barriers / 阅读 / 详情

A) particularlyB) specificallyC) apparentlyD) virtually

2023-07-08 22:10:17



[试题分析] 副词辨析题。

[详细解答] apparently adv.显然地,填入后符合句意,正好符合与前文flow on some days相对的要求。故答案为C。



adv. 无形; 无形中; 实际上,实质上,事实上,几乎; 全部释义>>[例句]Beijing claims virtually the entire south china sea.中国主张其对几乎整个南中国海拥有主权。
2023-07-08 21:10:372


2023-07-08 21:11:156

virtually 这个英语单词怎么读

英 [u02c8vu025c:tu0283uu0259li] 美 [u02c8vu025crtu0283uu0259li]谐音 我求了里
2023-07-08 21:11:313

[simply;absolutely;literally;virtually] 的意思

simplyadv. 简单地;仅仅;简直;朴素地;坦白地;absolutely完全地,绝对地;literally;照字面地,逐字逐句地virtually事实上,几乎,实质上
2023-07-08 21:11:463


2023-07-08 21:11:532


practically adv.几乎,差不多;实际上virtually adv.几乎;实际上;虚拟的在表达几乎;实际上时,二者是可以相互替换的,只不过practically偏向于口语化,virtually更加正式化。
2023-07-08 21:12:002


virtual "虚拟的" 的解释是特指电脑方面的. 比如说 virtual imagery (虚拟图像), virtual computing (模拟计算), virtual tour (虚拟游览), etcvirtual 的另一个意思是 "基本上", 类似于 almost. 很多情况下可以跟 almost 换着用.例句: Virtually/Almost everybody agrees (基本上每个人都同意). The work is virtually/almost finished (工作基本上已经完成了). It"s virtually/almost impossible (这基本上是不可能的)麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-08 21:12:371


virtually的意思实质上,你可以分成几部分来背,这个单词最好这样分‘vir",‘tua",‘lly" 这样分成3部分会好记很多
2023-07-08 21:13:251


2023-07-08 21:13:331


2023-07-08 21:13:401

无形的的英语翻译 无形的用英语怎么说

无形wú xínginvisible; intangible; imperceptibly; virtually:无形的枷锁 invisible shackles无形输出 invisible exports无形的价值 intangible value
2023-07-08 21:13:492

virtually;cultural ; actually 这英语怎么读?

2023-07-08 21:13:573

Virtually 和 actually的区别

两者都有实际上事实上的意思,此外,virtually 还有几乎的意思actually还有竟然的意思~(uff61uff65ωuff65uff61)uff89u2661
2023-07-08 21:14:301


2023-07-08 21:14:4110


virtual 和 practical 这一类的词都表示『非常接近实际(reality)』,但距离真正的 fact 还差那么一点意思( real 和 actual)。practical 一般指实践上的。而这一类词在作副词时都表示『几乎』的意思(通常在口语中用的比较多,有种夸张的意思在里头),例如 practically everyone 是『几乎所有人』,但事实上并非所有人。所以把 practically 翻译成 『实践中如此』、『简直』、『99%的事实上』都是没问题的,但翻译成『实际上的』是错的,可现实中能看到有很多这样的翻译。virtually 也是这个道理,你可以翻译成『几乎』、『简直就是实质上』,但从科学严谨的角度出发就是不能翻译成『实质上』。
2023-07-08 21:15:081

virtually ;cultural; actually 用谐音怎么读?

2023-07-08 21:15:195

virtual 两个意思怎么区别…

virtual 是接近事实上的,几乎是事实上的(你仔细体会一下,是不是有虚拟的感觉)关于这两个意思你记几个代表短语就好了1.“实际上的,事实的”多用,virtually= practically2.“虚拟的”virtual learning 是电脑学习virtual corporation 是虚拟公司至于其他的,遇到了再说,其实越扣越糊涂,你今天知道一点,明天知道一点,就会不断翻新理解,有一天你会恍然大悟,真正掌握这个词的。O(∩_∩)O~
2023-07-08 21:15:341


签署锑与(球员明星)签约 2.be重大影响 3.His费当时英国纪录的2800万美元。 4.Despite一再批评,阿一贯支持某人。 5.A正在努力争取.... 6.It的一个机会,锑体验教练风格..... 7.De123ce了商标他的团队。 8.But A的问题,在过去的一年是更多关于某物高于一切。 9 ,您最有机会赢得总冠军的是.... 10.The最大的问题仍然存在, ... 11.Will工人被确定与不必做更多的工作? 12.A主管计划,我们可以跟踪并获得成功的 13.government政策和市场力量 14.As远说,我要去做某事,没有任何具体的现在。 15.maximize的潜力,锑 16.focus许多人的注意 17.gain声誉被(人们)尊为..... 18.His的献身精神和爱的比赛赢得了尊重他人。 19.Unlike教育或业务,足球提供了一个快速通道的赤贫。 20.virtually 21.Analysts说,体育大会已成为一个社会电梯。提高人的社会地位 22.bold勘探 23.need发展,以满足/满足增加的需求。 24.at初级发展阶段 25.transient 26.I "米土生土长的江苏省 27.lifetime场合人生大事(结婚等) 28.The许多A一直在增加,在过去十年。 29.choose一个愉快,轻松地将做某事,而不是传统的约束, 30.Sun中山铺平了道路,向中的乌托邦,但只能显示它在纸面上。 31.A ,在一定程度上,缺乏想象力的西方人。 32.A相信它可以帮助改变中国的国家从衰败到了新的和新的。 33.Sci - Fi网络在20世纪70年代达到顶峰。科幻小说 34.Many公司使用的战术,旨在掩盖其意图,收集和利润的数据收集。 35.We已经尽提供的最新信息。 36.With的共同展望未来,二十一世纪将繁荣。 37.innovative 38.motivate某人做 39.provide容易获得英语教育学习者 40.The主办2008年奥运会 41.the SARS爆发 42.exert了很大的压力我做某事 43.The ....希望破灭时,我们听到这个消息。 44.I仍然得到了球迷的未来我。 45.I正在规划踢足球,只要我仍然喜欢它。 46.It是从来没有的路线赢得世界冠军头衔。 47.premarital *和智人*质量 48.My整个生命暴露在我的父母,我讨厌这种感觉。 49.Since他们有较少的自由,他们已经去追求它。 50.No疑问,信息技术的发展已contr123ted其位在扩大或弯曲的思想是80年代的一代人。
2023-07-08 21:15:422


2023-07-08 21:15:481


VIRTUAL是虚拟的意思啊= =
2023-07-08 21:15:596

we can no longer afford to consider water a virtually free resource of which

当consider作“认为uff64以为uff64把……看作”解时,有以下用法: 1. consider + 名词/代词(作宾语) + 名词(作宾语补足语)uff61例如: They all consider the boy a little hero. 他们都认为这孩子是位小英雄uff61 The students consider him a good teacher. 学生们认为他是个好老师uff61 2. consider + 名词/代词(作宾语) + 形容词(作宾语补足语)uff61例如: Do you consider him honest? 你认为他诚实吗? I consider the report false. 我认为这则报道是不真实的uff61 注意:以上两种句式中作宾语补足语的名词和形容词可转换为动词不定式短语uff61例如: I consider him ( to be ) a fool. 我认为他是个傻瓜uff61 They consider it ( to be) helpful. 他们认为它是有帮助的uff61 3. consider + 名词/代词(作宾语) + 动词不定式(作宾语补足语)uff61例如: They considered me to be in my thirties at first. 他们起初认为我30多岁uff61 We considered her to be writing the novel last year. 我们认为她去年在写这部小说uff61 She considered the machines to have been repaired. 她认为那些机器已被修好了uff61 I consider him to have done his best. 我认为他已经尽了最大努力uff61 4. consider + it(作形式宾语) + 名词/形容词(作宾语补足语) + 动词不定式(作真正宾语)uff61例如: I consider it necessary to telephone her. 我认为有必要给她打个电话uff61 Jenny considers it a great pleasure to work with Tom. 詹妮认为跟汤姆一起工作很愉快uff61 5. consider + 从句(作宾语)uff61例如: The young man considered he was a wise man. 那个年轻人认为他是睿智的人virtually是修饰free的。副词可以修饰形容词。
2023-07-08 21:16:151


virtual adj.(形容词)1.Existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form, or name:实质上的,实际上的:虽然没有实际的事实、形式或名义,但在实际上或效果上存在或产生的:1)She is the virtual president, thought her title is secretary.虽然她的头衔是秘书,她是实际上的董事长。2)the virtual president实际上的总统3)the virtual extinction of the buffalo.野牛实际上已经绝迹3.Existing in the mind, especially as a product of the imagination. Used in literary criticism of text.虚的,内心的:在头脑中存在的,尤指意想的产物。用于文学批评中【物】虚的【物】有效的virtual ampere [value]【电】有效安培[值]virtual displacement [work]【物】虚位移[功]virtual height【物】有效高度virtual image【物】虚像
2023-07-08 21:16:364


virtually 英[u02c8vu025c:tu0283uu0259li] 美[u02c8vu025atu0283uu0259li] adv. 实际上,实质上,事实上,几乎;无形中;无形 [例句]Beijing claims virtually the entire south china sea.中国主张其对几乎整个南中国海拥有主权。
2023-07-08 21:17:491


2023-07-08 21:17:561


虽然 字典一般都将 actually 和 virtually 译成「实际上」 但背后的含意并不是完全一样的。参考下例句就更清晰啦! ..................................................................................... Actually = in fact or really (adverb) dictionary.cambridge/define?key=895&dict=CALD I didn"t actually see her - I just heard her voice. 我没有真的与他见面 我只是听到她的声音。 So what actually happened? 实际上 发生了甚么事? ...................................................................................... Virtually = almost practically (adverb) dictionary.cambridge/define?key=88403&dict=CALD Their ins are virtually identical. 这对双胞胎的样子差不多完全一样。 That wine stain on my shirt has virtually disappeared. 那恤衫上的污迹差不多已完全减退。 This opinion was held by virtually all the experts. 差不多所有的专家都持这一看法。 ....................................................................................... 所以含意上系有出入的。 actually 解作「真的」 系 physically 真实的 (例: 亲眼的... ) 而 virtually 主要解作「差不多」 。 图片参考:.yimg/iugc/rte/ *** iley_1 virtually - as good as almost nearly actually - really truly in fact in truth The antonym (opposition) of virtually is actually
2023-07-08 21:18:291


2023-07-08 21:18:361


virtually 没有相反的意思。/u02c8vu025cu02d0tu0283u028au0259lu026a/ ADV You can use virtually to indicate that something is so nearly true that for most purposes it can be regarded as true. 事实上 [ADV with group]例:Virtually all cooking was done over coal-fired ranges.事实上所有的烹饪都是在烧煤的炉灶上完成的。
2023-07-08 21:18:481


2023-07-08 21:19:161

we can no longer afford to consider water a virtually free resource of which

2023-07-08 21:19:351

The small town has been virtually unchanged in the last ten years.

2023-07-08 21:19:491

virtually actually practically区别

actually 实际上,(在口语中用于强调事实)的确,真实的,事实上 They`re not married,actually. 他们实际上没有结婚. practically 实际上,几乎,差不多,很接近 practically empty 几乎空了
2023-07-08 21:19:571

It is virtually impossible to persuade him to apply for the job.

【答案】:B题意:说服他申请那项工作几乎是不可能的。句中virtually意为:事实上,几乎,实际上。A项simply意为:简单地,仅仅;例句:Some people travel simply to away from the hot weather.一些人旅游仅仅是为了避暑。B项almost意为:差不多,几乎;例句:The newsreel had almost finished when I went to the cinema.我到电影院的时候新闻片几乎要演完了。C项totally意为:完全地;例句:He was over eighty years of age,infirm and totally blind.他八十多岁了,身体虚弱,双目失明。D项completely意为:完全地,彻底地;例句:It"scompletely ruined,So we"ll have to start from scratch.它完全毁了,我们只好从头做起。故本题选B。
2023-07-08 21:20:041


2023-07-08 21:20:122


1D. classify2H. passion3B. pursue4K. fulfill5M. virtually6F.fascinating7O. prosperous8I. aquire9G. available10. attain
2023-07-08 21:20:271


v开头的有单词 valley 山谷,溪谷,流域;valuable 值钱的,有价值的
2023-07-08 21:20:532


因为那句话是virtually totally isolatedvirtually是几乎的意思,所以almost inaccessible就等于virtually totally isolated于是答案选Y
2023-07-08 21:21:021


hardlyadv.刚刚, 几乎不, 仅, 严厉的, 艰辛的He hardly ever eats meat.他几乎从来不吃肉。almostadv.几乎, 差不多We saw almost all of them.I almost fell.nearlyadv.几乎, 密切地用法同almost
2023-07-08 21:21:122

托福英语翻译一句话!TPO 2 阅读第一篇文章,

2023-07-08 21:21:181

a full corridor of exhinits

2023-07-08 21:21:331


简直的解释 (1) [simply;absolutely;literally;virtually] (2) 表示情况或行动确实是这样 他 干活 ,一个人简直抵过三个人 (3) 表示情况或行为差不多是这样 他 感动 得简直要哭出来 (4) 表示事物或 状态 达到的 程度 非常 高,相当于很、十分 他这个人简直不像话 (5) 在 某种 方言里,表示干脆如此,相当于索性 你现在简直说完了才走 (6) [good and]∶完全地,十足地 简直疯了 (7) [sketchy and blain]∶简明直截,不加修饰 议论 简直 详细解释 (1). 简朴 质直;直截了当。 唐 刘知几 《史通·论赞》 :“ 王劭 志在简直,言兼鄙野,苟得其理,遂忘其文。” 唐 皇甫枚 《三水小牍·郑大王聘严郜女为子妇》 :“ 许州 长葛 令 严郜 ,衣 冠族 也,立性简直,虽羁束於官署,常蓄退藏之心。” 宋 司马 光 《述< 国语 >》 :“故其辞语繁重,序事过详,不若 《春秋传》 之简直 精明 ,浑厚遒峻也。” 清 恽敬 《<楞伽经>书后》 :“ 鸿忍 大师 易以 《金刚经》 ,简直平易,人皆乐从。” 瞿秋白 《<饿乡纪程>跋》 :“ 中国 文运的趋向,更简直,更加速。” (2). 副词 。强调完全如此或差不多如此。 鲁迅 《野草·死后》 :“我想睁开 眼睛 来,他却丝毫也不动,简直不像是我的眼睛。” 闻一多 《给臧克家 先生 》 :“如果再不给你回信,那简直是铁 石心 肠了。” 朱自清 《论 老实 话》 :“直言刺耳,进而刺心,简直等于相骂, 自然 会叫人 生气 , 甚至 于翻脸。” (3).副词。犹索性,干脆。 《黄绣球》 第十五回:“简直还叫他们带了一面镗锣,一副鼓板,做足了样子。” 词语分解 简的解释 简 (简) ǎ 古代用来写字的竹板:竹简。简牍。简策。简册。 书信:简帖。简札。信简。 书简 。 不复杂:简单。简易。简略。简要。简便。简洁。简练。册繁就简。言简意赅。 选择:简拔。简选。简任。 姓。 繁 直的解释 直 í 不弯曲:直线。 直角 。直径。直立。直截了当。直觉(?)。直观。 把弯曲的伸开:直起腰来。 公正 合理:是非曲直。理直气壮。 耿直 。正直。 爽快 ,坦率:直爽。直率(刬 )。直谏。直诚。直言不讳。 一个
2023-07-08 21:21:401


actually等于什么:really,effectively,virtually,even,practically1、Actually, it would be much more sensible to do it later. 事实上,以后再办这件事可能要明智得多。2、People don"t realize how serious this recession has actually been 人们没有意识到这次经济衰退事实上有多严重。3、There are lots of people there who can actually help you. 那里有很多人可以真正帮上你的忙。4、That"s the only reason I"m actually going. 这是我确实要走的唯一理由。5、They reported back that no laws had actually been broken. 他们汇报说并没有真正发生违法的事。6、Actually, I"ll be a bit late home. 说真的,我回家会晚一点。
2023-07-08 21:21:581


valuable 的同义词有:preciousrarecostlyexpensivepriceydear例如:This necklace is valuable.这条项链很珍贵。This necklace is precious.这条项链很珍贵。This necklace is rare.这条项链很稀有。This necklace is costly.这条项链很昂贵。This necklace is expensive.这条项链很昂贵。This necklace is pricey.这条项链很昂贵。This necklace is dear.这条项链很昂贵。请注意,这些词都有类似的意思,但是在某些情况下可能有细微的差别。例如,"precious" 通常指非常珍贵的东西,"rare" 指很稀有的东西,"costly" 和 "expensive" 都指价格高的东西,"pricey" 也指价格高的东西,但是常常用来指价格昂贵的小物品,而 "dear" 可以指价格昂贵的东西,也可以指非常珍贵的东西。
2023-07-08 21:22:111

It’s virtually eliminated the sorts of applications that don’t stand a chance. 是什么意思

2023-07-08 21:22:171


2023-07-08 21:22:241


  我们在备考托福的写作的时候可以积累一些精彩写作语料,帮助我们拓展写作思路。下面我给大家带来托福写作语料库:是否同意竞技体育更多地教给人们生活的 经验 。祝福大家文思泉涌,妙笔生花,破题如竹。    托福写作语料库:是否同意竞技体育更多地教给人们生活的经验   【观点类】   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing sports will teach people important lessons about their lives. 是否同意竞技体育教给人们生活的经验?(2016年4月23日托福写作题目)   【相关提问】   Playing sports teaches more about life. 竞技体育教给人们更多的生活的经验?   【作家立场】 竞技体育是积累人生经验的重要方式之一,但是,不是唯一的途径。   【思路拓展】   ① 生活经验还包括包括家务管理能力、 危机处理能力、自我决策能力、自我保护意识等,这些不是竞技体育传播的。例如,我在美国游学,住在寄宿家庭,就学会如何与周围的人交往和交流,也锻炼了自己的危机处理和自我决策能力、   ② 竞技体育也是帮助人们积累人生的智慧和经验。具体而言,不懈追求完美,团队精神,合作意识,竞争意识等,这些都是竞技体育可以传递的。   【谋篇布局】   首段:背景介绍+争议焦点+作家立场   二段:第一次支持作家立场   三段:第二次支持作家立场   四段:让步原题观点的合理性 + 加以反驳   尾段:再次亮明观点+( 总结 理由)   【 范文 赏析】   【首段】背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场   Currently,the awareness of healthier lifestyle enables increasing numbers of people to render more concerns over physical exercises. A great many people are fond of watching various sports competitions or diving into diverse physical activities. However, people have been debating, for many years, whether or not sports events could help people to acquire more knowledge about life. As I see it, sports activities could greatly conduce to enriching one"s experience of the world in some aspects, but not in all fields.   【二段】第一次支持作家立场   For a start,not all the life experience could be learnt by sports events, the acquisition of life experience still comes from many other channels. One possible way is through traveling. More precisely, one might be seduced into buying some fake or unqualified goods and thus fall into various consumption traps during the process of participating in the tour organized by travel agency. Nevertheless, a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit,one"s self-protection could be strengthened after the unpleasant and bitter experience.   【三段】第二次支持作家立场   This debate reminds me of my own story. Another crucial ability everyone has to learn is the household management ability. Studying abroad is an effective way for those youngsters to develop and cultivate this competence. In the summer vacation of 2015, I stayed in a homestay family in the America, I had to tackle many arduous tasks by myself such as tidying up the room, doing the washing or cooking for myself. Virtually,this sort of experience greatly chastened my adaptability and viability   【四段】让步原题观点的合理性   Sure enough,I have to concede that a sea of life experiences, wisdom and philosophy could be acquired via taking part in sports activities. After all, every sports event has its own charm. Take basketball as an example, every individual ranging from spectator to player could benefit from the sportsmanship they show or appreciate such as the teamwork spirit, cooperation and the tenacious spirit. Also, sports help people foster useful group skills such as coordination and strategies. These skills can help them in their later lives and also in their careers. Eventually, the constant endeavors after each failure in sports competition could inspire people to brave new challenges. What I want to rebut that, however, is that there are still wisdom or lesson could not be obtained by sports events.   【尾段】再次亮明观点   In closing, I re-affirm my conviction that although lessons about life could be acquired by sports competition, it is not the sole channel. Traveling or living alone and many other ways still have a key role to play in imparting life lessons.   托福写作语料库:学生们是否应被鼓励玩游戏   【观点类】   Some people believe that video games could inspire young students" interest and make their study more efficient rather than distracting them and a waste of time, so young students should be allowed to play video games. Do you agree or disagree? 有人认为游戏可以激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们学习效率,而不是分散他们的精力和浪费他们的时间,是否认同? (2016年1月23日)   【头脑风暴】   我们已从互联网时代进入到无线互联网时代。手机游戏成为年轻人放松娱乐的重要方式之一。游戏是一把双刃刀,对于玩家而言,在放松消遣的同时,也耽误了宝贵的时间,影响了学习和工作。但是,我们不能因噎废食。   【作家立场】   尽管游戏可能给学生们带来一些弊端,但是,只要可以合理安排和控制学生们的游戏时间,阻止他们玩游戏也是没有必要的。   【思路拓展】   1 鼓励孩子们玩游戏的利好   ① 丰富多彩的游戏节目成为很多学生缓解压力,释放情绪的一种有效方式。设想,孩子们在校努力学习,课后读补习班,作业繁重,鲜有大量的时间休闲娱乐,玩游戏可令学生们暂时忘记现实生活中的烦恼和压力。   ② 一些竞技类的游戏其实是锻炼玩家的反应能力和布局能力的,因此,学生玩家也会培养多方面能力,例如手眼并用,危机处理,团队协作等。   ③ 有些游戏的设计,以学习为导向,寓教于乐,让玩家在娱乐中学习知识,这也可以提高他们的学习效率,激发他们的学习热情。   2 鼓励孩子们玩游戏的弊端   ① 学生们的主要任务是学习知识,考虑到孩子们的自律性较差,允许孩子们玩优秀容易使他们分散精力,耽误学习。   ② 过度沉迷游戏有害健康,具体而言,玩家会视力下降,养成懒惰和久坐的生活习惯,不愿从事 户外运动 ,因而导致肥胖。然而,户外运动是更好的方式放松身心,提高学习效率。   ③ 少儿不宜的游戏内容是精神鸦片。暴力,色情,血腥的信息,对于成长中的年轻人而言,毒害其心灵,误导人生观,诱发暴力冲动,导致校园欺凌或少年犯罪的上升,可能会危害社会。   【范文赏析】   【首段】背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场   Computer games like many other prevailing entertaining activities are look down up by many parents as time-wasters. However, it is true that video games have been exerting a peculiar fascination on a great many people young players. Perhaps that is why people differ greatly in their stands as to whether students should be allowed to play video games. As I see it, it is no need to stop students from playing games so long as we properly arrange and control their game time.   【解析】   1. Video games have been exerting a peculiar fascination on a great many people young player. 一直以来,电子游戏都对年轻的玩家极有吸引力。   2. It is no need to stop students from playing games so long as we properly arrange and control their game time. 我认为,只要可以合理安排和控制学生们游戏时间,阻止他们玩游戏也是没有必要的。   【二段】鼓励孩子们玩游戏的弊端   To be sure, some problems invariably ensue if students excessively indulge in the computer games. First, violent video games are always blamed by the media as the reason why some teenage players become aggressive and even conduct some anti-social offenses. Also, the craziness about games is physically detrimental because players tend to reduce physical activities, thus, the sedentary lifestyle would increase the likelihood of obesity. Eventually, many parents are worried that the study will be delayed. The sole task of students is to update their knowledge. Youngsters will regret it for the rest of their lives if they fail to utilize their precious youth.   【解析】   1. some problems invariably ensue 一些问题随之而来   2. conduct some anti-social offenses 做出反社会行为   3. The study will be delayed 会耽误学习。   【三段】鼓励孩子们玩游戏的利好   However,there is no reason to throw out the child along with the bath. Seen from the positive aspects, students can still become the beneficiaries of computer games provided that they can play in a proper way. Initially, some mental techniques trained by video games include: quick reaction, teamwork strategy, crisis-solving abilities, hand-eye coordination and so on. This kind of goal-driving experience will influence the players" future life positively. Also, proper game time can, to some extent, help teenagers relieve their strain triggered by tight academic study. Imaginably, the study efficiency can be improved if one can vent his or her negative emotions. Last, some learning-oriented games can still facilitate students" study, it is a good thing if players can acquire knowledge in a relaxing way.   【解析】   1. This kind of goal-driving experience will influence the players" future life positively. 以目标为驱动的经历会在未来对玩家产生积极的影响。   2. The study efficiency can be improved if one can vent his or her negative emotions. 如果一个人可以释放其不良情绪,学习效率也会提高。   3. Some learning-oriented games can still facilitate students" study 一些以学习为导向的游戏也会辅助学业。   【尾段】   In closing,whether the impacts that computer games exert on players are positive or negative largely depends on how students treat games. There are many benefits for people to play video games, as for students, they should control the time,excessive indulgence is unwise.   【解析】   Whether the impacts that computer games exert on players are positive or negative largely depends on how students treat games. 玩游戏的影响是积极还是消极,很大程度上取决于玩家对待它们的方式。   托福写作语料库:是否只有使我们在真实生活中学到东西的电影才值得看   【观点类】   The movies are worth watching only if they can teach something in real life, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 只有使我们在真实生活中学到东西的电影才值得看,你在多大程度上同意这个观点?(2016年5月28日)   【相关题目】   Only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching,to what extent do you agree or disagree? 只有教会我们认知真实生活的电影才是值得关注的,你在多大程度上同意这个观点?(2013年9月1日)   【作家立场】   就观影而言,人各有所爱,很多的电影值得欣赏,不同类型的电影对于观众有不同利好,因此,简单认为只有反映真实生活的电影才值得欣赏是很肤浅的。   【思路拓展】   除了反映真实生活的电影,还有那些电影是值得观看的。   ① 科幻电影:探究未知,满足好奇是人之本性,这就是为什么很多年轻人喜欢看科幻类的电影。我个人就是科幻电影的发烧友,因为科幻电影可以激发我的想象能力,满足我的好奇心,加深我对于未知世界的洞察。   ② 喜剧电影:现代人生存压力大,观影其实是很多人忘却现实烦恼以及放松身心的一种方式,因此,观看喜剧电影就是很好的缓解压力的方式。电影中的幽默元素舒缓紧张情绪,培养人的幽默感,甚至可以令人在欢笑中思考生活,以乐观态度面对生活。   让步反映真实生活的电影值得观看   ① 当一部电影可以反映最真实的生活的时候,它可以引发观影者共鸣,因此,一些人喜欢观看现实主义的电影, 一些纪录片就是很好的例证。以我为例,我也很喜欢类似于《站台》,《小武》这样的写实主义电影,它们描绘的场景很多再现了我成长的岁月的片段,因此,观看这类电影也是一种温暖的回忆,同时,它们加深了我对于现实生活的洞察。   【经典语料】   1. Such is human nature to explore the unknown 探究未知是人之本性   2. One man"s meat is another man"s poison 萝卜青菜,各有所爱。   3. People"s tastes differ greatly in their choice of favorite movies 选择自己喜欢的电影,人们的品味差异很大。   4. science fiction movie 科幻电影   5. a fancier of science fiction movie 科幻电影的发烧友   6. I take great pleasure in watching movies that depict the future world 我以观赏描述未来世界的电影为乐趣。   7. meet one"s sense of curiosity 满足一个人的好奇心   8. stir one"s vivid imagination = stimulate one"s vivid imagination 激发一个人丰富的 想象力   9. foster my keen analytical mode of thinking 培养我敏锐的分析能力   10. deepen my insight into the future world 加深我对于未来世界的洞察   11. Watching comedy movies is an effective way to relax one"s body and ease one"s mind 观看喜剧电影是有效的一种有效的放松身心的方式。   12. make one have a pleasant character 使一个人性格开朗   13. cultivate one"s sense of humor 培养一个人的幽默感   【拓展】cultivate = foster = develop 培养   14. It is worthwhile to appreciate those movies that could mirror the reality of life 反映现实的生活的电影是值得欣赏的。   【解析】worthwhile adj有价值的   【拓展】is worth doing sth = be worthy of doing sth值得做……   15. Some documentary films greatly arouse my sympathy. 一些纪录片极大地引起了我的共鸣   【解析】sympathy n 同情心,共鸣   16. make us have a deeper understanding about life 加深我们对于生活的理解。   17. films that mirror real life = movies that reflect real life 反映真实生活的电影   18. The nostalgic theme of the movie called up my warm memory of growth 电影怀旧的主题唤醒了我成长岁月的温暖记忆。   【拓展】nostalgic = retrospective adj 怀旧的   19. After enjoying this thought-provoking movie, I benefited a great deal, it gave me a kind of invisible power and taught me to remain cheerful in time of adversity 观赏了这部令人思考的电影,我收益良多,我获得一种无形的力量,电影教会我在逆境中保持乐观。   【解析】《肖申克的救赎 》的 教育 意义   【解析】remain cheerful in time of adversity 逆境保持乐观   【解析】thought-provoking adj 令人思考的   20. I learn to brave life challenges optimistically 我学会了乐观地面对生活的挑战。 托福写作语料库:是否同意竞技体育更多地教给人们生活的经验相关 文章 : 1. 新东方托福写作语料库
2023-07-08 21:22:311


adj 实质的 【计】虚拟的
2023-07-08 21:23:177


考研英语作文中的45个经典替换词   导语:下面是我整理的.关于考研英语中最经典的45个替换词,大家一定要get起来,希望大家喜欢。   1、individuals,characters, folks替换people ,persons   2、positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising (有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good   3、dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad (如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换。 )   eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive.   4、an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most替换many.   注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。   Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea thatu2026同理 用most, if not all ,替换most.   5、a slice of, quiet a few 替换some.   6、harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that替换think (因为是书面语,所以要加that).   7、affair ,business ,matter 替换thin.   8、shared 替换 common .   9、reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits.   10、for my part ,from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion.   11、Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing、修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.)   Eg.sth has gained growing popularity、 Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth.   12、little if anything或little or nothing替换hardly.   13、beneficial, rewarding替换helpful.   14、shopper,client,consumer,purchaser 替换customer.   15、overwhelmingly,exceedingly,extremely, intensely 替换very.   16、hardly necessary, hardly inevitable 替换 unnecessary, avoidable.   17、indispensable替换necessary.   18、sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb take interest in / sb. be interested in.   19、capture one"s attention替换attract one"s attention.   20、facet,demension,sphere代aspect.   21、be indicative of ,be suggestive of ,be fearful of代 indicate, suggest ,fear.   22、give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换cause.   23、There are several reasons behind sth 替换reasons for sth.   24、desire 替换want.   25、pour attention into 替换pay attention to.   26、bear in mind that 替换remember.   27、enjoy, possess 替换have(注意process是过程的意思).   28、interaction替换communication.   29、frown on sth替换 be against , disagree with sth .   30、to name only a few, as an example替换 for example, for instance.   31、next to / virtually impossible替换nearly / almost impossible.   32、regarding/concerning 替换about.   33、crucial/paramount 替换important.   34、第一(in the first place/the first and foremost);第二(there is one more point ,I should touch on, thatu2026、);第三(the last but not the least).   35、assiduous替换hard-working.   36、arduous替换difficult.   37、underdeveloped/financially-challenged 替换poor(因为poor通常含有贬义).   38、demonstrate /manifest 替换show.   39、invariably 替换always.   40、perilous/hazardous替换dangerous(写社会类作文时常用,说什么社会现象是不好的,有害的).   41、formidable 替换difficult.   42、quintessential 替换typical(例如:a quintessential example should be cited that=for example; for instance).   43、distinguished 替换famous.   44、feasible替换possible.   45、consequently, accordingly替换so. ;
2023-07-08 21:23:531

「宇宙无敌霹雳超级」怎么讲?10 种副词 + 形容词的组合词

中文可以用叠加形容词或副词的方式来表达「非常之非常之非常」的语意,英文也是有着异曲同工之妙的,当然不能无限叠加,但英文中有副词搭配形容词的组合,利用这种叠加的方式,创造出「非常之非常」的语意,而 Engvid 的英文老师 Alex 就分享了十种这样的组合! 1. seriously hurt / seriously injured 伤势严重的 She was seriously injured in the 2nd half. 在第二场下半时,她受到重伤。 2. highly probable / highly likely 极有可能的 Rain is highly probable tomorrow. 明天极有可能下雨。 3. cautiously optimistic 审慎乐观的 I"m cautiously optimistic about the next Star Trek movie. 我对下一部《星际大战》的电影抱持着审慎乐观的态度。 4. totally wrong 完全错误的 Your answer was totally wrong. 你的答案完全错误! 5. incredibly lazy 超级懒惰的 He was incredibly lazy as a kid. 他小时候超级懒惰的。 6. virtually impossible 根本超难的;根本不可能有人…的 This quiz is virtually impossible! 这个考试根本超难的,谁会啊! 7. absolutely incredible 超级赞的 Suicide Squad is absolutely incredible. 《自杀突击队》超赞的。 8. fully aware 非常清楚…的 He was fully aware of the consequence. 他非常清楚会有这个结果。 9. blatantly obvious 超级明显的 Your feelings for him is blatantly obvious. 你对他的心意根本超明显的。 10. absurdly difficult 难到没天理的 The test was absurdly different. 这份考试根本难道没天理。 伤势严重的 英文, 副词, 字汇, 完全错误的 英文, 审慎乐观的 英文, 形容词, 根本超难的 英文, 极有可能的 英文, 英文, 英文 叠加副词, 英文 叠加形容词, 英文 叠加词, 超级懒惰的 英文, 超级明显的 英文, 超级赞的 英文, 难道没天理的 英文, 非常清楚的 英文
2023-07-08 21:24:091


用完美的礼物包装你的访问留心希腊人(当然是传统的)所能接受的礼物,虽然明显他们不会拒绝象征友谊的小礼物。值得记住的是:在办公室中一个礼物分享给一个朋友是会受人关注的,这是个惯例,所以那些能过让他们将自己贡献出来的东西像是1瓶好酒,是非常受欢迎的。老挝人几乎没有文化禁忌。任何礼物都很难得罪他们。其中 It is worth remembering 为主语从句,that 之后全部内容为主语,that it is customary for a gift given to a company to be shared out around the office concerned, 主语从句中 it 为形式主语代 for a gift given to a company to be shared out around the office concerned 其中 given to a company 是过去分词作定语修饰 a gift, to be shared out around the office 不定式表目的,用来在办公室里的人分享的,concerned 是过去分词形容词用法,修饰 a gift (given to a company to be shared out around the office )。 so 引导因果句的结果分句 items 主语are 系动词 very 程度副词well-received 过去分词形容词用法,前面+well 意思是受人欢迎的,作表语。 that lend themselves to this practice 定语从句修饰 items, 将他们自己贡献给这个活动(的东西), -like a bottle of good whisky- 是插入语,对这种 items 的举例,比如一瓶好威士忌。
2023-07-08 21:24:181

求助英语高手 选词并且翻译 满意再加分 在线等

debilitate缺陷易于隐蔽的恢复反向模拟退行性显性几乎1。这些严重的并发症是特别容易发展很年轻,营养不良的孩子或解释。2。伤寒(伤寒)开始发烧有过失,其特征是发热、头痛、便秘、倦怠、发热和肌痛。3。在1998年福克斯宣布他被诊断出患有帕金森症(一种异常的解释中枢神经系统。4。化疗是用来治疗…不合格产品的所有情形Wilms的肿瘤。5。所有这些因素增加一个人的冠状动脉thombosis效率。6。被削弱的葡萄糖耐受是目前在50%到70%的人用肢端肥大症、糖尿病发展…在小数量的这些。7。裸鼠,因为遗传国,没有胸腺细胞并不能确定基本为各种各样的免疫反应。以。龋齿治疗的发展,牙科提取了历史上从外科…。9。有一些酶特异性,将接受更广泛的几种不同的解释一个特定的基质(底物)。10。 日常咖啡消费量的进步可以帮助延缓阿兹海默症或…条件,根据一项研究在周日杂志在线版的阿尔茨海默病。
2023-07-08 21:24:273