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泰勒斯威夫特的声誉很差批评者说她是操纵性的,割喉的,报复的,甚至是种族主义的,但是她真的是这些事情之一吗?这个超级巨星有很多方面,尽管讨厌她可能会觉得时髦,但针对Swift的消极情绪可能会超越顶峰。这里只是我们为什么可以放松在Swift阴影的几个原因。(说真的,现在变得很无聊了。)她非常慷慨Getty Images多年来,斯威夫特一直在努力回馈大大小小。2017年9月,E!有消息报道说,Swift在哈维飓风袭击后,对德克萨斯州休斯敦一家食品银行进行了“大规模的捐赠”。“赫芬顿邮报”报道说,在她的性侵犯审判之后,她通过Mariska Hargitay的快乐心脏基金会向性侵犯和家庭暴力的幸存者“慷慨捐赠”。Fuse在2016年报道说,Swift捐赠了10万美元给多利帕顿的电视剧,让田纳西州的野火受害者受益;在车祸中失去姐姐的粉丝5,000美元;向路易斯安那州的洪灾遇难100万美元巴吞鲁日食品银行5万美元;捐赠给非洲公园;并为了纪念她的教子,女演员Jaime King的儿子Leo而向Cedars-Sinai医院捐赠了一大笔捐款。2015年,Swift捐助了太多的原因,促使GoFundMe 增加了对服务的捐赠限制。2014年,她开始了一场名为“ Swiftmas ”的草根运动,这个运动涉及到她监控自己的粉丝的社交媒体页面,并用礼物让他们惊讶。她甚至还拜访了她家的一位粉丝,为她蹒跚学步的儿子带来了礼物。CMT报道,2012年,第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马(Michelle Obama)授予斯威夫特Nickelodeon大帮助奖,以表彰她的慈善工作。请记住,这只是我们所知道的一些好事。可能还有更多还没有被公开。她把她的音乐用得好,2012年,Swift发布了“Ronan”,这是一个由Rockstar Ronan 博客启发的iTunes专辑,博客由玛雅汤普森(Maya Thompson)领导,他的儿子在四岁生日时就离开了癌症。从汤普森的博客中,斯威夫特创作了令人难以置信的令人心碎的曲目,并将所有收入从歌曲中捐献给“站起来2”。在写这篇文章的时候,斯威夫特只是在2012年的“站起来2癌症”电视剧上演了两次,而在1989年的汤普森访问期间,也只有一次。Swift两次都哭了,如果你调到这个视频,你也会这样。斯威夫特还将她的舞曲“欢迎来到纽约”的收益捐赠给了纽约市的公立学校。她强烈反对性侵犯Getty Images斯威夫特指责丹佛DJ大卫穆勒在2013年的见面会后向她求证,他指责她让他被解雇,并以300万美元起诉她。斯威夫特反驳了他的性侵犯和电池正是1美元,并赢得了。她在展台上的证词是时髦而强大的。当被问到“穆勒多长时间”被指控抓住她时,她(通过E!新闻)说:“我认为在法庭上估计时间不是明智之举,但是我知道足够长的时间才能完全确定这是故意的......第一个几毫秒我以为肯定是一个错误,所以我很快移动到了一边,这样他的身体就会从我的脸颊上移开,但是它没有放开。穆勒的律师还问斯威夫特是否认为她的保安人员格雷格邓特应该在这一刻做更多的事情。“穆勒先生所做的,就像我说的那样,是非常有益的,而且地点非常有意,而且发生得非常快,我不会责怪格雷格登特,因为穆勒先生做了什么,”斯威夫特回答。当穆勒的律师问斯威夫特是否“批评丹特”不停止所谓的摸索时,她回答说:“不,我批评你的客户把他的手伸到我的裙子下面,抓住我的手。她一直在低调Getty Images斯威夫特在2016年和2017年的大部分时间都处于雷达下,部分原因是她自我意识到自己有可能被曝光过度。“我想我应该休息一下,”她在2015年10月告诉 NME,“我想人们可能需要休息一下。”2017年5月,一位消息人士告诉人们,斯威夫特正在听她的直觉。知情人士说:“泰勒有意识地选择了消失。”“......她现在低调而隐秘,因为这让她开心。”一位知情人士在2017年11月对“太阳报”表示,无线电沉默可能永远是Swift的管理层,即使这违背了管理层的意愿。消息人士说:“泰勒对自己的形象已经变得过于保护了。“她不再需要采访专辑卖唱片了,她不想解决她和凯蒂佩里(Katy Perry)和坎耶韦斯特(Kanye West)之间的争执,所以只有在她完全掌控的情况下进行采访才能阻止事件的发生“。消息人士补充说:“她的团队(不知道这是最明智的选择),她只是希望音乐能够说话,希望就足够了。”她为她的戏剧承担了一些责任Getty Images在她的名声专辑的几首歌里,斯威夫特实际上负责了她在生活中各种戏剧中的角色。在“随心所欲”中,斯威夫特说:“我知道我每次都会犯同样的错误,我从不学习。她还指出,她“枪杀了一场枪战”,似乎表明,虽然她的各种争执和轻微的戏剧性可能伤害了她,但她没有准备好,因为她与他人煽动的情况,她会受到多么严重的损害。这可能是“回到十二月” 以来,斯威夫特第一次承认通过她的音乐可以犯任何错误。在声誉曲目“我做了坏事”和“逃亡车”中,斯威夫特坦白承认人际关系上的不当行为。更何况,在专辑的眼线笔记里,她- 也许是第一次- 承认她并不完美。她写道(通过天才),“我们永远不会好或坏。“我们都是我们的自私和慷慨,忠诚和自我保存,实用主义和冲动的混合物,从我15岁开始就一直在公众眼中,在美丽,可爱的一面,我一直所以很幸运,为了生活而创作音乐,关注着充满爱的,充满活力的人群;在硬币的另一边,我的错误已经被用来对付我,我的心碎已经被用作娱乐,我的创作被简化为“过分分享。”到现在为止,我们都知道斯威夫特可以抱怨。不过,如果你对自己好,那么准备好被宠坏,因为她好像是一个了不起的朋友。斯威夫特在BFF阿比盖尔安德森(Abigail Anderson)的婚礼中担任侍女,她在那里发表的演讲似乎不仅感人,而且每个好莱坞生活都有趣,甚至有点厚脸皮。据报道,她也热衷于获得最佳的赛琳娜戈麦斯(Selena Gomez),尤其是她与贾斯汀比伯(Justin Bieber)的关系。我们每周报道Swift并不是Biebs的最大粉Swift在与制作人Luke博士的法律战斗中向Kesha表现出了不可思议的善意,向“Praying”歌手的法律账单捐赠了25万美元。凯莎把斯威夫特称为“甜心王”,告诉滚石,“她非常非常甜蜜,非常非常真实,非常慷慨,每次打电话给我时都会拿起电话。我的妈妈甚至不会总是拿起电话!“斯威夫特向卡米拉卡韦洛(Carila Cabello)举行了18岁的生日派对(因为她甚至没有邀请卡贝洛的第五和弦乐队,尽管这可能是最好的)。Tay Tay对她的对手还是很高兴的:人们报告说,当说唱者在Swift上击败排行榜时,她送出了Cardi B的花朵,在Billboard Hot 100上获得了第一名。她对政治的沉默是有原因的Getty Images当她没有公布2016年大选的时候,斯威夫特激怒了许多人(虽然她投票并发布了关于“三月妇女”的推文)。她也因为没有彻底谴责那些崇拜她的白人至上主义组织而加热。这可能是所有这一切的解释,斯威夫特的朋友,政治积极和非常有声望的莉娜邓纳姆礼貌。“当我不太了解的时候,我就像"谁不能分享他们的意见?然后我发现,当你谈论政治时,人们会直接向你推荐你的房子的平面图,并说他们来到你的房子,“邓纳姆向滚石解释说。“你必须先看看它,因为人们很疯狂。”她补充说:“斯威夫特从15岁开始就一直处于公众的视线之中。我的职业生涯开始的时候,我感到很年轻,我23岁,24岁。我见到她的时候,她刚刚22岁,而且经验丰富亲在这东西。“另一位斯威夫特的朋友托德里克霍尔(Todrick Hall)向雅虎解释说:“也许有一天,泰勒会开始超级政治,用她的声音做人们认为她应该做的事情,但即使如此,她也可能会被嘲笑没有足够的声音,或不在右边。“她像我们其他人一样不安全Getty Images斯威夫特和她的团队对她形象的控制力过度,但是除了简单的自恋和明显的商业利益之外,还有一个原因。那些痴迷于他人如何被别人看到的人可能会感到难以置信,斯威夫特在她的名誉班轮记录中承认了这一点。她(通过Genius)写道:“最终,我们在网上张贴照片来策划陌生人对我们的看法,然后我们醒来,看着镜子看着我们的脸,看到了裂缝,伤痕和瑕疵,并畏缩了。“我们希望有一天我们能遇见一个能够看到同一个早晨的人,而不是看到他们的未来,他们的伴侣,他们的永远。即使他们看到故事的所有方面,所有人仍然会选择我们就是你的万花筒。“在她的班轮说明独立的诗,斯威夫特写道,“如果你喜欢我什么/你咬你的指甲....../你答应人的世界,因为这是他们所想要的东西。你喜欢给他们他们想要的东西......你已经长大了恨你的骄傲/爱你的大腿/并没有25的朋友/将填补空座/在你的过去的午餐桌/最后挑选你的团队。她对自己有幽默感斯威夫特至少在某种程度上开玩笑说她的名誉。她在2017年11月的周六夜现场表演中一直是蛇先生的商品,摇动蛇形麦克风,甚至在“华丽”中嘲笑自己的“猫女”。在她的音乐录影带“看你做我做什么”中,斯威夫特嘲笑她的“老泰勒”,因为其他所有人都喜欢这样做:她惊讶的获胜面子;她的敏感,令人沮丧的漂亮女孩形象;她永远的受害者,她臭名昭着的“我非常想被排除在这个叙述”的声明。这不会影响她的销售Getty Images听着,无论Swift收到多少仇恨,都不会影响她的音乐成功或银行账户。Billboard报道Swift 在2017年11月发行的第一天就售出了70万份声望。如果斯威夫特第一周卖出100万张,这将是她的第四张专辑。Billboard报道说,自从1991年尼尔森音乐开始跟踪销售数据以来,她是目前唯一拥有三张独立专辑的唱片公司在第一周就卖出了一百万张唱片。如果声誉确实移动了一百万张,那么它将成为今年最畅销的专辑在货架上一周击败她的朋友红发艾德,其有,在写这篇文章的时候,卖出909,000份。自其在2017年三月发布。她的处理者可能是更大的问题Getty Images有消息人士告诉第六页,斯威夫特虽然甜蜜如此,但是她的父母斯科特和安德烈有时为自己女儿的职业生涯蒙上了一层阴影。“泰勒的父母非常难以应付,他们的期望是巨大的,他们很难取悦,他们希望尽可能少地付出,像对待人一样对待,因为他们认为这些人是幸运的有机会和泰勒这样的超级巨星一起工作,“一位消息人士说。“泰勒的父母认为他们可以做得更好,而让事情变得复杂的是,他们不再住在一起,他们不在一个网页,甚至不喜欢在同一个房间里,安德烈要求丈夫不要出席会议泰勒是非常聪明和专业的,但在某种程度上,她将需要她的父母停下来,然后变成凯瑟琳海格尔(Katherine Heigl)的“momager”的总体情况。这正是她想要的叙述Getty Images尽管斯威夫特外在的坚持,她只是想过自己的生活,被媒体独自留下,“看看你做我做”制片人杰克安东诺夫说,整个赛道的重点是让人们谈话。“我们知道那会发生,”安东诺夫告诉“卫报”。“我记得说:"这将在思想上思考思想!那就是它的设计目的,那就是那首歌的全部内容。“斯威夫特暗示在设计自己的音轨解决方案时,班轮记录里的声望。“当这张专辑出来的时候,八卦博客会冲刷的歌词,他们可以归因于每首歌曲,仿佛音乐的灵感是简单和基本的亲子鉴定的人,”她写道(通过全国联保)。“将会有幻灯片显示照片支持每个不正确的理论,因为这是2017年,如果你没有看到它的照片,它不可能发生的正确吗?(这可能也是这样的事实,她和男友乔阿尔文从未被引用清楚地拍到在一起,但我们又来了,玩到从中斯威夫特坚持她要排除另一种叙述。)还有更糟糕的人会厌恶Getty Images保持所有的快速仇恨是非常重要的:当然,她可能会也可能不会谎言批准Kanye West的“着名”的歌词,但是在最后的时候,真的很重要吗?是的,她和凯蒂佩里一起吃牛肉很烦人,但是他们都在公开的眼中拖延了。当然,谴责纳粹从来不是一件坏事,但是如前所述,如果她真的这样做的话,她可能真的担心她的安全。是的,她约会的时间与在自由世界中的所有其他年轻女子一样。她偶尔会把脚放在她的嘴里,就像大多数天生就有的可疑的人类一样。但与众多其他明星不同的是,斯威夫特从未被 指控性侵犯。她从未被指控过家庭暴力。她从来没有被指责积极参与仇恨言论。她最大的罪行可能就是想要整个世界都爱她,而且不可避免地要达到她为自己设定的标准。在事情的宏伟计划中,她可能会变得更糟,所以也许现在是时候最后摆脱你的肩上的芯片,并拥抱斯威夫特的流行统治地位。相信我们,这将使收听收音机变得容易很多,因为无论如何也没有逃脱。






泰勒斯威夫特的歌曲:《All Too Well》《betty》《Enchanted》《illicit affairs》《Sparks Fly》等。1、《All Too Well》《All Too Well》无疑是她词作的巅峰之一,当她回顾这段充斥着伤痛却也不乏美好时刻的旧情时,她将本该琐碎的回忆片段写成刻骨铭心的文字,无论是那条遗落的围巾,或是夜晚在冰箱前的共舞,都历历在目一般。在歌曲短短几分钟内,引领我们经历这段从相识到相恋再到相别的恋情,有如一场扣人心弦的电影,让本该痛彻心扉的失恋,变成一场如此深刻动人的体验。2、《betty》《betty》从出轨者的角度出发,描绘了一个名为James的男孩在出轨后,对女友betty的忏悔,并看着他在纠结过后,鼓起勇气向女孩道歉,乞求原谅。透过James的视角,我们能感受到他心中的后悔与抱歉与多么地强烈,让听者在对于他的出轨行径感到气愤的同时,又能感受到他的真诚和无奈,同时希望betty能选择原谅James,给他最后一次机会。3、《Enchanted》TaylorSwift最深刻的歌曲多是曲长超过四分钟的歌,而这首长达六分钟的歌披着爱情的缤纷绚烂,唱出年少时期那莽撞而无可救药的姿态,每一次恋爱都有如轰轰烈烈的烟花,奋不顾身地盛放。那时的爱情,诚如这首歌的歌名《Enchanted》,如此令人心醉神迷,让人不顾一切地去爱,不顾一切地受伤。4、《illicit affairs》关于一段不忠之恋,《illicit affairs》以简单的吉他为伴奏,轻盈而平静地弹奏着,宛若闪烁的星光,用泰然的口吻讲述这段不被祝福的恋情,象是在试图隐藏内心的波涛汹涌。这样的关系注定会让人受伤,甚至不被多数人所理解。然而,Taylor透过短短几段歌词,把不忠之恋的心酸、无奈、混乱,温柔地描绘出来,让人愿意理解这样的选择,没有太多的批判或怨悔,反而有种无能为力的洒脱感:就算知道这样的恋情有违道德,且会让自己伤痕累累,即使会粉身碎骨,仍会心甘情愿地为爱沈沦。5、《Sparks Fly》《Sparks Fly》是她十六岁时的创作,词句青涩却也精准地反映出青少年对于爱情的向往,鼓组与吉他交织出激昂而汹涌的编曲,把暗恋的澎湃情感具象化,听着听着不禁随着节奏甩头呐喊,象是要把藏在心底的情感宣泄而出。


wildest dreams

泰勒斯威夫特 superstar 的歌词哈

《superstar》Taylor Swiftthis is wrongbut i can"t help but feel likethere aint nothin" more right babemisty morning comes again and i can"thelp but wish i could see your faceand i knew from the first note played,i"d be breaking all my rules to see youyou smile that beautiful smileand all the girls in the front rowscream your nameso dim that spotlight,tell me things like i can"t take my eyesoff of you i"m no one special,just another wide eyed girlwho"s desperately in love with yougive me a photograph to hang on my wallsuperstarmorning loneliness comes around when i"m notdreaming about youwhen my world wakes up todayyou"ll be in another townand i knew when i saw your face i"d becounting down the ways to see youand you smile that beautiful smileand all the girls in the frontrow scream your nameso dim that spotlight,tell me things like i can"t take my eyesoff of you i"m no one special,just another wide eyed girlwho"s desperately in love with yougive me a photograph to hang on my wallsuperstaryou played in bars, you play guitarand i"m invisible and everyone knows who you areand you"ll never see you sing me to sleepevery night on the radioso dim that spotlight,tell me things like i can"t take my eyesoff of you i"m no one special,just another wide eyed girlwho"s desperately in love with yougive me a photograph to hang on my wallsuperstarsweet, sweet superstar superstar.








是 诗歌吧:我壁橱里的怪物我壁橱里的怪物----Taylor Swift 窗外的雨滴打落在玻璃上我坐在地板上拿着一幅自画像蜡笔涂抹着我的样子我不知道以后能遇见谁然后我画了一个怪物抱在怀里睡着了天花板上渗透的水冲淡了这幅自画像我的身体消失了天空暗了下来月亮用轻柔的目光哄着我的梦乡那张自画像已经没有了我只剩下这只怪物它伸出一只腿挣扎的站起身来爬上了我的壁橱消失在里面我听见壁橱里有声音我小小的心脏吓了一跳侧耳倾听小心打开了壁橱睡意惺忪的眼睛睁大了我扮作一个中世纪欧洲骑士我的长矛指向前方我的利剑割破沉寂我的喉咙中吐出烈焰我变小了然后鼓足勇气走进了壁橱门轻轻带上好像什么都没发生过原本以为是爱丽丝梦游奇境记我的身体慢慢变大 变高有人在黑暗中呼喊我的名字青草的清新扑鼻而来然后我看见一片碧海蓝天我感觉我已经成长了站在天地的苍穹中天空是我的披风大地是我的火龙成长是一种战斗放下悔恨 痛苦 挣扎洗礼过去 现在 未来壁橱里的怪物就是我的影子我渴望见到它指引我 拯救我小时候的幻想伴随我到这里我该去追寻它我看见它丑陋的样子被人遗弃我的影子到底谁该拯救谁我打跑了欺负它的人那些可恶的孩子它哭泣着揉着眼睛我安慰它抱入怀中它亲吻了我的面颊然后许诺我一个愿望它写了一首歌曲送给了我我睁大眼睛开始阅读微风吹动我放开的册页拍打我脸颊上的痕迹我呼出一口气变成了气泡海洋已经收入囊中鲸鱼在自由的歌唱歌声已经传播整片海洋 我笑着所以更加抱紧我的怪物 音乐的世界令我沉寂 不需要想太多 太喜欢回忆的我 写下这个故事 值得我把它带入天堂 在上帝面前许愿我的梦想 不过现在我该向圣诞老人祈祷 我拥有了一个很好的礼物 神灵赐予我的灵魂与生命 即使飘落雪花是的颤抖幸福我再一次感受到孤独 缠绕着我的身体 我的怪物在面颊吻了吻 然后我又拿起笔来 微弱的灯光下 我郑重的写下第一首歌 幸运的你 我的怪物走向了壁橱 再一次消失我的梦境 然后我看见我的笔在纸上飞速旋转 一句句歌词填满了虚幻的童年 我真想大声的朗读 因为这是圣诞的日子 再一次月光铺开我金色的发卷 我的歌词飞向了窗外 划过夜空中闪耀的星星 树梢微微的抖动纸张的字迹 有谁知道谁会幸运 我光着脚来到壁橱面前 里面什么也没有 地上还有那张自画像 只不过我也画在旁边 依然完整 我叹了一口气 然后回到床上继续睡觉 我的怪物躲在壁橱的后面看着我 能感觉它在呼吸 一切都在第二天成为了现实 花园里开放了鲜艳的花朵 我来到这里 面对一颗从未见过的树 双手交叉默默许愿 期待下一个 我发现天空飘落淡蓝色的雪花 周围好像是一片海洋 开始慢慢上升 淹没了我的屋子 天花板已经冲破 我拼命跑回屋子里 拯救我的怪物 那幅画作已经不见了 只有壁橱上面贴着一张纸 一首幸运的你 一首写给所有人的歌 一首每一天都拥有快乐的人 我的第一首歌曲望采纳


这个是中国歌迷这么叫她。因为taylor十分漂亮,年龄又小,美国那边都叫她美国甜心之类的,中国这边就叫她小美女,美和“霉”读音相同,而且Taylor每次有强势的单曲冲击Billboard Hot100榜单冠军时,都会遇到各种妖孽,非常倒霉的屈居亚军。而且这是一种爱称,没有任何贬低的意思


你也许已经听过女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)演唱的《Ronan》,这首歌的内容是关于小男孩罗南短暂的一生。2012年9月7日,在“勇敢面对癌症(stand up to cancer)”慈善义演的电视节目上斯威夫特女士倾情演唱了《Ronan》,此后这首歌便一直位居各大音乐排行榜前列。


i said oh my, what a marvelous tune我说:天呀, 多麼奇妙的旋律it was the best night那是最棒的夜晚,never would Forget hOw he moved我不会忘记他如何舞动the whole place所有的人事物was dRessed to thE nines盛装出席and we were dancing, dancing我们跳舞、跳舞like we"re made of sTarlight就像我们是星光闪烁著i met bobby on the boardwalk我在海边的走道遇到他summer of "451945那年夏天picked me up late one nigHt有一天晚上来接我out thE window we were seventeen窗外面, 我们17岁and crazy, running wiLd ladynerdy.blogspot.tw wild疯狂且狂野can"t remember what song it was playing when we walked inthe night we snuck into ayacht club party, pretending to记不起那晚我们, 偷溜进游艇派对时播放的歌曲be a duchess and a prince假装我们是公爵夫人跟王子and i said oh my, what a marvelous tune我说:天呀, 真是奇妙的旋律it was the best night那是最棒的夜晚never would forget how he moved我不会忘记他如何舞动the whole place所有的人事物was dressed to the nines盛装出席and we were dancing, dancing我们跳舞、跳舞like we"re made of starlight, starlight我们就像星光闪烁著like we"re made of starlight, starlight我们就像星光闪烁著he said, “look at you, worrying too much about things you can"t change.他说:「看看你自己,你担心太多无法改变的事情了。you"ll spend your whole life singing the blues if you keep thinking that way.”如果你继续悲观,你会花很长的时间自怨自艾。」he was trying to skip rocks on the ocean, saying to me他跨越海边的石头跟我说著“don"t you see the starlight, starlight? don"t you dream impossible things?”「你没看见美丽的星光吗?你不怀抱梦想吗?」like oh my, what a marvelous tune天呀, 真是奇妙的旋律it was the best night那是最棒的夜晚never would forget how he moved我不会忘记他如何舞动the whole /ladynerdy.blogspot.tw place所有的人事物was dressed to the nines盛装出席and we were dancing, dancing我们跳舞、跳舞like we"re made of starlight, starlight就像我们是星光闪烁著like we"re made of starlight, starlight就像我们是星光闪烁著ooh ooh, he"s talking crazy噢,噢,他说著疯狂的话语ooh ooh, dancing with me噢,噢,与我共舞ooh ooh, we could get married噢,噢,我们可以共结连理have ten kids and teach them how to dream生十个小孩 教他们如何作梦oh my, what a marvelous tune天呀,真是奇妙的旋律it was the best night这是最棒的夜晚never would forget how he moved我不会忘记他如何舞动the whole place所有的人事物was dressed to the nines盛装出席and we were dancing, dancing我们跳舞、跳舞like we"re made of starlight, starlight就像我们是星光闪烁著like we"re made of starlight, starlight就像我们是星光闪烁著like we"re made of starlight, starlight我们就像是星光闪烁著like we dream impossible dreams像是梦难以成真的美梦like starlight, starlight像是星光闪烁著like we dream impossible dreams像是梦难以成真的美梦don"t you see the starlight, starlight?你没瞧见星光吗?don"t you dream impossible things?你不怀抱梦想吗?




  由于已经编辑了一遍了,这遍就是复制的原来那篇的,  个人专辑  《Taylor Swift》2006-10-24  《Taylor Swift》豪华版 2007年11月06日  《Beautiful Eyes》 2008-7-15  《Fearless》 2008-11-11  《Sounds Of The Season》圣诞EP(非正式) 2008-12-02  《Fearless》白金版 2009-11-03  《Speak Now》 2010-10-25 {算半新的吧}  《Taylor Swift》  1. Tim McGraw 3:52  2. Picture to Burn 2:53  3. Teardrops on My Guitar 3:33  4. A Place in This World 3:19  5. Cold As You 3:59  6. The Outside 3:27  7. Tied Together With A Smile 4:08  8. Stay Beautiful 3:56  9. Should"ve Said No 4:02  10. Mary"s Song(Oh My My My) 3:33  11. Our Song 3:22  12. I"m Only Me When I"m With You 3:35  13. Invisible 3:25 作为一个taylover,这首歌还是前几天刚听的,惭愧啊  14. A Perfectly Good Heart 3:42  15. Teardrops on My Guitar (pop version) 2:59  《Taylor Swift》Deluxe Edition  1. Tim McGraw 3:52  2. Picture To Burn 2:53 嗯哼,这个节奏挺强,挺好听的 you are gay (一句歌词)  3. Teardrops On My Guitar (Radio Single Version) 3:33 这首是我喜欢上小美女的歌  4. A Place In This World 3:19  5. Cold As You 3:59  6. The Outside 3:27  7. Tied Together With A Smile 4:08  8. Stay Beautiful 3:56  9. Should"ve Said No 4:02  10. Mary"s Song (Oh My My My) 3:33  11. Our Song (Radio Single Version) 3:22  12. I"m Only Me When I"m With You 3:35  13. Invisible 3:25  14. A Perfectly Good Heart 3:42  15. Taylor"s 1st Phone Call With Tim McGraw  《Beautiful Eyes》  1. Beautiful Eyes  2. Should"ve Said No  3. Teardrops On My Guitar  4. Picture To Burn  5 .I"m Only Me When I"m With You  6. I Heart  《Fearless》大爱的一张专辑  1. Fearless 4:02  2. Fifteen 4:55  3. Love Story 3:56 啊哈,这个很经典了,应该都听过了  4. Hey Stephen 4:16  5. White Horse 3:55  6. You Belong With Me 3:52 这个mv忒有爱了。泰勒一人饰两角  7. Breathe 4:24  8. Tell Me Why 3:21  9. You"re Not Sorry 4:22  10. The Way I Loved You 4:05  11. Forever & Always 3:46  12. The Best Day 4:06  13. Change 4:40  《Sounds Of The Season》非正式圣诞EP(2首原创,4首翻唱经典圣诞歌曲)  1.Last Christmas  2.Christmases When You Were Mine ( 原创,由Nathan Chapman、Liz Rose以及 Taylor Swift共同创作)  3.Santa Baby  4.Silent Night  5.Christmas Must Be Something More ( 原创,By Taylor Swift)  6.White Christmas  《Fearless》Platinum Edition(白金版)  1. Jump Then Fall 3:56  2. Untouchable 5:11  3. Forever Always (Piano Version) 4:27  4. Come In With The Rain 3:58  5. SuperStar 4:21  6. The Other Side Of The Door 3:57  (7~19为《Fearless》第一版全部歌曲)  7. Fearless 4:02  8. Fifteen 4:55  9. Love Story 3:56  10. Hey Stephen 4:16  11. White Horse 3:55  12. You Belong With Me 3:52  13. Breathe 4:24  14. Tell Me Why 3:21  15. You"re Not Sorry 4:22  16. The Way I Loved You 4:05  17. Forever & Always 3:46  18. The Best Day 4:06  19. Change 4:40  《Speak Now》(此专辑共2张CD,其中CD1一共14首,CD2一共8首。)大爱此专辑,好吧,我承认我博爱了。。。。题外话,嗯哼,继续  Disc 1/2  1. Mine 3:50  2. Sparks Fly 4:20  3. Back To December 4:53  4. Speak Now 4:00  5. Dear John 6:43  6. Mean 3:57  7. The Story Of Us 4:25  8. Never Grow Up 4:50  9. Enchanted 5:52  10.Better Than Revenge 3:37  11.Innocent 5:02  12.Haunted 4:02  13.Last Kiss 6:07  14.Long Live 5:18  Disc 2/2  1. Ours 3:58  2. If This Was A Movie 3:54  3. Superman 4:36  4. Back To December (Acoustic) 4:52  5. Haunted (Acoustic) 3:37  6. Mine (US Version) 3:50 (you are the best thing ever been mine~)允许我发一下疯吧  7. Back To December (US Version) 4:53 这首话说是写给小狼的呢,  8. The Story Of Us (US Version) 4  专辑未收录歌曲  Taylor Swift - Studio Demo CD (Demos recorded by Taylor Swift before she got a record contract.)  泰勒斯威夫特- 工作室演示光盘 (Taylor Swift的演示记录之前,她得到了唱片合约。)  1. Lucky You  2. Smokey Black Nights  3. American Boy  4. Here You Come Again  5. Hopelessly Devoted To You  6. Am I Ready For Love?  7. Can I Go With You?  8. One Way Ticket  9. There"s Your Trouble  10.The Star Spangled Banner  Unreleased (未发布) {好多现场的}  1.American Girl  2.Baby, Don"t You Break My Heart Slow  3.Harder to Breathe (Live)  4.I"d Lie  5.Irreplaceable (Live)  6.Lose Your Self (Live)  7.Missing You (Live)  8.Our Last Night  9.Permanent Marker 这首 我喜欢,哈哈  10.Sparks Fly (已在《speak now》中收录)  11.Umbrella  12.What To Wear  13.You Don"t Have To Call  14.Your Anything  15.Your Face  16.Fall Into Me (Live)  17.Ain"t Nothing "Bout You(Brooks & Dunn)  18.Breathless  19.Electric Barnyard Jingle  20.I"m every woman  21.Leavin" (Jesse McCartney Cover LIVE)  22.Put our records on  23.Rehab  24.Sweet Home Alabama  25.Take a Bow (Rihanna Cover LIVE) 这首我喜欢,蕾哈娜的  26.The Midlle  27.Your Body is a Wonderland  28.What comes around  29.I"m sorry/Withe Horse  30.Hero  31.Welcome Back Grunwald Song  32.Santa Monica Digital Set (后面部分)  33.Being with my baby  34.We were happy  合作单曲  1.Two is better than one 合作者:Boys Like Girls  2.Half of my heart 合作者:John Mayer  3.Thug story 合作者:T-Pain  4.best days of your life 合作者:Kellie Pickler  最后送上两首小美女的最新单曲 Songs About You 这是speak now 里面未发行的  Brought Up That Way 这是taylor swift里面未发行的。  嗯哼,就介绍到这里了。最爱小美女了,也希望有更多人喜欢【泰勒斯威夫特】  ---- Forever & Always


这首歌是《Today Was A Fairytale》,《Today Was A Fairytale》是美国歌手泰勒·斯威夫特为电影《情人节》创作的歌,在公告牌,这支单曲空降公告牌亚军,成为了她职业生涯第七支冠亚军单曲及第八支top5单曲。中英歌词:Today was a fairytale, you were the prince.今天是一个童话,你是王子I used to be a damsel in distress.我是常常处于忧伤中的女孩You took me by the hand and you picked me up at six.你牵着我的手说六点来接我Today was a fairytale。今天是一个童话Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Today was a fairytale, I wore a dress,今天是一个童话,我穿着裙子You wore a dark grey T-shirt你穿着深灰色的T恤You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess.你说我很漂亮,当我看起来一团糟时Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Time slows down,Whenever you"re around.每当你在我身边时,时间总是过得很慢Can you feel this magic in the air?你能感觉空气里弥漫的魔力吗?It must have been the way you kissed me.一定是因为你亲吻了我Fell in love when I saw you standing there.当我看见你站在那,我便坠入爱河It must have been the way一定是那样Today was a fairytale.今天是个童话It must have been the way一定是那样Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Today was a fairytale,今天是一个童话You"ve got a smile that takes me to another planet.你的笑容带我去到了别的星球I will write you into the song.我会把你写进歌里。泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国流行音乐、乡村音乐创作型女歌手、音乐制作人、演员、慈善家。

泰勒斯威夫特的love story是哪首歌的mv?

《love story》歌手:Taylor Swift作词:Taylor Swift作曲:Taylor Swift歌词:We were both young when I first saw you第一次见到你的时候我们都很年轻I close my eyes and the flashback starts我闭上眼晴那一幕又闪现了I"m standing there on a balcony in summer air我站在那里在一个阳台上乘凉See the lights" see the party" the ball gowns看这灯光看着舞会和那些礼服See you make your way through the crowd我看见你穿过拥挤的人群I"ll be waiting" all there"s left to do is run我等待着这一天现在唯一能做的就是逃离You"ll be the prince and I"ll be this princess你就会成为王子而我也将会是公主It"s a love story这是一个爱情故事Baby" just say yes亲爱的你只需答应我So I sneak out to the garden to see you于是我偷偷地到公园去见你We keep quiet "cause we"re dead if they knew我们保持低调因为被他们知道的话我们就死定了So close your eyes" escape this town for a little while所以请闭上你的眼睛 从这个城逃出去哪怕只是短暂的一会"Cause you were Romeo" I was a scarlet letter因为你是罗密欧我就像红字里的女主角和你有世仇不能在一起Romeo save me I"ve been feeling so alone罗密欧救救我我感到很孤单I"ll keep waiting for you but you never come我将一直等你可是你从没来过Is this in my head" I don"t know what to think这是在我的脑海我不知道该怎么想he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring他跪在地上并掏出一枚戒指Marry me Juliet you"ll never have to be alone朱丽叶嫁给我 我不会再让你孤单I love you and that"s all I really know我爱你那是我非常确信的I talked to your dad you"ll pick out a white dress我已经和你爸爸谈过了你将穿上白色的婚纱It"s a love story这是一个爱情故事Baby" just say yes亲爱的你只需答应我Oh" oh" oh哦哦哦We were both young when I first saw you第一次见到你的时候我们都很年轻歌曲创作背景《Love Story》的创作灵感来源于泰勒·斯威夫特感兴趣的一个男生,然而这个男生并不受欢迎。当泰勒·斯威夫特再次想起这件事的时候,便有感而发写下这首歌曲,她把这件事在第二副歌前后部分的位置,并围绕这些歌词发展了整首歌。泰勒·斯威夫特认为歌词中的一句“嫁给我吧,朱丽叶,我爱你”是每个女孩都幻想的结局,她希望自己在某一天能够拥有这样的结局,这也是泰勒·斯威夫特为什么把这句歌词写入歌曲中的原因 。

Taylor Swift(泰勒斯威夫特)的love story中文歌词


求泰勒斯威夫特的《love story》的中文音译!急需!

回lease dont go) 安带sa (And I said,) 若密欧 忒米桑么为wi比呃龙 (Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone) 啊wi为听 欧则斯乐兔独s如 (Ill be waiting, all theres left to do is run) 哟比the佩瑞斯安大沃比the佩瑞森 (Youll be the prince and Ill be the princess) 诶次额老v斯多瑞 北鼻这斯嘚yes *(Its a love story, baby, just say yes) 搜爱死你嘎特兔the嘎等兔see u (So, I sneak out to the garden to see you ) wi ki快t阔s wi帝的符they no (We keep quiet cause were dead if they knew) 搜可肉s 哟唉 (So close your eyes ) 斯ki pe this 汤佛呃类头威尔 (Escape this town for a little while ) 可斯U沃若蜜欧,艾我the斯阔勒类特 (Cause you were Romeo, I was the scarlet letter ) 安带埋戴德say 死嘚呃为符若朱莉诶 (And my daddy said, stay away from Juliet ) 八球沃诶ve瑞sing兔密 (But you were my everything to me ) 艾沃斯北gin U 皮思洞够 (I was begging you, please dont go ) 安带sei的 (And I said ) 若密欧 忒米桑么为wi比呃龙 (Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone) 啊wi为听 欧则斯乐兔独s如 (Ill be waiting, all theres left to do is run) 哟比the佩瑞斯安大沃比the佩瑞森 (Youll be the prince and Ill be the princess) 诶次额老v斯多瑞 北鼻这斯嘚yes *(Its a love story, baby, just say yes) 若密欧赛米the踹特跳米浩兔(fi偶) (Romeo, save me ,They try to tell me how I feel ) this 老斯帝fi扣t,八帝次瑞诶偶 (This love is difficult, but its real ) 洞比呃福瑞沃 妹ki 奥符this没斯 (Dont be afraid, well make it out of this mess ) 诶次额love斯多瑞 北鼻这斯嘚yes (Its a love story ,Baby, just say yes ) 。 。 。 艾嘎特的(符)为听 (I got tired of waiting ) 汪的rin(f)U沃诶ve 抗名呃软d (Wondering if you were ever coming around ) 麦飞斯因U沃s飞丁 (My faith in you is fading ) 文艾么球ong the 奥次个次偶f 汤 (When I met you on the outskirts of town ) 安带sei的 (And I said ) 若密欧赛米 艾m比嗯搜隆 (Romeo, save me,Ive been feeling so alone ) 艾ki为听佛U内ver抗 ()I keep waiting for you, but you never come 诶斯this 因埋嘿当洞NO我兔sing king (Is this in my head ,I dont know what to think) 闹特兔the光嘚带剖奥呃瑞宁say (He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring ,And said ) 没瑞米 朱莉诶 U哦 never还兔比额龙 (Marry me, Juliet, youll never have to be alone ) I LOVE U 安带次偶艾瑞力no (I love you and thats all I really know ) 艾托可兔U逮够批靠呃威尔拽斯 (I talked to your dad .Go pick out a white dress) 诶次额love斯多瑞 北鼻这sei yes (Its a love story Baby, just say yes ) 偶偶~ 为沃波斯样 文艾fer斯搜U (Cause we were both young when I first saw you )

泰勒斯威夫特的《love story》是什么故事呢?

love story是taylor在爱上一个男孩子之后却不被父母允许,之后在自己房间里只花了几分钟就完成的歌。歌中讲的是类似于罗密欧与朱丽叶的爱情故事,原著他们最终不得爱,是一个悲剧故事。但是love story里的罗密欧与朱丽叶是一个结局圆满的爱情故事。taylor和男主相遇,之后一见钟情。然后taylor就一直在等男主来找她,到后面taylor快对男主失去信心的时候男主来娶她了。这描绘了一对不得不把爱情深深地埋在心底的可怜恋人,在轻快和感伤间摇摆,又不失少女的一丝单纯。而在音乐方面,taylor将传统的乡村音乐与摇滚乐贴切结合,整首歌曲乐风清新。

泰勒斯威夫特歌曲背后的故事之《All Too Well》

首次接触霉霉(Taylor Swift)的,肯定是是她的 乡村音乐 ,从小就对音乐感兴趣的她,自从接触了加拿大乡村天后 仙妮亚 · 唐恩 的音乐后,便爱上了乡村音乐,之后便开始向往纳什维尔的生活。 霉霉很多歌的写作灵感,都是源于她的生活故事,当然,这些歌曲基本都和她的情感生活息息相关,所以她的私生活也是被众媒体所诟病的。 本文介绍的便是霉霉感情生活转化为歌曲的其中一段。 没错,就是心底柔软的人所绕不过的 《All too well》 ,有一句很经典的网评是这么描述的: 这是一首单身的时候听旋律,失恋的时候听歌词的歌曲 。 这首歌是被收录在霉霉2012年10月22日发行的第四张录音室专辑《Red》中。 霉霉凭借《All too well》获得了美国CMA乡村音乐节,最佳乡村歌曲提名。同时在2014年的56届格莱美奖上做表演曲目使用。 ATW 这首歌有一个很遗憾的点就是没有录制 MV。 这首歌的歌词和旋律都很简单,没有十分刻意的那种炫技,但却可以把刻骨铭心的感情表现出来,宛若我们学生时代写的记叙文一般平铺直叙但是感情却很饱满。 歌词中呈现的一个温馨的画面就是跟着男朋友去他家见父母,然后婆婆拉着唠家常, And your mother"s telling stories about you on the tee ball team 。这种碎碎念般简单的歌却能够牢牢抓住听者的心,丝丝扣人心弦,非常能体现她的作词和演唱能力,每次听到这首歌都会有很深的代入感。 言归正传,这首歌的创作灵感来源于霉霉与杰克·吉伦哈尔(Jake Gyllenhaal 美国著名演员,主演过《断背山》《囚徒》等)逝去的恋情,那时候杰克·吉伦哈尔30岁,而泰勒才21岁,两人的恋情最开始暴露在公众面前时候似乎就没被太看好,最后果不其然,网传杰克由于受不了私生活被过度曝光和跟泰勒之间的年龄差异,最后还是选择了放手。但是霉霉对杰克·吉伦哈尔的感情还是很深的,《state of grace》《red》《treacherous》《all too well》《we are never ever getting back together》这些歌都跟那段恋情有关。 cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me. 这两句歌词是非常迎合大多数孤独者灵魂的。轰轰烈烈的爱情里过后,最惆怅的就是那些琐碎的回忆细节。你以为自己已经放下过去,准备大步向前的时候,偏偏每个夜深人静的时候,所有那些细节像洪水一般向你包裹过来,将你吞没。你们一起做过的饭,去过的餐厅,讲过的笑话,一切看过的电影,去过的游乐场。当时有多甜蜜,现在就会有多伤感。 歌词中写到她想找回曾经的自己,可是,当爱情在经过轰轰烈烈、刻骨铭心之后,又有多少人是没有因此而迷失自我的,她也是,当初的自己已经再也找不回来了。 每次听到这里就很感慨,也会非常的心疼霉霉,字里行间流露出的崩溃感,180的身高也藏不住内心的失落,曾经的霉霉对于这首歌的诠释是哭着唱完,但是在后来的超级碗上,她是笑着唱完这首歌。 音频文件是存在版权问题的,所以就不贴出来了,需要的可以私信我。 奉上爬下来的视频一则,内容是霉霉在 2014 年格莱美上演唱的 All Too Well: 视频地址传送门






You"re on the phone with your girlfriend ,she"s upset.你正和女朋友聊电话 她不开心She"s going off about something that you said她因为你说的某些话而不高兴"Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do...她不像我 明白你的幽默I"m in the room It"s a typical Tuesday night我在一个房间 这是个普通的星期二晚上I"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like我听著她不喜欢的音乐类型and she"ll never know your story like I do ...永远不会像我一样知道你的故事But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts但她穿短裙 我穿T恤She"s cheer captain她是啦啦队队长And I"m on the bleachers而我支持棒球队Dreaming about the day when you wake up做著梦希望你会有一天起床发现And find what you"re looking for has been here the whole time你找著的东西已经一直在这If you could see that I"m the one who understands you如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人been here all along so why can"t you see,一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?You belong with meYou belong with meWalkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeans你穿著你的旧牛仔裤和我走在街上I can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be我不能停止去想 这就是对的景象Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself在公园长椅上自己一边想一边笑Hey isn"t this easy这不是很容易吗?And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town你还有可以照亮整个城镇的笑容I haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down我好久没有看见了 自从她把你甩掉You say you"re fine I know you better then that你说你发现我比她了解你Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that但对於这样的一个女生你会怎样做?She wears high heels她穿高跟鞋 我穿球鞋I wear sneakersShes cheer captain and I"m on the bleachers她是啦啦队队长而我支持棒球队Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find做著梦希望你会有一天起床发现That what you"re looking for has been here the whole time你找著的东西已经一直在这If you could see that I"m the one who understands you如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人Been here all along so why can"t you see一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?你应该和我一起You belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back door一直站著 在你家后门等待著all this time how could you not know Baby....在这时你怎能还不明白?You belong with meYou belong with me你应该和我一起你应该和我一起Oh I remember you drivin" to my house in the middle of the night啊我想起你在半夜突然驾车到我家I"m the one who makes you laugh When you know you"re about to cry当你知道你快要哭的时候是我把你逗笑的And i know your favorite songs我知道你最喜欢的歌And you tell me about your dreams你把你的梦想都告诉我Think I know where you belong Think I know it"s with me...我想我知道你该何去何从 我想我知道你该和我一起Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands you你怎可以看不见我是了解你的那个人Been here all along So why can"t you see一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?You belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back door一直站著 在你家后门等待著All this time How could you not know在这时你怎能还不明白?Baby you belong with meYou belong with meYou belong with meHave you ever thought just maybe其实你有没有想过根本只是you belong with me你应该和我一起You belong with me...你应该和我一起

泰勒斯威夫特与B.O.B合唱的Both Of Us的歌词

[Taylor Swift - Chorus]I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both usSomeday I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us[B.o.B]Ever thought about losing it?When your money is all gone and you lose your whipYou might lose your gripWhen the landlord tell you that you"re due for rentAnd the grass so green on the other sideMake a nigga wanna run straight through the fenceOpen up the fridge about 20 timesBut still can"t find no food in itThat"s foolishnessAnd sometimes I wonderAll we care so much about the way we lookAnd the way we talk, and the way we actAnd the clothes we bought, how much that cost?Does it even really matter?Cuz if life is an uphill battle,We all try to climb on the same old ladderIn the same boat with the same old paddleWhy so shallow, I"m just askingWhat"s the pattern to the madness?Everybody in a #1 draft pickMost of us aint Hollywood actorsBut if it"s all for one, and one for allThen maybe one day we all can ballDo it one time for the underdogsSincerely yours, from one of y"all[Taylor Swift - Chorus]I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both usSomeday I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us[B.o.B]I can feel your pain,I can feel your struggleYou just want to liveBut everything so low,That you can drown in the puddleThat"s why I gotta hold us upYeah hold us upFor all the times no one ever spoke for usSo every single time that they play this songYou can say that, "that"s what Bobby Ray wrote for us"When his eyes get too highAnd the sea up underneath get so deepAnd you feel like you"re just another personGetting lost in the crowdWay up high in the nosebleeds (Uh)Because we"ve both been thereYeah both of usBut we still stand tallWith our shoulders upAnd even though we always against the oddsThese are the things that have molded usAnd if life hadn"t chosen usSometimes I wonderWhere I would have wound upCuz if it was up to meI would make a new blueprintThen build it from the ground upHey, but if its all for oneAnd One for allThen maybe one dayWe all could ballDo it one time for the underdogsFrom Bobby Ray to all of y"all[Taylor Swift - Chorus]I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both usSomeday I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us





求泰勒斯威夫特speak now演唱会开始时的对白(中英文)

优酷上有中字的全场啊 我帮你找找吧http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzQ1MjczNDk2.html这个全场中字~

love story歌词泰勒斯威夫特

We were both young when I first saw you初遇时,我们正值豆蔻年华I close my eyes and the flashback starts闭上眼,往日出现I"m standing there on a balcony in summer air夏空里,我在阳台上伫立着See the lights, see the party, the ballgowns闪耀的灯光,热闹的派对,华丽的舞裙See you make your way to the crowd我看见你走进熙熙攘攘的人群中And say hello, little did I know打招呼,我却毫不知情That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles罗密欧,你正在远去And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet!"我爸爸怒吼道:“离朱丽叶远一点!”And I was crying on the staircase我在阶梯上哭泣Begging you please don"t go求求你别离开我And I said,我想说"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone“罗密欧,带我去无人之境I"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is run我会耐心等待,只有逃跑,别无他法You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess在那里,你是王子,我是公主It"s a love story, baby, just say yes"这就是我们的爱情故事,宝贝,答应我!”So I sneak out to the garden to see you偷偷溜到花园与你相会We keep quiet, "cause we"re dead if they knew我们沉默着,以防东窗事发So close your eyes, escape this town for a little while闭上你的眼睛,在这城镇外度过片刻欢愉时光"Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter“你是罗密欧,所以我是红字”And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet!"我爸爸怒吼道:“离朱丽叶远一点!”But you were everything to me可你是我的一切I was begging you please don"t go求求你,不要走And I said,我想说"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone“罗密欧,带我去无人之境I"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is run我会耐心等待,只有逃跑,别无他法You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess在那里,你是王子,我是公主It"s a love story, baby, just say yes这就是我们的爱情故事,宝贝,答应我!”Romeo, save me, they"re trying to tell me how to feel罗密欧,救救我,他们在告诉我爱情是什么This love is difficult, but it"s real这份爱来之不易,但很真实Don"t be afraid, we"ll make it out of this mess不要害怕,我们可以摆脱这一片狼藉It"s a love story, baby, just say yes"这就是我们的爱情故事,宝贝,答应我!”I got tired of waiting,等待消磨了意志wondering if you were ever coming around我想知道你是否会重返故地My faith in you was fading,我对你的执念慢慢褪去when I met you on the outskirts of town当我在城郊遇见你And I said,我想说"Romeo, save me, I"ve been feeling so alone“罗密欧,救救我吧,我好孤单I keep waiting for you but you never come我一直在等你,可你却从不回来Is this in my head, I don"t know what to think"我真的毫无头绪”He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring他单膝下跪,拿出戒指And said,对我说"Marry me, Juliet, you"ll never have to be alone“嫁给我吧,朱丽叶,你不会孤独终生I love you and that"s all I really know我真的很爱你I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress我告诉你爸爸了,拿来了白色婚裙It"s a love story, baby, just say yes"这是我们的爱情故事,宝贝,答应我!”We were both young when I first saw you初遇时,我们正值豆蔻年华


<Blank Space>Nice to meet you很开心见到你Where you"ve been?一直以来你去哪里了?I can show you incredible things我可以向你展示不可思议的事物Magic, madness, heaven, sins魔幻、狂热、天堂或是罪恶Saw you there and I thought oh my god在这里见到你使我想起,哦我的上帝啊Look at that face, you look like my next mistake在这里见到你,使我觉得你就是我的下一个前任Love"s a game, wanna play爱是一个有趣的游戏,你要玩吗?New money, suit and tie新贵、西装和领带I can read you like a magazine我可以像读一本杂志一样了解你Ain"t it funny rumors fly这难道不是很有趣的谣传吗And I know you"ve heard about me我知道你也曾听说过我So hey, let"s be friends那么交个朋友吧And I"m dying to see how this one ends我简直等不及想看看这次是怎么结束的Grab your passport and my hand你的通行证和我的手,抓紧了别松I can make the bad guys good for a weekend我可以让那些坏男孩乖乖一周末So it"s gonna be forever这将是永远Or it"s gonna go down in flames或许也会失败You can tell me when it"s over当结束的时候你可以告诉我If the high was worth the pain得到的欢愉是否值得这痛苦Got a long list of ex-lovers我拥有一长串的前男友They"ll tell you I"m insane他们会告诉你我很疯狂Cause you know I love the players因为你知道我爱这爱情里的人啊And you love the game而你(只)喜欢这个游戏Cause we"re young and we"re reckless我们很年轻,我们做事不计后果We"ll take this way too far我们会发展的很快It"ll leave you breathless它会让你喘不过气来Or with a nasty scar或给你留下深深的伤害Got a long list of ex-lovers我那一大串的前男友They"ll tell you I"m insane会告诉你我很疯狂But I got a blank space baby但宝贝我特意给你留了一个空白空间And I"ll write your name也许我会把你写进歌里Cherry lips樱桃般娇艳欲滴的嘴唇Crystal skies水晶般澄澈明亮的天空I could show you incredible things我可以向你展示不可思议的事物Slowly kisses, pretty lies缓慢的吻,美丽的谎言You"re the king baby I"m your queen如果你是国王那我就是的王后Find out what you want找出你真正想要的是什么吧Be that girl for a month和那个女孩待一个月吧But the worst is yet to come但糟糕的事情还在后头呢Oh no哦不Screaming, crying, perfect storms尖叫,哭泣,祸不单行I could make all the tables turn我可以扭转局面反败为胜Rose garden filled with thorns玫瑰园充满荆棘Keep you second guessing like oh my god继续你的猜测吧Who is she? I get drunk on jealousy她是谁?我嫉妒地发狂But you"ll come back each time you leave但是你每次走之后都会回到我身边Cause darling I"m a nightmare dressed like a daydream因为亲爱的,我是一个装扮成白日梦的噩梦So it"s gonna be forever要么是永远Or it"s gonna go down in flames要么如火一般燃尽You can tell me when it"s over当结束时你可以告诉我If the high was worth the pain得到的欢愉是否值得这痛苦Got a long list of ex-lovers一长串的前男友们They"ll tell you I"m insane会告诉你我是个疯子Cause you know I love the players你知道我爱这爱情里的人And you love the game而你(只)爱这游戏Cause we"re young and we"re reckless、我们年轻,我们做事不计后果We"ll take this way too far我们走得太远It"ll leave you breathless让你喘不过气来Or with a nasty scar或许会给你带来深深的伤害Got a long list of ex-lovers一长串的前男友They"l tell you I"m insane一次又一次地警告你我是个疯子But I got a blank space baby但是我还留有一个空白的空间And I"ll write your name我会写下你的名字Boys only want love男孩们只想要爱If it"s torture如果它是折磨呢Don"t say I didn"t say I didn"t warn you别说我没警告过你Boys only want love男孩们只想要爱if it"s torture如果它充满折磨Don"t say I didn"t say I didn"t warn you别说我没警告过你So it"s gonna be forever所以选择吧 要么是永远Or it"s gonna go down in flames要么在火焰中燃尽You can tell me when it"s over当结束的时候请你告诉我If the high was worth the pain得到的欢愉是否配得上痛苦Got a long list of ex-lovers一长串的前男友They"ll tell you I"m insane他们会告诉你我是个疯子Cause you know I love the players因为你知道我爱这爱情里的人啊And you love the game而你只爱这游戏Cause we"re young and we"re reckless因为我们年轻,我们做事不计后果We"ll take this way too far我们发展的太深It"ll leave you breathless这让你窒息Or with a nasty scar快到让你伤痛Got a long list of ex-lovers那些前男友们They"ll tell you I"m insane他们会告诉你我是个疯子But I got a blank space baby但我还有一个空白的空间And I"ll write your name我会写下你的名字

泰勒斯威夫特 空白格歌词英文版

Blank Space英文歌词Nice to meet youWhere you*ve been?I can show you incredible thingsMagic, madness, heaven, sinsSaw you there and I thought oh my godLook at that face, you look like my next mistakeLove*s a game, wanna playNew money, suit and tieI can read you like a magazineAin*t it funny rumors flyAnd I know you*ve heard about meSo hey, let*s be friendsAnd I will see how this one endsGrab your passport and my handI can make the bad guys good for a weekendSo it*s gonna be foreverOr it*s gonna go down in flamesYou can tell me when it*s overIf the high was worth the painGot a long list of ex-loversThey*ll tell you I*m insaneCause you know I love the playersAnd you love the gameCause we*re young and we*re recklessWe*ll take this way too farIt*ll leave you breathlessOr with a nasty scarGot a long list of ex-loversThey*ll tell you I*m insaneBut I got a blank space babyAnd I*ll write your nameCherry lipsCrystal skiesI could show you incredible thingsSlowly kisses, pretty liesYou*re the king baby I*m your queenFind out what you wantBe that girl for a monthBut the worst is yet to comeOh noScreaming, crying, perfect stormsI could make all the tables turnRose garden filled with thornsKeep you second guessing like oh my godWho is she? I get drunk on jealousyBut you*ll come back each time you leaveCause darling I*m a nightmare dressed like a daydreamSo it*s gonna be foreverOr it*s gonna go down in flamesYou can tell me when it*s overIf the high was worth the painGot a long list of ex-loversThey*ll tell you I*m insaneCause you know I love the playersAnd you love the gameCause we*re young and we*re recklessWe*ll take this way too farIt*ll leave you breathlessOr with a nasty scarGot a long list of ex-loversThey*ll tell you I*m insaneBut I got a blank space babyAnd I*ll write your nameBoy there*s only one loveIf it*s tortureDon*t say I didn*t say I didn*t warn youBoy it*s only one love if it*s tortureDon*t say I didn*t say I didn*t warn youSo it*s gonna be foreverOr it*s gonna go down in flamesYou can tell me when it*s overIf the high was worth the painGot a long list of ex-loversThey*ll tell you I*m insaneCause you know I love the playersAnd you love the gameCause we*re young and we*re recklessWe*ll take this way too farIt*ll leave you breathlessOr with a nasty scarGot a long list of ex-loversThey*ll tell you I*m insaneBut I got a blank space babyAnd I*ll write your name

泰勒斯威夫特的《look what you make me do》MV里到底有多少个梗



几乎都是 你百度搜她一下就明了

泰勒斯威夫特 begin again 是写给谁的


泰勒斯威夫特 eyes open这首歌的意义是什么 写作文要用

意思是说要睁开眼睛,包容一切,不要抱怨,好好活着。Everybody"s waiting所有人都在等待Everybody"s watching所有人都保持着警惕Even when you"re sleeping甚至当你在睡梦中keep your ey-eyes open也要睁一只眼睛~music~The tricky thing is yesterday we were just children这情景仿佛就像我们小时候Playing soldiers, just pretending扮演着士兵玩打仗的游戏Dreaming dreams with happy endings梦想着能有一个快乐的结局In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords在后院,我们用木剑战斗并赢得了胜利But now we"ve stepped into a cruel world但是现在我们已步入了一个残酷的世界Where everybody stands up keep score这里所有人都在争取高分Keep your eyes open你要睁大眼睛认清现实Everybody"s waiting for you to breakdown每个人都在等待你倒下Everybody"s watching to see the fallout每个人都在期待着最终的结果Even when you"re sleeping, sleeping即便是你在睡梦中Keep your ey-eyes open也要睁一只眼睛Keep your ey-eyes open[2] 睁一只眼睛Keep your ey-eyes open睁一只眼睛So here you are, two steps ahead and staying on guard因此你在这里还领先一步要保持着警惕Every lesson forms a new scar每次教训都给你添上新的伤疤They never thought you"d make it this far他们从来没有想到你能坚持到这里But turn around, they"ve surrounded you但转过身,他们却已经把你包围It"s a showdown, and nobody comes to save you now这是一决胜负的时候,现在没有人能拯救你But you"ve got something they don"t但你已有了他们所没有的优势Yeah you"ve got something they don"t是的,你已有了他们所没有的优势You"ve just gotta keep your eyes open你只需要保持警惕Everybody"s waiting for you to breakdown每个人都在等待你倒下Everybody"s watching to see the fallout每个人都在期待着最终的结果Even when you"re sleeping, sleeping即便是你在睡梦中Keep your ey-eyes open也要睁一只眼睛Keep your ey-eyes open睁一只眼睛Keep your ey-eyes保持警惕Keep your feet ready做好准备Heartbeat steady放平心态Keep your eyes open也要睁一只眼睛Keep your aim locked锁定目标The night goes dark夜幕降临Keep your e-e-eyes open也要睁一只眼睛Keep your ey-eyes open睁一只眼睛Keep your ey-eyes open睁一只眼睛Everybody"s waiting for you to breakdown每个人都在等待你倒下Everybody"s watching to see the fallout每个人都在期待着最终的结果Even when you"re sleeping, sleeping即便是你在睡梦中Keep your ey-eyes open也要睁一只眼睛Keep your ey-eyes open睁一只眼睛Keep your ey-eyes open睁一只眼睛Keep your ey-eyes open睁一只眼睛Keep your ey-eyes open睁一只眼睛...end...

求泰勒斯威夫特的“you belong with me.”的中文歌词


泰勒斯威夫特Love Story正确歌词

Love StoryWe were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次见到你的时候我们都还很年轻I close my eyes and the flashback starts 我闭上双眼 我们的故事在我脑海里一幕幕回放I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air 炎炎夏日我站在阳台上See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns 看着这些灯,派对和舞会礼服See you make your way through the crowd 看你穿过拥挤的人群And say hello, little did I know 跟我打招呼 我却不知道That you were Romeo 你就是罗密欧You were throwing pebbles 你朝我扔小石子And my daddy said stay away from Juliet 我爸爸却说 离朱丽叶远点And I was crying on the staircase 我在楼梯上哭了Begging you please don't go 求你不要离开And I said 我说Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone 罗密欧 带我去一个我们能单独在相处的地方吧I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run 我会等待的 只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess 你会成为王子 而我就是公主It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这是个爱的故事 宝贝 你就答应我吧So I sneak out to the garden to see you 我悄悄溜到花园去看你We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew 我们都很安静 因为如果被他们知道我们就惨了So close your eyes, escape this town for a little while 所以,闭上你的双眼 逃避尘世,即使如此短暂的一刻Oh, oh, ohCause you were Romeo 因为你是罗密欧I was a scarlet letter 我的生命才有了如此鲜艳的光彩And my daddy said stay away from Juliet 我爸爸却说 离朱丽叶远点But you were everything to me 但是你就是我的一切I was begging you please don't go 我请求你不要离开我And I said 我说Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone 罗密欧 带我去一个只有我们俩的地方吧I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run 我会等待的 只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess 你会成为我的王子而我就是你的公主It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这是个爱的故事 宝贝 你就答应我吧Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel 罗密欧,拯救我痛苦的灵魂,他们总在试图左右我的思想This love is difficult, but it's realDon't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess 不要害怕,我们终究会冲破困境It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这就是我们的爱情,亲爱的,请答应我I got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming around 我厌倦了等待,怀疑你是否会如期出现在我面前My faith in you was fading 曾经坚定的信念开始动摇When I met you on the outskirts of town 当我在小镇的郊外与你相会And I said 我说Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone 罗密欧,救救我,孤单的感觉一直缠绕着我I keep waiting for you but you never come 我一直在等着你,而你却沓然无踪Is this in my head, I don't know what to think 这是真的吗?我的脑海一片空白He knelt to the ground and he pulled out a ring 他跪在地上,并掏出一枚钻戒说And said 我说Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone 嫁给我, 朱丽叶,我不会再让你感到孤单I love you and that's all I really know 我知道我爱你, 一直都深爱你I talked to your dad, you'll pick out a white dress 我和你的爸爸谈了, 快去拿你的白色婚纱It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这是个爱的故事 宝贝 你就答应我吧Oh, oh, oh, ohWe were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次见到你的时候我们都还很年轻


long live




歌曲:我们永远不会在一起歌手:泰勒斯威夫特词曲:Taylor Alison Swift外文名:Taylor Alison Swift别 名::T-Swizzle、Tay、霉霉职 业:创作歌手、演员、音乐制作人、配音演员、慈善家---------------------------------我记得当我们第一次分手的时候说这是它,我有足够的,因为像我们一个月没见面了当你说你需要的空间,是什么?然后你又来又说宝贝,我想念你,我发誓我会改变相信我,记得那持续了一天我说,我恨你,我们分手,你叫我,我爱你哦,昨晚我们又分手了但是,哦,这一次我告诉你,我告诉你我们永远不会再回来了我们永远不会再回来了你去和你的朋友聊天和我的朋友交谈和我说话但我们永远不会永远在一起像以往一样…我真的会想你打架和我,一声尖叫,我是正确的而你,会躲起来,找到你的一块一些独立的唱片比我更酷你打电话给我今晚但是,哦,这一次我告诉你,我告诉你我们永远不会再回来了我们永远不会再回来了你去和你的朋友聊天和我的朋友交谈和我说话但我们永远不会永远在一起哦哦我曾经认为,我们,永远永远我曾经说永远不说永远呵呵,他叫我起床,他就喜欢,我还是爱你我是这样的,我只是,我的意思是,这是很累的,你知道我们永远不会像以往一样在一起我们永远不会再回来了我们永远不会再回来了你去和你的朋友聊天和我的朋友交谈和我说话但我们永远不会永远在一起我们,哦,哦,不是在一起,我们哦,回到一起你去和你的朋友聊天和我的朋友交谈和我说话但我们永远不会永远在一起-----------------------------歌曲:We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 歌手:Taylor SwiftI remember when we broke up the first timeSaying this is it, I"ve had enough, "cause likeWe haven"t seen each other in a monthWhen you, said you, needed space, what?Then you come around again and sayBaby, I miss you and I swear I"m gonna changeTrust me, remember how that lasted for a dayI say, I hate you, we break up, you call me, I love youOooh we called it off again last nightBut Oooh, this time I"m telling you, I"m telling youWe are never ever ever getting back togetherWe are never ever ever getting back togetherYou go talk to your friendsTalk to my friendsTalk to meBut we are never ever ever ever getting back togetherLike ever...I"m really gonna miss you picking fightsAnd me, falling for a screaming that I"m rightAnd you, will hide away and find your piece of minewith some indie record that"s much cooler than mineOooh you called me up again tonightBut Oooh, this time I"m telling you, I"m telling youWe are never ever ever getting back togetherWe are never ever ever getting back togetherYou go talk to your friendsTalk to my friendsTalk to meBut we are never ever ever ever getting back togetherOooh ooohI used to think, that we, were forever everAnd I used to say never say neverHuh, he calls me up and he"s like, I still love youAnd I"m like, I"m just, I mean this is exhausting, you knowWe are never getting back together, like everWe are never ever ever getting back togetherWe are never ever ever getting back togetherYou go talk to your friendsTalk to my friendsTalk to meBut we are never ever ever ever getting back togetherWe, oooh, oooh, not back together, weOh, getting back togetherYou go talk to your friendsTalk to my friendsTalk to meBut we are never ever ever ever getting back together

泰勒斯威夫特歌词 最好有翻译

最后的时间/我们是永远不会回到/ 22 /一切都变了/保持保持保持/我知道你是来找麻烦的


we are never ever ever getting back together或22


love story




就一首《We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together》乡村超级明星泰勒u2022斯威夫特终于凭借《We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together》拿下她个人职业生涯首支冠军单曲!这位小天后在2011年拿下了公告牌的年度女艺人,同时在专辑榜、下载榜、电台榜、流行歌曲榜、乡村歌曲榜、乡村专辑榜都曾拿下第一名。她自6年前出道以来,一共在全美卖出了超过1千780万张专辑,单曲下载突破5千万次。现在,她终于拥有了第一首个人热门单曲榜冠军单曲。此前她在2009年和2010年凭借《You Belong With Me》、《Today Was a Fairytale》两度登上亚军,而2010年和2008年的热门单曲《Mine》、《Love Story》则分别最高排名第3、第4位。


链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1geNLdYF 密码: zh4q 下载吧,一会被吃了


《Fearless》她的白金庆功版里面还有love story的拍摄花絮,各种好看,值得收藏啊~~





求泰勒斯威夫特出道到现在的专辑全部歌曲 专辑名称和歌曲名称 希望分类明确些 谢谢

(看到楼主问关于小美女的问题很高兴呢)【我恨楼下那位抄袭的!!!】个人专辑 《Taylor Swift》2006-10-24 《Taylor Swift》豪华版 2007年11月06日《Beautiful Eyes》 2008-7-15 《Fearless》 2008-11-11 《Sounds Of The Season》圣诞EP(非正式) 2008-12-02 《Fearless》白金版 2009-11-03 《Speak Now》 2010-10-25 {算半新的吧} 《Taylor Swift》1. Tim McGraw 3:52 2. Picture to Burn 2:53 3. Teardrops on My Guitar 3:33 4. A Place in This World 3:19 5. Cold As You 3:59 6. The Outside 3:27 7. Tied Together With A Smile 4:08 8. Stay Beautiful 3:56 9. Should"ve Said No 4:02 10. Mary"s Song(Oh My My My) 3:33 11. Our Song 3:22 12. I"m Only Me When I"m With You 3:35 13. Invisible 3:25 作为一个taylover,这首歌还是前几天刚听的,惭愧啊 14. A Perfectly Good Heart 3:42 15. Teardrops on My Guitar (pop version) 2:59 《Taylor Swift》Deluxe Edition1. Tim McGraw 3:52 2. Picture To Burn 2:53 嗯哼,这个节奏挺强,挺好听的 you are gay (一句歌词)3. Teardrops On My Guitar (Radio Single Version) 3:33 这首是我喜欢上小美女的歌4. A Place In This World 3:19 5. Cold As You 3:59 6. The Outside 3:27 7. Tied Together With A Smile 4:08 8. Stay Beautiful 3:56 9. Should"ve Said No 4:02 10. Mary"s Song (Oh My My My) 3:33 11. Our Song (Radio Single Version) 3:22 12. I"m Only Me When I"m With You 3:35 13. Invisible 3:25 14. A Perfectly Good Heart 3:42 15. Taylor"s 1st Phone Call With Tim McGraw 《Beautiful Eyes》1. Beautiful Eyes 2. Should"ve Said No 3. Teardrops On My Guitar 4. Picture To Burn 5 .I"m Only Me When I"m With You 6. I Heart 《Fearless》大爱的一张专辑1. Fearless 4:02 2. Fifteen 4:55 3. Love Story 3:56 啊哈,这个很经典了,应该都听过了 4. Hey Stephen 4:16 5. White Horse 3:55 6. You Belong With Me 3:52 这个mv忒有爱了。泰勒一人饰两角7. Breathe 4:24 8. Tell Me Why 3:21 9. You"re Not Sorry 4:22 10. The Way I Loved You 4:05 11. Forever & Always 3:46 12. The Best Day 4:06 13. Change 4:40 《Sounds Of The Season》非正式圣诞EP(2首原创,4首翻唱经典圣诞歌曲)1.Last Christmas 2.Christmases When You Were Mine ( 原创,由Nathan Chapman、Liz Rose以及 Taylor Swift共同创作)3.Santa Baby 4.Silent Night 5.Christmas Must Be Something More ( 原创,By Taylor Swift)6.White Christmas 《Fearless》Platinum Edition(白金版)1. Jump Then Fall 3:56 2. Untouchable 5:11 3. Forever Always (Piano Version) 4:27 4. Come In With The Rain 3:58 5. SuperStar 4:21 6. The Other Side Of The Door 3:57 (7~19为《Fearless》第一版全部歌曲) 7. Fearless 4:02 8. Fifteen 4:55 9. Love Story 3:56 10. Hey Stephen 4:16 11. White Horse 3:55 12. You Belong With Me 3:52 13. Breathe 4:24 14. Tell Me Why 3:21 15. You"re Not Sorry 4:22 16. The Way I Loved You 4:05 17. Forever & Always 3:46 18. The Best Day 4:06 19. Change 4:40 《Speak Now》(此专辑共2张CD,其中CD1一共14首,CD2一共8首。)大爱此专辑,好吧,我承认我博爱了。。。。题外话,嗯哼,继续Disc 1/2 1. Mine 3:50 2. Sparks Fly 4:20 3. Back To December 4:53 4. Speak Now 4:00 5. Dear John 6:43 6. Mean 3:57 7. The Story Of Us 4:25 8. Never Grow Up 4:50 9. Enchanted 5:52 10.Better Than Revenge 3:37 11.Innocent 5:02 12.Haunted 4:02 13.Last Kiss 6:07 14.Long Live 5:18 Disc 2/2 1. Ours 3:58 2. If This Was A Movie 3:54 3. Superman 4:36 4. Back To December (Acoustic) 4:52 5. Haunted (Acoustic) 3:37 6. Mine (US Version) 3:50 (you are the best thing ever been mine~)允许我发一下疯吧 7. Back To December (US Version) 4:53 这首话说是写给小狼的呢, 8. The Story Of Us (US Version) 4专辑未收录歌曲Taylor Swift - Studio Demo CD (Demos recorded by Taylor Swift before she got a record contract.) 泰勒斯威夫特- 工作室演示光盘 (Taylor Swift的演示记录之前,她得到了唱片合约。)1. Lucky You 2. Smokey Black Nights 3. American Boy 4. Here You Come Again 5. Hopelessly Devoted To You 6. Am I Ready For Love? 7. Can I Go With You? 8. One Way Ticket 9. There"s Your Trouble 10.The Star Spangled Banner Unreleased (未发布) {好多现场的}1.American Girl 2.Baby, Don"t You Break My Heart Slow 3.Harder to Breathe (Live) 4.I"d Lie 5.Irreplaceable (Live) 6.Lose Your Self (Live) 7.Missing You (Live) 8.Our Last Night 9.Permanent Marker 这首 我喜欢,哈哈 10.Sparks Fly (已在《speak now》中收录) 11.Umbrella 12.What To Wear 13.You Don"t Have To Call 14.Your Anything 15.Your Face 16.Fall Into Me (Live) 17.Ain"t Nothing "Bout You(Brooks & Dunn) 18.Breathless 19.Electric Barnyard Jingle 20.I"m every woman 21.Leavin" (Jesse McCartney Cover LIVE) 22.Put our records on 23.Rehab 24.Sweet Home Alabama 25.Take a Bow (Rihanna Cover LIVE) 这首我喜欢,蕾哈娜的26.The Midlle 27.Your Body is a Wonderland 28.What comes around 29.I"m sorry/Withe Horse 30.Hero 31.Welcome Back Grunwald Song 32.Santa Monica Digital Set (后面部分) 33.Being with my baby 34.We were happy合作单曲 1.Two is better than one 合作者:Boys Like Girls 2.Half of my heart 合作者:John Mayer 3.Thug story 合作者:T-Pain 4.best days of your life 合作者:Kellie Pickler最后送上两首小美女的最新单曲 Songs About You 这是speak now 里面未发行的 Brought Up That Way 这是taylor swift里面未发行的。 嗯哼,就介绍到这里了。最爱小美女了,也希望有更多人喜欢【泰勒斯威夫特】 ---- Forever & Always

一个女生对我唱了泰勒斯威夫特的teardrops on my guitar ,有什么含义在里面吗?


泰勒斯威夫特teardrops on my guitar 中英对照歌词

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see德鲁看着我, 我假装开心一笑,掩饰着That I want and I"m needing everything that we should be我想要,我需要我们应该有的全部I"ll bet she"s beautiful, that girl he talks about我打赌他说的那个女孩肯定很漂亮, And she"s got everything that I have to live without她拥有我不能得到的一切Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it"s so damn funny德鲁跟我说话, 我笑起来,因为真的很好笑That I can"t even see anyone when he"s with me他跟我在一起时, 我居然谁也看不到He says he"s so in love, he"s finally got it right,他说他在热恋中, 他终于得到了命中注定的人I wonder if he knows he"s all I think about at night他知道吗, 他占据我夜晚时分脑子的全部He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star这唯一让我一直向许愿星许愿的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can"t breathe?德鲁经过我身旁, 他知道我难以呼吸吗?And there he goes, so perfectly,他那样走着, 多完美The kind of flawless I wish I could be我希望我也可以那样无瑕She"d better hold him tight, give him all her love她最好把他握紧, 给他她所有的爱Look in those beautiful eyes and know she"s lucky cause望进那双美丽的眼睛, 要知道她很幸运因为He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar是他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star这唯一让我一直向许愿星许愿的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light我独自回家, 关了灯I"ll put his picture down and maybe我把他的相片放下, 也许Get some sleep tonight今夜可以安眠He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only one who"s got enough for me to break my heart唯一能让我心碎的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做He"s the time taken up, but there"s never enough他是我想抓住的时间, 但是却永远也不够And he"s all that I need to fall into..他是我所需要的所有Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see.德鲁看着我, 我假装开心一笑,掩饰着



泰勒斯威夫特的sparks fly的歌词




求泰勒斯威夫特《Sparks Fly》的汉译歌词

Sparks Fly 火花四溅 The way you move is like a full on rainstorm 你的每一个动作就好像暴雨旋风一般划过我的心上and I"m a house of cards 而我就像一座纸牌搭起的房子般脆弱,轻易的被你攻入You"re the kinda reckless that should send me run 你是那种能让我不计后果迷上的人,我应该远离But I kinda know that I wont get far 但是我知道,我就像小磁铁一样离不开磁场And you stood there in front of me just 你就这样站在我的面前Close enough to touch 距离是如此的近,我可以触碰到你Close enough to hope you couldn"t see 距离是如此的近,但愿你不能看清What I was thinking of 我正在想的事情Drop everything now 放下所有的事情吧Meet me in the pouring rain 我和你约在瓢泼大雨之中Kiss me on the sidewalk 亲吻在街边的人行道上Take away the pain 将所有的痛楚都带离了我cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile 我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放Get me with those green eyes, baby 宝贝,你绿色的眼睛就这样得到了我的心As the lights go down 就好像绚丽的灯光都黯然失色,Something that"ll haunt me when you"re not around 当你不在我身边的时候,有些东西会萦绕于脑际,难以忘却cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放My mind forgets to remind me 我的理智忘记了提醒我自己You"re a bad idea 你是一个容易让我入迷的坏念头You touch me once and it"s 当你第一次触碰到我的时候Really something 我能感觉到,美妙的事情即将上演you find I"m even betterThan you imagined I would be你会发现我比你想象中的更美好I"m on my guard for the rest of the world 我对于外面的世界保持我的小戒心But with you I know it"s no good 但是,和你在一起的时候,我却毫无防备And I could wait patiently but 我可以按捺自己的心思,耐心的等待I really wish you would 但是,我真的希望你会:Drop everything now 放下所有的事情Meet me in the pouring rain 我和你约在瓢泼大雨之中Kiss me on the sidewalk 亲吻在街边的人行道上Take away the pain 将所有的痛楚都带离了我cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile 我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放Get me with those green eyes, baby 宝贝,你绿色的眼睛就这样得到了我的心As the lights go down 就好像绚丽的灯光都黯然失色,Something that"ll haunt me when you"re not around 当你不在我身边的时候,有些东西会萦绕于脑际,难以忘却cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放I run my fingers through your hair 我的手指穿过你柔软的头发And watch the lights go out 看着灯火就这样的消失在你的光芒下Just keep on keepin your eyes on me 就让你美丽的双眼一直注视着我,It"s just wrong enough to make it feel right 这样的错误,让我感觉如此美妙Lead me up the staircase 在微弱的光亮下,将我领上楼梯Won"t you whisper soft and slow你会温柔的在我耳边说着悄悄话吗?I"m captivated by you baby 你已经彻底迷住了我的心like a fireworks show 如同烟火般灿烂于天际Drop everything now 放下所有的事情吧Meet me in the pouring rain 我和你约在瓢泼大雨之中Kiss me on the sidewalk 亲吻在街边的人行道上Take away the pain 将所有的痛楚都带离了我cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile 我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放Get me with those green eyes, baby 宝贝,你绿色的眼睛就这样得到了我的心As the lights go down 就好像绚丽的灯光都黯然失色Something that"ll haunt me when you"re not around 当你不在我身边的时候,有些东西会萦绕于脑际,难以忘却cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放


我觉得 Mine 蛮好听的

求泰勒斯威夫特的Sparks Fly歌曲mp3,非常感谢


关于泰勒斯威夫特的sparks fly

不是专辑里的歌这歌只有现场版关于这歌的背景、原唱是谁 对不起 不太清楚

求泰勒斯威夫特《speak now》的汉译歌词如题 谢谢了

I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion 我不是这样的女孩,不会轻易闯入这样有着白色婚纱的神圣场合 but you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl 但是你也不是那样一个男孩,要娶走一个自己不爱的女孩 I sneak in and see your friends 我偷偷溜进去,看见了你的朋友们 and her snotty little family all dressed in pastels 也看见了她穿着可笑浅色衣服的粗鲁家庭 and she is yelling at a bridesmaid somewhere back inside a room wearing a gown shaped like a pastry 她正站在一个房间里面,穿着像酥油点心一样长袍,对着伴娘大吼大叫 this~~ is~~ surely not what you thought it would be 这很明显不是你原来所想所要的 i~~ lose myself in a daydream 我沉醉在我的白日梦中 burst in and say 在梦中,我突然闯入,然后说 (chorus) Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don"t wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 you need to hear me out 你只需要听我说 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” (verse 2) fun gestures are exchanged 婚礼依旧顺利的进行 and the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death march 风琴开始演奏一首像死亡进行曲一样的曲子 and i am hiding in the curtains 我正躲在窗帘之后 it seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be 就好像我没有被你那个“可爱的”待嫁新娘邀请一样 she~~ floats down the aisle like a pageant queen 她沿着教堂走道,像一个公主一样,走向婚礼圣坛 but i~~ knowwwww you wish it was me 但是我知道,你希望新娘是我 you wish it was me don"t you 你希望是我,难道不是吗? (chorus 2x) Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don"t wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 you need to hear me out 你只需要听我说 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don"t wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 Your time is running out 你的时间已经快要没有了 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” i hear the preacher say 我听见牧师在宣读誓词 speak now or forever hold your peace 让我现在就说吧,否则我要永远保持沉默了 there‘s the silence there"s my last chance 现在一片寂静,现在是我最后的机会 i stand up with shaky hands 我颤抖的站在来 all eyes on me 所有人都在看着我 horrified looks from everyone in the room 教堂里的每个人都露出惊骇的表情 but i"m only lookin‘ at you 但是我现在就仅仅在盯着你 I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil ocassion 我不是这样的女孩,不会轻易闯入这样有着白色婚纱的神圣场合 but you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl 但是你也不是那样一个男孩,要娶走一个自己不爱的女孩 (chorus) Don"t say yes runaway now 不要说“我愿意”,只要快点逃离 I"ll meet you when you"re out of the church at the back door 当你跑到教堂外面那个后门,我会在那儿等你,然后一起逃走 don"t wait or say a single vow 不要等待犹豫,或者对她发誓 you need to hear me out 你只需要听我说 and they said speak now 他们说:“就现在说吧” and you"ll say let"s run away now 你会说:"一起逃走吧 i"ll meet you when i"m out of my tux at the back door 当我脱下婚服,跑出后门,我会跟你离开 baby i didn"t say my vows 我没有向她许誓 so glad you were around when they said speak now 当他们说‘现在说吧"的时候,我很高兴你在这里”

求泰勒斯威夫特的should.ve say no 歌词。

the songs we used to singthe smiles, the flowers, everythingis goneyesterday i found about youeven now, just lookin" at youfeels wrongyou say that you"d take it all backgive you one chanceit was a moment of weaknessand you said yesyou should"ve said noyou should"ve gone homeyou should"ve thought twice"fore you let it all goyou should"ve known that wordthat what you did with herwould get back to me(get back to me)and i should"ve been therein the back of your mindi shouldn"t be askin" myself whyyou shouldn"t be beggin"for forgiveness at my feetyou should"ve said no, babyand you might still have meyou can see that i"ve been cryin"baby, you knowall the right things to saybut do you honestlyexpect me to believewe could ever be the same?you say the past is the pastyou need one chanceit was a moment of weaknessand you said yesyou should"ve said noyou should"ve gone homeyou should"ve thought twice"fore you let it all goyou should"ve known that wordthat what you did with herwould get back to me(get back to me)and i should"ve been therein the back of your mindi shouldn"t be askin" myself whyyou shouldn"t be beggin"for forgiveness at my feetyou should"ve said no, babyand you might still have mei can"t resistbefore you go, tell me thiswas it worth it?was she worth this?no, no, no, no, no, noyou should"ve said noyou should"ve gone homeyou should"ve thought twice"fore you let it all goyou should"ve known that wordthat what you did with herwould get back to me(get back to me)and i should"ve been therein the back of your mindi shouldn"t be askin" myself whyyou shouldn"t be beggin"for forgiveness at my feetyou should"ve said no, babyand you might still have me


很好啊,在真爱粉看来不管泰勒做什么选择我们都支持。这个专辑算是对以往的一中的颠覆吧,从《Taylor swift》到之后的《speak now 》都有感受到一开始的甜美和简单纯真,慢慢的《red》到后面pop music《1989》的尝试,泰勒都在不断突破自己,这次的reputation,更看出一种豁达,按照中国老句,这叫笑对人生,之前的抢话筒事件,以及之后的各种眼光,泰勒能够现在大大方方的写出来,也就说明这些并不会影响泰勒,每次听她的歌都很有共鸣,从09年第一次听她的《our song》就深深爱上了她。


不同于过往色彩大胆、轻松跳跃的风格,此次专辑封面为黑白照片,显得较为压抑。照片中泰勒穿着一件露肩T恤,右半边脸部被各种印有她名字的报道字体覆盖,脖子上则是套着看起来有些过紧的链子,似乎在表达对外界给她“Reputation”的回应.首单《Look What You Made Me Do》同专辑封面照片一样,走黑暗、冷酷的风格路线。蛇、打字机、墓碑、钥匙等意象配合歌词一起,暗喻出泰勒试图传递的个人态度.


泰勒斯威夫特唱的是《22》和《I Knew You Were Trouble》以下是所有的歌名:Anna Kendrick - "Cups(when I"m Gone)Armin van Buuren feat.Trevor Guthrie - "This is what it feels like"A$AP Rocky feat.Skrillex.Birdy Nam Nam - "Wild For The Night"Avicii - "Wake me up"Avril Lavigne - "Here"s To Never Growing Up"Bastille - "Pompeii"Bauuer - "Harlem Shake"Bingo Player feat.Far East Movement - "Get Up(Rattle)"Britney Spears - "Ooh La La"Britney Spears - "Work Bitch"Bruno Mars - "Locked Out Of Heaven"Bruno Mars - "Teasure"Bruno Mars - "When I was Your Man"Calvin Harris feat.Ayah Marar- "Thinking About you"Calvin harris feat. Ellie Goulding - "I need Your love"Captial Cities - "Safe and sound"Daft Punk feat Pharrell Williams - "Get Lucky"Demi Lovato - "Heart Attack"Drake feat Majid Jordan - "Hold On We"re Going Home"Drake - "Started From The Bottom"Ellie Goulding - "Burn"lcona pop feat - "I love it"Imagine Dragons - DemonsJason Derulo - "The other side"Jay - Z feat Justin Timberlake - "Holy Grail"Justin Timberlake - "Mirrors"Justin Timberlake feat Jay -Z "Suit & Tie"Katy Perry - "Roar"Kelly Clarkson - "Catch My Breath"Ke$ha - "C"mon"Ke$ha feat will i an - "Crazy Kids"Krewella - "Alive"Lady Gaga - "Applause"Lana Del Rey - "Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)"Lorde - "Royals"Macklemore &Ryan Lewis feat.Mary Lambert - "Same Love"Macklemore &Ryan Lewis feat Ray Dalton - "Can"t Hold Us"Maroon 5 - "Daylight"Martin Garrix - "Animals"Martin Garrix - "Love Somebody"Martin Solveig & The Cataracs Kyle - "Hey Now"Miley Cyrus - "We Can"t Stop"Miley Cyrus - "Wrecking Ball"Naughty Boy feat Sam Smith - "LA La La"One Direction - "Best Song Ever"One Direction - "Story Of My Life"OneRepublic - "Counting Stars"OneRepublic - "If I Lose Myself"Passenger - "Let Her GO"P!ck feat Nate Ruess - "Just Give Me A Reason"Pitbull feat Christina Aguilera - "Feel This Moment"Pitbull feat Ke$ha - "Timber"Pitbull feat TJR - "Don"t Stop The Party"Psy - "Gentleman"Rihanna - "Pour It UP"Rihanna feat David Guetta - "Right Now"Rihanna feat Mikky Ekko - "Stay"Robin Thicke feat Kendrick Lamar - "Give It to U"Robin Thicke feat T.I Pharrell Williams - "Blurred Lines"Selena Gomez - "Come & Get It"Selena Gomez - "Slow Down"Taylor Swift - "22"Taylor Swift - "I Knew You Were Trouble"Will.iam feat Britney Spears - "Scream & Shout"Will.i.am feat Justin Bieber - "#thatPOWER"Ylvis - "The Fox(What Does The Fox Say?)Zedd - "Clarity"Zedd&Hayley Williams - "Stay the Night"

泰勒斯威夫特歌词new girl friend是什么歌



[ar:taylor swift][al:speak now ]taylor swift - meanyou, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against meyou, have knocked me off my feet again,got me feelin" like a nothingyou, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard callin" me out when i"m woundedyou, pickin" on the weaker manyou can take me down with just one single blowbut you don"t know what you don"t knowsomeday i"ll be livin" in a big old cityand all you"re ever gonna be is meansomeday i"ll be big enough so you can"t hear meand all you"re ever gonna be is meanwhy you gotta be so mean?you, with your switching sides and your wildfire lies and your humiliationyou, have pointed out my flaws again,as if don"t already see themi walk with my head down,tryna block you out "cause i never impress youi just wanna feel okay againi bet you got pushed around,somebody made you coldbut the cycle ends right now "cause you can"t lead me down that roadand you don"t know what you don"t knowsomeday i"ll be livin" in a big old cityand all you"re ever gonna be is meansomeday i"ll be big enough so you can"t hear meand all you"re ever gonna be is meanwhy you gotta be so mean?and i can see you years from now in a bartalkin" over a football gamewith that same big loud opinion butnobody"s listeningwashed up and ranting about the same old bitter thingsdrunk and ? and all about how i can"t singall you are is meanall you are is meanand a liarand patheticand alone in lifeand mean, and mean, and mean, and meanbut someday i"ll be livin" in a big old cityand all you"re ever gonna be is mean, yeahsomeday i"ll be big enough so you can"t hear meand all you"re ever gonna be is meanwhy you gotta be so mean?someday i"ll be livin" in a big old city(why you gotta be so mean?)and all you"re ever gonna be is mean(why you gotta be so mean?)someday i"ll be big enough so you can"t hear me(why you gotta be so mean?)and all you"re ever gonna be is meanwhy you gotta be so mean?中文翻译实在找不到了,百度翻译出来的根本不通顺,无力吐槽啊啊啊啊


My happy endingThe King Is Dead But the Queen Is Alive



请告诉我Wildest Dreams 歌手泰勒斯威夫特歌词


Wildest Dreams 歌手泰勒斯威夫特歌词

He said let"s get out of this townDrive out of the cityAway from the crowdsI thought "heaven can"t help me nowNothing lasts foreverBut this is gonna take me down."He"s so tall, and handsome as hellHe"s so bad but he does it so wellI can see the end as it beginsMy one condition isSay you"ll remember meStanding in a nice dressStaring at the sunset, babeRed lips and rosy cheeksSay you"ll see me againEven if it"s just in yourWildest dreams, ohWildest dreams, ohI say no one has to know what we doHis hands are in my hairHis clothes are in my roomAnd his voice is a familiar soundNothing lasts foreverBut this is getting good nowHe"s so tall, and handsome as hellHe"s so bad but he does it so wellAnd when we"ve had our very last kissBut my last request isSay you"ll remember meStanding in a nice dressStaring at the sunset, babeRed lips and rosy cheeksSay you"ll see me againEven if it"s just in yourWildest dreams, ohWildest dreams, ohYou see me in hindsightTangled up with you all nightBurning it downSomeday when you leave meI bet these memoriesFollow you aroundYou see me in hindsightTangled up with you all nightBurning it downSomeday when you leave meI bet these memoriesFollow you aroundSay you"ll remember meStanding in a nice dressStaring at the sunset, babeRed lips and rosy cheeksSay you"ll see me againEven if it"s just pretendSay you"ll remember meStanding in a nice dressStaring at the sunset, babeRed lips and rosy cheeksSay you"ll see me againEven if it"s just in your(Just pretend, just pretend)Wildest dreams, ohWildest dreams, oh(Even if just real in your)Wildest dreams, ohIn your wildest dreams, oh u3001

谁告诉我Wildest Dreams 歌手泰勒斯威夫特歌词

He said let"s get out of this townDrive out of the cityAway from the crowdsI thought heaven can"t help me nowNothing lasts foreverBut this is gonna take me downHe"s so tall, and handsome as hellHe"s so bad but he does it so wellI can see the end as it begins my one condition isSay you"ll remember meStanding in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babeRed lips and rosy cheeksSay you"ll see me again even if it"s just in your wildest dreams (Ah ah)Wildest dreams (Ah ah)I said no one has to know what we doHis hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my roomAnd his voice is a familiar sound, nothing lasts foreverBut this is getting good nowHe"s so tall, and handsome as hellHe"s so bad but he does it so wellAnd when we"ve had our very last kissBut my last request isSay you"ll remember meStanding in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babeRed lips and rosy cheeksSay you"ll see me again even if it"s just in your wildest dreams (Ah ah) (Ah ah)Wildest dreams (Ah ah)You see me in hindsightTangled up with you all nightBurn it downSome day when you leave meI bet these memories hunt you aroundYou see me in hindsightTangled up with you all nightBurn it down (Burn it down)Some day when you leave meI bet these memories follow you around (Follow you around)Say you"ll remember meStanding in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babeRed lips and rosy cheeksSay you"ll see me again even if it"s just pretendSay you"ll remember meStanding in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babeRed lips and rosy cheeksSay you"ll see me again even if it"s just (Just pretend, just pretend) in your wildest dreams (Ah ah)In your wildest dreams (Ah ah)Even if it"s just in your wildest dreams (Ah ah)In your wildest dreams (Ah ah)

请告诉我Wildest Dreams 歌手泰勒斯威夫特歌词

He said "Let"s get out of this town"他说让我们走出这座小镇Drive out of the city, away from the crowds驶离这座城市,远离喧嚣I thought "Heaven can"t help me now"我想现在上帝都救不了我Nothing lasts forever没有什么会永垂不朽But this is gonna take me down但这种事情还是会令我消沉He"s so tall and handsome as hell他是那样高大英俊He"s so bad but he does it so well他是那么坏但就是很吸引我I can see the end as it begins一开始我就能看到结局My one condition is...我唯一的条件就是Say you"ll remember me对我说你会将我铭记于心Standing in a nice dress身着华丽衣裙Staring at the sunset babe凝视着日落Red lips and rosy cheeks红唇和红润的双颊Say you"ll see me again对我说你会再来见我Even if it"s just in your哪怕只是在你的Wildest dreams, aah ha..狂野的梦境中Wildest dreams, aah ha..狂野的梦境中I said "No one has to know what we do"我说,没有人知道我们的故事His hands are in my hair他的双手在我的发间His clothes are in my room他的衣衫留在我的房间And his voice is a familiar sound他的声音我耳熟能详Nothing lasts forever没有什么能永垂不朽But this is getting good now但现在它愈发美好了He"s so tall and handsome as hell他是那样高大英俊He"s so bad but he does it so well他是那么坏但就是很吸引我When we"ve had our very last kiss当我们吻别时My last request is...我最后的请求就是Say you"ll remember me对我说你会将我铭记于心Standing in a nice dress身着华丽衣裙Staring at the sunset babe凝视着日落Red lips and rosy cheeks红唇和红润的双颊Say you"ll see me again对我说你会再来见我Even if it"s just in your哪怕只是在你的Wildest dreams, aah ha..狂野的梦境中Wildest dreams, aah ha..狂野的梦境中You"ll see me in hindsight你事后看清了我Tangled up with you all night与你整夜纠缠Burning it down黎明就消散Someday when you leave me当你离开我的那天I bet this memories我敢打赌这些回忆Follow you around会一直留在你心里You"ll see me in hindsight你事后看清了我Tangled up with you all night与你整夜纠缠Burning it down黎明就消散Some day when you leave me当你离开我的那天I bet this memories我敢打赌这些回忆Follow you around会一直留在你心里Say you"ll remember me对我说你会将我铭记于心Standing in a nice dress身着华丽衣裙Staring at the sunset babe凝视着日落Red lips and rosy cheeks红唇和红润的双颊Say you"ll see me again对我说你会再来见我Even if it"s just in pretend哪怕你只是逢场作戏Say you"ll remember me对我说你会将我铭记于心Standing in a nice dress身着华丽衣裙Staring at the sunset babe凝视着日落Red lips and rosy cheeks红唇和红润的双颊Say you"ll see me again对我说你会再来见我Even if it"s just in your哪怕只是在你的Wildest dreams, aah ha..狂野的梦境中Wildest dreams, aah ha..狂野的梦境中Even if it"s just in your哪怕只是在你的Wildest dreams, aah ha..狂野的梦境中Wildest dreams, aah ha..狂野的梦境中【采自搜狗翻译】





untouchable---泰勒斯威夫特 歌词(中英)

UntouchableTaylor SwiftUntouchable like a distant diamond skyI"m reaching out and I just can"t tell you whyI"m caught up in youI"m caught up in youUntouchable Burning brighter than the sunAnd when you"re close I feel like coming undoneIn the middle of the nightWhen I"m in this dreamIt"s like a million little starsSpelling out your nameYou gotta come on, come onSay that we"ll be togetherCome on, come onLittle taste of heavenIt"s half full and I won"t wait here all dayI know you"re saying that you"ll be here anywayBut you"re untouchableBurning brighter than the sunNow that you"re close I feel like coming undoneIn the middle of the nightWhen I"m in this dreamIt"s like a million little starsSpelling out your nameYou gotta come on, come onSay that we"ll be togetherCome on, come onOhIn the middle of the nightWe could form this dreamI wanna feel you by my sideStanding next to meYou gotta come on, come onSay that we"ll be togetherCome on, come onLittle taste of heavenI"m caught up in youOh, oh, ohUntouchableBurning brighter than the sunAnd when you"re close I feel like coming undoneIn the middle of the nightWhen I"m in this dreamIt"s like a million little starsSpelling out your nameYou gotta come on, come onSay that we"ll be togetherCome on, come onOh, ohIn the middle of the nightWhen I"m in this dreamIt"s like a million little starsSpelling out your nameYou gotta come on, come onSay that we"ll be togetherCome on, come on come onIn the middle of the nightWe could form this dreamI wanna feel you by my sideStanding next to meYou gotta come on, come onSay that we"ll be togetherCome on, come onLittle taste of heavenOh, ohIn the middle of the nightWhen I"m in this dreamIt"s like a million little starsSpelling out your nameYou gotta come on, come onCome on, come on....It"s like a million little starsSpelling out your nameSpelling out your name


Taylor Swiftuff1duff1eTS


泰勒斯威夫特获得过: 1、格莱美音乐奖 2008 年第50届格莱美音乐奖: 最佳新人奖 2、提名 2010 第52届格莱美音乐奖 3、最佳流行女演唱人 4、最佳流行合唱歌曲 5、最佳乡村专辑 6、最佳乡村女演唱人 7、获得 (第52届格莱美奖颁奖后被评为“创造了格莱美奖的奇迹”)全美音乐奖 8、最受欢迎乡村女艺人 9、最受欢迎成人抒情艺人 10、最受欢迎流行/摇滚女艺人 11.告示牌音乐奖 (自2007起不再进行颁奖仪式,而直接根据Billboard年数据成绩在其杂志上宣布,但2011年5月举行了颁奖典礼 12.最佳女歌手





泰勒斯威夫特84个男友是真的吗 称男友都被写进歌里

泰勒斯威夫特84个男友是真的吗 称男友都被写进歌里 不是,现在被确认的男朋友只有16个,很多都被写进歌里,但不是全部 泰勒斯威夫特84个男友 泰勒斯威夫特为什么叫霉霉 因为好几届都没拿到格莱美奖,可以算是千年老二了,所以就是倒霉的霉 泰勒斯威夫特男友几个 2008年7月,泰勒与歌手乔·乔纳斯交往,后来乔和卡米拉·贝尔约会并用27秒的电话分手。 2009年10月,泰勒出演《情人节》时与演员泰勒·洛特纳交往,12月分手。 2009年末,泰勒与歌手约翰·梅尔交往,2010年分手。 2010年10月,泰勒与演员杰克·吉伦哈尔交往,12月分手。 2012年7月,泰勒与康纳·肯尼迪交往,后分手。 2012年10月,泰勒与歌手哈里·斯泰尔斯交往,2013年1月分手。 2015年3月,泰勒与歌手、DJ加尔文·哈里斯交往,2016年5月分手。 2016年6月,泰勒与英国电影、电视广播及舞台剧演员汤姆·希德勒斯顿交往。 泰勒斯威夫特男友自杀了吗 泰勒斯威夫特成名曲 这个是中国歌迷这么叫她。因为taylor十分漂亮,年龄又小,美国那边都叫她美国甜心之类的,中国这边就叫她小美女,美和“霉”读音相同,而且Taylor每次有强势的单曲冲击Billboard Hot100榜单冠军时,都会遇到各种妖孽,非常倒霉的屈居亚军。而且这是一种爱称,没有任何贬低的意思历任男友们 2008年7月,泰勒与乔纳斯兄弟的主唱乔·乔纳斯交往,后来乔和卡米拉·贝尔约会,两人的恋情结束。 2009年,泰勒出演电影《情人节》时与泰勒·洛特纳擦出了火花,两人的关系持续了三个月后分手。 泰勒与歌手约翰·梅尔约会过一段时间,两人于2010年分手。 2010年10月,泰勒与演员杰克·吉伦哈尔约会,仅维持两个月恋情。 2012年7月,泰勒与康纳·肯尼迪短暂交往一段时间后,两人分手。 泰勒与单向组合成员哈里·斯泰尔斯交往仅两个月时间便分手。 2015年3月,泰勒与歌手、DJ加尔文·哈里斯开始交往。 泰勒斯威夫特2015 现任男友 我霉已经单身两年了,目前没有男朋友。前任是单向组合的哈里斯泰尔斯。 泰勒斯威夫特Taylor Swift有几个男友? 当然就一个,前面交的几个都分了。暮光之城的狼人Taylor也分了呢,好可惜。现在被曝出是One Direction的Harry在一起,就是这样。个人觉得双泰勒很美好啊,Back to December好心酸 泰勒斯威夫特的现任男友是谁? 肯尼迪家族成员康纳·肯尼迪 情人节与泰勒斯威夫特亲吻的人是不是泰勒斯威夫特的男友 泰勒 洛特纳,曾经是,现在分手了,但还是好朋友! 泰勒斯威夫特怎么老是换男友呢 猜想:(究竟真正原因是什么谁也不知道) 1:为写歌获取灵感 2:泰勒斯威夫特单方进展太快导致男友被吓跑 3:男友确实不怎么好 4:志趣不相投 5:不想和男友滚床单 6:自己没事找抽想换男友(个人认为机率为0%) 其实,每次分手都会对泰勒造成很大影响和打击,她每次都陷入爱情很深,但每次都以悲剧收场,她真的好好对待了每一次恋爱 泰勒斯威夫特的男友有多少? 泰勒的第一任男友是乔纳斯兄弟的主唱乔·乔纳斯(Joseph Adam Jonas),后来因为乔又和比他大三岁的卡米拉·贝尔约会并在电话中27秒的时间分手,两人的恋情结束。 2010年,泰勒在出演《情人节》这部电影时与泰勒·洛特纳(Taylor Lautner (暮光之城里的纯情小狼人))擦出了火花,两人的关系短短持续了三个月而宣布分手。 泰勒曾与男歌手约翰·梅尔 (John Mayer,现在和Katy Perry打得火热)约会过一段时间,不过两人于2010年分手。 泰勒与男星杰克·吉伦哈尔(Jake Gyllenhaal)从2010年10月约会到12月,仅维持两个月恋情。 泰勒与小她4岁的康纳·肯尼迪 (John F. Kennedy 肯尼迪家族成员)短暂热恋一段时间后,两人分手。 泰勒与英国/爱尔兰组合单向乐队 (One Direction)哈里·斯泰尔斯 (Harry Styles)交往仅两个月时间便分手。第七任浮出水面,英国高富帅DJ Calvin Harris 3月26日18点17分,网友通过微博曝光泰勒的新恋情,并上传两人一起甜蜜逛街的照片,称:“铁证在此!Taylor Swift和高富帅DJ Calvin Harris确认交往!两人在美国纳什维尔约会被拍!两人身穿情侣装,看起来很甜蜜,据悉,他们在全英音乐奖首次相遇并一见钟情坠入爱河。 第八任抖森已分手
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