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Potiron 是人名还是地名阿?急用阿

portion词性及解释 Part of speech and definition n. 部分, 一份, 命运, 嫁妆vt. 分配, 给...嫁妆【法】 嫁奁, 分与遗赠财产1. (一)部分[C][(+of)]He left the major portion of his money to the foundation.他将大部分钱留给了这个基金会。2. (食物等的)一份,一客[C]He was hungry and ordered two portions of roast duck.他很饿,因而叫了两份烤鸭。3. 一份遗产(或赠予的财产)[C]4. 命运,定数[U]We must all accept our portion in life.我们都得安于天命。vt.1. 把...分成多份;分配[(+out)]She portioned out the cake, so everyone had a piece.她将蛋糕切成多块,每人可得一份。2. 给...一份嫁妆(或遗产)


iron on patches铁补丁

Open Environ$("WinDir") & "system32 askmgr.exe" For Binary As #1

Environ$ 获取Windows环境参数Environ$("WinDir") 获取Windows所在目录,假设是C:WindowsEnviron$("WinDir") & "system32 askmgr.exe" = "C:Windowssystem32 askmgr.exe"Open 文件名 For Binary As #1以二进制方式打开文件,文件号为1


是polish journal of environmental studies,波兰环境研究杂志。


  Environment is all the attention to the topic, also is a hot spot of all people. Good environment, good for our healthy growth, feel better, both study and life comfortable, everyone wants to live in a good environment. Therefore, to protect the environment, everyone duty.   When you are passing the trash can, you can pick up the cola bottles beside? When you see someone scribble carving in the tree, you will not to stop at the meeting? When you are in the stalls to eat small, can you come up with their own spare chopsticks instead of disposable chopsticks?   Now, a lot of people cut down a tree in the forest, the trees to make chopsticks, chairs, tables, etc., can cause soil erosion, flood will often and bring us unfortunately. We should act to prevent them.   In the supermarket, we can see a lot of people still use money to buy a pocket, although a pocket as long as 2 cents, but to protect the environment is every citizen"s responsibility and obligation. Even if the pockets don"t money, we should also have the mindset of environmental protection, environmental protection bag.   On my way to school, we saw someone throw rubbish on the road, disorderly spit phlegm, we should teach him methods: spitting in the tissue, then throw in the trash. We can"t learn the somebody else, be sure to write "environmental protection" moment in their heart, and reflect in action, starts from me, starts from the minor matter.   I believe that through the efforts of everyone, the environment will become better and better, "mother" will become more beautiful earth.   环境是目前所有人关注的话题,也是所有人关注的一个热点。好的环境,有利于我们健康成长、心情舒畅,无论学习和生活都特别舒服,所有人都希望生活在一个好的环境下。因此,保护环境,人人有责。   当你路过垃圾桶的时候,你会不会捡起旁边的.可乐瓶?当你看见有人在树上乱刻乱画,你会不会上前去阻止?当你在小摊吃小面的时候,你会拿出自己的备用筷子而不用一次性筷子呢?   现在,很多人在森林里砍树,把树木做成筷子、椅子、桌子等等,就会造成水土流失,洪水也会经常冲来,带给我们不幸的危险。我们应该立刻行动,阻止他们。   在超市里,我们会看到很多人还用钱来买口袋,虽然一个口袋只要2角钱,但是保护环境是每一个公民的责任和义务。即使口袋不要钱,我们也应抱有保护环境的心态,用环保口袋。   在上学的路上,我们看见有人在路上乱扔垃圾,乱吐口痰,我们应该教给他方法:吐在纸巾里,然后扔进垃圾桶。我们更不能学人家,一定要把“保护环境”时刻记在心里,并体现在行动中,从我做起,从小事做起。   我相信,通过大家的努力,环境会变得越来越好,地球“妈妈”也会变得更加美丽。


立方环境映射(Cubic Environment Mapping)立方环境映射是现在常用环境映射技术。我们知道游戏场景中经常通过在一个正方体上的六个面贴上前后左右上下六个贴图来模拟天空、宇宙等环境,称为Cubemap有的引擎中成为Skybox,立方环境映射的原理就是在游戏中所需要产生映射的物体的位置动态生成一套Cubemap,再对Cubemap进行采样生成物体表面应该反射出的周遭环境。具体的采样方法是利用物体表面的法线来计算的,我们假设动态生成的Cubemap的正方体刚刚好包围住需要产生环境映射效果的物体,我们从摄像机也就是观察点出发同物体表面产生出的反射向量(同Phong光照模型的镜面反射中的反射向量是相同的,计算方法也相同R=2(E*N)*N-E),这个反射向量同正方体相交于一点,得到了这个点的所在面及UV坐标,采样,得到的颜色值就是我们应当看到。立方环境映射的原理就是这样的,但是这些计算步骤并不需要我们在使用的时候过多考虑,因为从Cubemap的生成,到采样的计算,图形API已经都为我们封装好了,下面记录了在DirectX中简单的API调用流程,权作笔记。 首先需要声明Cubemap的贴图LPDIRECT3DCUBETEXTURE9 m_pCubeMap = NULL;然后创建Cubemap贴图pd3dDevice->CreateCubeTexture(256,1,D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,D3DPOOL_DEFAULT , &m_pCubeMap,NULL );注意这里用到了D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET,也就是说我们的Cubemap需要靠RenderTarget绘制。如果需要的话,深度缓冲也可以考虑在内。IDirect3DSurface9* g_pDepthCube = NULL;DXUTDeviceSettings d3dSettings = DXUTGetDeviceSettings();pd3dDevice->CreateDepthStencilSurface( 256, 256, d3dSettings.pp.AutoDepthStencilFormat,D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE,0,TRUE,&g_pDepthCube, NULL );绘制函数void RenderSceneIntoCubeMap( IDirect3DDevice9 *pd3dDevice, double fTime ){HRESULT hr;// Cubemap使用的投影矩阵D3DXMATRIXA16 mProj;D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH( &mProj, D3DX_PI * 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.01f, 100.0f );LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 pRTOld = NULL;V( pd3dDevice->GetRenderTarget( 0, &pRTOld ) );LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 pDSOld = NULL;//if( SUCCEEDED( pd3dDevice->GetDepthStencilSurface( &pDSOld ) ) )//{// // 如果使用深度缓冲// V( pd3dDevice->SetDepthStencilSurface( g_pDepthCube ) );//}for( int nFace = 0; nFace < 6; ++nFace ) //依次完成Cubemap中的六个面的绘制{LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 pSurf;V( m_pCubeMap->GetCubeMapSurface( (D3DCUBEMAP_FACES)nFace, 0, &pSurf ) );V( pd3dDevice->SetRenderTarget( 0, pSurf ) );SAFE_RELEASE( pSurf );D3DXMATRIXA16 mView = DXUTGetCubeMapViewMatrix( nFace );V( pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER,0x000000ff, 1.0f, 0L ) );pd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW,&mView);pd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION,&mProj);if( SUCCEEDED( pd3dDevice->BeginScene() ) ){//在这里绘制环境pd3dDevice->EndScene();}}// Restore depth-stencil buffer and render target/*if( pDSOld )//如果使用深度缓冲{V( pd3dDevice->SetDepthStencilSurface( pDSOld ) );SAFE_RELEASE( pDSOld );}*/V( pd3dDevice->SetRenderTarget( 0, pRTOld ) );SAFE_RELEASE( pRTOld );}这个绘制函数一般在每一帧绘制场景的最开始执行,先将场景内的物体绘制在Cubemap上。这样我们就有了可用的Cubemap,之后我们绘制需要采用环境映射的物体时,将这个Cubemap作为Texture传入Shader内,另外还需传入观察向量用于计算反射向量。在Shader中,顶点着色器中完成反射向量的计算:float3 vecReflect = normalize(reflect(vecEye, InNormal));像素着色器负责采样,HLSL中已经有现成的函数可以使用,我们只需将计算所得反射向量传入即可。Output.RGBColor = texCUBE(EnvironmentSampler, In.CubeTexcoord);采样器EnvironmentSampler并不需要特别的设置。texture EnvironmentMap;samplerCUBE EnvironmentSampler = sampler_state{Texture = (EnvironmentMap);MipFilter = LINEAR;MinFilter = LINEAR;MagFilter = LINEAR;};





DELL笔记本电脑的型号Inspiron 和Vostro 以及Xps各代表什么意思?



准确的型号是YCS564G 价格在1350左右

The serious problem ____ mankind now is how to protect the environment effectively.

B对 The serious problem facing mankind 是动名词的复合结构

请帮忙翻译英文谚语 irons in the fire

一要质,二要量,田间选种不上当。 地里挑,场上选,忙半天,甜一年。 种怕水上漂,禾怕折断腰。 家选不如场选,场选不如地洗。 场选不如地选,地选还要粒选。 种子经风扇,劣种容易见。 种子经过筛,幼苗长得乖。 种子粒粒圆,禾苗根根壮。 宁愿饿坏肚肠,不叫断了种粮。 选种没有巧,棵大穗圆粒子饱。 选种要巧,穗大粒饱。 谷三千,麦六十,高粱八百是好的。

球墨铸铁的英文常见到SG Iron和Ductile Iron 的区别

区别是:SG Iron指的是球状石墨铸铁。Ductile Iron指的是延性铁,球墨铸件。例句:SG Iron1、Strain Fatigue Properties of Austenite-Bainite SG Iron 奥贝球铁应变疲劳特性的研究2、At the same time, research has been done on the prediction of shrinkage cavity andporosity of SG iron based on the micro-modeling. 同时,从微观模拟的角度研究了球铁件缩孔缩松预测。3、Based on experiments, the mathematical models of the microstructure formation ofSG iron from solidification down to room temperature were established according tothe theories of solidification kinetics, among which the diffusion-interface-controlledgrowth model of graphite spherulite was first proposed. 在实验基础上,根据结晶动力学理论,建立了球铁凝固过程各阶段微观组织形成的数学模型,其中首次提出了石墨球生长的扩散-界面控制模型。Ductile Iron1、Cast Iron bodies and Ductile Iron bonnets are standard. 铸铁阀体和球墨铸铁阀帽是标准配置。2、The study was carried out to investigate the effect of alloying elements on wearresistance of heat-resistant ductile iron. 研究了合金元素对耐热球墨铸铁耐磨性能的影响。3、This has introduced the casting process of thick section ductile iron mould with highstrength. 介绍了高强度厚大断面球墨铸铁模具的生产工艺。

dell inspiron ONE 2020 如何改XPycg我GHOST好后蓝屏

为您服务【第一】各项原因1~为系统原因~可能性极大,一般重启后没事~或者重新安装系统会没事。必须做。2~为内存原因~可能性中下,一般将内存条取下来,用学生橡皮擦拭金手指就可以。3~为硬盘问题~硬盘有坏道,到电脑店进入PE系统里面检测是否有坏道,有很多坏 道需要换硬盘。没有或者少量最好。4~为显卡问题~显卡性能弱,到电脑店测试一下就可以了,如果性能好最好不过了。【第二】导致问题发生的原因1;不可以修复 C盘内漏洞~因为C盘一般都是系统盘,里面都是系统不需要你修复。2;不可以下载软件到 C盘~C盘是准用系统盘,安装到里面后会导致系统慢卡蓝屏。3;不装杀毒软件最好选择~不会影响系统运行,这个只是建议。我六台电脑都没安。【第三】系统有【XP】【win7】【win8】其中分为很多种系统1【雨林木风】2【深度】3【深度技术】4【萝卜家园】5【电脑公司】等等希望采纳

The environment has been polluted 这句话有错吗?原因


环境被污染 是 the environment was polluted这个表达正确 还是 the

We don"t usually use passive tense for environment.

the environment have been polluted为什么不对呢


求4个英文例句分别用 simile, metaphor , personification, irony 的修辞手法.谢谢!

simile:the sun is like a golden coin. metaphor:the sun is a golden coin. personification:the stars are blinking at me irony:自己造.

Big Iron的《Wasted》 歌词

歌曲名:Wasted歌手:Big Iron专辑:Falling DownSeether - WasteVAN制作Go unnoticed, let the freedom wash away.Losing focus, the pretense is second nature.It"s a broken life that I cling too,Trying to make rightI feel dismayed, just like you do.I feel decayed...So find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)Find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me after allYes, I see you surrounded by the hopelessWhen they need you you"re much to good and bloated,By the hopeless life that you cling tooTrying to make rightI feel distained, just like you do.I feel decayed...So find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)Find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me after allGo away...Go away...And just leave me here..Just leave me here...Just leave me here...So find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)Find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)This wasted life...

sirong 中文意思是什么意思?

sirong ,应该是:丝绒。

「游戏推荐」蒸汽朋克卡牌+战棋策略对战游戏:Ironclad Tactics

Ironclad Tactics是一款中世纪蒸汽朋克背景,结合了卡牌元素的策略对战 游戏 ,其中包含了大量漫画表现的故事剧情。本作由美国开发商Zachtronics出品 游戏 的基本玩法采用了卡牌式策略战棋对战, 游戏 中没有内购元素,所有卡牌都可以通过对战来获取,有多个章节的故事战役,配合精美绘制的漫画过场,玩家可以体验剧情的同时熟悉各种规则 游戏 中玩家需要利用各兵种卡牌的特性,在小范围的战场上利用策略取得胜利,除了可以通过联网进行对战外,还能与好友合作一起挑战任务关卡 本作还提供了豪华版,除了 游戏 之外,加入了高清版本的艺术画册、可以打印并制成模型的图纸、原声音乐OST等游戏 在Steam售价48元,支持Windows和MAC,暂时没有简体中文


environmentally-friendly[英][envau026au0259"ru0259nmentu0259li:fr"endlu026a][美][envau026au0259"ru0259nmentu0259li:fr"endlu026a]adj.对环境无害的,环保的; environmentally[英][u026anu02ccvau026aru0259n"mentu0259lu026a][美][u026anu02ccvau026aru0259n"mentu0259lu026a]adv.有关环境方面; 例句:1.What"s required to make china"s cities environmentally sustainable? 为了让中国的城市具有环境可持续性,需要做什么工作?2.China"s growth can also be more financially and environmentally sustainable with furtherreforms. 通过采取进一步的改革措施,也将有助于增强中国经济增长的金融和环境可持续性

戴尔(DELL) Inspiron One 2020-R258NJN 这款电脑怎么样,平时玩玩dota 用点PS 大型单机游戏不玩



您好:The world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction.For example ,forest destruction results in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather.In addition,man is faced with problems of water pollution and air pollution.A lot of measures have been taken.Planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment.Besides,laws concerning environmental protection have been put into effect and achieved good results.However,the problem of environmental protection remains far from being solved.On the one hand,the environment pollution and destruction are getting worse and worse in the modern world.On the other hand,the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the problem.In a word,there is a long way to go before we enjoy a clean and comfortable world.希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~





Win10专业版找不到Recovery Environment

  Windows Recovery Environment简称winRE,winRE可帮助我们恢复系统环境,比如启动恢复,系统还原,系统映像还原等。不知如何使用Windows Recovery Environment的用户,下面我教你win10专业版下找不到windows recovery environment的使用教程吧。   Windows恢复环境无法正常工作   找不到恢复环境   在Windows安装过程中,Windows最初将Windows RE Image文件放在安装分区中。如果您已在C驱动器上安装了Windows,则可以在C: Windows System32 Recovery或C: Recovery文件夹中找到它。这是一个隐藏的文件夹。稍后,系统会将此映像文件复制到恢复工具分区中。如果驱动器分区出现问题,它可以确保可以启动恢复。   找不到恢复环境   当Windows RE被禁用或Winre.wim文件损坏时,通常会发生错误。因此,如果您在Windows Recovery Environment无法正常工作时出现错误,请按以下步骤进行修复:   1]启用Windows RE   启用Windows RE的步骤   --使用管理员权限打开PowerShell或命令提示符。   --输入试剂/信息,然后按Enter键。   --如果输出显示Status as enabled,则全部设置完毕。   要启用Windows RE,请键入reagentc / enable并按Enter键。最后的成功消息将确保Windows RE可用。   2]修复Winre.wim损坏或丢失   在任何一种情况下,您都需要一份Winre.wim的新副本。 您可以在计算机上搜索,也可以在Windows RE正在运行的其他类似计算机上找到该文件。 找到文件后,从另一台计算机上复制它。 您需要将图像路径设置为新位置。   接下来,执行以下命令将WIM文件的路径更改为新位置。 当Windows RE文件的文件路径与通常的点不同时,应该使用这些步骤。   Reagentc /setreimage /path C:RecoveryWindowsRE   如果文件已损坏,您可以从另一台计算机复制它。 将其复制到C: Recovery路径,然后再次设置路径。 确保使用reagentc / info命令验证路径。   Recovery文件夹是隐藏的,无法使用Windows文件资源管理器访问。 此外,它内部的WINRE文件夹是隐藏的。 您必须使用PowerShell或命令提示符来访问它们。 在复制之前,请确保在该计算机上禁用WINRE,并在以后启用它。   3]检查并修复Windows Boot Loader中无效的WinRE引用   Windows Boot Loader确定是否必须加载Windows RE。 加载程序可能指向错误的位置。   使用管理员权限打开PowerShell,然后执行以下命令:   bcdedit /enum all   在Windows Boot Loader标识符中查找设置为Current的条目。   WIndows Boot Loader当前标识符   在该部分中,找到“recoverysequence”并记下GUID。   同样,在结果中,搜索Windows Boot Loader标识符设置为指示的GUID。   Windows Boot Loader WIN RE lcoation   确保设备和osdevice项显示Winre.wim文件的路径,它们是相同的。 如果没有,我们必须将当前标识符指向具有相同标识符的标识符。   找到新GUID后,运行以下命令:   bcdedit /set {current} recoverysequence {GUID_which_has_same_path_of_device_and_device}   看看这是否可以解决问题。   4]创建恢复媒体   使用Media Creation Tool下载Win10 ISO文件。 创建一个恢复驱动器,所以需要。 检查这是否可以解决问题。

戴尔 Inspiron M5110 笔记本电脑

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谁介绍下iron maiden?


Iron Maiden的《Killers》 歌词

歌曲名:Killers歌手:Iron Maiden专辑:Ed HunterPaul Di"Anno, Steve HarrisYou walk through the subway, his eyes burn a hole in your back,A footstep behind you, he lunges prepared for attack.Scream for mercy, he laughs as he"s watching you bleed,Killer behind you, his blood lust defies all his needs.My innocent victims are slaughtered with wrath and despise,The mocking religion of hatred that burns in the night.I have no one, I"m bound to destroy all this greed,A voice inside me compelling to satisfy me.I can see what a knife"s meant to be,And you"ll never know how I came to forsee, see, see.My faith in believing is stronger than lifelines and ties,With the glimmer of metal my moment is ready to strike.Death call arises, a scream breaks the still of the night,Another tomorrow, remember to walk in the light!I have found you, and now there is no place to run,Excitement shakes me, oh God help me what have I done?!Oooh yeah, I"ve done it!YEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHH!You walk through the subway, my eyes burn a hole in your back,A footstep behind you, he lunges prepared for attack.Scream for mercy, he laughs as he"s watching you bleed,Killer behind you, my blood lust defies all my needs.Oooh look out, I"m coming for you!Ahahahaha!

Iron Maiden的《Killers》 歌词

歌曲名:Killers歌手:Iron Maiden专辑:Maiden England "88Paul Di"Anno, Steve HarrisYou walk through the subway, his eyes burn a hole in your back,A footstep behind you, he lunges prepared for attack.Scream for mercy, he laughs as he"s watching you bleed,Killer behind you, his blood lust defies all his needs.My innocent victims are slaughtered with wrath and despise,The mocking religion of hatred that burns in the night.I have no one, I"m bound to destroy all this greed,A voice inside me compelling to satisfy me.I can see what a knife"s meant to be,And you"ll never know how I came to forsee, see, see.My faith in believing is stronger than lifelines and ties,With the glimmer of metal my moment is ready to strike.Death call arises, a scream breaks the still of the night,Another tomorrow, remember to walk in the light!I have found you, and now there is no place to run,Excitement shakes me, oh God help me what have I done?!Oooh yeah, I"ve done it!YEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHH!You walk through the subway, my eyes burn a hole in your back,A footstep behind you, he lunges prepared for attack.Scream for mercy, he laughs as he"s watching you bleed,Killer behind you, my blood lust defies all my needs.Oooh look out, I"m coming for you!Ahahahaha!


Setting:(某事、戏剧、小说等的)背景,侧重虚拟的、虚无缥缈的、人为设定的场景。Environment:环境,外界; 周围,围绕,侧重客观存在的环境。

戴尔Inspiron 灵越 15怎么设置U盘启动



Ironic在英语里是一个形容词。在英语里,ironic这个单词是一个形容词词性,形容词后缀-ic。英文释义:1、characterized by often poignant difference or incongruity between what is expected and what actually is。以预期和实际之间往往存在尖锐的差异或不一致为特征。2、humorously sarcastic or mocking。幽默的讽刺或者嘲笑。中文的意思:冷嘲的、讽刺的、具有讽刺意味的、出乎意料的、用反语的、令人啼笑皆非的。Ironic近义词有:causticu2002腐蚀性、cynicalu2002愤世嫉俗的、ironicalu2002讽刺的、sarcasticu2002讽刺的、mockingu2002嘲笑的、peculiaru2002奇怪的、curiousu2002好奇的等等。Ironic的词汇搭配:ironic oxideu2002[化] 三氧化二铁、ironic citrateu2002柠檬酸铁、ironic phosphateu2002[化] 磷酸铁、ironic sulfideu2002三硫化二铁、ironic acetateu2002醋酸铁。Ironic的例句:1、Sounded at once like an ironic comment on celebrity excesses and a straight bit of autobiography.听来立即让人觉得是对过多名气的讽刺评论和直接的一种自传。2、I wondered if he was being ironic but his friend agreed with him, giving the sort of sigh that acknowledges a self-evident truth.我疑心他是否在说反话,但是他朋友也与他意见一致,发出几声叹息等于默认了这是不言自明的事实。3、It is therefore ironic that they will have to watch the outcome without being able to influence it any longer.因此讽刺的是,他们将不得不看到这最终的结果而无法再以任何方式去影响。

戴尔 inspiron 3442怎么关掉鼠标触摸板?


Animals can become unusually________when they are upset by a sudden environmental ch...


英语里的钢和铁分别怎么表达 steel和iron分别指的是什么


environmentalist; projector;application 这英语在美式英语中怎么读? 求谐音的读法...

这三个词都是多音节。individualism 含 in-di-vi-dual-ism 五个音节,重音在倒数第三个音节 vi 上,dual 的 d 颚化为 [ddj,最后的 -ism 是名词后缀,可参照音标谐音为“音代微几欧呃雷子目”。candidate 含 can-di-date 三个音节,第一个音节重读,可谐音为“克安迪带特” 。materialist 含 ma-te-rial-ist 四个音节,倒数第三个音节重读,-ist 是形容词后缀,可谐音为“莫替呃瑞呃雷斯特”。



斯沃琪一款可以防水200米的表,是咖啡色的,系列是SWATCH IRONY SCUBA 200,它的价格多少?朋友在瑞士...


What are the governmental policies on environmental issues in Hong Kong?

  What are the governmental policies on environmental issues in Hong Kong?  这句话的意思是:香港政府对于环保遗体的官方态度是什么?  这句话有两个关键点。governmental policies和environmental issues。governmental policies是政府的策略、政治上的态度、政治上的政策的意思。这里表示的是官方态度。  environmental issues表示的环保议题。  整句话的语境,是询问香港政府对于环保的态度或策略问题。

环保的英语是environment friendly还是environmentally frien

后者 我们老师给过的英语范文中就是那么写的



关于 economic development is more important than protecting the environment 的辩论陈述好好

Iron Maiden的《Still Life》 歌词

歌曲名:Still Life歌手:Iron Maiden专辑:Maiden England "88(Murray/Harris)Take a look in the pool and what do you seeIn the dark depths there faces beckoning meCan"t you see them it"s plain for all to seeThey were there oh I know you don"t believe me.Oh...I"ve never felt so strangeBut...I"m not going insane.I"ve no doubt that you think I"m off my headIron MaidenYou don"t say but it"s in your eyes insteadHours I spend out just gazing into that poolSomething draws me there I don"t know what to do.Oh...they drain my strength awayOh...they"re asking me to stay.Nightmares...spirits calling meNightmares...they won"t leave me be.All my life"s blood is slowly draining awayAnd I feel that I"m weaker every daySomehow I know I haven"t long to goJoining them at the bottom of the pool.Now...I feel they are so nearI...begin to see them clearNightmares...Will give me peace of mind.Now it"s clear and I know what I have to doI must take you down there to look at them tooHand in hand then we"ll jump right into the poolCan"t you see not just me they want you too.Oh...we"ll drown togetherIt...will be forever.Nightmares...forever calling meNightmares...Now we rest in peace.


  Inspiron  灵越,英文inspiron,是戴尔的家用PC系列产品,该系列产品追求个性以及性价比,是戴尔的明星销量产品。该系列产品以其个性化的色彩、配置以及高性价比征服了全球的消费者。  Dell Inspiron作为Dell的笔记本电脑品牌,它的用户群体是需求更快性能、最新技术和超值价格,同时不要求长期的产品生命周期和可管理的产品过渡的个人用户和家庭用户。  Vostro  中文名“成就”,是戴尔公司在2007年推出的商务电脑品牌,该品牌专为商务个人及中小型企业设计,该系列产品拥有7*24小时服务。目前,戴尔Vostro成就系列拥有Vostro成就v1440、Vostro成就v1450、Vostro成就v131、Vostro成就v3350、Vostro成就v3450、Vostro成就v3550、Vostro成就v3750等型号。  高效、稳定、安全是戴尔Vostro成就产品最显著的特征。该系列产品采用铝合金机身设计,搭配LDO节电标准的防眩光显示屏,USB 3.0高速接口,可轻松以有线或无线连接平板电视与投影仪;此外,戴尔Vostro成就产品部署了指纹识别等数据安全七重保护方案。同时,该系列产品还配备了3年全国下一工作日上门服务与1年全面意外保护服务。  XPS  XPS(Xtreme Playing System)是DELL高端品牌之一,是最高性能笔记本的代表产品之一,拥有大量的忠实用户。  在用户定位方面,由于XPS在产品的各个方面都使用了最先进的技术,同时让每个人都能在这款产品上找到心仪的功能和匹配的特性,因此,无论是精美的外观设计、扎实的做工、最新科技配件的应用,XPS都能够广泛地适用于满足各种人群。  而除了满足大众的需求,XPS还在愈演愈烈的新极客运动中扮演了重要的角色。对追求新技术、追求高品质、追求酷设计的新极客们来说,XPS技术含量超前又注重细节,材质精良但毫不浮夸,强大的功能和炫酷的设计最能体现新极客一族的生活理念。无论是对作为IT极客的IT发烧友,还是对作为乐极客的音乐爱好者、作为影极客的电影爱好者、作为色极客的2D设计者和摄影爱好者来说,XPS都是他们手中最好的武器。  



Creating beautiful environmengt,building pleasant homes

reating Beautiful Environment, Building Pleasant Homes With the help of high technology,life is getting more and more comfortable and convenient. Most families have refrigerators, computers, mobile phones, cars and so on. We can eat kinds of fresh fruit and vegetables all year round.(本段先表达高科技给人们生活带来的好处。) However, at the same time, green land has become less and more pollution has been caused. (用however承上启下,表达同时给环境带来的污染问题) As students, we really need to do something, such as going to school on foot, by bicycle or by bus instead of by car. We should save water and energy at any time and anywhere. We could urge more people to recycle waste paper, bottles,batteries and many other things. (本段写我们应该以身作则做的事情,三件事:步行去学校,节约水和能源,督促人们回收废纸等) If everyone does a bit, our homes will become more pleasant and beautiful. (最后一句总结主题,起到画龙点睛作用)

Environment sandbox 这个是什么意思?

Environment sandbox沙箱环境


决策环境(Decision-making Environment) 决策环境是指影响 决策 产生、存在和发展的一切因素的总和。 一个决策是否正确,能否顺利实施,它的影响效果如何, 不仅取决于决策者和决策方案, 而且直接取决于决策所处的环境和条件。希望采纳

求woodkid iron 歌词的中文翻译


requires the iron man skill什么意思


圣安地列斯钢铁侠V3 Iron man怎么安装


Man of Iron 歌词

歌曲名:Man of Iron歌手:Bathory专辑:Blood on IceI have paced these forests for so long I don't know if I am man or I am beast.I, though, hold deep within me a quest for revenge.Then I must be a man as much as I can be.I have learned to speak the tongue of the animalI have learned to read the signs in bark and snow.I have taken within myself the spirits of my fathers,long time gone.In this short time, far from home, a man of Iron I've grown.A man of Iron I have grown.A part of the Eternal Woods...Late evening..."Just after sunset on his way back to his camp after watching the sun unitewith the mountains in the west, he sees the flickering of light between thetree trunks. Approaching, he sees an old man sitting calmly by a fire, asif waiting for him. His left eye missing. His beard as if gold. The signson his cloak and hood familiar. The one eyed old man matches thedescription of the soothsayer, as told by the elders of his village by thefires at night when he only a child. The boy, now a young man, eager toknow, asks the one eyed old man about his dreams. Dreams he cannotunderstand. Dreams about strange things he is seeing himself doing. Thenthe winds that seem to talk to him. Voices that whisper to him behind hisback. The one eyed old man tells him of the cycles of the stars, of thetrail of fate and of the valley where time and space had ceased to exist...where his world ends and the shadows begin. The one eyed old man tells theyoung man that fate has chosen him to interfere with the other world. Thedisturbance is already made. The daughters of the four winds have soldthemselves to the shadows, distorting the balance of the universe. And theone eyed old man says he has seen him come for a thousand years, and thatthe aging gods have told him to teach him all that he has ever known and toprepare him to ride beyond his world and into the shadows as their championto restore the balance. To his aid he shall be given a sword forged whenthis world was young. He shall be guarded and guided by two ravens, and heshall ride the eight-legged stallion of his fathers' god. He will encounterthe Woodwoman, and he will make a visit to the Lake. One hundred days andone hundred nights his training shall be hard. And this very night it willalready have begun.And thus he had met the One Eyed old Man..."

谁知道《Iron Man》的歌词?

Iron Man铁人 Black Sabbath by jion Has he lost his mind?他还有理智吗? Can he see or is he blind?难道他是睁眼瞎? Can he walk at all,他还能前进吗? Or if he moves will he fall?还是他一动就要倒下? Is he alive or dead?他到底是死是活? Has he thoughts within his head?他有没有用脑子思考? We"ll just pass him there我们会任他待在那儿 why should we even care?何必要在乎? He was turned to steel他已经坚硬如钢 in the great magnetic field身处强大的磁场 Where he traveled time他在那穿越时间 for the future of mankind见证人类的未来 Nobody wants him没人期盼他 He just stares at the world他只是注视着世界 Planning his vengeance思考着他的复仇 that he will soon unfold他即将实施的计划 Now the time is here现在时刻已到 for Iron Man to spread fear铁人要散布恐惧 Vengeance from the grave来自坟墓的复仇 Kills the people he once saved杀死他曾拯救的人民 Nobody wants him没人期盼他 They just turn their heads他们只是转过头去 Nobody helps him没人帮助他 Now he has his revenge现在他实施了报复 Heavy boots of lead靴子如铅般沉重 fills his victims full of dread承载恐惧无比的受害者 Running as fast as they can他们拼命逃亡 Iron Man lives again!铁人已经重生!

"what to do to protect the environment"为题的英语作文

Protect the environment QingLingLing river became dirty and smelly ditch; The green forest became bare soil... All of all, not a pretty sight. If there is a fresh air, niaoyuhuaxiang, yixing, gentle serene, without wars, all we get along with each of the paradise, you want to don"t want to live there? Look again at the earth, opium war and the war of resistance against Japan is passable, but Iraqi war is different, the United States only to the oil, it gratuitous provocation, war, so many people can be not to say, on the earth have DuoDa damage have who go to a statistics? Furthermore, excessively to drilling for oil well, bad also to the earth is just a way of death to shorten the point just. Apart from the United States, and look at Japan, under the banner of research to kill 2000 DuoTou whales!!!!! Zip zip zip, how cruel, and look at the human is how brutal!!!!! Don"t say so much, in fact we Chinese have a bit error. "God five" and "god six" also spend a lot of mineral and so many countries, resources in the heaven test results after the failure? Of course, if the United States announced earlier "secret", and how can waste so many resources? In fact, protect the environment it is not difficult to do: refused to use one-off items; Use bag; Try to reduce the white garbage produced; Try to make objects can be secondary to use... Said a little bit small, can have: don"t litter; Don"t play with water; To save electricity, and so on. If everybody can do so, so the world will become a better big home. So let us work together, began to create this big home! 译文:保护环境 清凌凌的小河成了又脏又臭的水沟;绿茵茵的森林成了光秃秃的土坡……一切的一切,惨不忍睹。 如果有一个空气清新、鸟语花香、山明水秀、平和安详、没有战争,大家都各睦相处的世外桃源,你想不想住在那里呢? 再看看地球,鸦片战争和抗日战争还说得过去,可伊美战争就不一样了,美国仅仅为了石油就无端挑衅,爆发战争,让许多人无可归不说,对地球有多大的伤害有谁去统计过呢?再者说了,过分地去开采石油也不好嘛,只不过是给地球走向死亡的路缩短了一点而已。 且不说美国,再看日本,打着研究的旗号竟然捕杀了2000多头鲸鱼!啧啧啧,多么残忍,看看人类是多么的残忍啊! 不说那么多,其实我们中国也有一点错误。“神五”和“神六”也花了不少的矿产,还有那么多国家上天试验,资源在实验失败之后结果怎样?当然,如果美国早点对外公布“秘方”,又怎么会浪费那么多的资源呢? 其实,保护环境不难做到:拒绝使用一次性物品;使用布袋;尽量减少白色垃圾的产生;尽量使物品可以二次使用……说小一点,力所能及的就有:不乱丢垃圾;不要玩水;节约用电等等。如果人人都 能这样做,那么世界将成为美好的大家园。 那就让我们齐心协力,开始创造这个大家园吧! (我是学习商务英语的,欢迎不懂的来问我)

My Iron Lung 歌词

歌曲名:My Iron Lung歌手:Radiohead专辑:The BendsArtist: RadioheadAlbum: The BendsTitle: My Iron LungFaith, you"re driving me awayYou do it everydayYou don"t mean itBut it hurts like hellMy brain says I"m receiving painA lack of oxygenFrom my life supportMy iron lungWe"re too young to fall asleepTo cynical to speakWe are losing itCan"t you tell?We scratch our eternal itchA twentieth century bitchAnd we are grateful forOur iron lungThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beaconThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beaconSuck, suck your teenage thumbToilet trained and dumbWhen the power runs outWe"ll just humThis, this is our new songJust like the last oneA total waste of timeMy iron lungThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beaconThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beaconAnd if you"re frightenedYou can be frightenedYou can be, it"s OKAnd if you"re frightenedYou can be frightenedYou can be, it"s OKThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beacon

My Iron Lung 歌词

歌曲名:My Iron Lung歌手:Radiohead专辑:The Bends (Collectors Edition)Artist: RadioheadAlbum: The BendsTitle: My Iron LungFaith, you"re driving me awayYou do it everydayYou don"t mean itBut it hurts like hellMy brain says I"m receiving painA lack of oxygenFrom my life supportMy iron lungWe"re too young to fall asleepTo cynical to speakWe are losing itCan"t you tell?We scratch our eternal itchA twentieth century bitchAnd we are grateful forOur iron lungThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beaconThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beaconSuck, suck your teenage thumbToilet trained and dumbWhen the power runs outWe"ll just humThis, this is our new songJust like the last oneA total waste of timeMy iron lungThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beaconThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beaconAnd if you"re frightenedYou can be frightenedYou can be, it"s OKAnd if you"re frightenedYou can be frightenedYou can be, it"s OKThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beacon

My Iron Lung 歌词

歌曲名:My Iron Lung歌手:Radiohead专辑:5 Album Set (Pablo Honey/The Bends/OK Computer/Kid A/Amnesiac)Artist: RadioheadAlbum: The BendsTitle: My Iron LungFaith, you"re driving me awayYou do it everydayYou don"t mean itBut it hurts like hellMy brain says I"m receiving painA lack of oxygenFrom my life supportMy iron lungWe"re too young to fall asleepTo cynical to speakWe are losing itCan"t you tell?We scratch our eternal itchA twentieth century bitchAnd we are grateful forOur iron lungThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beaconThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beaconSuck, suck your teenage thumbToilet trained and dumbWhen the power runs outWe"ll just humThis, this is our new songJust like the last oneA total waste of timeMy iron lungThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beaconThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beaconAnd if you"re frightenedYou can be frightenedYou can be, it"s OKAnd if you"re frightenedYou can be frightenedYou can be, it"s OKThe headshrinkers, they want everythingMy uncle Bill, my Belisha beacon

radiohead 的my iron lung 这歌是要表达什么意思? 歌词的中文翻译(给个非机器的) Iron Lung (EP)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from My Iron Lung)My Iron LungEP by RadioheadReleased 24 October 1994Recorded 1993–1994Genre Alternative rockLength 28:23Label Parlophone, CapitolProducer John Leckie, Nigel Godrich, RadioheadProfessional reviewsAllmusic linkRadiohead chronologyItch (EP)(1994) My Iron Lung(1994) No Surprises/Running from Demons(1997)My Iron Lung is the third extended play (EP) by English alternative rock group Radiohead, released in October 1994. The title track later appeared on the band"s second studio album The Bends (1995). The EP also contains outtakes from then-ongoing recording sessions for The Bends, compiling songs that were issued as B-sides on two separate "My Iron Lung" CD singles in the UK and other markets. My Iron Lung was originally released in EP form with all eight songs only in Australia, but it is currently in print worldwide.The record is seen as a bridge between the relative simplicity of their 1993 debut album Pablo Honey, and the greater sonic depth of Radiohead"s later work, beginning with The Bends. The "My Iron Lung" single charted at number 24 in the UK, a decline from "Creep""s peak of number 7. It also received little radio or MTV attention in the United States, especially as compared with "Creep".[edit]HistoryThe title track "My Iron Lung" was recorded live, in the same 1994 London concert filmed for Live at the Astoria, with only singer Thom Yorke later overdubbed. The song as it appears on the 1994 singles/EP is virtually identical to the version that appeared the next year on The Bends, with only some barely audible changes in mixing levels."My Iron Lung" was Radiohead"s reaction to "Creep", their massive hit of 1993 which also became something of a millstone for Yorke. The song"s caustic, self-reflexive lyrics used the iron lung as a metaphor for the way "Creep" had both sustained the band"s life and constrained them ("this is our new song / just like the last one / a total waste of time / my iron lung"). An acoustic version of "Creep" itself appears at the end of the EP.Other songs on the EP charted a course away from the emotional grunge-pop of Pablo Honey, toward more layered sounds and more inventive guitar parts from Jonny Greenwood, especially evidenced in the ethereal "Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong" and the Sonic Youth homage "Permanent Daylight", whose vocals ("the easiest way to sell your soul is to carry on believing that you don"t exist / it must be hard with your head on backwards") hide in a wall of noise. Fan favourite[according to whom?] "The Trickster" almost approaches a metallic sound. "Lewis" is musically a punky sequel to Pablo Honey"s "How Do You" but the lyrics may point to "Just" from The Bends, both serving as a warnings to seemingly oblivious friends on the verge of breakdown. The acoustic "Lozenge of Love" uses unusual tonality and lyrics taken from Philip Larkin"s poem "Sad Steps", while "You Never Wash Up After Yourself" is a quiet, desolate song for guitar and voice.In Britain and most of the world, this EP was initially available instead as two singles: the first, with a blue-tinted cover, featured the title track backed by "The Trickster", "Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong", and "Lozenge of Love"; the second, with a red-tinted cover, had "Lewis (Mistreated)", "Permanent Daylight", and "You Never Wash Up After Yourself" as B-sides. "Creep (Acoustic)" (which had also closed the earlier Japanese Itch EP) only appears on the EP release.Nigel Godrich first worked with Radiohead on this recording, going on to engineer The Bends and to produce their later work. The EP is now available as the first six tracks on the bonus disc of the collector"s edition of The Bends. "My Iron Lung" is often compared[weasel words] with "Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana[citation needed] which was released one year earlier which features a similar guitar riff and medically themed lyrics.[edit]Track listing

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Iron Maiden的《Aces High》 歌词

歌曲名:Aces High歌手:Iron Maiden专辑:Flight 666 Iron Maiden - Aces HighThere goes the siren that warns of the air raidThen comes the sound of the guns sending flakOut for the scramble we"ve got to get airbornGot to get up for the coming attack.Jump in the cockpit and start up the enginesRemove all the wheelblocks theres no time to wasteGathering speed as we head down the runwayGotta get airborne before it"s too late.Running, scrambling, flyingRolling, turning, diving, going in againRolling, turning, divingRun, live to fly, fly to live, do or dieWon"t You?Run, live to fly, fly to live, Aces high.Move in to fire at the mainstream of bombersLet of a sharp burst and then turn awayRoll over, spin round to come in behind themMove to their blindsides and firing again.Bandits at 8 O"clock move in behind usTen ME-109"s out of the sunAscending and turning our spitfires to face themHeading straight for them I press down my guns.Rolling, turning, divingRolling, turning, diving, going in againRolling, turning, divingRun, live to fly, fly to live, do or dieWon"t You?Run, live to fly, fly to live, Aces high.




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Big Iron的《The Truth》 歌词

歌曲名:The Truth歌手:Big Iron专辑:Falling DownMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceI wish i told you more earlier what happenedI couldnt swallow my pride ..YeahhAnd its crazy as you heard it from somebody elseAnd now u asking me whyDont know why i did that to youI swear i thought you made me completeSorry i made you look like a foolBut i needed someone here with meWhy werent you there when i needed you by my sideWhy werent you there when you made everything so rightWhy werent you there cause it hurts like hell to know that we"re throughBut finally Im telling you the truthI wish this situation wasnt so complicatedBut you deserve to knowAhh, one day led to anotherStop thinking about usThen I couldnt do it no moreDont know why I did that to youI swear i thought you made me completeSorry i made you look like a foolBut i needed someone here with meWhy werent you there when i needed you by my sideWhy werent you there when you made everything so rightWhy werent you there cause its hurts like hell to know that we"re throughbut finally Im telling you the truthThis is also sadAnd I cant take It backAnd to see you cryMakes me feels so badI Wish I could take this big mistakeMake it go away but its too lateWhy werent you there when i needed you by my sideWhy werent you there when you made everything so rightWhy werent you there cause its hurts like hell to know that we"re throughBut finally Im telling you the truthWhy werent you there when i needed you by my sideWhy werent you there when you made everything so rightWhy werent you there cause its hurts like hell to know that we"re throughBut finally Im telling you the truthBut finally Im telling you the truthMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source

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The establishment of customer satisfaction, value, and the preservation of the market hot ---- Charles Schwab Charles Schwab discount brokerage was set up, named after him in 1974. The company"s low-cost investment products are based on the traditional aversion of the Charles Schwab brokers, who he labeled "the insider selling of information, always trying to let me buy the product or investment", until 1993, the broker Charles Schwab has been instructions do not provide investment advice, but publicly available research users Morningstar Poor"sor Standard & Poor"s. Schwab to benefit from the prosperity of online transactions. As early as in any traditional brokerage firms that move e-commerce in 1997, Schwab was the first discount brokerage firms offer online trading. It provides online trading 29.95 U.S. dollars in the first 1.000 shares, and each transaction costs, more than 100 U.S. dollars. To start in 1995, online trading accounted for 85% implementation of all walks of life Schwab in 2001 years ago. The company"s retail assets grew by three to one trillion U.S. dollars, almost at the same time, in league with the nation"s largest brokerage. From 1997 to 2000, average daily trading rose 183 points, 112 per cent profit increase in the time limit. Charles Schwab"s marketing activities to help the company become a household name in the same transactions on the Internet. Early use of real financial advertising customers and employees to identify personal ads, in 1999, the company"s celebrity spokesman for the military to provide comprehensive services to advertise their online investment services. Featured sports stars humorous advertising, such as the football player Shannon Sharpe, and tennis star Anna Kournikova in a guest role, Schwab customers who surprised the rival"s knowledge of investment principles. Heading differences contribute to the strengthening of Schwab"s online brokerage only: "We have created a smart investment, we have established a more smart investors," these ads as part of the Charles Schwab 2:00 u3007 u3007 billion dollars in 1999 marketing budget. In 2001, as a slowdown in online transactions, with the collapse of the dot-com bubble, Schwab sought to expand its business customers with more services, rather than relying on a large number of low-cost promotion of industry revenue, Schwab began to focus on the provision of Investment Consulting, its customers. Brokers in the new offices on the Schwab financial consultants from their clients to seek investment in skills and other service charges. Schwab also provides equity research considered proprietary customers. Industry experts expect that the new service will be to rewrite the role of Schwab more similar to the traditional brokerage firm. Schwab before the implementation of the forecast, "Schwab will be a lot closer than that of Schwab, Merrill Lynch yesterday." Source: John Gorman, "Charles Schwab, version 4.0," Forbes January 8, 2001, pp.89 - 85. Brown and Ken Charles Gasparino, "Schwab"s stock in their online transactions are moved to" The Wall Street Journal, June 19, 2001, p.A1. Rebecca Buckman and Catherine Kranhold, "Schwab, the supply of sports-themed ad," The Wall Street Journal, August 30, 1999, p.B9 1. Changing market environment is reflected in Schwab marketing efforts? How to effectively market demand is expected to Schwab? 2.Draw recent economic development, is expected to change in the future may be for Schwab, consider what the past and future events may have a significant impact on its future mode of operation.

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