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The Lantern Festival is a popular festival in China.阅读理解

The Lantern Festival is a popular festival in China.It is in February or March,fourteen days after the Spring Festival.People usually go to watch lanterns in the streets or in the parks.There are many lanterns.Children often hold little lanterns in their hands.They"re very excited.Sometimes,we can watch firework at night.They are so beautiful.At the festival people eat small dumpling halls.In China,people also call them Yuanxiao.It means family reunion (团圆) and happiness. ( B ) 1.The Lantern Festival is a holiday.A.English B.Chinese C.American ( A ) 2.When"s Lantern Festival?.A.Fourteen days after the Spring Festival.B.Fourteen days before the Spring Festival.C.In January or February. ( A ) 3.People usually go to in the streets or in the parks at the festival.A.watch lanterns B.Buy things C.give presents ( C ) 4.Sometimes,what can we watch at night?_ .A.Dragon Boat races B.Moon cakes C.Firework ( C ) 5.Yuanxiao means family .A.reunion B.happiness C.A and B.

元宵节英语作文:Lantern Festival_750字

Lantern Festival is a China"s traditional festival. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year I,antern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China. Several days before Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many, other things. While making lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns. On the eve of Lantern Festival, all the lanterns are hung up. On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. Perhaps you call see some wonderful folk performances,Dragon Dance and Yangko. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy. Our life is rich and varied.


英语资源网权威发布元宵节英语作文Happy Lantern Festival,更多元宵节英语作文Happy Lantern Festival相关信息请访问英语资源网。 The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival. 正月15是中国的元宵节。 According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out. 根据中国的传统,新年伊始,当空中出现一轮明亮的圆月时,成千的彩灯就会被悬挂出来。 During the Lantern Festival, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball). 在元宵节期间,人们会试着猜灯谜,吃汤圆。 In the Sui Dynasty in the sixth century, Emperor Yangdi invited envoys from other countries to China to see the colorful lighted lanterns and enjoy the gala performances. 在六世纪的隋朝,当时的隋炀帝邀请他国的外交使节来中国欣赏彩灯,观看节目。 By the beginning of the Tang Dynasty in the seventh century, the lantern displays would last three days. The emperor also lifted the curfew, allowing the people to enjoy the festive lanterns day and night. 在七世纪的唐初,彩灯的展示会一直延续3天。当时的帝王还颁布了宵禁令,允许人们昼夜地庆祝节日。 In the Song Dynasty, the festival was celebrated for five days and the activities began to spread to many of the big cities in China. 到了宋代,人们会用5天的时间来庆祝元宵节,该节日也开始蔓延到许多中国的大城市。 Today, the displaying of lanterns is still a big event on the 15th day of the first lunar month throughout China. 今天,正月15挂花灯在整个华夏大地仍就是一项很隆重盛大的活动。 The fillings inside the dumplings or Yuansiao are either sweet or salty. Sweet fillings are made of sugar, Walnuts, sesame, osmanthus flowers, rose petals, or jujube paste etc. A single ingredient or any combination can be used as the filling . The salty variety is filled with minced meat, vegetables etc. 汤圆的馅有甜,也有咸。甜馅可以由糖,胡桃,芝麻,桂花,玫瑰花瓣,或者枣泥做成。一个成分或者任意几种成分的组合都可以用来做汤圆的馅。咸馅则可以由碎肉末,蔬菜等做成。

much more的用法? 比如much more beautiful

much more后可接一个不可数名词,如 much more milk; much more可以修饰形容词和副词,表示“更加”,如much more expensive 同类的还有far more,even more,still more 等

at the lantern festival是几月几号

元宵节啊 正月十五



专家推荐雅思阅读:Lantern Festival元宵节

雅思口语素材:Lantern Festival元宵节   雅思口语话题中曾出现过festival相关的话题,本文将以中英对照的形式介绍中国的传统节日元宵节(Lantern Festival),供大家作为话题拓展阅读。   The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, usually in February or March in the Gregorian calendar. As early as the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), it had become a festival with great significance. This day"s important activity is watching lanterns. Throughout the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), Buddhism flourished in China. One emperor heard that Buddhist monks would watch sarira, or remains from the cremation of Buddha"s body, and light lanterns to worship Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on this day. Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among common people and its influence expanded from the Central Plains to the whole of China.   每年农历的正月十五日,春节刚过,迎来的就是中国的传统节日--元宵节。元宵主要的活动就是看灯。东汉明帝时期,明帝提倡佛教,听说佛教有正月十五日僧人观佛舍利,点灯敬佛的做法,就命令这一天夜晚在皇宫和寺庙里点灯敬佛,令士族庶民都挂灯。以后这种佛教礼仪节日逐渐形成民间盛大的节日。该节经历了由宫廷到民间,由中原到全国的发展过程。   Till today, the lantern festival is still held each year around the country. Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets, attracting countless visitors. Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns to stroll with on the streets, extremely excited. "Guessing lantern riddles"is an essential part of the Festival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer. If they are right, they will get a little gift. The activity emerged during people"s enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.   直到今天,元宵点灯的习俗仍然在中国的各地流传的,各式各样美丽的花灯在这一天都会点亮,孩子们提着自制的灯笼走街串巷,非常高兴。猜灯谜也是元宵节的一项重要活动,花灯的主人会将谜面写在灯笼上,挂在门口,如果有人可以猜中,就能得到小小的礼物。这项活动最早起源于宋朝,因为谜语能启迪智慧又饶有兴趣,所以流传过程中深受社会各阶层的欢迎。   People will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings, on this day, so it is also called the "Yuanxiao Festival."Yuanxiao also has another name, tangyuan. It is small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with rose petals, sesame, bean paste, jujube paste, walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar and edible oil as filling. Tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed. It tastes sweet and delicious. Whatu2019s more, tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with "tuanyuan”, meaning reunion . So people eat them to denote union , harmony and happiness for the family.   民间过元宵节吃元宵的习俗。元宵由糯米制成,或实心,或带馅。馅有豆沙、白糖、山楂、各类果料等,食用时煮、煎、蒸、炸皆可。起初,人们把这种食物叫“浮圆子”,后来又叫“汤团”或“汤圆”,这些名称“团圆”字音相近,取团圆之意,象征全家人团团圆圆,和睦幸福,人们也以此怀念离别的亲人,寄托了对未来生活的美好愿望。   In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged. On the night, except for magnificent lanterns, fireworks form a beautiful scene. Most families spare some fireworks from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival. Some local governments will even organize a fireworks party. On the night when the first full moon enters the New Year, people become really intoxicated by the imposing fireworks and bright moon in the sky.   随着时间的推移,元宵节的活动越来越多,白天有耍龙灯、耍狮子、踩高跷、划旱船扭秧歌、打太平鼓等传统民俗表演。到了夜晚,除了五颜六色的美花灯之外,还有艳丽多姿的烟火。大多数家庭会在春节时留下一些烟花等到元宵节这天燃放,而一些地方政府也会举办烟花大会,当新年的第一个月圆之夜在盛大的烟火表演中来临时,人们都陶醉在这令人难忘了烟花与皎洁的明月中。 元宵节词汇   元宵节:festival of lanterns,lantern festival dumplings   元宵: the rice glue ball   灯谜:riddles written on lanterns   灯具:lamps and lanterns   灯花 snuff   灯笼裤 bloomers galligaskins knickers pantalettes plus fours   灯笼 lantern scaldfish   灯塔 beacon lighthouse pharos   灯语 lamp signal   灯油 kerosene lamp oil   灯心蜻蜓 damselfly   元宵节的由来   Lantern Festival   The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called night Xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So the day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China.   According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out for people to appreciate. At this time, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball) and get all their families united in the joyful atmosphere.   各地元宵节习俗   河北省 永平府元宵节,有病的妇女群聚窑下,称“陶灸”。儿女交错度桥,称“度百厄”。也有人以纸裁剪为九条纸绳,信手打结以卜休咎,称“结羊肠”。又以十二个面盏贮油放入锅中蒸熟,以面盏积水之多寡来预卜该月的晴雨。静海县上元节以大馒头为节食。庆云县元宵节男子请五祖教拳棒,女子请紫姑卜休咎。   山东省 淄川县元宵节临水人家多放河灯。宁阳县元宵送灯至祖坟。博兴农村的元宵节有照灯的习俗。男孩子提着灯,绕枣树六圈,口念“嘟佬嘟佬,开花结枣”六遍,就能使枣树丰收。莒县男女老少于正月十六到野外踏青,称之“走老貌”,据说每年走一次可永保青春年少。   河南省 襄城县元宵吃馄饨汤,称之“团圆茶”,娘家接已嫁的女儿回家过节,郲县元宵庆灯时,老幼有病者,皆以火灸石龟。本地有河桥的,相率过桥。若无桥,则以木板搭数丈高之“天桥”,称为“走百病”。   陕西省 凤翔县于元宵节宴请女儿、女婿,称之“吃十五”。并送灯、送油,称之“添油”。〔江苏省〕武进县上元日绑缚芦苇成丈许之火炬,插于田间,称“照田财”,用来预卜早潦。火色白者为水,红者为旱。宜兴上元日,儿童戴鬼面具,屈脚振肩而跳,称之“跳鬼”。   浙江省 杭州民间传正月十五为上元天官赐福之辰,多斋素诵经,匍匐至吴山礼拜。海宁县元宵节以精致的菊花灯为最出名。上虞县少于元宵节晚上到戡恃月台上较量武艺。建德县人家有新娶媳妇的,于元宵节设酒祭床。   江西省 新建县民于元宵扫墓插竹为灯。万安县城各乡均于元宵节祀上元神舟。   湖北省 云梦县(今之江汉)老农夫于元宵夜持火炬偏照田圃,叫“照绝地蚕”。儿童则以田鼓迎神,以卜岁事。武昌的“弄龙”要一连三天。全村的男女老少都跟随龙灯到邻村赴宴,称为“龙换酒”。   湖南省 常德上元各家以椒为汤,加入韭菜儆果诸物款待客人,称为“时汤”。新田县游完龙灯后,将龙灯付之一炬,称为“送灾”。   四川省 四川元宵有“四偷”的习俗:“一偷汤圆二偷青,三偷檐灯四偷红。”除了偷青是为了强身外,其余皆为求子的习俗。开县有“对骂”的习俗。元宵节时人们搬板凳到户外去,将平日之怨气,尽皆骂出,被骂之人不得回骂。   福建省 泉州花灯别具特色,有香灯、纸折莲花灯、丝料宫灯、八结灯等等。邵武县元宵夜境内庙宇绕境迎香,称为“净街”。福建南部有元宵节两村儿童互掷石为戏的习俗。据说若不掷石,那个村子必定发生瘟疫。   广东省 新安县民有于去年生男者,皆于元宵夜庆灯。南雄闹花灯时,父母取龙灯上之龙须线给小儿系带,据说可保儿童无疾病。又取龙灯内残存的蜡烛照床下,据说可以产贵子。文昌县民元宵夜偷青时,偷中的以挨骂为吉祥之兆,偷不中者则以不挨骂为吉兆。   云南省 云龙县于元宵节前迎三崇神,沿街立棚祭祀。弥勒州元宵后一日燃香于桥,投石水中,再取水洗眼,据说可以去疾病。

求一首歌,歌名貌似是《This is my time》或者就是“This is my life”,在美国达人秀上某个冠军唱过


Justin Beiber 的One time的中英文歌词?

One TimeJustin BieberMe plus you /I"m a tell you one time/ 我和你,我要告诉您Me plus you /I"m a tell you one time/我和你,我要告诉您Me plus you /I"m a tell you one time/我和你,我要告诉您One Time我要告诉您One Time我要告诉您When I met you girl my heart went knock knock 当我看到您时,我的心就砰砰直跳Now them butterflies in my stomach wont stop stop 直到现在我仍紧张不已And even though it"s a struggle love is all we got尽管为了这份爱我们要去努力So we gonna keep keep climbin till the mountain top我们要努力直到最后的胜利Your world is my world你的世界就是我的世界And my fight is your fight我的战斗就是您的战斗My breath is your breath我的呼吸就是您的呼吸And your heart 还有我的心跳I got my 我也得到了我想要的Your my One love你就是我的爱My one heart我的心跳My one life for sure我的生命Let me tell you one time 让我告诉您一次girl I love girl I love you我爱您I"m a tell you one time 我再说一次girl I love girl I love you我爱您And I"m a be your one guy我就是您的男人You"ll be my #1 girl 您是我的唯一always makin time for you 您是我的全部I"m"a tell you one time 我要告诉您girl I love girl I love you我爱您I"m"a tell you one time 我要告诉您girl I love girl I love you我爱您You look so deep您看起来如此深不可测You know that it humbles me这让我深受打击Your by my side and troubles them don"t trouble me您站在我身边,让我困惑不已Many have called but the chosen is you很多人约我,但我的选择是您Whatever you want shawty I"ll give it to you无论您想要什么,美女,我都会给您Your world is my world你的世界就是我的世界And my fight is your fight我的战斗就是你的战斗My breath is your breath我的呼吸就是你的呼吸And your heart /I got my/我的心跳就是你的心跳 我也得到我想要的Your my One love你就是我的爱My one heart我的心跳My one life for sure我的生命Let me tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/I"m a tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/And I"m a be your one guyYou"ll be my #1 girl always makin time for youI"m"a tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/I"m"a tell you one time /girl I love girl I love you/Shawty right there美女,就在那边She"s got everything I need and I"m a tell her one time她有我要的一切 我要告诉她One Time 我要告诉她One Time 我要告诉她Give you everything you need down to my last dime给你我的一切, 直至穷光She makes me happy 她(虽然)让我开心I know where I"ll be但我知道会发生什么Right by your side cuz she is the one现在在你身边 她只是一个女孩And girlYou"re my One love你才是我的真爱My one heart我的心肝My one life for sure我的生命Let me tell you one time 让我告诉你girl I love girl I love you我爱你I"m a tell you one time 让我告诉你/girl I love girl I love you我爱你And I"m a be your one guy我要成为你的男人You"ll be my #1 girl 你是我的全部always makin time for you我的一切I"m a me tell you one time 我告诉你one time我告诉你

Justin 的one time的歌词

Justin Bieber - One TimeAye aye aye aye aye aye aye ayeMe plus you (I"ma tell you one time)Me plus you (I"ma tell you one time)Me plus you (I"ma tell you one time)When I met you girl my heart went knock knockNow them butterflies in my stomach wont stop stopAnd even though its a struggle love is all we gotAo we gon" keep keep climbin" till the mountain topYour world is my worldAnd my fight is your fightMy breath is your breathAnd your heart (and now I"ve got my)One loveMy one heartMy one life for sureLemme tell you one time(girl I love" girl I love you)I"ma tell you one time(girl I love" girl I love you)And I"ma be your one guyYou"ll be my number one girlAlways makin time for youI"ma tell you one time(girl I love" girl I love you)I"ma tell you one time(girl I love" girl I love you)You look so deepYou know that it humbles me"Your by my side and troubles them don"t trouble meMany have called but the chosen is youWhatever you want shawty I"ll give it to youYour world is my worldAnd my fight is your fightMy breath is your breathAnd your heart (and now I"ve got my)One loveMy one heartMy one life for sureLemme tell you one time(girl I love" girl I love you)I"ma tell you one time(girl I love" girl I love you)And I"ma be your one guyYou"ll be my number one girlAlways makin time for youI"ma tell you one time(girl I love" girl I love you)I"ma tell you one time(girl I love" girl I love you)Shawty right thereShe"s got everything I needand I"m gon" tell her one time (one time)Give you everything you needDown to my last dimeShe makes me happyI know where I"ll beRight by your side causeShe is the oneYeah"girl you are one loveMy one heartMy one life for sureLemme tell you one time(girl I love" girl I love you)I"ma tell you one time(girl I love" girl I love you)And I"ma be your one guyYou"ll be my number one girlAlways makin time for youI"ma tell you one time(girl I love" girl I love you)I"ma tell you one time(girl I love" girl I love you)Me plus you (I"ma tell you one time)Me plus you (I"ma tell you one time)Me plus you (I"ma tell you one time)

2022年元宵节英语 Lantern Festival

  随着社会的发展,中西方交流变得很频繁,文化方面更是如此,有时有必要向外国朋友介绍中国的传统节日,增加双方的了解。这就需要我们学习英语,然后准确的将各种节日给他们描述出来,例如,如何表达元宵节可能不是每个人都知道的。    2022年元宵节英语   我们都知道元宵节又被称为上元佳节,常见的用法就是“The Lantern Festival”,这个单词在国外流程比较广,也被人们所熟知,译为灯节,意思是上元节的晚上。在传统的说法中,也有叫做正月十五日、正月半或月望,隋以后称元夕或元夜。唐初受了道教的影响,又称上元,唐末才偶称元宵。常见的活动有吃元宵、赏花灯或者舞龙舞狮等等,是一个很热闹的团圆节日。    英文来历简介   The Festival of Lanterns takes place at the end of the Chinese New Year Celebration, on the fifteenth day of the first moon. Lanterns have been part of Chinese life for centuries so its not surprising to see a festival of lanterns.People usually hang lanterns in the gardens, outside the houses, and on the boats.The special food for the Lantern Festival is Yuen Sin or Tong Yuen. These are round dumplings made with sticky rice flour. They can be filled and served as a sweet snack or made plain and cooked in a soup with vegetables, meat and dried shrimp. The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness, completeness and unity.The Lantern Festival is an occasion for families to get together and for everyone--young, old, rich and poor to have fun.    有哪些节日祝福语   ①春节即将去,元宵来收尾。虽无春节隆,仍有年滋味。街上灯笼美,桌上汤圆会。亲朋好友聚,开心举杯醉。祝你元宵乐,幸福不会退!   ②团圆一句话,带着温暖,开心一句话,带着祝福,元宵一个节,带着吉祥,花灯一片光,带着喜庆,十五一轮月,送来圆满,元宵佳节送祝福,祝你快快乐乐,平平安安。   ③月圆清辉满天下,元宵祝福吉祥话。广寒宫里太寂寞,仙子临喜到我家。亲朋好友话桑麻,红梅淡月燃烟花。团团圆圆是一家,元宵节后必然发。   ④回荡着新春的热闹,吟唱着欢乐的歌调,迎接着春风的微笑,祝福的消息已来到,祝福你元宵快乐最独到,生活美好,事业走高,前途分外美妙。   以上就是关于2022年元宵的相关介绍,元宵节的英语就是这样,怎么样是不是学到新知识了,希望本文能给你带来帮助。

Justin bieber One Time的歌词

me plus you, i"ma tell you one timeme plus you, i"ma tell you one timeme plus you, i"ma tell you one timeone time, one timewhen i met you girl my heart went knock knocknow them butterflies in my stomach won"t stop stopand even though it"s a struggle love is all we gotand we gon" keep keep climbing to the mountain topyour world is my worldand my fight is your fightmy breath is your breathand your heartand girl you"re my one love, my one heartmy one life for surelet me tell you one time(girl, i love, girl i love you)i"ma tell you one time(girl, i love, girl i love you)and i"ma be your one guyyou"ll be my #1 girlalways making time for youi"ma tell you one time(girl, i love, girl i love you)i"ma tell you one time(girl, i love, girl i love you)you look so deep, you know that it humbles meyou"re by my side,them troubles them not trouble memany have called but the chosen is youwhatever you want shawty i"ll give it to youyour world is my worldand my fight is your fightmy breath is your breathand your heartand girl you"re my one love, my one heartmy one life for surelet me tell you one time(girl, i love, girl i love you)i"ma tell you one time(girl, i love, girl i love you)and i"ma be your one guyyou"ll be my #1 girlalways making time for youi"ma tell you one time(girl, i love, girl i love you)i"ma tell you one time(girl, i love, girl i love you)shawty right thereshe"s got everything i needand i"ma tell her one timegive you everything you needdown to my last dimeshe makes me happyi know where i"ll beright by your side"cause she is the oneand girl you"re my one love, my one heartmy one life for surelet me tell you one time(girl, i love, girl i love you)i"ma tell you one time(girl, i love, girl i love you)and i"ma be your one guyyou"ll be my #1 girlalways making time for youi"ma tell you one time(girl, i love, girl i love you)i"ma tell you one time(girl, i love, girl i love you)me plus you, i"ma tell you one timeme plus you, i"ma tell you one timeme plus you, i"ma tell you one timeone time, one time歌名意思应该是 一次 吧

justin bieber ---one time 歌词


lantern festival是什么意思

lantern festival元宵节。What do you often do on Lantern festival?

求一首英文歌。是在H&M里面听见的。节奏感很想。歌词听的不是很清楚大概是one night one more time ..


breaking bad eating habits 翻译


Much less 与much more与 no less than 与still more的区别

much less和much more是一对,都表示更不用说,但前者用于否定句,后者用于肯定句。与still more和still less相同意思相同喔,它们两是一对,前者肯定后者否定。而no less than和no mpre than是相对的,no less than不少于,no more than不多于。。。


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One Time Gal 歌词

歌曲名:One Time Gal歌手:Sqj专辑:HeatwaveJustin Bieber - One TimeAye aye aye aye aye aye aye ayeMe plus you (I"ma tell you one time)Me plus you (I"ma tell you one time)Me plus you (I"ma tell you one time)When I met you girl my heart went knock knockNow them butterflies in my stomach wont stop stopAnd even though its a struggle love is all we gotAo we gon" keep keep climbin" till the mountain topYour world is my worldAnd my fight is your fightMy breath is your breathAnd your heart (and now I"ve got my)One loveMy one heartMy one life for sureLemme tell you one time(girl I love, girl I love you)I"ma tell you one time(girl I love, girl I love you)And I"ma be your one guyYou"ll be my number one girlAlways makin time for youI"ma tell you one time(girl I love, girl I love you)I"ma tell you one time(girl I love, girl I love you)You look so deepYou know that it humbles me,Your by my side and troubles them don"t trouble meMany have called but the chosen is youWhatever you want shawty I"ll give it to youYour world is my worldAnd my fight is your fightMy breath is your breathAnd your heart (and now I"ve got my)One loveMy one heartMy one life for sureLemme tell you one time(girl I love, girl I love you)I"ma tell you one time(girl I love, girl I love you)And I"ma be your one guyYou"ll be my number one girlAlways makin time for youI"ma tell you one time(girl I love, girl I love you)I"ma tell you one time(girl I love, girl I love you)Shawty right thereShe"s got everything I needand I"m gon" tell her one time (one time)Give you everything you needDown to my last dimeShe makes me happyI know where I"ll beRight by your side causeShe is the oneYeah,girl you are one loveMy one heartMy one life for sureLemme tell you one time(girl I love, girl I love you)I"ma tell you one time(girl I love, girl I love you)And I"ma be your one guyYou"ll be my number one girlAlways makin time for youI"ma tell you one time(girl I love, girl I love you)I"ma tell you one time(girl I love, girl I love you)Me plus you (I"ma tell you one time)Me plus you (I"ma tell you one time)Me plus you (I"ma tell you one time)http://music.baidu.com/song/7418684

ghost removal/ghosting effect在图像处理中什么意思

ghost 英[gəʊst] 美[goʊst] n. 鬼,幽灵; (尤指可怕事物的) 记忆; 隐约的一点点; (电视屏幕上的) 重影; vt. 悄悄地行进; vi. 替人代笔; [例句]The village is haunted by the ghosts of the dead children.死去的孩子们的幽灵常在该村出没。[其他] 第三人称单数:ghosts 复数:ghosts 现在分词:ghosting过去式:ghosted

求一首韩国女歌手唱的慢歌,歌词中有:i love you so,love is the beautiful one


Time to love 成员

  是由T-ARA和超新星两个组合合并而成的!!!  恩静uc740uc815Eun Jung  恩静本名:含恩静  韩文:ud568uc740uc815(Ham Eun Jung)  出生年月:1988年12月12日  血型:O  星座:射手座  身高:168CM  体重:46KG  职务:队长,主唱  出道:1995年 KBS 电视剧 "看新时代不知道大人"  学历:东国大学表演艺术学院  兴趣:看电影、看流行杂志、读书  特长:跆拳道、清唱、骑马  所属公司:Core Centens Media  代表作:英雄时代 小妇人 土地 野兽与美女 王和我 madlin  身份: 歌手 电影演员  【简介】  以3年前开始就早早地受到训练的T-ara寿命最长的成员担任了队长。在可爱儿童选拔大会获奖开始做了模特工作,3年前拍电影过程中通过导演的介绍和金理事见面的恩静。  ◇◆经历◆◇  电视剧:041127-050522 SBS 《土地》 主演:金贤珠 柳俊尚 恩静饰演角色:不详  电影:2003年1月10日《madeleine》(玛德莱娜)主演:赵寅成、申敏雅【恩静饰演角色:成慧小时候】  2005年10月27日《美女与野兽》主演:柳承范、申敏雅【恩静饰演角色:海美】  2005年9月24日《布拉格恋人》主演:全度妍、金柱赫、张根锡【恩静饰演角色:健熙的同学】  2006年7月17日 《在地球上恋爱》主演:东方神起 【恩静饰演角色:尹怡秀】  2006年12月14日《安静的世界》主演:朴承佑、金相庆【恩静饰演角色:敏姬】  2008年8月6日 《考死》主演:李范秀、金范、南圭丽【恩静饰演角色:金智媛】  CF:  《IVY CLUB》- CF  《国政情报》-CF  《电饭煲》- CF  《饮品》- CF  《High》《刺》- 收录于SEEYA07年初发表的专辑《All Star》中。  参演MV:  F.T Island《雷+只有一个人》  F.T Island《男人的初恋到坟墓为止+只一个人》  宝蓝ubcf4ub78cBo Ram  宝蓝本名:全宝蓝  韩文:uc804ubcf4ub78c(Jeon Bo Ram)  生日:1986年3月22日  身高:155CM  体重:45kg  组合:T-ARA  职业:歌手、CF模特  所属公司:Core Centens Media  家庭成员:父亲全英路、母亲李美英  学历:明智专门大学在学中  出道:2008年数码单曲""Lucifer Project Vol 1. 爱"  其他作品:2009年参与拍摄《魂》  居丽居丽ud050ub9acQ-Ri  本名:李智贤  韩文:uc774uc9c0ud604(Lee Ji Hyun)  生日:1986年12月12日  身高:162cm  体重:44kg  其他作品:2009年出演电视剧《善德女王》  素妍uc18cuc5f0So Yeon  素妍本名:朴仁静  韩文:ubc15uc778uc815(Park In Jung)  职务:主唱  生日:1987年10月5日  星座:天枰座  身高:163cm  体重:45kg  血型:B型  家人:父母,妹妹  学校:韩国首尔安阳艺术高中(毕业)  兴趣:唱歌,跳舞,棒球  代言CF:UNIONBAY品牌服装(T-ara与超新星)  所属组合:T-ARA  所属公司:Core Centens Media  曾属公司:S.M.Entertainment(三年练习生,曾作为少女时代预备成员练习出道曲,但最终没有出道)  所获奖项:2005年 亲亲歌谣节 金奖  孝敏ud6a8ubbfcHyoMin  孝敏本名:朴善英  韩文:ubc15uc120uc601(Park Seon Young)  出生年月:1989年5月30日  血型:O  身高:167CM  体重:43KG  学历:成均馆大学演技艺术学科  兴趣:摄影、烹饪、画画、设计  特长:音乐剧、运动、演戏  所属公司:Core Centens Media  代表作: MV — F.T Island《Heaven》  智妍uc9c0uc5f0Ji Yeon  智妍本名:朴智妍  韩文:ubc15uc9c0uc5f0(Park Ji Yeon)  出生年月:1993年6月7日  血型:AB  身高:167CM  体重:46KG  职业:歌手,模特  学历:惠花女子高等学校 读高中二年级  兴趣:睡觉、看电影  特长:运动、做饭  代表作:爱子姐姐敏子  所属公司:Core Centens Media  所获奖项:2008年 Smart 模特 选拔大会大奖, 2007年 APM模特 银奖  获奖情况:2008年Smart模特选拔大会大赏  其他作品:2008年拍摄Smart CF  2009年T-ARA首支单曲《好人》  2009年与Seeya和Davichi组成特别组合参与歌曲《女性时代/永远的爱》  2009年参与拍摄《魂》  2009年参与拍摄《穿透屋顶的high kick》客串44集  2010年参与拍摄 韩版龙樱《学习之神》  已退成员  智媛  出生年月:1988年4月5日  血型 : A  星座:白羊座  身高: 166CM  体重: 46KG  学历: 东国大学戏剧电影学科  兴趣: 看电影、读书、做料理、空想、跳绳  特长: 日语、跳舞  智雅(已退)  出生年月:1987年8月6日  血型:B  星座:狮子座  身高:163CM  体重:43KG  学历:河源大学实用音乐科  兴趣:上网玩游戏  特长:钢琴、电吉他  万能队长 郑允学  郑尹鹤(JUNG YUN HAK)  出生日期:1984.12.02  身高体重:180CM/64KG  血型:O型  学历:日本爱知大学 毕业/庆熙大学 媒体信息科 研究生 在读中  神秘王子 金晟济  金成帝(KIM SUNG JE)  出生日期:1986.11.17  身高体重:184CM/67KG  血型:AB型  学历:首尔艺术大学 放送演艺科 休学中  模范团员 金光秀  金光秀(KIM GWANG SU)  出生日期:1987.04.22  身高体重:181CM/68KG  血型:B型  学历:中央大学 影视科 在读中  纯真美男 尹成模  尹成模(YOON SUNG MO)  出生日期:1987.06.15  身高体重:180CM/65KG  学历:庆城大学 影视戏剧科 休学中  多动青年 宋智赫  宋智赫(SONG JI HYUK)  出生日期:1987.07.13  身高体重:185CM/71KG  血型:B型  学历:成均馆大学 表演艺术科 在读中  可爱老幺 朴建日  朴健日(PARK GUN IL)  出生日期:1987.11.05  身高体重:187CM/70KG  血型:B型  学历:东国大学 影视戏剧科 休学中

stylish arts criticism

楼主查一下朗文英英词典的话就可以知道 be far removed from something 解释为 to be very different from something. in which it appeared 定语从句,修饰publications,it 指代的是 stylish arts criticism.

歌舞青春Stick to the Status Quo的对照翻译

Stick To The Status Quo 安于现状Zeke:奇克:You can bet我敢打赌There"s nothin" but net除了网络没有其他When I am in a zone and on a roll当我在自己的世界摇滚着But I"ve got a confession但我得坦白My own secret obsession我自己的秘密And it"s making me lose control让我失去控制Jocks:裘克Everybody gather "round大家快靠过来Zeke(spoken):奇克(说):Well if Troy can tell his secret than I can tell mine...I bake既然特洛伊能说出他的秘密那么我也能说出我的...我烤面包Jock(spoken):裘克(说):What?什么?Zeke(spoken):I love to bake! Strudels, scones, even apple pandowdy我爱烘烤!果馅饼,烤饼,甚至包括苹果饼!Jocks:裘克:Not another sound别再乱出声!Zeke(spoken):奇克(说):Someday I hope to make the perfect creme brulee我希望有一天能做出完美的脆皮焦糖布丁Jocks:裘克:No, no, no, nooooooooooo不不不~~~~~No, no, no不不不Stick to the stuff you know你要坚持你熟悉的东西If you wanna be cool如果你想更酷Follow one simple rule只要遵守一条规矩Don"t mess with the flow, no no不要打破这规矩,不不Stick to the status quo要安于现状!Martha Cox:玛莎 寇克斯Look at me看着我你们会看见And what do you seeIntelligence beyond compare无与伦比的智慧But inside I am stirring但是我心中却激动不已Something strange is occuring一些陌生的事正在发生It"s a secret I need to share这是一个我要展示的秘密Brainiacs:布瑞尼卡斯:Open up, dig way down deep打开心扉告诉我们Martha Cox(spoken):玛莎 寇克斯(说):Hip hop is my passion! I love to pop and lock and jam and break!Hip hop是我的激情!我喜欢pop 闪电舞Braniac(spoken):布瑞尼卡斯(说):Is that even legal?那合法吗...?Brainiacs:布瑞尼卡斯:Not another peep 别再乱说Martha(spoken):玛莎(说):It"s just dancing. Sometimes I think it"s cooler than homework.这只是舞蹈,比家庭作业更酷的事Brainiacs:布瑞尼卡斯No, no, no, noooooooooo不不不~~~No, no, no不不不Stick to the stuff you know做你熟悉的事It is better by far这是最好的选择To keep things as they are保持现状Don"t mess with the flow, no no不要违反规矩,不不Stick to the status quo要安于现状Skaterdude:轮滑男:Listen well听好了I"m ready to tell我也准备说About a need that I cannot deny我不能否认Dude, there"s no explanation伙计,那无法解释For this awesome sensation这是一种很牛的感觉But I"m ready to let it fly现在我准备将它释放出来Dudes & Dudettes:大家:Speak your mind and you"ll be heard说出你的想法!Skaterdude(spoken):轮滑男(说):Alright, if Troy wants to be a singer... then i"m coming clean! I play the cello!好吧,如果特洛伊想成为一个歌手...那么我也老实交代!我会演奏大提琴!Dude 1(spoken):伙计A(说):Awesome!猛!Dude 2(spoken):伙计B(说):What is it?那是什么?Dude 1(spoken):伙计A(说):A saw!一个电锯!!Skaterdude(spoken):轮滑男(说):No, dude, it"s like a giant violin!不,伙计,这就像个巨大的小提琴Dudes & Dudettes:大家:Not another word别再说了Dude 2(spoken):伙计B(说):Do you have to wear a costume?你要穿上戏服?Skaterdude(spoken):轮滑男(说):Coat and tie外套和领带Dudes & Dudettes:大家:No, no, no, nooooooooooo不不不~~~~~No, no, no不不不~Stick to the stuff you know做你了解的事If you wanna be cool如果你想更酷Follow onfe simple rule遵守一个简单的规则Don"t mess with the flow, no no不要违反这个规则,不不Stick to the status quoooooooo要安于现状Jocks, Brainiacs, & Dudes:大家:No, no, no不不不!stick to the stuff you know做你熟悉的事It is better by far这是最好的选择To keep tings as they are保持原装Don"t mess with the flow, no no不要违反规则,不不Stick to the status quo要安于现状Sharpay:夏培:This is not what I want这不是我想要的This is not what I planned这不是我所计划的And I just gotta say我只想说I do not understand我不明白Someting is really有些事真的Ryan:瑞恩:Something"s not right有些事真的不对劲Sharpay:夏培:Really wrong真的是错误的Sharpay & Ryan:夏培和瑞恩:And we gotta get things我们需要将这里Back where they belong变回到它原来的样子We can do it我们能做到Skaterdude:轮滑男:Gotta play我要演奏Dudes & Dudettes:大家:Stick with what you know做你了解的事Sharpay & Ryan:夏培和瑞恩:We can do it我们能做到Martha Cox:玛莎 寇克斯Hip hop hooray嘻哈万岁!Brainiacs:布瑞尼卡斯She has got to go她该消失了Sharpay & Ryan:夏培和瑞恩:We can do it我们能做到Zeke:奇克:Creme Brule脆皮焦糖布丁!Jocks:裘克:Keep your voice down low降低你的音量Jocks, Brainiacs & Dudes/Dudettes:大家:Not another peep不要再乱说No, not another word别再说一个字No, not another sound别再发出声音No不Sharpay:夏培:Everybody quiiiiieeeeet 大家安静静静静静静静静Gabriella(spoken):盖比瑞拉(说):Why is everybody staring at you?为什么大家都盯着你看?Monique(spoken):莫尼(说):Not me, you.不是我,是你Gabriella(spoken):Because of the callbacks? I can"t have people staring at me! I really can"t!因为复试的事吗?我受不了大家都盯真我看!我真的不行!Jocks, Brainiacs...:大家:Noooooooooooooo, no, no, no不~~~~~不不不Sick to the stuff you know干你熟悉的事If you want to be cool如果你像更酷Follow one simple rule只要遵守一条简单的规则Don"t mess with the flow, oh no不要打破规则,哦 不Stick to the status quooooooooooooo要安于现状No, no, no不不不Stick to the stuff you know坚持你熟悉的事It is better by far这是现在最好的选择To keep things as they are保持事物的原状Don"t mess with the flow, no no不要打破规则Stick to the status要安于stick to the status要安于Stick to the status quo 要安于现状

合金装备和平行者里组装ZEKE(OPTIONAL PARTS)雷达哪个boss处可以得到?




removing windows installer information是什么意思

removing windows installer information的中文翻译removing windows installer information 删除windows安装程序信息




碰到这样一个需求,有一个关注列表,点击列表上的关注按钮可以取消关注。 首先列表这里选择的是RecyclerView,实现起来也较为简单,实现Adapter绑定数据就可以了 但是取消关注后需要将该用户从列表里移除,为了不整体刷新,所以选择使用notifyItemRemoved而不是notifyDataSetChanged方法,因为notifyItemRemoved不会删除adapter中数据集中真实的元素,因此还需要调用 dataList.remove(i) 但是测试的时候发现了一个问题: 点击第一个用户,成功删除,nice. 这时候原来的第二个用户成了第一个用户,按照之前的逻辑,这个地方的position应该是0。但是,点击之后删除的是现在的第二个用户,也就是说position是1。 网上搜索后发现,在notifyItemRemoved虽然移除了视图,但是没有进行重新bind的过程,因此position还是之前的position,因此需要调用notifyItemRangeChanged方法来告诉应用position位置需要重新计算 上面一段来自RecyclerView源码中的注释,notifyItemRangeChanged方法需要两个参数,第一个来指定从哪里开始数据进行了变化,第二个参数需要指定总共变化了多少个数据。 在最开始提到的需求下,positionStart应该等于要删除的那个数据的坐标,itemCount应该为从positionStart开始到数据列表最后,但是为了方便就直接填getItemCount()更新所有数据了

谁有 once more time 中文歌词?

可不可以说一下谁唱的。我好回答的啊 谢谢啦。

musti wash

正确答案:A 解析:A:你不需要;B:不,必须不能; C:是的,你需要;D:是的,你必须; 根据句意:You can do it tomorrow,你可以明天做, 所以排除C,D(表示今天必须做) mustn"t禁止,不符合题意,所以A为正确答案

有首英文歌歌词是 one night one one 什么more time

one more night

one more time 的发音歌词

是《花样男子》里的吗中文这一天 太漫长过得太慢 好辛苦想向你诉说心情不愿就此分离我只是 在抱怨一分一秒流逝着的时间看着不断变换的季节我还在伤心one more time即使受伤 也不后悔爱过让我只为你微笑 只为你哭泣one more time像那天空中炙热的太阳一样永远爱着你的全部 只爱你one more time想念你在雨伞中温柔的样子反复擦着眼泪 还是觉得悲伤one more time即使受伤 也不后悔爱过让我只为你微笑 只为你哭泣one more time即使受伤 也不后悔爱过让我只为你微笑 只为你哭泣one more time一分一秒流逝着的时间看着不断变换的季节我还在伤心one more time即使受伤 也不后悔爱过让我只为你微笑 只为你哭泣one more time像那天空中炙热的太阳一样永远爱着你的全部 只爱你one more timeoh my love for youone more timeoh my love for youone more time罗马音ha lu galo mu lato di go la mu hi din sahi ma lu in tapo in di ha doko dei po so ga i so soan go jo ji la gaxi ga lu wo my a yo in sodo gei jia in doba ga yo la lumy lu yo jo in so poono more timea pa do jo go do sa la haigirllo my lu v hei bo golo my lu v hei bo geiono more timejo ha lu do go wo tiee ya jo loyo wo li la yo mo do girlsa la hei wo in lo my luono more timeo fan topa jo lali mu so la mu la ku lu tali lu mu lu doba ga mo ji lamy lu yo jo yi so poono more timea pa do jo go do sa la haigirllo my lu v hei bo golo my lu v hei bo geiono more timea la lu in la lo girl bi jo loyo wo li la yo mo do girlsa na hei wo in lo my luono more timemu li ye ge la to tiee yi li qia jia bu gi luya so kismu li ye ge la to tiee mo yi qia jia bu gi luya so kispo ji na kis tiee su geiono more timea pa do jo go do sa la haigirllo my lu v hei bo golo my lu v hei bo geiono more timejo ha lu do go wo tiee ya jo loyo wo li la yo mo do girlsa na hei wo in lo my luono more time a la haoh my love for youono more time a la haoh my love for youono more time

build 和 build solution区别

build只会生成当前激活的项目build solution会生成当前解决方案下所有项目,顺序是按照解决方案中的依赖性以及生成顺序决定的补充:在解决方案管理器里,右键点击文件,编译。不一定只编译此文件,至少会把相关的文件编译进去的

Must I_____(arrive)at school on time


Still Water 和 sparkling water应该怎么翻译


My oil ________.I have to go to the gas station and add some before I’ve none in hand. A.has.

C 本题考查时态和语态。首先run out不是及物短语不能用被动语态,由句意可知汽油还没有耗尽,只是快耗尽了,所以不能用has run out,应该选C。

Matisyahu的《One Day》 歌词

在当前百年不遇新冠肺炎疫情,人类需要团结起来共同捍卫人的生命,我们共有一个地球,我们都向往和平、平等、自由、幸福,所以把《One Day》加上2008年北京奥运会的主题《One World One Dream》就是:(盼有一天,世界无战,和平相处,守望相助,同一地球,同一梦想!共筑人类命运共同体!)

帮忙找一首男英文歌。有节奏感的,好像后面几句歌词结尾有day and night/say goodbye/one more time

Maroon5的One More Night 望采纳

求一首歌的歌名。是林肯公园还是Jay-z,有一首歌,开头是some times I need to remember......

是Don"t stay Meteora专辑的。好歌。是LP的不是JAY-Z的。

一首英文歌男的唱的!里面有一句ohoh……my baby a beautiful you a

HIM GONE WITH THE SIN GONE WITH THE SIN 随原罪飘逝 I love your skin oh so white 我爱你的肌肤是如此光洁 I love your touch cold as ice 我爱你的触摸似冰般冷酷 And I love every single tear you cry 我也爱你流下的每一滴眼泪 I just love the way you"re losing your life 以及你正迷失生命的方式 Ohohohohoh my Baby, how beautiful you are 宝贝,你是这般的美丽 Ohohohohoh my Darling, completely torn apart 亲爱的,你已被美丽彻底的撕裂 You"re gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are 宝贝,你已经随着原罪飘逝,是如此的美好 You"re gone with the sin my Darling 亲爱的,你已随着原罪飘逝. I adore the despair in your eyes 我迷信着你眼中绝望 I worship your lips once red as wine 我膜拜着你如酒红唇 I crave for your scent sending shivers down my spine 我贪恋着你的气息,让它穿越我的身体震颤着我的脊髓 I just love the way you"re running out of life 我就是喜欢你如此耗尽自己的方式 Ohohohohoh my Baby, how beautiful you are 宝贝,你是这般的美丽 Ohohohohoh my Darling, completely torn apart 亲爱的,你已被美丽彻底的撕裂 You"re gone with the sin my Baby and beautiful you are 宝贝,你已经随着原罪飘逝,是如此的美好 You"re gone with the sin my Darling 亲爱的,你已随着原罪飘逝 是这个吧

this light is more beautiful than that这句话对不对


Construction和built 的区别

1,construct --动词:建造,构造,创立,是不及物动词,不能直接加宾语. --名词:概念、模式或构念 例如: Something formed or constructed from parts. 用零件造型或者构建起来的东西. a theoretical construct of the atom. 原子的理论模型 2,build --建造,建筑,构造,建造,构筑;通过组合材料或部件而形成;可以是名词或者动词.当动词讲时,是及物动词,可以直接跟宾语. 比如: build a system; 构建一个系统; build a nation; 建立一个国家;

As the time approached.和With the time approaching 为什么第一个用ed,第二个用ing?

as是连词,后面跟句子,approached是谓语,是过去式with是介词,后面跟短语,with +n +ving是复合结构,名词和动词是主谓关系所以用ing形式;若为动宾关系则用ed形式即with +n +ved。


[美] [ b01ld ] [英] [ bild ] 动词(及物) ( built; built; building) 建筑;造 The house is built of wood. 这房子是用木头建造的。 建立;发展;增进 You should build your arguments on facts. 你的论点应建立在事实的基础上。 生(火) 动词(不及物) ( built; built; building) 建造,建筑 增长,扩大 名词 (pl. builds) 体格;体型 动名词形式:building 楼房,建筑物

one more 和one more time英文解释不同之处?

“one more” means that you have got something and you want another one“one more time”has the same meaning as“again”,it means another chance

韩版《流星花园》插曲one more time的歌词

[ti:나무자전거][ar:One More Time][al:꽃보다 남자 O.S.T][by:丸子控][00:02.68]나무자전거 - One More Time[00:04.65]花样男子 OST[00:07.02][00:11.55]하루~가 너무나 더디고 너무 힘들다[00:20.81]내 마음을 다 보이려해도 그대 볼~수가 없어서[00:28.85][00:30.13]난 그저~ 지나간 시간을 원망하고있어[00:39.28]또 계절이 또 바뀌어가도 나는 여~전히 슬퍼~[00:46.97][00:50.32]One More Time![00:53.16]아파도 조금더 사랑을 할껄[00:59.33]너만을 위해 웃고 너만을 위해 울께[01:07.73][01:08.78]One More Time![01:11.54]저하늘 뜨거운 태양처럼[01:17.98]영원히 너의 모든걸 사랑해 오직 너만을[01:26.32][01:27.35]One More Time![01:30.19][01:50.89]우산~속 다정한 니모습 너무나 그립다[01:59.85]이 눈물을 또 닦아보지만 나는 여~전히 슬퍼~[02:07.88][02:11.11]One More Time![02:13.65]아파도 조금더 사랑을 할껄[02:20.32]너만을 위해 웃고 너만을 위해 울께[02:28.55][02:29.55]One More Time![02:32.15]밤하늘 빛나는 별빛처럼[02:38.80]영원히 너의 모든걸 사랑해 오직 너만을[02:47.25][02:47.97]One More Time![02:51.11][02:53.52]우리에게 같은 내일이 찾아오기를 약속해[03:02.08]우리에게 같은 내일이 찾아오기를 약속해[03:11.35]언제나 곁에 있을께~[03:15.78][03:18.04]One More Time![03:20.58]아파도 조금더 사랑을 할껄[03:27.21]너만을 위해 웃고 너만을 위해 울께[03:35.36][03:36.45]One More Time![03:38.98]밤하늘 빛나는 별빛처럼[03:45.71]영원히 너의 모든걸 사랑해 오직 너만을[03:54.01][03:54.94]One More Time![03:57.75](아아하암~)..Oh! my love for you[04:04.33]Oh!One More Time! (아아하아~)[04:08.85]Oh! my love for you[04:13.69]One More Time![04:17.05]这个是直接复制到文档的나무자전거 - One More Time花样男子 OST하루~가 너무나 더디고 너무 힘들다내 마음을 다 보이려해도 그대 볼~수가 없어서난 그저~ 지나간 시간을 원망하고있어또 계절이 또 바뀌어가도 나는 여~전히 슬퍼~One More Time!아파도 조금더 사랑을 할껄너만을 위해 웃고 너만을 위해 울께One More Time!저하늘 뜨거운 태양처럼영원히 너의 모든걸 사랑해 오직 너만을One More Time!우산~속 다정한 니모습 너무나 그립다이 눈물을 또 닦아보지만 나는 여~전히 슬퍼~One More Time!아파도 조금더 사랑을 할껄너만을 위해 웃고 너만을 위해 울께One More Time!밤하늘 빛나는 별빛처럼영원히 너의 모든걸 사랑해 오직 너만을One More Time!우리에게 같은 내일이 찾아오기를 약속해우리에게 같은 내일이 찾아오기를 약속해언제나 곁에 있을께~One More Time!아파도 조금더 사랑을 할껄너만을 위해 웃고 너만을 위해 울께One More Time!밤하늘 빛나는 별빛처럼영원히 너의 모든걸 사랑해 오직 너만을One More Time!(아아하암~)..Oh! my love for youOh!One More Time! (아아하아~)Oh! my love for youOne More Time!

求《秒速五厘米》里的歌曲One more tim的中文歌词

歌词:   one more time one more chance   演唱:山崎まさよし   「秒速5センチメートル」の主题歌   これ以上何を失えば 心は许されるの   如果再要失去什么 也能原谅自己   どれ程の痛みならば もういちど君に会える   若有如此般痛苦 就能与你再一次相遇   One more time 季节よ うつろわないで   one more time 不要让四季如此匆匆走过   One more time  ふざけあった 时间よ   one more time 在一起嬉戏着的欢乐时光   くいちがう时はいつも 仆が先に折れたね   发生分歧的时候 每次都是我先妥协让步   わがままな性格が なおさら爱しくさせた   若能改改那任性的性格 会使你更可爱   One more chance 记忆に足を取られて   one more chance 记忆中 我止步   One more chance 次の场所を选べない   one more chance 选不出下一个地点   いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を   我一直在找寻你的踪迹   向かいのホーム 路地裏の窓   对面的房子 小巷深处的门边   こんなとこにいるはずもないのに   虽然明知你不可能在那里   愿いはもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ   若能实现愿望的话 我想马上飞到你身边   できないことは もう何もない   已经没有什么做不到的了   すべてかけて抱きしめてみせるよ   我会放下一切抱紧你   寂しさ纷らすだけなら 谁でもいいはずなのに   如果只想找一个能驱赶寂寞的人 找谁都应该可以的   星が落ちそうな夜だから 自分をいつわれない   但在这个就连星星都快要落下来的夜里 我骗不了自己   One more time 季节よ うつろわないで   one more time 不要让四季如此匆匆走过   One more time  ふざけあった 时间よ   one more time 在一起嬉戏着的欢乐时光   いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を   我一直在找寻你的踪迹   交差点でも 梦の中でも   在四岔路口 在梦中   こんなとこにいるはずもないのに   虽然明知你不能在那里   奇迹がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に见せたい   如果能发生奇迹的话 我想马上见到你   新しい朝 これからの仆   从新一天的清晨开始 我…   言えなかった「好き」という言叶も   …会说出我一直没说出口的“喜欢你”   夏の想い出がまわる   夏天的回忆在心中回旋着   ふいに消えた鼓动   霎时消失的悸动   いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を   我一直在找寻你的踪迹   明け方の街 桜木町(さくらぎちょう)で   在明亮的大街 那樱花街上   こんなとこに来るはずもないのに   虽然明知道你不会来这样的地方   愿いはもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ   若能实现愿望的话 我想马上飞到你身边   できないことは もう何もない   已经没有什么做不到的了   すべてかけて抱きしめてみせるよ   我会放下一切抱紧你   いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の破片を   我一直在到处搜索你的碎片   旅先の店 新闻の隅   周围的小店 抑或是报纸的一角   こんなとこにあるはずもないのに   虽然明知那里不会有   奇迹がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に见せたい   如果能发生奇迹的话 我想马上见到你   新しい朝 これからの仆   新一天的清晨 从此的我…   言えなかった「好き」という言叶も   …会说出我一直没说出口的“喜欢你”   いつでも捜してしまう どっかに君の笑颜を   我一直在寻找你的笑容   急行待ちの 踏切あたり   等电车时的空隙 看看铁路的拐角   こんなとこにいるはずもないのに   虽说她根本不可能出现在那里   命が缲り返すならば 何度も君のもとへ   如果还有来生 我无论如何都要来到你身边   欲しいものなど もう何もない   我已经没有了其他想要追求的东西   君のほかに大切なものなど   因为没有比你更重要的了

求:韩国版花样男子插曲 one more time 的歌词翻译!

내가 몰랐었나봐 너를 몰랐었나봐是你不懂还是我不懂이렇게도 가까이에 있는데我们离得这么近정말 소중한 것은 사라져간 후에야莫非要等到珍贵的东西消失以后알 수 있는가봐 지금의 너처럼 现在才会懂得미안해 니가 흘린 눈물 알지 못해对不起 不知道你为什么有泪水미안해 이제서야 니 앞에 와서对不起 现在我来到你面前One More Time One More Time 다시 한번 내곁으로 와 줄 수 없겠니你能再一次回来我身边么언제나 너만을 사랑해无论什么时候 我只爱你늦은 이 후회만큼 널 사랑할게虽然后悔晚了 我只爱你바보같은 내가 널 맘에 없는 말들로讨厌傻瓜一样的我 不懂你内心그렇게 많이 아프게 했나봐看起来很疼的样子네가 아니였다면 몰랐을 행복인데如果不是你 我不懂得幸福이제야 알았어 니가 사랑이란 걸现在我懂了 就是爱你고마워 소중한 사랑을 가르쳐줘谢谢 教会我珍贵的爱情고마워 이젠 내가 더 사랑할게谢谢 现在我会更加爱你One More Time One More Time 다시 한번 내곁으로 와 줄 수 없겠니你能再一次回来我身边么언제나 너만을 사랑해无论什么时候 我只爱你늦은 이 후회만큼 더 사랑할게虽然后悔晚了 我只爱你One More Time One More Time 사랑해 널 사랑해爱你 我爱你이런 날을 다시 받아 줄 수 없겠니可以再一次接受这样的日子吗언제나 내게 준 그 사랑无论什么时候 你给的爱내가 다 갚을 수 있게 허락해줘我都会补偿给你 请允许我내 손을 잡아줘请抓住我的手


epeat 一般做为动词,如果用作名词的话 他的意思是抽象意义的重复 repetition 名词的意思是重复的具体事物 He wishes to see more new programs instead of repeats on television. This accident is a repetition of one that happened here two weeks ago.

韩国歌曲歌词有one more time

裴涩琪-Sexy Boy

韩版花样男子中《one more time》的中文歌词

One More Time 这一天 太漫长 过得太慢 好辛苦 想向你诉说心情 不愿就此分离 我只是 在抱怨 一分一秒流逝着的时间 看着不断变换的季节 我还在伤心 one more time 即使受伤 也不后悔爱过 让我只为你微笑 只为你哭泣 one more time 像那天空中炙热的太阳一样 永远爱着你的全部 只爱你 one more time 想念你在雨伞中温柔的样子 反复擦着眼泪 还是觉得悲伤 one more time 即使受伤 也不后悔爱过 让我只为你微笑 只为你哭泣 one more time 即使受伤 也不后悔爱过 让我只为你微笑 只为你哭泣 one more time 一分一秒流逝着的时间 看着不断变换的季节 我还在伤心 one more time 即使受伤 也不后悔爱过 让我只为你微笑 只为你哭泣 one more time 像那天空中炙热的太阳一样 永远爱着你的全部 只爱你 one more time oh my love for you one more time oh my love for you one more time hin dil li nin nel ne du al gu iss nin ji ki je a mu leu ji anh in dis us ji man sun in ki nel jap a du nun in na lil pu jal a ne ga sa lang han da mal ha nin gis gak a nel ne ga lu i ggil ge ya ju gim ni oe ji nin ne il ppun ya ga sim sug gi ne du sa lang du gi oe dil du pi le jui One more time One more try na lil pa la pua jul le ne il di nun oi lu dil oe ga ga sim iol ce oul le just one more time ne mam dil ki gu sip oe ne man oil ui he ne ga jun pi han oi sa lang oil da ga ou nin ge ya jig mang sil oe ji ni ne ui gi nel pi le du gi nin mi ha ni sa lang oil cha ya ju gim he mes oil poun ya ne oi ma oim ga nin gi de lu ou men due han gil oim man da ga oua jue ne ga du gel oim de da ga sel gge ju gim ssig ha lu ssig ne oe ge ga gu ois nin na lil pua One more time One more try na lil pa la pua jul le ne oi du nun oi lu dil oe ga ga sim oil ce oul le just one more time le mam dil ki gu sip oe ne man oil oui he ne ga jun pi han oi sa lang oil pa la man pun da ga ma oim oil dul le pua du ja ggu ne han sum oin oip sul oil mi lis sug oun ne man ca ya One more time One more try ne oi ma oim pu ye jua ji gim si ci gu ji na ga men hu hui hal ji mul la just One more time na lil pu gu ous jan ya ne oi pal gel oim na lil hang he ou gu ois ya



once more,one more time和once again有什么区别


Akon—One More Time 歌词及翻译。 Akon,注意。。

One more time one more timeLive it one more time one more timeWhy if you never see tomorrow againAnd it"s the last party that you attendLet"s live it up like it"s 3010What if this was the endSo invite all your family and friendsCuz they should be here celebratingLet"s make the best up this time that we spendCuz if this is the end, I want youLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upHey party people put your hands highI know you"re drunk and I know you"re highDon"t lecture me I won"t lecture youOnly got one life you know what to doSo leave your sorrow and your painLeave your fortune and your fameYou can leave it all behind cuz you will never see it againWhen you"re thinking back to this dayI want you to be able to say that you would gladly do it gainGladly do it againWhy if you never see tomorrow againAnd it"s the last party that you attendLet"s live it up like it"s 3010What if this was the endSo invite all your family and friendsCuz they should be here celebratingLet"s make the best up this time that we spendCuz if this is the end, I want youLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive it one more time one more timeLive it one more time one more timeYou got a problem that ain"t the placeYou wanna solve it then we"ll reserve the spaceYou rock with me I rock with youOnly got one life you know what to doSo leave your sorrow and your painLeave your fortune and your fameYou can leave it all behind cuz you will never see it againWhen you"re thinking back to this dayI want you to be able to say that you would gladly do it gainGladly do it againWhy if you never see tomorrow againAnd it"s the last party that you attendLet"s live it up like it"s 3010What if this was the endSo invite all your family and friendsCuz they should be here celebratingLet"s make the best up this time that we spendCuz if this is the end, I want youLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive like you don"t plan to wake upLive it one more time one more timeLive it one more time one more time

one more time中文谐音歌词

(哈鲁噶 呢木那 德第估 呢木 heem得儿大) (乃 马额么儿 达 包一lyeo还道 可带 宝儿苏噶 欧搔搔) (难 可则 及哪敢 系噶呢儿 我恩忙哈估一搔) (道 给则里 道 拔过额噶到 那嫩 yeo泽你 四儿per) One more time (阿帕到 早跟 得 撒浪儿 哈儿个儿) (呢吗呢儿 wi还 无故 呢吗呢儿wi还 乌尔盖) One more time (泽 哈呢儿 的歌无恩 太阳 测了母) (赢我你 呢哎 Moden 个儿 撒浪还 偶极 呢吗呢儿) One more time (五三 搔 达曾汗 你 谋私 呢木那 颗粒达) (一 nun母了儿 道 达噶包机妈 那嫩 yeo泽你 四儿per) One more time (阿帕到 早跟 得 撒浪儿 哈儿个儿) (呢吗呢儿 wi还 无故 呢吗呢儿wi还 乌尔盖) One more time (半 哈呢儿 宾那嫩 别尔 逼 测了母) (赢我你 呢哎 Moden 个儿 撒浪还 偶极 呢吗呢儿) One more time (无力艾盖 噶ten 乃依里 擦匝欧gi了儿 呀扫开) (无力艾盖 噶ten haeng宝gi 擦匝欧gi了儿 呀扫开) (恩在那 gyeo太 一丝儿盖) One more time (阿帕到 早跟 得 撒浪儿 哈儿个儿) (呢吗呢儿 wi还 无故 呢吗呢儿wi还 乌尔盖) One more time (泽 哈呢儿 的歌无恩 太阳 测了母) (赢我你 呢哎 Moden 个儿 撒浪还 偶极 呢吗呢儿) One more time Oh my love for you Oh One more time Oh my love for you One more time

one more time one more chance什么意思

再来一次 再一次机会

求:韩国版花样男子插曲 one more time 的歌词翻译!


bureau veritas certification是什么意思

Bureau Veritas Certification法立德国际质量认证

one more time one more chance什么意思


One More Time (Short Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:One More Time (Short Radio Edit)歌手:Daft Punk专辑:Musique Vol 1One more time...One more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah...One more timeOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeahDon"t stop dancingOne more timeUhmmm...Dance feelin"Celebration tonightCelebrateDon"t wait to leaveUhmmm... noHe don"t stopYou can stopWe gonna celebrateOne more timeOne more timeOne more timeCelebrationYou know it"s gonna cool the lightTonightEh! Is feelingMusic"s got me feeling the needInAirCome on, all rightWe gonna celebrateOne more timeCelebrate and dance are freeMusic"s got me feeling so freeCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebratehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2743548

once more与once again与one more time的区别,要权威,要详细~~~

三个基本同义,可 以互换. 是"one more time" 可以表示突发事 件,即时性的.once more=又一次 noce again=再次的 只是强调的不同 again强调的是再次 了 noce again一般表 示状态,或持续性 事件. Once again I was tempted.And once again I decided to stay on.我又一次动心想走 了. 决定留下来. 以说明我持续这种 犹豫的状态好一阵 了. Shall we count that money one more time?“我们再数一次钱好 ” --点钱是一 次性行动,再次点 钱只说明这次的行 动,和上次点钱行 动之间可能有间 隔,不一定是连续 的

one more time one more chance罗马音加中文、

这样可以吧?是按计算机输入的罗马音打的,有的时候如は虽然写的是ha,但是读wa,这个你应该知道的吧^_^One more time, One more chance秒速5センチメートル OP作词:山崎将义作曲:山崎将义歌:山崎まさよしこれ以上何を失えば 心は许されるのkore ijyou nani wo shi_eba kokoro ha yurusarerunoどれ程の痛みならば もういちど君に会えるdorehodo no itaminaraba mou itido kimi ni aeruOne more time 季节よ うつろわないでOne more time kisetsuyo utsurowanaideOne more time ふざけあった时间よOne more time fuzakeattajikanyoくいちがう时はいつも 仆が先に折れたねkuitigautoki ha itsumo bokuga sakini oretaneわがままな性格が なおさら爱しくさせたwagamamana seikakuga naosara itoshikusasetaOne more chance 记忆に足を取られてOne more chance kiokuni ashi wo torareteOne more chance 次の场所を选べないOne more chance tsugi no basyo wo erabenaiいつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿をitsudemo sagashiteiruyo dokkani kimi no sugatawo向かいのホーム 路地裏の窓mokai no houmu(home) rojiri no madoこんなとこにいるはずもないのにkonna tokoniiruhasumonainoni愿いがもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへnegaigamoshimokanaunara imasugu kiminomotoheできないことは もう何もないdekinaikotoha mou nanimonaiすべてかけて抱きしめてみせるよsubetekakete dakishimetemiseruyo寂しさ纷らすだけなら 谁でもいいはずなのにsabishisa magirasu dakenara daredemo iihasunanoni星が落ちそうな夜だから 自分をいつわれないhoshi ga otisouna yoru dakara jibun wo itsuwarenaiOne more time 季节よ うつろわないでOne more time kisetsuyo utsurowanaideOne more time ふざけあった时间よOne more time fuzakeattajikanyoいつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿をitsudemo sagashiteiruyo dokkani kimi no sugatawo交差点でも 梦の中でもkosatendemo yumenonakademoこんなとこにいるはずもないのにkonna tokoniiruhazumonainoni奇迹がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に见せたいkisekiga moshimo okorunara ima sugukimini misetai新しい朝 これからの仆atarashiasa korekaranoboku言えなかった「好き」という言叶も ienakatta 「suki」toiukotobamo夏の思い出がまわるnatsunoomoidegamawaruふいに消えた鼓动fuinikietakodouいつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿をitsudemo sagashiteiruyo dokkani kimi no sugatawo明け方の街 桜木町でakekatanomati sakuragityoudeこんなとこに来るはずもないのにkonna tokoni kuruhasumonainoni愿いがもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへnegaigamoshimokanaunara imasugu kiminomotoheできないことは もう何もないdekinaikotoha mou nanimonaiすべてかけて抱きしめてみせるよsubetekakete dakishimetemiseruyoいつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の破片をitsudemo sagashiteiruyo dokkani kiminohahenwo旅先の店 新闻の隅tabisakinomise shinbunnosumiこんなとこにあるはずもないのにkonna tokoni aruhasumonainoni奇迹がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に见せたいkisekiga moshimo okorunara ima sugukimini misetai新しい朝 これからの仆atarashiasa korekaranoboku言えなかった「好き」という言叶もienakatta 「suki」toiukotobamoいつでも捜してしまう どっかに君の笑颜をitsudemo sagashiteshimou dokkani kimin o egao wo急行待ちの 踏切あたりkyuukoumatino fumikiriatariこんなとこにいるはずもないのにkonna tokoni aruhasumonainoni命が缲り返すならば 何度も君のもとへinotigakurikaesunaraba nandomo kiminomotoe欲しいものなど もう何もないhoshiimononado mounaimonai君のほかに大切なものなどkiminohakani daisetsunanonado

One More Time 歌词

歌曲名:One More Time歌手:Daft Punk专辑:Best of Club Hits Volume 1 CD1One more time...One more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah...One more timeOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeahDon"t stop dancingOne more timeUhmmm...Dance feelin"Celebration tonightCelebrateDon"t wait to leaveUhmmm... noHe don"t stopYou can stopWe gonna celebrateOne more timeOne more timeOne more timeCelebrationYou know it"s gonna cool the lightTonightEh! Is feelingMusic"s got me feeling the needInAirCome on, all rightWe gonna celebrateOne more timeCelebrate and dance are freeMusic"s got me feeling so freeCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebratehttp://music.baidu.com/song/22012352

有一首以前很热的DJ,其中有一句歌词是“baby give me one more time”

one more time

请帮我找一下”one more time ”歌词


One More Time 歌词

歌曲名:One More Time歌手:Vivienne专辑:Blue DropAll my lifeAlone with no one grasping for me.I"m on my ownJust looking, searching, let me love you.Take my heart.I found your burning gaze before me.Save my soul.This passion blazing takes me, ah...In your eyesThat were drowning me in desire.A lusting gazeIt was driving me so crazy for you.Soft and warmIs the breath which you"ve left on me.Near yet farIt was sudden but now here we are.One afternoon,You were there just waiting for me.I was on my ownAnd you stayed by my side.Hesitate.It was wrong and yet I fell so far.Kiss me one more time.I want to taste your love.This is loveIn a place where we"re hidden.After darkAnd the flushing heat against my lips.Touch me onceAnd I"ll mark you forever mine.I"ll close my eyesAnd it feels so good so one more time...And I find my heart keeps calling you.We were out of time.You"re always on my mind.Hold me tight.I can never let you leave my heart.Meeting in the nightJust kiss me one more time...One afternoon,You were there just waiting for me.I was on my ownAnd you stayed by my side.Hesitate.It was wrong and yet I fell so far.Kiss me one more time.I want to taste your love.Torn apartAnd I find my heart keeps calling you.We were out of time.You"re always on my mind.Hold me tight.I can never let you leave my heart.Meeting in the nightJust kiss me one more time...One More TimeOne More TimeVocal:VivienneAlbum:FELT - <Blue Drop> (C80)Arrange:Maurits"惯"CornelisOringinal:ゴ-ストリ-ドLrc:circusmayokohttp://music.baidu.com/song/54425998

One More Time 歌词

歌曲名:One More Time歌手:Daft Punk专辑:Until OneOne more time...One more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah...One more timeOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeahDon"t stop dancingOne more timeUhmmm...Dance feelin"Celebration tonightCelebrateDon"t wait to leaveUhmmm... noHe don"t stopYou can stopWe gonna celebrateOne more timeOne more timeOne more timeCelebrationYou know it"s gonna cool the lightTonightEh! Is feelingMusic"s got me feeling the needInAirCome on, all rightWe gonna celebrateOne more timeCelebrate and dance are freeMusic"s got me feeling so freeCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebratehttp://music.baidu.com/song/6340122

One More Time 翻译

意大利女歌手Laura Pausini唱的One More Time(再一次)以下是歌词中英对照:)~~One More Time(再一次)---Laura Pausini凯文.斯科特的电影《瓶中信》主题曲Nothing I must do无事可从Nowhere I should be无处可依 No one in my life无人可思 To answer to but me唯我自己 No more candlelight不再有温馨的烛光 No more purple skies不再有紫色的天空 No one to be near没有人在我身边 As my heart slowly dies我的心慢慢死去 If I could hold you one more time假使我再次能拥你入怀 Like in the days when you were mine就像在那些你属于我的日子里 I""d look at you ""till I was blind我会看着你直到失明 So you would stay这样你会留步 I""d say a prayer each time you""d smile我祈祷每次你的浅笑 Cradle the moments like a child像个孩子放入摇篮 I""d stop the world if only I我宁愿静止整个世界 Could hold you one more time要是我能再一次拥抱你 I""ve memorized your face记得你的笑靥 I know your touch by heart通晓你的灵犀 Still lost in your embrace在你的拥抱中迷失 I""d dream of where you are魂牵梦绕你身在何方 Dream of where you are魂牵梦绕你身处何方 (hmmmmmm.....) One more time再一次(拥抱你)...I""ve memorized your face记得你的笑靥 I know your touch by heart通晓你的灵犀 Still lost in your embrace在你的拥抱中迷失 I""d dream of where you are魂牵梦绕你身在何方 One more time再一次(拥抱你)...

One More Time 歌词

歌曲名:One More Time歌手:Richard Marx专辑:Days In AvalonNothing I must doNowhere I should beNo one in my lifeTo answer to, but meNo more candlelightsNo more purple skiesNo one to be nearAs my heart slowly diesIf I could hold you One More TimeLike in the days when you were mineI′d look at youTill I was blindSo you would stayI′d say a prayer each time you smileCradle the moments like a childI′d stop the world if only ICould hold you one more timeMmmmmm. . .I′ve memorized your faceI know your touch by heartStill lost in your embraceI dream of where you areone more timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1201415

One More Time,One More Chance这句英文是什么意思~~


one more time 歌词

歌曲名:one more time歌手:jim verraros专辑:rollercoasterI always like it whenYou hold me close and thenWe stay taht way through the nightThe rain falls down on usSendin" chillsup and down my spineBut we don"t seem to mindSo kiss me, baby, just one more timeI just can"t get enough - you"re like a dream of mineAnd touch me, baby, just one more timeSo soft and gentle - like, one more timeI can feel your breath on meAnd your skin right next to minePlease don"t ever let this goCan you turn off all the lights?Come lay down right by my sideAnd, baby, just close your eyesSo kiss me, baby, just one more timeI just can"t get enough - you"re like a dream of mineAnd touch me, baby, just one more timeSo soft and gentle - like, one more timeIt"s taken some timeBut you"re worth the waitYou know that i love youThis could be destiny - you and meI always like it whenYou whisper softley to meYou know you love me, tooSo kiss me, baby, just one more timeI just can"t get enough - you"re like a dream of mineAnd touch me, baby, just one more timeSo soft and gentle - like, one more timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14242325

One More Time 歌词

歌曲名:One More Time歌手:Goldfinger专辑:Hello DestinyGoldfinger - One More TimeEvery day is just the sameThere"s nothing insideI"ve been watching as the peopleRun and they hideI don"t want to beRight on timeCan"t act likeI"m doing fineI"m out of lineStep to the leftStep to the rightStep to the leftStep to the rightI"m out of my mindI can feel it comingOne more timeLike the air I"m breathingAll my lifeI want to give youJust a piece of my mindIt"s rising to the frontOf the lineEvery day is on the startOf the rat raceTreading water just-Just to save faceBut I don"t want to be a waste of timeA faceless concubineAn open valentineStep to the leftStep to the rightStep to the leftStep to the rightI"m out of my mindI can feel it coming one more timeLike the air I"m breathingAll my lifeI want to give youJust a piece of my mindIt"s rising to the frontOf the lineThe front of the lineIt"s time to get upIt"s time to get outI need a changeTo feel strangeTo feel aliveNow it"s time to stand upIt"s time to stand outI need a changeTo feel strangeTo feel aliveAnd every day is the sameThere"s nothing insideI"ve been watching as the peopleRun and they hideBut I don"t want to beRight on timeCan"t act likeI"m doing fine"Cause I"m out of lineStep to the leftStep to the rightI"m out of my mindI can feel it coming one more timeLike the air I"m breathingAll my lifeI want to give youJust a pieceA piece of my mindIt rises to the frontOf the lineI can feel it coming one more timeI can feel it coming one more timeI can feel it coming one more timeI can feel it coming one more timeOne more timeNow it"s time to stand upLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/701751

英文歌 女声 有一句...one more time ,....touch the sky谁知道是什么????谢啦!!!!

i"m alive

one more time one more chance歌词的中文翻译

作词:山崎将义 作曲:山崎将义 演唱:山崎まさよし 要再失去多少东西 才能得到宽恕 要再经历多少痛苦 才能与你重逢 One more time 季节啊 请不要变化 One more time 那嬉笑玩闹的岁月 拌嘴的时候 总是我先让步 你的任性 却让我更加迷恋 One more chance 被记忆所牵绊 One more chance 无法选择下一个目的地 一直在寻找 期待在某处看到你的身影 对面的房间 小巷深处的窗户 明知道你不可能在那里 如果能够实现愿望 我希望立即前往你的身边 再没有任何难题 不顾一切将你紧拥 假如只想找一个能驱赶寂寞的人 找谁都应该可以 但在这个就连星星都坠落夜里 我骗不了自己 One more time 季节啊 请不要变化 One more time 那嬉笑玩闹的岁月 我一直在找寻你的踪迹 在十字路口 在梦中 明知道你不可能在那里 假如能发生奇迹 我希望能马上与你相见 从新一天的清晨开始 我会说出我一直没说出口的“喜欢你” 夏天的回忆在心中回旋着 霎时消失的悸动 我一直在找寻你的踪迹 在明亮的大街 那樱花街上 明知道你不可能在那里 若能实现愿望的话 我想马上飞到你身边 已经没有什么做不到的了 不顾一切将你紧拥 我一直在到处搜索你的碎片 周围的小店 或是报纸的一角 明知道你不可能在那里 假如能发生奇迹的话 我希望马能遇见你 新一天的清晨 从此的我会说出我一直没说出口的“喜欢你” 我一直在寻找你的笑容 等电车时的空隙 看看铁路的拐角 明知道你不可能在那里 假如还有来生 我无论如何都要来到你身边 我已经没有了其他想要追求的东西 因为没有比你更重要的

找一首歌,欧美 歌词里有one more time,不是布兰妮唱的那首。

找一首歌,欧美 歌词里有one more time,不是布兰妮唱的那首。 One More Time(再一次)---Laura Pausini 凯文.斯科特的电影《瓶中信》主题曲 Nothing I must do 无事可从 Nowhere I should be 无处可依 No one in my life 无人可思 To answer to but me 唯我自己 No more candlelight 不再有温馨的烛光 No more purple skies 不再有紫色的天空 No one to be near 没有人在我身边 As my heart slowly dies 我的心慢慢死去 If I could hold you one more time 假使我再次能拥你入怀 Like in the days when you were mine 就像在那些你属于我的日子里 I""d look at you ""till I was blind 我会看着你直到失明 So you would stay 这样你会留步 I""d say a prayer each time you""d *** ile 我祈祷每次你的浅笑 Cradle the moments like a child 像个孩子放入摇篮 I""d s the world if only I 我宁愿静止整个世界 Could hold you one more time 要是我能再一次拥抱你 I""ve memorized your face 记得你的笑靥 I know your touch by heart 通晓你的灵犀 Still lost in your embrace 在你的拥抱中迷失 I""d dream of where you are 魂牵梦绕你身在何方 Dream of where you are 魂牵梦绕你身处何方 (hmmmmmm.....) One more time 再一次(拥抱你)... I""ve memorized your face 记得你的笑靥 I know your touch by heart 通晓你的灵犀 Still lost in your embrace 在你的拥抱中迷失 I""d dream of where you are 魂牵梦绕你身在何方 One more time 再一次(拥抱你)... 找一首歌曲,歌词里有baby one more time 非布兰妮的~!酒吧区 韩国组合JEWELRY也有一首歌叫baby one more time。第一句就是、 歌词中有baby one more time的歌,不是布兰妮的那首 Richard Marx-One More Time(中文歌词). 这是Richard Marx替Laura Pausini写的歌、 是瓶中信的主题曲 歌词中有baby baby one more time的歌,不是布兰妮的那首 是不是布兰妮演唱会版本?有一版是爵士乐的。 找一首歌。有点像布兰妮唱的。 你要找的是这首 Britney Spears - Circus 试听 :tudou./programs/view/xAdiJ_fBjlc/ 之前那首是 KatyPerry -I KISS A GIRL 试试吧 应该是 祝你好运 找一首歌 布兰妮的 Britney Spears的成名曲哦: Baby one more time 这是下载地址::google./music/search?q=baby+one+more+time&aq=0 这是视频地址::so.youku./search_video/q_baby%20one%20more%20time 歌词baby one more time不是布兰妮 jewelry-one more time :v.youku./v_show/id_ca00XMTkwMzIzMjg=. 一首歌里面有剧歌词是baby one more time的,不是布兰妮的,是中文的男的唱的。 罗志祥的 小丑鱼 这句应该lady lady one more try 小丑鱼 歌手:罗志祥专辑:达人show 我在你身边游来游去我不敢出声看着他亲吻你 眼不能闭看你的唇印还在那里你隔着玻璃所以听不见我在叹息 说不出口的秘密永远活在小小的世界里 仅存一点稀薄的氧气是否够我继续撑下去 这件脱不下来的外衣还是你喜欢的橘我不能确定 是否你曾经注意我的眼泪流在透明的水里 lady lady one more try 再试着了解我的爱 发不出声音的感慨选择作朋友的无奈 lady lady one more try 提醒我何时该走开 只要你偶尔想起来我就住在那片海 等我转过身看你眼神才知道自己想得太过天真伤得太深 爱来的时候划破沉闷我早该知道你终究不是我该爱的人 黑暗中两眼无神夜里不再为我开盏灯 始终不敢将爱说出口当然没有资格去竞争 恋爱和失恋同时发生怪自己枉费青春 我输得彻底把脸深埋在水里面却还要演好这一场戏 lady lady one more try 再试着了解我的爱 发不出声音的感慨选择作朋友的无奈 lady lady one more try 提醒我何时该走开 只要你偶尔想起来我就住在那片海 watting for you 那片海眼看就要让我愈来愈远回不来 从此你的不愉快那么遥远谁听你埋怨 再说一遍说一遍 ye...我在你身边给你一点点愉快就 会心甘情愿回到大海 lady lady one more try 再试着了解我的爱 发不出声音的感慨选择作朋友的无奈 lady lady one more try 提醒我何时该走开 只要你偶尔想起来我就住在那片海那片海 应该是这个 楼主听下。 有首歌有歌词baby one more try 一女的唱的 (不是布兰妮) 你是不是找的这个?One More Time 歌手Jewelry 找一首歌 好像是布兰妮的 歌词里有一小段日期 The day you went away? 里面的歌词应该是 i remember date time september enty second sunday enty five after nine 也是m2m的歌

one more time中文歌词

金贤重《one more time》的中文翻译歌词 ub0b4uac00 ubab0ub790uc5c8ub098ubd10 ub108ub97c ubab0ub790uc5c8ub098ubd10是你不懂还是我不懂uc774ub807uac8cub3c4 uac00uae4cuc774uc5d0 uc788ub294ub370我们离得这么近uc815ub9d0 uc18cuc911ud55c uac83uc740 uc0acub77cuc838uac04 ud6c4uc5d0uc57c莫非要等到珍贵的东西消失以后uc54c uc218 uc788ub294uac00ubd10 uc9c0uae08uc758 ub108ucc98ub7fc 现在才会懂得ubbf8uc548ud574 ub2c8uac00 ud758ub9b0 ub208ubb3c uc54cuc9c0 ubabbud574对不起 不知道你为什么有泪水ubbf8uc548ud574 uc774uc81cuc11cuc57c ub2c8 uc55euc5d0 uc640uc11c对不起 现在我来到你面前One More Time One More Time ub2e4uc2dc ud55cubc88 ub0b4uacc1uc73cub85c uc640 uc904 uc218 uc5c6uaca0ub2c8你能再一次回来我身边么uc5b8uc81cub098 ub108ub9ccuc744 uc0acub791ud574无论什么时候 我只爱你ub2a6uc740 uc774 ud6c4ud68cub9ccud07c ub110 uc0acub791ud560uac8c虽然后悔晚了 我只爱你ubc14ubcf4uac19uc740 ub0b4uac00 ub110 ub9d8uc5d0 uc5c6ub294 ub9d0ub4e4ub85c讨厌傻瓜一样的我 不懂你内心uadf8ub807uac8c ub9ceuc774 uc544ud504uac8c ud588ub098ubd10看起来很疼的样子ub124uac00 uc544ub2c8uc600ub2e4uba74 ubab0ub790uc744 ud589ubcf5uc778ub370如果不是你 我不懂得幸福uc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuc558uc5b4 ub2c8uac00 uc0acub791uc774ub780 uac78现在我懂了 就是爱你uace0ub9c8uc6cc uc18cuc911ud55c uc0acub791uc744 uac00ub974uccd0uc918谢谢 教会我珍贵的爱情uace0ub9c8uc6cc uc774uc820 ub0b4uac00 ub354 uc0acub791ud560uac8c谢谢 现在我会更加爱你One More Time One More Time ub2e4uc2dc ud55cubc88 ub0b4uacc1uc73cub85c uc640 uc904 uc218 uc5c6uaca0ub2c8你能再一次回来我身边么uc5b8uc81cub098 ub108ub9ccuc744 uc0acub791ud574无论什么时候 我只爱你ub2a6uc740 uc774 ud6c4ud68cub9ccud07c ub354 uc0acub791ud560uac8c虽然后悔晚了 我只爱你One More Time One More Time uc0acub791ud574 ub110 uc0acub791ud574爱你 我爱你uc774ub7f0 ub0a0uc744 ub2e4uc2dc ubc1buc544 uc904 uc218 uc5c6uaca0ub2c8可以再一次接受这样的日子吗uc5b8uc81cub098 ub0b4uac8c uc900 uadf8 uc0acub791无论什么时候 你给的爱ub0b4uac00 ub2e4 uac1auc744 uc218 uc788uac8c ud5c8ub77dud574uc918我都会补偿给你 请允许我ub0b4 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544uc918请抓住我的手

one more time 中文歌词 (Chante Moore & Kenny G版)

[00:30.95]I lie half awake, late at night 我半睡半醒的躺着,直到深夜[00:40.74]I reach out to touch you 我伸出手臂去触碰你[00:44.00]feel you by my side 感觉好像你就在我的身旁[00:48.99]and I reach, and I reach, 我摸啊摸啊[00:54.08]but I never get to feel you 可我一直没有感觉到你[00:58.95]Will I ever get to feel you again, again 我能再感受你一次吗,再一次 [01:12.28]Just one more time只要一次 [01:15.40]One more moment 再一次这样的时刻[01:18.62]To take you in my arms 把你拥抱在怀里[01:22.86]One more chance 再一次的机会[01:25.22]One more kiss 再一次的吻[01:27.71]Before I wake to find you gone 在我醒来发现你已离去之前[01:32.47]One more time 再一次[01:35.06]Before I have to face another day, 在我必须去面对第二天[01:41.15]and my heart breaks again 我的心再一次破碎之前[01:50.26]It′s only a dream 这只是一个梦[01:53.18]but it′s all so real 但是却很真实[01:59.77]Don′t want it to end 不希望它会结束[02:02.81]but I know it will 但我知道它会的[02:07.71]So I pray, and I pray 所以我祈祷,祈祷[02:12.75]Every night I′m on my kness 每晚我跪着[02:17.75]Begging for the chance to see you 祈求那个能见到你的机会[02:22.74]again, again 再一次再一次[02:31.15]Just one more time 就再一次[02:34.00]One more moment 再一次这样的时刻[02:37.41]To take you in my arms 把你拥入我的怀里[02:41.64]One more chance 再一次的机会[02:43.96]One more kiss 再一次的吻[02:46.49]Before I wake to find you gone 在我醒来发现你已离去之前[02:51.45]One more time 再一次[02:53.89]Before I have to face another day, 在我必须去面对第二天[02:59.98]and my heart breaks again我的心再一次破碎之前[03:06.29] [03:16.29] [03:26.29]Oh one more time 再一次[03:28.45]Before I have to face another day, 在我必须去面对第二天[03:34.55]and my heart breaks again 我的心再一次破碎之前 [03:42.17]again...

One More Time 歌词

歌曲名:One More Time歌手:Daft Punk专辑:Top of the Pops 2000One more time...One more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah...One more timeOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeah, all rightDon"t stop dancingOne more timeWe gonna celebrateOh yeahDon"t stop dancingOne more timeUhmmm...Dance feelin"Celebration tonightCelebrateDon"t wait to leaveUhmmm... noHe don"t stopYou can stopWe gonna celebrateOne more timeOne more timeOne more timeCelebrationYou know it"s gonna cool the lightTonightEh! Is feelingMusic"s got me feeling the needInAirCome on, all rightWe gonna celebrateOne more timeCelebrate and dance are freeMusic"s got me feeling so freeCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebrateCelebrate and dance are freeOne more timeMusic"s got me feeling so freeWe gonna celebratehttp://music.baidu.com/song/59392417
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