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RTU是REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT 的简称,即远方数据终端,用于监视、控制与数据采集的应用。具有遥测、遥信、遥调、遥控功能。


近年来,物联网通信领域设备层出不穷,RTU设备就是其中一种。此文,计讯我详细介绍RTU相关知识要点。 一、RTU概念介绍 RTU 英文全称Remote Terminal Units,中文全称为远程终端单元。 远程终端设备(RTU)是安装在远程现场的电子设备,用来监视和测量安装在远程现场的传感器和设备。RTU将测得的状态或信号转换成可在通信媒体上发送的数据格式。它还将从中央计算机发送来得数据转换成命令,实现对设备的功能控制。RTU主要应用于工业、农业、水利、电力、环保、气象、地震、交通、能源、商业领域等。 二、RTU主要特点 RTU是SCADA系统最为基本的组成单元。RTU作为一种安装在远程现场的电子设备,它的功能主要是监视并且测量安装在工作现场的传感器和其他的检测设备其主要目的是为了方便对远程工作现场的信号以及工业装置的监督测量和控制,RTU不仅能够把经过测量而得到的设备状态或者是设备测量所得到的信号转变成能够在通信媒体上发送的数据格式,它还能够把中央计算机发送出来的数据转变成命令,从而完成对设备的功能控制。 RTU在一般情况下能够经常被分成为两种情况的类型那就是“单板RTU”和“模块RTU”。“单板RTU"在一个版子中集中了所有的I/O接口,”模块RTU“在结构方面相对来说就比较简单因为它只有一个单独的CPU模块,不仅如此同时还可以有其他的附加模块,基本上这些附加模块都是通过加入一个“backplane”来实现的。 RTU作为一种非常耐用的远程现场检测控制装置,它能够支持SCADA控制中心和远程现场装置的通讯。它是一个单独的数据获取和控制单元。它最主要的作用就是能够进行远程工作现场设备的控制,从而获得设备数据,并且能够把数据传递给SCADA系统的调度中心。 u2003三、RTU主要功能 采用三级看门狗检测机制,由CPU自带看门狗设计、硬件电路看门狗设计,软件看门狗设计等三级多重检测机制组成,运行故障自修复,保证设备永不死机;采用TCP心跳链路检测机制、掉线重连、数据补发,确保设备永远在线;采用短信与网络双通道设计,网络通道与短信通道可相互切换,当TCP/UDP断开连接时,可以用短信发送数据。 采集和传输一体化设计,通信稳定,节省成本,集传统水文遥测终端机功能与2.5G/3G/4G传输功能于一体,实现水文/水资源数据的采集、存储、显示、控制、报警及传输等综合功能。 支持大容量存储,长期保存设定参数及 历史 数据,提供16MB的数据存储空间,可存储10年以上的采集数据,同时支持TF卡存储。 支持远程参数配置(同时支持平台配置方式和短信配置方式)、远程程序升级。提供功能强大的中心管理软件,方便设备管理。 u2003四、RTU主要应用 遥测终端RTU可以对远程工作环境进行遥控、遥测、遥信以及遥调,所以遥测终端RTU机非常适用于环境恶劣的工作地点。RTU产品广泛应用于石油天然气、水文水利、电力调度市政调度等行业中。 u2003五、RTU与DTU有哪些区别 RTU一般用于监视、控制与数据采集的应用。具有遥测、遥信、遥调、遥控功能。通常都集成了模拟量与数字量的输入与输出,PMW控制,计数器,RS232和RS485接口,同时具备无线路由器的功能。DTU它是一个无线透传设备。是专门用于将串口数据转换为IP数据或将IP数据转换为串口数据通过无线通信网络进行传送的无线终端设备。


up用作副词有向上,在上面等含义;用作形容词时,有向上的,往上移动的等含义;也可用作介词,有沿着,顺着等含义。 扩展资料   up用作形容词:   1、起床的   Are you sure you should be up?   你肯定你该起床了吗?   2、结束的,用完的,到点的   The moment the half-hour was up, Brooks rose.   半个小时一到,布鲁克斯便起来了。   3、正在整修的.   Half the road was up in Leadenhall Street, so their taxi was obliged to make a detour.   半条利德霍尔街都在修路,他们的出租车只好绕道走。   4、向上的,上升的,涨的   The scene is now set for a long term up-trend.   从当前情况看来,将迎来一波长期涨势。   up用作副词:   1、向上   Intense balls of flame rose up into the sky.   炽热的火球冲上天空。   2、在上面,在高处   There"s a research station perched 4000 metres up on the lip of the crater.   有个研究站坐落在海拔4,000米的火山口附近。   3、起床,起来   He stood up and went to the window.   他起身走向窗户。   4、向(或在)地势更高处   He was living up North.   他当时住在北部。   5、往,朝   The girl ran the rest of the way across the street and up to the car.   那个女孩开始跑起来,一路跑到街对面的汽车旁边。   up用作介词:   1、向上;向高处,向上游   The ship is sailing up the Nile.   这艘船顺尼罗河向上游航行。   2、在…上端,在…之上   There was a workman up the ladder.   有一个工人在梯子上工作。   3、沿着,靠着   A line of tanks came up the road from the city.   一排坦克由市里沿路开来。


RTU(Remote Terminal Unit)是一种远端测控单元装置,负责对现场信号、工业设备的监测和控制。与常用的可编程控制器PLC相比,RTU通常要具有优良的通讯能力和更大的存储容量,适用于更恶劣的温度和湿度环境,提供更多的计算功能。正是由于RTU完善的功能,使得RTU产品在SCADA系统中得到了大量的应用。RTU具有的特点是:通讯距离较长用于各种环境恶劣的工业现场模块结构化设计,便于扩展在具有遥信、遥测、遥控领域的水利,电力调度,市政调度等行业广泛使用。

求演讲稿 话题是better future better life

1882 年 7 月 26 日,上海南京东路上亮起了上海滩第一盏电灯,中国第一家发电公司——上海电气公司正式投入商业化运营,这是上海文明史上的重要时刻,也拉开了中国电灯史的纪元。 从此以后,人们告别了煤油灯的时代,中国的大地上亮起了电灯,中国人向着更美好的城市生活迈进了一大步。因为梦想着成为林中最引人注目的风景,于是每棵树木都挺拔向上点缀了生命中嘚点点滴滴,最终森林伸开双臂欢迎他们 因为梦想着成为世上最亮丽的风景,于是山顶的积水不惜粉身碎骨,飞流直下,最终积水化为壮丽的瀑布 梦想为点燃心灯,磨砺,成就了你不变的追求 奥斯特洛夫斯基曾说过这样一段话:"人最宝贵的东西是生命,生命对于我们只有一次。一个人的生命应当这样:当他回首往事的时候,他不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧----这样临死的时候,他能够说:“我整个的生命和全部精力,都已献给世界上最壮丽的事业---为人类的解放而斗争”所以一个人,只要有美丽的梦想他就不会虚度年华,也就不会碌碌无为,这样他的人生才会充满活力,变得意义丰富 正是因为要探索科学的真理与地球的奥秘,牛顿才会拼命工作;正式应为想让受难的人民获取幸福之花,毛泽东才会一直为革命奋斗;正是因为中国的落后,鲁迅先生才会“弃医从文”,拿起战斗的笔,刺向敌人的心脏 使得,永恒的梦想会让你一直探索。可是,正如做事不能一帆风顺一样,实现梦想要经受现实的磨砺,只有能勇往直前的人,才会实现自己执着追求的理想 有很多人羡慕保尔 柯察金。他从小就想当一名战士,他经历了磨难,他双目失明,但他并没有放弃,他又开始写书了,终于完成了他的梦想,他成为一名无产阶级战士 正想小溪流向大海会遇见礁石一样,梦想的实现要经历现实的挫败 正如小草要变成绿地破而出一般,梦想的实现要伴随着现实的磨砺 罗曼罗兰曾经说过:“为了解开人生美丽的奥秘,成就芬芳的秘密,我愿意哭泣着为生命受苦!”成长的路上,我们要为自己点一盏灯,点亮心灵的灯,点亮梦想的灯。

turn on是什么意思?


turn on通行的通多音字怎么组词

短语turn-on 接通 ; [电] 开启 ; 旋开 ; 开Turn Me On Goddammit 片 ; 调情圣手 ; 艾玛好色 ; 英Turn Wireless On 打开无线 ; 关于把无线turn one on 吸引Turn-on Transients 导通瞬态turn-on condition 开通条件I Turn You On 我让你to turn people on 让人感兴趣turn-on field 起始电场

turn me up什么意思

Turn me up网络释义Turn me up:向上传Turn me up,keep me amused:增大强度Just turn it up and turn me on:放大声点

Turn On The Radio 歌词

歌曲名:Turn On The Radio歌手:Bay City Rollers专辑:Bay City Rollers: The Definitive CollectionTurn on the RadioSung By "Reba Mcentire"No Good, Two Timin", Lies comin" outta your mouth.Cheatin", mistreatin" games that you play brought you down.Broke my heart, tore it apart, look who"s got the last laugh now.Don"t you come crawlin" begging please on your knees, baby if you"re missin" me.Well, you can hear me on the radio!You wanna turn me on, turn on your stereo.You can sing along, while they"re playin" our song. How you done me wrong...Baby crank it up!Until you blow the speakers out your Chevy truck.So listen Romeo, when you"re feelin" kinda lonely, let me tell you where to go.Turn On The Radio!Try to call, twitter me, text until your fingers bleed.Oh! The DJ"s the only way you*re ever gonna hear from me.If you"re reminiscing, and you"re missin me this much, and you really wanna stay in touch.Well, you can hear me on the radio!You wanna turn me on, turn on your stereo.You can sing along, while they"re playin" my song. How you done me wrong...Baby crank it up!Until you blow the speakers out your Chevy truck.So listen Romeo, when you"re feelin" kinda lonely, let me tell you where to go. OhTurn On The Radio!Whoaaoooa!Turn On The Radio!Turn On The RadioOh!Oh!OhOhOh!Oh!Ohh!~~~music~~~~Oh! You can hear me on the radio!You wanna turn me on, turn on your stereo.You can sing along, while they"re playin" my song. How you done me wrong...Baby crank it up!Until you blow the speakers out your Chevy truck.So listen Romeo, when you"re feelin" kinda lonely, let me tell you where to go.When you"re feelin" kinda lonely.(let me tell you where to go)Turn On The Radio!Turn On The Radio!Turn On, Turn On The Radio!Turn On The Radio!Turn On The Radio, Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohhh!Turn On The Radio!~~~End~~~http://music.baidu.com/song/9379576


1:IDE HDD1: IDE硬盘12:USB FDD: USB启动3:Legacy Floppy Drives 软盘驱动器4:ATAPI CDO: ATAPI CD驱动器5:IDE HDD0:IC25N040ATCS04-0-(PM) IDE硬盘06:USB CD: USB CD驱动器7:PCI LAN:IBA GE SLOT 0208V1217 PCI卡8:-USB HDD USB硬盘Excluded from boot order: :IDE HDD2 :ATAPI CD1个人建议 选择顺序 5 ,4 优先启动

Turn On The Radio 歌词

歌曲名:Turn On The Radio歌手:Bay City Rollers专辑:ElevatorTurn on the RadioSung By "Reba Mcentire"No Good, Two Timin", Lies comin" outta your mouth.Cheatin", mistreatin" games that you play brought you down.Broke my heart, tore it apart, look who"s got the last laugh now.Don"t you come crawlin" begging please on your knees, baby if you"re missin" me.Well, you can hear me on the radio!You wanna turn me on, turn on your stereo.You can sing along, while they"re playin" our song. How you done me wrong...Baby crank it up!Until you blow the speakers out your Chevy truck.So listen Romeo, when you"re feelin" kinda lonely, let me tell you where to go.Turn On The Radio!Try to call, twitter me, text until your fingers bleed.Oh! The DJ"s the only way you*re ever gonna hear from me.If you"re reminiscing, and you"re missin me this much, and you really wanna stay in touch.Well, you can hear me on the radio!You wanna turn me on, turn on your stereo.You can sing along, while they"re playin" my song. How you done me wrong...Baby crank it up!Until you blow the speakers out your Chevy truck.So listen Romeo, when you"re feelin" kinda lonely, let me tell you where to go. OhTurn On The Radio!Whoaaoooa!Turn On The Radio!Turn On The RadioOh!Oh!OhOhOh!Oh!Ohh!~~~music~~~~Oh! You can hear me on the radio!You wanna turn me on, turn on your stereo.You can sing along, while they"re playin" my song. How you done me wrong...Baby crank it up!Until you blow the speakers out your Chevy truck.So listen Romeo, when you"re feelin" kinda lonely, let me tell you where to go.When you"re feelin" kinda lonely.(let me tell you where to go)Turn On The Radio!Turn On The Radio!Turn On, Turn On The Radio!Turn On The Radio!Turn On The Radio, Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohhh!Turn On The Radio!~~~End~~~http://music.baidu.com/song/9645686

Turn On the Radio 歌词

歌曲名:Turn On the Radio歌手:Reba McEntire专辑:All the Women I AmTurn on the RadioSung By "Reba Mcentire"No Good, Two Timin", Lies comin" outta your mouth.Cheatin", mistreatin" games that you play brought you down.Broke my heart, tore it apart, look who"s got the last laugh now.Don"t you come crawlin" begging please on your knees, baby if you"re missin" me.Well, you can hear me on the radio!You wanna turn me on, turn on your stereo.You can sing along, while they"re playin" our song. How you done me wrong...Baby crank it up!Until you blow the speakers out your Chevy truck.So listen Romeo, when you"re feelin" kinda lonely, let me tell you where to go.Turn On The Radio!Try to call, twitter me, text until your fingers bleed.Oh! The DJ"s the only way you*re ever gonna hear from me.If you"re reminiscing, and you"re missin me this much, and you really wanna stay in touch.Well, you can hear me on the radio!You wanna turn me on, turn on your stereo.You can sing along, while they"re playin" my song. How you done me wrong...Baby crank it up!Until you blow the speakers out your Chevy truck.So listen Romeo, when you"re feelin" kinda lonely, let me tell you where to go. OhTurn On The Radio!Whoaaoooa!Turn On The Radio!Turn On The RadioOh!Oh!OhOhOh!Oh!Ohh!~~~music~~~~Oh! You can hear me on the radio!You wanna turn me on, turn on your stereo.You can sing along, while they"re playin" my song. How you done me wrong...Baby crank it up!Until you blow the speakers out your Chevy truck.So listen Romeo, when you"re feelin" kinda lonely, let me tell you where to go.When you"re feelin" kinda lonely.(let me tell you where to go)Turn On The Radio!Turn On The Radio!Turn On, Turn On The Radio!Turn On The Radio!Turn On The Radio, Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohhh!Turn On The Radio!~~~End~~~http://music.baidu.com/song/18386948

Turn On Me (Album) 歌词

歌曲名:Turn On Me (Album)歌手:the shins专辑:Wincing The Night AwayYou can fake it for a whileBite your tongue and smileLike every mother does her ugly childBut it starts to leaking outLike spittle from a cloudAmassed resentment pelting ounce and poundYou entertaining any doubts"Cause you had to know that I was fond of youFond of Y-O-UThough I knew you masked your disdainI can see the change was just too hard for usHard for usYou always had to hold the reinsBut where I"m headed you just don"t know the waySo affections fade awayAnd do adults just learn to playThe most ridiculous repulsive gamesAll our favorite ruddy sonsAnd their double-barreled gunsYou better hurryRabbit run run run"Cause mincing you is funAnd there"s a lot of hungry hatters in this worldSet on taking it overBut brittle thorny stemsThey break before they bendAnd neither one of us is one of themAnd the tears will never mend‘Cause you had it in for me so long agoBoy I still don"t knowI don"t know why and I don"t careWell hardly anymoreIf you"d only seen yourself hating meHating meWhen I"d been so much more than fairBut then you"d have to lay those feelings bareThe one thing I know still got you scaredYeah all that cold ireAnd never once aired on a dareYou had to know that I was fond of youFond of Y-O-USo I took your licks at the timeA change like that is just so hard to doHard to doDon"t let it whip-crack your lifeAnd I"ll bow out from the fightThose old pious sisters were rightThe worst part is overNow get back on that horse and ride.http://music.baidu.com/song/9166610

Turn To Black 歌词

歌曲名:Turn To Black歌手:Lisa Marie Presley专辑:Now WhatTell me tell me did you think you"d catch meDid you think that if you watched meId be just like the rest of themDid you think that you could mold me scold meDid you think that you could own me, yeahDid you think that you could put a saddle on meShow me ride me cloud me warn me you could control meTell me did you think Id fit you like a bonnet with a little flower on itOr a tear inside your sonnetSo much unspoken it will never be heard by youCan you take it backCan you make it go awayWish I never knew thisI did everything you saidIt all just turned to blackAnd I cant do thisDid you like the voodoo that I put now on youWhen I slither in my closet, sweat vengeance like a faucet.Was I the only monkey junkie flunky who turned out to disappoint youhoneyYeah I amDid I stop computer porn cause you didn"t turn me onNo I didn"tAre my unheard objections invalid to youCan you take it backCan you make it go awayWish I never knew thisI did everything you saidIt all just turned to blackAnd I cant do thisIll stay on the freeway of the damned souls nowWish I never knew thisThe address that you gave me was too overratedI cant do thisTell me tell me did you think you"d catch meDid you think that if you watched meId be just like the rest of themCan you take it backCan you make it go awayWish I never knew thisI did everything you saidIt all just turned to blackAnd I cant do thishttp://music.baidu.com/song/15816875

turn on my radio歌词

Reba McEntire - Turn On The RadioNo Good, Two Timin", Lies comin" outta your mouth.Cheatin", mistreatin" games that you play brought you down.Broke my heart, tore it apart, look who"s got the last laugh now.Don"t you come crawlin" begging please on your knees, baby if you"re missin" me.Well, you can hear me on the radio!You wanna turn me on, turn on your stereo.You can sing along, while they"re playin" our song. How you done me wrong...Baby crank it up!Until you blow the speakers out your Chevy truck.So listen Romeo, when you"re feelin" kinda lonely, let me tell you where to go.Turn On The Radio!Try to call, twitter me, text until your fingers bleed.Oh! The DJ"s the only way you*re ever gonna hear from me.If you"re reminiscing, and you"re missin me this much, and you really wanna stay in touch.Well, you can hear me on the radio!You wanna turn me on, turn on your stereo.You can sing along, while they"re playin" my song. How you done me wrong...Baby crank it up!Until you blow the speakers out your Chevy truck.So listen Romeo, when you"re feelin" kinda lonely, let me tell you where to go. OhTurn On The Radio!Whoaaoooa!Turn On The Radio!Turn On The RadioOh!Oh!OhOhOh!Oh!Ohh!Oh! You can hear me on the radio!You wanna turn me on, turn on your stereo.You can sing along, while they"re playin" my song. How you done me wrong...Baby crank it up!Until you blow the speakers out your Chevy truck.So listen Romeo, when you"re feelin" kinda lonely, let me tell you where to go.When you"re feelin" kinda lonely.(let me tell you where to go)Turn On The Radio!Turn On The Radio!Turn On, Turn On The Radio!Turn On The Radio!Turn On The Radio, Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohhh!Turn On The Radio!

you really turn me on是MJ的那一首歌?

Michael Jackson 的 The Way You Make Me Feel如果满意,请采纳,有任何疑问也欢迎提问,谢谢。

shiho的《TURN ON》 歌词

歌曲名:TURN ON歌手:shiho专辑:WOM -organization-「TURN ON」Music:Grok/ Lyric:SHIHOVocal:SHIHO後にして そんな舍て台词は今はただ本能の波の中何もかもフザケて见える毎日さえいつしか必然に変わるから指先 伝わる温度は壊れた 时计の针のよう今更 後戻りなんて出来ない 考えたくないTake me to heavenTake me awayturn me on 朝が来るまでyou turned me on 离れたくないturn me on 全て夺ってyou turned me on 何もいらない闭じた瞳の奥 光の矢が刺さる薄れる意识さえ 温もりに感じて続く… 景色… 叫ぶ… 想い…踌躇わず すぐに连れ去ってよ现在はもう 未来の梦の続きふと触れたその手は 掴んだままでいてあの日の涙さえ溶かしたい闻こえる 甘い嗫きは深まる 呼吸と重なる见えない 行き先も空も眩しい 视线に照らされturn you on 辿り着くまでI turned you on もう离さないturn you on 全て知ってるl turned you on 嘘はいらない明けてゆく闇夜は 2人だけを连れて湿った月を背に やがて时を刻む夜を… 裂いて… 闇を… 超えて…终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/24707629

Turn On (The Beat Box) 歌词

歌曲名:Turn On (The Beat Box)歌手:Earth. Wind & Fire专辑:The Best Of Earth, Wind & Fire-Vol. Ii「TURN ON」Music:Grok/ Lyric:SHIHOVocal:SHIHO後にして そんな舍て台词は今はただ本能の波の中何もかもフザケて见える毎日さえいつしか必然に変わるから指先 伝わる温度は壊れた 时计の针のよう今更 後戻りなんて出来ない 考えたくないTake me to heavenTake me awayturn me on 朝が来るまでyou turned me on 离れたくないturn me on 全て夺ってyou turned me on 何もいらない闭じた瞳の奥 光の矢が刺さる薄れる意识さえ 温もりに感じて続く… 景色… 叫ぶ… 想い…踌躇わず すぐに连れ去ってよ现在はもう 未来の梦の続きふと触れたその手は 掴んだままでいてあの日の涙さえ溶かしたい闻こえる 甘い嗫きは深まる 呼吸と重なる见えない 行き先も空も眩しい 视线に照らされturn you on 辿り着くまでI turned you on もう离さないturn you on 全て知ってるl turned you on 嘘はいらない明けてゆく闇夜は 2人だけを连れて湿った月を背に やがて时を刻む夜を… 裂いて… 闇を… 超えて…终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8699442

歌词 im lost without you love you turn me on im falling 是什么歌

Lost Without Your Love

you turns me on 是什么意思?

You Turn Me On: 点燃激情;你让我快乐

韩文歌中有you turn me on这句歌词的

Turning Me On (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Turning Me On (Lp Version)歌手:Tommy Page专辑:Tommy PageKeri Hilson - Turning Me On(Feat. Lil Wayne)Please don"t turn me offYeahLike thisWhere you at shawtyYou fly as hell, swagga right, brown skin poppinYou know just how to talk to meKnow just how I like itYou turnin" me on, you turnin" me on, you turnin" me onNow wait a minute little busterYou got one more time to feel on my bootyBetter recognize a ladyThat ain"t the way you do meYou turnin" me off, you turnin" me off, you turnin" me offBetter recognize a real woman(aaahhh)You ever try to get that close to meYou better come correct how you "proachin meDime divas give it to me(aaahhh)I gotta be feelin" your energyI gotta be for sure that you"re into meRecognize a real womanGoin up on it, you actin like you want itAnd you stuntin like your daddy checkin for this little mamaYou turnin me on, you turnin me on, you turnin me onNow wait a minute little busterNow you don"t even know me but you wanna take me shoppingYou a lame, I can tell it ain"t big shit poppinYou turnin me off, you turnin me off, you turnin me offBetter recognize a real womanAll you wanna do isHolla at the cutestBroad to get up in them drawsGot moneyDon"t try to buy meBottles, got my own dollarsI could buy up the bar if I want it(aaahhh)You ever try to get that close to meYou better come correct how you "proachin meDime divas give it to me(aaahhh)I gotta be feelin your energyI gotta be for sure that you"re into meRecognize a real womanI"m fly as hell swagger right, brown skin poppin like dynamiteRaw like china white, momma I dig persona rightYou look baby momma type, I know that gotchu kinda hypeMy ice is albino white, I hope your vagina tightI go under water and I hope your piranha bite he heHot Carter Imma kiss the spot for yaAnd Imma kiss it til you scream wait a minute muthafucker haYeah, I turn ya on like a handle, like a television on the weather channelCuz I make it rain girl, now call me Wayne girlYou just a earthling you ain"t neva been to Wayne"s worldI play to win, I bait em inI do my thing now your in love with an alienPolow on the beat and Weezy yup I"m at the plate againKeri if you pitch it at me imma swing away at itSomeone better play the fence, someone better tell em bout meBaby I"m the shit, that"s the only thing you smell around meWeezy F baby don"t forget the F around meAnd if you do then get the F from round me, your turnin me offyeah, yeahPolow I told you I gotchaMs. Keri babyMs. Keri baby(aaahhh)You ever try to get that close to meYou better come correct how you "proachin meDime divas give it to me(aaahhh)I gotta be feelin your energyI gotta be for sure that you"re into meRecognize a real womanhttp://music.baidu.com/song/753892

you turned me on翻译

turn on词性及解释 开, 开始, 变得兴奋, 突然显出 打开这句话应该是指“你让我变得兴奋”。与 turn on 相关的例句Turn informer on sb. 告发某人Turn the cock on. 把龙头打开。Turn on the charm. 显露出魅力Turn on the current. 接通电源.Turn on the headlights. 开车头灯Turn on the light. 打开灯。Turn on the radio. 打开收音机Turn on the switch. 打开开关。Turn on the television. 开电视。Turn the cock on. 把龙头打开。

David Guetta的Turn Me On的歌词翻译

医生,医生,需要你坏,抱我吧宝贝医生,医生,你在哪里?给我点什么吧我需要你的爱,我需要你的爱,我需要你的爱你有那种药,那种让我前进的动力我的身体需要一个英雄,快来救我我想只有你知道如何拯救我我一直感到来势凶猛的感觉,哦,我需要你快来救我[ Nicki Minaj)让我活了起来,来吧,激发它们,救我命,来吧我还年轻,不想死,来吧,让我起死回生让我活过来活过来活过来 Nicki Minaj)宝贝你做对了让我们找个椅子,坐在后面如果我尖叫如果我叫喊这只是因为我感觉自己活得好好的我的身体需要一个英雄,快来救我我想你知道如何拯救我我一直热情如沙漠,我需要你快来救我Nicki Minaj)让我活了起来,来吧,触碰我,救我,来吧,我还年轻,不想死,来吧,让我活过来活过来活过来你已经操控了我的生活现在来救我吧,我知道你做得到别让我逝于年轻我还想让你守护我的青春我只是想让你成为我的医生我想我有点醉了,哦~治疗师我知道你能救我,让我感觉自己活得好好的

turn me on歌词

Turn Me On 歌手:Kevin Lyttle & Mad. 专辑:Soca Madness Turn me onOh yeaa......ah ah ah.......Is ah big dancehall song in knowMadzart alongside Kevin LittleYou know how it is,You Know how we goYou know[Verse 1]For the longest while we jamming in the PartyAnd you"re wining on mePushing everythingRight back on top of me(yea - hey - ai)But if you think you"re gonna get away from meYou better change your mindYou"re going home.......You"re going home with me tonightLet me hold youGirl caress my bodyYou got me going crazyYou turn me onTurn me on........Let me jam youGo wine all around meYou got me going crazyYou Turn me onTurn me on......The girl ya nah go get way toniteIf she think madd man nah go fightMe done feed she with popcorn and spriteNow she whar come fly way like kite[Verse 2]One hand on the ground andBumper cock sky highWining hard on meGot the PythonHollerin" for mercy - yea hey -aiThen I whisper in her earSo wine harderAnd then she said to meBoy just push that thingPush it harder back on meSo let me hold youGirl caress my bodyYou got me going crazyYou turn me onTurn me on........Let me jam youGo wine all around meYou got me going crazyYou Turn me onTurn me on......So let me hold you...[Bridge x2]Hug me, hug meKiss me, squeeze me,Hug me, hug me,Kiss and caress meThe girl ya nah go get way toniteIf she think madd man nah go fightMe done feed she with popcorn and spriteNow she whar come fly way like kite[Verse 1]For the longest while we jamming in the PartyAnd you"re wining on mePushing everythingRight back on top of me(yea - hey - ai)But if you think you"re gonna get away from meYou better change your mindYou"re going home.......You"re going home with me tonightLet me hold youGirl caress my bodyYou got me going crazyYou turn me onTurn me on........Let me jam youGo wine all around meYou got me going crazyYou Turn me onTurn me on......Hug me, hug meKiss me, Kiss meHug me, hug me,Kiss and caress meHug me, hug meSqueeze me, squeeze me,Hug me, girl,Kiss and caress me

英文歌turn meon的中文歌词是什么

Doctor doctor, need you back home babe医生,医生,你快回来Doctor, doctor, where you at, give me something医生,医生,你在哪里?快救救我I need your love, I need your love, I need your lovin"我需要你的爱You got that kind of medicine that keep me comin"你拥有着让我重获新生的解药My body needs a hero, come and save me我的身体需要一个英雄,快来救我Something tells me you know how to save me有迹象表明你知道怎么救我I"ve been feeling weird, oh I need you我已经不对劲了,我需要你To come and rescue me快来救我Make me come alive, come on and turn me on让我充满活力,来激活我吧Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on抚摸我,拯救我,来激活我吧I"m too young to die, come on and turn me on我还年轻不想死,来激活我吧Turn me on, turn me on激活我,激活我Make me come alive, come on and turn me on让我充满活力,来激活我吧Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on抚摸我,拯救我,来激活我吧I"m too young to die, come on and turn me on我还年轻不想死,来激活我吧Turn me on, turn me on激活我,激活我Oh you make it, make it right你成功了,你做到了My temperature is super high我体温超高If I scream if I cry如果我尖叫,我哭喊It"s only "cause I feel alive这就是因为我感觉自己重获新生My body needs a hero, come and save me我需要一个英雄,快来救我Something tells you know how to save me有迹象表明你知道怎样拯救我I"ve been feeling weird, I need you我已经不对劲了,我需要你To come and rescue me快来救我Make me come alive, come on and turn me on让我活了起来,来激活我吧Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on抚摸我,拯救我,来激活我吧I"m too young to die, come on and turn me on我还年轻不想死,来激活我吧Turn me on, turn me on激活我,激活我Make me come alive, come on and turn em on让我充满活力,来激活我吧Touch me, save my life, come on and turn me on抚摸我,拯救我,来激活我吧I"m too young to die, come on and turn me on我还年轻不想死,来激活我吧Turn me on, turn me on激活我,激活我You"ve got my life in the palm of your hands我的生命全部掌握在你的手中Come save me now, I know you can快来拯救我,你可以的Dat Dat Dat Dat don"t let me die young别让我逝于年轻I just want you to father my young我还想让你守护我的青春I just want you to be my doctor我只是想让你成为我的医生We could get it crackin" chiropractor我们以后能创造美好未来I know you can save me and make me feel

Norah Jones的《Turn me on》 歌词

歌曲名:Turn me on歌手:Norah Jones专辑:Lucca Summer FestivalNorah Jones - Turn On MeLike a flower waiting to bloomLike a lightbulb in a dark roomI"m just sitting here waiting for youTo come home and turn me onLike the desert waiting for the rainLike a school kid waiting for the springI"m just sitting here waiting for youTo come on home and turn me onMy poor heartIt"s been so dark since you been goneAfter all, you"re the one who turns me offYou"re the only one who can turn me back onMy hi-fi"s waiting for a new tuneThe glass is waiting for some fresh ice cubesI"m just sitting here waiting for youTo come on home and turn me onTurn me onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52363704



Norah Jones的《Turn Me On》 歌词

歌曲名:Turn Me On歌手:Norah Jones专辑:Come Away With MeTurn Me OnNorah JonesLike a flower waiting to bloomLike a lightbulb in a dark roomI"m just sitting here waiting for youTo come home and turn me onLike the desert waiting for the rainLike a school kid waiting for the springI"m just sitting here waiting for youTo come on home and turn me onMy poor heartIt"s been so dark since you been goneAfter all you"re the one who turns me offYou"re the only one who can turn me back onMy hi-fi"s waiting for a new tuneThe glass is waiting for some fresh ice cubesI"m just sitting here waiting for youTo come on home and turn me onTurn me onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13968583

Kevin Lyttle的《Turn Me On》 歌词

歌曲名:Turn Me On歌手:Kevin Lyttle专辑:D"Soca Zone: The 2Nd WineOh,yea...ah ah ah.....Is ah big dancehall song in knowMadzard alongside Kevin LyttleYou know how it isYou know how we goYou knowFor the longest while we jamming in the partyAnd you wining on mePushing everything upRight back on top of me,(Tea-hey-ai)But if you thing you"re gonna get away from meYou better change your mindYou"re going home.......You"re going home with me tonightLet me hold youGirl caress my bodyYou got me going crazyYou turn me onTurn me on...Let me jam youGirl wine all around meYou got me going crazyYou turn me onTurn me on...The girl ya nah go get way tonightif she think madd man nah go fightMe done feed her with popcorn and SpriteNow she whar come fly way like kiteOne hand on the ground andBumper clock sky highWining hard on meGot my PythonHollerin" for mercy-yea hey-aiThen I whisper in her earSo wine harderAnd then she said to meBoy push that thingPush it harder back on meSo...Let me hold youGirl caress me bodyYou got me going crazyYou turn me onTurn me on......Let me jam youGirl wine all around meYou got me going crazyYou turn me onTurn me on......Girl just hug me,hug meKiss me,squeeze meHug me,hug meKiss and caress meThe girl ya nah go get way tonightIf she think madd man nah go fightMe done feed her with popcorn and SpriteNow she whar come fly like kiteFor the longest while we jamming in the partyAnd you"re wining on mePushing everything upRight back on top of me(tea-hey-ai)But if you think you"re gonna get away from meYou better change you"re mindYou"re going home.......Your going home with me tonightNahnananana...eahhh...yeahhhYeah...yeah..yeah...eahOuhhhh...yeah...http://music.baidu.com/song/8231112


turn off 关掉 ; 关上 ; 关 ; 拐弯; turn up 开大 ; 出现 ; 来到 ; 找到; turn down 关小 ; 调低 ; 拒绝 ; 调小; turn over 移交 ; 翻过来 ; 仔细考虑 ; 翻身 扩展资料   turn back 回来 ; 折回 ; 翻过来 ; 往回走;   turn around 转身 ; 转向 ; 转过身 ; 转圈;   linguistic turn 语言学转向 ; 语言转向 ; 语言的转向 ; 语言论转向;   Turn time 等泊时间 ; 回合时间 ; 等泊时候 ; 转换时间;   Spot turn 原地转身 ; 点转 ; 原地转 ; 定点转

请问turn on这个短语的中文意思是什么?非常感谢

put away 放好,收好;储存 put down 记下,放下 put in 驶进 put in for 申请 put off 推迟,推延 put on 穿上,戴上 put out 熄灭,消灭, put


turn. v. 使转动,旋转,转身,翻转。 n. 转动,转向,转弯处,转变。 变形:过去式: turned; 现在分词:turning; 过去分词:turned. 扩展资料   turn用法:   turn可以用作动词:   turn的基本意思是“旋转,转动”,指做圆周运动或弧形运动。引申可作“翻转”“开始涨或落”“瞄准,指向”“使…向某方向走”“达到,超过”“表演”“(使)变酸”“(使)不适,作呕,恶心”“翻译”“赶走”“考虑”“用车床加工,车削”等解。作“改变”解时,指彻底改变,以至面目全非,且常用于朝坏的方向改变。   turn可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。   turn还可用作系动词,意为“成为,变成”,后接名词或形容词作表语,用作表语的名词须用零冠词。   turn用作动词的用法例句:   The turbulence caused the plane to turn over.空气的"激流导致飞机翻转。   Men carried corpses in blankets away from the scene and a dozen others tried to turn over a car with two bodies beneath.搬运工把用毯子盖着的尸体搬离现场,另有十多人试图翻转汽车,搬出下面的两具尸体。   At each turn the screw goes in further.每一次旋转都使螺丝钉更向里进。   turn可以用作名词:   turn用作名词的基本意思是“转动,旋转”,指使某人或某物转动的行为或某物自己旋转的动作,是可数名词。   turn也可表示“方向的改变,转折,转折点”“转弯处”,引申可作“时间上的转折点,交替时期”解,是可数名词。   turn也可作“轮到的机会,顺次”解,通常用于单数形式。   turn用作名词的用法例句:   It is now his turn to set me up to a nice dinner.现在轮到他请我吃一顿丰盛的晚餐了。   Hold the strap, please. I am making a turn now.请抓牢皮带。我现在要转弯了。

turn on什么意思中文翻译


turn on和turn off的区别

turn on 意思是打开(电器等),其结构也是动词+副词,例如:Mom,can you help me to turn on the TV?妈妈,你可以帮我开下电视吗;turn off 意思是关闭(电器等),其结构也是动词+副词。 turn on和turn off的区别 turn on意为“打开(电视剧;收音机和电灯等)”其结构也是动词+副词。 例如:Mom,can you help me to turn on the TV?妈妈,你可以帮我开下电视吗? (该句中的turn on意为“打开(电视)”。句中还有个搭配help sb (to)do sth“帮助某人做某事”,其中的to也可以省略) turn off意为“关闭(电源;电视等)”,其结构也是动词+副词。其反义词是turn on“打开”。 例如:You should turn off the light before you go to bed.在睡觉前,你应该要关掉电灯。 (该句中的turn off意为“关掉(电灯)”。睡前关灯既是为了营造一个舒适的睡眠环境,也是节约用电的一种习惯。)

turn on的用法

turn on的用法 turn on是什么意思? 我们知道turn on有一种用法是打开的意思,比如打开灯turn on the light,我们来看看turn on的的另外一个用法。 Why are you all turning on me ? 你们为什么都冲我来了? 我们常见的turn on是指“打开(收音机、电灯等),拧开(瓶盖)”,在此处trun on (sb)指“攻击”。 再如: Michael, turning on the company put me and you at even greater risk. 迈克,跟公司作对会让你们和我冒更大的危险。(电视剧《越狱》经典台词)

turnon 这个中文是什么意思


急求一首歌 前面是男声女声唱。然后开头第一句是you turn me on 什么

原曲是Starkillers - Discoteka歌词Deep in the discotekaThese beats can make you wettaI have the sex you wantI have the sex to flauntI rock my body hardIn this place to beI make it hot dirty sexyCan you please meYou sexy ladiesAnd nasty boysOh freaky freakingTo the robot noise(2x)I wanna to rock your bodyBody rocking to the beatElectric rhythmPumping discoteka all over meI rock my body hardIn this place to beI make the beat go boom papi

because the world is wrong ,it turns me on 的正解是什么

turn me on 让我兴奋。 经常用与调情用语

turn on怎么读

"turn on"的正确读音是/tu025cu02d0rn u0252n/。其中"turn"的重音在第一个音节上,读作/tu025cu02d0rn/,表示旋转、转向的意思,在此处指启动。"on"的重音在第一个音节上,读作/u0252n/,表示开、启、运转的意思,常用于与不同设备或机器、电器等联用,表达开启或启动的意思。1."Turn On"是什么意思?"Turn On"指的是启动、开启,是一种英文词汇的使用方式,用于表示运行任何设备、机器或其他电子设备的过程。这个词汇经常用于计算机或机电系统中,用于启动软件或者设备、电器等。2."Turn On"的使用场景"Turn On"在日常生活和工作中有许多使用场景。例如,打开电视、收音机、音响、电脑、洗衣机、空调、电热水器或其他电器时,我们一般都会使用这个短语。此外,在计算机领域,"Turn On"也被用来描述对计算机、电脑设备或网络连接的启动操作。3."Turn On"的同义词"Turn On"的同义词包括很多短语,例如:power up、start up、boot up、fire up、ignite。这些短语几乎都具有开启电子设备或者计算机时的含义,并经常作为工程或技术术语使用。4."Turn On"的反义词"Turn On"的反义词是"Turn Off",意思是关闭、停止、关掉,指的是对于电器、电子设备、计算机或其他机器关闭运行操作的过程。5."Turn On"的常见错误用法很多人将"Turn On"用于描述打电话或联系某人。正确的表达方式应该是"dial"或"call"。另外,一些人也会误用"Turn On"来表示开车,但在这种情况下,正确的动词是"start"。6."Turn On"在语境中的不同含义在一些场合,"Turn On"还具有除了启动之外的另一种意义。比如,当我们告诉某个人"You turn me on"时,这表示我们对他/她的吸引力或性欲增强。此外,"turn on"还可以指激发情绪或积极性,例如"You really turned me on with that speech"(你的演讲真是激励了我)。

Carly Rae Jepsen 的《turn me up 》 中英文对照歌词

All alone, here I amI don"t know what i"m afterNow that you"re just a friendI can"t call you and ask youAnd from the very first time I saw your faceI knew I was satisfiedYou were talking so sweet, I had to tasteI wish I never triedI"m breaking up with youYou"re breaking up on meYou kissed me on the phoneAnd I don"t think it reachesWhat am i"ll doIt hasn"t gonna beCause begging asking tooIt"s breaking me in piecesBreaking up with youYou"re breaking up on meYou kissed me on the phoneAnd I don"t think it reachesWhat am i"ll doIt hasn"t gonna beI"ve given up, i"m going out tonightTurn me up, turn me upI"ll turn me up, i"ll turn me upTonight here you areAnd I know what you"re afterBut you"re reading me wrongCause i"m closing this chapterAnd from the very first time I saw your faceI knew I was satisfiedYou were talking so sweet, I had to tasteI wish I never triedI"m breaking up with youYou"re breaking up on meYou kissed me on the phoneAnd I don"t think it reachesWhat am i"ll doIt hasn"t gonna beCause begging asking tooIt"s breaking me in piecesBreaking up with youYou"re breaking up on meYou kissed me on the phoneAnd I don"t think it reachesWhat am i"ll doIt hasn"t gonna beI"ve given up, i"m going out tonightTurn me up, turn me upI"ll turn me up, i"ll turn me upTurn me up, turn me onTurn me up, and turn me on, and onBreaking up with youYou"re breaking up on meYou kissed me on the phoneAnd I don"t think it reachesWhat am i"ll doIt hasn"t gonna beI"ve given up, i"m going out tonightTurn me up, turn me onWhy don"t you turn me on?I"ll turn me up, why don"t you turn me on?I"ll turn me on (on, and on, and on)I"ll turn me up why don"t you turn me on中文就有道在线翻译一下下吧 有道翻译还不错滴- -

turn me是什么意思


请问谁知道含有“let me hold you.......turn me on........”这两句歌词的是什么歌?

是不是这个啊~Don"t Let Me Be Lonely Tonight James Taylor---Don"t Let Me Be Lonely TonightDo me wrong, do me right.Tell me lies but hold, hold me tight.Save your goodbyes till the morning light,But don"t let me be lonely tonight.Say goodbye, woman say hello.It"s sure enough good to see you, but it"s time to go,And don"t say yes, but please don"t say no.I don"t want to be lonely tonight.Go away then, damn you, go on and do as you please,But you ain"t gonna seeing me getting down on my knees,"Cause I"m undecided and your heart"s been divided.You"ve been turning my world upside down.Do me wrong, do me right, do me right baby.Go on and tell me lies but hold, hold me tight.And save your goodbyes for the morning light, the morning light.But don"t let me be lonely tonight.

急~请问 you turn me on 是什么意思啊

你把我打开 的意识~


sheturnsmeon正确吗不正确turn on是把什么什么打开的意思,这句话不能说是把我打开!

you turn me on 是什么意思?你转身我就上?



turn有俚语激起的意思,turn me on是指激起我的欲望或者激起我的兴趣。

求Turn me on的中文歌词(要求一句英文一句中文,要酷狗音乐里的歌词,全部翻译出来)




谁能帮我翻译一下Norah Jones-turn me on的中文歌词。

Like a flower就像花朵般Waiting to bloom等待著盛开Like a light bulb就像展小灯In a dark room在黑暗的房间里 I"m just sitting here waiting for you我就坐在这 等著你To come on home and turn me on 等你回家 打开我的心房Like the desert waiting for the rain就像沙漠 等待雨水的到来Like a school kid waiting for the spring就像学生 等待著春季假期 Im just sitting here waiting for you 我就坐在这 等著你To come on home and turn me on 等你回家 打开我的心房My poor heart我可怜的心灵It"s been so dark它太黑暗了Since you"ve been gone 自从你走了之後After all you"re the one who turns me off 你是那个 唯一一个将我关闭心房的人You"re the only one who can turn me back on 你也是那个 唯一一个能突破我心房的人My hi-fi is waiting for a new tune我的音响 正等著一个全新的旋律My glass is waiting for some fresh ice cubes我的玻璃杯 正等著一些新鲜的cube(酒?)I"m just sitting here waiting for you我就坐在这 等著你To come on home and turn me on等你回家 打开我的心房



英语作文。my city in future

My city in futureI think my city will be very beautiful in the future。There will be fewer buses and cars。People will use Small Cars to go out。This kind of cars won"t make any pollution(污染) and it will be very safe。And I think there will be more trees in the streets。They can make the air(空气) cleaner。I hope my dream will come true(实现)。

city in the future的初二作文,80字,急急急

The life in the futuer(初二作文)英语优质解答in the future the technolgy will develop more quickly.every family will have a computer.so we can know more about the world.we can talk on the internet and look at each other.the scientists will make lots of robots.they can help us do some cooking and cleaning.they can wash lothes and go shopping instead of people.if we want to see a doctor we won"t go out of our house ,we can only phone the doctor.it"s very easy .we will have lots of time to travel and relax,so the future life wil be fine

A City in the Future 英语作文,急!!!

In ten years,I think I"ll be a repoter, I"ll live in shanghai last year and fell in love with it .I think it"s really a beautiful city.As a reporte, I think i will meet losts of interesting people, I think i will live in an apartment with my best firend ,Because i don"t like living alone,i will have any pet,I can"t have any pets now becouse my mather hates them,and our apartement is too small,So in ten yeaes, I will have many different pets.I might even keep a pet parrot! I will probably go skating and swimming every day.During the week i will look smart,and probably will wear a suit.On the weekend,I will be able to dress more casually.i think i will go to Hong Kong on vacation ,and i might even vist Australia

一篇题目为《The city in the future 》的英语作文

The city in the future Cities will become more beautiful. First of all, people"s living standards improve, people do not bear on the material demand will improve, the corresponding, our spiritual life has also greatly improved, it will place a lot of fitness, but also has many places for recreation. Cities in the future there is a big change is that traffic, traffic will become more and more developed, not only are roads, railways, aircraft travel is that there will be a great upgrade. Our cities will get better.城市的将来会变得更加漂亮。首先,人们的生活水平提高了,人们不紧对物质方面的需求会提高,相应的,我们的精神生活也会有很大的提高,到时候会有很多健身场所,也有很多休闲的地方。城市在将来还有一个大的变化就是交通,交通会越来越发达,不光是公路,铁路,就是飞机出行都会出现很大的提升。我们的城市将来会变得越来越好。

tomcat return http status error:401,reason phrase:unauthorized怎么解决


文化软实力 soft power of Chinese culture

 文化软实力 soft power of Chinese culture   相较于中共往届党代会的政治报告,此次十七大报告用了相当的篇幅论述文化。“文化软实力”、“文化创造活力” 等新名词频频闪现。中央党校教授戴焰军认为把文化软实力的概念写进党代会的报告,说明执政党在推进社会发展中越来越重视文化的作用。   下面是新华社的英文报道:   Hu Jintao stressed the need to enhance Chinese culture as the country"s "soft power" in his keynote speech to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).   "Culture has become a more and more important source of national cohesion and creativity and a factor of growing significance in the competition in overall national strength," Hu said.   We must "enhance culture as part of the soft power of our country to better guarantee the people"s basic cultural rights and interests," he said.   胡锦涛同志在十七大报告中强调,文化越来越成为民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉、越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素,必须提高国家文化软实力,使人民基本文化权益得到更好保障。   “soft power of Chinese culture” 即“文化软实力”;提高文化软实力为“to enhance soft power of Chinese culture”。


startup.a51的作用 和汇编一样,在C中定义的那些变量和数组的初始化就在startup.a51中进行,如果你在定义全局变量时带有数值,如unsigned char data **=100;,那startup.a51中就会有相关的赋值。如果没有=100,startup.a51就会把他清0。(startup.a51==变量的初始化)。 这些初始化完毕后,还会设置SP指针。对非变量区域,如堆栈区,将不会有赋值或清零动作。 有人喜欢改startup.a51,为了满足自己一些想当然的爱好,这是不必要的,有可能错误的。比如掉电保护的时候想保存一些变量, 但改startup.a51来实现是很笨的方法,实际只要利用非变量区域的特性,定义一个指针变量指向堆栈低部:0xff处就可实现。, 为什么还要去改? 可以这么说:任何时候都可以不需要改startup.a51,如果你明白它的特性。


应该抄是你的启动顺序有问题,如果它出现:Press ESC in 1 seconds to skip startup.nsh, any other key to continue.Shell >这时候键入 exit 回车进入Boot menu,像这样:Shell >exit 然后回车。然后把你的启动顺序修改一下,一般优先级将序排列为:Hard Disk > CD/DVD > USBHard Disk > USB CD/DVD > Network。保存退出并zhidao重启


如果不想重装Win10的话,只能用EasyBCD来修复系统启动引导项了。先下载EasyBCD 2.3v这个软件,然后安装好,打开,进入主程序界面,在左侧选项中选择“高级设置”这一项。进入高级选项的右侧窗口,在“选择一个操作系统”下,当前默认的是Windows7,打开它的下拉框。在打开的下拉框中,选择“Microsoft Windows 10”这一项。在“更改设置”的窗口中,选择“基本”这一项,在其界面,驱动器这一项为空白,就是这一项没有选上驱动器,才导致在开机时无法显示引导项。打开驱动器的下拉框,因为Win10系统在D盘,所以,在下拉列表中选择D这一项。选择完成后,最后需要保存一下设置,按“保存设置”按钮,Win10没有系统引导问题就解决了。重启电脑,进入系统引导界面,就能看到Win10系统引导项了,Win10引导项为“Windows Technical Preview”这一项,到了这个界面,马上按上下方向键,选择“Windows Technical Preview”,回车,即可进入D盘的Win10系统。

电脑启动过程中出现Startup Menu怎么办






Run on startup是什么意思





normal startup 意思是正常启动; normal的基本意思是正常的,平常的,多指“符合标准,合乎规律”。也可指正规的,规范的。 normal在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。 normal无比较级和最高级形式。 扩展资料   When you start Windows by using a normal startup, several applications and services start automatically, and then run in the background.   当您以正常方式启动Windows时,有些程序会自动启动并在后台运行。这些程序可能包括第三方防病毒程序和系统实用程序。   Choose the normal startup mode on the General tab to start Windows normally and undo the changes you made using the system configuration utility.   在“常规”选项卡上选择“正常启动”模式,来正常启动windows并且取消您用系统配置实用程序所作的更改。   Water induction Problems often occurred in the steam turbine lubricating oil system of one boiler feedwater pump in the normal operation and startup and shutdown process.   介绍了1台给水泵驱动汽轮机润滑油系统的"设计特点,该给水泵驱动汽轮机在正常运行和启停机过程中遇到了润滑油中进水较多的问题。   Use handset ( move near to earphone) in normal position. After startup, do not touch antenna without reason.   在正常人位置下使用手机(靠近耳机)。手机开机后,不要无故触摸天线。



电脑显示startup device menu是什么意思




startup company 和early-stage company

意思差不多startup 是指新创的公司,early-stage也有这个意思,但不一定只是新创,early(初)stage(步)公司可能刚开始某一阶段。。。(也就是说startup是early-stage company,但early-stage company不一定是startup)

normal startup 是什么意思

normal startup正常启动双语例句1Normal Startup-load all device drivers and services正常启动-加载所有设备驱动程序和服务

normal startup 是什么意思






为什么开机时会出现startup interrupt menu?

由于主板BIOS的启动项掉了,或者主板没有电了,造成BIOS无法保存,所形成的,没有启动项,而无法引导系统的现象,上面的E文是:启动菜单中断,请按以下键继续,ESC恢复正常启动,F1进入BIOS 设置,按F12 进入快速启动菜单设置,按回车键暂停。处理方法:就是按F1进入BIOS中进行设置,一般是这样的,你找到BOOT这一项,BOOT----boot settings---boot device priority--enter(确定)--1ST BOOT DEVICE---DVD/CD ROM--enter(确定)),有一些主板不是这样的,但你只要找到BOOT这一项,就好找了,以你的主板说明书为准。按上面设好后,按F10保存就OK了,重启电脑就OK了,如果这样设了还不能进电脑,哪就是主引导区破坏,分区表破坏,系统破坏,哪就要重建主引导,重建分区表,重装系统了。



Bios Startup是什么意思?

启动1主引导序列2:自动启动序列3:误差的启动序列phoenix bios启动顺序设置问题描述phoenix bios启动顺序设置方法解决方案phoenix bios的启动顺序有:Primary Boot Sequence(有时显示为Manufacturing), Error Boot Sequence, Automatic Boot Sequence。每个项目中都可以设置1、2、3、4……多个启动设备无POST错误时候走primary 引导顺序有POST错误时走error 引导顺序从网络(lan)唤醒后走automatic 引导顺序当遇到启动方面的问题时,例如要设置不从网卡启动或者安装了多硬盘要从特定的硬盘启动,为了确认设置的启动顺序起作用,把3个启动顺序设置相同。设置界面的上部会显示目前设置的是哪个启动顺序,右侧有提示按1、2、3在不同的启动顺序设置间切换。注意:如果某个启动设备设置为排除,是不能在开机的时候按F12选择通过这个设备启动的。如果安装多硬盘,不希望通过某个硬盘启动,除了调整启动顺序外,也可以把不希望启动的硬盘放到排除列表中。注意:对于双硬盘情况下启动顺序的调整主要是针对硬盘没有非windows标准分区的情况。由于联想的多数应用多要求硬盘必须为第一启动硬盘才有作用,在硬盘有HPA分区、type12分区或者其他的非windows标准的分区,可能会有问题。如果不希望启动的硬盘存在这特殊的分区和应用,可能导致设置的启动顺序无法保存。 联想硬盘保护应用不支持双硬盘。也不对使用硬盘保护应用加双硬盘的情况提供支持。 一键恢复应用必须硬盘为第一启动硬盘才生效。追问: 还是不懂的, 这里面的有4个选项 1st boot device2nd boot device3rd boot device4th boot device里面还有子项 第一个hard driver 第二个 removable dev 第三个 network 第四个 disabled 这个里面什么意思呢 电脑网络安全技术论坛:华夏联盟信息资源分享!论坛管理组定于5.1开发注册,并有大量珍藏免费培训教程分享!欢迎你的加入





我的ThinkPad启动就一直出现 startup interrupt menu,该怎么弄呢?

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