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Yes. Mather,s Day is in May.Ah? Is Mather,s Day in May?

求~! 关于 Chinese Business 的文章

As expounded in the survey among US enterprises in China released on September 16, China made progress in observing its commitments to the World Trade Organization (WTO) from mid-2003 to July 2004. The survey says, a series of regulations concerning trade rights, insurance, auto financing and agriculture have been enacted and the legislator also asked for the opinions of US enterprises beforehand, all these are what the American Chamber of Commerce hopes China to keep on. The survey was jointly conducted by AmCham-China and AmCham-Shanghai. According to Jim Grandoville, chairperson of AmCham-China, 238 member companies of AmCham-China answered the questionnaire seriously. Optimistic about the benefits China"s entry of WTO brought along, twice as many as those in 2003 plan to expand their companies in China. 61 percent of the surveyed say that China is praiseworthy in its compliance with its WTO commitments and they have noticed that related commitments have been in place in time. Two thirds of the enterprises are confident in a "soft landing" by China"s central government, despite the fact of an overheated economy. A sharp criticism is seen in the survey on the Visa policy of the United States, which incurs an annual several-billion loss on US companies. It also calls for the US government to better balance commercial development and the needs of security, to enlarge personnel and funding for non-immigrant Visa departments under the US Embassy to China. Meanwhile, the US government is requested to seek sustained enhancement of working efficiency, improve the standards of security evaluation and increase the transparency of Visa approval. The survey also points out that with a business environment greatly improved, China still has a long way to go in terms of intellectual property rights. AmCham-China welcomes the measures for protecting intellectual property rights mentioned by Chinese Vice Prime Minister Wu Yi earlier this month. Sources say in the upcoming weeks the survey will be delivered to related officials of China and the United States through direct meeting between concerned governmental arms of both countries. By People"s Daily Online

( )_____ has a "white Christmas." A.Australia B.New Zealand C.Singapore D.Canada

D另外三个国家在南半球, 圣诞节都是夏天.

buyer 和 purchasing specialist 哪个大

eting and Sales(市场与销售部分) Vice-President of Sales 销售副总裁 Senior Customer Manager 高级客户经理 Sales Manager 销售经理 Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理 Merchandising Manager 采购经理 Sales Assistant 销售助理 Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员 Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员 Real Estate Appraiser 房地产评估师 Marketing Consultant 市场顾问 Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监 Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析员 Manufacturer"s Representative 厂家代表 Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司权利总监 Sales Representative 销售代表 Assistant Customer Executive 客户管理助理 Marketing Intern 市场实习 Marketing Director 市场总监 Insurance Agent 保险代理人 Customer Manager 客户经理 Vice-President of Marketing 市场副总裁 Regional Customer Manager 地区客户经理 Sales Administrator 销售主管 Telemarketing Director 电话销售总监 Advertising Manager 广告经理 Travel Agent 旅行代办员 Salesperson 销售员 Telemarketer 电话销售员 Sales Executive 销售执行者 Benefits Coordinator 员工福利协调员 Employer Relations Representative 员工关系代表 Personnel Consultant 员工顾问 Training Coordinator 培训协调员 Executive and Managerial(管理部分) Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官 Director of Operations 运营总监 Vice-President 副总裁 Branch Manager 部门经理 Retail Store Manager 零售店经理 HMO Product Manager 产品经理 Operations Manager 操作经理 Assistant Vice-President 副总裁助理 Field Assurance Coordinator 土地担保协调员 Management Consultant 管理顾问 District Manager 市区经理 Hospital Administrator 医院管理 Import/Export Manager 进出口经理 Insurance Claims Controller 保险认领管理员 Program Manager 程序管理经理 Insurance Coordinator 保险协调员 Project Manager 项目经理 Inventory Control Manager 库存管理经理 Regional Manager 区域经理 Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官 General Manager 总经理 Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监 Controller(International) 国际监管 Food Service Manager 食品服务经理 Production Manager 生产经理 Administrator 医疗保险管理 Property Manager 房地产经理 Claims Examiner 主考官 Controller(General) 管理员 Service Manager 服务经理 Manufacturing Manager 制造业经理 Vending Manager 售买经理 Telecommunications Manager 电信业经理 Transportation Manager 运输经理 Warehouse Manager 仓库经理 Assistant Store Manager 商店经理助理 Marketing Assistant 市场助理 Retail Buyer 零售采购员 Real Estate Manager 房地产经理 Real Estate Broker 房地产经纪人 Purchasing Agent 采购代理 Product Developer 产品开发 Marketing Manager 市场经理 Advertising Coordinator 广告协调员 Advertising Assistant 广告助理 Ad Copywriter(Direct Mail) 广告文撰写人 Customer Representative 客户代表 Computers and Mathematics(计算机部分) Manager of Network Administration 网络管理经理 MIS Manager 电脑部经理 Project Manager 项目经理 Technical Engineer 技术工程师 Developmental Engineer 开发工程师 Systems Programmer 系统程序员 Administrator 局域网管理员 Operations Analyst 操作分析 Computer Operator 电脑操作员 Product Support Manager 产品支持经理 Computer Operations Supervisor 电脑操作主管 Director of InFORMation Services 信息服务主管 Systems Engineer 系统工程师 Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师 Applications Programmer 应用软件程序员 InFORMation Analyst 信息分析 LAN Systems Analyst 系统分析 Statistician 统计员 Human Resources(人力资源部分) Director of Human Resources 人力资源总监 Assistant Personnel Officer 人事助理 Compensation Manager 薪酬经理 Employment Consultant 招募顾问 Facility Manager 后勤经理 Job Placement Officer 人员配置专员 Labor Relations Specialist 劳动关系专员 Recruiter 招聘人员 Training Specialist 培训专员 Vice-President of Human Resources 人力资源副总裁 Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources 人力资源副总裁助理 Personnel Manager 职员经理 accountant: 会计 actor: 男演员 actress: 女演员 airline representative: 地勤人员 anchor: 新闻主播 announcer: 广播员 apprentice: 学徒工 archaeologist: 考古学家 architect: 建筑师 artisan: 工匠,技工 artist: 艺术家 associate professor: 副教授 astronaut: 宇航员 athlete: 运动员 attendant: 服务员 attorney: 律师 auditor: 审计员 auto mechanic : 汽车技工 baby-sitter: 保姆 baker: 烘培师,面包师 barber: 理发师 (男) baseball player: 棒球选手 bell boy: 门童 bellhop: 旅馆的行李员 binman: 清洁工,垃圾工 biologist: 生物学家 blacksmith: 铁匠 bookseller: 书商 botanist: 植物学家 boxer: 拳击手 broker (agent) : 经纪人 budgeteer: 预算编制者 bus driver: 公车(巴士)司机 butcher: 屠夫,肉商 buyer: 采购员 carpenter:木匠 cartoonist: 漫画家 cashier: 出纳员 chef: 厨师 chemist : 化学师,药剂师 clerk : 店员 clown :小丑 cobbler: 制(补)鞋匠 composer: 作曲家 computer programmer : 程序员 conductor: 乘务员 construction worker : 建筑工人 cook: 厨师 cowboy :牛仔 craftsman: 工匠 customs officer :海关官员 dancer : 舞者,舞蹈家 dentist: 牙科医生 designer: 设计师 desk clerk: 接待员 detective 侦探 director: 主任,主管,导演 doctor: 医生 door-to-door salesman: 推销员 driver: 司机 druggist: 药剂师,药材商 dustman: 清洁工 economist: 经济学家 editor : 编辑 electrician :电工 employer: 雇主,老板 engineer:工程师 explorer: 探险家 farmer: 农夫 fashion designer: 时装设计师 firefighter: 消防人员 fireman (firefighter): 消防员 fisherman: 渔夫 florist: 花商 flyer: 飞行员 Foreign minister : 外交部长 futurologist: 未来学家 gardener花匠(园丁) gas station attendant : 加油工 geologist : 地质学家 guard :警卫 guide: 导游 headmaster: 中小学校长 headmistress: 中小学女校长 headteacher: 校长 hiredresseer: 理发师,美容师(女) housekeeper : 管家 housewife : 家庭主妇 interpreter :口译员 janitor : 清洁工 journalist: 记者 judge 法官 lawyer :律师 librarian: 图书管理员 life guard :救生员 linguist: 语言学家 magician :魔术师 mailman: 邮差 masseur : 男按摩师 masseuse : 女按摩师 mathematician : 数学家 mechanic: 机械师 ,机修工 merchant: 商人 miner: 矿工 model: 模特儿 monk : 和尚,教士 movie director: 导演 movie star : 电影明星 musician : 音乐家 nun : 尼姑 nurse: 护士 office clerk : 职员 office staff 上班族 operator: 接线员 painter: 画家,油漆匠 parachutist: 跳伞人 pharmacist: 药剂师 philosopher: 哲学家 photographer:摄影师 physicist: 物理学家 physiologist: 生理学家 pianist: 钢琴家 pilot: 飞行员 planner: 计划员 playwright: 剧作家 poet: 诗人 policeman: 警察 politician: 政治学家 porter: 守门人,行李夫 postal clerk: 邮政人员 postman :邮差 President: 总统 priest: 牧师 professor: 教授 real estate agent: 房地产经纪人 receptionist :接待员 repairman :修理工人 reporter : 记者 researcher: 研究员 sailor: 船员,水手 salesman/ salespeople/ salesperson: 售货员 scientist: 科学家 sculptor: 雕刻家 seaman: 船员 seamstress 女装裁缝师 secretary: 秘书 shopkeeper: 零售商,店主 singer: 歌手 soldier: 军人 soldiery: 士兵,军人 specialist: 专家 statistician : 统计员 stewardess: (轮船,飞机等的)女乘务员 supervisor: 监督人,管理人 surgeon: 外科医生 surveyor: 测量技师 tailor: 裁缝师 taxi driver计程车司机 teacher: 教师 technician : 技术人员 tour guide: 导游 traffic warden: 交通管理员. translator: 翻译(笔译) TV producer: 电视制作人 typist: 打字员 vet: 兽医 veterinarian兽医 waiter: 侍者(服务生) waitress: 女侍者(服务生) welder : 焊接工 worker: 工人 writer: 作家 zoologist: 动物学家

go acrossing 对不对?

不对across是介词,没有ing 形式应该是 go across如go across the bridge.过桥

有 go cross 这个短语吗?或是go crossing?

没有 go cross/crossing 词组. 有go across这个词组,意思为 "穿过,走过..."; crossing指的是"十字路口"

有 go cross 这个短语吗?或是go crossing?

go cross 意思是 “生气” ,很少见,学生字典上查不到的.

business leads 是什么意思?


guessing和prediction的区别 先说区别在说例句 呵呵

guessing 是猜测,动名词 prediction是预言.


sang sung

跪求making infinity computers competitive在introduction to business上的解答

好不u容易找到的凑合着看吧O(∩_∩)O Supermarkets need to deal with a lot of inventory 。rmation, but also time to update sales 。rmation, and constantly add 。rmation goods。 Face different types of 。rmation, the need to rationalize the structure of the database to save 。rmation, the need for effective program structure to support the implementation of a variety of data manipulation。 Store automation of product management in Europe and the United States and other countries have already realized, is the retail management。 It is characterized by the most important to real-time and accurate control of the sale of the shop。 If you can master the sales process in real time and sales, you can effectively accelerate the turnover of 。modities and improve service quality, and can not reduce prices and other issues arising。 Consumption requirements of the customer is shopping in the supermarket can basically be able to purchase the necessary goods, and also ensures the quality of goods would also like to enjoy high-quality, convenient service。 Abstract With the development of small-scale supermarkets expanding number of 。modities, a sharp increase in the amount of 。rmation relating to a variety of 。modities has also doubled。 Always need to store all kinds of 。rmation products for statistical analysis。 Management of a large supermarket system is too cumbersome to operate a strong and resulted in reducing the efficiency of the small supermarket。 Supermarket Management System is the market"s most popular supermarket on one 。monly used system, it mainly includes the following modules: system privileges settings, the original data entry, data aggregation and inquiry。 Thus, the realization of the purchase, sales and employee 。rmation, such as a 。prehensive, dynamic and timely management。 In this paper, a systematic analysis of the software development process in the background; first introduced the software development environment, then introduced the detailed design of the software process: database design, each module of the Design and Implementation, as well as the specific interface design and functionality。 Keywords: Supermarket Management Information System Chapter I Introduction 4。1 Social Background With the modern development of science and technology, 。puter technology has infiltrated the field of elder brother to be。e an indispensable tool for all sectors, especially the Internet and 。rmation technology to promote the establishment of the highway, so that IT industry more 。petitive in the market shows that its unique advantage, into the 。rmation age, there are huge waiting for data processing and transmission, which makes the book database for the further development and use will be。e more necessary。 Some of the domestic market as small and medium-sized supermarkets, they are in the process of 。rmation to be lagging behind the pace of large and medium-sized supermarket, and for these enterprises, resource management, 。rmation storage and processing also appears an urgent need to adapt to market 。petition, it needs efficient handling and management methods, so to speed up the process of the supermarket is the 。rmation will be small。 During the internship, we survey the market for small and medium-sized supermarkets in various business operations and personnel management of the actual needs, has developed a set of supermarket management system。 In the development process, we focused on the current characteristics of the management of the supermarket and the actual level of technical staff, based on the Windows graphical user interface easy to learn and use the operating environment in the system design process, we as far as possible people who understand accessibility machine interface, enables users to fully grasp in the short term。 We have always made the correctness of the system in the first place to deal with data integrity and correctness。 On this basis to optimize program code to speed up the system and reduce the occupancy of the system resources。 Supermarket 7。0 Background Supermarkets in China in the 40th century, the formation of the early 60"s, and now has be。e an important form of retail, the development of the national economy played an important role。 With the rapid development of supermarkets, and its management has be。e increasingly 。plex, the early form of salespersonsalready can not meet the current development of sales, so that the urgent need to introduce new management techniques。 Supermarket form a number of advantages, but under the present circumstances, it is still shared by the retail business side behind, such as: You can not effectively manage all kinds of 。modities, clearing receivables slow turnover prone to error, not suitable for 。modity price , the efficiency of low inventory, but also in day-to-day management of the supermarket, 。modity import and sell, keep, such as experience-based decision-making, the lack of real-time analysis capabilities, management of requests for 。rmation transmitted in a timely manner can not be met consistently。 Su Che form of the rapid development of supermarkets, and its management has be。e increasingly 。plex, day-to-day need to be addressed by gradually increasing the amount of data, business operation more and more intermediate links, the original has not managed to deal with this 。plex market。 To this end, in the selection process, I chose the subject of supermarket management system design, relying on modern 。puter 。rmation processing technology to manage the supermarket, saving a great deal of manpower and material resources to improve the working conditions of employees, reducing the labor intensity, and can quickly reflect the merchandise import and sell a variety of deposit and other conditions and analysis of feedback 。rmation to managers on the market quickly to make the corresponding changes in the decision-making, to speed up the operation and management efficiency of the supermarket。 Feasibility study chapter 3。0 Technical Feasibility Study Practitioners in the IT industry, the staff are generally asked to master 。puter technology, hardware and software has a certain basis, will use a variety of management software, familiar with IT products。 Because some of the supermarket staff is relatively high quality of the requirements, from sales management to the following personnel requirements based on a certain 。puter, so when the new system put into use, as long as a small number of staff training, system functions and Basically, use the method to the smooth operation of the system。 2。2 Economic Feasibility Study Due to sales 。rmation through the network transmission limitations can not distance, so can borrow a lot of human and material resources to facilitate the management, which can reduce unnecessary expenses, while the system can improve the efficiency of the supermarket sales, which increased the economic Supermarket effectiveness, so is economically feasible。 (8) supermarkets be able to bear the cost of system development The development of the new system is a 。plex task interval, and its investment is investment in human and material resources。 The developers of the system, its major investment in both human and material resources。 If this is the arrangement of manpower to develop their own enterprise system, its principal or investment in human resources, the business needs from the system to a systematic analysis to investigate the production code require enormous human input。 Software 。panies as a short high-tech industries, the requirements of their employees than the general business requirements higher, but also for the development of systems and software industry to understand more, so in self-development and management system, enterprise more easily their own arrangements for manual Such enterprises can borrow most of the additional expenditure。 At the same time, the software on other products, are high-end industry, whether it is the quality of products or higher prices, products and business dealers or merchants are required to have strong financial support。 Therefore, the development process in the system, enterprises are able to assume full development costs。 (6) The new system will bring economic benefits to enterprises Is an 。rmation management system, intelligence and advanced management concept of the collection。 Management is a dynamic process, in the course of its operation a number of measures to be taken。 Therefore, to gain economic benefits in the management of a 。prehensive benefits to its direct 。parison of quantitative analysis is difficult。 The general economic benefits of the new system is brief, and its most important performance is to reduce the cost of the enterprise management and human spending。 And other food through the red tape to be analyzed in the new system to resolve, not only saves a great deal of time, but also the decision-making for the enterprise has provided valuable data to generate huge economic benefits for enterprises。 1。8 Feasibility Study for the operation The system uses a Windows-based graphical user interface, and the system is well-known operating system, for those who have general knowledge of 。puters can easily get started on。 And the whole management system stores the most friendly interface, brief and clear, no need to conduct an in-depth understanding of the database。 Thus, the operation of the system is feasible, it is necessary to develop the system。 Based on the above three aspects, the system has a higher degree of development of the feasibility, whether it is technically or economically or operationally。 Therefore, we can design the system data flow diagram to set up a data dictionary。 Chapter III Analysis of System Requirements 5。8 user workflow Purchase or sale of goods, the user or salesto check a single review and registration; users to obtain purchase, sales, inventory 。rmation, to purchase, the sale of inventory query and print。 0。2 user business needs (7) The inventory management software will tea products 。rmation management and statistics, product sales and productsingle entry to the management and statistics; (4) The management software will be based on the user"s need to purchase, sales, inventory inquiries, and can print detailed 。rmation; (3) The management software will provide users with account management tool to enable users to manage accounts, specifically to add users, delete users, modify user passwords; (4) the management of enterprise management software, to manage the classification of employees, as well as new employees join the staff of the deletion, modification and other functions into the 。rmation。 Supermarket management of the whole structure of the function of the system shown in Figure 2011-10-28 19:51:52






1new 2luckily 3clear and melodious 4like 5showiness 6 a change 8 dusky 7译为箭袋 没有反义词 就像台灯的反义词也没有一样


没有这个单词,作为词根,sinist是左边的意思。 sinistral意为左边的 sinister意为险恶的,不吉祥的(罗马占卜时,视左侧出现的征兆为不吉祥)~~~~~~~~~~~~

语法a woman engaged in business

a woman engaged in business 加上is是一个简单句,不加is 用engaging,因为woman与engaging是主动关系,而且engage是动词,而上面的is engaged 事实上是将engage动词变为形容词engaged了compatible本身是形容词,并且不是动词加ed或ing变形的,所以不能是the computer compatible with,只可以是the computer being compatible with,因为computer和being compatible with是主动关系the book written by Lucy中的book和write是被动关系,被人写的。而且write是动词,可以改变为the book which is written by Lucy

(I Keep On) Rising Up 歌词

歌曲名:(I Keep On) Rising Up歌手:Mike Doughty专辑:Sad Man Happy ManThe Roots - Rising Up (Feat. Wale and Chrisette Michele)Yesterday I saw a B-girl crying,yesterday I saw a B-girl cryingI walked up and asked what"s wrong,she told me that the radio"s been playing the same song all day longso I told her I got something you"ve been waiting for,I got something you"ve been waiting forYesterday I saw a B-girl crying,I walked up and asked what"s wrong, she told me thatthe radio"s been playing the same song all day longSo get your glass lift it up in the toast positionWe getting paper like John Travolta get itCause we focused wit it we supposed to get itYou know me and my whole squad we so committedWe not the kids coolin out on the sofa wit itWe about to dominate the globe like Oprah did itWe getting paper like John Travolta niggaWell I"m a downtown shoota who that?The crown ruler is backHe congruent to the shape of a mackLook how I do it yo I"m takin you backThis how you rise down to the foundation how sacred is that?I"m from the number one place on the mapThe generational gap with yet another sensational trackAnd we don"t stress for nothing I just press the buttonIt"s as simple as just makin it hapTo all the frauds stop fakin relaxAnd to the broads if you cakinThen clap then shake it without breakin your backI know the world been waitin for that you been aching fa thatCause what they playin on the station is wackAnd I"m a legend in the flesh that dress to impressThe best is that which I accept and nothing lessMy stacks is grotesque my squad is so freshYou know its Black Thought and your boy the Bro Quest, ButYesterday I saw a B-girl crying,I walked up and asked what"s wrong,she told me that the radio"s been playing the same song all day longSo get your glass lift it up and in toast positionWe getting paper like John Travolta get itCause we focused wit it we supposed to get itYou know me and my whole squad we so committedWe got the kids coolin out on the sofa wit itWe about to dominate the globe like Oprah did itYou getting paper like John Travolta nigga so lets goHip-Hop aint dead casue the pulse is in usI got the everclear flow they mimosa wit itWe are the hope of the culture they posed to listenAnd I"m posed ta pivot like i"m a forward in the league, im oden wit ityet dont owe them niggaz nottin but potent lyricsBut if you aint gotta dance they revoke your spinninSo good rappers aint eatin they olsen twininbut im so committed, they have grown familiarWith the counterfit hitters they soso wit it but they a sosa wit it.they Mark McGuire wit the writtin I"m Rodriguezon the road to riches this is the fork im hittinthis is the trial and error era no co defendantI push the seed every time like I"m Cody wit itI said they one hit wonders pneumonia to usI don"t know you niggas hit the road my niggaYesterday I saw a B-girl crying,I walked up and asked what"s wrong,she told me that the radio"s been playing the same song all day longSo get your glass lift it up and in toast positionWe getting paper like John Travolta get itCause we focused wit it we supposed to get itYou know me and my whole squad we so committedWe got the kids coolin out on the sofa wit itWe about to dominate the globe like Oprah did itYou getting paper like John Travolta nigga so lets gowhere my grimey figures at? look lively addressing the captainshow me where your first impression is atAnd where your dedication to the true profession is atHow you laugh answer me what kind of question is thatI"ll show you where my rare essence is at the adolescence of rapThe real muscle in the message of thatmy name trouble I"m a blessin to rapand you can check my stats cause worldwide they attesting to thatso nigga listen you can probably learn a lesson perhapshow I"m like bobby DeNiro Joe Pesc and them catsam I the unsung hero oh yes if you askin anybody that"s aware of the classicsthey"ll tell you I"m a legend in the flesh that dress to impressThe best is that which I accept and nothing lessMy stacks is grotesque my squad? so freshYou know its Black Thought and your boy the BroQuest, ButYesterday I saw a B-girl crying,I walked up and asked what"s wrong,she told me that the radio"s been playing the same song all day longSo get your glass lift it up in the toast positionWe getting paper like John Travolta get itCause we focused wit it we supposed to get itYou know me and my whole squad we so committedWe not the kids coolin out on the sofa wit itWe about to dominate the globe like Oprah did itso lets goKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!

sincerely yours是什么意思

sincerely yours你的真诚sincerely yours你的真诚

饭冢雅弓的《Sincerely》 歌词

Sincerely歌手 饭冢雅弓作词 饭冢雅弓 作曲 イズミカワソラ/浅田信一 编曲 加藤みちあき眩(まぶ)しい光(ひかり)に 重(かさ)なりあうスコールのような突然(とつぜん)の出逢(であ)い。こんなにひしめく时(とき)の中(なか)ですれ违(ちが)うなんて。。1秒(びょう)の奇迹(きせき)。あの时(とき)からすぐに 刻(きざ)み始(はじ)めたこの时计(とけい)は加速度(かそくど)付(つ)けながら。。。辉(かがや)いてる。。。君(きみ)と出逢(であ)った。君(きみ)と出逢(であ)えた。この夏(なつ)の足音(あしおと) 信(しん)じていいかな。。。こんな気持(きも)ちは 初(はじ)めてだから。。。手(て)のひらの奇迹(きせき)を にぎりしめて...sincerelyきらめく太阳(たいよう) 热(ねつ)をおびてはにかんだ笑颜(えがお)。 ときめいて揺(ゆ)れる。こんなにひしめく偶然(ぐうぜん)からただ1つ(ひとつ)君(きみ)へ。。繋(つな)がっていたの。始(はじ)まったばかりの この想(おも)い。これから。。。いつか。。确(たし)かな未来(みらい)へと。。。続(つづ)くように。。。君(きみ)と出逢(であ)った。君(きみ)と出逢(であ)えた。。。これが运命(うんめい)なら 追(お)いかけてみたい。。。こんな気持(きも)ちに 初(はじ)めてなれた。。。何(なに)かが起(お)こりそうな 夏(なつ)の予感(よかん)...sincerely君(きみ)と出逢(であ)った。君(きみ)と出逢(であ)えた。この夏(なつ)の足音(あしおと) 信(しん)じていいかな。。。こんな気持(きも)ちは 初(はじ)めてだから。。。手(て)のひらの奇迹(きせき)を にぎりしめて...sincerely

在信件结尾时 用 Yours / Yours sincerely / Sincerely yours 加名字 ,都是什么意思怎么翻译啊



Sincerely是英文信件落款前的百搭词,不管对方是认识还是不认识,是私人信函还是为公务往来,都可以用,习惯上书写为:Yours sincerely,(换行,与 Y 字母上下对齐书写你的名字) Sincere 就是 Sincerely 的原型,与信件格式用语没有关系,就是一个普通的英语形容词:表示感情或行为方面的真诚或真实,还可以表示某人的坦诚、直率.



英文信中最后署名可以用sincerely+ yours吗?

你好,很高兴为你回答这个问题。英文信中最后署名可以用sincerely+yours。但通常要注意和yours+sincerely的语法区别开来。Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的相同点1、两者意思相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely这两个词语的意思和含义是非常相近的,都用在英文的书信中,表示”谨上““ 你真挚的”的意思。2、两者的使用方法相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的使用方法都是将其写在信件的末尾,后面再加上写信人的名字。总得来说,Yourssincerely是正式标准的用法,而Sincerelyyours则需要谨慎使用,甚至在不确定的情况下不建议使用Sincerelyyours一般考研小作文结尾都是sincerelyyours****(你的名字)比较正规。希望我的回答能够帮助到你。



sincerely和sincerely yours有什么区别?

意思是相同的,都是表示对对方的礼貌和尊重,直译是你的忠诚的xx。可以翻译成我们中文中写信时常用的“敬启”,“谨上”。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点.扩展资料Sincerely是一个英文单词,形容词译为真诚地, 诚恳地, 谆。例句"Congratulations," he said sincerely.“祝贺你,”他真诚地说。Yours sincerely, James Brown.谨上,詹姆斯·布朗"I sincerely hope we shall meet again", he said.“我真心希望我们能再次重逢,”他说。参考资料:百度百科-sincerely

英文信中最后署名可以用" sincerely"

你好,很高兴为你回答这个问题。英文信中最后署名可以用sincerely+yours。但通常要注意和yours+sincerely的语法区别开来。Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的相同点1、两者意思相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely这两个词语的意思和含义是非常相近的,都用在英文的书信中,表示”谨上““ 你真挚的”的意思。2、两者的使用方法相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的使用方法都是将其写在信件的末尾,后面再加上写信人的名字。总得来说,Yourssincerely是正式标准的用法,而Sincerelyyours则需要谨慎使用,甚至在不确定的情况下不建议使用Sincerelyyours一般考研小作文结尾都是sincerelyyours****(你的名字)比较正规。希望我的回答能够帮助到你。


sincerely单词释义:sincerely|su026anu02c8su026au0259li;美-u02c8su026arli|inawaythatshowswhatyoureallyfeelorthinkaboutsb/sth 真诚地;诚实地例句:Isincerelybelievethatthisistherightdecision.我由衷地认为这个决定是正确的。sincerely的形容词sincere:sincere|su026anu02c8su026au0259(r);美-u02c8su026ar|(offeelings,beliefsorbehaviour感情、信念或行为)showingwhatyoureallythinkorfeel 真诚的;诚挚的;诚恳的例句:Pleaseacceptoursincerethanks.请接受我们诚挚的谢意。sincerely的名词sincerity:sincerity|su026anu02c8seru0259ti|thequalityorstateofbeingsincere,honestyofmind,freedomfromhypocrisy真诚;诚挚例句:Shespokewithtotalsincerity.她讲的是由衷之言。

you sang well last night.we hope you will sing_.横

请牢记:more是用来构成多音节词或者特殊形容词和副词的比较级的,但是它不可以用来加强比较级!加强比较级常用这些副词:still,far,rather, much,even,a little,a bit, a lot等。所以这个题的答案就很明显了,该选still better


sincerely单词释义:sincerely|su026anu02c8su026au0259li;美-u02c8su026arli|inawaythatshowswhatyoureallyfeelorthinkaboutsb/sth 真诚地;诚实地例句:Isincerelybelievethatthisistherightdecision.我由衷地认为这个决定是正确的。sincerely的形容词sincere:sincere|su026anu02c8su026au0259(r);美-u02c8su026ar|(offeelings,beliefsorbehaviour感情、信念或行为)showingwhatyoureallythinkorfeel 真诚的;诚挚的;诚恳的例句:Pleaseacceptoursincerethanks.请接受我们诚挚的谢意。sincerely的名词sincerity:sincerity|su026anu02c8seru0259ti|thequalityorstateofbeingsincere,honestyofmind,freedomfromhypocrisy真诚;诚挚例句:Shespokewithtotalsincerity.她讲的是由衷之言。





your sincerely是什么意思

你的真诚yours sincerelyn.谨上(书信结尾用语); 敬启(书信结尾用语); 鄙人,我;


意思是相同的,都是表示对对方的礼貌和尊重,直译是你的忠诚的xx。可以翻译成我们中文中写信时常用的“敬启”,“谨上”。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点.扩展资料Sincerely是一个英文单词,形容词译为真诚地, 诚恳地, 谆。例句"Congratulations," he said sincerely.“祝贺你,”他真诚地说。Yours sincerely, James Brown.谨上,詹姆斯·布朗"I sincerely hope we shall meet again", he said.“我真心希望我们能再次重逢,”他说。参考资料:百度百科-sincerely

sincerely yours和yours sincerely的区别

Sincerely yours 和 Yours sincerely含义相近,都用在英文的书信中,表示”谨上“的意思。但是 Yours sincerely远远比Sincerely yours常见,而且也更正式。Sincerely yours 和 Yours sincerely的区别可以体现在不同的方面:就来源来看,Yours sincerely是英式英语的标准用语,而Sincerely yours 是美式英语的一个变体。就正式程度来看,英国和美国都把Yours sincerely视为一个非常正式的用法,而一般不会在正式书信里使用Sincerely yours。就使用频率来看,Yours sincerely比Sincerely yours 更加常用。Sincerely yours 和 Yours sincerely的使用方法都是将其写在信件的末尾,后面跟上写信人的名字。比如: Yours sincerely, Anne Brown总得来说,Yours sincerely 是正式标准的用法,而Sincerely yours需要谨慎使用,甚至在不确定的情况下不建议使用。


Yours sincerely(用于正式信函末尾署名前,在信的开头用了收信人的名字时)你真诚的,敬上,谨启; 例句:1.I remain yours sincerely, dr. erwin pollitzer. 您诚挚的尔文波利博士。2.His letter of resignation, they note, ended with a curt "yours sincerely", rather than thetraditional self-abasing deference. 他们注意到哈苏奈的辞职信以一个简短的“此致”收尾,而不是带着传统的自我作践式的顺从口气。3.How did you sign the letter? Did you write "sincerely yours"? 你在信上是怎么署名的?你写上“忠实于您的”了吗?




adv. 1. 真心实意地,真诚地,诚实地2. (用于正式信函末尾署名前,在信的开头用了收信人的名字时)你真诚的,敬上,谨启


sincerely的意思是:副词:真诚地;诚实地。sincerely的例句有:1、George was sincerely anxious that his son should find happiness and security.乔治真诚地希望他儿子可以找到幸福和安全感。2、He sincerely believed he was acting in both women"s best interests.他真的认为他的所作所为对两个女人都非常有利。3、We sincerely hope that you will soon be restored to health.我们衷心希望你早日康复。4、I sincerely hope you will soon recover.我诚恳地盼望你早日康复。5、I sincerely hope you"ll help me.恳切希望你能帮助我。6、Sincerely wish you a pleasant summer vacation.恭祝夏安。




考研英语书信格式sincerely是大写,写成Sincerely。Sincerely, 是比较正式的场合使用,套话,真诚的,推荐信,辞职信,其他正式文书等。Regards, 大致像此致敬礼的感觉。Best wishes/warm wishes, 友好而亲切的慰问感觉。Regards 或Best Regards:用于商务休闲或正式信。如果对方是现实生活中还没见过的Best 或 Best Wishes:一个有礼貌的方式结束这封信。可以在朋友或陌生人之间使用。


这是英语书信的固定格式,相当于中文的谨启或此致. 已经不完全是你真诚的某某,而且结尾不一定会用Sincerely,有时当写给你很亲密的朋友家人时也会用yours or love 等

Your sincerely什么意思



sincerely的形容词是sincere 真诚的;诚挚的;真实的; sincerely adv. 真诚地;由衷地,诚恳地 扩展资料   Praise them sincerely when they do something good.   当他们做了好事时,真诚地赞美他们。   We sincerely hope that you will soon be restored to health.   我们衷心希望你早日康复。   I sincerely hope that the doctors can restore you to full health.   我真诚地希望医生能够让你恢复健康。   My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and have dinner with us.   我和我父母都真诚地期盼着你来和我们一起吃晚饭。





英文信函结尾的yours faithfully / yours truly / sincerely 作何翻译?

如果不知道收信人是谁的情况下应该使用Yours faithfully,意思是“你忠实的”,美国英语是Faithfully yours或Faithfully.如果知道收信人是谁,就用 Yours sincerely.美国英语是Yours truly 或 Sincerely yours或Sincere...

The Moonglows的《Sincerely》 歌词

歌曲名:Sincerely歌手:The Moonglows专辑:The Chess StorysincerelyXBOX360ゲーム 「メモリーズ オフ ゆびきりの记忆」 OP2作词:山下慎一狼作曲:新井健史歌:nao长过ぎた梦から覚めて(从漫长的梦中苏醒)现実のまぶしさに戸惑う(现实是如此耀眼,让我不知所措)怖かった 优しさも嘘も(很害怕 那些温柔和谎言)すべてが真実を隠してた(全都暗藏着真实)君さえまっすぐに见れなくて(甚至连你 也无法直视)谁の为に 何の为に その涙を流しているの?(那泪水 是为了谁、为了什么而流的呢? )君の颜が远く远く 霞んで消えそうな気がした(感到你的脸 越来越远 朦胧地 将要消失)この手を今包み込んだ 温もりは间违いじゃないと(现在这双手包裹着 这片温暖是毫无疑问的)信じたくて刻み付けた 心の新たな片隅に(我愿意相信 并把它刻在 心中新的角落里)君としたあの约束が(和你定下的那个约定)いつだって 明日を支えてた(不论到什么时候 都支撑着我面向明天)たくさんの想い出の中で(在众多的回忆之中)何より浮かぶ笑颜の君に(胜过其它的 是微笑着的你)もう一度だけでも会いたくて(哪怕只有一次 我也想再次见到你)君と描く同じ时间(とき)を ずっとこれからも歩きたい(和你所一起描绘出的那同样的经历 今后也想永远继续下去)その瞳に映る姿 记忆が伪りであっても(在眼眸中映照着的身影 哪怕 记忆是虚假的也罢)「きっと月をつかめるよ」と はしゃぎあう无邪気な顷には(彼此喧闹着「一定能抓到月亮」的 天真无邪的时候)戻れなくて もどかしくて それでもそばにいたい…君の…(再也回不去 让人如坐针毡 就算如此也愿在你的身边……)突然に降り出した雨が(突然降下的这场雨)ただ二人 哀しく濡らす(只是悲伤地 淋湿着两个人)混ざり合う想い出を(混杂在一起的回忆)この先の未来につなげたくて(也想要连上 我们的未来)谁の为に 何の为に その涙を流しているの?(那泪水 是为了谁、为了什么而流的呢?)君の颜が远く远く 霞んで消えそうな気がした(觉得你的脸 越来越远 朦胧地 即将消失)君を呼んだこの想いが たとえ今は伤付いたって(我的想念 想要呼唤你 哪怕现在会受伤)いつの日にか强く强く 届かせたい 本当の仆を…!(总有一天 想要强烈地传达给你 把真正的我……!)抱きしめたい…素颜の君を(我想要抱紧……那个真实的你)~Fin~


你好,就像我们中国人信的最后会写 此致 敬礼 差不多的意思哦~~


信末尾落款:sincerely yours,


你好,很高兴为你回答这个问题。英文信中最后署名可以用sincerely+yours。但通常要注意和yours+sincerely的语法区别开来。Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的相同点1、两者意思相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely这两个词语的意思和含义是非常相近的,都用在英文的书信中,表示”谨上““ 你真挚的”的意思。2、两者的使用方法相同:Sincerelyyours和Yourssincerely的使用方法都是将其写在信件的末尾,后面再加上写信人的名字。总得来说,Yourssincerely是正式标准的用法,而Sincerelyyours则需要谨慎使用,甚至在不确定的情况下不建议使用Sincerelyyours一般考研小作文结尾都是sincerelyyours****(你的名字)比较正规。希望我的回答能够帮助到你。




Yours sincerely(用于正式信函末尾署名前,在信的开头用了收信人的名字时)你真诚的,敬上,谨启; 例句:1.I remain yours sincerely, dr. erwin pollitzer. 您诚挚的尔文波利博士。2.His letter of resignation, they note, ended with a curt "yours sincerely", rather than thetraditional self-abasing deference. 他们注意到哈苏奈的辞职信以一个简短的“此致”收尾,而不是带着传统的自我作践式的顺从口气。3.How did you sign the letter? Did you write "sincerely yours"? 你在信上是怎么署名的?你写上“忠实于您的”了吗?


意思是相同的,都是表示对对方的礼貌和尊重,直译是你的忠诚的xx。可以翻译成我们中文中写信时常用的“敬启”,“谨上”。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点.扩展资料Sincerely是一个英文单词,形容词译为真诚地, 诚恳地, 谆。例句"Congratulations," he said sincerely.“祝贺你,”他真诚地说。Yours sincerely, James Brown.谨上,詹姆斯·布朗"I sincerely hope we shall meet again", he said.“我真心希望我们能再次重逢,”他说。参考资料:百度百科-sincerely




sincerely[英][su026anu02c8su026au0259li][美][su026anu02c8su026arli]adv.真诚地;诚恳地;谆双语例句1.I sincerely believe that this is the right decision.我由衷地认为这个决定是正确的。2.We sincerely hope that you will soon be restored to health.我们衷心希望你早日康复。3.You are sincerely requested to be present at the party.敬请您光临晚会。4.We sincerely rejoice over your victories.我们为你们的胜利感到由衷地高兴。5.I sincerely pity these unfortunate beings.我真诚地同情这些不幸的人。


sincerely 英[su026anu02c8su026au0259li] 美[su026anu02c8su026arli] adv.真诚地;诚恳地;谆 [例句]The caretaker prime ministers are broadly popular and generally regarded as sincerely committed to reform. 几任看守总理很受欢迎,普遍被视为真诚致力于改革. 2.I sincerely hope I have the chance to participate and set an example for thiscountry that money isn"t everything. 我真诚的希望我能参加这个节目,而且用我自己作为例子告诉这个国家钱不是万能的. 3.I sincerely hope that they are right. 我真诚地希望他们的选择是正确的 4.But I sincerely hope that mr obama was being insincere. 但我真心希望,这不是奥巴马的肺腑之言. 5.Moreover,many american legislators-and judges-will sincerely feel we areobligated to bring our laws in line with a treaty we have agreed to honor. 此外,许多美国的立法委员和法官们将会由衷地感到我们有义务将我们愿意遵守的条约纳入我们的法律.

using System; using System.Collections; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.

就是导入命名空间,这样你比如用StringBuilder类,就不用System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder()了 当然如果你想问这些命名空间下都有什么内容可以给你简单解释下。using System; 主命名空间,包含所有.net基础类型和通用类型,比如Object,比如string等等using System.Collections; 集合命名空间,包含常用的如ArrayList等集合类using System.Configuration; 配置命名空间,包含应用程序配置相关的类比如ConfigurationManagerusing System.Data; 数据命名空间,包含ado.net最基础的类型,比如DbConnection等using System.Linq; 3.5引入的linq语法需要提供的支持类,主要包含了Enumerable扩展方法支持类using System.Web; asp.net所需要的核心命名空间,包含诸如HttpRuntime等的基础运行环境类using System.Web.Security; asp.net在角色验证和安全方面的类库,比较重要的是FormsAuthenticationusing System.Web.UI; web page控件所需要的基本命名空间,包含所有如Control或者重要的IPostbackeventhandler接口等using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; html原生控件,如input runat=server会映射到这里面的某个InputXxx控件类using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 服务器控件,如GridView就是在这个里面using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; WebParts技术所需要的空间,不过很少用using System.Xml.Linq; linq2xml的主命名空间,包含XDocument和XElement比较重要的类using System.Data;

为什么要使用using System.Collections.Generic

引入Collections集合类的命名空间,包括:Dictionary,KeyValuePair,SortedDic tionary,SortedList,HashSet,SortedSet,List,Queue,Stack等。 1 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<>; //键/值对集合 2 System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<>; //键/值对结构, 作为 Dictionary<> 的一个元素存在 3 System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary<>; //相当于 Key 能自动排序 Dictionary<> 4 System.Collections.Generic.SortedList<>; //和 SortedDictionary<> 功能相似, 但内部算法不同, 其 Keys、Values 可通过索引访问 5 6 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<>; //无序、无重复的元素集合 7 System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet<>; //相当于能自动排序的 HashSet<> 8 System.Collections.Generic.List<>; //相当于泛型的 ArrayList, 元素可重复、可排序、可插入、可索引访问 9 10 System.Collections.Generic.Queue<>; //队列, 先进先出 11 System.Collections.Generic.Stack<>; //堆栈, 后进先出 12 13 System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList<>; //双向链表 14 System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode<>; //LinkedList<> 的节点 15 16 System.Collections.Generic.SynchronizedCollection<>; //线程安全的集合 17 System.Collections.Generic.SynchronizedReadOnlyCollection<>; //线程安全的只读集合 18 System.Collections.Generic.SynchronizedKeyedCollection<>; //线程安全的键/值集合

谨慎使用 Arrays.asList() 和 Collections.singletonList()

Arrays.asList() 和 Collections.singletonList() 创建的 List 集合均不能调用其 add 方法( 不可变列表 ),否则会导致 UnsupportedOperationException 报错。 查看源码实现: 乍一看返回的数据结构没什么问题,实际上这里返回的 ArrayList 是 Array 的内部类,继承自 AbstractList,但是并未实现 add(E e) 方法: 因为该内部类未实现 add 方法,那么就会调用到父类的 add 方法,那么我们来看下父类的实现: AbstractList#add 方法的实现是直接抛出 UnsupportedOperationException,除非子类复写该方法。 该接口返回的是 Collections 的内部类 SingletonList,同样继承自 AbstractList,也是未实现 add(E e) 方法


1. 调用Collections.singletonList(T o)方法其实是创建了一个SingletonList对象,SingletonList继承了抽象类AbstractList 2. SingletonList最大的特点是整个集合中只能有一个元素,不能调用add方法 3. SingletonList中唯一的一个元素可以设置为null 4. 由于SingletonList中唯一的一个元素是final类型的,所以一旦被初始化完成后就不可以进行修改,只能通过各种不同的方式来进行读取这个唯一的元素 1. 调用 Arrays.asList(T… a)方法其实是创建了一个 ArrayList 对象,ArrayList 继承了抽象类 AbstractList 2. ArrayList 最大的特点是整个集合允许有多个元素存入数组中,但是一旦初始化后,数组的长度就不可以再进行任何的更改,但是数组中的元素可以修改 3. ArrayList 中的传入的数组参数中允许存在null,但是不允许只有一个null 4. 由于 ArrayList 中存储数组是final类型的,所以一旦被初始化完成后长度就不可以进行修改,所以我们可以去遍历、修改 ArrayList 中的元素但不能去增加、删除 1. Collections.singletonList 和 Arrays.asList 都是长度不可变的集合,Collections.singletonList 长度为1,元素初始化完成就不可修改, Arrays.asList 长度不可变,元素初始化完成还可以进行修改 2. Collections.singletonList 中的唯一一个元素可以是null,但是如果 Arrays.asList 只存入一个元素的话,那就一定不允许为null,否则的话会抛出 NullPointerException 异常 3. Arrays.asList 中创建的 ArrayList 和我们常用的java.util.ArrayList并不是同一个,所以不要以为 java.util.ArrayList 中可以使用的方法在 Arrays.asList 中也都可以使用,否则的话分分钟教你重新做人 4. Collections.singletonList 中保存元素的是一个对象, Arrays.asList 中保存元素的是一个数组,在这一点上,它俩的差别还是很大的,当然,如果你喜欢,也可以在 Collections.singletonList中保存一个数组对象

business leadership是什么意思

企业领导例句She earned her mba from the university of south africa graduate school of business leadership.她曾就读于南非大学领导力研究院(Graduate School of Business Leadership),并获得MBA学位。And I feel the same way about our business leadership.对于我们的商业领导层也是同样。

求一篇英文business essay关于leadership的范文。。。不用太高分的 只想知道怎么写 万分感谢~~

资料来源 is the ability of a company"s management to make sound decisions and inspire others to perform well. Effective leaders are able to set and achieve challenging goals, to take swift and decisive action even in difficult situations, to outperform their competition, to take calculated risks and to persevere in the face of failure. Strong communication skills, self-confidence, the ability to manage others and a willingness to embrace change also characterize good leaders.Leadership is the process through which an individual tries to influence another individual or a group of individuals to accomplish a goal. Leadership is valued in our culture, especially when it helps to achieve goals that are beneficial to the population, such as the enactment of effective preventive-health policies. An individual with leadership qualities can also improve an organization and the individuals in it, whether it be a teacher who works to get better teaching materials and after-school programs or an employee who develops new ideas and products and influences others to invest in them.Leadership can be exhibited in a variety of ways and circumstances. Mothers and fathers show leadership in raising their children with good values and encouraging them to develop to their potential. Teachers show it in inspiring students to learn and to develop their intellectual capacity. Health care workers can be leaders and develop services that meet the needs of the communities they serve, or work in collaboration with other organizations to create cost-effective, prevention-oriented programs and services.Many studies have been done and many books and articles have been published on this subject. Through this work a consistent set of leadership attributes has emerged. An effective leader does most, if not all, of the following:u2022Challenge the Process—search out challenging opportunities, take risks, and learn from mistakes.u2022Inspire others to come together and agree on a future direction or goal— create a shared vision by thinking about the future, having a strong positive vision, and encouraging others to participate.u2022Help others to act—help others to work together, to cooperate and collaborate by developing shared goals and building trust, and help to make others stronger by encouraging them to develop their skills and talents.u2022Set an example—behave in ways that are consistent with professed values and help others to achieve small gains that keep them motivated, especially when a goal will not be achieved quickly.u2022Encourage others—recognize each individual"s contributions to the success of a project.Another way of defining leadership is to acknowledge what people value in individuals that are recognized as leaders. Most people can think of individuals they consider to be leaders. Research conducted in the 1980s by James Kouzes and Barry Posner found that a majority of people admire, and willingly follow, people who are honest, forward-looking, inspiring, and competentAn individual who would like to develop leadership skills can profit from the knowledge that leadership is not just a set of exceptional skills and attributes possessed by only a few very special people. Rather, leadership is a process and a set of skills that can be learned.Read more:

Judas Priest的《Sinner》 歌词

歌曲名:Sinner歌手:Judas Priest专辑:Original Album ClassicsSinnerSin After SinJudas PriestSinner rider, rides in with the stormThe devil rides beside himThe devil is his god, God help you mournDo you, do you hear it, do you hear the thunderDeafen every living thing aboutCan you, can you see it, can youSee the mountains darken yonderBlack sun rising, time is running outSacrifice to vice or die by the hand of theHis steed of furyEyes of fire and mane ablazeDemonic vultures stalkingDrawn by the smell of war and painHe roams the starwaysSearching for the carcasses of warBut if it"s hungry then its very presenceDisrupts the calm into the stormCurse and damn you all you"ll fall by the hand of theSinnerGod of the Devils, God of the DevilsWon"t you help them prayGod of the Devils, God of the DevilsIs there no other wayCan"t you hear their souls calling out in their plightCan"t you see their blood is boiling setting them alightThirty years now sleeping, so soundWar raises its head, and looks slowly aroundThe Sinner is near, sensing the fearAnd the beast will start movin" aroundCan"t you see their souls calling out in their brainCan"t you hear their blood is boiling setting them alightSinnerSacrifice to vice or die by the hand of theCurse and damn you all you fall by the hand of theSinner

Judas Priest的《Sinner》 歌词

歌曲名:Sinner歌手:Judas Priest专辑:The Essential Judas PriestSinnerSin After SinJudas PriestSinner rider, rides in with the stormThe devil rides beside himThe devil is his god, God help you mournDo you, do you hear it, do you hear the thunderDeafen every living thing aboutCan you, can you see it, can youSee the mountains darken yonderBlack sun rising, time is running outSacrifice to vice or die by the hand of theHis steed of furyEyes of fire and mane ablazeDemonic vultures stalkingDrawn by the smell of war and painHe roams the starwaysSearching for the carcasses of warBut if it"s hungry then its very presenceDisrupts the calm into the stormCurse and damn you all you"ll fall by the hand of theSinnerGod of the Devils, God of the DevilsWon"t you help them prayGod of the Devils, God of the DevilsIs there no other wayCan"t you hear their souls calling out in their plightCan"t you see their blood is boiling setting them alightThirty years now sleeping, so soundWar raises its head, and looks slowly aroundThe Sinner is near, sensing the fearAnd the beast will start movin" aroundCan"t you see their souls calling out in their brainCan"t you hear their blood is boiling setting them alightSinnerSacrifice to vice or die by the hand of theCurse and damn you all you fall by the hand of theSinner

increasing popularity是什么意思

increasing popularity日益普及双语对照例句:1.This leaves many internet companies caught in a bind: energy costsare escalating because of their increasing popularity, while at thesame time their advertising revenues come under pressure from therecession. 这使得很多互联网公司陷入困境:能源消耗随着网民数量的不断增加而不断升级,但是公司的广告收入则随着经济衰退而面临前所未有的压力。



i have a ______lesson.(sing singing swim)

singsing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------你认可我的回答么~~~如有不懂,可以追问~~~^.^




business ["biznis] n. 商业,生意,事务 royal adj. 王室的,皇家的 n. 王室或皇族之一员

business royals是什么烟?

朋友送的,但不知道哪里产的,叫什么都不知道,请知道的告诉一声,谢谢! Royals 是英国香烟 好像还没人把他翻译成中文 大家都说英文的Royals

求一首女声慢摇,就记得里面有一句歌词是i want sing a song to you

应该是 My song for you —— Bridgit Mendler/ Demi Lovato"t know what to get youOrdinary just wouldn"t doBut I just found the perfect giftUnderneath the Christmas tree.(Chorus) we"ve got mistletoe and firelightOn this cold December nightThe snow outside will set the mood As I sing my song for you.You"re so beautifulI only hope you see what I see (see, yeah)Everyone, is meant to Show you how much you mean to me.We"ve got mistletoe, and firelightOn this cold December nightThe snow outside will set the moodAs I sing my song......We"ve got mistletoe (mistletoe) and firelight (firelight)On this cold December night The snow outside will set the moodAs I sing, my song, for you.

White lie(kids sing in "Lie to me") 在哪里能下载


housing allowance是什么意思

housing allowance[英]u02c8hauziu014b u0259u02c8lauu0259ns[美]u02c8hau028azu026au014b u0259u02c8lau028au0259ns住房补贴[例句]Mr golding has complained about mr latibeaudiere "s generous salary and housing allowance , granted by the previous government.因为戈尔丁曾表示,上任政府给予拉提波迪埃的薪水和住房补贴过高。



一星形联接的三相对称负载,并接中线,已知每相负载的电阻为8Ω,感抗为6Ω,电源电压uUV=380 sin(ωt+600

线路阻抗 Z=(6^2+8^2)^(1/2)=10 欧姆相电压 u=380/√3=220相电流 I1=220/10=22 A线电流 I2=22*√3=38 A三相负载对称,所以中线电流 I3=0 A 如果是瞬时表达式的话,要算出角度,表达式为I1=22√2sin(ωt+60-a)I2=38√2sin(ωt+60-a) 这个a可根据tana=3/4 算出

Make business not war

要做生意而不是开启战争Make business not war 或翻译为多做生意少战争。。。 这句话跟60年代美国一句名言 Make love not war, 选择做Ai,而不要作战,意思接近就是别把做生意当成杀戮战场,你死我活。



advising bank是买方还是卖方

是卖方,通知行在收到开证行和买方的指示后,通知行在信用证中通知卖方。通知行通常是卖方在卖方国家的正规商业代理行。通知行只负责识别信用证的真实性,不承担其他义务。通知行负责及时通知或传送信用证,证明信用证的真实性,及时澄清疑点。拓展资料:信用证中牵涉到的几个银行 1.通知银行(Advising Bank,Notifying Bank ) 从开证行和买方那里得到指示以后,通知行通知信用证中的卖方。通知行一般是卖方常规的业务往来银行,位于卖方所在国家。 通知行只负责鉴别L/C的真实性,不承担其他义务。 通知行的责任是及时通知或转递信用证,证明信用证的真实性并及时澄清疑点。 如通知行不能确定信用证的表面真实性,即无法核对信用证的签署或密押,则应毫不延误地告知从其收到指示的银行,说明其不能确定信用证的真实性。 如通知行仍决定通知该信用证,则必须告知受益人,它不能核对信用证的真实性。通知行对信用证内容不承担责任。 2.保兑银行(Confirming Bank ) 保兑行在经开证行授权或应其请求对不可撤销的信用证加以保兑后,即构成开证行以外的保兑 行的确定责任,但以向保兑行提交规定的单据并符合信用证条款为条件。 通常由通知行做保兑行。但是,保兑行有权做出是否加保的选择。 保兑银行具有与开证银行相同的责任和地位。 保兑行承担与开证行相同的责任。保兑行一旦对该信用证加具了保兑,就对信用证负独立的确定的付款责任。 如遇开证行无法履行付款时,保兑行履行验单付款的责任。保兑行付款后只能向开证行索偿,因为它是为开证行加保兑的。 保兑行付款后无权向受益人或其它前手追索票款。 3.议付银行(Negotiating Bank)押汇银行或贴现银行 议付行是准备向受益人购买信用证项下单据的银行。议付行可以是通知行或其他被指定的愿意议付该信用证的银行。 议付行的议付是建立在开证行保证偿付的基础上的。 如果开证行倒闭或者拒付,议付行有权向受益人追索。 4.承兑行(Accepting Bank) 远期信用证如要求受益人出具远期汇票的,会指定一家银行作为受票行,由它对远期汇票做出承兑,这就是承兑行。 如果承兑行不是开证行,承兑后又最后不能履行付款,开证行应负最后付款的责任。若单证相符,而承兑行不承兑汇票,开证行可指示受益人另开具以开证行为受票人的远期汇票,由开证行承兑并到期付款。承兑行付款后向开证行要求偿付。 5.付款银行(Paying Bank) 付款行是在信用证中规定应负付款责任的银行。它可以是开证行,也可以是在信用证中由开证行所指定的一家银行。 付款行在向受益人无追索权的付款后,可从开证行那里得到偿付。如果开证行资信不佳,付款行有权拒绝代为付款。但是,付款行一旦付款,即不得向受益人追索,而只能向开证行索偿。6.偿付银行(Reimbursement Bank ) 偿付银行是指信用证中规定的在付款行或任何议付行根据信用证支付货款后应向其做出偿付的银行。 偿付行的偿付不视为开证行终局性的付款,因为偿付行不审查单据。若开证行见单后发现单证不符,可向议付行或付款行追索货款。如果索偿行未受到偿付行的偿付,开证行不能免除其本身偿付的责任。

advising bank 和 advising through bank 有什么区别

Opening Bank to authorise the Advising Bank for Reimbursementfor payment at开证行授权在德国的通知行见到(单据)立即支付; 这个应该是国际贸易下信用


sustainable business永续经营双语例句1Integrity, innovation, mutual benefit and common prosperity, sustainablebusiness!诚信、创新,互利共荣、永续经营!2Delivery business philosophy and common growth of Chinese and foreigncustomers, and sustainable Business!交期的经营理念与中外客户共同成长,永续经营!
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