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"奋斗"英语用哪个词更好?struggle; fight; strive

ght、strive”三个词的区别如bai下:“struggle、 fight、strive”三者都有努力奋斗的意思,但是strive侧重于努力,是个褒义词;struggle有“挣扎”的意思,含贬义的意味;fight是个中性词,但是更多的是搏斗、打架的含义。所以看你需要表述的“奋斗”是什么情境来选用不同的词汇进行表达。struggle 英 [ˈstrʌgl] 美 [ˈstrʌɡəl]vi.奋斗;搏斗;努力;争取n.奋斗;打斗;竞争fight 英 [faɪt] 美 [faɪt]vt.& vi.战斗;斗争;打架;吵架n.战斗;打架;吵架;斗志strive 英 [straɪv] 美 [straɪv]vi.努力奋斗,力求;斗争,力争


动词struggle:1. make a strenuous or labored effort同义词:fight2. to exert strenuous effort against opposition3. climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling同义词:clamber, scramble, shin, shinny, skin, sputter4. be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight同义词:contend, fight动词strive:1. attempt by employing effort同义词:endeavor, endeavour2. to exert much effort or energy同义词:reach, strain前者倾向于斗争(有固定的对象),后者倾向于奋斗(为了某个目标)

conflict ,fight, struggle的区别

conflict,fight,struggle的区别答:conflictfightstruggle  都含“战斗”、“斗争”的意思。  conflict指“由于严重不一致,而引起抵触或冲突”,如:Theiraccountofthecausesofthewarconflictswithours.他们对于战争起因的报告与我们的报告相反。  fight原义是“打仗”、“战斗”,指“任何形式的斗争”,特别强调“短兵相接”,如:Thetwoboysfought.两个孩子动手打起来了。  struggle本义是“挣扎”,指“克服某种障碍或困难,以达到某种目的”,意味着“处境难”,如:Theywerestrugglingforpeace.他们为和平而斗争。



Life is a struggle?





两者都有努力奋斗的意思,但是strive侧重于努力,褒义词,struggle有“挣扎”的意思,含贬义。努力是自动去努力we strive for status. He strove for recognition as an artist. 他为获得艺术家的声誉而奋斗。 挣扎是被动受压挣扎。The Struggle to Preserve the union.用争取和平来举例最好了strive for the peace 是指争取和平(往往是第三者等帮助人家取得和平)struggle for the peace 力争和平(是陷入战争中的人要求摆脱战争求得和平。)

struggle with和struggle against有什么区别吗?能相互使用吗?能举例说明一下吗?

你好,struggle with的struggle当v.时有2种解释:1是通过努力达到和解决某事。2是接人表对抗某人以便逃脱。struggle with的struggle当n.时只有一种解释:长期与某事抗争(灾难,病情等)。由此不难看出,你当初遇到的问题是对struggle with的理解的谬误。struggle with意思类似于achieve or deal with sth; fight against sb.against更趋向于用于人或者物,有种对抗、抗争的意思。你没见过struggle with cancer的吧!中学英语直接说明:struggle with和fight with是“和……(协同)作战”,也是为了区别against。鄙人用的朗文高阶词典,并未发现struggle(v) with cancer这种说法



strive和struggle的区别? 请不要复制词典的内容!最好给出一些例子来,

区别在于strive是努力struggle是挣扎努力是自动去努力we strive for status.挣扎是被动受压挣扎.The Struggle to Preserve the union.用争取和平来举例最好了strive for the peace 是指争取和平(往往是第三者等帮助...


struggle的用法和短语: 用作动词v. struggle against (v.+prep.) struggle along1 (v.+adv.) struggle along2 (v.+prep.) struggle for (v.+prep.) 扩展资料   struggle的用法1:struggle的基本意思是“奋斗”,即为实现某一目的而尽力做某事。常指遇到有力的反抗而在逆境中拼搏或努力从束缚中解脱出来。有时含有“挣扎”的意味。   struggle的用法2:struggle也可表示“(与某人)争斗,搏斗,打斗”,还可表示“艰难地(朝某方向)行进”。   struggle的"用法3:struggle是不及物动词,与介词against连用,表示“同与之对立或对抗的人或物进行斗争”; 与介词for连用,表示“为…而斗争”。   struggle的用法4:struggle可接动词不定式作目的状语。   struggle的用法5:struggle的基本意思是“斗争”,表示抽象的行为,用作不可数名词; 表示具体的“打斗,搏斗,战斗,斗争”时,可用作可数名词。   struggle的用法6:struggle作“努力,奋斗”解时,一般用单数形式。   1. It"s a constant struggle to try to keep them up to par.   要让他们达标,需要不断努力。   2. Curiously, the struggle to survive has greatly improved her health.   奇怪的是,她拼命求生的抗争使得她的健康状况大有好转。   3. He grandly declared that "international politics is a struggle for power".   他一本正经地宣称“国际政治是一场权力之争”。

struggled to survive是什么意思

struggled to survive词典结果struggled to survive挣扎求生


struggle.t0.fⅰnd奋斗奋斗 [ fèn dòu ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 [ fèn dòu ]为了达到一定目的而努力干:艰苦~。为实现伟大理想而~。



struggle hard是什么意思



struggle英 ["strʌg(ə)l]美 ["strʌɡl]n. 努力,奋斗;竞争vt. 使劲移动;尽力使得vi. 奋斗,努力;挣扎更多释义>>[网络短语]Struggle 奋斗,挣扎,斗争internecine struggle 窝里斗Endless struggle 奋斗不息详细用法>>

Struggle and struggle的意思

Struggle and struggle斗争与斗争Struggle奋斗; 搏斗; 努力; 争取; 打斗; 竞争

desperate struggle是什么意思


求英语高手解答struggle 和trouble的区别,还有trouble作为困难意思时是否可数?


Struggle for Love 是什么意思?


Life Is Still a Struggle 中文什么意思?


Desperate struggle是什么意思

Desperate struggle绝望的挣扎垂死挣扎

struggle遗忘 是什么意思

struggle 英[ˈstrʌgl] 美[ˈstrʌɡəl] vi. 奋斗; 搏斗; 努力; 争取; n. 奋斗; 打斗; 竞争; [例句]A struggle for the soul of the Republican Party为实现共和党的基本宗旨而进行的奋斗[其他] 第三人称单数:struggles 复数:struggles 现在分词:struggling过去式:struggled 过去分词:struggled

宋岳庭有一首Life‘s A Struggle ,是什么意思啊




宋岳庭有一首Life‘s A Struggle ,是什么意思啊

南宋 辛弃疾



Desperate struggle是什么意思

Desperate struggle垂死挣扎

struggle against是什么意思

struggle against 为反对…而斗争; [英][ˈstrʌɡl əˈɡenst][美][ˈstrʌɡəl əˈɡenst]斗争双语对照词典结果:例句:1.They must struggle against their circumstances to acquire the basics of survival and human dignity. 他们必须在这样的环境下进行斗争来获得基本的生存权和尊严。2.Many times in life we feel we need to struggle against things that are beyond our control. 生活中,我们经常会感到需要对抗自己控制范围之外的事情。(以上结果来自金山词霸)

struggle through 是什么意思


.Struggle 中文什么意思

竞争 努力 奋斗 挣扎

“Everyday Struggle”是什么意思?


struggle to the end是什么意思?

struggle to the end 奋斗/斗争到底 struggle不及物动词 1.奋斗;斗争 They struggled for peace. 他们为和平而战。 The old man has been struggling with illness. 这位老人一直在与病魔斗争。 2.努力;使劲;挣扎 She struggled to keep back the tears. 她努力忍住泪水。 The baby struggled in its mother"s arms. 婴儿在母亲怀抱中挣扎。 3.艰难地行进 The wounded soldier struggled in the forest. 受伤的士兵在森林中艰难地行进。4.竞争;对抗The human being struggles with his environment. 人类和环境竞争。 struggle 及物动词 1.费力搬动或放置 They struggled the heavy file cabinet into the elevator. 他们使劲把沉重的档案柜搬进电梯。 struggle名词 n. 1.奋斗;斗争The struggle between the two teams was hard. 这两个队之间的斗争很艰苦。2.努力;使劲;挣扎3.难事

求英语高手解答struggle 和trouble的区别,还有trouble作为困难意思时是否可数?

一般像这样的名词叫抽象名词,表示困难、奋斗等等是不可数;但是,当他们具体到某个人、某个计划的时候当可数名词用。如:You are a trouble to me.翻译:你对于我而言就是一个麻烦。



Struggle for my dream 是什么意思?



直译的话就是和她的孩子们作斗争,但是这里只是用了夸张手法,引申意思是处理她孩子的麻烦事,就是表示她的生活很艰辛 这就好比中文里一个人伤你很深,你就说唉我就是来还你债的.难道真的是偿还债务吗?其实就是一个比方而已

struggle ignorant是什么意思



Life"s astruggle生活是一场战争struggle[英][ˈstrʌgl][美][ˈstrʌɡəl]vi.奋斗; 搏斗; 努力; 争取; n.奋斗; 打斗; 竞争; 第三人称单数:struggles过去分词:struggled复数:struggles现在进行时:struggling过去式:struggled例句:1.Many expats could struggle to find new jobs in hong kong banking. 许多外籍银行家可能很难在香港银行业找到新的工作。

Struggle ··这个英文啥意思

挣扎 vi. 奋斗,努力;挣扎 n. 努力,奋斗;竞争 vt. 使劲移动;尽力使得 短语 struggle against与…作斗争;打击;同……作斗争;与……作斗争 struggle for为…而斗争;为…奋斗;为…而战;为……斗争 class struggle阶级斗争 power struggle权力争夺;权力斗争 struggle on挣扎下去 struggle along挣扎 symbolic struggle象征斗争 struggle to竞争 or struggle否则

Desperate struggle什么意思

Desperate struggle的中文翻译Desperate struggle绝望的斗争;拼命挣扎双语例句1People were putting every bit of their remaining strength into this last desperate struggle.人们把剩馀的精力榨出来拚死命干。2He has also since garnered more information about her desperate struggle against her abduction.他还在收集着更多有关她遭绑架时拼命挣扎的信息。


其实它的准确意思是 斗争。 课本上是这样写的

strugglebus 什么意思

  v. 奋斗; 努力; 搏斗( struggle的第三人称单数 ); 争取;

Because of the love, struggle 是什么意思?

Fighting for my love!



struggle on 是什么意思





struggle 英[ˈstrʌgl] 美[ˈstrʌɡəl] vi. 奋斗; 搏斗; 努力; 争取; n. 奋斗; 打斗; 竞争; [例句]They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity他们不得不同一切困境做斗争。


n. 努力,奋斗;竞争vt. 使劲移动;尽力使得vi. 奋斗,努力;挣扎我是老师,有什么不懂的可以继续问我很开心为你解答,希望你能采纳

女生给你发life is a struggle这首歌什么意思







struggle[英][ˈstrʌgl][美][ˈstrʌɡəl]vi.奋斗; 搏斗; 努力; 争取; n.奋斗; 打斗; 竞争; 第三人称单数:struggles复数:struggles现在分词:struggling过去式:struggled过去分词:struggled双语例句1A struggle for the soul of the Republican Party为实现共和党的基本宗旨而进行的奋斗



the struggle什么意思

the struggle斗争例句:1.Outsiders found the struggle inspirational. 旁观者视斗争是鼓舞人心的。2.For the moment, the struggle is to stop some rich countries giving less. 现阶段的努力是热让那些富有国家不要给的更少。



Life"s a struggle是什么意思?

Life"s a struggle的中文翻译:生活是一场挣扎;生活在比较之中,有黑暗才有光明,有恨才有爱,有坏才有好,有他人和他人所做的事我们才知道自己是谁,自己在做什么。一切都在比较中才能存在,没有丑便没有美,没有失去便没有得到。同样,我们总害怕死亡,而如果人真的可以永远活着,我想人们同样会像害怕死亡一样害怕永恒,或厌倦永恒。扩展资料:人生就是由欲望不满足而痛苦和满足之后无趣这两者所构成。生命没有终极意义。不要轻易去否定。我们需要在最沉痛的世界观里重新审视当下总让我们痛苦的欲望。人所执迷的欲望是如此虚妄、空洞、无聊,但我们却并不容易不去执迷它。人诞生在这个世界是被迫的,生来就有的俗世的道德与竞争意识注定了我们的不自由。一种理想主义的人生观是:生命的长度无需受制于肉体自然的衰败,它应该是受你的心灵、你的快乐的需要而去自主选择。


strugglen.竞争, 努力, 奋斗vi.努力, 奋斗, 挣扎vt.尽力使得, 使劲移动struggled 是 struggle 的过去分词和过去式

请问struggle with her kids是什么意思?谢谢。


Everyday Struggle是什么意思 《欧路词典》英汉

“Everyday Struggle”的意思是;日常斗争Everyday:每天Struggle:奋斗; 搏斗; 努力; 争取; 打斗; 竞争英文释义:It"s all about struggle, everyday struggle, but we areusing struggle to portray a positive light, and that"s the difference.例句:Small communities seem to face a constant struggle everyday . 小社区似乎每天都面临着不断的竞争。


生活是一场战争,也就是生活是艰难的 的意思.完毕~

“Everyday Struggle”是什么意思?

everyday的意思是每天struggle的一时是奋斗,努力,拼搏Everyday Struggle即每天努力、每天奋斗、每天拼搏的意思扩展资料:1.~ (for sth)奋斗;努力;争取 to try very hard to do sth when it is difficult or when there are a lot of problems[V] a country struggling for independence为独立而奋斗的国家Shona struggled for breath .肖娜艰难地喘着气。life as a struggling artist (= one who is very poor) 一个生活难以温饱的艺术家[V to inf] They struggled just to pay their bills.他们辛苦所得仅敷日用。2.[V + adv./prep.] 艰难地行进;吃力地进行 to move somewhere or do sth with difficultyI struggled up the hill with the heavy bags.我背着几个沉重的包吃力地爬上山去。Paul struggled out of his wheelchair.保罗挣扎着下了轮椅。3.[V] ~ (against/with sb/sth)斗争;抗争 to fight against sb/sth in order to prevent a bad situation or resultHe struggled against cancer for two years.他同癌症抗争了两年。Lisa struggled with her conscience before talking to the police.莉萨经过一番良心上的斗争,终于对警方说了。4.[V] ~ (with sb)搏斗;扭打;挣扎脱身 to fight sb or try to get away from themBen and Jack struggled together on the grass.本和杰克在草地上扭打起来。I struggled and screamed for help.我挣扎着,高声呼救。James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the raiders.詹姆斯在同几个劫匪搏斗时嘴上挨了打。How did she manage to struggle free ?她是如何设法逃脱的?5.[V] ~ (with sb) (for sth)争夺;辩论 to compete or argue with sb

Cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- Thomas Carlyle


cease to struggle and you cease to live什么意思


cease to struggle and you cease to live什么意思


Cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- Thomas Carlyle


cease to struggle and you case to love

cease to struggle and you case to live应该是这样, 意为生命不息奋斗不止struggle 奋斗cease 停止,终止望采纳谢谢

“cease to struggle and you cease to live.”是什么意思?


Cease to struggle and you cease to live.


cease to struggle and you cease to live什么意思

cease to struggle and you cease to live停止奋斗,生命也就停止了双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 生命不止,奋斗不息2. 生命不止,奋斗不息。例句:1.May I ask why you chose to come and live in milton? 我可以问问你们为什么来米尔顿吗?

It is doomed to be it,I won"t struggle.


求文章The struggle for an education 翻译

Read and Explore阅读与探索Text B文章BAfter a long and hard journey, he finally reached Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute in Virginia with only fifty cents in his pocket. This is Booker T. Washington"s account of his journey -- starting from the dark and dangerous coal-mine and eventually ending up in his admission to the institute -- the struggle to pursue an education and to change his destiny.经历了漫长而艰难的旅程之后,他终于到达了弗吉尼亚的汉普顿师范和农业学院,这时他身上只剩五十美分。这就是布克·T·华盛顿所描述的他的旅程——从在漆黑而又危险的煤矿里工作到最终被学院录取——为了追求教育而努力奋斗并且改变了自己的命运。The Struggle for an Education我的求学之路Booker T. Washington布克·T·华盛顿One day, while at work in the coal-mine, I happened to overhear two miners talking about a great school for coloured people somewhere in Virginia. In the darkness of the mine I noiselessly crept as close as I could to the two men who were talking. I heard one tell the other that not only was the school established for the members of my race, but that opportunities were provided by which poor but worthy students could work out all or a part of the cost of board, and at the same time be taught some trade or industry.一天,在煤矿上班时,我无意中听到两个矿工说道,有一所专为有色人种开设的很好的学校,在弗吉尼亚州的某个地方。矿井里一片漆黑,我悄无声息地爬到离那两人尽可能近的地方。我听到一个人对另一个说,学校不仅是为了我的种族成员而专门建立的,而且也会提供机会,使穷苦但上进的学生得以支付全部或部分食宿费用,同时也能学会一门手艺或技术。I resolved at once to go to that school, although I had no idea where it was, or how many miles away, or how I was going to reach it; I remembered only that I was on fire constantly with one ambition, and that was to go to Hampton. This thought was with me day and night.我当即决定要去那所学校,虽然学校在哪里,离我有多远,我又该怎么到那里,我一点概念也没有;我只记得心中有个愿望在熊熊燃烧,那就是去汉普顿。这个念头日日夜夜在我心头萦绕Finally the great day came, and I started for Hampton. I had only a small, cheap bag that contained what few articles of clothing I could get. The distance from Malden to Hampton is about five hundred miles. I had not been away from home many hours before it began to grow painfully evident that I did not have enough money to pay my fare to Hampton.这个重要的日子终于到了,我动身前往汉普顿。我只有一个廉价的小包,装着仅有的几件衣物。马尔登到汉普顿之间的距离大约有500英里。我离开家,走了还没几个小时,我就清楚而痛苦地意识到,靠我身上这点钱是到不了汉普顿的。By walking, begging rides both in wagons and in the cars, in some way, after a number of days, I reached the city of Richmond, Virginia, about eighty-two miles from Hampton. When I reached there, tired, hungry, and dirty, it was late in the night. I had never been in a large city, and this rather added to my misery. When I reached Richmond, I was completely out of money. I had not a single acquaintance in the place, and, being unused to city ways, I did not know where to go. I applied at several places for lodging, but they all wanted money, and that was what I did not have. Knowing nothing else better to do, I walked the streets. In doing this I passed by many food-stands where fried chicken and half-moon apple pies were piled high and made to present a most tempting appearance. How I wished I could have gotten hold of one of those chicken legs or one of those pies. But I could not get either of these, nor anything else to eat.我一路走,求过路的司机捎我一程,几天后不觉到了弗吉尼亚的里士满,离汉普顿还有大约82英里。到那里的时候已是深夜,我又累又饿,一身肮脏。我从没到过大城市,这有点让我更加难过。到里士满时,我已身无分文。人生地不熟,又不习惯城市的道路,我根本不知道该往哪儿走。我去了几个地方想投宿,都是要收钱的,而我缺的正是钱。我不知如何是好,就在街上晃悠。沿街走着,我经过许多食档,炸鸡和半月形的苹果焰饼堆得高高的,极其诱人。多希望我能够拿上一条鸡腿或一个焰饼啊。但我什么也拿不到,也找不到别的东西吃。I must have walked the streets till after midnight. At last I became so exhausted that I could walk no longer. I was tired; I was hungry; I was everything but discouraged. Just about the time when I reached extreme physical exhaustion, I came upon a portion of a street where the board sidewalk was considerably elevated. I waited for a few minutes, till I was sure that no passers-by could see me, and then crept under the sidewalk and lay for the night upon the ground, with my bag of clothing for a pillow. Nearly all night I could hear the tramp of feet over my head. The next morning I found myself somewhat refreshed, but I was extremely hungry, because it had been a long time since I had had sufficient food. As soon as it became light enough for me to see my surroundings I noticed that I was near a large ship, and that this ship seemed to be unloading a cargo of pig iron. I went at once to the vessel and asked the captain to permit me to help unload the vessel in order to get money for food. The captain, a white man, who seemed to be kind-hearted, consented. I worked long enough to earn money for my breakfast, and it seems to me, as I remember it now, to have been about the best breakfast that I have ever eaten.我一直在街上走,直到半夜过后。最后,我精疲力竭,再也走不动了。我既累又饿,可就是没有气馁。就在疲惫不堪之时,我到了一条街道,木板铺成的人行道高出路面不少。我等了几分钟,确定过往行人不会看到我,就爬到人行道下面,整夜躺在地上,用装衣服的包当枕头。几乎一整夜我都能听到头顶上沉重的脚步声。第二天我觉得自己精神好了一点,不过我饿极了,因为已经很久没有吃饱过了。天一亮我能看清周围的时候,我立刻就注意到我是在一条大船旁边,这船似乎是在卸生铁。我立刻走到船上,请求船长允许我帮忙卸货,好换点钱买东西吃。船长是个白人,一副心地善良的样子,同意了。我干活赚够了早餐钱。记忆里,这是我平生吃得最有滋味的一顿早餐。When I had saved what I considered enough money with which to reach Hampton, I started again. Without any unusual occurrence I reached Hampton, with a surplus of exactly fifty cents with which to begin my education. To me it had been a long, eventful journey; but the first sight of the large, three-story, brick school building seemed to have rewarded me for all that I had undergone in order to reach the place. The sight of it seemed to give me new life. I felt that a new kind of existence had now begun -- that life would now have a new meaning.等我觉得自己攒的钱够去汉普顿了,就再度启程。一路顺利地到达了汉普顿,这时我身上只剩五十美分,这就是我的教育资金了。对我而言,这趟旅程漫长而曲折,但一看到宏伟的三层砖房教学楼,我就觉得一路所吃的苦都是值得的。看见它,仿佛给我注入了新的生命。我感觉,新的生活已经开始了,从此我的生命将有新的意义。As soon as possible after reaching the grounds of the Hampton Institute, I presented myself before the head teacher for assignment to a class. Having been so long without proper food, a bath, and change of clothing, I did not, of course, make a very favourable impression upon her, and I could see at once that there were doubts in her mind about the wisdom of admitting me as a student. I felt that I could hardly blame her if she got the idea that I was a worthless loafer or tramp. For some time she did not refuse to admit me, neither did she decide in my favour, and I continued to linger about her, and to impress her in all the ways I could with my worthiness. In the meantime I saw her admitting other students, and that added greatly to my discomfort, for I felt, deep down in my heart, that I could do as well as they, if I could only get a chance to show what was in me.我到了汉普顿学院后就尽快找到校长,请她给我安排班级。不过,那么久都没有好好吃过东西,也没有洗澡、换衣服,我当然不能给她留下什么好印象,我立刻就看出来她心里在怀疑,录取我是不是一件明智的事。我觉得,就算她认为我是个一无是处的懒人或流浪汉,我也不能怪她。有一阵子,她没有拒绝录取我,但也没有同意,我于是继续在她周围晃来晃去,使出浑身解数让她对我产生好感。与此同时,看到她录取别的学生,我感到很难受,因为在内心深处,我觉得,只要给我机会让我展示自己,我也能像他们一样出色。After some hours had passed, the head teacher said to me, "The adjoining classroom needs sweeping. Take the broom and sweep it."几个小时后,校长对我说:“隔壁的教室该打扫了。拿扫把去扫一下吧。”It occurred to me at once that here was my chance. I swept the classroom three times. Then I got a dusting-cloth and I dusted it four times. All the woodwork around the walls, every bench, table, and desk, I went over four times with my dusting-cloth. I had the feeling that in a large measure my future depended upon the impression I made upon the teacher in the cleaning of that room. When I was through, I reported to the head teacher. She was a woman who knew just where to look for dirt. She went into the room and inspected the floor and closets; then she took her handkerchief and rubbed it on the woodwork about the walls, and over the table and benches. When she was unable to find one bit of dirt on the floor, or a particle of dust on any of the furniture, she quietly remarked, "I guess you will do to enter this institution."我立刻意识到,机会来了。我把那间教室扫了三遍。然后找来抹布,把房间抹了四遍。墙边所有的木制部分,每一张长凳、餐桌、课桌,都用抹布擦了四遍。我有种感觉,在很大程度上,我的前途就取决于我打扫这房间给校长留下的印象。打扫完之后,我就去向校长汇报。这个女人非常清楚到哪儿去找灰尘。她走进房间,检查地板和橱柜;然后拿出手绢,在墙上的木制部分上,在餐桌和长凳上擦。她在地板上找不到一粒尘土,所有的家具上面也都找不到一点灰尘,她轻声说,“我觉得你可以进这所学院了。”I was one of the happiest souls on earth. The sweeping of that room was my college examination, and never did any youth pass an examination for entrance into Harvard or Yale that gave him more genuine satisfaction. I have passed several examinations since then, but I have always felt that this was the best one I ever passed.我感觉自己是全世界最幸福的人了。打扫教室就是我的大学人学考试,任何一个通过哈佛或耶鲁入学考试的年轻人,所体会到的由衷满足也不过如此吧。在那以后我通过了其他考试,但我一直觉得这是我成绩最好的一次。

Life is struggle 的歌词

have to repeat the first person"s answer

说一下struggle campaign battle的区别 谢谢呦

battle通常指大规模的战斗,也可用于比喻;而campaign指在某一地区所采取的一系列有固定目的的军事行动,规模比battle大;也可指为达到某一特殊目标所做的一连串有计划的活动。battle[英][ˈbætl][美][ˈbætl]vt.& vi.与…作战; 争斗; n.战争,战役; 比赛,较量; 长期论战或长期作战; 激烈的竞争; 第三人称单数:battles复数:battles现在进行时:battling过去式:battled过去分词:battled双语例句:1 This battle is between you and me.这是你和我之间的战斗.2 So we got into a battle.这样我们被卷入了一场战争。campaign[英][kæmˈpeɪn][美][kæmˈpen]n.运动; 竞选运动; 战役; 季节性竞赛; vi.参加[发起]运动,参加竞选; 参战,参加战役; 作战; 第三人称单数:campaigns复数:campaigns现在进行时:campaigning过去式:campaigned双语例句:1 Iknow you wanted a more substantive campaign.我知道你想要一个更具实质内容的竞选.2 Eastern campaign is a military disaster.东线的战役是军事灾难.



inevitable struggle 是什么意思


fight 和struggle的区别

fight 英[faɪt] 美[faɪt] vt.& vi. 战斗;斗争;打架;吵架 n. 打架;吵架;战斗;斗志 第三人称单数:fights;过去分词:fought;现在分词:fighting;过去式:f... [例句]She swore to fight it.她发誓要与之斗争。struggle 英["strʌɡl] 美[ˈstrʌɡəl] vi. 搏斗;奋斗;努力;争取 n. 打斗;竞争;奋斗 第三人称单数:struggles;过去分词:struggled;名词复数:struggles;... [例句]Why should we struggle so?我们为什么要如此奋斗?前者侧重于战争,后者侧重于为梦想拼搏,表示个人精神

有没有struggle doing

struggle不能直接加doing,不过在后面加个for就可以了例如:They struggled for living better life. 他们为能更好地生活而奋斗!另外还可以接against/with


动词 struggle to doThe thief struggled to get free.那贼挣扎着要逃脱。动词:搏斗 打架The bandit struggled desperately.那匪徒拼命挣扎。名词:斗争They joined the struggle against him.他们参加了反对他的斗争。希望回答对你有帮助

Eek-A-Mouse的《Struggle》 歌词

歌曲名:Struggle歌手:Eek-A-Mouse专辑:The Mouse And The ManAshanti - StruggleI couldn"t fall asleep late last nightThinking what we had just might be all over babyAnd I don"t know if you meant what you saidWhen you told me you was sick of trying,you was sick of fighting, crying, lying, didn"t wanna do this againWe really said some thingsWe really did some thingsWe should"ve never didAnd we both know it takes more just to apologizeBut from what I"m feeling insideBoy I"m yoursAnd boy you"re mineAnd even if I said I was leaving babeI couldn"t picture no more you and meSee I ain"t perfect babeAnd you ain"t perfect babySo listen to the realest thing I could saySometimes it"s a struggle babeAnd it only hurts cause I love you babyAnd for what it"s worthI will struggle babeCause I wanna be in your lifeI"ma keep tryingOver and over and over again and over againOver and over and over again and over againSee we done been together for a few years nowAin"t no way we just gon sit right here and throw it outSee even if it"s my mistake or if it"s your mistakeAnd then we scream and shoutYou gotta know I love you babeAnd I"ma show you babe that we could work this outSo many nights we would tear rooms up in this houseWe both know, we both know what is this aboutWhen I look into your eyesI"m in your heart and you are in mineAnd even if I said I was leaving babeI couldn"t picture no more you and meSee I ain"t perfect babeAnd you ain"t perfect babySo listen to the realest thing I could saySometimes it"s a struggle babeAnd it only hurts cause I love you babyAnd for what it"s worthI will struggle babeCause I wanna be in your lifeI"ma keep tryingOver and over and over again and over againOver and over and over again and over againAnd I don"t wanna be alone babyCause you are everything I know babySe you"re everything I need and you"re everything I seeand you"re everything I feel and you"re everything to meAnd I don"t wanna be alone babyCause you are everything I know babySe you"re everything I need and you"re everything I seeand you"re everything I feel and you"re everything to meSometimes it"s a struggle babeAnd it only hurts cause I love you babyAnd for what it"s worthI will struggle babeCause I wanna be in your lifeI"ma keep tryingOver and over and over again and over againOver and over and over again and over againOver and over and over again and over againSay I don"t wanna be without you babe,Coz
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