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2023-06-23 18:36:47
TAG: seems
因为seem也可以当作系动词用,意为"看着像、似乎、好像", 例如:She seems very happy. 这里就是系+表(形容词)的结构。


我猜作者想用的例句是:She seems to be blind to his faults.

其实,一个简单的She is blind to his faults(“她对他的过错视而不见”)就挺好了,作者可能希望语气委婉一点才使用了seems.不巧却漏掉了关键的to be.

当然,She seems blind to his faults.并无任何语法错误,而且seem blind与be blind同属“系动词+blind”,但作为教科书还是要“紧扣主题”才对。




过去分词作定语时:the broken bike(前置定语),the book bought to her(后置定语),买给她的书


如:The bird flied away when attacked by the hunter.(时间状语从句的省略)

Things goes on as forcasted.(方式状语从句的省略)


就是简单的举例错误,不要多想, 你把它改成is就行了



fault [fu0254u02d0lt]n. 过错, 毛病, 故障v. 挑剔; 弄错
2023-06-23 03:37:533


  fault英 [fɔ:lt] 美 [fɔlt]  n.缺点,缺陷; 过错,责任; [电] 故障; (猎狗的) 失去嗅迹;  vt.挑剔,找…的缺点; 批评; 做错,在…中出错; [地质学] 产生断层;  vi.找错误,挑剔; [地质学] 变动从而产生断层;  [网络]故障灯; 错; 失败;  [例句]There was no escaping the fact: it was all his fault.  这全是他的错,这是无法回避的事实。  [其他]第三人称单数:faults 复数:faults 现在分词:faulting 过去式:faulted 过去分词:faulted
2023-06-23 03:38:001


fault故障双语对照词典结果:fault[英][fu0254:lt][美][fu0254lt]n.缺点,缺陷; 过错,责任; [电]故障; (猎狗的)失去嗅迹; vt.挑剔,找…的缺点; 批评; 做错,在…中出错; [地质学]产生断层; vi.找错误,挑剔; [地质学]变动从而产生断层; 第三人称单数:faults过去分词:faulted复数:faults现在进行时:faulting过去式:faulted-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-23 03:38:162


2023-06-23 03:38:382


fault,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“故障;[地质] 断层;错误;缺点;毛病;(网球等)发球失误”,作及物动词时意为“(通常用于疑问句或否定句)挑剔”,作不及物动词时意为“弄错;产生断层”。 fault基本含义 n.责任;过错;过失;弱点;缺点;缺陷;毛病;故障; v.发现错误;找出缺点; 例句:There was no escaping the fact: it was all his fault 这全是他的错,这是无法回避的事实。 第三人称单数:faults 复数:faults 现在分词:faulting 过去式:faulted 过去分词:faulted fault用法 fault可以用作名词 fault表示具体的“缺点,错误,缺陷,故障”时,可用作可数名词; 泛指抽象的“过失,过错”“责任”时,是不可数名词。 短语to a fault指好得过分以至于要变坏了,它常与正面意思的形容词或副词连用。 find fault with中的fault是不可数名词,表示“挑剔”,也可说find much fault with; find a fault〔faults〕 in中的fault是可数名词,表示“看出…的缺点”,也可说find many faults in。 fault用作名词的用法例句 I like him despite his faults.虽然他有很多缺点,我仍然喜欢他。 He has many faults, but vanity is not one of them.他有很多缺点,但并没有虚荣心。 There is a fault in the electrical system.电路系统出了故障。
2023-06-23 03:38:441


2023-06-23 03:39:284


  fault有缺点;故障;过错等意思,那么你知道fault的用法吗?下面是我为大家整理的fault的用法和相关 短语 例句,欢迎大家学习!    fault的用法:   fault的用法1:fault表示具体的“缺点,错误,缺陷,故障”时,可用作可数名词; 泛指抽象的“过失,过错”“责任”时,是不可数名词。   fault的用法2:短语to a fault指好得过分以至于要变坏了,它常与正面意思的形容词或副词连用。   fault的用法3:find fault with中的fault是不可数名词,表示“挑剔”,也可说find much fault with; find a fault〔faults〕 in中的fault是可数名词,表示“看出u2026的缺点”,也可说find many faults in。   fault的用法4:fault可用作动词表示“发现某人〔某事物〕有错、有缺陷等”。例如:No one could fault his performance.他的演出无懈可击。    fault的常用短语:   用作名词 (n.)   at〔in〕 fault   find fault with   to a fault   fault的用法例句:   1. The aircraft made an unscheduled landing after developing an electrical fault.   飞机由于发生电力故障而作了临时降落。   2. He could never accept that he had been at fault.   他怎么也无法承认是他的错。   3. I was disappointed whenever the cook found fault with my work.   每当厨师挑剔我干的活儿时,我都非常沮丧。   4. It is hard to fault the way he runs his own operation.   他经营自己公司的方式无可指摘。   5. The data that"s being used to fault American education is highly politicized.   用来指责美国 教育 的数据被高度政治化了。   6. BMW is recalling 8,000 cars because of a design fault.   因为发现了一个设计缺陷,宝马正在召回已卖出的8,000辆汽车。   7. It"s an open and shut case. The hospital is at fault.   这件事一目了然,责任在医院一方。   8. There are no indications that standard security arrangements were at fault.   没有迹象表明例行的保安 措施 存在问题。   9. Still, he reflected charitably, it was hardly her fault.   不过,他体谅地想,这不能算是她的错。   10. It wasn"t her fault, she was trying her best to help.   这不是她的错,她是尽力帮忙的。   11. These issues have created a stark fault line within the Peace Process.   这些问题显然已成为了和平进程中的薄弱环节。   12. They feel shame and guilt as though it is their fault.   他们觉得羞愧和内疚,就好像这是他们的错。   13. Divorce is never the fault of one partner; it takes two.   离婚从来都不是一方的错误:双方都有责任。   14. Don"t you go thinking it was your fault.   别觉得是你的错。   15. His worst fault was his inconsistency.   他最大的缺点就是反复无常。
2023-06-23 03:39:461


IT"S MY FAULT。 fault 还有错误的意思,也可以说是 这是我的错。相关句子Oh, my fault for the mistake. 哦,这次失误是我的错。An error, especially in the delivery of lines, as by an actor or announcer. 失误尤指如演员或报幕员的台词错误To make a misplay of. 打错牌的,下错棋,击球失误An actor muffing his lines. 表演失误的演员Capitalize on an opponent"s error. 利用对手的失误There are some bad misses. 有些失误。There is some bad miss. 有些失误。He slipped up in his calculations. 他计算失误。Not on target; in error. 未击中目标;失误They fell between two stools. 他们是两头失误。
2023-06-23 03:39:551

android anr中 faults是什么意思

ANR (“Application Not Responding”),意思是”应用没有响应“。 在如下情况下,Android会报出ANR错误: 1.主线程 (“事件处理线程” / “UI线程”) 在5秒内没有响应输入事件。 2.BroadcastReceiver 没有在10秒内完成返回。 通常情况下,下面这些做法。可以看看安卓巴士教程:
2023-06-23 03:40:211

代码中的errors faults failures有什么不同

mistake、error 、fault 和wrong 四个词都可表示“错误”,但侧重点不同 1、mistake强调日常生活中判断和看法的错误 如:It was a mistake buying that house. 买那套房子是个错误。 2、error强调违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误。
2023-06-23 03:40:281


雅思阅读中常见的定位词,有三种:第一种:眼球词汇,即一眼看过去,只要不是忘带眼镜了,都能看得见;“长相怪异,吸引眼球”是这类词的特点,例如,人名、地名、数字、大写等等。然而,在考试过程中,眼球词汇不是我们用的最多的,很多文章题目里,根本找不到眼球词汇,所以,我们要关注后两种定位词。第二种:朴素词汇,即单词本身同义词比较少的词;“简单好记好理解”是该类词的特征,是名副其实的“三好词汇”。例如:(判断题)13Computersare better than humans at detecting faults in glass.题目中computers、humans还有faults都属于朴素级词汇,很少有替换词,简单易记,如果有替换词,也多会以上下义形式出现。原文:The principle offloat glass is unchanged since the 1950s. However, the product has changeddramatically, from a single thickness of 6.8 mm to a range from sub-millimetreto 25 mm, from a ribbon frequently marred by inclusions and bubbles to almostoptical perfection. To ensure the highest quality, inspection takes place atevery stage. Occasionally, a bubble is not removed during refining, a sandgrain refuses to melt, a tremor in the tin puts ripples into the glass ribbon.Automated on-line inspection does two things. Firstly, it reveals processfaults upstream that can be corrected. Inspection-technology allows more than100 million measurements a second to be made across the ribbon, locating flawsthe unaided eye would be unable to see. Secondly, it enables computersdownstream to steer cutters around flaws.根据faults定位到firstly开始处,文中最后出现Automatedon-line inspection,自动在线检查,文中既没有说computers,也没有提到humans,也没有出现两者之间的比较,所以这个题目是NOTGIVEN。第三种:逻辑词,常见的有表示并列、因果或者转折的逻辑词。感觉写了好多啊,嘿嘿,我先在此就不一一列举了,如果你有不清楚的地方,可以随时问我哈,在平时做阅读的过程中,可以有意识的注意这些“路标词”,还可以同时采用三种定位词,精准定位。
2023-06-23 03:40:371

all my faults还是all my fault

常用的是it"s all my fault
2023-06-23 03:40:463

Ⅱ.Field observation

1.Field positionUpon reaching an observation point,the first thing to do is to determine the location of the point,and mark the exact position on the map.At present,one can use either a topographic map or a GPS unit,or both,to determine the location.If using a topographic map,students should observe the surround landscape and look for features that can be readily identified on the map,such as roads,railroads,streams,buildings,etc.Also compare the surrounding topography to the contours on the topographic and look for any recognizable features.For accurately locating positions on a topographic map,it requires experience in the use of such maps.Global Positioning Systems(GPS)provide a simple and quick meaning of locating one"s position within a few meters,and thus are now widely used for geological field work.GPS can provide positions in a variety of geographic coordinates,including the WGS84 and the Gaussian 54 of Beijing,and Xi"an 80 coordinate systems.Although GPS can provide reliable positioning in geographic coordinates,it is usually less accurate for determination of elevation.Thus,the use of topographic maps in combination with GPS provides the most accurate and reliable positioning.In order to maximize the advantages of GPS,the China Geological Survey has developed the Field Acquisition System(FAS)(Fig.2-2).The FAS uses a GPS Pocket PC,which can be integrated with digital topographic maps,Thus,the location can be shown directly on the digital map and the location of the point and its elevation can be stored in the handheld computer.This provides an excellent link to geo1ogic observations made at the site.Fig.2-2 Field digital acquisition system2.Field observationsField observations should include features in the outcrop and around the outcrop.The selection of features to observe depends on the scope of the investigation.In most cases,the outcrop is the most,but other features such as topography,erosional features,and large-scale of structures should also be noted.It is very important to determine if a particular rock is“in place”,or has rolled down the hill.Good outcrops are sometime difficult to find,particularly in forested or grassy areas.Outcrops in such areas can typically be found in stream beds,on the concave banks of rivers,in roadcuts and along lake shores.In some cases,it may be necessary to excavate a particular area to obtain geological data.Observations at a particular site should include topographic features and landscapes,rock types(magmatic,metamorphic and sedimentary rocks),stratigraphic sequences,contact relationships and various structural features,such as lineation,foliation,folds and faults.(1)Observation of the landscapeThe modem landscape is a product of integrated geo1ogical processes,involving uplift,erosion,deposition,the nature of the bedrock and the climate.Rivers produce both erosional and depositional landscapes.Erosional features to observe include the slope of the valley walls,longitudinal river profiles and changes in gradient,and the size of the river relative to the size of the valley.The size,shape and composition of the material being transported by the river are also important.The study of Earth Science involves both theory and practice.One of the most important means of geologic study is observation of natural outcrops in the field in order to obtain first-hand data on the nature and origin of the rocks.Field geological surveys provide basic information on the lithology,structure,stratigraphy and composition of the rocks involved,information that is crucial for interpreting mineralogical,geochemical,isotopic and geochronological data obtained later in the laboratory.Field work can involve either short-term or long-term surveys.In this manual,we describe geological phenomena that can be observed in several one-day field trips.For students,their first field trip is always exciting and novel.To obtain the most benefit from the field study,it is necessary to be properly prepared(Wang et al.,1997;Yan,1998).You will al So need specific equipment for field study,such as a geological hammer,compass,magnifying glass(hand lens),knife,pencils,sample bags,marker pen,field notebook,camera and,if appropriate,a handheld GPS unit(Fig.2-1).Before beginning field work,it is important to obtain a working knowledge of the geographical conditions in the study area,the transportation network and the regional geology.Students should collect all available geographical and geological maps,determine the scope and focus of the project and select appropriate topographic base maps on which to plot data.It is also useful to enter the geographic coordinates of remote sensing images into the GPS unit.Students should also obtain a practical understanding of the geologicalc onditions and the nature of the terrain in which they will be working.If working in rugged and remote areas,it is essential to have a field partner to provide help and support.It is also important to integrate theoretical data obtained from class work and study with practical data from the field in order to properly interpret the field observations.For example,in our observation of river features,one should try to relate the formation of landforms,such as river valleys,river channels,flood plains and the river terraces with knowledge of the processes of erosion and deposition obtained during class study.Upon reaching an observation point,the firstt hing to do is to determine the location of the point,and mark the exact position on the map.At present,one can use either a topographic map or a GPS unit,or both,to determine the location.If using a topographic map,students should observe the surround landscape and look for features that can be readily identified on the map,such as roads,railroads,streams,buildings,etc.Also compare the surrounding topography to the contours on the topographic and look for any recognizable features.For accurately locating positions on a topographic map,it requires experience in the use of such maps.Global Positioning Systems(GPS)provide a simple and quick meaning of locating one"s position within a few meters,and thus are now widely used for geological field work.GPS can provide positions in a variety of geographic coordinates,including the WGs84 and the Gaussian 54 of Beijing,and Xi"an 80 coordinate systems.Although GPS can provide reliable positioning in geographic coordinates,it is usually less accurate for determination of elevation.Thus,the use of topographic maps in combination with GPS provides the most accurate and reliable positioning.In order to maximize the advantages of GPS,the China Geological Survey has developed the Field Acquisition System(FAS)(Fig.2-2).The FAS uses a GPS Pocket PC,which can be integrated with digital topographic maps,Thus,the location can be shown directly on the digital map and the location of the point and its elevation can be stored in the handheld computer.This provides an excellent link to geo1ogic observations made at the site.Field observations should include features in the outcrop and around the outcrop.The selection of features to observe depends on the scope of the investigation.In most cases,the outcrop is the most,but other features such as topography,erosional features,and large-scale of structures should also be noted.It is very important to determine if a particular rock is“in place”,or has rolled down the hill.Good outcrops are sometime difficult to find,particularly in forested or grassy areas.Outcrops in such areas can typically be found in stream beds,on the concave banks of rivers,in roadcuts and along lake shores.In some cases,it may be necessary to excavate a particular area to obtain geological data.Observations at a particulars ite should include topographic features and landscapes,rock types(magmatic,metamorphic and sedimentary rocks),stratigraphic sequences,contact relationships and various structural features,such as lineation,foliation,folds and faults.Rivers produce both erosional and depositional landscapes.Erosional features to observe include the slope of the valley walls,longitudinal river profiles and changes in gradient,and the size of the river relative to the size of the valley.The size,shape and composition of the material being transported by the river are also important.Depositional features include sand bars,terraces,and overbank deposits.It is important to compare the old sediments with those being currently transported by the river.Mountain landforms reflect the rate of uplift,the erosional processes acting in the area,and the nature of the bedrock.Steep scarps,truncated ridges and offset streams can indicate active faulting in the region.Observation of such features is important for understanding the regional tectonic framework.(2)Observation of sedimentary rocks Crucial observations of sedimentary rock include both the lithology and structure.The lithology or rock type should always be observed in fresh samples broken from the outcrop.Observation of the lithology includes structure,texture and mineral composition on variable scales,including the use of a magnifier to identify minerals and estimate their abundance.Layered or stratified rocks are typically sedimentary in origin but may include tufflayers or lava flows.Sedimentary rocks have clastic or crystalline textures and a wide range or composition.There is a difference between loose,unconsolidated sediment and solidified,cohercnt sedimentary rocks.Clastic rocks are formed by deposition of rock and mineral fragments with variable size,typically produced by weathering,erosion,and transportation.However,many carbonate rocks also have clastic textures,and consist of fossil fragments collected in beach or reef deposits.Because most clastic rocks are deposited by wind or water,with layered bedding of variable thickness.The observation of clastic rocks should include the color of the rock,the size,sorting and roundness of the debris,the rock and mineral composition of the debris and the amount and type of cement.Rock fragments,quartz and feldspar are the most common clasts,whereas the cement is typically clay,silica or carbonate.The rock name depends mostly on the size of the clasts,the degree of sorting and the clast composition.Carbonate rocks generally are thick bedded,fine grained and dense.They are commonly smooth or blocky in outcrop but many have solution pits on the surface.They can be easily scratched with a knife and fizz when in contact With HCl.The nature of layering in sedimentary rocks is also important.Are the layers uniform or does the lithology change along the strike or dip?Are there sedimentary features such as cross-beds,ripple marks,mud cracks,graded beds,flute marks,etc.,which may yield clues to the depositional environment.These features can also be used to determine whether the layers are right side up or overturned.Fossils are important not only for dating the rocks but also for providing clues as to the depositional environment.(3)Observation of magmatic rocks Magmatic rocks include intrusive and volcanic rocks.All but the pyroclastic varieties have crystalline textures.Intrusive rocks typically have larger and better developed crystals than volcanic rocks.Description of intrusive rocks should include color,texture,structure,major mineral types and sizes,crystal form and estimations of the modal percentages.The rock name is largely based on the mineral proportions.Volcanic rocks are the products of magmatic eruptions and can be divided into volcanic lava,breccias and pyroclastic or hyaloclastic rocks.Most lava flows are fine-grained,commonly porphyritic rocks,and have a range of color that correlates approximately with their composition,e.g.light gray or reddish-gray(rhyolitic),gray to greenish-gray(andesitic),black(basaltic).Many of these rocks have flow structures,vesicles,amygdules,xenocrysts or inclusions.Breccias are clastic rocks composed of angular fragments and can be formed by lava flows or pyroclastic eruptions.Pyroclastic rocks(tuffs)consist of pumice fragments,glass shards,and glass dust produced by explosive eruptions.Hyaloclastic are made up of blocky glassfragments broken from the glassy rims of pillow lavas.Primary structures and inclusions in magmatic rocks should also be observed.Primary structures include flow planes,flow lines and primary joints.Descriptions of inclusions should include the lithology,shape,size,orientation and relationship with the wall rock.Special attention should be paid to the contacts of magmatic rocks and their relationship to the host rock.Many magmatic rocks,including dikes and sills,have chilled margins,baked contacts and metamorphic aureoles containing skarn,hornfels and contact metamorphic ore deposits.(4)Observation of metamorphic rocksMetamorphic rocks can be divided into regional and contact varieties.Regional metamorphic rocks are mainly schists,gneisses,granulites,amphibolites,quartzites,and marbles developed over large area.Schist is a crystalline rock with well-developed schistosity and lineation due to directional growth of tabular,platy and prismatic metamorphic minerals.Gneiss is a coarser-grained crystalline rock with gneissic structure formed by oriented tabular and platy minerals,such as biotite.Granulites are fine-grained,massive rocks with a crystalline texture composed chiefly of quartz and feldspar with variable amounts of mafic minerals.Leucogranulite is a granulite without mafic minerals.Amphibolite is a greenish to black rock with a granoblastic texture.It consists chiefly of hornblende and plagioclase.Quartzite and marble,which are produced by recrystallization of quartz sandstone and ca
2023-06-23 03:41:051

以太网交换机moxa eds-316 Faults灯亮是什么原因?

2023-06-23 03:41:141


error与mistake 这两词均指错误过失,一般可以通用,但以下两种情况中不可混用: 在道德方面犯过失用error,而不用mistake;在一些固定用法中,如 by mistake,an error of judgement等.faultn.缺点,毛病;错误,过失;障碍vt.找……缺点,挑剔 语境记忆No one could fault his performance. 他的演出无懈可击. A friend without faults will never be found. 没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的. 搭 配find fault with 抱怨,挑剔 without fault 确定
2023-06-23 03:41:221

英语翻译 译成中文

2023-06-23 03:41:311

Every man has his faults.是什么意思?

2023-06-23 03:41:397

If you_ faults but you still want bicyle ,you can request shop assigent reduce money.A come acro...

2023-06-23 03:41:543


就是你减速太快了 激活直流由于超出接通阈值上限(r1242, r1282),直流母线电压控制器被激活。自动提高斜坡下降时间,以便将直流母线电压(r0070) 保持在允许的极限值内。在设定转速和实际转速之间存在控制偏差。所以,在断开直流母线电压控制器时,将引导启动编码器的输出设置为转速列表值。参见: r0056 ( 闭环控制状态字), p1240 (Vdc 控制或者 Vdc 监控配置(矢量控制)), p1280 (Vdc 控制或者Vdc监控配置(V/f))处理: 如果不希望控制器产生作用:- 提高斜坡下降时间。- 断开 Vdc 最大控制器(在矢量控制中设置 p1240 = 0 ;在V/f 控制中设置 p1280 = 0)。如果不希望改变斜坡下降时间:- 使用削波器或者反馈单元。A07401 (N) 驱动:最大直流母线电压控制器
2023-06-23 03:42:021

if you faults but you still

答案A. come across“偶遇,意外发现”;care about“关心,照顾”;look for“寻找”; focus upon“集中于..”.根据句意,应该是“意外发现”瑕疵,故选A.
2023-06-23 03:42:091

come across faults意思

2023-06-23 03:42:171


roken Vow歌手:Lara Fabian 专辑:Lara FabianTell me her nameI want to knowThe way she looksAnd where you goI need to see her faceI need to understandWhy you and I came to an endTell me againI want to hearWho broke my faith in all these yearsWho lays with you at nightWhen I"m here all aloneRemembering when I was your ownI"ll let you goI"ll let you flyWhy do I keep on asking whyI"ll let you goNow that I foundA way to keep somehowMore than a broken vowTell me the words I never saidShow me the tears you never shedGive me the touchThat one you promised to be mineOr has it vanished for all timeI close my eyesAnd dream of you and IAnd then I realizeThere"s more to life than only bitterness and liesI close my eyesI"d give away my soulTo hold you once againAnd never let this promise end
2023-06-23 03:42:432

翻译"For all its faults and eccentricities"

原文:“For all its faults and eccentricities his two-volume work is masterpiece and a landmark" 翻译:“尽管他的作品有很多缺点和怪癖,但他的两卷书是一部杰作和里程碑式的作品。”
2023-06-23 03:42:501

honeywell 报警主机键盘显示 KEY FOR * FAULTS什么问题

2023-06-23 03:43:024


2023-06-23 03:43:211


2023-06-23 03:43:281

2023-06-23 03:43:341

every man has his faults 什么意思?

2023-06-23 03:43:424


Chicken blood should be beaten every day
2023-06-23 03:43:513


but pron. [关系代词,意义相当于 who…not, which…not]
2023-06-23 03:44:264


fault表示具体的“缺点,错误,缺陷,故障”时,可用作可数名词;泛指抽象的“过失,过错”“责任”时,是不可数名词。例句:He has many faults, but vanity is not one of them.翻译:他有很多缺点,但并没有虚荣心。短语:attack sb"s faults 抨击某人的错误用法1、短语to a fault指好得过分以至于要变坏了,它常与正面意思的形容词或副词连用。2、find fault with中的fault是不可数名词,表示“挑剔”,也可说find much fault with; find a fault〔faults〕 in中的fault是可数名词,表示“看出…的缺点”,也可说find many faults in。
2023-06-23 03:44:441

英语谚语:Faults are thick where love is thin 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Faults are thick where love is thin 中文意思: 一朝情意淡,样样不顺眼。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: He who does not advance falls backward 不进则退。 He who does not gain loses 无所得即有所失。 He who does not honour his wife dishonours himself 人不贵妻,自我丢脸。 He who does not rise early never does a good day"s work 起身不早,一天的工作难做好。 He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat 怕吃败仗的就要打败仗。 He who fears to suffer suffers from fear 怕吃苦头的反因怕而吃苦头。 He who follows two hares is sure to catch neither 追逐两只兔,两头都落空。 He who handles a tle tenderly is soonest stung 与恶人交往而讲仁义,必受其害。 He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick 欲加之罪,何患无辞。 He who has done ill once will do it again 干了一次坏事的人会再干第二次。 英语谚语: Faults are thick where love is thin 中文意思: 一朝情意淡,样样不顺眼。
2023-06-23 03:45:051

social fault什么意思

2023-06-23 03:45:132

suspension fault是什么意思?

suspension fault意为空气悬挂系统故障。重点词汇解释:1、suspensionn. 悬浮;暂停;停职双语例句:There"s been a temporary suspension of flights out of LA.从洛杉矶起飞的飞机已经暂停。2、faultn. 故障;断层;错误;缺点;毛病;(网球等)发球失误vi. 弄错;产生断层vt. (通常用于疑问句或否定句)挑剔双语例句:His manners had always made her blind to his faults.他的彬彬有礼总使她看不见他的缺点。扩展资料:fault的用法:fault表示具体的缺点,错误,缺陷,故障时,可用作可数名词;泛指抽象的过失,过错,责任时,是不可数名词。短语to a fault指好得过分以至于要变坏了,它常与正面意思的形容词或副词连用。find fault with中的fault是不可数名词,表示挑剔,也可说find much faultwith。find a fault in中的fault是可数名词,表示看出某人或某物的缺点,也可说find manyfaults in。fault可用作动词表示发现某人或某事物有错,有缺陷等。
2023-06-23 03:45:201

英语谚语:Every man has his faults 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Every man has his faults 中文意思: 人孰无过。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Take honour from me and my life is undone 夺我名声,我命即亡。 Take one"s courage in both hands 勇往直前,敢作敢为。 Take one thing with another 由此及彼。 Take something by the best handle 理解某事物,乘其好机会。 Take the rough with the *** ooth 既能享乐也能吃苦。 Take the world as it is 随遇而安。 Take the world as one finds it 听之任之。 Take things as they e (or are) 既来之,则安之。 Take time by the forelock 要抓住时机。 Take time for deliberation; hste spoils everything 要费时思考,急躁会坏事。 英语谚语: Every man has his faults 中文意思: 人孰无过。
2023-06-23 03:45:401

Suego Faults 歌词

歌曲名:Suego Faults歌手:wolf gang专辑:Suego Faults (Deluxe Version)Wolf Gang - Suego Faults.You wait so long to ufb01ndDeufb01ne your body by the lights of the circus showI try to understandBut you say logic is a thing that I will never know.Two can play the games you playWhere will you go running when the crowds leave?Travelling all on your ownYou say you""re strong but I know everyone bleedsI want to know if you""ll go with me to Suego Faults.It""s hard to draw the lineAnd walk across it when you can""t see the safety netAnd everywhere I goEverybody living in someone else""s debt.Two can play the games you playWhere will you go running when the crowds leave?Travelling all on our ownThe world seems small when I have you beside meI want to know if you""ll go with me to Suego Faults.Running to Suego FaultsRunning to Suego Faults.Two can play the games you playWhere will you go running when the crowds leave?Travelling all on your ownYou say you""re strong but I know everyone bleedsI want to know if you""ll go with me to Suego Faults
2023-06-23 03:45:581

霍尼韦尔报警键盘显示key for * faults,是什么报错?

这中问题最好直接联系厂商的技术人员帮忙解决.key for * faults可能是键盘接线错误或键盘损坏.
2023-06-23 03:46:061


雅思阅读中常见的定位词,有三种:第一种:眼球词汇,即一眼看过去,只要不是忘带眼镜了,都能看得见;“长相怪异,吸引眼球”是这类词的特点,例如,人名、地名、数字、大写等等。然而,在考试过程中,眼球词汇不是我们用的最多的,很多文章题目里,根本找不到眼球词汇,所以,我们要关注后两种定位词。第二种:朴素词汇,即单词本身同义词比较少的词;“简单好记好理解”是该类词的特征,是名副其实的“三好词汇”。例如:(判断题)13Computersare better than humans at detecting faults in glass.题目中computers、humans还有faults都属于朴素级词汇,很少有替换词,简单易记,如果有替换词,也多会以上下义形式出现。原文:The principle offloat glass is unchanged since the 1950s. However, the product has changeddramatically, from a single thickness of 6.8 mm to a range from sub-millimetreto 25 mm, from a ribbon frequently marred by inclusions and bubbles to almostoptical perfection. To ensure the highest quality, inspection takes place atevery stage. Occasionally, a bubble is not removed during refining, a sandgrain refuses to melt, a tremor in the tin puts ripples into the glass ribbon.Automated on-line inspection does two things. Firstly, it reveals processfaults upstream that can be corrected. Inspection-technology allows more than100 million measurements a second to be made across the ribbon, locating flawsthe unaided eye would be unable to see. Secondly, it enables computersdownstream to steer cutters around flaws.根据faults定位到firstly开始处,文中最后出现Automatedon-line inspection,自动在线检查,文中既没有说computers,也没有提到humans,也没有出现两者之间的比较,所以这个题目是NOTGIVEN。第三种:逻辑词,常见的有表示并列、因果或者转折的逻辑词。感觉写了好多啊,嘿嘿,我先在此就不一一列举了,如果你有不清楚的地方,可以随时问我哈,在平时做阅读的过程中,可以有意识的注意这些“路标词”,还可以同时采用三种定位词,精准定位。希望对你有帮助,望采纳,谢谢!
2023-06-23 03:46:161


同一地区、同一时期、在同一应力作用下形成的断层是由共生组合关系的。在一个地区根据断层有规则的组合可寻找它们之间的共生组合关系。断层的组合型式可以从平面上和剖面上进行观察。图7-10 根据断层滑动线侧伏角的分类示意图图7-11 两种旋转的枢纽断层(一)平面组合类型从地质图、构造图、卫星照片等图件上观察和实地考察,常见的断层平面组合类型有如下几种(图7-12):图7-12 常见的断层平面组合类型◎平行式断层(parallelfaults):是由若干条走向大致相同的断层组合而成。组成平行式的断层可以是正断层、逆断层,也可以是平移断层。同一组合内的各条断层的断面倾向可以相同,也可以相反,但其性质应该是相同的,即正断层只能和正断层组合在一起;逆断层只能和逆断层组合在一起;平移断层也只能和平移断层组合在一起。平行式组合的断层常具有等规模型和等间距性,即同一组合内各断层的规模大致相当,相邻两条断层之间的距离大致相同。◎雁列式断层(en echelon faults):由同性质的若干条断层在平面上呈雁列式排列而成,也有等规模型和等间距性。正断层、逆断层、平移断层均可各自组合呈雁列式。雁列式断层的存在与剪切构造应力有关。◎帚状断层(brush faults):是由若干条弧形断层组合而成,它们向一端收敛,向另一端撒开。在帚状断层的旁侧常存在高级别的主干断层,正是主干断层的活动导致了帚状断层的形成。帚状断层可以出现在平面上,也可以出现在剖而上。平面上的帚状断层常具有平移性质,主干断层不仅具有平移性质,而且具有张性或压性。若帚状断层凹侧盘相对凸侧盘向收敛力向移动,则帚状断层具有引张性质,通常为张剪性断层;若凹侧盘相对凸侧盘向撒开方向移动,则帚状断层具有挤压性质,通常为压剪性断层(图7-13)。图7-13 帚状断层的旋向与力学性质◎环状断层和放射状断层:由若干条弧形或半弧状断层围绕一个中心呈同心圆状排列而成的,称为环状断层(ring faults);由若干条断层自一个中心呈辐射状排列而成的,称为放射状断层(radial faults)(图7-14)。环状和放射状断层往往是隆拱作用引起平面引张的结果,是正断层的组合类型。两者可以在同一个构造上产处,也可以单独发育。图7-14 环状和放射状断层◎斜交式断层:是指一条断层不垂直相交并终止于另一条断层之上。在具有共生组合关系的斜交式断层中,限制断层常具有剪切性质,被限制断层可以是正断层、逆断层,也可以是平移断层。若被限制的断层为正断层或逆断层,其常由平移断层所派生(图7-15a、b);若限制断层和被限制断层均为平移断层,则两者可以为派生关系,也可以是共轭关系,往往造成块体之间的相对升降活动。若两断层间的旋向相同,则块体的升降无规律可循;若两断块旋向相反,其升降规律如图7-15c、d所示。图7-15 斜交式断层(二)剖面组合类型通过地质剖面图、地震剖面研究结合实地考察等,常见的断层剖面组合类型有如下几种(图7-16)。图7-16 断层剖面组合类型◎阶梯状断层:(step fault):由若干条产状基本一致的正断层组成,各条断层的上盘依次向同一方向断落。各断层面可呈板形,也可呈铲形。阶梯状断层在断陷盆地的边缘较发育。呈阶梯状排列的各条断层向下延伸可交于主干断层,也可以交于某一水平滑动面,后者可被水平滑动面相切,也可呈多米诺式(图7-17)。规模较小的阶梯状断层向下延伸不深便自行消失。图7-17 茂汶断裂茂县城北木材检查站附近剖面◎地堑与地垒:地堑(graben)由走向大致平行、倾向相反、性质相同的两条(或数条)正断层组成,它们中间共用一个下降盘;地垒(horst)则恰好相反,它们中间共用一个上升盘(图7-18,图7-19)。图7-18 地堑(a)与地垒(b)图7-19 渭河盆地地质剖面图断陷盆地常为地堑构造,其内部的坳陷、凹陷和洼陷等也常为地堑。有些断陷盆地或盆内负向构造呈半地堑形式,即其一侧受正断层控制,向另一侧基底呈单斜,盖层呈超覆状态,半地堑也称箕状断陷(图7-20)。图7-20 渭河盆地横剖面图◎“Y”字形断层:有主干断层和与其对应的上盘低级别断层组合而成,在剖面上呈“Y”字形状,是生长断层的组合类型,在断陷盆地中发育较多。根据上盘低级别断层的数量及与主干断层的倾向关系,“Y”字形断层可分为反向“Y”字形、同向“Y”字形、多级“Y”字形等(图7-21)。“Y”字形断层的产生是在伸展作用和重力作用下,由主干断层派生上盘低级别断层而实现的。图7-21 “Y"字形断层◎叠瓦状断层(imbricatefaults):是指一系列产状大致相同呈平行排列的逆断层的组合形式,各断层的上盘岩块依次逆冲,在剖面上呈屋顶瓦片一样依次叠覆(图7-22)。叠瓦构造中各断层面倾角常向下变缓,在深处有时收敛成一主干大断层。图7-22 叠瓦状断层示意图
2023-06-23 03:46:241


41 Mr. Zhou lived in Tianjing since 1959, but now he is living in Shanghai. 43 C 46 C 60 A
2023-06-23 03:46:311

英文成语two bags 意思?

这个不是成语吧 就一个短语 意思是两个包包
2023-06-23 03:46:381

One of his many faults is that he never__________any thing very long.

【答案】:B本题考查几个近意词组的区别。decide on,选定、决定,是一个非持续性动作;stick to,遵守、坚持,持续性动作;go over,重复、复习;make up,弥补。
2023-06-23 03:46:451

Every man has his faults 翻译谚语

Every man has his faults. 金无足赤,人无完人.
2023-06-23 03:46:511

英文的感人小故事适合小学四年级的,最好带翻译 谢谢

TwopocketsPrometheuscreatedmanandhehungtwopocketsineachofthemaroundtheirnecks.Oneofthepocketwasfullwithothersshortcomings,theotheronewasfullwithmineHeputthepocketthatloadedothersfaultshanginginhischest,theotherthatloadedownfaultswashangingbehindhisback.Becauseofthis,itiseasythatmenarequicklyseeingthefaultsofothers,however,theyareoftenblindingtotheirown.Thisstoryexplainedthatpeopleoftenliketofindfaultswithothers,whileignoringtheirownshortcomings.  翻译:  普罗米修斯创造了人,又在他们每人脖子上挂了两只口袋,一只装别人的缺点,另一只装自己的。他把那只装别人缺点的口袋挂在胸前,另一只则挂在背后。因此人们总是能够很快地看见别人的缺点,而自己的却总看不见。这故事说明人们往往喜欢挑剔别人的缺点,却无视自身的缺点。所以,我们应学会正确认识自己,客观地评价别人,不臆断,不带偏见,全面地看待事物。
2023-06-23 03:46:591

在作为“找茬”意思时是find faults with还是find fault with?

find fault with sb./sth.找茬. 《学生实用英汉大辞典》209页第一条. fault一般为可数,这里是固定搭配所以不加s.
2023-06-23 03:47:181


屏显:分区/子系统已布防。编程已禁用看看有没有别的子系统布防了。有的话就在这个键盘或者对应子系统的控制键盘用4位密码+1撤防看看。ready绿灯亮且屏显DISARMED ready to arm或者DISARMED hit * for faults(faults这个情况出现在撤防以后,有人经过探测器了)时候看看4140(如果默认4140安装密码没更改)+8000是否可以进入编程。可以的话就*99退出。千万别用*98。否则下次不能用4140+8000进入编程。必须断电,给电。然后长按*和#才能进
2023-06-23 03:47:282

Knowing some of the common faults a writer can fall into while arguing is a way of avoiding them.

【答案】:了解作家在论辩中可能会犯的普遍性错误是避免犯这种错误的办法。了解作家在论辩中可能会犯的普遍性错误是避免犯这种错误的办法。 解析:本题关键是要译出动名词作主语的Knowing some of the common faults和作定语修饰faults限制性定语从句中的a writer can fall into,此外要注意把限制性定语从句中的时间状语while arguing译出。
2023-06-23 03:47:351


2023-06-23 03:47:431

find faults with还是find fault with

find fault with sb.不要加s.
2023-06-23 03:47:513

I like her. u2460her u2461the u2462faults u2463better u2464for u2465al

I like her better for all her faults.
2023-06-23 03:48:051