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和我说下cnblue的one time韩文版的中文或罗马音译歌词,谢谢

哭瑞一就那你我有死那以吧,苦苦肉哇与如撒来内NO多列火多诺依他迷那啦吧莫一他多KI米 你 啊唉路ONE MORE TIME 一塞次哟无此咯哇那一跌ONE MORE TIME 副贴KEI啊他几卡无哟哭啼噶拖KI 哇 一次魔 波哭噶撒KI你 哦列他捏哇嘎妈妈那 塞一卡库嘎 那哦撒拉 一拖戏库撒色他ONE MORE CHANCE KI我哭你 啊戏我拖拉裂贴ONE MORE CHENCE 次GI诺 吧啼我 唉啦别拿一一次跌莫 撒嘎戏贴一路哟 多卡尼 KI迷诺斯嘎他我莫卡一 诺 火木 嘎集里诺吗多空那 拖扩你路哇斯莫奈诺你捏嘎盖以噶莫西莫卡纳纳啦 一马啊斯股 KI迷诺莫拖黑跌KI那一扩拖哇 莫~ 那你摸那一斯别贴卡KEI跌 打KI西咩跌迷SEI路哟撒比西撒 吗GI啦斯 打KEI那啦 打猎跌莫 一挖斯纳诺你火系噶 哦啼所那 哟路大卡拉 集部恩 我 一次哇列奈ONE MORE TIME 副咋KEI 啊他集刊哟一次跌莫 撒嘎戏贴一路哟 多卡尼 KI迷诺 斯嘎他我扩撒跌恩跌莫 YOU咩跌那卡碟莫空那 拖扩你路哇子墨奈诺你


investigate强调事件的调查. research强调学术的研究.


investigation是正式或官方的调查,以弄清事实真相。例子:the matter is the subject of a police investigation, and we have been advised not to comment.这件事警方正在调查,我们得悉不要加以评论。research 在学术上为了得到新的结果而从原始资料中进行调查指法律调查。例子:research has shown that women live longer than men.调查表明女性比男性寿命长。survey和inquire也有调查的意思。survey:多指为写书面报告而进行的民意测验或调查。inquiry:普通常用词,指正式调查,也指一般的打听或查询。

cnblue 日本专辑the Way ~One Time~的歌词

CNBLUE - One Time作词:郑容和作曲:郑容和, RYOI don"t know Why I"m here but baby even though we fail It"s worth我不知道我为何在这里 但是亲爱的即使我们失去了它的价值I know You Know It is all about my music你我都知道 这是所有关于我的音乐Music changes our life in the dark so I can change your thoughts音乐在黑暗中改变我们的生命 所以我可以改变你的想法I know You Know Your life is also the same你我都知道 你的生命也是如此Music that is my boo音乐是我的伴侣Boom Boom tap轰!轰!答!Boom Boom tap轰!轰!答!Step by step uhm you don"t care一步一步 你不在乎I just like mic guitar bass drum kick snare我只是喜欢麦克风 吉他 贝斯 鼓 叠音Check up the one day four mans walked on street in my dream某天都检阅 在梦中四个人走在街上What bad at the time may Actually也许当时的困难都是真实的Be a blessing I just keep on keep keep keep it keep it keep it real那是一种幸事 我只是坚持着 保持真实Everywhere we want to go不管我去哪里Everywhere you want to go不管你去哪里One time one time we could feel tired at one time某个时候 某个时候 我们总会有一些疲累的时候I don"t care about it either我也不在乎Give me a few more minutes多给我几分钟one time one time某个时候 某个时候I"ll show you what I can be the top of the world我会展现给你我可以是世界第一I don"t know much about the music Even thought we fail it"s worth我对音乐知道的并不多 即使我们失去了它的价值I know You Know It is all about my music你我都知道 这是所有关于我的音乐that changes our life with the change of seasons you also change the life随着季节的变化改变我们的生活 你也改变了生活I know You Know Your life is also the same你我都知道 你的生活也是如此Music that is my boo音乐是我的伴侣Boom Boom tap轰!轰!答!Boom Boom tap轰!轰!答!Everyday Everywhere we we will do每天 每个地方 我们将这么做着How we do? Just keep it real我们怎么做? 只要保持真实That is our spirit We need to heal那是我们的精神 我们需要治愈心灵One way only one way一种方法 只有一种方法I had nothing on except for my socks除此,我一无所有but I"ll show you everything and I make you但是我会展现给你我的所有We We We We We We make you high而且我们使你变highEverywhere we want to go不管我去哪里Everywhere you want to go不管你去哪里one time one time we could feel tired at one time某个时候 某个时候 我们总会有一些疲累的时候I don"t care about it either我也不在乎Give me a few more minutes多给我几分钟one time one time某个时候 某个时候I"ll show you what I can be the top of the world我会展现给你我可以是世界第一What What What什么 什么 什么 I can do it look at me Slow down and down我可以做到 请看着我 慢下来 再慢下来What What What什么 什么 什么Can"t stop I"m ready I will do Relax your mind不能停止 我已经准备好了 我会放松你的心What What What什么 什么 什么I can do it look at me Show down and down我可以做到 请看着我 慢下来 再慢下来Are you ready? (Yes sir)你准备好了吗?(是的)Let"s go to the world让我们去闯荡世界吧Ready? (Yes sir)准备好了吗?(是的)Top of the world世界第一Everywhere we want to go不管我去哪里Everywhere you want to go不管你去哪里one time one time we could feel tired at one time某个时候 某个时候 我们总会有一些疲累的时候I don"t care about it either我也不在乎Give me a few more minutes多给我几分钟one time one time某个时候 某个时候I"ll show you what I can be the top of the world我会展现给你我可以是世界第一Everywhere we want to go不管我去哪里 Everywhere you want to go不管你去哪里one time one time we could feel tired at one time某个时候 某个时候 我们总会有一些疲累的时候I don"t care about it either我也不在乎Give me a few more minutes多给我几分钟one time one time某个时候 某个时候I"ll show you what I can be the top of the world我会展现给你我可以是世界第一Top of the world世界第一Top of the world世界第一

Micrastation update15系统找不到指定文件

以下。故障原因一:是可能是是有的软件卸载程序不完善或者使用者、直接删除程序安装目录造成的。解决方法:直接先用鼠标点击“开始--运行--运行输入regedit”命令,这样即可打开注册表编辑器对话框鼠标依次定位到 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun;在该项右边窗口中找到该文件行,然后单击鼠标右键,直接删除文件就可以。故障原因二:ATI显卡提示找不到指定文件,ATI显卡报Could not load file or assembly "MOM.Implementation可能是显卡驱动冲突造成。解决方法:首先在控制面板中找到添加和删除程序,在“添加删除程序”中,卸掉所有关于ATI显卡驱动的程序和.NETFrame程序然后用“优化大师”清理DLL和ACTIVEX,在清理注册表内容和垃圾文件清理;然后用DRIVERCLEAN软件清除所有ATI驱动。;最后重新启动计算机,先装.NETFRAME 3.0,在装ATI7.2驱动[XP],顺序要正确即可解决故障。以上Win7系统提示“系统找不到指定文件夹”的两种原因和解决方法。

英文欧美女声歌曲高潮ye ye ye 什么more time now now now

Baby One More Time-Britney Spears高潮副歌部分的歌词有:Hit me baby one more time !部分歌词:开头(Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)!Oh,baby baby !噢,宝贝,宝贝 !How was I supposed to know ?我怎么会知道?That something wasn"t right here.有些事情不对劲。Oh,baby baby !噢,宝贝,宝贝 !I shouldn"t have let U go.。。。。。高潮(副歌)I still believe. 我仍然相信。(Still believe) 仍然相信。When I"m not with youI lose my mind.当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。Give me a sign.给我个提示!Hit me baby one more time !宝贝再次拥抱我吧!



tim is in guangzhou now now可以用什么代替

Tim is in Guangzhou at the moment . now可以用at the moment "此刻“代替

doar cu tine中文歌词翻译

Doar Cu Tine Azi mi-am promis Azi mi-am promis Azi mi-am promis,ca de maine nu ratez nici o sansa Vreau sa-ti spun tot ce simt,langa tine-ncepe o noua viata Si asta-i noaptea-n care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc (ououu) Asta-i noapte in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine, Vino langa mine, Stiu ca vrei, Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3, Ritmul meu te cheama, Stiu ca poti, Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti, Vino langa mine, Stiu ca vrei, Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3, Ritmul meu te cheama, Stiu ca poti, Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti Stii cat de mult, mi-am dorit sa fim noi doi impreuna, Tu esti tot, ce-am visat, Vreau sa-mi spui mereu noapte buna, Si asta-i noapte in care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc (ououu) Asta-i noaptea in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine, Vino langa mine, Stiu ca vrei, Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3, Ritmul meu te cheama, Stiu ca poti, Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti Si asta-i noapte in care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc (ououu) Asta-i noaptea in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine, Vino langa mine, Stiu ca vrei, Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3, Ritmul meu te cheama, Stiu ca poti, Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti Vino langa mine, Stiu ca vrei, Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3, Ritmul meu te cheama, Stiu ca poti, Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti.今天,我承诺 今天,我承诺 今天,我承诺,未来不会错过任何机会 我想告诉你一切你觉得,你旁边- ncepe新生活 这夜- N的不再梦想,开始在夜间生活 ( ououu ) 这夜我想dansez ,我distrez只有你 走近我, 我知道你, 奇怪,我的武器最多的人数3 , 我想我的节奏, 我知道你可以, 跟我跳舞的两晚, 走近我, 我知道你, 奇怪,我的武器最多的人数3 , 我想我的节奏, 我知道你可以, 跟我跳舞的两晚 你知道有多少,我想必须在11月2两者合计, 您的一切我曾梦想, 我总是告诉我,晚安, 这夜时,不再是梦想,开始在夜间生活 ( ououu ) 这夜我想dansez ,我distrez只有你 走近我, 我知道你, 奇怪,我的武器最多的人数3 , 我想我的节奏, 我知道你可以, 跟我跳舞的两晚 这夜时,不再是梦想,开始在夜间生活 ( ououu ) 这夜我想dansez ,我distrez只有你 走近我, 我知道你, 奇怪,我的武器最多的人数3 , 我想我的节奏, 我知道你可以, 跟我跳舞的两晚 走近我, 我知道你, 奇怪,我的武器最多的人数3 , 我想我的节奏, 我知道你可以, 跟我跳舞的两晚。

谁有Doar cu tine的中文音译或者罗马音?

Yoomiii doar cu tine - Activ Rihanna - breakin

Activ《Doar cu tine》帮忙翻译这首歌曲的中文歌词

Doar Cu Tine Azi mi-am promis Azi mi-am promis Azi mi-am promis,ca de maine nu ratez nici o sansa Vreau sa-ti spun tot ce simt,langa tine-ncepe o noua viata Si asta-i noaptea-n care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc (ououu) Asta-i noapte in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine, Vino langa mine, Stiu ca vrei, Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3, Ritmul meu te cheama, Stiu ca poti, Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti, Vino langa mine, Stiu ca vrei, Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3, Ritmul meu te cheama, Stiu ca poti, Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti Stii cat de mult, mi-am dorit sa fim noi doi impreuna, Tu esti tot, ce-am visat, Vreau sa-mi spui mereu noapte buna, Si asta-i noapte in care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc (ououu) Asta-i noaptea in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine, Vino langa mine, Stiu ca vrei, Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3, Ritmul meu te cheama, Stiu ca poti, Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti Si asta-i noapte in care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc (ououu) Asta-i noaptea in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine, Vino langa mine, Stiu ca vrei, Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3, Ritmul meu te cheama, Stiu ca poti, Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti Vino langa mine, Stiu ca vrei, Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3, Ritmul meu te cheama, Stiu ca poti, Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti. 是这首么〉不过真的不会翻= =+

reserve和protection zone区别

reserve:保护区;自然保护区。protection zone:保护区;防护区;保护区域。_eserve更注重是野生动植物保护区。?

谁有doar cu tine的歌词?

DOAR CU TINEAzi mi-am promis Azi mi-am promis Azi mi-am promis ca de maine nu ratez nici o sansa Vreau sa iti spun tot ce simt Langa tine incepe o nou viata. Si asta-i noaptea in care nu mai visez Noaptea in care incep sa traiesc Asta-i noaptea in care vreau sa dansez Sa am distrez doar cu tine... Vino langa mine" stiu ca vrei Strange-ma in brate pana numar la trei Ritmul meu te cheama" stiu ca poti Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti. Vino langa mine" stiu ca vrei Strange-ma in brate pana numar la trei Ritmul meu te cheama" stiu ca poti Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti. Stii cat de mult mi-am dorit sa fim noi doi impreuna Tu esti tot ce-am visat vreau sa-mi spui mereu "Noapte buna!". Si asta-i noaptea in care nu mai visez Noaptea in care incep sa traiesc Asta-i noaptea in care vreau sa dansez Sa am distrez doar cu tine... Vino langa mine" stiu ca vrei Strange-ma in brate pana numar la trei Ritmul meu te cheama" stiu ca poti Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti. Si asta-i noaptea in care nu mai visez Noaptea in care incep sa traiesc Asta-i noaptea in care vreau sa dansez Sa am distrez doar cu tine... Vino langa mine" stiu ca vrei Strange-ma in brate pana numar la trei Ritmul meu te cheama" stiu ca poti Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti. Vino langa mine" stiu ca vrei Strange-ma in brate pana numar la trei Ritmul meu te cheama" stiu ca poti Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti.

我知道有一首歌是串烧其中第一个歌是doar cu tine并且是中文版的请问是什么歌?可急了。

  Doar Cu Tine中英文版都有(推荐)  中文的是 耍太极的DJ版 邵雨涵的  http://qun.51.com/hongwei123/topic.php?pid=6426  歌词:  Azi mi-am promis  Azi mi-am promis,ca de maine nu ratez nici o sansa  Vreau sa-ti spun tot ce simt,langa tine-ncepe o noua viata  Si asta-i noaptea-n care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc  (ououu)  Asta-i noapte in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine,  Vino langa mine,  Stiu ca vrei,  Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,  Ritmul meu te cheama,  Stiu ca poti,  Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti,  Vino langa mine,  Stiu ca vrei,  Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,  Ritmul meu te cheama,  Stiu ca poti,  Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti  Stii cat de mult, mi-am dorit sa fim noi doi impreuna,  Tu esti tot, ce-am visat,  Vreau sa-mi spui mereu noapte buna,  Si asta-i noapte in care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc  (ououu)  Asta-i noaptea in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine,  Vino langa mine,  Stiu ca vrei,  Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,  Ritmul meu te cheama,  Stiu ca poti,  Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti  Si asta-i noapte in care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc  (ououu)  Asta-i noaptea in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine,  Vino langa mine,  Stiu ca vrei,  Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,  Ritmul meu te cheama,  Stiu ca poti,  Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti  Vino langa mine,  Stiu ca vrei,  Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,  Ritmul meu te cheama,  Stiu ca poti,  Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti



doar cu tine有谁听过?能介绍一下吗?

  Doar Cu Tine    歌曲名  Doar Cu Tine   (罗马尼亚文:只有你)  演唱者  Activ  简介  Activ刚建团时只有Avi (Cicirean Flaviu)和Rudi (Stefanic Rudolf Oszkar)两个男生,而他们当时的目标也是参加过嘉年华后,决定要全心致力于做DJ音乐。于是在罗马尼亚Wetland,两个人开始了地下DJ事业.1999年,两个人开始崭露头角,发行了单曲Sunete,并在阿Atomic TV电视台In Za House节目中登台演出,并随后发行了首张专辑<Sunete>。2001年女大学生Oana Paula Nistor加入Activ,并负责声乐部分,改变了Activ只走舞曲风格的路线,并发行了第二张专辑<In Transa>.2004年,Activ再次出击,发行了第三张专辑<Motive>;在2005罗马尼亚MTV音乐电视颁奖典礼(RMA)上获得三项提名,并以这首<Doar cu tine>拿下最佳歌曲奖,  歌词  Azi mi-am promis   Azi mi-am promis,ca de maine nu ratez nici o sansa   Vreau sa-ti spun tot ce simt,langa tine-ncepe o noua viata   Si asta-i noaptea-n care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc   (ououu)   Asta-i noapte in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine,   Vino langa mine,   Stiu ca vrei,   Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,   Ritmul meu te cheama,   Stiu ca poti,   Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti,   Vino langa mine,   Stiu ca vrei,   Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,   Ritmul meu te cheama,   Stiu ca poti,   Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti   Stii cat de mult, mi-am dorit sa fim noi doi impreuna,   Tu esti tot, ce-am visat,   Vreau sa-mi spui mereu noapte buna,   Si asta-i noapte in care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc   (ououu)   Asta-i noaptea in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine,   Vino langa mine,   Stiu ca vrei,   Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,   Ritmul meu te cheama,   Stiu ca poti,   Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti   Si asta-i noapte in care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc   (ououu)   Asta-i noaptea in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine,   Vino langa mine,   Stiu ca vrei,   Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,   Ritmul meu te cheama,   Stiu ca poti,   Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti   Vino langa mine,   Stiu ca vrei,   Strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,   Ritmul meu te cheama,   Stiu ca poti,   Cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti  晕这首歌资料挺全的 这是百度找到的

one direction所有的歌

One Way Or Another(Teenage Kicks)2013-02-17英语 专辑封面专辑类型:EP唱片公司:Syco销售记录:iTunes预售62国/地区登顶专辑简介:英国超红人气乐队One Direction全新翻唱单曲《One Way or Another (Teenage Kicks)》震撼来袭!专辑曲目(3) 01.One Way Or Another(Teenage Kicks)02.One Way Or Another(Teenage Kicks)[Instrumental]03.One Way Or Another(Teenage Kicks)[Sharoque Remix]Take Me Home2012-11-12英语 专辑封面专辑类型:录音室专辑唱片公司:Syco Music销售记录:美国160万,英国70万,全球440万专辑简介:趁著人气红居高不让的势头,One Direction推出第二张大碟《Take Me Home》,请到曾为Celine Dion、Britney、Usher、Justin Bieber等天王天后的制作班底联手合作。首波主打《Live While We"re Young》,抢先推出EP预购活动,不到24小时攻占全球逾50国冠军,成为史上预购速度最快的单曲,这是由《What Makes You Beautiful》黄金团队再次掌舵制作的新歌,满载充沛青春活力,同时空降英美两地排行季军。专辑曲目(20) 01.Live While We"re Young02.Kiss You03.Little Things04.C"mon, C"mon05.Last First Kiss06.Heart Attack07.Rock Me08.Change My Mind09.I Would10.Over Again11.Back for You12.They Don"t Know About Us13.Summer Love14.She"s Not Afraid15.Loved You First16.Nobody Compares17.Still The One18.Truly Madly Deeply19.Magic20.Irresistible试听整张专辑>> Up All Night2011-11-18英语 专辑封面专辑类型:录音室专辑唱片公司:Syco Music销售记录:美国180万,英国90万,全球450万专辑简介:青春世代终极期待,当红不让无敌接棒,英伦最强偶像1世代 首张专辑Up All Night。首支单曲〈What Makes You Beautiful〉双霸英国+爱尔兰榜冠军,创下英国2011年首周销量最高单曲纪录,打败Adele抱回全英音乐奖「最佳英国单曲」,超实力偶像团体1世代正以极快速度改写流行音乐新记录!超越披头四、酷玩乐团、辣妹合唱团,缔造史上第一组英国团体以首张专辑空降告示牌冠军历史纪录!首支单曲〈What Makes You Beautiful〉在英国iTunes发行15分钟内直冲冠军,写下英国2011年首周销量最高单曲纪录,VEVO点阅率超过一亿人次,打败Adele登顶之作〈Someone Like You〉,抱回全英音乐奖「最佳英国单曲」大赏,荣获2012年全美儿童票选奖「最受欢迎英国乐团」,1世代不思议造就英伦男孩偶像新神话!专辑曲目(18) 01.What Makes You Beautiful02.Gotta Be You03.One Thing04.More than This05.Up All Night06.I Wish07.Tell Me a Lie08.Taken09.I Want10.Everything About You11.Same Mistakes12.Save You Tonight13.Stole My Heart14.Stand Up15.Moments16.Another World17.Na Na Na18.I Should Have Kissed You试听整张专辑>> 单曲

请问reserve 与reservation的用法及意义上的区别

reserve既可作及物动词也可作名词reservation只能作名词作名词时两者意义相等可做“保护区””预定“的意思用法有make a ~(预定)natural reserve(自然保护区)reserve作及物动词时表示预定/保留某物,直接加sth.就行了后面还可以加些修饰,如for/to+目的

请问reserve 与reservation的用法及意义上的区别

reserve既可作及物动词也可作名词 reservation只能作名词 作名词时两者意义相等可做“保护区””预定“的意思 用法有make a (预定)natural reserve(自然保护区) reserve作及物动词时表示预定/保留某物,直接加sth.就行了 后面还可以加些修饰,如for/to+目的

谁知道doar cu tine的歌词

[ti:doar cu tine][al:罗马尼亚舞曲][by:寒江雪]doar cu tineactiv2006年德国最受欢迎的dj曲azi mi-am promis azi mi-am promis azi mi-am promis,ca de maine nu ratez nici o sansa vreau sa-ti spun tot ce simt,langa tine-ncepe o noua viata si asta-i noaptea-n care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc (ououu)asta-i noapte in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine,vino langa mine,stiu ca vrei,strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,ritmul meu te cheama,stiu ca poti,cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti,vino langa mine,stiu ca vrei,strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,ritmul meu te cheama,stiu ca poti,cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti stii cat de mult,mi-am dorit sa fim noi doi impreuna,tu esti tot, ce-am visat,vreau sa-mi spui mereu noapte buna,si asta-i noapte in care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc (ououu)asta-i noaptea in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine,vino langa mine,stiu ca vrei,strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,ritmul meu te cheama,stiu ca poti,cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti si asta-i noapte in care nu mai visez,noaptea in care incep sa traiesc (ououu)asta-i noaptea in care vreau sa dansez,sa ma distrez,doar cu tine,vino langa mine,stiu ca vrei,strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,ritmul meu te cheama,stiu ca poti,cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti vino langa mine,stiu ca vrei,strange-ma in brate pana numar la 3,ritmul meu te cheama,stiu ca poti,cu mine sa dansezi inca doua nopti.



One Direction的所有歌曲


once a week 和one time a week 是不是一样的

对的,意思一样,不过惯用法是once a week.

请问Finance,Economics和Accounting, Business,commercial的区别是什么?


mathematica 矩阵问题

当一般的方程来解就可以啊,Solve也行,Reduce也行,例:s = ( { {a, 1}, {1, c} } )Reduce[Inverse[s].( { {1, 2}, {2, 1} } ).s == ( { {1, 2}, {2, 1} } ), {a, c}]

in one week’s time用什么提问



indulge 英[u026anu02c8du028cldu0292] 美[u026anu02c8du028cldu0292] vt. 迁就,纵容; 使满足; 使(自己)沉溺于; 使快乐; vi. 沉溺; 纵容; 满足; [网络] 迁就; 放纵; 沉迷于; [例句]Only rarely will she indulge in a glass of wine.她只是偶尔才喝杯红酒,让自己享受一下。[其他] 第三人称单数:indulges 现在分词:indulging 过去式:indulged过去分词:indulged 形近词: indulin reserved 英[ru026au02c8zu025c:vd] 美[ru026au02c8zu025c:rvd] adj. 预订的; 矜持的; 储藏着的; v. 保留[储备]某物( reserve的过去式); [网络] 保留; 保留的; 保守的; [例句]He was unemotional, quite quiet, and reserved.他感情淡漠,沉默寡言,性格内敛。[其他] 形近词: deserved underserved subserved ascription 英[u0259"skru026apu0283n] 美[u0259"skru026apu0283n] n. 归属; [网络] 归因; 先赋性; 归属问题; [例句]Proprietorship theory correctly solve the final ascription problem of income distribution.所有权理论则正确地解决了收入分配的最终归属问题;[其他] 形近词: transcription discription discription


很高兴为您解答~翻译为:Reserved (强调该位置已被预定)保证正确率,望采纳如有疑问,请追问 谢谢~

one week vacation

be going to 是现在进行时表将来,表示有计划的,一定会去做的事. will do表示事情有可能发生,但不一定发生. 由句意看,是他制定计划去度假,所以是计划好的,用is arriving

one week leftits enough什么意思

one week leftits enough一周leftits足够one week leftits enough一周leftits足够

degradation 和decomposition区别

degradation 老化; 退化decomposition 分解, 腐败, 变质

化学。decomposition of hydrogen peroxide

MnO2 催化H2O2 分解,冒气泡,生成无色无味气体: MnO22 H2O2======2 H2O+O2

cell-decomposition method 是路径规划的什么算法啊,高手具体给介绍介绍


线性代数中的SVD,即Singular Value Decomposition这种分解有什么应用呢?

SVD这是线性代数现在的重中之重,相比之前,约旦标准型的光辉岁月已经退去了、SVD中文叫奇异值分解。线性代数里面X"X矩阵是非常重要的矩阵 因为既保留了X的所有信息 又把这种信息的载体优化了,具备了很好的性质,比如如果X列满秩或者行满秩,X"X就是可逆的,对称的,而且可以构造投影矩阵,这是最小二乘的基础。 但是X不一定就能满秩,所以X"X就不是满秩方阵,也就不可逆,但是有逆这个性质我们非常想得到,SVD就出现了。SVD的第一大应用就是使得非满秩的X"X有逆,国外称作伪逆,我们叫广义逆,其实国内的广义逆有很多不唯一,SVD可以帮你找到最好的那个。这样最小二乘法就能继续得到应用。

雅思剑5 test4中section1 答案为one year 填 a year 给分么

觉得 a year 听起来怪怪的。。。。

data decomposition是什么意思





decomposition英-[,diu02d0ku0252mpu0259"zu026au0283n]美-[,dikɑmpu0259"zu026au0283u0259n]释义n. 分解,腐烂;变质


host 主人公也.泛指宴请客人的主人,或某某娱乐节目的主持人。动词为主办、设宴之类似的。所以在现代计算机时代,web host是专门提供电脑库存空间或“场所”给顾客建立网站的。 web hosting就是其服务。中文称之为“网站代管”或“网页寄存”。hosting在其他领域也可以用,通指向别人租用场所或向客人提供场所来设宴。用法如: hosting an event - 举办一项活动hosting a birthday party - 举办一个生日会 hosting a terrorist training camp - 主办恐怖分子训练营,或提供地方予恐怖分子作为训练营

tourist attraction是什么意思

tourist attraction旅游景点观光胜地

resort collection是什么意思

度假系列时装早已从一年两季拉长为一年四季,最欣赏的还是早春度假系列(Resort Collection),每年5月-6月时,各大品牌就会对外发布来年的早春系列。短语The 2010 Resort Color Collection 限量版2010度假村甲油纟列Resort & Spring Collection 春夏假日系列

one world,all the nations come together是哪个歌曲中的歌词

黄晓明的《one world one dream》 歌词天渐放亮启明星探头为我觅方向放飞梦想让思绪做我翅膀敞开胸膛哪里都是清新自由的味道荣誉梦想(在这里全部实现)one world all the nations come togetherone dream free mind and fly higherone world one dream all about usno fears no hunger no faithless not at all(重复) one world~~ one dream~~ 下载地址 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/mANCmC53FGA/ 《 土豆视屏》

Only Time Will Tell 歌词

歌曲名:Only Time Will Tell歌手:Charlie"s Magazine专辑:Sweet Alibi (Digital)曲名:Only time will ell词曲:F. Schubert-Arrgt R. Loubet /B.Jamer-S.JamesLove changed our loney livesCaught us by surpriseOpened up our eyesSomehow we both knewSomething rare and trueSomething bright and newCould be ours foreverBut loveLove can not be plannedMore you try to learnLess you understandWords could not dispellWhat we know so wellO nly time will tellLike a treeAs it growsWe will reachFor the skyLike a breezeGently blowsWe"ll be freeYou and IFor we knowTime aloneHolds the keyLove cnanged our loney livesCaught us by surpriseOpened up our eyesSomehow we both knewSomehting rare and trueSomehting brightand newCould be ours foreverBut loveLove can not be plannedMore you try to learnLess you understandWords could not dispellWhat we know so wellOnly time will tellOnly time will tellAhOnly time will tellhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8158360

it is the only time i feel a life 是什么意思啊

你最好能把语境都给出来这一刻 是的 就是这一次 我感觉到了生命的真谛。

Only Time Will Tell 歌词

歌曲名:Only Time Will Tell歌手:Poison专辑:Best Of Ballads & BluesI just needed someone to holdWhen the bottle was emptyand the nights grew coldIn my hour of darknessIn my time of needYou were my angel of mercyAnd helped me to believeYou touched my soulWhen I was lonelyYou held me upwhen I couldn"t flyThere"s no words could explainHow I feel insideAnd this I tell youPoisonIn a world full of angerand times gone strangeYou held me closeYou held me close to youLay my head on your shoulderI finally let it all outIt felt good for a momentNot living in a shadow of doubtBut everybody needs a little somethingTu pull them throughI gave one for the otherAnd God know that the other was youChorus:Now only time will tellOnly time will tellIf our love is scratched in sandOr if it"s etched in stoneOnly time will tellOnly time will tellOr walk the road alongMy angel of mercyPulled me through somehowI just hope you knowI need you nowSoloYou"re the oneThat touched my very soulThe one who held on tightGod knows you never let goAngel of mercyIt"s time we closed the doorPut out the lightsAnd burn the fireBurn the fire insideAngel of mercyYou pulled me throughAnd this I tell to youGod know I"d tell it to youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/53901659

the only time引导的是什么句型


Only Time Will Tell 歌词

歌曲名:Only Time Will Tell歌手:Nelson专辑:The Best Of Nelson 20Th Century Masters The Millennium Collection曲名:Only time will ell词曲:F. Schubert-Arrgt R. Loubet /B.Jamer-S.JamesLove changed our loney livesCaught us by surpriseOpened up our eyesSomehow we both knewSomething rare and trueSomething bright and newCould be ours foreverBut loveLove can not be plannedMore you try to learnLess you understandWords could not dispellWhat we know so wellO nly time will tellLike a treeAs it growsWe will reachFor the skyLike a breezeGently blowsWe"ll be freeYou and IFor we knowTime aloneHolds the keyLove cnanged our loney livesCaught us by surpriseOpened up our eyesSomehow we both knewSomehting rare and trueSomehting brightand newCould be ours foreverBut loveLove can not be plannedMore you try to learnLess you understandWords could not dispellWhat we know so wellOnly time will tellOnly time will tellAhOnly time will tellhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8529653

“only time will tell”是什么意思?

only time will tell只有时间会告诉我们双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 只有时间会证明例句:1.Only time will tell, but big oil is capable of change. 只有时间能告诉我们他所说的是否属实。2.Only time will tell, and perhaps we won"t know even then. 只有时间会告诉我们答案,甚至可能到时候我们也不知道。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

推荐一下像恩雅的only time类似风格的英文歌,意境幽远,但又不是纯音乐,谢谢啦

30 minutes

今天看了澳门风云,中间有一段周润发的女儿吊威亚中间的插曲叫什么名字?网上说是only time。但

only time

一首男女合唱的英文歌,第一句是I open(ed) my eyes last night.......go home.记不起了合唱有句only time

汗 我刚看到这问题时 还没有人回答 怎么我费尽周折找到了 回来看已经这么多人回答了 说费尽周折不是我不知道 而是我真的知道这首歌 看到你问题后 我都直接唱出来了 可是悲催的是死命想不出名字 然后我就开始狂找 从QQ音乐找到百度MP3 终于想到了 兴高采烈的回来准备回答 一看这么多人都答了 我郁闷啊郁闷 呜呜呜

想找些和Only Time差不多的歌


恩雅的only time歌词的中文意思

谁能说出, 道路伸向何方, 岁月流逝何处, --唯有时光。 又有谁能说出, 是否爱之成长, 如心之所愿, --唯有时光。 谁能说出, 当爱已飞走, 你的心何以叹息, --唯有时光。 又有谁能说出, 当爱已成谎言, 你的心为何哭泣, --唯有时光。 谁能说出, 当道路在此汇聚, 爱, 或许已生于你心。 又有谁能说出, 当白昼睡去, 夜晚是否占据, 你的整个心灵。 夜晚占据了整个心灵。 谁能说出, 是否爱之成长, 如心之所愿, --唯有时光。 谁能说出, 道路向何方延伸, 岁月向何方流逝, --唯有时光。 谁能明了--唯有时光。 谁能明了--唯有时光。

歌曲 only time 歌词大意

谁能说出, 道路伸向何方, 岁月流逝何处, 唯有时光。 又有谁能说出, 是否爱之成长, 如心之所愿, 唯有时光。 谁能说出, 当爱已飞走, 你的心何以叹息, 唯有时光。 又有谁能说出, 当爱已成谎言, 你的心为何哭泣, 唯有时光。 谁能说出, 当道路在此汇聚, 爱, 或许已生于你心。 又有谁能说出, 当白昼睡去, 夜晚是否占据, 你的整个心灵。 夜晚占据了整个心灵。 谁能说出, 是否爱之成长, 如心之所愿, 唯有时光。 谁能说出, 道路向何方延伸, 岁月向何方流逝, 唯有时光。 谁能明了唯有时光。 谁能明了唯有时光。


resource作资源、物力、财力讲时是可数的,表示智谋、机智、应变的能力时是不可数的。resource是资源的意思,比较抽象,比如劳动力资源,人力资源,社会资源等等,是在需要的时候可以依赖的东西。 例句 1、If I may refer back to the problem we discussed, I think we shall stress on the conservation of our natural resource. 请允许我重提我们刚才讨论过的问题,我想我们应该强调保存我们的自然资源。 2、Resources management is an important business skill. 资源管理是一项重要的经营技能。 3、He is a man of great resource. 他是一个足智多谋的人。

【急急急】Enya的《Only time》的歌词准确的中文翻译是什么?!

参考:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/36850805.html谁能说出, 道路伸向何方, 岁月流逝何处, --唯有时光。 又有谁能说出, 是否爱之成长, 如心之所愿, --唯有时光。 谁能说出, 当爱已飞走, 你的心何以叹息, --唯有时光。 又有谁能说出, 当爱已成谎言, 你的心为何哭泣, --唯有时光。 谁能说出, 当道路在此汇聚, 爱, 或许已生于你心。 又有谁能说出, 当白昼睡去, 夜晚是否占据, 你的整个心灵。 夜晚占据了整个心灵。 谁能说出, 是否爱之成长, 如心之所愿, --唯有时光。 谁能说出, 道路向何方延伸, 岁月向何方流逝, --唯有时光。 谁能明了--唯有时光。 谁能明了--唯有时光。


activity和resource的区别意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一。resource:资源;机敏;才略;寄托;消遣;向……提供资源(资财、信息)activity的基本意思是“活动性,活力”,指人或事物本身所固有的活力,此时为不可数名。

一首英文歌的歌词 中有 only time ,开头是 who can say````

Enya的only time

Only Time 这首英文歌曲中文意思?


【急急急】Enya的《Only time》的歌词准确的中文翻译是什么?!

Only TimeWho can say where the road goesWhere the day flows, only timeAnd who can say if your love growsAs your heart chose, only timeWho can say why your heart sighsAs your love flies, only timeAnd who can say why your heart criesWhen your love lies, only timeWho can say when the roads meetThat love might be in your heartAnd who can say when the day sleepsIf the night keeps all your heartNight keeps all your heartWho can say if your love growsAs your heart chose- Only timeAnd who can say where the road goesWhere the day flows, only timeWho knows? Only time谁能说出, 道路伸向何方, 岁月流逝何处, 唯有时光。 又有谁能说出, 是否爱之成长, 如心之所愿, 唯有时光。 谁能说出, 当爱已飞走, 你的心何以叹息, 唯有时光。 又有谁能说出, 当爱已成谎言, 你的心为何哭泣, 唯有时光。 谁能说出, 当道路在此汇聚, 爱, 或许已生于你心。 又有谁能说出, 当白昼睡去, 夜晚是否占据, 你的整个心灵。 夜晚占据了整个心灵。 谁能说出, 是否爱之成长, 如心之所愿, 唯有时光。 谁能说出, 道路向何方延伸, 岁月向何方流逝, 唯有时光。 谁能明了--唯有时光。

有谁可以告诉我“恩雅”的《only time》的中文歌词啊?谢谢~!


Only Time(Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Only Time(Lp Version)歌手:Enya专辑:雨过天晴A Day Without Rain-WEAOnly TimeenyaWho can say where the road goes,Where the day flowsOnly time...And who can say if your love grows,As your heart choseOnly time...Who can say why your heart sighs,As your love fliesOnly time...And who can say why your heart cries,When your love diesOnly time...Who can say when the roads meet,That love might be,In your heart.And who can say when the day sleeps,If the night keeps all your heartNight keeps all your heart...Who can say if your love grows,As your heart choseOnly time...And who can say where the road goes,Where the day flowsOnly time...Who knowsOnly time...Who knowsOnly time...http://music.baidu.com/song/789465

拜求《甜蜜十一月》插曲only Time 的中文歌词!

I"m 15 for a momentCaught in between 10 and 20And I"m just dreamingCounting the ways to where you are 我现在十五岁介於十岁和二十岁之间我呢,就是成天梦想的不停地作白日梦I"m 22 for a momentShe feels better than everAnd we"re on fireMaking our way back from Mars 我现在二十二岁她正处在最佳状态而我们的热情在燃烧中正在由火星归返途中15?there"s still time for youTime to buy and time to lose1589here"s never a wish better than thisWhen you only got 100 years to live? 十五岁?人生还有很多时间还有很多时间可以挥霍十五岁,再也没有比这更好的愿望了当你只有一百年可活?I"m 33 for a momentStill the man but you see I"m a theyA kid on the wayA family on my mind 我现在三十三岁我依然是那个人,或许你眼中的我只是人群之一即将有个孩子有个家的形貌出现在我脑海中I"m 45 for a momentThe sea is highAnd I"m heading into a crisisChasing the years of my life我现在四十五岁最高峰阶段也一步步走向危机正在追逐我的生命15?there"s still time for youTime to buy and time to lose yourselfWithin a morning star十五岁?人生还有很多时间还有很多时间挥霍在有星星的早晨15?I"m all right with you15?there"s never a wish better than thisWhen you only got 100 years to live? 十五岁?我还和你在一起十五岁?没有比这更好的愿望了当你只有一百年可活?Half time goes bySuddenly you"e wiseAnother blink of an eye现在,人生也过了大半猛然发现自己是个智者再眨一眼之间67 is goneThe sun is getting highWe"re moving on... 六十七岁过后太阳依然在高升我们还在继续前进I"m 99 for a momentDying for just another momentAnd I"m just dreamingCounting the ways to where you are 我现在九十九岁生命随时在结束当头而我还是在梦想著不停地作著白日梦15?there"s still time for you22?I feel her too33?you‘e on your wayEvery Day"s a new Day 十五岁?人生还有很多时间二十二岁?我还可以感觉得到她三十岁?已迈步在人生的路每一天都是新的一天15?there"s still time for youTime to buy and time to chooseHey 15?there"s never a wish better than thisWhen you only got 100 years to live十五岁?人生还有很多时间还有很多时间去做选择嘿!十五岁?没有比这更好的选择当你只有一百年可活?



跪求恩雅的only time原声下载地址,跪求啊!!!!!!不要唱的,要背景音乐!!!!十万火急!!!!

“only time will tell”是什么意思?


Only Time (Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Only Time (Remix)歌手:ENYA专辑:Only Time (Remix & Original Version)ENYA OnlyTimeWho can sayWhere the road goesWhere the day flowsOnly timeAnd who can sayIf your love growsAs your heart choseOnly timeWho can sayWhy your heart signsAs your love fliesOnly timeAnd who can saywhy your heart crieswhen your love liesOnly timeWho can saywhen the roads meetthat love might bein your heartAnd who can saywhen the day sleepsif the night keepsall your heartNight keeps all your heartWho can sayif your love growsas your heart choseOnly timeAnd who can saywhere the road goes where the day flowsOnly timeWho knows Only timeWho knows Only timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/51993160

the only time什么意思

  这是套用 it is … that 构成的强调句,句中省略了连词 that.正常表达应该是 I can slow down the only time,意思是“我唯一的一次轻松起来(放慢了速度)”.句中用了表示时间的名词做状语.  有些带有the,this,that,next 等限定词时表示间、方式、处所等的名词可以直接用作状语.另如:He will pay a visit to me (next week). Come (this way),please.  这类名词还可以作为连词引导状语从句,如:I"ll report back (the moment) I have located him.我一找到他就马上汇报. Sometimes things don"t turn out (the way) we think they"re going to.有时事情并不像我们认为的那样发展.

女子十二乐坊的《Only Time》 歌词

Only Time(惟有时光)演唱:enya(恩雅)Who can say 谁能说出Where the road goes 道路伸向何方Where the day flows 岁月流逝何处Only time --唯有时光And who can say 又有谁能说出If your love grows 是否爱之成长As your heart chose 如心之所愿Only time --唯有时光e~~~Who can say 谁能说出Why your heart signs 当爱已飞走As your love flies 你的心何以叹息Only time --唯有时光And who can say 又有谁能说出why your heart cries 当爱已成谎言when your love lies 你的心为何哭泣Only time --唯有时光e~~~Who can say 谁能说出when the roads meet 当道路在此汇聚that love might be 爱, 或许已in your heart 生于你心And who can say 又有谁能说出when the day sleeps 当白昼睡去if the night keeps 夜晚是否占据all your heart 你的整个心灵Night keeps all your heart 夜晚占据了整个心灵e~~~Who can say 谁能说出if your love grows 是否爱之成长as your heart chose 如心之所愿Only time --唯有时光And who can say 谁能说出where the road goes 道路向何方延伸where the day flows 岁月向何方流逝Only time --唯有时光Who knows Only time 谁能明了--唯有时光Who knows Only time 谁能明了--唯有时光恩雅的歌曲具有浓厚的爱尔兰凯尔特民族音乐的特点旋律优美而深邃,超凡脱俗,神秘圣洁,给人以无限的遐想她那不食人间烟火的声音,只有用“天籁”才能形容是安抚心灵的最好精神安慰剂http://music.baidu.com/song/227787

only time什么意思

Enya[恩雅]《Only Time 》歌词Only Time(惟有时光)Who can saywhere the road goeswhere the day flows- only timeAnd who can sayif your love growsas your heart chose- only timeWho can saywhy your heart sighsas your love flies- only timeAnd who can saywhy your heart crieswhen your love lies- only timeWho can saywhen the roads meetthat love might bein your heartAnd who can saywhen the day sleepsif the night keepsall your heartNight keeps all your heartWho can sayif your love growsas your heart chose- only timeAnd who can saywhere the road goeswhere the day flows- only timeWho knows - only timeWho knows - only time谁能说出,道路伸向何方,岁月流逝何处,--唯有时光。又有谁能说出,是否爱之成长,如心之所愿,--唯有时光。谁能说出,当爱已飞走,你的心何以叹息,--唯有时光。又有谁能说出,当爱已成谎言,你的心为何哭泣,--唯有时光。谁能说出,当道路在此汇聚,爱,或许已生于你心。又有谁能说出,当白昼睡去,夜晚是否占据,你的整个心灵。夜晚占据了整个心灵。谁能说出,是否爱之成长,如心之所愿,--唯有时光。谁能说出,道路向何方延伸,岁月向何方流逝,--唯有时光。谁能明了--唯有时光。谁能明了--唯有时光。

only time这首歌的中文歌词


only time 歌词大意

Who can say where the road goes,谁能说出,道路伸向何方Where the day flows岁月流逝何处Only time...唯有时光And who can say if your love grows,又有谁能说出是否爱在成长As your heart chose如心之所愿Only time...唯有时光(chants)Who can say why your heart sighs,谁能说出,你的心何以叹息As your love flies当爱已飞走Only time...唯有时光And who can say why your heart cries,又有谁能说出,你的心为何哭泣When your love dies当你的爱死去Only time...唯有时光(chants)Who can say when the roads meet,谁能何时道路在此汇聚That love might be,这可能是爱In your heart.在你的心里And who can say when the day sleeps,又有谁能说出何时白昼将睡去If the night keeps all your hearts是否黑夜全部占据你的心Night keeps all your heart...夜晚全部占据你的心(extended chants)Who can say if your love grows,谁可以说是否你的爱已成长As your heart chose如心之所愿Only time...唯有时光And who can say where the road goes,谁又能说出路将延伸至何方Where the day flows时光流逝至何处Only time...唯有时光Who knows谁知道Only time...唯有时光Who knows谁知道Only time...唯有时光

only time里面AND WHO CAN为什么和WHO的读音不一样呢?

是连读的关系·and +who读快了不就是EN TO了·其实就是把AND的EN 和T分开了,在把T和HU连起就是TO啦·很多歌都是这样·

谁知道跟ONLY TIME 这类型一样的歌曲?

好的音乐需要和人分享,希望能帮到你:1.SPICE GIRLS《Viva Forever》2.Vienna Teng《The Tower》3.Sissel Kyrkjeb《Should it matter》4.Sinead O"Connor《A Perfect Indian》5.Maria Arredondo《Burning》6.Befour《Winter in my heart》先说这么多吧,听听看...

only time 歌曲链接

http://www.kupig.cn/html/1760/ 这首ENYA的歌我也非常喜欢!附上中英文歌词:only time Who can say where the road goes where the day flows - only time And who can say if your love grows as your heart chose - only time Who can say why your heart sighs as your love flies - only time And who can say why your heart cries when your love lies - only time Who can say when the roads meet that love might be in your heart And who can say when the day sleeps if the night keeps all your heart Night keeps all your heart Who can say if your love grows as your heart chose - only time And who can say where the road goes where the day flows - only time Who knows - only time Who knows - only time 谁能说出, 道路伸向何方, 岁月流逝何处, --唯有时光。 又有谁能说出, 是否爱之成长, 如心之所愿, --唯有时光。 谁能说出, 当爱已飞走, 你的心何以叹息, --唯有时光。 又有谁能说出, 当爱已成谎言, 你的心为何哭泣, --唯有时光。 谁能说出, 当道路在此汇聚, 爱, 或许已生于你心。 又有谁能说出, 当白昼睡去, 夜晚是否占据, 你的整个心灵。 夜晚占据了整个心灵。 谁能说出, 是否爱之成长, 如心之所愿, --唯有时光。 谁能说出, 道路向何方延伸, 岁月向何方流逝, --唯有时光。 谁能明了--唯有时光。 谁能明了--唯有时光。

onlytime歌曲汉语谐音不会英文 没有中文发音的歌词 不唱 求中文谐音歌词

Only TimeenyaWho can say where the road goes,Where the day flowsOnly time...And who can say if your love grows,As your heart choseOnly time...Who can say why your heart sighs,As your love fliesOnly time...And who can say why your heart cries,When your love diesOnly time...Who can say when the roads meet,That love might be,In your heart.And who can say when the day sleeps,If the night keeps all your heartNight keeps all your heart...Who can say if your love grows,As your heart choseOnly time...And who can say where the road goes,Where the day flowsOnly time...Who knowsOnly time...Who knowsOnly time...

only time是在什么样的环境下创作的

歌曲介绍 由Enya 和 Nicky Ryan 创作恩雅是真正的英国的玫瑰,发烧界的骄傲。多少年来,一直奉献给大家无比美妙动听的新世纪音乐。她的创作及录音精雕细琢,慢工出细活,几年才出一张碟,每一次都让发烧友伸长脖子等。 在2000年11月1日,恩雅推出了新专辑《A Day Without Rain(雨过天晴)》并高踞BillBoard五甲位置数月之久,在全美国的销量已经达到680万张。在2002年的第44届格莱美奖评选中,《A Day Without Rain》再次荣获最佳新世纪音乐专辑大奖,足见广大听众对其喜爱程度。而专辑中有著无由哀愁的的单曲《Only Time》,在全美哀掉911罹难者时竟成为最佳见证曲,成为了电台中的热门点播歌曲,并且最高排在 Billboard Hot100 单曲榜的第十名。此曲在2002年的Echo音乐奖更获得一座最佳国际流行单曲奖。+ 很多美国人将这张寓意深刻的歌曲作为抚慰自己脆弱心灵的良方。另外,在当代成人单曲榜和成人40单曲榜中,《Only Time》还曾获得冠军。这正是因为Enya不食人间烟火的声音是安抚心灵的最好的精神安慰剂的缘故 恩雅的歌曲具有浓厚的爱尔兰凯尔特民族音乐的特点,旋律优美而深邃,超凡脱俗,神秘圣洁,给人以无限的遐想。她的声音,只有用“天籁”才能形容。;only time有一个版本,在唱的间歇背景音乐似乎以911为话题有人的描述,抽泣。间或听到plane,crash, World Trade Center之类的字眼。令人听了觉得凝重



恩雅的only time是不是哪部电视里的插曲啊,或是哪部电影的,想的偶脑子都快炸了

曾经用过在电影“甜蜜的十一月”《Sweet November》里做过主题曲。更详细的内容请看这个地址:http://www.ihermusic.com/enyabbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=23&ID=1175&page=1

恩雅的only time 收录在哪张专辑,叫什么名字

November 21, 2000发行的收录在专辑“A Day without Rain”Wild ChildOnly TimeTempus VernumDeora Ar Mo ChroíFlora"s SecretFallen EmbersSilver InchesPilgrimOne By OneLazy Days
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