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Shapeless的《Menace》 歌词

歌曲名:Menace歌手:Shapeless专辑:Expect The UnexpectableOh yeah, Fuck it!Yeah!Uhhhhhhhhh!I"ve got a killer"s bloodRunning deep inside my veins (Down in my veins)Don"t expect you to understandI was born without a name (No name)I see right through you,Your opinions are a fucking joke (hahaha)I crucify you, on a silver spoon I hope you chokeI"m tired of trying to please the world that spins around meThis time I"m doing it for me and me aloneI don"t need anyone, don"t think I ever didNot trying to be selfish, just doing what I knowI"M A MENACE!RIGHT!Uhhhhhhhhhh!I"ll fade the fuck awaySwear to God that I don"t care (I swear to Christ)I"ll die a lonely death"Cause I know that life ain"t fair (It ain"t fair at all)I can"t pretend that I am someone that I"m notI live for me, myselfYou can"t convince me that I"m wrongI"m tired of trying to please the world that spins around meThis time I"m doing it for me and me aloneI don"t need anyone, don"t think I ever didNot trying to be selfish, just doing what I knowI"M A MENACE!RIGHT!YEAH!I"m tired of trying to please the world that spins around me (Why?)This time I"m doing it for me and me alone (All for me!)I don"t need anyone, don"t think I ever didNot trying to be selfish, just doing what I knowI"M A MENACE!I"m tired of trying to please the world that spins around me (Why?)This time I"m doing it for me and me alone (All for me!)I don"t need anyone, don"t think I ever didNot trying to be selfish, just doing what I knowI"M A MENACE!FUCKING MENACE!OH MENACE!

Steady Me (The Shape Of Grace Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Steady Me (The Shape Of Grace Album Version)歌手:Out Of The Grey专辑:Remember This - The Collection作词者名 伊秩弘将作曲者名 伊秩弘将逢いたくてたまらない...想い出すだけで 胸がギュッとなるやさしいあつかいじゃ 物足りないよあの娘にしてるみたいに きつく抱いて欲しいあぁ 街にとびこめばいつもの仲间と騒げるけど変わり始めてる 私を谁も知らないきっと...世界中でたったひとりのあなたに出逢えたこと偶然じゃなく 运命といつか呼べる日までBelieve My Soul かけがえのないあなたのかけがえのない人になって行きたいDream On Dream On Dream Of YouDing Dong Ding Dong Longest Night泣きそうな自分に负けないでそれなりに やってきた経験を叹くより チャンとしたい不器用にしか 振る舞えなくたって一途な爱なら 谁にも负けないようにあぁ 风が冷たくてかじかむ心 抱きしめてるよ喧騒から逃れてもひとりには なりたくなくて 今日は...世界中の时を止めてあなたと 见つめ合えたら二度と戻れない 遥か远くまで つれていってBelieve My Soul 冻えそうな今夜はせめて梦で逢いたい...Dream On Dream On Dream Of You"cause It"s a Lonely Silent Nightありったけの爱を捧げたい!Love Revolutionあきらめない力 身につけたい!!Believe My Soul! Believe My Love!Believe Your Kiss 今は辛くてもだんだん良くなっていくよ想い続けてれば きっと叶うから...(そうだよね)Believe My Soul かけがえのないあなたのかけがえのない人になって行きたいDream On Dream On Dream Of YouDing Dong Ding Dong Longest Nightこみあげてく 想いに 泣きそうな自分に负けないでWANNA BE YOUR STEADY!

shape of you 下载 ed sheeran 唱的最好是百度云谢谢

Ed Sheeran_Shape of You.mp3大家算是找对人了哦,我正好有,有图有真相,嘿嘿!自己特别喜欢,发行就下载到手机上了,分享给一下,浏览器打开,点击普通下载即可,亲测有效


statue和sculpture的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、固定搭配不同一、指代不同1、statue:雕塑,雕像。2、sculpture:雕刻品,雕刻术。二、用法不同1、statue:复数,statues、记忆技巧,stat 站,立 + ue → 站着的〔雕像〕→ 雕像。2、sculpture:第三人称单数,sculptures、复数,sculptures、现在分词,sculpturin、过去式,sculptured、过去分词,sculptured、派生词,sculptural。三、固定搭配不同1、statue:Statue of Liberty自由女神(位于美国纽约)、bronze statue青铜像,铜像...2、sculpture:coloured sculpture彩雕、architectural sculpture用于建筑物上的雕塑


如何用IDL处理Shapefile数据使用IDL处理shapefile格式,需要了解IDLffShape对象,IDL帮助中有一些说明和代码,但过于简单,不熟悉的人很难上手,现对几个关键点进行说明:感和GIS不分家,IDL擅长处理遥感数据,但偶尔也需要用来处理一些GIS数据,不过还好IDL能处理Shapefile数一、读取shapefile文件1.首先要打开文件我们用Arcview带的数据做例子吧,就用那个国界数据吧。创建和销毁idlffshape分别使用的是IDL处理对象的通用命令OBJ_new和Obj_Destroy,每建立一个对象都要记着要销毁,否则会出现内存不足问题。pro readshapefileshapefile="C:ESRIESRIDATAWORLDcountry.shp" ;定义shape文件位置oshp=Obj_New("IDLffShape",filename)print oshp;中间处理代码Obj_destroy,oshp ;销毁一个shape对象end如果读取错误,oshp会返回-1,否则得话返回的就是一个结构体。2.获取整体描述信息读完shape对象后,就需要读几何数据和属性表数据了。Shapefile数据由几何体(或实体Entity)和属性表两部分组成,而几何体一般又包括点(point)、线(polyline)和多边形(polygon)(当然也有其它类型,但不常用)。属性表包括属性表结构、字段个数和记录个数,属性表记录数与实地必须一一对应,属性表的结构又包含字段名,字段类型,字段长度和精确度。在IDL读取数据前,需要了解一些全局属性,知道有多少个几何体和记录,属性表中有多少个字段,就需要用GetProperty方法,它查询shape文件的属性,包括实体类型,实体个数,属性表结构,属性表字段个数,记录数等,代码如下:pro readshapefileshapefile="C:ESRIESRIDATAWORLDcountry.shp" ;定义shape文件位置oshp=Obj_New("IDLffShape",filename)oshp->getproperty,n_entities=n_ent,Attribute_info=attr_info,n_attributes=n_attr,Entity_type=ent_typeprint,"实体个数:"n_entprint,"属性表字段数:",n_attrprint,"实体类型代码:",ent_typeObj_destroy,oshp ;销毁一个shape对象end3.再了解几个概念bouns存储的是每个实体的范围,是一个有8个元素的数组([x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7]),其中x0 —最小x值,x1 —最小y值,x2最小z值(高度),x3 — 最小M值(测量值,一般不用)x4-x7就是最大值了。注意,这里是每个实体的范围,而不是整个地图的范围,所以如果要求整个地图的范围,还需要整个再求一遍最大值和最小值。bounds还有一个作用,就是存储点的坐标,点类型数据没有安排另外的对象来存储,直接用bounds来管理。VERTICES线和面实体的所有坐标都存在这里面,是一个指针型数组,存储的是实体的所有拐点.读的时候比较容易,写入的时候,需要先建一个指针变量将坐标赋值到指针变量,然后将指针变量赋值给vertices.数组结构如下:[[x,y],[x,y],[x,y],[x,y],[x,y],[x,y]](如果是2维的话)[[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z]](如果是3维的话)N_VERTICES拐点的个数,不需要解释了.N_PARTS和Parts处理复杂对象的需要注意了,如有内环的多边形。所有的拐点坐标都存在vertices中,Parts也是一个指针数组,存储的是每个弧段的起始索引值。N_PARTS表示有几个弧段.ISHAPE表示实体的序号,是一个整形变量,读取的时候一般不需要注意,写的时候需要定义,序号不能重复。4.开始读坐标了如果要一次性读取全部实体,可以用ent=oshp->getentity(/all),但大部分时间都需要一个个的处理,就需要用循环pro readshapefileshapefile="C:ESRIESRIDATAWORLDcountry.shp" ;定义shape文件位置oshp=Obj_New("IDLffShape",filename)oshp->getproperty,n_entities=n_ent,Attribute_info=attr_info,n_attributes=n_attr,Entity_type=ent_typeFOR i=0,n_ent-1 do begin ;循环ent=oshp->getentity(i) ;读取第i个实体bounds=ent.bounds ;读取实体的边界n_vert=ent.n_vertices ;实体中包括拐点或顶点的个数,只有polyline和polygon具有该属性vert=*(ent.vertices) ;实体的顶点,只有polyline和polygon具有该属性 ;只有polygon具有该属性part=*( ;part坐标;输出几何体范围print,"min x=",bounds[0]print,"min y=",bounds[1]print, "max x=",bound[3]print, "max y=",bound[4];如果是点的话,输出点坐标print,bounds[0],bounds[1];如果是线或面的话,输出点坐标for index in n_vert-1 do beginprint vert[index][0],vert[index][1]endforendforObj_destroy,oshp ;销毁一个shape对象end4.读属性属性表的结构属性表结构存储在Attribute_info中,前面代码已经获得了这个结构体(attr_info),下面的代码是打印每一个字段的结构pro readshapefileshapefile="C:ESRIESRIDATAWORLDcountry.shp" ;定义shape文件位置oshp=Obj_New("IDLffShape",filename)oshp->getproperty,n_entities=n_ent,Attribute_info=attr_info,n_attributes=n_attr,Entity_type=ent_typeFOR i=0,n_attr-1 do begin ;循环PRINT, "字段序号: ",iPRINT, "字段名: ", attr_info[i].namePRINT, "字段类型代码: ", attr_info[i].typePRINT, "字段宽度: ", attr_info[i].widthPRINT, "精度: ", attr_info[i].precisionendforObj_destroy,oshp ;销毁一个shape对象end读属性表中的值读属性表,跟读取实体有些类似,用GetAttributes方法pro readshapefileshapefile="C:ESRIESRIDATAWORLDcountry.shp" ;定义shape文件位置oshp=Obj_New("IDLffShape",filename)oshp->getproperty,n_entities=n_ent,Attribute_info=attr_info,n_attributes=n_attr,Entity_type=ent_typeFOR i=0,n_ent-1 do begin ;循环,n_ent跟记录数是一样的attr=oshp->GetAttributes(i) ;读取第i个记录for index in n_attr-1 do beginprint attr.(index)endforendforObj_destroy,oshp ;销毁一个shape对象end二、写入shapefile数据写入shapefile的一半过程是,首先初始化idlffshape对象,定义属性表结构,定义实体类型,写入坐标值,写入属性值,最后销毁对象初始化写入数据也用Obj_new初始化,不过需要设置输出实体的类型,并设置该数据可写,这里面重要的就是需要知道实体的类型代码,我们常用的就是1,3和5Point 1PolyLine 3Polygon 5MultiPoint 8PointZ 11PolyLineZ 13PolygonZ 15MultiPointZ 18PointM 21PolyLineM 23PolygonM 25MultiPointM 28MultiPatch 31对象初始化的代码如下:pro writeshapefileshapefile="d:datacitys.shp"oshp=obj_new("IDLffshape",new_shapefile,Entity_type=3,/update);;其他代码obj_destroy,oshp创建属性表结构和实体类型对所有类型的实体,创建属性表的方法都已一样的。用AddAttribute方法,一般用法为:oshp->AddAttribute, 字段名称,字段类型,字段宽度[, PRECISION=integer] 精度只有浮点和双精度等情况下采用,字符和整形可以缺省,也可以设置为0关键的还是需要知道常用的几种字段类型3 Longword integer5 Double-precision floating-point7 String没错只有三种,这不是idl的错,shapefile只定义了这三种定义实体类型的方法比较简单:entNew = {IDL_SHAPE_ENTITY}entNew.SHAPE_TYPE = 1 ;1为实体类型,表示点写入实体和属性这两个过程一般同时进行的,用代码表示吧:Pro writepointshapefile="d: estcitys.shp"oshp=OBJ_NEW("IDLffshape",shapefile,Entity_type=1,/update);定义实体类型entNew = {IDL_SHAPE_ENTITY}entNew.SHAPE_TYPE = 1 ;1为实体类型,表示点;添加坐标,加那个地方呢,我爱北京天安门吧entNew.ISHAPE=0entNew.BOUNDS[0] = 116.391188entNew.BOUNDS[1] = 39.904546entNew.BOUNDS[2] = 0.00000000entNew.BOUNDS[3] = 0.00000000entNew.BOUNDS[4] = 116.391188entNew.BOUNDS[5] = 39.904546entNew.BOUNDS[6] = 0.00000000entNew.BOUNDS[7] = 0.00000000entNew.N_VERTICES = 1;加属性了;先定义属性表结构oshp->AddAttribute,"id",3,8,PRECISION=0oshp->AddAttribute,"name",7,20,PRECISION=0oshp->AddAttribute,"longitude",5,8,PRECISION=4oshp->AddAttribute,"latitude",5,8,PRECISION=4;还要把实体写入到shp对象中oshp -> PutEntity, entNew;获得属性表结构对象new_attr = oshp ->GetAttributes(/ATTRIBUTE_STRUCTURE)new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_0 = 1new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_1 = "北京天安门"new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_2 = 116.3911new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_3 = 39.904546;把属性写入到shp对象中oshp -> SetAttributes,0,new_attr;这里面的0是指实体的索引值,等于entNew.ISHAPE;再加一个吧,就兰州了entNew.BOUNDS = [103.867694,36.048088,0,0,103.867694,36.048088,0,0]new_attr.(0)=2new_attr.(1)="兰州"new_attr.(2)=103.8676new_attr.(3)=36.0480oshp -> PutEntity, entNewoshp -> SetAttributes,1,new_attr;OBJ_DESTROY,oshpprint,"end"End以上是加入点类型的数据,比较简单,来个复杂点的,加两个多边形吧pro writepolygonshapefile="d: estForbidden_City.shp"oshp=obj_new("IDLffshape",shapefile,Entity_type=5,/update);定义实体类型entNew = {IDL_SHAPE_ENTITY}entNew.SHAPE_TYPE = 5;添加坐标coor=[[116.3852041484393,39.9214192520002],$[116.3856922399481,39.91151453640624],$[116.3960721525212,39.9118040463524],$[116.3955102491546,39.92183809311693],$[116.3852041484393,39.9214192520002]]entNew.ISHAPE=0entNew.BOUNDS[0] = min(coor[0,*])entNew.BOUNDS[1] = min(coor[1,*])entNew.BOUNDS[2] = 0.00000000entNew.BOUNDS[3] = 0.00000000entNew.BOUNDS[4] = max(coor[0,*])entNew.BOUNDS[5] = max(coor[1,*])entNew.BOUNDS[6] = 0.00000000entNew.BOUNDS[7] = 0.00000000pvertice=coorentNew.VERTICES=PTR_NEW(pvertice,/no_copy)entNew.N_VERTICES = 5;还要把实体写入到shp对象中oshp -> PutEntity, entNew;加属性;先定义属性表结构oshp->AddAttribute,"id",3,8,PRECISION=0oshp->AddAttribute,"name",7,20,PRECISION=0;获得属性表结构对象new_attr = oshp ->GetAttributes(/ATTRIBUTE_STRUCTURE)new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_0 = 1new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_1 = "river";把属性写入到shp对象中oshp -> SetAttributes,0,new_attr;这里面的0是指实体的索引值,等于entNew.ISHAPEcoor=[[116.3858622895445,39.92099455865304],$[116.3863498312803,39.91211319734286],$[116.3952884054441,39.91246510632352],$[116.3948307781919,39.92118603918453],$[116.3858622895445,39.92099455865304]]entNew.ISHAPE=1entNew.BOUNDS = [min(coor[0,*]),min(coor[1,*]),0,0,max(coor[0,*]),max(coor[1,*]),0,0]pvertice=coorentNew.VERTICES=PTR_NEW(pvertice,/no_copy)entNew.N_VERTICES = (size(coor))[2]entNew.N_Parts=2P_parts=[0,5,9]entNew.Parts=Ptr_new(P_parts,/no_copy);还要把实体写入到shp对象中oshp -> PutEntity, entNew;加属性new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_0 = 1new_attr.ATTRIBUTE_1 = "Forbidden_City";把属性写入到shp对象中oshp -> SetAttributes,1,new_attr;这里面的0是指实体的索引值,等于entNew.ISHAPEobj_destroy,oshpprint,"end"end三、获得完整示例代码行文仓促,文中的代码可能有误,撰写了3个较为完整的示例代码,放在了我的代码库中,感兴趣的话可以到googleCode上下载。下载地址为:个示例代码的名称分别为:readshapefile.prowritepoint.prowritepolygon.pro另外,大家还从该站点获得利用IDL创建aster图像索引图的程序.四、后记用IDL处理矢量数据,始终比较复杂,能够处理的格式也有限。如果跟矢量数据大交道比较多的话,建议尝试Python


1将Excel中点坐标统一成下面图片中所示的格式。步骤阅读2打开ArcGIS 9.3,软件界面如下图。步骤阅读3点击ArcGIS中的"+"号按钮,添加数据。选择第一步中制作好的Excel文件,点击Add按钮添加数据到ArcGIS中。步骤阅读步骤阅读步骤阅读4在Layers图层栏,选择导入的数据表,点击鼠标右键,选择"Data"-"Export...",将Excel表格保存为"*.dbf"文件。步骤阅读步骤阅读5点击"OK",导出*.dbf格式的文件。步骤阅读6这时,在ArcGIS中弹出对话框,询问是否要将"Exprot_Output.dbf"文件导入到ArcGIS视图中,选择"yes"(确定)。步骤阅读步骤阅读7将上面生成的*.dbf 文件在 ArcGIS 中显示出来,并导出为 Shape 文件。选择 Layers 栏中的*.dbf 文件,点击鼠标右键,选择“Display XY Data…” ——选择 X属性列——选择坐标系统——“ OK”。点击 Layers 中生成的图层,点击右键,选择“Data” ——“Export…” 即可导出 shape 件。如下图所示:步骤阅读步骤阅读8选择坐标系统(也可由已有的 shape 文件指定)。如这里选择“Select” ——在弹出的坐标系统选择对话框中选择“World” -“WGS 1984”也可以选择“Import…” ——在弹出的窗口中选择已有的 Shape 文件(要有*.prj 文件)。点击“应用” ——“确定” ——“OK”。步骤阅读9在显示 ArcGIS 中显示 XY 点数据,并注意有一个图层“Export_Ouput Events” 产生。在该图层上右键,“Data”-“Export Data...”,点击“ OK”,这样就生成了一个点 Shape 文件。大功告成。步骤阅读步骤阅读步骤阅读END

surfer 支持shapefile吗




我想知道《卢旺达饭店》中meotor, threshold guardian, trickster, herald, shape shifter 分别指的是谁?


有谁知道cross section shape的中文的意思


高中英语课文中:given the limitations that have shaped your life until now, that 后面是什么成分?

定语从句,that后是定于 修饰限定 the limitations

推荐我些像这个杀手不太冷主题曲Shape of my heart一样经典的歌

The sound of silence--Paul Simonyesterday once more--carpenters i"m on my way--The Proclaimers

和shape of my heart 很像的另一首歌

rise and fall --Craig的歌试试吧..

Shape Of My Heart 在哪部片子用过

豪杰春香 bey bey my love人还在吗,终于找到了

求翻译起来很美的英文歌 类似于sting 的shape of my heart

It"sbeensaidanddone一曲已尽  Everybeautifulthought"sbeenalreadysung曼妙的旋律只空留回音  AndIguessrightnowhere"sanotherone不过现在又有一首天籁响起  Soyourmelodywillplayonandon,你独留的韵律会持续彻响云霄  withbestweown最灿烂最闪亮  Youarebeautiful,有佳人如你  likeadreamcomealive,incredible宛若美梦成真如梦如幻  Acenterfullofmiracle,lyrical幻如奇迹诞生诗情画意  You"vesavedmylifeagain又一次你拯救我于水火之间  AndIwantyoutoknowbaby而我想让你知道  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  AndIkeepitinre-pe-pe-peat总是禁不住按下重复键再次聆听,聆听,聆听  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  AndIkeepitinre-pe-pe-peat总是禁不住按下重复键再次聆听,聆听,聆听  Cursingme,boyyouplayed宝贝,你宛如交响曲  throughmymindlikeasymphony一次一次涤荡着我的心灵  There"snowaytodescribewhatyoudotome你对我的影响无法形容  Youjustdotome,whatyoudo如润物细无声我已深深被吸引  AnditfeelslikeI"vebeenrescued感觉我已获得新生  I"vebeensetfree破茧而出  Iamhyptonizedbyyourdestiny我深深地被你的命运所吸引  Youaremagical,lyrical,beautiful你就是那么不可思议诗情画意帅气动人  Youare你就是我的白马王子  Iwantyoutoknowbaby而我想让你知道  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  AndIkeepitinre-pe-pe-peat总是禁不住按下重复键再次聆听,聆听,聆听  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  AndIkeepitinre-pe-pe-peat总是禁不住按下重复键再次聆听,聆听,聆听  Noonecanpause,Youstandalone无人可以比拟在你面前  toeveryrecordIown别的韵律都黯然失色  Musictomyheartthat"swhatyouare你就是那震撼我心灵的乐章  Asongthatgoesonandon一首永恒不停的乐曲  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  AndIkeepitinre-pe-pe-peat总是禁不住按下重复键再次聆听,聆听,聆听  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  I,Iloveyoulikealovesong,baby我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你  Iloveyou...likealovesong...我像热恋情歌一样热恋着你

sting-Shape of my heart.前奏怎么内么像MJ

伴奏都一样没什么好讲的 被上面的讲完了

麻烦谁推荐我 一些 像shape of my heart 这类的歌曲。谢谢了!

推荐westlife 比如 If i let you go,queen of my heart,my love,mandy,uptowngirl,what makes a man等等

陈旭-边做边爱。前奏有抄袭嫌疑shape of my heart(这个杀手不太冷)


一首和shape of my heart一样不过是黑人说唱的歌曲?

Lucid Dreams - Juice WRLD

有没有像《这个杀手不太冷>片尾曲shape of my heart这样比较伤感的英文歌

1.Long Lost Penpal-hello saferide轻松地慵懒的调调,旋律,真的是....太好听了。让人回忆自己的年少时的美好。词写得很与众不同,是两个笔友间的心灵谈话,从前的事不是欺骗,是一份孤单与爱 love for a day声音很清澈~给人一种夏日恋情的感觉....喜欢后面的假声..不听后悔哦3.letting go一听就喜欢上了!真的啊。是女孩子心事的独白。太喜欢主唱的声音了~空灵!旋律....顺耳极了~4.tears than rain-james blunt这首歌有种触动灵魂的感觉....让人想脱离世俗。我听的时候总觉得像是在细雨中,站在绿油油的榕树下....听听吧...他的歌中数一数二的了!5.the Calendar girl-stars人生的感悟啊....太喜欢词了...旋律也超棒的!最喜欢唱到后面的和声,不是一般的和谐啊!

一首很出名很经典中文歌,KTV经常点,开始和shape of my heart前奏很像,但是后面风格完全不同


这个杀手不太冷片尾曲shape of my heart的前奏很像哪首歌

容祖儿的 独照 吧

shape of my heart中的配乐应该属于音乐中的什么风格?




Shape of My Heart-Sting是什么意思 来个能人 解答下


杀手莱昂主题曲 Shape of my heart的中文歌词

  是不是这两种中的一个啊  1歌曲:这个杀手不太冷  歌手:李泉  这个杀手不太冷李泉  黑暗中放映童话  听见leon低声说话  电影院里有网吧咖啡机  lucbesson悲情城市  到外暗藏无形的枪  呛人的烟味和热阳光  活在底层的枪手  一盆不懂法语的兰花  你敲我的门  让我如何隐身  不问这个杀手冷不冷  这些伤口疼不疼  我不会被人打动  我不会被人击中  我快走在风中  不问这个杀手冷不冷  这些伤口疼不疼  我早已被你打动  我正在被人击中  mathilda mathilda mathilda  每个镜头都有感觉  每颗子弹都会冷却  我相信只有爱是真的  结尾是如此孤独  不如先把你抱住  把天空京戏成蓝色银幕  活在底层的枪手  一盆不懂法语的兰花  你敲我的门  让我如何隐身  2Shape of my heart包括中文翻译  He deals the cards as a meditation  And those he plays never suspect  He doesn"t play for the money he wins  He doesn"t play for respect  He deals the crads to find the answer  The sacred geometry of chance  The hidden loaw of a probable outcome  The numbers lead a dance  I know that the spades are swords of a soldier  I know that the clubs are weapons of war  I know that diamonds mean money for this art  But that"s not the shape of my heart  He may play the jack of diamonds  He may lay the queen of spades  He may conceal a king in his hand  While the memory of it fades  I know that the spades are swords of a soldier  I know that the clubs are weapons of war  I know that diamonds mean money for this art  But that"s not the shape of my heart  And if I told you that I loved you  You"d maybe think there"s something wrong  I"m not a man of too many faces  The mask I wear is one  Those who speak know nothing  And find out to their cost  Like those who curse their luck in too many places  And those who fear are lost  I know that the spades are swords of a soldier  I know that the clubs are weapons of war  I know that diamonds mean money for this art  But that"s not the shape of my heart  他玩牌的样子似在冥想  从未有人怀疑他的智商  他并非要赢得金钱  也不是为了人们的敬赏  他只想找到一个答案  那神秘的几何概率  那无法预料的结果  各种法则在数字下隐藏  我知道黑桃代表卫兵的剑  我知道梅花是战争的炮枪  我知道钻石象征着财富  但是我的红心,我的心它没有形状  他可以打出钻石王子  他可以打出黑桃皇后  他可以隐藏手中那张国王  而那些回忆,逐渐的逐渐的消亡  我知道黑桃代表卫兵的剑  我知道梅花是战争的炮枪  我知道钻石象征着财富  但是那并非我心的形状  并非我心的形状  如果我告诉你我爱你  你也许会觉得不适应吧  我并非多重性格的男子  我所有的只是这一副面具  妄言的人无知  他们为此付出了代价  好像那些反复诅咒自己命运的人  他们脸上失去了阳光  我知道黑桃代表卫兵的剑  我知道梅花是战争的炮枪  我知道钻石象征着财富  但是那并非我心的形状  并非我心的形状

男朋友推荐shape of my heart是什么意思


那里有下载后街男孩的 Shape Of My Heart ??


推荐点像“Shape Of My Heart”这样的经典老歌~~~

unbreak my heartThe Corrs的蛮多歌。。don"t say you love me 等等

《Shape Of My Heart》的歌词翻译(中英文对照)

Sting中文翻译 He deals the cards as a meditation 他出牌前沉思冥想 And those he plays never suspect 对出的每一张牌都很有把握 He doesn"t play for the money he wins 他不是为了赢钱而玩牌 He don"t play for respect 也不是为了获得尊重 He deals the cards to find the answer 他出牌是为了找寻答案 The sacred geometry of chance 找寻幸运的神圣机率 The hidden law of a probable outcome 在胜利后面隐藏着一种规则 The numbers lead a dance 那些数字在领舞 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑 I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器 I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱 But that"s not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状 He may play the jack of diamonds 他可以出方块J He may lay the queen of spades 他可以出黑桃Q He may conceal a king in his hand 他可以使小花招藏起K While the memory of it fades 接着真的忘了自己有K I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑 I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器 I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱 But that"s not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状 And if I told you that I loved you 如果我告诉你我爱你 You"d maybe think there"s something wrong 你可能会觉得不妥 I"m not a man of too many faces 我不是多面派 The mask I wear is one 我只有一张面具 Well, those who speak know nothin"好吧,那些发言的人其实什么也不知道 And find out to their cost 他们最终会付出代价 Like those who curse their luck in too many places 就像有些人到处说自己不幸 And those who fear are lost还有那些退缩的人,他们都已迷失 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑 I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器 I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱 But that"s not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状 That"s not the shape, the shape of my heart 那不是我心的形状。。心的形状 That"s not the shape, the shape of my heart 那不是我心的形状。。心的形状

谁可以帮我翻译back street boys 的“shape of my heart"?

我的心的形状.PS 这歌不是STING的吗?

The shape of my heart 歌词

歌曲名:The shape of my heart歌手:辛宝儿专辑:等待hiding from the rain and snowtrying to forget but i won t let golooking at a crowded streetlistening to my own heart beatso many peopleall around the worldtell me where do i findsomeone like you girltake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand before i m oldshow me what love ishaven t got a clueshow me that wonders can be truethey say nothing lasts foreverwe re only here todaylove is now or neverbring me far awaytake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand and hold meshow me what love isbe my guiding starit s easy take me to your heartstanding on a mountain highlooking at the moon through a clear blue skyi should go and see some friendsbut they don t really comprehenddon t need too much talkingwithout saying anythingall i need is someone

Shape of My Heart歌词的中文意思


请问谁有后街男孩的shape of my heart 的中英对照歌词?


shape of my heart这首英文歌的中文意思?拜托了各位 谢谢

翻译过来就是 心的形状 -----新好男孩合唱团 宝贝,请试著原谅我 留在这儿,别让热情熄灭 拥抱我,如果你不介意 如果每一分钟都使我更虚弱 你可以拯救我,使我不至於那样 回顾过去的所作所为 我一直想出人头地 演好自己的角色 却将你留在黑暗中 现在,让你看看我心的形状 悲伤是美丽的 寂寞是可悲的 那麼,治愈我 我无法赢得这场战争 触摸我,如果你不介意 如果每一秒都使我更虚弱 你可以拯救我,使我不至於那样 我在此表白 再也无所掩饰 我不知道该从何开始 除了让你看看我心的形状 回想著过去的所作所为 绝对不再重蹈覆辙 或把你留在黑暗中 现在,让你看看我心的形状采纳哦

谁有the shape of my heart 的英文歌词?

Shape Of My Heart 我心的花色歌手:Sting 歌词:Sting & Dommic Miller 电影:《这个杀手不太冷》(1994) He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn"t play for the money he wins He doesn"t play for the respect He deals the cards to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden law of probable outcome The numbers lead a dance I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the queen of spades He may conceal a king in his hand While the memory of it fades I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart That"s not the shape, the shape of my heart And if I told you that I loved you You"d maybe think there"s something wrong I"m not a man of too many faces The mask I wear is one Those who speak know nothing And find out to their cost Like those who curse their luck in too many places And those who smile are lost I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart That"s not the shape of my heart 他若有所思地玩牌 他打牌从不迟疑 他打牌不是为了赢钱 也不为赢得尊重 他打牌是为了寻找答案 那神圣的几何变化 那可能出现的隐藏法则 牌的点数在跳舞 我知道黑桃是战士的剑 我知道梅花是战争的武器 我知道方块是牌艺的钱 但那不是我心的花色 他可能出张方块杰克 他可能出张黑桃皇后 他可能藏一张王在手里 但那不是我心的花色 当一切记忆凋谢 我知道黑桃是战士的剑 我知道梅花是战争的武器 我知道方块是牌艺的钱 但那不是我心的花色 如果我告诉你我曾爱你 你会想一切都弄错了 我不是有很多面孔的那种男人我的面具只有一张 那些说话的人什么也不知道 最后才发现要为此付出代价 就像那些在太多场合诅咒命运的人 和那些微笑的人是失落的 我知道黑桃是战士的剑 我知道梅花是战争的武器 我知道方块是牌艺的钱 但那不是我心的花色

谁有the shape of my heart 的英文歌词

Shape Of My HeartStingHe deals the cards as a meditationAnd those he plays never suspectHe doesn"t play for the money he winsHe doesn"t play for respectHe deals the cards to find the answerThe sacred geometery of chanceThe hidden law of a probable outcomeThe numbers lead a danceI know that the spades are swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartHe may play the jack of diamondsHe may lay the queen of spadesHe may conseal a king in his handWhile the memory of it fadesI know that the spades are swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that the diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartBut that"s not the shape,shape of my heartAnd if i told you that i loved youYou"d maybe think there"s something wrongI"m not a man of too many facesThe mask i wear is oneThose who speak know nothingAnd find out to their costLike those who curse their luck in too many placesAre those who fear a lostI know that the spades are swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartBut that"s not the shape of my heartThats not the shape,shape of my heart


Shape of My Heart 歌手:Sting 歌词:Sting & Dommic Miller  电影:《这个杀手不太冷》(1994)  He deals the cards as a meditation 他玩牌的时候似乎在冥思  And those he plays never suspect 他的对手从来没有怀疑过这点  He doesn"t play for the money he wins 他玩牌并非为了赢得金钱  He doesn"t play for the respect 也不是为了得到人们的尊重  He deals the cards to find the answer 他玩牌只是为了得到答案  The sacred geometry of chance 那些神秘的几何概率  The hidden law of probable outcome 那可能结果中隐藏的法则  The numbers lead a dance 数字如同引出一场舞蹈  I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道那些黑桃犹如士兵的剑  I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道那些草花是战争的武器  I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道那些方块意味着财富  But that"s not the shape of my heart 但那不是我的“心”的形状  He may play the jack of diamonds 他可能会出一张方块J  He may lay the queen of spades 也可能会下一张黑桃Q  He may conceal a king in his hand 也可能手里藏了一张K  While the memory of it fades 而这些记忆,在渐渐地消亡  I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道那些黑桃犹如士兵的剑  I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道那些草花是战争的武器  I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道那些方块意味着财富  But that"s not the shape of my heart 但那不是我的“心”的形状  That"s not the shape, the shape of my heart 那不是我的“心”的形状  And if I told you that I loved you 如果我告诉你我爱你  You"d maybe think there"s something wrong 或许你会觉得那不是真的  I"m not a man of too many faces 我并非一个多面多变的男人  The mask I wear is one 我始终戴着这唯一一副面具  Those who speak know nothing 那些妄言的人其实是无知的  And find out to their cost 他们一定会为此付出代价  Like those who curse the ir luck in too many places 就像那些到处诅咒命运的人  And those who fear a lost 和那些笑着但其实是输家的人  I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道那些黑桃犹如士兵的剑  I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道那些草花是战争的武器  I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道那些方块意味着财富  But that"s not the shape of my heart 但那不是我的“心”的形状  That"s not the shape of my heart 那不是我的“心”的形状

Shape Of My Heart全部歌词(英语)


谁有the shape of my heart 的英文歌词

hiding from the rain and snowtrying to forget but i won t let golooking at a crowded streetlistening to my own heart beatso many peopleall around the worldtell me where do i findsomeone like you girltake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand before i m oldshow me what love ishaven t got a clueshow me that wonders can be truethey say nothing lasts foreverwe re only here todaylove is now or neverbring me far awaytake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand and hold meshow me what love isbe my guiding starit s easy take me to your heartstanding on a mountain highlooking at the moon through a clear blue skyi should go and see some friendsbut they don t really comprehenddon t need too much talkingwithout saying anythingall i need is someonetake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand before i m oldshow me what love ishaven t got a clueshow me that wonders can be truethey say nothing lasts foreverwe re only here todaylove is now or neverbring me far awaytake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand and hold meshow me what love isbe my guiding starit s easy take me to your hearttake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand and hold meshow me what love isbe my guiding starit s easy take me to your heart

Shape Of My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Shape Of My Heart歌手:Noah And The Whale专辑:Noah And The WhaleHmm, yeah, yeahBaby, please try to forgive meStay here don"t put out the glowHold me now don"t botherIf every minute it makes me weakerYou can save me from the man that I"ve becomeOh yeahLookin" back on the things I"ve doneI was tryin" to be someoneI played my part, kept you in the darkNow let me show you the shape of my heartSend in this beautiful loneliness that"s tragicalSo help me I can"t win this warOh noTouch me now don"t botherIf every second it makes me weakerYou can save me from the man I"ve becomeI"m here with my confessionGot nothing to hide no moreI don"t know where to startBut to show you the shape of my heartI"m lookin" back on things I"ve doneI never wanna play the same old partI"ll keep you in the darkshow you the shape of my heart

shape of my heart的歌词


shape of my heart这首英文歌的中文意思?


shape of my heart 的歌词 Sting唱的

Shape of My Heart by StingHe deals the cards as a meditationAnd those he plays never suspectHe doesn"t play for the money he winsHe doesn"t play for the respectHe deals the cards to find the answer The sacred geometry of chanceThe hidden law of probable outcomeThe numbers lead a danceI know that the spades are the swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartHe may play the jack of diamondsHe may lay the queen of spadesHe may conceal a king in his handWhile the memory of it fadesI know that the spades are the swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartThat"s not the shape, the shape of my heartAnd if I told you that I loved youYou"d maybe think there"s something wrongI"m not a man of too many facesThe mask I wear is oneThose who speak know nothingAnd find out to their costLike those who curse their luck in too many placesAnd those who fear are lostI know that the spades are the swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heart That"s not the shape of my heartThat"s not the shape, the shape of my heart

Shape of My Heart的创作背景

Shape of My Heart(我的心意)也是后街男孩收录在专辑Black & Blue中的一首歌曲,且此曲被认定为后街男孩五人时代时的代表作之一,而被收录至后街男孩的第一张官方精选集《The Hits - Chapter One》

求shape of my heart歌词中文谐音

He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn"t play for the money he wins He doesn"t play for respect He deals the crads to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden loaw of a probable outcome The numbers lead a dance I know that the spades are swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the queen of spades He may conceal a king in his hand While the memory of it fades I know that the spades are swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart And if I told you that I loved you You"d maybe think there"s something wrong I"m not a man of too many faces The mask I wear is one Those who speak know nothing And find out to their cost Like those who curse their luck in too many places And those who fear are lost I know that the spades are swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart 他玩牌的样子似在冥想 从未有人怀疑他的智商 他并非要赢得金钱 也不是为了人们的敬赏 他只想找到一个答案 那神秘的几何概率 那无法预料的结果 各种法则在数字下隐藏 我知道黑桃代表卫兵的剑 我知道梅花是战争的炮枪 我知道钻石象征着财富 但是我的红心,我的心它没有形状 他可以打出钻石王子 他可以打出黑桃皇后 他可以隐藏手中那张国王 而那些回忆,逐渐的逐渐的消亡 我知道黑桃代表卫兵的剑 我知道梅花是战争的炮枪 我知道钻石象征着财富 但是那并非我心的形状 并非我心的形状 如果我告诉你我爱你 你也许会觉得不适应吧 我并非多重性格的男子 我所有的只是这一副面具 妄言的人无知 他们为此付出了代价 好像那些反复诅咒自己命运的人 他们脸上失去了阳光 我知道黑桃代表卫兵的剑 我知道梅花是战争的炮枪 我知道钻石象征着财富 但是那并非我心的形状 并非我心的形状

后街男孩Shape of My Heart 歌词翻译


shape of my heart 歌词翻译成中文

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: Hmm, yeah, yeah Baby, please try to five me Stay here don"t put out the glow Hold me now don"t bother If every minute it makes me weaker You can save me from the man that I"ve bee Oh yeah Lookin" back on the things I"ve done I was tryin" to be someone I played my part, kept you in the dark Now let me show you the shape of my heart Send in this beautiful loneliness that"s tragical So help me I can"t win this war Oh no Touch me now don"t bother If every second it makes me weaker You can save me from the man I"ve bee I"m here with my confession Got nothing to hide no more I don"t know where to start But to show you the shape of my heart I"m lookin" back on things I"ve done I never wanna play the same old part I"ll keep you in the dark show you the shape of my heart 解析: Shape of my heart -----Backstreet Boys Baby, please try to five me Stay here, don"t put out the glow Hold me now, don"t bother If every minute it makes me weaker You can save me from the man that I bee *Looking back on the things I"ve done I was trying to be someone And played my part Kept you in the dark Now let me show you the shape of my heart Sadness is beautiful Loneliness is tragical So heal me I can"t win this war Touch me now, don"t bother If every second it makes me weaker You can save me from the man I"ve bee(*) I"m here with my confession Got nothing to hide no more I don"t know where to start But to show you the shape of my heart I"m looking back on things I"ve done I never want to play the same old part Or keep you in the dark Now let me show you the shape of my heart(*) 心的形状 -----新好男孩合唱团 宝贝,请试著原谅我 留在这儿,别让热情熄灭 拥抱我,如果你不介意 如果每一分钟都使我更虚弱 你可以拯救我,使我不至于那样 回顾过去的所作所为 我一直想出人头地 演好自己的角色 却将你留在黑暗中 现在,让你看看我心的形状 悲伤是美丽的 寂寞是可悲的 那么,治愈我 我无法赢得这场战争 触摸我,如果你不介意 如果每一秒都使我更虚弱 你可以拯救我,使我不至于那样 我在此表白 再也无所掩饰 我不知道该从何开始 除了让你看看我心的形状 回想着过去的所作所为 绝对不再重蹈覆辙 或把你留在黑暗中 现在,让你看看我心的形状

谁知道shape of my heart 这首歌是那个电影的主题曲?

Shape Of My Heart 歌手:Sting

Shape Of My Heart 歌词

Shape of my heart歌词[Shape of my heart`] [Backstreet Boys] [Black and Blue] [Rige] 此歌词是由网友Rige制作。 Baby,please try to forgive me Stay here,don"t put out the glow Hold me now,don"t bother If every minute it makes me weaker You can save me from the man that I"ve become,oh yeah Looking back on the things I"ve done I was trying to be someone I played my part and kept you in the dark Now let me show you the shape of my heart Sadness is beautiful loneliness is tragicai So help me I can"t win this war,oh no Touch me now,don"t bother If every second it makes me weaker You can save me form the man I"ve become I"m here with my confession Got nothing to hide no more I don"t know where to start But to show you the shape of my heart I"m looking back on things I"ve done I never want to play the same old part Or keep you in the dark Now let me show you the shape of my heart Show you the shape of my heartShape of my heart歌词

Shape Of My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Shape Of My Heart歌手:John Tesh专辑:Grand Piano RomanceBaby,please try to forgive meStay here,don"t put out the glowHold me now,don"t botherIf every minute it makes me weakerYou can save me from the man that I"ve become,oh yeahLooking back on the things I"ve doneI was trying to be someoneI played my part and kept you in the darkNow let me show you the shape of my heartSadness is beautifulloneliness is tragicaiSo help me I can"t win this war,oh noTouch me now,don"t botherIf every second it makes me weakerYou can save me form the man I"ve becomeI"m here with my confessionGot nothing to hide no moreI don"t know where to startBut to show you the shape of my heartI"m looking back on things I"ve doneI never want to play the same old partOr keep you in the darkNow let me show you the shape of my heartShow you the shape of my heart

shape of my heart 这首歌的歌词中文意思是什么??

Hmm, yeah, yeahBaby, please try to forgive me宝贝,请试着原谅我Stay here don"t put out the glow呆在这儿,不要失去热情Hold me now don"t bother 抓紧我,不要困扰If every minute it makes me weaker在我虚弱的每分钟You can save me from the man that I"ve become你可以把我变回原来,将我拯救Oh yeahLookin" back on the things I"ve done看看我以前做的事情I was tryin" to be someone我想起了你I played my part, kept you in the dark我扮演着我的角色,在黄昏留下你Now let me show you the shape of my heart现在让我告诉你我的心Send in this beautiful loneliness that"s tragical悲伤是美的 孤单是悲伤的So help me I can"t win this war请帮帮我,我赢不了Oh noTouch me now don"t bother现在靠近我,不要困扰If every second it makes me weaker在我虚弱的每一秒You can save me from the man I"ve become你可以把我变回原来,将我拯救Lookin" back on the things I"ve done看看我以前做的事情I was tryin" to be someone我想起了你I played my part, kept you in the dark我扮演着我的角色,在黄昏留下你Now let me show you the shape of my heart现在让我告诉你我的心I"m here with my confession我在这里承认Got nothing to hide no more什么也不会隐藏了I don"t know where to start 我不知道从哪儿开始But to show you the shape of my heart除了向你表明我的心I"m lookin" back on things I"ve done 我想着过去做的事I never wanna play the same old part我不再想扮演相同的角色I"ll keep you in the dark在黄昏将你留下Now let me show you the shape of my heart现在让我告诉你我的心Lookin" back on the things I"ve done看看我以前做的事情I was tryin" to be someone我想起了你I played my part, kept you in the dark我扮演着我的角色,在黄昏留下你Now let me show you the shape of my heart现在让我告诉你我的心Lookin" back on the things I"ve done看看我以前做的事情I was tryin" to be someone我想起了你I played my part, kept you in the dark我扮演着我的角色,在黄昏留下你Now let me show you the shape of my heart现在让我告诉你我的心show you the shape of my heart向你表明我的心迹

shape of my heart什么意思

你好。shape of my heart翻译成中文是:我的心的形状。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

shape of my heart 歌词什么意思

Shape of My Heart (我心之花色|我心之形) 歌手:Sting歌词:Sting & Dommic MillerShape of My Heart(8张)电影《这个杀手不太冷》(1994)的主题曲(片尾曲)版本一:(佚名 译)He deals the cards as a meditation他玩纸牌时似乎在冥想And those he plays never suspect他的对手从来没有怀疑过这点He doesn"t play for the money he wins他玩牌并非为了赢得金钱He doesn"t play for respect也不是为了得到人们的尊重He deals the cards to find the answer他在牌局中寻觅答案The sacred geometry of chance寻觅神秘的几何概率The hidden law of probable outcome那可能的结果中隐藏的法则The numbers lead a dance牌局中数字决定了一切(字面意思:数字如同引出一场舞蹈)I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier我明白黑桃如士兵手握的利剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war梅花似战场轰鸣的炮枪I know that diamonds mean money for this art牌局艺术里方块便若到手的金钱(字面意思:我知道那些方块意味着财富)But that"s not the shape of my heart但这决不是红桃的形状(字面意思:但那皆非我心之形)He may play the jack of diamonds他可能会出方块JHe may lay the queen of spades又或许他会下注黑桃QHe may conceal a king in his hand也可能手里藏了一张KWhile the memory of it fades然而同局者终将遗忘这张牌(而这些记忆终将消褪)重唱:I know that the spades are the swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartThat"s not the shape, the shape of my heartAnd if I told you that I loved you如果我对你说我爱你You"d maybe think there"s something wrong你会有些许困惑I"m not a man of too many faces我并不是善变的人The mask I wear is one我的面具 始终如一Those who speak know nothing多言的牌手一无所知(那些多言而无知的人们啊)And find out to their cost斤斤计较眼前得失(他们一定会为此付出代价)Like those who curse their luck in too many places就像那些到处诅咒命运的人And those who fear lost和那些害怕失去一切的人重唱:I know that the spades are the swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartThat"s not the shape, the shape of my heart注:sting在这里双重使用“heart”,heart既有“心”的意思也有“红桃”的意思。一词双关,歌词写得何其精彩!版本二:(蓝子湛 译)He deals the cards as a meditationAnd those he plays never suspectHe doesn"t play for the money he winsHe doesn"t play for respect他出牌时冥想沉思他的对手从未怀疑他玩牌不为赢取金钱也不为收获敬意He deals the cards to find the answerThe secret geometry of chanceThe hidden law of probable outcomeThe numbers lead a dance他在牌局中寻找答案神秘莫测的几何概率可能结果的隐藏法则数据引思维翩翩起舞I know that the spades are the swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that the diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heart我知道黑桃是士兵手中刃我知道梅花是战争之兵器我知道方块意味着这棋局艺术里的财富但那不是我要的红桃(但那并非我心之形)He may play the jack of diamondsHe may lay the queen of spadesHe may conceal a king in his handWhile the memory of it fades他也许会出方块J他可能下注黑桃Q又或者 他会藏起手中的K而同局者将它遗忘I know that the spades are the swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartThat"s not the shape, the shape of my heart我知道黑桃是士兵手中刃我知道梅花是战争之兵器我知道方块意味着这棋局艺术里的财富但那不是我要的红桃(但那并非我心之形)那不是我要的红桃(那并非我心之形)And if I told you that I loved youYou"d maybe think there"s something wrongI"m not a man of too many facesThe mask I wear is one如果我说我爱你你也许觉得不对劲我并不是多面的人啊我的面具始终如一Those who speak know nothingAnd find out to their costLike those who curse their luck in too many placesAnd those who fear lost多言的牌手却一无所知只是斤斤计较自己得失正如到处咒骂自己背运的人还有胆小如鼠害怕输局的人I know that the spades are the swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartBut that"s not the shape of my heartThat"s not the shape, the shape of my heart我知道黑桃是士兵手中刃我知道梅花是战争之兵器我知道方块意味着这棋局艺术里的财富但那不是我要的红桃(但那并非我心之形)但那不是我要的红桃(但那并非我心之形)那不是我要的红桃(那并非我心之形)

Shape of my heart的歌词及其中文翻译

《心之形》歌词他把玩纸牌当作一种自我冥想毫无疑问他是个出色的牌手他从来不为金钱去玩纸牌,但他总能够赢他也不是为了赢得尊敬或者荣誉去玩他只是为了找到一个答案为了找到那个关于一个庄严而神圣的几何图形的答案 (为了找到 自己的 心 的形状)那个遵循一个隐藏的运算法则且出现的概率微乎其微的答案纸牌上的数字跳起了舞,(为了找到这个答案,无休止的数字游戏,但他仍乐此不疲)我知道黑桃是战士手上的剑, (我知道黑桃是牌手重要棋子)我知道梅花也是战争的武器, (我知道梅花也是牌手另一张王牌)我还知道在这纸牌艺术里方块意味着赢得金钱;但这都不是我的 心 的 形状。。。他手中握着一张“方块J”在后面压着一张“黑桃Q”他最后还藏着一张“老K”但这些记忆已经渐渐淡去。。。(重复歌词)如果我告诉你我爱你你可能会以为哪里出毛病了其实我不是一个有多重身份而深藏不露的人我的面具只有一个其他那些说话的人他们什么也不知道而且要想知道就要付出代价代价就象他们的运气都会在某些时间某些地点受到诅咒还有那些害怕我的人也会失败我知道黑桃是战士手上的剑, (我知道黑桃是牌手重要棋子)我知道梅花是战争的武器, (我知道梅花也是牌手另一张王牌)我还知道在这纸牌艺术里方块意味着赢得金钱;但这都不是我 心 的 形状。。。He deals the cards as a meditationAnd those he plays never suspectHe doesn"t play for the money he winsHe doesn"t play for respectHe deals the crads to find the answerThe sacred geometry of chanceThe hidden law of a probable outcomeThe numbers lead a danceI know that the spades are swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartHe may play the jack of diamondsHe may lay the queen of spadesHe may conceal a king in his handWhile the memory of it fadesI know that the spades are swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartAnd if I told you that I loved youYou"d maybe think there"s something wrongI"m not a man of too many facesThe mask I wear is oneThose who speak know nothingAnd find out to their costLike those who curse their luck in too many placesAnd those who fear are lostI know that the spades are swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heart

shape of my heart什么意思?

歌曲:Shape of my heart中文名:我心之花色、我心之形歌手:Sting歌词:Sting & Dommic Miller电影《这个杀手不太冷》(1994)的主题曲(片尾曲)歌词:He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn"t play for the money he wins He doesn"t play for respect He deals the crads to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden loaw of a probable outcome The numbers lead a dance I know that the spades are swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the queen of spades He may conceal a king in his hand While the memory of it fades I know that the spades are swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart And if I told you that I loved you You"d maybe think there"s something wrong I"m not a man of too many faces The mask I wear is one Those who speak know nothing And find out to their cost Like those who curse their luck in too many places And those who fear are lost I know that the spades are swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart 他玩牌的样子似在冥想 从未有人怀疑他的智商 他并非要赢得金钱 也不是为了人们的敬赏 他只想找到一个答案 那神秘的几何概率 那无法预料的结果 各种法则在数字下隐藏 我知道黑桃代表卫兵的剑 我知道梅花是战争的炮枪 我知道钻石象征着财富 但是我的红心,我的心它没有形状 他可以打出钻石王子 他可以打出黑桃皇后 他可以隐藏手中那张国王 而那些回忆,逐渐的逐渐的消亡 我知道黑桃代表卫兵的剑 我知道梅花是战争的炮枪 我知道钻石象征着财富 但是那并非我心的形状 并非我心的形状 如果我告诉你我爱你 你也许会觉得不适应吧 我并非多重性格的男子 我所有的只是这一副面具 妄言的人无知 他们为此付出了代价 好像那些反复诅咒自己命运的人 他们脸上失去了阳光 我知道黑桃代表卫兵的剑 我知道梅花是战争的炮枪 我知道钻石象征着财富 但是那并非我心的形状 并非我心的形状

以前听过sting一首歌,曲调和SHAPE OF MY HEART差不多,好像歌词里面也有一句是“the shape of my heart”

是 every breath you take ???还是Fields Of Gold?

有一首韩国歌,男的唱的,曲调特别像shape of my heart,但是节奏感比较强,求歌名和歌手

是韩剧《杀了我治愈我》的歌曲叫 幻听(ud658uccad)

歌曲《shape of my heart》是属于什么风格的?

bu zen me yang

shape of my heart和外面的世界前奏为什么一样 这是一个吉他常用的调子吗还是什么?求


谁知道Sting的那首shape of my heart的背景知识?

《这个杀手不太冷》的主题曲He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn"t play for the money he wins He don"t play for respect He deals the cards to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden law of a probable outcome The numbers lead a dance I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the queen of spades He may conceal a king in his hand While the memory of it fades I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart That"s not the shape......the shape of my heartAnd if I told you that I loved you You"d maybe think there"s something wrong I"m not a man of too many faces The mask I wear is one Well, those who speak know nothin" And find out to their cost Like those who curse their luck in too many places And those who fear are lost I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart That"s not the shape of my heart That"s not the shape......the shape of my heart

shape of my heart 歌曲评析


Shape of My Heart的介绍

《Shape of My Heart》是后街男孩(Backstreet Boys)于2000年年底发行的新单曲,是《Black & Blue》专辑的首支单曲。这支单曲刚刚推出便在美国40个电台被点播171次;曾经斩获美国Billboard Hot 100第9位的好成绩。后街男孩经典作品之一。《Black & Blue》专辑也是后街男孩(Backstreet Boys)于2000年底发行的第四张录音室专辑。专辑发行首周在美国售出160万张,使他们成为连续两张专辑发行首周销量过百万的团体。这张专辑一周内在全球销量超过500万张,再次创新吉尼斯世界纪录,在Billboard专辑榜上保持冠军数周。直至2001年该专辑在全球狂卖了2000多万张。

《这个杀手不太冷》主题曲《shape of my heart》什么意思

昨天下午刚在电影频道看过一遍《这个杀手不太冷》 让 雷诺 还真是有型 看着片尾,她独立一人捧着LEON的那盆植物,歌声突然响起,心中突然百感交集。那盆植物叫做“银色万年青” 导演选这种植物 想必是有意义的。废话少说 歌词如下shape of my heart 我心的形状He deals the cards as a meditation 他小心翼翼地出牌And those he plays never suspect 对手丝毫没有察觉He doesn"t play for the money he wins 他并不是为了赢钱He doesn"t play for the respect 也不是为了赢得对手的尊敬He deals the cards to find the answer 他是为了寻找答案The sacred geometry of chance 那神圣的几何概率The hidden law of probable outcome 各种可能的结果中暗含的法则The numbers lead a dance 数字在翩然起舞I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的利剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道梅花是战争的武器I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我明白方片在这游戏中意味着金钱But that"s not the shape of my heart 但这不是我心的形状He may play the jack of diamonds 他也许会出方片杰克He may lay the queen of spades 他也许会出黑桃皇后He may conceal a king in his hand 他可能在手中藏着一张王While the memory of it fades 而那些记忆一点点淡去 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的利剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道梅花是战争的武器I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我明白方片在这游戏中意味着金钱But that"s not the shape of my heart 但这不是我心的形状That"s not the shape, the shape of my heart 这不是,不是我心的形状And if I told you that I loved you 如果我告诉你我爱你You"d maybe think there"s something wrong 你也许会认为是出了什么事I"m not a man of too many faces 我不是一个有太多面孔的男人The mask I wear is one 我的面具只有一个Those who speak know nothing 妄言的人无知And find out to their cost 他们为此付出了代价Like those who curse their luck in too many places 正如那些无处不诅咒自己运气的人And those who fear a lost 内心恐惧的人早已迷失I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的利剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道梅花是战争的武器I know that diamonds mean money for this art我明白方片在这游戏中意味着金钱But that"s not the shape of my heart 但这不是我心的形状That"s not the shape of my heart 这不是我心的形状

shape of my heart 歌曲评析

一直没有听完整得听懂它的歌词,却每每因为那句反复低吟得shape of my heart而心颤不已。再配上Sting招牌式的沙哑歌喉低声浅吟,哪里还有招架之力? that is notshape of my heart,那不是我的心的形状,我的心是什么形状?小小得一颗心里面要住下人,且应该是很多的人的,还要给每个人摆一个合适的位置,人来人往,不知何时才能安定下来。如果有可能,愿意去看一看,椰子中是否有谁曾经留下了一颗眼泪。 sting的声音很有磁性,略带沙哑,听的我心颤,shape of my heart,曲中的口琴配合的恰到好处,让我仿佛感觉我在下雨的晚上一人撑伞走在巴黎的街道上一样,有点难过,找不到方向,我的心是什么形状的?爱极了里面的口琴声其实不知道自己的心到底是怎样的,只是一遍遍的唱,that"s not the shape of my heart,that"s not the shape of my heart...

shape of my heart的歌词的中文白字

He deals the cards as a meditation 他出牌前沉思冥想 And those he plays never suspect 对出的每一张牌都很有把握 He doesn"t play for the money he wins 他不是为了赢钱而玩牌 He don"t play for respect 也不是为了获得尊重 He deals the cards to find the answer 他出牌是为了找寻答案 The sacred geometry of chance 找寻幸运的神圣机率 The hidden law of a probable outcome 在胜利后面隐藏着一种规则 The numbers lead a dance 那些数字在领舞 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑 I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器 I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱 But that"s not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状 He may play the jack of diamonds 他可以出方块J He may lay the queen of spades 他可以出黑桃Q He may conceal a king in his hand 他可以使小花招藏起K While the memory of it fades 接着真的忘了自己有K I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑 I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器 I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱 But that"s not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状 And if I told you that I loved you 如果我告诉你我爱你 You"d maybe think there"s something wrong 你可能会觉得不妥 I"m not a man of too many faces 我不是多面派 The mask I wear is one 我只有一张面具 Well, those who speak know nothin"好吧,那些发言的人其实什么也不知道 And find out to their cost 他们最终会付出代价 Like those who curse their luck in too many places 就像有些人到处说自己不幸 And those who fear are lost还有那些退缩的人,他们都已迷失 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑 I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器 I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱 But that"s not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状 That"s not the shape, the shape of my heart 那不是我心的形状。。心的形状 That"s not the shape, the shape of my heart 那不是我心的形状。。心的形状

《这个杀手不太冷》主题曲《shape of my heart》什么意思

昨天下午刚在电影频道看过一遍《这个杀手不太冷》 让 雷诺 还真是有型 看着片尾,她独立一人捧着LEON的那盆植物,歌声突然响起,心中突然百感交集。那盆植物叫做“银色万年青” 导演选这种植物 想必是有意义的。废话少说 歌词如下shape of my heart 我心的形状He deals the cards as a meditation 他小心翼翼地出牌And those he plays never suspect 对手丝毫没有察觉He doesn"t play for the money he wins 他并不是为了赢钱He doesn"t play for the respect 也不是为了赢得对手的尊敬He deals the cards to find the answer 他是为了寻找答案The sacred geometry of chance 那神圣的几何概率The hidden law of probable outcome 各种可能的结果中暗含的法则The numbers lead a dance 数字在翩然起舞I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的利剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道梅花是战争的武器I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我明白方片在这游戏中意味着金钱But that"s not the shape of my heart 但这不是我心的形状He may play the jack of diamonds 他也许会出方片杰克He may lay the queen of spades 他也许会出黑桃皇后He may conceal a king in his hand 他可能在手中藏着一张王While the memory of it fades 而那些记忆一点点淡去 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的利剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道梅花是战争的武器I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我明白方片在这游戏中意味着金钱But that"s not the shape of my heart 但这不是我心的形状That"s not the shape, the shape of my heart 这不是,不是我心的形状And if I told you that I loved you 如果我告诉你我爱你You"d maybe think there"s something wrong 你也许会认为是出了什么事I"m not a man of too many faces 我不是一个有太多面孔的男人The mask I wear is one 我的面具只有一个Those who speak know nothing 妄言的人无知And find out to their cost 他们为此付出了代价Like those who curse their luck in too many places 正如那些无处不诅咒自己运气的人And those who fear a lost 内心恐惧的人早已迷失I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的利剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道梅花是战争的武器I know that diamonds mean money for this art我明白方片在这游戏中意味着金钱But that"s not the shape of my heart 但这不是我心的形状That"s not the shape of my heart 这不是我心的形状

shape of my heart 的译文


Shape of My Heart的歌词

Hmm, yeah, yeahBaby, please try to forgive me请原谅我Stay here don"t put out the glow留下来,不要放弃你的热情Hold me now don"t bother抱着我,不必烦恼If every minute it makes me weaker如果我渐渐弱去You can save me from the man that I"ve become(惟有)你可以将我拯救Oh yeahLookin" back on the things I"ve done回望我过去的种种I was tryin" to be someone从前我想要改变自己I played my part, kept you in the dark我自导自演,没让你看见真实的我Now let me show you the shape of my heart但现在我要向你表明我的心意Sadness is beautiful and loneliness is tragical哀伤显得优美,孤独有如一出悲剧So help me I can"t win this war拯救我吧,这场战争我不可能胜利Oh noTouch me now don"t bother贴近我,不必烦恼If every second it makes me weaker如果我渐渐弱去You can save me from the man that I"ve become(惟有)你可以将我拯救Lookin" back on the things I"ve doneI was tryin" to be someoneI played my part, kept you in the darkNow let me show you the shape of my heartI"m here with my confession我就在这里坦白Got nothing to hide no more再也不作任何隐瞒了I don"t know where to start不知道如何开口But to show you the shape of my heart只好直接向你表明我的心意I"m lookin" back on things I"ve done我回望过去的种种I never wanna play the same old part我不想继续作秀Or keep you in the dark不想继续对你隐瞒Now let me show you the shape of my heart现在让我向你表明我的心意(重唱)Lookin" back on the things I"ve doneI was tryin" to be someoneI played my part, kept you in the darkNow let me show you the shape of my heartLookin" back on the things I"ve doneI was tryin" to be someoneI played my part, kept you in the darkNow let me show you the shape of my heartShow you the shape of my heart[Soul Solution Radio Mix] 混音版Shape of My Heart [Soul Solution Radio Mix] 为后街男孩主唱的《Shape of My Heart》的一个官方混音版,收录在后街男孩的《The Call》单曲CD《Call》中,曲长2分53秒。

shape of my heart 的歌词

如果是后街的.就是baby,please try to forgive mestay here,don"t put out the glowhold me now,don"t bother if every minute it makes me weakeryou can save me from the man that i"ve become,oh yeahlooking back on the things i"ve donei was trying to be someonei played my part and kept you in the darknow let me show you the shape of my heartsadness is beautifulloneliness is tragicaiso help me i can"t win this war,oh notouch me now,don"t bother if every second it makes me weakeryou can save me form the man i"ve become i"m here with my confessiongot nothing to hide no morei don"t know where to startbut to show you the shape of my hearti"m looking back on things i"ve donei never want to play the same old partor keep you in the darknow let me show you the shape of my heartshow you the shape of my heart如果是(这个杀手不太冷)那首就是《the shape of my heart 》 he deals the cards as a meditation and those he plays never suspect he doesn"t play for the money he wins he don"t play for respect he deals the cards to find the answer the sacred geometry of chance the hidden law of a probable outcome the numbers lead a dance i know that the spades are the swords of a soldier i know that the clubs are weapons of war i know that diamonds mean money for this art but that"s not the shape of my heart he may play the jack of diamonds he may lay the queen of spades he may conceal a king in his hand while the memory of it fades i know that the spades are the swords of a soldier i know that the clubs are weapons of war i know that diamonds mean money for this art but that"s not the shape of my heart that"s not the shape......the shape of my heart and if i told you that i loved you you"d maybe think there"s something wrong i"m not a man of too many faces the mask i wear is one well, those who speak know nothin" and find out to their cost like those who curse their luck in too many places and those who fear are lost i know that the spades are the swords of a soldier i know that the clubs are weapons of war i know that diamonds mean money for this art but that"s not the shape of my heart that"s not the shape of my heart that"s not the shape......the shape of my heart

shape of my heart 是什么意思?


shape of my heart 歌词什么意思


Shape of My Heart歌词的中文意思



shape of my heart意思是:我心之形;我的心意【例句】Now let me show you the shape of my heart现在让我向你表明我的心意

请教“Shape of my Heart”的歌词。

He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn"t play for the money he wins He don"t play for respect He deals the cards to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden law of a probable outcome The numbers lead a dance I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the queen of spades He may conceal a king in his hand While the memory of it fades I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart That"s not the shape......the shape of my heartAnd if I told you that I loved you You"d maybe think there"s something wrong I"m not a man of too many faces The mask I wear is one Well, those who speak know nothin" And find out to their cost Like those who curse their luck in too many places And those who fear are lost I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that"s not the shape of my heart That"s not the shape of my heart That"s not the shape......the shape of my heart

《这个杀手不太冷》主题曲《shape of my heart》什么意思


shape of my heart什么意思


(Shape of my heart)的歌词翻译是什么?

一、Shape Of My Heart 我心的花色 歌手:Sting He deals the cards as a meditation   And those he plays never suspect   He doesn"t play for the money he wins   He doesn"t play for the respect   He deals the cards to find the answer   The sacred geometry of chance   The hidden law of probable outcome   The numbers lead a dance   I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier   I know that the clubs are weapons of war   I know that diamonds mean money for this art   But that"s not the shape of my heart   He may play the jack of diamonds   He may lay the queen of spades   He may conceal a king in his hand   While the memory of it fades   I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier   I know that the clubs are weapons of war   I know that diamonds mean money for this art   But that"s not the shape of my heart   That"s not the shape, the shape of my heart   And if I told you that I loved you   You"d maybe think there"s something wrong   I"m not a man of too many faces   The mask I wear is one   Those who speak know nothing   And find out to their cost   Like those who curse their luck in too many places   And those who smile are lost   I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier   I know that the clubs are weapons of war   I know that diamonds mean money for this art   But that"s not the shape of my heart   That"s not the shape of my heart 他若有所思地玩牌   他打牌从不迟疑   他打牌不是为了赢钱   也不为赢得尊重   他打牌是为了寻找答案   那神圣的几何变化   那可能出现的隐藏法则   牌的点数在跳舞   我知道黑桃是战士的剑   我知道梅花是战争的武器   我知道方块是牌艺的钱   但那不是我心的花色   他可能出张方块杰克   他可能出张黑桃皇后   他可能藏一张王在手里   但那不是我心的花色   当一切记忆凋谢   我知道黑桃是战士的剑   我知道梅花是战争的武器   我知道方块是牌艺的钱   但那不是我心的花色   如果我告诉你我曾爱你   你会想一切都弄错了   我不是有很多面孔的那种男人   我的面具只有一张   那些说话的人什么也不知道   最后才发现要为此付出代价   就像那些在太多场合诅咒命运的人   和那些微笑的人是失落的   我知道黑桃是战士的剑   我知道梅花是战争的武器   我知道方块是牌艺的钱   但那不是我心的花 二、Shape of my heart   歌手:后街男孩   专辑:black and blue (2000)   hmm, yeah, yeah   baby, please try to forgive me   stay here don"t put out the glow   hold me now don"t bother   if every minute it makes me weaker   you can save me from the man that i"ve become   oh yeah   lookin" back on the things i"ve done   i was tryin" to be someone   i played my part, kept you in the dark   now let me show you the shape of my heart   sadness is beautiful, loneliness is tragical   so help me i can"t win this war   oh no   touch me now don"t bother   if every second it makes me weaker   you can save me from the man i"ve become   lookin" back on the things i"ve done   i was tryin" to be someone   i played my part, kept you in the dark   now let me show you the shape of my heart   i"m here with my confession   got nothing to hide no more   i don"t know where to start   but to show you the shape of my heart   i"m lookin" back on things i"ve done   i never wanna play the same old part   i"ll keep you in the dark   now let me show you the shape of my heart   lookin" back on the things i"ve done   i was tryin" to be someone   i played my part, kept you in the dark   now let me show you the shape of my heart   lookin" back on the things i"ve done   i was tryin" to be someone   i played my part, kept you in the dark   now let me show you the shape of my heart   show you the shape of my heart   宝贝,请试著原谅我   留在这儿,别让热情熄灭   拥抱我,如果你不介意   如果每一分钟都使我更虚弱   你可以拯救我,使我不至於那样   回顾过去的所作所为   我一直想出人头地   演好自己的角色   却将你留在黑暗中   现在,让你看看我心的形状   悲伤是美丽的   寂寞是可悲的   那麼,治愈我   我无法赢得这场战争   触摸我,如果你不介意   如果每一秒都使我更虚弱   你可以拯救我,使我不至於那样   我在此表白   再也无所掩饰   我不知道该从何开始   除了让你看看我心的形状   回想著过去的所作所为   绝对不再重蹈覆辙   或把你留在黑暗中   现在,让你看看我心的形状



请问《Shape Of My Heart》是什么意思?

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