively of the quality of teaching and learning.这些包括各地区对教与学自上到下和颠倒的看法。22. Although applications are relatively unique, the components that comprise them, in general, are not.虽然应用程序都是相对独特的,但是在一般情况下,构成他们的组件却不独特。23. Exporting and importing comprise the most fundamental international business activity in most countries.进出口贸易构成了世界上大多数国家最基本的国际商务活动。24. Liver cells, or hepatocytes, comprise the bulk of the organ, which carry out complex metabolic processes.实质细胞,或称肝细胞组成了器官的大体,并进行复杂的代谢过程。25. Such sanitary accommodation should comprise a minimum of one toilet, one washbasin and one tub or shower.此类卫生间至少应包括一个厕所、一个洗脸池和一个浴盆或淋浴。26. Entries should comprise 500 words responding to the criteria above, supported by drawings and floor plans.参赛者应提出500字有关设计的说明,可利用绘图或平面图辅助说明。27. UNESCO figures show Chinese students comprise 14 percent of international students, the highest in the world.据联合国教科文组织的统计数据显示,中国留学生占全球留学生总数的14%,居世界首位。28. A foreign arbitration commission shall comprise one chairman, several vice-chairmen and several committee members.涉外仲裁委员会由主任一人、副主任若干人和委员若干人组成。29. The black line may end at the bottom of the ramp, so that the ramp and upper level room/s comprise the "Red Zone".黑线也可在斜坡底部结束,这样斜坡和上层的房间就都是红区。30. If the size of firms obeys a power law, economies will comprise some very big firms and a long tail of small ones.倘若公司规模遵循幂定律,那么许多经济的样子就是一些非常大公司加上一个由众多小公司所构成的“长尾”[7]。======================================================================================================constitute ["ku0254nstitju:t] vt.1. 构成,组成,形成:例句: Four quarts constitute a gallon.四夸脱构成一加仑。Listening, speaking, reading, then writing constitute the fundamental order in language learning.听、说、读、写是学习语言的根本顺序。2. 任命,指定;选派:例句: The court constituted him legal guardian of the child.法庭指定他为这个孩子的合法监护人。3. 制定(法律);建立(机构等):例句: to constitute new traffic regulations制定新的交通规则Governments should be constituted by the will of the people.政府应当按照人民的意志建立。4. 赋予(会议、法庭等)以合法形式;使(文件等)通过法律手续:例句: to constitute a mass rally使群众集会合法5. 造成;实际上等于,相当于:例句: Such action constitutes a felony.这样的行为实际上等于犯了重罪。变形:vt.constitutedconstitutingEg1. The defeat constitutes a major set-back for our diplomacy.这次失败是我们外交上的重大挫折。2. Laws are constituted to protect individual rights and properties.法律是为保卫人民的权利和财产而制定的。3. Twelve months constitute one year.十二个月构成一年。4. Seven days constitute a week.一周有七天.5. Why Constitute Network?为何建立电脑网络?6. Two members shall constitute a quorum.二名成员可组成法定人数。7. By numerous independent constitute a bubble.由无数的独立气泡构成。8. My decision does not constitute a precedent.我的决定不应视为先例。9. Love constitute the sum of all social relations.爱构成了一切社会关系的总和。10. The above four realms constitute a organic whole.以上四个境界为一个有机整体。11. Constitute elements of a home are: a woman and a fool.构成一个家庭的要素是:一个女人和一个傻瓜。12. Eighty years constitute a longer-than-average lifetime.八十岁高于平均寿命。13. Constitute a crime, will be held criminally responsible.构成犯罪的,将依法追究刑事责任。14. These levels constitute a hierarchy of virtual machines.这些层构成了一个虚拟机的等级层次。15. The system is easy to constitute, and has great utility.该系统构成简单,有良好的应用前景。16. Armed with bows and arrows, they constitute the vanguard.他们手执弓弩等远射兵器,担任整个军阵的警戒任务。17. The devices itemized below constitute the forming section.成型部由以下列出的设备构成。18. 023 Objects are just what constitute this unalterable form.023正是诸对象构成这种不变的形式。19. Rice, meat, vegetables and fruit constitute a balanced diet.米饭、肉类、蔬菜、水果构成均衡的饮食。20. In fact, the precepts constitute the first step in the path.实际上,戒德构成了行道的初阶。21. Nuclear weapons constitute a very real threat to world peace.核武器构成对世界和平的真正威胁。22. Constitute the circuit checking regulation and spot-check it.制定设备的巡回检查制度,并抽查落实情况。23. These casts are so common that they constitute a major nuisance.这些转换非常普遍,带来了巨大的麻烦。24. Collectively, they constitute the main body of corporate finance.两者共同构成公司融资的主体。25. Trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent s report.颂词形成选民的报告的属性。26. We need to constitute a new plan that have to conside mark situation.我们需要制定一个新政策,该政策必须考虑到变化着的市场环境。27. Black people constitute the poorest segment of society in the country.黑人是这个国家最穷的社会群体。28. Do learners constitute their identities as part of a reflexive project?学习者形成他们的身分作为一反省计画的部分吗?29. These constitute the upstream and downstream faces of the porous domain.这些是由多孔区的上游面和下游面组成。30. At the same time, it doesn"t constitute crime, being non-criminal in law.因此,安乐死合法化在理论上具有可行性。

Disturbed的《Criminal》 歌词

歌曲名:Criminal歌手:Disturbed专辑:IndestructibleArtist: DisturbedTitle: Criminal(Malevolent criminal eye)(Motivation paints my mind)(Cross the invisible line)(And you"ll be paid in kind)GET IT!HA HACriminalAll the sufferingIt makes me think like aWhen we"re aloneIt makes me feel like aTentacle enough for meAnd burn inside in agonyWhat power will enable meTo carry my missionA hunger comming over meAs I learn to hide the agonyTo make a final remedyTo close the door once and for allIn a world that i dont want to knowWith a message that i never want to sendTo be free from all of thisI want you to quicken my endDon"t tell me I can not goWhen the wound in me refuses to mendDeliver me from all of this(it seems the whole experience is)Devil and cripplingThe pain is much more thenPhysical beyond beliefAnd i moan inside in agonyTo make this decisionDespair is hauling over meNo way to hide the agonyInbracing my calamityTo save myself once and for allNow you want to knowYou want a nameYou want to call me motherfcuckerYou want to say it doesn"t matterYou want to say it doesn"t matter nowNow that you wanna knowNow you wanna nameNow you wanna placeNow you wanna timeNow you want it allNowDon"t say that it isn"t soIm on a path that you"ll never comprehendSet me free from all of thisI need you to quicken my endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1818454


cubase是用来专门做编曲,录音,混音的,换句话说是专门处理音频的同门nuendo是拥有更强大的视频处理能力,因此被很多电影人所爱,当然也有很大一批人使用nuendo制作音频,包括我个人在内。sam目前的新版本也是不错的,用sam的人也不少但是相对于cubase和nuendo还是少了一些,这主要是因为sam软件本身的操作界面和其它大型音频处理软件都不同,用惯nuendo cubase 甚至是protools的人都可以很快适应另外几款软件,但是却很难在短时间内适应sam的操作,还有比较繁琐的界面~

Another point l must point out here is thatu2026u2026


desirable feature是什么意思

可取的特点例句Given the millions of people who use google every day, it"s obvious why this is a desirable feature.考虑到每天数以百万计的谷歌用户,这个特性显然值得赞赏。It was the vintage that marked the beginning of the modern era in bordeaux, when ripe fruit was first accepted as fine bordeaux"s most desirable feature.它标志着波尔多葡萄酒现代时期的开始,那一年,成熟的葡萄被首次视为上乘葡萄酒最必需的要素。

turn out point out

sold out.sold是sell的过去分词形式. be sold out就是卖完了的意思 当面包被卖完的时候,他们通常就会回到他们的新公寓. turn out.被证明是 通常用在短语 turn out to be /be turned out to be point out 被指出 work out 解出(一道题目)

attitude to 与 attitude towards 各自的用法 和 区别 是什么?

同意词组,意思一样的 都是“对……的态度”

attitude towards还是attitude toward 为什么

两个都可以toward 和towards用法一样,就是美式英语和英式英语的区别attitude towards 态度,看法

take on与turn on的区别?

take on 是“呈现、展现”的意思。turn on 是“打开”的意思。望采纳。


小学英语短语500句 1. I see. 我明白了。 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3359. So I just take what I want. 那么我只拿我所需要的东西。 360.



turn over get over take over哪个有“克服trouble”的意思?

turn over移交给;翻阅; 把…翻过来 反复考虑 The demonstrator turned over a police car. 示威者推翻了一辆警车。

怎么关闭联想电脑的Secure Boot Status


Nature’s Choice自然优选的蔓越莓精华效果怎么样?


itunes 里面的windows contacts是怎么用的,找不到

1、启动iTunes 将iPhone连接到电脑,通常iTunes会自动启动,如果没有启动,手工启动它。iTunes有可能提示你有新版本,是否需要升级,回答“否”,不要轻易升级!。建议关闭iTunes自动检测升级的功能,点击菜单:编辑(Edit)->预选项(Preferences),然后取消自动检查更新(Check for updates automatically),确认就可以了。 2、设置iPhone名字 这只有在第一次连接iPhone才会出现,如下屏幕: [attach]3144268[/attach] 输入你想起的名字。屏幕上有几个选项,分别表示了怎样同步以及与哪些数据同步,选好后点完成,进入汇总屏幕。 3、汇总(Summary)屏幕 [attach]3144269[/attach] Check for update - 检查是否有升级文件。慎用!不要轻易升级! Restore - 恢复数据。有2个功能,当iPhone处于正常方式时,是将之前同步过的数据完全恢复到iPhone上。如果iPhone处于Recovery方式,这个功能就变成了恢复iPhone系统。慎用!不要随便恢复系统,即使恢复也要手工选择恢复的版本! Automatically sync when this iPhone is connected - 选中后,当连接iPhone时自动同步 4、信息(Info)屏幕 点击Info进入信息屏幕。[attach]3144270[/attach] 勾上 Sync contacts from...就表示需要同步通讯录,下来框可以选择同步的对象,比如Windows地址本、Outlook等。如果只想同步部分组,就选择 Selected groups,然后勾上需要同步的组。选好后点击Apply/Sync开始同步。 5、音乐(Music)屏幕 点击Music进入音乐屏幕。[attach]3144271[/attach] 勾上Sync music就表示需要同步音乐。iTunes以播放列表的方式与iPhone同步,只有建立播放列表才能同步到iPhone上。默认同步所有列表,如果只想同步部分列表,选择Selected playlists,然后勾上需要同步的列表。Include music videos表示同步是否要包括MTV。选好后点击Apply/Sync开始同步。要从iPhone删除音乐的话,需要在iTunes播放列表里删除,然后与iPhone同步。 6、相片(Photo)屏幕 [attach]3144272[/attach] 点击Photo进入相片屏幕。勾上Sync photo from...就表示需要同步相片,右面的下拉框可以选择从哪个目录取得照片。如果目录中有子目录,可以只选择部分子目录,方法是选择Selected folders,然后勾上需要同步的目录。选好后点击Apply/Sync开始同步。 7、视频(Video)屏幕 [attach]3144273[/attach] 点击Video进入视频屏幕。上面是同步TV节目的,下面是同步电影的,勾上就表示需要同步。勾上需要同步的内容,完成后点击Apply/Sync开始同步。 其他说明: 1、iPhone同步是真正的与电脑同步,也就是说,如果两边内容不一致,会用电脑的内容覆盖掉iPhone的内容,只有通讯录例外,通讯录同步允许选择合并和覆盖。 2、可以一次选择好各个部分的同步选项,然后再点Apply,不需要每次改变就点Apply。 我朋友用的~~是7.6的

Have a negotiation with your classmate based on each situation goven below. Situation 1

Have a negotiation with your classmate based on each situation goven below.与你的同学有一个谈判基于下面每种情况进行统治。Situation 1  Tenant : You should emphasize the damage of PC is caused by the broken water pipe upst情况1租户:你应该强调电脑的损害是由破水管upst引起的Situation 1情况1Tenant : You should emphasize the damage of PC is caused by the broken water pipe upstairs and maintain the building in good shape is the landlord"s responsibility. So the landlord should compensate partly for ruined PC. You can threaten to quit renting but not to go to court. Because the contract that all tenants shall carry their own insurance for personal property.租户:你应该强调电脑的损坏是由于楼上的水管破裂和维护良好的建筑是房东的责任。所以房东应该赔偿部分毁了电脑。你可以威胁退出租赁而不是去法院。因为所有租户的合同应当携带自己的个人财产保险。Landlord: Because the contract you signed with the tenants states clearly that all tenants shall carry their own insurance for personal property, you should insist that the tenant go to insurance company to get compensation. You are not afraid of going to court or any other threats because you have a lot potential tenants.房东:因为你签署的合同租户明确指出,所有租户应携带自己的个人财产保险,你应该坚持租户去保险公司获得赔偿。你不害怕去法院或其他任何威胁,因为你有很多潜在的租户。Possible outcome: win—lose negotiation可能结果:要谈判Situation 2情况2Customer: You should start with higher price when you sell your ole car and begin with a lower price when you buy the car.顾客:你应该从更高的价格当你卖掉你的奥立车,从一个更低的价格,当你买那辆车。Car dealer: You can offer some attractive term when you buy the old car and sell the new at a higher price. But you should remember to keep the customer happy and avoid quarrelling.汽车经销商:您可以提供一些有吸引力的词当你买这辆旧汽车和新以更高的价格出售。但是你应该记得让客户满意,避免争吵。

寻找 Virtual reality technology and VRML 这篇文章的英文全文和中文翻译

摘要:虚拟现实技术是计算机图形环境和电子外设产生逼真的视觉,听觉,触觉,部队和其他伪三维的物质环境的意识。 VRML is for real-time roaming the virtual reality modeling language. VRML的是实时漫游虚拟现实建模语言的时间。 This paper introduces the concept of virtual reality technology, technical features, applications and VRML concept, development and construction, and discusses the application of VRML virtual reality technology in an important position.本文介绍了虚拟现实技术的概念,技术特点,应用及VRML的概念,发展和建设,并讨论了在重要位置,VRML的虚拟现实技术的应用。 Keywords: computer; virtual reality; VRML:A virtual reality technology关键词:计算机,虚拟现实VRML的:一个虚拟现实技术1.1 The concept of virtual reality technologyVirtual Reality (Viamal Reality) technology is 90 years since the 20th century, the rise of a new information technology, is a new form of human-computer interface. 1.1虚拟现实概念technologyVirtual现实(Viamal现实)技术是90年以来的20世纪,一个新的信息技术的兴起,是一个人机界面的新形式。 What it seeks is the traditional needs of people use a computer from a keyboard and mouse to operate the equipment of its people are into computers to create artificial environments.它追求的是人民的需要使用传统的键盘和鼠标操作电脑的人的设备,计算机制造人工环境。 Users with complex fixed equipment (such as data gloves, helmets, etc.) to the natural methods of interaction with the virtual environment, mutual influence, to gain experience with the real-world equivalent, as well as experience in the real world is difficult to experience.与复杂的固定设备,如数据手套,头盔等),以互动的自然方法(用户与虚拟环境,相互影响,以获得与现实世界同等经验,以及在现实世界的经验是很难体验。1.2 The development of virtual reality technologyThe origins of virtual reality technology can be traced back to 1970, he served as Ivan Suther Land under the leadership of the successful development of the first head-mounted display. 1.2虚拟现实的虚拟现实技术technologyThe起源发展可以追溯到1970年,他担任伊凡萨瑟土地下的第一个头盔显示器研制成功的领导。 People wear a head-mounted display, you can see a side length of 5 cm cube wireframe figure floating before him.人们戴上头盔显示器,你可以看到一个5厘米的立方体线框图边长在他面前浮动。 When the experimenter turned his head, you can see the light of the different aspects of the cube can be like the real world as to determine the shape and location of the object.当实验者把他的头,你可以看到的立方体的各个方面可以像光,以确定该物体的形状和位置真实的世界。 1972 Nolan * Bushnell invented the video game rorh; 1985 Nian, Apple"s Macintosh started to develop Sinmet, 1989 Nian Sinmet completed. 1972年诺兰*布什内尔发明了视频游戏rorh; 1985年,苹果公司的Macintosh开始发展Sinmet,1989年Sinmet完成。 NASA"s Ames Research Center using the company"s pocket Radioshaek LCD TV screens developed a head-mounted virtual reality glasses, and to develop into the first commercial virtual reality hardware / software, Supemoelwit the US Air Force flight simulator.美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心使用该公司的口袋里Radioshaek液晶电视屏幕上开发了一种头戴式虚拟现实眼镜,并成为第一个商业化的虚拟现实开发硬件/软件,Supemoelwit美国空军飞行模拟器。 The term virtual reality has become a topic of everyday life.虚拟现实一词已成为日常生活的话题。

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日本动漫《银河五虎将》的ED:《Ture Answer》 歌手是:Joelle

银河五虎将日本名字:ガイスターズ英语名字:Guystairs-Fractions of the Earth求的歌曲分别是OP:WINGSED:Ture Answer 歌手是:Joelle日本网站:1.含故事内容、图片及人物介绍http://www.tv-osaka.co.jp/guystars/2.银河五虎将日文官方网站,含故事内容及人物介绍http://www.groove.jp/anime/guystars/index.htm原作 Frame Entertainment co.,ltd シリーズ构成 安达 成彦 キャラクターデザイン ゴトウマサユキ メカニックデザイン Frame Entertainment "Geisters Design Team" 美术监督 针生 胜文 撮影监督 冈崎 英夫 音响监督 铃木 佑子 音响効果 西村 睦弘 音响制作 ザックu30fbプロモーション 录音スタジオ 整音スタジオ 整音スタジオ 川井 宪次 监督 伊藤 浩二 配音:ディーンu30fbホノス 関 智一 アルキオンu30fbファーマ 远近 孝一 シャイu30fbタンナ 半场 友恵 クリスu30fbウェスタ 细野 雅世 ビクトルu30fbデキウス 小西 克幸 レオンu30fbウィルトス 松本 大 イナムナu30fbユーノ 横尾 まり エレシィアu30fbユーノ 白石文子 ランバルトu30fbフィデス 郷里大辅 カリカルu30fbシャマレル 大竹 宏 ウルパu30fbシャマレル 江川央生 ガu30fbンジャ 水野龙司 ダビu30fbハズル 室园丈裕 ピーラ 渡辺ゆみ子

吉他这个调啥意思 Open G Tuning 1=D 2=B 3=G 4=D 5=G 6=D


Futureshock的《Wide Open》 歌词

歌曲名:Wide Open歌手:Futureshock专辑:Phantom TheoryWide openWhy do I try to hideThese feelings deep insideBut tonight seems to longTo live this life all aloneI guess I"ll have to waitIt"s almost more than I can takeIs it written in the stars?There"s kingdom in your eyes this world could be oursSo I"m letting go tonight and handing you the knifeIf you cut me wide open there"s love here unspoken a heartOverflowing dreaming of your kissI"m standing here open for the moment you say whenTouching your skin, giving you kill me every timeI would die for youI could go on and pretendPlay the fool againHow can I just walk awayFrom everything I feelWhen all I want to sayThese scars will never heal and they"ll never go awaySo you cut me wide open there"s love here unspoken a heartOverflowing dreaming of your kissI"m standing here open for the moment you say whenTouching your skin, giving you kill me every timeI would die for youThere"s no way to explainJust coursing though my veinsCan"t take it any longerThis feeling"s getting stronger everydayIf you cut me wide open there"s love here unspoken a heartOverflowing dreaming of your kissI"m standing here open for the moment you say whenTouching your skin, giving you kill me every timeI would die for youI would die for youI would die for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2745634



Lotus Flower (Rudy Van Gelder Edition) (2007 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Lotus Flower (Rudy Van Gelder Edition) (2007 Digital Remaster)歌手:Kenny Dorham专辑:Afro-Cuban (Rudy Van Gelder Edition)Title:Lotus Floweralbum: The king of limbsartist: RadioheadI will shape myself into your pocketInvisible, do what you want, do what you wantI will sink and I will disappearI will slip into the groove and cut me up, and cut me up.There"s an empty space inside my heartWhere the weeds take rootAnd now I"ll set you freeI"ll set you freeThere"s an empty space inside my heartWhere the weeds take rootTonight I"ll set you freeI"ll set you free..Slowly we unfurlAs lotus flowers"Cause all I want is the moon upon a stickJust to see what ifJust to see what isI can"t kick your habitJust to feed your fast ballooning headListen to your heart....We will sink and be quiet as miceWhile the cat is away; do what we wantDo what we want..There"s an empty space inside my heartWhere the weeds take rootSo now I set you freeI set you free.."Cause all I want is the moon upon a stickJust to see what ifJust to see what is.Put the lotus flower into my room.Slowly we unfurlAs lotus flowers"Cause all I want is the moon upon a stickI dance around a pitThe darkness is beneathI can"t kick your habitJust to feed your fast ballooning headListen to your heart...---end---http://music.baidu.com/song/2894548

the mid- autumn festival是什么意思?

the Middle-Autumn Festival中秋节The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals.The family members will get together. we can eat mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk and meat. Moreover, in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people can look the beautiful moon .I think the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people. 中秋节是中国的传统节日之一,家庭成员会团聚在一起。我们可以吃到月饼,比如加了豆沙的,加蛋的和加肉的。并且,在中秋节的晚上,人们可以看到漂亮的月亮。我想中秋节对中国人来说是很好的节日。

初中英语作文:A meaningful Mid-autumn Day

Mid-autumn Day is one of the important traditional festivals with beautiful tales in China. On that day, almost everyone gets together with his or her family, eating mooncakes, chatting and watching the moon. Everyone is very happy on the Mid-autumn night. When I was young, I could always have a cheerful Mid-autumn Day. However, as the things I should do were becoming more and more, I gradually(渐渐地) didnu2019t have enough time to enjoy the festival. Every time, I just stand on the balcony and eat a mooncake, and that is all of the festival! On the Mid-autumn Day this year, our teacher, my classmates and I had a meaningful party in the classroom. Our teacher gave each of us a small mooncake which she bought the day before when it rained heavily. In order to keep the mooncakes dry, she was all wet when she got home. Our teacher poured all of her love to us onto the little mooncakes! Afterwards, we ate the lovely mooncakes, and at the same time, some students performed the beautiful tale of Changu2019e. We were all so happy that we laughed and sang. This is the most meaningful Mid-autumn Day Iu2019ve ever had. 教师评语: Mid-autumn Day is one the most important traditional festivals in China and I really want my students to enjoy it and know something about it. On that day, we had a party and the students laughed and laughed. They really had a good time. Liu Yinong is my student, she likes English very much. She spends a lot of time on it and she really works hard. I hope she can make great progress in English and other subjects. Also I hope to read more written by her. 《初中英语作文:A meaningful Mid-autumn Day》由留学英语组我整理(www.liuxue86.com)

mid——autumn day/——autumn festival是什么意思?

mid—autumn day/—autumn festival中秋节。moon festival/mooncake festival/moon festival中秋节。lunar农历。mooncake月饼。minimooncake迷你月饼。mooncakes with meat/nuts/肉馅/果仁/蛋黄月饼。ham mooncake火腿月饼。grapefruit/pomelo/shaddock柚子。glue pudding汤圆。lantern/scaldfish灯笼。chang e嫦娥。hou yi后羿。relative activities相关活动:gather to admire the bright mid—autumn harvest moon聚在一起赏月。light lantern点灯笼。carry the lantern around提灯笼。burn incense烧香。fire dragon dances火龙舞。the custom of worshipping the moon拜月的习俗。worshippe the full moon拜满月的习俗。family reunion家庭团聚/圆。came out to watch the full moon to celebrate the festival到户外赏月。the custom of mid—autumn festival celebration庆祝中秋节的习俗。

Mid-Autumn Festival怎么读

mid-autumn festival[mu026ad u02c8u0254tu0259m u02c8fu025bstu0259vu0259l]n.中秋节1. My experience at the MID – AUTUM FESTIVAL has been amazing. 我在中秋节的经验是极之美好.2. As time flies, the Mid - moon festival which attention to family reunion is approaching. 转眼间, 讲究合家团圆的 中秋节 快要到了.3. Will celebrate the Spring Festival in mid - February, 2007! 将在2007年2月 中旬 过春节!

the Mid-autumn Festival是什么意思


中秋节用英语说究竟Mid-autumn的autumn用不用大写? 要权威的

一般要大写:Mid-Autumn Festival -----根据北师大版高一英语模块1课文

Mid-Autumn Festival 能否缩写成Mid-Autumn ?


英语作文Mid-Autumn FestivaL in China

The Mid-Autumn Festival has all interesting history. Long ago in one of the dynasties of China there was a king who was very cruel to the people and did not manage the country well. The people were so angry that some brave ones suggested killing the king. So they wrote notes telling about the meeting place and time and put them into cakes. On the 15th day of the 8th lunar month every person was told to buy the cakes. When they ate them they discovered the notes. So they gathered together to make a sudden attack on the king. From then on the Chinese people celebrate on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month and eat "moon cakes" in memory of that important event. When the Mid-Autumn Festival is near, shop windows are beautifully decorated. Many "moon cakes" are displayed for people to buy. People send presents such aswine, fruits and "moon cakes" to their friends and relatives. In the evening of the day, they have a feast. After the feast, they go out to the garden to look at the moon. The children run and laugh on the streets. It is believed that the moon is at her brightest on this night. Many poems have been written about it, and poets are never tired of reading and writing such poems. In Chinese literature, the moon of the Mid Autumn Festival has been compared to a looking-glass, a jade rabbit, and so on. It seems that Chinese literature takes far more interest in the moon than in the sun.中秋节有所有有趣的历史。在很久以前的时期之一的中国,有一个国王是很残酷的人,没有治理国家。人们都很生气,勇敢的人杀害国王。建议所以他们写笔记讲述会议地点和时间,并把它们变成一块蛋糕。15日农历的每个人被告知去买了一块蛋糕。他们发现当他们吃的笔记。所以他们都聚集,要对国王的突然袭击。从那时起,中国人民在15日庆祝农历的吃“月饼”在记忆的重要事件。 中秋节时,商店的橱窗都装饰得很漂亮。许多“月饼”显示人们买。人们送礼物,这样aswine水果和“月饼”,他们的亲人和朋友。一天晚上,他们有一个宴会。之后,他们外出过节到花园里去看那月亮。孩子们在街上跑又说又笑。 据说月球在今天晚上她聪明。许多诗都写过它,诗人从不厌倦读和写这样的诗歌。在中国文学、月亮的中秋节已经比一面镜子,一块玉兔子等等。看来,中国文学以更感兴趣的月亮比太阳。

mid-autumn festival的70字左右的作文

My favorite day is mid -autumn festival. There are three reasons behind this. First, we have a break at this day every year, so we do not need to go to school in the early morning. Second, since our parents and other relatives do not need to work either, they can come home early and get together to admire moon. Therefore we have a good chance to talk to our family members at this special day since Third, we can eat moon cake. This is a deliciously food in China.

mid-autumn festival怎么读

mid"u0254tu0259m "festu0259vu0259l

Mid-Autumn Day是在那个季节?


mid autumn day是什么意思

1. 中秋节2. 中秋例句:1.Tomb-sweeping day and the mid autumn day, which are two traditional festivals to carryforward the harmonious custom of the chinese nationality, have become the nationallegal festivals. 清明节、中秋节这两个弘扬中华民族和谐之风尚的传统节日已为国家法定节日

mid-autumn festival作文

Mid-Autumn Festival The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox(秋分). Many referred to it simply as the "Fifteenth of the Eighth Moon". This day was also considered as a harvest festival since fruits, vegetables and grain had been harvested by this time and food was abundant. Food offerings were placed on an altar set up in the courtyard. Apples, pears, peaches, grapes, pomegranates(石榴), melons, oranges and pomelos(柚子) might be seen. Special foods for the festival included moon cakes, cooked taro(芋头)and water caltrope(菱角), a type of water chestnut resembling black buffalo horns. Some people insisted that cooked taro be included because at the time of creation, taro was the first food discovered at night in the moonlight. Of all these foods, it could not be omitted from the Mid-Autumn Festival. The round moon cakes, measuring about three inches in diameter and one and a half inches in thickness, resembled Western fruitcakes in taste and consistency. These cakes were made with melon seeds(西瓜子), lotus seeds(莲籽), almonds(杏仁), minced meats, bean paste, orange peels and lard(猪油). A golden yolk(蛋黄) from a salted duck egg was placed at the center of each cake, and the golden brown crust was decorated with symbols of the festival. Traditionally, thirteen moon cakes were piled in a pyramid to symbolize the thirteen moons of a "complete year," that is, twelve moons plus one intercalary(闰月的) moon. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festivity for both the Han and minority nationalities. The custom of worshipping the moon can be traced back as far as the ancient Xia and Shang Dynasties (2000 B.C.-1066 B.C.). In the Zhou Dynasty(1066 B.C.-221 B.C.), people hold ceremonies to greet winter and worship the moon whenever the Mid-Autumn Festival sets in. It becomes very prevalent in the Tang Dynasty(618-907 A.D.) that people enjoy and worship the full moon. In the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.), however, people send round moon cakes to their relatives as gifts in expression of their best wishes of family reunion. When it becomes dark, they look up at the full silver moon or go sightseeing on lakes to celebrate the festival. Since the Ming (1368-1644 A.D. ) and Qing Dynasties (1644-1911A.D.), the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival celebration becomes unprecedented popular. Together with the celebration there appear some special customs in different parts of the country, such as burning incense(熏香), planting Mid-Autumn trees, lighting lanterns on towers and fire dragon dances. However, the custom of playing under the moon is not so popular as it used to be nowadays, but it is not less popular to enjoy the bright silver moon. Whenever the festival sets in, people will look up at the full silver moon, drinking wine to celebrate their happy life or thinking of their relatives and friends far from home, and extending all of their best wishes to them. There is this story about the moon-cake. during the Yuan dynasty (A.D. 1280-1368) China was ruled by the Mongolian people. Leaders from the preceding Sung dynasty (A.D. 960-1280) were unhappy at submitting to the foreign rule, and set how to coordinate the rebellion without being discovered. The leaders of the rebellion, knowing that the Moon Festival was drawing near, ordered the making of special cakes. Backed into each moon cake was a message with the outline of the attack. On the night of the Moon Festival, the rebels successfully attached and overthrew the government. Today, moon cakes are eaten to commemorate this legend and was called the Moon Cake. For generations, moon cakes have been made with sweet fillings of nuts, mashed red beans, lotus-seed paste or Chinese dates(枣子), wrapped in a pastry. Sometimes a cooked egg yolk can be found in the middle of the rich tasting dessert. People compare moon cakes to the plum pudding and fruit cakes which are served in the English holiday seasons. Nowadays, there are hundreds varieties of moon cakes on sale a month before the arrival of Moon Festival.

my Mid-Autumn day作文

Today is Mid-autumn festival, it is one of the most important festivals in China. My mom was busy in the morning because we had a big dinner with my relatives tonight. We went to the supermarkets to buy a lot of food and fruits, and so do moon cakes. During the dinner, we ate, talked and laughed. We enjoyed the food and mooncakes.After the dinner, my cousins and I went to the park to play. The moon was full round. We lit up the lanterns and played around in the park. It was fun!!!!!!

mid-autumn festival怎么读


mid-autumn festival


题目为 at mid autumn day 的英语作文?

At Mid-Autumn DayThe Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house. On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far away from their homes will try to come back for the union. After dinner, people will light the lanterns which are usually red and round. Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily. At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together. It is said that there was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. To protect the frighten the dragon away. 中秋节 中秋节是中国一个很重要的节日,在八月十五号。在节日来临的前几天,家庭中的每一个人都帮着打扫房子,把房子装扮得漂漂亮亮的,灯笼挂在屋前。 晚上有一顿美餐,离家在外工作的人也要回来团圆。晚饭后,人们点亮灯笼,一般是红色的圆灯笼。孩子们会高高兴兴地玩他们的玩具灯笼。 晚上月亮又圆又大,人们在赏月的同时吃着中秋节特别的食品——月饼。人们在一起回顾过去,展望未来。据说天上有一条龙,它要把月亮吞下去。为了保护月亮,孩子们要弄出很大的响动把龙吓跑

midautumn day是什么意思 英语midautumn day的意思

1、mid-autumn day是中秋节的英语名称。2、例句:mom make mooncake mid-autumn day noon Mom always makes mooncakes on the Mid-Autumn Day noon.妈妈总是在中秋节中午的时候制作月饼。

英语里面,节日的前面用介词on。可是为什么可以说at Mid-autumn??

错了,我我们问的是A U T U MN,不不是M I D A QQ M!


一般要大写:Mid-Autumn Festival

mid---Autumn Day(中秋节)的读音?

Mid-autumn [mid"u0254tu0259m] n.中秋节

Mid-Autumn Festival是什么节日???

The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house. On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far away from their homes will try to come back for the union. After dinner, people will light the lanterns which are usually red and round. Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily. At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together. It is said that there was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. To protect the frighten the dragon away.中秋节 中秋节是中国一个很重要的节日,在八月十五号。在节日来临的前几天,家庭中的每一个人都帮着打扫房子,把房子装扮得漂漂亮亮的,灯笼挂在屋前。 晚上有一顿美餐,离家在外工作的人也要回来团圆。晚饭后,人们点亮灯笼,一般是红色的圆灯笼。孩子们会高高兴兴地玩他们的玩具灯笼。 晚上月亮又圆又大,人们在赏月的同时吃着中秋节特别的食品——月饼。人们在一起回顾过去,展望未来。据说天上有一条龙,它要把月亮吞下去。为了保护月亮,孩子们要弄出很大的响动把龙吓跑。

mid-autumn day 求英语作文!!!!!

I think Mid-Autumn Day is an old traditional festival in China. Everybody likes it because it"s a family get-together. You see it is called"Mid-Autumn Day", so it often comes in September or October. It is on the 15th of the 8th of the lunar month. Now, let"s say something about this interesting festival.  Firstly, I"d like to say something about the moon. I like it very much because I want to be an astronaut in the future. That day the moon is round, big, just like a beautiful plate hanging on the blue cloth. When I see the moon, I will remember the ancient myths——the godess Chang Er and her little rabbit are playing under the tree which Wu Gang grows. I will also think about Armstrong"s first moonwalk. I will also miss the friends in Tai-wan island, in Macao and Chinese people who are abroad. I know they are missing us very much, too.  Secondly, I"11 say something about the tradition on Mid-Autumn Day. Look!There"s a big tree in a garden of a Chinese fami-ly. All the family members are sitting around a big table under the tree in the open air. They are eating the mooncakes and admiring the full moon in the sky. That is a family reunion dinner. The mooncakes and the moon represent the love from a family. I think this is one of the most valuable things in the world.  Thirdly,it is a very good opportunity to make three wishes on Mid-Autumn Day. My wishes are: the first, I, an astronaut in the future, would like to go to the moon one day,求采纳1!!!!

Mid-Autumn Festival在几月几号?


英语作文:Mid-Autumn Day

Mid-Autumn Day is a traditional festival in China. Almost everyone likes to eat mooncakes on that day. Most families have a dinner together to celebrate the festival. A saying goes, "the moon in your hometown is almost always the brightest and roundest". Many people who live far away from homes want to go back to have a family reunion. How happy it is to enjoy the moon cakes while watching the full moon with your family members.中秋是中国传统节日。几乎每个人都喜欢吃月饼的那一天。大部分家庭有一个共进晚餐,以庆祝节日。正所谓,“在你的家乡月亮几乎总是最亮和圆的”。谁住在远离家园,很多人想回到有一个与家人团聚。这是多么高兴享受月饼一边看与家人满月。

Mid-autumn festival前面是用in还是on


mid-autumn day是什么意思

Mid-Autumn Day [词典] 中秋节; [例句]Thus, Mid-autumn Day and the Spring Festival contend with the Western New Year, Christmas, and Valentine"s Day.因此,中秋节和春节与西方新年、圣诞节和情人节展开了竞争。


Mid autumn festival是中秋节的意思

“烹饪特征”整体作名词,其英文是cooking features,问cooking在这作什么词性?


mid autumn day是什么意思

mid autumn day中秋节双语对照词典结果:网络释义百科释义1. 中秋节2. 中秋

mid-autumn festival是什么意思


Mid-Autumn Day是什么意思

我记得我上学那会 中秋 是 moon autumn day啊。。。。怎么改成了mid-autumn day了

mid-autumn festival是中国的节日 为什么 不用加the?



When is mid-autumn day?中秋是什么时候?


好。查询了解到Mid-Autumn Festival 月饼,又称月团,小饼,丰收饼,团圆饼等,是中秋节家家必备的中国传统美食之一。1、mid-autumn月饼价格110元比其他品牌月饼150元便宜40元,性价比更高。2、mid-autumn月饼采用上好的馅料,更好吃,更酥脆。该月饼因价格便宜受到了大家的追捧。


中秋节的英文标准写法:Mid-Autumn Festival,autumn首字母需大写。


Shall we have a school trip in all time?或Will you have a school trip in autumn?

Mid-Autumn Festival是什么节日?

The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house. On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far away from their homes will try to come back for the union. After dinner, people will light the lanterns which are usually red and round. Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily. At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together. It is said that there was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. To protect the frighten the dragon away.中秋节 中秋节是中国一个很重要的节日,在八月十五号。在节日来临的前几天,家庭中的每一个人都帮着打扫房子,把房子装扮得漂漂亮亮的,灯笼挂在屋前。 晚上有一顿美餐,离家在外工作的人也要回来团圆。晚饭后,人们点亮灯笼,一般是红色的圆灯笼。孩子们会高高兴兴地玩他们的玩具灯笼。 晚上月亮又圆又大,人们在赏月的同时吃着中秋节特别的食品——月饼。人们在一起回顾过去,展望未来。据说天上有一条龙,它要把月亮吞下去。为了保护月亮,孩子们要弄出很大的响动把龙吓跑。


【原文】每年农历八月十五日,是传统的中秋佳节。【译文】Annually lunar calendar August 15th, is a traditional Mid-Autumn joyful festival.【原文】这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋。【译文】Is a year at this time, the middle of the autumn, so was be called Mid-Autumn.【原文】在中国的农历里,一年分为四季,每季又分为孟、仲、季三个部分,因而中秋也称仲秋。【译文】In the lunar calendar of China, a year is divided into the four seasons, is divided into three parts of 孟 , 仲 , quarter again every quarter, as a result the Mid-Autumn also calls the autumn of 仲 .【原文】八月十五的月亮比其他几个月的满月更圆,更明亮,所以又叫做“月夕”,“八月节”。【译文】August 15 of moon compare the full moon of other a few months more circle, brighter, so be called" the 夕 of month" again," August stanza".【原文】此夜,人们仰望天空如玉如盘的朗朗明月,自然会期盼家人团聚。【译文】This night, the people look up at the sky,such as jade,,such as the bright moon of 朗朗 of the dish,, the natural session hopes the family family reunion.【原文】远在他乡的游子,也借此寄托自己对故乡和亲人的思念之情。【译文】Far traveller in other place, also borrow this feeling that consigns the oneself to remember fondly to the home town and close relatives.【原文】所以,中秋又称“团圆节”。【译文】So, the Mid-Autumn call" reunited stanza" again.【原文】【译文】【原文】我国人民在古代就有“秋暮夕月”的习俗。【译文】The people of the our country have the custom of" autumn 暮夕 month" in ancient times.【原文】夕月,即祭拜月神。【译文】Month of 夕 , namely the fiesta does obeisance the absolute being of the month.【原文】到了周代,每逢中秋夜都要举行迎寒和祭月。【译文】Arrived a generation, every time round the Mid-Autumn nights all want to hold to face cold and fiesta month.【原文】设大香案,摆上月饼、西瓜、苹果、红枣、李子、葡萄等祭品,其中月饼和西瓜是绝对不能少的。【译文】Establish the big incense burner table, put a round flat cake, watermelon, apple, red date, plum, grape of last month etc. sacrificial offering, among them, the moon cake and watermelons absolutely can"t be little.【原文】西瓜还要切成莲花状。【译文】The watermelon still needs to cut into the lotus form.【原文】在月下,将月亮神像放在月亮的那个方向,红烛高燃,全家人依次拜祭月亮,然后由当家主妇切开团圆月饼。【译文】Under the month, do obeisance that direction that the moon idol put in the moon, high 燃 of red candle, whole family person one by one in order the fiesta moon, then from take charge of the housewife to cut open the reunited moon cake.【原文】切月饼的人预先算好全家共有多少人,在家的,在外地的,都要算在一起,不能切多也不能切少,大小要一样。【译文】The person who slices the moon cake calculates the good whole family in advance to have totally how much person, at home of, in the other parts of country of, all want to calculate together, can"t slice to have another also can"t slice little, the size want to be similar.【原文】相传古代齐国丑女无盐,幼年时曾虔诚拜月,长大后,以超群品德入宫,但未被宠幸。【译文】It is rumored ancient times together the ugly woman of country has no salt, childhood hour once the godliness does obeisance the month, after grow up, with the preeminence moral qualities go into temple, but don"t drive love.【原文】某年八月十五赏月,天子在月光下见到她,觉得她美丽出众,后立她为皇后,中秋拜月由此而来。【译文】Some year August 15 appreciate the month, the Emperor sees her under the moonlight, feeling that her beauty is outstanding, after sign her as empress, the Mid-Autumn does obeisance the month from here and since then.【原文】月中嫦娥,以美貌著称,故少女拜月,愿“貌似嫦娥,面如皓月”。【译文】Charng-er in month, call with the beautiful looks 著 , the past young girl does obeisance the month, wish" look like the Charng-er, face such as the bright moon".【原文】在唐代,中秋赏月、玩月颇为盛行。【译文】At the Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn appreciates the month and plays the month very widely accepted.【原文】在北宋京师。【译文】In the north city teacher of Sung.【原文】八月十五夜,满城人家,不论贫富老小,都要穿上成人的衣服,焚香拜月说出心愿,祈求月亮神的保佑。【译文】15 nights of August, full city somebody else, in spite of the rich and poor the old and the young, all want to put on the person"s clothes, the joss-stick of 焚 does obeisance the month to speak the wish, protect of the imprecation moon absolute being.【原文】南宋,民间以月饼相赠,取团圆之义。【译文】South Sung, folks with moon cake mutually 赠 , take the reunited righteousness.【原文】有些地方还有舞草龙,砌宝塔等活动。【译文】There is still the dance grass dragon in some places, the 砌 pagoda etc. activity.【原文】明清以来,中秋节的风俗更加盛行;【译文】Clear and pure, the customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival is more widely accepted;【原文】许多地方形成了烧斗香、树中秋、点塔灯、放天灯、走月亮、舞火龙等特殊风俗。【译文】Many places became to burn the 斗 joss-stick, tree Mid-Autumn, order the tower light, put the sky lantern and walk moon, dance the special customs of etc. of the fire dragon.【原文】今天,月下游玩的习俗,已远没有旧时盛行。【译文】Today, the custom that the downstream of month play, already far have no old hour widely accepted.【原文】但设宴赏月仍很盛行,人们把酒问月,庆贺美好的生活,或祝远方的亲人健康快乐,和家人“千里共婵娟”。【译文】But still hold the party to appreciate the month very widely accepted, the people ask the month to the wine, celebrate the fine life, or wish the healthy happiness of the close relatives of the far-away place, and the family"s" a long distance total lovely".【原文】中秋节的习俗很多,形式也各不相同,但都寄托着人们对生活无限的热爱和对美好生活的向往。【译文】The custom of the Mid-Autumn Festival is a lot of, the form is also each not same, but all consign the people to the living infinite passion and to fine life of look forward to




the mid autumn festival:中秋节

a school picture 对吗

a picture of school

that way the dark will eventually own walk.什么意思

that way the dark will eventually own walk这样的黑暗最终要自己走双语对照例句:1.The pleiades is an open star cluster, which means that while its stars are bound looselytogether right now, each star will eventually go its own way within a few hundred millionyears. 昴宿星团是个开放性的星团,这意味着虽然它内部的恒星目前松散地聚在一起,但是在未来数百万年的时间内,每颗恒星最终依照自己的轨道运行。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Saturday 是可数名词还是不可数名词


The W S的《Saturday》 歌词

歌曲名:Saturday歌手:The W S专辑:Trouble With XThe Secret Handshake - SaturdayI feel good"Cause it"s saturday morningI"m feeling so goodcause I woke up next to you girlAll last weekYou didn"t know how I feltYou thought that we were just friendsBut all this time I had plans to make you moreMaybe me my girlfriend oohh"Cause it"s saturday and I just fell in love"Cause it"s saturday and everything is going my way yeahhI feel good"Cause we"re finally holding hands togetherI"m feeling so good"Cause now my heart is yours foreverAll last weekYou didn"t know how I feltYou thought that we were just friendsBut all this time I had plans to make you moreMaybe me my girlfriend oohh"Cause it"s saturday and I just fell in love"Cause it"s saturday and everything is going my way yeahhI"m gonna scream it to the worldI"m gonna shout it out loudAt the top of my lungsAlrightI"m in loveI"m in a real loveI"m in love for the very first time yeahh"Cause it"s saturday and I just fell in love"Cause it"s saturday and everything is going my way yeahh"Cause it"s saturday and I just fell in love"Cause it"s saturday and everything is going my way yeahhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2670589


on saturday可以接s 表示每逢周六 不能加the 因为有his 了

Saturday (Oooh! Ooooh!) 歌词

歌曲名:Saturday (Oooh! Ooooh!)歌手:Ludacris专辑:Word Of Moufコブクロ - Saturday作词:小渕健太郎作曲:小渕健太郎消えた 街灯 揺さぶり灯した真夜中の公园で锖びた 蛇口 空に开けてまるで少年ね月に届きそうな水のロープ 浴びながら私を笑わせるの気付けば 雨の中Saturday 互いの空に飞び立てない 想いを降らせて二人は 伞もささずに濡れた街を 笑って歩いてた何度 确かめ合っても同じ答えが出るのね良いの わかってる言叶も掻き消したワイパー助手席の窓 昙らせる頬光のトンネル延ばすヘッドライトいつか その中へSaturday 今だけ傍に居てほしい眠るように そっと二人は 梦も见ぬまま白く朝が 夜を闭じるまでSaturday 无情な程に降りやまない雨があがる顷二人は 歩き疲れてつないだ指を 黙ってほどいた手の中に温もりだけを しまっておわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8019340



超新星的《Saturday》 歌词

歌曲名:Saturday歌手:超新星专辑:Stupid Love「Saturday」作词∶SWIN日本语词∶Komei Kobayashi作曲∶Dane Deviller/Eric Solomon/Ryan S. Jhun歌∶超新星流れる音の中仆だけ取り残されてくような気持ちになるよ忙しい日々の中无くした大事なもの 探そうLet me fly 自由に and I can"t waitIt"s Saturday Saturday Saturday响く音に そっと身を任せようSaturday Saturday Saturday今日だけはParadise (Girl, It"s Saturday night)This is Saturday nightつまらない心配など全て 脱ぎ舍てたら踊ろうよTonight I got no worries人ごみをすり抜けていこうPlay the music 音に身を任せCan you feel it? Can you feel it?重ね合おう Cuz I can"t waitIt"s Saturday Saturday Saturday踊る心 そっと感じるままにSaturday Saturday Saturday仆たちのParadise (Girl, It"s Saturday night)夜の终わり 违う明日が访れるとしてもこのひと时 感じてたいGirl, It"s Saturday nightThis is Saturday night今、始まったGame気にしない 谁かの视线もう君以外见えないからPlease come back again心臓が高鸣っていくから见つめるほど 君にハマっちゃうChocolateよりも甘いLipsもっと梦中にさせてよ My girlSaturday Saturday Saturday响く音に そっと身を任せようSaturday Saturday Saturday(Girl, It"s Saturday night)夜の终わり 违う明日が访れるとしてもこのひと时 感じていたいGirl, It"s Saturday nightSaturday night...终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17983396

Carpenters的《Saturday》 歌词

歌曲名:Saturday歌手:Carpenters专辑:The CarpentersSaturdayCarpentersSaturdaybegan just the same as other daysBut ended up different in many waysLove is in my world since SaturdayMornin" came but somehow it didn"t seem the sameThe sadness of Friday had somehow changedTo the happy sounds of Saturday Saturday,ever-loving SaturdayI whistle to bluebirdsI tried to tell them how you brought me sunshineMy head"s filled with new wordsThat sing to the sounds of happy day after FridayCome and see the flowers of love she gave to meThe touches of laughter and harmonyTo the happy sounds of Saturday Saturday,ever-loving SaturdayMy head"s full of new wordsSing to the sounds of theday after Friday Day after Friday Repeatthe flowers of love she gave to meThe touches of laughter and harmonyTo the happy sounds of Saturday Saturday,ever-loving SaturdaySaturday, Saturday,ever-loving Saturdayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7555297


现在世界各国通用一星期七天的制度.这个制度最早由君士坦丁大帝(Constantine the Great)制定.他在公元321年3月7日正式宣布7天为一周,这个制度一直沿用至今.一周七天的英文名称是Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday. 这些名称最早起源于古巴比伦(Babylon).公元前7至6世纪,巴比伦人便有了星期制.他们把一个月分为4周,每周有7天,即一个星期.古巴比伦人建造七星坛祭祀星神.七星坛分7层,每层有一个星神,从上到下依此为日、月、火、水、木、金、土7个神.7神每周各主管一天,因此每天祭祀一个神,每天都以一个神来命名:太阳神沙马什主管星期日,称日耀日;月神辛主管星期一,称月耀日;火星神涅尔伽主管星期二,称火耀日;水星神纳布主管星期三,称水耀日;木星神马尔都克主管星期四,称木耀日;金星神伊什塔尔主管星期五,称金耀日;土星神尼努尔达主管星期六,称土耀日. 古巴比伦人创立的星期制,首先传到古希腊、古罗马等地.古罗马人用他们自己信仰的神的名字来命名1周7天:Sun"s-day(太阳神日),Moon"s-day(月亮神日),Mars"s-day(火星神日),Mercury"s-day(水星神日),Jupiter"s-day(木星神日),Venus"-day(金星神日),Saturn"s-day(土星神日).这其个名称传到不列颠后,盎格鲁-撒克逊人又用他们自己的信仰的神的名字改造了其中4个名称,以Tuesday 、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday 分别取代Mars"s-day 、Mercury"s-day 、Jupiter"s-day 、Venus"-day.Tuesday来源于Tiu,是盎格鲁-撒克逊人的战神;Wednesday来源于Woden,是最高的神,也称主神;Thursday来源于Thor,是雷神;Friday来源于Frigg,是爱情女神.这样就形成了今天英语中的1周7天的名称:Sunday(太阳神日),Monday(月亮神日),Tuesday(战神日),Wednesday(主神日),Thursday(雷神日),Friday(爱神日),Saturday(土神日). Sunday 星期日: Sunday在古英文中的意思是sun"s day(属于太阳的日子).对基督徒而言,星期日是「安息日」,因为耶稣复活的日子是在星期日.约在公元三百年左右,欧洲教会和政府当局开始明订星期日为休息的日子,直到今日,世界上大多数的国家都以Sunday为星期例假日. Monday 星期一 : 根据西方传说,Monday的意思是moon day(属于月亮的日子),因为西方人把这一天献给月之女神.古时候西方人相信,月的盈亏会影响农作物的生长,也会影响医疗.此外,尚有所谓的Blue Monday.Blue是「忧郁」的意思.星期一是一周工作的开始,没得玩了,所以心情不好,不少国家将星期一当作 family washday(家庭洗濯日),那是由来已久的习俗. Tuesday 星期二: Tuesday 是由古英文字Tiw演变来的.Tiw是北欧神话里的战神,正如同罗马神话里的战神Mars一样.在北欧神话中不叫Tiw而叫Tyr.相传在他的那个时代,有一狼精经常出来扰乱世界,为了制服狼精,Tyr的一只手也被咬断了. Wednesday 星期三 : Wednesday在古英文中的意思是Woden"s day.Woden是北欧诸神之父.为制服狼精而牺牲自己一只手的Tyr,就是他的儿子.Woden领导神族跟巨人族作战,他曾牺牲自己锐利的右眼,跟巨人族换取「智能」的甘泉.他也曾深入地层,从巨人族那里偷取「诗」的美酒.西方人为了追念这位主神,就根据他的名字创造了Wednesday这个字. Thursday 星期四: Thursday在古英文中意思是Thor"s day.Thor是北欧神话中的雷神,经常带着一把大铁锤.相传有一次,他的大铁锤被一位叫Thrym的巨人偷走了.Thrym 扬言,除非神族答应把美丽的爱神Freya嫁给他做为交换.然而Freya抵死不从,于是神族想了一个办法,由Thor男扮女装穿Freya的衣服,假装嫁给他,Thrym不疑有诈,把铁锤交给新娘.于是Thor抢回了自己的武器,也立即把Thrym 给杀了. Friday 星期五: Friday在古英文中意思是Frigg"s day.Frigg是北欧神话中主司婚姻和生育的女神,也是Woden的妻子.相传她平日身披闪耀白长袍,住在水晶宫中,和侍女们一起编织五颜六色的彩云.对于北欧人而言,星期五是幸运的日子.然而对基督徒来说却是相反的,因为耶稣受难日正好是星期五. Saturday 星期六: Saturday在古英文中的意思是Saturn"s day.Saturn是罗马神话中的农神,掌管五谷,就像中国神话中的神农大帝一样. English(英文) Saxon(撒克逊语) 中文 Sunday Sun"s day 太阳之日 Monday Moon"s day 月亮之日 Tuesday Tiw"s day Wednesday Woden"s day Thursday Thor"s day 雷神之日 Friday Frigg"s day Saturday Saturn"s day 土星(农神)之日

Donderdag的《Saturday》 歌词

歌曲名:Saturday歌手:Donderdag专辑:Saturday (Single)Kids In Glass Houses-Saturday★ lrc 编辑:妙一法师And I wish I could sleepBut I"m tired, down, dirty in these borrowed sheetsIt"s been a weekAnd I"ve been singing to my feet, yeahBut I won"t admit defeat tilSaturday, Saturday, Saturday(When you come by)For your informationI love my demonsCause they keep me company, yeahI"ve grown to love my new routineBut on my better days, better days, better daysConsider yourself one of my best friendsConsider yourself one of my enemiesOh enemiesAnd I wish I could speakWe spend the last half hour in the back roomCelebrating meAnd now I feel a little cheap, yeahBut I won"t admit defeat tilSaturday, Saturday, SaturdayAnd it"s not one of my better days, better days, better daysConsider yourself one of my best friendsConsider yourself one of my enemiesOh enemiesShow a little skin and make a millionFor a little soul and make a million moreA million moreWhen I grow up, woahI wanna be famous, woahAnd when you grow up, woahWill you still blame usAnd I wish I could see thatBut I"m tired, down, dirty in these borrowed sheetsIt"s been a bitch of a week, yeahSaturday, Saturday, SaturdayConsider yourself one of my best friendsConsider yourself one of my enemiesOh enemiesShow a little skin and make a millionFor a little soul and make a million moreShow a little skin and make a millionFor a little soul and make a million more★ lrc 编辑:妙一法师http://music.baidu.com/song/15043856


Saturday的缩写是Sat. 附:其余几天的所写 Sunday(星期天)Sun Monday(星期一) Mon Tuesday(星期二) Tue Wednesday(星期三) Wed Thursday(星期四) Thu Friday(星期五) Fri




Saturday是星期六的意思,一般不可数。 例句: Were going sailing on Saturday. 我们打算星期六乘帆船出游。 I used to go there every Saturday. 我以前每星期六都去那儿。 扩展资料   I handed my notice in on Saturday.   星期六我递交了辞呈。   Chelsea are playing away this Saturday.   本星期六切尔西队要在客场比赛。   I"m having my ears pierced on Saturday.   我星期六要去扎耳洞。   Is the match on Saturday at home or away?   星期六的比赛是在主场还是在客场?   We got clobbered in the game on Saturday.   我们在星期六的比赛中一败涂地。
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