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mark"s theme是什么意思

《Mark"s Theme》出自电影《英雄本色》,顾嘉辉作曲,吴宇森执导,狄龙、张国荣、周润发主演,1986年8月2日在香港上映,当年香港电影的票房冠军,第6届香港电影金像奖颁奖礼上,获得最佳影片、最佳男主角,顾嘉辉在作曲上天赋异禀,作品纵横香港乐坛,有香港歌坛教父之称,我们所熟悉的《上海滩》即出自他的手笔,他几乎承包了80、90年代所有金庸武侠剧的音乐,这首配乐专为电影打造,小马哥不愿抛下出生入死的大哥,回头拼死一战 背景响起了激昂的音乐,Mark"s Theme直译为小马哥的故事,中文名《英雄本色》 则磅礴大气尽显,曲调慷慨豪迈 英气勃发,小马哥苦苦等待了三年,所有的恩怨情仇 都在这一刻爆发,他那股大义凛然 慨然赴死的豪情,让荧幕前的我们,恨不能与他携手战斗。



theme 什么意思?

n. [乐]主题;主旋律;题目,话题;(学生的)作文 adj. 以奇想主题布置的



App Theme是什么意思

App Theme: 应用主题 ,就是应用什么主题,比如说有黑白主题,有经典主题等等一些主题模式可以供你选择app是Application(应用程序) 的 缩写如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


下面是关于“ theme是什么时候学的”的回答:theme的意思是主题,是人教版英语八年级下册的词汇,所以theme是八年级下半学期学的


一、词义辨析不一样1、topic指谈话的话题或文章的题目。引证:The accident was the sole topic of conversation.那事故是谈话的唯一话题。2、theme则指谈话或文章的主题,即中心思想。引证:All his articles seemed an expression of the same theme.他所有的文章好像反映了同一个主题。二、词义广泛性不一样1、topic英 [ˈtɒpɪk]   美 [ˈtɑːpɪk]  n.话题;题目;标题2、theme英 [θiːm]  美 [θim] n. 主题;主旋律;题目adj. 以奇想主题布置的三、词汇搭配不一样1、topic avoid the topic 避开话题bring up a topic 把题目提出来讨论the key topic 关键的论题2、themeattractive theme 吸引人的题材the main theme 主题theme for discussion 议题


topic 更口语话theme 比较正式



英 [θi:m] 美 [θim] n.[乐]主题; 主旋律; 题目,话题; (学生的)作文adj.以奇想主题布置的;1.She embroidered on this theme for about ten minutes. 她围绕这个主题添枝加叶地说了大约10分钟。2.Jones harps on this theme more than on any other. 这个话题最能让琼斯唠叨个没完。3.Recent events have made his central theme even more apposite. 新近发生的事情使得他的中心主题显得更加有的放矢。


App Theme: 应用主题 ,就是应用什么主题,比如说有黑白主题,有经典主题等等一些主题模式可以供你选择app是Application(应用程序) 的 缩写如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


主题;主旋律;题目 以奇想主题布置的








题目,主题常用释义释义n.(谈话、书籍、电影等的)题目,主题;(音乐的)主旋律;(电影、电视节目、广播节目的)主题音乐,主题曲;(学生的)作文;(聚会、房间等的)风格;(句子的)主位;(名词、动词等的)词干;<史>(拜占庭帝国的)行政区adj.以奇想主题布置的v.(休闲场所、活动)以……主题例句:1. Race is a recurrent theme in the work.种族是该作品中反复出现的一个主题。2. The speaker was now warming to her theme.演讲者就她的主题越讲越起劲。3. A slow theme introduces the first movement.缓慢的主旋律引出了第一乐章。4. Poverty is a recurrent theme in her novels.贫穷是她的小说中惯有的主题。5. The opening theme is taken up by the strings.开始的主旋律由弦乐继续发展。

could you bring them to school for me later ? 什么意思?


algebra for honours mathematics 什么意思

algebra for honours mathematics数学荣誉代数algebra for honours mathematics数学荣誉代数

Algae live in the bodies of some of them句型讲解?

algae n. 藻; 海藻; alga的复数; live in 住在(某地);存在于 (这里可以译为生成在)of some of them做bodies的定语some of them,它们中的一部分海藻生长在它们中一些的躯体之上。

英语盲求解英语语法 _where is he taking them? _they are taking the ferry to a place on Island. _t

应该是用进行时表达将要发生的事take the ferry的意思是乘渡船而go on a ferry的意思是去渡口


应该是 (the) most cheaply, 因为语法上规定双音节或者多音节的副词,前边加more构成比较级,加most 构成最高级。cheaply 是双音节,所以最高级应该是most cheaply

Discuss the theme and characterization of "Paradise Lost".


he she they them哪个是不同类

“he、she、they、them”,“them”不同类词,因为“them”是宾格,“he、she、they”均是主格。he的基本意思是“他”,主要用于指代前文提及的男子,也可泛指“不论性别的一个人”,相当于one。当提及某一团体的一个成员(如一个学生、一个政治家)时,如果要用代词,一般用he。she是第三人称阴性单数的人称代词,意思是“她,它”,指上文已经提过的或身份已明的妇女、女子或雌性动物,在句中一般用作主语。they是第三人称的复数形式,无性别之分,代表已提到过的一些人或事,在句中多用作主语,通常放在它所指代的名词之后,偶尔也可放在它所指代的词之前。有时为了避免显露性别, they也可以代替he, she或it。they后可接whom等引导的定语从句。them为复数第三人称的宾格形式,在句中可单独用作宾语,也可用作并列宾语,有时也可用作宾语的同位语,在非正式文体中也可用作表语或用于than, as之后。在感叹句中them还可用作主语,起强调作用。them有时也可代替him或her。词汇搭配:every one of them 毫无例外。knock them in the aisles 大受观众欢迎。love them and leave them 始乱终弃。he that runs may read 人人能懂。paint the devil blacker than he is 言过其实。as strong as they come 极好。as tough as they come 极好。

hit的原形 hit是过去式,求它的原形. their的主格 them的名词性物主代词

就是hit them的名词性物主代词:theirs 形容词性物主代词:their their主格:they


think是他现在的想法,不是过去的,有很多这样的句子前后失态可能不一样,主要根据语境判断!think 如果是过去式 从句就得是过去式think如果是一般现在时 后面的从句时态是不受限制的 根据语境变化时态

what make them proudest of our nation 翻译



vote to talis the max投票相等的最大


vote to talis the max投票相等的最大

Trust themselves courage是什么意思


求go west或stand up champions theme 的伴奏

在搜狗里搜搜 歌曲名+DJ即可啊

go west 和Stand Up (Champions Theme),谁能详细介绍一下

Stand Up:站起来Champions Theme:他们冠军




  go get them,tiger,的中文翻译  go get them,tiger,  去吧,老虎,


theme n. 题目,主题A slow theme introduces the first movement. 第一乐章以缓慢的主旋律开始.the theme of 。。。的主题



none of them 后面加are 还是is?比如None of them is还是are Chinese

可以用单数也可用复数,要根据具体句子意思这里是用are None of them are Chinese.他们中没有一个是中国人。

myself , yourself , ourself都是"什么的"+self,为什么themself不是theirself?


yourself ourself herself himself themself yourselves ourselves themselves itself什么时候用单/复数


amount.onthemove.ancient.the rest of.rate divide getridof 分别是什么意思?


And if that happens,it"s amazing the lengths we"ll go to, to get them back. go 后面的to 能省略吗?

不能省略 go to the lengths



others maintain that many exams have frustrated them中maintain怎么不用虚拟语气?




get over them与get them over的区别 急!

前者是把他们忘了吧 forget about them后者是告诉他们到这里来 invite them here

sick them什么意思


heros theme什么意思 麻烦各位成绩优秀的童鞋了!


themselves ;chopstick; cautious ;这英语用谐音怎么读?


求金融数学The mathematics of Finance:Modeling and Hedging.Joseph Stampfli,Victor Goodman这本书


advocate for themselves什么意思

你首先得了解advocate的意思 这个单词的意思是:提倡,拥护,支持 这样就易知道advocate for themselves大概是什么意思 要根据句中语境翻译哦

throwing them away

答案C 解析:feel like中like为介词,后跟动词时要跟动词的ing形式.“把它们扔掉”要用throw them away.因throw是动词,后面的人称代词要用宾格.

A job was advertised. A lot of people applied for it. Few of them had the necessary qualifications

A job was advertised and lot of people applied for it, but few of them had the necessary qualificationsA lot of people applied for a job which was advertised , but few of them had the necessary qualifications. Although a lot of people applied for a job which was advertised , few of them had the necessary qualifications Few of the people who applied for the job advertised had the necessary qualifications.

Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them. zou.zhang.pan.yang.~forever什么意思


英语谚语:Coming events cast their shadows before them 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Coming events cast their shadows before them 中文意思: 山雨欲来风满楼。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Adversity makes a man wise not rich 患难使人聪明,但不能致富。 Adversity makes strange bedfellows 身处逆境不择友。 Adversity successfully overe is the highest glory 成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。 A fair death honours the whole life 死得光明,终身荣耀。 A fair face may hide a foul heart 人不可貌相。 A faithful friend is hard to find 益友难得。 A fall into the pit a gain in your wit 吃一堑,长一智。 A father is a treasure a brother is a fort but a friend is both 父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。 A fault confessed is half redressed 承认错误,等于改正一半。 Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended 事情要安步就班地做,就会很快地做完。 英语谚语: Coming events cast their shadows before them 中文意思: 山雨欲来风满楼。

category是名词,但我在课外读物中看到Ask them to category.的句子正确吗?


英语翻译 Adults acted like he was unable to understand them,as though he was a baby. 求翻译。

Adults acted like he was unable to understand them,as though he was a baby成年人表现得像他不能理解他们,好像他是一个婴儿Adults acted like he was unable to understand them,as though he was a baby成年人表现得像他不能理解他们,好像他是一个婴儿Adults acted like he was unable to understand them,as though he was a baby成年人表现得像他不能理解他们,好像他是一个婴儿

avoid them if they can,什么意思啊?

avoid them if they can意思是:“如果他们可以的话就避开他们”

God helps those who help themselves, skill comes. 中文是什么意思


that的复数形式 these的单数 them的主格 he的宾格 one的复数是什么?

that - thosethese - thisthem - theyhe - himone - ones

The adoption of this policy would relieve them of


adopted themselves to什么意思

你好,是不是应该改为:adaptedoneselfto:使自己适应 ,调节adaptoneselfto是一个固定搭配。

be themselves admired

还是反身代词,其实这个who 就是指代的people ,who are themselves admired 就是people themselves are admired ,只不过顺序换了一下

It especially must be highly regarded by people who are themselves admired. 这句话怎么翻译?


who are themselves admired

他们敬佩的是谁! 这里themselves是指她/他们 “himself”的复数; “herself”的复数

it especially must be regarded by people who are themselves admired...中themselves 是什么成分


enjoying themselves是什么意思

enjoying themselves享受自己They all seemed to be enjoying themselves as she talked to me about her troubles with the lawn man. 当莫尼卡向我诉说她和割草坪工人发生的冲突时,镜子中的莫尼卡似乎很享受这个过程。

enjoying themselves是什么意思

enjoying themselves 网络解释1. 孩子们嬉笑热闹 Look! 看 | children are enjoying themselves 孩子们嬉笑热闹 | They wanna say 他们是要告诉你enjoying themselves 网络例句1. I like to see them enjoying themselves. 我就愿意看着他们玩得高兴。2. Eg: The people are enjoying themselves in the room . 人们在房间里玩的很愉快。3. They seem to be enjoying themselves in there . 在那儿他们似乎玩得很痛快。4. Both were really good fun and it was great to see the children really enjoying themselves. 两人真的好有趣,而且是伟大的,看看孩子真正享受自己。5. I am busy with my study when others are having a rest or enjoying themselves. 在别人玩的时候,我在学习,在别人休息的时候,我在学习。6. They are all enjoying themselves at the party now. 现在他们都在聚会上玩得高兴。7. They are all enjoying themselves at the party now. 现在他们都在聚会上玩得很高兴。

enjoying themselves是什么意思

enjoying themselves他们正玩的开心双语对照例句:1.They all seemed to be enjoying themselves as she talked to me about her troubles withthe lawn man. 当莫尼卡向我诉说她和割草坪工人发生的冲突时,镜子中的莫尼卡似乎很享受这个过程。2.Unfortunately, there are still many people spending much money on fast food, with anideathat they are enjoying themselves in a new life style. 不幸的是,仍有许多人在吃快餐上花了很多钱,他们觉得他们是在享受一种新的生活方式。

enjoying themselves是什么意思

enjoying themselves是enjoy oneself的变形意思:过得开心;玩得痛快同义词:have a good time;have fun【例句】They are enjoying themselves at the party now.他们现在在聚会上玩得很开心。

most of them的最高级是什么?

most of them与most of whom与most of which的用法区别如下:一、most of them用法:them是they的宾格,指代的是人,most of them可做主语和宾语。例句:Most of them are young. 他们大半是青年人。二、most of whomwhom是who的宾格,一般在定语从句中指示宾语,或者在疑问句中指示宾语。例句:At school we were greeted, most of whom were middle aged.在学校里我们受到老师们的问候,这些人当中大多数是中年人。三、most of which用法:which用作关系代词的时候一般都是指示物,可以做宾语也可作主语,一般都是定语从句,或者非限定性定语从句。例句:In each packet there are batches, most of which are undated. 每个包裹里都有一摞摞的信件,其中大部分都没有日期。扩展资料most of which的近义词:all of which、all of them一、all of which读音:英 [ɔːl ɒv wɪtʃ]   美 [ɔːl əv wɪtʃ]  释义:所有这些。例句:Many theories, all of which are variations on a theme.关于惩罚的理论有很多,虽形式略有不同,但其主旨都是一样的。二、all of them读音:英 [ɔːl ɒv ðəm]   美 [ɔːl əv ðəm]  释义:所有人。例句:On hearing the news all of them were trembling with fear. 听到消息他们无不战战兢兢。

英语语法everyone should follows the traffic rules and behave themselves.为什么behave是单数?

should 后面要用原形, follows 是不对的,要用follow, behave 也要用原形,也是should 的缘故如果没有should, 那么 everyone 是复合不定代词 做主语谓语动词如果是be,要用is, 如果是动词, 要用第三人称单数形式句子就应该是 Everyone follows the traffic rules and behaves themselves.follow 和 behave 都要用第三人称单数形式

behave themselves是什么意思


Nor was either of them adept at using maps 这句话怎么划分语句成分?或者从语句结构来详细说一说

这是 nor 引导的倒装句结构:nor + be动词 + 主语 + 剩余成分nor 表否定,be动词是was(过去时态),主语是either of them, 正常语序应该是:主语  + was not adept at doing sth. 这里的倒装是把nor(否定) 放句首,BE动词放到主语前面(BE动词前置),其余成分不变。这里BE动词用was 是要和主语either of them 主谓一致。

thief(复数) forty(序数词) them(名词性物主代词) heavy(比较级) good(副词) plan(现在分词) mor

asdas dasd asd12312axaxd

a point when woman have proven themselves professionally 求分析句子

(To Mr 张达人 zhdr) “主语:The issue 问题的最终结果” — 就是“问题”,不是什么“问题的最终结果”。 “transition 的同位语:a point when woman [sic] have proven themselves professionally yet a disproportionate share leaves corporate careers. (该过渡期也就是)妇女已经在专业上证明了自己时候的而不相称的分配却成了共同生涯结果的核心问题(point 指问题的核心点或关键点)。” A) 看得出,没读懂原文。解析:share 是 “部分”,不是什么 “分配”,share 与前面的 disproportionate 一起指专业上能胜任自己工作的这些妇女中的很大一部分 (a disproportionate share)。 B) 看得出,搞不清原文句子结构;汉语句子语义也不通;译文过分拘泥于英文原句结构,似乎英语句子结构与汉语句子结构毫无区别。解析:when…careers 整个实际上是由 when 引起的两个定语从句,修饰 a point (“时刻”,不是什么“核心点”或“关键点”) 下面两点嘛,“时间状语”、“主句”,南辕北辙啦!"时间状语:when woman [sic] have proven themselves professionally主句:yet a disproportionate share leaves corporate careers. (leave 指脱离原衷变成…的结果)" “参考译文:在从中层管理者到高级管理者的过渡段,问题是尖锐的,该过渡段也就是妇女已经在专业上证明了自己但结果却是不能同工同酬的核心问题。” A) 除汉语不通外,鉴于不理解原句语义、不理解原句结构,这译文当然也就……!此译文不改不行!至少可以做到译文是原文语义的正确反映:当女性从中层管理者晋升为高层管理者时,一个非常突出的问题出现了:此时,女性已经证明了自己的专业能力,但她们中的很大一部分却不再在公司从业。 B) “不能同工同酬” is of a dubious source!

a point when woman have proven themselves professionally 求分析句子

总体结构主语:Theissue 问题的最终结果谓语动词:is表语:acute严重地/尖锐的处所状语:atthe transition from middle manager to senior manage 在从中层管理者到高级管理者的过渡段,transition 的同位语:a point when woman have proven themselves professionally yet a disproportionate share leaves corporate careers. (该过渡期也就是)妇女已经在专业上证明了自己时候的而不相称的分配却成了共同生涯结果的核心问题(point 指问题的核心点或关键点)。同位语中嵌套的复合句时间状语:whenwoman have proven themselves professionally主句:yeta disproportionate share leaves corporate careers. (leave 指脱离原衷变成…的结果)参考译文:在从中层管理者到高级管理者的过渡段,问题是尖锐的,该过渡段也就是妇女已经在专业上证明了自己但结果却是不能同工同酬的核心问题。

attempt to compensate by showering them with material possessions这句英语可不可以把by showering去掉

可以啊,在with后+上 a lot of更好记得采纳一个答案,否则我们拿不了分,升不了级的,谢谢!

急急急急急// We shouldn"t miss any_____(机会).We must take them if possible







enjoy the moment有过去式,其形式是enjoyed the moment
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