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on time的解释是什么意思啊?

1、on time表示准时,按时。指按规定的时刻,不早不晚。强调“准时,正点”。例如:To our astonishment, they arrived on time.使我们惊讶的是,他们准时到了。2、at the time是指在某个时间点。3、on the time没有这种用法,只有on time是准时的意思。4、in the time没有这种用法,只有in time是及时,迟早的意思。time的用法time除了能作名词,表示“时间、时刻、次数、倍数”外,还能作及物动词使用,表示“安排好时间、为(比赛或选手)计时”。例如:He timed his journey so that he could arrive at the hotel before dark .他安排好了他的旅程,以便能在天黑以前到达旅馆。句型:1、It"s time for sth .或It"s time ( for sb ) to do sth .意为:该是……的时候了。例如:It"s time for dinner.该是吃晚餐的时候了。2、It"s ( high ) time ( that ) sb did sth .意为:该是……的时候了。该句型中的that从句需要用虚拟语气,谓语动词常用过去式。例如:It"s high time that we stated.我们该出发了。



on time什么意思?

1、on time表示准时,按时。指按规定的时刻,不早不晚。强调“准时,正点”。例如:To our astonishment, they arrived on time.使我们惊讶的是,他们准时到了。2、at the time是指在某个时间点。3、on the time没有这种用法,只有on time是准时的意思。4、in the time没有这种用法,只有in time是及时,迟早的意思。time的用法time除了能作名词,表示“时间、时刻、次数、倍数”外,还能作及物动词使用,表示“安排好时间、为(比赛或选手)计时”。例如:He timed his journey so that he could arrive at the hotel before dark .他安排好了他的旅程,以便能在天黑以前到达旅馆。句型:1、It"s time for sth .或It"s time ( for sb ) to do sth .意为:该是……的时候了。例如:It"s time for dinner.该是吃晚餐的时候了。2、It"s ( high ) time ( that ) sb did sth .意为:该是……的时候了。该句型中的that从句需要用虚拟语气,谓语动词常用过去式。例如:It"s high time that we stated.我们该出发了。

我想问一下on time 与on the time的区别?

题主您好!意思不一样,on time为准时,而on the time的意思为同时。两个词组最大的区别在于意义不一样。希望可以帮助到您,望采纳!

on time和in time的区别好象都是准时的意思

on time是准时的意思in time是及时的意思

请问on time 与in time本质上的区别是什么?


on time做什么类型的状语


on the time ,in the time ,at the time ,by the time 分别是什么意思?

on time准时 in time及时 at the time那时候 by the time到...的时候

in time和on time 的区别及意思


on time和in time的区别

on time和in time的含义和用法不同,in time的意思是及时,on time的意思为准时。in time翻译成中文有"及时、迟早"的意思,具体是指正赶上时候或恰好在需要的时候完成了某事;on time翻译成中文有"准时、按时"的意思,具体是指按照规定的时间完成了某事。You barely got the rest of us here in time. 你仅仅能够及时把我们其他人带到这里。 If you want much more information, get in touch with them in time. 如果你想得到更多的信息请与他们及时联系。 In time, though,he is going to understand;so,if you need to,give him his space. 经过一段时间以后,他就会开始理解了。因此,如果可以的话,给他点儿空间 Can we arrive in Beijing on time or not? 我们能否按时到达北京? Thanks to our hard work,we can fulfil the task on time. 托赖大家的努力,才能按时完成任务。 You will all have to come on time;I can except no one. 你们都要准时来,谁也不能除外。

漫威电影顺序蜘蛛侠:英雄归来2 Untitled Spider-Man Homecoming: Sequel

第一阶段:复仇者集结《钢铁侠》Iron Man(2008)《无敌浩克》The Incredible Hulk(2008)《钢铁侠2》Iron Man 2(2010)《雷神》Thor(2011)《美国队长》Captain America: The First Avenger(2011)《复仇者联盟》The Avengers(2012)第二阶段:新世界开启《钢铁侠3》Iron Man 3(2013)《雷神2黑暗世界》Thor: The Dark World(2013)《美国队长2冬日战士》Captain America: The Winter Soldier(2014)《银河护卫队》Guardians of the Galaxy(2014)《复仇者联盟2奥创纪元》Avengers: Age of Ultron(2015)《蚁人》Ant-Man(2015年7月)第三阶段:未知英雄崛起《美国队长3内战》Captain America: Civil War(2016年5月)《奇异博士》Doctor Strange(2016年11月)《银河护卫队2》Guardians of the Galaxy 2(2017年5月)《蜘蛛侠:返校季》Spider-Man:Homecoming(2017年7月)《雷神3诸神黄昏》Thor: Ragnarok(2017年11月)《黑豹》Black Panther(2018年2月)《复仇者联盟3无限战争》Avengers: Infinity War(2018年5月)

on time和in the time的区别在哪里?

"On time" 和 "in time" 都是表示按时完成某件事情,但是它们的使用场合略有不同。"On time" 主要用于表示准时或按计划完成某件事情,在时间上没有延迟,通常在时间节点前或者准确到时间节点的时候使用。比如说,“我按时到达了会议室”,表示你按照预定时间到达了会议室。另一方面,“In time” 主要强调在适当的时间之前完成某项任务。 这里的“适当的时间”是根据特定情况而定的,可能是在截止日期之前,也可能是在某个事件发生之前。比如说,“我及时提交了论文”,这意味着你在截止日期之前提交了论文。因此,虽然 "on time" 和 "in time" 两者都表示按时完成某件事情,但是它们侧重点略有所不同。

on time和in time的区别 好象都是准时的意思

in time与on time的区别 in time有"及时;迟早"的意思,意指正赶上时候或恰在需要的时候,或解释为"终有一天;最后"; on time是"准时;按时"之意.如: We were just in time for(或to catch) the bus.(我们及时赶上了公共汽车) The train pulled in on time.(火车准时到站了)



Relevant hobbies and interests are activities tha

主句:Relevant hobbies and interests are activities 相关的业余爱好和兴趣是些 … 活动定语从句:that may be Relevant To The Employment you are seeking. 可能与你们寻求的就业岗位有关的(活动 ) 〔关系词兼主语〕 that 〔系动词〕may be 〔表语〕Relevant To The Employment 〔嵌套定语从句〕 you are seeking.

in time 和 on time 怎么区别

1.in time和on time的字面意思都是准时,差距就在介词in和on。2.on的意思是在某个点上面,用在on time,就是在刚好在时间点上的时间,在某个特定时间点上完成某件事,形成准时。如在(需要你的)时间点里(如12月11日,你出现了),所以是及时。3.in的意思是在某段,在某个区域,用在in time,就是在某个时间段内,在某个时间段内形成准时,完成时间可以早于某个特定时间点,但不能晚于某个特定时间点。如在(需要你的)时间里(如12月11日前,你出现了),所以是及时。4.in time的扩展。(1)Inu2002time:英文句子结构是——inu2002time+动词或某些情况,例句:①If you keep on collection, in time you"ll have a wealth of data.只要你注意搜集,久而久之,资料就丰富了。②We were just in time for the bus. 我们刚好赶上那班公共汽车。(2)相当于Justu2002inu2002time,u2002意思是刚好、正好、恰好准时,例句:①I hope you"ll remit me the money in time. 我希望你能及时把钱汇寄给我。②You are expected to finish it in time. 希望你及时把它完成。5.on time的扩展。(1)Onu2002time:一般用在句子后或最后两个字。Onu2002time的用词是当一件事准时发生,事情是按计划而发生的,例如︰①We can certainly have the job finished on time. 我们肯定能按时完成任务。②You must be there on time. 你务必要按时到达那里。(2)Onu2002time的反义词是late(迟到),例如:①Beu2002onu2002time.u2002Don"tu2002beu2002late.u2002要准时,别迟到。

on time 按时 in time 准时 怎么记住,急.:)

on time

in time 和 on time 怎么区别?

in time和on time的区别为:一、指代不同1、in time:及时。2、on time:准时。二、侧重点不同1、in time:侧重于表示刚好在这个时间段内。2、on time:侧重于表示刚好在这个时间点上。三、引证用法不同1、in time:in time用于修饰句中动作发生的时间状态。2、on time:on time虽然也与时间有关,但表示的是副词用法。



in time和on time的区别是什么

in time意思是刚好在时间段里,就是“及时”,on time意思是刚好在时间点上,也就是“准时”,二者在意思上是有区别的。具体用法请见下文。 in time,on time的区别 1.in time表示及时,用于修饰句中动作发生的时间状态。如: Can we get to the station in time? 我们能够及时赶到车站吗? 2.on time虽然也与时间有关,但表示的是副词“准时”。如: The train pulled in exactly on time. 列车准时进站。 in time例句 1.It is just a misunderstanding. It will be cleared up in time. 这只是个误会,总有一天事情会澄清的。 2.This was anyway just a timing issue; the development would have led to higher revenues in time. 无论如何,这只是个时间问题,项目开发迟早会使收入增加。 3.I don"t like to argue with you any more. In time, you will know that you are in the wrong. 我不想再跟你争了,今后你会明白是你错了。 4.A lot of our associations seem like friendship at first, only to break down and disappear in time. 许多关系开始看起来都像友谊,但随着时间的过去,这些关系逐渐会破裂消失。 5.It"no use persuade him at the present time, but in time he will come to accept the harsh reality. 现在你劝说他没有用的,不过他会慢慢接受这个残酷现实的。 on time例句 1.You must get to the station on time. 你必须准时赶到车站。 2.The boss ordered that the work should be done on time. 老板吩咐工作必须按时完成。 3.The rain kept us from getting there on time. 那场雨使我们不能准时到达那里。 4.We can depend on his arriving here on time. 我们可以相信他会准时到来。 5.To our astonishment, they arrived on time. 使我们惊讶的是,他们准时到了。

on time 和in time的区别

On time及In time都是形容词,意思是准时、按时、没迟到等。但在英文句子的用法及结构中却不一样。 (1)On time:一般用在句子后或最后两个字。On time的用词是当一件事准时发生,事情是按计划而发生的,如︰ eg︰The 11:45a.m. train left On time. 上午11时45分的火车按时出发了。(火车在上午11时45分出发。) eg︰“I"ll meet you at 7:30 tonight。”“Okay,but please be On time.”“我今晚七点半见你。”“好的,不过请准时。”(第二者提醒第一者别迟到。) eg︰The conference was very well organized. Everything began and finished On time. 会议安排得很好,所有的事项都准时开始及结束。 On time的反义词是late(迟到)︰ eg︰Be on time. Don"t be late. 要准时,别迟到。 (2)In time:英文句子结构是——in time+动词或某些情况 eg︰Will you be home in time for dinner?你会准时到家吃晚饭吗?(赶得及到家吃饭) eg︰I"ve sent a birthday greeting card for Jill"s birthday.I hope it will arrived in time before her birthday. 我已经寄了一张生日卡给Jill,希望那张卡会在她生日前准时寄到。(赶得及寄给Jill。) eg︰I must hurry.I want to get home in time to watch the football final match. 我一定要快。我要准时到家看足球决赛。(赶得及看球赛。) 我们也可说Just in time, 意思是刚好、正好、恰好准时︰ eg︰We got to the station just in time to catch the last train. 我们刚好准时到达车站,及时赶上最后一班火车。很高兴能回答您的问题,请采纳,谢谢!

in time和on time的区别都有哪些

in time表示“及时”,指在约定的时间之前发生。on time表示“准时、按时”,当一件事准时发生,事情是按计划而发生的,指正好在约定的时间发生。 二者区别 1.in time表示“及时”,指在约定的时间之前发生。意指正赶上时候或恰在需要的时候,或解释为“终有一天;最后”。 如: We hope you will arrive in time to attend the meeting. 我希望你能及时赶来参加这个会议。 They were just in time for the bus. 他们正好赶上了汽车。 2.on time表示“准时、按时”,当一件事准时发生,事情是按计划而发生的,指正好在约定的时间发生。一般用在句子后或最后两个字。 如: The train came on time. 火车正点到站。 I"ll write to your father if you aren"t here on time tomorrow. 倘若你明天不准时到的话,我就要写信告诉你父亲。 in time 例句 1.Firemen reached the house on fire in time. 消防队员及时赶到那幢失火的房子。 2.I intended to catch the early train, but I didn"t get up in time. 我本来打算赶早班的火车,但是我起晚了。 3.Disregarding all the difficulties, we arrived here in time. 尽管有那么多困难,我们仍然及时地到达了这儿。 4.I saved my bacon by arriving just in time for the meeting. 我刚好及时到会,才算没受责备。 5.The car came to a halt just in time to prevent an accident. 汽车及时停下,避免了一场车祸。 on time 例句 1.To our astonishment, they arrived on time. 使我们惊讶的是,他们准时到了。 2.He will come on time even though it rains. 即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。 3.You must get to the station on time. 你必须准时赶到车站。 4.The boss ordered that the work should be done on time. 老板吩咐工作必须按时完成。 5.The rain kept us from getting there on time. 那场雨使我们不能准时到达那里。

in time和on time的区别

1、含义不同in time,及时,按时,适时;终于,最后;合拍子,有节奏地;到底,究竟。on time,adv. 准时。2、用法不同in time表示及时,用于修饰句中动作发生的时间状态。术语"In time"是指在特定时间的边缘。当某件事在最后时刻发生时使用。这个术语经常表示,从现在到预计发生某事,你没有足够的时间,不能迟到。Firemen reached the house on fire in time.消防队员及时赶到那幢失火的房子。on time。on time虽然也与时间有关,但表示的是副词“准时”。"On time”一词是一个形容词,反映了时间性,即根据时间表或计划发生的事件。它用于表示在设定的或预期的时间发生、到达或执行的事情,而不是迟到。The rain kept us from getting there on time.那场雨使我们不能准时到达那里。3、侧重点不同in time,可表示“按时”。in time表示及时。指没有迟到,时间还充裕。on time,可表示“按时”。on time表示准时,按时。指按规定的时刻,不早不晚。

on time的用法?

和in time有很大的区别,on time多意思是准时

on time和in time和at time的区别

at time为有时,in time为及时,on time准时,都是形容词。On time一般用在句子后或最后两个字,其用词是当一件事准时发生,强调事情是按计划而发生的,而In time的英文句子结构是in time+动词或某些情况,at time作时间状语,一般放在句末。 on time用法 on time的英文意思是“happening or done at the particular moment that it was expected to happen or be done”,即“按时,准时”。其通常用来描述和计划相关的内容,比如天气不好,但是和别人约在了下午一点见面,你按时到达了,这个按时就可以用“on time”来表示。当想表达自己没有迟到,在这样的语境中,on time更加强调“在具体时间内没有迟到”。 例句如下: The bus came righton time. 公共汽车正好准时到达。 in time用法 in time的英文意思是“early enough”,即“及时,迟早”。 也就是指正赶上时候或恰在需要的时候,其通常更加强调的是动作在时间内完成或者提前完成某事。当想表达自己没有迟到,在这样的语境中,in time和on time可以互换,不过in time更加强调的是“没有迟到”。 例句: We managed to get to the airportin time. 我们设法及时赶到了机场。


relevant[5relivEnt]adj.有关的, 相应的related[ri5leitid]adj.叙述的, 讲述的, 有关系的relative[5relEtiv]n.亲戚, 关系词, 相关物, 亲缘植物adj.有关系的, 相对的, 比较而言的

in time & on time的区别

in time 及时,表示在规定时间之前 比如 我们要求早上7点45到校.如果你是7点40来的,那就是 get to school in time ; 如果你是7点45到校,那就是 get to school on time.


relevant/relative/related relevant:有关的、切题的,往往表示与手头的事情或目前的状况有直接关系,尤指在逻辑上有关系的,可后接介词to引出相关的主题(relevant to...与……有关的),也可以放在名词前直接修饰名词(relevant details/information 有关细节/信息) relative:相对的、比较的、较……而言的,此时放在名词前直接修饰名词(relative comfort比较舒适),也表示相关的、有关系的、表关系的,表示此意时通常不放在名词前直接修饰名词,而后接介词to引出相关事物,还可以作名词,指亲戚、亲属 related:在相互关系的、(与……)有关系的,可后接介词to引出相关事物,也可以放在名词前直接修饰名词(chemistry,biology and other related sciences 化学、生物学及其他相关的科学),还指有亲缘关系的、共同起源或婚姻而相互关联的(be related to sb.by marriage 与某人是姻亲)

on time 是什么意思



ontime adv ["u0252ntau026am]

on time什么意思


on time什么意思

on time是①按时、准时;②以分期付款方式;③正点,顺时。

correlative 和 relevant 的区别

Relevant 形容与一个主题或问题有关的某事: The scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research.那个科学家和同事们相互通信以了解和她自己的研究有关的事。correlative有关联的;相应的【语法】 互惠:表示互惠或补充的关系的:a correlative conjunction.关联连词希望对你有所帮助!


relative [rel·a·tive || "relu0259tu026av]n. 亲戚, 关系词adj. 有关系的, 比较的,相对的related [re"lat·ed || ru026a"leu026atu026ad]adj. 有关的, 相关的;有密切联系的; 有亲戚关系的;讲述的, 叙述的relevant ["rel·e·vant || "relu026avu0259nt]adj. 恰当的; 切题的;有意义的为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,谢谢。

区别be relevant to,be relative to



relative [rel·a·tive || "relu0259tu026av]n. 亲戚, 关系词adj. 有关系的, 比较的,相对的related [re"lat·ed || ru026a"leu026atu026ad]adj. 有关的, 相关的;有密切联系的; 有亲戚关系的;讲述的, 叙述的relevant ["rel·e·vant || "relu026avu0259nt]adj. 恰当的; 切题的;有意义的


1.relevantadj.有关的,相应的例句X.Relevant Guarantees十、相关保障relevant relation or interconnection.相关的联系和互相联络.Strikingly appropriate and relevant.适当的,恰当的极为贴切合适的refer to or be relevant to.涉及或者与……相关.be in connection with something relevant.与相应的某物有关联.2.relatevt.叙述,讲,使联系,发生关系例句Strange to relate.说来奇怪.To relate in detail.详述深入到细节地叙述To relate to teaching practice联系教学实际Relate to us your adventures.告诉我们你的冒险故事.bring into consonance or relate harmoniously.让音乐协调一致地演奏,呈现和谐的关系.3.relativen.亲戚,关系词,相关物,亲缘植物adj.有关系的,相对的,比较而言的例句relative number相对数relative orientation相对定向relative stability相对稳定性relative volatility相对挥发度relative pronoun; relative clause.限定代词;限定从句.这三个词意境是不同的,你看看吧,你要的东西什么都有relevant是指与...有关系是具体事物的关联关系.relate指人讲话或讲故事用于叙述中的讲出来的关系relative指亲属关系

求Stereo Skyline的Tongue Tied这首歌歌词

tongue tied 打印此页 歌手:los amigos 专辑:3- songs about toll booths, eggs and various other When I saw you for the first time (first time)My legs began to quiver (quiver)And I got a funny feeling (Feeling)In my kidneys and my liver (digestive system baby)My throat it started lumping (lumping)My heart it started thumping (bom-bom-boom)My tongue it started (doodly, doodly, doodly do)And all I"m tryna say isI"m tryna say I"m tongue tied (tongue tied)tongue tiedwhenever you are near me (near me)a namy noomy (a namy noomy)whenever you"re in town.bababa baround nowtryna say I"m ningy nangy (ningy nang)tongue tiedwhy can"t you hear me clearly (clearly)a tie tongue, tongue tie, a tie tongue, tongue tiewhenever you"re in towna bababa baround.Understand me when I saaayyyya gooble-gable-gooble-gable-gooblayI"m tryna say I"m tongue tied (tongue tied)tongue tiedwhenever you are near me (near me)tongue tied, tie tongued, tongue tiedwhenever you"re in town.bababa baroundyeah




刷新activity的方法:1. 刷新当前activity界面数据(手动刷新):在activity类下新增一个refresh()方法:/*** 刷新, 这种刷新方法,只有一个Activity实例。*/public void refresh() {onCreate(null);}2. 刷新另一个activity界面数据(自动刷新):在涉及到sqlite3数据库操作的activity类下重写onResume()方法:(此处建议复习下activity的生命周期, 并了解下onResume()方法的使用)/*** 调用onCreate(), 目的是刷新数据,* 从另一activity界面返回到该activity界面时, 此方法自动调用*/@Overrideprotected void onResume() {super.onResume();onCreate(null);}由此, 涉及到sqlite数据库数据的插入/更新/删除的activity的类, 建议像上面一样重写onResume()方法, 这是本人在实践中解决“刷新另一activity界面数据”的可行方法

location.refresh 和location.reload的区别在什么时候用

location.refresh:刷新页面location.reload: 重载页面


window.location.href = window.location.href; 试试这条









js中location.reload() firefox刷新问题

你可以把window.location.href = "当前页面地址";当作刷新处理,这样输入的内容就没有了


reload() 方法用于重新加载当前文档。如果该方法没有规定参数,或者参数是 false,它就会用 HTTP 头 If-Modified-Since 来检测服务器上的文档是否已改变。如果文档已改变,reload() 会再次下载该文档。如果文档未改变,则该方法将从缓存中装载文档。这与用户单击浏览器的刷新按钮的效果是完全一样的。我们都知道客户端浏览器是有缓存的,里面存放之前访问过的一些网页文件。其实缓存里存储的不只是网页文件,还有服务器发过来的该文件的最后服务器修改时间。If-Modified-Since是标准的HTTP请求头标签,在发送HTTP请求时,把浏览器端缓存页面的最后修改时 间一起发到服务器去,服务器会把这个时间与服务器上实际文件的最后修改时间进行比较。如果时间一致,那么返回HTTP状态码304(不返回文件内容),客户端接到之后,就直接把本地缓存文 件显示到浏览器中。如果时间不一致,就返回HTTP状态码200和新的文件内容,客户端接到之后,会丢弃旧文件,把新文件 缓存起来,并显示到浏览器中。我们知道JSP页面最后都必须编译成HTML文件,你的JSP页面 时间 每次请求的都不一样 ,等于修改了文件所以缓存和服务器的文件的修改时间是不一致的 ,就会重新刷新了








window.location.reload要比window.location.href=window.location.href牛逼。 表现为下面几个方面: (1)window.location.reload()可以重新提交POST数据。 比如说,如果你采用POST方式提交了付款数据,当前页面是付款完成页面,这个时候如果你...



练习图像几何校正(Geometric Correction)

几何校正就是将图像数据投影到平面上,使其符合地图投影系统的过程。而将地图坐标系统赋予图像数据的过程,称为地理参考(Geo-referencing)。由于所有地图投影系统都遵从于一定的地图坐标系统,所以几何校正过程包含了地理参考过程。1.几何校正计算模型(Geometric Correction Model)ERDAS提供的图像几何校正计算模型有10种,具体功能如表5-1所列。表5-1 几何校正计算模型与功能注:DPPDB——Digital Point Positioning Data Base。以资源卫星图像校正为例,介绍的是以已经具有地理参考的SPOT图像为基础,进行Landsat TM图像校正过程。2.图像几何校正步骤(Geometric Correction Process)(1)显示图像文件在Viewer #1中打开需要校正的Landsat TM图像:tmAtlanta.img;在Viewer#2中打开作为地理参考的校正过的SPOT图像:panAtlanta.img,如图5-11所示。图5-11 打开两幅图像后的窗口图5-12 Set Geo Correction Input File对话框(2)启动校正模块(Geometric Correction Tool)在ERDASIMAGINE系统中进行图像几何校正,通常有两种途径启动几何校正模块。ERDAS图标面板菜单条:Main→Data Preparation→Image Geometric Correction,打开Set Geo Correction Input File对话框(图5-12);ERDAS图标面板工具条:点击DataPrep图标→Image Geometric Correction,打开SetGeo Correction Input File对话框(图5-12)。图5-13 Viewer Selection Instiuctions指示器点击Select Viewer,出现Viewer Selection Instiuctions指示器窗口(图5-13),左键点击Viewer #1窗口下打开的tmAtlanta.img文件,出现Set Geometric Model几何校正模型对话框(图5-14),选择Polynomial多项式变换(同时做投影变换)数学模型,同时出现Geo Correction Tools [图5-15(a)]和Polynomial Model Properties对话框[图5-15(b)],Polynomial Order改为2,定义投影参数(Projection)(略);点击Apply,close,出现GCPTool Reference Setup对话框(图5-16)。选择视窗采点模式:Existing Viewer,单击OK,自动打开Viewer Selection Instiuctions指示器(图5-13),在显示作为地理参考图像panAtlanta.img的Viewer#2中点击左键,打开Reference MapInformation提示框(图5-17)(显示参考图像的投影信息),点击 OK(关闭Reference Map Information提示框)。整个屏幕将自动变化为如图5-18所示的状态:其中包含两个主视窗、两个放大窗口、两个关联方框(分别位于两个视窗中,指示放大窗口与主视窗的关系)、控制点工具对话框、几何校正工具等。表明控制点工具被启动,进入控制点采集状态。图5-14 Set Geometric Model对话框图5-15 (a)Geo Correction tools对话框图5-15 (b)Polynomial Model Properties对话框图5-16 GCP Tool ReferenceSetup对话框图5-17 Reference Map Information对话框图5-18 Reference Map Information窗口说明:该实例是采用视窗采点模式,作为地理参考的SPOT图像已经含有投影信息,所以,这里不需要定义投影参数。如果不是采用视窗采点模式,或者参考图像没有包含投影信息,则必须在这里定义投影信息,包括投影类型及其对应的投影参数。其中,多项式模型(Polynomia1)属于一种近似校正方法,在卫星图像校正过程中应用较多。校正时先根据多项式的阶数,在影像中选取足够数量的控制点,建立影像坐标与地面坐标的关系式,再将整张影像进行转换。在调用多项式模型时,需要确定多项式的次方数(Polynomial 0rder),一般多用低阶多项式(三次以下),以避免高阶方程数值不稳定的状况。此外各阶多项式所需控制点的数量,除满足要求的最少控制点数外,一般还需额外选取一定数量的控制点,以使用最小二乘平差求出较为合理的多项式系数。最少控制点数计算公式为(t+1)×(t+2)/2,其中t为次方数,即1次方方程最少需要3个控制点,2次方最少需要6个控制点,3次方需要10个控制点,依次类推。此校正方式会受到影像面积及高程变化程度的影响,如果影像范围不大且高程起伏不明显,校正后的精度一般会满足需求,反之则精度会明显降低。因此多项式模型一般适用于平地或精度要求相对较低的校正处理。(3)采集地面控制点(Ground Control Point)在图像几何校正过程中,采集控制点是一项非常重要和相当繁重的工作,具体过程如下:1)在GCP工具对话框中点击Select GCP图标 ,进入GCP选择状态;2)在GCP数据表中将输入GCP的颜色(Color)设置为比较明显的红色;3)在Viewer#1中移动关联方框位置,寻找明显的地物特征点,作为输入GCP;4)在GCP工具对话框中点击Create GCP图标 ,在Viewer#1中点击左键定点,并在Viewer #2中点击左键定点,GCP数据表将记录一个输入GCP,包括其编号、标识码、X坐标、Y坐标:5)不断重复上述步骤,采集若干GCP,直到满足所选几何校正模型为止(图5-19)。关于GCP工具对话框,还需要说明几点:(a)输入控制点(Input GCP)是在原始文件视窗中采集的,具有原文件的坐标系统;而参考控制点(Reference GCP)是在参考文件视窗中采集的,具有已知的参考坐标系统,GCP工具将根据对应点的坐标值自动生成转换模型。(b)在GCP数据表中,残差(Residuals)、中误差(RMS)、贡献率(Contribution)及匹配程度(Match)等参数,是在编辑GCP的过程中自动计算更新的,用户是不可以任意改变的,但可以通过精确GCP位置来调整。图5-19 GCP Tool对话框与GCP数据表(c)每个IMG文件都可以有一个GCP数据集与之相关联,GCP数据集保存在一个栅格层数据文件中;如果IMG文件有一个GCP数据集存在的话,只要打开GCP工具,GCP点就会出现在视窗中。(d)所有的输入GCP都可以直接保存在图像文件中(Save Iiput),也可以保存在控制点文件中(Save InputAs)。如果是保存在文件中,调用的方法如(c)所述,如果是保存在GCP文件中,可以通过加载调用(Load Input)。(e)参考GCP也可以类似地保存在参考图像中(Save Reference)或 GCP文件中(Save Reference As),便于以后调用。(f)本实验所选的控制点为6个,实际实验的时候可以选择3个控制点,学生容易在一节课之内完成,更多控制点的实现可以安排在课下作业。(4)采集地面检查点以上所采集的GCP的类型为Control Point(控制点),用于控制计算、建立转换模型及多项式方程。下面所要采集的GCP的类型均是Check(检查点),用于检验所建立的转换方程的精度和实用性。依然在GCP Tool对话框状态下:1)在GCP Tool菜单条中确定GCP类型:Edit→Set Point Type→Check。2)在GCP Tool菜单条中确定 GCP匹配参数(Matching Parameter):Edit→Point Matching→打开GCP Matching对话框(图5-20)。图5-20 GCP Matching对话框在GCP Matching对话框中,需要定义下列参数:①匹配参数(Matching Parameters);②最大搜索半径(Max.Search Radius)为3;③搜索窗口大小(Search Window Size):X:5Y:5;④约束参数(Threshold Parameters):设相关阈值(Correlation Threshold):0.8;⑤删除不匹配的点(Discard Unmatched Point):Active。3)在匹配所有/选择点(Match All/Selected Point)选项组中设从输入到参考(Reference from Input)或从参考到输入(Input from Reference)。4)Close(关闭GCPMatching对话框)。5)确定地面检查点:在GCP Tool工具条中选择Create GCP图标,并将Lock图标打开,锁住Create GCP功能,如同选择控制点一样,分别在Viewer #l和Viewer #2中定义5个检查点,定义完毕后点击Unlock图标,解除Create GCP功能。6)计算检查点误差:在GCP Tool工具条中点击Compute Error图标,检查点的误差就会显示在GCP Tool的上方,只有所有检查点的误差均小于一个像元(Pixel),才能继续进行合理的重采样。一般来说,如果你的控制点(GCP)定位选择比较准确的话,检查点匹配会比较好,误差会在限差范围内。否则,若控制点定义不精确,检查点就无法匹配,误差会超标。(5)计算转换模型(Compute Transformation)在控制点采集过程中,一般是设置为自动转换计算模式,所以,随着控制点采集过程的完成,转换模型就自动计算生成,下面是转换模型的查阅过程:1)在Geo-Correction Tools对话框中点击Display Model Properties图标 ;2)打开Polynomial Model Properties(多项式模型参数)对话框见图5-15(b);3)在多项式模型参数对话框中查阅模型参数,并记录转换模型;4)Close(关闭模型特性对话框,进入图像重采样阶段)。(6)图像重采样(Resample the Image)图像重采样简介(Introduction to Image Resample)重采样过程就是依据未校正图像像元值计算生成一幅校正图像的过程,原图像中所有栅格数据层都将进行重采样。ERDAS IMAGINE提供3种最常用的重采样方法:1)Neatest Neighbor:邻近点插值法,将最邻近像元值直接赋予输出像元;2)Bilinear Interpolation:双线性插值法,用双线性方程和2×2窗口计算输出像元值;3)Cubic Convolution:立方卷积插值法,用立方方程和4×4窗口计算输出像元值;图像重采样过程(Process of Image Resample)1)首先,在Geo Correction Tool对话框中选择Image Resampl图标 。2)打开Image Resample(图像重采样)对话框。3)然后,在Image Resample对话框中,定义重采样参数:①输出图像文件名(Output File):rectify.img;②选择重采样方法(Resample Method):Nearest Neighbor;③定义输出图像范围(output Corners):ULX,ULY,LRX,LRY;④定义输出像元大小(Output CellSize):X:30.Y:30;⑤设置输出统计中忽略零值:Ignore Zero in Stats;⑥设置重新计算输出缺省值(Recalculate Output Default):SkipFactor.10。4)单击OK(关闭Image Resample对话框,启动重采样进程)。(7)保存几何校正模式(Save Rectification Mode)在Geo Correction Tools对话框中点击Exit按钮,退出图像几何校正过程,按照系统提示选择保存图像几何校正模式,并定义模式文件(*.gm),以便下次直接使用。(8)检验校正结果(Verify Rectification Result)检验校正结果的基本方法是:同时在两个视窗中打开两幅图像,其中一幅是校正以后的图像,一幅是当时的参考图像,通过视窗地理链接(Geo Link/Unlink)功能及查询光标(Inquirecursor)功能进行目视定性检验。具体过程如下:1)打开两个平铺视窗(Open and Tiletwo Viewer),视窗菜单条:File→Open→RasterOption→图像文件,ERDAS图标面板:Session→TileViewer→平铺视窗;2)建立视窗地理链接关系(Geo Link two Viewer),在Viewer #1中:按住右键→快捷菜单→GeoLink/Unlink,在Viewer #2中:点击左键,建立与Viewer #1的链接;3)通过查询光标进行检验(Check with Inquire Cursor),在Viewer #1中:按住右键→快捷菜单→InquireCursor→打开光标查询对话框,在Viewer #1中:移动查询光标,观测其在两屏幕中的位置及匹配程度,并注意光标查询对话框中数据的变化,如果满意的话,关闭光标查询对话框。

One Day At A Time (Kennedy Center Homecoming Version) 歌词

歌曲名:One Day At A Time (Kennedy Center Homecoming Version)歌手:Ivan Parker&Joy Gardner专辑:Kennedy Center HomecomingWednesday I came home from schoolDid my homework in my roomthen I watched some TVI still miss youThursday morning went onlineGot to school at half past nineWound up in detentionI still miss youEverything I do (oh)brings me back to youAnd I dieOne day at a time"Cause I just cant seem to get you off my mindNo matter how I trytry to kill the timewell I think that im just going crazyone day at a timeFriday I got out of bedTried to smile frowned insteadBurnt some toast for breakfastI still miss youSaturday I turned 16Never dreamt you"d act so meanYou didn"t even call meBut I still miss youAnd When I turn 94I think ill miss u even moreAnd I dieOne day at a time"Cause I just can"t seem to get you off my mindNo matter how I trytry to kill the timewell I think that im just going crazyone day at a timeI miss you more than I did a min agoI Climb a mountain just to here your echo (hoo, hoo)All I wanted was youTell me please do u think of me now and thenCause if I never see you againI still miss youAnd I dieOne day at a time"Cause I just can"t seem to get you off my mindNo matter how I trytry to kill the timewell I think that im just going craaazyone day at a time(Oooo) one day at a timeWell I think that im just going crazy one day at a timeOo I think im going crazy oooooooOne day at a timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2764378

Use "trowel" "circumference" "quench" "lubricate" "peninsula" "mirage" "matinee" to make sentense

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: trowel: n. 泥刀,小铲子 例句与用法: 1. The flower border required careful weeding with a trowel but he attacked it with a spade like a bull in a china shop. 花园里沿边的或走道两边的花坛要用一把泥铲小心地除草,但是他却用一把铁锹重手重脚地做,象瓷器店里的一头公牛,一动就会闯祸。 Can you give that trowel to me to do sth 你能把那个小铲子给我,我要做一些事情 circumference: n. 圆周,周围,胸围 例句与用法: 1. The circumference of the earth is almost 25,000 miles. 地球的圆周长约为两万五千英里。 2. The circumference of the earth is almost 25000 miles/The earth is almost 25000 miles in circumference. 地球的圆周长约为25000. 3. The distance around something; the circumference. 周围,四周围绕某物的距离;周围 4. The curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle that rolls on a straight line. 圆滚线,摆线圆周上任一点在一条直线上滚动时所形成的曲线 quench: 熄减,结束,冷浸 例句与用法: 1. Hot steel is quenched to harden it. 烧热的钢淬火使它坚硬。 . Water will quench a fire. 水可以灭火。 3. Nothing could quench her longing to return home again. 她重返家园的念头怎么也打消不掉. lubricate: 润滑,涂油 例句与用法: 1. If you never bother to lubricate your engine, of course it will seize up. 如果你老是怕麻烦,不给发动机添加润滑油,发动机当然会失灵卡住啦。 peninsula: 半岛 例句与用法: 1. Italy is a peninsula. 意大利是一个半岛。 2. An ancient region and Roman province of the Iberian Peninsula. It corresponded roughly to modern-day Portugal. 卢西塔尼亚古代一个地区,是古罗马帝国在伊伯利亚半岛的一个省份,大致相当于今天的葡萄牙 3. An arm of the Red Sea beeen the Sinai Peninsula and northwest Saudi Arabia. It has long been of strategic importance in the Middle East. 阿克巴湾红海的一个海湾,在西奈半岛及沙特 *** 西北部之间。它长期以来在中东具有重要的战略性 4. A promontory of southeast Newfoundland, Canada, on the coast of the Avalon Peninsula. 莱思角加拿大纽芬兰省东南部一海角,位于亚法隆半岛沿岸 mirage: 海市蜃楼,幻想 例句与用法: 1. A mirage is an optical illusion. 海市蜃楼是一种视错觉. 2. The heat reflected from the white sand formed a mirage. 热气经白色的沙面反射形成了蜃景. 3. The heat reflect from the white sand forme a mirage. 热气经白色的沙面反射形成了蜃景。 matinee:日场演出 Could you give us one more matine Their matinee was very successful

开头是sometime i lay的one day英文歌

曲目:Pretty boy歌手:M2M评价:很经典的一首歌,适合一个人听。歌词:I lie awake at night 我躺在床上夜不能寐 See things in black and white 所有的事情在脑海中如黑白电影般掠过 I"ve only got you inside my mind 我的心中只有你 You know you have made me blind 你知道你使我盲目 I lie awake and pray 我躺在床上祈祷 That you will look my way 希望你能看我一眼 I have all this longing in my heart 我的心中充满对你的渴望 I knew it right from the start 从一开始我就知道 Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you 噢,我英俊漂亮的男孩,我如此喜欢你 Like I never ever loved no one before you 就如同我过去不希望爱上任何人一样强烈 Pretty pretty boy of mine 我英俊漂亮的男孩啊 Just tell me you love me too 告诉我你也爱我好吗 Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you 噢,我英俊漂亮的男孩,我如此需要你 Oh my pretty pretty boy I do 噢,我英俊漂亮的男孩,我真的需要你 Let me inside 让我进入你的心里 Make me stay right beside you 留在你身边 I used to write your name 我过去总是写你的名字 And put it in a frame 并把它装裱起来 And sometime I think I hear you call 有时我会以为听到你的呼唤 Right from my bedroom wall 从我卧室的墙上 You stay a little while 你停留片刻 And touch me with your smile 你的微笑触动了我的心灵 And what can I say to make you mine 我该说什么以把握住你 To reach out for you in time 以便及时的为你出手 Oh pretty boy , pretty boy , pretty boy 噢,我英俊漂亮的男孩 Say you love me too 说你也爱我好吗

perilous;peninsula; declaration 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法.

1、perilous 2、peninsula 3、 declaration1、危险的 2、半岛的 3、宣言谐音:1、佩哇力丝 2、 喷粘索尔 3、跌阔瑞神

Matisyahu ft. Akon - one day - 的歌词,我看到很多人盲目复制粘贴就算。


matisyahu的歌曲one day的中文翻译

sometimes I layunder the moonand thank God I"m breathingthen I praydon"t take me sooncause i"m here for a reasonsometimes in my tears I drownbut I never let it get me downso when negativity surroundsI know some day it"ll all turn aroundbecauseall my live I"ve been waiting forI"ve been praying forfor the people to saythat we dont wanna fight no morethey"ll be no more warsand our children will playone day x6it"s not aboutwin or losewe all losewhen they feed on the souls of the innocentblood drenched pavementkeep on moving though the waters stay ragingin this maze you can lose your way (your way)it might drive you crazy but dont let it faze you no way (no way)sometimes in my tears I drownbut I never let it get me downso when negativity surroundsI know some day it"ll all turn aroundbecauseall my live I"ve been waiting forI"ve been praying forfor the people to saythat we dont wanna fight no morethey"ll be no more warsand our children will playone day x6one day this all will changetreat people the samestop with the violencedown with the hateone day we"ll all be freeand proud to beunder the same sunsinging songs of freedom likeone day x4all my live I"ve been waiting forI"ve been praying forfor the people to saythat we don"t wanna fight no morethey"ll be no more warsand our children will playone day x6 有时候我躺着(躺)在月光下感谢上帝让我还继续呼吸着然后我祈祷别这么快把我带走因为我留在这是有原因的有时候,我沉溺在我的眼泪中但是我从不被此击垮所以每当被消极的情绪包围着我知道,总有一天,一切都会好转因为我这一生所等待的我一直为之祈祷的为了让人们说我们不想再打仗了再也没有战争了我们的孩子将开始玩耍有一天不再是关于赢或输我们都输了当他们以无辜的灵活为食鲜血淋湿道路继续前进 穿过水流 保持愤怒在这个迷宫里你会迷路(你的路)它也许会让你发疯 但是别让它吓得你无路可走(无路可走)有时候,我沉溺在我的眼泪中但是我从不被此击垮所以每当被消极的情绪包围着我知道,总有一天,一切都会好转因为我这一生所等待的我一直为之祈祷的为了让人们说我们不想再打仗了再也没有战争了我们的孩子将开始玩耍有一天有一天这些都将改变对所有人一视同仁停止暴力行为不再有仇恨有一天 我们都会自由都会骄傲都会为站在同一个太阳下(而感到骄傲)唱着自由的歌就像有一天我这一生所等待的我一直为之祈祷的为了让人们说我们不想再打仗了再也没有战争了我们的孩子将开始玩耍有一天

Matisyahu的《One Day》 歌词

歌曲名:One Day歌手:Matisyahu专辑:LightOne DayMatisyahusometimes I layunder the moonand thank God I"m breathingthen I praydon"t take me sooncause i"m here for a reasonsometimes in my tears I drownbut I never let it get me downso when negativity surroundsI know some day it"ll all turn aroundbecause all my live I"ve been waiting forI"ve been praying forfor the people to saythat we dont wanna fight no morethey"ll be no more warsand our children will playone day one day one day one day one day one day it"s not aboutwin or losewe all losewhen they feed on the souls of the innocentblood drenched pavementkeep on moving though the waters stay ragingin this maze you can lose your way (your way)it might drive you crazy but dont let it faze you no way (no way)sometimes in my tears I drownbut I never let it get me downso when negativity surroundsI know some day it"ll all turn aroundbecause all my live I"ve been waiting forI"ve been praying forfor the people to saythat we dont wanna fight no morethey"ll be no more warsand our children will playone day one dayone dayone dayone dayone dayone day this all will changetreat people the samestop with the violencedown with the hateone day we"ll all be freeand proud to beunder the same sunsinging songs of freedom likeone day one dayone dayone dayall my live I"ve been waiting forI"ve been praying forfor the people to saythat we don"t wanna fight no morethey"ll be no more warsand our children will playone day one dayone dayone dayone dayone dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/523366

Various Artists的《One Day》 歌词

歌曲名:One Day歌手:Various Artists专辑:This Is Ragga Style Vol.1Various Artists - One DayListen Up!Nameless onlong side MatisyahuI feel my body shiverin"Every fiber of mine be anticipatin"As you and meWe are making history (history)And as a member of the human race (eh)I want to free my mentalityAnd use my abilityTo get to where I want to beI want to be free~I want to be free~One day X6It"s not about win or lose cause" we allloseWhen they feed on the souls of the innocentBlood drenched pavementKeep on moving though the water staysragingInthis maze you can lose your way (your way)Itmight drive you crazy but don"t let it faze you no way (no way)Sometimes in my tears I drown (I drown)But I never let it get me down (get me down)So when negativity surrounds (surrounds)I know some day it"ll all turn aroundBecause all my life I"ve been waiting forI"ve been praying forFor the people to sayThat we don"t want to fight no moreThey"ll be no more warsAnd our children will playOne day X6I feel the sun shinin" (shinin")Though the rain is throwing down on meAnd the roads go windingBut in the end is gonna set me freeFree~Free~All my life I"ve been waiting forI"vebeen praying forFor the people to sayThat we don"t want to fight no moreThey"ll be no more warsAnd our children will playOne day X6..............................http://music.baidu.com/song/59980139

matisyahu ONE DAY的歌词中文翻译,请看清楚歌词再提交答案,别随便复制一个答案给我。歌词如下。


ice lantern festival这是冰什么节


南极peninsula 和continental指哪些地方

1、南极半岛 ( Antarctic Peninsula )位于西南极洲,是南极大陆最大、向北伸入海洋最远(南纬63°)的大半岛,东西濒临威德尔海和别林斯高晋海,近海有宽广的大陆架,东侧有菲尔希纳陆缘冰。北隔970千米的德雷克海峡与南美洲相望,南接崎岖的山地和冰雪高原。南极半岛是南极大陆最温暖、降水最多的地方,年雨量可达500-600毫米,局部地方有时能达到900毫米,有“海洋性南极”之称。我国的第一个南极科考站“长城站”就在南极半岛旁的乔治王岛上。2、南极大陆(Antarctic continental)南极大陆是指南极洲除周围岛屿以外的陆地,,位于地球的最南端。面积为1239万平方千米。 南极大陆95%以上的面积为厚度惊人的冰雪所覆盖,素有“白色沙漠”之称。


remark 英[ru026au02c8mɑ:k]美[ru026au02c8mɑ:rk]n. 话语; 注意,观察; 评论,谈论,;vt. 评论; 觉察;critic 英[u02c8kru026atu026ak]美[u02c8kru026atu026ak]n. 批评家; 批评者; 评论员; 挑剔的人;如果有帮助的话请采纳一下~如果有疑问,请追问吧~~


coming 是现在分词, 与系动词was 一起构成过去进行时, 或者做表语。The Lantern Festival was coming at 15th of February.意思是:元宵节是在二月十五日这一天。

作文Chinese Lantern Festival party

The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called night Xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So the day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China.   According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out for people to appreciate. At this time, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball) and get all their families united in the joyful atmosphere

What did he do at the lantern festival?哪里错了?


continent ;peninsula; hour ;这几个英语怎么读?

这几个英语单词怎么读,你可以查一查字典呀,看一看字典里的音标标法,按照音标读就可以了,这里也没有办法发语音,或者常有道词典, 那里面有发音


remark英 [ru026au02c8mɑ:k] 美 [ru026au02c8mɑ:rk] n. 话语;注意,观察;评论,谈论,vt.& vi. 评论;觉察

meet with difficulties是什么意思


英语谚语:No one is wise at all times 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: No one is wise at all times 中文意思: 人总有一时之失。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Moderation in all things is the best of rules 中庸之道是最好的准则。 Modesty is not only and ornament but also a guard to virtue 谦逊不仅可增添光彩也可以维护美德。 Modesty is the ornament of woman 端庄可为妇女增添光彩。 Money answers all things 金钱是万能的。 Money begets (or breeds or gets) money 钱产生钱。 Money borrowed is soon sorrowed 债台高筑,愁上心头。 Money burns a hole in his pocket 钱到袋里留不住。 Money calls but does not stay: It is round and rolls sway 金钱会上门,不会留下来,因为是圆的,所以会滚开。 Money can buy the devil himself 有钱能使鬼推磨。 Money can move even the gods 有钱能使鬼推磨。 英语谚语: No one is wise at all times 中文意思: 人总有一时之失。

The origin of the Lantern Festival(元宵节)_2700字

There are many different beliefs about the origin of the Lantern Festival. But one thing for sure is that it had something to do with celebrating and cultivating positive relationship beeen people families nature and the higher beings they believed were responsible for bringing/returning the light each year. One legend tells us that it was a time to worship Taiyi the God of Heaven in ancient times. The belief was that the God of Heaven controlled the destiny of the human world. He had sixteen dragons at his beck and call and he decided when to inflict drought storms famine or pestilence upon human beings. Beginning with Qinshihuang the first emperor to unite the country all the emperors ordered splendid ceremonies each year. The emperor would ask Taiyi to bring favorable weather and good health to him and his people. Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty directed special attention to this event. In 104 BC he proclaimed it as one of the most important celebrations and the ceremony would last throughout the night. They clean it all up in the morning. Another legend associates the Lantern Festival with Taoi *** . Tianguan is the Taoist god responsible for good fortune. His birthday falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It is said that Tianguan likes all types of entertainment so followers prepare various kinds of activities during which they pray for good fortune. Yet another mon legend dealing with the origins of the Lantern Festival speaks of a beautiful bird that flew down to earth from heaven which was hunted and killed by some villagers. This angered the Jade Emperor in Heaven because the bird was his favorite one. Therefore he planned a storm of fire to destroy the village on the 15th lunar day. The Jade Emperor"s daughter heard of this plan and warned the villagers of her father"s plan to destroy their village. The village was in turmoil because nobody knew how should they escape their imminent destruction. However a wise man from another village suggested that every family should hang red lanterns around their houses set up bonfires on the streets and explode firecrackers on the 14th 15th and 16th lunar days. This would give the village the appearance of being on fire to the Jade Emperor. On the 15th lunar day troops sent down from heaven whose mission was to destroy the village saw that the village was already ablaze and returned to heaven to report to the Jade Emperor. Satisfied the Jade Emperor decided not to burn down the village. From that day on people celebrate the anniversary on the 15th lunar day every year by carrying red lanterns on the streets and exploding firecrackers and fireworks. There are many stories on how this festival was created. One other story is about a maid. In the Han Dynasty Mr. Eastern was a favorite advisor of the emperor. One winter day he went to the garden and heard a little girl crying and getting ready to jump into a well to mit suicide. Mr. Eastern stopped her and asked why. She said she was a maid in the emperor"s palace and her name was Yuan-Xiao. She never had the chance to meet her family after she started worked at the palace. She missed them so much every 12th lunar month. If she couldn"t have the chance to show her filial piety in this life she would rather die. Mr. Eastern promised her to find a way so she could reunion with her family. Mr. Eastern left the palace and set up a fortune-telling stall on the street and disguised himself as a fortueller. Because of his reputation many people asked for their fortunes. But every one got the same prediction - a severe fire accident on the 15th lunar day. The rumor spread quickly. Everyone was worried about the future and asked Mr. Eastern for help. Mr. Eastern said "On the 13th lunar day the God of Fire will send a fairy lady in red to burn down the city. If you see a lady in red wearing green pants riding a black horse on that day you should ask for her mercy." On that day Yuan-Xiao pretended to be the red fairy lady. When people asked for her help she said "I"m the messenger of the God of Fire and came to check on the city and I"m going to set up fire on 15th. This is an order from Jade Emperor. He will watch from the heavens. I will give you a copy of the imperial decree from the God of Fire. You should go to ask your emperor to find a way out." After she left people went to the palace to show the emperor the decree which reads "The capital city is in trouble. Fire burns on the palace and fire from Heaven burns all night long on the 15th." The emperor of Han Dynasty was very shocked. He called and asked Mr. Eastern for advice. After pondering for a while Mr. Eastern said "I heard that the God of Fire likes to eat Tang-Yuan (Sweet dumpling). Does Yuan-Xiao often cook Tang-Yuan for you? On the 15th lunar day let Yuan-Xiao make Tang-Yuan. Your Majesty will take charge of the worshipping ceremony and you will give an order to every house to prepare Tang-Yuan to worship the God of Fire at the same time. Also deliver another order to ask every house in the city to hang red lantern and explode fire crackers. Lastly everyone in the palace and people outside the city should carry their lanterns on the street to watch the lantern decoration and fireworks. If everything goes this way the Jade Emperor would be deceived. Then everyone can avoid the fire accident." The emperor happily followed the plan. Lanterns were everywhere in the capital city on the night of the 15th lunar day. People were walking on the street. Fire crackers kept making lots of noise. It looked like the entire city was on fire. Yuan-Xiao"s parents went into the palace to watch the lantern decorations and Yuan-Xiao made a big lantern and wrote her name on the lantern. They happily reunited together after her parents called her name. Everybody was safe during the night. The emperor of Han Dynasty had a new order that people should do the same thing every year. Since Yuan-Xiao cooked the best Tan-Yuan people called the day Yuan-Xiao Festival. Young people were chaperoned in the streets in hopes of finding love. Matchmakers acted busily in hopes of pairing couples. The brightest lanterns were symbolic of good luck and hope. As time has passed the festival no longer has such implications. Those who do not carry lanterns often enjoy watching informal lantern parades. In addition to eating tangyuan (simplified Chinese: 汤圆; traditional Chinese: 汤圆; pinyin: tāngyuán) another popular activity at this festival is guessing lantern riddles (which became part of the festival during the Tang Dynasty) which often contain messages of good fortune family reunion abundant harvest prosperity and love.

meet 与 satisfy with的区别

meet 一般是满足某种条件,如sb meets...是sb 是使...得到满足satisfy with sb satisfy with sth 表示sb 对 sth 表示满意I satisfy with your job.我对你的工作满意,而不是“我要让你的工作满意”

soy para ti歌词大意

 Te miro, te escucho, te siento yo estoy aquí  凝视你的身影 聆听你的心跳 感受你的呼吸  Bailando muy suave  舒展纤柔的腰肢  Me miras, me tocas, te encanta de verme así  你的指尖在我身上缓缓游走 你喜欢看着我  Bajando muy suave  舞动曼妙的身姿  Bajando muy suave  舒展纤柔的腰肢  Bajando muy suave  舞动曼妙的身姿  Te miro, te escucho, te siento yo estoy aquí  凝视你的身影 聆听你的心跳 感受你的呼吸  Bailando muy suave  舒展纤柔的腰肢  Me miras, me tocas, te encanta de verme así  你的指尖在我身上缓缓游走 你喜欢看着我  Bajando muy suave  舞动曼妙的身姿  Yo te gusto, te gusto, te gusto, te gusto así  和你坠入情网  Y la gente ya sabe, ya sabe que yo soy para ti  世人皆知 我们天生一对  Yo te gusto, te gusto, te gusto, te gusto así  与你共浴爱河  La gente lo sabe  无人不知  La gente lo sabe  无人不晓  Me acerco inocente, mis ojos están en ti  无声地贴近你 我的双眸倒映着你  Moviendome lento  放慢步伐 缓缓移动  Me buscas ardiente, tus labios esperándome aquí  你注视着我 等待我吻上你炽热的双唇  Qué dulce el encuentro  多么甜蜜的相会  Yo te gusto, te gusto, te gusto, te gusto así  和你坠入情网  Y la gente ya sabe, ya sabe que yo soy para ti  世人皆知 我们天生一对  Yo te gusto, te gusto, te gusto, te gusto así  与你共浴爱河  La gente lo sabe  无人不知  La gente lo sabe  无人不晓

元宵节英语作文 The origin of the Lantern Festival

There are many different beliefs about the origin of the Lantern Festival. But one thing for sure is that it had something to do with celebrating and cultivating positive relationship beeen people, families, nature and the higher beings they believed were responsible for bringing/returning the light each year.,One legend tells us that it was a time to worship Taiyi, the God of Heaven in ancient times. The belief was that the God of Heaven controlled the destiny of the human world. He had sixteen dragons at his beck and call and he decided when to inflict drought, storms, famine or pestilence upon human beings. Beginning with Qinshihuang, the first emperor to unite the country, all the emperors ordered splendid ceremonies each year. The emperor would ask Taiyi to bring favorable weather and good health to him and his people. Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty directed special attention to this event. In 104 BC, he proclaimed it as one of the most important celebrations and the ceremony would last throughout the night. They clean it all up in the morning.,Another legend associates the Lantern Festival with Taoi *** . Tianguan is the Taoist god responsible for good fortune. His birthday falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It is said that Tianguan likes all types of entertainment, so followers prepare various kinds of activities during which they pray for good fortune.,Yet another mon legend dealing with the origins of the Lantern Festival speaks of a beautiful bird that flew down to earth from heaven, which was hunted and killed by some villagers. This angered the Jade Emperor in Heaven because the bird was his favorite one. Therefore, he planned a storm of fire to destroy the village on the 15th lunar day. The Jade Emperor"s daughter heard of this plan, and warned the villagers of her father"s plan to destroy their village. The village was in turmoil because nobody knew how should they escape their imminent destruction.,However, a wise man from another village suggested that every family should hang red lanterns around their houses, set up bonfires on the streets, and explode firecrackers on the 14th, 15th, and 16th lunar days. This would give the village the appearance of being on fire to the Jade Emperor. On the 15th lunar day, troops sent down from heaven whose mission was to destroy the village saw that the village was already ablaze, and returned to heaven to report to the Jade Emperor. Satisfied, the Jade Emperor decided not to burn down the village. From that day on, people celebrate the anniversary on the 15th lunar day every year by carrying red lanterns on the streets and exploding firecrackers and fireworks.,There are many stories on how this festival was created. One other story is about a maid. In the Han Dynasty, Mr. Eastern was a favorite advisor of the emperor. One winter day, he went to the garden and heard a little girl crying and getting ready to jump into a well to mit suicide. Mr. Eastern stopped her and asked why. She said she was a maid in the emperor"s palace and her name was Yuan-Xiao.,She never had the chance to meet her family after she started worked at the palace. She missed them so much every 12th lunar month. If she couldn"t have the chance to show her filial piety in this life, she would rather die. Mr. Eastern promised her to find a way so she could reunion with her family. Mr. Eastern left the palace and set up a fortune-telling stall on the street and disguised himself as a fortueller. Because of his reputation, many people asked for their fortunes.,But every one got the same prediction - a severe fire accident on the 15th lunar day. The rumor spread quickly. Everyone was worried about the future and asked Mr. Eastern for help. Mr. Eastern said, "On the 13th lunar day, the God of Fire will send a fairy lady in red to burn down the city. If you see a lady in red wearing green pants riding a black horse on that day, you should ask for her mercy." On that day, Yuan-Xiao pretended to be the red fairy lady. When people asked for her help, she said, "I"m the messenger of the God of Fire and came to check on the city and I"m going to set up fire on 15th. This is an order from Jade Emperor. He will watch from the heavens.,I will give you a copy of the imperial decree from the God of Fire. You should go to ask your emperor to find a way out." After she left, people went to the palace to show the emperor the decree which reads "The capital city is in trouble. Fire burns on the palace, and fire from Heaven burns all night long on the 15th." The emperor of Han Dynasty was very shocked. He called and asked Mr. Eastern for advice. After pondering for a while, Mr. Eastern said, "I heard that the God of Fire likes to eat Tang-Yuan (Sweet dumpling). Does Yuan-Xiao often cook Tang-Yuan for you? On the 15th lunar day, let Yuan-Xiao make Tang-Yuan.,Your Majesty will take charge of the worshipping ceremony and you will give an order to every house to prepare Tang-Yuan to worship the God of Fire at the same time. Also, deliver another order to ask every house in the city to hang red lantern and explode fire crackers. Lastly, everyone in the palace and people outside the city should carry their lanterns on the street to watch the lantern decoration and fireworks. If everything goes this way, the Jade Emperor would be deceived.,Then everyone can avoid the fire accident." The emperor happily followed the plan. Lanterns were everywhere in the capital city on the night of the 15th lunar day. People were walking on the street. Fire crackers kept making lots of noise. It looked like the entire city was on fire. Yuan-Xiao"s parents went into the palace to watch the lantern decorations, and Yuan-Xiao made a big lantern and wrote her name on the lantern. They happily reunited together after her parents called her name. Everybody was safe during the night. The emperor of Han Dynasty had a new order that people should do the same thing every year. Since Yuan-Xiao cooked the best Tan-Yuan, people called the day Yuan-Xiao Festival.,Young people were chaperoned in the streets in hopes of finding love. Matchmakers acted busily in hopes of pairing couples. The brightest lanterns were symbolic of good luck and hope. As time has passed, the festival no longer has such implications.,Those who do not carry lanterns often enjoy watching informal lantern parades. In addition to eating tangyuan (simplified Chinese: 汤圆; traditional Chinese: 汤圆; pinyin: tāngyuán), another popular activity at this festival is guessing lantern riddles (which became part of the festival during the Tang Dynasty), which often contain messages of good fortune, family reunion, abundant harvest, prosperity and love.

The Lantern Festival(元宵节)_1000字

The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, usually in February or March in the Gregorian calendar。 As early as the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), it had bee a festival with great significance。 This day"s important activity is watching lanterns。 Throughout the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), Buddhi *** flourished in China。 One emperor heard that Buddhist monks would watch sarira, or remains from the cremation of Buddha"s body, and light lanterns to worship Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on this day。 Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among mon people and its influence expanded from the Central Plains to the whole of China。 Till today, the lantern festival is still held each year around the country。 Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets, attracting countless visitors。 Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns to stroll with on the streets, extremely excited。 "Guessing lantern riddles" is an essential part of the Festival。 Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns。 If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer。 If they are right, they will get a little gift。 The activity emerged during people"s enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty (960-1279)。 As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has bee popular among all social strata。 People will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings, on this day, so it is also called the "Yuanxiao Festival。" Yuanxiao also has another name, tangyuan。 It is *** all dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with rose petals, sesame, bean paste, jujube paste, walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar and edible oil as filling。 Tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed。 It tastes sweet and delicious。 What"s more, tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with "tuanyuan", meaning reunion。 So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family。 In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged。 On the night, besides magnificent lanterns, fireworks form a beautiful scene。 Most families spare some fireworks from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival。 Some local governments will even anize a fireworks party。 On the night when the first full moon enters the New Year, people bee really intoxicated by the imposing fireworks and bright moon in the sky。

remark observe notice的区别

remark 谈论或评论(某事物)评述eg:The similarity between them has often been remarked on.orbserve 看到,注意到,观察,监视.重在看到或观察eg:She observed that he"d left but made no comment.notice 注意到,留心到.重在注意,突然发现eg:I noticed that he left early.(1)remark与 observe都可以表示“说”、“评论说”,它们比say要正式:‘You"re looking very well!"She remarked/observed.“您的气色看上去真好!”她说.He remarked/observed that it was too hot in the room.他说屋里太热了.(2)notice和observe都可以表示“注意到”、“察觉到”,但有一定区别.notice 通常指无意中“察觉到”;observe 则可以指有意观察,比notice更正式:I"ve noticed/ observed that he telephones her oftener than before.我发现/注意到他现在给她打电话比以前次数多了.She observed the picture critically for a moment.她用挑剔的目光看了一会儿那幅画.I didn"t notice his leaving.他走的时候我没注意到remind:提醒;使想起,使记起I reminded Gerald of his promise.我提醒吉罗德他曾许下的诺言.The story reminds me of an experience I once had.这个故事使我想起我的一次亲身经历.

Lantern Festival 中文译做什么

If you are from Hong Kong you are right. But for Taiwanese Lantern Festival is 元宵节 because Taiwanese do not 提灯笼 in 中秋节. In order to make it clear people usually call 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival or Mooncake Festival 参考: my knowledge yes you are correct. 参考: me 你的问题就像「马是白马吗?」一样。 中秋节在中国来说,祇是众多的lantern festivals之一吧! Lantern 是泛指灯笼,通常的灯节是陈列各式灯笼的节日罢! yes of couse
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