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2023-08-02 21:38:54

n. 技术;技艺


制作工艺用 英语怎么说

2023-08-02 11:04:181


鬼斧神工 n. uncanny workmanship, superlative craftsmanship
2023-08-02 11:04:442


2023-08-02 11:05:091


a section chief of technology/the chief of engineering section pattern designer(pattern cutter)chief of processto produce dustpans
2023-08-02 11:05:1812


2023-08-02 11:05:421


-ship后缀 suf. (接在名词之后)1.表示"状态"(如:friendship)2.表示"身份","职业"(如:professorship)3.表示"技巧","能力","手腕"(如:statesmanship)4.表示"...的群体"(如:readership)5.接在形容词之后,表抽象名词(如:hardship
2023-08-02 11:05:532


2023-08-02 11:06:025

not only......but also当前后句主语一致时后句如何省略?

后面接的内容如下:In China, cooking is regarded not only as a craftsmanship, but also as a skill.在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种手艺,而且还被视为一种技能。
2023-08-02 11:06:446


F-u-n-c-t-i-o-nn.[C]1. 官能,功能,作用The teacher did not explain its grammatical function.老师没有解释它的语法功能。2. 职务,职责What is his function on the committee?他在委员会里担任什么职务?3. 盛大的集会(或宴会,宗教仪式)I attended many social functions while working abroad.我在国外工作期间出席了许多社交会。4. 【数】函数vi.1. (机器等)工作,运行The refrigerator is not functioning well.冰箱有点问题。2. 起作用[(+as)]The sofa functions as a bed at night.这沙发在夜里可以当床。3. 行使职责
2023-08-02 11:07:023


2023-08-02 11:07:124


2023-08-02 11:07:223


Vocational Skills Training School
2023-08-02 11:07:335


第8期参考答案及部分解析参考答案综合技能强化训练(8)1-5 ACBBD 6-10 ACBCA11-15 ACCDB 16-20 DACBD21-25 ABCDA 26-30 BDABD31. It beats me 32. Nothing doing短文改错:33. ... because of my ... 去掉of34. ... I wasn"t exciting. exciting → excited35. ... her mouth was, ... was → were36. ... Besides go to ... go → going37. ..., so it turned ... so → but38. ... so many food ... many → much39. ... choice in music ... in → of40. I enjoy myself ... enjoy → enjoyed41. ... wrote thank-you note ... wrote 后加a42. ... at her wedding. her → hisOne possible version:Some people are fond of solitude, but some people don"t like staying alone.As for me, I like solitude. I enjoy the solitude of my own room. There"s no noise, no pressure, no things I don"t like. I can do what I want to, reading my favorite books or listening to the music I like. Solitude makes me think. I would like to think about what I am busy with and have a good knowledge of myself.Although I enjoy solitude, I am not lonely. I keep up good relationships with the persons around me. I think we can live a happy life as long as we have a warm heart.阅读理解专项突破(8)1-5 DAABC 6-10 BCADA11-15 CABDB 16-20 BADBC部分解析综合技能强化训练(8)词汇:1. A。由语境“司机希望准时赶到机场,赶上那趟航班”推断,司机加大油门,让汽车加速行驶,故选A。accelerate 加速。multiply 使增加;accumulate 积累;expand扩展。2. C。语境中“警察给那位姑娘一些照片,问她能否认出那个抢她东西的人”,故选C。identify 认出。excavate 挖掘;forecast预报;acknowledge承认。3. B。语境说的是“假设天气好,农民们会有好收成”,其中assuming that ...意思是“ 假定;假设”。pretend 假装;regard将……认为;imagine想象。4. B。由语境“她显然在旅途中玩得很开心”推断,这个小女孩一路上兴高采烈地说个不停,故选B。gaily 欢快地。fluently 流利地;briefly 简短地;regularly定期地。5. D。语境说的是“这把刀钝了,要切肉需要磨锋利些”,故选D。cut up 把……切碎。cut across 穿过;cut down削减;cut in插话。6. A。由语境“煤、石油等燃料在燃烧时会释放浓烟”推断,科学家正研究其替代能源,故选A。alternative energies 是习惯搭配,意思是“ 替代能源”。archaeological 考古学的;systematic 系统的;botanical植物学的。7. C。由语境“音乐会很成功”推断,音乐会结束时,大家起立并热烈鼓掌,故选C。applaud 鼓掌。interrupt 打断;spit吐痰;howl嚎叫。8. B。由语境“手机彻底改变了我们的通讯方式”推断,这个发明有极大的意义,故选B。significance 意义。accuracy 精确;craftsmanship技能;challenge挑战。9. C。语境中“销售经理再也得不到老板的信任”和“他辞职”之间逻辑上是因果关系,故选C。therefore 因此。somehow 不知怎么的;however 然而;meanwhile与此同时。10. A。语境说的是“教授在昨天的演讲中,对过去五年的经济形势做了详细分析”,故选A。analysis分析。division区分;enquiry 询问;improvement 改善。完形填空:一个中学生因病失去了双腿,但他坚持不懈地努力奋斗,最终取得了成功。11. A。马克早晨起来发现自己的右脚失去了知觉。不管他怎么抚摸(rub)这只脚,血液循环仍然没有。12. C。他的母亲非常担心(Concerned),把他送到了医院。13. C。由下文可知,马克不幸失去了双腿。这次发病导致他的生活(life)永远地发生了改变。14. D。马克的病情严重,但医生却不知道他得的是什么病,因此医生表情严肃(serious)。15. B。虽然病因不明,但是情况危急,必须实施截肢手术。Mark 前后的两个分句是转折关系,故选but。16. D。马克听说自己要失去一只脚,十分震惊(Astonished)。17. A。由第二段I don"t know what"s wrong with you 可知,医生不知道马克到底得的是什么病,因此他无法回答(reply)马克的问题。18. C。本空与前面的fell asleep 是相对应的。左脚和右脚一样,也“睡着了”,永远不再醒来(woke up)。19. B。由下面的It"s spreading to your heart 和we want ... the knee 可知,情况在继续恶化(worsening)。20. D。whatever it is 的意思是:不管这个病是什么。疾病在朝着心脏发展,只有一线希望了。由此可知,疾病将毁灭(killing)马克。21. A。由It"s spreading to your heart 可知,这个目的短语的意思是:为了尽量阻止病情的发展(spread)。22. B。that 指代的是上一句提到的截肢手术。如果手术不成功(work),马克的生命将只剩两周了。23. C。马克别无选择,只有准备(prepare for)接受手术了。24. D。由上一句可知,马克可能要一辈子坐轮椅了。医生对此表示遗憾(sorry)。25. A。联系文章最后一句He chose to live his life,可知当时马克做了一个决定,一个能够改变他整个未来的选择(choice)。26. B。由上文可知,医生说马克可能一生都要坐轮椅。马克坚决反对,坚持要走路。一年之后他走出了医院,这应该是发生在学会使用假肢之后(after)。27. D。联系下文可知,马克决定(decided)成为一名教练。28. A。由前面teach others to play 可知,马克开始教(teaching)足球课。29. B。最后一段概括了马克不屈不挠的顽强精神。他是一个鼓舞人心的人(inspiration)。30. D。He could ... he suffered 和he took a different path 之间是转折关系,此处加上instead是 为了加强语气。阅读理解专项突破(8)A篇专栏作家的Sharon Short 新写了一本名叫My One Square Inch of Alaska 的小说,塑造了一个18 岁的中学生为了家庭和梦想努力拼搏,为了弟弟的计划而踏上阿拉斯加的探索之路。 1. D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段的 Donna waits tables several nights a week to support her father and her younger brother Will 可知,在Donna 的母亲死后,家庭的负担就落在Donna 身上。 2. A。词义猜测题。根据文章第一段的最后三句,她的母亲去世后,她的父亲也崩溃了,因此,养活全家的重担就落在了她的肩上,她除了学习之外,还要整夜打工,因此她需要做很 多事情。 3. A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段的 But when he grows ill, Donna is committed to making her brother"s dream come true 可知,她去阿拉斯加的 真实目的是为了帮助她的弟弟圆梦。 4. B。推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二 段的最后一句,这本书的作者原来是专栏作家,这次写小说是她在创作方面的 新尝试。 5. C。推理判断题。根据文章第一段的 growing up in the 1950s 和第四段的but author Sharon Short will ... reminding them of their own comingu2043ofu2043age experiences 可知,对于那些出生在20 世纪50 年代的人来说,这本书会让他们产生共鸣。B篇本文介绍了世界上知名的四个集旅游和健身为一体的训练营。 6. B。推理判断题。根据文章首段的 combine travel with fitness in a team environment to start your exercise 以及下文中对四个训练营的介绍可知,这些训练营注重锻炼。 7. C。细节理解题。根据文章中St. Vincent, Caribbean 的介绍... including circuit training, swimming, team games and boxing可知选C项。 8. A。细节理解题。根据文章中Kent, England 的介绍the femaleu2043only G.I. Jane Boot camp attracts women from all over the world 可知,该boot camp 的特别之处在于,它是专门针对女性而设计的训练营。 9. D。细节理解题。根据文章中Tulum, Mexico 的介绍There"re guided bike tours to the Mayan ruins of Tulum and the Sian K"aan reserve可知,在Bikini Boot Camp可以了解古玛雅文化。10. A。写作意图题。本文旨在向读者介绍世界上知名的四个集旅游和健身为 一体的训练营,故选A项。 C篇最近研究人员发现:跟自来水相比,瓶装水很有可能成为细菌传染的地方。 11. C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段的Tap water also contains amounts of chlorine that prevent the spread of anything harmful such as bacterial infections 可知,自来水中含有用来消毒的氯,氯阻止了细菌污染水,故选C 项。 12. A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段的内容可知,Paul Younger 认为人们对自来水有成见。自来水虽然便宜,但还是健康的、安全的。 13. B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的all water available in Britain was highly regulated and generally of good quality 和He said most bottled water companies test their products on a daily basis 可知,Jo Jacobius 认为大部分瓶装水公司坚持每天质检,所以质量可以保证,因此可推断他对瓶装水持肯定的态度。 14. D。写作意图题。根据文章第一段的 Researchers found the bottled variety is subject to far less strict safety tests than tap water and is much more likely to become a source of infection 及文章的内容可知,本文的写作目的是提醒读者瓶装水并不安全,跟自来水相比,很有可能成为细菌传染的地方。 15. B。写作手法题。作者在文章中主要 是通过比较自来水和瓶装水来谋篇布 局的,故选B项。 D篇本文主要讲述了一位教师利用音乐使得数学课更加生动有趣。 16. B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段的 A teacher in Washington has found a way to involve and motivate students — by bringing rhythm and fun to mathematics 和第三段的Rap appeals to the students, and music aids with memory可知,Mr. Scott 在教数学时利用音乐作为辅助工具,效果非常好,故选B 项。 17. A。细节理解题。根据文章第五段的Before the video, I didn"t remember that可知,在看Mr. Scott 的视频前, Sanon老是记不住二次方程式。 18. D。细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段的内容可知,校长对Mr. Scott 评价很高,他认为学校有这样的老师也是 非常幸运的。 19. B。推理判断题。根据文章的内容尤 其是最后一段可知,学生乃至社会认可他所做出的成绩,Mr. Scott 也被一个组织评为2011 年年度优秀老师,所以答案选B项。 20. C。推理判断题。本篇文章实属于一篇新闻报导,第一段是导语,接下来是正文,故选C项。
2023-08-02 11:08:021


工夫: 技术 [skill]。如:工细楼台(工笔细画的楼台);工伎(技艺方术);工用(技艺和使用);工架(戏曲演员表演时的身段和姿势);做工;唱工 功夫: 1、[effort;skill of Chinese boxing and sword play]∶武术技能,有时也代指武术 2、[time]∶作事所费的精力和时间。也作“工夫” 3、[art;craftsmanship;skill]∶素养、本领、造诣
2023-08-02 11:08:127

some historic buildings possess exceptional esthetic value and mere replication can by no means dem

这个句中的as vividly,as作副词意为:同样地;故此词组,意为“同样地栩栩如生”其中mere replication can by no means demonstrate the superior craftsmanship in them as vividly.的句子结构为:mere replication 主语can (by no means) demonstrate 谓语the superior craftsmanship宾语in them状语as vividly方式状语整个句子意思可翻译为:有的历史建筑富有其独特的美学价值,而纯粹的复制,绝不可能同样栩栩如生地再现这些历史建筑的高超工艺。
2023-08-02 11:08:295

外贸函电选择题 高手帮下忙啊 很急....

2023-08-02 11:09:022


手艺的英语有workmanship、craftsmanship、mechanics、handicraft、art、craft。例句:1、He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials.他手艺很随便、拙劣,使用的也是质量很次的材料。2、The delicacy of her playing, workmanship, carving.她演奏、手艺、雕刻的精巧。3、When she leaves school, she wants to learn a trade.她毕业后想学一门手艺。4、He has a genuine and abiding love of the craft他对这门手艺有着真挚持久的热爱。5、They cooked without skill and ate without discrimination.他们烹调手艺不高,也不挑食。6、Manicurists are skilled at shaping and filing nails.美甲师修锉指甲的手艺娴熟。7、I"m never out of work because I have so many strings to my bow.我会很多手艺,永远都不会没饭吃。
2023-08-02 11:09:371


2023-08-02 11:10:232


  奇迹的`英文:   marvel   其他表达方式   名词   miracle   奇迹, 神奇, 神迹, 奇迹般   marvel   奇迹, 惊叹, 惊奇, 马维尔   wonder   想, 怀疑, 奇迹, 奇怪, 好奇, 难怪   参考例句:   Another miracle!   这又是一个奇迹!   What a miracle!   这真是一个奇迹!   miracles of ingenuity, craftsmanship, etc   了不起的智巧、 手艺等   Work a cure,change,miracle   获得痊愈、产生变化、创造奇迹.   They deemed the young clergyman a miracle of holiness.   他们一心认为这年轻的牧师是神圣的奇迹。   You are punctual for a wonder.   你居然准时到,真让人想不到。   It was a wonderful satire.   那是一种绝好的讽刺。   There was a look of wonder in his eyes.   他眼中露出惊奇的神色。   I wonder if she is ill.   不知她是否病了。   Wonders will never cease.   奇事层出不穷。
2023-08-02 11:11:161

军工品质 匠心传承 怎么翻译

军工品质 匠心传承Military quality craftsmanship Heritage
2023-08-02 11:11:351


Welcome to Xi"anXi"an, the capital of Shaanxi Province in China, is a city steeped in history and cultural heritage. As you step foot in this ancient city, you will be greeted by a fusion of traditional charm and modern vibrancy.Xi"an is best known for its magnificent Terracotta Army, a UNESCO World Heritage site. These life-sized statues were discovered in 1974 and are a testament to the rich history of the Qin Dynasty. Standing before the rows of soldiers, one can"t help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the craftsmanship and the stories they hold.In addition to the Terracotta Army, Xi"an is also home to the iconic City Wall. This ancient fortification, dating back over 600 years, encircles the city center and provides a breathtaking panoramic view. Walking or cycling along the wall, you can immerse yourself in the city"s history while enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of the bustling streets below.For those seeking spiritual solace, the Great Wild Goose Pagoda is a must-visit destination. Built during the Tang Dynasty, this pagoda stands tall as a symbol of Xi"an"s Buddhist heritage. Climbing to the top rewards visitors with a stunning view of the city and a sense of tranquility in the midst of the urban chaos.Xi"an is also a melting pot of diverse culinary delights. Be sure to try the famous local dish, Xi"an Biang Biang noodles. These wide and chewy noodles, tossed with a savory sauce and topped with various ingredients, will tantalize your taste buds. Don"t forget to sample the street food as well, from lamb skewers to roujiamo (Chinese hamburger), which will satisfy any food lover"s cravings.Beyond its historical and gastronomic attractions, Xi"an is a city that embraces modernity. The bustling Muslim Quarter showcases a fusion of ancient and contemporary elements, with traditional architecture juxtaposed against trendy shops and bustling night markets. Here, you can experience the vibrant energy of the city as you wander through the labyrinthine streets.As the day draws to a close, don"t miss the opportunity to watch the mesmerizing Tang Dynasty Music and Dance Show. This performance, featuring colorful costumes, graceful movements, and enchanting music, brings to life the grandeur of the Tang Dynasty and allows you to experience a taste of ancient China.Xi"an, with its rich historical heritage, vibrant culture, and warm-hearted people, welcomes you with open arms. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a food lover, or an adventurer seeking new experiences, Xi"an offers a journey of discovery and an unforgettable travel experience. So come and explore the wonders of Xi"an, and let this ancient city leave an indelible mark on your heart.
2023-08-02 11:12:152

人工的精巧高妙胜过了天然形成的。形容高超过人的技艺 成语

2023-08-02 11:12:268


A:what can i do for you ,sir?先生,我能为你做点什么吗?B:I want to buy a sweater ?我想买件毛衣A:oh ,you go the right way .we have all kinds of this product .呀。你算是走对地方了,我们这有各式各样的。B:that"s one looks good ,can i try it on ?那件看起来不错,我可以试一下吗?A:no problem,没问题B:how much does it cost?咋卖的?A:$100美元B:oh ,it"s too expensive ,could you give me a discount ?太贵了,能打折吗?A;it"s already very cheap,because you are the customers who have a long relationship with our company. i can give you a这已经很便宜了,由于你是我们的老顾客,我可以给你九折优惠。B:how about 15% discount?打八五折怎么样?A: ah sorry ,the discount of 10% is the lowest price i can give you ?不好意思,打九折是我们的最低价了。B:alright ,i will take it .好吧,我就要它了A:here you are .
2023-08-02 11:13:051

急!服装英语作文How to choose a high-quality Garment?

When you dish out money for new clothes, you expect your purchases to last more than a few washings. However, if you can"t spot a good quality clothing item from a bad one, you will end up wasting your hard-earned money on clothes that are not worth the price tag. Whether you shop in designer boutiques or thrift shops, use smart shopping techniques to determine if the clothes you are buying will stand up to the test of time.Check the quality of clothes before you spend your hard-earned money. The following is a quick rundown on the particulars of good craftsmanship.Inspect fabrics to make sure patterns line up at the seams"especially at the shoulders, collar and sewn-on (patch) pockets.Hold fabric up to the light and make sure the weave is tight, even and uniform, with no loose or undone threads. If the fabric has beads or sequins, make sure they"re securely attached.
2023-08-02 11:13:131


a surprise, 或者强调用such a surprisea perfect weddinga wonderful world 或者 a perfect world
2023-08-02 11:13:366


this is a coach bag it was handcrafted from the finest materials its superior craftsmanship and attention to detail reflect our commitment to enduring quality.这是一个蔻驰袋是用最好的材料手工制作其高超的技艺和对细节的关注,反映了我们的承诺,持久的品质。
2023-08-02 11:13:561


兵马俑英文简介:Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang and Terra-cotta WarriorsEmperor Qin"s mausoleum is the largest of ancient China, situated at the northern foot of Mt Li, Lintong County, some 30m east of Xi"an city,facing Weishui River in the north,close to the tourist resort Huaqing Pool in the west.The huge and amazing satellite pit of terra-cotta warriors is 1 500m east of the mau-soleum,discovered in March of 1974,by a group of farmers drilling a well against the draught.Archaeologist the unearthed the treasure of Qin dynasty hidden for over 2000 years.The pit is truly an underground military museum largest worldwide.Its design is rational and unique with a weight wall every 3m,dividing the 5m deep pit into lanes of warriors neatly arrayed.翻译:始皇陵及兵马俑秦始皇的陵墓是古代中国最大的,位于北部的临潼县骊山脚下,西安以东约30 m处,面朝在北面的渭河,接近西面的华清池旅游胜地。巨大的、令人惊叹的兵马俑卫星坑在陵墓以1500米处,1974年3月由一群钻井抗旱的农民发现。考古学家发掘了在地下隐藏2000年的宝藏,坑确实是世界最大的地下军事博物馆。其设计是理性的和独特的,每3米有重墙,把5米深坑里整齐排列的战士划分开。由于它的宏大和缺乏书面数据,中国考古学家和历史学家研究陵墓已经有几十年的的时间了。全面挖掘留给未来,除了一些科学发掘一些卫星坑,游客到这里只能看到冰山一角。扩展资料:兵马俑从身份上区分,主要有士兵与军吏两大类,军吏又有低级、中级、高级之别。一般士兵不戴冠,而军吏戴冠,普通军吏的冠与将军的冠又不相同,甚至铠甲也有区别。其中的兵俑包括步兵、骑兵、车兵三类。根据实战需要,不同兵种的武士装备各异。俑坑中最多的是武士俑,大部分手执青铜兵器,有弓、弩、箭镞、铍、矛、戈、殳、剑、弯刀和钺,身穿甲片细密的铠甲,胸前有彩线挽成的结穗。军吏头戴长冠,数量比武将多。秦俑的脸型、身材、表情、眉毛、眼睛和年龄都有不同之处。
2023-08-02 11:14:071


RUSKIN,约翰((1819-1900)((45分)英国作者和评论家.Ruskin was私下和在克赖斯特彻奇,牛津教育从1837 到1842.在1843年他出版第一他的现代画家的容量在1860年完成.他变得对建筑和哥特式的风格,特别是,出版在 1849年建筑的七灯和在1851-1853年威尼斯的石头有兴趣.他有生殖力地写作和启发莫里斯和人文科学从工业为美学和社会理由和构思把脸转过去的运动.他不喜爱轻轨铁路火车,玻璃和铁,机器装饰品和任何装饰,其缺乏事实向材料和给红木家具铺上一层精美的薄板例如写作关于“fatalnewness”的.石头的威尼斯含有一章 “onGothic”在其中精妙之处,中世纪技艺和建筑存在的把和它的创造上有经验高兴等同起来的自然界 .Ruskin会见在1857年莫里斯;当Ruskin是美艺术((1870-1879)的Slade Professor的时候,Macknurdo研究在1873年在下面他阿特牛津.他裁决张贴再次从1882到1884,和虽然在他看来越来越随心所欲和甚至有时神经错乱他,第十九世纪影响全部后一半的.他的影响was在美洲也触摸查尔斯在那里埃利奥特诺顿是一个他的朋友和 “RuskinianGothic”建筑开始被早在1863生产.
2023-08-02 11:14:354

100高分 求高手人工翻译这段文字!!跪求,在线等~~~ 不要翻译软件的~~~

这下面都是机器的啊 你能不能等一等? 我明天后天高考 高考完再帮你行不行?我今天翻译太多了 数学都还没复习
2023-08-02 11:14:456


Head skin is an animal on the skin, the surface has the original skin characteristics, pores, skin texture clear, by and tight and thin fiber layer and its close together a little loose excessive layer composed, has the good strength, elasticity and plasticity technology etc. Second skin not cattle leather, was the first layer of the skin of the leftover material after the break to join polyethylene material to joint and into, and then in the surface chemical material spraying or facing in PVC, PU film production and become, it still keep cowhide characteristics, but durability and strength than the first layer cowhide.
2023-08-02 11:15:244

急求 用英文写一篇介绍墨尔本的文章

St Patrick"s Cathedral is the mother church of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. The Centenary of its official opening and Consecration was marked in 1997; however, the first Mass was celebrated on the site in February 1858 in a former partially completed church, some of which was incorporated into the south aisle of the present building; by 1868, the completed nave of the Cathedral first served the needs of the community for regular worship and prayer. Designed by William Wardell, St Patrick"s is regarded internationally as the finest ecclesiastical building in Australia and a pre-eminent example of the Gothic Revival style. The austere facade gives little hint of the glorious interior with its ethereal golden light of mesmerising beauty. The Cathedral"s highly regarded organ and exceptional acoustics ensure its popularity with leading musicians and choral groups, as a favoured setting for concerts of sacred music. The splendid ambulatory and chapels which partially encircle the sanctuary, provide space for occasional exhibitions. Nevertheless, it is the spiritual fire of prayer and daily worship which gives the building its heart, ensuring that it is more than just an architectural monument. the Cathedral is a place of beauty and peace. During the course of a year, the Cathedral is the environment for the major liturgies of the Catholic community as well as the venue for significant civic celebrations embracing the wider community. The staff is also responsible for the daily pastoral care in all of the nearby hospitals; many people from the wider community seek solace and help within its walls. Through prayer, praise and creative liturgical celebrations, the elements of stone and glass, artistry, craftsmanship, colour and sound, coalesce to filter the divine presence of our Creator God. Dimensions of the Cathedral :
2023-08-02 11:15:381


technicaladj. 1. 技术的; 应用科学的2. 艺术的, 工艺的3. (指书等)要求有专门知识的, 使用术语的, 专业的4. 诉讼程序性的;技术性的 Adjective1. of or relating to technique; "technical innovation in recent novels"; "technical details"(pertainym) technique 2. characterizing or showing skill in or specialized knowledge of applied arts and sciences; "a technical problem"; "highly technical matters hardly suitable for the general public"; "a technical report"; "producing the A-bomb was a challenge to the technical people of this country"; "technical training"; "technical language"(antonym) nontechnical , untechnical (similar) abstract , theoretical 3. of or relating to proficiency in a practical skill; "no amount of technical skill and craftsmanship can take the place of vital interest"- John Dewey(pertainym) proficiency , technique 4. of or relating to a practical subject that is organized according to scientific principles; "technical college"; "technological development"(synonym) technological (pertainym) engineering , engineering science , applied science , technology 5. resulting from or dependent on market factors rather than fundamental economic considerations; "analysts content that the stock market is due for a technical rally"; "the fall is only a technical correction"(similar) commercial 6. of production of chemicals for commercial purposes especially on a large scale; "technical (or commercial) sulfuric acid"(similar) commercial (classification) chemistry , chemical science ------------------------------------------------------------technologicaladj. 1. 技术上的2. 工艺(学)的3. 由于技术原因的,因技术革新而造成的adv. 1. 技术上地Adjective1. based in scientific and industrial progress; "a technological civilization"(similar) scientific 2. of or relating to a practical subject that is organized according to scientific principles; "technical college"; "technological development"(synonym) technical (pertainym) engineering , engineering science , applied science , technology technical多指:工业技术的technological多指:科学技术的 technical 强调的是细微处的技艺,如(手工)工艺technological skill 强调的是工业(科学)技术方面,相对technical要抽象和宏观些
2023-08-02 11:15:471

求“Sister Carrie”的中英文评论求大神帮助

Sister Carrie is written by Dreiser who has been called “the wheelhouse of American naturalism,” and “chief spokesman for the realistic novel,” and “a profound and prescient critic of debased American values.” It is in his works that American naturalism is said to have come of age. His fiction records “the coarse and the vulgar and the cruel and the terrible” in life in defiance of the genteel and evasive current literature.It is the story of a poor country girl who goes to Chicago to pursue the American dream. Because of the specific environment and her natural longing, she must stray in her quest as guilt and innocence become irrelevant in the face of a longing larger than hunger. As a naturalistic writer, Dreiser stressed determinism in his novels which deal with everyday life, often with its sordid side. His characters are unable to assert their will against natural and economic forces. They are more like moths drawn to flame than lords of creation. They are pathetic in their inability to escape their fates. His characters are subject to the control of the natural forces of heredity and environment. He held that people are not entirely to blame for what they are and what they do. They are not responsible for rising or falling in a world so fully shaped by circumstance and disposition. In this book, Dreiser presented the reader a picture of this woman who drifts in life. He neither condemned her nor praised her. This is the way she has to he. Dreiser once said, “It is not intended as a piece of literary craftsmanship, but as a picture of conditions done as simply and effectively as the English language will permit.” Now, this son of presentation, unquestioning, just giving the reader the facts, is very different from the realists, such as Mark Twain or Henry James. They would have examined the ethical basis of this woman"s behavior. They would not just have presented her merely as a figure that drifts in life.
2023-08-02 11:16:191


creative original创意原创例句:1.Developing highly creative original IP underpins the growth of the New Zealand industry.
2023-08-02 11:16:292

用英语作文介绍阳江 80词左右

  Yangjiang (Chinese: 阳江) is a prefecture-level city in southwestern Guangdong province, People"s Republic of China. It borders Maoming to the west, Yunfu to the north, Jiangmen to the east, and looks out to the South China Sea to the south. It is famous for being the base of Yangjiang Shibazi, a knife manufacturer.  The prefecture-level city of Yangjiang administers 4 county-level divisions, including 1 districts, 1 county-level city and 2 counties.  * Jiangcheng District (江城区)  * Yangchun City (阳春市)  * Yangdong County (阳东县)  * Yangxi County (阳西县)  Yangjiang is a nice coastal city in the southwest of Guangdong Province, China. Being adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, and lying between Guangzhou (the capital city) and Zhanjiang (the southwestern-most city), it enjoys convenient land and sea transportation. The Guangdong Western Coast Superhighway, the Guangzhou/Zhanjiang Superhighway, 325 National Road and Sanshui/Maoming Railway run through the city. The Yangjiang Port is a ‘National Class 1 Foreign Trade Seaport".  Yangjiang is the communication corridor connecting the middle and the west parts of Guangdong Province as well as the country.  Yangjiang is the ‘Top Tourist City of China", ‘the Chinese City of Knives and Scissors", ‘the Hometown of Kites" and ‘Star City for Public Undertakings of China" as well as a land of fish and rice and ‘Hometown of Culture"!  Yangjiang owns abundant natural resources and beautiful scenery. It has a long coast and plenty of mountains and hills. And it is especially proud of its excellent beaches, wonderful waterfalls, fantastic hot springs and unique grottoes. The most famous attractions of Yangjiang include the Hailing Island Resort  Yangjiang is a nice place for sport events and games, too. It has successfully held the 9th National Beach Volleyball Match, the National Men"s Indoor Volleyball Game, the National Hot-air Balloon Championship, International Kite Festival, International and Asian Beach Volleyball Championships. It will strive to improve its infrastructures and develop its tourism, sports, culture, commerce and trade, so as to make the city an ideal famous place for tour and holiday, sport events and contests and exhibition and conference.  Besides, Yangjiang is a seaside city with light industry and tourism as its pillar industries.  In recent years, Yangjiang"s economy has developed rapidly, and particularly, privately-operated economy has been the most important economic growth point. By the end of 2002, there are over 7800 private-own enterprises with the production value accounting for RMB15.4 billion Yuan, occupying 80.6% of the city total.  On the other hand, Yangjiang traditional craftsmanship has a long history and enjoys good reputation at home and abroad. The people are proud of the “Three Treasure", namely, ‘Pocket Knives, Lacquerware and Fermented Soya Beans".
2023-08-02 11:16:391


2023-08-02 11:03:571

live theatre是什么意思

2023-08-02 11:04:002


正本清源是指:从源头上清理。从根本上整顿,从源头上清理。比喻从根本上加以整顿清理。 守正创新的意思是:守正是指恪守正道,胸怀正气。创新是指勇于开拓,善于创造,懂得变通,不断推陈出新。守正与创新共生互补,辩证统一。守正是创新的根基,发挥主导;创新是守正的补充,相辅相成。 更多关于正本清源守正创新什么意思,进入:查看更多内容
2023-08-02 11:04:011


select * from issuebond_info A ,issue_remark_info BwhereB.remarkNO!="08" and B.remark_amt < (select sum(a1.notional_amt) from issuebond_info a1 where a1.issue_date < a.issue_date and a1.remark_no = a.remark_no)or b.remark_amt < (select sum(a1.notional_amt) from issuebond_info a1 where a1.issue_date < a.issue_date and a1.remark_no = a.remark_no)
2023-08-02 11:04:031


2023-08-02 11:04:071

守正创新 笃行致远什么意思

2023-08-02 11:04:081


2023-08-02 11:04:086


现ABC为主动车身稳定控制系统的英文缩写,该系统是先进的主动悬架系统。【扩展相关】ABC是单词的首字母缩写(Active Body Control),简称为主动车身稳定控制系统,该系统是先进的主动悬架系统。交通信号灯由组成:(ABC ) A.红灯 B.绿灯 C.黄灯 D.蓝灯。黄灯=Malfunction indicator Light=MIL=俗称发动机故障灯,车子亮黄灯可能会因为很多故障引起,而不仅仅是节气门阀片脏。当出现这种情况,需要到4S店进修一下。
2023-08-02 11:04:121


2023-08-02 11:03:4913


中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 是英文缩写.
2023-08-02 11:03:473


名词 名词 (Nouns)是词性的一种,也是实词的一种,是指待人、物、事、时、地、情感、概念等实体或抽象事物的词。 名词可以独立成句。在短语或句子中通常可以用代词来替代。代词是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、自身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词和不定代词八种。动词,就是用来形容或表示各类动作的词汇。基本上每个完整的子句都有一个动词,要表示第二个动作时可使用不定词、动名词、对等连接词、从属连接词或增加子句等方法连结。根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为四类形容词形容词【adjective】 很多语言中均有的主要词类中的一种。主要用来修饰名词的词,表示事物的特征冠词的定义冠词是置于名词之前,对名词起限制作用的一种虚词。冠词可以说是名词的一种标志,它不能离开名词而独立存在。冠词的分类冠词分为不定冠词"a,an"、定冠词"the"和零冠词三种数词 表示"多少"和"第几"的词,叫数词。其用法相当于名词或者形容词。数词分为基数词和序数词两种。表示数目多少或顺序多少的词叫数词,数词分为基数词和序数词。副词(Adverb)副 词 的 定 义: 副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。介词的定义和特征介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词。在句中不能单独作句字成分。介词后面一般有名词代词或相当于名词的其他词类,短语或从句作它的宾语。感叹词 解释: 1.即叹词。表示强烈的感情以及感叹或招呼应答之词。
2023-08-02 11:03:466

the theatre 什么意思?

2023-08-02 11:03:456


2023-08-02 11:03:451


a strawberry
2023-08-02 11:03:443


基础功能就是我们在学校连校园宽带吧,不过其实还是个社交app,号称“校花校草集中营”,直播啊图片啊各种好玩的功能。【简介】中国电信掌上大学app是由中国一个校园生活服务平台,中国电信掌上大学app聚合大学生在校园内生活娱乐学习过程所需要的校园宽带、WIFI、生活服务、充值等各类服务,打造校园内的智慧社区。中国电信学院在上海正式成立。学院坚持“服务企业战略、推动企业变革”的宗旨,定位为“一个基地、四个平台”,即领导力发展研究支撑和培养基地、推动企业转型变革的平台、知识管理的平台、发展员工关键能力的平台和创造价值的平台”,力争用三至五年的时间建成国内一流企业大学!【软件特色】学院下设综合管理部、教务部和领导力、核心员工、VIP客户、在线学习四个教研中心。拥有集团级内训师380名,6名荣誉教授和客座教授,与中兴通讯学院、中国电信北京、上海、广东研究院等单位开展了战略合作。学院在完成集团培训任务的同时,大胆创新、积极探索,取得了业内认可的教学成果。2008年5月,中国电信网上大学被美国培训与发展协会(ASTD) 授予学习技术最佳实践奖。2009年10月,《构建和实施中国电信基于战略的领导力发展体系》研究成果被评为全国通信行业企业管理现代化创新成果一等奖。 同年12月,中国电信学院在国内首家发布了《企业学习信息化白皮书》。在建设一流企业大学的道路上,我们将博采众长、奋发有为,在服务企业战略、推动企业变革、促进业务发展、帮助员工成长中做出积极贡献!logo:
2023-08-02 11:03:405