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reservation 英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n]美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n]n. 保留; 预订,预约; 保留地,专用地;


reservation[英][u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n][美][u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n]n.保留; 预订,预约; 保留地,专用地; 复数:reservations易混淆单词:Reservation例句:1.When did you make the reservation? 我现在为您预订好吗?2.La push is the tiny indian reservation on the coast. 拉普什是太平洋岸边的一个很小的印第安人保留区。


reservation 英[u02ccrezu0259"veu026au0283n] 美[u02ccru025bzu025au02c8veu0283u0259n] n. 保留;预订,预约;保留地,专用地 名词复数: reservations [例句]When did you make the reservation?我现在为您预订好吗?


reservation,作名词,意为“预约,预订;保留”。读音:英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n],美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n]。释义:n. 预订;预约;保留意见;疑惑;(美国为土著美洲人划出的)保留地,居留地。例句:We can hold your reservation for three days.您的预订我们可以保留三天。变形:复数reservations,名词reservationist。短语:cancel reservations取消预订hotel reservations旅馆房间的预订with〔without〕reservation有〔无〕保留地reservationd的近义词booking读音:英[u02c8bu028aku026au014b],美[u02c8bu028aku026au014b]。释义:n. 预订;(演出等的)预约,约定;(对犯规者的)记名警告。v. (向旅馆、饭店、戏院等)预约,预订;给(某人)预订飞机等座位;和(歌手等)预约演出日期。例句:Early booking is essential, as space is limited.座位有限,务必早日预订。短语:booking office售票处booking note托运单booking report预订清单call booking预约通话

“明星档案” “个人信息”英文是什么?求地道表达。用Information或File感觉也不太…有没有更好的表达?谢

“明星档案”celebrity profile “个人信息”personal information

access 2007 中 "where condition"中的"and"的用法~

="Res_Date=#"&[Forms]![Reservations]![Res_Date] &“# and id=" & [Forms]![Reservations]![Customer_id]



personal iformation是什么意思


personal information怎么读

personal information 英 ["pu025cu02d0s(u0259)n(u0259)l][u026anfu0259"meu026au0283(u0259)n]个人信息,个人情况;个人资料,个人资讯

personal information中文翻译


谁知道《美味情缘》(No Reservations)片尾曲的歌名


求神起tonight hiyaya夏日 timeless 歌词,韩文中文一句句对照的那种

Timeless 韩文歌词(加注音) 안되요, 날 놓아버리면 an dui yo, nal nol-a b"o li myon 힘들어도 여기 더 머물러요 him dul-o do yo ki do mo mul lo yo 조금만 더 볼 수 있다면 jo kum man do b"ol su itt da myon 남은 사랑만큼 웃어볼텐데 nam-un sa lang man kum us-o bol thaen dae Timeless 이별은 아니죠 i pyol- un a ni jyo 한번의 삶이라면 han bon ae sam-i la myon 지금뿐인데 ji kum b"un-in dae Hold tight baby Timeless 이 가슴에 묻어요 i ka sum-ae mud-o yo 순간의 열병처럼 sun kan-ae yol pyong cho lom 잠시만 아플 뿐이니 jam ji man a pul b"un-i ni We both agree This is timeless love 세상은 다 가지만 sae sang un da ka ji man 슬픔마저 함께 가는 건가요 sul pum ma jo ham g"ae ka nun gon ka yo 너무 그리워 no mu ku li wuo 또 날 불러본 그대 d"o nal b"ol lo bon ku dae 마음뿐인 상처만 머물겠죠 ma-um b"un-in sang cho man mo mul gaet jyo 토해낸 눈물 삼키면 tho hae naen nul mul sam ki myon 그때서야 알게 될까요 ku dae so ya al gae dul g"a yo 내 손 잡아요. nae son jap-a yo 떠나게 말아요. d"o na gae mal-a yo Timeless 이별은 아니죠. i pyol-un na ji jyo 한번의 삶이라면 지금 뿐인데 han bon ae sam-i la myon ji kum b"un-in dae Hold tight baby timeless 이가슴에 묻어요 i ka sum-ae mud-o yo 순간의 열병처럼 잠시만 아플 뿐이니 sun kan-i yol pyong cho lom jam si man a pul b"un-i ni We both agree This is timeless love yeah baby is timeless Hole tight baby timeless 돌아갈 수 있도록 dul-a gal su it do lok 순간의 열병처럼 잠시만 sun kan-ae yol pyong cho lom jam si man (잠시 뿐이니) 아플 뿐이니 (jam ji b"un-i ni) a pul b"un-i ni) We both agree This is timeless This is timeless love TIMELESS (中文版) 歌手: 张力尹 我不愿意 听你说放弃 累的心 仿佛失去全部力气 多想可以 继续拥抱你 让爱情 用微笑一路走下去 Timeless 这不是离别 若爱不能倒回 这一刻会永远 Hold tight, baby Timeless 珍藏在我心扉 像一场重感冒让人疲惫 慢慢的复原 we both agree. This is timeless love.. 没了呼吸 慢慢我远去, 但伤心 一直盘旋在那原地 我用全力呼喊你 谁静静在听 一颗心 还隐隐作痛在低泣 停不了想念的泪滴 还有什么领悟让我坚定 再无法捉紧 难道一切注定 Timeless 这不是离别 若爱不能倒回 这一刻会永远 Hold tight, baby Timeless 珍藏在我心扉 像一场重感冒让人疲惫, 慢慢的复原 we both agree. This is timeless love.. yeah...baby It"s timeless..oh baby It"s timeless Timeless 回忆不断翻飞 像一场重感冒让人疲惫 慢慢的复原 we both agree. This is timeless love.. 《Magic Castle》中文歌词 可是我不能停止流眼泪 在我的梦里 你就是陷进魔法之城里的公主 虽然走向你的路很坎坷 但是我的心仍不变 一定要把你救出来 我向上天祈祷 赐予我无穷的力量和智慧 穿过魔法之城的大道 看到你在一个又黑又深的洞穴里 现在请抓住我的手 能感到我们的身体在往上飘 就算我们自由地飞向那蓝蓝的天空 你也不要惊讶 如果我们能一起翱翔在天空 那将是一件多么美好的事情啊 穿过魔法之城的大道 看到你在一个又黑又深的洞穴里 现在请抓住我的手 能感到我们的身体在往上飘 就算我们自由地飞向那蓝蓝的天空 你也不要惊讶 如果我们能一起翱翔在天空 那将是一件多么美好的事情啊

Access 2007 "where condition" 中 "and" 的用法

str = "select * from xxTable where [Res_Date] = " & [Forms]![Reservations]![Res_Date] & " and [ID] = " & [Forms]![Reservations]![Customer_id] ;

election day 歌词

歌曲名:election day歌手:Tom McraeShe will be all over youLike dust, like rainSmoke and mirrors are miraclesShe"ll steal your flameYour flameRoll the bones for the candidateSo what"s your big ideaThought I was running out of hateBut no, not this yearAnd how will you feelWhen the searchlight revealsYou to be just another fakeAnd the words that you singWell they don"t mean a thingThey"re just noises on your tongueYour tongueNow, every day"s election dayNo one"s on the streetsWe"ve all sang our lost (love?) songsOf liberation and defeatAnd how will you feelWhen the searchlight revealsYou to be just another fakeAnd the words that you singWell they don"t mean a thingThey"re just noises on your tongueAnd all the money you makeRobbing some suckers graveIt"s you that you defyYou defyEvery generationFails the next in lineAnd I"m always a step aheadI"m busy failing mineAnd I know how it feelsWhen the searchlight revealsYou to be just another fakeAnd the words that you singWell they don"t mean a thingThey"re just noises on your tongueAnd all the money you makeRobbing some suckers graveIt"s you that you defyYeah, how does it feelWhen the searchlight revealsYou to be just another fakeAnd the words that you"re sayingWell they don"t mean a thingThey"re just noises on your tongueYour tonguehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14359373

make reservation和make reservations的区别

区别就是前面少了一个冠词 make a reservation,后面的短语是正确的,都是表示做出预定。

reservation appointment 有什么区别

reservation [ˌrezəˈveiʃən]n. 1 保留的座位[住处]等; 预订 2 保留意见; 保留态度 3 (美洲印第安部落的)居留地 appointment [əˈpɔintmənt]n. 1 约会, 约定 2 任命, 委派


reservation 英[ˌrezəˈveɪʃn] 美[ˌrezərˈveɪʃn] n. 保留; 预订,预约; 保留地,专用地; [例句]I told him my main reservation about his film was the ending我告诉他我主要是对他电影的结尾有保留意见。[其他] 复数:reservations

如何去理解Reservations ?

各位朋友, ?如何去理解Reservations 的意思?它能起何作用? Reservation指的是预留。预留可以是收货的预留,也可以是发货的预留。其实预留最主要的作用 是为计划服务,通过使用预留,计划人员可以知道什么时候会有多少什么样的物料入库或者出 库,这样在计划中就会考虑到预留的这一部分物料;另一方面,通过使用预留,还可以节省数据 输入的工作量,并且降低输入错误的可能性,比如通过预留发货就可以控制发货的物料、数量以 及成本对象等数据的准确性。 通常预留的产生是由系统自动生成的,但是有些情况下可能会需要手工创建预留,比如没有使用 PP模块而使用了MM的IM功能的实施中,可能会手工创建生产使用物料的发货预留,另外比如没有 使用MM的Purchasing功能而使用了MM的IM功能的实施中,可能会手工创建采购物料的收货预留。




  reservation英 [u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n]  n.保留; 预订,预约; 保留地,专用地;  [例句]Seventeen thousand Indians live in Arizona on a reservation.  1.7万印第安人生活在亚利桑那州的保留地。  [其他]复数:reservations 形近词: preservation observation conservation


reservation 英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n] 美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n] n. 保留; 预订,预约; 保留地,专用地; [例句]Seventeen thousand Indians live in Arizona on a reservation.1.7万印第安人生活在亚利桑那州的保留地。


reservation,作名词,意为“预约,预订;保留”。读音:英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n],美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n]。释义:n. 预订;预约;保留意见;疑惑;(美国为土著美洲人划出的)保留地,居留地。例句:We can hold your reservation for three days.您的预订我们可以保留三天。变形:复数reservations,名词reservationist。短语:cancel reservations取消预订hotel reservations旅馆房间的预订with〔without〕reservation有〔无〕保留地reservationd的近义词booking读音:英[u02c8bu028aku026au014b],美[u02c8bu028aku026au014b]。释义:n. 预订;(演出等的)预约,约定;(对犯规者的)记名警告。v. (向旅馆、饭店、戏院等)预约,预订;给(某人)预订飞机等座位;和(歌手等)预约演出日期。例句:Early booking is essential, as space is limited.座位有限,务必早日预订。短语:booking office售票处booking note托运单booking report预订清单call booking预约通话


reservations[英][rezu0259"veu026au0283nz][美][rezu0259"veu026au0283nz]n.[法律](权益等的)保留( reservation的名词复数 ); 预订; 保留地; 保留意见; 例句:1.Germany and china had expressed strong reservations about the concept. 德国和中国对这一想法表达了强烈的保留意见。2.Have you confirmed your reservations? 你确认过你的预订了吗?

reservation 怎么读

rezu0259"veu026au0283(u0259)n]n. 预约,预订;保留

有财务同学吗 销售确认单里的revenue和collection是什么意思

revenue: is income that a company receives from its normal business activities, usually from the sale of goods and services to customers. 销售款Collection account is the term used to describe a person"s loan or debt which has been submitted to a collection agency through a creditor.欠款 如果贵公司是债权人,那就是应收款.

Steam上的“Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Multiplayer”剩余2天什么意思

试玩2天 而且只有多人模式 23333 别想天上掉馅饼 买买买

could not load localization.txt 弹出这个对话框 进不了游戏,使命召唤8,我使命召唤6在


有财务同学吗 销售确认单里的revenue和collection是什么意思

revenue: is income that a company receives from its normal business activities, usually from the sale of goods and services to customers. 销售款Collection account is the term used to describe a person"s loan or debt which has been submitted to a collection agency through a creditor.欠款 如果贵公司是债权人,那就是应收款.

revenue recognition是什么意思

revenue recognition收入确认;营业收入的确认;

steam平台上call of duty:modern warfare 3和call of duty:modern warfare 3-multiplayer区别在哪

第一个单人第二个多人 一般来说 第一个下载完毕 多人的一般就几百MB

constellation of tatyana 什么意思

翻译后为 “星座的糖果”

revenue accounting 是什么意思

department of revenue税收部门revenue 英[u02c8revu0259nju:]美[u02c8revu0259nu:]n. 收益; 财政收入; 税收收入;[网络] 税务局; 岁入,税收; 营收;[例句]Over the past six fiscal years, PCs and laptops have shrunk from 65% of revenue to 54%.过去的六个财年中,个人电脑和笔记本收益占戴尔总收益的份额从65%下降至54%。[其他] 复数:revenues 形近词: avenue revenge

transmitter constellation error是什么意思

你好。根据你的描述,transmitter constellation error的意思是:星座误差。



Vertu Constellation手机怎么看真假!!

第一点:从外观上面来区分从上面的图片可以看出来,正品VERTU手机是真正采用钛合金制造,硬度高、不容易挂花、且带有明显的金属光泽,仿机一般是采用普通的锌合金经过表面电镀或者喷粉喷漆处理,金属色泽不强,只要您用小刀一划,就会有条划痕,马上就知道了。第二点:从屏幕上面区分正品VERTU手机的屏幕采用的是名贵蓝宝石,硬度非常高,耐磨不容易挂花,而高仿的一般在考虑成本的前提下,采用的是玻璃、水晶或者玻璃纤维的镜片,只要您用钥匙或小刀来回刮几下就肯定有磨损,真机一般是不会的。第三点:取下电池后盖看里面正品VERTU手机一般来说SIM卡槽是横向的,高仿的很多都是竖立的,有的甚至可以看到TF内存卡槽,正品是不带内存卡的,是机身主板自带内存,但是也有部分仿的像的VERTU手机是横向卡槽。第四点:从键盘灯光来区分正品VERTU手机的键盘灯光颜色和背面皮革的颜色是一致的,主要原理是通过LED灯光照射在宝石按键垫上面,宝石按键垫的颜色和背面皮革颜色是一致的,所以打出来的光线就同皮革主色一致了,且透光性能非常好。而高仿VERTU手机这是采用普通按键,在按键表面打上数字以及拼音或者笔画的小孔,在小孔边上涂上颜色,使之达到同皮革一样的颜色,有的甚至就是一个普通白色,产生的透光性能差,色差大。第五点:从手机开机上面来区分 正品VERTU手机开机必须装上电池后盖才可以开机,单是上好电池没有盖好电池后盖是不可能开机的,高仿VERTU手机只要您装好电池了,就可以开机,盖不盖后盖没有关系。第六点:私人助理功能一般正品VERTU手机都可以在VERTU官方网站上面注册,只要按侧面的私人助理按键,便可以链接到VERTU公司的服务电话,为您提供贵族式的VIP专业服务,且您的个人资料均会保存于英国一个军用的保险库中。高仿手机是不可能有这个功能,这个是区别真假VERTU手机的最好方法。具体图文说明请参照“68手机城”的新闻

Circuit-Interrupting Devices应该翻译成断路设备还是短路设备?


英语好的谁能帮我找到Ronan beating的《winter song》的歌词及翻译?

his is my winter song to you. The storm is coming soon, It rolls in from the sea My voice; a beacon in the night. My words will be your light, To carry you to me. Is love alive? Is love alive? Is love They say that things just cannot grow Beneath the winter snow, Or so i have been told. They say were buried far, Just like a distant star I simply cannot hold. Is love alive? Is love alive? Is love alive? This is my winter song. December never felt so wrong, Cause youre not where you belong; Inside my arms. I still believe in summer days. The seasons always change And life will find a way. Ill be your harvester of light And send it out tonight So we can start again. Is love alive? Is love alive? Is love alive? This is my winter song. December never felt so wrong, Cause youre not where you belong; Inside my arms. This is my winter song to you. The storm is coming soon It rolls in from the sea. My love a beacon in the night. My words will be your light To carry you to me. Is love alive? 翻译:这是我在冬天给你作的歌。 暴风雨即将到来, 从海上翻滚而来 我的声音,是夜晚的灯塔。 我的话将是你的光, 为了把你带给我。 是爱活着? 是爱活着? 是爱 他们说,事情是不能改变的 在冬雪之后, 或许我已知道。 他们说,这些被埋葬的事, 就像一个遥远的恒星 我根本无法承担。 是爱活着? 是爱活着? 是爱活着? 这是我冬天的歌。 12月从来没有这样的错误, 原因你已不是你; 嵌入我的臂膀。 我仍然相信在夏天。 季节随时更改 而生活将找到另一种方式继续。 生病是你的时光收割机 并发送了今晚 因此,我们可以重新开始。 是爱活着? 是爱活着? 是爱活着? 这是我冬天的歌。 12月从来没有这样的错误, 原因你已不属于你; 嵌入了我的臂膀。 这是我在冬天给你作的歌。 暴风雨即将到来, 从海上翻滚而来 我的声音,是夜晚的灯塔。 我的话将是你的光, 为了把你带给我。 是爱活着?

systematic reviews是什么意思

systematic reviews系统综述 系统评价例句:1.Systematic reviews of dietary pesticide exposure all come to the same conclusion: thattypical dietary exposure to pesticide residues in foods poses minimal risks to humans. 有关饮食接触农药的系统综述都得出同样的一个结论:通过饮食接触食物中的农药残留对人们造成的危害风险是最小的。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

系统综述(systematic reviews)


以“My colorful summer vacation”为题写一篇英语作文


英语critic Reviews什么意思?

critic (名词、形容词:批评家,评论家;=critical 批评的,评论的);review 评论,回顾,审查,述评等。critic reviews 述评,评论,审阅,评析,回顾分析,评论综述,批判性的回顾

在数字电路中,如何区分组合逻辑电路(Combinational Circuit)和时序逻辑电路(Sequential Circuit)?


wiley期刊的evaluating reviews是什么意思

"Evaluating reviews" 是指在Wiley期刊中,审稿意见已经返回,而编辑正在评估这些审稿意见。在这个阶段,编辑可能会考虑接受或拒绝论文,或者要求作者进行修改和改进。这个过程可能需要咨询其他审稿人的意见,因此可能需要一段时间来完成。

Constellation 歌词

歌名:星座歌手:王力宏山羊水瓶双鱼牡羊座金牛双子巨蟹座狮子处女天枰天蝎射手座女人的心千变万化山羊水瓶双鱼牡羊座金牛双子巨蟹座狮子处女天枰天蝎射手座女人的心千变万化如果说女人才十二种不同爱情不会让男人那么的头痛那么心动之前记得开口问一问星座才能进攻可惜感情远比星星复杂身在其中换做谁都无法自拔一肚子的疑惑谁能回答爱情印证在星座神话信不信心诚则灵天空把答案都藏得好美丽倒可以多点信心我为了了解爱的神秘下定决心谁中意星座话题来告诉我哪一颗星应该怎么搞定可惜天气阴晴不定BALA BALA BALA NOW DANCE山羊水瓶双鱼牡羊座金牛双子巨蟹座狮子处女天枰天蝎射手座女人的心千变万化山羊水瓶双鱼牡羊座金牛双子巨蟹座狮子处女天枰天蝎射手座女人的心千变万化古老的发明如今疯狂流行是否因为太多人曾为爱伤心不期望爱只是需要幸运啊宁可相信一切都是命努力研究星座找寻线索该怎么说该怎么做该怎么掌握像个学生一样努力用功下次爱情能一路顺风信不信心诚则灵天空把答案都藏得好美丽倒可以多点信心我为了了解爱的神秘下定决心谁中意星座话题来告诉我哪一颗星应该怎么搞定可惜天气阴晴不定就好像你捉摸不定Rap:OK 大家会了吗 其实简单所有的星座从一到十二月这样子预备山羊水瓶 没有了WHAT结束了但是NO NO NO 我们还有一次COME ON 大家一起来唱 COME On山羊水瓶双鱼牡羊座金牛双子巨蟹座狮子处女天枰天蝎射手座山羊水瓶双鱼牡羊座金牛双子巨蟹座(我不懂这些是星座问题)狮子处女天枰天蝎射手座(女人的话题)山羊水瓶双鱼牡羊座金牛双子巨蟹座(金牛是我的星座)http://music.baidu.com/song/7877538


constellation英 [u02ccku0252nstu0259u02c8leu026au0283n] 美 [u02cckɑ:nstu0259u02c8leu026au0283n]n.星座; 一群杰出人物; 一系列(相关的想法、事物); 一群(相关的人) Most patients have a constellation of diseases, with few clear-cut distinctions between them. 大多数患者的病症都很相似,鲜有明显的区别

上木彩矢《A constellation》歌词的中文翻译

第三年的春天星期天的午后天空没有变晴的迹象不论那长长的头发里 还是被包住的那双手里那已经远去的那一天的影子已经无处可寻你的背景不想离开,但还是穿越风,远远的离开了至今我依然还记得 ,你呢?你还记得吗?奔跑 高歌 闪耀的那一天的记忆。第一次紧握的双手,有些颤抖,还有点情不自禁。你还记得吗?拥我入怀,深深的睡去那是什么时候的事情了?青春的日记我们看着不同的花,走着不停的路,一直走了那么的远。我们没有回头,只是一直向着前方,走走停停,迷惑的脚步。只是你的温柔,时隐时现。我依然还记得,你呢?你还记得吗?伤心地,爱着的,分手的那一天的记忆。伤了我的心然后你低下头。我们没有说什么,就这样结束了。拥我入怀,深深的睡去。那是什么时候的事情了?青春的日记奔跑 高歌 闪耀的那一天的记忆。第一次紧握的双手,有些颤抖,还有点情不自禁。你还记得吗?拥我入怀,深深的睡去那是什么时候的事情了?青春的日记伤心地,爱着的,分手的那一天的记忆。伤了我的心然后你低下头。我们没有说什么,就这样结束了。拥我入怀,深深的睡去。那是什么时候的事情了?青春的日记


《1941年美国对外贸易定义修订本》(Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941)是由美国几个商业团体制定并经美国全国对外贸易会议修改的贸易术语定义。《美国对外贸易定义》中所解释的贸易术语共有六种,分别为:ue004① Ex(Point of Origin)(产地交货);② FOB(Free on Board)(在运输工具上交货);③ FAS(Free Along Side)(在运输工具旁边交货);④ C&F(Costand Freight)(成本加运费);⑤ CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight)(成本加保险费、运费);⑥ Ex Dock(NamedPort of Importation)(目的港码头交货)。《美国对外贸易定义》主要在北美国家采用。由于它对贸易术语的解释,特别是对第2和第3种术语的解释与国际商会《国际贸易术语解释通则》有明显的差异,所以,在同北美国家进行交易时应加以注意。在《美国对外贸易定义》的序言中也明确指出,本定义并无法律的约束力,除非有专门的立法规定或为法院判决所认可,为使其对有关当事人产生法律上的约束力,建议买卖双方接受此定义作为买卖合同的一个组成部分。(www.iir.gd.cn)

神话once in a lifetime中文歌词

신화Once In A Lifetime专辑:State of the Art 词:꿈들이曲:꿈들이Everyday I Pray to help me through the dayto make myself stronger...and I Pray그 오랜 꿈들이 조금씩 다가와Keu o raen ggum deul ri jo ggeum ssik da ga wa那很久以来的梦想现在一点一点的到来눈앞에 펼쳐지는 지금Nun ap pe pyeol chyeo ji neun ji geum在眼前展开的现在난 눈을 감고서 가슴 속으로 전해 오는nan nun neul gam go seo ka seum sok geu ro jeon hae o neun我闭著眼睛 在心裏传来누군가의 기도를 듣고 있어nu gu ga ye ki do reul deu go it seo听到谁在祈祷수많은 별들과 약속했던 모든 꿈들은su man neun byeol deul gwa yak sok kae deon mo deun ggeum deul reun无数的星星和约定的全部梦想언젠간 이뤄진다고 믿어eon jen gan I ryeo jin da go mit deo那天一定会实现땀과, 이 눈물과 소중한 사랑만 있다면ddam gwa I nun mul gwa so jong han sa rang man it da myeon汗和这热情还有珍贵的爱在우린 무엇이든 해낼 수 있어u rin mu eo si deun hae nael su it seo我们无论什麼事情都能做下去Once In A Lifetime Fly to the Star별들이 너의 꿈을 지켜 줄 거야Byeol deul ri neo ye ggum meul ji gyeo jul geo ya星星会把你的梦想守护著Once In Your Lifetime우리 그 날 위해u ri keu nal wi hae我们为了那天영원히 함께 만들어 가야 할yeong weon hi ham gge man deul reo ga ya hal永远一起走下去Love For Your Dreams슬프고 힘든 날들을 다 지나도록 해, OKseul peu go him go nal deul reul da ji na do rok hae,ok悲哀、疲倦的生活全都不用担心,OKOpen up your eyes to the skythen you can find the wayfor then better days이제 우리 세상을 모두 같이 다 함께 할 수 있게I je u ri se sang eul mo du gat chi da ham gge hal su it ge现在开始我们的生活让全世界的人都在一起힘들면 쉬어가도 OK, yo 잠깐 Take a secondhim deul myeon swi eo ga do OK, yo jam ggan Take a second累就休息一下OK, yo对了Take a second그 오랜 꿈,keu o raen ggum那很久的梦想수많은 Star I Know that You can take itsu man neun Star I Know that You can take it无数的Star I Know that You can take it함께라면 좀 더 날 거야 니 꿈들은 passion,ham gge ra myeon jom deo nal geo ya ni ggum deul reun passion一起飞得更远 你、梦想passionIt"s all yours. There"s no question수많은 아픔을 견뎌냈던 모든 꿈들은Su man neun a peum meul gyeon dyeo nae deon mo deun ggum deul reun无数的伤痛都度过的全部梦想언젠간 돌아온다고 믿어eon jen gan dol ra on da go mit deo相信那一天会回来땀과, 이 열정과 소중한 사랑만 있다면ddam gwa I yeol jeong gwa so jong han sa rang man it da myeon汗和这热情还有珍贵的爱在우린 무엇이든 될 거야u rin mu eo si deun doel geo ya我们都可以做到Once In A Lifetime Fly to the Star별들이 너의 꿈을 지켜 줄 거야Byeol deul ri neo ye ggum meul ji gyeo jul geo ya星星会把你的梦想守护著Once In Your Lifetime우리 그 날 위해u ri keu nal wi hae我们为了那天영원히 함께 만들어 가야 할yeong weon hi ham gge man deul reo ga ya hal永远一起走下去Love For Your Dreams때론 삶에 지쳐 울지만(No, baby no more cry)ddae ron sal me ji chyeo ul ji man有时候生活困苦 可是别哭泣너의 힘이 되 줄게neo ye him mi doe jul ge变成你的力量(I"ll pray for you and me tonight)너를 닮은 별을 볼 수 있다면neo reul dal meun byeol reul bol su it da myeon看见像你的星星나의 사랑도 말 할 거야na ye sa rang do mal hal geo ya我也可以说出我的爱Once In A Lifetime Fly to the Star별들이 너의 꿈을 지켜 줄 거야(지켜 줄 거야)Byeol deul ri neo ye ggum meul ji gyeo jul geo ya(ji gyeo jul geo ya)星星会把你梦想守护著(守护著)Once In Your Lifetime우리 그 날 위해u ri keu nal wi hae我们为了那天영원히 함께 만들어 갈yeong weon hi ham gge man deul reo gal永远一起走下去Everything for your DreamsOnce In A Lifetime Fly to the star(Fly to the star)영원히 너의 꿈을 기억할거야(기억할거야)Yeong weon hi neo ye ggum meul ki eok kal geo ya(ki eok kal geo ya)永远记著你的梦想(记著)Once In Your Lifetime우리 그 날 위해u ri keu nal wi hae我们为了那天영원히 함께 만들어 가야할yeong weon hi ham gge man deul reo ga ya hal永远一起走下去Love for Your Dreams还有英文版的,也是哥哥们唱的Eric:Everyday I pray...to help me through the day...to make myself stronger...and I pray...Minwoo:So long I"ve waiting for my dreams to come to lifeBelieve that faith would make them come trueHyesung:And when I close my eyes in my heart i knew that someone was..gonna listen my prayers.. somehow i knewJunjin:Beneath the stars at night I promise I would always tryAnd now i know it was worth the whileDongwan:Although it"s hard sometimes you know that my love is always on your sideYou can make it happen just believeChorus:Once in a life time Fly to the starsHyesung:There"s no denying just believe in who you areOnce in your life time Let me take you thereCause you dont have to feel all alone you knowMinwoo:I will be thereAndy & Eric"s RapJunjin:Through all the joy and pain my dreams wont fade they sill remainRainy days always come and goHyesung:But love is always there I know as long as you are here with meThat eventually you"ll see u oh~~Chorus:Once in a life time Fly to the starsHyesung:There"s no denying just believe in who you areOnce in your life time Let me take you thereCause you dont have to feel all alone you knowDongwan:I will be thereMinwoo:Don"t you ever let go or shed a tearDongwan:(No Baby No More Cry)Minwoo:I"ll be there so have no fearDongwan:(I will pray for you and me tonight)Hyesung:When the moment"s rightYou"ll know inside it"s timeInside you always knewDreams can come trueChorus:Once in a Lifetime~


ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)You"ll be too outspoken to attract anyone who is worth getting to know. Tone it down or forget about making a love connection this week. You won"t impress anyone if you brag, exaggerate or are self-centered. 白羊:不要吹牛、夸张或自我为中心,直率才是你的魅力所在,但本周不要急于确立关系。 TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21)Just because you are feeling lustful this week doesn"t mean that you should cast your faith to the wind and get down dirty with just anyone. Be selective and a permanent partnership may be the end result. 金牛:不要因欲望而抛弃忠诚,有所取舍才能得到烂漫持久的爱情。 GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)You"ll be a big flirt this week and that will help you grab plenty of attention. You can expect to get your own way and attract someone who will prove to be a good catch. You are about to feel the rush of love. 双子:本周你颇具风情,吸引了诸多目光;某个会被证明是个很好的猎物的人为你所吸引,会让你感受到爱的激流。 CANCER (June 22 - July 22)Follow your heart but don"t let your possessiveness ruin what could turn out to be a great love connection. If you are too needy you may send the wrong signals. Being a little aloof will keep you in the game. 巨蟹:依从你内心的感受,但不要因过于急切而表错情,可适当冷淡些;注意,不要让你强烈的占有欲破坏了好因缘。 LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) Your Leo charm will not get you the type of sexual action you"re looking for. The more aggressive you become the more frustration you will experience and the less likely it is that you will get what or who you want. 狮子:你的侵略性越强,就会经历越多的挫败,也越不可能得到你想要的。 VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23) Take notice of the people around you this week. The love bug is about to bite. You may be confused, dazed and a little mesmerized by the attention someone is giving you. Relax,have fun and enjoy the moment. 处女:浪漫情缘可能就在身边,某人过多的关注可能会让你困惑、迷茫甚至眩晕,尽情地放松享受吧。 LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)Focus on your work and getting whatever you have to do out of the way this week. Chances are good that someone who"s perfect for you is watching and falling hopelessly in love with you with each passing moment. 天秤:抛开一切,专心工作;某个对你来讲非常完美的人可能会不可救药地爱上你。 SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)You"ll be confused. Don"t let your sexual urges lead you to the partner who is suggestive and eager to sleep with you. It"s important to hold out for the one who is most likely to satisfy you for many years to come. 天蝎:不要让性的冲动控制了你,为了将来某个可能会让你倾心的伴侣,你值得有所坚持。 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) Someone is likely to read more into your advances than what you actually mean. Be careful not to lead someone on or make a commitment in a moment of passion if you aren"t planning on keeping your word. 射手:某人可能会误解你的友好表示,若要避免误导,最好找个机会说清楚。 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) The more traveling you do the better your chance will be when it comes to love and romance. Don"t however take anyone or anything too seriously. This week is really far more conducive to a fling not the real thing. 摩羯:越多出去旅行,浪漫机会就越多,但对待任何人、任何事都不要太认真。 AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) You can talk anyone into spending intimate time with you but the bottom line is you will probably become bored and annoyed if you can"t get this person to move on when he or she no longer interests you. 水瓶:你能让任何人与你共度浪漫的亲密时间,但当对方不再能引起你的兴趣、不能向前更进一步发展时,你可能会感到无聊苦恼。 PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20)Sexual experimentation may be what you have in mind but if you hold out for the partner who really wants to get to know you it can be so much more rewarding. Play the game, have fun but draw it out and make it last. 双鱼:你头脑中可能一直盘旋着尝试性的念头,但还是把它留到最后吧,事实会证明那更值得。


faire l"horoscope de qn. 是为某人算命的意思la constellation de la Grande Ourse .即大熊星座


con-前缀:一起,完全stell-词根:星 由star 演化而来, a降级成e ,r 和 l 转换 这种r和l的转换非常常见,从很多英语名字就能看出来,如:翻译成 理查德 的英语单词为 Richardation-后缀: 由 后缀ate + 后缀ion 去掉不发音的e 得到的这样看一遍解释很难忘掉单词哦~


漫长告别注意,重要角色死亡注意,后续可能安乐死出没注意。CONSTELLATION Summary: 迈克罗夫特·福尔摩斯一生许下很多诺言,其中相当一部分说出只为打破。他精于此道,赖以为生。 然而有那样一句话,他许下只为恪守。各种意义上来说,他都确实做到了,只是不是以这种方式,这么短的时间。 直到死亡将我们分离。 Work Text 迈克罗夫特百无聊赖地用手指点着桌子,给两位不带脏字互相谩骂的党首打着拍子——正值下午茶时间,而格里高利昨天刚刚补给了家中的甜品,他明明有更好选择,怎么看都不应该在这里跟着两个傻瓜扯皮。 所以当他忠诚的女助理推门进来时迈克罗夫特几乎对着她唱出了颂歌。迈克罗夫特都想好要怎么拧着眉佯做一副斥责的面孔,还要遗憾,就好像他真的很在意这场金鱼角逐谁能赢似的。 “先生。”有什么不对,这女孩脸色太苍白而语调又抖得厉害,迈克罗夫特看着她的嘴唇抖颤,每一个字似乎都是被掰开揉碎了之后才拼凑出来的。 迈克罗夫特转身离开会议室,连一个眼神都没有留下。 “雷斯垂德先生情况不大好。”她说。 格里高利·雷斯垂德想不出还有什么情况比现在更丢人。 他恨不得从会走开始就开始踩滑板,青少年时期跨着机车造次,懂泡妞之后总是偷开老爸的车释放荷尔蒙,就算在堵成下水道的伦敦,他也能把警车开出范·迪塞尔的风范,不夸张地说,一切被试做洪水猛兽的出行方式都是他的好朋友,格里高利·雷斯垂德就是警察届的舒马赫,谁不服也不行。 可他今天竟然撞树上了。 “伙计,我说过很多次了,我就是困了。”他揉了揉自己的脸,恨不得把自己塞到病床底下,而坐在一边的迈克罗夫特显然不会轻易放过他。 “多诺万警佐说前一秒你还在跟她抱怨‘家里那位"有多难搞,下一秒你就瞪着眼睛往绿化带上撞。”迈克罗夫特皱着眉头,伸手调整了下雷斯垂德手上贴歪了的胶布。“你跟我说你只是困了?就算是华生医生也能看出来没那么简单。” “提醒我对约翰转达你的恭维。”雷斯垂德漫不经心地揪了揪迈克罗夫特的领带,旋即把它抹平。“嘿。”他说着伸手碰了碰官员蹙在一起的眉毛,为了那副严肃而竭力掩饰不安的神色笑了出来,却因为牵扯到脸上的擦伤而倒吸一口冷气。“很抱歉让你担心了。只不过是些擦伤——” “只不过?”雷斯垂德听到伴侣拉长的声音就知道自己又踩到了逆鳞,“天啊,格里高利,安西娅告诉我你不大好,我以为你又陪着夏洛克胡作非为,结果你跟我说你只是擦伤——你知道擦伤过后的破伤风有多险恶吗?你知道要是没有多诺万警佐在你身边把方向盘抢过来你就直接撞到马路那头去了吗?” 雷斯垂德缩了缩肩膀,这让他显得格外可怜无辜,而他知道迈克罗夫特最吃这一套。“你可真把安西娅带坏了,好好的姑娘,活生生成了drama queen.”他小声嘟囔着,抬眼笑嘻嘻地看着铁青着脸的迈克罗夫特。“好啦,我知道我今天出了个没有多诺万就会破坏道路建设的车祸,受了万分之一就会死掉的吓人致命伤,帮着我因为没吃甜饼而心情恶劣的男朋友逃了拉磨似的会议。”他看到迈克罗夫特的脸色一如既往因为一声“男朋友”而缓和下来,不由得松了口气。“在我死于愧疚之前,我们能出院了吗?” 迈克罗夫特叹了口气,看着雷斯垂德欢呼着从病床上跳起来,就好像他在那上边呆了一辈子似的。 说是跳起来并不大准确,因为雷斯垂德起身的动作似乎停滞了,他又重新倒回枕头上,就好像看不见的子弹击中了他的腿。 迈克罗夫特扶住他,让他侧着身把自己蜷缩成一团。 “有点头晕。”探长低声嘟囔着,丝毫没在意自己捏着迈克罗夫特胳膊的手正把痕迹一同留在年轻男人的衬衫和胳膊上,而他另一只手则紧紧攫住自己的腿,就好像那是他的敌人。 迈克罗夫特捏紧了雷斯垂德抖颤的肩膀,他知道那不是简单的犯困和眩晕。 “我理解的对吗,先生?我的伴侣浑身虚汗,刚刚有将近二十六分钟对双腿失去控制,视觉瞬时障碍,而你告诉我你不知道他怎么了?”恐吓医生从来不是什么聪明选项,但迈克罗夫特只剩这一种方式来遮掩正要吞噬他的不安。 对面那位比他年长二十多岁的医生握着病历本的手都在抖,但还是说了下去。“我们没法确定——起码在一系列报告出来前不能。”他顿了顿,带着明显的犹豫和畏惧。“只是,福尔摩斯先生,您恐怕得做好准备。”他深吸一口气,似乎有人卡住了他的喉咙。“我们初步判断,雷斯垂德先生似乎是林岛综合征的基因携带者。” 迈克罗夫特靠在走廊墙上,时隔多年再一次觉得有人偷走了他呼吸的本能,上一次如此还是在他二十四岁的时候,在急救室外等着吸毒过量的夏洛克被推出来。您得做好准备。迈克罗夫特咀嚼着医生的话和神色,那里面深埋的可能性和怜悯让他想抱着马桶呕吐。准备好什么?准备好看着雷斯垂德因为一个操蛋的变异细胞而饱受折磨?准备好失去他刚刚得到五年的伴侣? 无论何时他都准备不好,光是那种可能性都让他憎恨世界。 安西娅扶住他的肩,迈克罗夫特知道必要的时刻这姑娘会毫不犹豫甩他耳光只为了让他保持清醒,他深吸一口气,撑着膝盖站直身。 “体检报告已经发给您的私人医生,一周后会出结果。”她说到一半噤了声,对着雷斯垂德颔首算是打招呼。 “嘿,我吓到你了吧,我也不知道是怎么了……就是感冒了我觉得,昨天你一直抢我被子……”雷斯垂德挠着鼻子尖,看上去真心实意地愧疚,似乎那是他的错。迈克罗夫特闭了闭眼睛,强迫自己不要杞人忧天。只是可能性,看看他,活生生地站着,除了一点无伤大雅的擦伤之外健康得能去参加铁人三项。他在雷斯垂德察觉之前收回了目光。 “是啊,医生也这么说,只是感冒。”他拍了拍雷斯垂德的肩膀,“我们回家吧。” 迈克罗夫特时常能听见倒数计时声,伴随着日程簿上每一个起止日期在耳边轰鸣。行动的收网,议案的审批,兄弟的小把戏……一切都按照他的运算有条不紊地进行,毫无纰漏。 这起源于大学期间的一段情事。他那时是个毛头小子,实打实地相信所谓迷恋和毫无基础的关系可以持久,当那个男人离开而他连一句道别和解释都没得到之后,迈克罗夫特就深切意识到人心远比他知道的还不可靠,无论何种关系都有期限,当计时器走尽最后一圈,tada,就是支付利息的时候。 但他遇见雷斯垂德之后,那些声响小了许多,至少是在他和银发男人在一起时是这样,甚至很多时候,尽管并不愿意承认,但迈克罗夫特除了年长男人平稳的呼吸之外什么都听不到。交往五年之后,他越来越习惯这个——没人会对确凿属于自己的人心怀忐忑,起码在确信无论是争吵,冷战,诡异的工作还是难搞的兄弟都不能那个人甩门离开之后肯定不会。 迈克罗夫特无比坚信雷斯垂德不会离开他。 这对于世上最坚定的阴谋论者,悲观主义者来说真是最大讽刺,最正确的谬论。 一周后他拿到了确诊报告。 迈克罗夫特听到计时器滴答作响。


1楼强 呵呵


Astrology名词 n. 1.占星术,占星学[U]constellation名词 n. 1.星座;星座区域[C]2.荟萃;群集[C][(+of)]a constellation of the most famous television performers of the year 一群本年度最有名的电视演员 3.(占星学中的)星宿[C]4.【心】情意丛希望可以帮到你!好的话请给我最佳!


[00:01.90]时间轴by 公主vip[00:05.33][00:09.41]Bigbang My Heaven - Emotion[00:13.27][00:17.98]【Y】明知是危险速度 I cannot stop[00:21.95]扰乱你的规则 Fool Burning love Higer[00:25.91]心中无言的SHOUT 流露在眼中[00:29.83]I wanna touch I wanna kiss[00:31.91]I wish with you[00:33.53]【S】Oh Oh Oh 想要掠夺走 Just you Just now[00:39.38]【T】Come baby Come baby Come[00:41.54]【D】Oh Oh Oh 就是此刻 Ride here Ride now[00:47.25][00:48.60]【S】It"s all ready in motion[00:50.82]我们确已经坠入爱情中[00:56.69]【D】It"s in motion It"s emotion[01:00.89]拥抱感觉 It"s in motion[01:06.42][01:14.14]【S】时间已经 Already Many 过于充分[01:17.90]Look at my eyes 那里只有你[01:21.90]理想与Lie 所谓爱Why? 我被诱惑[01:25.93]与Faker的Guys不同[01:28.16]I"m your Destiny[01:29.51]【Y】Oh Oh Oh 不要犹豫 Choose me Just now[01:35.36]【G】Come baby Come baby Come[01:37.68]【Y】Oh Oh Oh 现在立刻 Kiss me Ride now[01:43.00][01:44.74]【S】It"s all ready in motion[01:47.06]我们确已经坠入爱情中[01:52.79]【D】It"s in motion It"s emotion[01:56.78]确认了 爱的大门 It"s in motion[02:00.85][02:01.49]【T】Ya that"s the way you make me say[02:03.73]girl its you that I want[02:05.96]Everyday we no delay[02:07.06]gotta have you in my arms[02:09.77]【G】I just cant hold back and see[02:11.42]what you be doing be killing me[02:13.46]Bringing inside and need you[02:15.85]like the air I breathe[02:17.39]【Y】不禁怀疑 Nothing know me 这份爱[02:21.24]Take my hands Follow me[02:22.95]让我们来确认一下[02:24.50][02:25.00]【S】It"s all ready in motion[02:26.89]我们确已经坠入爱情中[02:32.00]【D】It"s in motion It"s emotion[02:36.92]拥抱感觉[02:40.81]【S】你也已经 看吧 想要了[02:48.69]【D】It"s in motion It"s emotion[02:53.07]确认了 爱的大门 It"s in motion[02:58.65][03:01.66][03:12.70]It"s in motion[03:14.97][03:15.93][03:16.79]Bigbang My Heaven - Emotion

What's your Constellation?什么意思?

你是什么星座?constellation英音:[,k?nst?"lei??n]美音:[,kɑnst?"le??n]名词 n. 1.星座;星座区域[C]2.荟萃;群集[C][(+of)]a constellation of the most famous television performers of the year 一群本年度最有名的电视演员3.(占星学中的)星宿[C]4.【心】情意丛


constellation英 [u02ccku0252nstu0259u02c8leu026au0283n] 美 [u02cckɑ:nstu0259u02c8leu026au0283n]n.星座; 一群杰出人物; 一系列(相关的想法、事物); 一群(相关的人)复数: constellations 双语例句1. a constellation of Hollywood talent 一群好莱坞天才2. The largest gallery contains at its centre a constellation of photographs called My Wishes. 最大的画廊在中心位置展出了一组名为《我的心愿》的摄影作品。3. Most patients have a constellation of diseases, with few clear-cut distinctions between them. 大多数患者的病症都很相似,鲜有明显的区别。4. Gathered here tonight at this annual ceremony we have a whole constellation of film stars. 今晚的年会上聚集了一大批电影明星.5. You know , it"s named for the constellation that has four main stars. 那是为有四颗星星的星座命的名.


n. 星座;一群杰出人物;一系列(相关的想法、事物);一群(相关的人)


[,kɑnstu0259"leu0283u0259n]n. [天] 星座;星群;荟萃;兴奋丛

initial setting什么意思


entity 什么意思


entity 什么意思


Maltab curvefitting tool*和interp函数的区别

如果一列x一列y和一列z,想绘制曲线图,用plot3绘制 例子 t=linspace(-5,5); x=sin(t); y=cos(t); z=t; plot3(x,y,z) 如果一列x一列y和一列z,想要绘制曲面图,用griddata或interp2插值后用mesh或surf绘制 例子 load seamount%一列x一列y一列z m。

maven 的setting配置文件中,url怎么指定到自己的私仓

指定本地仓库的方法:1、本机新建一个文件夹当做本地仓库。我建的文件夹路径为:D:Maven。2、在settings.xml中添加localRepository标签就可以了。Maven项目对象模型(POM),可以通过一小段描述信息来管理项目的构建,报告和文档的项目管理工具软件。Maven 除了以程序构建能力为特色之外,还提供高级项目管理工具。由于 Maven 的缺省构建规则有较高的可重用性,所以常常用两三行 Maven 构建脚本就可以构建简单的项目。由于 Maven 的面向项目的方法,许多 Apache Jakarta 项目发文时使用 Maven,而且公司项目采用 Maven 的比例在持续增长。软件来源:Maven这个单词来自于意第绪语(犹太语),意为知识的积累,最初在Jakata Turbine项目中用来简化构建过程。当时有一些项目(有各自Ant build文件),仅有细微的差别,而JAR文件都由CVS来维护。于是希望有一种标准化的方式构建项目,一个清晰的方式定义项目的组成,一个容易的方式发布项目的信息,以及一种简单的方式在多个项目中共享JARs。

take your time和take it easy的区别.以及分别在什么场合的时候用



解决办法:直接新建一个settings.xml文件即可,已配置阿里云源和JDK8新建保存完后需要重新填写settings.xml路径(先复制在来搞这一步)<localRepository>E:Maven epository</localRepository>这个位置你可以随便丢建议丢到repository同一级,方便查找

Pat Martino的《Song Bird》 歌词

歌曲名:Song Bird歌手:Pat Martino专辑:Joyous LakeI heard a voice so pure and easy,a songbird singing for me,I had no choice, only to listen,and surrender to her world;And she will fly over the rainbow,She will walk in fields of gold,And when she singsfrom the high walls of Heaven,Will the angels cry like me?At first alone,then with hundreds around me,Enchanted by her song,and the darkness is falling,But as the day is done,The songbird sings no more;And now she flies over the rainbow,And she walks in fields of gold,And when she singsfrom the high walls of Heaven,Will the angels cry like me?And when she singsfrom the high walls of Heaven,Will the angels cry like me,will the angels cry like me?http://music.baidu.com/song/13847300

Katie Herzig 的专辑《appletree》里面一首单曲 songbird的歌词

Katie Herzig - songbirdHere I am againSinging the same old tuneHolding everything as close as I can to youIf love is anywhereMine still belongs with youBut I"m holding it in my handShe lays her headUpon your shoulderBut all I see is the way that you hold herYou live in your houseWith a beautiful viewAnd I live in an your apple treeI am a songbirdSinging out your windowTelling stories in the shadeAnd I can"t fly awayI can"t fly awayImagine meFlying around the worldOr Italy on a terraced hillNo matter where life"s taking meI may still be up in your apple treeI am a songbirdSinging out your windowTelling stories in the shadeAnd I can"t fly awayI can"t fly awayNo I can"t fly awayI can"t fly awayI"ll follow wherever you go‘Cause I can"t fly away

-REX: It means I’m sick of you being so damn perfect all the time.


惠普笔记本Power Options Advanced setting——Battery里面如何将Critical battery level最低设置成0%?

电量统计服务 mBatteryStats = BatteryStatsService.getService(); //电池危急电量 mCriticalBatteryLevel = mContext.getResources().getInteger( com.android.internal.R.integer.config_criticalBatteryWarningLevel); //电池低电量模式警告电量 mLowBatteryWarningLevel = mContext.getResources().getInteger( com.android.internal.R.integer.config_lowBatteryWarningLevel); //关闭低电量模式警告电量 mLowBatteryCloseWarningLevel = mLowBatteryWarningLevel + mContext.getResources().getInteger( com.android.internal.R.integer.config_lowBatteryCloseWarningBump); //电池关机温度 mShutdownBatteryTemperature = mContext.getResources().getInteger( com.android.internal.R.integer.config_shutdownBatteryTemperature);

SHO和NAGI的The 2nd,final commemoration中文字幕版


求Will.I.Am与Justin Bieber合作#that power的中英文歌词,主要是中文,英文百度百科上有

Will.i.am Ft. Justin Bieber – That Power LyricsAnd on, i"m alive, i"m alive, i"m aliveAnd on, I can fly, I can fly, I can flyAnd on, i"m alive, i"m alive, i"m aliveAnd im loving every second minute hour bigger better stronger power[beat break]I got that powerI got that powerI got that powerPower power powerThey call will-AStay so cool, i"m chilliI done made that maleyOn my way to that valetUsed to have a ticket thing, but now I got that bigger bankWho who cares what the haters stateThey hate on me cause we doing what they cantI stay on that hussle, I flex that loose to muscleHate to bust your bubbleIm on that other levelImma take it higher and high and high and higherI stay and buy attireKeeping burning like that fireAnd on, i"m alive, i"m alive, i"m aliveAnd on, I can fly, I can fly, I can flyAnd on, i"m alive, i"m alive, i"m aliveAnd im loving every second minute hour bigger better stronger power[beat break]I got that powerI got that powerI got that powerPower power powerYes yes yes y"all feeling funky fresh yallWork to be the best yallWe"re good under pressure yallBeen through all that stress y"allGet this off my chest yallMade it out in project where this project thats progress yallI beat it through my mamaI told her what I was on itThat imma be that numberOne day ill be that number 1I take it higher and high and high and higherI stay and buy attireKeeping burning like that fireWhatever doesnt kill you, only makes you strongerSo imma get stronger Call me like a veteran, veteranI lock lock it down and go againCall me like a veteran, veteranI lock lock it down and go againAnd on, i"m alive, i"m alive, i"m aliveAnd on, I can fly, I can fly, I can flyAnd on, i"m alive, i"m alive, i"m aliveAnd im loving every second minute hour bigger better stronger power[beat break]I got that powerI got that powerI got that powerPower power powerAnd im loving every second minute hour bigger better stronger powerAnd im loving every second minute hour bigger better stronger power[beat break]Justin Bieber



冰天雪地,赤身跪求《give me one more time》的歌词啊,就是英文版的《看我72变》?

One fine day when I look at the clay,I find the true love has fadeThere is no may daySuddenly it turn to himwhat has benn up i sayIt"s just true love to showThat is something to sayI don"t feel rightand there will be no high sightmy feelings stop to be rightjust give me one more time, baby

android studio中 updating maven repository indices问题???

安装 Maven 之前要求先确定你的 JDK 已经安装配置完成。Maven是 Apache 下的一个项目,目前最新版本是 3.0.4,我用的也是这个。首先去官网下载 Maven下载完成之后将其解压,我将解压后的文件夹重命名成 maven,并将它放在 D:Server 目录下,即 maven 最终的路径是:D:Servermaven配置 maven 环境变量:系统变量:MAVEN_HOME = D:Servermaven用户变量:path = %MAVEN_HOME%in相信大家都有配过环境变量的,详细步骤就不说了,对着把属性名和属性值配上的OK了。

Russell Peters 的Beating Your Kids台词,英文台词 ,谢谢啦

There"s one thing that separates immigrantfamilies and Canadian families, you know?doesn"t matter where your parents are from.they weren"t born in this country, they will whop your ass when you"re growingup.it doesn"t matter where your parents fromUkraineyou know what im saying, blah blahthey will beat you, right?immigrant parents will beat their kidsCanadian parents are a little too soft ontheir kidsbut that"s fine you know, whatever makesyou happybut you need to start beating your kidsI"ll tell you why, coz kids are growing upin a multi-cultural society you know. you"re gonna have white kids growing upwiz black kids, brown kids, and asian kids. they"re all gonna e hanging out inthe playgroundyou know i mean? and they are gonna talkabout the ass-whopping they got last night. U want that little white kid tofeel left out?I would be sitting around like, "mydad beat my ass", "my dad beat my ass too"the white kid would be like, "I gotsent to my room"you know i would be like, "you got aroom?"you need to beat the kids, manindian parents would beat their kid,chinese parents would...i would hate them if... WOO~ my parentsknew kungfu, that"s not badi would hate them ... chinese you know Iwas there"hey, come this on. come here, itsaid, you got an F in school."they wouldnt even need to beat you, theyjust go "Woooaaaawoooooaaa""no. sorry, dad"indian parents would be...indian parents arentafraid to kill their kids if they have to hahamy dad there he was "if i get through wizone i just make another one"and I would tell the new one what an idiotthe last one wasjamaican parents would beat their kids forno reason sometimes ok?"hey boy, come here.""yes, daddy""whats that for""just in case"white people please beat your kidsi"ll tell you why else, coz when i wasgrowing up right, i grew up around a lot of black people, which is fine,because black people would never...white kid? not so friendly back thenbut every now and then(经常), a whitekid would come and hang out wiz uswe were like, "WOW, a white kid. Iveheard so much about u"and here"s what the problem is, when awhite kid would hang out with us, we wanna be like the white kidwe would wanna start do everything like thewhite, we wanna copy that white kid so muchand the problem is, if when we would takethat white kid"s advice on how to deal wiz our parentsthat would get you freaking murdered, mani remember i was hanging around wiz thisone little white boy Ryan when i was ten years oldi went to his house after school one day,right?his parents never beat him, and they nevereven yelled at himhe could do anything he wanted and nothing"sgonna happen to him, but he was an angry kidi walked in his house after school and his momwas like, "ryan, go clean you room""fvck u, bich"his mom goes "what am i gonna do wizhim?"i go "ryan, u cant talk to ur mom likethat""yes i can, shes a jack as""dont say that man, she"ll hit you""no she wont, shes not allowed to""what the hel r u talking about, man?my parents hit me""yeah? well next time they try, u tellthem to fvck off""r u sure?""trust me, it works for me"so i went home, for the last time.i walked in the house, my dad goes "russell,come and do the dishes""fvck u dad""what the hel did u say to me? do ilook like ryan"s mom? somebody gonna get a hurt real bad"that was my dad"s threat right before hebeat me, every single time"hey, russell, somebody gonna get ahurt real bad"i hated that threat, you know why? coz he"dalways say somebody, he"d never tell you it was youi mean you would know it was you, but itgave you this hope"hey, russell, somebody gonna get ahurt real bad, somebody. im not gonna say who. oh i think you might know himvery well"im in the bed praying and hope it was mybrother, mani saw that little ryan in school a few dayslater, i was like, "yo! ur little plan almost got me killed"he goes, "oh sorry dude, i forgot totell you the other part. if he"s still gonna hit u, threaten to phone ChildrenSafe""why?""coz if you phone children safe,they"ll come and take ur dad away, and he"ll get in trouble. u wont even haveto call, just pretend, it"ll scare the crap out of him."ur ten years old, u figure out how to scarethe crap out of ur dad? that"s like finding crib tonight.i thought i"d try it. i was about to get mynext beating i stopped my dad, i go, "dont do it! i"ll phone children safe"ever had your parents caught your bluff?"ur gonna do what?""i"ll phone children safe""is that right? Woooo~Wooooo~well, letme get u the phone, tough guy?""wait, what are you doing? if i phonechildren safe, u"ll get in trouble.""i might get into a little bit oftrouble. but i know it is going to take them 23 minutes to get here. in that time, somebody gonna get a hurt real bad"我花一小时狂打的,有些错误的地方请谅解

patience {take that唱的}中英文歌词

TakeThat-Patience  Justhavealittlepatience只是需要些耐心  I"mstillhurtingfromaloveIlost,我还在为失去的爱而伤心  I"mfeelingyourfrustration.我能感到你的失望  Anyminuteallthepainwillstop.这痛苦随时可能停止  Justholdmecloseinsideyourarmstonight,今晚就将我拥入怀中吧  don"tbetoohardonmyemotions在感情上别对我太狠  CauseIneedtime.因为我需要时间  Myheartisnumb,hasnofeeling.我的心麻木了,没有感觉  SowhileI"mstillhealing,所以当我还在疗伤时  Justtryandhavealittlepatience.继续尝试多点耐心  Ireallywannastartoveragain,我真的想重新开始  Iknowyouwannabemysalvation.我知道你想成为我的救助者  TheonethatIcanalwaysdepend.那个我可以永远依靠的人  I"lltrytobestrong.Believeme,我会试着坚强,相信我  I"mtryingtomoveon,我要继续前行  It"scomplicatedbutunderstandme.虽然复杂但请理解我  Yeah,havealittlepatience,Yeah是的,多点耐心,是啊  Causethesescarsrunsodeep,因为这些伤痕如此深刻  It"sbeenhard,挺难  ButIhavetobelieve.但是我有信心  Havealittlepatience,请给点耐心  Havealittlepatience,给点耐心  Woah,CauseI,Ijustneedtime,喔,因为我,我只是需要时间  Myheartisnumbhasnofeeling,我的心还在麻木,毫无知觉  SowhileI"mstillhealing,所以在我疗伤时  justtry,andhavealittlepatience,就试试吧,多点耐心

翻译一下啊 It is effective in mid- to-low current, low power applications, and as the power level i





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