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he seems at little nervers这句对么

he seems a little nervous

名词性从句 shoppers complain they have to queue for____seems hours at the checkout counters



seem可用作连系动词或不及物动词,意为“似乎;好像”,其常见用法现归纳如下:主语+seem+形容词,表示主语似乎;主语+ seem +(to be )+表语;主语+ seem + 不定式;It seems + that从句;There + seem to be +名词。主语+seem+形容词,表示主语似乎.……(怎么样)。

He seems happy。为什么seem要加s?


it seems与there seems的区别

一般it做主语时,不会出现it seems to do...而是用it seems that(从句)(其从句的主语才是真正的主语,it只是形式主语)当人做主语时,才有sb. seems to do/have done...利用楼上例句: It seemed that I had caught a cold.=I seemed to have caught a cold.there seems to后面一定要加be,其实就是there be结构,中间插入seem to而已。

seems 的翻译

seem的第三人称单数 SEEM: [ si:m ] v. 像是,似乎 例句与用法: 1. He seems an energetic person. 他似乎是一个精力充沛的人。 2. He seems to know everything. 他似乎什么都懂。 3. Do whatever seems best. 只要觉察出是最好的, 就去做. 4. It seemed like a disaster at the time. 在当时那就像是一场灾难. 5. It seems (to me) (to be) the best solution. (依我看)这似乎是最好的解决办法. 6. She seems happy (to me). (我看)她好像很愉快. 7. She seems (to me) to be right/It seems (to me) that she"s right. (我看)她做得对. 8. The children seem unaffected emotionally by their parent"s divorce. 孩子在情绪上似乎未受到父母离婚的影响。

seems 是感官动词吗

seem似乎,不是看起来像 he to be talking with .他似乎是在同Smith先生

seems和seems like有什么区别?

seems似乎好像 一般构成It seems that ...从句 seems like to be好像后面直接跟名词 动词不定式 代词等




seem有两个词性1.adv2.Link.V 句型:① It seems + adj ② It seems + 从句


不是的。seem 是动词,不存在复数的,只有名词才有复数。


see m s



seems 和 seemed 的区别

seems是seem的单数第三人称形式He seems a fool.他(现在)就像个傻子seemed是seem的过去式和过去分词He seemed a fool.他(刚才/过去)就像个傻子



it seems recently that more and more…语篇填空


玩游戏出现failed to load the game data.file seems corrupted怎么办


游戏出现failed to load the game data.file seems corrupted怎么办

不过 存档损坏。the data is corrupted 嗯~~一般不是机器的问题~~~一般是两个 问题~~ 第一 组棒的 质量问题~~~首先说组棒吧.00M33-6,还有 自己用棒子要 爱惜~~不要 在PSP运行的 时候 强行关机~~~ 又要在PSP读取 的时候 待机~~~不要在 有程序运行的时候~~拔插记忆棒和 电池~~~出现这个情况的 第二个问题~~是系统 和记忆棒的 兼容性~~~ 一般升级有 记忆棒都要在PSP格式化 一下~~~这个就是让你的棒子适应新的系统~~~或者 尝试升级 到5,一般购买的时候 要奸商给你看 一个月包换 的保单load failed ,并且出现不兼容的情况~~~从而造成 游戏存档 无法二次读取~~~现实为“损坏的数据”这就是组棒 便宜而不好的 地方? 出现这个问题~~跟机器 和机器的 硬件是不会有关系的~~~~那么回答完毕鸟,组棒一般都是扩容棒,用时间长了 其内存 大小会慢慢减少,多半是 记忆棒 出了问题~~升级系统 治标不治本~~我想你可能是 5.00M33-4的 系统吧

It seems individual cancer cells send out the sam

26. suppresses27.trigger28.damaged29.genetically30.colors

It seems 与It seems liker的区别是什么?谢谢各位

it seems 后接that从句或不定式,it seems like后接名词

it seems unfair on him为什么用on

固定搭配。因为叙述某一件事情对某人的影响时用on。1、不公平英语:unfair;injustice;inequity。2、unfair:不公正的;不公平的;待人不平等的。It seems unfair on him to make him pay for everything.让他承担一切费用似乎对他不公平。3、injustice:不公正,不公平(的对待或行为)。fighting against poverty and injustice与贫困和不公平斗争。4、inequity:不公正的事;不公正;不公平。Social imbalance worries him more than inequity of income.社会失衡比收入不公平更令他忧虑。

求听力原文,these days, it seems as if half the books

These days, it seems as if half the books in bookstores have the word "best seller" or some variant on the cover or the flap copy, as in "the best-selling author of ..." But what does that mean? About as much as the phrase "original recipe" does on a jar of spaghetti sauce. Neither the government nor the publishing industry regulates the use of the term, and besides, there are many different kinds of best-seller lists published every week in the United States. There are the major national lists (the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly) and the major regional lists (the Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, and the Chicago Tribune). There are lists that compare sales at chain stores with sales at independent stores. There are romance lists, business lists, African-American lists, religious lists, health lists, and children"s lists.AdvertisementWhat is a best-seller list? It is a ranking of the relative sales of particular kinds of books at certain groups of stores within a one-week period. Best-seller lists tell us not which books sell the most, in absolute terms, but which fiction, nonfiction, or advice books sell the fastest at the bookstores list makers think deserve attention. A how-to book that sells 20,000 copies in one week will shoot to the top of the best-seller lists, whether or not those are the only copies it ever sells. A novel that sells 200 copies a week for 10 years will never appear on the lists, because each week it will be beaten by faster-selling books.Why do best-seller lists matter so much? Because they are the most convincing form of publicity around, which gives them the quality of self-fulfilling prophecies. If a book is a best seller, bookstore clerks will be more likely to put it in the front of the store and readers to buy it. Publishers will also be eager to publish more books like it, since best-seller lists also stand in for industrywide sales data. (Most book publishing companies are privately held and keep this information secret; even when the companies are publicly traded, it is nearly impossible to find out the unit sales of individual books.)This helps account for the uniformity in the books that top all these lists--books by brand-name or celebrity authors, inspirational and self-help books. Some authors will do anything to try to break this vicious cycle. In 1995, Business Week ran a story about two authors who purchased 10,000 copies of their own book, The Discipline of Market Leaders, and got their corporate clients to buy 30,000 to 40,000 more, in a successful plot to get onto the New York Times list. (Click here to read about the legal tricks book editors employ to try to place their books on the Times list.)These days, what best-seller lists are most likely to reflect is the amount of money spent to publicize the books that wind up on them. Superstores now allow publishers to pay to place a book up front or in the window or to display advertising. That, plus an author tour or appearance on national TV shows, can propel readers into stores fast enough to get a book on the list. Word-of-mouth or good reviews don"t generate the dramatic concentrated sales required.Some lists gather sales figures from more stores than others do. The New York Times boasts the most stores reporting--4,000, plus wholesalers. The Voice Literary Supplement list, which tells you what the serious bohemians are reading, asks only about 25 high-end independent stores, including San Francisco"s City Lights; Washington, D.C."s Politics and Prose; and the Harvard Bookstore. Some list makers rely on statistical sampling and extrapolation to provide an estimation of what is selling at the stores that do not report; some don"t. Some lists, such as the Wall Street Journal"s, only track sales in big chain stores. Others, such as USA Today"s, include online booksellers. Some follow only independent stores.This may seem haphazard compared with the way the music industry"s main best-seller list--published in Billboard magazine--is compiled: It tracks every single album sold at every single music store in the United States. SoundScan Inc., the company that began tracking CD and tape sales with a barcode system, has in fact tried to get booksellers to employ a comparable system called BookScan but with little success. The problem is partly that BookScan is too expensive for many booksellers. But the real issue is that BookScan misses the point: Book industry people don"t want a single compilation of what"s really selling best throughout the country; they want a variety of lists that break down sales figures in ways beneficial to them.

it seems that both of us had a special vacation翻



高考英语词汇:appear,look与seem的区别 三者均可用作连系动词,意为“好像”、“似乎”等,区别如下: 1. 从词义上看:look 指视觉印象;appear 指外表给人的印象;这两者可能是真象也可能是假象,appear 的不确定性更大一些。seem 侧重指根据某种迹象作出的推断,也不一定是事实。 2. 从句型搭配和用法上看: (1) 三者均可后接不定式,但 look 之后一般只限于 to be (且较少见)。如: 正:He seems [appears,looks] to be tired. 他好像很累了。 正:He seems [appears] to have travelled a lot. 他似乎去过不少地方。 误:He looks to have travelled a lot. (2) look, seem 之后可接介词 like,但 appear 之后一般不能。如: He looks [seems] like a fool. 他看起来像个大傻瓜。 (3) appear 和 seem 不用于进行时态,但 look 有时可这样用。如: 正:He looks [is looking] well. 他看上去气色不错。 误:He is seeming [appearing] well. (4) 三者均可用于 it 开头的句子,且三者之后均可接以 as if 或 as though 引导的从句,另外 appear 和 seem 之后还可接 that 引导的从句。如: It looks [seems,appears] as if he has lost interest in his job. 看来他对自己的工作已失去了兴趣。 It seems [appears] that he is very tired. 他似乎很累了。 注:后接 that 从句时,有时可用 so,not 代之。如: A:Are they reliable? 他们可靠吗? B:It seems [appears] so (not). 似乎是可靠的(不可靠)。 另外,比较以下同义句型: It seems [appears] that he is ill. =He seems [appears] to be ill. 他似乎病了。

句型"It seems," 和"It appears that,"有何异同

1. 相同点这两个词都可表示“看起来像”、“似乎”,其后均可接形容词、名词、不定式等,且有时可互换。如:She seems (appears) (to be) honest. 她似乎很诚实。He seems (appears) (to be) an honest man. 他看起来像个诚实人。2. 不同点(1) 含义上的不同:appear强调外表给人的印象,有时含有一种并不符合实际的感觉;seem常指有一定根据的内心判断,这种判断往往与实际情况比较接近。试比较:He seems very young. 他看起来很年轻。He may appear a fool but actually he"s quite clever. 他看起来也许很傻,但实际上他很聪明。(2) 结构上的差别:1) seem之后可接like,而appear之后不能接。如;He seems like a fool. 他看上去像个傻瓜。2)两者均可用于以it开头的句子。但要注意:appear 之后接that引导的从句,而seem之后可接that也可接as if / as though 引导的从句。如:It seems as if you"re right. 看来你似乎是对的。It seems that he is ill. 他好像是有病。It appears that I am wrong. 看来是我错了。注:appear 之后有时也可接as if。如:It appears as if they"ve lost interest 看来他们已失去了兴趣。

It seems that only Mary is eligible for the job.


阅读短文开头为 It seems to us that the earth stand quite still

你想问什么?翻译还是全文?It seems to us that the earth stands quite still. But it is really moving all the time. It turns around a make-believe line through its center. We call this make-believe line the earth"s axis . The two ends of the earth"s axis are called its poles. It makes the earth twenty-four hours travel around its axis once.We look at the sun and say it "rises" and travels across the sky, but the sun doesn"t really do so. It is the turning of the earth which makes us feel as if the sun were moving across the sky. We can"t see that the earth is moving because everything else on the earth is turning with us. As the earth turns around every twenty-four hours, first one half faces the sun and then the other half. When our half of the earth is facing the sun, we say it is day. When our half is away from the sun, we say it is night. It is the turning of the earth that tells us when to go to bed and when to get up.在我们看来,地球总是静止着的.但其实它一直在运动.地球总是绕着一个我们假想的线——地轴不停地旋转。地轴的两端被成为地球的两极。地球绕着地轴旋转一圈需要24小时。我们总是说太阳从东边升起,在天空中穿过。但其实太阳并没有那么做。是因为地球不停地在转使得我们觉得太阳好象在天上走一样。而我们不能感觉地球在运动是因为我们总是跟着它一起在旋转。在地球旋转一圈的24小时中,地球的一面先对着太阳,后面一半时间就是另一面对着太阳。当我们所处的地球的那一面对着太阳的时候,我们就处在白天;而当我们这一面背对着太阳的时候,那就是晚上。是地球的旋转告诉我们什么时候该起床,什么该去睡觉。

阅读短文开头为 It seems to us that the earth stand quite still

你想问什么?翻译还是全文? It seems to us that the earth stands quite still. But it is really moving all the time. It turns around a make-believe line through its center. We call this make-believe line the earth"s axis . The two ends of the earth"s axis are called its poles. It makes the earth twenty-four hours travel around its axis once. We look at the sun and say it "rises" and travels across the sky, but the sun doesn"t really do so. It is the turning of the earth which makes us feel as if the sun were moving across the sky. We can"t see that the earth is moving because everything else on the earth is turning with us. As the earth turns around every twenty-four hours, first one half faces the sun and then the other half. When our half of the earth is facing the sun, we say it is day. When our half is away from the sun, we say it is night. It is the turning of the earth that tells us when to go to bed and when to get up. 在我们看来,地球总是静止着的.但其实它一直在运动.地球总是绕着一个我们假想的线——地轴不停地旋转.地轴的两端被成为地球的两极.地球绕着地轴旋转一圈需要24小时.我们总是说太阳从东边升起,在天空中穿过.但其实太阳并没有那么做.是因为地球不停地在转使得我们觉得太阳好象在天上走一样.而我们不能感觉地球在运动是因为我们总是跟着它一起在旋转.在地球旋转一圈的24小时中,地球的一面先对着太阳,后面一半时间就是另一面对着太阳.当我们所处的地球的那一面对着太阳的时候,我们就处在白天;而当我们这一面背对着太阳的时候,那就是晚上.是地球的旋转告诉我们什么时候该起床,什么该去睡觉.

time seems to stand still

时间似乎停滞不前。 是这个!!o(∩_∩)o...!!

It seems __________ the poor guy is going to die of __________. A.that; scare though; .

B 试题分析:考查同意词辨析,scare指非正式文体中可以与frighten 互换,但语气较重,侧重人受惊吓后立即停下正在干的事或跑掉;fright指一阵突然的、令人震惊的短暂恐惧,有时含夸张意味;frighten普通用词,使用广泛,指产生突然、短暂的惊慌、恐惧感。固定词组as though意思“好像”,句子意思“好像那个穷男孩将死于恐吓”点评:同意词辨析是常考内容,要知道它们的意思,做同意词辨析题时,就很容易做出正确选择

when you feel worried or stressed out,everything seems to go wrong at once.

You can"t remember what the teacher says in class. You may _(quarrel吵架)_ with your parents or friends.You may have problems with _(sleep 不确定啊,翻译过来是你可能睡眠有问题)_ ,too. For example,you can"t get to sleep or you still_(feel)_ tired when you get up. Ifyou are _(under:under pressure承受压力)_ too much pressure, maybe it"s time to change your life a bit by doingsomething_(enjoyable)_ It"s important for you to learn to _(relax放松)_ .you can _(listen)_ some quiet,restful music._(Reading)_ a book is a good way to relax,too You should _(stop)_ doing the thing that you are not enjoying,Then take up a new activity or try a new activity or try a new interest. You should also set some goals.For example,_(doing :do exercise 锻炼)_ enough exercise,keeping up with schoolwork and making some new friends第一段:你可能会遇到一些郁闷的事情。第二段:如果承受了太多压力你应该做些有趣的事情。第三段:举例说明了做哪些事情可以放松自己。第四段:如果你做的事情不喜欢,换点事情做。第五段:给自己一些目标,例如。。。 。。。

英语There seems to be 和it seems to be的区别和用法

"There seems to be..." 是 "There is..." 或 "There are..." 加上 "seems" 构成的,意思是:“好像有…”。 "It seems to be..." 是 "It is" 加上 "seems" 构成的。 意思是:“它好像是…”。这个 "it" 可以是实意代词,也可以是形式代词,如果是形式代词,“它”和“是”都不一定要翻译出来。例如:There seems to be a problem.好像有问题。 (比较 There is a problem = 有问题。) It seems to be a problem.这好像是个问题。 (比较 It is a problem. = 这是个问题。) It seems to be important to solve the problem.把问题解决好像很重要。 (比较 It is important to solve the problem. = 把问题解决很重要。)

seems to 改为同义句

seem后面可以跟不定式,也可以跟从句,即seem to 或者seem that结构.所以本句Tom seems to be ill.的同义句是 It seems that Tom is ill.

英语语法问题seems to be doing sth


seem to do sth 等于It seems that 吗?


It seems that=seem to 那seem to do sth.

他们的意思基本相同,但It seems that后面需要接从句,而seem to后接短语.意思是:“...看来...”“...似乎...”.seem to do sth的意思是:“...好像/似乎要做/干...”.

seem to / seems that 的分别?急急急..

She seems very happy with the new job. 她好像 很满意这新工作。 ( seem 后面必须是形容词 ) ===================== He seems to like the idea. 他好像 喜欢这个意见。 I seem to hear someone knocking at the door. 我好像 听到有人在敲门。 ( seem to 后面必须是一动词 ) ================================== It seems to be an interesting book 它好像是一本有趣的书。 ( seems to be 后面必须有一名词 ) ==================================== It seems that it will rain tonight. 看起来 今晚将要下雨。 It seems that the attack this morning was very carefully planned to cause few casualties. 看起来 在早上的袭击是经过周详的策划,因而造成不少的灾难。 It seems that he has no reasonable alternative. 看起来 他无合理的其他选择。[ It seems that 后面必须是 一子句 ( clause ) ] Chan: 你不要被seem这个字弄糊涂了 它只是一个不及物动词解作"好像" 的意思 它的用法就和其他不及物动词无分别 就你所问 我举几句例句你会较易明白: seem to 1)Though he is dead I still seem to hear his voice或 I still seem to feel his existence.(虽他已死 但我好像还听到他的声音 或我好像仍感到它的在。) 2) I seem to have left my mobile phone in your home.(我好像把我的手提电话遗留在你家中。) seems that(因它是动词 所以如果主词subject是he she it 就要在它后加s了) 1) He seems that they will surely win the football match.(他看来好像他们肯定会胜出这塲足球比赛。) 2) It seems that it is going to rain soon.(它(个天)好像很快便会下雨了。) seem to be 1) She seems to be very satisfied with her new boy friend.(她好像对她的新男友很满意。) 2) They seem to be unhappy with my final decision in the meeting.(他们好像对于我在会议中的决定并不高兴。) 参考: nil 加了"to be" 会有"或许"的意思 图片参考:i.discuss/d/images/ *** ilies/default/ *** ile 例子: 2个都系字典揾既 1. you seem very quiet today. you seem to be very quiet today 又得唔得? 2 He"s 16 but he seems to be younger. He"s 16 but he seems younger.

我想找一篇大学英语阅读题,文章第一句为the food we eat seems to have profound…等…

Food and Health The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon. Different cultures are more prone to contract certain illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realized that nitrates and nitrites, commonly used to preserve color in meats, and other food additives, caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things in the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives which we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to beef and poultry, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs are administered to animals not for medicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.1. What is the beat possible title of the passage?A. Drug and Food B. Cancer and Health C. Food and Health D. Health and Dealth2.Which of the following statements is Not true?A. Drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons.B. Some of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some are given to the living animals.C.Researchers have known about the potential dangers of food additives for over thirty_five years.D. Food may cause forty percent of cancer in world.3. How has science done something harmful to mankind?A. Because of science, diseases caused by polluted food haven been virtually eliminated.B. It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food.C. Because of the application of science, some potentially harmly substances have been added to food.D. The scientists have preserved the color of meats, but not of vegetables.4. What are nitrates used for?A. They preserve flavor in packaged foods.B. They preserve the color of meats. C. They are the objects of research.D. They cause the animals to become fatter.5. The word" carinogenic" most nearly means "_____"A. trouble_making B. color_retainC. money_making D. cancer_causing

the food we eat seems to have

Food and Health The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon. Different cultures are more prone to contract certain illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realized that nitrates and nitrites, commonly used to preserve color in meats, and other food additives, caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things in the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives which we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to beef and poultry, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs are administered to animals not for medicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.1. What is the beat possible title of the passage?A. Drug and Food B. Cancer and Health C. Food and Health D. Health and Dealth2.Which of the following statements is Not true?A. Drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons.B. Some of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some are given to the living animals.C.Researchers have known about the potential dangers of food additives for over thirty_five years.D. Food may cause forty percent of cancer in world.3. How has science done something harmful to mankind?A. Because of science, diseases caused by polluted food haven been virtually eliminated.B. It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food.C. Because of the application of science, some potentially harmly substances have been added to food.D. The scientists have preserved the color of meats, but not of vegetables.4. What are nitrates used for?A. They preserve flavor in packaged foods.B. They preserve the color of meats. C. They are the objects of research.D. They cause the animals to become fatter.5. The word" carinogenic" most nearly means "_____"A. trouble_making B. color_retainC. money_making D. cancer_causing According to the passage, wohat has science done to minkind?

sorry seems to be the hardest word. 中英文对照歌词?拜托各位大神

(sorry seems to be the hardest word)(抱歉似乎是最难的字) What I got to do to make you love me?我有什么使你不爱我吗? What I got to do to make you care?我有什么使你不照顾? What do I do when lightning strikes me?当雷击怎么办呢? And I wake to find that youre not there?随着我觉得youre没有? What I got to go to make you want me?我有什么使你希望我去? What I got to do to be heard?我的观世音菩萨能听到吗? What do I say when its all over?当我说什么都超过它? Sorry seems to be the hardest word.抱歉似乎是最难字. Its sad, so sad它伤心,伤心 Its a sad, sad situation.它的悲哀,悲哀的情况. And its getting more and more absurd.其越来越荒唐. Its sad, so sad它伤心,伤心 Why cant we talk it over?斜面来谈,我们为什么? Oh it seems to me哦看来 That sorry seems to be the hardest word.说抱歉似乎是最难字. What do I do to make you want me?我看你怎么把我想? What I got to do to be heard?我的观世音菩萨能听到吗? What do I say when its all over?当我说什么都超过它? Sorry seems to be the hardest word.抱歉似乎是最难字. Its sad, so sad它伤心,伤心 Its a sad, sad situation.它的悲哀,悲哀的情况. And its getting more and more absurd.其越来越荒唐. Its sad, so sad它伤心,伤心 Why cant we talk it over?斜面来谈,我们为什么? Oh it seems to me哦看来 That sorry seems to be the hardest word.说抱歉似乎是最难字. Yeh.叶菊兰. sorry抱歉 What I got to do to make you love me?我有什么使你不爱我吗? What I got to do to be heard?我的观世音菩萨能听到吗? What do I do when lightning strikes me?当雷击怎么办呢? What have I got to do?我有什么呢? What have I got to do?我有什么呢? When sorry seems to be the hardest word.当抱歉似乎是最难字. 《Guilty》 01 Stand Up 02 Signed Sealed Delivered Im Yours 03 When Summers Gone 04 Bubblin 05 Taste it 06 Guilty 07 Rock the Night 08 Back it Up 09 Breathe Easy 10 Walk Away 11 Where You Want Me 12 Alive 13 I Wanna Know 14 How A Mans Supposed to Change 15 No Goodbyes求采纳

So it seems paradoxical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation

as creativity and innovation创造力和创新

翻译 it seems paradoxical to talk about in the same


it seems to me that no reason

是考的定语从句,但应该选D. 句子主干是it seems tome that...(我看好像是这样的.) 后面整个是一个从句,就是“好像”的内容.这个从句的主语是no reason,谓语是is sound(连起来是“没有哪个原因是合理的”)_____ you gave us for your mistake 是修饰reason的定语从句.因为这个定语从句的先行词是no开头的,这种表示极端概念的先行词后面接的只能是that,不能是which,所以最终选D.

sorry seems to be the hardest word是哪位歌手唱的

"Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word"( “难说道歉”或”抱歉难说出口“)是一首由Elton John艾尔顿·约翰和Bernie Taupin伯尼·陶品创作的单曲. 该单曲被收录在Elton John于1976年发行的专辑中,它既是专辑Blue Moves中的单曲也是重要部分。这也是他Rocket Records唱片公司中的第二首单曲。这是一首悲伤的情歌讲述了单恋的爱情。它也是Elton John艾尔顿·约翰本人为数不多的进行大量填词的作品。尽管艾尔顿·约翰和伯尼·陶品共同创作的其他作品,一般都是由伯尼·陶品开始填词,但这首是由约翰开 始谱曲并填词的,最后陶品在加以完成。

With long brown hair, deep blue eyes, a tall and thin figure(身躯) Brad Pitt seems to be a born .

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B小题4:A 试题分析:本文介绍了著名的电影明星Brad Pitt的成名之路。小题1:C 计算题。根据Though born in a common family in 1964, 和He made his first appearance in a film in 1990.可知他是在26岁的时候开始拍电影的,故C正确。小题2:D 推理题。根据本句With long brown hair, deep blue eyes, a tall and thin figure(身躯) Brad Pitt seems to be a born actor .可知他的外形很适合演电影。故D正确。小题3:B 推理题。根据第二段2,3,4行After reading the screenplay(剧本) of “Legends of the Fall”, he was attracted by the leading character.He asked for a lower pay from the shooting team and was willing to work in hard conditions in the Rocky Mountains for six months.“可知他为了成功付出了很多很多。故B正确。小题4:A 推理题。根据文章2,3段He asked for a lower pay from the shooting team and was willing to work in hard conditions in the Rocky Mountains for six months.“The film gives the chance to know life.I shall always remember the time when we were making the film,” Pitt said after completing it fully.和Pitt started his dream of art when he was in university.Though born in a common family in 1964, he showed his interest in film at an early age.After leaving high school, he went to university to study law.Because he loved film more than law, shortly before he could graduate, he dropped out for a life of his own, with only 325 dollars in hand, sometimes as a porter or a waiter.Thanks to his hard work, he finally opened up a new field of his own.说明他为了自己的电影事业奉献了很多,说明他很热爱电影,故A正确,点评:本文介绍了著名的电影明星Brad Pitt的成名之路。这篇文章非常简单,先看问题,再带着问题仔细阅读短文,理解了全文内容,很容易选出正确答案。阅读短文时,常常会遇到一些生词。这时,要沉着,冷静,细心思考。首先要把整段、整篇文章看完。通过对全篇短文的理解,就很有可能猜测出生词的大意。另外,还可以从含有生词句子的上下文,以及句子和段落之间的关系来判断、理解生词以求获得其真正含义。

这英语成分怎么划分,为什么有个to be ? What seems to be the problem?

为您解答 What疑问词做主语 seems to半助动词 be谓语动词 the problem表语?

it seems that句型转换的问题


It seems that=seem to ?


求It seems to 和there seems to的区别~急!


英语语法问题seems to be doing sth


seem to do sth 等于It seems that 吗?


i just wanna keep silence, but that seems a little dull ,后面用do i

从你反问来看,你应该针对的是it,而不是I~所以后面应该是 doesn"t it? 意思就是: 是不是哦?

去上班第一天领导就很喜欢我,一直栽培我,今天还给我一段英语,这是什么意思:It seems that fortune?

你上班第一天 领导就很喜欢你 一直在陪你 今天还给了你一段英语 这个意思就是翻译成汉语的话 就是看来命运吗

Exercise seems to benefit the brain power of the healthy and the sick, the young and the old ___.


he seems worried 的同意句

1.It ,is(It seems that she is worried now) 2.What an (What an interesting story it is!) 3.shall we(let ud stop and have a rest ,shall we?) 4.because missed (he had to talk back because he missed the last bus) present(my father gave me a new pen as present on my 15 brithday.) 6.can we (will you please tell me how can we get to the best know landmark from here) there(there is little water in grass ,is there?) 问题补充 other things(what other things can trees do?)

“Dear me, to London, and only for a week!” said Mrs. Goodmays, with surprise. “It seems hardly w


it seems be very strange to you that

Was you able to swim when he was four years old? I think he can be a well-known star in the future How strange it was! She seems to be terrible ill looked inside to see What happened when I came out of the school She seems to be angry with me

The world is not hungry, but it is thirsty. It seems strange that nearly 3/4 of the earth is co...

小题1:D小题2:A小题3:C 试题分析:小题1:D 细节题。根据第一段2,3行Because about 97% of water on the earth is sea water which we can"t drink or use for watering plants directly说明D正确。小题2:A 细节题。根据第一段第4行Man can only drink and use the 3% the water that comes from rivers and lakes.说明A正确。小题3:C 细节题。根据第二段3,4行Today, in most large cities water is used only once and then runs to the sea or rivers.说明C正确。点评:文章介绍了世界上水紧缺的问题,并在文章第二段提出了解决的方法。本文集中考查了细节题,要求考生仔细阅读全文,做好相应的标志,以提高阅读的效率和速度。

everything is not what it seems irc歌词


The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than .....

这题应该选的是A“is necessary” than即可以做连词也可以做介词的than都是比较的含义,它居然也可以用在定语从句中。 例句: 1. Parents had better not give kids more money than is needed. 父母最好别给孩子们太多的钱,够用就可以了。 2. Don"t order more food than can be finished. 别点太多吃的,会吃不完的。 此处Than以主语的形式出现在定语从句中,其实省略了what,than也就等于than what。例句也可以写作:Parents had better not give kids more money than what is needed 例句2则可以转换为:Don"t order more food than what can be finished 不管是做介词、连词也好,在定语从句里做关系代词也罢,than都表示了一个比较的关系,从上述两个例句来看,句中都出现了比较级的形式。

shaking hands seems a universal way of greeting someone.


英语There seems to be 和it seems to be的区别和用法

  There seems to be 和it seems to be的区别和用法  一、句子结构不同  1、There seems to be...来自于There be结构, 即英语中存在句;  加上 "seems" 构成的,意思是:“好像有…”.  There is a problem.有个问题.  There seems to be a problem.好像有个问题.  2、It seems to be...来自于 It be 系表结构;it有二种句法:  a、It seems to be 直接跟表语  It seems to be my fault.似乎是我的错。  It seems to be incredible.好像令人难以置信。  b、it作形式主语,后面跟that引导名词性从句  It seems to be that we can"t solve the problem alone  似乎情况是我们无法独自解决这个问题。  二、二个句式语义不同  1、There seems to be要理解为英语中存在句:好像有或似乎有;  There seems to be a problem.好像有问题。   There seemsto be no possibility。好像没有任何可能性。  2、It seems to be 要理解为系表结构:似乎是或似乎情况是(it作形式主语);  It seems to be interesting .貌似挺有趣。  It seems to be that he has cheated us all.似乎情况是他把我们都骗了。

there seem to be和there seems to be有什么区别?

there seem to be +复数形式;例句:There seem to be some problems.there seems to be +单数形式;例句:There seems to be no doubt about this problem.

Bizarrely, she seems to be the only person in the pool, which would be the case if we were


sorry seems to be the hardest word的歌词的意思,要准确的。


Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word 准确的翻译.


Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word 究竟是什么意思?望高人指点


life it seems will fade away

life it seems will fade away...things are not what they used to be 翻译:看起来,生活似乎逐渐退色.事物不像他们过去的那样了

isolated as the figure seems to be.怎么翻译呢这句话?



就是简单的举例错误,不要多想, 你把它改成is就行了

it seems ages since we heard from you


What seems to be the matter是什么意思


英语题 答案为什么是 seems 而不是 feels

一看翻译你应该就会了 第一个:看上去似乎Mark..... 第二个:觉得Mark....... 也有语感的原因 或许你觉得第二个顺嘴 怎么说呢 呵呵............. 貌似一下子解释不清除了

1) What do you think should be done when a negotiation seems to be in a deadlock? 2) Do you thin

1)当协商看起来陷入僵局时,在你看来应该采取何种做法?回答:In my opinion, I need to calm down and try to find out the reasons why the two sides face a deadlock and come up with a new way to solve the contradictory. After learning about the demands of them, a compromising point should be built and keep the benifits balanced. If they still can"t reach a conclusion, I think a temporary stop is necessary.2)你认为你有强壮的神经吗?换句话说,你能承受压力吗?回答:Yes, I can stand pressure. When being faced with varied difficulties or obstacles in real life, I try to seek other channels to relieve pressure out, such as reading books alone or running for a long distance. Since these kinds of pressure aren"t permanent, I shouldn"t be defeated any more.

The friendship conveyed in the gift seems to be the most (value) __________ thing.


language often seems so skillfully drafted 这句子为什么有两个动词?
