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跪求 pleasant 和 mild的区别和用法


跪求 pleasant 和 mild的区别和用法

区别 有一定明显 首先 它们的词义 就不太一样啊 pleasant 是令人愉快的也有和蔼可亲的意思 mild 是温和温柔的 1.It was pleasant meeting 见到你很高兴 2.She has a mild nature 她性格温和 warm 主要形容天气的程度 也形容态度 例如 热烈的欢迎 warm welcome 希望对你有帮助

----Wish you a pleasant jou...


a pleasant weekend英语作文100词左右

A pleasant weedent I hadve a happy weekend.Saturday morning, I must go to see me aunt.In the afternoon, I must go to the shopping center to go shopping.Evening, I planned makes the homework.Sunday in the morning, I watch the television, the television program is extremely interesting.In the afternoon, I planned listens to music and paints pictures.I thought this weekend I can be very weary, but is certainly very joyful.

what a pleasant shade these trees give us

选A。shade阴凉处; shadow影子;shelter遮蔽物;scene风景。由句意可知选A。

A Pleasant State of Mind保持良好心境的重要性 写篇英语作文 150-200

It is necessary that we should keep a pleasant state of mind.As is known to all,it is when we have a pleasant state of mind that we are able to perform greatly.For instant,I did badly in an exam,which made me very frastated at first.However,I try to keep a pleasant mind,facing the difficulty and working harder,which finally paid off.I did better than before,and seldom did I have a bad performce later on condition that I have a possitive mind.Thus it is of great importance that we keep a pleasant state of mind.希望接纳,打的辛苦啊!

A pleasant outing为题的80词的英语作文

写作思路:介绍主题,即愉快的郊游。提及郊游的目的和意义。描述第一次愉快的郊游经历。地点、活动和参与人员。分享活动中的乐趣和享受。提及与朋友或家人的交流和互动。总结三次愉快的郊游经历。强调郊游对于放松身心、增进人际关系和创造美好回忆的重要性。作文 1:A pleasant outingLast weekend, I had a memorable outing with my friends at a nearby nature park. We enjoyed hiking along scenic trails, exploring lush forests, and having a picnic by a picturesque lake. The fresh air, beautiful surroundings, and laughter-filled conversations made the outing truly enjoyable. It was a great opportunity to bond with friends, unwind from the daily routine, and create lasting memories together.翻译:上周末,我和朋友们在附近的自然公园度过了一个难忘的郊游。我们沿着风景优美的小径徒步,探索茂密的森林,并在一片风景如画的湖边野餐。清新的空气、美丽的环境和充满笑声的交谈使得这次郊游真正愉快。这是与朋友们结合的好机会,远离日常琐事,共同创造持久的回忆。重要词汇:Outing - n. 出行,郊游Nature - n. 自然Park - n. 公园Hike - v. 徒步旅行Explore - v. 探索Forest - n. 森林Picnic - n. 野餐Scenic - adj. 风景优美的Lake - n. 湖Pleasant - adj. 愉快的作文 2:A pleasant outingA few months ago, my family and I embarked on an adventure in the mountains. We went hiking, discovered hidden waterfalls, and had a thrilling ziplining experience. The breathtaking views, adrenaline rush, and the feeling of being immersed in nature made it an unforgettable outing. It reminded us of the importance of embracing outdoor activities and appreciating the wonders of the natural world.翻译:几个月前,我和家人踏上了一次山区的冒险之旅。我们去徒步旅行,发现了隐秘的瀑布,并进行了刺激的滑索体验。壮丽的景色、肾上腺素的飙升以及身临其境的感觉使这次郊游令人难忘。它提醒我们要重视户外活动,欣赏大自然的奇迹。重要词汇:Adventure - n. 冒险Mountains - n. 山区Hiking - n. 徒步旅行Waterfall - n. 瀑布Exciting - adj. 刺激的Zip-lining - n. 滑索体验Magnificent - adj. 壮丽的Adrenaline - n. 肾上腺素Immersive - adj. 身临其境的Nature - n. 大自然作文 3: A pleasant outingDuring the summer vacation, I had a joyful outing with my cousins at the beach. We built sandcastles, played beach volleyball, and splashed in the waves. The warmth of the sun, the soothing sound of the waves, and the laughter echoing along the shore created a carefree and cheerful atmosphere. It was a perfect day filled with happiness, bonding, and the simple joys of being surrounded by loved ones.翻译:在暑假期间,我和表兄弟姐妹们在海滩度过了快乐的郊游时光。我们盖沙堡,玩沙滩排球,畅快地在海浪中嬉戏。温暖的阳光、悠扬的海浪声和沿岸回荡的笑声营造了无忧无虑、愉悦的氛围。这是一个完美的日子,充满了快乐、情感交流以及与所爱之人相聚的简单喜悦。重要词汇:Beach - n. 海滩Joyful - adj. 快乐的Cousins - n. 表兄弟姐妹Sandcastle - n. 沙堡Volleyball - n. 排球Play - v. 玩耍Waves - n. 海浪Sunshine - n. 阳光Laughter - n. 笑声Gather - v. 聚集




  pleasure  n.  快乐, 愉快, 满意, 高兴  愉快的事情, 娱乐; 乐趣  肉体享乐, 放荡(行为)  愿望, 选择, 意志  a man of pleasure  浪荡子  ask sb."s pleasure  问某人的来意[意愿]  do sb. the pleasure of  使某人欢喜, 为某人效劳  during sb."s pleasure  在某人高兴的时候  give pleasure to sb.  使某人高兴  It"s a pleasure for me to live with you.  和你一起生活对我来说是件愉快的事情。  May I have the pleasure of dancing with you?  我可以和你跳舞吗?  That thing gives me little pleasure.  那件事使我不太高兴。  The pleasure is mine.  我高兴得很。  What is your pleasure?  [口]你想要什么?  【词性变化】  pleasure  vt.  使高兴, 使满意  It pleasures me to know you.  认识你使我很高兴。  pleasure  vi.  高兴, 喜欢, 喜爱  追求享乐, 游荡  I pleasure in your company.  和你在一起我很快乐。  【继承用法】  pleasure-boat  n.  游船  pleasure-dome  n.  富丽堂皇的大厦, 旅馆  pleasure-house  n.  娱乐场所  pleasure-seeker  n.  追求享乐的人  pleasureseeking  n.  享乐主义  pleasureful  adj.  pleasureless  adj.  pleasurelessly  adv.  【习惯用语】  at one"s pleasure  随你, 听便  at pleasure  随你, 听便  for pleasure  为了取乐, 作为消遣  take (a) pleasure in  以...为乐  with pleasure  愉快地, 高兴地  P-has its sting in its tail .  [谚]乐极生悲。  【参考词汇】  pleasure  delight  joy  都含“快乐”、“愉快” 的意思。  pleasure 是常用词, 指“以任何形式表现出的或默默的快乐与满足”。如:  It"s my pleasure to help you.  帮助你是我的快乐。  delight 语意比pleasure 强, 指“极大的快乐”, 尤指“以一种活泼的态度表现出来的快乐”, 如:  The child clapped his hands in delight.  那孩子高兴得拍起手来。  joy 指“高兴地表现出来的更强烈的快乐和愉快的情绪”, 如:  Success brought her great joy.  成功给她带来极大的快乐。  pleasant  adj.  愉快的, 快乐的, 舒适的, 合意的  可爱的, 举止文雅的, 活泼的  滑稽的, 有趣的  (天气)晴朗的, 美好的  容易相处的, 友爱的  a pleasant voice  悦耳的声音  a pleasant companion  可爱的伴侣  have [spend] a pleasant time  愉快地度过时光  【继承用法】  pleasantly  adv.  pleasantness  n.  【习惯用语】  make oneself pleasant  处世灵活, 八面玲珑  【参考词汇】  pleasant  pleased  pleasing  agreeable  意思都含“给予精神、感情或感官以快慰和满足的”。  pleasant 是常用词, 指“愉快的”, 强调“所形容的人或物有给予愉快的性质”, 如:  We spent a very pleasant evening.  我们度过了一个愉快的夜晚。  pleased 指“喜悦的”、“满意的”, 语意不强, 用于表示说话人自己的场合, 如:  He is very pleased with the progress we are making.  他对我们工作的进展很满意。  pleasing 指“令人愉快的”、“合意的”, 如:  The food is pleasing to my taste.  这饭菜正合我的口味。  agreeable 指“符合某人的喜好或愿望而感觉愉快的”, 如:  She has an agreeable voice.  她的声音悦耳。  pleased  adj.  欣喜的, 高兴的, 满意的 (with)  We are very pleased with her decision.  我们对她的决定很满意。  【继承用法】  pleasedly  adv.  pleasedness  n.  【习惯用语】  pleased with oneself  得意, 洋洋自得  please  vt.  使高兴, 使喜欢, 使满意  [用于祈使语气]请  a picture that pleases the eye  一幅悦目的图画  It"s difficult to please everybody.  很难使每个人满意。  Will you please give me that book?  请你把那本书给我好吗?  【词性变化】  please  vi.  满意, 愿意, 高兴, 欢喜  讨好, 讨人喜欢, 有趣, [用于形容词或副词之后]极其, 非常  Go there as you please.  你想去那里就去那里。  He is anxious to please.  他巴不得讨好人。  【继承用法】  -sable  adj.  【习惯用语】  as you please  随你的意思, 随你喜欢  be easily pleased  容易说话  be pleased in  欢喜  be pleased to (do)  乐意; 承蒙; 肯  be pleased with  喜欢  if you please  请, 劳驾; 对不起  你看多奇怪; 竟然  The missing letter was in his pocket, if you please!  丢失的信竟然在他的口袋里, 你看怪不怪!  please me  看在我面上  please oneself  乐意怎样就怎样; 觉得高兴, 感到满意  pleasing  adj.  舒适的, 使人愉快的; 满意的; 惹人喜欢的, 可爱的  a pleasing look  使人愉快的神情  a very well mannered and pleasing young man  彬彬有礼而令人喜爱的年轻人  【继承用法】  pleasingly  adv.  pleasingness  n.


是形容词:pleasant 令人愉快的,舒适的;讨人喜欢的,和蔼可亲的


pleasant[5plezEnt]adj.愉快的, 快乐的, 舒适的, 合意的可爱的, 举止文雅的, 活泼的滑稽的, 有趣的(天气)晴朗的, 美好的容易相处的, 友爱的a pleasant voice悦耳的声音a pleasant companion可爱的伴侣have [spend] a pleasant time愉快地度过时光pleasantlyadv.pleasantnessn.make oneself pleasant处世灵活, 八面玲珑pleasant pleased pleasing agreeable意思都含“给予精神、感情或感官以快慰和满足的”。pleasant 是常用词, 指“愉快的”, 强调“所形容的人或物有给予愉快的性质”, 如:We spent a very pleasant evening.我们度过了一个愉快的夜晚。pleased 指“喜悦的”、“满意的”, 语意不强, 用于表示说话人自己的场合, 如:He is very pleased with the progress we are making.他对我们工作的进展很满意。pleasing 指“令人愉快的”、“合意的”, 如:The food is pleasing to my taste.这饭菜正合我的口味。agreeable 指“符合某人的喜好或愿望而感觉愉快的”, 如:She has an agreeable voice.她的声音悦耳。pleasure[5pleVE]n.愉快, 快乐, 乐事, 乐趣, 意志, 愿望pleasure[5pleVE]n.快乐, 愉快, 满意, 高兴愉快的事情, 娱乐; 乐趣肉体享乐, 放荡(行为)愿望, 选择, 意志a man of pleasure浪荡子ask sb."s pleasure问某人的来意[意愿]do sb. the pleasure of使某人欢喜, 为某人效劳during sb."s pleasure在某人高兴的时候give pleasure to sb.使某人高兴It"s a pleasure for me to live with you.和你一起生活对我来说是件愉快的事情。May I have the pleasure of dancing with you?我可以和你跳舞吗?That thing gives me little pleasure.那件事使我不太高兴。The pleasure is mine.我高兴得很。What is your pleasure?[口]你想要什么?pleasure[5pleVE]vt.使高兴, 使满意It pleasures me to know you.认识你使我很高兴。pleasure[5pleVE]vi.高兴, 喜欢, 喜爱追求享乐, 游荡I pleasure in your company.和你在一起我很快乐。pleasure-boatn.游船pleasure-domen.富丽堂皇的大厦, 旅馆pleasure-housen.娱乐场所pleasure-seekern.追求享乐的人pleasureseekingn.享乐主义pleasurefuladj.pleasureless[`pleVElIs, `pleI-] one"s pleasure随你, 听便at pleasure随你, 听便for pleasure为了取乐, 作为消遣take (a) pleasure in以...为乐with pleasure愉快地, 高兴地P-has its sting in its tail .[谚]乐极生悲。pleasure delight joy都含“快乐”、“愉快” 的意思。pleasure 是常用词, 指“以任何形式表现出的或默默的快乐与满足”。如:It"s my pleasure to help you.帮助你是我的快乐。delight 语意比pleasure 强, 指“极大的快乐”, 尤指“以一种活泼的态度表现出来的快乐”, 如:The child clapped his hands in delight.那孩子高兴得拍起手来。joy 指“高兴地表现出来的更强烈的快乐和愉快的情绪”, 如:Success brought her great joy.成功给她带来极大的快乐。

please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 怎么区别

please 一般用在交际用语中“请”英 [pli:z]美 [pliz]int.请vt.& vi.使高兴; 使满意; 讨人喜欢; 讨好过去式: pleased过去分词: pleased现在分词: pleasing第三人称单数: pleases派生词:pleasingly例句:1. "Please understand this," she began, a tremble in her voice. “请理解这一点,”她开始说道,声音有些发颤。pleased一般用作形容词“高兴的”英 [pli:zd]adj.高兴的; 自鸣得意; (用于初次见面握手时)很高兴认识您; 称心满意v.(使…)高兴( please的过去式); (使…)满意; 想要; 喜欢例句:1. I"m always pleased to try out a new variety. 我一直乐于尝试新产品。来自柯林斯例句pleasure一般用做名词“乐意。愉快”英 [u02c8pleu0292u0259(r)]美 [u02c8plu025bu0292u025a]n.愉快; 娱乐; 令人高兴的事vt.使高兴; 使满意vi.觉得高兴,享受; 寻欢作乐复数: pleasures过去式: pleasured过去分词: pleasured现在分词: pleasuring第三人称单数: pleasures例句:1. He mixed business and pleasure in a perfect and dynamic way. 他以互动的方式将工作和娱乐完美地结合起来。来自柯林斯例句词组:at someone"s pleasure1. 随便,听便,随意the landlord could terminate the agreement at his pleasure.房东可以随意终止协议。have the pleasure of something (或 of doing somethi1. [用于正式请求和描写]有幸,荣幸he asked if he might have the pleasure of taking her to lunch.他问他能否有幸请她吃午饭。my pleasure1. [用作对谢意的客气回答]愿意为您效劳pleasant只有形容词英 [u02c8pleznt]美 [u02c8plu025bzu0259nt]adj.可爱的; 令人愉快的; 有趣的; 晴朗的比较级: pleasanter最高级: pleasantest派生词:pleasantly pleasantness例句:1. Lloyd George was most anxious to be agreeable and pleasant. 劳埃德·乔治极力想表现得平易近人、和蔼亲切。

beautiful faces are they that wear the light of pleasant spirit there;


please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 怎么区别

一、指意不同1、pleasant表示“令人愉快的”,常说明事物,有主动意义。如:Wespentmanyhoursinapleasantconversation.我们畅谈了好几个小时。2、pleased表示“愉快的”,常说明人。如:Hewaspleasedwiththeirwarmwelcome.他们的热烈欢迎使他很高兴。3、please是指使高兴;使满意;愿意;取悦。如:Iamnotboundtopleaseyouwithmyservice.我没有义务非得要侍候得使你满意不可。4、pleasure指某事使人在感情上得到满足或愉快,也可指使人快乐的各种活动。如:Ireallydon"tknowhowtopleasurehim.我真不知道如何让他高兴。二、读音不同1、please的英式读法是[pliu02d0z];美式读法是[pliu02d0z]。2、pleased的英式读法是[pliu02d0zd];美式读法是[pliu02d0zd]。3、pleasure的英式读法是["pleu0292u0259(r)];美式读法是["pleu0292u0259r]。  4、pleasant的英式读法是["pleznt];美式读法是["pleznt]。三、词性不同1、please是动词,可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。2、pleased是形容词。3、pleasure一般是名词,有时做动词。4、pleasant也是形容词。

in the most pleasant of homes为什么加of

in the most pleasant of homes为什么加of加of是错误的。pleasant为形容词修饰homesin the most pleasant homes 在大部分愉快的家庭里。

Mark lives in a big pleasant room ______ approximately 5 meters by 6 meters ?

Mark lives in a big pleasant room _measuring_ approximately 5 meters by 6 meters ?

To my delight, I found the new flat ________ in pleasant surroundings.




pleasant pleased pleasure unpleasant的区别

pleasant可以做表语修饰主语宾语,比如pleasant gift, pleasant girl, it"s pleasant。但是pleased不可以做表语后边跟名词,而且pleased只能用在人身上,比如I"m pleased,不能用在东西上。pleasure是名词,和前面的词性不同unpleasant是pleasant的反义词

以my pleasant trip为题,写一次你记忆中愉快的旅行。拜托各位了 3Q

(1) I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer. It was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happened on the half way. One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldn"t move any further. Nobody knew what to do. One girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area. Luckily we brought a tent with us. We put it up and let him rest in it. He took some medicine. Then he drank some water, and ate some food. After a while, he felt much better and we walked on. We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain. (2) England is the best place I"ve ever been. Everything is so beautiful. I spent about one and a half days on the plane. When I arrived at Heathrow Airport in London, it was evening and the GREat trip was starting. there were many places I v is ited in London, like Big Ben, Westminster, the Tower of London…….those are very famous. Most of the time in the afternoon, my parents and I sat and walked in the park. Have you seen“Notting Hill”before? the story in the movie happens in London. the Brit is h museum, Musee de Louver and the Metropolitan Museum of art are the three largest museums in the world. I"ve v is ited two of them. then we left London for Cambridge, Windsor Castle, York and Stonehenge. they were excellent . Every small town has a h is tory of one or two thousand years. there was an art festival called“Tutto”in Edinburgh, and there were many street players who their lives to the shows. then we went to northern Scotland. It was dangerous! then we went back to London, and sat in the park, and the fat geese were so cute. That journey was the nicest memory of my life. I won"t forget it. (3) My Summer Trip I went to three cities to play during last summer holidays. They are Beijing, Dalian and HuHehot. I went to Beijing more than eight times. Beijing is the capital of China. It"s a big city. I am very familiar with Beijing. It takes an hour and forty minutes from Nantong to Beijing by plane. There are many tall buildings in Beijing. It"s a modern city. My family visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum, the Beihai Park, the Space Museum, etc. I went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing. It was very interesting. I went shopping in WangFuJing. I bought lots of souvenirs and other things. I like eating Beijing snacks. They are delicious. Don"t miss the Beijing Duck. It is really nice. Dalian is a beautiful city. Dalian is close to Beijing. I spent 5o minutes on the plane. Dalian is near the sea. I smelled the salty taste in the air. The roads are clean. There are lots of trees and flowers near the roads. There are many esplanades and Japanese buildings. There are some fountains in one of the esplanades. Some people flew kites and walked on the esplanades. We went to see the beach and the sea. The sea is blue. There were many swimmers in the sea. I lay on the beach to see the sky.Dalian is a very nice place to live. Huhehot is in Inner Mongol. There are lots of large grasslands. The grasslands are endless. The sky is bright blue. There were a lot of horses and sheep. They were running or eating grass. I rode a horse on the grass land. I picked some colourful flowers. We drank the tea with milk. There is a small desert, it was very hot when I walked on it. The sand could sing. These trips helped me open my eyes. I enjoyed my day. 3篇,自己选一片合适的~

pleasant nice enjoyable attractive 这几个词有什么不同

这几个词都是形容词 pleasant用来形容物,人或事是令人高兴的; nice是比较通用的,相当于汉语里的“好”,可以形容人,可以形容事物; enjoyable用来形容那些可以带给你乐趣的事物,令人觉得身/心愉悦的; attractive译作吸引人的,有魅力的,可以形容人,也可以形容事物.


pleasant adj.令人愉快的,合意的。多指天气,时间,旅游,消息等。指人时,表示“可爱的,文雅的”enjoyable adj. 愉快的,有趣的 eg. games to make learning more enjoyable

please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 怎么区别

Plaese有两个意思。1、表请求或要求的语气.是动词(及物动词)。-Come in,please.请进来吧.(或Plaese come in)-Sit down,please.请坐.(或Please sit down)2.表“讨好,讨人喜欢;喜欢”(不及物动词)或者“使···高兴,使···满意,使···喜欢”(及物动词)-Go where you please.你想去哪就去哪。(不及物动词,喜欢)-What pleases you best?你最喜欢什么?(及物动词,使···喜欢)Pleased它是个形容词.表示“高兴的,喜欢的,满意的”。它指的是人主观上感到的满足心理-I"m pleased to see you!见到你真高兴!pleased的句型有:be pleased to do sth.高兴做某事be pleased at/about/with/by 对···感到满意/高兴be pleased that···(后加从句)对···(句子)感到满意/高兴Pleasure它一般是名词,有时做动词。名词时,表示“满足;乐趣;消遣、娱乐”It"s a pleasure to read this book. 读这本书真是件乐事.动词时,表示“使满意”(及物动词);“高兴、喜欢;寻欢作乐”(不及物动词)pleasure作动词我觉得很少见.我也是刚刚百度词典才知道.在这里不举例,如感兴趣可自查Pleasant它又是一个形容词.但是它表示“令人愉快的”。如何区分pleasant 和 pleased是个难点和重点。区别在于:pleased表示人主观上,在心理感到愉快满足,主语一般为人;pleasant表示一个事物“让人感到满意”,主语一般为物。英语中 这类意思相近 但一个表示主观感受、一个表示令人怎样 的形容词对 有很多很多要熟练掌握他们。由动词+ed后缀 组成的形容词,一般都表示人的主观感受。对了还有例句:The walk was very pleasant. 那次散步很(让人)愉快。

pleasant sensation是什么意思

pleasant sensation愉快的感觉双语对照词典结果:pleasant sensation[英][u02c8plezu0259nt senu02c8seiu0283u0259n][美][u02c8plu025bzu0259nt su025bnu02c8seu0283u0259n]快感; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Ui psychologist kim johnson and colleagues found laboratory rats deficient in sodiumchloride-common table salt-shy away from activities they normally enjoy, like drinking asugary substance or pressing a bar that stimulates a pleasant sensation in their brains. 爱荷华大学的心理学家kim johnson和同事们发现,如果实验室老鼠摄取的氯化钠(也就是我们常用的食盐)不足,它们就不在去做那些本来喜欢的活动,比方说喝含有糖分的水或者按下一个刺激大脑中产生快感的按钮。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

To compensate for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for him




翻译一句话:An air hostess would take charge of me and Inever had an unpleasant experience.


A flight attendant would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience.


英语单词的反义词 famous,clean,tidy,clear,fit,pleasant,sure的反义词


《Jane and the Unpleasantness》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor》(Stephanie Barron)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 9b6i书名:Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor作者:Stephanie Barron出版社:Crimeline出版年份:1996-12-01页数:352内容简介:For everyone who loves Jane Austen...a marvelously entertaining new series that turns the incomparable author into an extraordinary sleuth!On a visit to the estate of her friend, the young and beautiful Isobel Payne, Countess of Scargrave, Jane bears witness to a tragedy. Isobel"s husband--agentleman of mature years--is felled by a mysterious and agonizing ailment. The Earl"s death seems a cruel blow of fate for the newly married Isobel. Yet thebereaved widow soon finds that it"s only the beginning of her she receives a sinister missive accusing her and the Earl"s nephew of adultery--and murder. Desperately afraid that the letter will expose her to the worst sort of scandal, Isobel begs Jane for help. And Jane finds herself embroiled in a perilous investigation that will soon have her following a trail of clues that leads all the way to Newgate Prison and the House of Lords--atrail that may well place Jane"s own person in the gravest jeopardy.


你就记住这样一句简单的话吧: Hearing chomstein"s pleasant words,I became cheerful. pleasant是令人愉快的,多数时候指的是事物,当然也可以指人(给他人带来快乐的人) cheerful是感到高兴的、表现得很欢乐的,一般指人 能理解了吗?




happy是指广义的快乐 可以用于任何用法中 pleasant形容使人愉快的事物 pleased是指一些微小的事物引起的愉悦感 delight是指比较高尚的精神层面的愉悦pleased和pleasant都是形容词 前者形容感受 后者形容引起感受的事物 delight是名词 delightful是形容词 用于形容使人愉悦的事物



please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 怎么区别



你就记住这样一句简单的话吧: Hearing chomstein"s pleasant words,I became cheerful. pleasant是令人愉快的,多数时候指的是事物,当然也可以指人(给他人带来快乐的人) cheerful是感到高兴的、表现得很欢乐的,一般指人 能理解了吗?


agreeable 英[əˈgri:əbl] 美[əˈɡriəbəl] adj. 令人愉快的,惬意的;有礼貌的;同意的,接受的;适合的,一致的 [例句]That gives a boost to remote but agreeable locales.这就促进了一些偏远、但舒适惬意的地区快速发展。pleasant 英["pleznt] 美[ˈplɛzənt] adj. 可爱的;令人愉快的;有趣的;晴朗的 最高级:pleasantest, most pleasant;比较级:pleasanter, more plea... [例句]Use yellow to evoke pleasant cheerful feelings.用黄色唤起愉快、高兴的感情。

patient pleasant confident分别是什么意思

耐心的(病人)愉快的 自信的

would have 的用法。The only time I believe we exchanged physical pleasantries would have been ?

have been过去分词形式,would也如此,三次可以通用表达过去式。


都有高兴的意思,看词根,容易记忆cheerful,欢呼雀跃式的高兴,诚心诚意的状态.joyful,很高兴的参见.去做某事前的状态.形容小孩子较多用.glad,成年人用的多,见面客套话用be glad to see you (do sth).pleasant1.某人发...



Residents were cutting their lawns, washing their cars and otherwise ________a pleasant, sunny da

A (虚度)


  愚蠢的; 迟钝的; 乏味的; 晕眩的,昏迷不醒的。

为什么feel 和 oblige 都是过去式? I felt obliged to leave after such an unpleasant quarrel.

你好,本句中的felt是谓语动词feel的过去式,obliged是oblige的过去分词。be obliged to do常表示有责任、有义务做某事。这里feel是半系动词,可以用系动词am替换。(详见词条“半系动词”)。-ed结尾的动词一般有过去式和过去分词两种形式,有时在拼写上是一致的。动词的过去式是用来做一般过去时的谓语,过去分词可以做现在完成时、过去完成时的谓语(have+done),还有就是这种状况可以当成一个形容词,翻译成“……的”,可以充当表语、定语等。此外,feel后面还可以跟一个形式宾语it和形容词做宾补,而把后面的to do 做宾语,例如:I feel it nesscary to call her.在做语法分析时首先要找到一个真正的谓语动词,其它的-ed动词要么是从句的动词,要么就是分词做定语。并列句中谓语动词的连接是用连词完成的,如果你找到and,but等词,前后句可能确实有两个地位相当的谓语动词。

i feel pleasant还是pleased





pleased 是形容人,表示那个人很满意。比如:he was pleased.pleasant 是形容物,说那个东西让人满意。比如:The conversation is pleasant.

「感到愉快的」英文用pleased 还是pleasant?中文意思差在哪?

当你感到愉快时,英文是要用 pleased 还是pleasant?本篇文章要来教学英文易混淆字pleased 跟 pleasant 这两个英文单字之间的差异。如果你还不知道pleased 跟 pleasant 这两个英文单字的差异,那就别错过这篇文章罗。 下面教学pleased 跟 pleasant 中文意思差异。 1.pleased 感到愉快的、感到高兴的 pleased 的前面通常接人,也就是某某人感到愉快…的意思,而pleased 后面则常常接 to 唷。 例: I"m pleased to meet you. 我很高兴见到你。 例: I"m so pleased to see you. 很高兴看到你。 另外,be pleased to do sth 是指很乐意去做某件事。 例: I"m pleased to help. 我很乐意帮忙。 2.pleasant 令人愉快的 pleasant 中文意思是指「令人愉快的」,pleasant 的前面通常是接事物喔,也就是某件事物让你感到愉悦、愉快。 例: a pleasant *** ile/person 亲切的笑容/和气可爱的人 例: a pleasant day/surprise 令人愉快的日子/惊喜 例: Her voice has a pleasant tone. 她的声音语调宜人。 上面就是英文易混淆字pleased 跟 pleasant 的中文意思差别啦! pleasant, pleasant 中文, pleasant 意思, pleased, pleased 中文, pleased 意思, 愉快的 英文, 感到愉快 英文



pleased,pleasant 和pleasure的用法

pleased是一个形容词,它只能以人作主语,表示“某人很开心”,sb is pleased... pleasant也是形容词,一般主语是物,it is a pleasant trip pleasure是一个名词,一般来说不可数,表示“开心,快”;但当表示“一件令人开心的事”的时候是可数的,可以在前面加a

pleased,pleasant ,pleasure 有什么区别?请各举一例句说明!

please 动词 Please have your sit ! pleased 形容词/PLEASE的过去分词以及过去式 I"M SO PLEASED TO MEET YOU .(高兴的) pleasure 乐意,名词 IT"S MY PLEASURE TO SEND YOU HOME . pleasant 快乐的,形容词 It really was an pleasant moment for me . (可以跟PLEASED 替换,意思都一样)


pleasant 是常用词, 指“愉快的”, 强调“所形容的人或物有给予愉快的性质”, 如: We spent a very pleasant evening. 我们度过了一个愉快的夜晚。 pleased 指“喜悦的”、“满意的”, 语意不强, 用于表示说话人自己的场合, 如: He is very pleased with the progress we are making. 他对我们工作的进展很满意。 pleasing 指“令人愉快的”、“合意的”, 如: The food is pleasing to my taste. 这饭菜正合我的口味。 这是字典的解释,有什么不好吗?


pleasant 用于描述物,意思是物令人满意,乐意. pleased 用于描述人,意思是人满意,乐意. happy 指人的情绪,意思是快乐的.


pleasant /ˈplɛzənt/ CET4 TEM4 pleasanter,pleasantest1.ADJ Something that is pleasant is nice, enjoyable, or attractive. 令人愉快的例:I"ve got a pleasant little apartment.我有一套舒适的小公寓。2.ADV 令人愉快地例:We talked pleasantly of old times.我们愉快地谈论着过去的时光。pleasantly3.ADJ Someone who is pleasant is friendly and likeable. 友善的例:The woman had a pleasant face.那个女人长着一张和善的脸。



please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 怎么区别



please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 怎么区别


一、用法不同:1、pleased的基本意思是感到高兴,满意。在句中常用作形容词与副词。2、pleasant的基本意思是令人愉快的,舒适的,合意的。可形容人,也可形容物。Pleasant在形容人时,指人的外貌、气质、举止、态度等让人喜欢。二、意思不同:1、pleased:使满意,使愉快,高兴的;喜欢的。 2、pleasant:可喜的,宜人的,令人愉快的;舒适的。三、侧重点不同:1、pleased:侧重于外界事物令人高兴,如外界的想法, 意见。常用作被动。2、pleasant:侧重于事物本身令人愉快,常用作主动。扩展资料:重点词汇解释:1、pleasedadj. 高兴的;喜欢的;乐意做某事v. 满意;愿意(please的过去分词形式)双语例句:Aren"t you pleased to see me?见到我你不高兴吗?2、pleasantadj. 令人愉快的;舒适的;讨人喜欢的;和蔼可亲的双语例句:The woman had a pleasant face. 那个女人长着一张和善的脸。

pleased,pleasure,pleasant 三者的分别和用法

pleased 形容词/PLEASE的过去分词以及过去式 --形容人I"M SO PLEASED TO MEET YOU .(高兴的) pleasure 乐意,名词 IT"S MY PLEASURE TO SEND YOU HOME .pleasant 快乐的,形容词 It really was an pleasant moment for...

pleasant 修饰人还是物? pleased修饰人还是物??



pleasant定语 pleased表语


pleased和pleasant的区别:一、意思不同。二、用法不同。三、侧重点不同。一、意思不同。1、pleased:使满意,使愉快。2、pleasant:可喜的,宜人的,吸引人的。二、用法不同。1、pleased:可作形容词,可作副词。例句:Felicity seemed pleased at the suggestion. 翻译:费莉西蒂好像对这个建议很满意。2、pleasant:作形容词。例句:It"s always pleasant to do what you"re good at doing. 翻译:做自己擅长的事总是令人愉快的。三、侧重点不同。1、pleased:侧重于外界事物令人高兴,如外界的想法, 意见。有被动的意思。2、pleasant:侧重于事物本身令人愉快,有主动的意思。


您好pleasant是形容词adj.令人愉快的, 舒适的,没有过去式,只有动词才有的,please是pleasant的动词形式,它的过去式是pleased


pleasant [ˈplezənt]a.舒适的,令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的


pleasant [pleas·ant || "pleznt]adj. 愉快的, 亲切的,可爱的pleased [plɪːzd]adj. 高兴的, 满足的please [plɪːz]v. 使高兴, 请, 取悦; 令人高兴, 讨人喜欢; 愿意;讨好; 喜欢

pleasant 和pleasing有什么区别


pleasure 和 pleasant pleased 的区别


pleasant与enjoyable 的区别



pleasant是 pleasure的形容词。跟please没有什么太大的关系除了字母有些一样。please是请的意思,是个助动词。pleasure是高兴的意思。


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: pleased 形容词,动词 a pleased look, 高兴的表情 The good news pleased the family mightily.这个好消息使全家人高兴极了。 pleasure 名词 surrender oneself to pleasure 沉溺于欢乐之中 youthful pleasure 青年人的乐趣 pleasant 形容词 a pleasant voice 悦耳的声音 pleasant childhood memories. 愉快的童年回忆 Your passport,please. 请出示护照。 Entertaining or pleasing. 引起乐趣的,使人高兴的 Not pleasing;disagreeable. 讨厌的,令人不快的




一、用法不同:1、pleased的基本意思是感到高兴,满意。在句中常用作形容词与副词。2、pleasant的基本意思是令人愉快的,舒适的,合意的。可形容人,也可形容物。Pleasant在形容人时,指人的外貌、气质、举止、态度等让人喜欢。二、意思不同:1、pleased:使满意,使愉快,高兴的;喜欢的。 2、pleasant:可喜的,宜人的,令人愉快的;舒适的。三、侧重点不同:1、pleased:侧重于外界事物令人高兴,如外界的想法, 意见。常用作被动。2、pleasant:侧重于事物本身令人愉快,常用作主动。扩展资料:重点词汇解释:1、pleasedadj. 高兴的;喜欢的;乐意做某事v. 满意;愿意(please的过去分词形式)双语例句:Aren"t you pleased to see me?见到我你不高兴吗?2、pleasantadj. 令人愉快的;舒适的;讨人喜欢的;和蔼可亲的双语例句:The woman had a pleasant face. 那个女人长着一张和善的脸。

Pleased pleasure 和pleasant的区别和用法.谢咯

pleased 一般以人作主语,表示”高兴地,满意的“,构成词组:be pleased to do;be pleased with sth.; be pleased +从句 pleasure愉快,快乐 pleasant一般以物作主语,表示”令人高兴的“ 它的主语很多情况下是旅行、事件、假期等. 望采纳~不清楚请追问~ please 动词 Please have your sit ! pleased 形容词/PLEASE的过去分词以及过去式 I"M SO PLEASED TO MEET YOU . (高兴的) pleasure 乐意,名词 IT"S MY PLEASURE TO SEND YOU HOME . pleasant 快乐的,形容词 It really was an pleasant moment for me . (可以跟PLEASED 替换,意思都一样) I"M SO PLEASED TO MEET YOU . (高兴的) pleasure 乐意,名词 IT"S MY PLEASURE TO SEND YOU HOME . pleasant 快乐的,形容词 It really was an


pleasant---- 强调令人愉快的--------1 She looks pleasant.2 We had a pleasant time in the disco yesterday.pleasing-----== satisfactory 往往强调令人满意的1 This house has a pleasing design.2 The new building is pleasing to the eye.

please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 怎么区别

please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 怎么区别

pleasant和pleasing的区别 ........

pleasant形容人的心情很愉快 pleasing形容事情本身是一件可以让人愉快的事情

please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 怎么区别


pleasant和pleased都有“高兴的”意思.pleasant所形容的物或人常给人们带来愉快或欢乐.pleasant通常与news,day,weather,voice,view等名词连用. pleased指对某人或某事感到高兴或满意,含有被动之意,其后常与with,about或动词不定式连用,有时也可接从句.
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