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电影confidential assignment什么意思



这么长的文字翻译,LZ不给点分,有点不够意思。 (a) “Confidential Information” shall mean any information, whether furnished in writing, orally or electronically, concerning the business, assets, financial condition, or operations of the Disclosing Party which is furnished or otherwise made available to the Receiving Party or its Representatives by or on behalf of the Disclosing Party, but shall not include information which (i) was already lawfully in the possession of the Receiving Party at the time of disclosure by the Disclosing Party, or (ii) is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure by the Receiving Party or its Representatives in violation of this Agreement, or (iii) is or becomes available to the Receiving Party on a non-confidential basis from a source other than the Disclosing Party or its Representatives provided that such source is not known by the Receiving Party to be bound by a confidentiality agreement with the Disclosing Party or (iv) is independently developed by the Receiving Party without regard to information concerning the Disclosing Party provided to the Receiving Party hereunder. (a)保密信息是指任何与披露方商务、资产、财务状况或者运营有关以书面、口头或者电子形式提供的信息,这些信息由披露方或其代表向接受方提供,但不包括(i)披露方披露时接受方已经合法拥有;或(ii)已经向大众公开,除非是接受方或其代表违反本协议公开的,或(iii)从披露方或其代表以外的其他来源以非保密方式已经向接受方或其代表公开,倘若接受方并不知道受该来源与披露方保密协议的约束,或(iv)由接受方独立开发,未曾虑及与披露方向接受方提供的下述信息有关的信息 (b) “Disclosing Party” shall mean the party disclosing any Confidential Information under this Agreement.披露方是指在本协议下披露任何保密信息的那方。 (c) “Receiving Party” shall mean the party receiving any Confidential Information under this Agreement. 接受方是指在本协议下接受任何保密信息的那方。 (d) “Representative” shall mean the shareholders, directors, officers, employees, affiliates, representatives (including, without limitation, financial advisors, attorneys, and accountants) or agents of a person or entity.代表是指股东、董事、官员、职工、隶属机关、代表(包括不限于财务顾问、代理和会计)、或者个人或实体的代理人。2. The Receiving Party agrees that the Confidential Information will be used solely for the purpose of evaluating its interest in entering into a Business Relationship with the Disclosing Party, and that such information will be kept confidential by the Receiving Party and its Representatives at all times following such disclosures; provided, however, that (a) any of such information may be disclosed to the Receiving Party"s Representatives who need to know such information for the purpose of evaluating a possible Business Relationship between the Disclosing Party and the Receiving Party (it being understood that such Representatives shall be informed by the Receiving Party of (i) the confidential nature of such information and (ii) the terms of this Agreement and the obligation of confidentiality undertaken by the Receiving Party under this Agreement, and shall agree to comply with the terms set forth herein), and (b) any disclosure required by applicable law or legal proceedings may be made, subject to compliance with this Agreement.但是,倘若(a)为评估披露方和接受方商务关系可能性,需要向那些需要了解保密信息的接收方代表披露该保密信息(可以理解为该代表应该被接收方告知(i)信息的保密性质(ii)本协议下接受方承担的协议条款及保密责任,并同意遵守此处阐明的条款),并且(b)在遵守本协议的条件下,必须依法进行披露。接受方同意保密信息将仅用于与披露方建立商务关系的利益评估、并在保密信息披露后,由接受方或其代表始终保持保密状态.LZ要是满意的话,给点追加奖励哦!


british adj.1.不列颠的,英国的2.不列颠人的,英国人的3.英联邦的4.古英语的;英国英语的n.1.〈集合词〉英国人;英联邦人2.英国英语;古英语 english adj.1.英格兰(人)的;英国(人)的2.英语的n.1.英语2.英国人〔总称〕,英国人民;英军3.【印】十四点活字4.〈美〉(打网球,弹子球时的)旋转运动v.使成英国式,使英国化 English指的是英语或英国人.British指的是不列颠人.England英格兰是由英格兰、苏格兰和北爱尔兰构成,合成大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,英语为U.K.只是中国人习惯统称英国,所以有了统称为英国人English.

highly confidential是什么意思



这个信息(包括任何附件)所包含的信息可予以保密. 除非你是收件人(或授权,以获得预定接受者) ,你可能不阅读,打印 保存,使用,拷贝,分发或透露任何讯息或任何电文所含信息. 如果您收到的讯息有误,请告知汇款人所回复的电子邮件, 并销毁所有拷贝的原始信息(包括任何附件) .








一、UK是英国全称“大不列颠和北爱尔兰联合王国”的“TheUnited Kingdom ”的英文缩写.英国包括大不列颠岛(Great Britain)和北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland),其中大不列颠岛包括英格兰(England)、苏格兰(Scotland)和威尔士(Wales).或者说英国有英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰四个行政区域.大不列颠有时代指英国(朗文词典Briu2027tain解释为Great Britain or the UK)二、British 一般写作the British [ plural ] 朗文词典解释为peoplefrom Britain 不列颠人;relating to Britain or its people : 不列颠(人)的三、English兰文词典解释为1 [uncountable and countable ] the language used in Britain,the US, Australia, andsome other countries :不列颠、美国、澳大利亚等国使用的语言2 the English [ plural ] people from England 英格兰人四、Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰自治区(在爱尔兰东北部)Irish爱尔兰人

英语翻译歌词《 High School Confidential》 中英对照。谢谢~

High School Confidential - Carole Pope 高中机密——卡罗尔教皇 He"s a cool blond scheming trick 他是一个凉爽的金发碧眼的诡计多端的诡计 You want him so much 你想要他那么多 You feel sick 你感到不舒服 The boy can"t help it 那个男孩没办法 He really can"t help it now 他真的忍不住了 Teenage brandos stalk him in the halls 他在青少年brandos茎大厅 They tease him with cat calls 他们取笑他的猫的电话 He"s a combination 他是一个组合 Tom Cruise Zack O"Tool 汤姆·克鲁斯扎克"Tool啊! High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 What"s that man doin with him 那是什么人跟他来往 It"s that guy 这是那个家伙 And he"s screwin with him 他的screwin与他同在 Can he feel the sex and sweat 他能感觉到性与汗水 He makes you cream your jeans 他让你把牛仔裤 So you won"t forget 这样你就不会忘记 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 He drives a loaded jeep 他开一辆满载的吉普车 With seats in the back 后面的座位 If you don"t do him soon 如果你不帮他很快 You"ll have a heart attack 你将会有一个心脏病发作 When he flashes you a look 当他思绪闪你看一看 You wanna burn his books 你想烧他的书 Give up high school 放弃高中 Well well well well 嗯嗯 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 Well well well well 嗯嗯 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密 High School 高中 High School Confidential 高中机密




前者 包括 后者









outlook confidential 怎么设置




keep confidential是什么意思

keep confidential 英[ki:p u02ccku0254nfiu02c8denu0283u0259l] 美[kip u02cckɑnfu026au02c8du025bnu0283u0259l] [词典] 保守秘密; [例句]We agree to keep confidential all your technical information and know-how.我们同意对你方的所有技术信息和技术诀窍保密。




你的打印机是爱普生的吗? 那就是打印驱动问题. 在打印机属性里可以去掉.


  british是英国。英国全称为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),本土位于欧洲大陆西北面的不列颠群岛,被北海、英吉利海峡、凯尔特海、爱尔兰海和大西洋包围。   英国:   英国是由大不列颠岛上的英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰以及一系列附属岛屿共同组成的一个西欧岛国。除本土之外,其还拥有十四个海外领地,总人口超过6600万,其中以英格兰人(盎格鲁-撒克逊人)为主体民族,占全国总人口的83.9%。   1688年的光荣革命确立了君主立宪政体,18世纪60年代至19世纪30年代成为世界上第一个完成工业革命的国家,国力迅速壮大。18世纪至20世纪初期英国统治的领土跨越全球七大洲,是当时世界上最强大的国家和第一大殖民帝国,其殖民地面积等于本土的111倍,号称日不落帝国。在两次世界大战中都取得了胜利,但国力严重受损。到20世纪下半叶大英帝国解体,资本主义世界霸权的地位被美国取代。不过,现在英国仍是一个在世界范围内有巨大影响力的大国。   英国是一个高度发达的资本主义国家,欧洲四大经济体之一,其国民拥有极高的生活水平和良好的社会保障制度。作为英联邦元首国、七国集团成员国、北约创始会员国、英国同时也是联合国安全理事会五大联合国安全理事会常任理事国之一。   当地时间2020年1月31日23点(北京时间2月1日早上7点),英国正式脱离欧洲联盟。



strictly private amp;confidential是什么意思

strictly private amp;confidential 严格保密的confidential 英[u02ccku0252nfu026au02c8denu0283l] 美[u02cckɑ:nfu026au02c8denu0283l] adj. 机密的; 秘密的; 表示信任的; 亲密的; [例句]She accused them of leaking confidential information about her private life她指责他们泄露其私生活的秘密。

Confidential 歌词

歌曲名:Confidential歌手:The Radiators专辑:Zig-Zaggin" Through Ghostland作词:町田纪彦作曲:町田纪彦编曲:ha-j朝 起きて 窓の外を见たそこには 澄んだ空気と 太阳の光りで辉く雪の世界があるそう 思うと 心が踊る水たまりにできた 氷の中自分の姿を 映す 自信は无いけどきっと 未来の私が见えるはずそして 明日を 信じて歌ってみたり 涙 流してみたり永远の空 静かに降る雪あと どれくらい 朝をむかえたら 大人になるのかな今日の秘密を あなたに おくる冬をむかえた 木を见ていると 寂しく思う明りを消して 雪の降る 音を闻いて风に揺れるブランコも外灯の光りも 私の心の様でもっと あなたの事を 知りたいよ何を思い考えて 何を感じているの永远の空 静かに降る雪あと どれくらい 朝をむかえたら 大人になるのかな今日の秘密を あなたに おくる终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8239829

private 和confidential 区别

第一个是精密 单独空间的意思 另一个是机密

Confidential 歌词

歌曲名:Confidential歌手:Peter White专辑:Confidential作词:町田纪彦作曲:町田纪彦编曲:ha-j朝 起きて 窓の外を见たそこには 澄んだ空気と 太阳の光りで辉く雪の世界があるそう 思うと 心が踊る水たまりにできた 氷の中自分の姿を 映す 自信は无いけどきっと 未来の私が见えるはずそして 明日を 信じて歌ってみたり 涙 流してみたり永远の空 静かに降る雪あと どれくらい 朝をむかえたら 大人になるのかな今日の秘密を あなたに おくる冬をむかえた 木を见ていると 寂しく思う明りを消して 雪の降る 音を闻いて风に揺れるブランコも外灯の光りも 私の心の様でもっと あなたの事を 知りたいよ何を思い考えて 何を感じているの永远の空 静かに降る雪あと どれくらい 朝をむかえたら 大人になるのかな今日の秘密を あなたに おくる终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8973314


adj.秘密的; 机密的; 表示信任的; 亲密的;



proprietary and confidential是什么意思

proprietary and confidential专有和机密重点词汇proprietary专有的,专利的; 所有的; 专卖的; 所有权,所有物; 所有人; 专卖药品

outlook2007中,private ,personal ,confidential有什么区别

private强调是个人隐私的,私密的,是你不愿公开透露让过多人知道的personal强调是个人的,与隐私不一定有关,只是与你个人有关的 查看原帖>>







爱普生 打印机打每一份都会出现confidential是怎么回事


confidential nature 是什么意思



是 public 

爱普生 打印机打每一份都会出现confidential是怎么回事


outlook邮件设置confidential 附件能保存吗


private and confidential是什么意思

private and confidential 机密

confidential information是什么意思?




ganey tikva在以色列哪里

Ganei Tikva (Hebrew: u05d2u05b7u05bcu05e0u05b5u05bcu05d9 u05eau05b4u05bcu05e7u05b0u05d5u05b8u05d4u200e, lit. Gardens of Hope; Arabic: u063au0646u064a u062au064au0643u0641u0627u200eu200e) is a local council in Israel, bordering Kiryat Ono to the west, Petah Tikva to the north, Gat Rimon to the east and Savyon to the south.


confidential[英][u02ccku0252nfu026au02c8denu0283l][美][u02cckɑ:nfu026au02c8denu0283l]adj.秘密的; 机密的; 表示信任的; 亲密的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Many disclaimers--particularly of the "this is confidential. 许多免责声明,尤其是诸如“这是机密。


adj. 机密的;表示信任的;获信任的


particularly=especially指“特别、尤其”既可用于正式问题,也可用于日常口语 extremely 是“极端地,极度地,非常地” 哦,补充一下, especially,particularly,specially 均可表“特别地”. especially一般表示某事物在意义、程度、重要性性超过其他事物.如:I love Italy,especially in summer.(我喜欢意大利,尤其在夏天.) particularly往往着重说明与同类事物不同的个别事物.如:The visitors admired his paintings,but particularly the portrait of his daughter.(来访者赞赏他所有的绘画,特别是他女儿的画像.) specially 多表示“专门地”,“为特别目的的地”,如表“不寻常”,“过分”等,可与especially通用.如:I made chocolate cake specially for you.(我特地为你做了巧克力蛋糕.) 希望对你有用.


辨析: special adj.特殊的,特别的,专门的(反义词:ordinary.),强调的是事物特有的性质、性格或专门的目的、用途. especial adj.特别的,主要的,突出的(反义词:common),强调的是重要性,有“优越”、“好感”之意. particular adj.特别的,讲究的,挑剔的,强调“特定的”,“个别的”,“与众不同的”. You must have special permission to enter this room.你必须得到特许才能进这个房间. He solved the problem of especial importance.他解决了非常重要的问题. It happened on that particular day.事情发生在那个特别的日子. Adv. Especially 与particularly同义,意为“特别地、 尤其地”而specially则为“专门地” 【变式题l】I‘m sorry you don"t like the skirt._______because he bought it______for you. A.specially:specially B.especially:specially C.particularly:especially D.specially:especially .special(ly), especial(ly), particular(ly) 【分析比较】 special(ly)指非一般、非正常、非广泛,主要含义为“专为”“特殊. especial(ly)指的是非普通、非寻常,主要解释为“尤其”,一般不能与special(ly)混用. special(ly)和especial(ly)在数量、程度等方面表示“例外,格外,过分”的意思时,一般可以互换.particular(ly)“尤其,特别,格外”,通常指以不同寻常的方式突出某一事物的个性或独之处,它常与especial(ly)通用.但它更强调与众不同. 例:I came here specially to ask for your advice. 我是专程来这里向你请教的. The desk has a special lock. 这书桌有把特殊的锁. I think this is a matter of especial importance. 我认为这是一件特别重要的事. The Great Wall had been added to, especially during the Ming Dynasty. 长城不时得到扩建、重建和修缮,尤其是在明朝. These books will be particularly helpful to those who wish to improve their English. 这些书 对那些希望提高英语水平的人来说特别有用.


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: special,particular,peculiar,especial,specific的区别 解析: special, especial, specific, particular, exceptional, extraordinary, peculiar 这些形容词均含“特殊的,特别的”之意。special〓普通用词,指不同于一般、与众不同,着重事物的专门性,突出与一般不同。 especial和special含义很接近,较正式,但侧重有特殊的意义或重要性。 specific〓着重指某种、某类事物具有的特殊或特定的属性,也可指专门提出作特别考虑的事物。 particular〓侧重不同于普遍性的个性或特殊性。 exceptional〓指不同于一般,本身是特别的或异常的事物。 extraordinary〓语气比exceptional强,指极大地超过一般或正常情况。 peculiar〓强调指与众不同或独特的意思,古怪的,不寻常的. 副词 specially, especially, particularly 这些副词均可表示“特别地”之意。 specially〓着重为做某事而“专门地、特意地”,相当于on purpose。 especially〓较多地用于正式文体,侧重超过其它全部,突出到“特别地”的程度,相当于in particular。 particularly〓用来指同类中特别突出的一个。

I love mid autumn festival.中为什么季节前不加the?

句子的意思是我爱中秋节。中秋节是个节日,是中国的传统节日,不是季节,其实是要加the的。正确的应该是:I love the Mid Autumn Festival.一般来说 ,中国传统节日的名称前通常要加the而外国的节日就不用加定冠词的。但西方的节日,或者中国和西方共有的节日都不加冠词。例如,感恩节:Thanksgiving Day。为什么中国传统节日要加the。the的基本用法是特指。如果在英语国家,如果是西方人的节日,大家都知道,聊天无需特指。但是提到英语文化之外的节日时,如中国的春节,中秋节等,需要加上the来表示特指。西方传统节日并且一般以Day结尾都不加冠词MayDayMother"sDayChildren"s DayFather"s DayNational Day EasterChristmasHalloweenThanksgiving Day中国传统节日以Festival结尾要加定冠词thethe Spring Festivalthe Dragon-Boat Festival与西方相似的或通用的一些节日译成英语时常用Day,不用Festival,此时其前通常也不用冠词。New Year"s DayNational Day Children"s Day

lunatica的新碟new shores歌词哪有?

Lunatica-《New Shores》1.New shoresA brand new thought is born in our minds,Growing and taking clear shapeWill you reach for our hands and believeThat we are leading you up to new shores?Caged, awakeSo come with us on a journey to irrationality.Dreams and history, the adventure of your life!Let yourself go, take a step into our world of melodies!That"s where hope means everythingEveryone can live their own dreamsIt"s just a matter of willTake a step ahead, don"t look backMay the wind be our eternal guideSo come with us on a journey to irrationality.Dreams and history, the adventure of your life!Let yourself go, take a step into our world of melodies!That"s where hope means everythingFollow your heart, lift your voice!Music can open a doorIt"s the oldest way of expressing our feelingsUp to new shores! We"ll go ahead2.Two DreamersYou"ve always had the gift to make people smileYou rest inside yourself so naturallyMaybe sometimes you are far too sensitive, you know?But that"s why you mean so much to meYou helped me to believe that there"s nothing that"s impossibleYou always knew that dreams are made for living them each dayYou get what you deserve, that"s an old law and the simple truthIf someone knows your deepest thoughts there"s nothing more to sayYour eyes are curious and so is your mindYou want to understand the nature of all thingsYou"re such an artist in everything you doIt is a blessing to be loved by youYou helped me to believe that there"s nothing that"s impossibleYou always knew that dreams are made fir living them each dayYou get what you deserve, that"s an old law and the simple truthIf someone knows your deepest thoughts there"s nothing more to say3.How Did It Come To ThisYou left me brokenTorn up insideAnd the sky has darkenedLike I"m buried aliveThis scar won"t stop to bleedBut I can"t make a soundTry to say what I feelBut nothing comes outHow did it come to this?I"m trapped behind these wallsI got on air to breatheIt"s like I"m under waterCan you hear me?My silent screamCan you hear me?My silent screamTry to reach the surfaceBut something pulls me downAnd there"s a voice withinDying to come outIn the corners of my headThe silence is so loudHow did it come to this?I"m trapped behind these wallsI got on air to breatheIt"s like I"m under waterCan you hear me?My silent screamCan you hear me?My silent screamCalling for yourBut I can"t break throughWill I be rescued?Before it"s too lateHow did it come to this?I"m trapped behind these wallsI got no air to breatheIt"s like I"m under waterCan you hear me?My silent screamCan you hear me?My silent scream4.The IncrediblesOnce upon a time there wasA planet so tiny and blueIt was perfect place to beBut one life form on it wanted moreBut they don"t see that it"s half past twelveTo run a blind eye is the easier wayAs lone as they feel safe in their bedsThere"s no need to wake up from their dreamBut the truth no longer hidesThey must see what they"ll leave behindWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightNow the planet is striking backAnd, of course, the lamenting is bigGlobal warming, pollution as wellIs no enough to make them understandThat now is the time to changeTheir behavior and world"s fateWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things right5.My Hardest WalkMy thoughts afre bothering me,there"s no sleep this nightWill be strong enough to rule the land?After this I"ll never be the same againMy whole life I was prepared for this one dayI was born with this dignityI will lead them to victoryIn my heart and my soulI know we have to win this fightFace the day with serenityIt"s a matter of destinyCome what may I will do my bestTo banish the eternal nightWhen the morning come I"ll be the next queenI must lead thousands to an unknown fateI know they"ll follow me wherever I may goAnd it"s pressing heavily upon my heartI was born with this dignityI will lead them to victoryIn my heart and my soulI know we have to win this fightFace the day with serenityIt"s a matter of destinyCome what may I will do my bestTo banish the eternal nightNow the moment is hereI"m on the crucial walkA thousand eyes are followingMy steps towards the swordForged by the GodsI was born with this dignityI will lead them to victoryThat"s the way that I have to goI know we have to win this fightFace the day with serenityIt"s a matter of destinyBecause I know there"s no timeTo take a restTo banish the eternal night6.Farewell My LoveI"ve been felling so uncertainSince the day you left my lifeNow I"m standing at the crossroadsNo direction left to goI"ve been thinking about the good timesAnd I"ve cried a lake of tearsIf loosing you is just a nightmareI hope I"ll wake up by your sideFarewell my loveForgive the things I"ve done to youMay your days be warm and brightMay your journey lead you to the lightSo many words have been left unspokenAnd some words were far too muchMaybe sometimes love is hurtingBut it"s the sweetest pain I knowFarewell my loveForgive the thins I"ve done to youMay your days be warm and brightMay your journey lead you to the light7.The Chosen OnesIn times of fear and loss, of strving and of pain,Struggling to escape from here, but trying in vainA group of the bravest men, born to change this plightAwaited but not expected, they came to turn things rightThey are the chosen ones, oh can"t you seeBorn to bring the light and end the miseryThe seed of hope is sown, it"s time for braveryFreedom to the land shall com, and no more slaveryThey are the chosen ones, oh can"t you seeBorn to bring the light and end the miserySeasons are changing, so is mankindFeelings unbound, setting free our mindsWhat does mankind want? What do they need?We all wan somebody to trust in.Someone to follow who leads us in hard times,who makes us believe in our strength, in ourselves.They are the chosen ones, oh can"t you seeBorn to bring the light and end the misery8.Heart Of A LionBroken heart broken dreamsNo idea of what love meansA girl on the run with much hope left insideShes alone that night but the starlight guidesHer small steps on this road leading back to youShes a fighter burns brighterThe heart of a lionAnd shes trying to get over you, my friendShes a dreamer, believerHer faith doesn"t leave herYou"re no longer part of her life, oh noNo more fear no more liesNo more tears in her eyesA new day has come with new chances in sightBack on her feet again she"s made a brand new startTo explore the whole world and the secrets withinShe"s a fighter burns brighterThe heart of a lionAnd shes trying to get over you, my friendShe"s a dreamer, believerHer faith doesn"t leave herYou"re no longer part of her life, oh noDon"t you keep waiting!You can"t hold her tightShe"s a leaf in the wind, she"s broken her chainsShes a fighter burns brighterThe heart of a lionAnd shes trying to get over you, my friendShe"s a dreamer, believerHer faith doesn"t leave herYou"re no longer part of her life, oh no9.Into The DissonanceInto the dissonance I fallCarried by an instant forceCraving for harmonyBut playing the oddsI see a light in the tunnelBut I step to the leftPut my hands to my hipsAnd do the danceI can"t hear you ground controlAnd it seems they cut the ropeWeightless I seem to fallAnd it feels so goodInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna lose controlBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonanceYes life was good to me i knowAnd I don"t wanna let it goI will come back soonAnd try againI"d be a raving fool to sayThat i wish it all awayYes i knew the consequencesLike i knew the gainsDo you think I"m out of tune?Or these tones don"t fit the songJust a little melodyIn a much bigger symphonyInto the dissonance I fallAnd I don"t wanna lose controlBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonanceInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna let it goBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonantSet me free please could youExorcise me and iStart again please help meInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna lose controlBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonanceInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna let it goBut every moment i enjoyWill keep it dissonant10.Winds Of HeavenThere is no place for meHere in this lunacyIts getting harder to breatheAnd hold my screamsI might"ve made it throughIf I"d just talked with youNow it"s too late to pursueOr hold this dreamOh, but I"d love to flyUp to the starry skyStep through the open doorLet the winds of heaven roarI might"ve been someoneBut I was on the runNow that it"s said and doneI"m free to stopOh, but I"d love to flyTo to the starry skyStep through the open doorLet the winds of heaven roar11.The Day The Falcon Dies100 years we are bound on this spellLovers separated in a cruel wayWhat did we do to deserve such a fate?Somebody free us before it"s too leateI"m the falcon and you are the wolfNever human shape at the same timeEach dawn some minutes is all that remainsI fear the daylightWith first sunshine I spread my wingsWatching over you and every step you takeAt night I can"t sleep, I know you are nearI listen to your howling, my eyes filled with tearsI"m the falcon and you are the wolfNever human shape at the same timeEach dawn some minutes is all that remainsI fear the daylightThe day the falcon dies I will be free(我找个歌词不容易,如果有人要引用请标明)

Floating Off The Ground 中英文歌词

sundays don"t come so easilywaiting for monday tobut i keep running on lowit"s not like i"m running on emptyit just seems to be when you leave me i feel so aloneand i don"t wanna waste another moment when you look into my eyes(look into my eyes)and i can"t wait to spend another moment waiting for the surprisei"m never gonna leavedon"t wanna leave it all behindand i don"t wanna look downbaby cos this defines livingi"ve never been so highi feel like we can go anywherecos it feels like i"m walking on airmust of made a reservation with the cloudsyou got me floating off the ground (oh)you got me floating off the groundwilling to stand out in the freezing cold for youyou would be the only one wearing my coatif only know why, we try to stay alive and thrive on love and what we make of life(ooh right now)and i don"t wanna waste another moment when you look into my eyes(look into my eyes)and i can"t wait to spend another moment living for the surprisei"m never gonna leavedon"t wanna leave it all behindand i don"t wanna look downbaby cos this defines livingi"ve never been so highi feel like we can go anywherecos it feels like i"m walking on airmust of made a reservation with the cloudsyou got me floating off the groundyou got me floating off the ground (oh oh oh)can"t stand this waiting stagesyou"re a away, i"m homei"m gone, you"re homewe fall in love in phaseseach one gets stronger every time we fallcan"t stand this waiting stagesyou"re a away, i"m homei"m gone, you"re homewe fall in love in phaseseach one gets stronger every time we falli"m never gonna leavedon"t wanna leave it all behindand i don"t wanna look downbaby cos this defines livingi"ve never been so highi feel like we can go anywherecos it feels like i"m walking on airmust of made a reservation with the cloudsyou got me floating off the groundi"m never gonna leavedon"t wanna leave it all behindand i don"t wanna look downbaby cos this defines livingi"ve never been so highi feel like we can go anywherecos it feels like i"m walking on airmust of made a reservation with the cloudsyou got me floating off the ground(没找到中文,将就看吧!)

particularly 与 especially有何区别?

especially, particularly, specially 均可表“特别地”。 especially一般表示某事物在意义、程度、重要性性超过其他事物。如:I love Italy, especially in summer.(我喜欢意大利,尤其在夏天。) particularly往往着重说明与同类事物不同的个别事物。如:The visitors admired his paintings, but particularly the portrait of his daughter.(来访者赞赏他所有的绘画,特别是他女儿的画像。)




particularly 与 especially的区别如下:especially adv.特别;尤其;格外particularly adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地 1. 强调程度时  当用于形容词或副词前,强调程度(通常译为“特别”)时,三者都可用。如:  It is particularly [especially, specially] cold today. 今天特别冷。  I was feeling particularly [especially, specially] tired this evening. 今天晚上我特别累。  有时还可修饰动词。如:  I especially [particularly, specially] want to see that film. 我特别想看那部电影。  2. 强调目的时  当用于强调目的(意为“特意”、“专门”)时,通常用specially 或especially,一般与表目的的不定式或介词for短语连用。如:  I was asked specially to meet her. 特意要我去接她。  We bought it specially [especially] for you. 这是我们特意为你买的。  The book is written especially [specially] for children. 这本书是专门为孩子们写的。  3. 表示列举时  当用于陈述某一事实之后,列举一个具有代表性的例子作进一步强调时,一般用 especially,有时也用 particularly,其后可接名词、介词短语、从句等。如:  We want to invite some friends, especially Jim and John. 我们想邀请几个朋友,尤其是吉姆和约翰。  Noise is unpleasant, especially when you"re trying to sleep. 噪音是令人不愉快的,尤其是当你想入睡的时候。  The children enjoyed watching the animals, especially [particularly] the monkeys. 孩子们喜欢观看动物,尤其是猴子。

以A Train Floating On Air为题目的英语阅读理解及其答案

A Train Floating On Air A train that floats on air? It" s not magic — it" s magnets(磁).And it" s close to reality. In Virginia USA the fall of 2002, a train with no wheels traveled on air and carried college students across their campus.In Japan, a whisper - quiet railway engine hovered and raced at 350 miles per hour using magnets and electricity as the power.And in China, a magnet train line linked Shanghai with nearby Pudong Airport.These trains use magnetic levitation(悬浮)technology, "maglev" for short.They use the same rules as the magnets you pick up at home or school: opposite poles of magnets attract each other, and like poles repel each other.How does it work? Powerful magnets on the bottom of the train repel magnets on the track, which is actually just a magnet - filled guiding way. With a magnetic field of sufficient force, the train will go hovering on air, which seemed impossible to us in the past.When an electrical current is sent through the track, the train moves.Turn the current backwards and the train slows down. Maglev doesn"t rely on the friction(摩擦力)of wheels on track, so it can climb a much steeper hill than a traditional train.And it can travel easily in snow and ice, something that could bring normal trains to a screaming stop.49.This passage is about .A.maglev B.magnets C.levitation D.electricity50.Which of the following is a repelling action?51.What can we learn from the text?A.A magnet - filled guiding way is formed inside a maglev train.B.Instead of electricity, magnets are used as the power of a maglev.C.Maglev trains can climb hills with the help of magnet wheels.D.Electric currents decide the movements of a maglev train.52.What is the difference between a maglev train and an ordinary train?A..A maglev train can climb mountains without power while an ordinary one can" t.B.A maglev train can travel in college campus while an ordinary train is not allowed.C.Travelling without a track, a maglev train is safer and smoother than an ordinary one.D.Floating on a track, a maglev train is faster, quieter than an ordinary railway train.我帮你百度的,不知道是不是你想要的。。。

I feel as if I were floating on air.这句话好像单词用错了吧。


请教一下,greetings 和 regards 的区别是什么?

前面“曾老先生”说的不错,写信的时候,的确greetings在开头,regards在结尾; greeting(常用复数+s)表示的是欢迎或表达敬意的言语或行为; 因此常出现在与人接触的开头;它也表达一种良好的祝福或欢呼的情绪; 是一种对某种事情或情绪的高兴的相应; regards则是有两重意思:一种亲近的、尊重的态度,在信结尾,其实就等同于take care; 而它也表示一种关注,等同于pay attention to,这个时候,只是关注,是否敬意,不得而知; 它常用的成语或惯用法,as regards,in/with regard to.


你好,该词是由于对disappoint的名词形式不熟悉或拼写错误产生的;不存在此单词及对应的用法,正确的拼写方法应为disappointment。disappointment词义为“失望, 失意, 扫兴, 沮丧; 挫折;使人失望的人或事”。

求《Time goes by feat.Hydroponikz&Anika》歌词

对不起,只有英文版本: Writer"s block, sick of grippin" on this damn pencilMessin" with this man"s mental. I need to take a break.I got simple symptoms of a man, gentleStressing "cause my fam" miss you. I need to see your faceOn the Grand Central, navigation telling" me to drive slowThinkin" about all of the places I roam and people in my homeI wanna know why they come and goWhy I"m getting all these thoughts the piano and the drum evokeI"m reminded of the first time we spoke, how you loved theFirst rhyme I wrote, except the curses, but you loved the jokesHow you told me nights I wasn"t actin" rightNever letting me take some bad advice, we had our fights, butIt"s like your life was meant for you to be my mentor and my guardianThese feelings that I never want to enter in my heart againAre seeping in, I"m weakened, I"m alive but I"m coldI imagine you"re my passenger, reminisce on the road, back through timeChorus (Anika):Time, Time Goes ByStill I cryReminiscing "bout youAnd at night, I close my eyesAnd ask whyI have to live without you. (In My Life)Verse 2 (Hydroponikz):First Michael Jackson passes, now every day I"m askin"Why weren"t you able to stay?Days are only kind of better, so I"m writing you this letterFull of things I never got to say.First and foremost I love you and that never changesWhen you left, I couldn"t gauge it, the pain was outrageousBut now it"s kind of strange, you help me get through the days justBy thinking of your face and reminiscing through the pagesEverything I wrote and that I"m saying on them stagesI"m passionate, I hear your laugh again and little tracesOf your smile flicker through my closed eyes,Wishin" I could nose dive in your heart"s ocean and just float by,Who knows why I feel the way that I doI got more to say but I think that I"ll just save it for youFor that first day we meet again, the stories will be toldWe"ll be drivin" through our lives and reminisce on the road, back through timeBridge (Anika):Reminiscing on the better days, close my eyes and its like I can see your faceGrandpa always had a joke, I remember like it was yesterdayLast night when I fell asleep, I dreamed you were here right next to me.We were young playing in the street, just kicking it old school like this beat (this beat)Best friend always had my back, always real and Im really grateful for thatGood friends from back in the days, so no one can every, every take your placeSeems like all my inspiration is moving and leaving and passing onBright stars that inspire me, touch my life and next minute they"re gone

region 与 location 有何区别?


region 与 location 有何区别?

region 区域 location 位置

歌词有go on and on and on 的歌,男唱的美国的,不是Holding On And Letting Go 不是铁达利号的.

《give a little more》Maroon 5唱的You"ve been bad and it goes on and on and onTill you come home babe Till you come homeYou taste past the poison you learn to love has goneI"m all alone baby I"m all aloneI"m waiting for something always waitingFeeling nothing wondering if it"ll ever changeThen I give a little more oh babeOh give a little more oh babeI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveTill I get a little more from you babyOhGet a little more from you babyYou were wrong for turning me on and on and onAnd on and onYou make it so hardI"m waiting for something always waitingFeeling nothing wondering if it"ll ever changeThen I give a little more oh babeOhGive a little more oh babeI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveTill I get a little more from you babyOhGet a little more from you babyI have no defenseI know you"re gonna get me in the endAnd I cannot pretendI ever want to feel this way againI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveTill i get a little more from you babyOhGet a little more from you babyI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveTill i get a little more from you babyOhGet a little more from you baby

战舰世界critical error occurred错误怎么解决?





《Let It Be》是英国摇滚乐队The Beatles演唱的一首歌曲,由保罗·麦卡特尼填词、作曲并演唱,菲尔·斯派克特担任制作人,收录在乐队第12张录音室专辑《Let It Be》中,于1970年3月6日通过Apple唱片公司发布。创作背景1968年,保罗·麦卡特尼在创作《Let It Be》的时候,已是The Beatles乐队即将解散之际。乐队也因为多年没有现场演奏,失去了默契与凝聚力。这时保罗想起来母亲曾说过的一句话:“让一切都随其自然(Let it be)” ,深感绝望的他最初只是想记录他们的彩排和纪录片的内容,却最终以此为灵感创作完成了该曲。保罗表示,他创作这首歌时正值因为商业问题而沮丧之际,那是一段他人生中的黑暗时光,而创作《Let It Be》则是他驱逐这些恶魔的方法。




registration是名词n.注册, 报到, 登记register多种词性n.记录, 登记簿, 登记, 注册, 寄存器vt.记录, 登记, 注册, 提示, 把...挂号vi.登记, 注册, 挂号其中registration是由register变换来的,所以registration没有课变换的词;但是第二个词register是原型,他可以变换成其他的词汇,如registerable(形容词:可登记的)、registerer(名词:登记簿)

一首女声唱的英文歌。高潮有on the way也不知道是on my way或者是on the time

不知道有没有猜对,我猜是王心凌的《on my way》。链接:歌词:歌手:王心凌歌名:on my way走过跟你走过的街难过感伤一些有些事无法感谢我终于了解是我把爱弄得太完美多完美还是会枯萎你最后那一句再见才让我学会怎么放爱去飞擦干了眼泪我不要安慰日子会过去才对都是黑咖啡苦得让我今晚不能入睡不想活在重播的情节你知道我想着谁虽然梦想难免被现实打碎on my way我在美丽的世界回头对你说good-bye擦干了眼泪我不要安慰日子会过去才对都是黑咖啡苦得让我今晚不能入睡不想活在重播的情节不再跟自己责备换来伤悲天亮天黑on my way


n. 注册;登记处;挂号处;船舶的国籍 registryn. 注册;登记;挂号 registration你自己分析下吧。、

英语思维导图my vocation place怎么画




ALTIUM的库browse libraries不显示库文件

那就是库文件没有添加进来,到右边的库面板添加2个常用的库,Miscellaneous Devices,Miscellaneous Connectors,其他库用到时在添加进来。






limitation [lim·i·ta·tion || u201alu026amu026a"teu026au0283n]n. 限制, 限制因素; 极限, 限度; 局限; 追诉时效limit [lim·it || "lu026amu026at]n. 界限; 限制; 限度v. 限制; 限定

ALTIUM的库browse libraries不显示库文件


Poetry In Motion 歌词

歌曲名:Poetry In Motion歌手:Bobby Vee专辑:Very Best OfThere"s a whole lot of love in the world today,going around, it"ll come your way.the sun is back and it"s gonna stay,everybody wants some love sometimes.(poetry in motion)there"s the sound He feeling everywhere,reach out and fing love is in the air.the heart of the song is the life I swear,everybody needs some love sometimes.(poetry in motion)Ain"t it good to feel this way, ain"t it good to know,love is back and it"s gonna stay, love will bring a toll.Oo-oo-oooo poetry in motion (poetry in motion)Oo-oo-oooo poerry in motion (poetry in motion)The a valley of light from the mountain top,a message o love that?ll never stop.to have not to hold is the love you"ve got,everybody wants some love sometimes.(poetry in motion)Ain"t it good to feel this way, ain"t it good to know,love is back and it"s gonna stay, love will bring a toll.Oo-oo-oooo poetry in motion (poetry in motion)Oo-oo-oooo poerry in motion (poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)Ain"t it good to feel this way, ain"t it good to know,love is back and it"s gonna stay, love will bring a toll.Oo-oo-oooo poetry in motion (poetry in motion)Oo-oo-oooo poerry in motion (poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)(poetry in motion)http://music.baidu.com/song/2625270

A) particularlyB) specificallyC) apparentlyD) virtually

【答案】:C答案:C[试题分析] 副词辨析题。[详细解答] apparently adv.显然地,填入后符合句意,正好符合与前文flow on some days相对的要求。故答案为C。

Like many of my generation,I have a weakness for hero admiration.急求这句话及所属文章的翻译!加急!



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